Indian History The Vedic

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Indian Polity & Governance

Chapter: The Vedic
Rigvedic Period - l500-l000B.C
Later Vedic Period - 1000-600B.C

Vedic Period (Important Terms)

Akratuh People who had no faith in rituals.

Anas People who didnt have prominent nose
Apah Water
Brahmin Rituals
Dam - House
Dunitri daughter
Gana - Tribal militia
Gavisti war
Godhara guest
Gomat a wealthy person
Gopa (Janasya) the ruler
Gosthi meeting
Gotra- Cow pen
Gvayuti measurement of distance
Mridhvaka who were not adept in Vedic language
Panch Char Sanyah Five wandering tribes.
Pani people having cattle wealth (traders)
Parjanya cloud
Purodasa Materials used in Yajana
Rayi Cattle wealth
Sadam - House
Sala House
Sardha Tribal militia
Sisandeva Wroshippers of phallus symbol.
Vayadh Costumes of a bride.
Vesmin House
Vrata people who hadnot a well established marriage system or who had incestuous
Vrata - Tribal militia

Vedic Geography
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Atharva Veda































Ritual Priests Vedas









Vedas and their branches




Sakal, Vaskal, Asavala, Yan, Sakhayan and mandukeya


Kauthum and Ranayaniaya


Madhyandin and Kanva

Athar Veda Paiplad and Saunak

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Mandalas Poets/Drasta

Mandla - Gritsamada
Mandla Viswamiitra (Mandalas from, II to VII are called Family Text.)
Mandla - Vamdeo
Mandla Atri
Mandla Bharadvaj
Mandla . Vasistha
Mandla Kand & Angirasa

The Word Arya means civilized one. 1 & 10 Mandalas were added later on.

References & Evidences,

Origin of Indian music - Sam Veda
Mention of the word Sudra- Rig Veda (10th Mandala)
'Gayatri Mantra- Rig Veda
Mention of the word Gotra- Atharva Veda
Origin of kingship Brahainma - Aitareya
'Soma, the intoxicating drink and the god who lends his name to the drink - Rig Veda (9th
7. Mention of the word Varna- Rig Veda
8. Four-fold division of society - Rig Veda (10th Mandala)
9. Purusa Shukta Hymn - Rig Veda
10. First three ashramas(Brahmacharin, Grihastha, Vanaprastha) - Chandogya Upanishad
11. Four ashrams (Brahmacharin, Grihastha, Vana- prastha, Samyasin) - Jabla Upanishad
12. Doctrine ofTrimurti- Maitrayani Upanishad
13. Origin of the Universe - Rig Veda (10th Mandala)
14. Mention of the Great Flood- Satpatha Brahamana
15. Samsara (Transmigration of soul) - Brahadarankya Upanishad
16. Kshatriyas Precedence over Brahamanas - Atreya Brahamana
17. Gamesters Lament - Rig Veda
18. Vratyastoma -Tandya Maha Brahmana
19. Division of India into five parts - Aitreya Biahmana
20. Mention of the Divine Horse Dadhikara- Rig Veda
21. Sabha & Samiti as the twin daughters of Prajapati - Atharva Veda
22. Baffle often kings between Sudan and Bhed for the water of Parnsni - Rig Veda (VII
23. Mention of the easten and western seas - Satpatha Brahmana
24. Surdas as the servant of another to be expelled at will and to be slain at will - Atreya
25. Ganga - Rig Veda (X, Mandala)
26. Sabha as Narishta - Atharvaveda
27. Satya Meva Jayate - Mundaka Upanishad

Vedic Literature
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The Vedas
1. Veda means to know.
2. Called apaurusheya meaning not created by human beings that means divine.
3. Known as Shruti meaning to hear. These have been passed on from one generation to
another through verbal transission.
4. They are four in number, (Rig, Sam Yajur and Aharva)
5. They are collection of hymns, prayers, charms and sacrificial formulae.
6. The rishis to whom these books are ascribed are known as Mantradrashta meaning
enlightened saints who received the hymns directly from the supreme creator.

Factual Aspects
Rig Veda
1. Collection of Hymns
2. Oldest of all the vedas
3. Contains 1017 Suktas
4. Contains 11 Balakhilya, that makes the total no. of Suktas 1028.
5. Contains 10 Mandals
6. The oldest Mandalas are II, III, IV, V, VI and VII known as family books on acount of their
composition being described to various families of sages.
7. The mandalas II to VII are ascribed to Gritsamada Viswamitr.a, Vamadeva, Arti, Bhardwaja and
8. The latest mandalas are I, VIII, IX and X.
9. The IX mandala is completely devoted to the vedic God soma,
10. BrahrnanasofRigveda

Aiterya Bralvnana
Sankbayana Brahmana

11. Upanishads of Rigveda

Aitareya Upanishads
Kaushitaaki Upanishad
Priest related to Rigveda Kotri or Motri
Upveda of Rigveda is - Ayurveda.

Yajur Veda
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1. Collection of rituals for performing different sacrifices.
2. Recited by the priests known as Adhavarm
3. Consists of 40 chapters.
4. The only veda party in prose.
5. Divided into two parts Krishna/Black Yajurveda (commentary in prose) and Suklal White
Yajurved (sacrificial formulae and rituals).
6. Brahmanas of Yajurveda
7. Tattiriya Brahmana Related with Krishna Yayurveda.
8. Satpatha Brahmana Related with Sukta Yajurveda.
9. The lengthiest of all the Brahmanas.
10. The most important of all the Brahmanas.
11. Upanishads of Yajurveda

Tattiriya Upnishad
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is the largest one
Kathad Upanishad- describes story of Nachiketa.
Isa Upanishads
Sveiasvatara Upanishad
Upveda of Yayurveda - Dhanurveda.
Related priest-. Adhwariyu.

Sam Veda
1. Collections of hymns taken from the Rig Veda and set to tunes for the purpose of singing.
2. Only 75 hymns are original.
3. Known as the Book of chants.
4. Hymns are meant for singing at Soma sacrifices
5. Sung by a particular type of priests known as Udgatari.
6. Consists of 1810 (1549, omitting the repetitions)
7. Brahmanas

Jaiminiya Brahmana

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8. Upanlshads

Chanddogya Upanishad describes about Lord Krishana

9. Kena upanishad/Talavakara Upanishad.

10. Upveda of Samveda is Gandhaveda.

The Atharva Veda

1. Collection of charms, magic and spells.
2. Preserves many popular cults and superstitions, contains non-Aryan elements (folk elements).
3. Belongs to Saunakiya & Paipalado schools.
4. Contains 711/731/760 hymns.
5. Contains 20 Kandas or books.
6. The Knadas 18, 19 and 20 are later additions.
7. The hymns are meant for warding off evils & demons, winning over friends aid gain material
success. No Brahmanan belongs to Atharvaveda.
8. Upanishads of Atharvaveda

Mundaka Upanishad-mentions Stya Mev Jayate.

