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Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 1 : Kebahagiaan QS H U U D 11:108.....................................................15
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 2 : Kebahagiaan QS H U U D 11:9-11....................................................17
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 3 : Kebahagiaan QS A R - R A ' D U 13 : 26-29.....................................19
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 4 : Kebahagiaan QS A L - Q A S H A S H 28 : 76-77.............................25
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 5 : Kebahagiaan QS A Z - Z U M A R 39 : 73-75...................................27
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 6 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Lail 92 : 4-10.....................................................35
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 7 : Kebahagiaan QS Ath Thuur 52:17-28................................................40
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 8 : Kebahagiaan QS Ar Ra'du 13 : 38-39................................................48
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 9 : Kebahagiaan QS At Taubah 9: 117-119.............................................52
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 10 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Mujadilah 58:20-22.........................................61
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 11 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Insaan 76 : 5-22...............................................66
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 12 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Haqqah 69 : 19-24...........................................79
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 13 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Insyiqaq 84 : 6-9..............................................83
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 14 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Imran 3 : 169-175............................................86
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 15 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Qashash 28 : 10-13..........................................97
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 16 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Ankabut 29 : 26-27........................................100
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 17 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Ahzab 33 : 56.................................................104
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 18 : Kebahagiaan QS Yasin 36 : 13-17..................................................117
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 19 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Baqarah 2:25..................................................120
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 20 : Kebahagiaan QS Adz Dzariat 51: 15-23........................................123
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 21 : Kebahagiaan QS Muhammad 47:32-35.........................................129
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 22 : Kebahagiaan QS An Nisa' 4:57......................................................132
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 23 : Kebahagiaan QS Az Zukhruf 43:66-73..........................................133
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 24 : Kebahagiaan QS Asy Syuura 42 : 47-48........................................137
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 25 : Kebahagiaan QS Fushilat 41 : 30-35..............................................140
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 26 : Kebahagiaan QS Az Zumar 39 : 61................................................147
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 27 : Kebahagiaan QS Az Zumar 39 : 73-75...........................................148
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 28 : Kebahagiaan QS Yunus 10:9-10.....................................................156
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 29 : Kebahagiaan QS Yunus 10:1..........................................................158
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 30 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Imran 3:30......................................................160
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 31 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Qashash 28:85-88..........................................161
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 32 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Qashash 28:33-35..........................................165
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 33 : Kebahagiaan QS A T - T A U B A H 9:72......................................168
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 34 : Kebahagiaan QS An Naml 27:15-19..............................................171
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 35 : Kebahagiaan QS An Nuur 24:22....................................................175
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 36 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Hajj 22:1-2.....................................................177
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 37 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Anbiya 21:105-107........................................183
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 38 : Kebahagiaan QS Thaha 20:123......................................................187
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 39 : Kebahagiaan QS Maryam 19:49-50...............................................188

Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 40 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Fatihah 1:2.....................................................190
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 41 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Isra' 17:71.......................................................194
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 42 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Isra' 17:19-21.................................................197
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 43 : Kebahagiaan QS I B R A H I M 14:23-25......................................199
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 44 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Maaidah 5:35.................................................202
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 45 : Kebahagiaan QS An Nisa' 4:80......................................................204
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 46 : Kebahagiaan QS An Nisa' 4:66-70.................................................205
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 47 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Baqarah 2:62..................................................210
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 48 : Kebahagiaan QS Yunus 10:24-26...................................................213
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 49 : Kebahagiaan QS An Naba' 78 : 31-36............................................218
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 50 : Kebahagiaan QS Al Imran 3:130-136............................................221
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 51 : Kebahagiaan QS AL GHAASIYAH 88:8-16.................................230
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 52 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS AL Baqarah 2:45-46.....................233
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 53 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS Al Anfaal 8 : 27-28.......................237
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 54 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS Al A'Raf 7 : 42-43........................240
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 55 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness )QS AL HADID 57:16-24 ...................243
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 56 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS AL An'am 6:133-135 ...................255
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 57 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS AL MUTHAFFIFIN 83:18-28......258
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 58 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS AL Baqarah 2:177........................262
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 59 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS M A R Y A M 19:59-63................268
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 60 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS Al Fatihah 1:6-7............................275
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 61 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS Al An'am 6 : 66-69.......................279
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 62 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS 'Abasa 80 : 38-39.........................283
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 63 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS Al Baqarah 2 : 261-265................284
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 64 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS AL HADID 57:7-12......................292
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 65 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS AL Jinn 72:25-28..........................301
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 66 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS An Nahl 16:97-100.......................305
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 67 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS AL WAQI'AH 56:88-91................308
Tafsir Tematis Ibnu Katsir 68 : Kebahagiaan ( Happiness ) QS Al An'am 6:32-36.........................312
Maraji' or Referency or Daftar Pustaka ...........................................................................................317
Khatimah / penutup / Close .............................................................................................................318

Sydney, 13 january 2010
Sydney, 24 January 2010
Sydney, 27 January 2010
Manajemen Pustaka Al Ghuraba
Akhukum Fillah

Abu Nabila As Sundawy Al Indunisy

Al Faqir Ila Maghfirati Rabbihi

1. QS H U U D 11:108

َ َ ْ
َ ‫َ ًء‬
َ َ ‫ض ِإ 
َ َ َء َر‬
ُ ْ‫ت وَا ر‬
ُ !َ ‫َـ‬#$
 %‫& ا‬
َ ‫* )ِ (َ
َ دَا‬
َ +ِ,ِ-‫َـ‬. /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ2َ) ْ‫ُوا‬,ِ34
ُ *
َ +ِ%‫ َوَأ
11:108. Adapun orang-orang yang berbahagia, maka tempatnya di dalam surga mereka kekal
di dalamnya selama ada langit dan bumi, kecuali jika Tuhanmu menghendaki (yang lain);
sebagai karunia yang tiada putus-putusnya.
(108. And those who are blessed, they will be in Paradise, abiding therein for all the time that
the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord wills: a gift without an end.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ َ ْ
َ ‫َ ًء‬
َ  ‫
َ َ َء َر‬%‫َ;رْضُ ِإ‬%ْ ‫ت وَا‬
ُ ‫َوَا‬#$
 %‫& ا‬
َ ‫* )ِ (َ
َ دَا‬
َ +ِ,ِ%َ. ِ/0 
َ %ْ ‫ِ< ا‬2َ) ‫ُوا‬,ِ34
ُ َ*+ِ%‫َوَأ

" ‫ا‬,‫ * ) ( أ‬7‫* ) ( " أي
آ‬+,%. "/0%‫;واه? ا‬#) ‫ " أي‬/0%‫< ا‬2) " A4 %‫ع ا‬C9‫وا " وه? أ‬,34 *+%‫ " وأ
 ا‬1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
!‫ ه‬A F9‫ ا‬CG‫ أ
ا وا‬H % ? 30%‫
* ا‬F ) ?‫ ه‬# ) ?(
‫ أن دوا‬0(‫ء ه‬07J4‫ ا‬103
" ‫رض إ
 ء ر‬K‫وات وا‬#$%‫دا
& ا‬
*$L%‫ك وا‬LN%‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬. H20%‫!ن ا‬#(-+ #‫ آ‬, #LJ%‫ وا‬Q C$J%‫!ن ا‬#(-+ ‫(ا‬%‫ و‬#R‫ (? دا‬- /0#%‫ ا‬F-) 1%39 S‫ ا‬/T U
!آ!ل إ‬
‫ " ء
وذ " أي‬F%!E %‫ ذ‬VE‫( و‬0
‫!ا‬G .‫? أ‬W ‫ر‬0%‫!ا )< ا‬X‫* آ‬+%‫* ا‬+,Y!#%‫\ [ة ا‬Y <) <‫ ه‬: ‫[ ي‬C%‫ا‬
F% ?JY A ‫ أو <ء‬HC% ‫ع أو‬EX‫? ا‬W ‫ أن‬/T U#%‫ ذآ ^ ا‬,3 ?‫!ه‬J+ _T% ,Y‫ و وا‬/ %3%‫س وأ! ا‬C *‫ وا‬,‫
ه‬F%O ‫!ع‬E

‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫ (? و‬FJ#aY‫ و‬F%,3 FX‫ وأ‬FJT U

دود إ‬#R‫ر دا‬0%‫ر )< ا‬0%‫ ا‬A‫ك أن اب أه‬0‫  * ه‬#‫ع آ‬EX‫م ا‬,‫وام و‬,%
‫ ء‬F%!E "‫[!د‬E#%‫& ا‬CW‫!ب و‬-E%‫ ا‬V d 0‫!ن " وه‬%;$+ ?‫ وه‬A32+ # ‫;ل‬$+  " ‫ل‬O #‫ " آ‬,+ + #% ‫ل‬3) ‫" إن ر‬
_) ‫!د‬-. /0%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬+ ‫ل‬E+ ?W ‫ر‬0%‫ وا‬/0%‫  * ا‬Q ) Q-
‫ أ‬eC‫!رة آ‬f <) ‫!ت‬#% 19g+ "* L L[%‫ء )< ا‬G ,O‫
وذ " و‬
‫? أن‬a% ‫ا وإن‬,‫!ا أ‬9!#9 _) ‫!ا‬U 39 ‫? أن‬a% ‫ إن‬/0%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬+ ‫ل‬E ) " N+‫ أ‬Q L[%‫!د )_
!ت " و)< ا‬-. ‫ر‬0%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬+‫
!ت و‬
‫ا‬,‫!ا أ‬4;C9 _) ‫!ا‬#309 ‫? أن‬a% ‫ا وإن‬,‫!ا أ‬#E$9 _) ‫!ا‬L[9 ‫? أن‬a% ‫ا وإن‬,‫(
!ا أ‬9 _) ‫!ا‬CU9 "

Allah, the Exalted, says, ‫ُوا‬,ِ34 ُ َ*+ِ%‫ َوَأ

 ا‬6 (And those who are blessed.) These are the followers of
the Messengers. /0
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ2َ)6 (they will be in Paradise,) This means that their final abode will be

6َ( ِ) *
َ +ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬.

(abiding therein for all the time) This means that they will remain there forever.

6َ ‫ض ِإ 
َ َ َء َر‬
ُ ْ‫ت وَا ر‬
ُ !َ ‫َـ‬#$
 %‫& ا‬
ِ َ
َ دَا‬

(that the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord wills:) The meaning of the
exception that is made here is that the condition of eternal pleasure that they will experience
therein is something that is not mandatory by itself. Rather, it is something that is dependent
upon the will of Allah. Unto Him belongs the favor of immortality upon them. For this reason
they are inspired to glorify and praise Him, just as they are inspired to breathe. Ad-Dahhak
and Al-Hasan Al-Basri both said, "It is about the right of the disobedient people of Tawhid
who were in the Fire and then brought out of it.'' Then Allah finished this statement by

َ َ ْ َ ‫َ ًء‬

(a gift without an end.) This means that it will never be cut off. This has been mentioned by
Mujahid, Ibn `Abbas, Abu Al-`Aliyah and others. This has been mentioned so that the
suspicious person will not doubt after the mention of the will of Allah. Someone may think

that the mention of Allah's will here means that the pleasure of Paradise may end or change.
To the contrary, it has been decreed that this pleasure will truly be forever and will never end.
Likewise, Allah has clarified here that the eternal torment of the people of the Fire in Hell also
is due to His will. He explains that He punishes them due to His justness and wisdom. This is
why He says,

6ُ,+ِ +ُ َ#h% ٌ‫ل‬3)َ َ ‫ن َر‬


(Verily, your Lord is the doer of whatsoever He intends.) Similarly, Allah says,

َ !ُ-‫َـ‬$
ْ +ُ ْ?‫ َو ُه‬Aُ َ32ْ +َ #
َ ‫َْ; ُل‬$+ُ َ 

(He cannot be questioned as to what He does, while they will be questioned.)21:236 Here,
Allah soothes the hearts and affirms the intent, by His saying,

َ َ ْ َ ‫َ ًء‬

(a gift without an end.) It has been recorded in the Two Sahihs that the Messenger of Allah

«‫َ َ
!ْت‬-)َ ٌ‫ُ!د‬-ُ. ‫ ِر‬0%‫ ا‬Aَ ‫َ َأ ْه‬+َ‫ و‬،َ‫َ َ
!ْت‬-)َ ٌ‫ُ!د‬-.
ُ ِ/0 َ%ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ ‫َ َأ ْه‬+ :ُ‫َل‬Eُ+ ? Wُ ،ِ‫ر‬0%‫ وَا‬/ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫* ا‬
َ ْ َ Q
ُ َ ُْ )َ َQ-َْ
‫ َأ‬e
ٍ Cْ َ‫ُ! َر ِة آ‬f <ِ) ‫ت‬
ِ ْ!#َ %ْ ِ 1َ9gُ+»

(Death will be brought in the form of a handsome ram (on the Day of Judgement) and it will
be slaughtered between Paradise and the Hellfire. Then, it will be said, "O people of Paradise!
Eternity and no death! O people of Hellfire! Eternity and no death!'') In the Sahih it is
recorded that the Messenger of Allah said,

،‫ًا‬,َ ‫ُ!ا َأ‬#Eَ $

ْ 9َ َ-)َ ‫!ا‬L[ِ 9َ ْ‫?ْ َأن‬aُ %َ ‫ن‬  ‫ َوِإ‬،‫ًا‬,َ ‫ ْ( َ
ُ!ا َأ‬9َ َ-َ) ‫!ا‬CU
ِ 9َ ْ‫?ْ َأن‬aُ %َ ‫ن‬
 ‫ َوِإ‬،‫ًا‬,َ ‫ُ!ا َأ‬9!ُ#9َ َ-َ) ‫ُ!ا‬U ِ39َ ْ‫?ْ َأن‬aُ %َ ‫ن‬
 ‫ ِإ‬/ِ 0 
َ ْ%‫ ا‬Aَ ‫َ َأ ْه‬+ :‫َ ُل‬E ُ َ)»
«‫ًا‬,َ ‫ُ!ا َأ‬4;َCْ َ9 َ-)َ ‫ُ!ا‬#َ30ْ َ9 ْ‫ُ?ْ َأن‬a%َ ‫ن‬

(It will be said, `O people of Paradise, verily you will live and you will never die. You will
remain young and you will never grow old. You will remain healthy and you will never
become ill. You will be happy and you will never grieve.)

2. QS H U U D 11: 9-11

‫ُ!ر‬2‫ُ!سٌ َآ‬Tَ %َ Fُ X ‫ ِإ‬Fُ 0ْ

ِ َ‫َه‬0ْ mَ َX ? Wُ /ً #َ ْY‫ َر‬0
ِ *
َ ‫َـ‬$Xْ nِ ‫َ ا‬0Oْ ‫*ْ َأ َذ‬Tِ َ%‫َو‬
- ‫ُ!ر‬o)َ ٌ‫َ ِ ح‬2%َ Fُ X ‫< ِإ‬h0 َ ‫ت‬ ُ َT h $
 %‫َ ا‬V‫* َذ َه‬%َ!ُE َ َ% Fُ Jْ $

َ ‫ َء‬q r َ ,َ 3ْ َ َ‫َء‬#3ْ Xَ ^ُ َ0Oْ ‫*ْ َأ َذ‬Tِ %ََ‫و‬
- ِC‫ ٌ َآ‬G
ْ ‫ِ َ ةٌ َوَأ‬2sْ
 ْ?(ُ %َ َTِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫َتِ ُأو‬L-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ ا‬-#ِ  َ ‫َ ُواْ َو‬Cf َ * َ +ِ%‫ ِإ  ا‬6

11:9. Dan jika Kami rasakan kepada manusia suatu rahmat (nikmat) dari Kami, kemudian
rahmat itu Kami cabut daripadanya, pastilah dia menjadi putus asa lagi tidak berterima

11:10. Dan jika Kami rasakan kepadanya kebahagiaan sesudah bencana yang menimpanya,
niscaya dia akan berkata: "Telah hilang bencana-bencana itu dari padaku"; sesungguhnya
dia sangat gembira lagi bangga,

11:11. kecuali orang-orang yang sabar (terhadap bencana), dan mengerjakan amal-amal
saleh; mereka itu beroleh ampunan dan pahala yang besar.

(9. And if We give man a taste of mercy from Us, and then withdraw it from him, verily, he is
despairing, ungrateful.)

(10. But if We let him taste good (favor) after evil (poverty and harm) has touched him, he is
sure to say: "Ills have departed from me.'' Surely, he is exultant and boastful (ungrateful to

(11. Except those who show patience and do righteous good deeds: those, theirs will be
forgiveness and a great reward (Paradise).)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29
ٌ‫ُ!ر‬2‫ُ!سٌ َآ‬Tَ %َ Fُ X ‫ ِإ‬Fُ 0ْ
ِ َ‫َه‬0
ْ mَ َX ? Wُ /ً #َ Y
ْ ‫ َر‬0
ِ ‫ن‬
َ َ$Xْ ِt%ْ ‫َ ا‬0Oْ ‫*ْ َأ َذ‬Tِ َ%‫َو‬

F% A[Y /#3X ,3 ‫ة‬, FJf‫ إذا أ‬FX‫ * أ‬0

g#%‫د^ ا‬C *
S‫? ا‬Y‫ إ
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‫ن و‬$Xn‫ * ا‬1%39 Co+
G ) %‫ ذ‬,3 ‫ ج‬+ ?%‫ ا و‬. + ?% FX;‫ل آ‬L%‫< ا‬r#% ‫!د‬LG‫ و‬2‫ وآ‬ACEJ$#%‫ ا‬1%‫ إ‬/C$0% o%‫!ط
* ا‬0O‫;س و‬+ .

ٌ‫ُ!ر‬oَ) ٌ‫َ ِ ح‬2%َ Fُ X ‫< ِإ‬h0

َ ‫ت‬
ُ َTh $
 %‫ ا‬V
َ ‫* ذَ َه‬
 %َ!ُE َ َ% Fُ Jْ $

َ ‫َ ا َء‬r ,َ 3ْ َ ‫َ َء‬#ْ3Xَ ُ^َ0Oْ َ‫ِ*ْ َأذ‬T%َ‫َو‬

" ‫!ر‬o) ‫ ح‬2% FX‫!ء " إ‬4 ‫ ? و‬r ‫ ها‬,3 <0%0+ 

‫!ل‬E+ ‫< " أي‬0 ‫ت‬T $%‫ ا‬V‫* ذه‬%!E % " /#EX ,3 /#3X FJf‫ا إن أ‬a‫وه‬
^ 1- ‫!ر‬o)  ^,+ <) # ‫ أي ) ح‬.

ٌ ِC‫ْ ٌ َآ‬G‫ َةٌ َوَأ‬2ِ sْ

َ ْ?(ُ %َ 
َ Tِ َ%‫ت أُو‬
ِ َL%ِ[%‫ُ!ا ا‬-#ِ 
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َ +ِ%‫ ا‬%‫ِإ‬

‫ ة‬2s
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V [+  ^,  <$2X ‫ي‬%‫ " وا‬w+,L%‫ء )< ا‬G #‫ء آ‬. %‫!^ )< ز
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( F0 S‫ ا‬2‫آ( إ آ‬U+ /‫!آ‬U%‫ ا‬1JY ‫ن‬mY ‫ و‬Vf‫ و و‬V[X ‫
* ه? و ? و‬g#%‫ا‬
C[) ‫ اء‬r FJf‫ وإن أ‬F% ‫ ا‬. ‫ آن‬aU) ‫ اء‬4 FJf‫ إن أ‬: F% ‫ ا‬. ‫ء إ آن‬NO *
g#-% S‫< ا‬NE+  ^,  <$2X ‫ي‬%‫وا‬
‫!ا‬-#‫!ا و‬0
q *+%‫ إ ا‬$. <2% ‫ن‬$Xn‫[ إن ا‬3%‫ " وا‬1%39 S‫ل ا‬O ‫(ا‬%‫
* " و‬g#%‫ ا‬,YK %‫ ذ‬H %‫ و‬F% ‫ ا‬. ‫آن‬
‫ت‬+y‫! " ا‬-‫\ ه‬-. ‫ن‬$Xn‫" إن ا‬1%39 ‫ل‬O‫ " و‬C[% ‫!ا‬f‫!ا‬9‫\ و‬L% ‫!ا‬f‫!ا‬9‫ت و‬L%[%‫ ا‬.

Allah, the Exalted, informs about mankind and the blameworthy characteristics that he
possesses, except for those believing servants upon whom Allah has bestowed His mercy. Allah
explains that when any hardship befalls man, after he has experienced blessings, he is
disheartened and he despairs of any good in the future. He denies and rejects (the bounties of)
his previous condition. Thus, he behaves as if he has never seen any good and he loses all hope
for relief (from his situation). Likewise, if any blessing befalls him after displeasure,

َ ‫ت‬
ُ َT h $
 %‫ ا‬V
َ ‫* َذ َه‬%َ!ُE َ %َ6 (he is sure to say, "Ills have departed from me.'') This means that he will
claim that no harm or calamity will afflict him after this (blessing).

‫ُ!ر‬o)َ ٌ‫َ ِ ح‬2%َ Fُ X ‫ِإ‬6 (Surely, he is exultant and boastful (ungrateful to Allah).) This means that he is
pleased with what he has in his hand and ungrateful (to Allah). At the same time he is boastful
towards others. Allah, the Exalted, then says,

‫ ُوا‬Cَ َf *
َ +ِ%‫ِإ  ا‬6 (Except those who show patience) meaning, those who show patience during
times of hardship and adversity. In reference to Allah's statement,

‫َت‬L-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ ا‬-#ِ 
َ ‫ َو‬6 (and do righteous good deeds) This means that they perform the good deeds in
times of ease and good health. Concerning the statement,

‫ِ َة‬2sْ
 ْ?(ُ َ% 
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُأو‬6 (those, theirs will be forgiveness) meaning, that they will be forgiven due to the
calamities that afflicted them. Concerning Allah's statement,

 ِC‫ْ ٌ َآ‬G‫ َوَأ‬6 (and a great reward.) This great reward is due to them because of what they sent
forth (of good deeds) in their times of ease. This is similar to what is mentioned in the Hadith,

َ(ِ Fُ 0ْ 
َ ُS‫ َ ا‬2 ‫ َآ‬%‫َآُ(َ ِإ‬U+ُ /ُ ‫!ْ َآ‬U
 %‫ ا‬1JَY ،ٌ‫ن‬mَ Y
َ َ%‫ٌ َو‬Vf
َ ‫َ َو‬%‫ٌ َو‬Vَ[Xَ َ%‫ ? َو‬
َ َ%‫* َه ? َو‬
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬V
ُ ِ[+ُ َ% ^ِ ,ِ َ ِ <ِ$ْ2Xَ ‫ِي‬%‫»وَا‬
«^َ+َ. َ

(By He in Whose Hand is my soul! No worry, calamity, distress, illness, or grief strikes a
believer, even the prick of a thorn, except that Allah will expiate his sins for him because of it.)
In the Sahih it is recorded that the Prophet said,

َ َ) ‫ ا ُء‬r َ Fُ Jْ ََf‫ وَِإنْ َأ‬،ُF%َ ‫ ْ ًا‬.َ ‫ن‬ َ َ‫ َ آ‬aَ U
َ )َ ‫ ا ُء‬4
َ Fُ ْJَ َf‫ ِإنْ َأ‬،ُFَ% ‫ ْ ًا‬.
َ َ‫ آَن‬%‫َ ًء ِإ‬NOَ *
ِ ْg#ُ -ْ ِ% S
ُ ‫ِ< ا‬NْE+َ َ% ^ِ ,ِ َ ِ <ِ$ْ2Xَ ‫ِي‬%‫»وَا‬
gْ #ُ %ْ ‫ ْ ِ ا‬
َ ٍ,َY;َ%ِ َ%ِ‫ َذ‬H
َ ْ %ََ‫ و‬،ُFَ% ‫َ ْ ًا‬. ‫ن‬
َ َ‫آ‬

(By He in Whose Hand is my soul! Allah does not decree any matter for the believer except
that it is good for him. If any blessing befalls him, he is thankful (to Allah) and that is good for
him. If any harm comes to him, he is patient and that is also good for him. This is (a bounty)
exclusively for the believer.) For this reason, Allah, the Exalted, says,

6 ِ ْC[
 %ِ ْ‫!ْا‬f
َ ‫َ!َا‬9‫\ َو‬
h َL%ْ ِ ‫!ْ ْا‬f
َ ‫َ!َا‬9‫& َو‬
ِ ‫َـ‬L-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ ا‬-#ِ 
َ ‫ُ!اْ َو‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫ ِإ  ا‬- ٍ $
ْ .
ُ 1ِ2%َ *
َ ‫َـ‬$Xِn‫ن ا‬
 ‫ ِإ‬- ِ [
ْ 3َ %ْ ‫وَا‬

(By Al-`Asr (the time). Verily, man is in loss. Except those who believe and do righteous good
deeds. And recommend one another to the truth and recommend one another to patience.) 
103:1-36 Allah also says,

!ُ-َ‫\ ه‬
َ ِ-.
ُ *
َ ‫َـ‬$Xِn‫ن ا‬
 ‫ ِإ‬6 (Verily, man was created very impatient.) 70:196

3. QS A R - R A ' D U 13 : 26-29

َ  ‫ َ ةِ ِإ‬.
ِ  ‫ ا‬1ِ) َ ْX,%‫ َ! ُة ا‬L َ %ْ ‫ْ َ َو
َ ا‬X, %‫َ َ! ِة ا‬L%ْ ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬Y ِ َ)‫ِ ُر َو‬,Eَ +َ ‫َءُ َو‬Uَ+ ْ*#َ ِ% ‫ق‬ َ ْ‫ ز‬h %‫} ا‬
ُ$ُ Cْ +َ Fُ -%‫ ا‬6
‫َب‬X‫ َ
*ْ َأ‬Fِ ْ َ%‫ِى ِإ‬,(ْ +َ َ‫َ ُء و‬U+َ *َ
AN ِ +ُ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬  ‫ْ ِإ‬AُO Fِ h ‫* ر‬h
ٌ/+َ ‫ِ ءَا‬F ْ -ََ ‫ َل‬mِ Xُ‫َ!ْ َ أ‬% ْ‫َ ُوا‬2‫*َ َآ‬+ِ%‫ُ! ُل ا‬E+َ ‫َو‬
- ‫ُ!ب‬-Eُ %ْ ‫* ا‬Tِ #َ 
ْ 9َ Fِ -%‫ِ َأ َ ِ ِآْ ِ ا‬F-%‫ُ! ُ ُ(?ْ ِ ِ ْآ ِ ا‬-ُO *
 Tِ #َ ْ9َ ‫ُ!اْ َو‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫ا‬
- ‫* َ
ـَب‬ ُ$ ْ Y ُ ‫ ُ(?ْ َو‬%َ 1َ!ُd ‫ت‬ ِ َL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ ا‬-#ِ  َ ‫ُ!اْ َو‬0
َ q * َ +ِ%‫ ا‬6

13:26. Allah meluaskan rezeki dan menyempitkannya bagi siapa yang Dia kehendaki. Mereka
bergembira dengan kehidupan di dunia, padahal kehidupan dunia itu (dibanding dengan)
kehidupan akhirat, hanyalah kesenangan (yang sedikit).
13:27. Orang-orang kafir berkata: "Mengapa tidak diturunkan kepadanya (Muhammad)
tanda (mukjizat) dari Tuhannya?" Katakanlah: "Sesungguhnya Allah menyesatkan siapa
yang Dia kehendaki dan menunjuki orang-orang yang bertobat kepada Nya",
13:28. (yaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan hati mereka menjadi tenteram dengan
mengingat Allah. Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingat Allah-lah hati menjadi tenteram.
13:29. Orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal saleh, bagi mereka kebahagiaan dan tempat
kembali yang baik.

(26. Allah increases the provision for whom He wills, and straitens (it for whom He wills), and
they rejoice in the life of the world, whereas the life of this world compared to the Hereafter is
but a brief passing enjoyment.)
(27. And those who disbelieved say: "Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord'' Say:
"Verily, Allah sends astray whom He wills and guides unto Himself those who turn to Him in
(28. Those who believed and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah. Verily, in the
remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.)
(29. Those who believed, and work righteousness, Tuba is for them and a beautiful place of
(final) return.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ %‫ َ ِة ِإ‬.
ِ ْ%‫ َ )ِ< ا‬Xْ ,%‫ َةُ ا‬L
َ ْ%‫ َ َو
َ ا‬Xْ ,%‫ َ ِة ا‬L
َ %ْ ِ ‫ُ!ا‬Yِ )َ ‫ِ ُر َو‬,ْE+َ ‫َ ُء َو‬U+َ ْ*#َ %ِ ‫ق‬
َ ْ‫ز‬h %‫} ا‬
ُ Cْ َ+ Fُ -%‫ا‬

‫ر‬2a%‫ء ا‬g‫ل و) ح ه‬,3%‫ وا‬/#aL%‫

* ا‬%‫ )< ذ‬F% #% ‫ء‬U+ *
1- JE+‫ء و‬U+ *
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 A ‫ ات‬o%‫(? )< ا‬% ‫رع‬$X * 0‫
ل و‬F ?‫ه‬,#X #X‫!ن أ‬C$L+‫ل " أ‬O #‫(? وإ
( آ‬% G‫را‬,J4‫  ا‬X,%‫ ة ا‬L%‫!ا
* ا‬9‫ أو‬#
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AO " ‫ل‬O #‫ع " آ‬J
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م أ‬n‫ل ا‬O‫ " و‬1E‫ وأ‬.
{G 9 ? 0 -) ? %‫ ه^ )< ا‬F3Cf‫آ? أ‬,Y‫ أ‬A3+ #‫ ة إ آ‬.y‫  )< ا‬X,%‫?"
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& وا‬4‫ي أ‬,
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^‫ روا‬/C$% ‫" وأر‬
^!E%‫ * أ‬Y F-‫ أه‬1- ‫
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َ َX‫ َ
*ْ َأ‬Fِ ْ %َ‫ِي ِإ‬,(ْ +َ ‫َ ُء َو‬U+َ ْ*
َ A N
ِ +ُ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
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*ْ َر‬/+َ q Fِ ْ -ََ ‫ َل‬mِ Xْ ‫َ ُأ‬%ْ!َ% ‫ ُوا‬2َ ‫* َآ‬
َ +ِ%‫ُ! ُل ا‬E+َ َ‫و‬

S‫ ها
ة وإن ا‬1- ‫_م‬a%‫م ا‬,E9 ,O‫!ن " و‬%‫و‬K‫ ا‬A4‫ أر‬#‫ آ‬/+ 09; -) " ?(%!E‫ " آ‬F‫
* ر‬/+q F - ‫ل‬mX‫! " أي ه_ " أ‬%
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/G‫ إ‬1- ‫در‬O
‫ا‬,Y‫ أ‬F‫ وا أ(? ا  أ‬2‫ن آ‬t) %‫(? ذ‬J ‫ أ‬,#L
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وج و‬Xa
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* ا‬

‫ا‪U+ *
AN+ S‬ء و‪,(+‬ي إ‪ *
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 ا‪!Y JO‬ا أو‪ ?(C+ ?%‬إ‪1%‬‬
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H %‬و ‪ F
,‬آ‪O #‬ل " و
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_CO‬آ‪!X‬ا ‪!0
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AN+ S‬‬
‫‪U+ .‬ء و‪,(+‬ي إ‪ *
F %‬أ‪X‬ب " أي و‪,(+‬ي إ‪ *
F %‬أ‪X‬ب إ‪ 1%‬ا‪S‬‬

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‫ َ‪ Tِ #‬‬
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‫ َ‪ Tِ #‬‬
َ q َ*+ِ%‬ا َو َ‪ْ 9‬‬

‫" أي ‪ V 9‬و‪ 9‬آ* إ‪ VXG 1%‬ا‪ S‬و‪ ,0 *a$9‬ذآ ^ و‪ 1%!

F 1r 9‬و‪ [X‬ا و‪(%‬ا ‪O‬ل " أ آ ا‪ *T#9 S‬ا‪!-E%‬ب‬

َ ٍ‬
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َ q َ*+ِ%‬ا َو َ‬

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?3X /
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 و‬9,G‫ و‬A‫(? ر(? ه‬% ‫ل‬O ?‫ اره‬O
‫  و‬s09 F ) H % " ‫? " ء
وذ‬a% T 0‫ ه‬T 0() <JaR_
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. ‫!ب‬s% ( ) 0$#+ ‫ و‬V[X ( ) 0$#+  F-N) *
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‫!ل‬E+ ?W ^ ‫آ‬+ ‫*
* آا‬#9‫*
* آا و‬#9 : 1%39 S‫!ل ا‬E+ <X
K‫ ا‬F &(JX‫ إذا ا‬1JY 10#J ) *#9 : /0%‫! ا‬.‫ د‬/0%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬.q
‫! أن‬% ‫دي‬C + " AG‫ و‬m S‫? * ا‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫? * أ< ذر * ر‬-$
Q Lf <)‫ و‬. F%7
‫ ة أ‬U‫ و‬% %‫ذ‬
#‫ إ آ‬T  <a-
%‫ ذ‬EX 
‫ن‬$X‫ إ‬A‫< ); & آ‬X!%;$) ,Y‫ وا‬, 3f <) ‫
!ا‬O ?a0G‫? و‬a$X‫ آ? وإ‬.q‫? و‬a%‫أو‬
(-‫ وع آ‬r (% 1!d (% ‫ل‬E+ ‫  ة‬/0%‫ان إن )< ا‬,3
* ,%. ‫ل‬O‫ و‬F%! w+,L%‫ " ا‬LC%‫ )< ا‬A.‫ } إذا أد‬o#%‫ ا‬E0+
^‫ روا‬/04 * 3‫ ا* أر‬w3C ) /
 E%‫!م ا‬E9 1JY F ) V-EJ+ /0%‫(ر ا‬X‫(
* أ‬X <) ‫!ن‬a+ ‫ أة‬#%‫} ا‬E4 ‫ وإن‬/0%‫ ا‬A‫ ن أه‬Cf {r 9
?9Y <‫ ا* أ‬.

Allah states that He alone increases the provisions for whom He wills and decreases it for
whom He wills, according to His wisdom and perfect justice. So, when the disbelievers rejoice
with the life of the present world that was given to them, they do not know that they are being
tested and tried. Allah said in other Ayat,

6 َ‫ ُون‬3ُ U
ْ +َ  Aَ ‫ت‬
ِ َ ْ َo%ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ?(ُ َ% ُ‫َ ِرع‬$Xُ - *
َ ِ0َ ‫
 ٍل َو‬Fِ ِ ?ْ ُ‫ه‬, #ِ Xُ َ#X‫ُ!نَ َأ‬Cَ$L
ْ +َ ‫َأ‬

(Do they think that in wealth and children with which We enlarge them. We hasten unto them
with good things. Nay, but they perceive not.)23:55-566 Allah belittled the life of the present
world in comparison to what He has prepared for His believing servants in the Hereafter,

َ  ‫ِ َ ةِ ِإ‬. ‫ ا‬1ِ) َ Xْ , %‫ َ!ةُ ا‬L
َ %ْ ‫ َو
َ ا‬

(whereas the life of this world compared to the Hereafter is but a brief passing enjoyment.)
Allah said in other Ayat,

6ً_ ِJ)َ َ‫ُ!ن‬#-َ

ْ 9ُ َ ‫ َو‬1َE9 ‫* ا‬
ِ #َ h% ٌ ْ .
َ ‫ِ َ ُة‬. ‫ٌ وَا‬A ِ-َO َ Xْ , %‫َـ ُ{ ا‬J
َ ْAOُ 

(Say: "Short is the enjoyment of this world. The Hereafter is (far) better for him who has
Taqwa, and you shall not be dealt with unjustly even equal to the amount of a Fatila.)4:776

6 1َEْ ‫َ ْ ٌ َوَأ‬. ‫ِ َ ُة‬. ‫ وَا‬- َ Xْ ,%‫َ َ! َة ا‬L%ْ ‫ن ا‬

َ ‫ِ ُو‬Wْg9ُ ْAَ 

(Nay, you prefer the life of this world, although the Hereafter is better and more
lasting.)87:16-176 Imam Ahmad recorded that Al-Mustawrid, from Bani Fihr, said that the
Messenger of Allah said,

«{ِGْ َ9 ?َ ِ ْ ُ0ْ َ -ْ َ) ،h? َ %ْ ‫ َه ِ^ِ )ِ< ا‬Fُ 3َ Cَ f

ْ ‫ ُآ?ْ إ‬,ُ Y
َ ‫ َأ‬Aُ 3َ 
ْ +َ َ#‫ َآ‬%ِ‫ِ َ ِة إ‬.ْ%‫ َ )ِ< ا‬Xْ , %‫»
َ ا‬

(The life of the present world, compared to the Hereafter, is just like when one of you inserts
his finger in the sea, so let him contemplate how much of it will it carry.) and he pointed with
the index finger. Imam Muslim also collected this Hadith in his Sahih. In another Hadith, the
Prophet passed by a dead sheep, whose ears were small, and said,

«^!َE%ْ ‫* َأ‬
َ ِY Fِ -ِ‫ َأ ْه‬1َ-َ ‫ ِ
*ْ َهَا‬S
ِ ‫ ا‬1َ-
َ ‫ن‬
ُ !َ ‫ َ َأ ْه‬Xْ ,-َ% S
ِ ‫»وَا‬

(By Allah! The life of this present world is as insignificant to Allah as this sheep was to its
owners when they threw it away.)

Allah says that the idolators said,


(Why is not), meaning, there should be,

6ِFh ‫* ر‬h
ٌ/+َ ‫ ءَا‬Fِ ْ -َ
َ ‫ِ َل‬mXُ‫أ‬

(a sign sent down to him from his Lord) The idolators also said,

6َ‫ُ!ن‬%‫ ا  و‬Aَ 4
ِ ْ‫َ ُأر‬#‫ َآ‬/ٍ +َ َ‫َ ِـ‬09ِ ْ;َ -ْ )َ 

(Let him then bring us an Ayah like the ones (Prophets) that were sent before (with signs)!) 
21:56 We mentioned this subject several times before and stated that Allah is able to bring
them what they wanted. There is a Hadith which mentions that the idolators asked the
Prophet to turn Mount As-Safa into gold and, they also asked him for a spring to gush forth
for them and to remove the mountains from around Makkah and replace them with green
fields and gardens. Allah revealed to His Messenger : "If You wish, O Muhammad, I will give
them what they asked for. However, if they disbelieve thereafter, I will punish them with a
punishment that I did not punish any among the `Alamin (mankind and the Jinns). Or, if you
wish, I will open for them the door to repentance and mercy.'' The Prophet said,

ْ  %‫ وَا‬/ِ َ !J%‫ب ا‬
َ َ ْ?(ُ َ% Q
ُ Jَ 2ْ 9َ ْAَ »

(Rather, open for them the door to repentance and mercy.) This is why Allah said to His
Messenger next,

6َ‫َب‬X‫ َ
*ْ َأ‬Fِ ْ %َ‫ِى ِإ‬,(ْ +َ َ‫َ ُء و‬Uَ+ *َ
ِ ُ+ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ْ ِإ‬AOُ 

(Say: "Verily, Allah sends astray whom He wills and guides unto Himself those who turn to
Him in repentance.'') Allah states that He brings misguidance or guidance whether the
Messenger was given a sign (a miracle) according to their asking or not. Verily, earning the
misguidance or the guidance are not connected to the miracles or the lack of them. Allah said
in other Ayat, f

ِ ْg+ُ  ٍ‫!ْم‬Oَ *َ ُ‫ ُر‬0 %‫& وَا‬
ُ ‫َـ‬+y‫ ا‬1ِ0ْs9ُ َ
‫ َو‬

(But neither Ayat nor warners benefit those who believe not.) 10:1016

6 ?َ ِ% ‫ب ا‬
َ ‫َا‬3َ %ْ ‫ َ ُواْ ا‬+َ 1JY
َ /ٍ +َ ‫ ءا‬A‫ ُ(?ْ ُآ‬9ْ ‫َ َء‬G ْ!َ%‫ َو‬- َ‫ُ!ن‬0
ِ ْgُ+ َ َh ‫ َر‬/ُ #َ -ِ‫ ْ ِ(?ْ َآ‬-َ
َ ْ&EY
َ *
َ +ِ%‫ن ا‬

(Truly, those, against whom the Word of your Lord has been justified, will not believe. Even if
every sign should come to them, until they see the painful torment.)10:96-976, and,

?ُ‫َ َ ه‬7‫* َأ ْآ‬

 aِ ‫َـ‬%َ‫ و‬Fُ -%‫َ َء ا‬U+َ ‫ُ!اْ ِإ  أَن‬0
ِ ْg ُ %ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬Xَ‫_
ً Cُ ُO ‫ْ ٍء‬1
َ A ‫ ْ ِ(?ْ ُآ‬-ََ َXْ U
َ Y
َ ‫ َو‬1َ9ْ!#َ ْ%‫ ُ(?ُ ا‬#َ -‫ َو َآ‬/َ aَ Tِ ‫َـ‬-#َ %ْ ‫ ْ ِ(?ُ ا‬%َ‫َ ِإ‬0ْ%m Xَ َ0X ‫!ْ َأ‬%َ‫ َو‬
6 َ‫ُ!ن‬-َ( ْ +َ

(And even if We had sent down unto them angels, and the dead had spoken unto them, and
We had gathered together all things before their very eyes, they would not have believed,
unless Allah willed, but most of them behave ignorantly.) 6:1116 Allah said here,

6َ‫َب‬X‫ َ
*ْ َأ‬Fِ ْ %َ‫ِى ِإ‬,(ْ +َ َ‫َ ُء و‬Uَ+ *َ
ِ ُ+ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ْ ِإ‬AOُ 

(Say: "Verily, Allah sends astray whom He wills and guides unto Himself those who turn to
Him in repentance.'') meaning, He guides to Him those who repent, turn to Him, beg Him,
seek His help and humbly submit to Him.

Allah said,

6ِF-%‫ُ! ُ ُ(?ْ ِ ِآْ ِ ا‬-Oُ *

ْ 9َ َ‫ُ! ْا و‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫ا‬

(Those who believed, and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah.) for their hearts
find comfort on the side of Allah, become tranquil when He is remembered and pleased to
have Him as their Protector and Supporter. So Allah said,

6ُ‫ُ!ب‬-ُE%ْ ‫* ا‬
 Tِ #َ 
ْ 9َ Fِ -%‫َأ َ ِ ِ ْآ ِ ا‬

(Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.) and surely, He is worthy of it.

Allah said,

ٍ َ‫* َ
ْ ُY‫َ ُ(?ْ َو‬% 1َ!ُd ‫ت‬
ِ َL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ ا‬-#ِ 
َ ‫ُ!اْ َو‬0َ
q َ*+ِ%‫ا‬

(Those who believed, and work righteousness, Tuba is for them and a beautiful place of (final)

return.) `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas said that Tuba means, "Happiness and
comfort or refreshment of the eye.'' `Ikrimah said that Tuba means, "How excellent is what
they earned,'' while Ad-Dahhak said, "A joy for them.'' Furthermore, Ibrahim An-Nakh`i
said that Tuba means, "Better for them,'' while Qatadah said that it is an Arabic word that
means, `you have earned a good thing.' In another narration, Qatadah said that `Tuba for
them' means, "It is excellent for them,''

6ٍ‫* َ
ْ ُY‫ َو‬

(and a beautiful place of return.) and final destination. These meanings for Tuba are all
synonymous and they do not contradict one another. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Sa'id
Al-Khudri said that a man asked, "O Allah's Messenger! Tuba for those who saw you and
believed in you!'' The Prophet said,

«<ِXَ +َ ْ?%ََ‫* ِ< و‬

َ q ْ*#َ %ِ 1َ!ُd ? Wُ 1َ!ُd ?Wُ 1َ!ُd‫ َو‬،<ِ *
َ qَ‫ِ< و‬Xqَ‫*ْ ر‬#َ %ِ 1َ!ُd»

(Tuba is for he who saw me and believed in me. Tuba, and another Tuba, and another Tuba
for he who believed in me, but did not see me.) A man asked, "What is Tuba'' The Prophet

ِ َ#‫ج ِ
*ْ َأ ْآ‬
ُ ُ o
ْ 9َ /ِ 0
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ب َأ ْه‬
ُ َ Wِ ٍ‫ َم‬/ُ Rَ ِ
َ(9ُ َ ِ$
َ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ َ ةٌ )ِ< ا‬
َ »

(A tree in Paradise whose width is a hundred years, and the clothes of the people of Paradise
are taken from its bark.) Al-Bukhari and Muslim recorded that Sahl bin Sa`d said that the
Messenger of Allah said,

َ ْE+َ َ% ٍ‫ َم‬/َ Rَ ِ
ِ <ِ) V
ُ ‫ ا ِآ‬%‫ِ ُ ا‬$+َ ً‫ َ ة‬
َ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ن )ِ< ا‬

(There is a tree in Paradise, if a rider travels in its shade for one hundred years, he would not
be able to cross it.) An-Nu`man bin Abi `Ayyash Az-Zuraqi added, "Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri
narrated to me that the Prophet said,

«َ(3ُ َEْ +َ َ
‫َ َ ٍم‬/Rَ ِ
{َ +ِ $%‫ َ ا‬# N
َ #ُ %ْ ‫َ!َا َد ا‬%ْ ‫ ا‬V
ُ ‫ ا ِآ‬%‫ِ ُ ا‬$+َ ً‫ َ ة‬
َ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ن )ِ< ا‬

(There is a tree in Paradise, if a rider travels in its shade on a fast, sleek horse for one hundred
years, he would not be able to cross it.)'' In his Sahih, Imam Muslim recorded that Abu Dharr
narrated that the Messenger of Allah said that Allah the Exalted and Most Honored said,

ُ ْ*
َ %َِ‫ ذ‬
َ Eَ Xَ َ
Fُ َJَ%;َ$ ْ
َ ‫ن‬
ٍ َ$Xْ ‫ ِإ‬A ‫& ُآ‬
ُ ْ َ ْ َ;َ) <ِX!ُ%;َ$
َ َ) ,ٍ ِY‫ٍ وَا‬, ِ3f
َ <ِ) ‫َ
ُ!ا‬O ْ?aُ 0 G
ِ ‫?ْ َو‬aُ $
َ Xْ ‫ َ ُآ?ْ َوِإ‬.
ِ qَ‫?ْ و‬aُ %َ‫ن َأ و‬
 ‫!ْ َأ‬%َ ‫َدِي‬Cِ َ+»
« ْLCَ %ْ ‫ )ِ< ا‬Aَ ِ.‫} ِإذَا ُأ ْد‬
ُ َ ْo#ِ ْ%‫ُ ا‬Eُ 0ْ +َ َ#‫ َآ‬%‫ً ِإ‬Tْ 

(O My slaves! If the first and the last among you, mankind and Jinns among you, stood in one
spot and asked Me and I gave each person what he asked, it will not decrease from My
dominion, except what the needle decreases (or carries) when entered into the sea.) Khalid bin
Ma`ddan said, "There is a tree in Paradise called Tuba, that has breasts that nurse the
children of the people of Paradise. Verily, the miscarriage of a woman will be swimming in one
of the rivers of Paradise until the Day of Resurrection commences, when he will be gathered
with people while forty years of age.'' Ibn Abi Hatim collected this statement.

4. QS A L - Q A S H A S H 28 : 76-77

‫ َح‬2ْ 9َ َ Fُ
ُ !ْ َO Fُ %َ ‫َ َل‬O ْ‫! ِة ِإذ‬Eُ %ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ%ْ‫ ُأو‬/ِ Cَ [
ْ ُ3%ْ ِ ‫ُ!ُأ‬0َJ%َ Fُ L
َ 9ِ َ2
َ ‫ُ! ِز
َ ِإن‬0aُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ُ^َ0ْ 9َ ‫ ْ (ِ?ْ َوءَا‬-َ
َ 1َsCَ )َ 1َ4!ُ
ِ‫!ْم‬Oَ *ِ
‫ن‬ َ َ‫ن آ‬َ ‫َـ ُو‬O ‫ن‬  ‫ِإ‬
* ِY ِ 2َ ْ%‫ ا‬V
 ِL+ُ َ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬  ‫ِإ‬
-  Fَ -%‫ن ا‬  ‫ ا رْضِ ِإ‬1ِ) ‫َ َد‬$2َ %ْ ‫Šِ ا‬Cْ 9َ َ ‫ َو‬ َ ْ َ%‫ ِإ‬Fُ -%‫* ا‬
َ Y ْ ‫َ َأ‬#‫ِ* َآ‬$ْY‫ َ َوَأ‬Xْ ,%‫* ا‬ َ
ِ َCَ ِ[Xَ H َ 0َ9 َ ‫ِ َ َة َو‬.‫ارَ ا‬,%‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ك ا‬
َ َ9‫َ ءَا‬# ِ) Šِ Jَ ْ ‫وَا‬
ِ ْ2#ُ ْ%‫ ا‬V ِL+ُ 6

28:76. Sesungguhnya Karun adalah termasuk kaum Musa, maka ia berlaku aniaya terhadap
mereka, dan Kami telah menganugerahkan kepadanya perbendaharaan harta yang kunci-
kuncinya sungguh berat dipikul oleh sejumlah orang yang kuat-kuat. (Ingatlah) ketika
kaumnya berkata kepadanya: "Janganlah kamu terlalu bangga; sesungguhnya Allah tidak
menyukai orang-orang yang terlalu membanggakan diri".

28:77. Dan carilah pada apa yang telah dianugerahkan Allah kepadamu (kebahagiaan) negeri
akhirat, dan janganlah kamu melupakan bahagianmu dari (kenikmatan) duniawi dan
berbuat baiklah (kepada orang lain) sebagaimana Allah telah berbuat baik kepadamu, dan
janganlah kamu berbuat kerusakan di (muka) bumi. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai
orang-orang yang berbuat kerusakan.

(76. Verily, Qarun was of Musa's people, but he behaved arrogantly towards them. And We
gave him of the treasures, that of which the keys would have been a burden to a body of
strong men. Remember when his people said to him: "Do not exult. Verily, Allah likes not
those who exult.'')

