Chemistry Model Question Paper

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Paper Code: CHE-103
M.M- 50
1. The nucleus of the atom consists of
a) Proton and Neutron
b) Proton and Electron
c) Neutron and Electron
d) Proton, Neutron and Electron

( a )

2. Charge of the Electron

a) 0
b) -1

( b )
c) +1

d) +

3. Atomic number is defined as

a) Number of neutrons
c) Sum of the protons and electrons

( d )
b) Number of Electrons
d) Total number of +ve charges

4. Mass of neutron is ------ times of the mass of electron

b) 1480
c) 200
d) None of the above

( a )

5. Positive rays were discovered by

a) Thomson
b) Aston

( a )
c) Gold Stain d) Bragg

6. Who introduced the concept of electron spin

a) Schrodinger
b) Planck
c) Bohr
7. An P orbital accommodate
a) 4 Electrons
b) 6 Electrons

( d )
d) Uhlenbeck and Goldsmith
( b )

c) 8 Electrons

d) 3 Electrons

8. Mass number represents the number of its

a) Protons only
b) Protons and neutrons
c) Protons and Electrons
d) Neutrons and Electrons

( b )

9. Principal, azimutal, and the magnetic quantum numbers are respectively related to ( a )
a) Size, Shape and orientation
b) Shape, size and orientation
c) Size, orientation and Size
d) None of the above
10. Which set of quantum numbers are wrong?
a) n = 2, l = 1, m=o, S= +
b) n = 2, l = 2, m=o, S= +
c) n = 3, l = 2, m=o, S= +
d) n = 3, l = 2, m=o, S= +

( a )

11. Strongest acid in the following is

a) HF
b) HCl
c) HBr

( b )
d) HI

12. According Lewis concept acid is

a) Electron Pair donor
b) Proton donor
b) Proton acceptor
d) Electron Pair acceptor

( b )

13. Enthalpy is for endothermic reaction

a) H = +Ve
b) H = -Ve c) H = O

( a )

14. The reaction is at equilibrium

a) G> 0
b) G<0

d) All the above

c) G = 0

d) G=

( c )

15. The rate of reaction

a) Decreases with time
b) Decreases with decrease in concentration of reactant
c) Increases with increase of temperature
d) All the above

( d )

16. What is the molecular formula for 1 hexanol

a) C6 H13OH
b) C5H12OH
c) C4 H8OH
d) C7H14OH

( a )

17. How many and

( d )

a) 1 and 3
c) 2


b) 1 and 2


and 2 bonds

d) 3 and 2


18 . What is the formula of octane

a) C7H16
b) C5H12

( c )
c) C8H18

19 . What is the functional group in aldehydes

a) R-OH
b) R-CO-R
c) R-CHO

d) C5H10
( c )
d) R-O-R

20. Isomer of ethanoic acid is

a) Methyl methanol
c) Ethyl Ethanol
21. Units of Faradays are
a) Amperes
b) C

( a )
b) Methyl ethanol
d) butyl Ethanol

c) C mole


d) C. Sec

22. 1 Kilo watt hour (1 KWH) is equal to

a) 3.6 x 10 6J
b) 3.6 x 10-6J c) 3.5 x 105J

( c )



( a )

d) 3.5 x 10 J

23. In Daniall cell the changes that take place at copper electrode and zinc electrode respectivel y ( b )
a) Oxidation, Reduction
b) Reduction, Oxidation
c) Oxidation, Oxidation
d) Reduction, Reduction
24. A fertile soil is likely to have a P H of
a) 3
b) 9
c) 6-7
25. The lowest layer of Earths atmosphere is
a) Troposphere
b) Strato Sphere

( c )
d) 14
( a )
c) Mesosphere d) Inosphere

26. Hormful chemical present in tobacco is

a) Nicotine
b) Atropine c) Tannic Acid
27. What is shape of water molecule
a) Angular
b) Linear
c) V- shape

( a )
d) Morphine
( c )
d) None of there

28. Which of the following is man-made source of air pollution

a) Automobile Exhaust
b) Forest fire
c) Bacterial action in soil and swamp areas d) All the above

( a )

29. Which of the following is present in maximum amount in acid rain

a) HNO3
b) H2SO4
c) HCl
d) H2CO3

( b )

30.Ozone layer is present in

a) Troposphere
b) Strato Sphere
c) Meso Sphere
d) Exosphere

( b )

31. Magnetic quantum number was proposed by

a) Bohr
b) Lande
c) Sommer field

( b)
d) mostely

32. Significance of spin quantum number

a) To describe shape
b) Size and energy
c) Orientation
d) Spinning of the orbital

( d )

33. What is the symbol of vanadium

a) Ti
b) V c) Cr
34. Electronic configuration of Na
a) 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2
c) ) 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S1

( b )
d) SC

b) ) 1S 2S 2P 3S 3P
d) ) 1S2 2S2 2P6

(c )

35. Water melon model of atom was proposed by

a. Rutherford b. Thomson c. Bhor d. Sommer feld


36. The SI unit for frequency ( ) is

a. Cycles / sec
b. Hz / hertz


c. cm


d. m


37. What is the value of Plancks constant

a. 6.626 x 10-34 J-s
b. 6.2 x 10-34 cal
c. 6.625 x 10 cal
d. All


38. Sodium hydroxide is a

a. Acid b. Base c. Neutral

d. None

39. H = (+) positive, heat is absorbed the reaction is

a. Exothermic reaction
b. oxidation
c. Endothermic reaction d. Reduction
40. Faradays first law representation
a. = c
b. Q = Ix F c. E = Q x V


(b )
d. b and c

41. Shape of methane molecule is

a. V- Shape
b. Txigonal planar c. Tetrahedral d. Square planar


42. Molecular formula of ozone is

b.O- c. O-2
d. O3


43. The product of pressure and volume ( PV ) has a unt of

a. impulse b. energy or work c. entropy d. force


44. When the temperature is increased, surface tension of water

a. Increases
b. Decreases c. Remains Constant d. Shows irregular behavior


45. Number of Neutrons in proton

a. 1
b. 0
c. 2
d. -1
46. Schrdinger equation is
a. = h
b. E = mc2


c. H = E

d. All

47. The number of Vacant orbitals of element with atomic number 14 is

a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 6

(d )

48. H2 g+ I2 g = 2HIg order of the reaction is

a. 3
b. 2
c. 4

d. 0

49. 2NO(g) + O 2(g) 2NO2(g) order of reaction is

a. 4
b. 2
c. 3
50. Molecular formula of formaldehyde
a. CH3 Co CH3
c. CH3 CHo


d. C2H5OH

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