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Sigma Society Chapter Meeting

February 23, 2015 at 5:30pm

Tower View
Roll Call: What was your favorite part of service week?
Guest Speaker
TKE executive
-Doggy Trot
-Want to thank us for allowing them to partner up
with us
-Discussing with their chapter if they can make it an
annual event
Exec Reports:
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
o Rachel Johannesen, Megan Lehr, Kaitlyn Keough
o Pisces
Lily White
Courtney Young
Lucy King
Cheyenne Long
Christine McCoy
Sara Cumberland
o Reminder that if you want to buy a sonic card, let us know
Love Your Body Week
o Wellness center has deemed this week love your body week
o Tuesday: Photobooth next to the vending machines on the
second floor of the union from 11-1
o Wednesday: Operation beautiful-Make a positive note for student,
staff, or faculty at the info tables from 11-1
o Thursday: Brief survey about body image from 11-1 at the info
table and you get a free waterbottle
Growing Organization
o Reminder that we are a growing organization
o We need bigger service projects to get our name out their
o It is our job to serve others and to make our community the best
place to be

o There were so many of us that were unable to make it to the

doggy trot, that is why we thought it was necessary to have a
make up project this semester
Vice President:
o Edited it to make it for our formal
o There will be a long sleeve and a short sleeve offered because
there is not a boys shirt and a girls shirt this year
Recognition Box
o Next Monday MacKenzie will be reading these
o Send in whatever you want
Saturday basketball game
o Senior night for basketball and it is a white out
o There is a chance to win so much stuff!
o 1:30 and 3:30 this Saturday and we are playing UCM
o We are pairing with TKE to try to win money from student body
o I made an outlook calendar with all the events for the rest of the
o I will be sending that out separate from the minutes
o If times are TBD, the event is still there, it is just stated as an all
day event until the time is determined
o This will be sent out every week with updates as necessary
o $3,273.23
Service Week Results
o 1,334 box tops
o 144.44 pounds of cat food
o 9,000 pop tabs
o 520 door decs
o 168 cake mixes
o 52 veteran cards
o over 800 pounds of canned goods
o Doggie trot: $1,390.76 and about $500 in other pet care items
Make-Up Mandatory Project
o March 4 from 2-4
o Walking dogs, playing with cats, and helping with whatever else
they need at the Humane Society
o There will be other options that you can do if you cannot make
this event
Service Journals

o Due tonight at midnight

o Make sure to write the total hours and highlight your hours for
service week. Also make sure they are in chronological order
o Must be in a notebook or a folder
o Make arrangements with Jeannie to turn that in
o Info tables are booked!
o You will be selling raffle tickets and promoting the events
o We will need people to donate food, make adoption information
boards, and do other misc. things for the event
Sign ups for this will probably be posted this Wednesday
but not for sure
Relay for Life
o Come and see Jeannie if you e-mailed her about wanting to
participate in this
o Still in need of 3 more moms
o Please
Friendly Reminder
o When you are signing up for things online, please put your first
and last name because there are a lot of people with the same
first name
o If you want to drop the position or change your time, call or email the person in charge so they know what is going on
Volleyball Tournament
o Bro tank: Check out the bottom of the minutes for the design
o You can sell 7 of these for an hour
o They are $8
o Need your money and orders by March 20th at midnight
o We are doing info tables the week of March 30th
There are still tons of spot left if you need your hour
Book Sale
o Signups open tomorrow morning at 7 in da morning
o The sale: April 1,3,4,6 from 9-6
o The set up: March 9,10,11,18th from 12-3
o Try to be there for an entire hour because you do need a full hour
Voting on Events
o Float: We will be doing this
o Jalopy: We will be doing this
o Dancing clowns: We will be doing this

o Paper Mache heads: We will be doing this

o Banner: We will be doing this
o Canned art: We will be doing this
o Variety Show: We will be doing this
o Bearcats under the big top: Circus theme
o Bearcats on broadway: Musicals
o Lions, tigers, and bearcats: Jungle theme
o Walking around the belltower: Generations of music
o Winner:
Lions, tigers, and bearcats, oh my!
Bearcats on Broadway
Event Themes
o We are going to need to pick themes for our individual events
o Keep these ideas in mind
Committee Chairs
o Please sign up for committees
o Trying to make a lot of changes this year so it will go more
o Let Lucy or Becca know if you are interested
o Trailer
o Four wheeler
o Truck with driver
o Folding tables
o Lumbar
o Chicken wire
o Ask people and see if you can find these items
Royalty Nominations
o King: Abe from TKE
o Queen: Jeannie Schleip

Bridal Show:
o The show is March 14th
o Be spreading the word about it! Like the facebook page!
o Hearing this week from 2Trendy about the dress sizes
o If you have signed up for advertising, let them know so they can
give you the fliers to sign up
o Remember you need 2 hours from the bridal show so make sure
you sign up
No Report

Public Relations:
President Jasinski
o Tweeted at us thanking us for raising all those donations
The Winner Is
o Sammy Sprenkle

Alycia: Running as student senate secretary
A lady stopped along the highway and thanked us for picking up trash during
highway cleanup
A lady during the doggie trot stopped and gave us $20 for our event
A different lady invited Courtney into her house and she had a cat that
weighed 55 pounds
There is a lady who works at the ministry center that was in sigma society
like 40 years ago

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