Prasana Upanishad
Mandtkya Upanishad
Upveda of Atharvaveda Shilpveda.

The Brahmanas

Elaborate prose texts.

Contain explanation of the hymns, prayers, charms and sacrificial, formulae.
A kind of theology and philosophy of the Brahmanas (the priestly class).
Satapath Brahman is the most famous Brahman. It describes the story of videh madhau
and agricultural rituals.

The Aranyaka

Literal meaning is forest.

Known as forest books.
Deal with mysticism, moral values and philosophical doctrines.
Meant for the ascetics and hermits living in the forests.
Give emphasis on meditation.
Opposed to sacrifices, formulae and rituas.

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The most famous Aranyaka is vrihadaranyaka.

The Upanishads
1. Literal meaning to sect under the fact of the teacher mean to learn.
2. Deal with philosophy, metaphysics
3. Known as vedanta meaning the end of the vedas for they denote the last phase of the
vedic period and reveal the ultimate aim of the vedas.
4. They are 108 in number
5. Upanishadas mainly describe about the Atina and Parmatma and about Salvation.
6. The earliest upanishads are Brihadaranyaka and Chanddogya written in prose.
7. The later upanishads like Katha and Svetasvatara are written in verse, form.
8. The pivot of their philosophy is realization of Brahman, as the ultimate reality of the
universe and the recognition that the individual soul is identical with that and attainment of
salvation in this recognition.
9. Advocates salvation through knowledge (Jayan Marga) / realisation rather than works or

Samskaras and Rites During The Vedic Period

Pancha-Mahayajanas (Five great daily sacrifices)

Dev yajan (to the God)

Bhut (to animals)
Nriyajan (to men)
Risi yajan (to Saifls)
Pitri Yajan (Fore fathers)

1 Agnihotra

Daily oblation in sacred fire

2 Agnyadheya

Ritual for the establish-ment of the scared fire in house

3 Garbhadhana

Ceremony to cause conception

4 Pumsavana

To secure the birth of a male child.

5 Simantonnayana

Ceremony to ensure the safety of the child in womb.

6 Jatakarman

Ceremony for the new-born child.

7 Niskramana

Ceremony of taking the child out of the house and showing of the sun.

8 Namakarana

Ceremony of naming the child

9 Annaprasana

Ceremony of the first feeding of the child with solid food in the sixth month

10 Cudakarma

Tonsure of the child, saving his scalp, leaving only a top knot.

11 Upanayana

Ceremony of invita-tion, the child enters life of a student.

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12 Diksharamban Learning of Alphabet
13 Kesant

The second tonsuring after the age 13-14

14 Samavartana

Ceremony on the competition of stu-dentship and coming back home.

15 Vivah


16 Antyesti

Funeral rites

17 Sradha

Monthly funeral offe-ring to the means on the new moon days

18 Vratya-Stoma

Sacrifice/rites by means of which persons outside the pale of Brahmanic fold

were admitted into the orthodox society.

Vedic Deities

Mother of gods.
Adityas were her sons.
The number of Adityas is 12 as Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Indra, Savitri,
Pushan etc.
They represented eternal forces.
A mysterious and tenuous figure.

(Sun of Earth and Heaven (Dyaus)
Symbelised the vital spark
Mediator between god and the humans
Helped Indra in the destruction of the Purs.
Helped in clearing the jungles and known as Pathikrit
God of the priests who deal with him at the fire sacrifices.
Also the god of the home, for he dwelds in the domestic hearth.
Wife of Angi is Swaha.
200 hymns are devoted.


Celestial Dancers

Nature goddess of little importance

Forest goddess

(Solar Deity) Virility

Husband of Surya.
Twin sons of Vivasvat.
Known as the physician of the. gods and were capable Nasatayas of







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bestowing youth on man.

Gods of morning.
Precede Ushas each morning in their golden car, drawn by horses or

Lord of creation

God of prayer.
Father god
Personified heaven
Parent of other divinities

War-GOd and Weather-God

Associated with storm and thunder
His wife is Indrani
His white elephant is Airavata, in Puranic literature.
Also known as Purandra or breaker of forts.
Two hundred and fifty hymns are devoted to him a Responsible for
causing rainfall.


Spirit of storm and thunder.

Helped India aainst the demon Vritra.
Sons of Rudra.

God with some solar characteristic

God of views and compacts

The God of rain

The creator god.

The lord of beings.
occupied the supreme position in later vedic age.

Personification of the Earth

Symbolised as cow Usas were daughter and Agni, Indira, Dura and
Saviter were Sons.

(Spirit of night)

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Aerial Dwarfs

The howler, amoral, an archer god.

Depicted as a rowdy man of wild temper an object of fear and horror.
Robber god and lord of thieves.
Guardian of healing hurbs.


Personified the sun in its morning and evening aspects.

Known as the generator or the stimulator.
Commanded Night.

God of plants
Patron deity of Brahmans
Entire ninth mandala of the Rigveda is addressed to him.


Chief sun god

regarded as Divine Vivifier.
Moves according to fix laws.
Son of Dyaus. (v) Gives permanance and stability to Earth and nourishes
the moon.
In due course of time he absorbed Savitri and Vivasvat.

God of magic powers.

Sons of Dyaus.
Source of the strength of gods.
helped Indra.
Made Indras Vajra.
Maker of chariots, weapons etc.

The goddess of dawn

Daughter of Dyaus.
Linked to a bride or to wife whose beauties seem greater every morning.
Brings wealth and like to all.
Her chariot is drawn by 7 cows.

God of cosmic order and the universal monarch

the personified water
Ethically the highest
Pure and Holy

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Wind God

Celestial musicians

Minor deities in vedic items

God having solar characteristic.
The preserver and protector of the people

Worshipped as rising sun. (ii) arrived the daughter of Tvashtri, Saranyu.

Supposed to be the father of two pairs of twins, the Aswins and Yama &

God of the dead

Guardian of the World of fathers"

Name of Political Functionaries




Companion of the king of dicing

Rhagadugha Collector of Taxes




Kings companion in chase




Chief queen


Friend and entertainer of the king


The discarded Queen


Commanders of mud forts


Chariot maker


General term for higher functionaries, viz., purohita, senani, gramini




Commander - in - Chief






The dearest Queen

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Head of the pasture lands

Various types of Royal Ceremonies


Be sprinkling cere-mony


A sacrifice meant for providing the king superiority and super-macy over all kings
and making

Mahabhlshekha him Ekarat, the sole ruler Aswamedha is associated with it.

