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Weinland Park Community Civic Association

Housing Committee
Notes of Meeting of July 10, 2012
Rory Krupp and Omar Elhagmusa, co-chairs of the Housing Committee, called the meeting to
order at 5:06 p.m.
Mr. Krupp explained the discussion at the recent meeting of the University Area Review Board
regarding the renovation by Hometeam Properties of a single-family house on East 11th Avenue.
The UARB informed representatives of Hometeam that a zoning variance approved by
Columbus City Council is required for the renovation. UARB members were concerned with the
expansion of a non-conforming use.
Housing Committee members discussed a time change for the committee meetings that would be
more convenient for residents. Jim Bach moved that the monthly committee meeting time be
moved to 5:30 p.m. Mr. Elhagmusa seconded the motion. The motion was adopted by a show of
Joe Williams of Wagenbrenner Development discussed the proposed senior housing building at
the northeast corner of North Grant Avenue and East Fifth Avenue. Joining him were Jennifer
Trumpy of The NRP Group and Dave Perry, a consultant on zoning matters. Mr. Williams said
the Ohio Housing Finance Agency hasnt yet released the information to apply later this year for
the low-income housing tax credits. He doesnt think that in the current climate other funding
could be obtained to build senior housing. He said the building hasnt been designed yet, but the
commercial planned development process for the site outlines setbacks and other matters. In
response to a question, Mr. Williams said that Wagenbrenner will encourage NRP to use a more
modern design.
In a response to a question about when Wagenbrenner will begin building market-rate homes,
Mr. Williams said that Wagenbrenner is preparing four housing designs and will ask Rockford
Homes to develop construction costs. He said it is a challenge to build single-family homes for
less than $200,000 and make some profit. Mr. Williams said Wagenbrenner is reconciling the
funds for NSP and hopes to begin alley work in the next month for the new single-family homes
to be built at North Fourth and East Eighth.
Laura Bidwa expressed concern that the senior building would bring more low-income people
into a neighborhood that already has a significant amount of low-income people. Mr. Elhagmusa
said Ms. Bidwa made valid points. He also was concerned that the building appears rather
isolated. Ms. Trumpy said her senior communities are much more active than her family

communities, and the senior communities are active in the outside community. Mr. Williams
said that the demographics for the residents of the senior building are different than project-based
Section 8 housing. Ms. Trumpy said that the denial rate for seniors to live in tax-credit housing
is far lower than for family-based housing.
Mr. Elhagmusa asked why a senior building proposed by The NRP Group for the South Side did
not receive an award of tax credits. Mr. Williams said the process is quite competitive. R.
Anthonio Barno said the recent rounds of OHFA funding have been more political, so it is hard
to judge why the proposed project on the South Side did not receive funding.
Michael Wilkos asked whether the senior housing proposal would be brought before the full
civic association for consideration, even if the Housing Committee voted not to support the
Ms. Bidwa moved that the Housing Committee support the project proposed by The NRP Group
and Wagenbrenner Development to build affordable senior housing with low-income hosuing tax
credits on the Columbus Coated Fabrics site. Mr. Bach seconded the motion.
Discussion was held on the motion. In response to a question, Ms. Trumpy explained that the tax
credit program for the senior building will set aside a certain number of units for persons with
annual incomes of 30%, 40%, 50% and 60% of the countys average median income (AMI). She
estimated that the building might have 20 units for persons making 30% of AMI and the rent for
those units likely would range from $390 to $450 per month. Rents for those at 60% of AMI
could range from $550 to $630 per month.
Mr. Krupp asked for a vote on the motion by a show of hands. Six residents were present and
eligible to vote. The motion was defeated with one vote in favor, four votes opposed, and one
Mr. Williams reported that the award of state historic preservation tax credits will help to fill the
financing gap in renovation of the 23 buildings along East 11th Avenue. The renovation plan now
has gone to the National Park Service for consideration for national historic preservation tax
credits. He said it likely will take the remainder of 2012 to pull the project together. Renovation
could begin next year. He said that the city has committed to improving the streetscape of East
11th Avenue from the railroad tracks to South Campus Gateway. Mr. Wilkos suggested that
fencing off the buildings may be needed to prevent graffiti and damage to the buildings.
Mr. Elhagmusa said that he appreciated the good work being done throughout the city by The
NRP Group and by the Wagenbrenner team on the renovation of the buildings of East 11th

In response to a question, Ms. Trumpy said there is only one house of the 40 lease-to-purchase
homes yet to be occupied, and that person is moving in very shortly. She estimated the homes
have an average of three persons per household. She and her staff are still working on the
reseeding grass that has died. Mr. Elhagmusa said that it is difficult for households to mow the
front and back yards with no gate in the front. Ms. Trumpy acknowledged that problem and will
look into it.
Nathalie Wright distributed flyers announcing the workshops for persons with old homes that
Columbus Landmarks is sponsoring this summer.
Mr. Elhagmusa said the mobile tool library is considering a location in Weinland Park to store
the tools and equipment.
Mr. Wilkos distributed information regarding the Columbus Volunteer Challenge in late August
through mid-September. Proposed projects are due by July 17. Persons should send possible
projects in Weinland Park to Mr. Wilkos to submit. He also distributed information regarding the
United Ways new Leadership Academy.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephen A. Sterrett
committee secretary

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