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Unit 11 Products, p.

market (imenica) trite, potranja, pijaca /m.kt/
1 the people who might want to buy something, or a part of the world where something is sold:
Are you sure there's a market for the product?
We estimate the potential market for the new phones to be around one million people in this country alone.
2 the business or trade in a particular product, including financial products:
the coffee market; the economic market;
market (glagol)-prodati na tritu, reklamirati
1 to try to persuade people to buy a product by advertising it in a particular way, using attractive packages
etc: If you could ever figure out how to market this you'd make a fortune.
market something for somebody They plan to market the toy for children aged 2 to 6.
market something as something Electric cars are being marketed as safe for the environment.
2 to make a product available in shops: The turkeys are marketed ready-to-cook.
marketeer also marketer - trgovac
someone who sells goods or services
customer muterija / /-m/
a person who buys goods or a service: a satisfied customer; Mrs Wilson is one of our regular customers.
offer ponuditi/ponuda /f.r/ (glagol/imenica)
to ask someone if they would like to have something or if they would like you to do something:
I feel bad that I didn't offer them any food/offer any food to them.
She was offered a job in Paris.
offering /f.r./ nuenje, ponuda, dar
something that you give or offer to someone:
a peace offering
satisfy zadovoljiti /st.s.fa/
1 to please someone by giving them what they want or need:
They have 31 flavours of ice cream - enough to satisfy everyone!
2 to have or provide something that is needed or wanted:
She satisfies all the requirements for the job.
manufacture - proizvoditi /
to produce goods in large numbers, usually in a factory using machines:
He works for a company that manufactures car parts.
outlet ventil, izlaz /at.let/
1 a way, especially a pipe or hole, for liquid or gas to go out: a waste water outlet an outlet pipe
2 a way in which emotion or energy can be expressed or made use of:
Her work provided no outlet for her energies and talents.
retailer - maloprodavac/
a person, shop, or business that sells goods to the public: a big electronics retailer
product line - linija proizvoda (also line, also product range)
a range of similar products or services that are sold by the same company, with different features and
different prices:
Apple's iPod is a very successful product line, with models at a wide range of price points.

life cycle ivotni ciklus

all the different levels of development that an animal or plant goes through during its life
stage faza, pozornica /sted/
one of a series of periods of development in a process:
From an early stage financial regulators blamed a lack of internal controls for the bank's failure.
stable stabilan /stebl/
a stable economy, country, system, etc. is able to continue in a regular and successful way without
unexpected changes:
a stable economy/country/government financially/economically/politically stable
decline - padati, sputati , pad /dklan/ (glagol/imenica)
1 to become less, worse, or lower in value:
Milk production could decline by 15% or more in the late summer months.
declining prices/profits/sales/interest rates
2 to make less profit, or produce less:
a declining economy/industry/market
The plan will reduce profits for the declining commercial fishing industry.
reinforce pojaati /rinfs/
1 to make a material or structure stronger by adding something to it:
The containers have been reinforced with steel bands. reinforced concrete
2 to make an idea or belief stronger:
reinforce the message/idea/view that
evolve evoluirati, razviti /vlv/
to develop gradually, or to make someone or something change and develop gradually:
evolve into sth Over the past three years he has evolved into one of America's most successful restaurant
evolve from sth Many investment management companies have evolved from small entrepreneurial
evaluate - oceniti, proceniti /vljuet/ reavaluate ponovo oceniti
to judge the quality, importance, amount, or value of someone or something:
evaluate sb on sth Employees will be evaluated on their performance, attendance, and team skills.
evaluate sth's/sb's effectiveness/impact/performance
The research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the training programme
distinguish - istai, razlikovati, izdvajati se /dst.w/
to notice or understand the difference between two things, or to make one person or thing seem different
from another:
He's colour-blind and can't distinguish (the difference) between red and green easily.
distinctive karakteristian, osoben, svojstven /
something that is distinctive is easy to recognize because it is different from other things:
a distinctive smell/taste
She's got a very distinctive voice.
competitor konkurent /
a person, team, or company that is competing against others:
Their prices are better than any of their competitors.

asset - aktiva, imovina

the things that a company owns, that can be sold to pay debts
a corporation with $9 billion in assets; the value of a company's assets
physical assets fizika imovina
tangible assets materijalna sredstva
share - deonica /er/
one of the equal parts into which the OWNERSHIP of a company is divided
buy/sell shares They were able to sell their shares at a higher price
leisure slobodno vreme, razonoda, dokoloca /le.r/
the time when you are not working or doing other duties:
leisure activities
Most people only have a limited amount of leisure time.
The town lacks leisure facilities such as a swimming pool or squash courts.
consider razmotriti, uzeti u obzir /knsd.r/
to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision:
Don't make any decisions before you've considered the matter.
divide podeliti, razdeliti /dvad/
to (cause to) separate into parts or groups:
At the end of the lecture, I'd like all the students to divide into small discussion groups.
After the Second World War Germany was divided into two separate countries
extensive - obiman, irok, ekstenzivan /
covering a large area; having a great range:
a school with extensive grounds extensive repairs to the motorway
achieve - postii, ostvariti, ostvariti /tiv/
to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work or effort:
The government's training policy, he claimed, was achieving its objectives.
She finally achieved her ambition to visit South America.
publish - objaviti /pb.l/
to make information available to people, especially in a book, magazine, or newspaper, or to produce and
sell a book, magazine, or newspaper:
She's just had an article published in their weekend supplement.
annual - godinji /n.ju.l/
happening once every year:
an annual event/visit/holiday
Companies publish annual reports to inform the public about the previous year's activities.
loyalty odanost /l.l.ti/
the quality of being loyal:
His loyalty was never in question.

advertising - propaganda, reklamiranje /d.v.ta.z/

the business of trying to persuade people to buy products or services:
Fiona works in advertising. the advertising industry
trust verovati, poverenje /trst/ (glagol/imenica)
to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable:
My sister warned me not to trust him.
Trust me - I know about these things.
attitude - stav /t..tjud/
a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this:
It's often very difficult to change people's attitudes. [+ that]
She takes the attitude that children should be allowed to learn at their own pace.
the general public - javnost
ordinary people, especially all the people who are not members of a particular organization or who do not
have any special type of knowledge:
This is a matter of great concern to the general public.
brand marka /brnd/
a type of product made by a particular company:
This isn't my usual brand of deodorant.
branding brendirati, igosati /brn.d/
the act of giving a company a particular design or symbol in order to advertise its products and services:
The successful branding and marketing of the new beer has already boosted sales and increased profits.
Potrebno je znati objasniti kljune termine u vezi sa terminom BRAND:
(odgovori u lekciji na str.60 i 61)

brand switcher
brand recognition
branding strategies
multi-brand strategies
corporate branding
individual branding
brand value
brand consultancy

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