Literal meaning horse sacrifice. It was meant for exten-ding the domain of the
king and providing him a status of Chakra-vartin and bringing about fertility and
prosperity of his king-dom. A special feature of his cere-mony is sacrifice of the
horse. It lasted for a year.


A ceremony of renewed consecration which made the king eligible for all kinds of
royal dignity


Extreme and dreadful form of sacrifice in which a man was allowed to enjoy
himself for a during year which all his wishes and were fulfilled and at the end of
the year he was sacrificed.


Royal consecration (accession to throne)


Literal meaning drink of strength. A kind of rejuvenation cere-mony. It

strengthened the status of the king among his subjects. Chariot race (17
chariots) was an important feature of it.

Tribes Mentioned in the Rig Veda.

Bhartas, Tritsu, Purus, Matsayas, Krivis, Turvasas, Yadus, Druhyus, Anus, Srinjayas, Pakthas,
sivas, Bhalanases, Alinas, Visanins, Aja (NA), Sigrus (NA), Yakusus (NA), Sinyus (NA), Pisacas
(NA), Kikatas (NA).

Geographical Areas Known to the Aryans

Rig Vedic Period

Earlies settlement Brahmavarta the region between the Satluj and Yamuna, corresponds
to Punjab and its adjoining areas.
The core region was Sapta.Sindhava, the land of the Indus and its principal Western
tributaries Gomati (Gomal), Krumu (Korrarn), Kubha (Kabul) and Suvastu (Svat) and
eastern tributaries the five rivers of Punjab besides the valleys of Saraswati and Drishadvati
corresponding to Eastern Afghanistan and West & East Punjab.
No Knowledge of sea:
Knowledge of the Himalayas. (Hlmvant)
Ninth Mandal describes about Mujavant

Later Vedic Period

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Satpatha Brahmn describes the story of Videh

Madhav who reached to the bank of Sadanira (Gandak).
Expansion to parts of eastern Rajasthan, eastern UP and Bihar
Knowledge of Gangetic Valleys
Knowledge of some more rivers like Narmada, Ganga, Gandak, Chamba.
Mention of Seas.
Mention of the Vindhyas.


Parusani Ravi

Six Vedangas
The Vedangas were considered important for understanding Vedas but they are not included in
vedic literature.

Siksha - Phonetics/Pronunciation, Yaska wrote Siksha Sastra.

Chhandas - Metre (Pingal wrote Chhanda Sastra)
Vyakarana - Grammer, Panini wrote Astadhyayi
Nirukta - Etymology (Explanation of words).
Jyotisha - Astronmy, No text is available on vedanga Jyotisa.
Kalpa - Sacrificial rituals - Dharm Sutra, Sraut Sutra, Grihya Sutra, (Sutra depicts about

The first two were required for reading the vedas, the third and fourth for understanding the vedas
and the fifth and the sixth for the implementation of the sacrifice.

Four Upavedas

Dhanurveda - Archery/Warfare
Gandharvaveda - Music
Shilpaveda - sculpture/Architecture
Ayurveda - Medicine/Life

Important Terms In Vedic Period

1. Akratuh People who had no faith in rituals.
2. Anas People who didnt have prominent nose
3. Apah Water
4. Askini Chenab
5. Brahman Rituals,
6. Champararanya Champaran
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7. Dam - House
8. Drisdvasti Ghaghghar
9. Duaitvan Deobanda
10. Duhitri daughter
11. Gana - Tribal militia
12. Gavisti war for Cow.
13. Godhana guest
14. Gomat a wealthy person
15. Gopa (Janasya) the ruler
16. Gorasamilk
17. Gosthi meeting
18. Gotra- Cow pen
19. Gavayuti measurement of distance
20. Himvanta Himalaya
21. Godhuli evening
22. Indraprastha Delhi
23. Kikatvan Magadha
24. Kubha Kabul
25. Mridhvaka who were not adept in Vedic language
26. Naimisharanya Saran
27. Panch Char Sanyah Five wandering tribes.
28. Pani people having cattle wealth (traders)
29. Parjanyacloud
30. Parusani Ravi
31. Purodasa Materials used in Yajana
32. Rayi Cattle wealth
33. Sadam House
34. Sadanira - Gandak
35. SalaHouse
36. Sardha Tribal militia
37. Sarswati-Halcra
38. Saiyu-Haiyu
39. Satudri Sutlej
40. SifldhuIndus
41. Sisandeva Wroshippers of phallus symbol.
42. Vayudh Costumes of a bride.
43. Vesmin House
44. Videh Mithila
45. Vipasa Vyas
46. Vitasta - Jhelurn
47. Vrata people who had not a well established mathage system or who had incestuous
48. Vrata - Tribal militia

Vedas Ritual Priests

1. Rigveda Hota
2. Samveda udgata
3. Yjurveda Adhavaryn
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4. Atharva Veda Brahma





Sakal, Vaskal, Asavalayan, Sakhayan and mandukeya


Kauthum and Rana-yaniaya

Yajurveda Madhyandin andKanva

Athar Veda Paiplad and Saunak

Rigvedic Pantheon
Aditi - Mother of gods
Agni - Jatvedasa
Apsara - Celestial damsls.
Apah - Water god
Aryaman - God of marriage and contact
Brahmaspati - Power inherent in vedic mantra
Diti - Mother of demons
Gojat Devata - Gods of animal orign
Indra - Purandbar (270 Sukla) Purbhida
Manyu - Mind (god related with mind/conscience) (Abstract deity)
Maruta - Wind God
Parjanya - Water god
Pushan - God of cattle-wealth
Ribhu - Dwarfs (Craftinen)
Rudra - Srestha Bhisag Pasupa
Sarswati - Terrestial goddess river Sarswati)
Soma - Potent herb (9th mandal)
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Sradha - Dedication (Abstract deity)
Surya - Aditya (Eight Aditya Gane)

Savitur God of down and dusk

Surya Daughter of surya
Ashwini Kumar. Physicians of the heavenly world.
Usha Daughter of Surya

Tavastra - Vedic vukan god

Varun - Ritsyagopa


Vidyadhar - Celestial dancers

Vishnu - Urugai


Mandla - Gritsamada Note - 2 to 7th (Mandalas arc called Family Text.)

