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? a Os atte © The Astra Miltarum, or the Imperial Guard as itis also “known, is the largest fghting force in the Imperium, and the largest military organisation inthe long history of Mankind. Tis huge: billons upon billons of menvat-arms and millans ‘of tanks and artillery guns stand ready to fight forthe ‘Emperor itis the Imperial Guard that must bear the brunt of the imperium’s wars. Wherever there is conflict there i the Imperial Guard. Many ofits units are formed into infantry regiments {Comprsing tens of thousands of men, but there are other, more specialised, regiments included within its ranks such as ‘the siege regiments of the arim world of Kreg, Veterans of life of unceasing training in the rad-scoured wastes of thelr homeworld, the Death Korps of Krieg stand apart from the Fegular ranks of the Astra Miitarum. Bound by an ancient, (atl to Giein service to the Emperor for their ancestors’ iisloyalty, the warriors of Krieg are fearlessin the face of even ‘the most terible foes and show no mercy to those who dare defy Imperial decree, USING THE DEATH KORPS SIEGE REGIMENT ARMY LIST Tile Death Korps Siege Regiment army list uses all of the standard rules for selecting an army, as found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. It may be used in conjunction Jwitieither the Unbound or Battle-forged methods of army feonstruction, but when fielded as a Battle-forged army may {Only use either the Combined Arms Detachment or Aled Detachment Force Organisation charts or those additional Force Organisation charts included in this book. All units BS hich are chosen from the Death Korps Siege Regiment army ibtare considered part ofthe Death Korps of Kreg Faction jd ate not considered a supplemental army lst to Codex = Bilis and the Death Kors Siege Regiment Army ist She Death Korps siege Regiment i a vaiant peril ments, the sheer fanaticism of it Krieg Guardsmen and mature oftheir deployment atthe frontline of some of the harshest fields of war in the 41 Millennium mitigate somewhat their ability to use or be used as alles. \When included as part of an army of citfering Factions, a Detachment ofthe Ds keg Factonis considered Battle Brothers with Factions + astra Miltarum + Elysian * Detachment 0-99 * Space Marines * Space Wolves + Adepta Sororitas * Imperial Knights * Inquisition DDetachments of the following Factions are considered Allies (of Convenience + Grey Knights * Blood Angels + Dark Angels DDetachments of any other Faction are considered Come the Apocalypse Alles and vie versa Using Force Organisation Charts The army list may be used in conjunction with any of the. Force Organisation charts presented in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Each charts divided into a number of Categories that correspond to the sections of the army list, and each category has one or more boxes — ths is refered to as the Primary Detachment. Each light tone box indicates that ‘you may take one choice from that section ofthe army ist ‘hile a dark tone box means you must take a choice from that section. In addition to the Primary Detachment, several ‘optional choices may be available, including a Fortifications choice and an Allied Detachment. If one of these options is selected, their Force Organisation charts follow the same rules {as that of the Primary Detachment. The full rules governing Force Organisation charts can be found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Using the Army List The Death Korps Siege Regiment army lists spit into sb. sections: HO, Elites, Toops, Dedicated Transports, Fast ‘Attack and Heavy Support. ll ofthe squads, vehicles and Characters in the army are placed into one of these categories depending upon their role on the battlefield. Each model is ‘also given a points value, which varies depending on how effective that model sin battle. Before you choose an army, you will need to agree with your ‘opponent upon the type of game you are going to play and the maximum total number of points each of you will spend. Then you can pick your army following the guidelines given in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. one eneeen er REGIMENT Wineean For the sake of convenience, many