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A Alpha ] Juliet S Sierra

B Bravo K Kilo T Tango

C Charlie L Lima U Uniform
D Delta M Mike V Victor
E Echo N November W Whisky
F Foxtrot 0 Oscar X X-ray

G Golf P Papa Yankee

H Hotel Q Quebec Z Zulu
h: [f] in philosophy; [p] in shepherd, [ph] in haphazard, mute

Nearly all-consonant combinations in the present heteric spelling

have multiple sound values, despite the fact that defenders of this
spelling point to the consonant letters as having fairly constant

b: [b] in be, mute in lamb

c: [k] in can, [s] in cell, [S] in special, mute in yacht
ch: [tS] in chain, [dZ] in spinach, [k] in architect, [S] in chef,
mute in yacht
d: [t] in sucked, [d] in deep, [dZ] in soldier, mute in handkerchief
f: [f] in foe, [v] in of, mute in stiff
g: [dZ] in gem, [g] in geese, [Z] in rouge, mute in gnaw
gh: [p] in hiccough, [g] in ghost, [f] in laugh, mute in straight
h: [h] in hat, [] in eighth
j: [dZ] in just
k: [k] in kill, mute in know
1: [1] in lace, mute in salmon
m: [m] in am, mute in mnemonics
n: [n] in can, [] in fmger, mute in hymn
p: [p] in pity, mute in cupboar
lJu: [k] in quay; [kw] in queen, mute in lacquer
r: [r] in ray; mute in myrrh
s: [s] in see, [z] in as, [S] in sugar, [Z] in vision, mute in isle
sh: [S] in shine, [sh] in mishap
t: [t] in toe, [S] in motion, mute in soften
th: [t] in thyme, [] in thigh, [] in the, [t] in eighth
17: [v] in veal
x: [z] in xylophone, [ks] in vex, [gz] in exalt, [k] in except
y: [j] in yard, mute in prayer
z: [tsJ in pizza, [z] in zeal, [Z] in azure, mute in rendezvous. The vowel sounds of English all have
several different
symbolisations in the present heteric orthography.
[a:] a in father, au in aunt, ar in card, er in clerk, ear in heart,
uar in guard
[e] a in many, ai in said, ay in says, e in let, ea in head, eo in
leopard, ie in friend, u in bury, ue in guess

[i] e in pretty, ea in guineas, ee in breeches, ei in forfeit, i in

pit, ia in marriage, ie in sieve, 0 in woman, u in busy, ui in
build, Y in physics, ey in money
[0] a in want, au in laurel, 0 in on, ou in cough, ow in knowledge
[u] 0 in woman, 00 in wood, ou in would, u in bull
[~] a in sat, ai in plait

n u in humble,

0 in

son, oe in does, 00 in flood, ou in double

[i:] ae in minutiae, e in be, ea in each, eae in fleaed, ee in feet,
ei in conceit, eo in people, ey in key, eye in keyed, oe in foetus,
ie in grief, i in magazine, uay in quay, ui in mosquito
[0:] a in fall, aor in extraordinary, au in haul, aw in awful or in
fork, oa in broad, ou in ought
[u:] ew in brew, ewe in brewed, eu in rheumatic, 0 in do, oe in
shoe, oeu in manoeuvre, 00 in too, ooe in wooed, ou in soup,
u in ruling, ue in true, ui in fruit, wo in two
[ail a in naive, ai in aisle, ei in height, ey in eying, i in bind, ie
in die, ui in guide, uy in buy, Y in fly, ye in dye
[au] ou in noun, ow in cow, owe in allowed
[ei] a in mating, ai in pain, ao in gaol, au in gauging, ay in play,
aye in played, ea in great, ei in veil, ey in they, eye in conveyed

[oil oi in noisy, oy in boy, oye in enjoyed, uoy in buoy, uoye inII List of English Symbols 65 "
ai: [ei] in sail, [e] in said, [CE] in plait, [eii] in dais, [ai] in aisle,
[ aii:] in naive
ao: [ei] in gaol, [eio] in chaos, [u] in pharaoh
au: [ei] in gauging, [a:] in aunt, [0:] in haul, [u] in chauffeur,
[ 0] in laurel
aw: [0:] in awful
ay: [ei] in pray, [e] in says
e: [i:] in be, [i] in pretty; [e] in let, [] in open
ea: [i:] in heal, [ei] in great, [i] in guineas, [e] in head, [i:CE] in
react, [i] in area, [i: ei] creator
eau: [u] in beau, [ju:] in beautiful
ee: [i:] in feet, [i] breeches
ei: [i:] in conceive, [ei] in veil, [i] in forfeit
eo: [i:] in people, [u] yeoman, [i] in galleon, [e] in leopard, []
in dungeon, [i:] in theologian, [i:o] in theology
eu: [ju:] in feud, [i:ju:] in reunion
cw: [u] in sew, [u:] in brew, [ju:] in new
ey: [i:] in key, [ei] in they, [i] in turkey, [ai] in eying
i: [i] in sin, [ai] in bind, [j] in onion
ia: [] in parliament, [iei] in mediate, [i] in carriage, [aiei] in
hiatus, [iCE] in triviality; [j] in Britannia
ie: [i:] in grief, [i] in sieve, [e] in friend, [ail in lie, [i:i] in
earliest, [ai] in science, [] in conscience
ieu: [u:] in lieu, [efJ (!) in lieutenant
iew: [ju:] in view

ro: [] in motion, [iu] in mediocre, rio] in mediocrity; [ail in

violation, [aio] in ionic, [j] in million

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