Mandla Visvamitra
Mandla Vamdeo
Mandla - Atri
Mandla Bharadvaj
Mandla Vasistha

Rigvedic Pantheon
Indra - Purandhar (270 Sukla) Purbhida
Agni - Jatvedasa
Varun - Ritsyagopa , Asur , Raja
Rudra - Srestha Bhisag , Pasupa
Vishnu - Urugai Trivikram, Gavendra
Surya - Aditya (Eight Aditya Gane)

Savitur God of down and dusk

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Surya Daughter of surya

Pushan God of Cattle Wealth
Ashwini Kumar Physicians of the heavenly world.
Usha Daughter of Surya

Maruta -Wind cool

Tavastra - Vedic Vullun god
Aryanarn - God of marriages and contact
Soma - Potent herb (9th mandal)
Bralunanaspati - Power inherent in vedic mantra
Ribhu - Dwarfs (Craftmen)
Vidyadlr - Celestial dancers
Apsaras - Celestial damsels.
Manya- Mind (god related with mindlconslicnle) (Abstract daily)
Aditi - Mother of gods
Diti - Mother of demons
Sradha - Dedication (Abstract daily)
Parjanya - Water god
Apah - Water god
Sarswati - Terrestial goddess (river Sarswati)
Gojat Devata - Gods of animal origin.

Aryan Priests

Hotri - - Invoker, priest well-versed in the Rigveda.

Udgatri - - Chantor, priest well-versed in the Samveda.
Adhavaryu - Performer of Yajna, priest well-versed in Yajurveda.
Brahma - Atharva Veda.
Ritvik - Supervised the whole sacrifice.

Deities belonging to various planes

Terrestrial deities - Agni, Soma, Prithvi, Saraswati.

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Atmospheric deities - Indra, Rundra, Vayu, Marut, Parjanya

Celestial deities - Surya, Usha, Vishnu, Varuna, Savitr, Dyaus, Asvins, Mitra, Pushan.



Wheel made Sturdy pottery related with Later Vedic Age,

Out of well lavigated clay with thin core.
Smooth surface.
Grey to ash-grey in colour.
Painted in black and sometimes in a deep-chocolate colour on the outet as well as inner
It has nearly 42 designs and the most common types are bowls and dishes.
Important sites Ahichhatra, Rupar, Bhagwanpur, Noh, Alamgirpur, Hastinapr,
Afranjikhera, Jakhera, Mathura, Panipat, Purana, Qua, Bairat, Sonepat, Jodhpura, Sravasti

Original home of the Aryans: Viewpoints

Sapta Sindhu Region - A.C.Das

Sapta Sindhu Region - Sampumanand
Central Asia - Max Mullar
Arctic Region - B.G.Tilak
Tibet - Dayanand Saraswati
Bacteria - Rhode
Madhya Pradesh - Raj Bali Pandey
Russian steppes,north of Black Sea - Benfey
Central and Western Germany - Geiger
Brahamharshi Desh - Ganga Nath Tha
Austria, Hungary P.Giles and and Bonemia - Macdonald
Foot of Himalayas - Pandit Laxmidhar Shastri
German Plains - Prof. Penka

Territorial Divisions

Brahmavarta - Region between Sutlej and yamuna (the area of ear-liest Aryan settle-ment).
Dhruvmadhyamandis Region between the saraswati and the ganga literally means firm
mid-dle country" (area of settlement in the later Vedic age).
Aryavarta Northern India.
Madhyadesa Central India.
Dakshinapatha Southern India.
Brahmarshi Desa The western part of the central India.
Littarapatha (Udichya) North-West India
Aparanta (Pratichya) Western India
Purvadesa (Prachya) Eastern India
Tamilakam The Tamil country

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Twelve Ratnins
12 political functionaries who formed a king of kings council in the Later Vedic Period. Some of
them were recruited from the non-Aryans also. Out of a twelve ratnins, three happened to be
women. The following is the list of ratnin: Purohita, Rajnya, Mahisi, Parityaktiri, Senani, Suta,
Gramini, Kshta, Samgrahitr, Bhagadugha, Aksavapa, Govikarta.


Philosophical schools

Nastik - Athestic
Astik Thestic


(a) Carvak
(b) Jainism
(c) Buddhism



(a) Sankhya - Kapil

(b) Yoga - Patanjali
(c) Nyayay - Gautam
(d) Vaisesika - Kannad
(e) Mimansa - Jaimini
(f) Vedant - Bhadrayan and Shankara- charya


Early Buddhist texts speak of six foremost opponents of Lord Buddha who were

Ajit Kesh Kamblin - (Believed in Materialsm)

Maskari Gosal - (Founder of Ajivaka sect)
Puran Kasyap - Atomist)
Pakudh Katyayam - (Believed in fatalism)
Sanjay Vethaliputta - (Believed in materialism- synicism)
Niggantha Nathputta - (He was Bhagvan Mahavira)


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This school of philosophy is also known as Lokayat. According to this philosophy there is no Law
of Karman and no rebirth. There is no conscious entity like soul. It also promulgated that death is
the only end.

This school of philosophy is based on the teachings of Parsvanath and Mahavira. The doctrine of
Jainism is known as Anekantvad. Jaina doctrine is also called Syadvad. This school of thought
recognises five sources and kinds of knowledge. These are Mati (sense-perception), Sruti
(intelligible symbols), Awadhi (knowledge acquired through supernormal means), Manahprayay
(telepathy) and Kevalya (Omniscience). Jainas also believe that Jivas are infinite in number.

Chandogya upanishad depicts about Lord Krishna.

Sutra of Panini speaks of Lord Krishna and his cult.

Krishna was disciple of Ghora Angirasa.
Bhagvatisrn is known as Satvat, Eknatika Dharma;
This believes in the worship of Panchavrishni Veers named Bairama, Krishan, Pradyaman,
Samb and Anirudha.
Samb introduced Sun worship in India.
Nagri, Ghosundi and Besa nagar inscriptions depict about this cult.
Later on it was known as Vaishnavism.
The philosophy of this cult is called Bhakti that means complete surrenderence to God.
Follower of Krishna were known as Bhagwat.
Follower of Narayan were Vaishnav.

In South India this cult was promulgated by Vaishnav saints called Alvars. There were eleven
great Alvars. There devotional anthologies are of great fame. The best one is known as
Halaroyam Which was composed by Wamalvar.

Buddhas four noble truths are called Aryasatya. These are
(1) Dukha - (World is full of miseries).
(2) Sukha Smudya - (Causes of miseries).
(3) Dukh Nirodh - (Miseries can be checked).
(4) Dukh Nirodha Gamini Pratipada - (Eight fold path).

Eight Fold Path (Astangik Marg)

Right Faith (Samyak Dristi)

Right Resolve (Samyak Sankalp)

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Right Speech (Samyak Vak)

Right Action (Samyak Action)
Right Living (Samyak Ajiv)
Right Effort (Samyak Vyayam)
Right Thought (Samyak Smriti)
Right Concentration (Samyak Concentration)

Buddhism believes in Law of Karman operating in this life and next. In this regard Buddha also
talked about twelve-linked chain of causation. (Dvadas Nidan).

Great renunciation
First Sermon
Pararinivana or Death
Three Ratna


Lotus and Bull

Dharmachakra or wheel
Bodhi tree
Budha Dhaxnma, Sangha.

