Sakai 27 Manual

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The rSmart Sakai

CLE Administrator
for version 2.7

Revision History






K. Stiles

Initial release



J. Brown

Revised section 2.1.27 Section Settings



J. Brown

Revised section 2.1.28 Turning Categories On/Off

(applies to CLE version 2.6.1)



S. Keesler

Updates for 2.6 CLE



J. Mezzanotte

Updates for 2.7 CLE

Copyright 2011 rSmart. Members of the rSmart Support Network (RSN) may reproduce, repurpose, and
create derivative works from this document at their discretion. They may also share this document and all
derivative works with other organizations in the rSmart Support Network. All other rights reserved.

Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................. 1
SUPPORTED BROWSER/OS COMBINATIONS FOR USERS.................................................................. 1
ADDITIONAL SOURCES OF INFORMATION ......................................................................................... 2
INSTALLING THE OPEN SOURCE RSMART CLE ................................................................................ 2
CLE INFRASTRUCTURE (OVERVIEW)............................................................................................... 2

Advanced Configuration ............................................................................. 4

SAKAI.PROPERTIES AND LOCAL.PROPERTIES ...................................................................................

Assignments Tool ................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Disable Assignments tool notification email feature ................................................. 5
2.2 Assignments tool notification defaults ...................................................................... 5
2.3 Assignmments tool confirmation emails ................................................................... 5
2.4 Configuring Turnitin integration for Assignments tool ............................................... 5
2.5 Sending group assignments to the Gradebook tool ................................................. 6
Calendar Summary Tool....................................................................................................... 6
2.6 Default view for the Calendar Summary tool ............................................................ 7
Content Management (Resources) ..................................................................................... 7
2.7 External content storage ........................................................................................... 7
2.8 Content upload limits ................................................................................................ 7
2.9 Site quota .................................................................................................................. 8
2.10 Site type-specific quotas ........................................................................................... 8
2.11 Enabling the Show other sites feature ................................................................... 8
2.12 Copyright type ........................................................................................................... 8
2.13 Enabling conditional release feature ........................................................................ 9
Customizer Tool .................................................................................................................... 9
2.14 rSmart Customizer tool options (destructive mode settings) .................................... 9
Database Management ....................................................................................................... 10
2.15 Database settings ................................................................................................... 10
2.16 Database connection maximum ............................................................................. 11
Elluminate Integration (Live Virtual Classroom Tool) ..................................................... 11
2.17 Elluminate settings .................................................................................................. 11
Email Configuration ............................................................................................................ 11
2.18 Email configuration ................................................................................................. 11
2.19 Notification email reply-to addresses ...................................................................... 12
Email Archive Tool.............................................................................................................. 12
2.20 Set Email Archive search threshold ........................................................................ 12
Forums Tool ........................................................................................................................ 12
2.21 Default threaded message view ............................................................................. 12
Gradebook Tool .................................................................................................................. 13
2.22 Gradebook letter grades ......................................................................................... 13
Gradebook2 Tool ................................................................................................................ 13
2.23 Gradebook2 default configuration .......................................................................... 13
2.24 Exporting grades in Gradebook2 ............................................................................ 13
Help (Online) ........................................................................................................................ 14
2.25 Disabling Help links ................................................................................................ 14
2.26 Online Help location ................................................................................................ 14
2.27 Custom Help links ................................................................................................... 14
Lessons (Melete) Tool ........................................................................................................ 14
2.28 Turn on the experimental Lessons (Melete)/Resources integration feature .......... 14
Membership Tool ................................................................................................................ 14
2.29 Disable the unjoin link in the Membership tool ..................................................... 15
Messages Tool .................................................................................................................... 15

2.30 Messages tool from email address ...................................................................... 15

News Tool ............................................................................................................................ 15
2.31 Default news title and news feed URL .................................................................... 16
OSP....................................................................................................................................... 16
2.32 Experimental Assignments-Matrix integration ........................................................ 16
2.33 Enable portfolio caching ......................................................................................... 16
2.34 Reviewer access to student matrices in all groups................................................. 16
Page Order Helper Tool ...................................................................................................... 16
2.35 Renaming tools with Page Order Helper tool ......................................................... 16
Password Reset .................................................................................................................. 16
2.36 Password reset feature availability ......................................................................... 17
Portal .................................................................................................................................... 17
2.37 Portal error email message..................................................................................... 17
2.38 My Sites display order .......................................................................................... 17
2.39 Turning categories on/off ........................................................................................ 17
Preferences Tool (My Workspace) .................................................................................... 18
2.40 Preferences toolpage order/visibility control ....................................................... 18
Sections Management ........................................................................................................ 18
2.41 Section settings....................................................................................................... 18
2.42 Manual section creation (Sections tool) .................................................................. 18
Server ................................................................................................................................... 19
2.43 Server URL ............................................................................................................. 19
2.44 Server ID ................................................................................................................. 19
2.45 Virus scan ............................................................................................................... 19
Site Roster Tool .................................................................................................................. 20
2.46 Remove user IDs and email addresses from site roster ........................................ 20
Site Statistics Tool .............................................................................................................. 20
2.47 Enabling server-wide access to Site Statistics tool ................................................ 20
Site/User Management ....................................................................................................... 20
2.48 Editable site titles by site type................................................................................. 20
2.49 Turn on soft delete of sites ................................................................................... 21
2.50 Stealthing/unstealthing tools ................................................................................... 21
2.51 Super User (SU) tool--allowing non-admin access................................................. 22
2.52 Assigning from address for email notification....................................................... 22
2.53 Disabling e-mail notification for guest users .......................................................... 22
2.54 Users present.......................................................................................................... 23
2.55 Presence expiration ................................................................................................ 23
2.56 Session expiration .................................................................................................. 23
2.57 Timeout Dialog settings .......................................................................................... 23
2.58 Enable role switching .............................................................................................. 24
Student Information System (SIS) Integration ................................................................. 24
2.59 Specifying site IDs for master sites ........................................................................ 24
2.60 Specifying a site ID for a single master site............................................................ 25
2.61 Enable detailed reporting for changed members and courses ............................... 25
2.62 Allow additional information for SIS courses file..................................................... 26
2.63 Allow for additional course properties ..................................................................... 26
2.64 Allow for additional user properties......................................................................... 27
2.65 Auto-create URL alias based on external site ID.................................................... 27
2.66 Allow users update ................................................................................................. 28
2.67 User password/removal (users created via SIS) .................................................... 28
2.68 Remove sections in sites ........................................................................................ 28
2.69 Map student and TA roles ....................................................................................... 29
2.70 Remove existing enrollments.................................................................................. 29
2.71 Assign active or inactive status to site members ............................................... 29
Term (Semester) Settings .................................................................................................. 29
2.72 Term settings .......................................................................................................... 29

Tests and Quizzes (Samigo) Tool ..................................................................................... 32

2.73 Email server settings .............................................................................................. 32
2.74 File upload question type ........................................................................................ 32
2.75 Allow instructor to change published assessments ................................................ 33
2.76 Enable auto-submit feature..................................................................................... 33
2.77 Word-2-QTI tool (Create using markup text feature) .......................................... 33
SKINS AND BRANDING .................................................................................................................. 33
GETTING USERS INTO THE CLE AND ADDING USERS INTO COURSES ............................................... 34
Getting users into the CLE ............................................................................................... 35
Getting users into their courses ........................................................................................ 36

Managing the rSmart Sakai CLE............................................................... 37

CLE FUNCTIONAL ADMINISTRATOR VS. SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR .................................................. 37
W HAT MAKES A USER A CLE FUNCTIONAL ADMINISTRATOR? ......................................................... 37
ADMINISTRATION W ORKSPACE TOOL OVERVIEW ........................................................................... 37
Creating CLE Functional Administrators ......................................................................... 40
3.1 How do I create a CLE Functional Administrator user? ......................................... 40
3.2 How do I make a current user a CLE Functional Administrator? ........................... 41
3.3 How do I create different levels of CLE Functional Administrator? ........................ 41
Installing the CLE ................................................................................................................ 41
3.4 How do I install the rSmart Sakai CLE 2.7? ........................................................... 41
3.5 How do I upgrade to CLE 2.7 from an earlier version? .......................................... 42
Managing Realms, Roles, and Permissions..................................................................... 42
3.6 Where can I view instructional videos on realms, roles, and permissions in
the CLE? ................................................................................................................. 42
3.7 What is a site realm? Why would I ever need to edit one? How do I edit a
site realm? .............................................................................................................. 42
3.8 How do I change the default roles for course, project and portfolio sites? ............. 44
3.9 How do I set/change default permissions for course, project and portfolio roles? . 47
3.10 I messed up some default permissions. Now all my newly created courses
have a few incorrect permissions. How can I fix this? ............................................ 47
3.11 Site owners are not able to edit permissions for some tools within their sites.
The checkboxes are gone and there is a black checkmark in their place. What
is causing this? ....................................................................................................... 49
3.12 How do I change default permissions for a user account type? ............................. 49
3.13 What is the site.upd permission? ............................................................................ 50
3.14 How should I grant users permission to grade assessments in the Tests and
Quizzes tool? .......................................................................................................... 51
3.15 How should I grant TAs permission to grade by sections in the Gradebook and
Gradebook2 tools? ................................................................................................. 51
3.16 How do I set permissions for the Forums tool? ...................................................... 51
Managing Users .................................................................................................................. 52
3.17 How do I create a new user account type? ............................................................ 52
3.18 How do I change a users account type? ................................................................ 53
3.19 How do I manually add a user into the CLE? ......................................................... 54
3.20 How do I create a "junior admin" user? .................................................................. 54
3.21 How can I decommission a junior admin? ............................................................ 57
3.22 How does the Super User tool work? ..................................................................... 57
3.23 How can I give non-admins access to the Super User tool? .................................. 57
Managing My Workspace Sites ......................................................................................... 59
3.24 What happens if I delete a user's My Workspace? ................................................ 59
3.25 How do I reset the existing user My Workspaces?................................................. 60
3.26 How do I change the My Workspace Information area? ........................................ 60
3.27 How do I change the default toolset for a user's My Workspace? ......................... 61
3.28 How can I add tools to all existing My Workspace sites in the CLE? ..................... 61

3.29 I am a CLE Functional Administrator. Why don't I have aggregated calendar and
announcement items in my "My Workspace" like all the other users? ................... 62
3.30 I want to send communications to everyone within the system. How do
I do that? ................................................................................................................. 62
3.31 How do I create a Message of the Day? ................................................................ 62
Managing Course, Project, and Portfolio Sites................................................................ 62
3.32 What is the best way for a CLE Functional Administrator to troubleshoot course,
project, and portfolio site issues? ........................................................................... 63
3.33 How do I change the title of a course site? (two methods) ..................................... 63
3.34 How can I change the text for a particular page in the CLE?
(Message Bundle editor) ......................................................................................... 63
3.35 How do I create a site template? ............................................................................ 64
3.36 How do I provide a master site, and make sure the CLE uses this site to create
new sites when it accesses the Student Information System (SIS)? ..................... 66
3.37 How do I archive (export) a site? ............................................................................ 67
3.38 How do I import a site? ........................................................................................... 68
3.39 How do I change and manage skins for a course, project, or portfolio site? .......... 68
Managing Tools................................................................................................................... 70
3.40 How do I add a stealthed tool to a site? ................................................................. 70
3.41 How do I turn on the Page Order Helper tool? ....................................................... 71
Managing Content............................................................................................................... 71
3.42 I need to upload a large file into Resources, but the system indicates the
file is too big for a single upload action. Is there a way around this? ..................... 71
3.43 How can I change the WebDAV instructions that appear to users?....................... 72
3.44 An instructor has exceeded the site quota limit for their site's resources. How
can I give the instructor more space? ..................................................................... 72
Academic Terms ................................................................................................................. 73
3.45 How do I add/remove academic terms? ................................................................. 73
Online Help .......................................................................................................................... 73
3.46 How do I customize Help? ...................................................................................... 73
Reset Password .................................................................................................................. 73
3.47 How do I enable the Forgot Password feature in the CLE? ................................. 73
Site Statistics Admin Tool.................................................................................................. 74
3.48 How do I add and use the Site Statistics Admin tool? ............................................ 74
3.49 What activities does the Site Statistics tool track? ................................................. 76
Integration with External Systems and Services ............................................................. 76
3.50 How do I configure LDAP or Active Directory? ....................................................... 76
3.51 How do I integrate external applications with the CLE? ......................................... 76

Tool Definitions and Tool IDs ................................................................... 77

Permissions in CLE 2.7 ............................................................................. 87

Default OOTB Permissions .............................................................................................. 87
Forums Tool Permissions ............................................................................................... 101
Permissions for Optional Integrations ............................................................................ 102

1 Introduction
The rSmart Sakai Collaboration and Learning Environment (CLE) is a unique
environment that supports online activities for teaching, learning, projects, portfolios,
clubs, organizations and more. The CLE is organized into different types of sites that
enable users to take classes; work together on research, course and other collaborative
projects; and build their own electronic portfolios to share with anyone online.
The purpose of the rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide is to facilitate a thorough
understanding of management tasks within the CLE so that youa CLE Functional
Administrator or System Administratorcan maintain a successful environment at your
institution. CLE management and administration tasks fall into two categories:

System Administrator tasks

Management of configuration files and settings on the server

CLE Functional Administrator tasks

Configuration management and application of administration tools within the CLE
user interface

System Administrator tasks on the server

If your school attended a configuration requirements session, rSmart has implemented
configuration settings for your instance based on your institutions specifications. In case
you need to change some configuration settings, this guide includes instructions and
examples of the CLE configuration files located on the server.
A system administrator must access these configuration files to make changes. If you
are responsible for maintaining configuration files, this guide assumes that you have the
technical expertise to perform these tasks given minimal guidance. If your institutions
CLE is hosted, rSmart is responsible for these files. In this case, please contact rSmart
for assistance when you need to make changes.
CLE Functional Administrator tasks within the CLE user interface
This guide provides instructions and examples on using the Administration Workspace
within the CLE to complete CLE management tasks. This guide assumes that you have
a basic functional understanding of the rSmart Sakai CLE and are familiar with CLE
navigation, sites, and tools.

Supported Browser/OS Combinations for Users

Supported browser/OS combinations for the rSmart Sakai CLE include:
Microsoft Windows
o Internet Explorer 6.0 and later
o Netscape 7.1 and later
o Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and all subsequent versions released as of April 9,
2008 (, 3.0.x)
o Netscape 7.1 and later
o Mozilla Firefox 1.5 or later
Mac OS X (10.x.x)

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Netscape 7.1 and later

Mozilla Firefox 1.5 or later

Note: You will find hardware and environment requirements for the CLE server within
the installation instructions located at

Additional Sources of Information

The rSmart Support Network, or RSN, is located at There you can
download additional technical and functional documentation, learn more about the CLE
from Knowledge Base articles, view instructional videos and submit support cases.
You can find general information about the community version of Sakai at the following
Sakai community homepage:
Sakai email lists:
Sakai Confluence:
Sakai JIRA (bug tracking):
Note: The configurable components that exist in the community version of Sakai may
differ from those in the CLE. Consult with rSmart before implementing any suggestions
you receive from the community email lists or from the community Confluence pages.

Installing the Open Source rSmart CLE

Visit our download registration page for installation instructions and the CLE download:
The free download from the rSmart website is a binary distribution that is easy to install
by completing a series of screens that collect and validate preferences. The
downloadable CLE supports a GUI or console installation on Linux and Windows
The out-of-the-box version is pre-configured to be usable immediately (with the
exception of the e-portfolio tools, which require situation analysis and planning). Most
clients apply a minimal amount of branding to make the package look like it belongs to
their institution.
Additionally, source code is available online at

CLE Infrastructure (Overview)

Now that the CLE is installed on your server, a tomcat.home directory exists on your
server. This is the directory from which the CLE is running. It probably won't be called
tomcat.home, as your system administrator may have decided to name it something
else, such as CLE or CLE27 or apache-tomcat. Usually the system administrator
installing the application will choose where to place and how to name the tomcat.home

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7

directory. Two examples for tomcat.home could be /opt/cle27 or /opt/cle27/apachetomcat.

What is Tomcat?
Apaches Tomcat is the application server that starts and runs the Sakai CLE on your
server. If you start Tomcat, you are starting the Sakai CLE. If you stop Tomcat, you stop
Sakai, and users will not be able to access it.
What is the tomcat.home directory?
The tomcat.home directory is the directory on your server in which Tomcat exists. The
tomcat.home directory and its subdirectories contain all the files the Sakai CLE needs in
order to run successfully. This includes configuration files, registration files, files with
code in them, etc. Sometimes, a system administrator may need to access some files in
the tomcat.home directory and make changes to them. Please proceed into this directory
with caution.
The files within the tomcat.home directory tell Tomcat (the application server) what to do
with Sakai upon startup, including how certain things should display and which functional
components are configured.
There are a few reasons to stop/start Tomcat:

You may elect to automatically stop and start Tomcat on a regular basis (once
per week is recommended).
Any time you make changes to configuration settings within the file system, you
must restart Tomcat.