(77. "But seek, with that which Allah has bestowed on you, the home of the Hereafter, and
forget not your portion of lawful enjoyment in this world; and be generous as Allah has been
generous to you, and seek not mischief in the land. Verily, Allah likes not the mischief-

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

‫ َحْ إِن‬2ْ 9َ َ% Fُ

ُ ْ!َO Fُ %َ َ‫َل‬O ْ‫! ِة ِإذ‬Eُ %ْ ‫ِ< ا‬%‫ أُو‬/ِ Cَ [
ْ ُ3%ْ ِ ‫ُ! ُء‬0Jَ %َ Fُ َL9ِ َ2
َ ‫ن‬
 ‫ُ! ِز
َ ِإ‬0aُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ُ^َ0 ْ 9َ qَ‫َ ْ ِ(?ْ و‬-
َ 1َsCَ )َ 1َ4!ُ
‫َ!ْ ِم‬O ْ*
ِ َ‫ن آَن‬
َ ‫َرُو‬O ‫ِإن‬
* ِY ِ 2َ %ْ ‫ ا‬V
 ِL+ُ َ% Fَ -%‫ا‬

F# *‫ل آن ا‬O "14!

‫!م‬O *
‫رون آن‬O ‫ " إن‬: ‫ل‬O ‫س‬C *‫ * ا‬CG * ,34 * ‫ و‬# * ‫(ل‬0#%‫ * ا‬e#K‫ل ا‬O
‫ آن‬FX‫Ž و ه? أ‬+ G *‫ر وا‬0+‫ * د‬%
‫دة و‬JO‫ ب و‬Y * ‫ك‬#4‫ و‬A)!X * ‫رث‬L%‫ * ا‬S‫ ا‬,C‫< و‬3o0%‫ل إ اه ? ا‬O ‫ا‬a‫وه‬
‫ق‬L4‫ * إ‬,#L
?‫ وز‬w‫ه‬O * ‫ ان‬# * 14!
‫ و‬w‫ه‬O * V([+ * ‫رون‬O !‫Ž ه‬+ G *‫ل ا‬O . ‫_م‬$%‫ ا‬F - 14!
? *‫ا‬
‫ل‬O‫? و‬-‫ أ‬S‫ وا‬F# *‫ آن ا‬FX‫ أ‬1- ?-3%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬7‫Ž وأآ‬+ G *‫ل ا‬O . ‫_م‬$%‫ ا‬F - ‫ ان‬# * 14!
? ‫رون آن‬O ‫ر أن‬$+ *
\)X #‫)\ آ‬X S‫و ا‬, *a%‫!راة و‬J% F9!f *$L% ‫!ر‬0#%‫ ا‬1#$+ ‫ وآن‬14!
? *‫ آن ا‬FX‫ث أ‬,LX 0‫ آ‬/
‫دة * د‬JO
^0 9q‫ " و‬: F%!O‫ و‬. F
!O 1- 3) 9 !d ‫ ا‬C F W <) ‫ زاد‬V!Y * ( ‫ل‬O‫ و‬: F%
‫ ة‬7a% <sC%‫ ا‬Fa-‫
ي );ه‬$%‫ا‬
* e#K‫ل ا‬O .(9 7a% ‫س‬0%‫م
* ا‬T2%‫( ا‬-#Y AE7 % ‫!ة " أي‬E%‫< ا‬%‫ أو‬/C[3% ‫!ء‬0J% FL92

!ال "
 إن‬K‫!ز" أي ا‬0a%‫ا‬
* J4 1- &-#Y V‫ذا رآ‬t) F9,Y 1- /X‫ا‬m. 1- ‫ح‬J2
A‫{ آ‬Cfn‫ ا‬A7
A‫!د آ‬-G *
‫رون‬O ‫!ز‬0‫ آ‬Q 92
&X‫ آ‬/#7 .
F ) !‫ ه‬# ) F‫ *" أي و‬Y 2%‫ ا‬VL+  S‫ ح إن ا‬29  F
!O F% ‫ل‬O ‫ " إذ‬: F%!O‫ و‬. ?-‫ أ‬S‫ وا‬%‫ ذ‬A O‫_ و‬L
‫_ أ‬s
VL+  S‫ل " إن ا‬#%‫
* ا‬F ) &X‫ أ‬# C9  ‫!ن‬03+ F ) &X‫ أ‬# ‫ ح‬29  : ‫رد‬n‫ وا‬Q[0%‫ ا‬A C4 1- ‫!ا‬%E) F
!O !L%f
 أه‬1- S‫ ون ا‬aU+  *+%‫* ا‬+ C%‫* ا‬+ K‫< ا‬03+ ,‫ل
ه‬O‫ * و‬Y #%‫< ا‬03+ ‫س‬C *‫ل ا‬O " * Y 2%‫ا‬

VِL+ُ َ% Fَ -%‫ن ا‬

 ‫ْ;َ ْرضِ ِإ‬%‫َدَ )ِ< ا‬$2َ %ْ ‫ ِŠ ا‬Cْ َ9 َ%َ‫ و‬
َ ْ %َ‫ ِإ‬Fُ -%‫*َ ا‬$
َ Y
ْ ‫َ َأ‬#‫*ْ َآ‬$
ِYْ َ‫ َ َوأ‬Xْ , %‫* ا‬
َ Cَ ِ[َX H
َ 0ْ 9َ َ%‫ َ ةَ َو‬.
ِ ْ%‫ا َر ا‬,%‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ك ا‬
َ َ9q َ# ِ) ِŠJَ ْ ‫وَا‬
ِ ْ2#ُ %ْ ‫ا‬

/#30%‫ وا‬A+m%‫ل ا‬#%‫
* ها ا‬S‫ ا‬C‫
 وه‬A#3J4‫  " أي ا‬X,%‫
* ا‬C [X H09 ‫ ة و‬.y‫ار ا‬,%‫ ا‬S‫ك ا‬9q # ) ŠJ‫ " وا‬: F%!O‫و‬
" X,%‫
* ا‬C [X H09 ‫ ة " و‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫!اب )< ا‬7%‫ ( ا‬% A[L+ <J%‫ ت ا‬E%‫!اع ا‬X; F %‫ ب إ‬EJ%‫ ر وا‬/d <) /-R%‫ا‬
 - -‫ه‬K‫ و‬EY  - $20%‫ و‬EY  -  % ‫ن‬t) Q‫آ‬0#%‫آ* وا‬$#%‫ وا‬H_#%‫رب وا‬U#%‫ وا‬A‫آ‬#%‫ ) (
* ا‬S‫ أح ا‬#
ŠC9 ‫  " و‬%‫* ه! إ‬$Y‫ أ‬#‫ آ‬FE-. 1%‫* إ‬$Y‫ " أي أ‬%‫ إ‬S‫* ا‬$Y‫ أ‬#‫* آ‬$Y‫ " وأ‬FEY \Y ‫ ذي‬A‫ )ت آ‬EY  - ‫ورك‬m%‫ و‬EY
*+,$2#%‫ ا‬VL+  S‫ " إن ا‬S‫\ ا‬-. 1%‫<ء إ‬$9‫رض و‬K‫ )< ا‬F ,$29 ‫ أن‬F ) &X‫ أ‬# J#‫* ه‬a9  ‫رض " أي‬K‫د )< ا‬$2%‫" ا‬

It was recorded that Ibn `Abbas said:

‫!ْ ِم‬Oَ *ِ
َ‫ن آَن‬
َ ‫َـ ُو‬O ‫ن‬
 ‫ِإ‬6 (Verily, Qarun was of Musa's people,) "He was the son of his paternal
uncle.'' This was also the view of Ibrahim An-Nakha`i, `Abdullah bin Al-Harith bin Nawfal,
Sammak bin Harb, Qatadah, Malik bin Dinar, Ibn Jurayj and others; they all said that he was
the cousin of Musa, peace be upon him. Ibn Jurayj said: "He was Qarun bin Yashar bin
Qahith, and Musa was the son of `Imran bin Qahith.

‫ُ!ز‬0ُa%ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ^ُ َ0ْ 9َ ‫ َوءَا‬6 (And We gave him of the treasures,) meaning, of wealth;

‫!ة‬Eُ %ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ%ْ‫ ُأو‬/ِ Cَ [

ْ ُ3%ْ ِ ُ‫ُ!أ‬0Jَ َ% Fُ َL9ِ َ2
َ ‫ن‬
َ ِإ‬6 (that of which the keys would have been a burden to a body of
strong men.) Groups of strong men would not have been able to carry them because they were
so many. Al-A`mash narrated from Khaythamah, "The keys of Qarun's treasure were made
of leather, each key like a finger, and each key was for a separate storeroom. When he rode
anywhere, the keys would be carried on sixty mules with white blazes on their foreheads and
white feet.'' Other views were also given, and Allah knows best.

* ِY ِ َ2%ْ ‫ ا‬V
ِ +ُ َ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ح ِإ‬
ْ َ 2ْ 9َ َ Fُ
ُ ْ!َO Fُ َ% ‫َ َل‬O ْ‫ِإذ‬6 (Remember when his people said to him: "Do not exult.
Verily, Allah likes not those who exult.'') means, the righteous ones among his people exhorted
him. By way of sincere advice and guidance, they said: "Do not exult in what you have,''
meaning, `do not be arrogant and proud of your wealth.'

* ِY ِ 2َ ْ%‫ ا‬V
 ِL+ُ َ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ِإ‬6 (Verily, Allah likes not those who exult.) Ibn `Abbas said, "This means,
those who rejoice and gloat.'' Mujahid said, "It means those who are insolent and reckless,
and do not thank Allah for what He has given them.'' His saying:

َ Xْ ,%‫* ا‬
ِ َCَ ِ[Xَ H
َ 0َ9 َ ‫ِ َ َة َو‬. ‫ارَ ا‬,%‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ك ا‬
َ َ9‫َ ءَا‬# ِ) Šِ Jَ ْ ‫وَا‬6 (But seek, with that which Allah has bestowed
on you, the home of the Hereafter, and forget not your portion of lawful enjoyment in this
world;) means, `use this great wealth and immense blessing Allah has given you to worship
your Lord and draw closer to Him by doing a variety of good deeds which will earn you
reward in this world and the Hereafter.'

َ Xْ ,%‫* ا‬
ِ َCَ ِ[Xَ َH0َ9 َ ‫ َو‬6 (and forget not your portion of lawful enjoyment in this world;) `That
which Allah has permitted of food, drink, clothing, dwelling places and women. Your Lord has
rights over you, your self has rights over you, your family has rights over you, and your
visitors have rights over you. So give each of them their due.'

ْ %َ‫ ِإ‬Fُ -%‫* ا‬

َ ْY‫َ َأ‬#‫ِ* َآ‬$ْY‫ َوَأ‬6 (and be generous as Allah has been generous to you, ) `Be generous to
His creatures, as He has been generous to you.'

‫ ا رْض‬1ِ) َ‫َد‬$2َ %ْ ‫ ِŠ ا‬Cْ 9َ َ ‫ َو‬6 (and seek not mischief in the land.) meaning: `do not let your aim be to
spread corruption on earth and do harm to Allah's creation.'

ِ ْ2#ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬V
 ِL+ُ َ Fَ -%‫ِإن ا‬6 (Verily, Allah likes not the mischief-makers.)

5. QS A Z - Z U M A R 39 : 73-75

*+ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬. َ‫ُ!ه‬-ُ.ْ‫?ْ )َد‬Jُ Cْ ِd ْ?‫ُـ‬a ْ َ- َ ٌ?‫َـ‬-4َ َ(Jُ Xَ َm. َ ْ?(ُ َ% ‫َ َل‬O‫& َأ ْ َ! ُ(َ َو‬
ْ َLJِ ُ)‫َءُوهَ َو‬G ‫ ِإذَا‬1JY َ ‫ ُز
َ ًا‬/ِ 0  َ %ّ‫ ا‬1َ%‫َ!ْاْ َر  ُ(?ْ ِإ‬E9 ‫* ا‬
َ +ِ%‫\ ا‬
َ ِ4‫َو‬
- * ِ-ِ#‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ْ ُ ا‬G‫?َ َأ‬3ْ 0ِ )َ ‫َ ُء‬UXَ w ُ ْ Y
َ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫* ا‬َ
ِ ‫ !ُأ‬Cَ Jَ Xَ َ‫َ ا رْض‬0َW‫^ُ َوَأوْ َر‬,َ  ْ ‫َ َو‬0َO,َ f
َ ‫ِى‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -% ُ,#ْ ‫َـ‬L%ْ ‫ُ!اْ ا‬%‫َـ‬O‫ َو‬6
* ِ#-َ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ب ا‬
h ‫ َر‬Fِ -%ِ ُ,#ْ L َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ ِO‫\ َو‬
h َL%ْ ِ ?ْ (ُ 0َ ْ َ 1
َ ِNOُ ‫ ِ(?ْ َو‬h ‫ِ َر‬,#ْ Lَ ِ َ‫ُ!ن‬LCh $ َ +ُ ‫ش‬
ِ ْ 3َ %ْ ‫!ْ ِل ا‬Y
َ ْ*
ِ *َ h)َY /َ aَ Tِ ‫َـ‬-#َ %ْ ‫ َى ا‬9َ َ‫ و‬6

39:73. Dan orang-orang yang bertakwa kepada Tuhannya dibawa ke dalam surga
berombong-rombongan (pula). Sehingga apabila mereka sampai ke surga itu sedang pintu-
pintunya telah terbuka dan berkatalah kepada mereka penjaga-penjaganya: "Kesejahteraan
(dilimpahkan) atasmu, berbahagialah kamu! maka masukilah surga ini, sedang kamu kekal
di dalamnya".
39:74. Dan mereka mengucapkan: "Segala puji bagi Allah yang telah memenuhi janji-Nya
kepada kami dan telah (memberi) kepada kami tempat ini sedang kami (diperkenankan)
menempati tempat dalam surga di mana saja yang kami kehendaki." Maka surga itulah
sebaik-baik balasan bagi orang-orang yang beramal.
39:75. Dan kamu (Muhammad) akan melihat malaikat-malaikat berlingkar di sekeliling
Arasy bertasbih sambil memuji Tuhannya; dan diberi putusan di antara hamba-hamba Allah
dengan adil dan diucapkan: "Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam".

(73. And those who had Taqwa will be led to Paradise in groups till when they reach it, and its
gates will be opened and its keepers will say: "Salam `Alaykum (peace be upon you)! You
have done well, so enter here to abide therein forever.'')
(74. And they will say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allah Who has fulfilled His promise
to us and has made us inherit the land. We can dwell in Paradise where we will; how excellent
a reward for the workers!'')
(75. And you will see the angels surrounding the Throne from all round, glorifying the praises
of their Lord. And they will be judged with truth. And it will be said, "All the praises and
thanks be to Allah, the Lord of all that exits.'')

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ*+ِ,ِ%َ. َ‫ُ!ه‬-ُ.ْ‫?ْ )َد‬Jُ ْCِd ْ?aُ ْ -ََ ٌ‫َم‬-4

َ َ(Jُ Xَ mَ َ. ْ?(ُ َ% ‫َ َل‬O‫َ&ْ َأ ْ!َا ُ(َ َو‬LJِ )ُ ‫َءُوهَ َو‬G ‫ ِإذَا‬1JY
َ ‫ زُ َ
ًا‬/ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬1َ%‫!ْا َر ُ( ْ? ِإ‬Eَ 9‫*َ ا‬+ِ%‫\ ا‬
َ ِ4َ‫و‬

‫ !ن‬E#%‫ ا‬: /#G ,3 /#G ‫ " ز

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‫‪!-#39‬ن ‪ .‬و‪ !%‬أن ‪ 3‬ة
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H#U%‬ادا )< ‪!X‬ر " ها ‪ V+ w+,Y‬وآ;‪FX‬‬
‫‪ A4
.‬وا‪ S‬أ‪?-‬‬

‫ب ا ْ‪َ ِ#%ََ3%‬‬
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‫ش ُ‪َ +‬‬
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‫‪ #%‬ذآ ‪ <) F#aY 1%39‬أه‪ A‬ا‪ /0%‬وا‪0%‬ر وأ‪ FX‬آ_ )< ا‪ AL#%‬ا‪%‬ي ‪ F \ -+‬و‪ F% Q-[+‬وه! ا‪3%‬دل )< ذ‪ %‬ا‪%‬ي  ‪!+‬ر أ‪* C.‬‬

_‪ FJaR‬أ‪!O,L
* ‪!Y‬ل ا‪ 3%‬ش ا‪!LC$+ , #%‬ن ‪ ,#L‬ر(? و‪,#+‬و‪ FX‬و‪ FX!#3+‬و‪ FX!4,E+‬و‪m0+‬ه!‪ * FX‬ا‪RE0%‬‬
‫وا‪!%‬ر و‪ A[) ,O‬ا‪ / NE%‬و‪ 1NO‬ا‪
K‬و‪,3% ?aY‬ل و‪(%‬ا ‪O‬ل ‪ m‬و‪ " AG‬و‪ " ?(0  <NO‬أي  * ا‪O ?W ." \L% " \R_o%‬ل "‬
‫و‪ A O‬ا‪ S ,#L%‬رب ا‪ " * #%3%‬أي ‪ \X‬ا‪!a%‬ن أ‪ FEdX F3#G‬و( ‪ S F#‬رب ا‪ F#aY <) ,#L% * #%3%‬و‪ F%,‬و‪(%‬ا ‪ ,0$+ ?%‬ا‪!E%‬ل‬
‫إ‪ A ARO 1%‬أ‪,) FE-d‬ل ‪ 1-‬أن ‪ { #G‬ا‪O!-o#%‬ت (‪,‬ت ‪O ,#L% F%‬ل ‪JO‬دة ا)‪ QJJ‬ا‪ " F%!O <) ,#L% \-o%‬ا‪ S ,#L%‬ا‪%‬ي ‪\-.‬‬
‫" ا‪#$%‬وات وا‪K‬رض " وا‪C9 F%!O <) ,#L% ?JJ.‬رك و‪ " 1%39‬و‪ \L% ?(0  <NO‬و‪ A O‬ا‪ S ,#L%‬رب ا‪* #%3%‬‬

‫‪Allah tells us about the blessed believers, who will be taken to Paradise in groups, one group‬‬
‫‪after another, starting with the best of them: those who are closest to Allah, then the most‬‬

righteous, then the next best and the next best. Each group will be with others like them,
Prophets with Prophets, the true believers with their peers, the martyrs with their
counterparts, the scholars with their colleagues, every group composed of people of the same

6َ‫َءُوه‬G ‫ ِإذَا‬1JY

(till when they reach it,) means, when they arrive at the gates of Paradise, after passing over
the Sirat, where they will be detained on a bridge between Paradise and Hell, and any
injustices that existed between them in this world will be settled until they have all been
purified from sin through this trial. Then permission will be granted for them to enter
Paradise. It was recorded in the Hadith about the Trumpet that when the believers reach the
gates of Paradise, they will consult one another as to who should ask permission for them to
enter. They will ask Adam, then Nuh, then Ibrahim, then Musa, then `Isa, then Muhammad
(may blessings and peace be upon them all). This is akin to what will happen in the arena of
judgement, when they will ask for someone to intercede for them with Allah when He comes to
pass judgement. This is to show the noble position of Muhammad above the rest of mankind
in all situations. In Sahih Muslim, it is reported that Anas, may Allah be pleased with him,
said, "The Messenger of Allah said:

َ %ْ ‫ِ ٍ{ )ِ< ا‬2
َ ‫َ َأو ُل‬X‫»َأ‬

(I will be the first intercessor in Paradise.) According to the wording of Muslim:

َ %ْ ‫ب ا‬
َ َ ‫ع‬
ُ َ ْE+َ ْ*
َ ‫َ َأو ُل‬X‫» َوَأ‬

(I will be the first one to knock at the gates of Paradise.) Imam Ahmad recorded that Anas bin
Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "The Messenger of Allah said:

«َ-ْCOَ ,ٍ Y
َ َ;%ِ َQJَ )ْ ‫َ َأ‬% ْ‫ت َأن‬
ُ ْ
ِ ‫ ُأ‬
َ ِ :‫ُ! ُل‬E َ َ) :‫َ َل‬O ٌ,# L
ُ :‫ُ! ُل‬O;ََ) ‫&َ؟‬Xْ ‫ َ
*ْ َأ‬:‫ن‬
ُ ‫َ ِز‬oْ%‫ُ!لُ ا‬E َ َ) Q
ُ ِJ2ْ Jَ 4
ْ َ;)َ /ِ
َ َ Eِ %ْ ‫!ْمَ ا‬+َ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ب ا‬
َ َ <ِ9q»

(I will come to the gate of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection and will ask for it to be opened.
The gatekeeper will say, "Who are you'' I will say "Muhammad.'' He will say, "I was told
about you and that I was not to open the gate for anyone before you.'')'' It was also recorded
by Muslim. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said,
"The Messenger of Allah said:

?ُ(Jُ َ Xِ q ،َ( ِ) ‫ن‬

َ !ُd! sَ Jَ َ+ َ%‫ َو‬،َ( ِ) َ‫ُ!ن‬o ِ Jَ #ْ +َ َ%‫ َو‬،َ( ِ) َ‫ُ!ن‬E[ ُ ْC+َ َ% ،ِ‫ْر‬,Cَ %ْ ‫ ا‬/َ -َ ْ %َ ِ #َ Eَ %ْ ‫ُ! َرةِ ا‬f 1َ-َ ْ?‫ َ! ُر ُه‬f ُ ،َ/‫ـ‬0 َ %ْ ‫Ž ا‬
ُ -َِ9 ‫»َأ و ُل ُز ْ
َ ٍة‬

?ِ ْL-%‫َ ِ
*ْ َورَا ِء ا‬#(ِ ِOَ4  
ُ ‫ َى‬+ُ ،ِ‫َن‬JَGْ‫ ُ(?ْ َزو‬0ْ
ِ ,ٍ ِY‫ وَا‬Ah aُ %ِ‫ َو‬،ُ$ ْ #ِ %ْ ‫ ُ( ُ? ا‬L ُْ ‫ !ةُ َو َر‬%َُ;%ْ ‫ َو َ
َ ِ
ُ ُه ُ? ا‬،ُ/N
 2ِ %ْ ‫ وَا‬Vُ ‫ َه‬%‫ُ ُ( ُ? ا‬dَU
ْ ‫َوَأ‬
«“ U ِ َ‫ َ ًة َو‬aْ ُ 1َ%َ39َ S َ ‫ُ!نَ ا‬LCh $َ +ُ ،ٍ,Y
ِ ‫ وَا‬V ٍ -ْ َO 1-َ ْ?(ُ ُ !ُ-Oُ ،َˆ ُ َC9َ َ%‫َ ُ(?ْ َو‬0 ْ َ ‫ف‬ َ َ-Jِ . ْ ‫َ ا‬% ،ِ*$ ْ L ُ %ْ ‫ا‬

(The first group to enter Paradise will enter looking like the moon on the night when it is full.
They will not spit there, or blow their noses, or defecate. Their vessels and combs will be of
gold and silver, their censers will be of aloeswood and their sweat will be musk. Each of them
will have two wives, the marrow of whose shin bones will be visible from beneath the skin
because of their beauty. There will be no disputes between them and there will be no hatred;
their hearts will be as if one heart. They will glorify Allah morning and evening.)'' This was
also recorded by Al-Bukhari and Muslim. Al-Hafiz Abu Ya`la recorded that Abu Hurayrah,
may Allah be pleased with him, said, "The Messenger of Allah said:

،َ‫ُ!ن‬%!ُCَ+ َ% ،ً‫َ َءة‬r‫َ ِء ِإ‬#$  %‫ي )ِ< ا‬ َ h‫ ُدر‬V ٍ ‫ َآ!ْ َآ‬,h 
َ ‫!ْ ِء َأ‬rَ 1-َ ْ?(ُ Xَ !ُ-+َ َ*+ِ%‫ وَا‬،ِ‫ْر‬,Cَ ْ%‫ ا‬/َ -َ ْ َ% ِ َ#Eَ %ْ ‫ُ! َر ِة ا‬f 1-َ /َ 0  َ %ْ ‫ن ا‬
َ !ُ-ُ.ْ,+َ ٍ‫»َأ و ُل ُز ْ
َ ة‬
،ُ* ِ3%ْ ‫ُ! ُر ا‬L%ْ ‫ُ ُ( ُ? ا‬G‫ وََأزْوَا‬،ُ‫ !ة‬%َُ;%ْ ‫ َو َ
َ ِ
ُ ُه ُ? ا‬،ُ$ ْ #ِ %ْ ‫ ُ( ُ? ا‬L
ْ َ‫ َور‬،ُV‫ َه‬%‫ُ ُ( ُ? ا‬dَU
ْ ‫ َأ‬،َ‫ُ!ن‬o ِ Jَ #ْ +َ َ%‫ َو‬،َ‫ُ!ن‬-2ِ Jْ +َ َ%‫ َو‬،َ‫ُ!ن‬d! sَ Jَ َ+ َ%َ‫و‬
«‫َء‬#$  %‫ن ذِرَاً )ِ< ا‬ َ !J4ِ ،َ‫ َدم‬q ْ?(ِ ِ‫ُ! َرةِ َأ‬f 1-َ ،ٍ,ِY‫ وَا‬Aٍ ُG‫\ َر‬ ِ -ُُ. 1-َ ْ?(ُ ُOَ-ْ.‫َأ‬

(The first group to enter Paradise will look like the moon on the night when it is full. They will
be followed by a group which looks like the brightest star shining in the sky. They will not
urinate or defecate or spit or blow their noses. Their combs will be of gold, their sweat will be
musk and their censers will be of aloeswood. Their wives will be Al-Hur Al-`Iyn, and they will
all look the same, as if they are one person in the image of their father Adam, sixty cubits
tall.)'' They Al-Bukhari and Muslim6 also produced this from the Hadith of Jabir. It was
reported that Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "The Messenger of Allah

«‫ْر‬,Cَ %ْ ‫ ا‬/َ -َ ْ َ% ِ #َ Eَ %ْ ‫َ َءةَ ا‬r‫ُ! ُه(ُ?ْ ِإ‬G‫ِ<ءُ ُو‬Nُ9،ً2%ْ ‫ن َأ‬

َ !ُ3Cْ 4
َ ْ?‫ ُه‬،ٌ‫ِ< ُز ْ
َ ة‬J
 ‫ ِ
*ْ ُأ‬/َ 0 َ%ْ ‫ ا‬Aُ .
ُ ْ,+َ »

(A group of my Ummah, seventy thousand, will enter Paradise with their faces shining like the
moon on the night when it is full.) `Ukkashah bin Mihsan stood up and said, `O Messenger of
Allah, pray to Allah to make me one of them.' He said,

ِ Fُ -ْ َ3G
ْ ‫ْ ُ( ? ا‬-%‫»ا‬

(O Allah, make him one of them.) Then one of the Ansar stood up and said, `O Messenger of
Allah, pray to Allah to make me one of them.' He said,

ُ َ(ِ 
َ Eَ َC4

(Ukkashah has beaten you to it.)'' This was recorded by (Al-Bukhari and Muslim). This
Hadith -- about the seventy thousand who will enter Paradise without being brought to
account -- was also recorded by Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn `Abbas, may Allah be
pleased with him, Jabir bin `Abdullah, `Imran bin Husayn, Ibn Mas`ud, Rifa`ah bin `Arabah
Al-Juhani and Umm Qays bint Mihsan -- may Allah be pleased with them all -- and also from
Abu Hazim from Sahl bin Sa`d, may Allah be pleased with them, who said that the Messenger
of Allah said:

‫ُ!رَة‬f 1-َ ْ?(ُ ُ‫ُ!ه‬G‫ ُو‬،َ/0  َ %ْ ‫ِ ُ ُه?ُ ا‬.qَ‫ُ ُ(?ْ و‬%‫ َأو‬Aَ ُ.ْ,+َ 1ْJY
َ ،ٍˆْ3Cَ ِ ْ?(ُ N
ُ 3ْ َ ٌ.
ٍ %ْ ‫ َأ‬/ِ Rَ ِ#3ُ Cْ 4
َ ْ‫ً َأو‬2%ْ ‫ُ!نَ َأ‬3Cْ 4
َ <ِJ
 ‫ ِ
*ْ ُأ‬/َ 0 
َ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ُ ْ, َ َ%»
«‫ْر‬,Cَ ْ%‫ ا‬/َ -َْ %َ ِ َ#Eَ %ْ ‫ا‬

(Seventy thousand or seven hundred thousand of my Ummah will surely enter Paradise,
holding on to one another, such that the first and last of them will enter Paradise together,
with their faces looking like the moon on the night when it is full.)''

6َ*+ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬. َ‫ُ!ه‬-.
ُ ْ‫?ْ )َد‬Jُ Cْ ِd ?ْ ‫ُـ‬a ْ َ-
َ ٌ?‫َـ‬-4
َ َ(Jُ Xَ mَ َ. ْ?(ُ %َ َ‫َل‬O‫َ&ْ َأ ْ َ!ُ(َ َو‬LJِ )ُ ‫َءُوهَ َو‬G ‫ ِإذَا‬1JY

(till when they reach it, and its gates will be opened and its keepers will say: "Salam `Alaykum
(peace be upon you)! You have done well, so enter here to abide therein forever.'') This is a
conditional sentence that is not complete. What it implies is that when they come to the gates
of Paradise the gates will be opened for them as a sign of honor, and the angelic gatekeepers
will meet them with glad tidings, greetings of peace and praise. Unlike the gatekeepers of Hell
who will meet the disbelievers with rebuke and reprimand, the believers will be filled with
happiness and joy, each according to his degree of luxury and delights. What happens after

this is not mentioned; it is left for the imagination to think of its dearest wishes and be filled
with hope. It is known from the Sahih Hadiths that Paradise has eight gates. Imam Ahmad
recorded that Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "The Messenger of Allah

‫< ِ
*ْ َب‬َ ِ‫َ ِة ُد‬-[
 %‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ن ِ
*ْ َأ ْه‬
َ َ‫*ْ آ‬#َ )َ ،ٌ‫ َأ ْ!َاب‬/ِ 0 
َ -ْ ِ%‫ َو‬،ِ/0 َ%ْ ‫ب ا‬
ِ ‫< ِ
*ْ َأ ْ!َا‬َِ ‫ ُد‬1َ%َ39َ S
ِ ‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4َ <ِ) Fِ %َِ
ِ * ِ ْ G
َ ْ‫\ زَو‬
َ َ2Xْ ‫» َ
*ْ َأ‬
Aْ‫ن ِ
*ْ َأه‬
َ َ‫ َو َ
*ْ آ‬،ِ‫ِ(َد‬%ْ ‫< ِ
*ْ َبِ ا‬َ ِ ‫ِ(َدِ ُد‬%ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ن ِ
*ْ َأ ْه‬ َ َ‫ َو َ
*ْ آ‬،ِ/Oَ ,َ [  %‫ب ا‬
ِ َ ْ*
ِ < َ ِ‫ ُد‬/ِ Oَ ,َ [
 %‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ن ِ
*ْ َأ ْه‬
َ َ‫ َو َ
*ْ آ‬،ِ‫َة‬-[  %‫ا‬
«‫ن‬+ %‫ب ا‬ِ َ ْ*
ِ < َِ ‫[ َمِ ُد‬ h %‫ا‬

(Whoever spends a pair of something from his wealth for the sake of Allah, will be called from
the gates of Paradise. Paradise has (several) gates. Whoever is among the people of prayer,
will be called from the gate of Prayer; whoever is among the people of charity, will be called
from the gate of Charity; whoever is among the people of Jihad, will be called from the gate of
Jihad; whoever is among the people of fasting, will be called from the Gate of Ar-Rayyan.)''
Abu Bakr said, `O Messenger of Allah, it does not matter from which gate one is called, but
will anyone be called from all of them' He said,

ِ ‫ن‬
َ !ُa9َ ْ‫ُ! َأن‬Gْ‫ َوَأر‬،ْ?3َ Xَ »

(Yes, and I hope that you will be one of them.)'' Something similar was also recorded by Al-
Bukhari and Muslim. It was reported from Sahl bin Sa`d, may Allah be pleased with him, that
the Messenger of Allah said:

«‫ُ!ن‬#Rِ [%‫ ا‬%‫ ِإ‬Fُ -ُُ.ْ,+َ َ% ،َ‫ن‬+ %‫ ا‬1#$

َ +ُ َ(0ْ
ِ ٌ‫ َب‬،ٍ‫ َأ ْ!َاب‬/َ َ Xِ َ#Wَ /ِ 0 
َ ْ%‫ن )ِ< ا‬

(In Paradise there are eight gates; one of them is called Ar-Rayyan, and no one will enter it
except those who fast.)'' In Sahih Muslim, it is recorded that `Umar bin Al-Khattab, may
Allah be pleased with him, said, "The Messenger of Allah said:

‫ َأ ْ!َاب‬Fُ %َ ْ&L
َ Jِ ُ) %‫ ِإ‬،ُF%ُ!ُ4‫^ُ َو َر‬,ُ Cْ 
َ ‫ًا‬,# L
ُ ‫ َوَأن‬S
ُ ‫ ا‬%‫ ِإ‬Fَ %ِ‫َ إ‬% ْ‫ َأن‬,ُ (َ 
ْ ‫ َأ‬:‫ُ! ُل‬E+َ ? Wُ ،َ‫ُ!ء‬r!ُ %ْ ‫ ُŠ ا‬Cِ $
ْ ُ َ) ْ‫ِ ُŠ َأو‬-Cْ ُ )َ ُ;r
 !َ Jَ َ+ ,ٍ Y
َ ‫?ْ ِ
*ْ َأ‬aُ 0ْ
ِ َ
«‫(َ َء‬h+‫ ِ
*ْ َأ‬Aُ ُ.ْ,+َ ،ُ/ َ ِXَ#7 %‫ ا‬/ِ 0 َ %ْ ‫ا‬

(There is no one among you who performs Wudu' and does it well, or -- amply --, then he
says: "I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His
servant and Messenger, '' but the eight gates of Paradise will be opened for him and he will
enter through whichever one he wishes.)''

We ask Allah to make us among its people. In the Two Sahihs, it is reported from Abu
Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, in the lengthy Hadith about intercession (that the
Prophet said):

‫ِي‬%‫ وَا‬،ِ َ.Kُ ‫ب ا‬ ِ ‫َ;ْ!َا‬%ْ ‫س )ِ< ا‬

ِ 0%‫ َ آَ ُء ا‬
ُ ْ?‫ َو ُه‬،ِ*#َ +ْ َ;%ْ ‫ب ا‬ ِ َC%ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ َJِ
 ‫ ِ
*ْ ُأ‬Fِ ْ -ََ ‫ب‬َ َ$Y
ِ َ% ْ*
َ ْAِ.ْ‫ َأد‬،ُ,# Lَ
ُ َ+ :1َ%َ39َ ُS‫ُ! ُل ا‬E َ َ)»
/+‫ و)< روا‬/َ a
َ ‫ َو َهَ ٍ َأوْ َهَ ٍ َو‬/َ a
َ * َ ْ َ َ#aَ %َ ‫ب‬
ِ َC%ْ ‫<ِ ا‬9َ ‫َ َد‬Nِ * َ ْ َ َ
/ِ 0 
َ ْ%‫ ِ{ ا‬+ِ‫* ِ
*ْ َ
ِ ْ َ‫[ َا‬
ْ #ِ %ْ ‫ن
َ َ ْ *َ ا‬
 ‫ ِ^ ِإ‬,ِ َ ِ ٍ,# L
ُ H
ُ ْ2Xَ
«‫[ َى‬ ْ ُ ‫ َو‬/َ a

(Allah will say: "O Muhammad, admit those of your Ummah who are not to be brought to
account, through the right-hand gate, and they will be counted among those who will enter
from other gates as well.'' By the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, the distance
between the two gateposts of the gates of Paradise is like the distance between Makkah and
Hajar -- or Hajar and Makkah.)'' According to another report: (between Makkah and Busra.)

It was recorded in Sahih Muslim from `Utbah bin Ghazwan that (the Prophet ) gave them a
speech in which he told them that the distance between the two gateposts of Paradise was the
distance of a forty-year journey, but there would come a day when they would be packed with
crowds of people. Allah says,

6ْ?Jُ Cْ ِd ْ?‫ُـ‬a ْ -َ

َ ٌ?‫َـ‬-َ4 َ(Jُ Xَ َm.
َ ْ?ُ(َ% ‫َ َل‬O‫ َو‬

(and its keepers will say: "Salam `Alaykum (peace be upon you)! You have done well,'')
meaning, `your deeds and words were good, and your efforts were good, and your reward is
good.' The Messenger of Allah issued commands during some of his military campaigns that it
should be shouted out to the Muslims:

ِ ْg
ُ /+‫ٌ و)< روا‬/#َ -ِْ$
ُ ٌH2ْ Xَ %‫ُ(َ ِإ‬-ُ.ْ,+َ َ% /َ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ن ا‬
 ‫( »ِإ‬No one enters Paradise except a Muslim soul) or,
according to one report, (A believing soul.)'' Allah says,

*+ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬. َ‫ُ!ه‬-ُ.ْ‫)َد‬6 (so enter here to abide therein forever.) means, to dwell therein, never seeking
any change.

ْ ‫َ َو‬0Oَ َ,f
َ ‫ِى‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -% ,ُ #ْ ‫َـ‬L%ْ ‫ُ!اْ ا‬%‫َـ‬O‫ َو‬

(And they will say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allah Who has fulfilled His promise to
us...'') means, when the believers see the great reward and splendors, blessing and grand
generosity, they will say,

ْ ‫َ َو‬0Oَ َ,f
َ ‫ِى‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -% ,ُ #ْ ‫َـ‬L%ْ ‫ا‬6 (All the praises and thanks be to Allah Who has fulfilled His promise to
us) meaning, `the promise which He made to us through His Messengers who called us to this
in the world.'

‫َد‬3 ِ#%ْ ‫‚ ا‬
ُ ِ-o
ْ 9ُ َ 
َ X ‫ ِإ‬/ِ #َ ‫ َـ‬Eِ ْ%‫!ْ َم ا‬+َ َXِmo
ْ 9ُ َ ‫ َو‬
َ -ِ4
ُ ُ‫ ر‬1َ-َ َ09 ,َ‫َ
َ َو‬09ِ ‫َ َوءَا‬0 ‫ َر‬6 (Our Lord! Grant us what You
promised unto us through Your Messengers and disgrace us not on the Day of Resurrection,
for You never break (Your) promise)(3:194),

َ ْ%ِ َ0h ‫ َر‬Aُ 4
ُ ‫َ َءتْ ُر‬G ْ,Eَ %َ Fُ -%‫َ ا‬X‫َا‬,‫َ!ْ َأنْ َه‬% ‫ى‬
َ ,ِ َJ(ْ 0َ %ِ 0‫ِ(َـَا َو
َ ُآ‬% َX‫َا‬,‫ِى َه‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -%ِ ُ,#ْ L
َ %ْ ‫ُ!اْ ا‬%َO‫ َو‬

(and they will say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allah, Who has guided us to this, and
never could we have found guidance, were it not that Allah had guided us! Indeed, the
Messengers of our Lord came with the truth.'') (7:43), and

 #َ +َ َ ‫ َو‬V
ٌ َ[Xَ َ( ِ) َ0$
 #َ َ+ َ ِF-ِN
ْ َ) *ِ

َ َE#ُ %ْ ‫َ دَا َر ا‬0-َY‫ِى َأ‬%‫ ا‬- ٌ‫ُ!ر‬a
َ ٌ‫ُ!ر‬2sَ %َ َ0 ‫ن َر‬
 ‫ن ِإ‬
َ mَ َL%ْ ‫ ا‬0
َ V
َ ‫ِى َأذْ َه‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -% ,ُ #ْ L
َ %ْ ‫ُ!اْ ا‬%َO‫ َو‬
6‫ب‬ٌ !ُs%ُ َ( ِ)

(And they will say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allah Who has removed from us (all)
grief. Verily, our Lord is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate (good deeds). Who,
out of His grace, has lodged us in a home that will last forever, where toil will touch us not nor
weariness will touch us.'') (35:34-35)

6َ* ِ-#ِ ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ ُ ا‬G

ْ ‫ َ? َأ‬3ْ 0ِ َ) ‫َ ُء‬UXَ w
ُ ْ َY /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ !ُأ ِ
*َ ا‬Cَ َJXَ ‫ض‬
َ ْ‫َ ا ر‬0Wَ ‫ َوَأوْ َر‬

(and has made us inherit (this) land. We can dwell in Paradise where we will; how excellent a
reward for the (pious) workers!) Abu Al-Aliyah, Abu Salih, Qatadah, As-Suddi and Ibn Zayd

said, "This means the land of Paradise.'' This is like the Ayah:

‫ُ!ن‬L-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫َ ِدىَ ا‬C

ِ َ(Wُ ِ +َ ‫ض‬
َ ْ‫ن ا ر‬
 ‫آْ ِ َأ‬h %‫ِ ا‬,3ْ َ *ِ
‫ُ! ِر‬m %‫ ا‬1ِ) َ0Cْ Jَ ‫ْ َآ‬,Eَ %َ‫ َو‬6 (And indeed We have written in Az-
Zabur after Adh-Dhikr that My righteous servants shall inherit the land. ) (21:105) they will

6ُ‫َء‬UXَ w
ُ ْ Y
َ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ !ُأ ِ
*َ ا‬Cَ Jَ Xَ 

(We can dwell in Paradise where we will) meaning, `wherever we want, we can settle; how
excellent a reward for our efforts.' In the Two Sahihs, it was reported in the story of the
Mi`raj which was narrated by Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, that the
Prophet said:

«ْ$#ِ ْ%‫ َا ُ(َ ا‬9ُ ‫ َوِإذَا‬،ِg%ُْg-%‫َ ُِ ا‬0G

َ َ( ِ) ‫ذَا‬tَِ) ،َ/0 
َ %ْ ‫& ا‬
ُ ْ-.
ِ ْ‫( »ُأد‬I was admitted into Paradise where I saw that its
domes were pearls and its soil was musk.)''

َ ِ#-َ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ب ا‬
h ‫ َر‬Fِ -ِ% ,ُ #ْ L
َ %ْ ‫َ ا‬A ِO‫\ َو‬
h َL%ْ ِ ْ?(ُ 0َ ْ َ 1
َ ِNOُ ‫ ِ(?ْ َو‬h‫ َر‬,ِ #ْ َLِ َ‫ُ!ن‬LCh $
َ +ُ ‫ش‬
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َ ْ*
ِ *
َ h)َY /َ aَ Tِ ‫َـ‬-#َ %ْ ‫َ َى ا‬9‫ َو‬

(75. And you will see the angels surrounding the Throne from all round, glorifying the praises
of their Lord. And they will be judged with truth. And it will be said, "All the praises and
thanks be to Allah, the Lord of all that exits.'') Allah tells us how He will pass judgement on
the people of Paradise and Hell, and put each of them in the place fitting for him and for
which he is suited; this is justice from Him and He is never unjust. Then He tells us of His
angels who surround His majestic Throne, glorifying the praises of their Lord, extolling and
magnifying Him, and declaring Him to be above any shortcomings or injustice whatsoever, for
He has passed judgement in the fairest and most just manner. He says:

?ُ(َ0 ْ َ 1
ِ ُO‫ َو‬6 (And they will be judged) meaning, all of creation.

\َL%ْ ِ6 (with truth.) Then He says:

6َ* ِ#-َ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ب ا‬
h ‫ َر‬Fِ -ِ% ,ُ #ْ L
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ ِO‫ َو‬

(And it will be said, "All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of all that exits.'')
meaning, all of creation, whether animate or inanimate, will speak words of praise to Allah,
the Lord of all that exists, for His wisdom and justice. These words are not attributed to any
specific speaker, which indicates that the whole of creation will testify to His praise. Qatadah
said, "Allah began His creation with praise, as He said,

‫ت وَا رْض‬

ِ !َ ‫َـ‬#$
 %‫\ ا‬
َ َ-.
َ ‫ِى‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -% ,ُ #ْ َL%ْ ‫ا‬6 (All praises and thanks be to Allah, Who created the heavens
and the earth) (6:1). and He ended it with praise, as He says:

* ِ#-َ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ب ا‬
h َ‫ ر‬Fِ -%ِ ُ,#ْ L
َ %ْ ‫َ ا‬A ِO‫ َو‬h\L
َ %ْ ِ ْ?(ُ 0َ ْ َ 1
ِ ُO‫ َو‬6 (And they will be judged with truth. And it will be said,
"All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of all that exists.'').''

6. QS Al Lail 92 : 4-10

َ %َ ْ?aُ َ ْ34َ ‫ِإن‬
- 1َE9 ‫ وَا‬1َ ْ ‫)ََ;
*ْ َأ‬
- 1َ0ْ$L ُ %ْ ِ ‫ق‬َ , fَ َ‫و‬
- ‫ َى‬$ ْ ُ -ْ ِ% ^ُ ُ $
h َ ُ0$َ )َ
- 1َ0sْ Jَ 4
ْ ‫ وَا‬Aَ ِoَ *َ

- 1َ0$ْ ُL%ْ ِ ‫ب‬ َ  ‫َو َآ‬
- ‫ َى‬$ ْ 3ُ ْ-%ِ ^ُ ُ $ h َ ُ0$
َ )َ -

92:4. sesungguhnya usaha kamu memang berbeda-beda.

92:5. Adapun orang yang memberikan (hartanya di jalan Allah) dan bertakwa,
92:6. dan membenarkan adanya pahala yang terbaik (surga),
92:7. maka Kami kelak akan menyiapkan baginya jalan yang mudah.
92:8. Dan adapun orang-orang yang bakhil dan merasa dirinya cukup,
92:9. serta mendustakan pahala yang terbaik,
92:10. maka kelak Kami akan menyiapkan baginya (jalan) yang sukar.

(4. Certainly, your efforts and deeds are diverse.)