Other schools of Buddhist Thought

Vaibhasik of Vijanvada Entire world is mental in structure. Ideas of the mind are the stuff
of the world and the entire world originates from Alyavijana (Cosmic-consciousness)
Asvaghosh was the most renowned leader of this school.
Madhyamika (Sunyavad) There is nothing real in this world Ngaup was the chief
exponent of this school.


Sankhya: It is a kind of dualistic ontology. It believes in two ultimate realities Prakrit and
Purusa. Prakrit is made of a triad of fundamental attributes (Gunas) called Sattva, Rayas
and Tamas. Purusa is pure consciousness.
Yoga System : It is applied Samkhya. It has devised a systematic method of bringing about
the release of Purusa from Prakriti through mental mechanism.
Nyaya : It considers God as the creator who is free from Law of Karman. God is a soul and
his wisdom, desire and effort are unbounded. Nyaya makes a detailed study of the sources
of knowledge (Praman)
Valsesika : When the atoms of five basic elements begin to combine the creation of the
world begins. Creation and dissolution of the world go on in cycles.
Mimansa : It is a philosophy of interpretation, application, and use of truths of Samhita and
Brahmanas portions of the vedas. It has devised certain principles according to which the
vedic mantras and their application in the field of sacrifies could be understood.
Vedant : According to this philosophy Atman and Parmatman are same. Partmatman is the
ultimate reality and the whole world is an illusion (Maya). The whole philosophical thinking
of this school is based on Upthiisahd, Bhagwatgeeta and Braham-sastra of Bhadrayan,
called Prasthantrayi.

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Buddha was born at Lumbanivan in 563 B.C.

His father was the king of Kapilvastu.
He belonged to the clan of Sakyas, so he is called Sakyamuni and also Sirnha Sakya.
Yasodhara was his wife and Rahul was his son.
Buddha renunciated the wordly life when he was 29 years old.
He meditated at Uruvela. There he got Nirvan. This place was later on known as Bodh
Buddha gave his first sermon at lsipatan, i.e. modern Sarnath.
Bimbisar and Ajatsatru were his contemporary ruler of Magadh.
Prasenjit of Khosla was also his contemporary.
Bimbisar donated him Venuvan at Rajgriha.
Anath Pindak donated him jetvan at Sravasti.
Gautami was the first woman who joined the Sangha.
Anand and Upali were his two most eminent disciples.
Buddha got his Mahaparinirvan at Kusinara.

Important Seats of Buddhism

Sthavirvadi Only ten people can get Buddhahood.

Mahasanghika Every one can get Buddhahood.
Sautantrik They wrote their texts in Sanskrit language.
Sammitiyas They believed in Atma (Soul)
Hinyana Buddha was only a great saint.
Mahayana Buddha was a great incarnation.
Yogachar (Vijanvad) They believed in Yoga and called it vijan.
Sunyavad There is nothing real in this world. It was also known as Madhyamika sect.
Vajrayan It believed in Tantra.


Theravada - Mahakatyayam
Mahasanghika - Mahakashyapa
Sarvastivadin - Rahul bhadra
Mahayan - Vasumitra
Yogachar - Asang / Varusandhu
Sunyavad - Nagarjuna


Sut Teachings of Buddha

Vinay Discipline and order
Abhidhamma Esoteric Philosophy

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(1) Khuddak Nikaya of Sut Pikak has 15 tents.

Dhammapad It is known as Bhagvatgita of Buddhism.

Jatak This is collection of 550 stories of the previous births of Buddha.

(2) Vinay Pitak has three parts known as Parivar, Khandak and Vibhanga.
(3) Mahavibhasa sutra was written by Vammitra.
(4) Guhya Samaj Tantra and Manju Sn Miii Kalpa are the texts of Vajrayan.


According to Jainism there were 24 Trithankaras (Enlightened Monks).

23 Trithankar was Parsavanath. He was the son of the king of Kasi. He was a historical
Mahavira was born in the family of Jantrika.
Yasodawas his wife and Priyadarsa was his daughter.
Herennounced the family life when he was 30 years old.
He got Kaivalya at Jrimbhakgram.
His disciples were called Ganadhara.
Sudharman became the head of the Jam sangha after him.


12 Angas
12 Upanga
10 Prakrinaka
6 Bhedsutra
Churnika was commentary
Way to Nirvana (Three Ratna)
Right faith (Samyak Vishwas)
Right knowledge (Samyak Gyan)
Right conduct (Samyak Karma)

Various Heterodox Philosophies


Third religious chief was Makhkhali Putta Gosal (supposed to be the real founder who
popularised it).
Followers are known as Ajivikas.
Main profession was fortune telling and Astrology.
Philosophy is based on Niyati (Destiny) which means everything in the world is predetermined.
Makhkhali Gosala was a companion of Mahavira and this sect had a lot in common with

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Bindusar was disciple of Ajivikas.

Practised complete nudity and rigorous practices.
Ashoka donated Barabar cvend king Dhasarath donated Nagarjuni cave to Ajivikas.


Developed by Brihpor Charvaka.

Followers are known as Charvakas or Lokyatas.
Believed that nothing existed which could not be understood by five senses.
Believed that earth, water, fire and air are the only elements.
Believed that death was ultimate and everything ended after death.
Believed that there was no soul, no god, no rebirth, no karm


Founder was Purana Kasyapa (a brahmin of Kasyapa gotra).

Believed in the doctrine or non-action.
Believed that action did not lead to either merit or demerit.

Akrittavada /Aagasvatavad/Anunada

Founder was Pakuda Katyayana.

Unhchedavada /Jarvada /Annihilationism

Founder Ajita Keshakamblin (meaning with the hair blanket)

Believed in materialistic philosophy.
Ajita was the earliest propounder of materialism

Facts about Bhagvatism
1. Religion based on the idea of a supreme God Han or Narayan or Vishnu (later known as
2. Main philosophy is Bhakti, complete surrender of self to God and salvation through his prasada.
3. Did not believe in sacrifice and slaughter of animals.
4. Rise in west among the tribe satvatas (a branch of yadavas) in Mathura region.
5. Vasudeva-Krishna of Vrishni race was the chief God who discussed its philosophy in Bhagvad
6. Vasudeva Krishna was the disciple of Ghora Agnirasa.
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7. Bhagvat Gita gives amphasis on ones wordly duties as dharma.
8. Magasthenes refers to Krishna as Herakies of Sourseni tribe.
9. Ten awatares

Matsya (Fish)
Kurma (Tortoise)
Varaha (Bear)
Narsimha (man-lion)
Vamana (Dwarf)
Parasurama (Rama with the axe)
Kalkin (As a man on a white horse with a sword in his hand, the awatara yet to come in

10. The earliest reference to Krishna is found in Chhandogya Upanishad. Here he is represented
as pupil of Ghora Angirasa and son of Deviki.
11. The reference of Vasu4eva is found in Paninis Astyaohyagi and Patanjalis Mahabhashya.
12. The Besnagar Pillar inscription is associated with Heliodorus son of Dion and a native of
Taxila, and ambassador from the court of the Indo-Greek king Antialkidas to King Bhagabhadra
(Sungas) who erected a gardua-dhwaj at Besnagar and claimed himself a Param-Bhagvata.
13. Pancharatra (of five nights), a vaishnavite school gave the doctrine of Vyuha (emanations)
according to which Sankarsana (aftother name of Bulrama) Pradyumna (Krishnas Son) and
Aniruddha (Krishnas grand son) emerged out of Vasudeva.
14. Developed and popularised in South by twelve saints known as Alvars.
15. Total No. of Nayanar saints was 63 and they were shaiv.