How to stop and start Tomcat

Usually, a system administrator will write a script to stop and start Tomcat easily
whenever necessary. A sample script ( for Linux is included with the rSmart CLE.
Here are instructions on how to do it manually.
If you are using Linux, complete these steps:
Determine which user the Tomcat server is running as and log in as that user.
Execute the script in tomcat.home/bin to stop Tomcat.
Tail catalina.out in /logs to make sure youve successfully stopped Tomcat
before initiating the next action.
Execute the script in tomcat.home/bin to start Tomcat.
If you are using Windows and you are not running Tomcat as a windows service,
complete these steps:
Execute the shutdown.bat script in tomcat.home\bin to stop Tomcat.
Execute startup.bat in tomcat.home\bin to start Tomcat.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7

2 Advanced Configuration
rSmart has implemented many of the following rSmart Sakai CLE settings according to
your institutions specifications. Changes to these settings are not required unless your
institutions specifications change.
Note: Be sure to archive these configuration files once you have modified them so that
you have copies to move back into the CLE after upgrades.
This section of the guide includes tasks that must be performed by a Systems
Administrator because they must be completed on the CLE server. Hosted customers do
not have access to the server, so if your institution is hosted, you must contact rSmart or
your hosting provider to make changes. and

If you decide to change any configuration components, it is important to become familiar
with the settings within the and files. A system
administrator can make many configuration changes to the CLE using the and files. The values that exist within these two files
govern everything from configuring your database to adding/removing functional
components to and from the user interface.
The property files are located here: tomcat.home/sakai
Note: After editing either of these configuration files, you must restart Tomcat for any
changes to take effect. This file stores the default configuration settings for your CLE This file stores custom configuration settings for your CLE

The same properties can exist in as in If the same
setting exists in both files, the value in will OVERRIDE the value in
You can edit these .properties files with a text editor.
A complete guide to the configuration values in and is
available online at:
Note: Property settings that are unique to the rSmart distribution of Sakai will not be
listed on this website.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7

Assignments Tool
2.1 Disable Assignments tool notification email feature
Determines whether the feature that emails instructors submission notifications is
available in the installation. To disable this feature across the entire CLE, add this setting

2.2 Assignments tool notification defaults

This setting determines the default selected option for assignment email notifications (if

The possible values are:

digest--by default, instructors/site owners will receive one daily email for

all assignment submissions that occurred that day. The instructor or site
owner can change this default within each assignment.

each--by default, instructors/site owners will receive an email for each

assignment submitted by a student. The instructor or site owner can
change this default within each assignment.

none--by default, instructors/site owners do not receive an email

notification when a student submits an assignment online. The instructor
or site owner can change this default within each assignment.

Note: This setting is merely the default selected option. Instructors can choose other
options for email notification in the interface during the assignment creation process.

2.3 Assignmments tool confirmation emails

This setting determines whether or not a confirmation email will be sent to the student
when they submit their assignment. If set to true, an email is sent to the student
whenever they click the submit button on the Submit Assignment page. To enable this
feature, add this setting to

2.4 Configuring Turnitin integration for Assignments tool

The following settings are necessary for configuring the CLE for integration with the
Turnitin service, which instructors access from within the Assignments tool. If your
institution has a subscription to this service, instructors may opt to have assignment
submissions sent to Turnitin and receive reports on the originality of the submissions.
Instructors may also opt to let students view the reports.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7

If rSmart hosts your instance of the CLE, contact rSmart support and we'll configure the
CLE for this integration. (Note: there is a fee for this service). If you host your own
instance, a System Administrator must add the settings.
#The account ID of your institutions primary TurnitIn account
#The sub account ID to which Sakai will submit content
#The TurnitIn API password for your Institution. If you don't
have one speak to your TurnitIn rep to have one set
#The email of a default instructor for the API to use
#A name for that instructor
#A last name for the instructor
#A password for that instructor
#The default join password set for classes the implementation
sets up
#the Sakai userId of the default instructor
#A default assignment name to use if none is specified
#A default assignment name to use if none is specified

2.5 Sending group assignments to the Gradebook tool

Instructors or TAs can create assignments within a course and release these
assignments to specific groups or sections within the course. If this setting is set to true,
then instructors will also be able to send these group assignments to the Gradebook

Calendar Summary Tool

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7

2.6 Default view for the Calendar Summary tool

You can set the default view (currently set to month) for the Calendar Summary tool
using this setting. Add this setting to The possible values are week and

Content Management (Resources)

2.7 External content storage
View the following settings in to see where uploaded content from the
Melete (Lessons) and Resources tool is stored:
bodyPath@org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService =
<path to new directory>/files/db/bodyContent/
bodyVolumes@org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentHostingService =
storagePath@org.sakaiproject.archive.api.ArchiveService = <path
to new directory>/files/archive/
melete.homeDir=<path to new directory>/files/melete
melete.packagingDir=<path to new
melete.uploadDir=<path to new directory>/files/melete/uploads
melete.packagingscormdir=<path to new

2.8 Content upload limits

You can set a limit to control the size of the content users upload to the Resources tool.
This setting exists in and you can change it by setting a new value in
# upload limit per request, in MB

Keep in mind the following:

This limit is not enforced when uploading files via WebDAV.

This limit applies to all files in a single upload action.
This limit applies to users in all roles.
This limit applies to all other tools that include an add attachment button.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7

2.9 Site quota

Site Quota puts a limit on the total size of all resources in a site. This means that all
course, project, portfolio and MyWorkspace sites have the SAME amount of storage
space (default is 1GB or 1048576 kilobytes). You can change this setting by changing
the numeric value 1048576 to a number of your choice (in kilobytes) in

Note: A CLE Functional Administrator may change the Site Size Quota for an individual
site via the user interface.

2.10 Site type-specific quotas

This setting allows the quota for each site type to be set independently, allowing all
course sites to have default quotas different than project and portfolio sites.
content.quota.{site type}= {quota in kilobytes}
content.quota.project= {quota in kilobytes}
content.quota.portfolio= {quota in kilobytes}
content.quota.myworkspacebuserdguest= {quota in kilobytes}
content.quota.myworkspacebuserdregistered= {quota in kilobytes}
content.quota.myworkspacebuserdmaintain= {quota in kilobytes}

2.11 Enabling the Show other sites feature

This setting enables the Show Other Sites link in the list mode of the Resources tool,
the resources helper tool and the dropbox tool. By default, the CLE comes with the
Show other sites feature enabled for the resources tool and the resources helper tool,
but NOT for the dropbox. Enabling this feature allows users to copy files from resources
folders from other sites in the CLE and paste them into other folders or dropboxes. You
can enable or disable each of these features in

2.12 Copyright type

This setting configures copyright options that appear when adding/creating a file using
the Resources tool. These settings exist in and you can change the
settings by creating and editing the following values in
# the copyright options for the resources tool
copyrighttype.1=Material is in public domain.
copyrighttype.2=I hold copyright.
copyrighttype.3=Material is subject to fair use exception.
copyrighttype.4=I have obtained permission to use this material.
copyrighttype.5=Copyright status is not yet determined.
copyrighttype.6=Use copyright below.
copyrighttype.own=I hold copyright.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7 copyright below.

default.copyright=Copyright status is not yet determined.

2.13 Enabling conditional release feature

The following property, if set to true, activates the conditional release feature for the
Resources tool. This feature lets instructors opt to have a resource become available to
students only if a certain condition has been met for an item in the Gradebook tool.

By default, this property is set to false. You may configure this setting in
Warning: We strongly recommend that you do NOT activate this feature, which was first
included in version 2.7.0 of the Sakai CLE. Users have experienced several issues with
it in production, and through our testing, we have determined that many issues still exist.
The feature is currently not activated in the default, out-of-the-box (OOTB) configuration
of the CLE, and it has limited support.

Customizer Tool
2.14 rSmart Customizer tool options (destructive mode
Note: These instructions assume you are familiar with the rSmart Sakai CLE
configuration spreadsheet and how it is used to configure the Sakai CLE.
The rSmart Customizer tool has four property settings for restarting Tomcat in
"destructive mode." By restarting Tomcat in "destructive mode," you can:

Immediately reset realm templates, permissions, roles, user workspace sites,

user workspace permissions, tool names, categories and tool placement back to
the default rSmart CLE configuration.

Prepare your instance for complete reconfigurationi.e., prepare your instance

to load and process the configuration spreadsheet in such a way that the
spreadsheet completely resets some or ALL of your CLE configuration.

Warning: The options listed here are very dangerous, and you should use extreme
caution when adjusting these settings on an existing production instance. In fact, we
strongly suggest that you not use these options without first consulting rSmart support.
The four destructive mode settings are as follows.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7

1. This setting, if set to true, will reload default site template, realm template, tool &
category info from the source code:

2. This setting, if set to true, will allow the configuration spreadsheet to overwrite
realms, roles, tools & categories:

3. This setting, if set to true, will reset/reconfigure !user templates (the user
MyWorkspace templates):

4. This setting, if set to true, will cause only the realm info to be reset upon restart
and when the configuration spreadsheet is processed:

Database Management
2.15 Database settings
Review the following example to become familiar with the database settings in your file. This example is for an institution using a MySQL database. rSmart
has already configured these database values during the initial implementation. These
settings are not often changed.
validationQuery@javax.sql.BaseDataSource=select 1 from DUAL

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


2.16 Database connection maximum

This setting defines the maximum number of active database connections (set to -1 for
unlimited). You should coordinate with your DBA to make sure your database can
handle the number specified. This setting may be added to

Elluminate Integration (Live Virtual Classroom Tool)

2.17 Elluminate settings
The Live Virtual Classroom tool allows teachers and students to manage and view
Elluminate Live! event schedules as well as attend Elluminate Live! events from within
Sakai. These settings exist in and can be changed to your institutionspecific values. Your institution must have an Elluminate account in order to use the Live
Virtual Classroom tool. For more information, see
# ip address or dns name of the machine where the virtual
classroom server is running
# port on which the virtual classroom server is listening
# the name of the adapter in elluminate which the CLE talks to
# default capacity to use when creating a new virtual classroom
# specifies the maximum number of concurrent users allowed by the
virtual classroom server across the whole system
# specifies the time (in minutes) prior to the scheduled start
time of the virtual classroom session during which a user can
join. The options are 0, 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes
# elluminate configuration, the system user/password the CLE uses
to communicate with elluminate on the back end

Email Configuration
2.18 Email configuration
The rSmart CLE can be configured for both incoming and outgoing mail.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


To review the outgoing mail configuration, see the following in

# SMTP server for outgoing email (where is your outgoing mail server)
# set to false to allow email to be sent, otherwise it's logged
and not sent

To review the incoming mail configuration, see the following in

# dns addresses used for incoming email
smtp.dns.1 =
smtp.dns.2 =
# SMTP port on which our SMTP server runs. Default is 25.
#Recommend running on 8025, and using a standard mailer on 25 to
forward mail to Sakai.
smtp.port = 25
# flag to enable or disable our SMTP server for incoming email
(true | false)
smtp.enabled = true

2.19 Notification email reply-to addresses

Many events (posting announcements, updating resources, etc.) can initiate an email to
users in the worksite. By default, all of this email comes from an email address to which
recipients cannot respond. The CLE may be configured to send email from the user
initiating the email. This setting exists in

Email Archive Tool

2.20 Set Email Archive search threshold
This setting sets the maximum number of emails in an email archive before the search
feature is disabled. Search through the email archive may affect server performance
when searching through large numbers of messages. The default value is 2500
messages, but may be altered in

Forums Tool
2.21 Default threaded message view
This setting (if true) will display a threaded view for posts within the Forums tool. This
setting can be set or changed in

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7



Gradebook Tool
2.22 Gradebook letter grades
This setting turns off the letter grade option in the Gradebook tool.

Gradebook2 Tool
2.23 Gradebook2 default configuration
The following settings are for the default configuration of the Gradebook2 tool. Make
changes to these settings in
# gradebook2 settings

2.24 Exporting grades in Gradebook2

The following settings are for enabling the export of grades in Gradebook2 to an
institutions external grade reporting system. Add these settings to
Note: If you plan to export grades to an external reporting system, please contact
rSmart support for configuration assistance. There is a services fee for the configuration
and code writing required to export grades in Gradebook2.
# gradebook export feature
# uncomment for reference provider which support mid term and final
# uncomment for reference provider which supports final grades only

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Help (Online)
2.25 Disabling Help links
There are two settings for disabling Help links in the CLE.

This setting disables the link in the tool menu, so Help will not appear.

This setting disables the Help icon in the tool iframe, so the icon will not appear
next to a tools name.

2.26 Online Help location

This setting indicates the location of the online Help.

2.27 Custom Help links

These settings may be used to create custom Help links in the top left box of the CLE
Help pages. Complete this change in Support Support

Lessons (Melete) Tool

2.28 Turn on the experimental Lessons (Melete)/Resources
integration feature
These settings turn on the Lessons/Resources enhancements to Melete. The default
value is true, which means that the enhancement is turned ON by default in the rSmart
CLE. For more information on this feature, download the rSmart Sakai CLE 2.6.0
Release Notes from RSN. To turn this enhancement OFF, set the values to false.
Complete this change in

Membership Tool
The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


2.29 Disable the unjoin link in the Membership tool

The following setting disables the unjoin link from within the Membership tool for all site
types. This means that no one will be allowed to unjoin from a site using the
Membership tool. Add this setting to

The next settings allow you to specify the types of sites from which users must not be
allowed to unjoin. In this example, there is one type of site that will not be joinable (as
indicated by the value of 1 in the first setting listed) and the type of site that will not be
joinable is course (as indicated by the value of course in the second setting listed). All
other site types not listed here will be unjoinable. Add this setting to

Note: If your SIS (Student Information System) integration is configured to run add/drops
on a regular basis, a user who unjoins from a course site will be re-added to the site
upon the next synchronization with the SIS data, provided the user is still registered for
the course in the SIS. Additionally, if a user unjoins from a site and then is re-added to
the site, all of the users data will still exist in the site (assignment submissions, grades,
test scores, discussion posts).

Messages Tool
2.30 Messages tool from email address
These settings specify where message notifications appear to come from when the
messages tool sends emails to users.

If msgcntr.notification.user.real.from is set to true, notifications will appear to

come from the email address of the user sending the message.

If msgcntr.notification.user.real.from is set to false, or if a user does not have

an email address specified, notifications will appear to come from the address
specified in msgcntr.notification.from.address.

If msgcntr.notification.from.address is not set, notifications will appear to come

from (or the value of your institutions
serverName property).

News Tool

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


2.31 Default news title and news feed URL

This setting configures the default title and URL for the News tool that appears during
site setup. Users may make changes to this default title and URL with the Site Setup
tool. Place your customized default settings in
news.title=Sakai News

2.32 Experimental Assignments-Matrix integration
Set the value to true to turn on the experimental Assignments-Matrix integration. This will
allow you to link assignments with cells in a Matrix. When students submit work in
response to an assignment linked to a matrix cell, that work will automatically be added
to the matrix.

2.33 Enable portfolio caching

This setting enables caching portfolio presentation information, reducing load on the
database when viewing portfolios and improving portfolio page load times.

2.34 Reviewer access to student matrices in all groups

This setting allows matrix reviewers to access all student matrices in a worksite,
regardless of whether they belong to that students group. The default behavior is to only
allow reviewers to view matrices of students in their groups.

Page Order Helper Tool

2.35 Renaming tools with Page Order Helper tool
This setting allows site owners to edit site tool names with the Page Order Helper tool in
the Site Editor. If you do not want site owners to be able to change tool names, change
the value of this setting to false. For more information, see How do I turn on the Page
Order Helper tool?

Password Reset

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


2.36 Password reset feature availability

This set of properties determines which user types may reset their password using the
Password Reset tool. By default, the CLE only allows guest users to reset their
passwords. However, if registered and maintain users have local accounts (i.e., they do
not have their authentication credentials stored in a directory outside of Sakai), they also
may be allowed to retrieve their passwords if these settings are enabled in

Note: If registered and maintain users authentication information is stored in an external

system, those users should be directed to the systems self-service tools for password
change requests, as appropriate.

2.37 Portal error email message
If the portal catches any errors while processing a user request, the error report and the
users bug report (if created) will be sent to the email address configured in this setting.
This setting exists in

2.38 My Sites display order

The order of the sites in the My Sites drop down menu is set by the order set by the
portal.term.order properties. The default order is to order sites in reverse chronological
order by term so as to keep the most recent (and likely relevant) sites at the top of the
list. This order can be overridden by setting your own order in
portal.term.order.1=SPRING 2011
portal.term.order.2=WINTER 2011
portal.term.order.3=FALL 2010
portal.term.order.4=SUMMER 2010
portal.term.order.5=SRPING 2010
portal.term.order.6=WINTER 2010
portal.term.order.7=FALL 2009

2.39 Turning categories on/off

To disable the tool categories in your instance of the CLE, you must change the
following setting in from true to false.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Preferences Tool (My Workspace)

2.40 Preferences toolpage order/visibility control
The Preferences tool, which is typically available in a users My Workspace site, has
several options that can be turned on by explicitly enabling or disabling settings in the
preference.pages property in
# Controls the
whether a page
# To eliminate
the page value

order pages appear in the Preferences tool, and

appears at all.
a page, explicitly set preference.pages and leave

preference.pages=prefs_tab_title, prefs_noti_title,
prefs_timezone_title, prefs_lang_title, prefs_privacy_title

Note: You cannot remove the prefs_tab_title setting because the rSmart CLE quicklinks
require this function.

Sections Management
2.41 Section settings
The following settings specify the types of sections instructors may create within their
sites. The defaults are below. Create and make changes to these settings in

Note: For instances already in production, you can change the values here, but you
should not remove any items or shorten the list. If you add to the list, adjust the
section.category.count value appropriately.

2.42 Manual section creation (Sections tool)

This setting allows you to configure the Sections tool once you decide whether
instructors will be allowed to manually create course sections within their course sites.
Make any configuration changes in

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


The possible values for this setting are:

MANUAL_MANDATORY Site owners must create their sections manually.
MANUAL_DEFAULT By default, site owners must create their sections
manually, but if they so choose, they can have an external authority (an
integrated Student Information System) create sections automatically. The SIS
integration MUST be configured to automatically create sections in order for this
option to work.
AUTOMATIC_DEFAULT By default, Sakai will use an external authority to
automatically create sections within a course. If an instructor so chooses, he/she
may switch the option to manual and create sections manually.
AUTOMATIC_MANDATORY An external authority will automatically create
sections within a course, based on the rosters that exist within the course.
Instructors are not allowed to manually create sections.

2.43 Server URL
This setting specifies the URL to the server, including transport, DNS name, and port, if
any. This setting exists in

This should be set to match the port defined in the tomcat.home/conf/server.xml file if
youre not using Apache.

