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The New LibriVox Project Management System FAQ

for Book Coordinators and Dedicated Prooflisteners

1. Accessing the System First Time Login.
2. Changing your Workflow Password after your first login Editing My Profile
3. Login from the Forum (after first time login!)
4. Editing the Magic Window from the Section Compiler Screen
A. Entering titles into the Section Compiler
B. Adding Word Counts, Text Links or PL Notes:
C. Assigning and removing readers
D. Adding a new reader to the dropdown list
E. Adding links to uploaded files
F. Changing the status of a section NEW!
G. Special Instructions for Collections Entering Section Metadata NEW
H. What if I need to change the number of rows in the table? NEW
I. Special Instructions for Dramatic Works
Other Areas of the Workflow Tool
Projects Menu
My Projects
My Sections Section Compiler
People Menu
links to lists of volunteers
Stats Menu - LibriVox statistics

Links Menu - A list of useful links

Help - Will have links to this and other help files
Search by Project ID, Title, Author
Search by Reader/User

1. Accessing the System First Time Login.

Use this Link to go the main login screen:
Click on Login (for BCs & MCs)
Enter your forum username
Click Forgot Password (Note: your old BC login for the Magic Window will not work here!!!)
You will receive an email with a link to reset your password. Click the link and enter a
password and submit the form.
Go back to the main login screen and use the new password you entered above to login to
the system.
When you log in from the main screen above, you will be taken to the LibriVox Management
Dashboard default screen where you should see a list of your active projects along with
options for dropdown menus, searching and editing your profile. (more on this later)
For more explicit step by step directions with screen shots, please see
Accessing the System - First Time Login

2. Changing your Workflow Password after your first login Editing My Profile
Click on the My Profile link at the upper right of the screen
You will see a popup that shows your username, catalog display name and your personal
website if you provided one, as well as the option to change your password. If you wish to
change your password, enter it in the Password field and again in the Confirm Password field
and then click Save Changes.
If you have forgotten your password and cant login to the system, follow the instructions
under the First Time Login to reset your password.

3. Login from the Forum (after first time login!) Click the BC admin link under the Magic Window for your project
You will not see the main screen, but will be taken directly to the login screen
Login with your username and password (see above)
You will be taken to the Section Compiler screen for your project where you can update and

or edit the information that appears in the Magic Window.

4. Editing the Magic Window from the Section Compiler Screen

A. Entering titles into the Section Compiler
Click in the title column and enter the title of the chapter/section. NEW: Do not add the
section number! The new system will add these automatically during cataloging.
Hit Enter on your keyboard to save.
Continue adding titles for all the sections in the same manner.
Important: The title column should only include plain text for the chapter title. No links,
authors or other info. If you need this information to show in the magic window, please enter
it in the Notes column.
If this is a non-English project, enter the titles with the proper accents or non-English
Do not include the following characters in section titles (or ID3 tags)
; / & > or <
These characters cause titles to be truncated or not displayed properly on the

B. Adding Word Counts, Text Links or PL Notes:

Click in the notes column to add word counts, text links, file durations or other notes. This
field can contain html as well as simple text just like in the old system.
Click Save to close the popup and save your edits.

C. Assigning and removing readers

To assign a reader to a section, click the "Assign reader Sections" button above the table.
Enter the first few letters of the reader's username and then select the correct reader from
the dropdown list. You must select a reader from the dropdown. Please do not just type in a
full username without choosing the reader from the list.
Enter the section number(s) that are to be assigned to the reader and then click Add.
The reader assignment should appear in the reader column in the table and the status should
change from Open to Assigned. [NOTE: Sections with Readers that were assigned prior to the
switch from the old system will show as Open. You will need to manually fix the status as
explained below.]
To add more than one reader to a section, repeat the process above to add the additional
To remove a reader from a section, simply repeat the process above, but click Remove rather
than Add.
HINT: for your solos, if you remove yourself as reader from all the sections with Open as the

status and then add yourself back as reader to these sections, the status will automatically
change from Open to Assigned so you don't have change the status for each row individually.

D. Adding a new reader to the dropdown list

If the reader you are adding is not in the dropdown, you will need to add them to the reader
list before you can assign them a section to read.
Click the "Add new reader" button. A popup window will appear.
Enter the reader's forum username and catalog (display) name and a website if one has been
Click Add reader to add the new reader to the system.
NOTE: If you get an error message that the email can't be found, contact your MC for help.
Once this is done, you can now assign sections to this reader as outlined above.

E. Adding links to uploaded files

Click in the Listen URL column and paste the link provided by the reader.
Hit Enter on your keyboard to Save.
NOTE: Please be careful that the Listen URL does not include any extra spaces at the
beginning or the end. This will cause your MC a big headache during the cataloging process!!
The best way to avoid these bad white space errors is to copy the link by right clicking on it
and selecting copy link location. Then right click in the Listen URL column in the Section
Compiler and choose paste
A link to the new file will appear in the Link column. You can click this to listen to the file.

F. Changing the status of a section NEW!

this is a new feature which eliminates the need to type PL Needed and PL OK etc in the
Notes field. This information will now show in the last column of the new MW.
To change the status of a section, click in the status column.
Use the down arrow to expand the list and then click on the appropriate status.
[Alternate method: Click once to expand the list, then type the first letter of the status (i.e., P
for PL OK) and hit enter to save.]
How to use the new status designations:

Open - no reader assigned

Assigned section assigned to a reader
Ready for PL file uploaded by the reader and ready for prooflistening
See PL Notes prooflistener has listened to the file and posted edits for the reader
Ready for spot PL The reader has made the requested edits and the file is ready for the
prooflistener to spot check

PL OK file is ready to catalog

Note: The section compiler rows will not change color. When you go back to the forum, Open
sections will appear blue in the Magic Window and PL OK will be green. All other in progress status
(assigned, ready for PL, see PL notes, and ready for spot PL) will be grey, but different color fonts
will highlight ready for PL/ready for spot PL vs. see PL notes.