Tirumurai which is consider as fifth veda in which the preaching of Aiwar and Naynar saint
were compiled in 11 volumes.

Facts about Saivism
1. Developed around the concept of Siva associated with the vedic god Rudra.
2. Wema Kadphises, the Kushana king adopted salvism and depicted he figure of siva with trident
and Nandi on the reverse of his coins.
3. Developed and popularised in south India around 500 A.D. by the saints Nayanars, 63 in
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4. The sacred literature of the Saivas is known as Saivagama.
5. The God Shiva is mentioned by different names namely Ishwara, Mahadev, Mahesvara,
Shankara, Bholenath.
6. The collection of the songs of 63 Nayanars is knows as Tevaram stotras and is in Tamil. It is
also known as Dravida - veda.
7. Agmas, 18 in number and said to have been composed by the various aspects of Siva himself
are the greatest work in salvism.
8. Various forms of siva:

Nataraja Lord of dance, invented 108 forms of dances, tandava, a fierce dance is one of
Dakshinamurti A God south-facing.
Ardhanariswara Haif-siva and haif-parvati representing the union of God with his sakti.

9. In South India, daughter of a Pandayan king named Minakshi is associated with Siva as his
spouse and the Minakshi temple of Madurai had been constructed to celebrate the event of
marriage of Siva with Minakshi.

Various sects of Salvism

Pasupatas / Naku1isapasupatas

Founded by Lakulisa / Nakulisa I Lakulin /Lakutin

Kalmukhas /Kapalikas

Extreme forms of Saivism


Moderate form of Saivism

Developed in central India.

Virasaivas /Lingayats

Founded by Basava, the prime minister of Bijjala, the Kalachuri king.

Popular in Kamataka region.

Kashmir Saivism
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Founder is Vasugupta (800-900 AD)

Moderate form of Saivism.

Spanda Sastra

Founders are Kallata and Somananda the two desciples of Vasugupta

Moderate form of Saivism
Believes in spitirual development


Greatest exponent was Aghora Sivacharya (1200 AD).

Facts about Buddhism

Life of Siddhartha (Gautam Buddha)
1. Title Buddha, Sakyarnuni, Tathagata
2. Birth Place Lumbini (Modern Rumindel /RupanDelhi) in Kapil-vastu (Piparwaha)
3. Birth Year 563 BC
4. Clan Sakya
5. Class Caste Kshatriya
6. Gotra Name Gautama (Gotama in Pali)
7. Foster Mother Mahaprajapati Gautami
8. Wife Bhadda Kanchana, Subhadraka, Bimba, Gopa, Yasodhara
9. Cousin Devadutta
10. Son Rahul
11. Horse Kanthaka
12. Charioteer Channa
13. Teachers under Alara Kama & Ruddaka whose guidance Ramaputta Sidhartha remain for
quite some time before he attained enlightenment
14. Got enlighten- Uruvela (modern ment at Bodh Gaya) on thebank of the river Niranjana.
15. Got enlightenment Pipal (known as under the tree Bodhitree)
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16. Delivered, first Deer Park in sermon at (Isipatna) Sarnath
17. Death (year) 483 BC at the age of 80 yrs.
18. Death (Place) Kushinagar (Kushi-nara) in U.P., capital of the Mallas
19. Birth, Enlightenment Vaishakha Purnima & Death (Full Moon day)
20. Preached most of his sermons at Sravasti


Sorrow (dukkha) The world is full of sorrow

The cause of sorrow (dukkha samudaya) / is desire
Cessation of sorrow (dukkha nirodha)
The path leading to the cessation of sorrow (dukkha nirodhagamini pratipada) is

Eight Fold Paths /Ashtangika Marg

Right belief/observation /views (Samnia Ditthi) Understanding that desire is the cause
of sorrow and the ending of it will lead to the liberation of the soul.
Right thought / determination / resolve (Samma Sankappa) Avoiding the enjoyment of
the senses and luxury & to love humanity & increase the happiness of others.
Right speech (Samma Vaka) Always tell truth.
Right action/effort (Samma Kammanta) Unselfish action.
Right means of livelihood (Samma Ajiva) Man should live by honest means.
Right endeavour/conduct (Samma Vayamma) Proper way of controlling senses for
preventing bad thoughts through correct mental exercises that one can destroy desire &
Right recollection /memory (Samma Sati) Emphasises the meditation for the removal
of wordly evils.
Right meditation (Samma Samadhi) leads to peace.

Buddhist order (Sangha)

1. Provisions of the membership

No caste restriction
Slaves, soldiers, debtors and other persons under obligation were not to enter it without the
permission of their superior.
Criminals, leapers and persons affected by infectious diseases were not given admission
into it.
On the repeated requests of the chief disciple of Buddha Ananda and his foster mother
Mahaprajapatl Gotami, admitted the women in Sangha.
His foster mother Gautami became the first woman to join the Sangha.
During the four months of the rainy season the monks look up a fixed abode and meditated.

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Three Jewels in Buddhism

Buddha (Enlightened one)

Dhamma (Doctrine)
Sangha (Order)

Symbols Signifying Different Events of Buddhas Life

Birth - Lotus & Bull
Renunciation - Horse
Enlightenment - Bodhi tree
First Sermon - Wheel
Death - Stupa

Four Great Events in the life of Buddha

Mahabhiniskarman - Renunciation
Nirvana - Enlightment
Dhammachaka - First sermon parivartan
Mahaparinirvana or Parinirvana - Death

Name of Famous Buddhist Scholars

Upali, Ananda, Vasumitra, Asvaghosha, Sabakamik, Moggaliputta Tissa, Nagarjuna,
Buddhaghosha, Asanga, Buddhapalita, Bhavaviveka, Dinnaga, Chandrakirti, Sthrimati,
Dhammapala, Aryadeva, Santideva, Santaraksita, Kamalasila. Dharmakirti.

