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4 Qualitative Analysis of the Response

of a System
The dynamic response of an output y is given by
37(8) = G(S)T(S)
For given input f(t) we can find easily its Laplace transform f(s), while
the transfer function G(s) is known for the particular system. Therefore, the response y(t) in the time domain can be found if we invert the
term G(s)f(s).
Furthermore, in general,
while the Laplace transform of all common inputs can also be expressed
as the ratio of two polynomials (see examples in Chapters 7 and 8 as
well as Tables 7.1 and 8.1):
- r(s)
its) =9@l(1l (9.16)
P(s) 11(8)
To invert the right-hand side of (9.16) using the method of partial
frntlins we need tn know the ru-Its hf I11: pu-lwtomial Pk) [i e the
I ' ' 1| '
I1-U'l*'=5_'1T'1|'l 53'?-iltml and the run-ts 1 the plyntrmiel eta}. The l|
resultrng from the invtrsirt by peutial frartictns are uniquelv characteriml hr ll-= ml:-s of the at-stem and the rants elf q-[.1]-. Tnt=~==r.@.r.-_-_
r.-rem Where the pales QT H ryrrerr are located. we can dererhrine the
quail um we e haraer en's: ler qt the system fr rJ_h|5-us e m at pet rt
|'em': r mp :4 t,
withrrut addtlr ten at re mpum ri um-.
Let us use the Ibllnwtng, general example to ela,rif3: the 51;11mn|
above. Suppese that the transfer funeticrn er!" a system is given be
_ '1? W Qt J
"5"~"'l- F "1 .:" I9-11'}
H1 {I t'J'|]'{5 rultr - Pt) tj.t - mllr - pI}[s - 11,;
Wm Pt. Prr.-I. P-. hi. and pt. are the mete of Pu) [i.r.:.. the netles ctf
the sytcm located at various puirts of the complex plan: (see Figure
9-Tll-T1'l Prlil-lih Blnmezn of t_T~[r} will 3|-'it:l-;| the
.1 -- |' , _ -.
Gm-~~ '5"-+-5-+ -'-_L+[" 1+ .. . +____ he ..
5'FI 5-Pr _5~F1 {-5-pt) ts-pt]
+ -|--t-- '_
F -114 5-113 3*;-It
The J-ulluwittg ubtsrrrtratl-|;tn5. e-an be mud.-_~ fm 1|-E, |,,;;anDn me
the pm.
1" Emir 5' F"'5""5'5~ 5'-W =15 Pt End Fr. are located on the real axis
IFIEI-I"? 931- Dtwihg the lIl|'i'.l'Si{l|'|, tl1e1,- give rise re expt;tru_:m;13|

terms such as C'.e"" and l'I.';e"". Since pl -'U'.. HC'1-f""" IE|IE~"-HT-.=

exponentially to zero as r -' so (Figure 9.33} Also. 1iH=4=H\I$'= F: 1* '3.
C'1="""' grows. cup-u-ncntially in inrlnily wilh tirtu: (Figure 5|'.~Bb-_.|.
Therofore, di.m'nc: poles on the negative l'Fll' oxfs produce terms
that .:iee|:t_1r to zero wh efmc. whlo rool positive poles moke rho
response oflhe syzstem grow towonf irtrt|i!'_t-* |-with Il.I'il"l'".
2- Multiple, real poles", such as 11]., which is rep-c-atecl or times. Such
poles give rise to terms such as
[C-'3.|+ CHI +@1=+ - -- + &l*"']""" (9-13)
L! 2! lm - ll!
']|1 1-grm within the brnckots grows lee-'n-'at'd innity with 1;iTl'lr:The behavior of the l:1cpl;:n::nliE|l term depends on tho 1'-all.1 1;!-F the
polc pg
lft ;=-+1] then e"" -' o::= 11$ I "' -11II-j then e"" -D as 1' - :13.
{Fm - U then o"" - I for oil times.
Therefore, o real, multiple pole gin-i'o.'r rise to le'.rm.'r which either
grow to infinity, rftho pole is positive or zero. or decoy to zero {fthe
pole is HgIl'l'lE.
3. Complex conjugate poles, such as pt and pi. We should crnphI1sizc that complex polo: always appear in conjugate pairs and
newer alone. Let p4 ==or + j and pi =::r -j. In %tion 5.2 wc
have seen that conjugatc pairs of complex roots give rise to tclms
such as e""'sin [re + tqb}- The sin (,8: +cb} is a periodic, oscillating
function, whit-e the biehavior of e"" clcpcncls on the vluc of th
real part or. Thus:
lfor 2- O, then e" - -so as I -* .1:-.oride" sin {BI + W .!'i'-"I'M-5 1"?
.|'rtj'irn'l_}-' in an o.s::'a|'i'I'4:r.|!.r'|-lg man rter |".F'e',g1iro
If or --: 0. than em * D as t-- o:-. and oi .s'r'n {r + -do decoys I-E1

rero in an oreiifettng manner 1+'in't e1'Er-decresingamplfmdg

|"Ff_gtere 'i'.'i'fI).
if or =- G, then e = I for elf! Hrrtes, and .9 gin {jig + eh-J =

