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Master thesis 2011 - 2013


Master of Science in Project Management for

Environmental and Energy Engineering

> Lecture hall Sadi Carnot

3rd and 4th July 2013
29 and 30 August 2013 > Lecture hall Georges Besse

3rd July 2013 / Lecture hall Sadi Carnot



National Institution of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies (Quito, Ecuador)
Design and Planning of the Construction of a Zero Energy Building Prototype with
Integrated Renewable Energies.
The INER was created as registered establishment of the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energies of
Ecuador in order to promote the scientific and technologic investigation, energy efficiency, best practices with
low-impact and a major participation of sustainable renewable energies. INERs researches are seeking the
development of low energy buildings in the new City of the Knowledge Yachay.
The thesis focuses on developing a Zero Energy Building prototype for the INERs investigational center
which will include laboratories for biomass, photovoltaic, etc.; and a green buildings benchmarking. Besides,
it contains an analytical overview of building energy simulation tools and a ranking of the best software to
be applied in the prototypes energy simulation. Furthermore, it encompasses a historical development of
the electrical matrix and the inclusion of renewable energies and its potential in the country. Supplementary
designs consider: stormwater harvesting, wastewater treatment, vegetated roofs and walls, recyclable
materials for civil construction and dismantling considerations.



ALSTOM, Corporate Headquarters (Levallois Perret 92, France)
Deployment and Enhancement of the Environment, Health and Safety Reporting.
Alstom is a global leader in power generation, power transmission and rail transport. The company is
present in 100 countries and employs around 90.000 people. To assure safe working conditions and low
environmental impact is one of Alstoms priorities. Accordingly, the EHS department deploys various actions,
including strategies, targets and tools to make this happen.
Internal and external reporting on the performance of these actions is key. Currently, Alstom aims to
answer to the Investor Carbon Disclosure index. This index reflects the companys transparency on
available information related to climate change. The CDP questionnaire is an instrument used by investors
and customers to guide their decisions. Therefore, it is important to accurately communicate all relevant
data and good practices implemented. As EHS managers, we gather, organize, analyze and transform into
concrete answers, information related to our environmental friendly activities, risk management strategies,
among others. In this way, Alstom seeks to improve its position in the next CDP edition, and for the long
term, to define the strategy and action plan to be implemented to achieve sustainability practices.



UNIDO (Vienna, Austria)
Industrial Benchmarks for Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production in
Developing Countries.
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO, is a specialized agency of the United Nations
that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental
sustainability. The Organization focuses on three main thematic areas: Poverty reduction through productive
activities, Trade capacity-building, and Energy and environment.
Addressing environmental degradation represents a decisive contemporary challenge. At the same time,
history has shown that socio-economic development tends to be correlated with increasing energy and
material throughput. Reconciling human emancipation with environmental protection is a difficult balancing
act. The focus of the thesis is the development of industrial benchmarks related to resource efficient and
cleaner production in developing countries.
Benchmarking analyses represent a powerful tool with regard to environmental performance. They provide
valuable insights regarding improvement potential, and help assessing the performance of specific
enterprises or plant vis--vis references (e.g. Best Practice Technologies) on a sector-by-sector basis.



Wrtsil (Norway)
Introduction of Flare Gas Recovery in an Underdeveloped Area.
Wrtsil Oil & Gas Systems is a company providing equipment and services to the marine, oil & gas and
industrial sectors. The gas recovery business unit has been successful in delivering Flare Gas Recovery
(FGR) systems to various offshore installations, avoiding significant amounts of greenhouse gas emission.
The company wishes to enhance the FGR with possible utilization such as electricity generation. This is made
possible by the newly developed Gas Reformer which able to convert the recovered gas into a methane rich
gas, thus suitable to be the fuel for engines.
The aim of thesis is to provide a techno-economic evaluation tool for potential flare gas recovery and
utilization projects in remote areas. The tool is applied for a case study in Indonesia. If the project is
implemented, society as a whole will earn benefit from green house gas emission reductions and electricity
supply to areas with limited grid access.