G. Special Instructions for Collections Entering Section Metadata NEW

If you are the BC of a collection or compilation, when you enter each section, you will also
need to add the author and source and language for each section to the section metadata.
Click on the icon in the Meta column next to the title.
This opens a new area at the top of the table where you will enter the Author, Text Source link
and Language.
To enter the author, click in the author field and type a few letters of the author's last
name. Select the correct author from the dropdown list. (See notes below for special
If you dont know the authors name, please choose Unknown from the
author list. Use Anonymous is that is specified on the text. If the author is
not a person, try entering the first few letters of the agency, company or
organization to find it in the list.
If the author you are trying to enter is not on the dropdown list, that means
this author is not in the database yet. Please contact your MC to have the
author added. If you have the authors dates of birth and death and a
wikipedia link, please provide these to your MC along with the authors full
name and any known pseudonyms.
If an author uses a pseudonym, and you cant find it in the list, please try the
authors real name. Only the main entry shows on the dropdown list, but
pseudonyms are searchable in the catalog. In this case, let your MC know so
they can check to make sure the pseudonym is associated with the authors
entry in the database.
If you have any other questions about authors (i.e. spelling seems incorrect,
multiple authors, translators, etc.), please contact your MC
Copy and Paste the text link in the source field. If all the sections are from a common
source (like a book of short stories or poems), just past the same link to the online text
for the book in for all the sections.
Use the dropdown to change the language from the default if this is a multilingual
Do not make any entries in the Duration field or in the fields for the mp3 urls. These
fields will be automatically filled in when your MC catalogs the project.
Click Add to save your entries.
Note: the metadata will not display in the magic window. It is there so the
information appears on the catalog pages and is searchable. If you want the author

and text link to show in the magic window on the forum, you will need to enter these
into the Notes field as well as in the metadata fields. Do not enter any of this in title

H. What if I need to change the number of rows in the table? NEW

To add a section to the table, click the button "Add new section" at the top of the table.
You can fill in the title, reader and notes info and then click Add or you can just click Add to
add a blank row.
The new section will appear at the bottom of the table.
To move a row to a new location in the table, simply click in the row you want to move in the
section numbers column and drag and drop the row where you want it in the table.
The rows will automatically be renumbered.
If you need rows deleted, please move them to the bottom of the table and then ask your MC
to delete them.
Note: the click and drag function may not work on tablet screens.

I. Special Instructions for Dramatic Works

Set up the section compiler with a row for each role or character.
Once editing begins and final acts or chapters are available, add a row to the section compiler
for each finished section and put the title. Mark these sections as Assigned so they dont
show in the MW as open.
Do not assign readers to the finished acts/chapters unless your MC instructs you to do this.
You can leave these rows at the bottom of the table while the project is ongoing or move
them to the top, whichever is more convenient.
The original rows with the individual roles will be deleted when the project is cataloged.
If instructed by your MC, prepare the cast list to be added to the catalog description. As an
aid in doing this try out the Cast Coder, a nifty app for generating the code needed to add
Librivox Cast Listings to the catalog pages.

Other Areas of the Workflow Tool

Note: If you click on a link that is an MC only area, you will get a page that says you do not have
permission for that page. There are links to go back to the main workflow page or logout. To go back
to the previous page just use the back button in your browser.
Projects Menu
My Projects
shows all projects where you are BC, DPL or reader
Default view currently shows all your projects included completed ones

View just your active projects by clicking the radio button next to Show only Active Projects.
Table can be sorted ascending or descending by any title, author, status or role in the project,
by clicking in the header field for any of the columns. For example, to bring all your BC
projects to the top of the table, click twice in the "as BC" column header.
Refine your search to find a specific project by entering a search term in the box on the left
above the table
Adjust the number of entries displayed per page using the dropdown on the right
Navigate to the section compiler for a project by clicking on the icon in the SC column
Go to the project forum thread via the link in the Forum URL column
For completed projects, the catalog URL link will take you to the catalog page
Project ID links are for MC use only. If you click on one, you will get a message that you don't
have permission to view that page. Use the back button to return to the previous page.
My Sections - under the Stats menu
shows all the open projects for which you are a reader or DPL. It is equivalent to the top
section of your catalog page in the old system, but with a lot more detail. A public view of this
table is also available from a link on your catalog page
Reader View shows sections you have claimed sorted into columns by the section status
PL View - shows all the projects where you are DPL with sections that have statuses of Ready
for PL, See PL Notes, Ready for Spot check and PL OK.
Section Compiler
Opens a search form to let you search for a project by its project ID number, title or status. Clicking
on the links in the list of hits and will take you directly to the section compiler if it's one of your

People Menu

links to lists of volunteers

Show BCs gives a list of all BCs

Show MCs likewise shows the list of MCs
Show Active Readers shows a list of all the people who have been added to the list of readers
Show all users is a list of everyone registered on the forum and includes active readers and

Stats Menu - LibriVox statistics

My Sections (shows your claims as reader and PLer on open projects - see more detailed
description above)
Monthly stats are the number of projects catalog by month and by year
General stats - number of projects, completed projects, etc.
Chapter Counts - pending

Project Status Table to be added

Links Menu - A list of useful links

Help - links to this and other help files

Search by Project ID, Title, Author

enter project ID or words from title or author name and click Go to search

Search by Reader/User
searches the reader and user lists

Confused? Questions? Contact your MC or post in the forum.

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