(5. As for him who gives and has Taqwa,)
(6. And believes in Al-Husna.)
(7. We will make smooth for him the path of ease.)
(8. But he who is greedy and thinks himself self-sufficient,)
(9. And denies Al-Husna.)
(10. We will make smooth for him the path to evil.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ %َ ْ?aُ َ ْ34
َ ‫ِإن‬

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‪ *
‫ا‪3$%‬دة )‪ [ $‬إ‪ 1%‬أه‪ A‬ا‪3$%‬دة و
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 أه‪ A‬ا‪3$%‬دة ) ‪ $‬ون‬
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* أ‪ 1‬وا‪ 1E9‬و‪,f‬ق ‪^ $ 0$) 10$L%‬‬
‫‪ $ -%‬ى وأ

* ‪ Ao‬وا‪ 10sJ4‬وآب ‪ $3-% ^ $ 0$) 10$L%‬ى " و‪ ,O‬أ‪ / E FG .‬ا‪ d *
/#%‬ق * ‪, C * , 34‬ة ‪F‬‬
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‪ $‬أ

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‪ " F-#3% $
‪ * ?-$‬أ< ا‪%‬ه * ا* وه‪O " .q w+,Y " F V‬ل ا* ‪ 24 0W,Y HX!+ <0W,Y + G‬ن *‬
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 Aa‬ا‪%‬ي ‪ ,X O " F% \-.‬و‪ " A#3X‬روا‪ /+‬أ< ا‪,%‬رداء" ‪O‬ل ا‪
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* HX!+ * <#-$%‬ة * ‪ * HC-Y‬أ< إدر‪ * H+‬أ<‬
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‪ ) ,O‬غ
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‪ ) ,O‬غ
‪!%E) "F0‬ا )‪‚ a‬‬
‫‪ + A#3%‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ S‬؟ ‪O‬ل " آ‪ A‬ا
( ; ‪ 29 " F% \-. #%‬د ‪ F‬أ‪ *
,#Y‬ها ا‪O " .q w+,Y " FG!%‬ل ا* ‪<0W,Y + G‬‬
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‫‪O‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪!+ *

" ?-4‬م & ) ‪ F$# F‬إ و‪a-
( JC0‬ن ‪0+‬د‪+‬ن ‪ \-. #(3#$+‬ا‪ S‬آ‪ ?(-‬إ‬
‫ا‪ : * -E7%‬ا‪ ?(-%‬أ}
‪ 2-. E20‬وأ}
‪ " 2-9 a$#‬وأ‪mX‬ل ا‪ <) S‬ذ‪ %‬ا‪q E%‬ن " );

* أ‪ 1‬وا‪ 1E9‬و‪,f‬ق ‪^ $ 0$) 10$L%‬‬
‫‪ $ -%‬ى وأ

* ‪ Ao‬وا‪ 10sJ4‬وآب ‪ $3-% ^ $ 0$) 10$L%‬ى " وروا^ ا* أ< ‪ * ?9Y‬أ ‪ * F‬ا* أ< آ‪04t /UC‬د^‬

‪O " .q w+,Y " F-7‬ل ا* أ< ‪ <0W,Y ?9Y‬أ! ‪ ,C‬ا‪ S‬ا‪ (%‬ا‪ # * 2Y 0W,Y <X‬ا‪ 0W,Y <X,3%‬ا‪ * ?aL%‬أن *‬
‫‪ * /
a‬ا* ‪C‬س أن ر‪ _G‬آن ‪ A oX F%‬و
‪ <) ( ) /-oX (0‬دار ر‪ E) Q%f AG‬ذي  ل )‪t‬ذا ‪G‬ء ا‪ A.,) AG %‬دار^‬
‫) ;‪ .‬ا‪ #J%‬ة
* ‪ }E$J) FJ-oX‬ا‪ #J%‬ة ) ;‪.‬ه ‪ Cf‬ن ا‪ AG %‬ا‪m0 ) E2%‬ل
* ‪m0 ) FJ-oX‬ع ا‪ #J%‬ة
* أ‪ ?(+,+‬وإن أد‪ A.‬أ‪,Y‬ه?‬
‫ا‪ #J%‬ة )< )‪ F#‬أد‪ A.‬أ‪ \-Y <) F3Cf‬ا‪_s%‬م و‪mX‬ع ا‪ #J%‬ة
* ‪ aU) FE-Y‬ذ‪ %‬ا‪ AG %‬إ‪ 1%‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬وأ‪ # ^ C.‬ه!‬
‫) ‪ VYf *
F‬ا‪E) /-o0%‬ل ‪ F%‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ " ?-4‬اذه‪ " V‬و‪ <E%‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ VYf ?-4‬ا‪E) /-o0%‬ل ‪" F%‬‬
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( FJ ‫<
 أ‬0 39‫ه أ‬+‫ إ‬J ;) /-o0%‫< ا‬% ‫ )[رت‬/-o0%‫ت ا‬.‫ أ‬X‫ إن أ‬S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ AG %‫ل ا‬E) /-o0%‫ ا‬VYf *
‫? و‬-4‫و‬
<) /-R#%‫< ا‬J-o0 <X‫ا أ‬,#L
‫ ك أن‬C.‫ أ‬F% ‫ل‬E) AoX #‫_ه‬a%‫ و‬/-o0%‫ ا‬VYf <E% AG %‫? إن ا‬W " ?3X " ‫ل‬O ‫ ؟‬/0%‫ )< ا‬/-oX
( 1‫ل  إ أن أ‬O (J3 ‫ أراك إذا‬F% ‫ل‬E) AG %‫ ا‬F0 &a$) ‫ ه‬#W <0C3+ <0a%‫ أ & و‬,O F% &-E) /0%‫ )< ا‬/-oX ‫دار )_ن‬
Ja4 ?W ‫ ؟‬/-oX * 3‫ ( أر‬V-9 J-oX ? 
; &TG ,E% AG %‫ل ا‬E) /-oX ‫!ن‬3‫ل أر‬O ‫ك ؟‬0

‫ل و‬O ^‫< أ‬00…‫ و أ‬T 
FJ ‫ أ‬,O <X‫وا أ‬,(‫ل ا‬E) ?‫ه‬,) ‫س‬X;
;) ‫دق‬f &0‫< إن آ‬% ,(‫ل أ‬E) /-oX * 3‫ أر‬J ‫ أ‬X‫ل أ‬O ?W .q ‫; )< آ_م‬UX‫وأ‬
H % ,3 ‫ل‬O ?W & r‫ ر‬,O /-o0%‫ ا‬VYf ‫ل‬E) ‫!ل‬E9 
‫ل‬O ?W ‫< ) ( )< دار )_ن * )_ن‬J%‫ ا‬FJ-o0 /-oX * 3‫< أر‬-oX *

,O /-o0%‫ ا‬VYf ‫ل‬E) /-R#%‫ ا‬J-o0 /-oX * 3‫ أر‬J ‫ * أ‬Y \#Y; &$%‫ و‬S‫ ا‬%O‫ أ‬,O F% ‫ل‬E) ‫ ق‬J2X ?% {  0 ‫< و‬0 
‫ (!دا‬F% ‚O‫ق وأو‬4 1- % <‫ل ه‬O ?W /4 wa
?W ‫ق‬4 1- ( 039 ‫ل‬O ,+‫
 أر‬1- * 3‫ر‬K‫< ا‬0 39 ‫ أن‬1- & r‫ر‬
<) /-R#%‫ ا‬/-o0%‫ إن ا‬S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ ‫ل‬E) ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬1%‫ إ‬AG %‫ ا‬V‫ )ه‬O 2J) ‫ق‬4 1- /-oX * 3‫ أر‬F% ,‫و‬
‫ل‬O "% 3%‫ و‬% /-o0%‫ " ا‬F% ‫ل‬E) ‫ار‬,%‫ ا‬VYf AG %‫ ا‬1%‫? إ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬V‫ )ه‬% <() <% ‫رت‬f ,O ‫دار )_ن‬
^ $ 0$) 10$L% ‫ق‬,f‫ و‬1E9‫ وا‬1‫ );

* أ‬- F%!O 1%‫ إ‬- 1Us+ ‫ إذا‬A -%‫" وا‬AG‫ و‬m S‫ل ا‬mX;) ‫س‬C *‫ل ا‬O /
V+ w+,Y !‫? وه‬9Y <‫ا روا^ ا* أ‬a‫!رة ه‬$%‫ ا‬.q 1%‫ ى" إ‬$3-% ^ $ 0$) 10$L% ‫ وآب‬10sJ4‫ وا‬Ao *

‫ ى وأ‬$ -%
,C 0W,Y ?fK‫ ا‬H+‫ هرون * إدر‬0W,Y F0 S‫< ا‬r‫\ ر‬+,[%‫ ا‬a <‫& )< أ‬%mX /+y‫ وذآ أن ه^ ا‬+ G *‫ل ا‬O . ‫ا‬,G
<r‫\ ر‬+,[%‫ ا‬a <‫* * أ‬#Y %‫ ا‬,C * ,#L
* S‫ ا‬,C * ,#L
* ‫ق‬L4‫ * إ‬,#L
0W,Y <‫ر‬L#%‫ ا‬,#L
* *#Y %‫ا‬
‫ء إذا‬$X‫ و‬mR \J3+ ‫ن‬a) /a# ‫_م‬4n‫ ا‬1- \J3+ F0 S‫< ا‬r‫ ر‬a !‫ل آن أ‬O m%‫ * ا‬S‫ ا‬,C *
 * F0 S‫ا‬
‫ل أي‬E) 0 ‫!ن‬3),+‫ و‬X!30#+‫ و‬3
!ن‬E+ ‫اء‬,-G G‫\ ر‬J39 X‫! أ‬-) ‫ء‬23r 4X‫\ أ‬J39 ‫< أراك‬0 ‫ أ!^ أي‬F% ‫ل‬E) *#-4‫أ‬
‫ق‬,f‫ و‬1E9‫ وا‬1‫" );

* أ‬F ) &%mX‫ أ‬/+y‫< أن ه^ ا‬J  A‫ˆ أه‬3 <0W,L) ‫ل‬O S‫ ا‬,0 
- ‫ل‬O F0…‫ أ‬- ,+‫ أر‬#X‫أ& إ‬
‫ ى‬$ -% ^ $ 0$) 10$L% .

This is why Allah says,

6 1JU
َ %َ ْ?aُ َ 3ْ 4
َ ‫ن‬

(Certainly, your efforts and deeds are diverse. ) meaning, the actions of the servants that they
have performed are also opposites and diverse. Therefore, there are those who do good and
there are those who do evil. Allah then says,

6 1َE9 ‫ وَا‬1َ
ْ ‫)ََ;
*ْ َأ‬

(As for him who gives and has Taqwa.) meaning, he gives what he has been commanded to
give and he fears Allah in his affairs.

6 1َ0$
ْ L
ُ ْ%ِ ‫ق‬
َ ,f
َ ‫ َو‬

(And believes in Al-Husna.) meaning, in the compensation for that. This was said by Qatadah.
Khusayf said, "In the reward.'' Then Allah says,

‫ َى‬$
ْ ُ ْ-%ِ ^ُ ُ $
h َ ُ0$
َ )َ 6 (We will make smooth for him the path of ease.) Ibn `Abbas said, "Meaning
for goodness.''

Thus, Allah says,

Aِoَ *َ

‫ َوَأ‬6 (But he who is greedy) meaning, with that which he has.

61َ0sْ Jَ 4
ْ ‫وَا‬

(and thinks himself self-sufficient,) `Ikrimah reported that Ibn `Abbas said, "This means he is
stingy with his wealth and considers himself to be in no need of his Lord, the Mighty and
Majestic.'' This was recorded by Ibn Abi Hatim.

ْ ُL%ْ ِ ‫ب‬
َ ‫ َو َآ‬6 (And denies Al-Husna.) meaning, the recompense in the abode of the Hereafter.

‫ َى‬$
ْ ُ3-ْ %ِ ^ُ ُ $
h َ 0ُ $
َ )َ 6 (We will make smooth for him the path to evil.) meaning, the path of evil. This
is as Allah says,

‫(ُ!ن‬#َ 3ْ +َ ْ?(ِ ِXَ ْsd

ُ 1ِ) ?ْ ‫َ ُر ُه‬Xَ ‫ َأو َل َ
 ةٍ َو‬Fِ ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
ِ ْgُ+ ْ?%َ َ#‫َ ُ(?ْ َوَأ ْ[َـ َ ُه?ْ َآ‬9,َ Tِ )ْ ‫ َأ‬V
ُ -hَEXُ ‫ َو‬6 (And We shall turn their hearts
and their eyes away, as they refused to believe therein for the first time, and We shall leave
them in their trespass to wander blindly.) (6:110)

And there are many Ayat with this meaning, proving that Allah rewards those who intend
good with success, while whoever intends evil is abandoned, and all of this is in accordance
with a preordained decree. There are also many Hadiths that prove this.

Imam Ahmad recorded from Abu Bakr that he said to the Messenger of Allah , "O Messenger
of Allah! Do we act according to what has already been decided, or is the matter just
beginning (i.e., still undecided)'' He replied,

ِ ‫غ‬
َ ِ ُ) ْ,َO ٍ
ْ ‫ َأ‬1َ-
َ ْAَ » (Indeed it is according to what has already been decided.) Then Abu Bakr
said, "Then what (good) are deeds, O Messenger of Allah'' He replied,

«Fَ% \
َ -ُِ. َ#%ِ ٌ $
ُ A‫( » ُآ‬Everyone will find it easy to do such deeds that will lead him to what he
was created for.)

Al-Bukhari recorded from `Ali bin Abi Talib that they (the Companions) were with the
Messenger of Allah at the cemetery of Baqi` Al-Gharqad for a funeral, when the Prophet said,

«‫ر‬0%‫* ا‬
ِ ^ُ ُ,3َ Eْ
َ ‫ َو‬/ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ^ُ ,ُ َ3Eْ
َ V
َ Jِ ‫ْ ُآ‬,Oَ ‫ َو‬%‫ٍ ِإ‬,Y
َ ‫?ْ ِ
*ْ َأ‬aُ 0ْ
ِ َ
» (There is none among you except that his
place has already been written, a seat in Paradise and a seat in the Hellfire.) They said, "O
Messenger of Allah! Should we depend on this'' He replied,

«Fَ% \
َ -ُِ. َ#ِ% ٌ $
ُ Aaُ )َ ، ‫ُ!ا‬-#َ 
ْ ‫( »ا‬Perform deeds for everyone will have the deeds of what he was
created for (Paradise or Hell) made easy for him.) Then he recited the Ayah

‫ َى‬$
ْ ُ -ْ ِ% ^ُ ُ $
h َ 0ُ $
َ َ) - 1َ0ْ$L
ُ %ْ ِ َ‫ق‬,f
َ ‫ َو‬- 1َE9 ‫ وَا‬1َ
ْ ‫ َ);َ
*ْ َأ‬6 (As for him who gives and has Taqwa, and
believes in Al-Husna. We will make smooth for him the path of ease.)'' until the Ayah:

6‫ َى‬$
ْ 3ُ -ْ ِ%

(the path to evil) He (Imam Al-Bukhari) also recorded another similar narration from `Ali bin
Abi Talib in which he said, "We were at a funeral in the cemetery of Baqi` Al-Gharqad when
the Messenger of Allah came and sat down. So we came and sat around him and he had a stick
with him. Then he bowed his head and he began to scratch the ground with his stick. He then

«‫َة‬, ِ34
َ ْ‫ َأو‬/ً  Eِ 
َ ْ&Cَ Jِ ‫ْ ُآ‬,Oَ %‫ َوِإ‬،ِ‫ر‬0%‫ وَا‬/ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ َ(ُXَa
َ V
َ ِJ‫ ُآ‬%‫ ِإ‬/ٍ 4
َ !ُ20ْ
َ H
ٍ 2ْ Xَ ْ*
ِ َ
ْ‫ٍ َأو‬,Y
َ ‫?ْ ِ
*ْ َأ‬aُ 0ْ
ِ َ

(There is not anyone among you -- or is not a single soul (that has been created) -- except that
his place has been written in Paradise or in the Fire, and it has been written that he will be
miserable or happy.) A man said, "O Messenger of Allah! Should we just depend on what has
been written for us and give up performing deeds For whoever of us is of the people of

happiness then he will be of the people of happiness, and whoever among us is of the people of
misery then he will be of the people of misery.'' The Prophet replied,

:‫َ َ َأ‬O ? Wُ ،ِ‫َء‬EU

 %‫ ا‬Aِ ْ‫ َأه‬Aِ #َ 
َ 1َ%‫ ُونَ ِإ‬$
 َ ُ َ) ‫َ ِء‬EU%‫ ا‬Aُ ‫ َوَأ
 َأ ْه‬،ِ‫َدَة‬3$
 %‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ َأ ْه‬Aِ #َ 3َ ِ% ‫ن‬
َ ‫ ُو‬$
 َ ُ َ) ‫َدَ ِة‬3$
 %‫ ا‬Aُ ‫»َأ
 َأ ْه‬

(Those people who are the people of happiness, they will have the deeds of the people of
happiness made easy for them. And those people who are the people of misery, they will have
the deeds of the people of misery made easy for them.) Then he recited the Ayah:

6 1َ0sْ Jَ 4
ْ ‫ وَا‬Aَ o
ِ َ *َ

‫ َوَأ‬- ‫ َى‬$
ْ ُ -ْ ِ% ُ^ ُ $
h َ 0ُ $
َ َ) - 1َ0$
ْ ُL%ْ ِ ‫ق‬
َ , f
َ َ‫ و‬- 1َE9 ‫ وَا‬1َ
ْ ‫)ََ;
*ْ َأ‬

«6-‫ َى‬$
ْ ُ3-ْ ِ% ^ُ ُ $
ّ َ 0ُ $
َ )َ -1َ0$
ْ ُL%ْ ِ َ‫َو َآ ب‬

(As for him who gives and has Taqwa, and believes in Al-Husna. We will make smooth for him
the path of ease (goodness). But he who is greedy and thinks himself self-sufficient, and belies
Al-Husna. We will make smooth for him the path to evil.)) The other compilers of the Group
have also recorded this Hadith.

Imam Ahmad recorded from Ibn `Umar that `Umar said, "O Messenger of Allah! Do you
think that the deeds that we do are a matter that is already predetermined or are they
something just beginning or new'' The Prophet replied,

Aْ‫ َوَأ
*ْ آَنَ ِ
*ْ َأه‬،ِ‫َدَة‬3$  -ِ% Aُ #َ 3ْ +َ Fُ X tَِ) ‫َدَ ِة‬3$
 %‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ن ِ
*ْ َأ ْه‬
َ َ‫ َأ
*ْ آ‬،ٌ $
ُ “-ُ‫ن آ‬
 tَِ) ،ِ‫َب‬o%ْ ‫* ا‬
َ ْ ‫َ ا‬+ ْA#َ 
ْ َ) ،ُF0ْ
ِ ‫غ‬
َ ِ ُ) ْ,َO َ# ِ)»
«‫َء‬EU  -ِ% Aُ #َ 3ْ +َ Fُ X ِt)َ ‫َ ِء‬EU

(It is something that has already been predetermined. Therefore, work deeds, O son of Al-
Khattab! For verily, each person will have things made easy for him. So whoever is from the
people of happiness, then he will work deeds for happiness, and whoever is from the people of
misery, then he will work deeds for misery.)'' This Hadith has been recorded by At-Tirmidhi
in the Book of Al-Qadar and he said "Hasan Sahih.'' Another Hadith Narrated by Jabir Ibn
Jarir recorded from Jabir bin `Abdullah that he said, "O Messenger of Allah! Are we
performing deeds for something that has already been predetermined or is the matter based
upon what we are just doing (now)'' The Prophet replied,

ِ ‫غ‬
َ ِ ُ) ْ,َO ٍ
ْ ;َ%ِ» (It is a matter that has been predetermined.) Then Suraqah said, "Then what is
the purpose of deeds'' The Messenger of Allah then said,

«Fِ-#َ 3َ %ِ ٌ $
ُ Aٍ
ِ َ A‫» ُآ‬

(Everyone who does deeds will have his deeds made easy for him.) Muslim also recorded this
Hadith. Ibn Jarir recorded from `Amir bin `Abdullah bin Az-Zubayr that he said, "Abu Bakr
used to free servants upon their acceptance of Islam in Makkah. He used to free the elderly
and the women when they accepted Islam. So his father said to him, `O my son! I see that you
are freeing people who are weak. But if you freed strong men they could stand with you,
defend you and protect you.' Abu Bakr replied, `O my father! I only want -- and I think he
said -- what is with Allah.' Some people of my family have told me this Ayah was revealed
about him:

‫ َى‬$
ْ ُ -ْ ِ% ^ُ ُ $
h َ 0ُ $
َ َ) - 1َ0ْ$L
ُ %ْ ِ َ‫ق‬,f
َ ‫ َو‬- 1َE9 ‫ وَا‬1َ
ْ ‫ َ);َ
*ْ َأ‬6 (As for him who gives and has Taqwa, and
believes in Al-Husna. We will make smooth for him the path of ease.)''

7. QS Ath Thuur 52:17-28

ٍ? ِ3Xَ َ‫& و‬
ٍ ‫ـ‬0G
َ 1ِ) َ* ِEJ #ُ %ْ ‫ن ا‬

6 ِ? ِL
َ ْ%‫ب ا‬
َ ‫َا‬
َ ْ?(ُ  ‫َـ ُ(?ْ َر‬O‫َـ ُ(?ْ َر  ُ(?ْ وَ َو‬9‫َ ءَا‬#ِ *
َ ِ(ِa‫ )َـ‬-

َ !ُ-َ#3ْ 9َ ْ?Jُ 0ُ‫َ آ‬#ِ ًTَ ِ0‫ َ ُ!اْ َه‬
ْ ‫ُ!اْ وَا‬-‫ ُآ‬

ٍ ِ ٍ‫ُ!ر‬Lِ ?ُ(‫َـ‬0G
ْ ‫ٍ َو َزو‬/)َ !ُ2[
 ‫ ُ ٍر‬4
ُ 1َ-
َ *
َ ِTaِ J
ُ -

ٌ* َ‫ رَه‬V
َ $
َ ‫َ َآ‬#ِ ‫ ا ْ
ِى ٍء‬A ‫ْءٍ ُآ‬1
َ *h
َ ْ*
h ْ?(ُ ‫َـ‬0Jْ %َ‫ ُ(?ْ َو
َ َأ‬Jَ + ‫ر‬h ‫َ ِ ِ(?ْ ُذ‬0Eْ L
َ ْ%‫* َأ‬
ٍ ‫َـ‬#+ِtِ ?ُ(Jُ + h‫ ُ(?ْ ُذر‬Jْ 3َ َC9 ‫ُ!اْ وَا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫وَا‬

َ‫(ُ!ن‬Jَ U
ْ +َ #
h ٍ?L
ْ %َ‫ٍ َو‬/(َ aِ ‫َـ‬2ِ ?ُ(‫َـ‬Xْ‫د‬,َ
ْ ‫ َوَأ‬-

ٌ? ِW;ْ َ9 َ ‫!ٌ )ِ (َ َو‬sْ %َ  ً4ْ;َ‫ُ!نَ )ِ (َ آ‬mَ ‫َـ‬0Jَ َ+ -

 ٌgُ%ْg%ُ ْ?(ُ X ;َ‫ ُ(?ْ َآ‬% ٌ‫َن‬#-ْ ِ ْ?(ِ ْ -ََ ‫ف‬
ُ !ُ+َ ‫ َو‬-

َ‫ُ!ن‬%‫َ َء‬$Jَ +َ ٍˆ3ْ َ 1َ-َ ْ?(ُ ُNْ3َ Aَ Cَ ْO‫َوَأ‬

َ ِE2ِ U
ُ َ0-ِ‫ َأ ْه‬1ِ) Aُ Cْ Oَ 0‫ ُآ‬X‫ُ!اْ ِإ‬%َO

 %‫ب ا‬
َ ‫َا‬
َ َ0‫َـ‬O‫َ َو َو‬0 ْ -ََ Fُ -%‫* ا‬
 #َ )َ

6 ?ُ ِY  %‫  ا‬Cَ %ْ ‫ ُه َ! ا‬Fُ X ‫ُْ! ُ^ ِإ‬,Xَ Aُ ْCَO *ِ

0‫ ُآ‬X‫ِإ‬

52:17. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang bertakwa berada dalam surga dan kenikmatan,
52:18. mereka bersuka ria dengan apa yang diberikan kepada mereka oleh Tuhan mereka;
dan Tuhan mereka memelihara mereka dari azab neraka.
52:19. (Dikatakan kepada mereka): "Makan dan minumlah dengan enak sebagai balasan dari
apa yang telah kamu kerjakan",
52:20. mereka bertelekan di atas dipan-dipan berderetan dan Kami kawinkan mereka dengan
bidadari-bidadari yang cantik bermata jeli.
52:21. Dan orang-orang yang beriman, dan yang anak cucu mereka mengikuti mereka dalam
keimanan, Kami hubungkan anak cucu mereka dengan mereka, dan Kami tiada mengurangi
sedikit pun dari pahala amal mereka. Tiap-tiap manusia terikat dengan apa yang
52:22. Dan Kami beri mereka tambahan dengan buah-buahan dan daging dari segala jenis
yang mereka ingini.
52:23. Di dalam surga mereka saling memperebutkan piala (gelas) yang isinya tidak
(menimbulkan) kata-kata yang tidak berfaedah dan tiada pula perbuatan dosa.
52:24. Dan berkeliling di sekitar mereka anak-anak muda untuk (melayani) mereka, seakan-
akan mereka itu mutiara yang tersimpan.
52:25. Dan sebahagian mereka menghadap kepada sebahagian yang lain saling tanya-
52:26. Mereka berkata: "Sesungguhnya kami dahulu, sewaktu berada di tengah-tengah
keluarga kami merasa takut (akan diazab)".
52:27. Maka Allah memberikan karunia kepada kami dan memelihara kami dari azab

52:28. Sesungguhnya kami dahulu menyembah-Nya. Sesungguhnya Dia-lah yang
melimpahkan kebaikan lagi Maha Penyayang.

(17. Verily, those who have Taqwa will be in Gardens and Delight.) (18. Enjoying in that which
their Lord has bestowed on them, and (the fact that) their Lord saved them from the torment
of the blazing Fire.) (19. "Eat and drink with happiness because of what you used to do.'') (20.
They will recline on thrones Masfufah. And We shall marry them to Hur (fair females) with
wide lovely eyes.)

(21. And those who believe and whose offspring follow them in faith, -- to them shall We join
their offspring, and We shall not decrease the reward of their deeds in anything. Every person
is a pledge for that which he has earned.) (22. And We shall provide them with fruit and meat
such as they desire.) (23. There they shall pass from hand to hand a cup, free from any idle
talk, and free from sin.) (24. And there will go round boy-servants of theirs, to serve them as if
they were preserved pearls.) (25. And some of them draw near to others, questioning.) (26.
Saying: "Aforetime, we were afraid in the midst of our families.'') (27. "So Allah has been
gracious to us, and has saved us from the torment of the Fire.'') (28. "Verily, We used to
invoke Him before. Verily, He is the Most Subtle, the Most Merciful.'')

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ٍ? ِ3َX‫ت َو‬
ٍ 0G
َ <ِ) *
َ ِEJ #ُ %ْ ‫ن ا‬

‫ل‬a0%‫اب وا‬3%‫
* ا‬F ) T%‫
 أو‬,N %‫ ?" وذ‬3X‫ت و‬0G <) * EJ#%‫ل " إن ا‬E) ‫اء‬,3$%‫ل ا‬Y * 1%39 S‫ ا‬C.‫أ‬.

?ِ ِLَ%ْ ‫ب ا‬
َ ‫َا‬
َ ْ?(ُ  ‫َ ُه?ْ َر‬O‫َ ُه?ْ َر ُ(?ْ َو َو‬9q َ#ِ *
َ ِ(ِ‫)َآ‬

" V‫آ* و
‫ و‬H_
‫رب و‬U
‫ و‬A‫_ذ
آ‬#%‫ف ا‬0f‫ ?
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‫!ان ) <ء‬.n‫ ا‬1%‫!ا إ‬OJ‫ ا‬/0%‫ ا‬/0%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬A.‫? " إذا د‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O HX‫* * أ‬$L%‫ * ا‬Q Cf *
‫ري‬,9 ‫ )_ن‬+ FCY[% #‫ه‬,Y‫!ل أ‬E )  X,%‫ آن )< ا‬# ‫ن‬W,LJ ) ‫‘ ها‬aJ+‫‘ ها و‬aJ ) ‫ن‬W,LJ ) ‫ ها‬+ 4 ‫ذي‬L+ 1JY ‫ ها‬+ 4
‫د‬04n‫ وى إ (ا ا‬+ F) 3X  ‫ار‬mC%‫ل ا‬O ?W " 0% 2s) AG‫ و‬m S‫ ا‬X!,) ‫{ آا وآا‬r!
<) 0‫!م آ‬+ ‫ ؟‬0% S‫ ا‬2 ‫!م‬+ ‫أي‬
!‫ وه‬F2Y /(G *
,Y‫ وا‬F ) ?-a9 ,O‫ و‬Q Cf * {  %‫ ا‬Fo ‫? ه!
(!ل و‬9Y !‫ل أ‬O <EU
,%‫ر ا‬0+‫ * د‬, 34‫& و‬-O
* 1LN%‫ * أ< ا‬e#K‫ وآ { * ا‬0W,Y ‫ودي‬K‫ ا‬S‫ ا‬,C * ‫ و‬# 0W,Y ?9Y <‫ل ا* أ‬O‫ و‬. F$2X <) /EW Q%f AG‫ر‬
&%E) " ? Y %‫ ا‬C%‫ ه! ا‬FX‫!^ إ‬,X ACO *
0‫ آ‬X‫!م إ‬#$%‫ اب ا‬XO‫ وو‬0 - S‫* ا‬#) " /+y‫ أت ه^ ا‬O (X‫ أ‬/UR * ‫ وق‬$

?3X ‫ل‬O ‫[_ة ؟‬%‫ )< ا‬e#’% A O . ? Y %‫ ا‬C%‫& ا‬X‫ أ‬X‫!م إ‬#$%‫ اب ا‬0O‫ و‬0 - *
?(-%‫ ا‬.

Allah the Exalted described the destination of the happy ones,

6 ?ٍ ِ3Xَ ‫& َو‬

ٍ ‫ـ‬0G
َ 1ِ) *
َ ِEJ #ُ %ْ ‫ن ا‬

(Verily, those who have Taqwa will be in Gardens and Delight.) in contrast to the torment and
punishment of the miserable;

6ْ?(ُ ‫َـ ُ(?ْ َر‬9‫َ ءَا‬#ِ *

َ ِ(aِ ‫)َـ‬

(Enjoying in that which their Lord has bestowed on them,) meaning, enjoying the various
types of delight that Allah has granted them therein, such as various types of foods, drinks,
clothes, dwelling places, mounts, and so forth,

6ِ? ِL
َ ْ%‫ب ا‬
َ ‫َا‬
َ ْ?(ُ ‫َـ ُ(?ْ َر‬O‫ َو َو‬

(and (the fact that) their Lord saved them from the torment of the blazing Fire.) He saved
them from the torment of the Fire, which is a bounty itself. Added to this blessing is the fact
that they were entered into Paradise, which has delights that no eye has ever seen, no ear has
ever heard, nor has a heart ever imagined. The statement of Allah the Exalted,

َ !ُ-#َ 3ْ 9َ ْ?Jُ 0ُ‫َ آ‬#ِ ًTَ ِ0‫ُ!اْ وَاْ َ ُ!اْ َه‬-‫ ُآ‬

("Eat and drink with happiness because of what you used to do'') is similar to another of His

6 /ِ َ ِ%َo%ْ ‫ ِم ا‬+ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ?Jُ 2ْ َ-4

ْ ‫َ َأ‬#ِ ًTَ ِ0‫ َ ُ!اْ َه‬
ْ ‫ُ!اْ وَا‬-‫ ُآ‬

(Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent on before you in days past!)(69:24)
meaning this is the just reward for your deeds; surely, all this is a favor from Allah and a
reward from Him. Allah the Exalted said,

6ٍ/)َ !ُ2ْ[
 ‫ ُ ٍر‬4
ُ 1َ-
َ َ* ِTaِ J

(They will recline (with ease) on thrones Masfufah.) Ath-Thawri reported from Husayn, from
Mujahid, from Ibn `Abbas: "Thrones in howdahs.'' And the meaning of, (Masfufah) is they
will be facing each other,

َ ِ-Cِ ‫َـ‬EJَ
 ‫ُ ُ ٍر‬4 1َ-

(Facing one another on thrones.)(37:44) Allah said next,

6ٍ* ِ ‫ُ! ٍر‬Lِ ?ُ(‫َـ‬0ْG‫ َو َز و‬

(And We shall marry them to Hur (fair females) with wide lovely eyes.) We made for them
righteous spouses, beautiful wives from Al-Hur Al-`Ayn. We mentioned the description of Al-
Hur Al-`Ayn in several other places in this Tafsir, and therefore, it is not necessary to repeat
their description here.

In this Ayah, Allah the Exalted affirms His favor, generosity, graciousness, compassion and
beneficence towards His creation. When the offspring of the righteous believers imitate their
parents regarding faith, Allah will elevate the latter to the ranks of the former, even though
the latter did not perform deeds as goodly as their parents. Allah will comfort the eyes of the
parents by seeing their offspring elevated to their grades. Surely, Allah will gather them
together in the best manner, and He will not decrease the reward or the grades of those higher
in rank for joining them together, hence His statement,

َ *h
َ ْ*
h ْ?(ُ ‫َـ‬0Jْ َ%‫ ُ(?ْ َو
َ َأ‬Jَ + h‫َ ِ ِ(?ْ ُذر‬0ْEL
َ %ْ ‫َأ‬

(to them shall We join their offspring, and We shall not decrease the reward of their deeds in
anything.) Ath-Thawri reported that Ibn `Abbas said, "Verily, Allah elevates the ranks of the
believers' offspring to rank of their parents, even though the latter have not performed as well
as the former, so that the eyes of the parents are comforted.'' Ibn `Abbas then recited this

َ *h
َ ْ*
h ْ?(ُ ‫َـ‬0Jْ %ََ‫ ُ(?ْ َو
َ أ‬Jَ + ‫ر‬h ُ‫َ ِ ِ(?ْ ذ‬0Eْ L
َ ْ%‫* َأ‬
ٍ ‫َـ‬#+ِtِ ?ُ(Jُ + h‫ ُ(?ْ ُذر‬Jْ َ3Cَ 9 ‫ُ!اْ وَا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫وَا‬

(And those who believe and whose offspring follow them in faith, -- to them shall We join their
offspring, and We shall not decrease the reward of their deeds in anything.) Ibn Jarir and Ibn
Abi Hatim recorded this statement from Sufyan Ath-Thawri from Ibn `Abbas. Ibn Abi Hatim
also recorded that Ibn `Abbas commented on Allah's statement,

6ْ?(ُ Jَ + ‫ر‬h ُ‫َ ِ ِ(?ْ ذ‬0Eْ L
َ ْ%‫* َأ‬
ٍ ‫َـ‬#+ِtِ ?ُ(Jُ + h‫ ُ(?ْ ُذر‬Jْ َ3Cَ 9 ‫ُ!اْ وَا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫وَا‬

(And those who believe and whose offspring follow them in faith, -- to them shall We join their
offspring.) saying, "They are the offspring of the believers who died on the faith. If the ranks
of their parents are higher than their ranks, they will be joined with their parents. No part of
the reward their parents received for their good deeds will be reduced for them.'' `Abdullah,
son of Imam Ahmad, recorded that `Ali said, "Khadijah asked the Prophet about two of her
children who died during the time of Jahiliyyah, and the Messenger of Allah said;

«‫ر‬0%‫َ )ِ< ا‬#‫» ُه‬

(They are both in the Fire.) When he saw sadness on her face, he said,

«َ#(ِ Jِ ْNsَ ْ ;ََ% َ#(ُ Xَ َa

َ &
ِ +ْ ‫َ!ْ َرَأ‬%»

(If you saw their dwelling place, you would hate them.) She said, `O Allah's Messenger! What
about my children with you.' He said,

َ %ْ ‫»)ِ< ا‬

(They are in Paradise.) The Messenger of Allah said,

«‫ر‬0%‫َدَ ُه?ْ )ِ< ا‬%ْ‫* َوَأو‬

َ ِ‫ ِ آ‬U
ْ #ُ %ْ ‫ َوِإن ا‬،ِ/0
َ %ْ ‫َ َد ُه?ْ )ِ< ا‬%ْ‫* َوَأو‬
َ ِ0
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫ن ا‬

(Verily, the believers and their offspring will dwell in Paradise, while the idolators and their
offspring will dwell in the Hellfire.) The Prophet then recited the Ayah,

6ٍ*‫َـ‬#+ِtِ ?ُ(ُJ+ h‫ ُ(?ْ ُذر‬Jْ َ3Cَ 9 ‫ُ! ْا وَا‬0

َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫وَا‬

(And those who believe and whose offspring follow them in faith...)'' Certainly, it is Allah's
grace and favor that He grants the children this blessing because of the good deeds of their
parents. He also grants His favor to parents on account of their offspring invoking Allah for
them. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said that
the Messenger of Allah said,

«َ% ‫ك‬
َ ,ِ %ََ‫َ ِر و‬2sْ Jِ 4
ْ ِ :‫ُ! ُل‬E َ )َ ‫ِ< هِ^ِ؟‬% 1ْX‫ب َأ‬
h ‫َ َر‬+ :‫ُ! ُل‬E َ )َ /ِ 0 
َ ْ%‫ )ِ< ا‬Q
ِ %ِ[%‫ ا‬,ِ Cْ َ3-ْ %ِ /َ G
َ ‫ َر‬,%‫ َ ْ َ) ُ{ ا‬%َ S
َ ‫نا‬

(Verily, Allah shall elevate the grade of a righteous servant in Paradise, who will ask, "O
Lord! How did I earn this'' Allah will reply, "Through your son's invoking Me to forgive
you.'') This Hadith has an authentic chain of narration, but it was not recorded in the Sahih
this way. However, there is a witnessing narration for it in Sahih Muslim, from the Hadith of
Abu Hurayrah, who said that the Messenger of Allah said,

«Fَ% !ُْ,+َ Q
ٍ ِ%َf ,ٍ َ%‫ َأوْ َو‬،ِFِ ُ{2َ Jَ 0ْ +ُ ٍ?-ْ ِ ْ‫ َأو‬،ٍ/+َ ‫َ ِر‬G /ٍ Oَ َ,f
َ :‫ث‬
ٍ َ-Wَ ْ*
ِ %‫ ِإ‬Fُ -ُ#َ 
َ {َ َEَ Xْ ‫دَ َم ا‬q *
ُ ْ ‫ت ا‬
َ َ

(When the Son of Adam dies, his record of deeds will cease except in three cases: an ongoing
charity, knowledge that people are benefiting from and a righteous son who invokes Allah for

Allah the Exalted said,

6ٌ* َ‫ رَه‬V
َ $
َ ‫َ َآ‬#ِ ‫ ا ْ
ِى ٍء‬A ‫ ُآ‬

(Every person is a pledge for that which he has earned.) After Allah mentioned His favor of
elevating the offspring to the ranks of their parents, even though the deeds of the former did
not qualify them, He affirmed His fairness in that, He does not punish anyone for the mistakes
of others,

6ٌ* َ‫ رَه‬V
َ $
َ ‫َ َآ‬#ِ ‫ ا ْ
ِى ٍء‬A ‫ ُآ‬

(Every person is a pledge for that which he has earned.) Therefore, every person will be
responsible for his actions. No sin committed by others shall ever be added to one's load, even
if committed by his or her parents or offspring. Allah the Exalted said,

َ ِ
ِ ْ#ُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
َ - َ‫ُ!ن‬%‫َ َء‬$Jَ +َ &
ٍ ‫ـ‬0G
َ 1ِ) - *
ِ ِ# َ ْ%‫ ا‬V
َ ‫َـ‬Lf
ْ ‫ ِإ  َأ‬- /ٌ 0َ ِ‫&ْ َره‬Cَ $
َ ‫َ َآ‬#ِ H
ٍ 2ْ Xَ A ‫ ُآ‬

(Every person is a pledge for what he has earned, except those on the Right. In Gardens, they
will ask one another about the criminals.)(74:38-41)

Allah said,

6 َ‫(ُ!ن‬Jَ U
ْ +َ #
h ٍ?L
ْ %َ‫ َو‬/ٍ (َ ِa‫َـ‬2ِ ?ُ(‫َـ‬Xْ‫د‬,َ
ْ ‫ َوَأ‬

(And We shall provide them with fruit and meat such as they desire.) meaning, `We shall
provide them with various types and kinds of fruits and meat, whatever they wish for and

6ً4ْ;‫ُ!نَ )ِ (َ َآ‬mَ ‫َـ‬0Jَ +َ 

(There they shall pass from hand to hand a cup,) meaning, of wine, according to Ad-Dahhak,

6ٌ? ِW;ْ َ9 َ ‫!ٌ )ِ (َ َو‬sْ %َ  

(free from any Laghw, and free from Ta'thim) meaning, when they drink, they do not say any
idle, vain words or utter dirty, sinful speech like the drunken people in this life do. Ibn `Abbas
said that Laghw means `falsehood' while Ta'thim means `lying'. Mujahid said, "They do not
curse each other nor sin.'' Qatadah said, "These were the consequences of drinking in this life,
and Shaytan helped in this regard. Allah purified the wine of the Hereafter from the ills and
harm caused by the wine of this life.'' Therefore, Allah has purified the wine of the Hereafter
from causing headaches, stomachaches and intoxication like the wine of this life. Allah stated
that wine of the Hereafter shall not cause those who drink it to utter false, vain words that
carry no benefit, full of foolishness and evil. Allah also described the wine of the Hereafter as
beautiful in appearance, tasty and fruitful,

6 َ‫)ُ!ن‬mَ 0ُ+ َ(ْ0

َ ْ?‫ َ )ِ (َ َ!ْلٌ َو َ ُه‬- *
َ ِ ِ ‫ـ‬U-h% ‫ ٍة‬%َ ‫َ َء‬N ْ َ

(White, delicious to the drinkers. Neither will they have Ghawl from that nor will they suffer
intoxication therefrom.)(37:46-47) and,

َ !ُ)mِ 0ُ+ َ ‫ْ(َ َو‬0
َ ‫ن‬
َ !ُ, [
َ ُ+  

(Wherefrom they will get neither nay aching of the head nor any intoxication.)(56:19) Allah
the Exalted said here,

6 ٌ? ِW;ْ َ9 َ َ‫!ٌ )ِ (َ و‬sْ %َ  ً4ْ;‫ن )ِ (َ َآ‬

َ !ُmَ ‫َـ‬0Jَ +َ 

(There they shall pass from hand to hand a (wine) cup, free from any Laghw, and free from
sin.) Allah said,

6 ٌ‫ُ!ن‬0aْ
 ٌg%ُْgُ% ْ?(ُ X ;ََ‫ ُ(?ْ آ‬% ٌ‫َن‬#ْ-
ِ ْ?(ِ ْ َ-
َ ‫ف‬
ُ !ُ+َ ‫ َو‬

(And there will go round boy-servants of theirs to serve them as if they were preserved
pearls.) This is a description of the servants and aids, the believers will have in Paradise. Their
servants will be beautiful, graceful in appearance, clean and neat as well-preserved pearls,

ٍ ِ3
ٍ ;ْ َ‫\ َوآ‬
َ +ِ‫ب َوَأَر‬
ٍ ‫ َِ;آْ!َا‬- َ‫ُون‬,-o
 ٌ‫َن‬,%ْ ‫ ْ ِ(?ْ ِو‬-َ
َ ‫ف‬
ُ !ُ+َ 

(Immortal boys will go around them with cups, and jugs, and a glass of flowing wine.)
(56:17-18) Allah the Exalted said,

َ !ُ%‫َ َء‬$Jَ َ+ ˆ
ٍ 3ْ َ 1َ-
َ ْ?(ُ N
ُ 3ْ َ َACَ ْO‫ َوَأ‬

(And some of them draw near to others, questioning.) meaning, the believers will draw near to
each other talking and remembering their actions and conditions in this life, just as people in
this life talk while drinking, especially when they become intoxicated,

6 َ* ِE2ِ U
ُ َ0-ِْ‫ َأه‬1ِ) Aُ ْCOَ 0‫ ُآ‬X‫ُ!اْ ِإ‬%َO

(Saying: "Aforetime, we were afraid in the midst of our families.'') meaning, `in the life of
world and in the midst of our families, we were afraid of our Lord and fearful of His torment
and punishment,'

6 ‫ُ! ِم‬#$
 %‫ب ا‬
َ ‫َا‬
َ َ0‫َـ‬O‫َ وَ َو‬0 ْ َ-
َ Fُ -%‫* ا‬
 #َ )َ 

(So Allah has been gracious to us, and has saved us from the torment of the Fire.) meaning,
`He has granted us a favor and saved us from what we feared,'

6ُ^!ُْ,Xَ Aُ ْCOَ *ِ
0‫ ُآ‬X‫ِإ‬

(Verily, We used to invoke Him before.) meaning, `we used to invoke Him with submission and
humility, and He accepted our invocation and gave us what we wished,'

6ُ? ِY %‫  ا‬Cَ ْ%‫ ُه َ! ا‬Fُ X ‫ِإ‬

(Verily, He is the Most Subtle, the Most Merciful.)

8. QS Ar Ra'du 13 : 38-39

ٌ‫َب‬J‫ ِآ‬Aٍ َG‫ َأ‬hAaُ %ِ Fِ -%‫ذْنِ ا‬tِِ  ‫ٍ ِإ‬/+َ َ‫ ِـ‬1

َ 9ِ ;ْ َ+ ‫ُ!لٍ أَن‬4 َ %ِ َ‫ َو
َ آَن‬/ً + ‫ر‬h ُ‫ً َوذ‬G‫َ ُ(?ْ َأزْوَا‬% َ0ْ-3َ G
َ ‫ َو‬
َ ِ-Cْ َO *h
ُ ‫َ ُر‬0-ْ 4
َ ْ‫ْ َأر‬,Eَ %َ‫ َو‬

ِ ‫َـ‬Jaِ %ْ ‫َ ُ^ ُأ م ا‬,0ِ‫& َو‬
ُ ِC7ْ +ُ ‫َ ُء َو‬Uَ+ َ
Fُ -%‫ُ! ا‬L#ْ +َ -

13:38. Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus beberapa Rasul sebelum kamu dan Kami
memberikan kepada mereka istri-istri dan keturunan. Dan tidak ada hak bagi seorang Rasul
mendatangkan sesuatu ayat (mukjizat) melainkan dengan izin Allah. Bagi tiap-tiap masa ada
Kitab (yang tertentu).

13:39. Allah menghapuskan apa yang Dia kehendaki dan menetapkan (apa yang Dia
kehendaki), dan di sisi-Nya-lah terdapat Umulkitab (Lohmahfuz).

(38. And indeed We sent Messengers before you, and made for them wives and offspring. And
it was not for a Messenger to bring a sign except by Allah's leave. (For) every matter there is a
decree (from Allah).)

(39. Allah blots out what He wills and confirms (what He wills). And with Him is the Mother
of the Book.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ٌ‫َب‬J‫ٍ ِآ‬AG
َ ‫ َأ‬Ah aُ ِ% Fِ -%‫ن ا‬
ِ ْ‫ذ‬tِِ %‫ ِإ‬/ٍ +َ ِ <
َ 9ِ ;ْ َ+ ْ‫ُ! ٍل َأن‬4 َ %ِ َ‫ َو
َ آَن‬/ً + ‫ر‬h ‫ً َو ُذ‬G‫َ ُ(?ْ َأزْوَا‬% َ0ْ-3َ G
َ ‫َ َو‬-ِCْ Oَ ْ*
ِ ً-4
ُ ‫َ ُر‬0-ْ 4
َ ْ‫ْ َأر‬,Eَ %ََ‫و‬

‫!ن‬9;+‫!اق و‬4K‫!ن )< ا‬U#+‫م و‬3%‫!ن ا‬-‫;آ‬+ ‫ ا‬U -CO * -4 #%‫ ا‬073 ,O %‫ آ‬+ U !4‫ ر‬,#L
+ ‫ك‬0-4‫ أر‬#‫ وآ‬1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
<)‫< " و‬%‫ إ‬1Y!+ ?a-7
U X‫ أ‬#X‫ إ‬AO " ?(#9.‫ و‬A4 %‫ ف ا‬K 1%39 ‫ل‬O ,O‫ و‬/+‫ وذر‬G‫(? أزوا‬% 0-3G‫(? و‬% ,%!+‫ت و‬G‫و‬m%‫ا‬
*#) ‫ء‬$0%‫وج ا‬m9‫? وأ‬L-%‫ ا‬A‫آ‬q‫م و‬X‫!م وأ‬O‫!م وأ) وأ‬f;) X‫ل " أ
 أ‬O ?-4‫ و‬F%q‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ * أن ر‬L L[%‫ا‬
S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O ‫!ب‬+‫ل أ! أ‬O : ‫ل‬O ‫!ل‬La
* ‫ة‬d‫ج * أر‬L%‫ ا‬X;CX‫ أ‬,+m+ 0W,Y : ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫ل ا‬O " <0
H -) <J04 * V ‫ر‬
* ‫
ي‬J%‫ ا‬1$  !‫ روا^ أ‬,O‫ء " و‬0L%‫!اك وا‬$%‫ح وا‬a0%‫ وا‬3J%‫ ا‬: * -4 #%‫* ا‬04 *
{‫? " أر‬-4‫ و‬F%q‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f
Qf‫ل وها أ‬O ?W ^ ‫!ب )آ‬+‫ك * أ< أ‬#$%‫ ا‬1‫!ل * أ‬La
* ‫ج‬L%‫ * _ن * ا‬2Y * { ‫ ن * وآ‬24
‫رق إ إذا‬o F
!O <9;+ *a+ ?% ‫ " أي‬S‫ذن ا‬t ‫ إ‬/+ <9;+ ‫!ل أن‬4 % ‫ " و
 آن‬F%!O‫ و‬. ‫ك‬#$%‫ أ! ا‬F ) ‫آ‬+ ?% ‫ي‬%‫ ا‬w+,L%‫ا‬
‫ب‬J‫ آ‬/‫ و‬N
Aa% ‫ب " أي‬J‫ آ‬AG‫ أ‬Aa% " ,+ + 
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A32+ AG‫ و‬m S‫ ا‬1%‫ إ‬A F %‫ إ‬%‫ ذ‬H % F ) F% ‫أذن‬
‫ " وآن‬$+ S‫ ا‬1- %‫ب إن ذ‬J‫ )< آ‬%‫رض إن ذ‬K‫ء وا‬#$%‫?
 )< ا‬-3+ S‫? أن ا‬-39 ?%‫ار " أ‬,E# ^,0 ‫ <ء‬A‫( وآ‬
S‫ ا‬,0 /‫ و‬N
* ا‬F%mX‫ب أ‬J‫ آ‬Aa% <03+ AG‫ب أ‬J‫ آ‬Aa% ‫ب " أي‬J‫ آ‬AG‫ أ‬Aa% "F%!O <) ‫!ل‬E+ ?Y‫ا‬m
* ‫ك‬LN%‫ا‬
* 3
‫ و‬.

