EPA Region 7 Communities Information Digest - Mar. 12, 2015

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EPA Region 7

Communities Information Digest

March 12, 2015

Welcome to the latest EPA Region 7 Digest!

The purpose of the EPA Region 7 Communities Information Digest is to
provide communities in the 4-state region and other interested areas the
latest news, webinars, conferences, funding, and other community-based
activities going on in the region and country related to human health and the
environment. (An * Indicates a new post.)
Has this edition of the digest been forwarded to you by a friend? Would you
like to sign up to receive future digests or unsubscribe? Do you have any
news, funding, webinars or conferences related to environmental protection
or human health youd like to submit for consideration in future digests?
If so, please email R7_POIS_Communities_Mailbox@epa.gov.
Thank you!
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*President Obama Releases FY16 Budget Increasing HUDs Budget Authority by 8.7 Percent over FY2015
Levels, to $49.3 Billion
The budget includes existing HUD programs as well as new proposals that address energy efficiency or support
community and economic resilience: $2.8 billion for CDBG; $1 billion in previously appropriated CDBG Disaster
recovery funding for the National Disaster Resilience Competition (currently underway); $250 million for Choice
Neighborhoods; $120 million for Lead Hazard Reduction; $300 million in new Local Housing Policy Grants; and
authorization for new Pay for Success and Utility Conservation Pilots aimed at boosting energy efficiency in
multifamily and public housing.

*USDA to Invest $84 Million to Help Communities in 13 States Recover from Natural Disasters
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced recently that USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service will
invest an additional $84 million through the Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP) to help disaster
recovery efforts through more than 150 projects in 13 states. EWP provides critical resources to local sponsors to
help communities eliminate imminent hazards to life and property caused by floods, fires, wind -storms and other
natural occurrences. EWP is an emergency recovery program.
*National Public Transportation/Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Technical Assistance Initiative Due
April 10
The Federal Transit Administration announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity and Request for Proposals (RFP)
for a new National Public Transportation/TOD Technical Assistance Initiative, which supports the Ladders of
Opportunity initiative of the President and the Secretary of Transportation by providing technical assistance for
transit-oriented development activities around public transportation stations, including technical assistance to
economically distressed communities across the country. FTA has budgeted up to $4,000,000 over a four -year

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*New Environmental Literacy Grants from NOAA's Office of Education for Building Capacity Educators
Due April 13
NOAAs Office of Education has issued a request for applications for projects designed to strengthen the publics
and/or K-12 students environmental literacy to improve community resilience to extreme weather events and
environmental changes. Eligible applicants are limited to institutions of higher education; other nonprofits, including
informal education institutions such as museums, zoos, and aquariums; K-12 public and independent schools and
school systems; and state, local and Indian tribal governments in the United States.
*USDA Rural Energy for America Program Due April 30
USDA announced funding to assist agricultural producers and small business owners in applying for resources to
purchase and install renewable energy systems or make energy efficiency improvements. Eligible renewable energy
systems include wind, solar, renewable biomass (including anaerobic digesters), small hydro -electric, ocean,
geothermal, or hydrogen derived from these renewable resources.
*EPA Environmental Finance Center Grant Program Due April 30
EPA is making available funding to provide multi-media environmental finance expertise and outreach to regulated
communities (such as states, tribes, local governments, and private sector entities) to help them meet
environmental requirements. The program aims to address environmental finance-related priorities such as reducing
greenhouse gas emissions; developing decision tools and financial strategies for adaptation to adverse weather
events and/or climate change; and improving drinking water and wastewater utility water conservation, energy
efficiency, management, and capital planning.