2.44 Server ID
This setting distinguishes servers in a cluster from one another. The serverId value is
the server name displayed in the footer of the user interface and within the On-Line tool
in the Administration Workspace. This setting exists in
# identify your application server with a short name, unique
among the servers in your cluster.
# choose a server id even if you are running a single app server

2.45 Virus scan

If you want to enable virus scanning for files that are uploaded to the CLE, you can
install anti-virus software on the server. These three settings will tell you whether virus
scanning is enabled, the host IP, and the port at which its listening. These settings exist

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


We recommend ClamAV as an open source virus scanner that you can install on your

Site Roster Tool

2.46 Remove user IDs and email addresses from site roster
The site roster tool displays usernames and email addresses in the roster by default. To
remove this information from the display, set the following properties in

Site Statistics Tool

2.47 Enabling server-wide access to Site Statistics tool
This setting allows admins access to site statistics across all sites in the CLE. Statistics
include the following:

total number of logins

# unique users
# sites created
# sites deleted
hourly system usage

In, the value for this setting should be true.


To view these statistics you must also have the sitestats.admin.view permission in the
site in which the Site Stats Admin tool is deployed. For more information, see How do I
add and use the Site Statistics Admin tool?

Site/User Management
2.48 Editable site titles by site type
Make changes to this setting if you want to give site creators the ability to edit the site
title once the site is created. By default, course site titles are not editable. Make any
changes in

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7



To make course site titles editable, change the setting to:


Note: If your instance of the CLE is integrated with a Student Information System (SIS),
you may choose not to make course site titles editable, as the SIS integration creates
course titles automatically based on your specifications.

2.49 Turn on soft delete of sites

This setting allows a Sakai systems administrator or a database administrator (DBA) to
restore a site that is accidentally deleted by a site owner. When a site is deleted, a flag is
changed in the database, so the site can no longer be accessed and appears deleted to
the site owner. An admin can then change the flag and restore the site. If you would
rather allow your site owners to deep delete sites instead of soft deleting sites,
change the value of this setting to false. Make any changes in
# uncomment to turn on logical delete of site data

Note: If your institution is a hosted client and you have this property set to true, contact
rSmart for assistance with undeleting a site.

2.50 Stealthing/unstealthing tools

Some tools in the CLE are stealthed by default, meaning that they are hidden from site
owners upon site creation and within the Site Editor.
In order to stealth a tool, you first need to know its tool ID. If you are a CLE Functional
Administrator, you can find a list of tool IDs by accessing a function of the Sites tool in
the Administration Workspace. Alternatively, you can see the following section of this
guide: Tool Definitions and Tool IDs. To stealth some tools, locate the tool IDs for the
tools you wish to stealth (example: Wiki, Site Roster, and Glossary), and then include
them in the stealthTools setting in Heres what the setting might
look like:

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


To unstealth a tool so that all site owners have access to it upon site creation, remove
the appropriate tool ID from the stealthTools setting. Note: if you make any changes
to this setting, be sure to restart Tomcat.
Anyone with access to the Administration Workspace, such as a CLE Functional
Administrator, can add a stealthed tool to an individual worksite. For instructions, see
How do I add a stealthed tool to a site?

2.51 Super User (SU) tool--allowing non-admin access

The following setting lets admins activate the Super User (SU) tool in sites other than the
Administration Workspace:
# uncomment to turn on feature to allow non-admin users ability
to super user (CLE-4323)

You must also configure the #su.realm= setting by including the site ID(s) for the site(s)
into which you are adding the SU tool. For example:

Important Notes:
1. You will have to edit the realm for the site(s) into which you add the SU tool and
grant at least one role the su.can_su permission.
2. To access the su.can_su permission, you must first:
a. Set the above properties.
b. Restart Tomcat.
c. Add the SU tool to the site(s) identified by the #su.realm= setting.
d. Click on the SU tool link at least once in the site to which you just added
the SU tool.
For more information, see How can I give non-admins access to the Super User tool?

2.52 Assigning from address for email notification

This setting controls the email address used as the from address for any email sent by
Site Setup and Site Editor tools. This setting exists in

2.53 Disabling e-mail notification for guest users

Sometimes, a site owner (Course Instructor, Project Organizer or Portfolio Organizer)
may choose to add guests to a site within your instance of the CLE. This function is
available to all site owners via the user interface (From the Site Editor/Add Participants
If a site owner adds a guest user (using their email address), the CLE will create a user
account for that user (assuming the user doesnt already exist in the CLE) and send that

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


user an e-mail with their login information. To disable this e-mail notification for guest
users, you must add the following to

2.54 Users present

This setting controls whether or not the Users Present list shows in the left-hand menu
column within a site. The list shows those who are present (that is, looking at any page
of the site). It may be desirable to remove this information across the site completely or
to control which sites have the feature enabled in order to conform to local policy. This
setting exists in and you can change the default value by adding this
setting to
# to enable presence display in the portal

If this property is set to true or false, site presence display may be overridden (using
the Sites tool) by setting the site property value "display-users-present" to true or false
for that site. If this property is set to always or never, site-specific property settings will
have no effect.
# To turn off user presence in the user workspaces

2.55 Presence expiration

A users presence will expire if not refreshed in this many seconds (in sites in which
display.users.present permits the presence display). This setting exists in and you can change the default value by adding this setting to

2.56 Session expiration

A users session will expire if nothing happens in this many seconds (default is 3600
seconds/one hour)

2.57 Timeout Dialog settings

The timeoutDialogEnabled setting determines whether a timeout warning box will
appear to users shortly before they are automatically logged off. Possible values are true
or false. The default is false.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


The timeoutDialogWarningSeconds setting specifies, in seconds, how much time will

remain before automatic logoff when the timeout warning box appears. There is no
default value for the timeout warning setting.

2.58 Enable role switching

This setting allows users with the site.roleswap permission to switch between a set of
specified roles and return back to their own role. This feature allows Instructors to view
the course sites as a Student, or portfolio site Organizers to view the site as a
Participant. When a user enters a site in which they have the site.roleswap permission, a
link or dropdown menu with available roles displays below the My Sites tab in the CLE

Student Information System (SIS) Integration

2.59 Specifying site IDs for master sites
If you have master sites that get duplicated when your courses are loaded into the CLE
via SIS integration, you must specify the site ID for each master site by configuring the
cle.mastersiteid property setting in By configuring this setting, you
specify the master site that the CLE will use when creating a new site for a particular
course in the SIS course file (courses.csv).
We recommend that you give a master site a unique site ID that is easy to remember,
such as master.course for a master site that will be used to create new course sites.
Keep in mind that a master site can be any type of sitecourse, project, or portfolio. For
more information on creating master sites, see How do I create a master site, and
make sure the CLE uses this site to create new sites when it accesses the Student
Information System (SIS)?
If rSmart hosts your instance of the CLE, send us the site ID for your master site, and
we'll make the necessary changes to the property setting. If you host your own instance,
a System Administrator must make the changes.
Warning: We strongly recommend that you do NOT use an existing site template as a
master site for creating a new site. If you do, the CLE will create multiple template sites
instead of just one new site.
You must also configure the property setting to specify the master site ID for the
appropriate courses in the SIS course file. Lets say you want to configure the
cle.mastersiteid setting to specify the following:

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


course for the master site ID in the SIS course file

master.course for the site ID of the master site

You would then configure the following setting:

# Site Masters (will match site master id column in course csv
file. If blank in csv file, will use masterSiteId from

In this case, the CLE will duplicate the master.course site to create a new site for any
course with the ID course in the site master ID column in the SIS course file
Note: In your SIS courses.csv file, be sure to include the site ID of your master site in
the master course id column for the appropriate courses. If you leave this entry blank,
the default master site will take precedence.

2.60 Specifying a site ID for a single master site

If you plan to use only a single master site that the CLE will use to create sites when
accessing a Student Information System (SIS), you may configure the following setting
# site id for course processor to clone

The value for this property is configurable, but it must be identical to the site ID of your
master site. In this example, the site ID would be MasterSite.
The master site may be any type of sitecourse, project, or portfolio. In this example,
the setting will clone the site with the ID MasterSite in your SIS courses.csv file to
create new course sites.
For more information on creating master sites, see How do I create a master site, and
make sure the CLE uses this site to create new sites when it accesses the Student
Information System (SIS)?

2.61 Enable detailed reporting for changed members and

If your institutions instance of the CLE accesses a Student Information System (SIS)
when creating sites, setting the following properties in to true will
enable detailed reporting for changed members and courses. You may access these
reports in the catalina.out log when running the SIS synchronization job, to confirm that

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


your files are set up properly.


By default, these properties are disabled. Note: Depending on the amount of data,
reporting may generate a high volume of messages, resulting in an email that is
excessively large.

2.62 Allow additional information for SIS courses file

Configuring the following settings in will allow for additional information
in the SIS courses.csv file used to create sites in the CLE.
# allow for additional columns for Contact Name (10th column) and
Contact Email (11th column) to be set in courses.csv
# allow for a header row in the csv file; Semester, Site ID, etc.
The SISProcessor will start processing from the second row.

2.63 Allow for additional course properties

Configure the following setting in to allow the courses.csv file to
specify additional course properties. You may configure this setting for up to five
additional properties.
# allow up to 5 properties to be specified in courses.csv file
and added as course properties.

As an example, you might want to add the alternateCourseId and alternateName

properties. To do so, you would configure the following setting:

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Note that you must specifiy a value for the number of course properties you are
adding, as well as the total number of columns in the courses.csv file needed for these
additional properties. By default, the courses.csv file has 11 columns. So in this
example, the value for the total number of columns should be 13.

2.64 Allow for additional user properties

Configure the following setting in to allow the users.csv file to specify
additional user properties. You may configure this setting for up to five additional

As an example, you might want to add the alternateEmailAddress and

alternateName properties. To do so, you would configure the following setting:

Note that you must specifiy a value for the number of user properties you are adding,
as well as the total number of columns in the users.csv file needed for these additional
properties. By default, the users.csv file has 7 columns. So in this example, the value
for the total number of columns should be 9.

2.65 Auto-create URL alias based on external site ID

If the following setting is configured in, each site the CLE creates by
accessing the SIS will be assigned a URL alias based on the external site ID (the unique
course ID in the SIS courses.csv file). If the value for this setting is set to false, each
site will be assigned an auto-generated URL (consisting of a long string of numbers and
# Automatically create an alias based on the externalSiteId

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


2.66 Allow users update

If the following property is set to "true" in, information in the users.csv
file will overwrite information in the CLE database.
# allow information in CSV file to overwrite information in

2.67 User password/removal (users created via SIS)

Note: The following property settings are only applicable if your institution creates users
through an SIS process.

Enable password update

Configure the following setting in to allow user passwords to be

Allow auto generation of user passwords

The following property in, if set to true, will allow user passwords to be
automatically generated when the CLE imports users by accessing the SIS user file.

Remove users from the CLE (remove user EIDs)

For the CLE to remove users by accessing a list of EIDs (the SIS removeusers.csv
file), you must add the following settings to
#set location of remove file (one userid per line)
# defaults to false, meaning it looks the user up by eid, set
this to true to lookup by user id

2.68 Remove sections in sites

By setting the following property to "true" in, sections will be removed
from a site if they do not show up in the SIS sections file (sections.csv). Note: This
property only works on sites for which section data exists in the sections.csv file.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


2.69 Map student and TA roles

By configuring the following settings in, the CLE will assign student or
teaching assistant roles to site members according to the roles listed for them in the
members.csv file.
# allow for mapping of role names in the members.csv file to those
within the system

2.70 Remove existing enrollments

Configure the following settings in to allow existing enrollments to be
removed for the student or teaching assistant role.
# allow for the removal of any existing enrollments for the
student or teaching assistants

2.71 Assign active or inactive status to site members

By adding the following setting in, user status for a site can be controlled
by assigning the appropriate value to the SIS membership (members.csv) file. This
setting adds a fourth column to the file. In this column, assign either true (active) or
false (inactive) for each user.

Term (Semester) Settings

2.72 Term settings
These settings exist in in the CLE.
Note: rSmart settings differ from the term settings in 2.7 community Sakai.
Make any changes in
Terms (semesters) are known by different names at different institutions. This list is
where the particular terminology used for terms/semesters is specified. The
termterm.count value should match the number of terms specified by termterm.n entries.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


These values, combined with the termyear.n values, are those presented in the Term
dropdown menu when creating a class site. Values before the current term (based on
termendtime) are not shown in the list.

Note: Term values for past terms should remain in the various termyear.n, termterm.n,
termlistabbr.n, etc. lists. Though they may not appear in the Term dropdown menu for
selection, they are still needed for class sites that may have been created during the
past term.
termyear specifies the term year for the associated termterm value. The termyear.count
value should match the number of years specified by termyear.n entries.

An abbreviation for the term/semester label specified in the associated termterm.n
property. The abbreviation is used rather than the full term name if space is at a
premium (e.g., in a class site title, where W11 is used rather than Winter 2011). The
termlistabbr.count value should match the number of years specified by termlistabbr.n

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7



termiscurrent specifies which term value shows up as the default in the Term
dropdown list that is displayed when creating a new course site.
At institutions where instructors create their own course sites (as opposed to institutions
that bulk-create a site for every course), the course site creation for the next term usually
starts sometime before the current term ends. About the middle of the current term,
when current term course site creation falls off, it is useful to change the default that
appears for the term choice in the Term dropdown menu to the next term. The
termiscurrent.count value should match the number of years specified by
termiscurrent.n entries.

Specifies the start date of the associated termterm.n. Format is yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS.
The termstarttime.count value should match the number of years specified by
termstarttime.n entries.


The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


This setting specifies the end date of the associated termterm.n. Format is
yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS. The termendtime.count value should match the number of years
specified by termendtime.n entries.

Some schools choose to have only one generic term, which is helpful for institutions
that do not use terms or choose not to identify terms for their courses within the CLE.
Additionally, some SIS integration processes will auto-provision courses with the
appropriate term information. Consult with rSmart to review the SIS integration options
youve chosen before editing these term settings.

Tests and Quizzes (Samigo) Tool

2.73 Email server settings
The Tests & Quizzes tool uses the following email settings in instead of
the standard e-mail settings.
# outgoing SMTP server (If not set, the Sakai smtp server setting
will be used)
# outgoing SMTP port (If not set, the default part 25 will be
# Temp directory for handling email attachment files.

2.74 File upload question type

These settings govern the file upload specifications for the Tests & Quizzes tool. Make
changes to these settings in
# ** Samigo File Upload question type settings **
# the following default settings:
com.corejsf.UploadFilter.sizeMax and

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


# in Samigo web.xml can be overridden with the following settings

samigo.answerUploadRepositoryPath==<path to new directory>

2.75 Allow instructor to change published assessments

This setting governs whether or not an instructor may edit an assessment after it has
been published.

By default, this property is set to false, so instructors may edit a published assessment
at any time, and regrade the entire assessment.
If you set this property to true, instructors will not be able to edit a published
assessment if at least one student has taken it.
Make changes to this setting in

2.76 Enable auto-submit feature

This setting enables a feature that provides an assessment option to automatically
submit assessments on their due date. The Auto Submit Assessments Job must also
be scheduled in the Job Scheduler tool in order for this feature to work.

2.77 Word-2-QTI tool (Create using markup text feature)

This setting allows you to enable/disable the Create using markup text (Word-2-QTI)
feature within Samigo (Tests & Quizzes). This setting exists in and the
default setting in the rSmart CLE is true (meaning the Create using markup text option
is turned on). You can make any changes to this default value by adding/changing this
setting in

Skins and branding

For information on skins and branding, visit RSN to download the rSmart Sakai CLE 2.7
Customization Guide.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Getting users into the CLE and adding users into

Getting users into the CLE
In order to access the CLE, a user must have a user ID, password and a user account
type. A users account type determines the following:
1. The toolset available within the users My Workspace
2. The system permissions for that user i.e., what privileges does this user get
just by logging in?
There are three default user account types in the rSmart CLE 2.7:




Users may be added to the CLE in several ways. You can choose one or a combination
of the methods listed in the following section of this guide.
Adding users into courses
Before you can place a user into a course site (or other type of site), the user must have
a local user account OR the user must exist in an external directory (read on for more
information on LDAP/AD integration) that is integrated with your Sakai instance.
Whenever you place users into sites (course, project or portfolio) using any of the
methods described in the following section, you must also assign a role for each user. A
role is a collection of permissions, and a users role determines what the user is allowed
to do within the site. Course sites, by default, have the following default roles (which can
vary by institution):


Teaching Assistant



Each role has its own unique set of permissions within the course. If you add user
jsmith into a course site, for example, the system will require you to determine what
role jsmith has within that course.
You may decide that jsmith is going to be a student within this course. So, user jsmith
can participate in this course with student-level permissions. Additionally, you may
decide to add jsmith to another course, only this time, you assign jsmith the instructor
role. User jsmith is now a student in one course and an instructor in another course, and
has student permissions in one course and instructor permissions in the other course.
Read on to discover how users can get an account in the CLE and how you can enroll
them in their course sites.
Note: For more information about user authentication and managing course and user
data, visit RSN and download the rSmart whitepaper Integration Decisions for
Authentication, Accounts and Courses.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Getting users into the CLE

There are a number of ways to create user accounts in the CLE.
Create users manually, one-by-one
See How do I manually add a user into the CLE? for instructions. This method is not
ideal if you have many users to add.
External Authentication using LDAP or Active Directory
Configure the CLE to use LDAP or Active directory for user authentication. You can find
configuration instructions in the RSN Knowledge Base article How can I integrate my
LDAP server with the CLE?
Using LDAP/AD authentication benefits CLE Functional Administrators because it saves
timeonce you have configured the CLE to authenticate against your own internal
system, you wont need to create users manually. The users will, in fact, log in simply
with their LDAP/AD user ID and password. LDAP/AD authentication also benefits users,
because there is no need for them to remember an additional password.
For more information, visit RSN and download the rSmart whitepaper User
Authentication with LDAP and the rSmart Sakai CLE.
Use another Identity Management (IDM) solution, such as CAS or Shibboleth, to
manage user access to the CLE
rSmart will be happy to consult with you regarding your existing IDM system and your
IDM/Sakai integration needs.
Use the rSmart roster import tool
In the absence of LDAP authentication, you can use the rSmart Roster Import tool to add
all users into the CLE. We recommend that you test the Roster Import tool with just a
few users before importing all users. For instructions, download Using the Roster Import
Tool from RSN.
Invite them as guests into your course, and a user ID will be created for them with
a guest user account type
Use the Site Editor tool and click Add Participants. Add the email address of each new
user that you wish to add to your site in the Non-official Participants area. Creating
users in this way will send each new user an email with their login information.
Use the SIS integration code to mass-import your users into the CLE via a
users.csv file.
If your institutions instance of the CLE is integrated with a Student Information System
(SIS), the CLE can optionally access a list of users (the users.csv file) exported from
the SIS. This file will include each users enterprise ID (EID), which is the ID that will be
used to log in to the CLE, as well as each users login password and email address.
Note: This option should not be used if your instance of the CLE is already integrated
with LDAP/Active Directory (AD).

