UIW Police Officer's Account Discredited

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March 16, 2015

Media should contact:

T. J. Connolly, 210-601-2601

New Redus Pleading Discredits

UIWs Allegation that Cameron Redus Struck
Officer Christopher Carter with a Baton
Amended Petition Filed Today by Redus Family Attorneys Attacks UIWs
Story and Details Lack of Evidence
to Justify Officers Use of Deadly Force
(San Antonio, TX.) Attorneys for the family of slain University of the Incarnate Word (UIW)
student Cameron Redus filed an Amended Petition today in State District Court in which they
provided specific details --- directly countering those previously provided by UIW officials --- of
the events in the early morning hours of December 6, 2013 when UIW Campus Police Officer
Christopher Carter gunned down unarmed UIW student Cameron Redus outside his Alamo Heights
The petition makes clear that UIW Police Officer Christopher Carter had no justification for using
deadly force in shooting five times and killing an unarmed Cameron Redus.
It is important to correct the perceptions created by UIWs false allegations in its earlier
pleadings, said Redus attorney Brent Perry. Filing an amended petition is the correct thing to do at
this time.

Since filing our original petition last May, we have gained more accurate information about what
really happened the night that Cameron was killed. Our information shows a complete lack of
proper peace officer training by UIW and lack of proper procedure by UIWs Officer Carter when
he confronted Cameron. UIWs story was concocted to cover for Officer Carters reckless and
unjustified use of deadly force on an unarmed, intoxicated student, off-campus at his apartment,
Perry said.

Among the many matters detailed in the Amended Petition:

UIW Police Officer Carter never mentioned his baton during the entire 11-minute encounter
he had with Cameron, causing serious doubts about UIWs allegation that Cameron beat
him [Carter] with the baton.
Can you imagine, Perry asked, any peace officer not telling someone hes arresting to
drop the officers baton? Can you imagine an officer not saying Dont hit me with that
baton or Ill shoot? Carter never even mentioned his baton until after Cameron was dead.
The pleading states that Officer Carter was alone for three minutes on the scene, after he
shot Cameron five times and killed him, before Alamo Heights Police arrived. Perry noted
that Officer Carter declined any medical assistance.

If Cameron Redus ever had Officer Carters baton during the entire 11-minute encounter,
Officer Carter stated that he knocked the baton away from Cameron at least 90 seconds
before firing any of the five shots into Camerons body, and knocked it away before Officer
Carter ever threatened to shoot Cameron.


Cameron initially complied with Officer Carters numerous commands. When Officer Carter
first spoke to Cameron, Cameron responded, Thats fine, thats fine.
When Officer Carter asked during a frisk, Is there anything in your pockets I need to be
worried about? Cameron truthfully responded, No, sir.

Officer Carter did not obtain Camerons identification or perform any standard sobriety
tests. Camerons speech was slurred, indicating intoxication. The identification and tests
would have assisted Officer Carter in determining whether Cameron was compliant and
presented any physical threat before backup arrived. Obtaining Camerons identification
which was in his back pocketmay have assisted Carter in locating himself and getting

Officer Carter misreported his location, even though UIW claims that its Police Officers
routinely patrol and provide security service at St. Peter's School, a member of UIW
Brainpower program, located 150 feet from where Officer Carter shot Cameron five times.

Officer Carter did not tell Cameron he was under arrest until two minutes after he first spoke
to him. Officer Carter only called for back-up once after stopping Cameron and did not talk
to anyone at UIW for seven minutes after initially giving an incorrect location. Two Police
Departments (Terrell Hills and Alamo Heights) are less than a mile away from where Officer
Carter gunned down Cameron.


As Alamo Heights Police Chief Pruitt noted several days after the shooting, and following
his Departments investigation, the results would have been different if his (Alamo
Heights Police Department) officers had been involved because they are well-trained and

According to Redus family attorney Brent Perry, UIW Officer Carter shot Cameron Redus five
times at close range because he was poorly trained and poorly equipped and frustrated at his
inability to forcibly subdue a drunk student half his size. He made no attempt to request back up for
nearly seven minutes prior to gunning Cameron down. Officer Carters recklessness in arresting and
shooting Cameron lies squarely on UIWs doorstep.


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