*DOE Strategic Technical Assistance Response Team (START) Renewable Energy Project Development
Assistance Program Due May 1
DOE announced an initiative to provide tribes with technical assistance with furthering the development of
community- and commercial-scale renewable energy projects. Successful applications should demonstrate that their
renewable energy project is aligned with overarching tribal strategic energy goals, identify a likely purchaser for the
power generated from the project for commercial-scale projects, and use a selected or evaluated commercially
available renewable energy technology.
*DOE U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center: Energy and Water Program Due May 1
DOE announced funding to support the formation of a consortium with the knowledge and experience to undertake
a collaborative research program in conjunction with researchers in China. DOE identified five research and
development topics at the nexus of energy and water that must be addressed by proposals: water use reduction at
thermoelectric plants, treatment and management of non-traditional waters, improving sustainable hydropower
design and operation, climate impact modeling, methods, and scenarios to support improved energy and water
systems understanding, and data and analysis to inform planning, policy, and other decisions.
*DOE Resilient Electricity Delivery Infrastructure (REDI) Initiative Due May 4
DOE is making available funding to deploy smart grid technologies/tools to improve climate preparedness and
resiliency of the electricity delivery infrastructure. Two topic areas are offered to accomplish the objectives of this
initiative: Topic Area 1) implementation and deployment of the best, pre-commercial and/or commercial smart grid
technologies/tools, and Topic Area 2) utilizing smart grid technologies/tools from the DOE National Laboratories.
Applications must describe how the proposed smart grid technology/tool increases climate resilience, and include
metrics for measuring resilience.

*USDA Announces $14 Million in Grants Supporting Economic Growth for Rural Communities
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) recently announced
nearly $14 million in grants to support four programs to increase prosperity in rural America through research,
education, and extension programs focused on promoting rural community development, economic growth, and
sustainability. A fact sheet with a complete list of awardees and project descriptions is available on the USDA
website. Awardees in Region 7 include Kansas State University and Iowa State University.
*DOT Notice of Intent to Issue Funding Opportunity Announcement for Transportation Investment
Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Program
The U.S. Department of Transportation has released a notification of intent to issue a funding opportunity
announcement for the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program. The program is
designed to invest in road, rail, transit, and port projects that promise to achieve five critical national objectives:
safety, economic competitiveness, state of good repair, livability, and environmental sustainability.

Funding & Technical Assistance Opportunities

*Calendar of 2015 EPA Grant Opportunities
Climate-Related Funding Opportunities Compiled by the Florida Climate Institute
HUD CDBG Disaster Recovery Assistance
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HUD CDBG Disaster Recovery Assistance

USDA Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant (REDLG) Call Rural Development State Office for
Due Dates
USDA Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) Contact Local USDA Service Center
*March 17: Social Innovation Fund Grant Competition
March 17: USDA Announces $9 Million to Support Community Food Projects Program
March 19: USDA Announces the Availability of $16 Million to Support Food Production
March 24: EPA RFP for Nonpoint Source Agricultural Technical Training Workshops
March 26: USDA Announces Funding to Support Research, Education, & Extension at 1890 Land-Grant
March 27: HUD National Disaster Resilience Competition
March 31: DOE State Energy Program 2015 Competitive Awards
April 1: EDA Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership Program
April 1: USDA Conservation Innovation Grant Program
April 3: EPA Tribal Training and Outreach Support for the American Indian Air Quality Training Program
*April 10: National Public Transportation/Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Technical Assistance
*April 13: New Environmental Literacy Grants from NOAA's Office of Education for Building Capacity
*April 30: EPA Environmental Finance Center Grant Program
*April 30: USDA Rural Energy for America Program
*May 1: DOE Strategic Technical Assistance Response Team (START) Renewable Energy Project
Development Assistance Program
*May 1: DOE U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center: Energy and Water Program
*May 4: DOE Resilient Electricity Delivery Infrastructure (REDI) Initiative

