F 22 - American Shit!

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F 22 - American shit!

I made before an analysis about RADAR's usefulness and about the fact that it can be easily
detected if it pursues the emitted energy?!
This means, among other things, the "HEAT" wasted in a special environment (a kind of
"black-body"?!). As it happens in the microwave.
The RADAR can be easy localized by a "directional chicken" regardless of the frequency
emitted by!
Not to mention the fact that this technology is already used on F 22: contact of the plane
with the RADAR radiation is converted into heat (Iron Ball Paint technology?!).
Something from the way in which the heat is moving along of those environments can be
turned into information relating to the emitting RADAR position?!
This technology makes signal analysis?! NO! It just do the converting into heat to all the RADAR
radiations which it receives!
Unconcerned the shape, the RADAR radiation varies as the thermal footprint (NO MATTER
HOW, upper, lower, as shape), by everything else.
So, a device that uses this technology (based on the heat propagation, NOT ON SIGNAL
ANALYSIS) can be made to provide information on the RADAR radiations source position
(the "mighty" and "stealthy" F 22)!
So, on the moment of coupling of his RADAR system F 22 will become as visible as the
tower of Alexandria in the middle of the night...
I can bet that PAK FA T50 is a platform for a similar "Iron Ball Paint" technology that can
thermally detect the RADAR of F 22, without other means (without a self RADAR or AESA).
That meaning a truly "stealth" technology.
It must be known by the public:
From the information that has been exchanged between the undersigned and doceigen is
clear that he is an expert of one of the major companies involved in the "stealth" programs:
F 22, 35.
I emphasize the absurdity of a situation: the "stealth" technology is completely useless if
you must use the own RADAR. But it is generating money.
Russia it simulate the competition in terms of this technology (probably with American
money) but, on the other hand, developed his fighterplanes on the correct criterions: for air
combat capabilities at optical contact ("dogfight", see above) without using RADAR.
Specifically, at this time, due to financial games, the US are in a very dangerous position.
Russia has a real advantage in the aviation which involving an imbalance potentially
generating of war.
US must to reconsider its position in the military if he wants to survive.

Now I realize that F 22's were created to be drones?! They are so "unflyable" that it's
obvious that no one thought they would reach at dogfight.
But I showed that F 22 will never get to firing a missile: as soon as they open their
RADAR they will become visible (so, easy to be hit).
No matter at which frequency it works.
So, the F 22 drone will cannot fire any missile (see air-to-air anti RADAR missile Vympel R-27P).

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