special rules and examples of specific and unique wargear for the Death Korps Siege Regiment have been provided here in their entirety. In cases where the details of particular special rules, items of wargear and equipment are not found here, you should refer instead {o the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, Codex: Astra Miltarum and their most up-to-date FAQs. ‘Acid Gas Bombs ‘These canister bombs unleash billowing clouds of acidic gas, ‘capable of killing defenders within their protected bunkers ‘and redoubts. Acid gas bombs are counted as unusual ‘grenades (see the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook) Shooting: When a unit equipped with acid gas bombs makes a shooting attack, one madel can choose to throw an acid {gas bomb rather than using another ranged weapon. Range Str AP Type Acidgasbomb 8 =X «6 Assault 1, Blast 3"), Poison (4), Ignores Cover Battle Scope AA bulky ocular device, the battle scope provides the bearer, and the unit they are with, with the Night Vision special rule. Death Rider Hunting Lance The Death Riders of Krieg carry reinforced lances fitted with explosive warheads. They are close combat weapons with the following profile: Range Str AP Type Huntinglance = = 423 Melee, First Charge, ‘Specialist Weapon First Charge: Death Riders use their hunting lances the fist time they successfully charge into dose combet, after which they cannot be used again. In addition to the profile above, 3 ‘model armed with a hunting lance fights at Initiative step 5 in the phase they use it. Death Korps Platoon Standard ‘A Death Korps Platoon Standard serves as a focal point on ‘the battlefield and extols the grim determination of the Death Korps. A unit that contains a model with a Platoon Standard ‘counts as scoring an additional wound for the purposes of calculating close combat results. Death Korps Regimental Standard Fora soldier of the Death Korps, the standard of their Tegiment represents the triumph of thei discipline and the ‘glory oftheir sacrifice in the Emperor’ eyes, Any unit of the Death Korps Faction within 12° of a Death Korps Regimental Standard counts as scoring an adaitional wound for the purposes of calculating close combat results and may re-ol failed Morale checks and Pinning tests. Mole Launcher ‘An unusual weapon to say the leas, the mole launcher, as its name implies, launches a quided explosive shell that burrows through the ground to reach its target, rather than projecting it through the ai. Somewhat arcane devices whose ‘ammunition is difficult to manufacture, mole launchers have 2 considerable advantage against conventional barrage ‘weapons in that they can be used successfully in confined) ‘and built-up areas, and even in the confines ofa hive spire Cr starship if ti large enough. As mole launchers detonate: their shells under their targets, they can also be particularly effective against vehicles and buildings ‘The man-portable mole launcher carried by some Death Korps combat engineer teamsis one of the smallest and most portable of these weapons in service Far larger weapons: ‘of this type exist, but their use is largely confined to highly specialised units such as the Ordo Reductor of the Adeptus Mechanics. Range str AP Type r2d" 5 5 Heay!, Blast Subterranean Barrage, Strikedown Mole launcher Subterranean Barrage: Weapons that have this type 0 Using the standard Barrage rues found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, however they may only ever fire inci Against targets with an Armour Va, the lowest listed “Armour Value is alvays hit, regardless ofthe drection o = this represents the mole launcher shell exploding up ‘rom the ground. Weapons with this special rule may to fire indirectly in games of Zone Mortals, contra t usual rule Voxcaster Failed Leadership tests for orders issued to a unit ‘aster can be re-rolled, provided the officers unit vvox-caster. An officer may not use a vox-casters a ‘own unit, DEATH KORPS SIEGE REGIMENT VEHICLE WARGEAR axial Weapon ‘Aveapon with this special ule wil specify another weapon mounted onthe same vehicle. When a target is declared for ‘this weapon, the co-axial weapon must fire att ist fits within range. the co-axial weapon hts the target, the other Weapon