Meetings, Conferences, Training, & Events

*Calendar of Events Related to Climate Change and Water
This page includes conferences, meetings, webinars, workshops and training opportunities related to climate
change and water.
Let us know if you have information to add by emailing us the details of the event.
March 11-13: The 2015 National Environmental Justice Conference and Training Program Washington,
March 16-18: The Funders Network 2015 Annual Conference Los Angeles, CA
March 19-22: 24th Ahwahnee Conference for Local Elected Officials Yosemite National Park, CA
March 24-26: The New World of Wetlands: Dealing with Shifting Landscapes, Laws and Climate
Shepherdstown, West Virginia
*March 31-April 2: Triple Region Roundtable St. Louis, MO
April 11-12: Structures for Inclusion (SFI 15) Conference Detroit, MI
April 14-15: Iowa Governors Conference on Public Health - Exhibitor and Sponsor Opportunities
Cedar Rapids, IA
April 18-21: American Planning Association 2015 National Conference Seattle, WA
April 26-28: Magical Mystery Tour 2015 San Antonio, San Marcos, Austin, Dallas, and Fort Worth, TX
April 27-May 1: Water Quality Standards Academy (WQSA) Washington, DC
April 28-30: ITEP Presents Climate Change Adaptation Planning Pocatello, ID
April 29-May 2: Congress for the New Urbanism CNU23: Meeting the Demand for Walkable Places
Dallas, TX
May 5-7: National Zero Waste Business Conference Los Angeles, CA
May 6-8: Placemaking: Making it Happen Training New York City, NY
May 12-14: National Adaptation Forum St. Louis, MO
May 19-21: The National Tribal Forum on Air Quality (NTF) Battle Creek, MI
*May 31-June 1: 2nd Annual Local Leaders Council Policy Forum Washington, DC
June 2-3: 2015 LOCUS Leadership Summit: Private Sector Solutions to Affordability and Social Equity
Crisis Washington, D.C.
June 15-17: American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Specialty Conference New Orleans, LA
June 15-19: Great Urban Stream Workshop Pittsburgh, PA
July 13-17: Earth Educators' Rendezvous Boulder, CO
July 19-25: 2015 Hands-On PV Experience (HOPE) Workshop Golden, CO
August 4-6: 2015 U.S. EPA Community Involvement Training Conference Atlanta, GA
August 18-20: 2015 Kansas Environmental Conference Topeka, KS
September 2-4: National Brownfields Training Conference Chicago, IL
October 27-29: Policy Links Equity 2015: The National Summit Los Angeles, CA

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October 27-29: Policy Links Equity 2015: The National Summit Los Angeles, CA

Webinars, Conference Calls, & Twitter Chats

EPA Webinar "Climate Resilience: What to Expect, How to Prepare, and What You Can Learn from Others"
Available Online
EPA's Watershed Academy has archived the "Climate Resilience: What to Expect, How to Prepare, and What You
Can Learn from Others" webinar. The webinar can be viewed anytime The Workbook and other resources can be
found on the Climate Ready Estuaries website: http://www2.epa.gov/cre/risk-based-adaptation.

CDFA Brownfield Financing Webinar Series

The Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA) is excited to announce the CDFA Brownfield Financing
Webinar Series as part of the CDFA Brownfields Technical Assistance Program. The series will include three 90minute webinars over the year and will focus on effective utilization of brownfield and redevelopment financing
tools, while highlighting best practices, case studies, and CDFA's technical assistance program participants.
*Portfolio Manager 101 March 24, 1-2:30 p.m. EST
Join us as we introduce and demonstrate the core functionality of EPAs new ENERGY STAR Portfolio
Manager tool.
*Portfolio Manager 201 March 25, 1-2:30 p.m. EST
Learn about more advanced functionalities such as: managing and tracking changes to your property uses
over time; using spreadsheet templates to update property data; setting goals and using the Sustainable
Buildings Checklist.

