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Speech Script

Name: Tarnimatul Ummah




Theme: Health Promotion

Topic: Something Harm Memory
Title: Avoid This to Save Our Memory
Audiences: University Students
Purpose: To persuade the audience not to do something harm their memory.
Assalamualaikum wr wb. Good morning everyone. Hows everything going?
Let me introduce myself. My name is Tarnimatul Ummah. Im student of Faculty of Nursing
University of Indonesia. Im going to talk to you today about something related to our daily
activity. Im going to do the speech for about seven minutes. If you have questions, please keep it
until the end of the speech. I will give you time to ask me later.
Ok, lets begin.
Can you remember what you did yesterday?
How about what you wore 3 years ago? Can you remember it?
Hmm, what about the most romantic event youve ever got? Do you remember it?
So, do you know where those things saved? Those saved in our brain, in our memory. It seems
that our memory is located not in one particular place in the brain, but is instead a brain-wide
process. In addition, some things we do can endanger our memory. So now, Im going to talk
about all the harmful things for memory. It is essential for us, because we cant deny that we
need the memory in this life.

First of all, what is the meaning of memory itself? Memory is our ability to encode, store,
retain and then recall information and past experiences in the brain. Whenever we face some
event, place or anything, our senses and brain will encode to store and retain it in the brain. So
when we need that we can be able to recall it. The brain area which have a role in the memory
proses are cortex, temporal lobe, medial temporal lobe, basal ganglia, and hippocampus. Those
are part of our body, so everything we do can affect them and the memory. Here are some habit
which are harmful for our memory.
1. Poor Diet. Our diet affect the health, right? But what is the effect for our memory? A
2009 study at the University of Cambridge found that rats who consumed a high-fat diet
took 25 percent longer time to complete a maze than when they consumed a normal diet.
This is related to intake of nutritional needs. So, pay attention to your food and nutrition
2. Smoking. Cigarette contains nicotine, which positively affected several domains of
cognition, including short-term episodic memory accuracy, working memory and
response time. Smoking harms memory by reducing the amount of oxygen that gets to
the brain. So, would you still burn your money to endanger your memory?
3. Sleep deprivation. Both quantity and quality of sleep are important to memory. Getting
too little sleep or waking frequently in the night can lead to fatigue, which interferes with
the ability to consolidate and retrieve information. Memory distortion is greater after
sleep deprivation. So, make sure the quality and quantity of your sleep are appropriate.
4. Depression and stress. Depression make us difficult to pay attention and focus, which can
affect memory. Stress and anxiety can also get in the way of concentration. When you are
tense and your mind is overstimulated or distracted, your ability to remember can suffer.
Moreover, stress caused by an emotional trauma can also lead to memory loss. So,
manage the stress, and save your memory.
5. Eating a lot of sugar. It can lead to blood sugar level elevation. Elevated blood sugar
levels damage small and large vessels in the brain. It leads to decreased blood and
nutrient flow to brain cells. In addition, it may also disturbs signaling between and within
the cells of hippocampus. When you eat all off those sweet foods excessively, your
memory will get a bitter one.

6. Lack of exercise. Exercise can increase the function of the memory. It facilitate the blood
to flow well up to the brain cells. It also increase the number of hippocampus, which
forming memory. So lets exercise regularly for our health and memory.
Those are some activity that harm our memory.
In conclusion, we need memory for life. Several things said before are looks very dangerous for
our memory. However, by avoiding those things, we can save our memory.
Lets save our memory, because as Haruki Murakami said, People's memories are maybe the
fuel they burn to stay alive. Whether those memories have any actual importance or not, it
doesn't matter as far as the maintenance of life is concerned. They're all just fuel
Lets store and retain all the beauty things in our memory, and stay alive!
Thank you for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum, wr wb.

Dusen, A. V. (2008). In Depth: 10 Surprising Things That Affect Memory. Retrieved September
14, 2014, from
Heid, M. (2013). How Sugar Spikes Hurt Your Memory. Retrieved September 14, 2014, from
Memory Loss. (2013). Retrieved September 14, 2014, from
Missing Sleep May Hurt Your Memory. (2014). Retrieved September 14, 2014, from

The Human Memory. (2010). Retrieved September 14, 2014, from
Turgeon, J. K. (2011). 5 Everyday Habits That Can Harm Your Memory. Retrieved September
14, 2014, from

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