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Getting users into their courses

There are a number of ways to get users into their course sites.
Let the users enroll themselves using the Membership tool
If you do not have a student information system and you also do not have a course
registration process at your institution, you could make all courses joinable and allow
students to join courses using the Membership tool. This is not an ideal way to manage
course registrations if you already have a student information system at your institution.
Tell instructors to manually enroll the users
If the users already have an ID in the CLE, instructors can easily add a list of participants
to a course using the Site Editor/Add Participants tool. Just paste the user IDs into the
Site Editor/Add Participants page.
Integrate the CLE with your SIS (Student Information System) so that courses (and
potentially sections) are automatically created and users are automatically
For more information on this method of SIS integration, contact rSmart for assistance
and see the following RSN Knowledge Base article for instructions on preparing your
SIS exports: What sorts of file exports does the CLE expect from my SIS?
SIS Integration with Flexible Site Creation
You may also integrate the CLE with your SIS using the Course Management API.
This method uses the Sakai Course Management API to populate the CLE database
with course, section and roster information exported regularly by your SIS. Instructors
can manually create courses and choose the rosters to import into their newly created
course sites.
Please note that implementation may require additional services work. Contact rSmart
for assistance, and visit RSN to download Course Management SIS Integration for more
information on configuring the Course Management API.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


3 Managing the rSmart Sakai CLE

CLE Functional Administrator vs. System Administrator
A CLE Functional Administrator is someone who has the highest level of permissions
within the CLE and can manage configuration components of the CLE and help users
troubleshoot within the user interface. A System Administrator is someone who has
access to the CLE server and file system, manages configuration files and can restart
the CLE. Sometimes, the System Administrator will also be the CLE Functional
Administrator. In order to effectively manage the CLE, the CLE Functional Administrator
and the System Administrator must work together to perform configuration tasks.
When you install the CLE, only one user ID exists. The user ID is admin and the
password is admin. When rSmart performs an installation for you, we change the admin
password immediately and then give it to the institutions CLE Functional Administrator.
It is the CLE Functional Administrators responsibility to review and/or change the admin
user password once you login for the first time. This user has the highest level of
permissions with the CLE, and has the authority to create additional CLE Functional

What makes a user a CLE Functional Administrator?

Many other software systems define administrators by using permissions, groups or user
account types. The CLE is different from these other systems. In the CLE, a user
becomes a CLE Functional Administrator by getting added as a participant to a special
site called the Administration Workspace.
As you know, when the CLE is first installed, there is one user called admin. Once you
login as admin and change the password (keep it in a safe place), you may start
creating additional CLE Functional Administrators.
To create more CLE Functional Administrators, see How do I create a CLE Functional
Administrator user?
Before you start creating a multitude of CLE Functional Administrators, read on to
see some of the tasks admins can perform using the Administration Workspace.

Administration Workspace Tool Overview

This section provides a brief overview of the CLE Administration Workspace tools. For
more specific instructions on completing common CLE Functional Administrator tasks,
see Common Management Tasks and Configurable Components in the CLE.

CLE Functional Administrators use this tool to view site e-mail aliases within the system.
When instructors create an email address for their site using the Email Archive tool, the
sites email alias will appear within the Aliases tool in the Administration Workspace.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


CLE Functional Administrators use the Announcements tool to broadcast system
messages to all users. The message of the day appears on the home page of every
users My Workspace.

Configuration Viewer
CLE Functional Administrators use this tool to check property settings on your instance.
The Configuration viewer displays a list of settings from the and files. CLE Functional Administrators may view the property settings
using this tool, but a System Administrator must make any changes to the property
settings. See and for more information about changing
property settings.
Note: This tool has been contributed to the Sakai community by another institution and
is not always up to date.

Email Template Administration

This tool allows an admin user to modify the emails sent by the CLE to users during
specific events, such as:

Adding a new user account

Adding a user to a work site
Resetting a user password

This tool exists in all sites, and you can use Help to provide contextual help
documentation to site participants.

The Home tool within the Administration Workspace displays the default Message of the
Day and the My Workspace Information page. These two things also exist on the Home
page of all users My Workspaces.

Link Tool
Use the Link tool to add tools built in other programming languages.

Job Scheduler
Use Job Scheduler to run immediate jobs and schedule periodic jobs that will
synchronize the CLE with your Student Information System.

CLE Functional Administrators use the Memory tool to view how the CLE is using
system resources, and if necessary, to reset all caches. Sometimes configuration
changes youve made will not take effect immediately, and resetting the caches takes
care of this issue.

Use On-line to monitor session and server activity of users logged into the instance.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


CLE Functional Administrators use this tool to manage roles and permissions.

The Resources tool in the Administration Workspace displays all files the users have
uploaded into the CLE. It also stores any public files that CLE Functional Administrators
want to make available to all users.

rSmart Support
This is a direct link to the rSmart Support Network (RSN).

Site Archive
This tool was designed to archive site content into a .zip file and store it on the CLE
server. A CLE Functional Administrator is needed to perform the archive tasks, and a
System Administrator is needed to retrieve the .zip file from the server.
Since this tool has not been updated or improved during the last few releases, we
do not recommend using it. Instead, there are site import and duplicate functions
that instructors can perform on their own without the assistance of a CLE Functional
Administrator. For more information about duplicating a site and/or importing content
from a site as an instructor/site owner, see the appropriate section for the Site Editor tool
in the Administration and Site Management Tools chapter of the rSmart Sakai CLE
User Guide, version 2.7.

CLE Functional Administrators use this tool to make changes to a site title, page or tool
names and site configuration.

Site Setup
Use Site Setup to create, edit, delete and troubleshoot sites. CLE Functional
Administrators will discover that the Site Setup tool within the Administration Workspace
provides access to all sites within the CLE.

Skin Manager
CLE Functional Administrators use Skin Manager to maintain skins for an instance. In
order to maintain skins, you must first create skins. Creating skins requires CSS and
HTML skills. For more information on creating skins, visit RSN and download the rSmart
Sakai CLE 2.7 Customization Guide.

Super User
Use Super User to log in as another user. This tool is helpful for troubleshooting user
issues. The tool does not create a user simulation, however, so use it with caution.
Anything you do when using SU will appear as though that particular user completed the

User Membership
A CLE Functional Administrator can use this tool to locate a user and see all sites in
which the user is a participant, as long as the user is a participant in at least one site

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(course, project or portfolio). The User Membership tool may be used as a substitute for
the Users tool when CLE Functional Administrators need to locate external users.

CLE Functional Administrators use this tool to create new users within the CLE. CLE
Functional Administrators can also use this tool to change passwords for users who
have forgotten them. This tool only displays local users. So, if you have integrated your
instance of the CLE with LDAP or Active directory or have used some other method of
external authentication, those external users will not appear within the Users tool.
To locate all external users, your system administrator or database administrator (DBA)
will need to query the SAKAI_USER_ID_MAP table in the database. As a workaround,
any CLE Functional Administrator can use the User Membership tool within the
Administration Workspace to locate external users. For more information about this tool,
see the Administration Workspace Tool Overview.

Common Management Tasks and Configurable

Components in the CLE
This section provides instructions on how to complete some common management
tasks. Some of these tasks require a CLE Functional Administrator and a System

Creating CLE Functional Administrators

3.1 How do I create a CLE Functional Administrator user?
To create a CLE Functional Administrator user, you must first add the user into the CLE.
Then, you must add the user to the Administration Workspace.
To add the user into the CLE, follow these steps:
1. Log in to the CLE using your CLE Functional Administrators username and
password (if this is your first time, log in as the admin user).
2. Click on the Administration Workspace site.
3. Locate and Select the Users tool on the left side of the page.
4. Click the New User link in the top menu bar.
5. Enter the appropriate information in the User ID, First Name, Last Name, Email
and Password fields.
6. From the Type dropdown menu, select guest, registered, or maintain.
(Note: Because you are going to make this user a CLE Functional Administrator,
you may select any user type. The maintain type, however, generally has the
highest level of permissions.)
7. Click Save Details.
To add the user to the Administration Workspace, follow these steps:

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


1. Select the Site Setup tool. The CLE displays a list of sites. Select the checkbox
to the left of the Administration Workspace site.
2. Click the Edit link in the top menu bar. The page displays a list of participants in
the Admin workspace.
3. Click Add Participants in the top menu bar.
4. In the Other Official Participants field, enter the user ID for the new CLE
Functional Administrator.
5. Click Continue.
6. Under Roles, select the admin radio button, and then click Continue.
7. Choose whether to send an email notification to the new CLE Functional
Administrator, and then click Continue.
8. Click Finish. The CLE displays the Site Editor home page, with the new CLE
Functional Administrator added to the list of participants in the Admin workspace.
Be sure to test the new users login to confirm that it works.

3.2 How do I make a current user a CLE Functional

To make a current user a CLE Functional Administrator, just complete steps 1-8 for
adding a user to the Administration Workspace, as described in the previous section
(How do I create a CLE Functional Administrator user?) of this guide.

3.3 How do I create different levels of CLE Functional

Anyone who is a member of the Administration Workspace is a CLE Functional
Administrator. The CLE does not provide for tiered management levels. If you are a
member of the Administration Workspace, you have access to all tools that exist within
the Administration Workspace. We recommend that you appoint CLE Functional
Administrators with caution.
There is a workaround that allows you to create a lower-level junior admin role for
users. For instructions, see How do I create a "junior admin" user?

Installing the CLE

3.4 How do I install the rSmart Sakai CLE 2.7?
There are two ways to install the rSmart Sakai CLE, version 2.7. You can use the
installer method or you can install from source. Visit for CLE
installation information.
For rSmart subscription customers, detailed instructions on installing from source are
located here.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


3.5 How do I upgrade to CLE 2.7 from an earlier version?

When you upgrade from a prior version of the CLE, you must upgrade sequentially to
each subsequent version before you upgrade to the latest version. If your instance is
CLE version 2.6.0, for example, first upgrade to CLE version 2.6.1. Next, upgrade to
version 2.6.2. Then, upgrade to version 2.6.3. Once you have upgraded to this version,
you are ready to upgrade to CLE 2.7.
Note: When upgrading sequentially, you do NOT have to upgrade to a version of the
rSmart Sakai CLE 2.6 that is later than version 2.6.3. Furthermore, if you do upgrade to
version 2.6.4, you will NOT be able to upgrade from it to 2.7.0.
If you have customized code in your instance of the CLE, do not attempt an upgrade.
Contact rSmart or an rSmart approved vendor for a quote on your upgrade.
See the following articles on RSN to upgrade your instance:
Upgrading CLE 2.5.0 to CLE 2.5.1
Upgrading CLE 2.5.1 to CLE 2.5.2
Upgrading CLE 2.5.2 to CLE 2.5.3
Upgrading CLE 2.5.3 to CLE 2.5.4
Upgrading CLE 2.5.4/2.5.5 to CLE 2.6.0
Upgrading CLE 2.6.0 to CLE 2.6.1
Upgrading CLE 2.6.1 to CLE 2.6.2
Upgrading CLE 2.6.2 to CLE 2.6.3
Upgrading CLE 2.6.3 to 2.7.0 (download with upgrade instructions included)

Managing Realms, Roles, and Permissions

3.6 Where can I view instructional videos on realms, roles,
and permissions in the CLE?
To view a series of video tutorials on managing realms, roles and permissions in the
CLE, see Realms, Roles, and Permissions Training in RSN.

3.7 What is a site realm? Why would I ever need to edit one?
How do I edit a site realm?
A site realm is the set of roles and permissions for a site. Every single site in the CLE
has its very own site realm. When a new site is created, the CLE takes a copy of the site

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


types realm template and applies those roles and permissions from the template to the
new site.
Tip: For more information about realm templates, see How do I change the default roles
for course, project and portfolio sites?
The need to directly edit a site realm does not arise often. All course, project and
portfolio sites get their initial set of roles and permissions from a template. Once a site is
created, site owners (Instructors and Organizers) are able to edit permissions for most of
the tools. There are, however, some tools that do not allow permission management at
the site level. These tools include:

Drop Box
(Note: Instructors may edit some grading permissions for these tools)
JForum (Discussions Forums)
Lessons (Melete)
Site Statistics
Tests & Quizzes (Samigo)

It is important to make sure that the default permissions for these tools are appropriate
for your institutions needs before you start creating new course, project and portfolio
You may occasionally need to make changes to an individual site realm. An instructor,
for example, may request that you let a teaching assistant use the Site Statistics tool for
a particular site. By default, only the instructor may access and use this tool.
Using the Realms tool, you can grant the Teaching Assistant role permissionfor this
site only--to use the Site Statistics tool. In this case, the permission you must grant is
Tip: If youre not sure about the appropriate permission to grant for a role, see the table
in the Permissions in CLE 2.7 section of this guide. The table lists permissions for all the
tools in the CLE, along with a description of what each permission allows a user to do.
Before you select the Realms tool to grant this permission, you must first determine the
site ID for the site. To do so, log in as a CLE Functional Administrator, access the
Administration Workspace, and follow these steps:
1. Select the Sites tool.
2. In the tool menu bar, enter the site title in the far left field and then click on
Search. The CLE should display the site title and site ID, which is all of the site
URL to the right of the last backslash. The site ID will look similar to this:

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


3. Copy this site ID.
Now youre ready to use the Realms tool. In the Admin workspace, select the Realms
tool and follow these steps:
1. Paste the site ID you just copied into the field in the tools menu bar.
2. Click Search. The CLE should display the sites realm ID as a link. The realm ID
will look like this:
Note: Do not select any realms with /group/ or /content/ in the realm ID.
3. Click on the realm ID link.
4. Scroll down to Role ID and click on Teaching Assistant.
5. From the Functions list, scroll down to the sitestats.view permission and click on
the checkbox for it.
6. Click Save.
Now all teaching assistants for this site only will have permission to access and use the
Site Statistics tool.
If your goal is to ensure that, for all new course sites, all teaching assistants have the
sitestats.view permission by default, you must edit the course template too (and the
master course site(s) that you use for SIS integration, if applicable). For instructions on
setting permissions in a site template, see the next section, How do I set/change default
permissions for course, project and portfolio roles?
Note: Any changes you make to the course template will affect new sites only.

3.8 How do I change the default roles for course, project and
portfolio sites?
It is important to understand what roles are before you decide to add, remove or change
Tip: To view a series of video tutorials on managing realms, roles and permissions in the
CLE, see Realms, Roles, and Permissions Training in RSN.
A role is a collection of permissions. A users role within a course, project or portfolio site
determines what the user is allowed to do within that site.
A course site, for example, has the following roles: Instructor, Student, Teaching
Assistant, Tech Support and Guest. In a course site, users with the Instructor role have
different permissions than users with the Student role. When you add a user to a site,
you must assign a role to the user for that site.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


A user can have many roles within the CLE. For example, user jsmith might be a
Student in a Humanities 402 course and a Teaching Assistant in an English 101 course.
User jsmiths permissions in English 101 do not affect her permissions in Humanities
There is a default role and permission template for each type of site (course, project and
portfolio). In the CLE, we call these templates site template realms. Each template
realm has a set of roles, and each role has a default set of permissions. The following
table displays the default roles per site type.
Course Roles
Teaching Assistant

Project Roles

Portfolio Roles
Program Admin

Remember that a role is just a collection of permissions, and the role name is just a
name. The permissions associated with each role determine what users are allowed to
do within a site.
Once your instance is in production, it is possible to add, remove or change roles. Read
on for instructions on adding, removing or changing roles.

Add a new role to a site template realm

Creating a new role within a site template realm is easy if you copy an existing role,
rename it, and then make desired changes to permissions. To create a new role,
complete the following steps:
1. Login as a CLE Functional Administrator and access the Administration
2. Locate and select the Realms tool.
3. Select the template realm for the site type you wish to edit. The three site
template realms are:

For this example, we will add a new role to the !site.template.course realm.
WARNING: If you are using master sites for SIS integration, you MUST also make the
following changes in your master sites!
4. Select the !site.template.course realm. The Edit: Realm page displays.
5. Locate and select the Role ID whose permission set most closely matches the
permission set for the new role you are going to create. In this example, we will

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7



create an Instructor2 role. This role is similar to the Instructor role, with some
small permission differences.
When you select the Role ID, a Set the Functions for this Role page displays.
Click Copy Role. The Copy Role page displays.
Enter the new role ID (in this example, enter Instructor2) in the Role ID field.
Click Save.