ِ َJِa%ْ ‫ ُ^ ُأ م ا‬,َ 0ْ ِ‫& َو‬
ُ Cِ 7ْ +ُ ‫َ ُء َو‬Uَ+ َ
Fُ -%‫ُ!ا ا‬L#ْ +َ

F - F
_4‫ و‬S‫!ات ا‬-f F%!4‫ ر‬1- S‫ ا‬F%mX‫ي أ‬%‫ن ا‬q E% (-‫& آ‬o$X 1JY <03+ " &C7+‫( " و‬0
" ‫ء‬U+ 
S‫! ا‬L#+
* ‫(ل‬0#%‫ * ا‬1- % <‫ ? * ا* أ‬U‫!ري ووآ { وه‬7%‫ل ا‬E) %‫ ون )< ذ‬$2#%‫‚ ا‬-J.‫&" ا‬C7+‫ء و‬U+ 
S‫! ا‬L#+ " F%!O‫و‬
" /+‫!ت و)< روا‬#%‫ ة وا‬L%‫دة وا‬3$%‫ء وا‬EU%‫ء إ ا‬U+ 
S‫! ا‬L# ) /0$%‫ أ
ا‬,+ : ‫س‬C *‫ * ا‬CG * , 34 * ‫ و‬#

S‫! ا‬L#+ " ,‫ل
ه‬O‫ و‬#(0
‫ ) غ‬,O #(Xt) ‫دة‬3$%‫ء وا‬EU%‫ ة وا‬L%‫!ت وا‬#%‫ <ء إ ا‬A‫ل آ‬O " &C7+‫ء و‬U+ 
S‫! ا‬L#+
: ‫!ل‬E+ X,Y‫& دء أ‬+‫& أرأ‬-E) ‫ا‬,‫&
ه‬%;4 ‫[!ر‬0
‫ل‬O‫ ان و‬sJ+  #(Xt) ‫دة‬3$%‫ء وا‬EU%‫!ت وا‬#%‫ ة وا‬L%‫& " إ ا‬C7+‫ء و‬U+
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) ‫ ء‬EK‫ ) (? وإن آن )< ا‬FJCW;) ‫اء‬,3$%‫< )< ا‬#4‫(? إن آن ا‬-%‫ا‬

* رزق‬/0$%‫!ن )< ا‬a+ 
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* \ E AR‫ * أ< وا‬e#K‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬s+  &W !() ‫ء‬EU%‫دة وا‬3$%‫ب ا‬J‫ء );
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<- &CJ‫& آ‬0‫(? إن آ‬-%‫ ا‬: <aC+ !‫ & وه‬C% ‫!ف‬+ !‫ل وه‬O F0 S‫< ا‬r‫ب ر‬o%‫ * ا‬# ‫ي أن‬,(0%‫ن ا‬#7 <‫ * أ‬/#[
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) CX‫!ة أو ذ‬E
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*‫* ا‬
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S‫! ا‬L#+ " 1%39 S‫!ل ا‬O ‫ل‬O ‫ل و
 ه< ؟‬O /
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g#%‫ أ
ا‬+ :

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‫ " إن‬S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O ‫!ن‬W * ,3%‫ * أ< ا‬S‫ ا‬,C * 1$  * S‫ ا‬,C * ‫!ري‬7%‫ ن ه! ا‬24 0W,Y { ‫ وآ‬0W,Y ,#Y‫أ‬
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<0W,Y : + G *‫ل ا‬O‫رض" و‬K‫وا‬
/R#W_W ‫!م‬+ A‫ آ‬AG‫ و‬m S - ‫ن‬Y!% ‫ن‬J),%‫ وا‬- ‫!ت‬O+ *
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* درة‬/R#$#. ‫ ة‬$
Y!% S
* <… E%‫ ا‬V3‫ * آ‬,#L
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* ‫د‬+‫ * ز‬,34 * w -%‫ل ا‬O‫ب و‬Ja%‫^ أم ا‬,0‫& و‬C7+‫ء و‬U+ 
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<) A -%‫ *
* ا‬EC+ ‫ت‬4 ‫_ث‬W <) ‫آ‬%‫ ا‬QJ2+ " ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O ‫رداء‬,%‫ * أ< ا‬, C * /%N)
‫ل‬O‫ و‬+ G *‫ روا^ ا‬w+,L%‫م ا‬#9 ‫& " وذآ‬C7+‫ء و‬U+ 
!L# ) ^ ,Y‫ أ‬F ) 0+  ‫ي‬%‫آ ا‬%‫ )< ا‬0+ (0
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F% A E) F ) ,+m+‫ و‬AGK‫!
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* ا‬L#+ ‫ل‬O "&C7+‫ء و‬U+ 
S‫! ا‬L#+ " <C-a%‫ا‬
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!‫_م وه‬a%‫
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‫ب‬E ‫!اب و‬W F ) H % ‫ <ء‬A‫ آ‬F0
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S‫! ا‬L#+ ‫ب‬Ja) ‫ن‬J‫ب آ‬Ja%‫ ا‬: ‫س‬C *‫ * ا‬/
a ‫ل‬O‫ب و‬E3%‫ ا‬F -‫!اب و‬7%‫ ا‬F ) ‫&
 آن‬C7+‫دق و‬f
A#3+ AG %‫!ل ه! ا‬E+ " ‫ب‬Ja%‫^ أم ا‬,0‫& و‬C7+‫ء و‬U+ 
S‫! ا‬L#+ " F%!O <) ‫س‬C *‫!)< * ا‬3%‫ل ا‬O‫ب و‬Ja%‫^ أم ا‬,0‫و‬
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‫ء‬U+ *
‫ب‬3+‫ء و‬U+ *#% 2s+ " 103# (X‫ أ‬CG * , 34 * ‫& وروي‬C7+ ‫ي‬%‫ وه! ا‬S‫ ا‬/d <) !‫!ت وه‬#+ 1JY .
Fo$0 ) ‫ء‬U+ 
‫ل‬,C+ ‫!ل‬E+ " &C7+‫ء و‬U+ 
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‫ل و‬,C+ 
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F%!O <) ,‫ *
ه‬Q X <‫ل ا* أ‬O‫ و‬/+y‫( " ا‬$0X ‫ أو‬/+q *
" F%!E‫& " آ‬C7+‫ء و‬U+ 
S‫! ا‬L#+ " F%!O <) ‫دة‬JO
-#+ ‫ا‬,#L
‫ ى‬X 
"S‫ذن ا‬t ‫ إ‬/+ <9;+ ‫!ل أن‬4 % ‫&" و
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* أ
ك‬F% 0W,Y‫ أ‬0T ‫ إن‬X‫(? إ‬% ‫ا‬, ‫ وو‬2+!o9 /+y‫& ه^ ا‬%mX;)
K‫ ) غ
* ا‬,O‫ و‬T 

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‫ (? و‬3+ 
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&C7+‫ء و‬U+ 
!L# )
S‫ ا‬F#Y‫ ر‬+ G * 23G !‫!ل أ‬E%‫ر ها ا‬J.‫ ا‬,O‫ و‬F-G‫ أ‬1%‫ ي إ‬+ <Y !‫ي ه‬%‫& ا‬C7+‫ و‬V‫ه‬+ F-G‫ء أ‬G *
‫ل‬O " &C7+‫ء و‬U+
‫ب‬J‫ل آ‬O " ‫ب‬Ja%‫^ أم ا‬,0‫ك " و‬LN%‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬F-f‫ب وأ‬Ja%‫ ا‬/-#G ‫دة أي‬JO ‫ل‬O‫ ام و‬L%‫_ل وا‬L%‫ل ا‬O " ‫ب‬Ja%‫^ أم ا‬,0‫ " و‬F%!O‫و‬
S‫? ا‬- : ‫ل‬E) ‫ب‬Ja%‫ * أم ا‬C3‫;ل آ‬4 FX‫س أ‬C *‫ر * ا‬$+ * F ‫ * أ‬#J3
<0W,Y ‫ * داود‬, 04 ‫ل‬O‫ * و‬#%3%‫ رب ا‬,0
‫ل‬O " ‫ب‬Ja%‫^ أم ا‬,0‫س " و‬C *‫Ž * ا‬+ G *‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬J‫ن آ‬a) J‫ آ* آ‬: F#-3% ‫ل‬O ?W , ‫!ن‬-
‫\ و‬%. !‫
‫آ‬%‫ ا‬.

Allah says, `Just as We have sent you O Muhammad, a Prophet and a human, We sent the
Messengers before you from among mankind, that eat food, walk in the markets, and We gave
them wives and offspring.' Allah said to the most honorable and Final Messenger,

61%َ‫ ِإ‬1َY!ُ+ ْ?ُa-ُْ7

h ٌ U
َ َ ْXَ ‫َ َأ‬#X ‫ْ ِإ‬AOُ 

(Say: "I am only a man like you. It has been revealed to me.'') 18:1106 It is recorded in the
Two Sahihs that the Messenger of Allah said,

ِ H
َ ْ َ-َ) <ِJ04
ُ ْ*
َ V
َ ِ ‫*ْ َر‬#َ )َ ،َ‫َء‬$0h %‫ج ا‬
ُ ‫ و‬mَ َ9‫ َوَأ‬،َ?L
ْ -%‫ ا‬Aُ ُ‫آ‬qَ‫ و‬،ُ‫َم‬X‫ُ! ُم َوَأ‬O‫ َوَأ‬،ُ 
ِ )ْ ‫ُ! ُم َوُأ‬fَ;)َ َX‫»َأ

(As for me, I fast and break the fast, stand in prayer at night and sleep, eat meat and marry
women; so whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not of mine.)

Allah said,

6ِF-%‫ن ا‬
ِ ْ‫ذ‬tِِ  ‫ ِإ‬/ٍ +َ َ‫َ ِـ‬19ِ ;ْ َ+ ‫ُ! ٍل أَن‬4َ %ِ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫ َو
َ آ‬

(And it was not for a Messenger to bring a sign except by Allah's leave.) meaning, no Prophet
could have brought a miracle to his people except by Allah's permission and will, for this
matter is only decided by Allah the Exalted and Most Honored, not the Prophets; surely Allah
does what He wills and decides what He wills.

6ٌ‫َب‬J‫ ِآ‬Aٍ G
َ ‫ َأ‬Ah aُ %ِ

((For) every matter there is a decree (from Allah).) for every term appointed, there is a record
(or decree) that keeps it, and everything has a specific due measure with Allah,

6 ٌ ِ$+َ Fِ -%‫ ا‬1َ-َ َ%ِ‫ن ذ‬

 ‫ ِإ‬V
ٍ ‫َـ‬J‫ ِآ‬1ِ) 
َ %ِ‫ن ذ‬
 ‫ض ِإ‬
ِ ْ‫َ ِء وَا ر‬#$
 %‫ ا‬1ِ) َ
?ُ -َ3ْ +َ Fَ -%‫?ْ َأن ا‬-َ3ْ 9َ ْ?%َ‫َأ‬

(Know you not that Allah knows all that is in the heaven and on the earth Verily, it is (all) in
the Book. Verily, that is easy for Allah.)22:706

Allah said,

6ُ‫َء‬U+َ َ
Fُ -%‫ُ! ا‬L#ْ +َ 

(Allah blots out what He wills) of the divinely revealed Books,

6ْ&Ch 7َ +ُ ‫ َو‬

(and confirms), until the Qur'an, revealed from Allah to His Messenger peace be upon him,
abrogated them all. Mujahid commented;

6ُ&Cِ 7ْ +ُ َ‫َ ُء و‬U+َ َ

Fُ -%‫ُ! ا‬L#ْ +َ 

(Allah blots out what He wills and confirms (what He wills).) "Except life and death, misery
and happiness i.e., faith and disbelief6, for they do not change.'' Mansur said that he asked
Mujahid, "Some of us say in their supplication, `O Allah! If my name is with those who are
happy (believers), affirm my name among them, and if my name is among the miserable ones
(disbelievers), remove it from among them and place it among the happy ones.'' Mujahid said.
"This supplication is good.'' I met him a year or more later and repeated the same question to
him and he recited these Ayat,

6ٍ/‫َـ َ َآ‬C
 /ٍ -َ ْ َ% 1ِ) Fُ ‫َـ‬0%ْ mَ Xَ‫ أ‬X‫ِإ‬

(We sent it (this Qur'an) down on a blessed night.) Mujahid commented next, "During
Laylatul-Qadr (Night of the Decrees), Allah decides what provisions and disasters will occur
in the next year of. He then brings forward or back (or blots out) whatever He wills. As for the
Book containing the records of the happy (believers) and the miserable (disbelievers), it does
not change.'' Al-A`mash narrated that Abu Wa'il, Shaqiq bin Salamah said that he used to
recite this supplication often, "O Allah, if You wrote us among the wretched ones, remove this
status from us and write us among the blessed ones. If You wrote us among the blessed ones,
please let us stay that way, for surely, You blot out and confirm what You will, and with You is
the Mother of the Book.'' Ibn Jarir At-Tabari collected this. Similar statements were collected
from `Umar bin Al-Khattab and `Abdullah bin Mas`ud, indicating that Allah blots out (or

abrogates) and affirms what He wills in the Book of Records. What further supports this
meaning is that Imam Ahmad recorded that Thawban said that the Messenger of Allah said,

« ِC%ْ ‫ ا‬%‫ ِ ِإ‬#ْ 3ُ %ْ ‫ )ِ< ا‬,ُ +ِmَ+ َ%َ‫ و‬،ُ‫َء‬, %‫ ا‬%‫رَ ِإ‬,َ Eَ %ْ ‫ ُ د ا‬+َ َ%‫ َو‬،ُFCُ ِ[+ُ V
ِ ْX %ِ ‫ق‬
َ ْ‫ز‬h %‫ْ َ ُم ا‬L ُ َ% Aَ ُG  %‫ن ا‬

(A man might be deprived of a provision (that was written for him) because of a sin that he
commits; only supplication changes Al-Qadar (Predestination); and only Birr (righteousness)
can increase the life span.'') An-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah collected this Hadith. There is also a
Hadith recorded in the Sahih that affirms that maintaining the ties of the womb increases the
life span. Al-`Awfi reported that Ibn `Abbas said about Allah's statement,

ِ ‫َـ‬Jِa%ْ ‫َ ُ^ ُأ م ا‬,0ِ‫& َو‬
ُ Cِ 7ْ +ُ َ‫َ ُء و‬U+َ َ
Fُ -%‫ُ! ا‬L#ْ +َ 

(Allah blots out what He wills and confirms (what He wills). And with Him is the Mother of
the Book.) "A man might work in Allah's obedience for a while but he reverts to the
disobedience of Him and then dies while misguided. This is what Allah blots out, while what
He confirms is a man who works in His disobedience, but since goodness was destined for him,
he dies after reverting to the obedience of Allah. This is what Allah confirms.'' It was also
reported that Sa`id bin Jubayr said that this Ayah is in the meaning of another Ayah,

6ٌ +ِ,Oَ ‫<ْ ٍء‬

َ hA‫ ُآ‬1َ-َ Fُ -%‫َ ُء وَا‬U+َ *َ
ُ h3َ +ُ ‫َ ُء َو‬U+َ *َ#%ِ ُ 2ِ sْ َ َ)

(Then He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills. And Allah is able to do all
things.) 2:2846

9. QS At Taubah 9: 117-119

?ِ( ْ َ-
َ ‫ب‬َ َ9 ? Wُ ْ?(ُ 0ْ h
ٍ +ِ )َ ‫ب‬
ُ !ُ-Oُ Šُ +ِmَ+ ‫ِ
َ آَ َد‬,3ْ َ *ِ
‫ َ ِة‬$
ْ 3ُ ْ%‫ ا‬/ِ 
َ َ4 1ِ) ُ^!ُ3َC9 ‫* ا‬
َ +ِ%‫[َـ ِ ا‬X‫*َ وَا‬+ِ 
ِ ‫(َـ‬#ُ %ْ ‫ وَا‬h1Cِ 0 %‫ ا‬1َ-
َ S‫ب ا‬
َ َ9 ْ,Eَ %َ
? ِY‫ف ر‬ ٌ ‫ ِ ِ(?ْ َرءُو‬Fُ X‫ ِإ‬6

?ُW Fِ ْ %َ‫ ِإ  ِإ‬Fِ -%‫* ا‬

ِ َ;
َ ْ-
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َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬2-h.
ُ َ*+ِ%‫ ا‬/ِ 7َ ‫َـ‬-7 %‫ ا‬1َ-
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ُ? ِY  %‫ب ا‬ ُ ‫!ا‬J %‫ ُه َ! ا‬Fَ -%‫ن ا‬ ‫ُ!ُ!اْ ِإ‬Jَ ِ% ْ?(ِ ْ -ََ ‫ب‬ َ َ9

- * ِO,ِ ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ َ
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َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ‫َـ‬+ 6

9:117. Sesungguhnya Allah telah menerima tobat Nabi, orang-orang muhajirin dan orang-
orang Ansar, yang mengikuti Nabi dalam masa kesulitan, setelah hati segolongan dari mereka
hampir berpaling, kemudian Allah menerima tobat mereka itu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha
Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang kepada mereka,

9:118. dan terhadap tiga orang yang ditangguhkan (penerimaan tobat) mereka, hingga
apabila bumi telah menjadi sempit bagi mereka, padahal bumi itu luas dan jiwa mereka pun
telah sempit (pula terasa) oleh mereka, serta mereka telah mengetahui bahwa tidak ada
tempat lari dari (siksa) Allah, melainkan kepada-Nya saja. Kemudian Allah menerima tobat
mereka agar mereka tetap dalam tobatnya. Sesungguhnya Allah-lah Yang Maha Penerima
tobat lagi Maha Penyayang.

9:119. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah, dan hendaklah kamu
bersama orang-orang yang benar.

(117. Allah has forgiven the Prophet, the Muhajirin and the Ansar who followed him in the
time of distress (Tabuk expedition), after the hearts of a party of them had nearly deviated
(from the right path), but He accepted their repentance. Certainly, He is unto them full of
kindness, Most Merciful.)

(118. And (Allah has forgiven) the three who stayed behind, until for them the earth, vast as it
is, was straitened and their souls were straitened to them, and they perceived that there is no
fleeing from Allah, and no refuge but with Him. Then, He forgave them, that they might beg
for His pardon. Verily, Allah is the One Who forgives and accepts repentance, Most Merciful.)

(119. O you who believe! Have Taqwa of Allah, and be with those who are true (in words and

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

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‪ *
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ACE) F %‬ها ‪ FJLf 1- \2J
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,Y‬ا‪ $29 <) ‚-$%‬ه آ‪ #‬روا^‬
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* V3‬وه_ل * أ
ارة * ا‪ {  %‬وآ‪ *
?(-‬ا‪[XK‬ر وآا ‪O‬ل
ه‪ ,‬وا‪LN%‬ك و‪JO‬دة وا‪,$%‬ي و وا‪ ,Y‬وآ‪O ?(-‬ل
ارة * ر ‪ /3‬وآا )<‬

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‫وه! ا‪![%‬اب و‪!#$) F%!O‬ا ر‪,( * -G‬ا ‪,‬را ‪ A O‬إ‪ *
;. FX‬ا‪m%‬ه ي )‪ 3+  FXt‬ف (!د وا‪ *
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‫أ‪ . ?-‬و‪ #%‬ذآ ‪ ) 
1%39‬ج ‪ * F‬ه‪g‬ء ا‪ *
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* ‪(
+; /- % * $#.‬‬
‫و‪ ?( - &Or‬أ‪ ?($2X‬و‪ ?( - &Or‬ا‪K‬رض ‪ #‬ر‪ &CY‬أي
{ ‪,$) (J34‬دت ‪ ?( -‬ا‪ %$#%‬وا‪#%‬اه‪,J(+ _) V‬ون

?(2-o9 <) ?-4‫ و‬F%q‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫(? ر‬O,f VC$ ?(0 S‫ ) ج ا‬1JY ‫!ا‬JCW‫ و‬S‫
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ا‬K ‫ وا‬C[)
?( - /!9‫(? و‬% ‫ ا‬. ?(O,f /CO ‫ن‬a) ?( - S‫ب ا‬9 ?W ‫ة‬,#%‫ ه^ ا‬%‫ ذ‬1- ‫!ا‬CO!3) ‫ آن * ر‬FX‫ وأ‬.

َ ‫ُ!ا‬X!ُ‫ َوآ‬Fَ -%‫ُ!ا ا‬E9 ‫ُ!ا ا‬0
َ q َ*+ِ%‫(َ ا‬+ ‫َ َأ‬+

* ا‬09‫ و‬F-‫!ا
* أه‬X!a9 ‫ق‬,[%‫
!ا ا‬m%‫!ا وا‬O,f‫ * " أي ا‬O‫[د‬%‫!ا
{ ا‬X!‫ وآ‬S‫!ا ا‬E9‫!ا ا‬0
q *+%‫( ا‬+‫ أ‬+ " ‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫و‬
*‫ ه! ا‬S‫ ا‬,C * \ E * e#K‫ ا‬0W,Y /+‫و‬3
!‫ أ‬0W,Y : ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫ل ا‬O ,O‫ و‬G o
* أ
!رآ? و‬G ) ?a% A3+‫و‬
1%‫ي إ‬,(+ C%‫ وإن ا‬C%‫ ا‬1%‫ي إ‬,(+ ‫ق‬,[%‫ن ا‬t) ‫ق‬,[% ?a - " ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O F0 S‫< ا‬r‫!د ر‬3$

‫!ر‬2%‫!ر وإن ا‬2%‫ ا‬1%‫ي إ‬,(+ ‫ب‬a%‫ن ا‬t) ‫ب‬a%‫آ? وا‬+‫ وإ‬E+,f S‫ ا‬,0 VJa+ 1JY ‫ق‬,[%‫ ى ا‬LJ+‫ق و‬,[+ AG %‫ال ا‬m+ ‫ و‬/0%‫ا‬
* ‫ و‬# * /C3 ‫ل‬O‫ * و‬L L[%‫^ )< ا‬G .‫ آا " أ‬S‫ ا‬,0 VJa+ 1JY ‫ب‬a%‫ ى ا‬LJ+‫ب و‬a+ AG %‫ال ا‬m+ ‫ر و‬0%‫ ا‬1%‫ي إ‬,(+
+ " ?JT ‫ ءوا إن‬O‫ل ا‬m‫ و ه‬,G F0
Q-[+  ‫ب‬a%‫ ا‬: ‫ل‬O FX‫ أ‬F0 S‫< ا‬r‫!د ر‬3$
* S‫ ا‬,C * ‫ث‬,L+ ‫ة‬, C ‫{ أ‬#4 ‫
<) # * S‫ ا‬,C *‫ ؟ و‬/[.‫ ر‬F ) ,YK ‫ون‬,9 A() : ‫ل‬O ?W ‫ أه‬O ‫ا‬a‫ * " ه‬O‫[د‬%‫!ا
{ ا‬X!‫ وآ‬S‫!ا ا‬E9‫!ا ا‬0
q *+%‫( ا‬+‫أ‬
#‫ و‬a <‫ك
{ أ‬LN%‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬FLf‫? وأ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f ,#L
‫ل‬O " * O‫[د‬%‫!ا
{ ا‬X!‫ وآ‬S‫!ا ا‬E9‫ " ا‬F%!O
/-#%‫ ا‬A‫‚ * أه‬a%‫  وا‬X,%‫ )< ا‬,‫ه‬m%  -3) * O‫[د‬%‫!ن
{ ا‬a9 ‫[ ي إن أردت أن‬C%‫* ا‬$L%‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬#(Lf‫وأ‬

Mujahid and several others said, "This Ayah was revealed concerning the battle of Tabuk.
They left for that battle during a period of distress. It was a year with little rain, intense heat
and scarcity of supplies and water.'' Qatadah said, "They went to Ash-Sham during the year
of the battle of Tabuk at a time when the heat was intense. Allah knew how hard things were,
and they suffered great hardship. We were told that two men used to divide a date between
themselves. Some of them would take turns in sucking on a date and drinking water, then give
it to another man to suck on. Allah forgave them and allowed them to come back from that
battle.'' Ibn Jarir reported that `Abdullah bin `Abbas said that `Umar bin Al-Khattab was
reminded of the battle of distress (Tabuk) and `Umar said, "We went with the Messenger of
Allah in the intense heat for Tabuk. We camped at a place in which we were stricken so hard
by thirst that we thought that our necks would be severed. One of us used to go out in search
of water and did not return until he feared that his neck would be severed. One would
slaughter his camel, squeeze its intestines and drink its content, placing whatever was left on
his kidney. Abu Bakr As-Siddiq said, `O Allah's Messenger! Allah, the Exalted and Most
Honored, has always accepted your invocation, so invoke Allah for us.' The Prophet said,

«‫َ؟‬%ِ‫ َذ‬V
ِ 9ُ »

(Would you like me to do that) Abu Bakr said, `Yes.' The Prophet raised his hands and did not
put them down until rain fell from the sky in abundance. It rained and then stopped raining
for a while, then rained again, so they filled their containers. We went out to see where the
rain reached and found that it did not rain beyond our camp.''' Ibn Jarir said about Allah's

6ِ‫ َ ة‬$
ْ ُ3%ْ ‫ ا‬/ِ 
َ َ4 1ِ) ُ^!ُ3Cَ 9 ‫* ا‬
َ +ِ%‫[َـ ِ ا‬X‫*َ وَا‬+ِ 
ِ ‫(َـ‬#ُ ْ%‫ وَا‬1
h Cِ 0%‫ ا‬1َ-َ S‫ب ا‬
َ َ9 ْ,Eَ %َ

(Allah has forgiven the Prophet, the Muhajirin and the Ansar who followed him in the time of
distress,) meaning "With regards to expenditures, transportation, supplies and water,

6ْ?(ُ 0ْ
h \
ٍ +ِ َ) ‫ب‬
ُ !ُ-Oُ Šُ +ِmَ+ ‫ِ
َ آَ َد‬,3ْ َ *ِ

(after the hearts of a party of them had nearly deviated,) away from the truth, thus falling
prey to doubting the Messenger's religion because of the distress and hardships they suffered
during their travel and battle,

6ْ?(ِ ْ -َ
َ ‫ب‬
َ َ9 ? Wُ 

(but He accepted their repentance.) He directed them to repent to their Lord and renew their
firmness on His religion,

6ٌ? ِY‫ ِ ِ(?ْ رَءُوفٌ ر‬Fُ X ‫ِإ‬

(Certainly, He is unto them full of kindness, Most Merciful.)''

Imam Ahmad recorded that `Abdullah bin Ka`b bin Malik, who used to guide Ka`b after he
became blind, said that he heard Ka`b bin Malik narrate his story when he did not join the
battle of Tabuk with the Messenger of Allah . Ka`b bin Malik said, "I did not remain behind
Allah's Messenger in any battle that he fought except the battle of Tabuk. I failed to take part
in the battle of Badr, but Allah did not admonish anyone who did not participate in it, for in
fact, Allah's Messenger had gone out in search of the caravan of Quraysh, until Allah made
the Muslims and their enemies meet without any appointment. I witnessed the night of Al-
`Aqabah pledge with Allah's Messenger when we pledged for Islam, and I would not exchange
it for the Badr Battle, even though the Badr Battle is more popular among the people than the
`Aqabah pledge. As for my news of this battle of Tabuk, I was never stronger or wealthier
than I was when I remained behind Allah's Messenger in that battle. By Allah, never had I
two she-camels before, but I did at the time of that battle. Whenever Allah's Messenger
wanted to go to a battle, he used to hide his intention by referring to different battles, until it
was the time of that battle (of Tabuk) which Allah's Messenger fought in intense heat, facing a
long journey, the desert, and the great number of enemy soldiers. So the Prophet clearly
announced the destination to the Muslims, so that they could prepare for their battle, and he
told them about his intent. Allah's Messenger was accompanied by such a large number of
Muslims that they could not be listed in a book by name, nor registered.'' Ka`b added, "Any
man who intended not to attend the battle would think that the matter would remain hidden,
unless Allah revealed it through divine revelation. Allah's Messenger fought that battle at a
time when the fruits had ripened and the shade was pleasant, and I found myself inclined
towards that. Allah's Messenger and his Companions prepared for the battle and I started to
go out in order to get myself ready along with them, but I returned without doing anything. I
would say to myself, `I can do that if I want.' So I kept on delaying it every now and then until
the people were prepared, and Allah's Messenger , and the Muslims along with him, departed.
But I had not prepared anything for my departure. I said, `I will prepare myself (for
departure) one or two days after him, and then join them.' In the morning following their
departure, I went out to get myself ready but returned having done nothing. Then again, the
next morning, I went out to get ready but returned without doing anything. Such was the case
with me until they hurried away and I missed the battle. Even then I intended to depart to
catch up to them. I wish I had done so! But such was not the case. So, after the departure of
Allah's Messenger , whenever I went out and walked among the people (who remained
behind), it grieved me that I could see none around me, but one accused of hypocrisy or one of
those weak men whom Allah had excused. Allah's Messenger did not remember me until he
reached Tabuk. So while he was sitting among the people in Tabuk, he said,

ُ ْ V
ُ 3ْ َ‫ آ‬Aَ 3َ )َ َ

(What did Ka`b bin Malik do) A man from Banu Salimah said, `O Allah's Messenger! He has
been stopped by his two Burdah (garments) and looking at his own flanks with pride.'
Mu`adh bin Jabal said, `What a bad thing you have said! By Allah! O Allah's Messenger! We

know nothing about him but that which is good.' Allah's Messenger kept silent.''' Ka`b bin
Malik added, "When I heard that Allah's Messenger was on his way back to Al-Madinah, I
was overcome by concern and began to think of false excuses. I said to myself, `How can I
escape from his anger tomorrow' I started looking for advice from wise members of my family
in this matter. When it was said that Allah's Messenger had approached (Al-Madinah) all evil
and false excuses abandoned my mind and I knew well that I could never come out of this
problem by forging a false statement. Then I decided firmly to speak the truth. Allah's
Messenger arrived in the morning, and whenever he returned from a journey, he used to visit
the Masjid first, and offer a two Rak`ah prayer, then sit for the people. So when he had done
all that (this time), those who failed to join the battle came and started offering (false) excuses
and taking oaths before him. They were over eighty men. Allah's Messenger accepted the
excuses they expressed outwardly, asked for Allah's forgiveness for them and left the secrets of
their hearts for Allah to judge. Then I came to him, and when I greeted him, he smiled a smile
of an angry person and then said,

«‫َل‬39َ »

(Come) So I came walking until I sat before him. He said to me,

«‫…(ْ ًا‬
َ &
َ +ْ َ Jَ 
ْ ‫ْ ا‬,َO ْ*aُ 9َ ْ?%َ‫َ َأ‬2َ -َ.َ

(What stopped you from joining us Had you not purchased an animal for carrying you) I
answered, `Yes, O Allah's Messenger! By Allah, if I were sitting before any person from
among the people of the world other than you, I would have escaped from his anger with an
excuse. By Allah, I have been bestowed with the power of speaking fluently and eloquently,
but by Allah, I knew well that if I tell you a lie today to seek your favor, Allah would surely
make you angry with me in the near future. But if I tell you the truth, though you will get
angry because of it, I hope for Allah's forgiveness. By Allah, I had never been stronger or
wealthier than I was when I remained behind you. ' Allah's Messenger said,

« ِ) S
ُ ‫ِ< ا‬NْE+َ 1JY
َ ْ?Eُ )َ َ‫ق‬,َ f
َ ْ,Eَ )َ ‫»َأ

(As regards to this man, he has surely told the truth. So get up until Allah decides your case.) I
got up, and many men of Banu Salimah followed me and said to me, `By Allah, we never
witnessed you commit any sin before this! Surely, you failed to offer an excuse to Allah's
Messenger like the others who did not join him. The invocation of Allah's Messenger to Allah
to forgive you would have been sufficient for your sin.' By Allah, they continued blaming me
so much that I intended to return (to the Prophet ) and accuse myself of having told a lie, but I
said to them, `Is there anybody else who has met the same end as I have' They replied, `Yes,
there are two men who have said the same thing as you have, and to both of them was given
the same order as given to you.' I said, `Who are they' They replied, `Murarah bin Ar-Rabi`
Al-`Amiri and Hilal bin Umayyah Al-Waqifi.' They mentioned to me two pious men who had
attended the battle of Badr and in whom there was an example for me. So I did not change my
mind when they mentioned them to me. Allah's Messenger forbade all the Muslims from
talking to us, the three aforesaid persons, out of all those who remained behind for that battle.
So we kept away from the people and they changed their attitude towards us until the very
land (where I lived) appeared strange to me as if I did not know it. We remained in that
condition for fifty nights. As for my two companions, they remained in their houses and kept
on weeping, but I was the youngest and the firmest of them. So I would go out and attend the
prayer along with the Muslims and roam the markets, but none would talk to me. I would

come to Allah's Messenger and greet him while he was sitting in his gathering after the prayer,
and I would wonder whether he even moved his lips in return of my greeting or not. Then I
would offer my prayer near him and look at him carefully.

When I was busy with my prayer, he would turn his face towards me, but when I turned my
face to him, he would turn his face away from me. When this harsh attitude and boycott of the
people continued for a long time, I walked until I scaled the wall of the garden of Abu
Qatadah who was my cousin and the dearest person to me. I offered my greeting to him. By
Allah, he did not return my greetings. I said, `O Abu Qatadah! I beseech you by Allah! Do you
know that I love Allah and His Messenger' He kept quiet. I asked him again, beseeching him
by Allah, but he remained silent. I asked him again in the Name of Allah and he said, `Allah
and His Messenger know better.' Thereupon my eyes flowed with tears and I returned and
jumped over the wall. tWhile I was walking in the market of Al-Madinah, suddenly I saw that
a Nabatean from Ash-Sham came to sell his grains in Al-Madinah, saying, `Who will lead me
to Ka`b bin Malik' The people began to point (me) out for him, until he came to me and
handed me a letter from the king of Ghassan (who ruled Syria for Caesar), for I knew how to
read and write. In that letter, the following was written: `To proceed, I have been informed
that your friend (the Prophet) has treated you harshly. Anyhow, Allah does not make you live
in a place where you feel inferior and your right is lost. So, join us, and we will console you.'
When I read it, I said to myself, `This is also a sort of test.' I took the letter to the oven and
made a fire burning it. When forty out of the fifty nights elapsed, behold! There came to me a
messenger of Allah's Messenger saying `Allah's Messenger orders you to keep away from your
wife.' I said, `Should I divorce her; or else what should I do' He said, `No, only keep aloof
from her and do not mingle with her.' The Prophet sent the same message to my two fellows. I
said to my wife, `Go to your parents and remain with them until Allah gives His verdict in this
matter.''' Ka`b added, "The wife of Hilal bin Umayyah came to Allah's Messenger and said,
`O Allah's Messenger! Hilal bin Umayyah is a helpless old man who has no servant to attend
on him. Do you dislike that I should serve him' He said,

َ َ َ Eْ +َ َ%) ْ*aِ %َ‫َ َو‬%»

(`No (you can serve him), but he should not come near you sexually6).' She said, `By Allah!
He has no desire for anything. By Allah, he has never ceased weeping since his case began
until this day of his.' On that, some of my family members said to me, `Will you also ask
Allah's Messenger to permit your wife (to serve you) as he has permitted the wife of Hilal bin
Umayyah to serve him' I said, `By Allah, I will not ask permission of Allah's Messenger
regarding her, for I do not know what Allah's Messenger would say if I asked him to permit
her (to serve me) while I am a young man.' We remained in that state for ten more nights,
until the period of fifty nights was completed, starting from the time when Allah's Messenger
prohibited the people from talking to us. When I had finished the Fajr prayer on the fiftieth
morning on the roof of one of our houses, while sitting in the condition in which Allah
described (in the Qur'an): my very soul seemed straitened to me and even the earth seemed
narrow to me for all its spaciousness. There I heard the voice of a man who had ascended the
mountain of Sal` calling with his loudest voice, `O Ka`b bin Malik! Be happy (by receiving
good tidings).' I fell down in prostration before Allah, realizing that relief has come with His
forgiveness for us. Allah's Messenger announced the acceptance of our repentance by Allah
after Fajr prayer. The people went out to congratulate us. Some bearers of good news went to
my two companions, a horseman came to me in haste, while a man from Banu Aslam came
running and ascended the mountain and his voice was swifter than the horse. When the man
whose voice I had heard, came to me conveying the good news, I took off my garments and

dressed him with them; and by Allah, I owned no other than them on that day. Then I
borrowed two garments, wore them and went to Allah's Messenger . The people started
receiving me in batches, congratulating me on Allah's acceptance of my repentance, saying,
`We congratulate you on Allah's acceptance of your repentance.''' Ka`b further said, "When I
entered the Masjid, I saw Allah's Messenger sitting in the Masjid with the people around him.
Talhah bin `Ubaydullah swiftly came to me, shook my hands and congratulated me. By Allah,
none of the Muhajirun got up for me except Talhah; I will never forget Talhah for this.'' Ka`b
added, "When I greeted Allah's Messenger , his face was bright with joy. He said,

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ُ َ ْ -ََ 
َ ‫َ! ٍم‬+ ِ ْ o
َ َ ْ ِUْ ‫»َأ‬

(`Be happy with the best day you have ever seen since your mother gave birth to you.) I said to
the Prophet, `Is this forgiveness from you or from Allah' He said,

«S‫ ا‬,ِ 0ْ 
ِ ْ*
ِ ْAَ َ%»

(No, it is from Allah). Whenever Allah's Messenger became happy, his face would shine as if it
was a piece of the moon, and we all knew that characteristic of him. When I sat before him, I
said, `O Allah's Messenger! Because of the acceptance of my repentance I will give up all my
wealth as alms for the sake of Allah and His Messenger.' Allah's Messenger said,

«َ% ٌ ْ .
َ !َ (ْ )َ َ%َِ
َˆ3ْ َ 
َ ْ -َ
َ ْ$
ْ ‫»َأ‬

(Keep some of your wealth, as it will be better for you). I said, `So I will keep my share from
Khaybar with me.' I added, `O Allah's Messenger! Allah has saved me for telling the truth; so
it is part of my repentance not to tell but the truth as long as I am alive.' By Allah, I do not
know of any Muslim, whom Allah has helped to tell the truth more than I. Ever since I have
mentioned the truth to Allah's Messenger , I have never intended to tell a lie, until today. I
hope that Allah will also save me (from telling lies) the rest of my life. So Allah revealed the

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َ ‫ َو‬- ٌ? ِY‫ف ر‬ ٌ ‫ ِ ِ(?ْ َرءُو‬Fُ X‫ِإ‬
6 َ* ِO,ِ ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ! ْا َ
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َ ‫* ءَا‬َ +ِ%‫(َ ا‬+;َ‫َـ‬+ - ُ? ِY  %‫ب ا‬ ُ ‫!ا‬J %‫ ُه َ! ا‬Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ُ!ُ!اْ ِإ‬Jَ %ِ ْ?(ِ ْ -َ
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ِ ;َ
َ -ْ

(Allah has forgiven the Prophet, the Muhajirin and the Ansar who followed him in the time of
distress, after the hearts of a party of them had nearly deviated, but He accepted their
repentance. Certainly, He is unto them full of kindness, Most Merciful. And the three who
stayed behind, until for them the earth, vast as it is, was straitened and their souls were
straitened to them, and they perceived that there is no fleeing from Allah, and no refuge but
with Him. Then, He forgave them, that they might beg for His pardon. Verily, Allah is the One
Who forgives and accepts repentance, Most Merciful. O you who believe! Have Taqwa of
Allah, and be with those who are true (in words and deeds).) Ka`b said; "By Allah! Allah has
never bestowed upon me, apart from His guiding me to Islam, a greater blessing than the fact
that I did not tell a lie to Allah's Messenger which would have caused me to perish, just as
those who had told a lie have perished. Allah described those who told lies with the worst
descriptions He ever attributed to anyone. Allah said,

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َ ?ُ 0 (َ َG ْ?‫ٌ َو
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َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬r ِ ْ3Jُ %ِ ْ?(ِ ْ %َ‫?ْ ِإ‬Jُ Cْ َ-Eَ Xْ ‫?ْ ِإذَا ا‬aُ %َ Fِ -%ِ َ‫ُ!ن‬2-ِL
ْ َ 4
6*َ ِE$
ِ ‫َـ‬2%ْ ‫!ْ ِم ا‬Eَ %ْ ‫*ِ ا‬
َ 1َrْ +َ َ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬tِ)َ ْ?(ُ ْ0َ ْ‫!ْا‬rَ ْ 9َ ‫ِن‬t)َ ْ?(ُ 0ْ َ ْ‫!ْا‬r
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َ !ُ2-ِْL+َ

(They will swear by Allah to you when you return to them, that you may turn away from
them. So turn away from them. Surely, they are Rijs (impure), and Hell is their dwelling place
-- a recompense for that which they used to earn. They swear to you that you may be pleased
with them, but if you are pleased with them, certainly Allah is not pleased with the people who
are rebellious.) Ka`b added, "We, the three persons, differed altogether from those whose
excuses Allah's Messenger accepted when they swore to him. He took their pledge and asked
Allah to forgive them, but Allah's Messenger left our case pending until Allah gave us His
judgement about it. As for that Allah said,

6ْ‫ُ!ا‬2-hُ. *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬/ِ 7َ ‫َـ‬-7%‫ ا‬1َ-
َ ‫ َو‬

(And (He did forgive also) the three who stayed behind...) What Allah said does not discuss
our failure to take part in the battle, but to the deferment of making a decision by the Prophet
about our case, in contrast to the case of those who had taken an oath before him, and he
excused them by accepting their excuses.'' This is an authentic Hadith collected in the Two
Sahihs (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) and as such, its authenticity is agreed upon. This Hadith
contains the explanation of this honorable Ayah in the best, most comprehensive way. Similar
explanation was given by several among the Salaf. For instance, Al-A`mash narrated from
Abu Sufyan, from Jabir bin `Abdullah about Allah's statement,

6ْ‫ُ!ا‬2-hُ. *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬/ِ 7َ ‫َـ‬-7%‫ ا‬1َ-
َ ‫ َو‬

(And (He did forgive also) the three who stayed behind...) "They are Ka`b bin Malik, Hilal bin
Umayyah and Murarah bin Ar-Rabi`, all of them from the Ansar.''

Allah sent His relief from the distress and grief that struck these three men, because Muslims
ignored them for fifty days and nights, until they themselves, and the earth -- vast as it is --
were straitened for them. As vast as the earth is, its ways and paths were closed for them, and
they did not know what action to take. They were patient for Allah's sake and awaited humbly
for His decree. They remained firm, until Allah sent His relief to them since they told the
Messenger of Allah the truth about why they remained behind, declaring that they did not
have an excuse for doing so. They were requited for this period, then Allah forgave them.
Therefore, the consequence of being truthful was better for them, for they gained forgiveness.
Hence Allah's statement next,

* ِO,ِ ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ َ
َ{ ا‬X!ُ‫ َوآ‬Fَ -%‫ُ!اْ ا‬E9 ‫ُ!اْ ا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ‫َـ‬+ 6 (O you who believe! Have Taqwa of Allah, and be with
those who are true.) The Ayah says, adhere to and always say the truth so that you become
among its people and be saved from destruction. Allah will make a way for you out of your
concerns and a refuge. Imam Ahmad recorded that `Abdullah bin Mas`ud said that the
Messenger of Allah said,

ِ Vَ Jَ ْa+ُ 1JYَ ‫ق‬َ ْ,[ h %‫َ ى ا‬LJَ +َ ‫ق َو‬ ُ ُ,[ْ +َ Aُ G ُ  %‫َا ُل ا‬m+َ َ%‫ َو‬،ِ/0 
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬1َ%‫ِي ِإ‬,(ْ +َ  Cِ %ْ ‫ن ا‬
 ‫ َوِإ‬،h Cِ %ْ ‫ ا‬1َ%‫ِي ِإ‬,(ْ َ+ ‫ق‬ َ ْ,[ %‫ِن ا‬t)َ ‫ق‬ ِ ْ,[ h %ِ ْ?aُ ْ -ََ»
1JYَ ‫ب‬َ ِaَ %ْ ‫َ ى ا‬LJَ +َ ‫ب َو‬ُ ِ ْa+َ Aُ G
ُ  %‫َا ُل ا‬mَ+ َ%‫ َو‬،ِ‫ر‬0%‫ ا‬1َ%‫ِي ِإ‬,(ْ َ+ ‫ُ! َر‬2ُ %ْ ‫ُُ!رِ َوِإن ا‬2%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ%‫ِي ِإ‬,(ْ +َ ‫ب‬ َ ِ َa%ْ ‫ن ا‬
 tَِ) ‫ب‬
َ ِ aَ %ْ ‫ ُآ?ْ وَا‬+‫ َوِإ‬،ًE+h,f
ِ S ِ ‫ا‬
«ً‫ َآا‬Sِ ‫َ ا‬,0ْ 
ِ Vَ Jَ aْ +ُ

(Hold on to truth, for being truthful leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to
Paradise. Verily, a man will keep saying the truth and striving for truth, until he is written
before Allah as very truthful (Siddiq). Beware of lying, for lying leads to sin, and sin leads to
the Fire. Verily, the man will keep lying and striving for falsehood until he is written before
Allah as a great liar.) This Hadith is recorded in the Two Sahihs.

10. QS Al Mujadilah 58:20-22

* h%‫ ا  َذ‬1ِ)  َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُ ُأو‬F%َ!ُ4‫ َو َر‬Fَ -%‫ن ا‬ َ ‫َدو‬L+ُ َ*+ِ%‫ن ا‬  ‫ِإ‬

- m+ِmَ ‫ى‬  !ِ َO Fَ -%‫ن ا‬  ‫ ِإ‬1ِ-4 ُ ‫ْ وَ ُر‬Xَ ‫* َأ‬Cَ ِ-
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- ?ُ(9َ َ ِUَ ْ‫ ُ(?ْ َأو‬Xَ َ!. ْ ‫َ َء ُه?ْ َأوْ ِإ‬0ْ ‫ُ!اْ ءَاَ َء ُه?ْ َأوْ َأ‬Xَ‫!ْ آ‬%َ‫ َو‬Fُ %َ!ُ4‫ وَ َر‬Fَ -%‫َ د ا‬Y ْ*
َ َ‫دون‬qَ!+ُ ِ . ِ  ‫ َ !ْ ِم ا‬%ْ ‫ وَا‬Fِ -%ِ ‫ن‬
َ !ُ0
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َ ‫َـ‬#+ِn‫ُ! ِ ِ( ُ? ا‬-ُO 1ِ) V َ Jَ َ‫ آ‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُأو‬
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َ 6

58:20. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menentang Allah dan Rasul-Nya, mereka termasuk
orang-orang yang sangat hina.
58:21. Allah telah menetapkan: "Aku dan rasul-rasul-Ku pasti menang". Sesungguhnya Allah
Maha Kuat lagi Maha Perkasa.
58:22. Kamu tidak akan mendapati sesuatu kaum yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari
akhirat, saling berkasih sayang dengan orang-orang yang menentang Allah dan Rasul-Nya,
sekalipun orang-orang itu bapak-bapak, atau anak-anak atau saudara-saudara atau pun
keluarga mereka. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang Allah telah menanamkan keimanan dalam
hati mereka dan menguatkan mereka dengan pertolongan yang datang daripada-Nya. Dan
dimasukkan-Nya mereka ke dalam surga yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai, mereka
kekal di dalamnya. Allah rida terhadap mereka dan mereka pun merasa puas terhadap
(limpahan rahmat) Nya. Mereka itulah golongan Allah. Ketahuilah, bahwa sesungguhnya
golongan Allah itulah golongan yang beruntung.

(20. Those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, they will be among those most humiliated.)

(21. Allah has decreed: "Verily, I and My Messengers shall be the victorious.'' Verily, Allah is
All-Powerful, Almighty.)

(22. You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, making friendship
with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their
sons or their brothers or their kindred. For such He has written faith in their hearts, and
strengthened them with Ruh from Himself. And He will admit them to Gardens under which
rivers flow, to dwell therein (forever). Allah is well pleased with them, and they are well
pleased with Him. They are the party of Allah. Verily, the party of Allah will be the

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ* h%‫َْ; َذ‬%‫ )ِ< ا‬

َ Tِ %َ‫ُ أُو‬F%َ!ُ4َ‫ َور‬Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
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 X,%‫ * )< ا‬%‫ذ‬K‫[!اب ا‬%‫* * ا‬+‫ ود‬#%‫* ا‬+,3C#%‫ ء ا‬EK‫ * " أي )< ا‬%‫ذ‬K‫ )< ا‬T%‫ " أو‬/ YX <) ‫ى‬,(%‫ وا‬/ YX <) ?‫ ه‬F%
‫ ة‬.y‫ وا‬.

َ ‫ي‬
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‫ ة‬L%‫!ا )< ا‬0
q *+%‫ وا‬0-4‫[ ر‬00% X‫ " إ‬1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫ * " آ‬EJ#-% /CO3%‫ ة " وأن ا‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫ * )< ا‬0
g#%‫د^ ا‬C‫ و‬F-4‫ور‬

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‫ ة‬.y‫وا‬

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‫(ر‬XK‫( ا‬JL9 *
‫ ي‬9 ‫ت‬0G ?(-.,+‫ " و‬1%39 F%!O‫ و‬. ?‫!اه‬O ‫ " أي‬F0
‫ه?  وح‬,+‫س " وأ‬C *‫ل ا‬O‫ن و‬#+n‫!(? ا‬-O
4 " F0 ‫!ا‬r‫(? ور‬0 S‫< ا‬r‫ " ر‬1%39 F%!O <)‫ ^
ة و‬$29 ‫م‬,E9 ‫ ها‬A‫ " آ‬F0 ‫!ا‬r‫(? ور‬0 S‫< ا‬r‫* ) ( ر‬+,%.
? 30%‫ أه?
* ا‬# F0 ?‫ه‬r‫(? وأر‬0 r % S‫(? ا‬r! 1%39 S‫ )< ا‬RU3%‫ وا‬VR‫ ا‬E%‫ ا‬1- ‫!ا‬o4 #% FX‫{ وه! أ‬+,
‫د‬C ‫ أي‬S‫ب ا‬mY ‫ء‬g‫!ن" أي ه‬L-2#%‫ ه? ا‬S‫ب ا‬mY ‫ أ إن‬S‫ب ا‬mY T%‫" أو‬1%39 F%!O‫ ? و‬#3%‫ ا‬AN2%‫ ? وا‬3%‫!ز ا‬2%‫ ? وا‬E#%‫ا‬
<) ‫ ة‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫(? )< ا‬9 [X‫(? و‬9‫د‬34‫(? و‬Y_2 F+!09 " ‫!ن‬L-2#%‫ ه? ا‬S‫ب ا‬mY ‫ " أ إن‬1%39 F%!O‫ و‬FJ
‫ آ ا‬A‫ وأه‬S‫ا‬
‫ هرون‬0W,Y ?9Y <‫ل ا* أ‬O ,O‫ ون " و‬4o%‫ ن ه? ا‬U%‫ب ا‬mY ‫ل " أ إن‬O ?W ‫ ن‬U%‫ب ا‬mY ?(X; T%‫
 ذآ * أو‬/-E

* ‫ل‬+%‫ * ا‬- <J‫{

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?(X‫ وأ‬FR %‫و‬K FR %‫ي أو‬,+‫ أ‬1- 1%39 S‫ ا‬F+ + ^G : ‫هن‬G ^%‫? أن ا‬-‫ ا‬: ‫ه ي‬m%‫ ا‬1%‫ ج إ‬K‫زم ا‬Y !‫ أ‬VJ‫ آ‬: ‫ل‬O ‫د‬C
‫ ء‬E9K‫ ء ا‬2.K‫ ا‬VL+ S‫? " إن ا‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ن ر‬$% 1- ?(J2f ‫ءت‬G ,E%‫(? و‬f!o / 2o%‫ ذآ ه? ا‬A
‫ء‬g() " /#-
‫!داء‬4 /0J) A‫!ن
* آ‬G o+ ‫ى‬,(%‫ ا‬Q [
?(!-O ‫!ا‬,+ ?% ‫ وا‬NY ‫وا وإذا‬,EJ2+ ?% ‫* إذا !ا‬+%‫ء ا‬+ K‫ا‬
* ‫!ر‬W * ,#L
0W,Y ‫د‬#Y * ? 3X ‫ل‬O‫!ن " و‬L-2#%‫ ه? ا‬S‫ب ا‬mY ‫ أ إن‬S‫ب ا‬mY T%‫ " أو‬S‫ل ا‬O *+%‫ ا‬1%39 S‫ ء ا‬%‫أو‬
‫ت‬,G‫< و‬Xt) /#3X ‫ا و‬,+ ‫ي‬,0 \42% ‫ و‬G2% A39  ?(-%‫? " ا‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O *$L%‫ * ا‬HX!+
}%o+ *# ) &%mX (X‫ ون أ‬+ ‫ ن‬24 ‫ل‬O "F%!4‫ ور‬S‫د ا‬Y *
‫!ادون‬+ .y‫ !م ا‬%‫ وا‬S ‫!ن‬0
!O ,9  " <%‫ إ‬FJ Y‫ أو‬# )
/0#%‫ وا‬,#L%‫ ا‬S‫ و‬/%‫د‬#%‫!رة ا‬4 $29 .q . ‫ ي‬a$3%‫ ا‬,#Y‫ روا^ أ! أ‬.‫ن‬-$%‫ ا‬.