Weir Minerals (Calgary, Canada)
Mapping out of the players, their connections and the intricacies of mine fine tailings
projects to implement procedures and tools that improve the Project Management &
Contracts role.
The Weir Minerals Sales group in Calgary, composed of 20 members, has seen growth and success ever
since its creation by 2 people in 1995. This team of two, built up the group to a large number of 3 to 5
million dollar contracts with oil companies; building, installing and servicing two phase pumps specifically
designed for their needs.
With the approaching Canadian regulation deadline requiring oil companies to reduce the fluid tailings by
50%, contracts are exponentially increasing. The newly created Project Management & Contracts role needs
to be optimized quickly to handle the increasing quantity of large scale projects. The role will be studied with
quantitative and qualitative analysis to evaluate the usefulness of proposed procedures and tools.



Cogenpower Gas & Power S.r.l (Torino, Italy)
Business Profitability and Customer Value Creation in an Energy Sale Company.
Cogenpower Gas & Power S.r.l is active in selling natural gas, electricity to households and companies in
the italian territory. Cogenpower Gas & Power S.r.l. is part of Cogenpower Group in which Cogenpower S.p.A.
operates the district heating system in Borgaro Torinese.
This thesis focuses on being involved in the elaboration of economic reports, in order to evaluate the
business profitability as a function with variables. It covers the knowledge of the function of Italy liberalized
market, skills of data-mining and reporting. The aim is to improve the ability of correlating several elements
that contribute to both the cost and the price of energy commodity.
The second part is a creation of web-based application, which is going to provide some element with high
value for the customers, including meters reading, check previous bills, and data analysis. The application,
called Pay Bills, allows customers to deposit a certain amount of money and to obtain interests on it.

4th July 2013 / Lecture hall Sadi Carnot


Godfred Oteng BRAKATU (GHANA)

Technip (Paris La Dfense 92, France)
Design Study of Induction Bends for Deepwater Operations.
Technip is a world leader in project management, engineering and construction, constantly offering the best
solutions and most innovative technologies to meet the worlds energy challenges from the deepest subsea
oil and gas (O&G) developments to the largest and most complex offshore and onshore infrastructures.
Therefore, out of its numerous responsibilities, it is determined to offer a solution to the current limit state
design issues on induction bends.
Induction bends are pipeline components mostly incorporated to deepwater design systems such as subsea
spools, manifolds, and pipeline end terminations. They provide flexibility to such systems to withstand
external loadings which could result in environmental disaster. Notwithstanding the benefits of its uses, its
design has, recently, generated a lot of critical concerns in the O&G industry since no international codes/
standards have provided a well-laid down guidance to that effect.
This thesis work, therefore, aims to address the challenge by reviewing limitations of existing methodology
and then analyze alternative design process suitable for use in the industry. The use of a commercial
ABAQUS v6.12 FEA tool and relevant design formulations from current international codes/standards such
as DNV OS-F101 and ASME B31.8 are employed for this study.


Shyamasis DAS (INDIA)

Enerdata (Grenoble 38, France)
Issue of fuel subsidies and fuel pricing in emerging countries .
Enerdata is an independent Research & Consulting firm that is specialized in global energy and carbon
market analysis, having more than 25 years experience in economic, policy and technology issues
concerning energy sector.
Oil subsidy is found to be a common mean of the governments in developing countries to realize certain
social or economic goals. It is often found that oil subsidy fails to realize the intended purpose and instead
has negative impact on the countrys economy. The Master Thesis project attempts to analyze this impact.
Because of the broad field of the topic, the objective of the project can be divided into:
- Reviewing the various studies on the evaluation of oil subsidies.
- Developing independent tools for estimating historical subsidy volume and forecasting.
- Studying the impact of oil pricing on energy consumption profile and other indicators.
Reviewing existing policies and making recommendations for effectiveness.