Next, you need to edit the permissions for the new role. For more information, see How
do I set/change default permissions for course, project and portfolio roles?
Note: Once you have edited the roles in the site template, any new sites you create will
contain the new roles. Sites that already exist will still have the old default role
configuration. To add a new role to an existing site, you must repeat the steps above
from within the individual sites realm.
If you expect users with this new role to participate in groups or sections, you should
also add the role to the appropriate group realm:


For more information on how group (and section) permissions work, see Groups vs.
Sections in the Sakai Wiki.

Remove a role from a site template realm

WARNING: If you are using master sites for SIS integration, you MUST also make the
following changes in your master sites!
To remove a role from a site template realm, follow these steps:
1. Login as a CLE Functional Administrator and access the Administration
2. Locate and Select the Realms tool.
3. Select the template realm for the site type you wish to edit. The three site
template realms are !site.template.course, !site.template.project and
!site.template.portfolio. For this example, we will remove a role from the
!site.template.course realm.
4. Select the !site.template.course realm. The CLE displays the Edit: Realm page.
5. Locate and select the role you wish to delete. The CLE displays the Set
Functions for this Role page.
6. Click Remove Role.
7. Click Save.

Change the name of a role in a site template realm

To change the name of a role within a site realm template, you must first copy the role
you wish to rename and then delete the old role name. To complete these tasks, follow

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


the instructions in these sections: Add a new role to a site template realm and Remove a
role from a site template realm.

3.9 How do I set/change default permissions for course,

project and portfolio roles?
Tip: For a better understanding of roles and permissions, read the previous section
(How do I change the default roles for course, project and portfolio sites?). To view a
series of video tutorials on managing realms, roles and permissions in the CLE, see
Realms, Roles, and Permissions Training in RSN.
A CLE Functional Administrator can make changes to the default course, project and
portfolio template permissions. Any changes you make to the template permissions will
affect new sites only. For a complete list of CLE 2.7 permissions by tool, see
Permissions in CLE 2.7.
WARNING: If you are using master site templates for SIS integration, you MUST also
make the following changes in your master site template(s)!
Lets say you want to allow students to create new calendar appointments on the course
calendar. To change the appropriate default permission, follow these steps.
1. Login as a CLE Functional Administrator and access the Administration
2. Locate and select the Realms tool.
3. Locate and select the !site.template realm for the site type you wish to edit. In
this example, you will edit the default course template. The default course
template is called !site.template.course.
4. In the Role ID section, select the role you wish to edit. In this example, you will
edit the Student role.
5. Scroll through the list of permissions until you see the permission.
6. Select the box next to the permission. This will give Students the
permission to create new calendar appointments on the course calendar.
7. Click Save
Tip: To view a video tutorial explaining how to use the rSmart Customizer tool to
manage permissions in the CLE, click here.

3.10 I messed up some default permissions. Now all my

newly created courses have a few incorrect permissions.
How can I fix this?
Tip: Make sure you have a good understanding of realms, roles and permissions before
reading this section. For more information, see How do I change the default roles for
course, project and portfolio sites? To view a series of video tutorials on managing
realms, roles and permissions in the CLE, see Realms, Roles, and Permissions Training
in RSN.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


It is sometimes possible to retroactively apply permission changes to existing sites. You

must, however, keep in mind the following:

If you forgot to assign a permission to a role in a site template realm and sites
have already been created based upon the bad template (see How do I
set/change default permissions for course, project and portfolio roles?), then you
may forcibly apply the permission to all existing sites using the !site.helper realm.

If, however, you accidentally assigned a permission to a role in a site template

realm and you realize (after sites have been created) that you made a mistake,
you cannot forcibly remove that permission using the !site.helper realm. The
owner of the site must edit the permission manually from within the site.

For tools that do not allow permission management within the site, it is the CLE
Functional Administrators responsibility to contact rSmart support so that rSmart
can use the Customizer tool to remove a permission from all sites. For more
information on tools that do not allow permission management within a site, see
What is a site realm? Why would I ever need to edit one? How do I edit a site

Tip: To view a video tutorial explaining how to use the rSmart Customizer tool to
manage permissions in the CLE, click here.
In the following example, you will choose to force the sitestats.view permission onto all
teaching assistants within your instance of the CLE.
To use the !site.helper realm to force permissions on a role for all existing sites,
complete the following steps:
1. Login as a CLE Functional Administrator and access the Administration
2. Locate and select the Realms tool.
3. Locate and select the !site.helper realm.
4. Look at the Role ID section. Does the Teaching Assistant role exist here? If so,
select it and proceed to step 7. If not, proceed to the next step.
5. Click Add Role. A Set the Functions for this Role page displays.
6. In the role ID field, type Teaching Assistant. Ensure that the name of the role
here matches the name of the corresponding role in the site realm. It is case
7. Scroll and select the checkbox next to the sitestats.view permission.
8. Click Save.
The sitestats.view permission will be forever forced upon all teaching assistants until you
decide to remove the permission from the Teaching Assistant role in the !site.helper
realm. You can use the !site.helper realm with any permission. Please use it with
caution, and if you use it regularly, remember to audit it regularly.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Note: If you force permissions onto roles using the !site.helper realm, users will not
be able to edit the permission you forced. For example, if you force the
(create events) permission on the Teaching Assistant role using the !site.helper
realm, site owners will see the following when accessing the Permissions page for
the Calendar tool:

3.11 Site owners are not able to edit permissions for some
tools within their sites. The checkboxes are gone and
there is a black checkmark in their place. What is
causing this?
The !site.helper realm might be causing this. For more information on the !site.helper
realm, see I messed up some default permissions. Now all my newly created courses
have a few incorrect permissions. What can I do to fix this?
If you are experiencing this problem within subfolders within the Resources tool, it is
because subfolders inherit permissions from the root folder. Changing permissions on
the root folder will remove the forced permissions on the subfolders.

3.12 How do I change default permissions for a user account

User account types have only a handful of permissions that you should manipulate,
which are:
site.add: the permission that allows the user to create new project and portfolio
site.add.course: the permission that allows the user to create new course sites
user.upd: the permission that allows a user of a given type to update their own
account information,, user.upd.own.passwd: fine grained
permissions that allow users to update some of their account information.
To change the default permissions for a user account type, complete the following steps:
1. Login as a CLE Functional Administrator and access the Administration
2. Locate and select the Realms tool.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


3. Search and select the template realm for the user account type you wish to edit.
For the maintain user account type, the correct realm is: !user.template.maintain
4. Locate and select the Role ID (.auth).
5. Scroll down until you reach the site.add, user.upd. or user.upd.<x> permission.
6. To give this user account type permission to create new sites, or to update their
account information place a checkmark in the selection box. To remove the
permission, remove the checkmark from the box.
7. Click Save.
Note: Changes you make are dynamic and will affect all users who have this user
account type. You should immediately use the Memory tool to reset all caches once you
change user account type permissions.
There is a known issue with the user.upd permissions. Sometimes the changes you
make will NOT work. To solve the problem, complete the following steps. Keep in mind
that you only have to complete these steps once:

Access the Administration Workspace

Locate and select the Realms tool
Locate and select the !user.template realm
Select the .auth role Id
REMOVE the checkmarks from all permission boxes that begin with user.upd

3.13 What is the site.upd permission?

All site owners are granted the site.upd permission within the sites they own. The
following is a list of all functions that the site.upd permission allows site owners to

Access the Site Setup/Site Editor tool

Make changes to permissions (also depends on realm.upd permission)
Add tools to site/remove tools from site
Edit Site Information
Manage access to the site
Publish and unpublish the site
Edit rostersfor course management (CM) implementation
Potentially duplicate the site (also requires the site.add permission and possibly
the site.add.course permission in the user.template realm)
Import from another site
Edit the Syllabus (using the Syllabus tool)
Add the first podcast (using the Podcasts tool)
Manage forums (using the Discussion Forums tool)
Post feedback (using the Feedback tool)
Edit the Web Content URL
Edit the News RSS URL
Create and edit sections (if manual section editing is turned on)
Potentially add participants to the site (also requires the

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Potentially manage groups within the site (also requires the site.upd.grp.mbrshp

3.14 How should I grant users permission to grade

assessments in the Tests and Quizzes tool?
The Tests and Quizzes tool borrows a Sections tool permission for grading purposes.
So if you want to let users grade assessments in Tests and Quizzes, you must grant the
appropriate permission in the site realm for both the Tests and Quizzes tool and the
Sections tool:

Tests and Quizzes: assessment.gradeAssessment.any

Sections: section.role.instructor

If you have TAs who need to grade assessments but must also be assigned to
sections, you can grant both the section.role.instructor permission and the
section.role.ta permission for the TA role.
Keep in mind that you can grant the section.role.instructor and section.role.ta
permissions to as many roles as you'd like in the site realm (!site.template), but you can
grant them to only ONE role in the group realm (!group.template).
For more information, see

3.15 How should I grant TAs permission to grade by sections

in the Gradebook and Gradebook2 tools?
The Gradebook and Gradebook2 tools borrow a Sections tool permission for grading
purposes. If users with the Teaching Assistant role will be grading items by section in
Gradebook or Gradebook2, you should grant the Teaching Assistant role the following
permissions in the site realm/site template realm:

Gradebook/Gradebook2: gradebook.gradeSection
Sections: section.role.ta

The section.role.ta permission determines who appears in the graders list in


3.16 How do I set permissions for the Forums tool?

Permissions for the Forums tool work differently than permissions for other tools in the
CLE. The Forums tool has a set of its own defined roles:

Nonediting Author

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


You may change the default permissions for each of these roles by having your
Database Administrator update the first six rows of the MFR_PERMISSION_LEVEL_T
table. For more information, see CLE 2.7 Permissions: Forums Tool.
To ensure that any custom roles you've created for your sites are "mapping" correctly to
the Forums roles, you should create settings like the following (using your own roles) in
mc.default.Teaching\ Assistant=Author
mc.default.Tech\ Support=Owner

Be sure to restart Tomcat after adding or changing settings. Also, keep in mind that
these settings will only affect new forums and topics, not existing ones.

Managing Users
3.17 How do I create a new user account type?
Before you decide to create a new user account type, you must first understand what
user account type means. Read on for more information on user account types and
how to create a new one if necessary.
User account type properties:

Each user can have only one user account type.

There are three default user account types in CLE version 2.7: registered,
maintain and guest.
A users account type determines the toolset that will exist within the users My
A users account type determines whether or not the user has permission to
create new courses, projects and portfolios.
A users account type determines whether the user is allowed to change their
name, email address and password (external users should not have these
A users account type does not determine the users permissions for Courses,
Portfolios or Projects.

Your instance of the CLE already has three user account types (registered, maintain,
and guest) by default. This means that you can create three different My Workspace
toolsets and determine whether each of the three user account types will have
permission to create new sites. All users must have a user account type. Each user can
only have one user account type.
Before you create a new user account type, first decide what to call the account type.
For this example, we will create a new user account type called alum. Next, log in as a
CLE Functional Administrator and access the Administration Workspace. Select the

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Realms tool and follow these steps:

1. Find the !user.template.registered realm and click on its link.
2. Click Save As in the tool menu bar.
3. In the Realm ID field, enter a realm ID for the new user account type. In this
example, we will use !user.template.alum for the realm ID. (Note: all user realms
must begin with !user.template.)
4. Click Save.
5. Find the new realm you just created and click on its link.
6. In the Roles section, select the .auth link.
7. Scroll through the exhaustive list of permissions (most permissions listed here do
not apply to user account types) and locate the site.add permission. This
permission allows users to create new sites. If you want users with this account
type to create new course, project and portfolio sites, select the box. If not, leave
it blank.
8. Click Save.
Now you must create a MyWorkspace template site for the new user account type. To
do so, select the Sites tool from within the Administration Workspace and follow these
1. In the tool menu bar, enter !user.registered in the center search field and then
click Site ID.
2. Click on the link for the !user.registered site ID. The CLE displays the Edit: Site
3. Select Save As in the menu bar.
4. In the Site ID field, enter a site ID for the new user account type (the ID is the
new My Workspace template for this user type). In this example, we will use
!user.alum for the site ID. (Note: all user workspace templates must begin
with !user.)
5. Click Save.
Lastly, be sure to test your work by creating a user with the new user account type.
From within the Administration Workspace, select the Users tool and click on New
User in the tool menu bar. You should now see the new user account type in the
Type dropdown menu. For comprehensive instructions on adding a new user, see
How do I add a user into the CLE?
Log in as a user with this new account type. Then, confirm that you have all
appropriate access to tools and functions.
Note: For instructions on changing the default toolset for this user account type, see
How do I change the default toolset for a user's My Workspace?

3.18 How do I change a users account type?

For more information on user account types, see the previous section, How do I create a
new user account type?

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


To change a users account type, complete the following steps:

1. Login as a CLE Functional Administrator and access the Administration
2. Locate and select the Users tool
3. Search for and select the user whose account type you wish to edit
4. In the Type field, change the user account type for this user
If you want to delete this users MyWorkspace so that it will reset from the new user
account type template upon next login, see What happens if I delete a user's My
Note: If your local users are populated by an external provider on a regular basis, any
changes you make to your users could be overridden by the provider when the next
update occurs.

3.19 How do I manually add a user into the CLE?

There are a number of ways to get users into the CLE (see Getting users into the CLE
and adding users into courses.), but if you want to manually add a local user, complete
the following steps:
1. Log in to the CLE using your CLE Functional Administrators username and
password (if this is your first time, log in as the admin user).
2. Click on the Administration Workspace site.
3. Locate and Select the Users tool on the left side of the page.
4. Click the New User link within the top menu bar.
5. Complete the User ID, First Name, Last Name, Email and Password fields.
6. Under Type, select guest, registered, or maintain.
7. Click Save Details.

3.20 How do I create a "junior admin" user?

rSmart would like to thank the CLEW team at the University of Windsor, Ontario,
Canada, for their contributions to the following content. Note: this content provides a
workaround to the native functionality of the Sakai CLE.
As a system admin, you may want to create a "junior admin"--a user who can access
and manage sites in the CLE but who does not have access to the Sakai Administration
workspace. Keep in mind that you'll still need access to the Admin workspace to create a
junior admin.
Warning: A junior admin may manage ANY site within your instance of Sakai. If you
plan on creating "junior admin" roles for students working at your help desk, you MUST
make sure they are not able to manage their own courses! We highly recommend
providing student workers with separate "junior admin" user IDs that are different from
their regular user IDs, to safeguard against this possibility.
The first step is creating a project site--give it an appropriate name, such as "Junior
Admin." When creating the site, you only need to add the Home and Site Editor tools. Be

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


sure to copy the site ID, so you can quickly find the site in the Admin workspace. To do
so, simply copy all of the site's URL to the right of the last backslash. The site ID will look
similar to this:
Go to the Admin workspace and select the Sites tool. Find the Junior Admin site you just
created, using the Site ID search if necessary by pasting in the site ID you copied. When
you find the site, click on its link. You must now add two admin tools to the site
manuallythe User Membership tool and the Site Statistics Admin tool.
If you want a junior admin to have expanded options when generating reportssuch as
the ability to generate statistics for all sites in one report, or create predefined reports for
all sitesyou must add the Site Statistics Admin tool to the Junior Admin project site.
If you want a junior admin to be able to log in as another user, you may also add the
Super User (SU) tool to the site. For complete instructions, see How can I give nonadmins access to the Super User tool? Follow these instructions to add the SU tool to
the Junior Admin project site.
To add the User Membership tool and Site Statistics Admin tool, follow these steps:

Scroll down to "Add/edit pages" and click the Pages button.

In the toolbar, click New Page and enter "User Membership" in the "Title" field.
Under "Continue Editing," click Tools.
In the toolbar, click New Tools.
Select the User Membership tool and click Save.
Repeat this process to add the Site Stats Admin tool.

Next, select the Realms tool. Find the realm for the Junior Admin site you created, again
pasting the site ID in the search field if necessary. When you find the site, click on its
link. Then, in the "Role ID" list, click the Participant link, and grant permission to the
following functions:


When you're finished, click Save. Complete the same steps for the Organizer role in the
Now find and select the !site.helper realm. In the toolbar, click Add Role, and in the
"Role ID" field, enter an appropriate name, such as "junioradmin." Then, grant
permission to the following functions.
Tip: To create a "view-only" junior admin role, grant permission only to the appropriate
functions. For more information about permissions, see Permissions in CLE 2.7.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


asn--EXCEPT asn.receive.notifications and asn.submit
assessment--EXCEPT assessment.submitAssessmentForGrade and


dropbox--ONLY dropbox.maintain
eval--EXCEPT and eval.take.evaluation
gradebook--EXCEPT gradebook.viewOwnGrades
jforum--EXCEPT jforum.admin
mneme--EXCEPT mneme.guest and mneme.submit
osp--EXCEPT all functions
realm--ONLY realm.upd
roster--EXCEPT roster.viewhidden
rwiki--EXCEPT rwiki.superadmin
section.role--ONLY section.role.instructor
site--EXCEPT site.add.usersite and site.visit.unp

Note: Be sure that you also include the su.can_su permission if you are configuring the
Super User (SU) tool for your Junior Admin site.
When you're finished, click Save. Next, select the !site.helper realm again and follow
these steps:
1. Click Grant Ability in the toolbar.
2. In the User ID field, enter the user ID for the person you want promoted to junior
3. Select "junioradmin" as the person's role in the !site.helper realm.
4. Click Save.
5. Repeat this process to add all junior admins to the !site.helper realm.
Finally, go to your Junior Admin project site. Using the Site Editor tool, add the junior
admin users as participants.
As always, be sure to check your work. Log in as a junior admin user. Then, confirm that
you can view statistics for each site type, and that you can use the User Membership
tool to help a user troubleshoot a site in which you are not a participant.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


3.21 How can I decommission a junior admin?

To "decommission" a junior admin, follow these steps:
1. In the !site.helper realm, click on the appropriate user ID.
2. Click Remove All in the toolbar.
3. Click Save.
Go to your Junior Admin project site. Using the Site Editor tool, remove the user from the

3.22 How does the Super User tool work?

The Super User tool allows a CLE Functional Administrator to log in as another user
without requiring the users password. It is not a user simulation tool. If you do
something while logged in as another user, whatever you do is real. It will appear as
though the user completed the action. Use this tool with caution.
To login as another user, complete the following steps:
1. Login as a CLE Functional Administrator and access the Administration
2. Locate and select the Super User tool.
3. Enter the user ID of the user.
4. Click Become User.
5. You are now logged in as the user.
6. When you are finished troubleshooting, you must logout and login as yourself

3.23 How can I give non-admins access to the Super User

As an admin, you can give certain userssuch as Help desk staffaccess to the Super
User tool, without giving them access to the Sakai Administration workspace.
Warning: The Super User tool lets you log in as another user, and any action you take
will appear to be performed by that user. If you plan on giving students at your Help desk
access to the Super User tool, keep in mind that they will be able to log in as other
students or even as instructors. As instructors, they will be able to perform any actions
allowed for the instructor role--such as adding or editing grades.
First, set the property to true in

Next, create a project site to which you can add the Super User tool. Give the site an
appropriate name, such as Super User. When creating the site, you only need to add
the Home and Site Editor tools.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Be sure to copy the site ID. To do so, simply copy all of the site's URL to the right of the
last backslash. The site ID will look similar to this:
In, configure the su.realm= setting by including the site ID for your
project site. Using the above site ID as an example, the setting would look like this:

Restart Tomcat.
Go to the Admin workspace and select the Sites tool. Find the Super User project site
you just created, using the Site ID search if necessary by pasting in the site ID you
copied. When you find the site, click on its link. You must now add the Super User tool to
the site manually. To do so, follow these steps:

Scroll down to "Add/edit pages" and click the Pages button.