gains the Twinlinked special rule for tat attack ‘Mine Plough ‘vehicle equipped with a mine plough rolls two D6 when making a Dangerous Terrain test instead of just one D6. The Testis only failed if the result of both rolls are 1s. In addition, ‘whenever the vehice moves through an enemy infantry Unitas part of a Tank Shock move and is not destroyed, the feemy unit takes D341 $2 AP- hits Ih Special missions where land mines and similar booby traps {afe used, the mine plough grants a 4+ invulnerable save lagainst such special attacks and clears minefields it passes through on a 5+. ‘Armoured Track Guards ‘Avehicle equipped with armoured track quards has 2 4+ Save against any immobilised results on the Vehicle Damage fable (note that Hull Point damage from such an attack fs stil Tnflicted, but the Immobilsed result is ionored. Camo Netting | Axshice with camo netting increases its cover save by +1 NNote this means such a vehicle will always have a 6+ cover S5e¥e, even i in the open, oe noses Crew Compartment cles with the enclosed crew compartment upgrade no ‘Count as having the Open-topped portion of their unit. DEATH KORPS SIEGE REGIMENT SPECIAL RULES th Korps of Krieg are infamously resolute and grimly ined solders, able to fight on where others would Thee oF break down in terror. They are hardened by the bleak ~congltions oftheir bith worl, fried by ron fath nthe Emperor and subjected to abrtal egime of indoctrination and mitary rinng from infancy. ‘As well as having a higher Weapon skill then a common Imperial Guardsmen (this has already been included in the profiles), units with this special rule are immune to Fear and do not take Morale checks for suffering 25% casualties during the Shooting phase or Movement phase ‘Any unit withthe Death Korps spec that but has at least one model within 6* of a Krieg 0 any rank) may attempt to regroup using their un Leadership, regaraess of whether or not it has been reduced 10 25% or les ofits starting number. DEATH KORPS SIEGE REGIMENT SPECIAL ORDERS Issuing Orders ‘Any model with ether the Senior Officer or Junior Officer special rules may issue orders to any friendly unt ofthe Death Korps Faction atthe stat of the Shooting phase, provided ‘that mode! is not lacked in combat, embarked in a vehicle or building, Falling Back or has Gone to Ground. Issuing an ‘order does not prevent an officer from acting in any phase: (hooting, Running, eto). A Senior Officer may issue up to two orders from either the Senior Officer or Junior Officer lst in any glven turn and the Junior Officer may issue only 2 single order from the Junior Officer lst. “To issue an order, the controling player must select the order to be issued by a given model with either the Senior Officer’ or Junior Officer special rule as well as a single target non- vehicle unt ofthe Death Korps Faction within 12° —this an be the officerS own unit. The target unit must then take a Leadership test. Ifthe test is passed, the order takes effect as ‘noted in its description. Ifthe testis failed, the order does not take effect. Unless an order causes the target unit to make a shooting attack or Run move, receiving it does not prevent the target unit from acting later in the same turn. If double 1 is rolled for the target unit’ Leadership test, ‘once the current order has been resolved, any further orders issued to the same unit in the same tum are automatically successful and do not require a Leadership test. However, if a double 6 is rolled forthe target unit Leadership test, the order automaticaly falls and the target unit may not be issued any more orders in that turn. (Orders cannot be issued to units that are embarked in ether a vehicle or building, nor can orders issued by an officer of the Death Korps Faction target models ofa different Faction, Uniess otherwise stated, orders cannot be issued to units ‘which are locked in combat, Falling Back or who have Gone to Ground, Senior Officer Orders Duty unto Death If this order is successfully issued, the ‘ordered unit may re-ol any failed Leadership tests itis called {nto take until the Shooting phase of the controling player's next turn (including Morale checks, Pinning tests, etc). forced to take @ Leadership test while this order i in effect and