Our Unjust Perceptions of Gays: Tyranny Speech

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Nico Carballal
Ms. Gardner
English 10 Per 2
28 October 2014
Our Unjust Perception of Gays
Class, society has come from segregation to integration, from patriarchy to womens rights, from
dictatorship to democracy, but apparently all of these forms of injustice and inequality are not sufficient
enough to accept two people who love each other of the same gender to be wed, to have fundamental
rights, to be viewed normally and to be treated as equals. People, based on ideas and texts composed
many years ago, state assertively that gay couples and same-sex marriages are improper. Marriage rights
are perpetual: in the homeless shelters, on the farms in the countryside, in the apartments of the city, in
the suburbs of the town, in the richest of homes, even in the White House- that is, for straight people.
However, in these places, either legally or opinionatedly, gays are treated unconstitutionally and unjustly;
thence, they are unfairly not deemed equals.

Gays rights have always been disputed and only now changing. They have always been
segregated; they have always been regarded as strange; they have always been criticized; they have
always been disconnected. Only until recently in our very state have gays had the right to marry. The
unmatched, marvelous, merry, implicit act of marriage was temporarily introduced to gays in 2008 until it
was voted against by the people. How can so many people be against the happiness same-sex marriage
can bring? Fortunately, some people continued to challenge this ban of same-sex marriage. They are
inspirational. In 2010, Chief U.S. District Attorney Judge Vaughn Walker spoke publicly about his
opposition of the reintroduction of Proposition 8. Specifically depicted on huffingtonpost.com, he states,
Proposition 8 singles out gays and lesbians and legitimates their unequal treatment. Proposition 8
perpetuates the stereotype that gays and lesbians are incapable of forming long-term loving relationships
and that gays and lesbians are not good parents(Leff and Elias). Similarly, David Sears of Playa del Rey

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bemoans in a latimes.com article, The will of the people becomes the tyranny of the majority, something
our courts are supposed to guard against. There is no legitimate reason to deny civil marriage rights to
two same-sex adults(Thornton), meaning that even though many Americans are opposed to it, even
though gays are the minority, there is no reason to deny gay couples basic rights. These authors stress the
word legitimate because there is nothing legitimate in these laws. There is nothing legitimate in these
judgements. There is nothing legitimate in these oppositions. More fights, like these, are vital in order to
drive this change across the world.

Articles and politicians debate over this idea of marriage rights, whether gays should be included,
but I ask Why should they not be?. Many religious people refer to the Bible and His action of creating
Adam and Eve which I respect and admire, but all people need to form their own ideas, take from their
personal experiences, be justifiable, and consider everybodys perspective. Some others say that
homosexuality is unearthly, unnatural, freakish, and harmful because of its uselessness to humanitys
progression as a race or as it has been said Marriage is a bond between a man and a woman only.
America is classifying what is correct by what the majority does, and if this continues, our separated
society will gradually collapse.

Stand with millions against the mistreatment of the innocent. Correct the abusement of gays from
those you spend everyday with. Bring an awareness to others by rectifying inappropriate phrases that
blaspheme gays, but that is only a small step; also go beyond the obvious and speak publicly. Do not be
afraid to voice your opinion. Let it be heard. Let us begin this difficult but rewarding work; working
together; together unified; unified against the mistreatment of gays. Ask not how your actions will impact
the discrimination of a group of people, but how the discrimination of a group of people should impact
your actions.

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As we stand to the sidelines ignoring this tyranny, we obliviously become part of the tyranny of
the majority. And while they are denied basic rights; while they are constantly judged by others because
of their unnatural behavior or unusual appearance; while they oppose a problem that should not exist;
while they protest their position where they cannot enjoy marriage, health perks, or financial benefits;
while they are forced to hide their feelings in a homophobic society; while they are told to be who they
are when being who they are is only causing complications; while they explore the possibilities of
repairing the perceptions that past generations have presented them- we now need to collaborate and unite
with one another, gay or straight, to eliminate past concepts and beliefs and input new inclusive and
accepting ideas into our society; we now can start pushing the wheels of equality which have been turning
so slowly.

Leff, Lisa, and Paul Elias. "Proposition 8 Overturned: Gay Marriage Ban Ruled
llllllUnconstitutional." The Huffington Post. The Huffington Post, 04 Aug. 2010. Web. 30 Oct.

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Thornton, Paul. "Gay, Marriage, Courts, and the 'Tyranny of the Majority'"Los Angeles Times. Los
llllllAngeles Times, n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2014.

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