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Safety Work Group Meeting
Monday, August 9, 2010
Marie B. Walsh, LA LTAP
Kevin Burke, IL LTAP
Dan Cady, NE LTAP
Ben Colucci, PR LTAP
Bruce Drewes, ID LTAP
Alberto Figueroa, PR LTAP
Janet Leli, NJ LTAP
Heath Pickerill, MO LTAP
Mark Sandifer, FHWA OPP
Nina Barker, FL LTAP

Tom McDonald, IA LTAP

Susan Monahan, Clearinghouse
Karen Timpone, FHWA OS
Cliff Reuer, SD LTAP
Richard Roland, NW TTAP
Christy Lovett, GA LTAP
Michele Beck, MT LTAP
Victoria Beale, OH LTAP
Matthew See Walker Northern Plains

FHWA Office of Safety Update, Karen Timpone

o Karen mentioned that John Dewar and Beth Alicandri from FHWA, will be
attending the Center For Excellence in Rural Road Safety (CERS) summit.
Beth will be participating in a roundtable discussion and making a
presentation on systematic solutions on rural roads
o The Systematic Solutions for Rural Safety is a 3 year project funded by the
Office of Safety with Cambridge Systematics as the prime and CH2MHill as
the subcontractor. They are looking for local and state agencies with a lot
of rural roads to participate in a pilot.
o Rosemarie will be making a presentation at the APWA Congress next week
on the results of the local domestic scan. The report should be out at the
end of the summer.
o Tom McDonald made a presentation on RSAs at the NACO meeting in Reno
on July 17. There was lots of interaction at the session
o Several of the popular guidebooks, Maintenance of Signs and Sign
Supports: A Guide for Local Roads Maintenance Personnel and
Maintenance of Drainage Features for Safety: A Guide for local Street and
Highway Maintenance Personnel will be reprinted and 5,000 available for
distribution to LTAPs and local agencies. Karen will notify us when these are
ready. They may also be able to have Roadway Improvements reprinted.

NACE Safety Update, David Brand

David could not join the call because he is at the CERS Summit. Karen Timpone
reported that he has developed some goals and objectives for the NACE Safety
Workgroup including some joint LTAP/NLTAPA activities. We will plan to have him

on the next call.

Updated Safety Briefing Sheet

Misspellings and agency designations were corrected, and it was updated to
include Work Zone Safety highlights/training data from the PAR. Available for
download at Everyone is encouraged to download the Briefing Sheet
for use in your safety program development and marketing efforts.

NLTAPA Response to AASHTO Local Road Resolution, Bruce Drewes

o Bruce reported on the efforts to draft a response to the AAHSTO resolution.
He and a working group including Donna Shea, Costas, Ron Eck, and Keith
Knapp worked on the draft that was provided for the meeting.
o Much discussion ensued including several major themes for consideration
Richard Rolland commented that the tribal lands and TTAP need to be
fully included n the resolution in some way and that the importance
of safety improvements on tribal lands should be emphasized to
AASHTO. He will send some comments to Bruce and these will be
incorporated in some way. Significant numbers of crashes occur on
Tribal lands on roads owned by counties or cities.
The importance of including the 4 E approach to safety in the NLTAPA
response and the way to include the behavioral aspect in the
response was discussed. The importance was not in question but
rather the way to address it considering the institutional divisions
between infrastructure and behavioral factors was discussed
including the funding mechanisms.
The Safety WG is asked to submit their comments by Friday, August
13, 2010 for inclusion in the response.

Upcoming Safety Events, Marie Walsh and Karen Timpone

o More information on the safety forum.
o TRB subcommittee on rural road safety conference call and meeting,
August 10 at 1:00 CDT. - Information attached. Keith Knapp will be heading
this subcommittee and all interested are encouraged to participate in the
call tomorrow. Marie Walsh, Bruce Drewes and Tom McDonald are expected
to participate.
o Toward Zero Deaths Workshop, August 25-26. Marie Walsh has been invited
to attend.
o 2nd National Distracted Driving Summit, September 21. This event will be
broadcast and Karen Timpone will provide information.
o Rhode Island Mission: Safety 2010 Conference Engineering Behavior,
September 19-22, Bruce Drewes may have funding to attend. Donna Shea,
CT is planning to attend.
o GHSA and SCOHTS Safety Management meetings, September 26 - October 1,
Marie Walsh, Rene Koller and Dan Cady will attend all or some of these
overlapping meetings.

o NLTAPA Safety Partners Workshop, October 19 in Denver

NLTAPA Safety Work Group Focus & Future Strategic Direction

Safety Toolbox Development Marie Walsh reported that when this effort is a
little further along another ad hoc working group from the safety work group and

NLTAPA will be solicited to assist.

Safety Best Practices Survey, Susan Monahan, Clearinghouse

About 50% of the Centers have responded. A representative from each of the
regions agreed to contact the centers in their regions to ask for all to participate.
By the end of the afternoon most of the volunteers had completed their personal
appeals to the non-respondents. The information compiled by Susan so far is
very informative and indicated the need to get as many responses as possible.

NLTAPA Safety Edge Initiative, Mark Sandifer

The original plan was to buy some of the shoes for a lending program. However,
Iowa has 4 that can be used so other activities are being considering for the
funds. Wisconsin is doing a pilot project and a peer exchange is being planned to
allow the LTAPs to view the process. Mark also reported that a rollout to the
FHWA Divisions will occur sometime in September and the Division Safety or EDC
designate will have the information. Marie questioned how will the LTAPs be
included and Mark indicated this will be up to each Division. Interested LTAPs are
encouraged to contact their FHWA Division Offices for more information.

Update from the Summit for Rural Traffic Safety Culture, Michele Beck
o Took place in Big Sky, Montana same dates as the LTAP-TTAP Conference in
Oklahoma. Michelle Beck, MT LTAP attended the Summit and submitted a
very informative report which can be viewed on the Safety Forum. In
addition, she gave a very concise summary of the summit which she
described as both informative and inspirational.
o Her overall impression is that the rural safety culture phenomena is one
that will require everyone to change and resolve.
o She encouraged everyone to look at the presentations including the results
of the break out groups at

New Business
o Mark Sandifer presented the potential for another train the trainer class on
retroreflectivity and needs centers to respond to the survey questions
regarding the level of interest. Susan Monahan was going to send this
notice out again.

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