a double ‘1’is rolled, the unit becomes Fearless until the Shooting phase ofthe controling players next turn Bring it Down: If this order is successfully issued, choose ‘one enemiy vehicle (or squadron of vehicies) or Monstrous Creature (or unit of Monstrous Creatures) or Flying Monstrous Creature (or unit of Fiying Monstrous Creatures) visible to the office. The ordered unit immediately shoots at the nominated target, counting their weapons as twin-linkea. Get Back into the Fight!: This order can only be issued to a tnitthatis Falling Back or that has Gone to Ground. If the ‘order is successfully issued, the ordered unit immediately regroups if Faling Back or, iit has currently Gone to Ground, the effects of Going to Ground end; this means it no longer hhas +1 to its cover saving throws and all restrictions incurree bby Going to Ground are cancelled, As a result of this order, the squad may shoot and move as normal this turn, D6 Warlord Trait shatter their foe's defences. DEATH KORPS OF KRIEG WARLORD TRAITS: When generating their Warlord traits, a Death Korps Siege Regiment Warlord may either roll on one of the Warlord Tells tables in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, or instead may rol on the following table: 1. Unflinching Defence: No matter what enemy or terror they face, the warlord stands as an exemplar of the stubboen defiance of the men of Krieg and inspires them to feats of bravery beyond those of the average Guardsman, The Warlord, and all Death Korps units within 12", add-+1 to the number of wounds caused when determining the winner of any close combat in which they are involved whilst within their own deployment zone. Shattering Bombardment: The Death Korps ae justly famed for their devastating use of artilery and tanks to Dig n:f the order is successfully carried out, the ordered unit 4 ‘now gains @ bonus of +1 to any cover save provided by a) terrain feature (but not a Fortification) until the beginning of the controling players next turn If the unit does not occupy a terrain feature or otherwise possess a cover save, it gainsa 6+ cover save. A unit targeted with this order may not choose to Run at any point during the Shooting phase, nor make any. kind of move or charge during the following Assault phase: First Rank, FIRE! Second Rank, FIREI:|f this order is successfully issued, the ordered unit immediately shoots at any target which is visible and within range. All models firing a lasqun gain an additional shot for the duration of the Shooting phase, Clear the Trenches: If this order is successfully issued, the ‘ordered squad treats their lasguns as being Assault 2, Range 12°, rather than Rapid Fire, Range 24” weapons and, in addition, the ordered unit gains the Move Through Cover special rule for the remainder of the controling player's tur, Give peel That wespon counts asbangtvinsinked forts un Victory or Death: Such isthe unyielding will of the warlord, teror and suffering mean litte in the pursuit of vc The Warlord, and any Death Korps of Krieg unit they are with, gains the Fearless and Fee! No Pain (6+) special hile embarked within a fortification or while benefiting from a cover save provided by a defence line. ‘Smoke Barrage: Many siege regiment attacks are preceded by a heavy barrage of smoke and blind shells blanketing the battlefield ina thick obscuring fog through which the Death Korps advance like spectres The Warlords controling player may choose to use the Night Fighting rules in the game. If they do so, there no ‘need to rll for ths as itis considered night time forthe first game turn, ‘Martyr's Defiance: The Death Korps siege regiments count themselves among the honoured dead even as they di their trenches and man their fortifications, knowing that they may be redeemed by spending their lifes blood in defence of the positions they hold. ‘The Warlord, and any Death Korps units within 6°, gains the Preferred Enemy (infantry) special rule when ina ‘riendly deployment zone, ‘Siege Master: The warlord isa veteran of uncounted sieges and knows, with almost preternatura skill the. in his enemy's defences. At the start of the game, after deployment but before the game begins, nominate a single piece oft one (note that this cannot be a fortification