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Part 1

(Coffee consumption has been shown to have minimal or no impact, positive or negative, on
cancer development)
(the overall balance of risks and benefits [of coffee consumption] are on the side of benefits)
( in 2009 showed that those who consumed a moderate amount of coffee or tea were
less likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer's)

Part 2
A - the cathedral is the historic structure that they are making into a 3D-printed model.
B is too general - the text isn't really about the benefits of 3D printing - it's about a specific
example of 3D printing.

Part 3
1. Not Given
"10 o'clock" is mentioned, but there is no information about when the campsite is locked.
This is quite common with "Not Given" answers - you find one or two keywords from the
question, but some of the information is missing.
2. False
If dogs must be kept on a lead, they are obviously not prohibited.
3. True
Don't be tricked into writing "Not Given" (just because food is not mentioned). If fires are
prohibited, it must mean that you can't cook food on them.

Part 4
1. NG
2. T
3. T

Note: The phrase "wide of the mark" means "not correct" and is quite a normal phrase / idiom
in English.

Part 5
Reading underwent serious changes... The text then explains these changes.

Part 6
"D" is only mentioned in the first sentence. The main topic of the whole text is "C".

Part 7
solve problems... through a goal-oriented, systematic procedure = a goal-oriented therapeutic
the particular therapeutic techniques vary, but commonly may include... = The range of CBT
going through cognitive behavioural therapy is not an overnight process for clients; a typical
course consists of 12-16 hour-long sessions = a slow process

Part 8
C is correct - there were plans / proposals, and it doens't matter whether they failed or not.
D is wrong because there is no mention of profit being made.

Part 9

1. False
2. Not given
3. True
A few people have explained these answers well in their comments above.

Part 10
1. landmark
2. cause
3. evidence
4. unequivocal
5. emissions
6. reductions
7. projected
8. scenarios
9. experiment
10. Consequences

Part 11
1. True
2. False
3. Not given

Part 12
Several people have explained this answer in their comments above. It seems that most
people got the right answer!

Part 13
The answer is in the last line: "support and understanding of district authorities".
support and understanding = co-operation
authorities = officials

Sometimes you can get the general idea of the paragraph from the first sentence, but NOT

Part 14
1. TRUE - 'contrary to common wisdom' means 'the opposite to what most people think'.
'Problem-solving skills etc.' refers to 'intelligence'.
2. FALSE - relative mass to body size is similar, not bigger. (You could say that 'mass' is not
strictly the same as 'size' but this is too technical for IELTS)
3. TRUE - 'this remains to be proven'.

Part 15
1. TRUE (2 types = physiological and behavioural)
2. NOT GIVEN (no information about 'best known')
3. FALSE ('password' is a knowledge-based system)
4. TRUE (people may worry = raises privacy concerns)

Part 16
Most people seem to have got both answers right! If you got the wrong answer for either
question, read some of the explanations by students in the comments above.

Part 17
1 - B "The idea of individualised learning styles originated in the 1970s, and acquired
enormous popularity."
2 - C " there is no evidence that identifying a student's learning style produces better

Part 18

- After "as a result" you can read a list of things that are affecting estuaries. Every factor in
the list is related to human activity.
- There is nothing about the effect that estuaries have on the environment, and there is
nothing about estuaries disappearing completely.

Part 19
B is correct.
A is wrong because the passage is about people's reaction to the future, not a particular vision
of the future.
C is wrong because there is nothing about his whole career.
D is too general - the passage is about a specific reaction to change. We really need
something about Toffler or future shock in the title.
B is the best title because both paragraphs talk about future shock: the first paragraph
contains a definition, and the second paragraph explains how future shock can occur.

Part 20
1. False (this belief is disputed = some people question it)
2. Not given
3. False

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