In the toolbar, click New Page and enter "Super User" in the "Title" field.
Under "Continue Editing," click Tools.
In the toolbar, click New Tools.
Select the Super User tool and click Save.

Once you have added the Super User tool, go to your Super User site and click on the
Super User link in the tools menu. By clicking on this link, you will now be able to grant
permission for the tool.
Note: In order to have access to the appropriate Super User tool permission for nonadmins, you must select the Super User tool in a site other than the Admin workspace
at least once.
Lastly, grant permission for the tool to the Participant and Organizer roles on your site.
To do so, follow these steps:
1. Select the Realms tool.
2. Find the realm for the Super User project site you created, again pasting the site
ID in the search field if necessary.
3. Click on the sites link.
4. In the "Role ID" list, click the Participant link, and grant this role the following
permission: su.can_su
5. Click Save.
6. Repeat the above steps for the Organizer role.
You can now add the appropriate users to the site. Once you have added the users, be
sure to test your work by confirming that they can access the Super User tool.
Tip: If you would like to give non-admin users additional administrator capabilities,
without giving them access to the Sakai Administration workspace, see How do I create
a "junior admin" user?

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Managing My Workspace Sites

3.24 What happens if I delete a user's My Workspace?
If you delete a users My Workspace, the user will get a new My Workspace the next
time they login, which will be an exact copy of the toolset that exists in the My
Workspace template. Any content theyve uploaded will still exist in their new My
Workspace. For information on editing a user account types My Workspace template,
see How do I change the default toolset for a user's My Workspace?
Deleting a users my workspace can be useful if you choose to change the users
account type (from registered to maintain, for example) and you want to make sure the
user has access to the tools that exist in their new user account types My Workspace
template. For more information on changing a users account type, see How do I change
a users account type?
Note: Before attempting to delete a users My Workspace, confirm that the value for the
logical delete property is set to false in

If you must change the value to false, be sure to restart Tomcat. For more information
about this property, see Turn on soft delete of sites.
To delete a users My Workspace, you must first locate and copy the user's internal ID.
For a local user, log in as a CLE Functional Administrator, access the Admin workspace,
and select the Users tool. From the list of users, find and copy the user's internal ID.
For an external user (who is not listed in the Users tool), log in as a CLE Functional
Administrator, access the Admin workspace, and follow these steps:
1. Select the Super User tool.
2. In the displayed field, enter the login ID for the user whose workspace you plan
to delete.
3. Click the View user info button. The CLE displays that users information,
including the users internal ID.
4. Copy the users internal ID.
Once you have located and copied the user's internal ID, access the Admin workspace
and follow these steps:
1. Select the Sites tool.
2. In the User ID search field, paste in the user's internal ID and hit enter. The CLE
displays the site ID for the user's My Workspace in the Site ID column.
3. Click on this site ID. The CLE displays the Edit:Site page.
4. In the menu bar, click Remove Site. The CLE displays a confirmation message.
5. Click Remove. The CLE displays the home page of the Sites tool.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


3.25 How do I reset the existing user My Workspaces?

Submit a ticket at and request that rSmart run the script to delete
all user My Workspaces.

3.26 How do I change the My Workspace Information area?

The information that displays on all users My Workspaces is an HTML file within the
CLE. To edit this HTML file, log in as a CLE Functional Administrator, access the Admin
workspace, and complete the following steps:
1. Select the Resources tool.
2. Expand the Public folder.
3. From the Actions dropdown menu next to the myworkspace_info.html file, select
Edit Content.
4. Using the rich text editor, change the content as appropriate.
5. Optionally, choose to notify users that the My Workspace information has been
changed. The default is no notification.
6. Click Continue. The CLE displays a message that it is saving the HTML file and
then once again displays the Resources home page.
Another option is to upload a new HTML file. To do so, log in as a CLE Functional
Administrator, access the Admin workspace, and follow these steps:
1. Select the Resources tool.
2. Expand the Public folder
3. From the Actions dropdown menu next to the myworkspace_info.html file, select
Upload New Version.
4. Click the Browse button and select the appropriate file from your computer.
5. Optionally, choose to notify users that the My Workspace information has been
changed. The default is no notification.
6. Click the Upload New Version Now button. The CLE displays a message that it
is saving the new file and then once again displays the Resources home page.
Alternatively, you can create an external webpage and adjust a property setting to point
to this externally managed webpage. To do so, follow these steps:
1. In, add or edit the following property:

2. Set the value of this property to the URL of the appropriate webpage. For

3. Restart Tomcat.
Be sure to check your work when youre finished.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


3.27 How do I change the default toolset for a user's My

Make changes using the Sites tool
You will find the user My Workspace templates in the Sites tool within the Administration
Workspace. To change the default toolset for a user account type, complete the
following steps:
1. Login as a CLE Functional Administrator and access the Administration
2. Locate and select the Sites tool.
3. In the Site ID search field, enter the Site ID for the user My Workspace template.
The three default Site IDs are !user.registered, !user.maintain, and !user.guest.
4. Press Enter to search.
5. Locate and select the Site ID you wish to edit. The Edit: Site page displays.
6. Scroll down and select the Pages button.
7. To remove a tool, select its Page ID and then click Remove Page.
8. To add a new tool, click New Page.
9. Enter a title for the new page, then click tools.
10. Click New Tool.
11. Locate and select the new tool you wish to add.
12. Click Save.
If you created a new (non default) user account type and are unsure how to make
changes, contact rSmart for assistance.
Note: These My Workspace configuration changes will affect new users only. For
information on changing My Workspace sites for existing users, see How do I reset the
existing user My Workspaces? and What happens if I delete a user's My Workspace?

3.28 How can I add tools to all existing My Workspace sites in

the CLE?
To add tools to My Workspace in the CLE, first log into the CLE as an admin and access
the Admin workspace. Then, select the Customizer tool and follow these steps:
1. From the toolbar menu, select Site Types. The CLE displays the "Edit Tools,
Categories, and Permissions for sites" page.
2. Click the myworkspacebuserdregistered link.
(Note: These instructions include adding tools to all registered users. To add
tools to the guest or maintain users' My Workspace, this process must be
repeated in the myworkspacebuserdguest and myworkspacebuserdmaintain
3. In the column on the right, click the add tools link for the
"myworkspacebuserdregistered" site type. The CLE displays the "Add Tools to
Site Types" page.
4. Check Add Tool to This Type to ensure that all newly created users will receive
this tool in their Workspace.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save Tool Choices.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


6. To add the tools to all existing My Workspace sites in the CLE, return to the "Add
Tools to Site Types" page and check Add Tool to All Sites for the appropriate
tools. Then, click Save Tool Choices again.
Be sure to make these changes on your test instance of the CLE first, before modifying
your production instance. Note: there is no undo button for this feature.

3.29 I am a CLE Functional Administrator. Why don't I have

aggregated calendar and announcement items in my "My
Workspace" like all the other users?
CLE Functional Administrators will have a different My Workspace than non-manager
users. The aggregated calendar appointments and announcement displays that would
ordinarily exist in My Workspace will not exist for CLE Functional Administrators. This is
because CLE Functional Administrators have access to all sites. There are too many
calendar appointments and announcements in the CLE to display on any CLE
Functional Administrators My Workspace home page.

3.30 I want to send communications to everyone within the

system. How do I do that?
The CLE does not provide for mass-emails outside of course, project or portfolio sites. If
you are looking to target communication toward your entire CLE population, you may
place the communication on each users My Workspace homepage using one of the
following methods:

Use the Announcements tool in the Administration Workspace. See How do I

create a Message of the Day?

Change the content that is displayed in the My Workspace Information area so

that everyone sees your notice within their My Workspace. See How do I
change the My Workspace Information area?

3.31 How do I create a Message of the Day?

To create a Message of the Day that will appear on users My Workspace sites, follow
these steps:
1. Login as a CLE Functional Administrator and access the Administration
2. Locate and select the Announcements/MOTD tool.
3. Click Add in the tool menu bar.
4. Complete the title and body fields with the appropriate information.
5. Click Add Announcement.

Managing Course, Project, and Portfolio Sites

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


3.32 What is the best way for a CLE Functional Administrator

to troubleshoot course, project, and portfolio site
The best way to troubleshoot site issues is to use the Site Setup tool within the
Administration Workspace. This tool gives CLE Functional Administrators full
permissions within all sites that exist in the CLE.
If you select the checkbox next to any site listed in the Site Setup tool and then select
Edit, the Site Editor for the site you selected displays. If you click the title of any site
listed in the Site Setup tool, the site will display. You can then behave as the owner of
that site even though you may not be a registered site participant.
Tip: Investigate site permissions first when troubleshooting user issues.

3.33 How do I change the title of a course site? (two

There are two ways to change the title of a course site.

A CLE Functional Administrator can manually change a course site title by using
the Sites tool in the Administration Workspace.

All instructors could potentially change their course site titles at any time using
the Edit Site Information link within the Site Editor tool if and only if a System
Administrator has made course site titles editable. See Editable site titles by site
type for further instructions on making course site titles editable.

To change a course site title from the Sites tool in the Administration Workspace,
complete the following steps:
1. Login as a CLE Functional Administrator and access the Administration
2. Locate and select the Sites tool.
3. Search for and select the site title you wish to edit.
4. In the Title field, enter a new title for the site.
5. Click Save.

3.34 How can I change the text for a particular page in the
CLE? (Message Bundle editor)
Version 2.7 of the CLE includes a Message Bundle editor for the Customizer tool. This
feature lets you search for and edit message bundles (text) in the CLE.
Warning: The changes you make with the Message Bundle editor will take effect
immediately for all sites in the CLE. We recommend using this feature sparingly and with
great caution.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


To change text with the Message Bundle editor, first access the appropriate page in the
CLE and copy the text you want to edit. Then, follow these steps:
1. In the Administration workspace, select the Customizer tool.
2. Click on Message Bundle Properties in the menu bar.
3. In the field next to the Search button in the top right corner, paste your text.
Depending upon the text you are searching for, you can also filter your search,
by selecting the appropriate tool from the dropdown menu in the upper left corner
of the screen.
Tip: Be sure that the search field has no spaces at the end of the text. If the text you are
searching for has several sentences, try searching for one sentence at a time.
4. Click the Search button. The CLE displays your search results by listing all
relevant properties. Each property entry includes the following information:

Property ID
Property name
Default value (the default text for the property)
Custom value (if you have already used the editor, this value is the
changed text for the property)
Module (tool)
Base name
Locale (language)

5. Find the property that matches the module for which you want to edit the text,
and click the Edit link below its name. The CLE displays the Edit Message
Bundle Property page.
6. In the text field, make your changes to the text.
7. Click Save. The CLE will display the message Edit Successful, and you will see
the changed text in the Custom Value column. This text will now appear to any
user who accesses this particular tool page from any site in the CLE.
To revert back to the default text, click on the Revert link for the appropriate property,
and then click on the Revert button on the Edit Message Bundle Property page.
Be sure to test your work by confirming that your changes took effect.

3.35 How do I create a site template?

As a CLE Functional Administrator, you can create a site template, which is a site that
includes commonly used tools and configuration settings. This site can then be used to
create other sites with the same tools and settings.
Warning: We strongly recommend that you do NOT use a site template as a master site
for creating a new site via Student Information System (SIS) integration. If you do, the
CLE will create multiple template sites instead of just one new site.
Creating the site

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Although you can use an existing site as a template, we recommend creating a new site.
To do so, simply select the Site Setup tool in the Admin workspace and create the site.
Enter any name for the siteyoull be able to change the name in the next step of the
process. Be sure to include all the tools youll want for your site template.
Note: rSmart does not provide a default set of tools for site templates. Since a site
template may be used to create a large number of sites, we recommend that you give
careful consideration to the tools your site template will include.
While you are in the Site Editor tool, be sure to remove the sites roster. If you do not,
the roster will be displayed to site owners in all sites created with the site template. To
remove the roster, follow these steps:
1. In the menu bar, click on Edit Class Roster(s).
2. Click on the Remove checkbox.
3. Click the Update button. The CLE will display a message that no class has yet
been assigned to the course.
You may want to make the site published or unpublished. You may also want to add
content to the site, such as syllabus items or academic policies saved in the Resources
tool. These decisions depend upon your institutions specific needs for the site.
Note: Content you add to a site template will only be available to site owners if they
select the Copy content option when creating a new site with the template.
Before leaving the site, be sure to copy the site ID, by selecting all of the site's URL to
the right of the last backslash. The site ID will look similar to this:
Renaming the site
Next, rename the site. Keep in mind that this name is what site owners will see when
they select from the site template dropdown menu in the Site Setup tool. We also
recommend replacing the site ID with one that is shorter and easier to remember.
To change the sites name and ID, go to the Admin workspace and select the Sites tool.
Then, follow these steps:
1. Find the link for the appropriate site, pasting the current site ID into the Search
field if necessary.
2. Click on the link for the site. The CLE displays the Edit:Site page.
3. In the Title field, enter an appropriate name for the site template, such as Math
4. Next, click on Save As in the menu bar.
5. In the Site Id field, enter a new site ID, such as math.course.
6. Click the Save button.
Be sure to use the Sites tool to remove the original site, by following these steps:
1. Select the original sites link.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


2. In the menu bar, click on Remove Site. The CLE displays a warning message
requesting confirmation that you want to delete the site.
3. Click the Remove button.
Making the template available
Next, you must make the site template available to site owners. In the Admin workspace,
once again select the Sites tool. Then, follow these steps:

Find the link for the site, using the Search field if necessary.
Click on the link for the site. The CLE displays the Edit:Site page.
Click the Properties button.
Enter template in the Name field.
Enter true in the Value field.
Under Complete the Site Edit, click Save.

Site owners and other authorized users may now create sites manually with this site
template, by selecting it from the template dropdown menu in the Site Setup tool.
Be sure to test your work when youre done. Log in as an admin and select the Site
Setup tool, and then click New Site in the menubar. You should now see a Use
template option beneath the appropriate site type, along with a dropdown menu that lets
you select the template.

3.36 How do I provide a master site, and make sure the CLE
uses this site to create new sites when it accesses the
Student Information System (SIS)?
If your instance of the CLE is integrated with a Student Information System (SIS), you
can provide master sites that the CLE will duplicate to create new sites after scanning
the list of courses from your institution's SIS course file (courses.csv). Any site can be
a master sitecourse, project, or portfolio. New sites created with master sites are
sometimes referred to as shells.
Warning: We strongly recommend that you do NOT use an existing site template as a
master site for creating a new site. If you do, the CLE will create multiple template sites
instead of just one new site.
Settings Configuration
For the CLE to use a master site, you must configure the cle.mastersiteid property
setting in the file.
Once you've configured this setting, the CLE will create courses by matching the site ID
of the master site to the master site ID of each course in the SIS course file.
Note: See Specifying site IDs for master sites for more information about CLE/SIS
If rSmart hosts your instance of the CLE, send us the site ID for your master site, and
we'll make the necessary changes to the property setting. If you host your own instance,
a System Administrator must make the changes. To do so, follow these steps:

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


1. In the file, locate the cle.mastersiteid property setting.

2. Add the master site ID to the setting. Let's use course as this ID:

3. Next, add the master sites site ID for a value. With a typical site ID, the setting
might look like this:

The CLE will then duplicate the site with this ID to create new shells (sites) for
any courses with the course master site ID in the SIS course file.
We recommend, however, that you give your master site a unique site ID that is
easy to remember. For this example, lets use master.course. If your master
site has this site ID, the cle.mastersiteid setting will be:

In this case, the CLE will duplicate the master.course site to create new shells
(sites) for any courses with the course master site ID in the SIS course file.
4. Restart Tomcat. Then, be sure to test your work by running a small SIS job.
Multiple master sites
The CLE can use more than one master site to create sites. You may, for example, want
to configure the cle.mastersiteid property setting according to site type. Lets say you
want to use master sites to create course, project, and portfolio sites in the CLE. You
could configure the following settings:

Keep in mind that you dont have to specify site type in the cle.mastersiteid property
setting, and that you may include other identifying information instead. Lets say, for
example, that you want to use a different master course site for your institutions math
and science departments. You might configure the following settings:

In this case, the CLE will duplicate the math.course site to create sites for any courses
in the SIS with the math_template ID, and it will duplicate the science.course site to
create sites for any courses in the SIS with the science_template ID.