purchased for their army peerer $ a can nde noe von ys Seba ND Death Korps Company Command Squad. The company command squad isthe central command element of any battlefield deployment of a Death Korps siege regiment, : bound to oversee a section of the overall regimental assault. Death Korps officers are trained to lead their men from the front forming the point of any attack and providing a rallying point for the company as they advance, Wop os oT Wot A Wd sv Company Commander S48 ge: 3) 3 aa Veteran Guardsman 436 3.7053 ae Veteran Weapons Team a4 43) 3 2 eee Master of Ordnance 3.4 ° 3.3 4 Soe (Officer of the Fleet 34-3 3 1S er Unit composition Special Rules (al) Options *1.Company Commander» Death Korps +The unit may be joined by a * Veteran Guardsmen» on Discipline = Master of Ordnance +20 points + The unit may be joined by an Unit Type Special Rules = Officer ofthe Fleet +20 points * Company Commander, (Company Commander) + The units Veterans and Veteran Weapons Team may be Master of Ordnance, * Senior Officer upgraded to wear: Officer ofthe Fleet = Carapace armour. +10 points forthe entire squad infanty (Characte) Special Rules + One Veteran, othe than the Regimental Standard Beare, * Veteran Guardsman, (taster of ordnance) may carry 2 Veteran Weapons Team: Artillery Bombardment ~Voxcaster sent points infantry + Up to two other Veterans may replace thee lasgun with a Special Rules Flamer. = a 445 points Wargear (Officer ofthe Fiet) ~ Grenade launcher 45 points {Company Commander) + Navy Orders = Meltagun +10 points *Carapace armour Plasma QUI nan +415 points Laspsto Special Rules + Two Veteran Guardsmen may be replaced wth a Veteran Close combat weapon (Veterans Weapon Team) ‘Weapons Team armed with one ofthe following $ a0 orenades * Bulky Heaw botter. ss 10 points # Krak orenades Atocannon seer 10 points + Refractor ield Dedicated Tansport Twindnked heavy stubbers. co points + ifthe Company Command + The Company Commander may exchange his laspistol and! ‘Wargear (Veterans) squad numbers five ‘or cose combat weapon for one ofthe following 4 Flak armour models, itmay take a Bolt PSOne snot point = Lasgun (one Veteran Centaur Carrie as a Pasta piStO nnn “415 points ® caries a regimental Decicated Transport Gee = Power weapon... “ “+10 points = slandard and laspstol the Dedicated Transport = Power Fists “#15 points instead) section for costs) + The Company Commander may take: # Close combat weapon ~ Melta bombs * Frag arenades + Krak grenades Wargear (Master of Ordnance) * Flak armour * Laspistol * Close combat weapon * Frag grenades Wargear (Officer of the leet) * Flak armour * Laspisto! * Close combat weapon * Frag grenades Sa Artillery Bombardment (Master of Ordnance only) The Master of Ordnance may make a Shooting attack with the following profile Range Str AP Type Bombardment Infinite. 9 3 Ordnance 1 Barrage, Large Blast 6) ‘An Arillery Bombardment is resolved separately from ‘other Barrage weapons fired by the same unt in the same Shooting phase, but must sil choose the same target as the rest ofthe unit. Navy Orders (Officer of the Fleet only) ‘An Officer of the Fleet may take a Leadership test at the beginning of the controling players turn, before any Reserves rolls are made. Ifthe tes is successful, choose ‘one of the following Navy Orders to immediately take effect. you have more than one Officer of the Fleet, all modifiers are cumulative. + Coordinate Reserves: The controlling player receives +1 to all Reserves rolls until the beginning of their next player turn, Note that when making Reserves rals, a rol of a1 is aways a failure regardless of any modifiers, + Intercept Reserves: The opposing player suffers a 1 penalty to all Reserves rolls until the start of the controlling player's next player turn. Note that when making Reserves rolls, a roll ofa 6 is always successful regardless of any modifiers. Commissar-general CCommissars are a rare sight amongst the ranks of the Death Korps, whose renown for stern discipline and courage is well teamed, and those who do serve alongside such regiments find them grateful for the added rigour ofthe commissar’s Scrutiny ‘As symbols of Imperial authority and duty, the line troopers ofa siege regiment quickly turn to the guidance of