*How to Apply for ENERGY STAR March 26, 1-2 p.m. EST
Learn about applying for ENERGY STAR Certification in Portfolio Manager. Understand the value of the
ENERGY STAR certification, see the step-by-step process of applying, and gain tips to avoid common errors,
thus helping your property get from application to award in less time.
*Free EPA Sustainable Materials Management Webinars
Wasted Food to Energy: How 6 Water Resource Recovery Facilities are Boosting Biogas Production & the
Bottom Line March 12, 2-4 p.m. EST
This webinar will present the co-digestion practices and experiences of six Water Resource Recovery
Facilities (WRRFs), who were interviewed for a recently published EPA paper. The six facilities will discuss
the types of food waste co-digested and the strategies - specifically, the tools, timing, and partnerships how
they funded their projects.
Reducing Wasted Food: How Packaging Can Help March 19, 1-2:30 p.m. EST
Food accounts for the greatest percentage of materials going into our landfills (21% in 2012). Packaging
plays important roles in reducing these numbers, and our speakers will explain how it does so today, and
whats in store for the future.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting a Wasted Food Assessment with EPAs Reducing Wasted Food &
Packaging Toolkit Milestones 2 & 3: March 26, 1-3 p.m. EST, Milestone 4: April 23, 1-3 p.m. EST
The toolkit includes a guide and a tracking spreadsheet to assist commercial and institutional food services in
tracking and reducing their food and packaging waste.
*Financing CHP at Wastewater Treatment Facilities with Clean Water Revolving Fund Resources March
16, 3-4:30 p.m. EST
Obtaining capital to finance CHP systems can be a challenge for facilities, but EPAs Clean Water State Revolving
Fund (CWSRF), which provides low-interest loans for publicly owned WWTFs, can help overcome the financing
challenge. The EPA CHP Partnership explores this financing mechanism in a recently released fact sheet about
CWSRF financing for CHP.

*Assessing Vulnerability with the Vulnerability Assessment Scoring Tool March 17, 2-3:30 p.m. EST
This webinar will focus on using the Vulnerability Assessment Scoring Tool (VAST) to assess vulnerability to
climate change and extreme weather events, including example applications of the tool: Gulf Coast 2 Assessment
of Vulnerability; Overview of the Vulnerability Assessment Scoring Tool (VAST).
Association of State Wetland Managers (ASWM)'s Improving Wetland Restoration Success
Webinar March 17, 3 p.m. EST
Pacific Coast Wetland Restoration with Presenters: Charles ("Si") Simenstad, University of Washington and
John Callaway, University of San Francisco.
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John Callaway, University of San Francisco.

Pacific Coast Wetland Restoration March 17, 3 p.m. EST
Presenters: Charles Simenstad, University of Washington and John Callaway, University of San Francisco
Riverine/Riparian Wetland Restoration June 9, 3 p.m. EST
Presenters: Richard Weber, NRCS Wetland Team, CNTSC and Larry Urban, Montana Department of
*Greater Kansas City Regional Water Quality Education Committee Presents the
2015 Center for Watershed Protection Webinars:
The Runoff Reduction Method & Its Applications March 18, 121:30 p.m. CST
This webcast will explain the method, describe the accounting of runoff reduction capabilities by various
stormwater practices, and provide examples of compliance and site planning tools used in various states.
Green Infrastructure & Green Jobs May 20, 121:30 p.m. CST
This webcast will features several programs around the country, and will highlight best practices for these
types of programs, as well as critical lessons learned.
Multi-Sector & Industrial Stormwater Permits June 17, 121:30 p.m. CST
This webcast will feature insights on the permitting process, tools available for facility inventories and
inspections, and BMPs applicable to these types of site.
What to Do About Trashy Watersheds September 16, 121:30 p.m. CST
Learn from places that have been managing trash as part of local or regional TMDLs and some of the
approaches that have been tried. Of course, this webcast will feature a lot of trash -talking.
Checking in on Post-Construction Stormwater Management November 18, 121:30 p.m. CST
This webcast will explore innovations and trends in post-construction stormwater management, with MS4
case studies featuring program components and budgets.
All webinars will be streamed at the Mid-America Regional Council Conference Center at 600 Broadway,
Suite 200, Kansas City, Missouri 64105.
*NEJAC Public Teleconference Meeting March 19, 2-4 p.m. EST
The National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) will host a public teleconference meeting. The
primary topics of discussion will be: Chemical Safety Policy, Farmworker Protection Standards, Solid Waste Rule,
Refinery Rule, Clean Power Rule, and Title VI. Pre-registration is required.
*Climate Resilience Pilots: Results from Maryland, Tennessee, Hillsborough, and Southeast
Florida March 24, 2-4 p.m. EST
Representatives from Maryland State Highway Administration, Tennessee DOT, Hillsborough MPO, and Broward
MPO will present results and lessons learned from their climate change resilience pilot projects.
*EPA Water Quality Modeling Workgroup Webinar Series Starts March 26, 1-3 p.m. EST
The EPA Water Quality Modeling Workgroup is happy to announce a series of six webinars on water quality
modeling. All six webinars will be focused on helping water quality professionals better understand modeling and
how models can be used to solve the problems facing water quality regulators. This first webinar, titled Water
Quality Models 101What Are These Things? kicks off the series on March 26.