Allah and His Messenger shall prevail Allah the Exalted asserts that the rebellious and
stubborn disbelievers who defy Him and His Messenger , those who do not embrace the
religion and stay away from Truth, are in one area, while the guidance is in another area,

6َ* h%َ‫ ا ذ‬1ِ) 

َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُأو‬

(They will be among those most humiliated.) they are among the miserable, the cast out,
banished from goodness; they are the humiliated ones in this life and the Hereafter. Allah said,

ُ ‫ْ وَ ُر‬Xَ ‫* َأ‬
 Cَ ِ-
ْ ّ Fُ -%‫ ا‬V
َ Jَ َ‫آ‬

(Allah has decreed: "Verily, I and My Messengers shall be the victorious.'') meaning, He has

decreed, written in the First Book, and decided in the decree that He has willed -- which can
never be resisted, changed or prevented -- that final victory is for Him, His Book, His
Messengers and the faithful believers, in this life and the Hereafter:

6َ* ِEJ#ُ -ْ ِ% /َ Cَ Eِ ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ن ا‬


(Surely, the (good) end is for those who have Taqwa.)(11:49),

‫ار‬,%‫ُ! ُء ا‬4 ْ?(ُ َ%‫ َو‬/ُ 0َ 3ْ -ْ%‫ ُ(?ُ ا‬%َ‫ ُ(?ْ َو‬9ُ َ‫ ِر‬3ْ
َ *
َ ِ#-ِ‫ـ‬%‫َ ُ{ ا‬20َ+ َ ‫َ ْ! َم‬+ - ,ُ ‫(َـ‬
ْ  ‫ُ!مُ ا‬E+َ ‫!ْ َم‬+َ َ‫ َ و‬Xْ ,%‫ َ! ِة ا‬L
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫َ وَا‬0-َ4
ُ ُ‫[ُ ُ ر‬0َ0%َ X‫ِإ‬

(Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe in the life of
this world and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth, the Day when their excuses will
be of no profit to the wrongdoers. Theirs will be the curse, and theirs will be the evil abode.)
(40:51-52) Allah said here,

6 ٌm+ِm
َ ‫ى‬
 !ِ َO Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ ِإ‬1ِ-4
ُ ‫ْ وَ ُر‬Xَ َ‫* أ‬Cَ -ِ
ْ ّ Fُ -%‫ ا‬V
َ Jَ ‫ َآ‬

(Allah has decreed: "Verily, I and My Messengers shall be the victorious.'' Verily, Allah is All-
Powerful, Almighty.) meaning, the Almighty, All-Powerful has decreed that He shall prevail
over His enemies. Indeed, this is the final judgement and a matter ordained; the final triumph
and victory are for the believers in this life and the Hereafter.

Allah the Exalted said,

6ْ?(ُ 9َ َ ِU
َ ْ‫ ُ(?ْ َأو‬Xَ َ!.
ْ ‫َ َء ُه?ْ َأوْ ِإ‬0ْ ‫ُ!اْ ءَاَءَ ُه?ْ َأوْ َأ‬Xَ‫!ْ آ‬%ََ‫ و‬Fُ %َ!ُ4‫ َو َر‬Fَ -%‫َد ا‬Y ْ*
َ ‫ن‬
َ ‫دو‬qَ!ُ+ ِ .
ِ  ‫ َ ْ!مِ ا‬%ْ ‫ وَا‬Fِ -%ِ ‫ن‬
َ !ُ0ِ
gْ +ُ ً
ْ!َO ُ,
ِ 9َ  

(You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, making friendship with
those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons
or their brothers or their kindred.) Meaning, do not befriend the deniers, even if they are
among the closest relatives. Allah said,

F-%‫رْ ُآ ُ? ا‬hL
َ +ُ ‫ َو‬/ً ‫َـ‬E9ُ ْ?(ُ ْ0
ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬EJ 9َ ‫ْ ٍء ِإ َ أَن‬1
َ <ِ) Fِ -%‫* ا‬
ِ H
َ ْ َ-َ) 
َ %َِ‫ْ ذ‬A3َ ْ2+َ *َ
‫* َو‬
َ ِ0ِ
gْ #ُ %ْ ‫ن ا‬
ِ ‫ِ َ َء
ِ* دُو‬%ْ‫* َأو‬
َ +ِ ِ2‫َـ‬a%ْ ‫ن ا‬
َ !ُ0
ِ gْ ُ#%ْ ‫ِ ا‬o
ِ J +َ 
َ ْ2Xَ

(Let not the believers take the disbelievers as friends instead of the believers, and whoever
does that will never be helped by Allah in any way, except if you indeed fear a danger from
them. And Allah warns you against Himself.) (3:28), and,

VَY‫(َ َأ‬Xَ ْ!r

َ ْ َ9 * ُ aِ ‫َـ‬$
َ ‫َدَهَ َو‬$‫ن َآ‬ َ ْ!U َ o ْ َ9 ٌ‫َـ َ ة‬9ِ ‫ُ!هَ َو‬#Jُ )ْ َ َJOْ ‫?ْ َوَأ ْ
!َلٌ ا‬aُ 9ُ َ ِU
َ ‫?ْ َو‬aُ G
ُ ‫ُ?ْ َوَأزْ َو‬aXُ !َ ْ.‫َ ُؤ ُآ?ْ َوِإ‬0ْ ‫ْ إِن آَنَ ءَاَ ُؤ ُآ?ْ َوَأ‬AOُ 
6 َ* ِE$ِ ‫َـ‬2%ْ ‫!ْ َم ا‬Eَ %ْ ‫ِى ا‬,(ْ َ+ َ Fُ -%‫ َِ; ْ
ِ ^ِ وَا‬Fُ -%‫ ا‬1
َ ِ9;ْ +َ 1JY
َ ْ‫ َ [ُ!ا‬Jَ )َ Fِ -ِ ِC4 َ <ِ) ‫(َ ٍد‬G ِ ‫ َو‬Fِ %ِ!ُ4‫ وَ َر‬Fِ -%‫* ا‬ َ
h ْ?aُ ْ َ%‫ِإ‬

(Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you
have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight
are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His cause,
then wait until Allah brings about His decision (torment). And Allah guides not the people
who are the rebellious.)(9:24) Sa`id bin `Abdul-`Aziz and others said that this Ayah,

6ِ ِ. ‫ َ !ْ ِم ا‬%ْ ‫ وَا‬Fِ -%ِ ‫ن‬

َ !ُ0
ِ ْg+ُ ً
ْ!َO ,ُ 
ِ 9َ  

(You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day...) was revealed in the case
of Abu `Ubaydah `Amir bin `Abdullah bin Al-Jarrah when he killed his disbelieving father,
during the battle of Badr. This is why when `Umar bin Al-Khattab placed the matter of
Khilafah in the consultation of six men after him, he said; "If Abu `Ubaydah were alive, I
would have appointed him the Khalifah.'' It was also said that the Ayah,

6ْ?‫ُ!اْ ءَاَ َء ُه‬Xَ‫!ْ آ‬%ََ‫و‬

(even though they were their fathers), was revealed in the case of Abu `Ubaydah, when he
killed his father during the battle of Badr, while the Ayah,

6ْ?‫َ َء ُه‬0ْ‫َأوْ َأ‬

(or their sons) was revealed in the case of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq when he intended to kill his
(disbelieving) son, `Abdur-Rahman, (during Badr), while the Ayah,

6ْ?(ُ Xَ !َ .
ْ ‫َأوْ ِإ‬

(or their brothers) was revealed about the case of Mus`ab bin `Umayr, who killed his brother,
`Ubayd bin `Umayr, during Badr, and that the Ayah,

6ْ?(ُ 9َ َ ِU
َ ‫َأ ْو‬

(or their kindred) was revealed about the case of `Umar, who killed one of his relatives during
Badr, and also that this Ayah was revealed in the case of Hamzah, `Ali and Ubaydah bin Al-
Harith. They killed their close relatives `Utbah, Shaybah and Al-Walid bin `Utbah that day.
Allah knows best. A similar matter is when Allah's Messenger consulted with his Companions
about what should be done with the captives of Badr. Abu Bakr As-Siddiq thought that they
should accept ransom for them so the Muslims could use the money to strengthen themselves.
He mentioned the fact that the captured were the cousins and the kindred, and that they
might embrace Islam later on, by Allah's help. `Umar said, "But I have a different opinion, O
Allah's Messenger! Let me kill so-and-so, my relative, and let `Ali kill `Aqil (`Ali's brother),
and so-and-so kill so-and-so. Let us make it known to Allah that we have no mercy in our
hearts for the idolators.'' Allah said,

h ‫ح‬
ٍ ‫ ُه?ْ ِ ُو‬,َ + ‫* َوَأ‬
َ ‫َـ‬#+ِn‫ُ! ِ ِ( ُ? ا‬-Oُ 1ِ) V
َ Jَ ‫ َآ‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُأو‬

(For such He has written faith in their hearts, and strengthened them with Ruh from
Himself.) means, those who have the quality of not befriending those who oppose Allah and
His Messenger , even if they are their fathers or brothers, are those whom Allah has decreed
faith, meaning, happiness, in their hearts and made faith dear to their hearts and happiness
reside therein. As-Suddi said that the Ayah,

6َ*‫َـ‬#+ِn‫ُ! ِ ِ(?ُ ا‬-ُO 1ِ) V

َ Jَ َ‫آ‬

(He has written faith in their hearts,) means, "He has placed faith in their hearts.'' Ibn `Abbas
said that,

h ‫ح‬
ٍ ‫َ ُه?ْ ِ ُو‬,+ ‫ َوَأ‬

(and strengthened them with Ruh from Himself.) means, "He gave them strengths.'' Allah's

َ ‫ُ! ْا‬rَ‫ ُ(?ْ َور‬0ْ 
َ Fُ -%‫ ا‬1
ِ َ‫* )ِ (َ ر‬
َ +ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬. ُ ‫(َـ‬Xْ  ‫(َ ا‬Jِ ْL9َ *ِ
‫َْ ِى‬9 &
ٍ ‫ـ‬0G
َ ْ?(ُ ُ-.
ِ ْ,+ُ ‫ َو‬

(And He will admit them to Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein. Allah is well
pleased with them, and they are well pleased with Him.) was explained several times before.
Allah's statement,

6ُF0ْ َ ‫ُ! ْا‬r‫ ُ(?ْ وَ َر‬0ْ 

َ Fُ -%‫َ ا‬1r
ِ ‫ر‬h 

(Allah is well pleased with them, and they are well pleased with Him.) contains a beautiful
secret. When the believers became enraged against their relatives and kindred in Allah's
cause, He compensated them by being pleased with them and making them pleased with Him
from what He has granted them of eternal delight, ultimate victory and encompassing favor.
Allah's statement,

6َ‫ُ!ن‬L-ِْ2#ُ %ْ ‫ ُه?ُ ا‬Fِ -%‫ب ا‬

َ ْmY
ِ ‫ َأ َ ِإن‬Fِ -%‫ب ا‬
ُ ْmِY 
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُأو‬

(They are the party of Allah. Verily, the party of Allah will be the successful.) indicates that
they are the party of Allah, meaning, His servants who are worthy of earning His honor.
Allah's statement,

6َ‫ُ!ن‬L-ِْ2#ُ %ْ ‫ ُه?ُ ا‬Fِ -%‫ب ا‬

َ ْmY
ِ ‫ن‬
 ‫َأ َ ِإ‬

(Verily, the party of Allah will be the successful.) asserts their success, happiness and triumph
in this life and the Hereafter, in contrast to those, who are the party of the devil,

6َ‫ ُون‬$
ِ ‫َـ‬o%‫ ْ َـ*ِ ُه?ُ ا‬U
 %‫ب ا‬
َ ْmY
ِ ‫َأ َ ِإن‬

(Verily, the party of Shaytan will be the losers!) This is the end of the Tafsir of Surat Al-
Mujadilah. All praise and thanks are due to Allah.

11. QS Al Insaan 76 : 5-22

‫ُ!رًا‬2‫(َ آَـ‬G
ُ ‫َا‬m
ِ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫س آ‬
ٍ ;ْ َ‫ْ َ ُ!نَ
ِ* آ‬U+َ ‫ن ا  ْ َا َر‬
 ‫ ِإ‬-

‫ِ ًا‬2ْ 9َ َ(Xَ ‫ ُو‬hَ2+ُ Fِ -%‫َ ُد ا‬Cِ َ(ِ ‫ب‬

ُ َ U
ْ َ+ ً0ْ َ -

‫ِ ًا‬Jَ $
ُ ^ُ  
َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫!ْ
ً آ‬+َ َ‫ُ!ن‬2‫َـ‬o+َ ‫ْ ِر َو‬0%ِ َ‫ُ!)ُ!ن‬+ -

ً‫ِ ا‬4‫ً َوَأ‬# ِJ+َ ‫ً َو‬0 ِa$

ِ Fِ Ch Y
ُ 1َ-
َ ‫َ َم‬3
 %‫ُ!نَ ا‬#3ِ 
ْ +ُ َ‫ و‬-

ُ َ ‫ ًء َو‬qَmG
َ ْ?aُ 0ِ
,ُ +ِ Xُ َ Fِ -%‫ ا‬Fِ G
ْ !َ %ِ ْ?aُ #ُ 3ِ 
ْ Xُ َ#X‫ ِإ‬-

‫ ًا‬+ِ 
َ #ْ Oَ ً4!ُCَ ً
ْ!+َ َ0h‫َفُ
ِ* ر‬oXَ X‫ ِإ‬-

‫ ُورًا‬4
ُ َ‫ َ ًة و‬N
ْ Xَ ْ?(ُ ‫ـ‬E%َ‫ْ َ!مِ َو‬%‫ ا‬
َ %َِ‫  ذ‬
َ Fُ -%‫َـ ُ( ُ? ا‬O!َ )َ -

- ‫ ا‬+ِ َY‫ َو‬/ً 0 G

َ ْ‫ ُوا‬Cَ f
َ َ#ِ ْ?‫َا ُه‬mَG‫ َو‬6

‫ ا‬+ِ (َ
ْ ‫ً َو َ َز‬$ْ#
َ َ( ِ) ‫ن‬
َ ْ‫ َ و‬+َ َ ِRِ ‫ ا رَا‬1َ-
َ َ( ِ) َ* ِTaِ J

- _ ِ%ْ9َ َ(ُ)!ُOُ ْ&-َh%‫(َ َو ُذ‬-ُ‫َـ‬-ِ… ْ?(ِ ْ -ََ /ً َ ِX‫َودَا‬

- ‫ َا‬+ِ‫!َار‬Oَ ْ&Xَ َ‫ب آ‬

ٍ ‫ َوَأآْ!ا‬/ٍ N
 )ِ *h
/ٍ َ Xِ َ‫َ ْ ِ(?ْ ِـ‬-
َ ‫ف‬
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- ‫ ا‬+ِ,ْE9َ َ‫رُوه‬,Oَ /ٍ N
 )ِ *ِ
ْ‫ َ ا‬+ِ‫َ!َار‬O

- _ ِC
َ Xَ‫ُ(َ ز‬G‫َا‬m
ِ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫ً آ‬4ْ;‫َ!ْنَ )ِ (َ َآ‬E$
ْ +ُ َ‫و‬

- _ ِC$
َ ْ-4
َ 1#$
َ 9ُ َ( ِ) ً0ْ 

- ‫ُ!را‬70
‫ًا‬gُ%ْgُ% ْ?(ُ Jَ Cْ $
ِ Y
َ ْ?(ُ Jَ +ْ ‫ُونَ ِإذَا َرَأ‬,-َo
 ٌ‫ن‬,َ %ْ ‫َ ْ ِ(?ْ ِو‬-
َ ‫ف‬
ُ !ُ+َ َ‫و‬

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ُ ‫ً َو‬# ِ3Xَ &
َ +ْ ‫ ? َرَأ‬Wَ &
َ +ْ ‫َوِإذَا َرَأ‬

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ُ ٍ‫س‬,ُ 0ُ4 ‫ب‬
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 ?ُa ُ 3ْ 4
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َ ْ?ُa%َ َ‫ن هَـَا آَن‬
 ‫ ِإ‬6

76:5. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang berbuat kebajikan minum dari gelas (berisi minuman)
yang campurannya adalah air kafur.
76:6. (yaitu) mata air (dalam surga) yang daripadanya hamba-hamba Allah minum, yang
mereka dapat mengalirkannya dengan sebaik-baiknya.
76:7. Mereka menunaikan nazar dan takut akan suatu hari yang azabnya merata di mana-
76:8. Dan mereka memberikan makanan yang disukainya kepada orang miskin, anak yatim
dan orang yang ditawan.

76:9. Sesungguhnya Kami memberi makanan kepadamu hanyalah untuk mengharapkan
keridaan Allah, kami tidak menghendaki balasan dari kamu dan tidak pula (ucapan) terima
76:10. Sesungguhnya Kami takut akan (azab) Tuhan kami pada suatu hari yang (di hari itu)
orang-orang bermuka masam penuh kesulitan.
76:11. Maka Tuhan memelihara mereka dari kesusahan hari itu, dan memberikan kepada
mereka kejernihan (wajah) dan kegembiraan hati.
76:12. Dan Dia memberi balasan kepada mereka karena kesabaran mereka (dengan) surga
dan (pakaian) sutera,
76:13. di dalamnya mereka duduk bertelekan di atas dipan, mereka tidak merasakan di
dalamnya (teriknya) matahari dan tidak pula dingin yang bersangatan.
76:14. Dan naungan (pohon-pohon surga itu) dekat di atas mereka dan buahnya dimudahkan
memetiknya semudah-mudahnya.
76:15. Dan diedarkan kepada mereka bejana-bejana dari perak dan piala-piala yang bening
laksana kaca,
76:16. (yaitu) kaca-kaca (yang terbuat) dari perak yang telah diukur mereka dengan sebaik-
76:17. Di dalam surga itu mereka diberi minum segelas (minuman) yang campurannya
adalah jahe.
76:18. (Yang didatangkan dari) sebuah mata air surga yang dinamakan salsabil.
76:19. Dan mereka dikelilingi oleh pelayan-pelayan muda yang tetap muda. Apabila kamu
melihat mereka kamu akan mengira mereka, mutiara yang bertaburan.
76:20. Dan apabila kamu melihat di sana (surga), niscaya kamu akan melihat berbagai
macam kenikmatan dan kerajaan yang besar.
76:21. Mereka memakai pakaian sutera halus yang hijau dan sutera tebal dan dipakaikan
kepada mereka gelang terbuat dari perak, dan Tuhan memberikan kepada mereka minuman
yang bersih.
76:22. Sesungguhnya ini adalah balasan untukmu, dan usahamu adalah disyukuri (diberi

(5. Verily, the Abrar (righteous believers) shall drink of a cup mixed with Kafur.)

(6. A spring wherefrom the servants of Allah will drink, causing it to gush forth abundantly.)
(7. They fulfill (their) vows, and they fear a Day whose evil will be wide-spreading.)

(8. And they give food, inspite of their love for it, to the poor, the orphan and the captive,)

(9. (Saying): "We feed you seeking Allah's Face only. We wish for no reward, nor thanks from

(10. "Verily, We fear from our Lord a Day that is `Abus and Qamtarir.'')

(11. So, Allah saved them from the evil of that Day, and gave them Nadrah (a light of beauty)
and joy.)

(12. And their recompense shall be Paradise, and silken garments, because they were patient.)

(13. Reclining therein on raised couches, they will see there neither the excessive heat, nor the
excessive cold.)

(14. And the shade thereof is close upon them, and the bunches of fruit thereof will hang low
within their reach.)

(15. And among them will be passed round vessels of silver and cups of crystal --)

(16. (Qawarir) Crystal-clear, made of silver. They will determine the measure thereof.)

(17. And they will be given to drink there of a cup (of wine) mixed with Zanjabil (ginger),) (18.
A spring there, called Salsabil.)

(19. And round about them will (serve) boys of everlasting youth. If you see them, you would
think them scattered pearls.)

(20. And when you look there (in Paradise), you will see a delight (that cannot be imagined),
and a great dominion.)

(21. Their garments will be of fine green silk, and Istabraq. They will be adorned with
bracelets of silver, and their Lord will give them a purifying drink.)

(22. (And it will be said to them): "Verily, this is a reward for you, and your endeavor has
been accepted.'')

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

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‫ا‪ * a$#%‬وا‪,E9 ,E) ? J %‬م  ‪ #(X‬و‪ #(J2f‬وأ
 ا‪E) 4K‬ل ‪ CG * , 34‬وا‪ *$L%‬وا‪LN%‬ك ‪ :‬ا‪ *
4K‬أه‪ A‬ا‪ /-CE%‬و‪O‬ل ا*‬
‫‪C‬س آن أ‪ 4‬اؤه? ‪ U
!+‬آ * و‪(% ,(U+‬ا أن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬أ
أ‪!+ FLf‬م ‪,‬ر أن ‪!
a+‬ا ا‪4K‬رى‬
‫)‪!Xa‬ا ‪ 1- ?(X!
,E+‬أ‪ ,0 ?($2X‬ا‪,s%‬اء و‪O‬ل ‪ /
a‬ه? ا‪ , C3%‬وا‪J.‬ر^ ا* ‪!#3% + G‬م ا‪ ?-$#-% /+y‬وا‪ U#%‬ك وه‪a‬ا ‪O‬ل ‪, 34‬‬
‫* ‪ CG‬وء وا‪ *$L%‬و‪JO‬دة و‪ ,O‬و‪ 1f‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪$Yn ?-4‬ن إ‪ 1%‬ا‪K‬ر‪O‬ء )<
 ‪ 1JY w+,Y‬إ‪ FX‬آن‬
.q‬أو‪ 1f‬أن ‪!E+ A3G‬ل " ا‪_[%‬ة و

‪ &a-‬أ‪O "?aX#+‬ل
ه‪ ,‬ه! ا‪!CL#%‬س أي ‪!#3+‬ن ا‪3%‬م ‪g(%‬ء وه? ‪FX!(JU+‬‬
‫‪ .‬و‪FX!CL+‬‬

‫‪َmG‬ا ًء َو‪ُ َ%‬‬
‫‪ Fِ G‬ا‪َ ْ?ُa0ْ
ِ ُ,+ِ Xُ َ% ِF-%‬‬
‫‪ْ !َ ِ% ْ?aُ #ُ ِ3‬‬
‫ِإ ‪ْ Xُ َ#X‬‬

‫إ‪ FG!% ?a#3X #X‬ا‪ " S‬أي ر‪G‬ء ‪!W‬اب ا‪ S‬ور‪mG ?a0
,+ X  " ^r‬اء و ‪!a‬را" أي  ‪
V-X‬زاة ‪" ( 0X!T)a9‬‬
‫و أن ‪ aU9‬و‪ ,0 X‬ا‪0%‬س ‪O‬ل
ه‪ ,‬و‪ CG * , 34‬أ
 وا‪ ?(J0$%; ^!%O 
S‬و‪ ?- *a%‬ا‪F ?( - 10W;) ?(!-O *
F S‬‬
‫‪ <) V % .‬ذ‪ %‬را ‪V‬‬

‫ِإ‪َoXَ X‬فُ ِ
*ْ َر‪ً +ِ َ#ْ Oَ ً4!ُCَ ً
ْ!+َ َ0h‬ا‬

‫أي إ‪ A32X #X‬ها ‪ A3%‬ا‪ S‬أن ‪ 0#Y +‬و‪ <) F2- XE-J+‬ا‪! %‬م ا‪!C3%‬س ا‪O . + #E%‬ل ‪ * <-‬أ< ‪ * /L-d‬ا* ‪C‬س ‪4!C‬‬
‫‪ + #O E r‬ا ‪ _+!d‬و‪O‬ل ‪ /
a‬و ^ ‪ + #O 4!C 
!+ " F%!O <) F0‬ا" ‪O‬ل ‪ HC3+‬ا‪*  *
A $+ 1JY T
!+ )a%‬‬
‫ ‪  F 0‬ق
‪ A7‬ا‪ E%‬ان و‪O‬ل
ه‪ " 4!C " ,‬ا‪ H3%‬ا‪ + #O "* J2U%‬ا " ‪O‬ل ‪ ˆCE+‬ا‪!$C% FG!%‬ر و‪O‬ل ‪ CG * , 34‬‬
‫و‪JO‬دة ‪ F ) HC39‬ا‪ *
^!G!%‬ا‪!(%‬ل ‪ + #O‬ا ‪  -E9‬ا‪ * C%‬و
  * ا‪ *
* 0 3%‬ا‪!(%‬ل و‪O‬ل ا* ز‪ ,+‬ا‪!C3%‬س ا‪ U%‬وا‪ + #E%‬‬
‫ا‪ ,+,U%‬وأو‪ Qr‬ا‪C3%‬رات وأ‪_G‬ه وأ‪_Y‬ه وأ_ه وأوه ‪!O‬ل ا* ‪C‬س ر‪ <r‬ا‪O . F0 S‬ل ا* ‪ + G‬وا‪ + #E%‬ه! ا‪,+,U%‬‬
‫‪E+‬ل ه! ‪!+‬م ‪ + #O‬و‪!+‬م ‪ d#O‬و‪!+‬م [ ‪ V‬و[‪ V[C‬و‪ ,O‬ا‪ #O‬ا‪! %‬م ‪ #E+‬ا‪ #O‬ارا وذ‪ %‬أ‪ ,‬ا‪+K‬م وأ‪ <) (%!d‬ا‪_C%‬ء‬
‫‪ .‬وا‪,U%‬ة و
‪!O F0‬ل ‪ 0# <0 : ?(N3‬ه‪9 A‬آ ون _ء‪ ?a - X‬إذا
 آن ‪!+‬م ‪ d#O‬‬

‫‪ُ 4‬ورًا‬
‫‪ً َ N‬ة وَ ُ‬
‫َ) َ!‪َO‬هُ ُ? ا‪َ  َ Fُ -%‬ذِ‪ َ%‬ا ْ‪ِ ْ! َ %‬م َو‪ُ Eَ%‬ه?ْ ‪ْ َX‬‬

* ب ا‪ HXJ%‬ا‪O!) " Š -C%‬ه? ا‪  S‬ذ‪ %‬ا‪! %‬م " أي ‪!). # ?(0
‪ " F0‬و‪E%‬ه? ‪ NX‬ة " أي )< و‪!G‬ه(? "‬
‫و‪ 4‬ورا " أي )< ‪ F%O . ?(!-O‬ا‪ *$L%‬ا‪ [C%‬ي و‪JO‬دة وأ! ا‪ / %3%‬وا‪ * {  %‬أ‪ HX‬وه^ آ‪ " 1%39 F%!E‬و‪ 2$
!+ ^!G‬ة‬
‫‪ UCJ$
/aYr‬ة " وذ‪ %‬أن ا‪ V-E%‬إذا ‪ 4‬ا‪0J4‬ر ا‪O FG!%‬ل آ‪ F7+,Y <) %
* V3‬ا‪ A+!%‬وآن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪F - S‬‬
‫و‪ ?-4‬إذا ‪ 4‬ا‪0J4‬ر و‪ 1JY F(G‬آ;‪ #O /E-) FX‬و‪ /UR &%O‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪ (0 S‬د‪ <- A.‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ $
‫‪ C9‬ق أ‪4‬ر‪ +‬و‪ F(G‬ا‪w+,L%‬‬

‫‪ً +ِ Y‬ا‬
‫‪َ /ً 0 G‬و َ‬
‫‪َmG‬ا ُه?ْ ِ‪ُ Cَ َf َ#‬وا َ‬
‫َو َ‬

‫أي ‪ Cf VC$‬ه? أه? و‪ ?(%!X‬و!أه? ‪ /0G‬و‪ + Y‬ا أي

‪ m0‬ر‪ CY‬و ‪ U‬ر ‪,‬ا و‪ 0$Y 4C%‬وروى ا‪ ‡)L%‬ا* ‪$‬آ )<‬
‫‪ /#G 9‬ه‪U‬م * ‪# -4‬ن ا‪,%‬ارا‪O <X‬ل ‪ O‬ئ ‪ 1-‬أ< ‪# -4‬ن ا‪,%‬ارا‪!4 <X‬رة " ه‪ A‬أ‪ 1- 19‬ا‪$Xn‬ن" )‪ Š- #-‬ا‪E%‬رئ إ‪F%!O 1%‬‬
‫‪ " 1%39‬و‪mG‬اه? ‪ Cf #‬وا ‪ /0G‬و‪ + Y‬ا " ‪O‬ل ‪ Cf #‬وا ‪ 9 1-‬ك ا‪!(U%‬ات )< ا‪ ?W  X,%‬أ‪!E+ ,UX‬ل ‪ :‬آ? ‪!(U% A JO‬ة وأ‪ 4‬‬
‪_. 1(JU‬ف ا‪!( A #%‬ات ا‪$Xn‬ن ‪!9‬ر‪ FW‬ا‪%‬ل و‪ <) F E-9‬ا‪_C%‬ء ا‪A+!%‬‬

‫ ْ‪َ ً$#‬و‪َ َ%‬ز ْ

َ( ِ‪ً +‬ا‬
‫ن )ِ (َ َ‬
‫ ‪ َ َ+ َ%‬وْ َ‬
‫‪ 1َ-‬ا ْ‪;َ%‬رَا ِ‪ِ R‬‬
‪َ َ( ِ) َ* ِTaِ J‬‬

‫‪ * 1%39 Co+‬أه‪ A‬ا‪ /0%‬و

 ه? ) ‪ *
F‬ا‪ ? 30%‬ا‪ ? E#%‬و
 أ‪ *
?( - ŠC4‬ا‪ AN2%‬ا‪E) ? #3%‬ل ‪1- ( ) * TaJ
" 1%39‬‬
‫ا‪K‬را‪ "R‬و‪,E9 ,O‬م ا‪_a%‬م ‪ 1-‬ذ‪!4 <) %‬رة ا‪)[%‬ت وذآ ا‪_o%‬ف )< ا‪a9‬ء ه‪ A‬ه! ا‪r‬ع أو ا‪ \) J%‬أو ا‪ { J%‬أو ا‪*a#J%‬‬

‫)< ا‪!-%‬س وأن ا‪K‬را‪ R‬ه< ا‪ $%‬ر ‪ &L9‬ا‪L%‬ل و‪ +  " 1%39 F%!O‬ون ) ( ‪ $#‬و ز
( ‪ +‬ا " أي ‪,0 H %‬ه? ‪Žm
‫و  د
‪ A ?%g‬ه<
‪m‬اج وا‪ ,Y‬دا‪,
4 ?R‬ي  ‪!sC+‬ن ‪!Y (0‬‬

‫…‪َ َ(ُ%َ-‬و ُذ‪ً- ِ%ْ9َ َ(ُ)!ُُO ْ&-َh%‬‬

‫َ‪ِ ْ?(ِ ْ -‬‬
‫َودَا ِ‪َ /ً َ X‬‬

‫ودا‪ " (%_… ?( - / X‬أي ‪ /C+ O‬إ‪ ?( %‬أ [‪ "(X‬وذ‪ " _ %9 ()!O &-%‬أي
‪ ^d39 1J‬د‪ X‬ا‪ ‚E%‬إ‪ F %‬و‪ *
1%,9‬أ‪" 1-‬‬
‫ [‪ F0‬آ;‪ {Rd {
4 FX‬آ‪O #‬ل ‪ <) 1%39‬ا‪ /+y‬ا‪ .K‬ى " و‪ 10G‬ا‪ * J0%‬دان" و‪O‬ل ‪ AG‬و_ " ‪ ()!O‬دا‪ " / X‬و‪O‬ل
ه‪" ,‬‬
‫وذ‪ " _ %9 ()!O &-%‬إن ‪O‬م ار‪,E F3
&329‬ر وإن ‪ (%0+ 1JY F% &-%9 ,3O‬وإن ا‪1%39 F%!O %) (%0+ 1JY F% &-%9 {r‬‬
‫" ‪ "_ %9‬و‪O‬ل ‪JO‬دة  ‪ +‬د أ‪! (0 ?(+,+‬ك و ‪ ,3‬و‪O‬ل
ه‪ ,‬أرض ا‪ *
/0%‬ورق و‪ 9‬ا( ا‪ $#%‬وأ‪!f‬ل  ه
‫ذه‪ V‬و)‪ /N‬وأ)‪ *
(X0‬ا‪ g%g-%‬ا‪ Vd %‬وا‪ ,G m%‬وا‪!O %‬ت وا‪!%‬رق وا‪ *  #7%‬ذ‪ *#) %‬أآ‪g9 ?% #RO (0
A‬ذ^ و
* أآ‪(0
‫‪,O‬ا ‪g9 ?%‬ذ^ و
* أآ‪g9 ?% 3N

‫ب آَ َ‪َ!َO ْ&X‬ارِ‪ َ +‬‬

‫‪َ /ٍ N‬وَأ ْآ!َا ٍ‬
‫‪ )ِ ْ*
ِ /ٍ َ Xِ ِ ْ?(ِ ْ َ-‬‬
‫ف َ‬
‫َو‪ُ َُ+‬‬

‫أي ‪!+‬ف ‪ ?( -‬ا‪,o%‬م ;وا‪ <X‬ا‪3%‬م وه<

* )‪ /N‬وأآ!اب ا‪ U%‬اب وه< ا‪m a%‬ان ا‪   <J%‬ى ‪ (%‬و ‪ .‬ا‪!O " ? d‬ار‪ +‬ا "‬

‪![0‬ب ‪ Co‬آن أي آ‪!O &X‬ار‪ +‬ا‬

‫‪, َO /ٍ N‬رُوهَ َ‪ً +ِ,Eْ 9‬ا‬

‫‪َ!َO‬ارِ‪ ِ) ْ*
ِ َ +‬‬

‫‪!O‬ار‪ +‬ا "

‪![0‬ب إ
 ‪ 1-‬ا‪ / %,C%‬أو ‪ AG F%!E F0  FXK m #9‬و_ " ‪!O‬ار‪ +‬ا
* )‪O " /N‬ل ا* ‪C‬س و
ه‪ ,‬وا‪" *$L%‬‬
‫ا‪ [C%‬ي و وا‪  ,Y‬ض ا‪2f <) /N2%‬ء ا‪Gm%‬ج وا‪!E%‬ار‪!a9  +‬ن إ
* ز‪G‬ج )(^ ا‪K‬آ!اب ه<
* )‪ /N‬وه<
{ ها‬
‫‪ + /)2‬ى
 )< ‪… *
(0d‬ه ه وها
‪ <) F% X  #‬ا‪O  X,%‬ل ا* ا‪C#%‬رك * إ‪ * A #4‬ر‪ * AG‬ا* ‪C‬س ‪:‬‬
‫‪ <) H %‬ا‪< /0%‬ء إ ‪ ,O‬أ ‪ <) ?J‬ا‪ F(C  X,%‬إ ‪!O‬ار‪ +‬ا
* )‪ . /N‬روا^ ا* أ< ‪ . ?9Y‬و‪,O " 1%39 F%!O‬روه ‪ +,E9‬ا "‬
‫أي ‪,O 1-‬ر ر‪ F0 ,+m9  ?(+‬و ‪ A E09‬ه<
‪,3‬ة ‪,E
%%‬رة ‪ V$L‬ري ‪ (CYf‬ها
‪!O 103‬ل ا* ‪C‬س و
ه‪ ,‬و‪, 34‬‬
‫* ‪ CG‬وأ< ‪ Q%f‬و‪JO‬دة وا* أ‪m‬ى و‪ ,C‬ا‪ , C * S‬ا‪ # * S‬و‪JO‬دة وا‪ <C3U%‬وا* ز‪ ,+‬و‪ F%O‬ا* ‪ + G‬و وا‪,Y‬‬
‫وها أ‪ <) Š-‬ا‪0J‬ء وا‪ U%‬ف وا‪ a%‬ا
‪ /‬و‪O‬ل ا‪ * <)!3%‬ا* ‪C‬س " ‪,O‬روه ‪ +,E9‬ا " ‪,O‬رت ‪ ‚a-%‬وه‪a‬ا ‪O‬ل ا‪ * {  %‬أ‪HX‬‬
‫و‪O‬ل ا‪LN%‬ك ‪,O 1-‬ر آ‚ ا‪o%‬دم وها  ‪ <)0+‬ا‪!E%‬ل ا‪K‬ول )‪,E
(Xt‬رة )< ا‪,E%‬ر وا‪ %‬ي‬

‫ن ِ
‪َm‬ا‪َ َ(ُG‬ز ْ‪ً- ِCَX‬‬
‫‪ْ!Eَ $‬نَ )ِ (َ آَ ْ;‪ ً4‬آَ َ‬
‫َو‪ْ ُ+‬‬

‫أي و‪!E$+‬ن ‪ <03+‬ا‪ K‬ار أ‪ <) N+‬ه^ ا‪K‬آ!اب " آ;‪ " 4‬أي ‪ #.‬ا " آن
‪m‬ا‪ (G‬ز‪J) " _ CX‬رة ‪m#+‬ج ‪ ?(%‬ا‪ U%‬اب ‪!)a%‬ر‬
‫وه! رد و‪9‬رة ‪ A CXm%‬وه! ‪Y‬ر ‪,J3 %‬ل ا‪
K‬وه‪g‬ء ‪m#+‬ج ‪ *
?(%‬ها ‪9‬رة و
* ها ‪9‬رة وأ
 ا‪! E#%‬ن )‪! U+ ?(Xt‬ن
‫‪ .‬آ‪ ) f #(0
A‬آ‪JO F%O #‬دة و وا‪,Y‬‬

‫‪ً- ِC$‬‬
‫‪َ -ْ 4‬‬
‫‪َ 1#$‬‬
‫ ْ ‪َ 9ُ َ( ِ) ً0‬‬

‫و‪,E9 ,O‬م ‪ AG F%!O‬و_ "  ‪ U+ 0‬ب ( ‪C‬د ا‪ " S‬و‪O‬ل هه‪ " _ C$-4 1#$9 ( ) 0  " 0‬أي ا‪ <) *  A CXm%‬ا‪/0%‬‬
‫‪O _ C$-4 1#$9‬ل ‪ : /
a‬ا‪ <) *  ?4‬ا‪ /0%‬و‪O‬ل
ه‪ (- $
/4_$% % & #4 ,‬و‪,Y‬ة ‪ (+ G‬و‪O‬ل ‪JO‬دة  * ) (‬
, EJ$
/$-4 *  _ C$-4 1#$9‬ؤه و‪ 1aY‬ا* ‪ ?(N3 * + G‬أ‪ <) (J4_$% % & #4 (X‬ا‪ \-L%‬وا‪J.‬ر ه! أ‪?39 (X‬‬
‫ذ‪ %‬آ‪ F-‬وه! آ‪O #‬ل‬

‫‪ًgُ%ْgُ% ْ?(ُ Jَ Cْ $‬ا َ

‫‪ِ Y‬‬
‫ن ِإذَا رََأ ْ‪َ ْ?(ُ Jَ +‬‬
‫ف ََ‪ ْ?(ِ ْ -‬وِ ْ‪َ,%‬انٌ ُ
‪ُ,-َo‬و َ‬
‫َو َ‪ُ !ُ+‬‬

‫أي ‪!+‬ف ‪ 1-‬أه‪ A‬ا‪ /

,o-% /0%‬و‪,%‬ان
* و‪,%‬ان ا‪,-o
" /0%‬ون " أي ‪ /%Y 1-‬وا‪,Y‬ة
‪,-o‬ون ‪ sJ+  ( -‬ون ‪ (0‬‬
‫‪ ,+m9‬أ‪#‬ره? * ‪ -9‬ا‪ *$%‬و
* )‪ $‬ه? ;‪!f o
?(X‬ن )< ‪q‬ذا‪ ?(X‬ا‪ * C #Xt) /d OK‬ا‪K % 103#%‬ن ا‪ s[%‬ه! ا‪%‬ي‬
‫‪ F% \ -+‬ذ‪ %‬دون ا‪ " Ca%‬إذا رأ‪g%g% ?(JC$Y ?(J+‬ا
‪!70‬را " أي إذا رأ‪ <) ?(J+‬ا‪UJX‬ره? )< ‪NO‬ء ‪!Y‬ا‪ ŽR‬ا‪$%‬دة وآ‪?(9 7‬‬
‫و‪ /YCf‬و‪!G‬ه(? و‪ *$Y‬أ‪!%‬ا‪ ?(X‬و‪ ?( W‬و‪g%g% ?(JC$Y ?( -Y‬ا
‪!70‬را و ‪!a+‬ن )< ا‪ F CUJ%‬أ‪ *
*$Y‬ها و )< ا‪ 0#%‬‬
‫أ‪ *
*$Y‬ا‪ g%g-%‬ا‪!70#%‬ر ‪ 1-‬ا‪a#%‬ن ا‪O *$L%‬ل ‪JO‬د^ * أ< أ‪!+‬ب * ‪ ,C‬ا‪ # * S‬و ‪ *

:‬أه‪ A‬ا‪ *
/0%‬أ‪ ,Y‬إ ‪13$+‬‬
‫‪ F - .‬أ‪. ‚%‬دم آ‪. A‬دم ‪FCYf F - 
A# 1-‬‬

‫ِ ًا‬Cَ‫ً آ‬a-ْ
ُ ‫ً َو‬# ِ3َX &
َ +ْ َ‫َ ? َرأ‬W &
َ +ْ ‫َوِإذَا َرَأ‬

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‫َ(ُ!رًا‬d ً‫ َا‬

َ ْ?(ُ ‫َ ُه?ْ َر‬E4
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 ِ) ْ*
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ُ ‫ب‬
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‫ ق‬CJ4n‫(? وا‬X‫ا‬,‫< أ‬-+ #

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َ ْ?aُ ُ 3ْ 4
َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫َاءً َوآ‬mَG ْ?aُ %َ َ‫ن َهَا آَن‬

" 1%39 F%!E‫ " وآ‬/ %o%‫م ا‬+K‫? )< ا‬J2-4‫ أ‬# T 0‫!ا وا !ا ه‬-‫ " آ‬1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫ (? آ‬%‫ إ‬X$Y‫(? وإ‬% #+ a9 %‫(? ذ‬% ‫ل‬E+ ‫أي‬
A -E%‫ ا‬1- 1%39 S‫اآ? ا‬mG ‫!را " أي‬aU
?a 34 ‫" وآن‬1%39 F%!O‫!ن " و‬-#39 ?J0‫ آ‬# ‫!ه‬#JW‫ أور‬/0%‫? ا‬a-9 ‫!دوا أن‬X‫و‬
7a% .

After mentioning the blazing Fire He has prepared for these wretched people, Allah goes on to

6 ‫ُ!رًا‬2‫ُ(َ آَـ‬G‫َا‬m
ِ َ‫س آَن‬
ٍ ;ْ ‫ن
ِ* َآ‬
َ !ُ َ U
ْ +َ َ‫ن ا  ْ َار‬

(Verily, the Abrar (righteous believers) shall drink of a cup mixed with Kafur.) The properties
of the Kafur (camphor) are well known; cooling, having a nice fragrance and in addition to
this its taste will be delicious in Paradise. Al-Hasan said, "The coolness of the camphor will be
in the pleasantness of ginger.'' Thus Allah said,

6 ‫ِْ ًا‬29َ َ(َX‫ ُو‬

h 2َ ُ+ Fِ -%‫َدُ ا‬Cِ َ(ِ ‫ب‬
ُ َ U
ْ +َ ً0ْ 

(A spring wherefrom the servants of Allah will drink, causing it to gush forth abundantly.)
meaning, this (drink) that will be mixed for these righteous people will be taken from Kafur,
which is a spring that Allah's close servants will drink directly from, without it being mixed
with anything, and they will drink to their fill from it. The word Yashrabu (to drink) includes

the meaning of Yarwa (to quench one's thirst). Allah then says,

6ً‫ِْ ا‬29َ َ(َX‫ ُو‬h2َ +ُ 

(causing it to gush forth abundantly (Tafjir).) meaning, they will have control of it however
and wherever they wish. They will have access to it from their castles, their homes, their
sitting rooms and their residences. At-Tafjir means to cause to gush forth or flow out. This is
as Allah says,

ً!ُC0ْ َ+ ‫ض‬
ِ ْ‫* ا ر‬
ِ َ0%َ َ ُ2ْ 9َ 1JY
َ َ%َ *
ِ ْgX *َ% ْ‫ُ!ا‬%َO‫ َو‬6 (And they say: "We shall not believe in you until you
cause a spring to gush forth from the earth for us.) (17:90) And Allah says,

‫(َ ا‬Xَ َ#(ُ َ-‫َـ‬-.

ِ َXْ َ)‫ َو‬6 (We caused a river to gush forth in the midst of them.) (18:33) Mujahid said,

6ً‫ِْ ا‬29َ َ(َX‫ ُو‬h2َ +ُ 

(causing it to gush forth abundantly.) "This means that they will divert it to wherever they
wish.'' `Ikrimah and Qatadah both made similar statements. Ath-Thawri said, "They will
cause it to flow wherever they wish.''

Allah says,

6 ‫ِ ًا‬Jَ $
ُ ُ^  
َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫َ!ْ
ً آ‬+ ‫ن‬
َ !ُ2‫َـ‬oَ+‫ْ ِر َو‬0%ِ ‫ن‬
َ !ُ)!ُ+

(They fulfill vows, and they fear a Day whose evil will be wide-spreading.) meaning, they
devote to worship Allah using that which He made obligatory upon them from actions of
obligatory obedience that is based on Islamic legislation. They also worship Him by fulfilling
their vows. Imam Malik reported from Talhah bin `Abdul-Malik Al-Ayli, who reported from
Al-Qasim bin Malik, from `A'ishah that the Messenger of Allah said,

«Fِ[3ْ +َ َ-)َ S
َ ‫<ا‬
َ[ِ ْ3+َ ْ‫ َرَ َأن‬Xَ ْ*
َ ‫ َو‬،ُF3ْ ِ ُ ْ-َ) S
َ ‫ِ َ{ ا‬+ُ ْ‫ َ َر َأن‬Xَ ْ*
َ »

(Whoever makes a vow to obey Allah, then he should obey Him. And whoever makes a vow to
disobey Allah, then he should not disobey Him.) Al-Bukhari also recorded this Hadith from
Malik. These people also abandon those forbidden things which He (Allah) has prohibited for
them, due to their fear of having an evil reckoning on the Day of Return. This is the Day when
the evil will spread out among all people except for those upon whom Allah has had mercy.
Ibn `Abbas said, "Spreading.'' Qatadah said, "By Allah! The evil of that Day will spread until
it fills the heavens and the earth.'' Concerning Allah's statement,

6ِFCh ُY 1َ-َ ‫َ َم‬3%‫ن ا‬

َ !ُ#3ِ 
ْ +ُ ‫ َو‬

(And they give food, inspite of their love for it,) It has been said that this means the love of
Allah, the Most High. In their view the pronoun refers to Allah. However, the most apparent
meaning is that the pronoun refers to the food. This would mean, they give food while they
themselves love it and desire it. This was stated by Mujahid and Muqatil, and it was the
preferred opinion of Ibn Jarir. This is similar to Allah's statement,

ُ 1َ-َ ‫َ َل‬#%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ9‫ َوءَا‬6 (And gives his wealth, in spite of love for it.) (2:177) Allah also says,

ِ ُ9 #
ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬Eِ20ُ9 1JY
َ  Cِ ْ%‫ُ!اْ ا‬%َ0َ9 *َ%6 (By no means shall you attain Al-Birr unless you spend of that
which you love.) (3:92) In the Sahih, there is a Hadith which states,

« ْE2َ %ْ ‫ ا‬1َUo
ْ 9َ ‫ َو‬1َ0sِ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aُ
ُ ;ْ 9َ ،ٌQ ِL
َ ٌQ ِLf
َ &
َ Xْ َ‫ق َوأ‬
َ , [
َ َ9 ْ‫ َأن‬/ِ Oَ َ,[
 %‫ ا‬Aُ َNْ)‫»َأ‬

(The best charity is that which you give while you are healthy, covetous, hoping for wealth and
fearing poverty.) This means in the condition of your love for wealth, your eagerness for it and
your need for it. Thus, Allah says,

6 ‫ِ ًا‬4‫ً َوَأ‬# ِJ+َ ‫ً َو‬0 ِa$

ِ Fِ Ch Y
ُ 1َ-
َ َ‫َم‬3
 %‫ن ا‬
َ !ُ#3ِ 
ْ ُ+‫ َو‬

(And they give food, inspite of their love for it, to the poor, the orphan and the captive,)
Concerning the poor person and the orphan, an explanation of them and their characteristics
has already preceded. In reference to the captive, Sa`id bin Jubayr, Al-Hasan and Ad-Dahhak
all said, "He is the captive among the people of the Qiblah (i.e., the Muslims).'' Ibn `Abbas
said, "At that time (when this Ayah was revealed) their (the Muslims') captives were
idolators.'' Proof for this is that on the day of Badr the Messenger of Allah commanded his
Companions to treat the captives respectfully. They (the Companions) would give them
preference over themselves when eating their meals. `Ikrimah said, "They (captives) are the
slaves.'' Ibn Jarir preferred this opinion since the Ayah generally refers to both the Muslim
and the idolators. Sa`id bin Jubayr, `Ata', Al-Hasan and Qatadah all made similar statements.
The Messenger of Allah advised treating servants well in more than one Hadith. This held
such importance with him that the last statement of advice that he gave (before dying) was his

«?ُaXُ َ#+ْ ‫&ْ َأ‬aَ -َ

َ َ
‫َةَ َو‬-[%‫»ا‬

(The prayer (As-Salah) and what your right hand possesses (slaves).) Mujahid said, "He (the
captive) is the prisoner.'' This means that these (righteous) people give food to others even
though they themselves desire it and love it, saying at the same time,

F-%‫ ا‬Fِ G
ْ !َ ِ% ْ?ُa#ُ 3ِ ْXُ َ#X ‫ِإ‬6 (We feed you seeking Allah's Face only.) meaning, hoping for the reward of
Allah and His pleasure.

