Chemistry Paper 3 Teacher Sample)

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NAMA : Be, KA nn TTINGKATAN :.. suUT KIMIA KERTAS 3 (060s 2014 JAM 30 MINIT tl SMK TAMAN SRI MUDA, SEKSYEN 25 SHAH ALAM PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM TAHUN 2014 TINGKATAN 5 KERTAS3 1. JAM 30 MINIT ae JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU. 1, Kertas soalan adalah dwibshasa oe 2. Soalan dalam Bahasa Inggeris mendahului soalan yang sepadan dalam Bahasa Melayu, 3. Kertas ini mengandungi 3 soalan, 4. Jawab semua soalan, Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 10 halaman bercetak Answer all questions Jawab semua soalan 1. Diagram 1.1, 12 and 1.3 shows three set of experiments to determine the héat of combustion of _ methanol, ethanol and propanol. Rajah 11, 1.2 dan 1.3 memunjukkan tiga eksperimen untuk menentukan haba pembakaran metanol, etanol dan propanol. Sets Sat ‘Wind shield Penghadang angin Initial Highest ‘wal 4 Diagram 1.1 ae Rajah 1 Initial temperature of the water 28.0°C ‘Subu awal air 7 Highest temperature ofthe water: _ 580% 0 ‘Sulu tertinggi air ‘Temperature rise of the water: 25.0%. Kenaikan sulu air Initial temperature of the water Sulu awal air Highest temperature of the water Suu tertinggi air ‘Temperature rise of the water Kenaikan sub air Initial " Initial temperature of the water Suhu awal air Highest tempersture of the water: Oe Ae ‘Suh tertinggi air ‘Temperature rise of the water Kenaikan subu air (@) Write the initial, highest temperature and temperature rise ofthe water for Set 1, Set Il and Set II in the space provided, Tuliskan subu awal, suhu tertinggi dan kenaikan suhu bagi air untuk Set I, Set It dan Set Ht {3 smarks} ‘ruangan yang disediakan, rkah (b) Construct a table that can be used to record the data from three sets of experiments. ‘Bina satu jadual yang boleh digunakan wrtuk merekod data dari ketiga- tiga set eksperimen. Initial temperature. |Highest temperature |temporature rise oF! Type of alcohol |o¢ water |2c Jef water I'he water "co Methanol 28,0 53.0 GeO) Ethane! 28.0 55.0 21.0 | Propanol 28,0 59.0 . 31.0 ] B markak] (©) State one hypothesis for the experiment. Nyatakan satu hiporesis bagi eksperimen ini e_altohol ing ise. ety of the water ingeases (@) For this experiment, state: Bagi eksperimen ini, nyatakan: (The manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan - the ate lho! Gii)__The responding variable Pembolehubah bergerak balas riparia atu (iil) The constant variable Pembolehubah dimalarkan sel pig Gaars} (3 markah] (©) Based on the Set Il, what is the meaning of heat of combustion? Berdasarkan Set Il, apakah maksud haba pembakaran? GH,OH 402 930. +HH2O (®) Write a chemical equation for the complete combustion ofipropanol with oxygen. Tulskan satu persamaan kimia untuk pembakaran lengkap propanol dengan obsigen. GH.0n +40, —y 300, + 4H o Cs j TR ecm ane ae" [Ln ps marks Gol +302 > 30, +20 amp tL Bae gp iumjto react with oxygen gas. The 2. The experiment is carried out using a small piece offithium and set-up of apparatus and observations of reaction are shown in “Eksperimen dijalankan menggunakan kepingan kecil tim dan kalium bertindak balas dengan gas dksigen. Susunan radas dan pemerhatiantindak balas ditwyjukkan dalam Jadual 1). Set ‘Set-up of apparatus ‘Observation Set Susunan radas Pemerhatian Buns faster’ "and Prods white fumes SK (4) The experiment is repeated by using metal X to react with oxygen. The result of the experiment is shown in. Table 1.2 Eksperimen diulang menggunakan logam X ditindak balas dengan oksigen. Kepttusan eksperimen dditunjukkan dalam Jadu 1.2. ‘Setcup of apparatus ‘Observation on the metal ‘Susunan radas Pemerhatian ke atas logam White fumes Wasdp putih | Bums rapidly and produces white Terbakar dengan cergas dan ‘menghasilkan wasap puih G X metal Logam X Predict the position of metal ‘Ramalkan keduclukan logam X di dalam Jadual Berkala Unst Nene, mefol ¥ will buins rapidly when teact with _cayden gos ____ . [3 marks) [3 