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Weinland Park Community Civic Association

Minutes of Meeting of May 28, 2014

Following dinner served by members and volunteers from the Food and Wellness Committee,
Brandyn McElroy, president, called the meeting to order in the Schoenbaum Family Center.
Mobility resolution
Jen Mankin, vice president, presented a resolution that made recommendations to the City of
Columbus for improvements to five intersections in Weinland Park. The resolution had been
presented at two previous civic association meetings by Chris Orban, co-chair of the Safety and
Mobility Committee. In the absence of Mr. Orban on May 28, Ms. Mankin asked for a discussion
and vote on the resolution. Printed copies of the resolution were distributed at the meeting.
The resolution calls for:
Curb extensions at the intersection of Fifth Street and Eighth Avenue.
Curb extensions at the intersection of Fifth Street and Ninth Avenue.
Curb extensions at the intersection of Hamlet Street and Ninth Avenue.
A mini-circle at the intersection of Hamlet Street and Eighth Avenue.
Curb extensions at the intersection of Fifth Street and Seventh Avenue.
After Ms. Mankin briefly presented the rationale for the resolution, she asked for questions and
comments. Receiving none, she asked for a vote on motion to adopt the resolution. The
resolution was adopted with 17 votes in favor, none opposed, and three abstentions. PLEASE
Elementary school
Rhonda Peeples, principal of Weinland Park Elementary School (WPES), and four
representatives of her teaching staff and the school districts central office, explained the changes
being made in the elementary school. Beginning in fall 2014, the school is moving from a yearround schedule to a traditional school schedule. In addition, the school district has given the
teachers an option to reapply to teach at WPES this fall, but no more than half of them will be reemployed at WPES. Ms. Peeples is recruiting the best elementary school teachers from across
the district to teach at WPES.
Policing update
Steve Smith, community liaison officer with the Columbus Division of Police, reported that
Weinland Park has been relatively calm in regard to public safety in recent weeks. He noted that
the Division of Police will hold its annual citywide Block Watch coordinators meeting on May
29. Ahmed Ebady, newly appointed chair of WPCCAs Safety Committee, is planning to attend.
Neighborhood festival

Mr. McElroy reported that the planning committee for the annual Weinland Park Neighborhood
Festival met May 19. The festival is scheduled for Saturday, August 16, from noon to 4 p.m. The
committees next meeting will be Monday, June 2, at 5:30 p.m. at Godman Guild Association.
Mr. McElroy said persons interested in volunteering with the festival should contact Diane
Dixon, co-chair of the festival planning committee.
Strawberry picking
Julia Orban, co-chair of the Food and Wellness Committee, explained that her committee
members and volunteers had prepared the food for the meeting. Those in attendance gave a
round of applause for the food.
Ms. Orban announced that her committee has arranged a strawberry-picking trip to Circle S
Farms for Friday, June 13. The cost of the trip will be $1 per person. In order to plan for
transportation, registration is required in advance by contacting Ms. Orban at (937) 572-2751 or
In other matters at the meeting:

Christine Happel announced that she has applications and will assist persons in applying for
United Way of Central Ohios Neighborhood Leadership Academy. Ms. Happel was in the
first class of graduates from the leadership academy.
Michael Wilkos, chair of the Beautification Committee, reported that the fourth annual
Roots & Roofs event on May 10 was quite successful, despite the rain.
Mr. Ebady explained that Mr. McElroy had decided to split the Safety and Mobility
Committee into two separate committees, as it had been before. Mr. Ebady outlined several
concerns that he expects the Safety Committee to consider under his leadership. He invited
people to attend the Safety Committee meetings on the third Thursday of each month.
Ms. Mankin, continuing to serve as chair of the Communications Committee, reported that
copies of the June edition of WPCCAs newsletter are available at the meeting. She asked for
volunteers who would be willing to distribute the newsletter door-to-door on their streets.

The business of the civic association being completed, Mr. McElroy adjourned the meeting at
8:05 p.m.
Minutes are respectfully submitted,
Kimberly Golden

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