ُ َ ‫ ًء َو‬qَmG
َ ْ?ُa0ِ
ُ,+ِ Xُ َ 

(We wish for no reward, nor thanks from you.) meaning, `we do not seek any reward from
you in return for it. We also are not seeking for you to thank us in front of the people.'
Mujahid and Sa`id bin Jubayr both said, "By Allah! They do not say this with their tongues,
but rather, Allah knows it in their hearts and He commends them for it. Every seeker should
seek after this.''

6 ‫ ًا‬+ِ َ#ْ Oَ ً4!ُC

َ ً
ْ!+َ َ0h‫ف
ِ* ر‬
ُ َoXَ X‫ِإ‬

(Verily, We fear from our Lord a Day that is `Abus and Qamtarir.) meaning, `we only do this
so that perhaps Allah may have mercy on us and treat us with gentleness on the Day that is
`Abus and Qamtarir.' `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported from Ibn `Abbas, "`Abus means difficult
and Qamtarir means long.'' `Ikrimah and others said from Ibn Abbas,

6ً‫ ا‬+ِ 
َ #ْ Oَ ً4!ُC
َ ً

(a Day that is `Abus and Qamtarir (hard and distressful, that will make the faces look
horrible from extreme dislike to it.)) "The disbeliever will frown on that day until sweat will
flow between his eyes like tar.'' Mujahid said, "Abus `Abis means (frowning with) the two lips
and Qamtarir means drawing up the face in a scowl.'' Sa`id bin Jubayr and Qatadah said,
"Faces will be made to frown due to dismay. Qamtarir is the contraction of the forehead and
what is between the two eyes due to dismay.'' Ibn Zayd said, " `Abus is the evil and Qamtarir
is the severity.''

Allah says,

‫ ُورا‬4
ُ ‫ َ ةً َو‬N
ْ Xَ ْ?(ُ ‫ـ‬Eَ%‫ َ! ِم َو‬%ْ ‫ ا‬
َ ِ%َ‫  ذ‬
َ Fُ -%‫َـ ُ( ُ? ا‬O!َ َ) 6 (So, Allah saved them from the evil of that Day, and
gave them Nadrah (a light of beauty) and joy.) This is used as a way of eloquence in stating
similarity (i.e., two similar things).

‫ َ!م‬%ْ ‫ ا‬
َ %َِ‫  ذ‬
َ Fُ -%‫َـ ُ( ُ? ا‬O!َ )َ 6 (So, Allah saved them from the evil of that Day,) meaning, He protects
them from that which they fear of it.

‫ْ َة‬NXَ ْ?(ُ ‫ـ‬Eَ%‫ َو‬6 (and gave them Nadrah (a light of beauty)) meaning, in their faces.

‫ ُورا‬4
ُ ‫ َو‬6 (And joy) in their hearts. Al-Hasan Al-Basri, Qatadah, Abu `Aliyah and Ar-Rabi` bin
Anas all stated this. This is similar to Allah's statement,

6 ٌ‫ َ ة‬U
ِ Cْ Jَ $
 ٌ/aَ L
ِ ‫َـ‬r - ٌ‫ِ َ ة‬2$
 ٍ Tِ
َ ْ!+َ ٌ^!ُG‫ ُو‬

(Some faces that Day will be bright, laughing, rejoicing at good news.) This is because if the
heart is happy, then the face will be enlightened. As Ka`b bin Malik said in his lengthy Hadith
about Allah's Messenger , whenever he was happy, then his face will be radiant until it will be
as if it is a piece of the moon. `A'ishah said, "The Messenger of Allah entered into my home
happy and his facial expression was glowing.'' And the Hadith continues. dAllah then says,

6ْ‫َ ُوا‬Cf
َ َ#ِ ْ?‫َا ُه‬mَG‫ َو‬

(And their recompense because they were patient) meaning, due to their patience He will give
them, bestow upon them and accommodate them with Paradise and silken garments. This
means a home that is spacious, a delightful life and fine clothing. Al-Hafiz Ibn `Asakir said in
his biography of Hisham bin Sulayman Ad-Darani, "Surat Al-Insan was recited to Abu
Sulayman Ad-Darani, and when the reciter reached the Ayah where Allah says,

6 ‫ ًا‬+ِ Y
َ ‫ َو‬/ً 0 G
َ ْ‫َ ُوا‬Cf
َ َ#ِ ْ?‫َا ُه‬mَG‫ َو‬

(And their recompense shall be Paradise, and silken garments, because they were patient.) he
(Abu Sulayman) said, `Because they were patient in leaving off their desires in the world.'''

Allah tells us about the people of Paradise and the eternal delights they will experience, as
well as the comprehensive favors that they will be given. Allah says,

6ِِR‫ ا رَا‬1َ-َ َ( ِ) َ* ِTِaJ


(Reclining therein on raised couches.) This has already been discussed in Surat As-Saffat and
the difference of opinion about the meaning of reclining. Is it lying down, reclining on the

elbows, sitting down cross-legged, or being firmly seated We have also mentioned that the Al-
Ara'ik are couches beneath curtained canopies. Concerning Allah's statement,

6ً‫ ا‬+ِ (َ
ْ َ‫ً وَ َ ز‬$ْ#
َ َ( ِ) َ‫ َ وْن‬+َ َ 

(they will see there neither the excessive heat, nor the excessive bitter cold.) meaning, there
will be no disturbing heat with them, nor any painful cold, rather there will only be one
climate that will be always and eternal and they will not want it to be changed.

َ(ُ-‫َـ‬-ِ… ْ?(ِ ْ -َ

َ /ً َ ِX‫ َودَا‬6 (And the shade thereof is close upon them.) meaning, the branches will be
close to them.

6ً_ ِ%ْ9َ َ()ُ !ُOُ ْ&-َh%‫ َو ُذ‬

(And the bunches of fruit thereof will hang low within their reach.) meaning, whenever he
attempts to get any fruit, it will come nearer to him and come down from its highest branch as
if it hears and obeys. This is as Allah says in another Ayah,

‫* دَان‬
ِ ْ َJ0 َ%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ0َG‫ َو‬6 (And fruits of the two gardens will be near at hand.) (55:54) Allah also says,

/َ Xِ ‫ُ! ُ)(َ دَا‬Oُ 6 (The fruits in bunches whereof will be low and near at hand.) (69:23) Mujahid

6ً_ ِ%ْ9َ َ()ُ !ُOُ ْ&-َh%‫ َو ُذ‬

(And the bunches of fruit thereof will hang low within their reach.) "If he stands it will rise
with him an equal amount, if he sits it will lower itself for him so that he can reach it and if he
lies down it will lower itself for him more so that he can reach it. So this is Allah's statement,

_ ِ%ْ9َ 6 (will hang low within their reach). '' Qatadah said, "No thorn or distance will repel their
hands away from it (the fruit).''

Allah says,

6ٍ‫ َوَأآْ!اب‬/ٍ N
 ِ) *h
/ٍ َ Xِ َ‫ ْ ِ(?ْ ِـ‬-ََ ُ‫َف‬+ُ ‫ َو‬

(And among them will be passed round vessels of silver and cups of crystal) meaning, servants
will go around them with containers of food made of silver and cups of drink. These are
drinking vessels that do not have handles or spouts. Then Allah says,

6ٍ/N)ِ *ِ
‫ َ ْا‬+ِ‫!َار‬Oَ ْ‫ َ ا‬+ِ‫َ!َار‬O

((Qawarir) Crystal-clear, made of silver.) Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, Al-Hasan Al-Basri and others
have all said, "It (Qawarir) is the whiteness of silver in the transparency of glass.'' Qawarir is
only made of glass. So these cups are made of silver, but due to their fine thinness, what is
inside of them will be visible from outside of them (as if they are glass). This is among the
things of which there is nothing like in this world. Allah said,

6ً‫ ا‬+ِ,Eْ 9َ َ‫رُوه‬, Oَ 

(They will determine the measure thereof.) meaning, according to the amount that will quench
their thirst. It will not be more than that nor less than it, rather it will be prepared in an
amount that is suitable for quenching the thirst of their drinkers. This is the meaning of the
statement of Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, Sa`id bin Jubayr, Abu Salih, Qatadah, Ibn Abza,
`Abdullah bin `Ubayd bin `Umayr, Ash-Sha`bi and Ibn Zayd. This was stated by Ibn Jarir
and others. This is the most excellent provision, distinction and honor.

Allah says,

_ ِCَXَ‫ُ(َ ز‬G‫َا‬m
ِ َ‫ً آَن‬4ْ;َ‫ن )ِ (َ آ‬
َ ْ!َE$
ْ +ُ َ‫ و‬6 (And they will be given to drink there of a cup mixed with
Zanjabil (ginger),) meaning, they -- the righteous -- will also be given a drink from these cups.

4ْ;‫ َآ‬6 (a cup) meaning, a drink of wine.

6ً_ ِC
َ Xَ‫ُ(َ ز‬G‫َا‬m
ِ َ‫آَن‬

(mixed with Zanjabil (ginger),) So on one occasion they will be given a drink that is mixed
with camphor, and it is cool. Then on another occasion they will be given a drink mixed with
ginger, and it is hot. This is so that their affair will be balanced. However, those who are
nearest to Allah, they will drink from all of it however they wish, as Qatadah and others have
said. The statement of Allah has already preceded which says,

F-%‫َدُ ا‬C
ِ َ(ِ ‫ب‬
ُ َ U
ْ +َ ً0ْ 
َ 6 (A spring wherefrom the servants of Allah will drink.) (76:6) And here
Allah says,

ً ِC$
َ -ْ 4
َ 1#$
َ 9ُ َ( ِ) ً0ْ َ

(A spring there, called Salsabil.) `Ikrimah said, "It (Salsabil) is the name of a spring in
Paradise.'' Mujahid said, "It is called this due to its continuous flowing and the severity of its

Allah says,

6 ‫ُ!رًا‬70
‫ًا‬gُ%ْgُ% ْ?(ُ Jَ Cْ $
ِ َY ْ?(ُ Jَ +ْ ‫ن ِإذَا َرَأ‬
َ ‫ُو‬,-َo
 ٌ‫ن‬,َ %ْ ِ‫ ْ ِ(?ْ و‬-ََ ‫ف‬
ُ !ُ+َ َ‫و‬

(And round about them will (serve) boys of everlasting youth. If you see them, you would
think them scattered pearls.) meaning, young boys from the boys of Paradise will go around
serving the people of Paradise.


(everlasting youth.) meaning, in one state forever which they will be never changing from,
they will not increase in age. Those who have described them as wearing earings in their ears
have only interpreted the meaning in such a way because a child is befitting of this description
and not an adult man. Concerning Allah's statement,

‫ًا‬gُ%ْg%ُ ْ?(ُ Jَ Cْ $
ِ Y
َ ْ?(ُ َJ+ْ ‫ِإذَا َرَأ‬

(If you see them, you would think them scattered pearls.) meaning, when you see them
dispersing to fulfill the needs of their masters, their great number, their beautiful faces,
handsome colors, fine clothing and ornaments, you would think that they were scattered
pearls. There is no better quality than this, nor is there anything nicer to look at than
scattered pearls in a beautiful place. Allah says,

&ْ+‫ َوِإذَا َرَأ‬6 (And when you look) meaning, `when you see it, O Muhammad.'

?ُW6 (there) meaning, there. This refers to Paradise and its beauty, its vastness, its loftiness and
the joy and happiness it contains.

6ً‫ِ ا‬Cَ‫ً آ‬aْ-

ُ ‫ً َو‬# ِ3Xَ &
َ +ْ ‫ َرَأ‬

(You will see a delight, and a great dominion.) meaning, there will be a great kingdom that
belongs to Allah and a dazzling, splendid dominion. It has been confirmed in the Sahih that
Allah will say to the last of the people of the Fire to be taken out of it, and the last of the
people to enter into Paradise,

ْ ‫ َ َة َأ‬U
َ ‫ َ َو‬Xْ , %‫ ا‬Aَ 7ْ
ِ ََ% ‫ن‬

(verily, you will have similar to the world and ten worlds like it (in addition to it).'') If this is
what He will give to the least of those who will be in Paradise, then what do you think about
the one who will have a higher status and will be favored even more by Allah , nor any painful
cold, rather there will only be one climate that will be always and eternal and they will not
want it to be changed. This refers to Paradise and its beauty, its vastness, its loftiness and the
joy and happiness it contains.

6ً‫ِ ا‬Cَ‫ً آ‬aْ-

ُ ‫ً َو‬# ِ3Xَ &
َ +ْ ‫ َرَأ‬

(You will see a delight, and a great dominion.) meaning, there will be a great kingdom that
belongs to Allah and a dazzling, splendid dominion. It has been confirmed in the Sahih that
Allah will say to the last of the people of the Fire to be taken out of it, and the last of the
people to enter into Paradise,

ْ ‫ َ َة َأ‬U
َ ‫ َ َو‬Xْ , %‫ ا‬Aَ 7ْ
ِ ََ% ‫ن‬

(verily, you will have similar to the world and ten worlds like it (in addition to it).'') If this is
what He will give to the least of those who will be in Paradise, then what do you think about
the one who will have a higher status and will be favored even more by Allah

Allah says,

6ٌ‫ َ ق‬Cْ َJ4

ْ ‫ْ ٌ َوِإ‬N.
ُ ٍ‫س‬,ُ 0ُ4 ‫ب‬
ُ َ Wِ ْ?(ُ َ ِ-‫َـ‬

(Their garments will be of fine green silk, and Istabraq.) meaning, among the garments of the
people of Paradise is silk and Sundus, which is a high quality silk. These garments will be
shirts and similar clothing from the undergarments. Concerning Istabraq (velvet), from it
there is that which has a glitter and shimmer to it, and it is that which is worn as outer clothes,
just as is well-known in clothing.

/Nِ) *ِ
‫َ ِو َر‬4‫!اْ َأ‬-ُY‫ َو‬6 (They will be adorned with bracelets of silver,) This is a description of the
righteous. In reference to those who will be near to Allah, then their description is as Allah

6ٌ +ِ Y
َ َ( ِ) ْ?(ُ 4
ُ َCِ%‫ًا َو‬gُ%ْg%َُ‫ و‬V
ٍ ‫َوِ َر
ِ* َذ َه‬4‫ن )ِ (َ ِ
*ْ َأ‬
َ ْ!-L
َ +ُ 

(Wherein they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls and their garments therein
will be of silk.) (22:23) After Allah mentions the outward beautification with silk and
ornaments, He then says,

6ً‫َ(ُ!را‬d ً‫ َا‬

َ ْ?(ُ  َ‫َـ ُ(?ْ ر‬E4
َ ‫ َو‬

(and their Lord will give them a purifying drink.) meaning, it will purify their insides of envy,
despise, hatred, harm and the other reprehensible character traits. This is just as we have
recorded from the Commander of the believers, `Ali bin Abi Talib, that he said, "When the
people of Paradise come to the Gate of Paradise, they will find two springs there. Then it will
be as if they were inspired with what to do, so they will drink from one of them and Allah will
remove whatever harmfulness there may be within them. Then they will bathe in the other
spring and a glow of delight will run all over them. Thus, Allah informs of their outward
condition and their inner beauty.'' Allah then says,

 ?ُa ُ 3ْ 4
َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫ ًء َوآ‬qَmG
َ ْ?aُ %َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫ن هَـَا آ‬
 ‫ ِإ‬6 (Verily, this is a reward for you, and your endeavor has
been accepted.) meaning, this will be said to them in honor of them and as a goodness towards
them. This is as Allah says,

/َ ِ%َo%ْ ‫ ِم ا‬+ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ?Jُ 2ْ -َْ4‫َ َأ‬#ِ ًَT ِ0‫ َ ُ!اْ َه‬
ْ ‫ُ!اْ وَا‬-‫ ُآ‬6 (Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent forth
before you in days past!) (69:24) Allah also says,

‫ُ!ن‬-#َ 3ْ 9َ ْ?Jُ 0ُ‫َ آ‬#ِ َ‫ُ!ه‬#Jُ Wْ ‫ أُو ِر‬/ُ 0 َ%ْ ‫?ُ ا‬aُ ْ-9ِ ‫ُ!دُواْ أَن‬X‫ َو‬6 (And it will be cried out to them: "This is the Paradise
which you have inherited for what you used to do.'') (7:43) Then Allah says,

 ?ُa ُ 3ْ 4
َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫ َوآ‬6 (and your endeavor has been accepted) mean- ing, `Allah the Exalted will
reward you for a small amount (of deeds) with a large amount (of reward).'.

12. QS Al Haqqah 69 : 19-24

ْF َ C‫َـ‬J‫ َ ُؤاْ ِآ‬Oْ ‫ُ! ُل هَ ُؤ ُم ا‬E َ )َ Fِ 0ِ ِ# َ ِ Fُ Cَ ‫َـ‬J‫ ِآ‬1

َ 9ِ ‫ َ)َ;
*ْ أُو‬

ْF َ ِ َ$Y
ِ \
ٍ ‫َـ‬-
ُ 1hX‫& َأ‬
ُ 0َ0…
َ 1hX‫ ِإ‬-

ٍ/ َ r
ِ ‫ را‬/ٍ U
َ ِ 1ِ) !َ (ُ َ) -

/ٍ َ ِ%َ /ٍ 0 G
َ 1ِ) -

ٌ/ َ Xِ ‫ُ! ُ)(َ دَا‬Oُ -

- /َ ِ%َoْ%‫مِ ا‬+ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ?Jُ 2ْ -َ4

ْ ‫َ َأ‬#ِ ًَT ِ0‫ َ ُ! ْا َه‬
ْ ‫ُ! ْا وَا‬-‫ ُآ‬6

69:19. Adapun orang-orang yang diberikan kepadanya kitabnya dari sebelah kanannya,
maka dia berkata: Ambillah, bacalah kitabku (ini)".
69:20. Sesungguhnya aku yakin, bahwa sesungguhnya aku akan menemui hisab terhadap
69:21. Maka orang itu berada dalam kehidupan yang diridai,
69:22. dalam surga yang tinggi.
69:23. Buah-buahannya dekat,
69:24. (kepada mereka dikatakan): "Makan dan minumlah dengan sedap disebabkan amal
yang telah kamu kerjakan pada hari-hari yang telah lalu".

(19. Then as for him who will be given his Record in his right hand will say: "Here! read my

(20. "Surely, I did believe that I shall meet my account!'')

(21. So, he shall be in a life, well-pleasing.)

(22. In a lofty Paradise,)

(23. The fruits in bunches whereof will be low and near at hand.)

(24. Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent on before you in days past!)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

Fْ َ ِ َJ‫ َءُوا ِآ‬Oْ ‫ُ! ُل هَ ُؤ ُم ا‬Eَ )َ Fِ 0ِ ِ# َ ِ Fُ َ َJ‫< ِآ‬

َ 9ِ ‫َ)َ;
*ْ أُو‬

‫ ءوا‬O‫ " هؤم ا‬F E% *

Aa% ‫!ل‬E+ FY ) ‫ة‬, *
FX‫ وأ‬% FY )‫ و‬F0 #  /
 E%‫!م ا‬+ FJ‫ آ‬19g+ *
‫دة‬34 * 1%39 Co+
* *#Y %‫ ا‬,C ‫ل‬O ‫ت‬0$Y F9T 4 S‫ل ا‬, *#
‫ت‬0$Y‫ و‬. F ) ‫ي‬%‫? أن ا‬-3+ FXK F J‫ ءوا آ‬O‫وا ا‬. ‫" أي‬F J‫آ‬
0W,Y ?9Y 1‫ل ا* أ‬O ,O‫ هآ? و‬103# (X‫ه أ‬%‫ل وا‬O ‫ة آا‬,R‫ وؤم زا‬F J‫ ءوا آ‬O‫ " أي ه ا‬F J‫ ءوا آ‬O‫ " هؤم ا‬103
J4 <) F0 #  FJ‫ آ‬13+ *
g#%‫ ا‬: ‫ل‬O ‫ن‬#7 <‫!ل * أ‬YK‫? ا‬f X C.‫ * هرون أ‬,+m+ 0W,Y <4‫!ا‬%‫ *
‫ل‬O ‫ت‬0$Y &%, ,O F9T 4 ‫ذا‬t) 0+ ?W FX!% F %‫{ إ‬G ) ‫ ؤه‬E ) F90$L #+ 1JY FX!% s9 /T 4 ‫ أ‬O #-a) F9T 4 ‫ أ‬E ) S‫ا‬
‫ة‬, C * 14!
0W,Y ‫دة‬C * ‫ روح‬0W,Y /#-4 * , %!%‫ إ اه ? * ا‬0W,Y <‫ أ‬0W,Y‫ و‬. F J‫ ءوا آ‬O‫!ل هؤم ا‬E+ %‫ ذ‬,03)
(… <) F9T 4 (+ ‫ي أي‬,C ) /
 E%‫!م ا‬+ ^,C ‚O!+ S‫ل إن ا‬O /aR_#%‫ ا‬A $ /-0Y * S‫ ا‬,C * S‫ ا‬,C <X C.‫أ‬

‫ ءوا‬O‫ هؤم ا‬%‫ ذ‬,0 ‫!ل‬E ) . % ‫ ت‬2 ,O <X‫ وإ‬F LN)‫? أ‬% <X‫ إ‬F% ‫!ل‬E ) ‫? أي رب‬3X ‫!ل‬E ) ‫& ها‬-# &X‫ أ‬F% ‫!ل‬E ) FJ2 Lf
* AT4 * Y # *‫ ا‬w+,Y Q L[%‫م )< ا‬,E9 ,O‫ و‬/
 E%‫!م ا‬+ FJL N) *
X * Y " F $Y ‫<
_ق‬X‫& أ‬00… <X‫ " إ‬F J‫آ‬
,O FX‫ إذا رأى أ‬1JY (-‫ آ‬F!X ^‫ ر‬E ) /
 E%‫!م ا‬+ ,C3%‫ ا‬S‫< ا‬X,+ " ‫!ل‬E+ ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫& ر‬3#4 ‫ل‬E) ‫!ى‬0%‫ا‬
‫!ل‬E ) \)0#%‫) وا‬a%‫ وأ
 ا‬F0 #  F90$Y ‫ب‬J‫ آ‬13+ ?W ‫ !م‬%‫ ا‬% ‫ ه‬2 ‫ أ‬X‫  وأ‬X,%‫  )< ا‬- (9 J4 <X‫ إ‬1%39 S‫ل ا‬O -‫ه‬
* #%%‫ ا‬1- S‫ ا‬/03% ‫ ر(? أ‬1- ‫* آ!ا‬+%‫ء ا‬g‫(د ه‬K‫ " ا‬.

Fْ َ ِ َ$Y
ِ ٍ‫َق‬-
ُ <hX‫& َأ‬
ُ 0ْ 0َ …
َ <hX‫ِإ‬

*+%‫ " ا‬1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫ آ‬/%L

 *R‫ !م آ‬%‫  أن ها ا‬X,%‫ )< ا‬0O!
&0‫ آ‬,O ‫ " أي‬F $Y ‫<
_ق‬X‫& أ‬00… <X‫ " إ‬1%39 F%!O‫و‬
?(‫! ر‬O_
?(X‫!ن أ‬0+ " .

/ٍ َ r
ِ ‫ رَا‬/ٍ U
َ ِ <ِ) !َ (ُ َ)

/ r
‫ أي‬.

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َ <ِ)

* <- * *$L%‫ ا‬/CJ !‫ أ‬0W,Y <‫ أ‬0W,Y ?9Y <‫ل ا* أ‬O . ‫!ره‬CY ?R‫ دوره دا‬/# 3X ‫!ره‬Y ‫ن‬$Y ‫[!ره‬O /3 )‫أي ر‬

‫& أ أ‬3#4 ‫ل‬O ‫!د‬4K‫_م ا‬4 <‫ * أ‬7‫ * أ< آ‬1 L+ * ‚4!+ * , 34 * ‫ *  ش‬A #4‫ إ‬0W,Y <X!a$%‫? ا‬-$

/G‫ر‬,%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬1%‫  إ‬-3%‫ ا‬/G‫ر‬,%‫ ا‬A‫} أه‬C( % FX‫? إ‬3X " ‫ل‬O /0%‫ ا‬A‫اور أه‬mJ+ A‫? ه‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬AG‫;ل ر‬4 ‫ل‬O
<) &CW ,O‫(? " و‬%#‫[ (? أ‬E9 * -K‫ ا‬1%‫ون إ‬,3[+ 1-2$%‫ ا‬/G‫ر‬,%‫ ا‬A‫ { أه‬J$+ ‫ (? و‬- ‫!ن‬#-$+‫(? و‬X! L ) 1-2$%‫ا‬
‫رض‬K‫ء وا‬#$%‫  * ا‬#‫ * آ‬JG‫ در‬A‫
  * آ‬/G‫ در‬/R
/0%‫ " إن ا‬Q L[%‫ " ا‬.

ٌ/ َ Xِ ‫ُ! ُ)(َ دَا‬Oُ

‫ ن‬24 * ‫ ي‬,%‫< * ا‬X‫ ا‬C%‫ل ا‬O ,Y‫ل وا‬O ‫ ^ وآا‬+ 4 1- ?RX !‫ه? وه‬,Y‫( أ‬%‫و‬0J+ /C+ O ‫ اء * زب أي‬C%‫ل ا‬O
 "?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O <4‫ر‬2%‫ن ا‬#-4 * ‫ر‬$+ * ‫? * ء‬3X‫د * أ‬+‫* * ز‬#Y %‫ ا‬,C * ‫!ري‬7%‫ا‬
‫ " وآا‬/ X‫!)( دا‬O / % /0G ^!-.‫_ن * )_ن أد‬2% S‫ب
* ا‬J‫ ? ها آ‬Y %‫* ا‬#Y %‫ ا‬S‫? ا‬$ : ‫ إ !از‬/0%‫ ا‬,Y‫ أ‬A.,+
S‫!ل ا‬4‫ن * ر‬#-4 * ‫ي‬,(0%‫ن ا‬#7 <‫< * أ‬# J%‫ن ا‬# -4 * , 34 * ‫ان‬,34 \+ d *
/0%‫ ا‬/2f <) ‫ ء‬N%‫روا^ ا‬
‫_ن‬2% ? aL%‫ ا‬m+m3%‫ ا‬S‫ب
* ا‬J‫ ? ها آ‬Y %‫* ا‬#Y %‫ ا‬S‫? ا‬$ : ‫[ اط‬%‫ ا‬1- ‫!ازا‬G *
g#%‫ ا‬13+ " ‫ل‬O ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f
/ X‫!)( دا‬O / % /0G ^!-.‫ " أد‬.

/ِ َ %َِo%ْ ‫مِ ا‬+َ;%ْ ‫?ْ )ِ< ا‬Jُ 2ْ َ-4

ْ ‫َ َأ‬#ِ ًT ِ0‫ َ ُ!ا َه‬
ْ ‫ُ!ا وَا‬-ُ‫آ‬

" ‫ل‬O FX‫? أ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ * ر‬Q L[%‫& )< ا‬CW ,E) ‫ وإ‬X$Y‫
 وإ‬3X‫ وإ‬X0J
‫ (? وا‬- _N29 %‫(? ذ‬% ‫ل‬E+ ‫أي‬
<X,#sJ+ ‫ إ أن‬X‫ل " و أ‬O S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ &X‫!ا و أ‬%O " /0%‫ ا‬F-# F-.,+ *% ?a0
‫ا‬,Y‫!ا أن أ‬#-‫ر!ا وا‬O‫دوا و‬,4‫!ا و‬-#‫ا‬
AN)‫ و‬F0
/#Y  S‫ " ا‬.

Allah informs of the happiness of those who receive their Book in the right hand on the Day of
Judgement and being pleased with this. Out of his extreme pleasure is his saying to everyone
that he meets,

6ْF َ C‫َـ‬J‫ َ ُؤ ْا ِآ‬Oْ ‫هَ ُؤ ُم ا‬

(Here! read my Record!) meaning, `take my Book and read it.' He will say this because he
knows that what is in it is good and purely virtuous deeds. He will be of those whom Allah
replaced their bad deeds (evils) with good deeds. `Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd said, "The
meaning of

6ْF َ C‫َـ‬J‫ َ ُؤ ْا ِآ‬Oْ ‫هَ ُؤ ُم ا‬

(Here! read my Record!) is `Here, read my Book.'... The suffix `Um' is a grammatical
addition.'' This is what he (`Abdur-Rahman) said. It seems apparent that the suffix `Um'
means here `you all.' Ibn Abi Hatim recorded that `Abdullah bin `Abdullah bin Hanzalah -
and he (Hanzalah) was the Companion who was washed by the angels for his funeral - said,
"Verily, Allah will stop His servant on the Day of Judgement and He will make his sins appear
on the outside of his Book of Records. Then He will say to him, `Did you do this' The servant
will respond, `Yes my Lord.' Then Allah will say to him, `I will not expose you (or dishonor
you) for it, for verily, I have forgiven you. ' The person will then say, `Here (you all) read my

6 Fْ َ َِ$Y
ِ \
ٍ ‫َـ‬-
ُ 1hX‫& َأ‬
ُ 0َ0َ… 1hX‫ِإ‬

(Surely, I did believe that I shall meet my account!) This will be when he (the servant of Allah)
will be saved from being disgraced and exposed on the Day of Judgement. In the Sahih, it is
recorded from Ibn `Umar that he was asked about the private counsel. He responded by
saying that he heard the Messenger of Allah saying,

َ‫ِ ُ ه‬2 ْ ‫َ َأ‬X‫ َ َوَأ‬Xْ ,%‫ ْ َ )ِ< ا‬-َ َ َ(9ُ ْ Jَ 4 َ <hX‫ ِإ‬:1%َ39َ S ُ ‫َ َل ا‬O 
َ -َ‫ْ َه‬,Oَ Fُ X ‫ ِإذَا َرأَى َأ‬1ْJY
َ ،َ(h-‫ ُآ‬Fِ ِ !ُXُ ِ ُ^‫ ُر‬h Eَ ُ َ) /ِ
َ َ ِE%ْ ‫!ْ َم ا‬+َ َ,Cْ 3َ %ْ ‫ُ ا‬S‫ِ< ا‬Xْ,+ُ »
‫(َ ُد‬
ْ َ;%ْ ‫ُ! ُل ا‬E َ َ) \ُ )ِ َ0#ُ ْ%‫َ ِ) ُ وَا‬a%ْ ‫ َوَأ
 ا‬.Fِ0 ِ# َ ِ Fِ 9ِ َ0$
َ َY ‫ب‬
َ َJِ‫ آ‬1َ3ْ +ُ ?Wُ ،َ‫ َ ْ!م‬%ْ ‫َ ا‬%َ

«6َ* ِ#-ِ‫ـ‬%‫ ا‬1َ-

َ Fِ -%‫ ا‬/ُ 0َ ْ3%َ َ ‫ ِ(?ْ َأ‬h َ‫ ر‬1َ-َ ‫* َآَُ! ْا‬
َ +ِ%‫ُ ِء ا‬g‫هَـ‬

(Allah will bring the servant close (to Him) on the Day of Judgement and make him confess all
of his sins. This will continue until the servant thinks that he is about to be destroyed. Then
Allah will say, "Verily, I have concealed these sins for you in the worldly life and I have
forgiven you for them today.'' Then he will be given his Book of good deeds in his right hand.
However, about the disbeliever and the hypocrite, the witnesses will say, ("These are those
who lied on their Lord, and verily, the curse of Allah is on the wrongdoers.'')) Allah's

6 Fْ َ َِ$Y
ِ \
ٍ ‫َـ‬-
ُ 1hX‫& َأ‬
ُ 0َ0َ… 1hX‫ِإ‬

(Surely, I did believe that I shall meet my account!) means, `I used to be certain in the worldly
life that this day would definitely come.' This is as Allah says,

6ْ?(ِ h ‫ُ!ا َر‬E‫َـ‬-

 ?ُ(X‫!نَ َأ‬0
ُ +َ َ*+ِ%‫ا‬

((They are those) who are certain that they are going to meet their Lord.) (2:46) Allah then

6 /ٍ َ ِr‫ را‬/ٍ U
َ ِ 1ِ) !َ (ُ َ)

(So he shall be in a life, well-pleasing.) (69:21) meaning, pleasant.

6 /ٍ َ ِ%َ ٍ/0 G
َ 1ِ)

(In a lofty Paradise,) meaning, having elevated castles, beautiful wide-eyed maidens, pleasant
stations and eternal joy. It has been confirmed in the Sahih that the Prophet said,

«‫َْ;رْض‬%‫َ ِء وَا‬#$
 %‫* ا‬
َ ْ َ َ#‫* َآ‬
ِ ْ َJG
َ ‫ دَ َر‬Ah ‫* ُآ‬
َ ْ َ َ
/ٍ G
َ ‫ َد َر‬/ُ Rَ ِ
/َ 0 
َ %ْ ‫»ِإن ا‬

(Verily, Paradise has one hundred levels and between each level is a distance like the distance
between the earth and the sky.) Then Allah says,

6 ٌ/ َ Xِ ‫ُ!)ُ(َ دَا‬Oُ 

(The fruits in bunches whereof will be low and near at hand.) Al-Bara' bin `Azib said, "This
means close enough for one of them (the people of Paradise) to reach them while he is lying on
his bed.'' More than one person has said this. Then Allah says,

6 /ِ َ ِ%َo%ْ ‫ ِم ا‬+ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ?Jُ 2ْ َ-4

ْ ‫َ َأ‬#ِ ًTَ ِ0‫ َ ُ!اْ َه‬
ْ ‫ُ!اْ وَا‬-‫ ُآ‬

(Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent on before you in days past!) meaning, this
will be said to them as an invitation to them of blessing, favor and goodness. For verily, it has
been confirmed in the Sahih that the Messenger of Allah said,

«/0َ%ْ ‫ ا‬Fُ -ُ#َ 

َ Fُ -َِ.ْ,+ُ ْ*َ% ْ?aُ 0ْ
ِ ‫ًا‬,َY‫ُ!ا َأن َأ‬#-َ
ْ ‫ وَا‬،‫َ ِرُ!ا‬O‫دُوا َو‬,h 4
َ َ‫ُ!ا و‬-#َ 
ْ ‫»ا‬

(Work deeds, strive, seek to draw near (to Allah) and know that none of you will be admited
into Paradise because of his deeds.) They (the Companions) said, "Not even you O Messenger
of Allah'' He replied,

«AْNَ)‫ َو‬Fُ 0ْ
ِ /ٍ #َ Y
ْ َ ِ S
ُ ‫<ا‬
َ Xِ ,َ # sَ Jَ +َ ْ‫ َأن‬%‫َ ِإ‬X‫َ َأ‬%َ‫»و‬

(Not even me, except if Allah covers me with mercy from Himself and grace. )

13. QS Al Insyiqaq 84 : 6-9

- Fِ ِE‫َـ‬-#ُ )َ ًYْ,‫ َآ‬ َ ّ ‫ َر‬1َ%‫َ آَ ِدحٌ ِإ‬X‫* ِإ‬

ُ ‫َـ‬$Xِn‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ+
- Fِ 0ِ ِ# َ ِ Fُ Cَ ‫َـ‬J‫ ِآ‬1
َ ِ9‫َ);َ
*ْ أُو‬
- ‫ِ ًا‬$+َ ًَ$Y ِ Vُ 4 َ َL+ُ ‫ف‬ َ ْ!$ َ )َ
- ‫ ُورًا‬$ ْ
َ Fِ -ِ‫ َأ ْه‬1َ%‫ ِإ‬V ُ ِ-Eَ 0َ+َ‫و‬

84:6. Hai manusia, sesungguhnya kamu telah bekerja dengan sungguh-sungguh menuju
Tuhanmu, maka pasti kamu akan menemui-Nya.
84:7. Adapun orang yang diberikan kitabnya dari sebelah kanannya,
84:8. maka dia akan diperiksa dengan pemeriksaan yang mudah,
84:9. dan dia akan kembali kepada kaumnya (yang sama-sama beriman) dengan gembira.

6. O man! Verily, you are returning towards your Lord with your deeds and actions, a sure
returning, and you will meet.)
(7. Then as for him who will be given his Record in his right hand,)
(8. He surely will receive an easy reckoning,)
(9. And will return to his family Masrur (in joy)!)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ًYْ,‫َ َآ‬h ‫ َر‬1َ%‫ آَ ِدحٌ ِإ‬

َ X ‫ن ِإ‬
ُ َ$Xْ ِtْ%‫(َ ا‬+‫َ َأ‬+

 روا^ أ! داود‬%% ,(U+‫ و‬.  ‫ أو‬. *
1E-J4 X‫? إ‬W "F O_#) " _# A
‫  و‬34 ‫ ر‬1%‫ع إ‬4 X‫أي إ‬
+ A+ CG ‫ل‬O " ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O G * m%‫ * أ< ا‬23G <‫* * أ‬$L%‫< * ا‬$% %‫ا‬
‫ ر‬F%!O 1- #N%‫ ا‬, 3+ *
‫س‬0%‫ " و
* ا‬F O_
Xt) &T 
A#‫ وا‬FO‫ر‬2
Xt) &T *
& وأ‬Xt) &T 
(+‫ أ‬+ " ‫س‬C *‫!)< * ا‬3%‫ل ا‬O ‫_زم‬J
* %!E%‫_ ا‬a) ‫ ها‬1-‫  و‬34 1- T)a+‫ و‬-#3 +‫^ ) ز‬03
‫_ق ر و‬#) ‫أي‬
1%‫ آدح إ‬X‫ن إ‬$Xn‫( ا‬+‫ أ‬+ " ‫دة‬JO ‫ل‬O‫ و‬. ‫ ا آن أو  ا‬. F S‫ ا‬1E-9 _# A#39 ‫!ل‬E+ " Y,‫ ر آ‬1%‫ آدح إ‬X‫ن إ‬$Xn‫ا‬
S ‫!ة إ‬O ‫ و‬A32 -) S‫ ا‬/d <) FY,‫!ن آ‬a+ ‫ع أن‬J4‫* ا‬#) ‚ 3N% ‫دم‬q *‫ ا‬+ Y,‫ " إن آ‬Y,‫ ر آ‬.

Fِ 0ِ ِ# َ ِ Fُ َ َJ‫< ِآ‬
َ 9ِ ‫)ََ;
*ْ أُو‬

0W,Y : ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬. /%L
 -‫ ه‬%‫ آ‬V4!Y *
‫ن‬t) F%#‫\ أ‬RO‫ { د‬#G F - \EL+  ‫ أي‬$39 _ _(4 ‫أي‬
" ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : &%O (0 S‫< ا‬r‫ ر‬/UR * /a -
<‫ * أ‬S‫ ا‬,C * ‫!ب‬+‫ أ‬X C.‫ أ‬A #4‫إ‬
%‫* ذ‬a%‫ب و‬$L% ‫ ذاك‬H % " ‫ل‬O " ‫ ا‬$+ $Y V4L+ ‫!ف‬$) " 1%39 S‫ل ا‬O H -)‫ أ‬: &-E) : &%O "‫ب ب‬$L%‫ ا‬eO!X
‫!ب‬+‫ أ‬w+,Y *
+ G *‫< وا‬R$0%‫
ي وا‬J%‫? وا‬-$
‫ري و‬oC%‫ا روا^ ا‬a‫ ب " وه‬/
 E%‫!م ا‬+ ‫ب‬$L%‫ ا‬eO!X *
‫ ض‬3%‫ا‬
<r‫ ر‬/UR * /a -
<‫از * ا* أ‬mo%‫ أ! 
ا‬0W,Y ‫دة‬C * ‫ روح‬0W,Y { ‫ ا* وآ‬0W,Y + G *‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬F <X Jo$%‫ا‬
" ‫!ل‬E+ S‫ ا‬H %‫& أ‬-E) " 3
‫ إ‬/
 E%‫!م ا‬+ V4L+ ,Y‫ أ‬H % FX‫? " إ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : &%O (0 S‫ا‬
^‫ روا‬,O‫& و‬a0+ FX;‫ آ‬F3Cf‫ أ‬1- ^,  ‫ل‬O‫ب ب" و‬$L%‫ ا‬eO!X *
FX‫ ض إ‬3%‫ل " ذاك ا‬O " ‫ ا‬$+ $Y V4L+ ‫!ف‬$)
w+,L%‫ )آ ا‬/UR * ?4E%‫ * ا‬/a -
<‫ ي * ا* أ‬UE%‫ ا‬HX!+ <‫ي * أ‬, <‫< * ا* أ‬- * ‫ و‬# * N+‫أ‬
0W,Y <#N(%‫< ا‬- * [X 0W,Y : + G *‫ل ا‬O F ‫ ة‬sf <‫? * أ‬9Y F#4‫ ي وا‬UE%‫ ا‬HX!+ <‫\ أ‬+ d *
^G .‫أ‬
. ‫ ب‬- V4!Y *
‫ أو‬- ‫ب‬$L%‫ ا‬eO!X *
: &%O /UR * /a -
<‫ * ا* أ‬m%‫< ا‬.‫& أ‬+ o%‫ * ا‬e+ L%‫? * ا‬-$

,C <0W,Y ‫ق‬L4‫ * إ‬,#L

0W,Y A #4‫ إ‬0W,Y ,#Y‫ل أ‬O‫ اه? و‬+ !‫ وه‬1%39 S‫ ا‬1- ‫  ض‬$ %‫ب ا‬$L%‫ ا‬#X‫& إ‬%O ?W ‫ل‬O
ˆ3 <) ‫!ل‬E+ S‫!ل ا‬4‫& ر‬3#4 : &%O /UR * m%‫ * ا‬S‫ ا‬,C * ‫د‬C * m%‫ * ا‬S‫ ا‬,C * ‫ة‬m#Y * ,Y‫!ا‬%‫ا‬
F% ‫وز‬J ) FJ‫ )< آ‬0+ ‫ل " أن‬O ‫ ؟‬$ %‫ب ا‬$L%‫
 ا‬S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ &-O ‫[ ف‬X‫ ا‬#-) " ‫ ا‬$+ $Y <0C4Y ?(-%‫" ا‬F9_f
‫  ط‬1- Q Lf " -‫ ه‬T
!+ /UR + ‫ب‬$L%‫ ا‬eO!X *
FX‫ إ‬F0 .

‫ِ ًا‬$+َ ًَ$ِY V
ُ 4
َ َLُ+ ‫ف‬
َ !ْ $
َ َ)

0W,Y : ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬. /%L
 -‫ ه‬%‫ آ‬V4!Y *
‫ن‬t) F%#‫\ أ‬RO‫ { د‬#G F - \EL+  ‫ أي‬$39 _ _(4 ‫أي‬
" ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : &%O (0 S‫< ا‬r‫ ر‬/UR * /a -
<‫ * أ‬S‫ ا‬,C * ‫!ب‬+‫ أ‬X C.‫ أ‬A #4‫إ‬
%‫* ذ‬a%‫ب و‬$L% ‫ ذاك‬H % " ‫ل‬O " ‫ ا‬$+ $Y V4L+ ‫!ف‬$) " 1%39 S‫ل ا‬O H -)‫ أ‬: &-E) : &%O "‫ب ب‬$L%‫ ا‬eO!X
‫!ب‬+‫ أ‬w+,Y *
+ G *‫< وا‬R$0%‫
ي وا‬J%‫? وا‬-$
‫ري و‬oC%‫ا روا^ ا‬a‫ ب " وه‬/
 E%‫!م ا‬+ ‫ب‬$L%‫ ا‬eO!X *
‫ ض‬3%‫ا‬
<r‫ ر‬/UR * /a -
<‫از * ا* أ‬mo%‫ أ! 
ا‬0W,Y ‫دة‬C * ‫ روح‬0W,Y { ‫ ا* وآ‬0W,Y + G *‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬F <X Jo$%‫ا‬
" ‫!ل‬E+ S‫ ا‬H %‫& أ‬-E) " 3
‫ إ‬/
 E%‫!م ا‬+ V4L+ ,Y‫ أ‬H % FX‫? " إ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : &%O (0 S‫ا‬
^‫ روا‬,O‫& و‬a0+ FX;‫ آ‬F3Cf‫ أ‬1- ^,  ‫ل‬O‫ب ب" و‬$L%‫ ا‬eO!X *
FX‫ ض إ‬3%‫ل " ذاك ا‬O " ‫ ا‬$+ $Y V4L+ ‫!ف‬$)
w+,L%‫ )آ ا‬/UR * ?4E%‫ * ا‬/a -
<‫ ي * ا* أ‬UE%‫ ا‬HX!+ <‫ي * أ‬, <‫< * ا* أ‬- * ‫ و‬# * N+‫أ‬
0W,Y <#N(%‫< ا‬- * [X 0W,Y : + G *‫ل ا‬O F ‫ ة‬sf <‫? * أ‬9Y F#4‫ ي وا‬UE%‫ ا‬HX!+ <‫\ أ‬+ d *
^G .‫أ‬
. ‫ ب‬- V4!Y *
‫ أو‬- ‫ب‬$L%‫ ا‬eO!X *
: &%O /UR * /a -
<‫ * ا* أ‬m%‫< ا‬.‫& أ‬+ o%‫ * ا‬e+ L%‫? * ا‬-$

,C <0W,Y ‫ق‬L4‫ * إ‬,#L

0W,Y A #4‫ إ‬0W,Y ,#Y‫ل أ‬O‫ اه? و‬+ !‫ وه‬1%39 S‫ ا‬1- ‫  ض‬$ %‫ب ا‬$L%‫ ا‬#X‫& إ‬%O ?W ‫ل‬O
ˆ3 <) ‫!ل‬E+ S‫!ل ا‬4‫& ر‬3#4 : &%O /UR * m%‫ * ا‬S‫ ا‬,C * ‫د‬C * m%‫ * ا‬S‫ ا‬,C * ‫ة‬m#Y * ,Y‫!ا‬%‫ا‬
F% ‫وز‬J ) FJ‫ )< آ‬0+ ‫ل " أن‬O ‫ ؟‬$ %‫ب ا‬$L%‫
 ا‬S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ &-O ‫[ ف‬X‫ ا‬#-) " ‫ ا‬$+ $Y <0C4Y ?(-%‫" ا‬F9_f
‫  ط‬1- Q Lf " -‫ ه‬T
!+ /UR + ‫ب‬$L%‫ ا‬eO!X *
FX‫ إ‬F0 .

‫ ُورًا‬$
َ Fِ -ِ‫ َأ ْه‬1َ%‫ ِإ‬V
ُ ِ-Eَ 0ْ َ+‫َو‬

* <X‫ ا‬C%‫ روى ا‬,O‫ و‬. AG‫ و‬m S‫ أ^ ا‬# CJs
Y ) ‫ ورا أي‬$
: ‫ك‬LN%‫دة وا‬JO F%O /0%‫ )< ا‬F-‫ أه‬1%‫{ إ‬G +‫أي و‬
‫ ور أو‬$#) F-‫ أه‬1%‫!ب إ‬7+ ‫ أن‬VRs%‫! ا‬+‫ ف و‬39  #‫!ن أ‬-#39 ?aX‫ل إ‬O FX‫? أ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬1%!

Allah says,

6ًYْ,َ‫ آ‬
َ h ‫ َر‬1َ%‫َ آَ ِدحٌ ِإ‬X ‫* ِإ‬
ُ ‫َـ‬$Xِn‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ+

(O man! Verily, you are returning towards your Lord with your deeds and actions, a sure
returning,) meaning, `verily you are hastening to your Lord and working deeds.'

6ِF ِE‫َـ‬-ُ#)َ 

(and you will meet.) `Then you will meet that which you did of good or evil.' A proof for this is
what Abu Dawud At-Tayalisi recorded from Jabir, that the Messenger of Allah said,

«F ِOَ-
ُ َX tِ)َ &
َ Tْ 
ِ َ
ْ ‫ وَا‬،ُFOُ ‫َ ِر‬2
ُ َX tَِ) &
َ Tْ ِ (ْ*
َ ) ْVCِ Y
ْ ‫ َوَأ‬،ٌ& h
َ َX tَِ) &
َ ْT
ِ َ
ِ ،ُ,# َL
ُ َ+ :ُA+ِ ْCG
ِ َ‫َل‬O»

(Jibril said, "O Muhammad! Live how you wish, for verily you will die; love what you wish,
for verily you will part with it; and do what you wish, for verily you will meet it (your deed).)
There are some people who refer the pronoun back to the statement "your Lord.'' Thus, they
hold the Ayah to mean, "and you will meet your Lord.'' This means that He will reward you
for your work, and pay you for your efforts. Therefore, both of these two views are connected.
Al-`Awfi recorded from Ibn `Abbas that he said explaining,

6ًYْ,َ‫ آ‬
َ h ‫ َر‬1َ%‫َ آَ ِدحٌ ِإ‬X ‫* ِإ‬
ُ ‫َـ‬$Xِn‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ+

(O man! Verily, you are returning towards your Lord with your deeds and actions, a sure
returning,) "Whatever deed you do, you will meet Allah with it, whether it is good or bad.''