markah] (© Lithium hydroxide solution is produced when lithium oxide reacts with water. Classify the fons that exist in the solution into cation and anion. Larutan litium hidroksida terhasil apabila litium oksida bertindak balas dengan air. ‘elaskan ion -ion yang hadir dalam laraan int kepada kaon dan anion. N Lio +O > Liov#t HO Cation @ ‘Anion (> Kation Anion _* Ss ie ot 7 : 7 a marks] [3 markah LiO+ WoO ~ iow = 3. Diagram 2 shows nisting of iron naturally occurs when iron is exposed to air. ‘Rajah 2 memunjukkan pengaratan besi berlaku secara semulajadi apabila besiterdedah kepada tedara Diagram Z Rajah 2 ‘The rusting of iron can be affected by the presence of other metal that is in contact with iron. Pengaratan besi boleh dipengaruhi oleh kehadiran logam lain yang bersentuhan dengan besi. “Table 2 shows the results when metal P and metal Q are in contact with ion Jadual 2menurjuttan keputuscsapabilalogam P dan logam O bersentuan dengan Best. ‘Metal in contact with iron “Results | Logam yang bersentuban dengan besi| __Keputusan i Metal P Iron does not rust Logam P Besi tidak berkarat Sepieecioret eae Besi berk Table 2 Jadual 2 (2) Complete the Table 1.1 by stating the observation for reaction of potassium metal towards oxygen. Lengkapkan Jadual 2.1 dengan menyatakan pemerhatian ke atas tindak balas logam kalium terhadap oksigen. : (®) Based on the Table |. state the relationship between the po ns of element of Group 1 with the reactivity of the elements towards 03 (Baa RT 27 a Nap Bah rr Kea) eens Keil tindak balas terhadap oksigen. 2 I alot + 4 G marks} Lit Ho = us (©) Afterthe reaction in StI stopped, the gas ar filed with water and afew drops of phenolphthalein solution sad The loess ston ome sang —_— Give one inference ‘on the observation above. Setelah tindak balas Set I selesai, balang gas tersebut diisi dengan air dan beberapa titis larutan ‘fenoifialeinditambah, Larutan tanpa warna yang terhasil berubah kepada merah jambu. ‘Nyatakan satu inferens berdasarkan kepada pemerhatian di aas. of ig_atkaline when” the ts in gf —With_water, Ht will produes ajkoline_saluton Phenolptholein is test for _ the ob alkaline the phenslpthalein solution _uill thange ‘(olautess To pink . Therefure, te Clout change of Phenclpthalein Solution is teperd On He poston of Clement oF group I @aunt Bmarkahy Referring to the information above , plan a laboratory experiment to investigate the effect of named metals P and Q on the rusting of iron and arrange the position of metal P, Q and iron in electrochemical series. Merujuk kepada maklumat di atas , rancangkan satu eksperimen dalam makmal untuk ‘mengkaji kesan logam —logam P dan Q yang dinamakan ke atas pengaratan besi'dan ssusunkan kedudukan logam P, Q dan besi dalam siri elektrokimia. ‘Your planning should include the following aspects: Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi aspek ~ aspek berikut: (@) Aim of the experiment Tujuan eksperimen (b) All the variables ‘Semua pembolehubah (©) Hypothes Hipotesis (@) List of materials and apparatus Senarai bahan dan radas (©) Procedure Prosedur (®) Tabulation of data Penjadualan data (07 marks} 117 markah} steensenesenssenessseenene snsecesees ALL THE BEST oteesseeestsessnenenanensanenenss Prepared by, Checked by, Approved by, (SARASWATHY) (KP OF CHEMISTRY) (GKMP) ‘Roki Bini Mohd Nob 9 eee "0000 Stub Alm a SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN TAMAN SRI MUDA SEKSYEN 25, SHAH ALAM 4 NAMA: 386. PE 288M. TINGKATAN : AEB. on S fc PERKARA: . ce TARIKH IRI =a when 0 more elect Lio ‘will inhibits | Cay the ion Hs | Naterials and — 2 fas | Rrevedure i) ean_the_iten nails, magnesium (ibbon and copper strip with sandpaper. —_|id)_Giled. the ton nails_with_megnesium ciblen and copper strip. | (i the coiled ifen_nails into dit fe ()) \liv) Pour_the « su 1 = AL) st ini tube \Y) Tut the tet tube in tothe test tube (Ock for a doy fohulation of data [eam | Pads s Nesium + ion Copper + ifon tow —hidh, high low

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