Hardecker Headlines Mar 2015

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Hardecker Headlines

March 2015

Independent Fundamental Baptist Missionaries to the Philippines sent by Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Brogue, PA
Marcia was able
to witness to
Mary Beth who
she sat next to on
the plane. Joe
tried charming
her, but that
didnt work.

Praise Reports:

A good visit to encourage

Marcias mom & dad in


A young boy trusted Christ as

Saviour during the invitation/
altar call.


A good & encouraging word

from Bro. John.


For Gods faithfulness and

blessings of health,
provisions, and safety.


For your faithful prayers and


Prayer Requests:
Greetings from South Central, PA! of course, we would rather say greetings from the islands
of the Philippines but we will trust in Him for the proper timing of these things. God is good!
We were able to fly to Florida and spend time with Marcias mom and dad (Randy & Shirley Starr).
Naturally, the boys loved, loved, loved their time with Mamaw & Papaw! This was much needed
for us as it was them. Pray for Preacher Starrs chemo treatments and post-treatment logistical
issues! They are doing well and cannot wait to get on with their new normal.
Please pray for Sam and Shushila Patel. Having visited the Starrs in Florida,
we stayed at a hotel for a number of days and were able to strike a friendship
with Sam and his wife. They are from Vadodara, Gujarat (Western India); they
have lived in the U.S. for fifteen years now and worked at the hotel as room service personnel for two years. They speak very little English, but I was able use
Google Translate to communicate with them. It took a while for them to warm up
to us, but by the end of our stay they became friendly. We were able to print a Gospel tract in Gujarati and give it to them with a small note of appreciation for their work. Would you pray that they
would come to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ? Thank you!
Good news from Bro. John. The last three months of helping out with our prison ministry
has been nothing but absolute joy! Not only are many souls being saved right before our very eyes,
but we are seeing newly saved brothers in Christ grow like weeds! I mentioned Bro. John in my
previous newsletter. He has since then sent another letter stating that he has read the whole New
Testament (in four weeks time). He is carefully sharing the lesson that Bro. Vinny taught on Gethsemane with others in jail and has a burden to see his loved ones led to the Lord. He has been
transferred to another facility an hour north of us, but he desires for us to come see him. Naturally,
we will make our way up there to see Bro. John! Pray for God to strengthen him in his trials.
A young boy prayed to receive Jesus as Savior! I was able to fill a pulpit and preached on
Col. 1:27Christ in you, the hope of glory. At the invitation, I asked if anyone needed to pray and
ask Jesus to come into their lives. Wes (an 11 year old) raised his hand. Well, you know me, unbelieving as I was, I asked again, and again. This young man with anxiety looked up at me and almost
waved his hand. He probably didnt think that I saw his hand but I was just stunned. Then I said, If
you would like to come forward, we will show you from the Bible how to be saved. He followed
through and came forward. This young man was serious. I knew his dad was in the audience so I
asked him if I could deal with his son; his dad gladly said yes. I took the time and went through the
plan of salvation thoroughly. He bowed his head and asked Jesus to forgive him of sin and come
into his heart. WOW! God is so good. Please pray that Wes attaches himself to that local church.


Pray that our house would

sell. The sooner the better,
but all in Gods good timing.


Pray for wisdom as we

prepare and plan for the great
responsibility of ministering in
the Philippines.


Pray for Dr. Starrs chemo

treatments and wisdom for
scheduling meetings and posttreatments.


Pray for Sam & Shushila Patel.


Pray for power as we serve

the Lord.


Pray for souls to be saved.


Pray for revival in our hearts,

homes, churches, & country.

Sent by:
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
48 Muddy Creek Forks Rd.
Brogue, PA 17356
(717) 927-9227
Mission funds:
Central Missionary Clearinghouse
P.O. Box 219228
Houston, TX 77218
(800) 262-7729
Contact info:
111 S. Pine St.
Red Lion, PA 17356
(717) 880-5011
email: hardecker@gmail.com
Bill (01/10), Marcia (09/30), Anniv. (06/15/04),
W.T. (09/14/10), Joe (12/28/12)12)

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