Five Buddhas in Buddhist Tradition

Krakucchnada, Kanakamuni, Kasyapa, Sakyamuni And Maltreya (Yet to Come)

Four Signs in Buddhism


Old man
Sick man

Various Boddhistavas In Buddhist Tradition

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who looks down to uplift the downtrodden people.

Boddhistavas of kindness


Promotes under-standing
Bears a sword and a book
Boddhistava of wisdom


Enemy of evil and sin

Bears Thunderbolt
Boddhistavas of power


Divine Buddha, who resides in Tushit griha (heaven).

Boddhistavas of infinite light.


Deity of purification


Lotus bearer


Future Buddha
Carries a vase


Lords of mind

Buddhist Councils
I. First Council
1. Year483B.C.
2. Place Saptparni Cave (Near Rajagriha)
3. Over By - Mahakassapa Upali
4. Under - Ajatsatru
5. Purpose To compile the Buddhist scriptures
6. Outcome
All the teachings of Buddha were divided into two pitakas
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Vinaya Pitaka established under the leadership of Upali
Sutta Pitaka settled under the leadership of Ananda

II. Second Council

1. Year-383B.C.
2. Place Vaisali
3. Presided over by Saba Kami
4. Under Kalasoka / Kankavarmin
5. Purpose To settle down the dispute between the two opposing groups monks of Vaishali and
Patliputra and monks of Kausambi and Avanti regarding the code of discipline.
6. Outcome
The council failed to brag about a compromise between the two opposing groups.
The council ended in a permanent split of the Buddhist order into Sthaviravadins and

III. Third Council

1. Year237 Bc
2. Place Patliputra
3. Presided Over By - Mogali Putta Tissa
4. Under Ashoka
5. Purpose To Revise the Scriptures
6. Outcome
The Philosophical interpretations of the doctrines of Buddha were collected into third Pitaka
called Abhidhamma Pitaka.
Heretical monks numbering sixty thousand were expelled from the order

IV. Fourth Council

1. Year-100A.D.
2. Place Kundalavana In Kashmir
3. Presided over by Vasumitra
4. Under Kanishica.
5. Purpose To settle the disputed doctrines
6. Outcome Rise of Mahayana and Hinanyana

Compiled commentaries (Upadesa Sastras & Vibhasa Sastra) of the three pitakas.
Decided certain controversial questions of differences that arose between the sarvastivada
teacher of Kashmir and Gandhara.

Kings who gave Patronage To Buddhism

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Bimbisara, Ajatastru (Magadha), Prasenjita (Kosala), Udayana (Kausambi), Ashoka, Menander,
Kadphises, Harsha, Kanishka, Dharampala, Kujula.

Famous Buddhist Centres

(1) Bharhut (2) Sanchi (3) Sarnath (4) Bodhgaya (5) Nalanda (6) Purushapura (7)Taxila (8)
Mathura (9) Amarvati (10) Karle (11) Kanheri (12) Nagarjunkonda (13) Odantpuri.

Schools of Buddhism
1. Mahasanghikas
2. Sthavlravadin / Theravada
3. Sarvastivadin
4. Mahayana

Believed in the divinity of the Buddhas

Worshipped the images of several Buddhas and Bodhistavas.
"Sanskrit became the language of preaching and teaching.
It had two chief philosophical schools, the Madhyamika and the Yogachara.
Prominent place given to the Bodhistavas who were being of great kindness and helped
the humanity through their own suffering.
Teaches the salvation for all.
Believed in the original teachings of the Buddha.
Popular in Ceylon, Bunna, Thailand, Combodia, Loas etc. but lost its popularity in India.
Teaches the attainment of salvation for oneself alone.
Salvation through self-descipline and meditation.
No belief in idol-worship. Worshiped Budha in form of the symbols.
Adopted Pali as the language for teaching and texts.

6. Vajrayana / Vehlcle Of Thunder Bolt

Salvation attained by acquiring the magical power.

The chief divinities of this new sect were the Taras, wives of the Buddhas and
Yogic and megical in character.

7. Yogachara/Vinanayadin

Founded by Miitreyanath around 400 AD.

The only reality is tahatata/suchness/thusness or Dharamadhatu which is equivalent to
Sunyata of Madhyamika school.

8. Madhyamika

Founded by Nagarjuna / Nagasena around 150 AD.

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Philosophy of Sunyavada/Sunyata/Void/Emptiness according to which everything around

us is emptiness and whatever we perceive is only illusion.
Associated with theory of relativity.

Other Important seats of Buddhism

9. Sautrantikas
10. Samitlyas
11. Lokottaravadin
12. Pudgalavadin
13. Shahajnyana
14. Tantrayana

Buddhist Scriptures
1. Buddshist Scriptures are Pitakas, which are written in Pall language.
2. It consists of three sections called Tripitakas.

I. Sutta Pitaka
1. Largest & most important of the Tripilakas. contains the teachings of Buddha.
2. It is divided into five Groups (Nikayas)

Digha (long) Nikaya Collection of long sermons ascribed to the Buddha, with accounts of
the circumstances in which he peached them.
Majjhima (medium) Nikaya Shorter sermons
Samyutta (connected) Nikaya Collections of brief pronouncements.
Anguttara (Graduated) Nikaya Collection of over 2,000 brief statements, arranged in
eleven sections.
Khuddaka (Minor) Nikaya

3. Contains miscellaneous works in prose and verse.

4. Among the contents of Khuddaka are
Dhammapada (versus on virtue) is containing a summary of Buddhas universal teachings.
Tharagatha (Hymns of the elder monks)
Therigatha (Hymns of the elder nuns)
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Jatakas (a collection of over 500 poems which describe the previous birth of Buddha, many of
them being in the animal forms).

II. Vinava Pitaka

Contains moral code of conduct

III. Abhidhamma Pitaka

Consists of philosophy of Buddhism especially mela physics.