3.37 How do I archive (export) a site?

A Site Archive tool exists within the Administration Workspace, but it only archives some
tool information. It does not archive any student records.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Instructors can, however export assignment submissions, tests & quizzes and
gradebooks from within their course sites.
At this time, to ensure you retain all student submissions and records for all tools within
a course, you may choose to unpublish the course. This will ensure that CLE Functional
Administrators and instructors can access the course records. The students will not have
access to the course, but their records will remain.
To unpublish a course, complete the following steps:

Log in as a CLE Functional Administrator or as an Instructor.

Access the Site Setup tool in My Workspace.
Select the checkbox next to the site you wish to unpublish.
Click Edit. The Site Editor page displays.
Select Manage Access.
Remove the checkmark next to Publish Site.
Click Update.

This will ensure that students no longer see the course. Their records, however, will
remain within the site and you can view them at any time.

3.38 How do I import a site?

The Duplicate and Import from Site feature in the Site Editor tool allow instructors to
import content from an existing site into a new site within the same instance. For more
information, see the see the appropriate section for the Site Editor tool in the
Administration and Site Management Tools chapter of the rSmart Sakai CLE User
Guide, version 2.7.

3.39 How do I change and manage skins for a course, project,

or portfolio site?
You can change and manage skins for all sites in the CLE. To do so, you'll need to
access two tools:

Skin Selector
Skin Manager

Keep in mind that these tools are stealthed and not part of the supported, out-of-the-box
(OOTB) CLE. For more information, see Stealthing/unstealthing tools.
The Skin Selector tool lets users change the skin for a site. The Skin Manager tool
provides the skins for the Skin Selector by adding them in the CLE. While the Skin
Selector tool is available to both administrators and site owners, the Skin Manager tool is
available only to admins.
Creating a new skin

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


The best way to create a new skin is to download the zip file for the default skin to your
computer, rename the file, and make all necessary changes. You can then upload it as a
new skin.
Note: If the new skin you create will become the default skin, we strongly recommend
that you do NOT replace the existing default skin until you have thoroughly tested the
new skin in a production instance of the CLE.
Creating skins requires considerable skill with HTML and CSS. For more information on
creating skins, visit RSN and download the rSmart Sakai CLE 2.7 Customization Guide.
Downloading the default skin
To download the default skin, select the Skin Manager tool and click on the appropriate
If you're not sure which skin is the default, select the Configuration Viewer tool and enter
"skin.default" in the Search field. The CLE will display the name of the default skin in the
"Value(s)" column.
Once you have clicked on the link for the default skin, follow these steps:
1. Click History in the menu bar. The CLE displays a list of all versions of the
default skin.
2. In the "Action" column, click the Download link for the appropriate version.
3. Save the file to your computer.
Uploading a new skin
To upload the zip file for a new skin, select the Skin Manager tool and follow these
1. Click New in the menu bar.
2. Enter the appropriate name for the file you're uploading and browse for the file on
your computer.
3. Click the Upload button.
Once you've uploaded the new skin, the CLE will display it in the Skin Manager, and it
will become immediately available in the Skin Selector tool.
Note: Keep in mind that all skins you add with the Skin Manager will be available in the
Skin Selector tool. We recommend that you maintain the list of skins in the Skin
Manager on a regular basis.
Changing the skin for a site
Once the Skin Selector tool is unstealthed, any owner of a course, project, or portfolio
site may add the tool and use it to change the sites skin. To change a skin using the
Skin Selector tool, follow these steps:
1. Select the tool, which is located in the Site Management tool group.
2. From the skin dropdown menu, select the appropriate skin.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


3. Click save.
When you next log in, the CLE will display the new skin for the site.
Changing skins for site templates or master sites
As an admin, you can also add the Skin Selector tool to an individual site without having
to unstealth the tool and make it available to all site owners.
This approach can be useful if you only want to change skins for site templates or
master sites. You may want different course site templates or master sites for various
departments at your institution. In this case, the CLE could create course sites with a
particular skin for each department.

For instructions on creating site templates, see How do I create a site template?

For instructions on creating master sites, see How do I provide a master site,
and make sure the CLE uses this site to create new sites when it accesses the
Student Information System (SIS)?

To change the skin for a site template or master site, follow these steps:
1. Using the My Sites tab, find the appropriate site.
2. Add the Skin Selector tool to the site. For instructions on adding stealthed tools,
see How do I add a stealthed tool to a site?
3. Use the Skin Selector tool to add the new skin to the site.
Once youve added the skin, you can remove the Skin Selector tool from the site
template or master site. The tool wont be available to site owners, but all sites that the
CLE creates (with either the site template or master site) will have the new skin.

Managing Tools
3.40 How do I add a stealthed tool to a site?
For more information on stealthed tools, see Stealthing/unstealthing tools.
Even though you may have stealthed (hidden) a tool in your instance, a CLE Functional
Administrator can still add a stealthed tool to a site. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Login as a CLE Functional Administrator and access the Administration
2. Locate and select the Sites tool.
3. Use the Search field to locate the site you wish to edit.
4. Select the site you wish to edit.
5. Scroll down and select Pages.
6. Click New Page.
7. Enter the name of the tool in the Title box.
8. Click Tools.
9. Click New Tool.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


10. Locate and select the tool you wish to add. For more information on tools, see
Tool Definitions and Status within this document. You may also download the
rSmart Sakai CLE Tool Overviews, v.2.7 from RSN.
11. Click Save.
12. Finally, use the Site Setup tool in the Administration Workspace to view the site.
Make sure the tool you added appears in the site.

3.41 How do I turn on the Page Order Helper tool?

Note: If you use the Page Order Helper tool, you will be unable to use rSmart
The Page Order Helper tool is stealthed/hidden by default in most CLE configurations.
To turn on the tool, access the file and follow these steps:
1. Find the following setting:

Remove the sakai-site-pageorder-helper value from this setting.

2. Turn off the CLE categories by changing the value to false for the following

3. (Optional). Set a value for the allowTitleEdit setting:

This setting determines whether instructors are allowed to change tool names
when using the Page Order Helper. Set the value to true if instructors should be
allowed to change tool names, and to false if they should not be allowed to
change tool names.
Last, restart Tomcat and test to confirm your changes.

Managing Content
3.42 I need to upload a large file into Resources, but the
system indicates the file is too big for a single upload
action. Is there a way around this?
Yes. You can configure a WebDAV client on your local machine and upload files that
exceed the content upload limits. Click the Upload-Download Multiple Resources link
within the Resources tool of your site for instructions on configuring a WebDAV client.
All users can do this in sites they own, which includes their MyWorkspace. WebDAV,
however, will never allow a user to exceed the sites total available space as determined
by the site quota setting, unless the CLE Functional Administrator has given the site

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


some extra space. See the previous section of this guide for instructions on giving
individual sites more storage space.

3.43 How can I change the WebDAV instructions that appear

to users?
The CLE displays WebDAV instructions whenever users select Upload-Download
Multiple Resources in the Resources menu bar. As an admin, you can change the
instructions that the CLE displays.
First, youll need a copy of the default instructions, which are saved as an html file. You
can either request the file from rSmarts support staff, or retrieve it from the source code.
Once you have a copy of the html file, make all of your changes to the instructions.
Then, log into the CLE as an admin, access the Admin workspace, and follow these

Select the Resources tool.

Find the public folder and open it.
Locate the webdav_instructions.html file.
From the Actions dropdown menu next to the file name, select Upload New
5. Using the Browse button, select your new WebDAV instructions file.
6. Click the Upload New Version Now button.

After youve uploaded the new html file, you must change a property in the file in Tomcat. Locate the following property:

Change this property to the following:


After youve changed this property, restart Tomcat. You should see your new WebDAV
instructions in all sites in the instance. If you dont, clear your browsers cache.
To make further changes to the instructions, use the Resources tool to access and edit
your html file. Any changes you make to the file will be seen immediately in all sites.

3.44 An instructor has exceeded the site quota limit for their
site's resources. How can I give the instructor more
To change the quota limit for a sites resources, follow these steps:
1. Login as a CLE Functional Administrator and access the Administration
2. Locate and select the Site Setup tool.
3. Search for and select the site whose quota you wish to edit.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Access the Resources tool within the site.

At the root folder, select Actions and then Edit Details.
Select the checkbox next to the Special Quota field.
Enter a new special quota (in Kbytes) or enter zero for unlimited in the Special
Quota field.
8. Click Update.


The default site quota is 1GB. To change this setting system-wide, see the Site quota
section of this guide. Changing this setting system-wide requires a System

Academic Terms
3.45 How do I add/remove academic terms?
In CLE 2.7, terms are managed by the Student Information System (SIS) integration and
by creating settings in the property files. See the Term settings section of this guide for
instructions on editing the property files.

Online Help
3.46 How do I customize Help?
In 2.7, the rSmart CLE help pages are hosted at rSmart. If you are an rSmart
subscription customer and you want to customize these help files, you may download
the rSmart Sakai CLE User Guide, version 2.7 from RSN, make changes, republish in a
location of your choice, and then have your System Administrator change the value in
the help location property setting to point to your own version of help. See Online Help
location for the property setting. rSmart does not recommend this, however, because
maintaining your own help pages for each version creates a lot of extra work for you!
rSmart updates help pages for each release, so it is best to use the hosted help.

Reset Password
3.47 How do I enable the Forgot Password feature in the
As an admin, you can enable a Forgot Password? feature that lets users reset their
login password for the CLE by clicking on a Forgot Password? link and entering the
email address associated with their account. A new password is then generated and
sent to that address.
Keep in mind that this feature will only work correctly if:

The email address associated with a users account is accurate.

Your institution is NOT using LDAP or or a custom IDM integration to manage
user accounts.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


In order to enable this feature, you must add the Reset Password tool to the gateway
site. To do so, access the Admin workspace, and follow these steps:
1. Select the Sites tool.
2. Find the !gateway link and click on it. The CLE displays the Edit Site page for the
gateway site.
3. Under Add/Edit Pages, click Pages.
4. In the menu bar, click New Page.
5. Copy the Page ID (you will need it for a later step in the process). The ID will look
similar to this: 0880a098-4af0-4429-9d5c-6f723e183c2b
6. In the Title field, enter Reset Password.
7. Under Continue Editing, click Tools.
8. In the menu bar, click New Tool.
9. Click on the radio button for Reset Password (sakai.resetpass).
10. Under Complete the Site Edit, click Save.
Next, you must add the "Forgot Password?" link to the gateway page, so users can
access the Reset Password tool. This link will include the page ID for the tool:
<a href="/xsl-portal/tool/0880a098-4af0-4429-9d5c-6f723e183c2b?panel=Main"
accesskey="3" target="_self"><span>Forgot Password?</span></a>
You can see an example of this link in home.html for the rSmart skin (it is commented
out by default).
For more information on editing the skin and gateway page, see the rSmart Sakai CLE
2.7 Customization Guide.
By default, only the guest account type may use the Reset Password tool. If you want
to change which account types may use the tool, you must make the appropriate
changes to the following property in

Note: If you make any changes to this property, you must restart Tomcat.

Site Statistics Admin Tool

3.48 How do I add and use the Site Statistics Admin tool?
As an admin, you may go to any course or project site in the CLE and use the Site
Statistics tool that is available to site owners. But you may also use the Site Statistics
Admin tool, which gives you several additional reporting capabilities. From within the
Admin workspace, this tool lets you:

Quickly access statistics for any site, including admin sites.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Create predefined reports that are available to all site owners.

Generate a report for all sites in the CLE.

How to add the Site Statistics Admin tool

By default, the Site Statistics Admin tool is not part of the Admin workspace,
so youll have to add it. Before you do, confirm that the admin role includes
sitestats.admin.view permission. Go to the Admin workspace, select the Realms tool,
and follow these steps:
1. In the Realm ID column, click on the !admin link (the first one in the list).
2. Under Roles, in the Role ID column, click on the admin link. The CLE displays
a list of permissions you may select for the admin role.
3. If necessary, check the box for the sitestats.admin.view permission.
4. Click the Save button.
Next, select the Sites tool. Find the Site ID link for the Admin workspace. If necessary,
search for the site by entering the sites ID (!admin) into the Site ID search field. Click on
the sites link and follow these steps:
1. Under Add/Edit pages, click the Pages button.
2. Click New Page in the menu bar.
3. Provide a tool title, such as Site Stats Admin, and make your layout and popup
4. Under Continue Editing, click the Tools button.
5. Click New Tool in the menu bar.
6. From the list, click the checkbox for Site Stats Admin (sakai.sitestats.admin).
7. Click Save.
You should now see the Site Statistics Admin tool in your list of tools for the Admin
Tip: If you would like to add this tool to the admin users workspace, select the Sites tool
again, click on the appropriate Site ID link (~admin), and repeat these steps.
Next, be sure that you have enabled access to site statistics across all sites in the CLE,
by configuring the appropriate property setting in For more information,
see Enabling server-wide access to Site Statistics tool.
Accessing Statistics
In the Site Statistics Admin tool, the CLE displays a list of all sites for which you can get
statistics. You may also filter this list according to site type. To get statistics for a
particular site, simply click on its link.
Reporting Options
With the Site Statistics Admin tool, you may generate reports in several different ways:

Report within a site. If you want to generate a site-specific report that will be
available on that site, select the appropriate site and click Reports in the menu
bar. Then, click the Add button in the My Reports menu bar, and proceed with

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


generating a customized report. If you save the report, the CLE will display it on
the Site Statistics Reports screen for that site.

Create a predefined report. If you would like to add a predefined report to all
sites, click Admin Reports in the menu bar. Then, click the Add button in the
Reports menu bar, and proceed with generating a customized report. If you
save the report, it will be available to all site owners and will gather statistics
specific to each site.

Report on all sites. If you want to gather statistics on all sites in the CLE, click
Admin Reports in the menu bar. Then, click the Add button in the My reports
menu bar, and proceed with generating a customized report. From the Site to
report dropdown menu, select All sites. (To gather statistics on the Admin
workspace, select This site). If you save the report, it will be available on the
tools Reports screen in the Admin workspace.

Junior Admins
Any user with a junior admin role may use the Site Statistics Admin tool, as long as the
role includes sitestats.admin.view permission and the tool has been added to the junior
admin project site. For more information, see How do I create a "junior admin" user?

3.49 What activities does the Site Statistics tool track?

For a list of tools and events that are tracked by the Site Statistics tool, click here.

Integration with External Systems and Services

3.50 How do I configure LDAP or Active Directory?
For more information on LDAP, see Getting users into the CLE. For configuration
instructions, see the Knowledge Base article How can I integrate my LDAP server with
the CLE?

3.51 How do I integrate external applications with the CLE?

The rSmart Sakai CLE offers integration with a variety of third-party services. Some
external integrations are included in the default, out-of-the-box configuration of the CLE,
but most of the integrations are optional and require additional configuration.
rSmart can configure your instance of the CLE for optional integrations. Keep in mind,
however, that these configurations may require a fee, and that all integrations require
accounts with the appropriate third-party providers.
For more information, please contact rSmart support. You may also visit RSN and
download rSmart Sakai CLE: External Integrations for a table that lists all integrations
currently available for the CLE.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


4 Tool Definitions and Tool IDs

Note: The following list includes descriptions and tool IDs for all tools that exist in the
rSmart CLE 2.7including tools that are stealthed/unsupported, and/or require
additional configuration of the default, out-of-the-box (OOTB) version of the CLE. For
more detailed information about tools in the OOTB configuration of the rSmart CLE 2.7,
visit RSN and download the rSmart Sakai CLE Tool Overviews, version 2.7.

Tool Name

Site Setup Description

Tool ID


Use Home to post information to

your course, project or portfolio
site and to stay informed about
the latest activity there.



Use Account to view or change

your name or password in the



Use Aliases to manage email

aliases in the system.


Workspace tool
Announcements Use Announcements to distribute
information and send out
notification about activities or
events relevant to your site.


*For CLE Functional

Administrators only: this tool lets
you post system-wide messages
displayed in users' My Workspace
Note: when used in the Admin
Workspace, this tool is sometimes
referred to as the MOTD
(message of the day) tool.

Use the Assignments tool to

create and submit text-based

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7



Tool Name

Site Setup Description

Tool ID

Basic LTI

Use Basic LTI to integrate

the CLE with third-party
applications that utilize
Basic LTI (Learning Tools
Interoperability), an independent
standard for web-based


Use Blogger to keep a

chronological web log of news,
commentary or events on your



Use Blogs to keep a chronological

web log of news, commentary or
events on your site. An alternative
to Blogger, the tool provides
improved usability and additional
features, such as the ability to add
a profile with an image.



Use Calendar to post information

about activities and events of
interest to your site participants.


Chat Room

Use Chat to engage in real-time,

unstructured conversations with
your site members.

Citation Helper

Use Citation Helper to manage

citations and links to online



Use the Configuration Viewer to

check property settings on your


Use Customizer to upload the

spreadsheet configuration, make
changes to text (message
bundles) on pages in the CLE,
and manage permissions.



*This tool will be
deprecated in a
future version of
the CLE.

Workspace tool
Workspace tool

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Tool Name

Site Setup Description


Use Discussion Forums to create, sakai.jforum.tool

moderate, participate and manage
discussion groups and topics
within your site.

Drop Box

Use Drop Box to exchange

documents with an instructor in a
personal, individualized folder.

Bridge for Sakai

Use Elluminate Bridge for Sakai to sakai-elluminate

participate in, manage, and view
Elluminate Live! sessions from
within the CLE.


Tool ID


*Requires thirdparty account

Email Archive

Use Email Archive to see a list of

messages that have been sent to
your site.


Email Template

Use this tool to manage

the body of common email
messages sent out by
the system, making changes to
messages without a
system restart.


Workspace tool

Use Evaluation System to conduct sakai.rsf.evaluation

anonymous evaluations, both
formative and summative, of
your site.