Degrmont (Rueil Malmaison 92, France)
Elaboration of working load calculations and operation manuals for water
treatment plants.
World leader in water treatment, Degrmont is a subsidiary of SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT, which is part of the
GDF-SUEZ group, the largest independent power producer in the world. The company has operations in more
than 70 countries and 10 000 plants built worldwide, serving more than 1 billion people. Degrmont designs,
builds and operates facilities for waste water treatment, drinking water production, seawater desalinization
by RO and sludge treatment providing local authorities and industries with water treatment solutions and
The objective of this internship is to develop the operating manual for the Seine More water treatment plant.
The operating manual is a tool addressed to the operators which intends to familiarize them with their work
and explains the different aspects for good operation of the plant. The aspects covered in this document are
the presentation of the units of treatment, technical description of the equipments and instrumentation,
automatism, troubleshooting and security among others.
Besides the manual, support training is given to the operator in order to make a didactic approach to the
Working load calculation allows determining the number of operators and the time required for the operation
of the plant, cleaning and maintenance tasks. This calculation is done from the list of tasks to be performed
for each equipment and instrument, their frequency, their duration as well as their order. This calculation
was performed for the Achres water treatment plant which has been rebuilt.



Bureau Veritas - Technical Center (Paris 75, France)
Development of an audit methodology focused on risk and Integrity Management
for Oil & Gas Installations.
Created in 1828, Bureau Veritas is a global leader company delivering high quality services to help clients
meet the growing challenges of quality, safety, environmental protection and social responsibility, offering
solutions that go beyond simple compliance with regulations and standards, reducing risk, improving
performance and promoting sustainable development.
Energy installations in general -and oil & gas installations in particular- have a high level of complexity
and they are influenced by different factors affecting their operation. The objective of the project is to
develop an audit methodology for this kind of installations with a systemic approach focused on Integrity
and risk management. Asset Integrity is the ability of assets to perform its required function effectively
and efficiently whilst safeguarding life and the environment. Asset Integrity Management is the means of
ensuring that the people, systems, processes and resources which deliver the integrity, are in place, in use
and fit for purpose over the whole lifecycle of the asset. An effective procedure for identifying gaps and
critical aspects in integrity management makes possible to define solutions in order to prevent undesired
events, with consequences even at regional scale and global repercussion.



ALSTOM GRID (La Defense 92, France)
Develop of Project Management Certification.
ALSTOM Group (Grid, Thermal Power, Renewable Power and Transport) develops more than 5 000 projects
in the field of electric public transport as well as generation and transmission of electric energy in over 100
countries. These projects vary in complexities and they require qualified project managers.
The different Sector of Alstom classifies their project managers according to level of experience and
competencies. Therefore, in order to be able to transfer human resources and competencies among sectors
is required to establish common criteria within the whole group.
Aligned with this approach, this project establish for Alstom Grid a formal procedure for Project Management
certification including improvements according to evolution of business needs, as well as provide
equivalence of know-how for Project Management across sectors.

29th August 2013 / Lecture hall Georges Besse


Kedar Subhash SAWANT (INDIA)

Alstom Foundation (Levallois-Perret 92, France)
Corporate social responsibility encompassing environmental and energy
engineering projects- A sustainable development approach in developing countries;
and Biodiversityat Alstom.
Being a global leader in power generation, power transmission and rail transport markets, Alstom
has a presence in 70 countries through its projects, utility services and manufacturing sites. Alstom
foundationfounded in 2007 as a part of corporate social responsibilitypolicy and it finances various projects
dedicated to local community development, nature preservation and environmental awareness mostly in
developing countries.
My Internship profile focuses on different aspects of project management along with application of
environmental and energy engineering knowledge. My mission includes the internal and external
communication on projects, evaluation of project proposals (technical, economic and social evaluation),
relations with NGOs,preparation of selection of projects in June 2013 and designing corporate citizenship
program. It also covers the monitoring and follow up analysis of last year projects. As Alstom enforces its
efforts in biodiversity conservation, my responsibility is to prepare a primary biodiversity action plan in
collaboration with EHS department.



Public Authority for Rural Electrification (P.A.R.E) (Yemen)
Solar Home System (SHS) Project Monitoring.
The P.A.R.E was established by the Yemeni governmentfor thepurpose of covering rural areas electricity
demand. Itsto helpachieving totaleconomical development in rural areasthrough facilitating the necessary
plans, technical support, andsocial studies for energy providers giving priority to renewable and sustainable
The SHS project which is supported by the P.A.R.E and the World Bankfocuses mostly on remote place and
deprivedpopulations.The project so far covered four villageswith total 320 PV systems installed. The locations
of the villages vary from humid with lowaltitude coastal areas to dry with high altitude mountainous areas.
The thesis focus on performing different measurements of samplePV-systems, including solar radiation,
voltage, current, and power output, etc. in two or more village in order to compare the effect of weather
and geographical conditions on the efficiency of the PV-systems. In addition, the thesis will include social
surveys regarding local satisfactions and the possible ways of improvement. The outcome of this thesis will
provide valuable information to be considered for future SHS projects.