Then Allah says,

6 ‫ِ ًا‬$+َ ًَ$Y
ِ V
ُ 4
َ َL+ُ ‫ف‬
َ ْ!$
َ )َ - Fِ 0ِ ِ# َ ِ Fُ Cَ ‫َـ‬J‫ ِآ‬1
َ 9ِ ‫)ََ;
*ْ أُو‬

(Then as for him who will be given his Record in his right hand, he surely, will receive an easy
reckoning,) (84:7-8) meaning, easy without any difficulty. This means that he will not be
investigated for all the minute details of his deeds. For verily, whoever is reckoned like that, he
will certainly be destroyed. Imam Ahmad recorded from `A'ishah that the Messenger of Allah

ُ ‫ب‬
َ َ$ِL%ْ ‫ ا‬e
َ Oِ !ُX ْ*
َ »

(Whoever is interrogated during the reckoning, then he will be punished.) `A'ishah then said,
"But didn't Allah say,

6 ‫ِ ًا‬$َ+ ًَ$ِY V
ُ 4
َ َL+ُ ‫ف‬
َ ْ!$
َ )َ 

(He surely will receive an easy reckoning,)'' The Prophet replied,

«‫ب‬hُ /ِ
َ َ Eِ %ْ ‫!ْ َم ا‬+َ ‫ب‬
َ َ$L
ِ %ْ ‫ ا‬e
َ ِO!ُX ْ*
َ ،ُ‫ ْض‬3َ %ْ ‫ِ ا‬%ِ‫*ْ ذ‬aِ ‫َــ‬%‫ َو‬،ِ‫َب‬$ِL%ْ ِ ‫ك‬
ِ ‫ ذَا‬H
َ ْ %َ»

(That is not during to the Reckoning, rather it is referring to the presentation. Whoever is
interrogated during the Reckoning on the Day of Judgement, then he will be punished.) This
Hadith has also been recorded by Al-Bukhari, Muslim, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i and Ibn Jarir.
In reference to Allah's statement,

6 ‫ ُورًا‬$
َ Fِ -ِ‫ َأ ْه‬1َ%‫ ِإ‬V
ُ -َِE0َ+‫ َو‬

(And will return to his family Masrur!) This means that he will return to his family in
Paradise. This was said by Qatadah and Ad-Dahhak. They also said, "Masrur means happy
and delighted by what Allah has given him.''

14. QS Al Imran 3 : 169-175

‫ُ!ن‬O‫ُ ْ َز‬+ ْ?(ِ h ‫َ َر‬,0ِ ٌ‫ْ َء‬Y‫ْ َأ‬Aَ ً9َ!

ْ ‫ َأ‬Fِ -%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4 َ 1ِ) ْ‫ُ!ا‬-Jِ ُO * َ +ِ%‫* ا‬  Cَ $
َ ْL9َ َ ‫َو‬
- ‫ ُون‬U ِ ْCJَ $ْ َ+ - ‫ن‬ َ !ُXmَ ْL+َ ْ?‫َ ْ ِ(?ْ َو َ ُه‬- َ ٌ‫!ْف‬. َ  ‫ ِ(?ْ َأ‬2ِ -ْ َ. ْ*
h ?ِ(ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬EL َ ْ-+َ ْ?%َ *
َ +ِ%ِ ‫ن‬
َ ‫ ُو‬U ِ Cْ Jَ ْ$+َ ‫ َو‬Fِ -ِْNَ) *ِ
Fُ -%‫َـ ُ(?ُ ا‬9‫َ ءَا‬#ِ *
َ ِY ِ )َ
* ِ0
ِ gْ #ُ %ْ ‫ َ ا‬Gْ ‫ِ ُ{ َأ‬N+ُ َ َF-%‫ن ا‬  ‫ وََأ‬Aٍ Nْ َ)‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫* ا‬ َ
h /ٍ #َ 3ْ 0ِ ِ
- ? ِ َ ٌ G ْ ‫َ!ْاْ َأ‬E9 ‫ ُ(?ْ وَا‬0ْ
ِ ‫ُ! ْا‬0$
َ ْY‫*َ َأ‬+ِ-ِ% ‫ح‬ ُ ْ Eَ %ْ ‫َ ُ( ُ? ا‬C‫َـ‬f‫ِ
َ َأ‬,3ْ َ *ِ
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ُ 0%‫ ُ(?ُ ا‬%َ َ‫َل‬O * َ +ِ%‫ا‬
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3:169. Janganlah kamu mengira bahwa orang-orang yang gugur di jalan Allah itu mati;
bahkan mereka itu hidup di sisi Tuhannya dengan mendapat rezki.
3:170. mereka dalam keadaan gembira disebabkan karunia Allah yang diberikan-Nya kepada
mereka, dan mereka bergirang hati terhadap orang-orang yang masih tinggal di belakang
yang belum menyusul mereka, bahwa tidak ada kekhawatiran terhadap mereka dan tidak
(pula) mereka bersedih hati.
3:171. Mereka bergirang hati dengan nikmat dan karunia yang besar dari Allah, dan bahwa
Allah tidak menyia-nyiakan pahala orang-orang yang beriman.
3:172. (Yaitu) orang-orang yang menaati perintah Allah dan Rasul-Nya sesudah mereka
mendapat luka (dalam peperangan Uhud). Bagi orang-orang yang berbuat kebaikan di
antara mereka dan yang bertakwa ada pahala yang besar.
3:173. (Yaitu) orang-orang (yang menaati Allah dan Rasul) yang kepada mereka ada orang-
orang yang mengatakan: "Sesungguhnya manusia telah mengumpulkan pasukan untuk
menyerang kamu, karena itu takutlah kepada mereka", maka perkataan itu menambah
keimanan mereka dan mereka menjawab: "Cukuplah Allah menjadi Penolong kami dan
Allah adalah sebaik-baik Pelindung."
3:174. Maka mereka kembali dengan nikmat dan karunia (yang besar) dari Allah, mereka
tidak mendapat bencana apa-apa, mereka mengikuti keridaan Allah. Dan Allah mempunyai
karunia yang besar
3:175. Sesungguhnya mereka itu tidak lain hanyalah setan yang menakut-nakuti (kamu)
dengan kawan-kawannya (orang-orang musyrik Quraisy), karena itu janganlah kamu takut
kepada mereka, tetapi takutlah kepada-Ku, jika kamu benar-benar orang yang beriman.

(169. Think not of those as dead who are killed in the way of Allah. Nay, they are alive, with
their Lord, and they have provision.)

(170. They rejoice in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty and rejoice for the
sake of those who have not yet joined them, but are left behind (not yet martyred) that on
them no fear shall come, nor shall they grieve.)

(171. They rejoice in a grace and a bounty from Allah, and that Allah will not waste the
reward of the believers.)

(172. Those who answered (the Call of) Allah and the Messenger after being wounded; for
those of them who did good deeds and feared Allah, there is a great reward.)

(173. Those to whom the people said, "Verily, the people have gathered against you, therefore,
fear them.'' But it (only) increased them in faith, and they said: "Allah is Sufficient for us, and

He is the Best Disposer of affairs.'')

(174. So they returned with grace and bounty from Allah. No harm touched them; and they
followed the pleasure of Allah. And Allah is the Owner of great bounty.)

(175. It is only Shaytan that suggests to you the fear of his friends; so fear them not, but fear
Me, if you are indeed believers.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

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* ‪ e G‬أ‪  ,#Y‬و‪ /-09 e.‬و‪ 
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!4 ,E% ^,  <$2X‬رة ‪ !%‬أ‪!LCf‬ا ( ‪!Xa%‬ا آ;
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* ا‪J%‬ر )‪E‬ل ردوا
‪,#L‬ا و‪ *
?a%‬ا‪ A3%‬آا وآا‬
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‫ن ا‪َ 0%‬‬
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(%O‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O * Y ?-4‬ل ‪ ?(%‬ا‪0%‬س إن ا‪0%‬س ‪!3#G ,O‬ا ‪?a%‬‬
‫)‪!U.‬ه? )‪m‬اده? إ‪ X#+‬و‪!%O‬ا ‪ 0C$Y‬ا‪ S‬و‪ ?3X‬ا‪!%‬آ ‪ .A‬و‪ ,O‬روا^ ا‪ * ,#L
* <R$0%‬إ‪ * A #4‬إ اه ? وهرون * ‪ ,C‬ا‪S‬‬
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* ‪ w+,Y‬أ‪?W F HX!+ * ,#Y‬‬
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‪ * %‬إ‪ * A #4‬إ‪ 4‬ا‪ * A R‬أ<‬
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‫)< ا‪0%‬ر ‪ .‬روا^ ا* ‪ + G‬و‪O‬ل أ! ‪
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* ,#L
0W,Y F+‬إ اه ? *
!‪ 14‬ا‪!7%‬ري ‪ ,C 0W,Y‬ا‪* ? Y %‬‬

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* HX‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬أ‪F% A O FX‬‬
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2X <)  - FG‬أ< ‪ 24‬ن )‪ ?( E-‬أ ا<
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دو‪ 0W,Y F+‬د‪ * Ž-‬أ‪ 0W,Y ,#Y‬ا‪* *$L%‬‬
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* /#7 .‬أ‪ * 14!
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V+ w+,Y‬ها ا‪ FG!%‬و‪,O‬‬
‫‪O‬ل ا‪
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* ,%. * , 34 * 1 L+ 0W,Y / E 0W,Y O‬ان * ‪‚ 4‬‬
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)‪ <C$Y AE‬ا‪ S‬و‪ ?3X‬ا‪!%‬آ ‪ " A‬وآا روا^ أ!‬
‫داود وا‪ ‚ 4 * ,%. * 1 L+ * / E w+,Y *
<R$0%‬وه! ا‪ <
U%‬و‪! * V$0+ ?%‬ف *
‪ * %‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪F - S‬‬
‫و‪ . ^!L0 ?-4‬و‪O‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y ,#Y‬أ‪C4‬ط ‪ 
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0W,Y ,‬ا‪0W,Y ?aL%‬‬

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Allah states that even though the martyrs were killed in this life, their souls are alive and
receiving provisions in the Dwelling of Everlasting Life. In his Sahih, Muslim recorded that
Masruq said, "We asked `Abdullah about this Ayah,

َ !ُO‫ ْ َز‬+ُ ْ?(ِ h َ‫ ر‬,َ 0ِ ٌ‫ َء‬Y
ْ ‫ْ َأ‬Aَ ً9َ!
ْ ‫ َأ‬Fِ -%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4
َ 1ِ) ْ‫ُ!ا‬-ِJOُ َ*+ِ%‫* ا‬Cَ $
َ L
ْ 9َ َ ‫ َو‬

(Think not of those as dead who are killed in the way of Allah. Nay, they are alive, with their
Lord, and they have provision.)

He said, `We asked the Messenger of Allah the same question and he said,

?ِ( ْ %َ‫ َ{ ِإ‬-َdَ) ،ِA+ِ‫َد‬0Eَ %ْ ‫َ ا‬-ْ 9ِ 1َ%‫;ْوِي ِإ‬9َ ? Wُ ،ْ‫ َ َءت‬w ُ ْ Y
َ /ِ 0 
َ ْ%‫* ا‬َ
ِ ‫ح‬ُ َ $ ْ َ9 ،ِ‫ ْش‬3َ %ْ ِ ٌ/Eَ -َ3
ُ Aُ +ِ‫َد‬0Oَ َ(َ% ،ٍ ْN. ُ ٍ ْ d
َ ‫ف‬
ِ ْ!G َ <ِ) ْ?(ُ Y ُ ‫»َأرْوَا‬
،ٍ‫ث َ
ات‬ َ َ-Wَ ْ?(ِ ِ 
َ %ِ‫َ َذ‬A3َ 2َ َ) ‫َ؟‬0Tْ 
ِ w
ُ ْ Yَ /ِ 0
َ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ‫ح‬ُ َ $
ْ Xَ *
ُL ْ َX‫(ِ< َو‬Jَ ْUXَ ‫<ْ ٍء‬ َ ‫ي‬  َ‫ أ‬:‫ُ!ا‬%َEَ) ‫ً؟‬T ْ َ ‫ن‬ َ !ُ(Jَ U
ْ 9َ ْA‫ َه‬:‫َل‬E)َ /ً 
َ َ-hd‫َر  ُ( ُ? ا‬
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َ -ِ ِC4َ <ِ) Aَ Jَ Eْ Xُ 1JYَ َXِ‫َد‬$G ْ ‫َ )ِ< َأ‬0Y َ ‫ ُ د َأرْوَا‬9َ ْ‫ُ َأن‬,+ِ Xُ ‫ب‬
h ‫َ َر‬+ :‫ُ!ا‬%َO ،‫ُ!ا‬%َ;ْ$+ُ ْ‫ َآُ!ا ِ
*ْ َأن‬Jْ ُ+ ْ*%َ ْ?(ُ X‫ َرَأوْا َأ‬#َ-)َ
«‫ ِ آُ!ا‬9ُ ،ٌ/G َ َY ْ?(ُ َ% H َ ْ َ% ْ‫َأن‬

(Their souls are inside green birds that have lamps, which are hanging below the Throne (of
Allah), and they wander about in Paradise wherever they wish. Then they return to those
lamps. Allah looks at them and says, `Do you wish for anything' They say, `What more could
we wish for, while we go wherever we wish in Paradise' Allah asked them this question thrice,
and when they realize that He will keep asking them until they give an answer, they say, `O
Lord! We wish that our souls be returned to our bodies so that we are killed in Your cause
again.' Allah knew that they did not have any other wish, so they were left.)''' There are
several other similar narrations from Anas and Abu Sa`id.

Imam Ahmad recorded that Anas said that the Messenger of Allah said,

،‫ َى‬.ْ ‫ َ
 ًة ُأ‬Aَ Jَ ْE ُ )َ َ Xْ , %‫ ا‬1َ%‫ َ{ ِإ‬G
ِ ْ َ+ ْ‫  ^ُ َأن‬$
ُ +َ Fُ X tِ)َ ،ُ, ِ(U
 %‫ ا‬%‫ ِإ‬،َ Xْ , %‫ ا‬1َ%‫ َ{ ِإ‬G
ِ ْ َ9 ْ‫  هَ َأن‬$
ُ +َ ،ٌ ْ .
َ S
ِ ‫َ ا‬,0ْ 
ِ َ(َ% ،ُ‫ُ!ت‬#9َ H
ٍ 2ْ َX ْ*
ِ َ
«‫(َدَة‬Uَ %‫ ا‬Aِ N ْ )َ ْ*
ِ ‫ َى‬+َ َ#%ِ

(No soul that has a good standing with Allah and dies would wish to go back to the life of this
world, except for the martyr. He would like to be returned to this life so that he could be
martyred again, for he tastes the honor achieved from martyrdom.) Muslim collected this

In addition, Imam Ahmad recorded that, Ibn `Abbas said that the Messenger of Allah said,

Aَ +ِ‫َد‬0َO 1%ِ‫;ْوِي إ‬9َ ‫ َو‬،َ‫َ ِره‬#ِW ْ*
ِ Aُ ُ‫ ْ;آ‬9َ ‫ َو‬،ِ/‫ـ‬0َ%ْ ‫(َ َر ا‬Xْ ‫َ ِ ُد َأ‬9 ،ٍ ْN. ُ ٍ ْ َd ‫ف‬ِ ‫ْ!َا‬G‫ ُ(?ْ )ِ< َأ‬Y َ ‫ َأرْوَا‬S
ُ ‫ ا‬Aَ 3َ G
َ ،ٍ,Yُ ;ُِ ْ?aُ Xُ ‫!َا‬.
ْ ‫ ِإ‬V
َ ِf‫ ُأ‬#%َ»
-Tَ ِ% ،َ0َ% S
ُ ‫ َ{ ا‬0َ f
َ َ
‫ن‬ َ !ُ#-َ3ْ +َ َ0َX‫!َا‬.
ْ ‫& ِإ‬
َ ْ %َ َ+ :‫ُ!ا‬%َO ْ?(ِ Cِ -َEJَ
ُ *
ْ Y
ُ ‫ َو‬،ْ?(ِ -َِ‫ َ ِ ِ(?ْ َو َ
َ V
َ ِd ‫ُوا‬,G َ ‫ َو‬#-ََ) ،ِ‫ ْش‬3َ %ْ ‫ ا‬hA… ِ <ِ) V ٍ ‫ذَ َه‬
«?ُa0ْ  َ ْ?(ُ ُs-hَ‫ْ ُأ‬X‫ َأ‬:AَG‫ َو‬m 
َ S ُ ‫َ َل ا‬E)َ ،ِ‫ ْب‬L َ %ْ ‫* ا‬
َ ‫ُ!ا‬-aُ 0ْ +َ َ%‫ َو‬،ِ‫(َد‬ِ %ْ ‫ُوا )ِ< ا‬,‫ْ َه‬m+َ

(When your brothers were killed in Uhud, Allah placed their souls inside green birds that tend
to the rivers of Paradise and eat from its fruits. They then return to golden lamps hanging in
the shade of the Throne. When they tasted the delight of their food, drink and dwelling, they
said, `We wish that our brothers knew what Allah gave us so that they will not abandon Jihad
or warfare.' Allah said, `I will convey the news for you.') Allah revealed these and the
following Ayat,

َ !ُO‫ ْ َز‬+ُ ْ?(ِ h َ‫ ر‬,َ 0ِ ٌ‫ َء‬Y
ْ ‫ْ َأ‬Aَ ً9َ!
ْ ‫ َأ‬Fِ -%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4
َ 1ِ) ْ‫ُ!ا‬-ِJOُ َ*+ِ%‫* ا‬Cَ $
َ L
ْ 9َ َ ‫ َو‬

(Think not of those as dead who are killed in the way of Allah. Nay, they are alive, with their
Lord, and they have provision.)

Qatadah, Ar-Rabi` and Ad-Dahhak said that these Ayat were revealed about the martyrs of

Abu Bakr Ibn Marduwyah recorded that Jabir bin `Abdullah said, "The Messenger of Allah
looked at me one day and said, `O Jabir! Why do I see you sad' I said, `O Messenger of Allah!
My father was martyred and left behind debts and children.' He said,

«ًYَ2‫ َ? َأَكَ ِآ‬-‫ َآ‬FX‫ َوِإ‬،ٍ‫َِب‬Y ِ‫ ِ

*ْ وَرَاء‬%‫} ِإ‬
 َO ‫ًا‬,Y
َ ‫ َأ‬S
ُ ‫ َ? ا‬-‫ ُ كَ؟
َ َآ‬Cِ ْ.‫َ ُأ‬%‫»َأ‬

، /(G‫!ا‬#%‫ ا‬:‫ح‬2a%‫ ا‬:<- ‫ل‬O

َ% َ( ْ %َِ‫ ُ(?ْ إ‬X ‫ ِإ‬:‫َ!ْ ُل‬E%ْ ‫< ا‬h0

ِ \
َ Cَ 4
َ ْ,Oَ Fُ X ‫ ِإ‬:A G
َ ‫ َو‬m
َ ‫ب‬
  %‫َ َل ا‬E)َ ،ً/ َ Xِ َW 
َ ِ) Aَ Jَ ْO;َُ) َ Xْ ,%‫ ا‬1َ%‫َ َأنْ ُأرَ د ِإ‬%ُ;َ4
ْ ‫ َأ‬:َ‫َل‬O .
ْ ‫ِ< ُأ‬0-ْ َ4 :‫َ َل‬O»
«<ِR‫ِ ْŠ َ
*ْ َورَا‬-ْ َ;)َ ‫ب‬ h ‫ َأيْ َر‬:‫َ َل‬O .‫ُ!ن‬3ِG ْ َ+

(Should I tell you that Allah never spoke to anyone except from behind a veil However, He
spoke to your father directly. He said, `Ask Me and I will give you.' He said, `I ask that I am
returned to life so that I am killed in Your cause again.' The Lord, Exalted He be, said, `I have
spoken the word that they shall not be returned back to it (this life). ' He said, `O Lord! Then
convey the news to those I left behind.') Allah revealed,

ْ ‫ َأ‬Fِ -%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4
َ 1ِ) ْ‫ُ!ا‬-Jِ ُO *
َ +ِ%‫* ا‬
 Cَ $
َ L
ْ 9َ َ ‫ َو‬

(Think not of those as dead who are killed in the way of Allah...)''

Imam Ahmad recorded that Ibn `Abbas said that the Messenger of Allah said,

«“ U
ِ َ‫ْ َ ًة َو‬aُ /ِ ‫ـ‬0
َ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ْ?(ُ ُOْ‫َ ْ ِ(?ْ ِرز‬-
َ ‫ج‬
ُ ُ ْo+َ ،َ‫ َاء‬N
ْ َ. /ٍ C Oُ <ِ) ،ِ/‫ـ‬0َ%ْ ‫ب ا‬
ِ َCِ ٍ (ْ Xَ ‫ق‬
ِ ِ‫ َر‬1-َ ‫َا ُء‬,(َ U

(The martyrs convene at the shore of a river close to the door of Paradise, in a green tent,
where their provisions are brought to them from Paradise day and night.)

Ahmad and Ibn Jarir collected this Hadith, which has a good chain of narration. It appears
that the martyrs are of different types, some of them wander in Paradise, and some remain
close to this river by the door of Paradise. It is also possible that the river is where all the souls
of the martyrs convene and where they are provided with their provision day and night, and
Allah knows best. UImam Ahmad narrated a Hadith that contains good news for every
believer that his soul will be wandering in Paradise, as well, eating from its fruits, enjoying its
delights and happiness and tasting the honor that Allah has prepared in it for him. This
Hadith has a unique, authentic chain of narration that includes three of the Four Imams.
Imam Ahmad narrated this Hadith from Muhammad bin Idris Ash-Shafi`i who narrated it
from Malik bin Anas Al-Asbuhi, from Az-Zuhri, from `Abdur-Rahman bin Ka`b bin Malik
that his father said that the Messenger of Allah said,

«Fُ73َ Cْ َ+ ‫!ْ َم‬+َ ِ^,ِ $

َ G
َ 1%ِ‫ إ‬S
ُ ‫ ا‬Fُ 3َ ِGْ +َ 1JY
َ /ِ ‫ـ‬0
َ %ْ ‫َ ِ ا‬
َ <ِ) \
ُ -ُْ3+َ ٌ Rِ َd *
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬/ُ #َ $
َ Xَ »

(The soul of the believer becomes a bird that feeds on the trees of Paradise, until Allah sends
him back to his body when He resurrects him.)

This Hadith states that the souls of the believers are in the shape of a bird in Paradise. As for
the souls of martyrs, they are inside green birds, like the stars to the rest of the believing souls.
We ask Allah the Most Generous that He makes us firm on the faith.

Allah's statement,

6ُF-%‫َـ ُ( ُ? ا‬9‫َ ءَا‬#ِ َ* ِY ِ )َ 

(They rejoice in what Allah has bestowed upon them) indicates that the martyrs who were
killed in Allah's cause are alive with Allah, delighted because of the bounty and happiness they
are enjoying. They are also awaiting their brethren, who will die in Allah's cause after them,
for they will be meeting them soon. These martyrs do not have fear about the future or sorrow
for what they left behind. We ask Allah to grant us Paradise. The Two Sahihs record from
Anas, the story of the seventy Ansar Companions who were murdered at Bir Ma`unah in one
night. In this Hadith, Anas reported that the Prophet used to supplicate to Allah in Qunut in
prayer against those who killed them. Anas said, "A part of the Qur'an was revealed about
them, but was later abrogated, `Convey to our people that we met Allah and He was pleased
with us and made us pleased.'''

Allah said next,

َ ِ0
ِ ْg#ُ ْ%‫ َ ا‬G
ْ ‫ِ ُ{ َأ‬N+ُ َ َF-%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ َوَأ‬Aٍ ْNَ)‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫* ا‬
h /ٍ #َ ْ30ِ ِ ‫ن‬
َ ‫ ُو‬U
ِ Cْ َJ$
ْ +َ 

(They rejoice in a grace and a bounty from Allah, and that Allah will not waste the reward of
the believers) 3:1716.

Muhammad bin Ishaq commented, "They were delighted and pleased because of Allah's
promise that was fulfilled for them, and for the tremendous rewards they earned.'' `Abdur-
Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam said, "This Ayah encompasses all the believers, martyrs and
otherwise. Rarely does Allah mention a bounty and a reward that He granted to the Prophets,
without following that with what He has granted the believers after them.''

Allah said,

6ُ‫ ْح‬Eَ %ْ ‫ ُ( ُ? ا‬Cَ ‫َـ‬f‫

َ َأ‬,ِ ْ3َ *ِ
‫ُ! ِل‬4  %‫ وَا‬Fِ -ِ% ْ‫َُ!ا‬Jَ 4
ْ ‫*ا‬
َ +ِ%‫ا‬

(Those who answered (the Call of) Allah and the Messenger after being wounded) 3:1726.

This occurred on the day of Hamra' Al-Asad. After the idolators defeated the Muslims (at
Uhud), they started on their way back home, but soon they were concerned because they did
not finish off the Muslims in Al-Madinah, so they set out to make that battle the final one.
When the Messenger of Allah got news of this, he commanded the Muslims to march to meet
the disbelievers, to bring fear to their hearts and to demonstrate that the Muslims still had
strength to fight. The Prophet only allowed those who were present during Uhud to
accompany him, except for Jabir bin `Abdullah Al-Ansari, as we will mention. The Muslims
mobilized, even though they were still suffering from their injuries, in obedience to Allah and
His Messenger .

Ibn Abi Hatim recorded that `Ikrimah said, "When the idolators returned towards Makkah6
after Uhud, they said, `You neither killed Muhammad nor collected female captives. Woe to
you for what you did. Let us go back.' When the Messenger of Allah heard this news, he
mobilized the Muslim forces, and they marched until they reached Hamra Al-Asad. The
idolators said, `Rather, we will meet next year', and the Messenger of Allah went back to Al-
Madinah6, and this was considered a Ghazwah (battle). Allah sent down,

6 ٌ? ِ
َ ٌ G
ْ ‫!ْاْ َأ‬Eَ 9‫ ُ(?ْ وَا‬0ْ
ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0$
َ Y
ْ ‫* َأ‬
َ +ِ-%ِ ‫ح‬
ُ ْ َE%ْ ‫ ُ( ُ? ا‬Cَ ‫َـ‬f‫
َ َأ‬,ِ 3ْ َ *ِ
‫ُ! ِل‬4  %‫ وَا‬Fِ -ِ% ْ‫َُ!ا‬Jَ 4
ْ ‫*َ ا‬+ِ%‫ا‬

(Those who answered (the Call of) Allah and the Messenger after being wounded; for those of
them who did good deeds and feared Allah, there is a great reward.)

Al-Bukhari recorded that `A'ishah said to `Urwah about the Ayah;

6ِ‫ُ!ل‬4 %‫ وَا‬Fِ -%ِ ْ‫َُ!ا‬Jَ 4

ْ ‫*َ ا‬+ِ%‫ا‬

(Those who answered (the Call of) Allah and the Messenger)

"My nephew! Your fathers Az-Zubayr and Abu Bakr were among them. After the Prophet
suffered the calamity at Uhud and the idolators went back, he feared that the idolators might
try to come back and he said, `Who would follow them' Seventy men, including Az-Zubayr
and Abu Bakr, volunteered.'' This was recorded by Al-Bukhari alone.

As for Allah's statement,

6ً0‫َـ‬#+ِ‫َا َد ُه?ْ إ‬mَ) ْ?‫!ْ ُه‬U

َ ْ.َ) ْ?aُ %َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬3#َ G
َ ْ,Oَ ‫س‬
َ 0%‫سُ ِإن ا‬0%‫َ ُ( ُ? ا‬% ‫َ َل‬O *
َ +ِ%‫ا‬

(Those unto whom the people said, "Verily, the people have gathered against you, therefore,

fear them.'' But it (only) increased them in faith) 3:1736, it means, those who threatened the
people, saying that the disbelievers have amassed against them, in order to instill fear in them,
but this did not worry them, rather, they trusted in Allah and sought His help,

6ُA ِ‫ْ َ!آ‬%‫ َ? ا‬3ْ Xِ ‫ َو‬Fُ -%‫َ ا‬0Cُ $

ْ Y
َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬%َO‫ َو‬

(and they said: "Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs.'')

Al-Bukhari recorded that Ibn `Abbas said,

6ُA ِ‫ َ!آ‬%ْ ‫ َ? ا‬3ْ Xِ َ‫ و‬Fُ -%‫َ ا‬0Cُ ْ$Y


("Allah Alone is Sufficient for us and He is the Best Disposer of affairs for us.'')

"Ibrahim said it when he was thrown in fire. Muhammad said it when the people said, `Verily,
the people have gathered against you, therefore, fear them.' But it only increased them in
faith, and they said, `Allah is Sufficient for us and He is the Best Disposer of affairs for us.'''
Abu Bakr Ibn Marduwyah recorded that Anas bin Malik said that the Prophet was told on
the day of Uhud, "Verily, the people have gathered against you, therefore, fear them.''
Thereafter, Allah sent down this Ayah 3:1736.

This is why Allah said,

6ٌ‫ُ!ء‬4 ْ?(ُ $
ْ $
َ #ْ +َ ْ?% Aٍ N
ْ َ)‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫* ا‬
َ h
/ٍ #َ 3ْ 0ِ ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬C-ََEXْ َ)

(So they returned with grace and bounty from Allah. No harm touched them;) for when they
relied on Allah, Allah took care of their worries, He confounded the plots of their enemies, and
the Muslims returned to their land,

6ٌ‫ُ!ء‬4 ْ?(ُ $
ْ $
َ #ْ +َ ْ?% Aٍ N
ْ َ)‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫* ا‬
h /ٍ #َ 3ْ 0ِ ِ 

(with grace and bounty from Allah. No harm touched them;) safe from the wicked plots of
their enemies,

6ٍ? ِ
َ Aٍ N
ْ َ) ‫ ذُو‬Fُ -%‫ وَا‬Fِ -%‫ن ا‬
َ !َ r
ْ ‫ُ!اْ ِر‬3Cَ 9 ‫وَا‬

(and they followed the pleasure of Allah. And Allah is the Owner of great bounty.)

Al-Bayhaqi recorded that Ibn `Abbas said about Allah's statement,

ْ َ)‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫* ا‬
h /ٍ #َ 3ْ 0ِ ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬Cَ-Eَ Xْ َ)

(So they returned with grace and bounty from Allah,) "The `Grace' was that they were saved.
The `Bounty' was that a caravan passed by, and those days were Hajj6 season days. Thus the
Messenger of Allah bought and sold and made a profit, which he divided between his

Allah then said,

6ُ^‫ َ َء‬%ِْ‫ف َأو‬

ُ !h َo+ُ ُ*‫ ْ َـ‬U
 %‫ ُ? ا‬aُ %َِ‫َ ذ‬#X ‫ِإ‬

(It is only Shaytan that suggests to you the fear of his friends,) 3:1756 meaning, Shaytan
threatens you with his friends and tries to pretend they are powerful and fearsome. Allah said

6َ* ِ0
ِ ْg
 ْ?Jُ 0ُ‫ن إِن آ‬
ِ !ُ)َ.‫َ)ُ! ُه ْ? َو‬o9َ _
َ )َ 

(so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are indeed believers.) meaning, "If Shaytan brings these
thoughts to you, then depend on Me and seek refuge with Me. Indeed, I shall suffice you and
make you prevail over them.'' Similarly, Allah said,

6ِFXِ ‫*َ
ِ* دُو‬+ِ%ِ َXَ !ُ)!h َo+ُ َ‫ ُ^ و‬,َ Cْ َ ‫ف‬
ٍ َaِ Fُ -%‫ ا‬H
َ ْ %َ‫َأ‬

(Is not Allah Sufficient for His servant Yet they try to frighten you with those besides Him!) 
39: 366, until,

6َ‫ُ!ن‬-‫آ‬h !َ Jَ #ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aُ ‫ َ!آـ‬Jَ +َ ِF ْ َ-

َ Fُ -%‫ ا‬1
َ Cِ $
ْ َY ْAOُ 

(Say: "Sufficient for me is Allah; in Him those who trust must put their trust.'') 39:386. Allah

6ً2 ِ3r
َ َ‫* آَن‬
ِ ‫ َْـ‬U
 %‫َ ا‬, ْ ‫ن َآ‬
 ‫* ِإ‬
ِ ‫ ْ َـ‬U
 %‫ َ َء ا‬%ِْ‫ُ!اْ َأو‬-Jِ ‫َـ‬Eَ)

(So fight you against the friends of Shaytan; ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaytan.) 4:766

6َ‫ ُون‬$
ِ ‫َـ‬o%‫* ُه ُ? ا‬
ِ ‫ ْ َـ‬U
 %‫ب ا‬
َ ْmِY ‫ن‬
 ‫* أَ َ ِإ‬
ِ ‫ ْ َـ‬U
 %‫ب ا‬
ُ ْmِY 
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُأو‬

(They are the party of Shaytan. Verily, it is the party of Shaytan that will be the losers!) 

6 ٌm+ِm
َ ‫ى‬
 !ِ َO Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ ِإ‬1ِ-4
ُ ‫ْ وَ ُر‬Xَ َ‫* أ‬Cَ -ِ
ْ ّ Fُ -%‫ ا‬V
َ Jَ ‫ َآ‬

(Allah has decreed: "Verily, it is I and My Messengers who shall be the victorious.'' Verily,
Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty.) 58:216 and

6ُ^ ُ [
ُ 0َ+ *َ
Fُ -%‫ن ا‬
 َ [
ُ 0َ %ََ‫و‬

(Verily, Allah will help those who help His (cause).) 22:406 and

6ْ?‫[ُ ْ ُآ‬0َ+ Fَ -%‫[ ُواْ ا‬

ُ 0َ9 ‫ُ! ْا إِن‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫(َ ا‬+;َ+

(O you who believe! If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you) 47:76, and,

‫ار‬,%‫ُ! ُء ا‬4 ْ?(ُ َ%‫ َو‬/ُ 0َ 3ْ -ْ%‫ ُ(?ُ ا‬%َ‫ ُ(?ْ َو‬9ُ َ‫ ِر‬3ْ
َ *
َ ِ#-ِ‫ـ‬%‫َ ُ{ ا‬20َ+ َ ‫َ ْ! َم‬+ - ,ُ ‫(َـ‬
ْ  ‫ُ!مُ ا‬E+َ ‫!ْ َم‬+َ َ‫ َ و‬Xْ ,%‫ َ! ِة ا‬L
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫َ وَا‬0-َ4
ُ ُ‫[ُ ُ ر‬0َ0%َ X‫ِإ‬

(Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe, in this world's
life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth. The Day when their excuses will be of
no profit to wrongdoers. Theirs will be the curse, and theirs will be the evil abode.) 40:51,526

15. QS Al Qashash 28 : 10-13

َ ِ0
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫ن ِ
*َ ا‬
َ !ُaJَ ِ% َ(ِC-ْ َO 1َ-َ َ0َْ ‫!ْ أَن ر‬%َ Fِ ِ ‫ِى‬,Cْ ُJ%َ ْ‫ )َرِ ً إِن آَ َدت‬1َ4!ُ
h‫َا ُد ُأم‬gُ) Q
َ Cَ f
ْ ‫ َوَأ‬

َ ‫ُ ُو‬3U
ْ َ+ َ ْ?‫ َو ُه‬V
ٍ ُ0G
ُ *َ Fِ ِ ْ‫[ُ َت‬Cَ َ) Fِ h[Oُ Fِ Jِ ْ.Kُ &
ْ َ%َO‫ َو‬-

َ !ُL[
ِ ‫َـ‬X Fُ %َ ْ?‫?ْ وَ ُه‬aُ %َ Fُ Xَ !ُ-ُ2ْa+َ &
ٍ ْ َ Aِ ‫ َأ ْه‬1َ-َ ْ?aُ %‫ْ َأ ُد‬A‫َ&ْ َه‬%َE)َ ُAْCOَ *ِ
{َ ِr‫ َا‬#َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Fِ ْ -َ
َ َ0
ْ  Y
َ ‫ َو‬-

- ‫ُ!ن‬#-َ3ْ +َ َ ْ?‫َ َ ُه‬7‫* َأ ْآ‬

 aِ ‫َـ‬%‫\ َو‬
 َY Fِ -%‫َ ا‬,
ْ ‫ن َو‬
 ‫َ َ? َأ‬-3ْ Jَ %َِ‫ن و‬
َ mَ ْL9َ َ ‫ُ(َ َو‬0 ْ 
َ  Eَ 9َ ْ1‫ َآ‬Fِ
h ‫ ُأ‬1َ%‫ ِإ‬Fُ ‫َـ‬Xْ‫ )َ َ َدد‬6

28:10. Dan menjadi kosonglah hati ibu Musa. Sesungguhnya hampir saja ia menyatakan
rahasia tentang Musa, seandainya tidak Kami teguhkan hatinya, supaya ia termasuk orang-
orang yang percaya (kepada janji Allah).
28:11. Dan berkatalah ibu Musa kepada saudara Musa yang perempuan: "Ikutilah dia"
Maka kelihatanlah olehnya Musa dari jauh, sedang mereka tidak mengetahuinya,
28:12. dan Kami cegah Musa dari menyusu kepada perempuan-perempuan yang mau
menyusui (nya) sebelum itu; maka berkatalah saudara Musa: "Maukah kamu aku tunjukkan
kepadamu ahlulbait yang akan memeliharanya untukmu dan mereka dapat berlaku baik
28:13. Maka Kami kembalikan Musa kepada ibunya, supaya senang hatinya dan tidak
berduka cita dan supaya ia mengetahui bahwa janji Allah itu adalah benar, tetapi
kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahuinya.

(10. And the heart of the mother of Musa became empty. She was very near to disclose his
(case), had We not strengthened her heart, so that she might remain as one of the believers.)

(11. And she said to his sister: "Follow him.'' So she watched him from a far place (secretly),
while they perceived not.)

(12. And We had already forbidden foster suckling mothers for him, until she said: "Shall I
direct you to a household who will rear him for you, and look after him in a good manner'')

(13. So We restored him to his mother, that her eye might be comforted, and that she might
not grieve, and that she might know that the promise of Allah is true. But most of them know

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ ِ0
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ َ‫ُ!ن‬aJَ %ِ َ(ِC-ْ َO 1َ-
َ َ0َْ ‫َ َأنْ َر‬%ْ!َ% Fِ ِ ‫ِي‬,Cْ Jُ َ% ْ‫ )َ ِر ً ِإنْ آَدَت‬1َ4!ُ
‫م‬h ‫َا ُد ُأ‬g)ُ َQCَ f
ْ ‫َوَأ‬

‫  إ‬X,%‫ <ء
* أ
!ر ا‬A‫ )ر  أي
* آ‬QCf‫ أ‬FX‫ أ‬LC%‫ه )< ا‬,%‫ و‬V‫ * ذه‬Y 14!
‫اد أم‬g) * ‫ ا‬Co
1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
F ‫ي‬,CJ% ‫دة و ه? " إن آدت‬JO‫[ ي و‬C%‫* ا‬$L%‫ك وا‬LN%‫ة وا‬, C !‫ وأ‬CG * , 34‫ و‬/
a‫ و‬,‫س و
ه‬C *‫ ا‬F%O
: 1%39 S‫ل ا‬O ‫ ه‬Cf‫( و‬JCW S‫! أن ا‬% (%L Co9‫ و‬,%‫( و‬% V‫ ذه‬FX‫( أ‬J% (24‫( وأ‬XmY‫ه و‬,G‫ة و‬, *
‫" أي إن آدت‬
* 0
* ا‬aJ% (C-O 1- 0‫! أن ر‬% " " .

َ ‫ ُو‬3ُ U
ْ +َ َ% ْ?‫ َو ُه‬V
ٍ 0ُ ُG ْ*
َ Fِ ِ ْ‫[ َت‬
ُ Cَ َ) Fِ h[Oُ Fِ Jِ ْ.;ُِ% ْ&%ََO‫َو‬

. VXG * ‫س‬C *‫ل ا‬O " V0G * F ‫[ ت‬C) " %% &G o) ,-C%‫< ا‬Y‫!ا‬X *
FX; <C-9‫ ^ و‬C. ‫ي‬.‫ ^ و‬W‫< أ‬3C9‫أي ا‬

‫_م‬$%‫ ا‬F - 14!
EJ4‫ ا‬#% FX‫ أ‬%‫^ وذ‬,+ 9  (X;‫ وآ‬F %‫ إ‬09 &-3G ‫دة‬JO ‫ل‬O‫ و‬. ,3 * V0G * F ‫ [ ت‬,‫ل
T  ACE+ ‫ أن‬1‫ وأ‬+,W (0
ACE+ ?-) ?‫< )< داره‬J%‫{ ا‬r‫ ا‬#%‫ ا‬F - ‫!ا‬r  F0
FJE-J4‫ وا‬-#%‫ ا
أة ا‬FJCY‫ار ) !ن وأ‬,
( ‫ وا‬3U+ ?%‫ و‬%‫( ذ‬9 ?%‫ و‬FJ)  ?(+,+; F9‫ رأ‬#-) FJr % Q-[9 ‫ون ا
أة‬,+ ?(-3% ‫!ق‬$%‫ ا‬1%‫ إ‬F ‫!ا‬G o) %‫ ذ‬.

ِ َX ُF%َ ْ?‫?ْ وَ ُه‬aُ %َ Fُ Xَ !ُ-2ُ aْ +َ &
ٍ ْ َ Aِ ‫ َأ ْه‬1َ-َ ْ?aُ %‫ْ َأ ُد‬A‫&ْ َه‬%ََE)َ Aُ ْCOَ ْ*
ِ {َ r
ِ ‫َ َا‬#%ْ ‫ِ ا‬F ْ َ-
َ َ0
ْ  َY‫َو‬

‫ي أ‬,W {N9 + ‫ أن‬F% FJX f‫ و‬S‫ ا‬,0 FJ
‫ ا‬a% %‫ وذ‬+‫ر‬,O #+ L9 ‫ " أي‬ACO *
{r‫ ا‬#%‫ ا‬F - 0
Y‫ " و‬: 1%39 S‫ل ا‬O
*# ) *+ RY ?(9‫ رأ‬#-) /2R. &X‫
 آ‬,3 /0
q <‫ وه‬F3r J% F
‫ أ‬1%‫ إ‬F!G‫ ر‬1%‫ إ‬CC4 %‫ ذ‬A3G 1%39‫ و‬FXLC4 S‫ن ا‬K‫و‬
‫!ا )< أ
ه‬a‫وه و‬.‫ أ‬%‫& ذ‬%O #-) ‫س‬C *‫ل ا‬O " ‫!ن‬LfX F% ?‫? وه‬a% FX!-2a+ &  A‫ أه‬1- ?a%‫ أد‬A‫& ه‬%O " F3r +
‫ء‬G‫ ور‬-#%‫ ور ا‬4 <) ?(JC ‫ ر‬F - ?(JE2‫ و‬F% ?(L[X ?(% &%E) ‫ ؟‬F - ?(JE2‫ و‬F% ?(L[0 +‫ر‬,+ 
‫( و‬% ‫!ا‬%O‫و‬
% ‫!ا‬Y 2) F#EJ%) (+,W FJ;) F
‫ أ‬1- F ‫!ا‬-.,) ?(%m0
1%‫( إ‬3
* أذاه? ذه‬-.‫ و‬%‫(? ذ‬% &%O #-) ‫!ه‬-4‫);ر‬
<) F
‫( أ‬X‫ ف أ‬39  <‫_ وه‬+mG ‫( ء‬J‫ ( وأ‬%‫& إ‬0$Y‫ وأ‬14!
‫& أم‬,J4) -#%‫ ا
أة ا‬1%‫ إ‬UC%‫ ا‬V‫ا وذه‬,+, Y )
1- ‫ر‬,O‫_ وأودا و أ‬3 <% ‫& إن‬%O‫ ( و‬- &;) F3r J) ‫ه‬,0 ? E9 ‫ أن‬/ 4q (J%;4 ?W (+,W \)‫ وا‬FX!a% *a%‫ و‬/E EL%‫ا‬
‫وي‬$a%‫[_ت وا‬%‫ وا‬/E20%‫ ( ا‬- ‫ ت‬G‫ وأ‬%‫ ذ‬1%‫( ا
أة ) !ن إ‬JG;) &-3) <J  <) F3r‫& أن أر‬CCY‫* إن أ‬a%‫ك و‬,0 ‫م‬E#%‫ا‬
<) ‫ء‬G ‫(ا‬%‫^ ورزق دار و‬G‫ و‬m <) 0
‫!)( أ‬. ,3 S‫( ا‬%,‫ أ‬,O / r
/ r‫ه را‬,%! 14!
‫& أم‬3G ) A+m%‫ن ا‬$Yn‫وا‬
‫ ج إ‬2%‫ة وا‬,U%‫*  * ا‬a+ ?%‫ ه " و‬G‫ أ‬.;9‫ه و‬,%‫{ و‬r 9 14!
‫ أم‬A7#‫ آ‬o%‫ ا‬FJ30f <) V$JL+‫ و‬A#3+ ‫ي‬%‫ ا‬A7
" w+,L%‫ا‬
G ) ?‫ ه‬A‫ آ‬,3 ^E9‫* ا‬#% A3+ ‫ي‬%‫* ا‬a+ ?% ;U+ ?% 

 ء آن و‬K‫^ ا‬,  *
‫ن‬LC$) ?-‫ أ‬S‫!^ وا‬LX ‫ أو‬/- %‫!م و‬+ A -E%‫ا‬
G o
\ r A‫ آ‬,3‫و‬.

َ‫ُ!ن‬#-َ3ْ +َ َ% ْ?‫ َ ُه‬7َ ‫* َأ ْآ‬

 aِ %ََ‫\ و‬
َ Fِ -%‫َ ا‬,
ْ ‫ن َو‬
 ‫ َ? َأ‬-َ3ْ Jَ ِ%‫ن َو‬
َ mَ ْL9َ َ%‫(َ َو‬0ُ ْ 
َ  َE9َ <
ْ َ‫ آ‬Fِ
h ‫ ُأ‬1َ%‫َ^ُ ِإ‬Xْ‫َ) َ دَد‬

‫ه‬,‫ و‬# ) ‫\ " أي‬Y S‫ ا‬,‫? أن و‬-3J%‫ " و‬F - ‫ن " أي‬mL9 ‫ " و‬F ‫( " أي‬0  E9 <‫ آ‬F
‫ أ‬1%‫^ إ‬X‫ " ) دد‬: 1%39 ‫ل‬O
3Cd F% <sC0+ 
FJ  9 <) FJ-
3) * -4 #%‫!ل
* ا‬4‫ ر‬F0
*R‫ آ‬FX‫ ( أ‬%‫&  د^ إ‬EEL9 T0 L) * -4 #%‫
* ا‬F-3G‫ ( و‬%‫رد^ إ‬
<) ( - ‫!د‬#L#%‫< ه! ا‬J%‫!دة ا‬#L#%‫( ا‬CO‫ و!ا‬F%3)‫ )< أ‬S‫? ا‬aY ‫!ن " أي‬#-3+  ?‫ ه‬7‫* أآ‬a%‫ " و‬: 1%39 F%!O‫ و‬.  ‫و‬
T  ‫ ه!ا‬a9 ‫ أن‬1$‫ " و‬: 1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫
آ‬K‫ ا‬H2X <) ‫!دة‬#L
FJCO‫!س و‬20%‫ ا‬1%‫( إ‬+ ‫
آ‬K‫{ ا‬E+ # ) ‫ ة‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫ا‬
‫ ا‬7‫ ا آ‬. F ) S‫ ا‬A3+‫ و‬T  ‫ ه!ا‬a9 ‫ أن‬1$‫ " و‬: 1%39 ‫ل‬O‫?" و‬a%  !‫ وه‬T  ‫!ا‬CL9 ‫ أن‬1$‫? و‬a% . !‫ " وه‬.

Allah tells us how, when her child was lost in the river, the heart of Musa's mother became
empty, i.e., she could not think of any matter in this world except Musa. This was the view of
Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, `Ikrimah, Sa`id bin Jubayr, Abu `Ubaydah, Ad-Dahhak, Al-Hasan Al-
Basri, Qatadah and others.

Fِ ‫ِى‬,Cْ Jُ َ% ْ‫إِن آَ َدت‬6 (She was very near to disclose his (case),) means, because of the intensity of her
grief, she almost told people that she had lost a son. She would have disclosed her situation, if
Allah had not given her strength and patience. Allah says:

F h[ُO Fِ Jِ .
ْ Kُ ْ&َ%َO!َ 0َ ِ0
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ َ‫ُ!ن‬aJَ %ِ َ(Cِ -ْ َO 1َ-َ َ0َْ ‫!ْ أَن ر‬%َ6 (had We not strengthened her heart, so that
she might remain as one of the believers. And she said to his sister: "Follow him.'') means, she
told her daughter, who was older and was of an age to understand things,

F h[ُO6 (Follow him.) means, follow his traces and look for information about him, try to find
out about him around the city. So she went out to do that.