Other Environmental News

*RSVP here for the Missouri Hazardous Waste Fee Stakeholders Meeting
The next fee stakeholder meeting is scheduled for Friday, March 13 at 10 a.m. at the Elm Street Conference Center
located at 1730 East Elm St. in Jefferson City, MO. The agenda for the meeting is now posted.
*EPA Office of Sustainable Communities Seeks Division Director
The Office of Sustainable Communities (OSC), which runs EPAs smart growth program, is recruiting for a director
to lead its Federal and State Division (FSD). OSC helps communities across the country make smart growth and
sustainable design practices commonplace. All candidates that are U.S. citizens and that do not have previous
federal experience must submit complete applications by March 13, 2015. Applicants that are current or past
federal employees and/or veterans must submit complete applications by March 27, 2015.

*USDA Awards Grants to Support Schools Serving Healthier Meals and Snacks
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recently announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will be
awarding over $30 million in grants to help schools prepare healthy meals for their children. Twenty -five million
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awarding over $30 million in grants to help schools prepare healthy meals for their children. Twenty -five million
dollars in grants will help schools purchase needed equipment to make preparing and serving healthier meals easier
and more efficient, and up to $5.5 million will provide additional training for school food service professionals.

*Triple Region Roundtable

The event is hosted by the Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable, Pollution Prevention Regional
Information Center (P2RIC), and Zero Waste Network. It will be March 31-April 2 in St. Louis, MO.
*EPA Tips to Protect Children from Accidental Poisoning
Protect children from accidental poisoning by household substances. Lock up household pesticides and chemicals
in a high cabinet out of the reach of children. March 15-21 is National Poison Prevention Week.
*Go Green-Scaping this Spring
March is when we typically begin to think of springtime: lawns, flowers, and being outdoors. Get ideas and useful
tips for greenscaping environmentally friendly practices to improve the health and appearance of your lawn and
*Energy Star Dryers
Shopping for a new dryer? At least 45 models of clothes dryers have now earned the Energy Star label.
*HUDs Better Buildings Challenge Yields Significant Innovations and Cost-Savings for Participants
Discover more about the Challenge and news on the upcoming Better Buildings Summit in May in the latest bulletin.
*Energy Department's Race to 7-Day Solar Prize Competition to Speed Solar Deployment
The Energy Department recently announced final rules for a prize competition to make it faster, cheaper, and easier for
Americans to install solar energy systems and spur solar deployment nationwide.
*EPA Region 7: Big Blue Thread Blog: EPA Connects with Young Agricultural Leaders By Karl Brooks
Im always excited about new opportunities to connect with young agricultural leaders in the Heartland and beyond.
EPA recently participated in a Web-based discussion through Agriculture Future of Americas Online Network of
Tomorrows Agricultural Professionals (AFA ONTAP). This online format is a learning tool and a chance for us to
interact with []
*U.S. EPA Greenversations Blog: Preparing Students for the Future Through Environmental Education By
Nathaniel Thayer Wight
One of the best parts of my job here in the Office of Environmental Education is meeting creative, committed
environmental educators- and getting to recognize them for their work. Until March 13, were accepting applications
for the Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators (PIAEE). We recently reached out to Nathaniel
Thayer Wight, who teaches about []
*Harvard Universitys Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation selects Strong Cities, Strong
Communities (SC2) Initiative as Finalist for Annual Innovation in American Government Award
This competition recognizes creative, exemplary public sector approaches to serious community challenges and
policy issues in an era of shrinking resources. SC2 was also designated a Bright Idea for being an innovator in the
field of governance linking federal, private and philanthropic partners to mayors in distressed cities and creating a
network of strong municipal leaders committed to providing their residents with economic opportunities.