Serwaa Akpene ANAGLATE (GHANA)

International Water Management Institute (IWMI) (Accra, Ghana)
Environmental and socioeconomic aspects of Fecal Sludge recycling in Ghana.
IWMI is an international, non-profit research organization dedicated to improving the management of land
and water resources for food, livelihoods and the environment. IWMIs research and field activities help
create new knowledge and provide the evidence scientists and water management experts need to make
policy recommendations to local, national and international decision-makers.
In West Africa, there are several environmental problems associated with the discharge of human excreta
from on-site sanitation systems. The waste collected as Fecal Sludge (FS) is discharged into the environment
due to high treatment costs and low motivation. However, this FS contains nutrients and organic matter that
can be of benefit to agricultural systems.
Currently, IWMI and its partners want to implement a facility that can produce up to 1,000 tons of pellets
per year from fecal sludge to be used as fertilizer. This internship will be carried out in 3 phases: 1. Conduct
a baseline study to know the possibility of implementing the Fortifer production plant in the Greater Accra
Region; 2. Undertake an environmental and socio-economic study of the use of fecal sludge (to be written as
a scientific paper). 3. Analyze and optimize the energy consumption of the pelletization plant.



RENAULT (Palencia, Spain)
Management of the Environmental Aspects Generated by the Membrane Substitution
of a Car Factory Wastewater Bioreactor.
Renault Group is one of the leading companies in the vehicle sector with operations in more than 49 countries
and industrial presence in over 17 countries. With the new label eco2, Renault is compromised to reduce the
ecological impact of its vehicles throughout their life cycle.
Wastewater produced in Palencia factory is treated in its wastewater plant by physicochemical and biological
processes. With the aim of improving and optimizing current biological treatment, hollow fiber membranes
are replaced by hollow sheet membranes intending to increase membrane life time, improve energy
efficiency and improve membrane maintenance. The adaptation and compatibility of the new technology
with the existing system while having minimum impacts, is a concern.
The master thesis focuses in the management of the environmental aspects that may be generated during
the project construction and mounting phases. It includes waste and chemical product management and
soil usage treatment. Advantages like energy efficiency and water consumption optimization are studied as
well. Additional activities like daily waste management at the factory are performed.


Jean-Baptiste FABRE (FRANCE)

General Electric (Belfort 90, France)
Design of a solution for blanketing Reheater parts of a combined cycle HRSG.
General Electric Power and Water develops a wide range of products and services in thermal power
generation, Renewables, Aeroderivatives, Gas Engines, Nuclear and Water treatment. The site in Belfort is
specialised in the design and construction of gas turbine power plants installed worldwide in combined,
simple cycle and cogeneration.
The objective of the internship is to provide Gas Natural Fenosa, a customer of General Electric operating
two units of 425MW each in Barcelona, a solution for the conservation of the HRSGs of the combined cycles
when shut down. The thesis focuses on the study of the system, P&IDs, the design of the solution, financial
analysis, testing, validation and implementation on site.



Akuo Energy (Paris 75, France) and (Bali, Indonesia)
Business Development of Solar PV Power Plant in Indonesia .
Akuo Energy is private group specializing in the development of large scale, renewable energy based, power
production plant. The company is involved in all stages of power plants life cycle; studies, design, financing,
construction and operation. Presence in 10 countries, Akuo Energy has been developing more than 2500
MW power plant.
The thesis aims to explore the opportunities in developing solar PV power plant in Indonesia. In 2011, the
electrification ratio in Indonesia is 70%, with 8 % increase in electricity demand and 3% growth of power
plant annually. Given the solar irradiance potential range from 1700 to 2200 kWh/m2.year, it is obvious
that there are many business opportunities in developing a large scale solar PV power plant which woefully
behindIndonesias energy mix target in 2025. The focus is then to design a solar PV project which satisfy
three important aspects of sustainability; environmental, social, and economical.