their commissars should the commander of a Krieg company fallin battle. ses se Te Wie ees Commissar-general 5, 30S Se Nees Ome Unit Composition Special Rules Options | * 1 Commissar-general * Independent Character * The Commissar-general may exchange his bolt pistol and/or + Stubborn close combat weapon for: Unit type + Summary Execution Boltgun sn : * Infantry (Character) + Aura of Discipline Power weapon $10 points each * Chain of Command Plasma pistol ce #15 points each, Worgear Power fist. +15 points each * Bolt pistol Dedicated Transport * The Commissai-general may take any of the following: * Close combat weapon + A Commissar-general may Cerapace armour. +10 points * Frag grenades select a Centaur Carrier as. - Camo cloak +10 points * Krak grenades a Dedicated Transport (see = Melta bombs. +5 points * Refractor field the Dedicated Transport * Flak armour section for points cos), Summary Execution if@ unit that includes a model with this special rule falls ‘a Fear test, Morale check or Pinning test, the contrelling player may choose to remave one model from the unit 4 a casualty, with no saves of any kind allowed, in order to have the unit pass the test. If the controlling player chooses to remove a model, rll a D6. (na 3+, the controlling player chooses which model is removed. On a 1 or 2, the opposing player chooses, Note that a madel with this special rule may never be chosen as the model to be removed. Aura of Discipline Any unit included as part of the same army that s part of either the Death Korps or Astra Miltarum Factions and is within 6" of a Commissar-general may use the: Comrmissar-generals Leadership value for any Fear test, Morale check or Pinning test Chain of Command ‘A Commissar-general may ony be an army Warlord i | the Primary Detachment contains no models with Senior Officer special ue HQ Death Korps Quartermaster Cadre 75 points The quertermasters of the Death Korps hold an exalted and dreaded duty among the ranks of their regiments; they account for the deeds and souls oftheir fellows, tend the wounds of the stricken and deliver the gift of death to those who are beyond help. is The mast senior oftheir number take to the battlefield accompanied by detachments of medicae-servitors, where they can be found where the fighting is fiercest, haunting the frontlines lke spectres ofthe grave, exhorting the solders ofthe Death Korps to the sacrifice and glory of a martyr’ death. Womens! Soriy. WOO TE, APP Ld: sv Quartermaster Revenant ees) 5s 28 2 os a ‘ Medice-servitor Bes 35. |e Fay 1a as Unit composition Special Rules ‘options + 1 Quartermaster Revenant (Quartermaster Revenant) + The Quartermaster Cadre may be joined by + 2 Medicae-servitors * Death Korps Up to two adkitional Mecicae-seritors.. +10 points each + kon Discipline + The Quartermaster Revenant may exchange their laspstol Unit type * Vitae Mortis and/or close combat weapon for one ofthe following: * Quartermaster Revenant: Chain of Command Bolt pisto +1 point Infantry (Character) Power weapon +10 points + Mecicae-senitors: Infantry Special Rules + The Quartermaster Revenant may take (Medicaeservitor) Melta bombs: +5 points Wargear + Mindlock sa (Quartermaster Revenant) aia } * Laspistol Dedicated Transport Vitae Mortis | = Close combatweapon + A Quartermaster Cadre All friendly units with the Death Korps special ule with | + Medi-pack maytakeaCentaurCarer | one or more models within 6" of the Quartermaster : * Carapace armour sa Dedicated Transport Cadre gain the Feel No Pain (6+) special ule. Note that) a (see the Dedicates if they already possess the Feel No Pain special rule then |= Sgieal Wargear Medieae-serviters)Tiansport section for | the Vitae Maris has no further eect. * Close combat weapon, costs) "+ Carapace armour indlock The altered and fragmented mind of a Medicae-servitor requires constant instruction om the Quartermaster function correct, Unless led by the Quartermaster, 2 Unit cf Medicae-servitors must roll a D6 at the start of each of the controling player's turns. Ifthe result isa 1, 2 0° 3, the unit may not move or assault that turn, though itil fightin close combat if tis already engaged. CChain of Command ‘A Quartermaster Revenant may only be an afmy’s Warlord ifthe Primary Detachment