Use Evaluations to provide

participants with summative
feedback on wizard pages and
matrix cells submitted for



Use Feedback to provide targeted

feedback on assignments to site



Use Forms to create templates

that assist participants in
collecting relevant information.


The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Tool Name

Site Setup Description

Tool ID


Use Forums to post discussion

topics or respond to discussion



Use Glossary to provide

contextual definitions of terms
used in your site including mouseover and pop-up definitions for
row and column names in the



Use Gradebook to calculate, store

and distribute grade information to



Use Gradebook2 to calculate,

store and distribute grade
information to students. An
alternative to Gradebook, the tool
provides a spreadsheet-style
interface and many additional



Use Help to provide contextual

help documentation to site

iTunes U

Use the iTunes U tool to get

access to your institutions iTunes
U account from within the CLE, so
you can add, manage, and view
course content.

**Requires thirdparty account
Job Scheduler
Workspace tool

Use the Job Scheduler to set up

batch jobs that run on a regular


Use Lessons to create, publish,

and manage online instructional
sequences for your site.


The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Tool Name

Site Setup Description

Tool ID

Link Tool

Use Link tool to add tools built in

other programming languages.


Live Virtual

Use Live Virtual Classroom

to participate in, manage,
and view Elluminate Live!
sessions from within the CLE.



Use Mailtool to send email

messages to site participants,
groups, individuals and external



Use Matrices to create an

assessment process for
participants to use in documenting
and reflecting upon their learning
in relation to a set of standards.


Media Gallery

Use the Media Gallery tool to

access the open source platform
Kaltura, in order to create,
manage, and view video and richmedia content from within the


Use the Meetings tool to access

the open source web onferencing
platform BigBlueButton (BBB), in
order to create, manage and join
BBB meetings from within the



Use Membership to manage your

participation in sites.



Use Memory to see how the CLE

is using system resources.


Workspace tool

*Requires thirdparty account

Workspace tool

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Tool Name

Site Setup Description

Tool ID


Use Messages to post private

messages to site participants.



Use News to display a dynamic

news source to site participants.

Use this tool to provide
implementations for actions
relating to Google document types
in the Resources tool.

Workspace tool
Oauth Token

Use Oauth Token Manager to

delete a token the CLE maintains
for a third-party provider (such as
Google), so the CLE no longer
has access to your account with
the provider. Users access the
tool from their My Workspace



Use On-line to monitor session

and server activity of users logged
into the instance.

Workspace tool

Use this tool to link your site to the rsn.linktool.pentaho

Pentaho Reporting Engine.


Use Podcasts to share rss feeds

with your site participants.



Use Polls to take a quick poll of

users on your site.



Use Portfolio Layouts to specify

the arrangement of items on a
portfolio page.



Link to the rSmart Portfolio



The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Tool Name

Site Setup Description

Tool ID


Use Portfolio Templates to define

the content, style and layout for
participants to use in creating



Use Portfolios to create and

publish portfolios and to view and
provide feedback on published



Use Preferences to customize

your own notification and display



Use Profile to manage information

others see about you in the



Use Profile2 to manage

information other users see about
you in the system, as well as view
the information of other users. An
alternative to Profile, the tool
provides Facebook-style social
networking functionality and
integration with Twitter.



Use Realms to create and edit

realm template, role and
permission authorizations on


Use Reports to run, view, and

export results of reports on
portfolio activity in your site.



Use Resources to post, store and

organize material of use to site


rSmart Support

Direct link to The rSmart Support




Workspace tool

Workspace tool

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Tool Name

Site Setup Description

Tool ID


Use Search to look for content

within or across sites in which
you're a member.


Use Sections to create and

manage sections in your course.


Site Archive

Use Site Archive to transfer site

content from one site to another.


Site Editor

Use Site Editor to edit and

manage your site.



Use Site Roster to view a list of

participants in your site.

Site Search

Use Site Search to look for

content on your site.


Site Setup

Use Site Setup to create, edit and

delete sites.


Site Statistics

Use Site Statistics to view, as well

as generate reports for, statistics
on your site by user, event or


Site Statistics

Use Site Statistics Admin to view, sakai.sitestats.admin

as well as generate reports for,
statistics on any site in the CLE by
user, event or resource; create
predefined reports that are
available to all site owners via the
Site Statistics tool; and generate a
report for all sites in the CLE.

Workspace tool

Workspace tool

Workspace tool

Use Sites to make changes to a

site title, page or tool names and
site configurations.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7



Tool Name

Site Setup Description

Tool ID

Skin Manager

Use Skin Manager to maintain

skins for an instance.


Use Skin Selector to change the

skin on your site.



Use Styles to select fonts, colors,

and graphics for wizards, matrices
and portfolios.

Super User

The Super User tool lets you log

in as another user without
needing the users password.


Use Syllabus to create a unitbased outline of your course.


Tasks, Tests
and Surveys

Use this tool for authoring,

publishing, delivering and grading


Tests & Quizzes


Use Tests & Quizzes to create,

edit and manage online
assessments and to set up
automatic feedback and grading



Use the Turning Technologies tool sakai.turningtool

to access the Turning
Technologies student response
(clicker) system from within the
CLE, in order to manage device
ID registration and import clicker
session scores into Gradebook.

Workspace tool
Skin Selector


*Requires thirdparty account

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Tool Name

Site Setup Description

Tool ID


Use the Users tool to view current

system users and edit their


Use the User Membership tool to

view a list of all sites to which
someone belongs.


Web Content

Use Web Content to display a

web site outside the system to
your site participants.



Use Wiki to create a web site that

allows site participants to add and
edit content collaboratively.



Use Wizards to assist participants

using a sequential or hierarchical
process for creating and reflecting
upon artifacts that represent
learning or other achievements.


Workspace tool
Workspace tool

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


5 Permissions in CLE 2.7

Default OOTB Permissions
Below you will find a list of all permissions in the default, out-of-the-box (OOTB)
configuration of the rSmart Sakai CLE, version 2.7, listed by tool.
(As listed in Realms tool)

Permission Description


View the site


View the site (unpublished)

Note: This permission can only be changed via the Realms
tool. If a user such as a teaching assistant needs access to
an unpublished site, and your instance of the CLE is not
configured to allow TAs to view unpublished sites, an admin
will have to grant permission.



Create a user (including the admin upon first login)


Update your email address via the My Workspace Account


Update your first name/last name via the Account tool.


Update your password via the Account tool


Update your account type via the Account tool

Note: This permission is currently not working.


Update all of the above (except user.upd.own.type) via the

Account tool
By setting this permission, you do not have to set the other
Account permissions, because they are included.
Note: When you remove some user.upd permissions from
the !user.template realms, the changes may not always take
effect. To solve this problem, remove the user.upd.own
permission from the .auth role in the !user.template realm.



Create new aliases in the Aliases tool in the Admin



Delete aliases in the Aliases tool in the Admin Workspace

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(As listed in Realms tool)

Permission Description


Make changes to aliases in the Aliases tool in the Admin




Create OR view announcements for all groups

Note: Users with this permission AND the
permission will be able to create announcements for all
groups and sections that exist in a site, even if they are not
members of those groups or sections. Users with this
permission AND the permission will be able to
view announcements that were created for groups and
sections to which they do not belong.


Delete any announcement


Delete announcements you own

Create new announcements

Read announcements

Read draft announcements

Note: This permission will also allow a user to read draft
announcements that another user has created


Revise any announcement


Revise only announcements you own



Create/view new assignments for all groups

Note: This permission behaves in the same way as the
annc.all.groups permission


Delete assignments

Create new assignments


Grade assignments

Read assignments


Can opt to receive notifications when students submit

Note: An instructor will see the notification options when
creating an assignment. Any site participant who has this
permission will be subjected to the notification choice when
students begin submitting assignments.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(As listed in Realms tool)

Permission Description


Revise assignments
Note: This permission does not work unless a role also has permission.


See draft assignments that other people created


Submit assignments and appear in the list of assignments to

be graded
Note: An instructor who is granted this permission will see
his/her name (as well as
the names of all other instructors with this permission) in the
list of assignments to be graded. When making decisions
about default permissions, keep in mind that some
instructors may not want their names displayed.

Blogs (BlogWow)


Add comments to other users blog posts


Remove any comments that users posted to other users blog



Create a blog entry

Read other users blog entries

Read other users blog entries even when the blogs are
marked private


Write your own blog entry


Update/edit any users blog entry



Create/view new calendar entries for all groups

Note: This permission behaves in the same way as the
annc.all.groups permission.


Delete any calendar entry


Delete own calendar entry


Import calendar entries

Create new calendar entries

Read calendar entries


Revise any calendar entry

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(As listed in Realms tool)

Permission Description


Subscribe to iCal
Note: The option to subscribe to iCal does not appear by
default in users My Workspaces unless they grant
themselves the permission. A global solution is to add the
calendar.subscribe permission to the maintain user in the
!site.user realm during the initial configuration of the CLE.


Revise own calendar entry

Chat Room


Delete any chat entry

Create new chat channel

Delete new chat channel

Revise a chat channel


Delete only chat entries you own

Note: Admins may want to decide whether to grant this
permission. Some institutions do not allow students to delete
any of their own chat posts, in accordance with official

Post new chat entries

Read chat entries

Discussion Forums (Jforum)


Administer JForum tool.

Note: This permission is for admins only and should not be
granted to instructors


Manage JForum discussions


Participate in discussions

Drop Box


Dropbox created automatically when the user account is



Ability to see/manage all dropboxes in a site

Email Archive


Delete any emails

Create/send new email

Read/receive email

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(As listed in Realms tool)
Evaluations (OSP)

Permission Description



Evaluation System


Assign an evaluation for others in a group or course to


Be evaluated by those who are taking the evaluation


Take the evaluation


Create evaluation templates

Forms (OSP)









Suggest global publish



Glossary (OSP)







Edit items in Gradebook/Gradebook2


Grade any item in Gradebook/Gradebook2


Grade sections in Gradebook/Gradebook2

For users to be able to grade items, they MUST have at least
this permission (or the gradebook.gradeAll permission to
grade all items).
Gradebook and Gradebook2 borrow the section.role.ta
permission from the Sections tool. The section.role.ta
permission determines who appears in the "graders" list in

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(As listed in Realms tool)

Permission Description


View your own grades

This permission identifies students in Gradebook and
Gradebook2. If you grant this permission to users with a role
other than student, such as a guest or auditor role, the
users will receive grades just like official students. Instructors
cannot change this permission in their course sites, so
consider this decision carefully.
Gradebook and Gradebook2 borrow the section.role.student
permission from the Sections tool. For more information, see

Lessons (Melete)

View, author, and manage modules and content


View modules and content

Live Virtual Classroom

(Integration with Elluminate Live!requires third-party service)
Create a new Ellumintate Live! session


Delete a new Ellumintate Live! session


Edit/Update an Ellumintate Live! session


Join an Ellumintate Live! session that a user has created

Mailtool (Mailsender)


Administer Mailtool within your site


Send mail from Mailtool

Matrices (OSP)





Delete any


Delete own


Export any

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(As listed in Realms tool)

Permission Description


Export own


Publish any


Publish own


Revise any


Revise own


Can view/access all matrix cells


Can view/access user list and cell owner


Can manage matrix cell status


Can use matrix


Can view all groups


Can view evaluations created by another user


Can view feedback created by another user



Manage whether others in the site can forward email

Note: This permission lets a user decide if other users in the
site may have messages forwarded to their own email
addresses. The permission should be given to site owners
only and should NOT be given to students or guests.



Create a new poll

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(As listed in Realms tool)

Permission Description


Delete a poll


Delete a poll that you created


Edit a poll that any user created


Edit a poll that you created

Vote in the poll

Note: Users who do not have any permissions for the Polls
tool will not see polls.

Portfolio Layouts (OSP)










Suggest publish

Portfolio Templates (OSP)













Portfolios (OSP)









The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(As listed in Realms tool)

Permission Description


Add preferences


Delete preferences


Update preferences



Add a realm
Note: This permission is necessary for creating
a site. In addition, users need this permission upon initial
login, since it allows them to have a personal workspace
created for them when they log in to the CLE for the first time.
For this reason, the realm.add permission exists in the
!user.template realms.


Update a realm
Note: If you remove this permission from the instructor role
for a course site, the instructor will not be allowed to
configure permissions for the site.


Delete a realm


Update a realm that you own














Create new content


Create/view content for all groups

Note: This permission behaves in the same way as the
annc.all.groups permission.


Delete any content


Delete content

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(As listed in Realms tool)

Permission Description


View content that has been hidden

Note: If users hide content and do not have this permission
selected, they will not be able to see the content they hid.

Read content


Revise any content


Revise your own content



View all site participants in the roster


View site participants with hidden profiles in roster

Note: At many institutions, the registrar determines who will
get this permission.


Export the roster


View groups and sections in the roster

Note: This permission is helpful for studentsthey can see
the groups to which they belong,
as well as see their fellow group members.


Click on a users name in the roster to see the users profile

Note: This permission only works if the user
who created the profile has chosen NOT to hide the profile.


If official photos are used, view a user's official photo


View a user's enrollment status

Note: This permission is for course management (CM)
implementation only.


The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(As listed in Realms tool)

Permission Description


Act as an instructor
This permission identifies a user as an instructor.
A user with this role does not get "assigned" to sections,
because he/she should be able to view/target content toward
all sections.
This permission can be granted to multiple roles in the site
realm, but it can be granted to only ONE role in the group


Act as a student
The Sections tool uses this permission to identify who may
be placed into sections.
A student-type user (such as Guest or Auditor)
in a role that does not have this permission will not be
allowed to participate in sections.
This permission can be granted to multiple roles in the site
realm, but it can be granted to only ONE role in the group


Act as a Teaching Assistant (TA)

Note: The Sections tool uses this permission to identify who
can be assigned to sections as a teaching assistant.
This permission can be granted to multiple roles in the site
realm, but it can be granted to only ONE role in the group

Site Statistics


View site statistics for a site

Note: The instructor cannot change this permission for other
roles in the site, so be sure to consider the default
configuration carefully.

Site Statistics Admin


View site statistics for all sites in the CLE

Site Editor


Use the "View Site As" function at the top right corner of the


Manage groups within the site

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(As listed in Realms tool)

Permission Description

Add participants to the site


Add guest users to the site


View the list of participants in the site

Site Setup


Create a new site (project or portfolio)


Create a new course site

Note: This permission requires the site.add permission.


Get a user workspace when you log in for the first time

Site Setup/Site Editor


Delete the site


Completely manage the site

Note: For a list of the actions this permission governs, see
What is the site.upd permission?

Skin Manager


Create a new skin using the Skin Manager tool


Delete a skin using the Skin Manager tool


Revise a skin using the Skin Manager tool


Access the Skin Manager tool

Styles (OSP)





Suggest global publish

Publish global

Tests & Quizzes


Create an assessment


Delete any assessment


Delete an assessment you created

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(As listed in Realms tool)

Permission Description


Edit any assessment


Edit an assessment you created


Grade any assessment


Grade an assessment you created


Publish any assessment


Publish an assessment you created


Copy question pools you created


Create a question pool


Delete question pools you created


Edit question pools you created


Submit an assessment for a grade


Take an assessment


Create a template for an assessment

Note: The ability to grade an assessment also requires the

section.role.instructor permission. For more information, see
How should I grant users permission to grade assessments
in the Tests and Quizzes tool?

Note: The ability to grade an assessment also requires the

section.role.instructor permission. For more information, see
How should I grant users permission to grade assessments
in the Tests and Quizzes tool?

Note: This permission lets instructors create new

Assessment Types" in Tests & Quizzes.

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(As listed in Realms tool)

Permission Description


Delete templates you created

This permission lets instructors delete Assessment Types"
they have created in Tests & Quizzes.
*If you are logged in as an admin and delete assessment
types, your changes will affect all sites in your instance. You
also cannot add more global assessment types unless you
manipulate the database (DB).


Edit a template you created

Note: This permission allows instructors to change
Assessment Types" they have created in Tests & Quizzes.

Tests, Tasks & Surveys (Mneme)

*This tool has stealthed/unsupported status in the CLE
Manage the Tests, Tasks & Surveys tool


Grade tests, tasks and surveys


"Take" and submit a test, task and survey


View tests, tasks and surveys



Administer the Wiki tool in your own site


Create new wiki pages and contribute content

View/read the wiki content


Manage your instance of the wiki tool

Note: This permission is for admins only.


Make changes to wiki pages


Delete wiki pages

Wizards (OSP)











The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(As listed in Realms tool)

Permission Description






Forums Tool Permissions

The following table lists permissions for the roles defined in the Forums tool. These roles
and permissions can be found in the MFR_PERMISSION_LEVEL_T table. For more
information about Forums roles and permissions, see How Do I set permissions for the
Forums tool?

























































































The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


Permissions for Optional Integrations

The following table lists permissions for optional CLE integrations with external, thirdparty services.
Note: These integrations are not part of the default, out-of-the-box (OOTB) configuration
of the rSmart Sakai CLE. They require fees for additional configuration of the CLE, as
well as fees for third-party services.
(As listed in Realms tool)
Kaltura Media Gallery:
Integration with Kaltura

Permission Description








Integration with BigBlueButton (BBB)
Note: This tool is currently stealthed/unsupported in the CLE
Create a new meeting in BBB


Delete any meeting that was created in BBB


Delete only meetings you created in BBB


Update any meeting that was created in BBB


Update only your own meeting that was created in BBB


Participate in a BBB meeting that was created

Elluminate Bridge for Sakai:

Integration with Elluminate Live!

Access the elluminate configuration pages


Create a new meeting


Edit a meeting


Join a meeting


View the list of expired Elluminate rooms and extend

the available dates if desired


Remove a meeting

Play a recorded meeting

The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


(As listed in Realms tool)

Permission Description


Remove a recorded meeting

Turning Technologies:
Integration with Turning Technologies student response (clicker) system software











The rSmart Sakai CLE Administrator Guide, v. 2.7


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