30th August 2013 / Lecture hall Georges Besse



PHYTOREM S.A. (Miramas 13, France and Queretaro, Mexico)
Feasibility study and future business prospective to install the BambouAssainissement in the region of Queretaro and Mexico.
Phytorem is a society specialized in the depollution by plants, who conceives and realize eco-stations to
treat water by phytoremediation, responding to a unique patented technology which has been used for the
past 10 years: The Bambou-Assainissement.
Based on this process, the treatment of wastewater is done by a plantation of bamboos. Among the various
advantage of this technology: to respond the problematic of domestic, industrial and rainwater from industry
and collectivities, all of the above done by a 100% biological and ecological process. Nowadays, Phytorem
reach a state of maturity which naturally takes it to explore new markets to take its activities.
The thesis aims to address the challenge of meeting potential clients, identify their needs in terms of effluent
treatments and to propose the key solution of Bambou-Assainissement. Moreover, to approach suppliers,
and subcontractors to construct the offer of Phytorem in Mexico and also to respond to the market. Main
objective will be to explore the potential market, competition, and stakeholders to enable Phytorem to
consider a local implantation.



Earth Systems (Melbourne, Australia)
Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) Studyfor an Iron Mining Project
(Victoria, Australia).
Formed in 1993, Earth Systems is a multi-disciplinary environmental consultancy seeking to implement
innovative and effective solutions to environmental problems. With strong expertise in environmental
management associated to the mining sector, Earth Systems has successfully completed over 300 projects
for a range of clients including government, private companies, aid and development agencies and research
As part of the Environmental Effects Statement (EES) process, a complete assessment is undertaken to
identify the potential environmental, social and economic impacts of the proposed Iron Ore Development.
The thesis focuses on the air quality, noise and vibration assessment with a triple objective: reviewing
existing information of the greater region and within the Project area, assessing the current air quality,
describing potential impacts of the Project and mitigation measures.



CSEM-UAE (Ras Al khaimah, UAE)
Thermal Performance Evaluation of Receivers for Linear Fresnel Concentrator(LFC)
for CSP-Direct Steam Generation system, Thermo-hydraulic system design,
implementation and test.
CSEM-UAE Innovation Center is a not-for-profit joint venture company of CSEM-Switzerland and Ras Al
Khaimah Investment Authority. It bridges academic R&D to industrial products by maturing, integrating and
transferring renewable energy and clean technologies to industry. In its solar open air laboratory, CSEMUAE builds platforms for R&D in photovoltaic, concentrated solar power, solar cooling / thermal and solar
calorimeter for green building technology and material test.
The Thesis is design and installation of a thermo-hydraulic system to evaluate the thermal performance of
direct steam generation receiver of a Linear Fresnel Collector module prototype. The module is developed for
solar island platform; a 5000 m hovering platform, which tracks the azimuth of the sun with high precision
and lifts up to 150 tons of LFC modules. The performance of the receiver should be analyzed in different
conditions, based on which, optimum receiver design and connection on solar island will be suggested.



E.ON Climate & Renewables GmbH (Essen, Germany)
Strategic Assessment of Major Environmental Impacts in Offshore & Onshore
Renewable Technologies.
E.ON Climate & Renewables (EC&R) manages E.ONs global activities in industrial-scale renewables. The
company plays a leading role in the development of the renewable industry worldwide and is already active
in onshore & offshore wind technology, concentrating solar power (CSP), photovoltaic (PV), and biomass.
EC&R currently operates a geographically balanced portfolio of 4.2 GW renewables capacity in Europe and
North America.
The thesis focuses on the development of astrategic assessment of major environmental impacts in allthe
offshore & onshore renewabletechnologies of the company. The project will be oriented to the study and
analysis of the most important environmental aspects and therefore impactsassociated to the installation
and operation of these technologies. The main purpose is to identify and valorize these impacts, and
furtheranalyze preventive and corrective actions to avoid or minimize their effects considering economic,
environmental and social issues.

Juin 2013 - service de la communication

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