contains no. with the Senior Officer special rule, Death Korps Grenadier Squad ELITES 60 points Death Korps grenadiers form a core of syperbly trained Imperial Guardsmen experienced in surviving the worst possible War zones inthe imperium. Such elite troops are used to augment the fighting strength of the regiment at key points along the fine of attack, advanc destroyed by their deaths. iG is) 58 Tw Watchmaster ao 4 eel Grenadier 4 4p ae ea Grenadier Heavy Weapons Team 4 4332 Unit Composition #1 Watchmaster + 4Grenadiers Special Rules (Al) * Death Korps * Iron Discipline Unit Type Special Rules (Grenadier ® Waichmaster: infantry Heavy Weapons Team) (Character * Bulky * Grenadiers: Infantry Dedicated Transport * A Grenadier Squad numbering five models may take a Centaur Carrier a a Dedicated Transport (Gee the Dedicated Transport section for cost) Wargear (Grenadiers) * Hot-shot lasgun * Close combat weapon * Frag grenades * Krak grenades * Carapace armour Wargear (Watchmaster) # Hot shot lacpisto * Close combat weapor frag orenades * Krak orenades * Garapace armour ‘alongside the line trogpers and sworn to sacrifice their lives so thatthe foes of the Imperium might be Awe cicanet 3; ee cae 3 1 eae 3 ya2oeaTae es Options * May have up to: Five additional Grenadiers +12 points per model ‘© The Watchmaster may exchange their hotshot laspistl andor close combat weapon for one of the following = Bolt pistol or boltgun. Free - Plasma pistol “415 points Power weapon, +10 points, Power fist +15 points + The Wetchmaster may take melta bombs. +45 points + One Grenadier may carry a vox-caster 45 points + Up to two Grenadiers not already uparaded may carry one of the following weapons instead of their hot-shot lasguni Flamer +5 points each = Grenade launcher 45 points each = Meltagun +10 points each ~ Plasma gun Heavy stubber + Two other Grenadiers not already upgraded may form a Heavy Weapons Team armed with a heavy flamer. +15 points each +10 points each +10 points Of the ferocious frepower that make Armour BS Front Side Rear HP | Hydra Flak Platte 3 eh Unit Composition Special Rules Options 2 #1 Hydea Flak Platform = immobile Vehicle «The Hydra Flak a n Unit Type : + Vehicle (immobie Immobile Vebicle 4 ae eae | Death Korps siege regiments favour the rapier laser destroyer for close range anti-armour and fortification duties, especiallyin the confined spaces of underground siege works and other Zone Mortals battlegrounds where more traditional artilery is either unsuitable or unavailable. ws Combat Engineer 4 Repies : Unit Composition # 1-3 Rapiers, each with a sinale Death Korps Combat Engineer Crewman, forming a battery Unit Type * axtillery Wargear (Crew) * Close combat weapon * Combat shotgun * Frag grenades * Carapace armour Wargear (Artillery) ® Loser destroyer array : “Death Korps Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery r mod Special Rules (Combat Engineer) * Death Korps * ron Discipline Special Rules (Rapier) * Extremely Bulky + Explosive Demse A WwW wv lanes =, Ape 28 Options * Ay Rapiers in the battery may have: = One acltional Combat Engineer Crewman each. +8 points Explosive Demise ‘When the Rapier loses its last wound, rll a D6. if the result of ths rll is 2-6 then remove the Rapier as a casualty as normal. ifthe result of the rolls a 1, then place a Large Blast (5") template onto the table, centred. (on the Rapier. All models, friendly and enemy, under this template take a single S3 AP- hit. Once these hits are resolved, remove the Rapier asa casualty as normal. ELITES Death Korps Field Artillery Battery .. .55 points each When tasked with the reduction of enemy fortifications or infantry formations, the Death Korps siege regiments turn to massed deployment of medium artileny often towed into advanced positions by Centaur transports. Both quad launchers and heavy mortars are highly effective weapons, able to saturate enemy positions with hit ‘of Death Korps infantry. ws Death Korps Crew 4 Heavy Quad Launcher = Heavy Mortar : Unit Composition © 1-4 Heavy Quad Launchers ‘or Heavy Mortars, each ‘with three Death Korps Crew, forming a battery. Unit ype + Antilery (mobile) Wargear (Crew) * Lasqun * Frag grenades * Krak grenades * Close combat weapon ‘Flak armour Wargear (artery) * Heavy quad launcher ‘orheavy mortar ‘Special ules {Death Korps Crew) |= Death Korps Discipline Sees TW. Bee ar. 3 ae : ee 2 Dedicated Transport * AField Artillery Battery squad may take a number cof Centaur Caries as towing vehicles (see the Dedicated Transport section for costs) f this is done then they must 'be bought on a one: for-one basis for the arilley pieces, When being towed, the unit must retain coherency just asif itwere a vehicle squadron. Ifa squad Wishes to move away and does not have sufficient remaining towing vehicles, ‘any models let behind are destroyed sive death and leave them open for waves A Wow ee Poe - 3+ ieee ss Options © Any atillry piece may take up to ~ Two additional Death Korps Crewmen.... +8 points €ach Immotile ‘An immobile Artilery piace cannot be moved afterit has been deployed except by the use ofa specialised vehicle, and ignores any effect which forces it to move. This only affecs the platform; the crew are subject to all normal Artilery rules. When called upon to Fall Back, the crew. ‘must leave their guns behind and Fall Sack; the platforms are then removed as casualties. Range Str AP Type Heavy Quad Launcher 12-60" 5 5 Heavy 4, Barrage, Bist 3"), Shell Shock: Due to the repeated rapid impact of the Heavy Quad Launchers shelt, Pinning tests taken agai its attacks are at-1 to the target's Leadership value. x a rea TROOPS Death Korps Infantry Platoon. The true strenath of the Death Korps ies nits grim foot soldiers, the ranks of dlscilined and relentless the korps ofthe siege regiments. Ther cold hearted courage and sinister aspect have made them among. feared of al the regiments ofthe Astra Militarum. Each Death Korps Infantry Platoon comprises 1 Death Korps Platoon Command Squad, 2-6 Death Korps Infantry Squads (0-3 Death Korps Heavy Weapons Squads. Each infantry Platoon is deployed in place of a single unit in missions that limit the number of units that can be deployed. In addition, when making a Reserves roll or Outflanking rol, roll once for the whole infantry Platoon. *Death Korps Platoon Command Squad ws sv Platoon Commander 4 Se Guardsman 4 St ‘Commissar 4 Se Unit Composition Special Rules (All) options 1 Platoon Commander + Death Korps + The unit may be joined by @ Commissar. | + 4 Guardsmen * Ion Disciline + The Platoon Commander and Commissar may exchange ‘their laspistol and/or close combat weapon for one of the — ‘Special Rules (Platoon following: # Platoon Commander Commander) = Bolt pistol 5) & Commissar: infantry * Junior Officer ~ Plasma pistol . (Character) ~ Power weapon. - Special Rules (Commissar) = Power fist. * Stubborn + The Patoon Commander and/or Commissar may aso be '* Summary Execution upgraded to have any of the following: (ee page 208) = Carapace armour = Mela bombs ‘= One other Guardsman may carry a vox-caster. '= Up to two Guardsmen that have not been upgraded with ‘an option above may replace their lasgun with: = Meltagun Plasma gun. “Note that this unit may only be chosen as part of a Death Korps infantry Platoon, sv 5 Se Guerdsman Bean, 3 de ae Unit Composition Wargear (Watchmaster) Options ‘+ 1 Watchmaster ** Laspistol '* The Watchmaster may take melta bombs.....0-+5 points / + 9 Guardsmen + Close combat weapon * The Watchmaster may exchange their laspisol andor dose, * Frag grenades combat weapon for one ofthe flowing: UnitType + Krak grenades =Lasgun * Watchmaster: Infantry» Flak armour = Bolt pistol. (Character) = Plasma pistol * Guardsman: Infantry Special Rules = Power weapon * Death Korps: * One Guardsman may havea vox-aster Wargear (Guardsman) * iron Discipline * One Guardsman not already uparaded may cary 2 * Lasgun = Platoon standard Seer en reece fe ore Glisideran not ead upgraded na) cy cam * Frag grenades following weapons instead oftheir lasgun Krak grenades Flamer * Fak armour ~ Grenade launcher. ~Meltagun Plasma gun. *Note that this unit may only be chosen as partofam int Patoon, *Death Korps Heavy Weapons Squad Wos os rT Wot A td sv HeavyWeaponsteam 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 7 St ea Wane a Options te ~ Heavy boter “unit type = Autocaninon ‘Infarty Twirlnked heey suber sae = tascennon.. ; ‘Wargear P + Mortar

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