Resume Reflection

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Nico Carballal
Ms. Gardner
English 10 Per 2
1 March 2015
Reflection: A Mathematical Difference
Predicting and forecasting my life, still empty of experience and full of questions, not only
disconcerts me but leaves me feeling unsatisfied and incapable of fulfilling all of the
expectations I have set before myself. The familiar questions What do you want to be? or
Where do you want to go to school? frustrate me, and I repeatedly respond that I have not
considered the questions intensely. Even though I persistently ignore these immense questions,
I know that they must be answered soon. My brain identifies that I have not experienced enough
to make a completely satisfactory decision even as these uncertainties are discomfitting to me
and worry me as I try to find an adequate solution. The future entails mystery for myself;
however, whatever I do, wherever I go, whomever I meet, the only things I know about my future
is that I will make use of my knowledge and ability in a way that will directly reflect in the people
and products whom I aid.
Because my future is foggy and unclear, completing interest surveys, such as the one on, may seem like a first step to uncovering future job opportunities; however,
as I examined my options and more was uncovered, I became more uncertain of a future job.
Should I delve into scientifical research? Apply myself into the world of mathematics? Handle
financial records at a business? Analyze and utilize statistical data? The computer immediately
disclosed hundreds of options, all suitable to my interests, but I could not once encounter an
Aha! moment or a moment that I undoubtedly found a job that reigned superior over the rest.
Once I meticulously researched every job that seemed suitable to my interests, I ultimately
discovered a job that (for now) included each of my interests-- a business statistician. Utilizing
my mathematical ability, analyzing real world statistics, and applying research and data to real

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world scenarios all give me a sense of achievement and satisfaction, for math and logical
thinking are enjoyable to me (something that some people just do not comprehend).
Before I completed these mind-opening surveys, my only answer to What do you want
to be? was something related to math. I have always been engrossed in mathematics but
never one occupation in particular. Because my mother was a math teacher, I have continually
had an advantage and an appreciation for the logical methods that define math. This ability and
love have directed me to a future in mathematics which is similar to what my mother pursued.
After I realized the numerous jobs that could fall under the category of Math from the surveys, I
realized my inexperience in the business world of math. Because I still had questions about the
opportunities after concluding my mathematical learning in a university, I sent an email to
Professor Jin Ma at the University of Southern California-- professor of stochastic analysis and
actuarial sciences-- in order to learn of what I have coming in the future if I choose to follow this
path. I sent him questions pertaining to the future job opportunities with a Masters in a section of
mathematics; the lives of business statisticians were not the only questions that lingered in my
mind. I desired to uncover more mathematically based opportunities. Unfortunately, I did not
receive a response from Professor Ma (which is when I concluded that sending emails to
university professors during midterms may be futile), but that fact has not discouraged my
interest in the subject. My interest in mathematics will persist, and whether I end up pursuing
statistics or another mathematics subject, I will always give my full devotion and hard work in all
subjects in order to complete the ultimate dream of working at a stable, enjoyable job. I aspire to
obtain a job that grants enough money to sustain a life that I can love and a life in which I can
give back to those who have aided me in reaching a stable, gratifying lifestyle.

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