Housing Meeting Notes - January 8 2013

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Weinland Park Community Civic Association

Housing Committee
Notes of Meeting of January 8, 2013
Omar Elhagmusa and Rory Krupp called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. in the citys Northside
Neighborhood Pride Center.
Mr. Krupp reported that the University Area Review Board (UARB) voted last month to approve
the changes that were made to 225 E. 11th Avenue without proper review. Housing Committee
members discussed the situation. Laura Bidwa suggested that citizens who see what may be
inappropriate renovation or development should contact both the citys 311 phone line and the
citys Code Enforcement office.
The committee discussed whether the civic association should express dissatisfaction with the
actions of the UARB. Michael Wilkos suggested that Rory Krupp and Laura Bidwa might be
candidates to serve on the UARB. Steve Sterrett suggested that Mr. Elhagmusa contact Dan
Ferdelman, city staff liaison to the UARB, about the process of appointment to the review board
and propose that Mr. Krupp and Ms. Bidwa be considered for appointment. Erin Prosser said the
citys Planning Division expects to begin a land-use planning process for the University District
in the spring of 2013. Some of these issues in Weinland Park should be considered as part of the
planning process.
Mr. Elhagmusa spoke about the tree-planting project in Weinland Park. Mr. Wilkos said that the
Columbus Neighborhood Design Center will prepare an informational brochure to explain how
homeowners and renters can request the city to plant trees in their tree lawns. Susan Colbert has
volunteers who will help distribute the brochures door-to-door.
Anna Soter expressed concern with property owners who dont remove fallen leaves and other
debris in the fall. She asked that the Housing Committee encourage property owners to take
responsibility for the leaves. Mr. Wilkos asked if the fallen leaves are a code issue and could be
a subject for a 311 call. Mr. Krupp suggested that the civic association send a letter to each
offending property owner about the fallen leaves. Mr. Sterrett offered to meet with Ms. Soter to
get addresses of offending properties. Copies of the letters could be sent to the citys Code
Enforcement office.
Ms. Prosser spoke about upcoming projects in Weinland Park. She distributed sheets with a
timeline of investment in Weinland Park since 2003 and maps illustrating investment progress
and upcoming market-rate investment. She said that income-restricted housing programs were
implemented to help stabilize the housing market. Campus Partners and Wagenbrenner

Development are now in the phase of testing the market for market-rate housing development.
Ms. Prosser reviewed the progress on several projects:

Wagenbrenner Development is investigating the possibility of constructing 118 townhomes

(fee-simple, owner-occupied) on the Columbus Coated Fabrics site, plus 52 single-family
homes and an undetermined number of apartments. Wagenbrenner would like to build a
1,500-square-foot house that can be sold for less than $200,000.
Wagenbrenner plans to seek city permits by March 15 for the renovation of the apartment
buildings along East 11th Avenue formerly owned by Community Properties of Ohio.
The city will make infrastructure improvements along East Fifth Avenue during 2013 and
along East 11th Avenue during 2014.
Campus Partners is still waiting for some decisions from the university on potential
redevelopment south of South Campus Gateway. Ohio States new associate vice president
for planning and real estate, Keith Myers, may provide leadership for this redevelopment,
which is likely to be light retail and market-rate housing.

In other matters before the committee:

Mr. Wilkos said that Roots & Roofs event could be held again this spring to focus on
progress with housing. If Roots & Roofs were held the first week of May, he suggested
Wagenbrenner Development could consider unveiling its plans for the Columbus Coated
Fabrics site or the renovation of the housing along East 11th Avenue at that time.
Evelyn Van Til described a recent photograph of downtown Columbus taken from Weinland
Park which shows an attractive view of the neighborhood. She posted the photograph on her
Facebook page.
Susan Colbert said OSU Extension still has funds available for potential homebuyers in
Weinland Park.
Mr. Elhagmusa urged committee members to suggest agenda items for the committees future
Ms. Van Til said some renovation work appears to be starting on the Chapman Building. She
asked that North Steppe Realty be contacted to find out what is happening there.

The business of the committee being concluded, Mr. Elhagmusa adjourned the meeting at 6:56
Respectfully submitted,
Stephen A. Sterrett

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