Buddhist Works
1. Milinda-Panho (Questions of Menander) An account of the discussion between Bacterian
king Menandar or Milinda and the Buddhist monk Nagasena.
2. Ceylonese chronicles The history of Buddhism in Ceylon and give valuable information on
political and social history
a. Dipavamasa (Island Chronicle) i. Earliest chronicle and has no literary merit.
ii. Written in Sri Lanka in 400 AD
b. Mahavamsa (Great Chronicle)
i. Contains passages of beauty and vigour.
ii. Its earliest part was written in Sri Lanka in 500 AD.
c. Culavamsa (Lesser Chronicle)
i. Contains a succession of monks down to the fall of the kingdom of kandy to the British
ii. Written in Sri Lanka in 900 AD.
3. Madhyamika Karika: Basic text of the Madhyamika school written by Nagarjuna.
4. Abhidamma Kosa Commentary on Vibhasha by Vasubandhu.
5. Visudhimag : Written by Buddhaghosa
6. Buddhacharita: Biography of Buddha written by Asvaghosa

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Ariya-Atthangikamagga Noble eightfold path
Boddhistava A being about to become Buddha, shows charity & kindness and a helper of down
trodden people.
Caityas Grooves of trees worshipped by the Buddhists.
Mahabhiniskarma Rennuciation, Buddhas leaving home,
Mahaparinirvana Final blowing out, death.
Nirvana Literally means the blowing out or execution of craving.
Poshadha Fortnightly meeting in sangha.
Sambodhi Enlightment
Saramanas/Bhikhus Buddhist monks.
Uposatha / Roya Days of fast, on full moon, new moon and two quarter moon days in a month.
Vassa Retreat during rainy season by the monks.
Vihara Buddhist monastery

Philosophy of Buddhism

Doctrine of Karma is the essential part of the teachings of Buddha.

'Nirwana is the ultimate goal of life.
Neither accepted nor rejected the existence of God.
Did not believe in the existence of soul
Emphasised on Ahimsa (non-killing)
Advocated the observance of middle path avoided luxurious life
Opposed the caste system
Rejected the Vedas & Vedic rituals

Facts about Jainism

Life History of Mahaviara
1. Original Name Vardhaman
2. Birth 540 BC
3. Place of Birth Kundanagrama (Basu-kunda) in Vaishali, identical with Basarh
4. Fathers Name Siddhartha
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5. Mother Name Trishaia/Priyankarni (alicehavi princess, sister of Chetaka)
6. Wife Yashoda
7. Class Kshatriya
8. Clan Nyaya (Jnatrika in Sanskrit and NATA in pall)
9. Got Enlightment at Jimnkgarama/Riju-palika under a SAL TREE at 42 yrs.
10. Place of Death Pavapuri (near Rajgriha)
11. Companian Gosala Maskaripurta
12. Titles Mahavira, Nirgrantha, Nayaputa, Kasava, Vasaliya, Vedehadinna, Arhat, Jaina,

Twenty Four Tirthankaras

(1) Rishavdev/Adinath (2) Ajitnath (3) Sambhavnath (4) Abhinandan (5) Sumtinath (6)
Panndhaprabhu (7) Superswanath (8) Chandraprabhu (9) Suvidhinath (10) Shitalnath (11)
Shreyansnath (12) Vasupujya (13) Vimalnath (14) Anantnath (15) Dharninath (16) Shantinath (17)
Kunthunath (18) Arnth (19) Mallinath (20) Muni Suvrat (21) Maminath (22) Neminath (23)
Parsvanath Son of King of Kasi Asvasena & Vama married to Prabhawati (24) Mahavir

Etymological Explanation of The Tide of Vardhamana

1. Jina Conquerer
2. Mahavira Great hero
3. Nigrantha One who is free from all bonds
4. Kasava After his gotra
5. Vasaliya After his place of birth
6. Vedehaddinna After his native country
7. Nayaputta After his clan
8. Jaina One who has conquered his senses.
9. Jitendanya One who has conquered his senses

Five Principles/Vows Observed by a householder as

Anuvratas & by a Sandhu as Mahavaratas
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1. Ahimsa Non-violence
2. Satya Non-lying
3. Asteya Non-stealing
4. Aparigraha Non-possession
5. Brahmacharya Celibacy
The last principle was added by Mahavira whereas former four priiciples were advocated by

Three Jewels/Three Way to Attain Kaivalya

a. Right knowledge Understanding of religious princi-ples
b. Right Faith/Liberation Belief in Jinas
c. Right Action/Conduct Observance of 5 vows (Anuratas/Mahavratas).

1. Rejected the authority of the Vedas and the Vedic rituals.
2. Advocated an austere and simple life.
3. Did not believe in the existence of God.
4. Believed in Karma and the transmigration of soul.
5. Gods are lower than Jina.
6. World not created maintained and destroyed by a personal God but a universal law.
7. Cycle of birth and death is due to Karma, atomic layer on the soul because of the past actions.
8. Monastic life is essential for salvation.
9. Extreme non-violence.

Jaina Literature: Mos of the Text have been written in Prakrit

1. 14 Purvas The text books of old jam scriptures.
2. 12 Angas Jaina doctrine/Rules of conduct history of mahavir.
3. 12 Upangas Associated with each Angas and myth, and describe dogmas.
4. 10 Prakimas Doctrinal matters/in verse form
5 6 Chedisutras Rules for monks/nuns.
6. 4 Mulasutras Valuable rules in the basis of maxims/dialogues/parables
7. Niryuktis Commentaries on Angas prepared in 100 AD.
8. Kalpasutra History of Janism from the birth of Mahavira, written by Bhadrabahu.
9. Acharang Sutras Older Jaina text containing monastic rules.

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I. First Council
Year 300 BC
Place Pataliputra
Called by Sthulabhadra
Outcome The sacred teachings of Mahavira were compiled into twelve Angas to replace the lost
14 Purvas

II. Second Council

Year 512 AD
Place Vallabhi (Gujarat)
Presided over by Devardhi Gana Kshemasar-mana
Purpose To collect the sacred texts and write them down systematically

Anga drawn at the first council was lost.

All the remaining Angas were written in Ardha-magadhi Prakrit.

Kharvela, Chandragupta Maurya, Amogvarsha, Chalukyas, (Gujarat), Kurnarpala, Kadambas,
Bimbisara, Gangas, Rashtrakutas, Udayin, Samprati, Somadeva (Chalukyas), Nitimarga (Ganga)

1. Digambaras

Sky clad or naked

Leader was Bhadrabahu
Arose out of the group which had gone to Sravanabelgola in Karnataka at the time of

2. Swetembaras

Wore white garments.

Leader was Sthula Bhadra

3. Sammaiyas

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Arose out of Digambaras.

Renounced idol-worship

4. Terapanthis

Arose out of Swetambaras.

1. Hathigwupha cave of Kharvel
2. Khandigiri caves of Orissa
3. Udaigiri caves of Orissa, the most important is Ranigumpha.
4. Rock cut caves at Badami having the images of jain Tirthankaras which belong to early
Chalukya period.
5. Rock cut caves at Aihole having the images of jain Tirthankaras which belong to early
Chalukya period.
6. Shravanabelgola in Karnataka The huge statue of Bahubali called Gomatesvera.
7. Dilwara Temples at Mount Abu (Rajasthan)

Basadis - Jaina Monastry
Kaivalya - Englightenment
Jina - Conqueror
Nirgrantha - Free from all bonds
Arhat - One who is about to attain enlightenment
Sanlekhana - Voluntary death, an orthodox jaina tradition.

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