*Native American Pueblo of Ohkay Owingeh in New Mexico Unites to Save Ancient Dwellings
Oweneh Bupingeh tribal officials, the New Mexico Historic Preservation Division, the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD), and other parties embraced a project that stretched the established strictures of
architectural preservation, while embodying the truest sense of the philosophy behind it.
*U.S. EPA Greenversations Blog: Advancing Sustainable Development in the United States By Apple
Loveless and Leslie Corcelli
A United Nations summit to adopt sustainable development goals will take place this September. Among these is a
proposed goal to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, which expresses
global intent to provide adequate water and sanitation to everyone. When we think about []
*EPA Region 7: Big Blue Thread Blog: *My Proud and Passionate Answers to What Do You Do? By
Roberta Vogel-Leutung
When asked what I do at the EPA, Im likely to say, How much time do you have? My job description isnt so long,
but it doesnt fit nicely into a casual, brief elevator speech. I lead a federal partnership for the Blue River in Kansas
City, I say and am often met by a blank stare or a conversation-ending Oh. But for the braver ones who see my
spark of passion and encourage me to share more, heres what I say about my work leading the Middle Blue River
Urban Waters Federal Partnership in Kansas City, Mo., I love what I do. []

*Energy Department and National Institute of Building Sciences Release Better Buildings Workforce
As a part of the Obama Administrations effort to support greater energy efficiency through the Better Buildings
Initiative, the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Institute of Building Sciences (Institute) today announced
new Better Buildings Workforce Guidelines. The Better Buildings Workforce Guidelines, developed with feedback
from industry experts, will help enhance and streamline commercial building workforce training and certification
*How the Weatherization Assistance Program Changed a Young Womans Life
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*How the Weatherization Assistance Program Changed a Young Womans Life

Two years ago, Jasmine Romero did not know anything about weatherization, she was afraid of heights, and at the
time facing personal and family hardships. She was born and raised on Taos Pueblo, New Mexico, and attended 11
different schools during K-12, making it difficult to form lasting friendships with her peers. Jasmines life changed
almost instantly when she was given a flier for Rocky Mountain Youth Corps Energy Efficiency Program.
*Good News for Parents and the Environment: New Study Shows Kids Eating More Healthy Food at School,
Throwing Less Food Away
A new study from the Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity at the University of Connecticut shows that children
are eating healthier food at school and discarding less food since updated healthy school meal standards took effect
in 2012.
*Sprint Recognized as EPAs 2015 Climate Leader for Excellence in Greenhouse Gas Management
Sprint Corporation, headquartered in Overland Park, Kan., has received a U.S. EPA 2015 Climate Leadership
Award for Excellence in Greenhouse Gas Management Goal Achievement. Sixteen organizations and one
individual representing a wide array of industries from finance and manufacturing to retail and technology were
honored for their climate change and environmental work.
*Zillow Kicked off 72-Hour Open Data Hackathon in Partnership With HUD, The University Of Washington,
and other Federal Partners
By using HUD-provided data like the Location Affordability Index, web developers empowered low-income renters,
senior citizens, people with disabilities, and people suffering from homelessness with the information needed to find
the best place for them to live. The creativity that emerged from this event was remarkable.

