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Weinland Park Community Civic Association

Housing Committee
DRAFT Notes for meeting of April 10, 2012
Before the meeting began, Steve Sterrett announced the second annual Roots & Roofs event
on Saturday, May 19, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The central gathering place for the event will
be Godman Guild, 303 E. Sixth Avenue. Roots & Roofs will host volunteers for neighborhood
flower-planting and litter pick-up and will have tours of new and renovated homes.
Isom Nivins, neighborhood liaison with the citys Development Department, said his department
is considering a neighborhood signage program. Evelyn Van Til said that the civic association
received a grant for signage and is having three Welcome to Historic Weinland Park signs
installed at the neighborhoods boundaries.
Omar Elhagmusa, co-chair of the committee, called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m.
Mr. Sterrett reported that a meeting was held April 4 to discuss the application, lease-up and
move-in processes for the 40 new lease-to-purchase homes being constructed with low-income
housing tax credits by The NRP Group. Attending the meeting were Joyce Hughes, Susan
Colbert, Joe Williams, Mr. Sterrett and Jennifer Trumpy with The NRP Group. Mr. Sterrett said
these persons will meet regularly with representatives of NRP to promote good communication
regarding this housing product.
Ms. Trumpy reported that 27 people came to NRPs application day on April 5 to be
considered for these lease-to-purchase houses. Nine were approved after credit and criminal
checks. Nine were denied due to credit issues. NRP has a total of 19 good applications at this
point. Joe Largey of NRP reported that certificates of occupancy have been issued for nine of
the 40 houses.
Mr. Elhagmusa suggested outreach to local churches about the NRP housing as a way to invite
parishioners back to live in the neighborhood.
Mr. Elhagmusa asked about residents meeting the criteria to live in the housing. Mr. Sterrett
explained the issues about meeting credit criteria that were discussed at the meeting on April 4.
Mr. Elhagmusa said it is an aggressive schedule to move people into the completed houses.
Mary Hada of NRP explained how the tax credits were marketed for these new houses in
Weinland Park. The buyer of the tax credit has a timeline for houses being occupied and,

thereby, qualified for the tax credit. Ms. Hada explained the various income levels for qualifying
for the houses.
In response to a question, NRP representatives said that much of the interest in the new houses
has been generated by people driving by the properties and seeing the signs. In addition, Ms.
Colbert of OSU Extension has encouraged people to express interest in the housing.
Evelyn Van Til asked about preparing persons to maintain these homes. Ms. Hada said NRP has
a supportive services plan.
Mr. Elhagmusa said the two concerns that he has are the aggressive move-in process that may
pose difficulties for some families to leave existing housing on short notice and he wants folks to
have a welcoming experience in the neighborhood after they move in.
Laura Bidwa asked about presenting a neighborhood welcome packet to folks as they move in.
Ms. Bidwa will get information about people moving in from Ms. Trumpy. Ms. Trumpy said that
NRP also does a monthly newsletter for its residents that could include information about
activities in Weinland Park.
Ms. Hada said she has gotten the zoning application into the city for the senior citizen housing
building that has been proposed for the northeast corner of East Fifth Avenue and the new North
Grant Avenue. The appropriate zoning must be in place by November 1 for The NRP Group to
apply for low-income housing tax credits to finance construction of the building. Award of tax
credits would be announced in April 2013. It appears more likely that the building would be
three stories rather than four stories. Ms. Hada would like to have a building with 60 units.
Eric Wagenbrenner distributed a preliminary site plan for market rate housing that Wagenbrenner
Development would like to build on the former Columbus Coated Fabrics (CCF) site, including a
three-acre park near the proposed senior citizen building.
Mr. Elhagmusa asked about the tax-increment financing district in Weinland Park that will
generate funds to pay for the citys infrastructure improvements on CCF site, Grant Avenue and
East 11th and East Fifth avenues. Mr. Wagenbrenner said the design work for public
improvements along East Fifth Avenue and East 11th Avenue is being done this year with the
possibility of the improvements being made in 2013.
Ms. Van Til asked about the criteria, particularly for credit and criminal checks, for selection of
residents for senior citizen housing. Ms. Bidwa asked whether the Housing Committee might
review the design for the senior citizen building. Mr. Wagenbrenner said he will bring the design
to the committee for review.

Mr. Sterrett reported that a meeting has been scheduled for April 16 with Dan Ferdelman, staff
liaison from the Columbus Planning Division to the University Area Review Board, to discuss
potential concerns with the renovation of some housing in Weinland Park to serve the college
student housing market. Attending the meeting will be Rory Krupp, co-chair of the Housing
Committee; Woody Drake, chair of the Business Development and Land-Use Committee; and
Mr. Sterrett.
Mr. Elhagmusa suggested to Ms. Colbert that members of churches in Weinland Park be invited
to participate in Roots & Roofs and be informed of the housing opportunities in Weinland
With the business of the committee being concluded, Mr. Elhagmusa adjourned the meeting at
6:25 p.m.

Notes prepared by Steve Sterrett.

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