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Agenda item no:

Heywood Township Committee
7th September 2009
Report of the Head of: Learners and Young People


Wards affected: All Heywood Wards

Report Author:

Sue Birtles


(01706) 747202

This report outlines the options for the development of three play sites within
Heywood Township


It is recommended that:

Members are asked to approve the development of a play area on Cherwell Avenue
( adjacent to the existing bonfire site)
Members are asked to approve the development of two additional play sites.
2. Reasons for recommendation:
The Department of Children, Schools and Families have provided substantial funding
to develop play sites across the borough. These sites are specifically aimed at the 8 13
age group.
Extensive consultation has been undertaken within Heywood Township in an attempt
to identify appropriate sites. Officers are now at the stage where decisions are needed if
we are to complete the sites by 31st March 2009. Failure to do so would result in the
DCSF requiring funding to be returned.
3. Alternatives considered:


The proposals in this report reflect a wide consideration of potential sites

as detailed in previous reports to Township.

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4. Consultation undertaken/proposed:
All Heywood sites (identified by members at the Visioning and Commissioning Sub
Committee) have been part of household consultation.
The full details of these consultations was presented to Township at the July meeting

Main text of report:


To date one site has been approved by members. This is the Bullough Moor site
and work will commence on this site during September 2009. As a result of the
report presented to Township in July further consultation was undertaken at the
following locations
Egerton Street

The original consultation was undertaken with the wider

neighbourhood and demonstrated a slightly higher vote in
favour, Additional consultation was undertaken (using the
DOORSTEP vehicle) with the immediate residents. This
consultation highlighted the fears and concerns of the
immediate residents (the majority of which were elderly)
and the allotment holders. The concerns raised were
around anti social behaviour and youth nuisance (all of
which happens now and there was major concerns that
this would increase). Closer investigation of the area also
shows that the space to develop is very small (if it is to be
kept away from houses) and does not lend itself to robust
equipment. It should be noted that 90% of the immediate
residents were elderly and no families with children are
evident in that location.
The collective consultation shown 50 oppositions and 14
supporting (these 14 were all from the wider

Cherwell Avenue

Officers were asked to consult with residents living in

proximity to a site on Cherwell Avenue (opposite Eden
and Conway Close). Whilst the site is a large one and
would be suitable from a play development prospective, it
should be noted that 62 residents took part in the
consultation with 57 opposing.

Coomassie Street

Consultation was carried out in two ways, one postal (to

include wider community) and one on site (for immediate


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residents). The overall vote was that 26 opposed and 7

supported. Apologies should be given to members as on
closer inspection this area of land is far too small to
Cherwell Avenue

The area around the traditional bonfire site was also

consulted on in two ways postal and site visit. The total
number of participants totalled 41 with 27 households
supporting the play area. A separate poll was undertaken
by an elderly resident who submitted a petition of 32
names who objected to this proposal. It should be noted
that the majority were residents living in Cherwell Court.
The location of the play area is proposed on the land away
from Cherwell Court and shouldnt have any negative
impact on the residents. Officers would recommend that
this site is developed.


To date Officers have looked at a range of options within Heywood Township and
are now finding it difficult to identify further sites. A meeting was held with the
Township manager and two further sites have been identified Plumb Mill and
Wilton Grove (not railway location).
Plumb Mill lends itself to this project being a large open piece of land. Whilst
there is residency for elderly people in the vicinity there is excellent
fencing in situ and sufficient land for the play area to be developed
away from residents.
The Wilton Grove site is a site that has previously had play equipment on.


Personnel Implications:


There are no personnel implications


Financial Implications:


The cost of the identified sites will be met from the Play Pathfinder allocation. The
failure to identify the four sites could result in either a loss of funding or
alternative sites being identified elsewhere in the borough.




Members are asked to approve the development of the site at Cherwell Avenue.


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The decision on the final two play sites is delegated to the Head of
Services for Learners and Young People and the Chair of Heywood
Township, following the completion of the consultations at Plumb Mill and
Wilton Grove (2).

For further information and background papers: For further information about this
report or access to any background papers please contact Sue Birtles Tel: 01706 747202
Ann Tipton
Head of Learners and Young People


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