*EPA Approves New Climate-Friendly Refrigerants

As part of President Obamas Climate Action Plan, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is
increasing the options for refrigerants used in various kinds of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment in the
United States that offer better climate protection without harming the ozone layer.
*EPA Green Infrastructure Opportunities that Arise During Municipal Operations
This new EPA document provides approaches that small to midsize communities can use to incorporate green
infrastructure components into work they are doing in public spaces. The document presents examples and case
studies of how integrating green infrastructure methods can enhance retrofits and maintenance projects and provide
other multiple community benefits.
*USDA Announces Nationwide Expansion of Team Up for School Nutrition Success Initiative
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recently announced additional support for schools working to serve school
children healthy meals with the nationwide expansion of the Team Up for School Nutrition Success Initiative. The
initiative will provide school nutrition personnel across the country tailored technical assistance and peer to peer
*George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication and the Climate Communication
Consortium of Maryland Release Survey Report: "Public Health, Energy, and Climate Change"
George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, in partnership with the Climate
Communication Consortium of Maryland, have released a survey report, "Public Health, Energy & Climate Change:
A Maryland Statewide Survey." According to the report, a majority of Marylanders understand the link between
energy choices, climate change and public health and say they expect people's health in their communities will be
affected by climate change.
*Report: Wind Generates 10% of Texas Electricity in 2014
In 2014, more than 10% of the electricity used in the grid covering most of Texas came from wind generation,
according to the grid's operator, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). The growth in wind generation is
a result of new wind plants coming online and grid expansions that have allowed more wind power to flow through
the system to consumers.
*EPA Database on Condition of Local Waterways
Hows My Waterway is a mobile-friendly website that helps people quickly find information, in plain-English, about
the condition of their local waters on their smart phone, tablet or desktop. The map lets you see which waters have
been assessed, which are impaired and what is being done to improve water quality wherever you are.
*Handbook for Designing Roadways for the Aging Population
By 2030, the number of adults 65 and over will grow to over 72 million. The guidebook includes the proven and
promising treatments for five categories of street features: intersections, interchanges, roadway segments, work
zones, and highway-railway grade crossings.
*A Resident's Guide for Creating Safer Communities for Walking and Biking
This guide is designed to be used by people looking to improve the safety and comfort of their neighborhood streets,
whether they are just beginning to learn about traffic safety or are already part of an established community safety
or advocacy group.

*Urban Land Institute and MacArthur Foundation Launch 'How Housing Matters' Online Portal
The portal offers up-to-date, easily searchable research and news connecting housing with a broad range of topics.
The new knowledge-sharing tool emphasizes the connection between housing and better educational opportunities
and outcomes for children; stronger foundations for family and community economic stability; and healthier, more
productive individuals and neighborhoods.

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productive individuals and neighborhoods.

*AARP Livable Communities
The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has a new website devoted to livable communities. AARP
seeks to improve older adults' quality of life by promoting the development of safe, accessible and vibrant
environments often called livable communities. Livable communities policies address issues such as land use,
housing, transportation and broadband - all of which facilitate aging in place.
*The Economic Value of a Unique Place
When it comes to communities, aesthetics and design are economics, because they are critical to creating a unique
place. Ed McMahon makes his case in a fascinating 17-minute TED talk that should be watched by every tourism
board and planner in America. McMahon makes the case that in today's economy, quality of place matters, as
people make decisions about where to invest, work, retire and vacation based on what a community looks like.
*Young People are Pulling Jobs Back to City Centers
Talented young people are moving to urban centers, raising the skill level of the labor force and attracting the
attention of businesses. As a result, some of the job sprawl that took place in the early 2000s has started to swing
back to cities, concludes a new analysis of Census data on local employment and housing by the City Observatory
think tank.
Apply Now: EPAs Nutrient Sensor Challenge Due March 16
Nutrient pollution is one of the nation's most difficult environmental challenges. How can we address this problem?
For one, we need more information.
The Environmental Protection Agency, alongside other federal agencies, the Alliance for Coastal Technologies
(ACT), and other partners challenge you to join the effort to develop affordable, accurate and reliable nutrient
SunShot Postdoctoral Research Awards Accepting Applications Due May 7
SunShot is now accepting applications for postdoctoral researchers in solar energy to participate in the EERE
Postdoctoral Research Awards. Up to five recent Ph.D. recipients will be selected for the program to conduct
applied research projects at universities, national laboratories and other research facilities in order to advance
breakthrough solar energy technologies.

This digest is being provided by EPA Region 7 for informational purposes only.
This digest contains links to information, agencies, sites, and organizations outside of the EPA website.
EPA is not responsible for third party links. EPA does not endorse third party organizations or agencies.

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