Utopias and Dystopias

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Utopias and dystopias: perfect worlds and their failures.

A practical Question.
How about letting each pupil take a break whenever they feel like it?
Definition online: tricider how would you define a utopia in your own words?
Phonetics. How do you pronounce the following words?

Record your own pronunciation and add a or an and add your pros and cons to the first
uterus noun
utility noun
utilize verb
utmost adjective
utter adjective
utter verb
U-turn noun

Films Utopias and dystopias?

1. Example of a movie. A dystopia or an utopia?
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE3oczJ1zgM
http://cdnl.thehollywoodnews.com//wp-content/uploads/The-Congress-UK-poster.jpg Imagine the
a film to be released?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rNSTizOsws the Congress trailer
THE CONGRESS, coming to cinemas August 15th, tells a postmodern story of Robin Wright,
struggling as her acting career begins to decline. For a hefty sum of money, Wright agrees to sell
her digital image to Miramount studios and never act again. The studio uses a computer
generated version of her to turn her into whatever they want, be that a cartoon character, an
action hero or more.
It sounds good, doesnt it, being able to become something else; to travel to another world and be
an entirely new person. And yet, there is something troubling about being a changeable product;
to have a personal image controlled by a faceless studio. This film explores that tension, between
a utopian idea and a dystopia result. A great concept but a disturbing outcome.

The 4 Freedoms. Norman Rockwell.

What forms of utopias/ideals do they illustrate?
Create your own with Prezi/thinglink (soit un thinglink partir de Norman Rockwell ou le votre)
Which one do you think would be necessary in todays world Freedom of/from?

Vote en ligne. What would be the most difficult to give up?

Freedom to live or travel anywhere in our nation

Freedom to work at any job for which we can qualify
Freedom to marry and raise a family
Freedom to receive a free education in good public schools
Freedom to join a political party, a union, and other legal groups

From http://www.tep-online.info/laku/usa/rights.htm
How about the freedom to enjoy a free web access like in the USA?
Debate and discuss. Why not create infographics the Internet and the telephone?
Evolution for more freedom. Freedom of information or access the information create a hierarchy.
PENSER A UN JEU SUR le chapitre 1 de 1984.

DIVERGENT pour les LELE. Penser Hunger Games.

Commencer par la chanson Imagine de Lennon pour lUNESCO.
What world is depicted/presented here :
A world without wars, hatred and fear. A tolerant world with loving people.
In other words, an ideal world.
Activity en classe sur les ordis. Faire une wordcloud sur les mots cls de la chanson et ceux
quon pense rsum lide de John Lennon ou un dessin annot.
What is an ideal world ? A perfect world ? A world without any defects.
Illustration Video 1.
How perfect is the world presented here? DEMOLITION MAN.


An example of a dystopia? A dystopia is a utopia which has turned bad. The negative consequences
are more important than the positive consequences. It was a good idea to start with but it turned out
Film Robin Wright.
There is no turning back
What if we could organize people into groups/cliques?
Define a clique/give examples.
People who share the same ideas/ideals and dress alike.
Extract read chapter 1. faire en ligne et poster les rponses aux questions.
(sur mon site les questions/ points pour les rponses/le dessin/le word cloud= 30 points)
45 points pour le projet final/25 points de peer evaluation= note sur 20)
Contacter todd strasser pour lui demander de parler des groupes et de leurs influences.

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