W2 - Caliwag, Angela C.

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Week 1

The first week in KIT is an orientation week wherein the professors introduced
themselves and also the topics and lessons that we are going to study throughout the term.
During this week we are also completing the requirement for the opening of the term such as
Alien IDs and insurance cards.
Week 2
Signal and Systems
This course does not have an equivalent course in MIT. However Electrical, Electronics
and Computer Engineering students are recommended to take this course. In this course we are
studying about the type of domains and the type or signals. In this course we are studying basic
concepts about Signals and Systems. We start by being familiar with the functions such as unit
step function, impulse function, ramp function and rectangular gate function. We were able to
represent the signals using those functions and express them either in graphical or mathematical
form. We are also able to learn about the different properties of signals such, as time shifting,
time reversal and time scaling. We are taught how to scale a signal either by down sampling or
up sampling.
Communications Engineering
In this course we are studying about the Communication System, as of now we are able
to tackle the definition of communication and communication system, the requirement for a good
communication, the requirement of communication and history of communications. The basic
concepts about the elements or parts of the communication systems are also discussed. Simple
applications of communication system were also given wherein we are also able to identify each
part such as the source, transmitter, channel, receiver and destination. Like in the Signals and
Systems, the signals are also classified in this course. In addition to that we are also able to know
the advantage and disadvantages of Digital and Analog Communication System and use it to
compare the two. After that the basic characteristic of waves or signals are discussed such as the
frequency, wavelength, amplitude and phase. Those basic concepts are used in MATLAB. We are
taught how to construct a code to generate different kind of waves and display them using
MATLAB. We are able to generate sine and cosine waves; continuous and discrete waves; and
periodic and aperiodic waves.
As of now, in this course, we are still learning about the basic concepts in vectors and
Cartesian planes. We are being reviewed about how to represent and draw a vector; what is its
difference from scalar; how to determine a vector when only the coordinates of its head and tail
are given; how to represent a vector using a unit vector; and basic concepts about Cartesian
plane. Also we reviewed about the simple operation such as the dot product and cross product.
We are taught how to locate or plot a point in a 3D Cartesian plane.

Digital Communications
This course is different from other courses because in this course the professor is
skipping the basic concepts. He is assuming that we already know about the communication
theory. In this course we are studying about the Fourier series and we are using MATLAB to
represent Fourier coefficients and to graph signal responses. Our professor taught us how to
compute Fourier coefficients in both exponential and periodic form. He also defined some
terminologies that will be helpful for us to understand Fourier series. After every lecture, we are
given example problems to be solved using MATLAB.
Korean Language.
This course is not credited in Mapua but we are required to take this course. In this course
we are taught how to write Korean vowels and consonants. We are able to observe that Korean
Hangul has many characters. We are taught how to pronounce each characters. After being
familiar with the characters and their pronunciation we are taught how to read those characters
when they are combined to form words. From that I can say that Korean Hangul is harder than
our letters since their characters are very confusing. There are letters or sound that shares the
same character such as g/k and r/l. We are confused whenever we encounter such characters
because we do not know which sound to use.

In our second week here all I can observe that the professors are teaching very slow
compared to the professors in Mapua. The good side of that is that every concepts are discussed
properly. The bad side of that is that, for me, the professor is spending his time in elaborating a
concept that is somehow obvious instead of using his time in discussing harder topics. The good
thing about the system of teaching in Mapua is that the students are being tested to discover a
learning on their own. Thus students will learn depending on the effort that they exert. The hard
thing about studying in a foreign school is that sometimes we are not able to understand the
professor because we are only communicating in English. Unlike in our home institute wherein
we can ask freely in a language that we can easily understand each other.

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