rte {t + ting), '|+'.|'tftfT oreifferes runtinuon.wy H-'i'3-ore 9,51;-) ||

Mfr!-fem! omofit u ff e.
Therefore, u P-I1!-F ofeomp1'e.=: eunjugere nofes give: rise no omitte'1' 515'-*'f1 *--"I11" mffldf mutt grow eontin uourfy if the rem
purl ofrhe complex peilfett ts ,i!I't1_'|fi!'fP', 'tt"eI_]r to zero it Le
or remain unchanged. rfthe re-11' port ofthe ,t;ItJfe:t- is zero,
4. Pofee at the origin." Pole pt is located at the origin of the f.-ClI[l[I|
P1aneii.e.._ P1!-|' U +1-[I]. Therefore. Ctjfs - 12,) == Cg; and after
tnversiou it gwes a constant term 11'. 5.
1. The tIr1Jri:r1rttti1;tIltI. above are gem;-rnl and 311 he 5_p[]|i|;- 1|;
$1-'5IEIn.T|1uS we can find the qualitative eharueterieti-tee of e system: response if know where the |:|+|;|]t:-5 of the corresponding
transfer Function are located. it is obvious that fer 3 pf-Bulr
1I1|Jl-1'! III} We ihould consider the additional roots introduced by
the denominator of fin}, before we can have the complete pieture
tIIfll'tt'.' qualitative response of 3, 5.}'5|e|'|'|_
I. Poles to_lhe right of the iIt1|1gin$,l'}' axis give rise to l,|r:rm5 which
EFHW H1 lnnily with time. Such systems with unbounded behav-

iur are ealle in-:r_1:r.a.b1!'e. Therefore, a system 1-will be .51b|"e {i.e..

with bounded behavior) if Iii. the poles of its transfer ineti-on are
located to the left -of the imaginary axis (Figure '17}. In subsequent elmapters -we will dene more p-reeiseley the stability of a
1- Dene the transfer function- "a'lt|-' is it useful?
1. F-or 5 |]|]'l::|-:l:3$ with four inputs {clislurbiln-lies and
n1ani|:ruLs.te=|;l variablesll
u three me-asured outputs, he-'w ntany transfer funetio-n$ :5-l'||-0-'|.||ld you
formulate, and -why? '\\I'I\;3-I; is the eorresp-Q-ndinj. I1-ansfer function
3-. In 5-|:|:_-|;i|;|.1:| 5,] we de--1.-elepued a different 1:3-'|;:|-e -of
inp-ul"Dulput Inodel. Would
you p-:reE'-er that over the i|:tpl1li=t}|J'I.|;)-Ul me-dsel has-|:~cl on lhe
transfer function
concept? Elnbu-rile en ye-ur answer.
4, what is the hie-|':lt diagram of a pro-|:e55':"l-'11|t tyne -ofinfermatinn dues it
5. Equelinne -(4.-la) and -[-_==L5l:|} ce-nstilule the complete
|:1ru1tI1erna.tiI:=il] ms-one-e! 0!
a stirred tank healer- llevelp the inp-1.:|t-output model F-Di the Pr-ECi-5 III-3'
l'c|-r::nuLating, the necessary transfer functions-. D-raw the cu-rresponduni,
l:|-In-cl: diagram- Analyze the ititerla-|;'I.i-IZI|l$ =l!|rTJtII-I15
ilfljllut and G-1Il1'JtlI:5. I'-hl

clo you observe? [HJ'n. Start by line-seizing; the modelineg equation; and
e:tp-reniing the variables in deviation Fo-Tin.)
6. D-raw llte b-1o-cl: diagram of the distiati-en -I20-luntn sJ\nwn in Figure
-4.llI]'Can you -clevelop anal;-"ti-::-a.11y the transfer functions amen; the various
inputs and outputs? [T3,-es, -explain |'lCl-W. b'lJl d0 TIHI 4&1-U il'.|'.. Cons.i.-der 1J'|e stirred. 1-anl: 5|!-$111-'l' -I-If
EI3II'I\l1'1'= '9-L |5- ll l 5-lab? 5}'5l'!"1 Bl "D1.|1;r|;| why? Fer when value-s of the parameters -cl, 1,. and -FL is it
stable? can i1
been-rne unstable?
Ba. De-es uh-e Io-eatiu-|:i of the zero-s -u|' a system afret its response to
inputs? Elaborate em 3;-Out answ=er_
9.. Repeat question 8-, but take the location of the nobles D1 it !il}'!
illIl=I'l1 int-D
BDCDIIHIII-I]. Show |I1,u,: the p-|j:|5. enfa 2 :-r 2 system are also the of the matfsir
ofeaenstant eo-efficients in the dy-namie I'!Il!D-d|':| -of the
1|... l_In-deer what conditions c:-an the C55-T'F|i -0fE1IuB1In|J-be 91.2
b'e=-O-ie tiitliill-"D-11:?
I1. A multiple pole _p'_-| which is repeated m timeca gives 1-ise to terms
such as
lho-se given in ['Q'.lS'j. The lerms 'w"ith=i|:1 ll'I|'_' braelnets ,1ID'|
I-' t|J'I.'l-'|.1'd i.['|Il'lil3'
with lime. indep-endently ofwhere the 1:1-Die F} is located. Explain, I-hen,
Lhe e-ver.a.l1 terrn of|'!=l'.liH:| deenys to zero when p, I5 located III-l
II1-I- 11||I=:E.E|Ii\-E
real axis?

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