ُ *َ Fِ ِ ْ‫[ َ ت‬
ُ Cَ َ)6 (So she watched him from a far place (secretly),) Ibn `Abbas said, "Off to the
side.'' Mujahid said, "It means she looked from afar. Qatadah said: "She started to look at
him as if she was not really interested.'' When Musa had settled into the house of Fir`awn,
after the king's wife had begun to love him and asked Fir`awn not to kill him, they brought to
him the wet nurses who were to be found in their household, and he did not accept any of
them, refusing to take milk from them. So they took him out to the marketplace, hoping to
find a woman who would be suitable to nurse him. When (his sister) saw him in their arms,

she recognized him, but she did not give any indication nor did they suspect her. Allah says:

AْCOَ *ِ
{َ r
ِ ‫َ َا‬#%ْ ‫ ا‬Fِ ْ -ََ َ0
ْ  َY‫ َو‬6 (And We had already forbidden foster suckling mothers for him,)
Because of his honored status with Allah, it was forbidden by divine decree. It was decreed
that no one should nurse him except his own mother, and Allah caused this to be the means
reuniting him with his mother so that she could nurse him and feel safe after having felt such
fear. When his sister6 saw that they were confused over who should nurse the child,

ِ ‫َـ‬X Fُ َ% ْ?‫?ْ وَ ُه‬aُ %َ Fُ Xَ !ُ-2ُ ْa+َ &
ٍ ْ َ Aِ ‫ َأ ْه‬1َ-
َ ْ?aُ %‫ْ َأ ُد‬Aَ‫&ْ ه‬%ََE)َ 

(she said: "Shall I direct you to a household who will rear him for you, and look after him in a
good manner'') Ibn `Abbas said: When she said that, they had some doubts about her, so they
seized her and asked her, How do you know these people will be sincere and will care for him''
She said to them, "They will be sincere and will care for him because they want the king to be
happy and because they hope for some reward.'' So they let her go. After what she said, being
safe from their harm, they took her to their house and brought the baby to his mother. She
gave him her breast and he accepted it, so they rejoiced and sent the glad tidings to the wife of
Fir`awn. She called for Musa's mother, treating her kindly and rewarding her generously. She
did not realize that she was his real mother, but she saw that the baby accepted her breast.
Then Asiyah asked her to stay with her and nurse the baby, but she refused, saying, "I have a
husband and children, and I cannot stay with you, but if you would like me to nurse him in
my own home, I will do that.'' The wife of Fir`awn agreed to that, and paid her a regular
salary and gave her extra gifts and clothing and treated her kindly. The mother of Musa came
back with her child, happy that after a time of fear Allah granted her security, prestige, and
ongoing provision. There was only a short time between the distress and the way out, a day
and night, or thereabouts -- and Allah knows best. Glory be to the One in Whose hands are all
things; what He wills happens and what He does not will does not happen. He is the One Who
grants those who fear Him, a way out from every worry and distress, Allah said:

َ(0ُ ْ 
َ  َE9َ ْ1‫ َآ‬Fِ
h ‫ ُأ‬1َ%ِ‫ إ‬Fُ ‫َـ‬Xْ‫ َ) َ دَد‬6 (So We restored him to his mother, that her eye might be comforted,)
means, by him,

‫َن‬mْL9َ َ ‫ َو‬6 (and that she might not grieve, ) means, for him.

\َY Fِ -%‫َ ا‬,

ْ ‫ن َو‬
 ‫ َ? َأ‬-َ3ْ َJ%ِ‫ َو‬6 (and that she might know that the promise of Allah is true.) meaning, `We
had promised her to return him to her and to make him one of the Messengers.' When he was
returned to her, she realized that he was one of the Messengers, so as she brought him up, she
treated him both as a child (with kindness) and as a Messenger (with respect).

‫ُ!ن‬#-َْ3+َ َ ْ?‫ َ ُه‬7َ ‫* َأ ْآ‬

 ِa‫َـ‬%‫ َو‬6 (But most of them know not.) means, they do not know the wisdom of
Allah in His actions and their good consequences, for which He is to be praised in this world
and the Hereafter. For a thing may happen that people do not like, but its consequences are
good, as Allah says:

َ !َ ‫ً َو ُه‬T ْ 
َ ْ‫!ا‬CِL9ُ ‫ أَن‬1َ$َ‫?ْ َو‬aُ % ٌ ْ َ. !َ ‫ً َو ُه‬Tْ 
َ ‫ْ َ هُ! ْا‬a9َ ‫ أَن‬1َ$
َ ‫ َو‬6 (and it may be that you dislike a thing
which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you) (2:216).

‫ِ ا‬7َ‫ ْ ًا آ‬.

َ Fِ ِ) Fُ -%‫َ ا‬A3َ 
ْ +َ ‫ً َو‬Tْ 
َ ْ‫ َ هُ!ا‬aْ 9َ ‫ أَن‬1َ$َ3)َ 6 (it may be that you dislike a thing and Allah brings
through it a great deal of good) (4:19).

16. QS Al Ankabut 29 : 26-27

ُ? ِaL
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬mُ +ِmَ3%ْ ‫ ُه َ! ا‬Fُ X ‫ ِإ‬1hَ‫ ر‬1َ%‫ِ ٌ ِإ‬Gَ(
ُ 1hX‫َلَ ِإ‬O‫ط َو‬
ٌ !ُ% Fُ َ% *
َ َ‫)َـ‬

- * ِL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫*َ ا‬#ِ %َ ‫ َ ِة‬.

ِ  1ِ) Fُ X ‫ َ َوِإ‬Xْ ,%‫ ا‬1ِ) ^ُ َ ْG‫َ^ُ َأ‬0ْ 9َ ‫ َوءَا‬V
َ ‫َـ‬Jِa%ْ ‫ !ةَ وَا‬Cُ 0 %‫ ا‬Fِ Jِ + ‫ر‬h ُ‫ ذ‬1ِ) َ0-ْ 3َ G
َ ‫ب َو‬
َ !ُEْ3+َ ‫\ َو‬
َ ‫َـ‬L4
ْ ‫ ِإ‬Fُ %َ َ0Cْ َ‫ َو َوه‬6

29:26. Maka Lut membenarkan (kenabian) nya. Dan berkatalah Ibrahim: "Sesungguhnya
aku akan berpindah ke (tempat yang diperintahkan) Tuhanku (kepadaku); sesungguhnya
Dialah yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana.
29:27. Dan Kami anugrahkan kepada Ibrahim, Ishak dan Yaqub, dan Kami jadikan kenabian
dan Al Kitab pada keturunannya, dan Kami berikan kepadanya balasannya di dunia; dan
sesungguhnya dia di akhirat, benar-benar termasuk orang-orang yang saleh.

(26. So, Lut believed in him. He said: "I will emigrate for the sake of my Lord. Verily, He is
the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.'')

(27. And We bestowed on him, Ishaq and Ya`qub, and We ordained among his offspring
prophethood and the Book, and We granted him his reward in this world; and verily, in the
Hereafter he is indeed among the righteous.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29
?ُ ِaL
َ %ْ ‫ُ ا‬m+ِm3َ %ْ ‫ ُه َ! ا‬Fُ X ‫< ِإ‬hَ‫ ر‬1َ%‫ِ ٌ ِإ‬Gَ(
ُ <hX‫َ َل ِإ‬O‫ط َو‬
ٌ !ُ% Fُ َ% *
َ َ)

F *
g+ ?%‫< و‬03+ ‫زر‬q * ‫!ط * هران‬% !‫!ن ه‬%!E+ ? ‫< إ اه‬.‫ ا* أ‬FX‫ل إ‬E+ ‫!ط‬% F% *
q FX‫ ا * إ اه ? أ‬Co
1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
? ‫ أن إ اه‬Q L[%‫!ارد )< ا‬%‫ ا‬w+,L%‫ و * ا‬/+y‫{  * ه^ ا‬#%‫ل آ ‚ ا‬E+ *a% . A -o%‫رة ا
أة إ اه ? ا‬4‫!ا^ و‬4 F
!O *

_) <J.‫ أ‬X‫ إ‬F% &-O ,O <X‫( إ‬% ‫ل‬E) ( %‫ء إ‬G ?W <J.‫ل أ‬E) F0
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* Y
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<) A4‫? أر‬W ‫م‬U%‫ _د ا‬1%‫ إ‬F3
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!O *
F *
q ‫_م‬$%‫ ا‬F - d!% ‫ن‬t) ‫_م ي و ك‬4n‫ ا‬1- ‫ن‬G‫رض زو‬K‫ ا‬FG‫و‬
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* أ
ه‬O‫وم وأ‬,4 A‫ أه‬1%‫ إ‬A -o%‫ ة ا‬Y
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!O *
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* أ‬O ‫ ج‬o+
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{-d #-‫!^ آ‬-JO
* ? ‫ق * إ اه‬L4‫ إ‬N0%‫ أ! ا‬0W,Y ‫ ن‬24 * ‫!ب‬E3+ 0W,Y 23G * S‫ ا‬,C X C.‫ أ‬AN2%‫* * ا‬$L%‫ أ! ا‬0W,Y <E( C%‫ ا‬a
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 1JY ? ‫ إ اه‬G(
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A E9‫!ا و‬9 w Y ?(3
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. ?-‫ أ‬S‫ء وا‬23N%‫
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V+ " ?(0
(% ‫!ا‬%O w Y ?(3

‡2L%‫ ا‬1%‫ ب إ‬O‫ص أ‬3%‫ و * ا‬# * S‫ ا‬,C w+,Y *

FJ+‫ وروا‬.

َ ِL%ِ[%‫* ا‬
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ْ ‫َ^ُ َأ‬0 ْ 9َ qَ‫َبَ و‬Jِa%ْ ‫ ! َة وَا‬Cُ 0%‫ ا‬Fِ Jِ +‫ر‬h ‫َ )ِ< ُذ‬0ْ-3َ G
َ ‫ُ!بَ َو‬E3ْ +َ َ‫ق و‬
َ َL4
ْ ‫ ِإ‬Fُ %َ َ0Cْ ‫َو َو َه‬

_‫!ب وآ‬E3+‫ق و‬L4‫ إ‬F% 0C‫ وه‬S‫ون

* دون ا‬,C3+ 
‫(? و‬%mJ‫ ا‬#-) " : F%!E‫!ب " آ‬E3+‫ق و‬L4‫ إ‬F% 0C‫ " ووه‬: 1%39 F%!O‫و‬
: 1%39 ‫ل‬O %‫^ وآ‬,G ‫ ة‬Y <) <CX Q%f ,%‫ و‬F% ,%‫< وو‬CX Q%f ,%‫!د و‬G! F0  S‫ ا‬O‫ أ‬F
!O ‫ )رق‬#% FX‫  " أي أ‬CX 0-3G
‫(ا‬% ,%!+ ‫!ب " أي‬E3+ ‫ق‬L4‫ق و
* وراء إ‬L4t ^X UC) " : 1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫دة آ‬+‫ " أي ز‬/-)X ‫!ب‬E3+‫ق و‬L4‫ إ‬F% 0C‫" ووه‬
‫ " أم‬: 1%39 S‫ل ا‬O /+!C0%‫ ا‬/0$%‫ ا‬F &JCW‫ن و‬q E%‫ ا‬F - X ‫ق‬L4n ,%‫!ب و‬E3+ ‫ وآ!ن‬#a0 ‫ أ‬F E9 #a9 Y <) ,%‫ و‬,%!%‫ا‬
‫ق‬L4‫ وإ‬A #4‫ إ اه ? وإ‬Rq F%‫( وإ‬%‫ إ‬,C3X ‫!ا‬%O ‫ي ؟‬,3 *
F 0C% ‫ل‬O ‫!ت إذ‬#%‫!ب ا‬E3+ NY ‫اء إذ‬,( ?J0‫آ‬
?( - ? ‫ق * إ اه‬L4‫!ب * إ‬E3+ * ‚4!+ ?+ a%‫? ا* ا‬+ a%‫? ا* ا‬+ a%‫? ا* ا‬+ a%‫ *" إن ا‬L L[%‫ و)< ا‬/+y‫ا " ا‬,Y‫( وا‬%‫إ‬
‫^ أن‬03#) ? ‫ا إ اه‬,%‫ و‬#‫ل ه‬O " ‫!ب‬E3+‫ق و‬L4‫ إ‬F% 0C‫ " ووه‬: F%!O <) ‫س‬C *‫!)< * ا‬3%‫_م " );

 روا^ ا‬$%‫[_ة وا‬%‫ا‬
‫!ة‬C0%‫ ا‬FJ+‫ )< ذر‬0-3G‫ " و‬: 1%39 F%!O‫ و‬. ‫س‬C *‫
* ه! دون ا‬1- 12o+ ‫د‬a+ 
K‫ن ها ا‬t) ,%!%‫ ا‬/%m0# ,%!%‫ ا‬,%‫و‬
,3 <CX ,G!+ ?-) ‫ب‬Ja%‫!ة وا‬C0%‫ ا‬FJ+‫ )< ذر‬A3G ‫س إ

 أن‬0-% F-3G‫ _ و‬-. ^+‫ إ‬S‫ذ ا‬o9‫
{ ا‬/#  / 04 /3-. ^‫ب " ه‬Ja%‫وا‬
?‫ ه‬.q ‫ آن‬1JY ? ‫ق * إ اه‬L4‫!ب * إ‬E3+ /%_4 *
A R‫ ا‬4‫< إ‬0 ‫ ء‬CX‫ { أ‬#) FJ%_4 *
!‫_م إ وه‬$%‫ ا‬F - ? ‫إ اه‬
‫ ة‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫دم )< ا‬q ,%‫ و‬, 4‫_ق و‬dn‫ ا‬1- A4 %‫? ا‬9. <#(%‫ < ا‬E%‫ < ا‬3%‫< ا‬C0% ‫ ا‬UC
<) ‫م‬E) ?+
*‫ ا‬1$ 
A #4‫ إ‬/%_4 *
<CX ,G!+ ?%‫_م و‬$%‫ ا‬#( - ? ‫ * إ اه‬A #4‫ إ‬/%_4 *
‫ ء‬3%‫ ب ا‬3%‫ ? ا‬#f *
S‫^ ا‬2f‫ي ا‬%‫ا‬
‫دة‬34 *  F% S‫{ ا‬#G ‫ * " أي‬L%[%‫* ا‬#% ‫ ة‬.y‫ )< ا‬FX‫  وإ‬X,%‫ ^ )< ا‬G‫^ أ‬0 9q‫ " و‬: F%!O‫ و‬.‫_م‬$%‫[_ة وا‬%‫ ا‬AN)‫ أ‬F - ^‫!ا‬4
/L%[%‫ ا‬/0$L%‫ ا‬/G‫و‬m%‫ب وا‬3%‫!رد ا‬#%‫ وا‬VY %‫ل ا‬m0#%‫< وا‬0(%‫{ ا‬4‫!ا‬%‫ زق ا‬%‫  ا‬X,%‫ )< ا‬F% ‫ن‬a) ‫ ة‬.y‫دة ا‬3$ /%!f!#%‫  ا‬X,%‫ا‬
{ #G *
S‫ ا‬/ ‫ م‬E%‫دة و ه?
{ ا‬JO‫ و‬,‫س و
ه‬C *‫ل ا‬O #‫!^ آ‬J+‫ و‬FCL+ ,Y‫ أ‬A‫* وآ‬$L%‫آ ا‬%‫ وا‬A #%‫ء ا‬07%‫وا‬
<) ^ G‫^ أ‬0 9q‫ " و‬: 1%39 ‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫ و‬F‫ ر‬/d A#‫ {
وآ‬# ‫م‬O ‫ " أي‬1)‫ي و‬%‫ " وإ اه ? ا‬: 1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫!^ آ‬G!%‫ا‬
- F%!O 1%‫ إ‬- * ‫ آ‬U#%‫
* ا‬+ ?%‫ و‬2 0Y S JXO /
‫ " إن إ اه ? آن أ‬: 1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫ * " وآ‬L%[%‫* ا‬#% ‫ ة‬.y‫ )< ا‬FX‫  وإ‬X,%‫ا‬
* L%[%‫* ا‬#% ‫ ة‬.y‫ )< ا‬FX‫ " وإ‬.

Allah tells us that Lut believed in Ibrahim. It was said that he was the son of Ibrahim's
brother, and that his name was Lut bin Haran bin Azar. None of Ibrahim's people believed in
Ibrahim besides Lut and Sarah the wife of Ibrahim. But if it is asked how we may reconcile
this Ayah with the Hadith narrated in the Sahih which says that when Ibrahim passed by that
tyrant and he asked about Sarah and what her relationship was to him, Ibrahim said, "My
sister.'' Then he went to her and said, "I told him that you are my sister, so do not let him
think I am lying, for there are no believers on earth except for you and I, and you are my
sister in faith.'' It seems -- and Allah knows best -- that the meaning here is, there is no other
Muslim couple on earth apart from you and I. Among his people, only Lut believed in him
and migrated with him to Syria, then during Ibrahim's lifetime he was sent as a Messenger to
the people of Sadum (Sodom) where he settled. We have already discussed their story and
more is to come.

61h‫ َر‬1َ%‫ِ ٌ ِإ‬Gَ(

ُ 1hX‫َ َل ِإ‬O‫ َو‬

(He (Ibrahim) said: "I will emigrate for the sake of my Lord.'') It may be that the pronoun in
the verb "he said'' refers to Lut, because he was the last person mentioned before this phrase;
or it may refer to Ibrahim. Ibn `Abbas and Ad-Dahhak said that Ibrahim is the one who is
referred in the phrase.

6ٌ‫ُ!ط‬% Fُ %َ *
َ َ‫ َ)ـ‬

(So, Lut believed in him.) i.e., out of all his people. Then Allah tells us that he chose to leave
them so that he might be able to follow his religion openly. So he said:

6ُ? ِaَL%ْ ‫ ا‬mُ +ِmَ3%ْ ‫ ُه َ! ا‬Fُ X ‫ِإ‬

(Verily, He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.) Power belongs to Him and to His Messenger and
to those who believe in him, and He is Wise in all that He says and does, and in all His rulings
and decrees, both universal and legislative. Qatadah said, "They migrated together from
Kutha, which is on the outskirts of Kufa, and went to Syria.'' Allah gave Ibrahim, Ishaq and
Ya`qub, and ordained Prophethood in His Offspring

6َ‫ُ!ب‬E3ْ +َ ‫َـ\َ َو‬L4

ْ ‫ ِإ‬Fُ َ% َ0Cْ ‫ َو َو َه‬

(And We bestowed on him, Ishaq and Ya`qub,) This is like the Ayah,

6 ًّ Cِ Xَ َ0-ْ َ3G

َ _
“ ُ‫ب َوآ‬
َ !ُE3ْ +َ َ‫َـ\َ و‬L4
ْ ‫ ِإ‬Fُ %َ َ0Cْ ‫ َو َه‬Fِ -%‫ن
ِ* دُونِ ا‬
َ ‫ُو‬,Cُ ْ3َ+ َ
‫ ُ(?ْ َو‬%ََmJَ 
ْ ‫ ا‬#-َ)َ 

(So, when he had turned away from them and from those whom they worshipped besides
Allah, We gave him Ishaq and Ya`qub, and each one of them We made a Prophet.) (19:49)
That is, when he left his people, Allah gave him joy in a righteous son who was also a Prophet,
to whom in turn was born, in his grandfather's lifetime, a righteous son who was also a
Prophet. Allah also says:

6ً/-َِ)َX ‫ب‬
َ !ُE3ْ +َ ‫\ َو‬
َ ‫َـ‬L4
ْ ‫ ِإ‬Fُ %َ َ0Cْ ‫ َووَ َه‬

(And We bestowed upon him Ishaq, and Ya`qub in addition) (21:72) meaning, as an additional
gift. This is like the Ayah,

6َ‫ُ!ب‬E3ْ +َ \
َ ‫َـ‬L4
ْ ‫ ِء ِإ‬qَ‫\ َو
ِ* َور‬
َ ‫َـ‬L4
ْ tِِ َ(‫َـ‬Xْ UCَ )َ 

(But We gave her glad tidings of Ishaq, and after Ishaq, of Ya`qub.) (11:71) meaning, to this
son would be born a son during their lives, who would be a delight to them.

6َV‫َـ‬Jaِ %ْ ‫ ! َة وَا‬Cُ 0%‫ ا‬Fِ Jِ +‫ر‬h ‫ ُذ‬1ِ) َ0-ْ َ3G

َ ‫ َو‬

(and We ordained among his offspring prophethood and the Book,) This is a tremendous
blessing. Not only did Allah take him as a close friend and make him an Imam for mankind,
but He also ordained prophethood and the Book among his offspring. After the time of
Ibrahim there was no Prophet who was not from among his descendants. All of the Prophets
of the Children of Israel were from among his descendants, from Ya`qub bin Ishaq bin
Ibrahim to the last of them, `Isa bin Maryam, who stood in the midst of his people and
announced the good news of the Hashimi Qurashi Arab Prophet, the last of all the
Messengers, the leader of the sons of Adam in this world and the next, whom Allah chose from

the heart of the Arab nation, from the descendants of Isma`il bin Ibrahim, may peace be upon
them. There is no Prophet from the line of Isma`il besides him, may the best of blessings and
peace be upon him.

6َ* ِL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫* ا‬
َ ِ#%َ ِ‫ َ ة‬.
ِ  1ِ) Fُ X ‫ َ َوِإ‬Xْ ,%‫ ا‬1ِ) ^ُ َ ْG‫َ^ُ َأ‬0 ْ َ9‫ َوءَا‬

(and We granted him his reward in this world; and verily, in the Hereafter he is indeed among
the righteous.) Allah granted him happiness in this world that was connected to happiness in
the Hereafter, for in this world he had plentiful provision, a splendid home, a beautiful and
righteous wife, and he was and still is spoken of highly, for everyone loves him and regards
him as a friend. Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, Qatadah and others said: "He obeyed Allah in all
ways.'' This is like the Ayah,

6 1)‫ِى َو‬%‫ َوِإ ْ َ هِ َ? ا‬

(And of Ibrahim who fulfilled all.) (53:37) He did all that he was commanded to do and
obeyed his Lord to the utmost. Allah says:

6َ* ِL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫* ا‬
َ ِ#%َ ِ‫ َ ة‬.
ِ  1ِ) Fُ X ‫ َ َوِإ‬Xْ ,%‫ ا‬1ِ) ^ُ َ ْG‫َ^ُ َأ‬0 ْ َ9‫ َوءَا‬

(and We granted him his reward in this world; and verily, in the Hereafter he is indeed among
the righteous.) And He says:

َ ِ‫ ِ آ‬U
ْ ُ#%ْ ‫* ا‬
ُ +َ ْ?%ََ‫ً و‬2 ِ0Y
َ Fِ -ِ% ًJ0ِ ‫َـ‬O /ً
 ‫ن ُأ‬
َ َ‫ن ِإ ْ َ هِ َ? آ‬

(Verily, Ibrahim was an Ummah, Qanit to Allah, a Hanif, and he was not one of the idolators)

6َ* ِL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫*َ ا‬#ِ َ% ‫ َ ِة‬.

ِ  ‫ ا‬1ِ) Fُ X ‫ َوِإ‬

(and in the Hereafter he shall be of the righteous) (16:120-122).

17. QS Al Ahzab 33 : 56

6 ً# ِ-$
ْ 9َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬#-h4
َ ‫ َو‬Fِ ْ -َ
َ ْ‫!ا‬-َf ‫ُ! ْا‬0َ
‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫(َ ا‬+;َ+ 1
h Cِ 0%‫ ا‬1َ-َ َ‫!ن‬-[
َ ُ+ Fُ Jَ ‫َـ‬aTِ ‫َـ‬-َ
‫ َو‬Fَ -%‫ن ا‬

33:56. Sesungguhnya Allah dan malaikat-malaikat-Nya bershalawat untuk Nabi. Hai orang-
orang yang beriman, bersalawatlah kamu untuk Nabi dan ucapkanlah salam penghormatan

(56. Allah sends His Salah on the Prophet, and also His angels (do so). O you who believe!
Send your Salah on him, and greet him with Taslim.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

‫ُ!ا‬#-hَ4‫ َو‬Fِ ْ -ََ ‫!ا‬-f

َ ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ q *
َ +ِ%‫(َ ا‬+ ‫َ َأ‬+ h<Cِ 0 %‫ ا‬1َ-
َ ‫ن‬
َ !-[
َ ُ+ Fُ Jَ َaRِ َ-َ
‫ َو‬Fَ -%‫ن ا‬

‫!ن‬-[+ : ‫س‬C *‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬, ‫ء‬,%‫ ا‬/aR_#%‫_ة ا‬f , /aR_#%‫ ا‬,0 F - ^‫ؤ‬0W 1%39 S‫_ة ا‬f / %3%‫ل أ! ا‬O : ‫ري‬oC%‫ل ا‬O
{  %‫ * ا‬F-7
‫ وروي‬%‫ آ‬/ %3%‫ * أ< ا‬HX‫  { * أ‬%‫ ازي * ا‬%‫ ا‬23G !‫ روا^ أ‬,O‫ و‬#(0 ‫ري‬oC%‫ ا‬FE- ‫ا‬a‫ آ!ن ه‬C+
‫ ن‬24 * ‫
ي وروي‬J%‫ ا‬1$  !‫ل أ‬O‫? و‬9Y <‫ ا* أ‬#‫!اء رواه‬4 F%O #‫س آ‬C *‫ * ا‬/L-d 1‫< * أ‬- ‫ وروى‬N+‫أ‬
‫ودي‬K‫ و ا‬# 0W,Y ?9Y <‫ل ا* أ‬O ?W ‫ر‬2sJ4‫ ا‬/aR_#%‫_ة ا‬f‫ و‬/#Y %‫ ب ا‬%‫_ة ا‬f : ‫!ا‬%O ?-3%‫ ا‬A‫
* أه‬,Y‫!ري و وا‬7%‫ا‬
" <C0%‫ ا‬1- ‫!ن‬-[+ FJaR_
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‫< و‬-f‫ أ‬X‫أ‬
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S‫( إن ء ا‬0
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: ‫ل‬O ‫ *  ة‬V3‫ * آ‬1- % <‫? * ا* أ‬aL%‫ * ا‬3$
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0W,Y ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬, 
, #Y X‫ل إ اه ? إ‬q 1- &‫ رآ‬#‫ آ‬,#L
‫ل‬q 1-‫ و‬,#L
1- ‫(? رك‬-%‫ ا‬, 
, #Y X‫إ اه ? إ‬
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1- ‫(? رك‬-%‫ ا‬, 
, #Y X‫ل إ اه ? إ‬q 1- & -f #‫ آ‬,#L
‫ل‬q 1-‫ و‬,#L

,C‫ري و‬oC%‫ زاد ا‬/C J *‫? وه! ا‬aL%‫دة * ا‬,3J

‫ ق‬d *
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, #Y X‫إ اه ? إ‬
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? ‫ إ اه‬1- &‫ رآ‬#‫ آ‬,#L
1- ‫ ورك‬, 
, #Y X‫ل إ اه ? إ‬q 1-‫ إ اه ? و‬1- & -f #‫ آ‬,#L
‫ل‬q 1-‫ و‬,#L

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‪ ,#L‬آ‪ #‬رآ& ‪ 1-‬إ اه ? و‪q‬ل إ اه ? وأ‪ FG .‬ا‪w+,Y *
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1- Af ?(-%‬وأزوا‪ FG‬وذر‪FJ+‬‬
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1-‬وأزوا‪ FG‬وذر‪ FJ+‬آ‪ #‬رآ& ‪q 1-‬ل إ اه ? إ‪ , 
, #Y X‬و‪ ,O‬أ‪ / E FG .‬ا‪/#%‬‬
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* ‪O " .q w+,Y " F %
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<) *LX‬دة )‪E‬ل ‪ ,34 * U F%‬أ
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1- Af ?(-%‬و‪q 1-‬ل
‪ ,#L‬آ‪q 1- & -f #‬ل إ اه ? ورك ‪ ,#L
1-‬و‪q 1-‬ل
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J%‬ي وا‪ <R$0%‬وا* ‪ + G‬‬

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J%‬ي ‪ Q Lf *$Y‬وروى ا‪
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 ‪ ,O Xt) #- F }L+ ?%‬رو‪ 0+‬و‪!G‬ب ذ‪ %‬وا‪_[%
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م ا‪ *
L%‬و‪ FCYf‬ا‪ms%‬ا‪ * !O <%‬ا‪<3)U%‬‬
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‪ ,+g+ #‬ذ‪ %‬ا‪ w+,L%‬ا‪ .y‬ا‪%‬ي روا^ ا‪
n‬م أ‪ ,#Y‬وأ! داود‬
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#( L Lf‬روا‪! Y /+‬ة *  ‪ Q+‬ا‪ [#%‬ي * أ< ه‪* , #Y ‘X‬‬
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* روا‪,C /+‬‬
‫ا‪ *# (#%‬وا‪ S‬أ‪O " .q w+,Y " ?-‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ * ,+m+ 0W,Y ,#Y‬هرون أ‪ X C.‬إ‪ * A #4‬أ< داود ا‪,+  * 1#K‬ة ‪O‬ل ‪:‬‬
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1- 9‬‬
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, #Y X‬أ! داود ا‪ 1#K‬ا‪ * { 2X F#4‬ا‪L%‬رث
‪ J‬وك " ‪w+,Y .‬‬
" .q‬ف رو‪![0
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‪ 0‬ات ا‪_4n‬م )(! أ
‪ 0‬ا‪!
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o%‬ت ‬

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‪, \0‬ل و‪ . A[) /.‬و‪ /Y‬و هن  ? ها
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_4 :‬ا‪,0a%‬ي ها ‪H %‬‬

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* , 34 * ŠR[%‬ر‬
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‪ 0W,Y FG‬ز‪+‬د * ‪ ,C‬ا‪ 0W,Y S‬ا‪!3$#%‬دي * !ن * ‪ ,C‬ا‪ * S‬أ<‬
‫)‪ * /J.‬ا‪!4K‬د * ‪ ,C * ,+m+‬ا‪!3$
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‫ا‪_[%‬ة ‪,9  ?aXt) F -‬رون ‪ A3%‬ذ‪ 3+ %‬ض ‪O F -‬ل ‪!%O‬ا ‪O 0#- F%‬ل ‪!%!O‬ا ‪ :‬ا‪ ?(-%‬ا‪!-f A3G‬ا‪ 9‬ور‪ J#Y‬و آ‪, 4 1- J‬‬
‫ا‪ * -4 #%‬وإ
م ا‪ * EJ#%‬و‪ ?9.‬ا‪,C ,#L
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م ا‪ o%‬و‪ ,RO‬ا‪ o%‬ور‪!4‬ل ا‪ /#Y %‬ا‪ ?(-%‬ا‪!#L

‫‪ F FCs+‬ا‪K‬و‪!%‬ن وا‪ .y‬ون ا‪ ,#L
1- Af ?(-%‬و‪q 1-‬ل
‪ ,#L‬آ‪ 1- & -f #‬إ اه ? و‪q 1-‬ل إ اه ? إ‪ , 
, #Y X‬ا‪?(-%‬‬
‫رك ‪ ,#L
1-‬و‪q 1-‬ل
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, #Y X‬وها
!‪!O‬ف و‪ ,O‬روى إ‪A #4‬‬
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<X;CX‬ا* ‪C‬س ‪!E+‬ل ه‪a‬ا أ‪mX‬ل )‪ 0-E‬أو ‪!%O‬ا ‪ +‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 0#- S‬ا‪_$%‬م‬
‫‪ ‚ a)  -‬ا‪_[%‬ة ‪O  -‬ل ‪ :‬ا‪ ,#L
1- Af ?(-%‬و‪q 1-‬ل
‪ ,#L‬آ‪ 1- & -f #‬إ اه ? و‪q‬ل إ اه ? إ‪ , 
, #Y X‬وار‪?Y‬‬

‪,#L‬ا و‪q‬ل
‪ ,#L‬آ‪ #‬ر‪q &#Y‬ل إ اه ? إ‪ , 
, #Y X‬ورك ‪ ,#L
1-‬و‪q 1-‬ل
‪ ,#L‬آ‪ #‬رآ& ‪ 1-‬إ اه ? إ‪, 
, #Y X‬‬
‫) ‪,J$‬ل (ا ا‪ *
w+,L%‬ذه‪ V‬إ‪!G 1%‬از ا‪ 1- ?Y J%‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬آ‪ #‬ه! ‪!O‬ل ا‪!(#%‬ر و‪ w+,Y ^,N3+‬ا‪ K‬ا<‬
‫ا‪%‬ي ‪O‬ل ‪ :‬ا‪ ?(-%‬ار‪ <0#Y‬و
‪,#L‬ا و ‪ 03
?Y 9‬أ‪,Y‬ا )‪E‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ Y ?-4‬ت وا‪ 34‬و‪ 1aY‬ا‪  <rE%‬ض‬
‫* ‪!(#G‬ر ا‪O F30
/ a%#%‬ل وأ‪G‬ز^ أ!
‪ * ,#L‬أ< ز‪O " .q w+,Y " ,+‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 23G * ,#L
0W,Y ,#Y‬أ‪/C3 X C.‬‬
‫* ‪ , C * ?f‬ا‪O S‬ل ‪ ,C &3#4 :‬ا‪ *
 * S‬ر ‪,L+ /3‬ث * أ ‪O F‬ل ‪ &3#4‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪!E+ ?-4‬ل
‫‪_f <- 1-f‬ة ‪m9 ?%‬ل ا‪ *
,C AE -) <- 1-f 
F - <-[9 /aR_#%‬ذ‪ %‬أو ‪ 7a %‬وروا^ ا*
‪" F /C3 w+,Y *
‫‪O " .q w+,Y‬ل أ!  ‪ 1$‬ا‪
J%‬ي ‪,0 0W,Y‬ار ‪!E3+ * 14!
<0W,Y /#7 * ,%. * ,#L
0W,Y‬ب ا‪ ,C <0W,Y <3
‫* آ ‪$‬ن أن ‪ ,C‬ا‪, * S‬اد أ‪ ,C * ^ C.‬ا‪!3$
* S‬د أن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل أو‪ 1%‬ا‪0%‬س < ‪!+‬م ا‪/
‫أآ‪ 7‬ه? ‪_f <-‬ة ‪ 29‬د  وا‪ FJ+‬ا‪
J%‬ي ر‪ F#Y‬ا‪O ?W S‬ل ها ‪O " .q w+,Y "V+ *$Y w+,Y‬ل إ‪ A #4‬ا‪0W,Y <rE%‬‬
‫‪ ,C * <-‬ا‪ 24 0W,Y S‬ن * ‪!E3+‬ب * ز‪O /L-d * ,+‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬أ‪q <X9‬ت
* ر< )‪E‬ل ‪<%‬‬

* ‪_f  - <-[+ ,C‬ة إ ‪ 1-f‬ا‪ U ( F - S‬ا )‪E‬م إ‪ F %‬ر‪E) AG‬ل ‪ +‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ S‬أ أ‪ ‚[X A3G‬د‪ % <R‬؟ ‪O‬ل إن‬
‫‪O &T‬ل أ أ‪ <7-W A3G‬د‪ % <R‬؟ ‪O‬ل إن ‪O &T‬ل أ أ‪ A3G‬د‪ % <R‬آ‪O F-‬ل إذن ‪  2a+‬ا‪ S‬ه? ا‪ 0+,%‬وه? ا‪ .y‬ة )‪E‬ل  ‬
‫آن ‪E+ /a#‬ل ‪ 2$% { 0
F%‬ن ‪ *#‬أ‪O ^,04‬ل  أدري" ‪O " .q w+,Y‬ل إ‪ A #4‬ا‪_4 * , 34 0W,Y <rE%‬م ا‪3%‬ر ‪0W,Y‬‬
‫‪ 24‬ن ا‪!7%‬ري * ‪ ,C‬ا‪ * A E * ,#L
* S‬ا‪ * A 2%‬أ< * آ‪ * V3‬أ ‪O F‬ل ‪ :‬آن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪?-4‬‬
‫‪ o+‬ج )< ‪!G‬ف ا‪!E ) A -%‬ل ‪G‬ءت ا‪ %‬ا‪ (3CJ9 /2G‬ا‪ %‬اد)‪G /‬ء ا‪!#%‬ت ‪E) F ) #‬ل أ< ‪ +‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ S‬إ‪ <X‬أ‪ *
<-f‬ا‪ A -%‬أ);‪A3G‬‬
‫‪ <9_f w-W %‬؟ ‪O‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬ا‪O U%‬ل أ);‪ <9_f  % A3G‬؟ ‪O‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪?-4‬‬
‫ا‪7-7%‬ن ‪O‬ل أ);‪ <9_f % A3G‬آ‪O (-‬ل إذن ‪ 2s+‬ا‪ S‬ذ‪ CX‬آ‪ F-‬و‪ ,O‬روا^ ا‪
J%‬ي ‪E) ^!L0‬ل ‪ 0W,Y‬ه‪0‬د ‪0W,Y /[ CO 0W,Y‬‬
‫‪ 24‬ن * ‪ ,C‬ا‪ * A E * ,#L
* S‬ا‪ * A 2%‬أ< * آ‪ * V3‬أ ‪O F‬ل ‪ :‬آن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬إذا ذه‪V‬‬
‫‪ 7-W‬ا‪O A -%‬م )‪E‬ل ‪ +‬أ‪ (+‬ا‪0%‬س اذآ وا ا‪ S‬اذآ وا ا‪G S‬ءت ا‪ %‬ا‪ (3CJ9 /2G‬ا‪ %‬اد)‪G /‬ء ا‪!#%‬ت ‪G F ) #‬ء ا‪!#%‬ت ‪O F ) #‬ل‬
‫أ< ‪ + &-O‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ S‬إ‪ <X‬أآ‪ 7‬ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ ?a)  -‬أ‪ <9_f *
% A3G‬؟ ‪O‬ل
 ‪ &-O &T‬ا‪O { %‬ل
 ‪t) &T‬ن زدت )(! ‪% .‬‬
‫‪O ‚[0%) &-O‬ل
 ‪t) &T‬ن زدت )(! ‪O * 7-7%) &-O % .‬ل
 ‪t) &T‬ن زدت )(! ‪ &-O % .‬أ‪ <9_f % A3G‬آ‪O (-‬ل‬
‫إذن ‪ 12a9‬ه‪ #‬و‪ % 2s+‬ذ‪O ?W CX‬ل ها ‪ *$Y w+,Y‬و‪O‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y ,#Y‬وآ { ‪ 24 0W,Y‬ن * ‪ ,C‬ا‪A E * ,#L
* S‬‬
‫* ا‪ * A 2%‬أ< * أ ‪O F‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪ + AG‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ S‬أرأ‪ &+‬إن ‪ <9_f &-3G‬آ‪  - (-‬؟ ‪O‬ل إذن ‪  2a+‬ا‪ 
‫د‪ X‬ك و‪O " .q w+,Y " 9 .q‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y ,#Y‬أ! ‪![0
/#-4‬ر * ‪ /#-4‬ا‪mo%‬ا< و‪ HX!+‬ه! ا*
‪w % 0W,Y O ,#L‬‬
‫* ‪ * ,+m+‬ا‪(%‬د * ‪ #‬و * أ< ‪ * #‬أ< ا‪ +!L%‬ث *
‪ ,C * ?3
* CG * ,#L‬ا‪! * *#Y %‬ف ‪O‬ل ‪ . :‬ج‬
‫ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ 1JY FJ3C9) ?-4‬د‪d;) ,$) _oX A.‬ل ا‪!$%‬د ‪ &2. 1JY‬أو ‪ & U.‬أن ‪!a+‬ن ‪ ^)!9 ,O‬ا‪ S‬أو‬
‫‪O : FNCO‬ل )‪ &T‬أ‪ {) ) X‬رأ‪E) F4‬ل
‪ ,C + %‬ا‪ *#Y %‬؟ ‪O‬ل )آ ت ذ‪E) F% %‬ل إن ‪ F - A+ CG‬ا‪_$%‬م ‪O‬ل ‪ <%‬أ أ‪ U‬ك‬
‫إن ا‪ m S‬و‪!E+ AG‬ل
* ‪ F - & -f  - 1-f‬و
* ‪ \+ d " F - &#-4  - ?-4‬أ‪ .‬ى" ‪O‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y ,#Y‬أ! ‪, 34‬‬

!‪ <0 1%‬ه? ‪# -4 0W,Y‬ن * _ل ‪ # 0W,Y‬و * أ< ‪ ,C * #‬ا‪!%‬ا‪ ,C * ,#L
* ,Y‬ا‪! * *#Y %‬ف * ‪,C‬‬
‫ا‪! * *#Y %‬ف ‪O‬ل ‪O :‬م ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ACEJ4) A.,) FJ),f !LX FG!J) ?-4‬ا‪,G4 o) /-CE%‬ا );‪d‬ل ا‪!$%‬د‬
‫‪ &00… 1JY‬أن ا‪!X,) ( ) F$2X ˆCO ,O S‬ت
‪ {) ) &$-G ?W F0‬رأ‪E) F4‬ل
* ها ؟ ‪ ,C &-O‬ا‪O *#Y %‬ل
 ;‪ X‬؟ " ‪+ &-O‬‬
‫ر‪!4‬ل ا‪,4 S‬ت ‪,4‬ة ‪ & U.‬أن ‪!a+‬ن ا‪ ˆCO S‬رو‪E) ( ) Y‬ل إن ‪ A+ CG‬أ‪ <X UC) <X9‬أن ا‪ m S‬و‪!E+ AG‬ل ‪1-f *
‫‪ F - & -f  -‬و
* ‪,$) F - &#-4  - ?-4‬ت ‪ m S‬و‪ a AG‬ا وروا^ إ‪ * A #4‬إ‪L4‬ق ا‪ <) <rE%‬آ‪1 L+ * FJ‬‬
‫* ‪ ,C‬ا‪ * , #L%‬ا‪,%‬راوردي * ‪ #‬و * ‪ ,C‬ا‪!%‬ا‪ * ,Y‬أ ‪ ,C * F‬ا‪! * *#Y %‬ف ‪ F‬وروا^
* و‪,C * .q FG‬‬
‫ا‪O " .q w+,Y " *#Y %‬ل أ! ا‪ ?4E%‬ا‪ C%‬ا‪ ,C * ,#L
0W,Y <X‬ا‪ ,C *  * ? Y %‬ا‪3
* S‬و‪ *  * /+‬ر‪+‬ن‬
‫‪ * 1 L+ 0W,Y‬أ‪!+‬ب ‪ , C 0W,Y‬ا‪ * # * S‬ا‪ * /0  * ?aL%‬إ اه ? ا‪ * <3o0%‬ا‪!4K‬د * ‪ * # * ,+m+‬ا‪o%‬ب‬
‫ر‪ <r‬ا‪O F0 S‬ل ‪ .‬ج ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ,+ ?-) /GL% ?-4‬أ‪,Y‬ا ‪m2) F3CJ+‬ع ‪ (# ^9;) #‬ة
* ‪ ,G!) F2-.‬ا‪<C0%‬‬
‫‪ 1-f‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪,G4 ?-4‬ا )<
‪ 1JY F2-. *
F0 1L0J) / U‬ر){ ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬رأ‪E) F4‬ل أ‪* Y # + &0$Y‬‬

‫و‪,G4 <09,G‬ا )‪ <0 & L0J‬إن ‪ A+ CG‬أ‪E) <X9‬ل
* ‪ *
 - 1-f‬أ
‪ J‬وا‪,Y‬ة ‪ 1-f‬ا‪!-f U F - S‬ات ور)‪ U F3‬‬
‫در‪G‬ت و‪ ,O‬ا‪J.‬ر ها ا‪ w+,L%‬ا‪ ‡)L%‬ا‪ N%‬ء ا‪ <) <4,E#%‬آ‪ FJ‬ا‪ oJ$#%‬ج ‪ 1-‬ا‪ * L L[%‬و‪ ,O‬روا^ إ‪ A #4‬ا‪* <rE%‬‬
‫ا‪ * /#-4 * <C03E%‬وردان * أ‪ ^!L0 # * HX‬وروا^ أ‪!E3+ * N+‬ب * ‪ * , #Y‬أ‪  * HX‬ض * ‪* /#-4‬‬
‫وردان *
‪ * %‬أوس * ا‪W,L%‬ن * ‪ * #‬ا‪o%‬ب ‪O " .q w+,Y " ^!L0‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y ,#Y‬أ! آ
‪#Y 0W,Y A‬د *‬
‫‪# -4 * &W * /#-4‬ن
!‪ 1%‬ا‪ ,C * <- * *$L%‬ا‪ * S‬أ< ‪ * /L-d‬أ ‪ F‬أن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪G ?-4‬ء ذات‬
‫‪!+‬م وا‪ $%‬ور ‪ +‬ى )< و‪!%E) F(G‬ا ‪ +‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ S‬إ‪ 0% X‬ى ا‪ $%‬ور )< و‪E) (G‬ل إ‪ FX‬أ‪ <X9‬ا‪E) -#%‬ل ‪ ,#L
 ‪  r +‬أن‬
‫ر ‪ m‬و‪!E+ AG‬ل إ‪  - <-[+  FX‬أ‪ *
‪ J‬إ ‪ U F - & -f‬ا و ‪  - ?-$+‬أ‪ *
‪ J‬إ ‪ U F - &#-4‬ا ؟‬
‫‪ 1- &-O‬وروا^ ا‪#Y w+,Y *
<R$0%‬د * ‪ F /#-4‬و‪ ,O‬روا^ إ‪ A #4‬ا‪ * <rE%‬إ‪ * A #4‬أ< أو‪ * H+‬أ‪* F .‬‬
‫‪# -4‬ن * _ل * ‪ , C‬ا‪ * &W * # * S‬أ‪ * HX‬أ< ‪ \+ d " ^!L0 /L-d‬أ‪ .‬ى " ‪O‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪Q+  0W,Y ,#Y‬‬
‫‪ 0W,Y‬أ!
‪ * U3‬إ‪L4‬ق * آ‪  * V3‬ة * أ< ‪ /L-d‬ا‪[XK‬ري ‪O‬ل أ‪ QCf‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪V d 
!+ ?-4‬‬
‫ا‪ + H20%‬ى )< و‪ F(G‬ا‪!%O UC%‬ا ‪ +‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ S‬أ‪ &LCf‬ا‪! %‬م ‪ V d‬ا‪ + H20%‬ى )< و‪ (G‬ا‪O UC%‬ل أ‪ AG‬أ‪q <X9‬ت
* ر< ‪m‬‬
‫و‪E) AG‬ل
* ‪ *
 - 1-f‬أ
‪_f J‬ة آ‪ VJ‬ا‪0$Y U ( F% S‬ت و
‪T 4 U F0 L‬ت ور){ ‪ U F%‬در‪G‬ت ورد ‪F -‬‬

‪ (-7‬وها أ‪ N+‬إ‪04‬د ‪ , G‬و‪ " .q w+,Y " ^!G o+ ?%‬روى
‪ ?-$‬وأ! داود وا‪
J%‬ي وا‪ w+,Y *
<R$0%‬إ‪ 23G * A #4‬‬
‫* ا‪_3%‬ء * ‪ ,C‬ا‪ * *#Y %‬أ ‪ * F‬أ< ه ‪ +‬ة ر‪ <r‬ا‪O F0 S‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪<- 1-f *
‫وا‪,Y‬ة ‪ 1-f‬ا‪ U ( F - S‬ا ‪O‬ل ا‪
J%‬ي ها ‪ Q Lf *$Y w+,Y‬و)< ا‪C%‬ب * ‪ ,C‬ا‪! * *#Y %‬ف و
* ر ‪/3‬‬
‫و‪#‬ر وأ< ‪ /L-d‬وأ‪ HX‬وأ< * آ‪ : V3‬و‪O‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ * w % * +  0W,Y ,#L
* * $Y 0W,Y ,#Y‬آ‪ * V3‬أ< ه ‪ +‬ة‬
‫* ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل ‪!-f‬ا ‪ (Xt) <-‬زآة ‪ ?a%‬و‪!-4‬ا ا‪ <% S‬ا‪ (Xt) /- 4!%‬در‪ <) /G‬أ‪ 1-‬ا‪ /0%‬و ‪ (%0+‬إ‬
‫ر‪ AG‬وأر‪ !G‬أن أآ!ن أ‪ X‬ه! ‪ 29‬د ‪ F‬أ‪ ,#Y‬و‪ ,O‬روا^ ا‪mC%‬ار
* ‪
\+ d‬ه‪ * ,‬أ‪ 1‬ه ‪ +‬ة ‪E) ^!L0‬ل ‪ * ,#L
‫ا‪#7 0W,Y <%aC%‬ن * ‪ 0W,Y , 34‬داود * ‪
* w % * / -‬ه‪ * ,‬أ< ه ‪ +‬ة ‪O‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪?-4‬‬
‫‪!-f‬ا ‪ (Xt) <-‬زآة ‪ ?a%‬و‪!-4‬ا ا‪ <% S‬ا‪,%‬ر‪ /G‬ا‪ *
/- 4!%‬ا‪ ^0%;$) /0%‬أو أ‪E) X C.‬ل ه< در‪ <) /G‬أ‪ 1-‬ا‪ /0%‬وه< ‪AG %‬‬
‫وأ‪ X‬أر‪ !G‬أن أآ!ن ذ‪ %‬ا‪ <) AG %‬إ‪04‬د^ ‪O " .q w+,Y " F ) ?-a9 *
ˆ3‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ * 1 L+ 0W,Y ,#Y‬إ‪L4‬ق ‪ 0W,Y‬ا*‬
‫‪ ,C * /3 (%‬ا‪ Q+
* *#Y %‬ا‪ &3#4 <X!o%‬أ ‪ # 1%!
H O‬و * ا‪3%‬ص ‪ ,C &3#4‬ا‪ # * S‬و ‪!E+‬ل ‪1-f *
‫‪ 1-‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪_f ?-4‬ة ‪ 1-f‬ا‪ F - S‬و
_‪_f * 3C4 (% FJaR‬ة )‪ *
,C AE -‬ذ‪ %‬أو ‪ 7a %‬و‪ ,C &3#4‬ا‪S‬‬
‫* ‪ #‬و ‪!E+‬ل ‪ .‬ج ‪ 0 -‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ 
!+ ?-4‬آ‪!#%‬دع )‪E‬ل أ‪ ,#L
X‬ا‪ <C0%‬ا‪_W F%O <
ات و ‪<CX‬‬
‫‪,3‬ي أو‪!) & 9‬ا‪ Q9‬ا‪_a%‬م و‪!.‬ا‪ F#9‬و‪!G‬ا
‪ F3‬و‪ &#-‬آ? ‪ /Xm.‬ا‪0%‬ر و‪ /-#Y‬ا‪ 3%‬ش و‪!9‬ز < !) & و!) & أ
‪!3#4) <J‬ا‬
‫وأ‪!3 d‬ا
& ) ‪t) ?a‬ذا ذه‪Ja ?a -3) < V‬ب ا‪ S‬أ‪!-Y‬ا ‪ F%_Y‬و‪!
Y‬ا ‪ Y‬ا
‪O " .q w+,Y "F‬ل أ! داود ا‪ 0W,Y <$% %‬أ!‬
‫‪ /#-4‬ا‪ o%‬ا‪ 0W,Y <X4‬أ! إ‪L4‬ق * أ‪O HX‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ *
?-4‬ذآ ت ‪ <- A[ -) ^,0‬و
* ‪1-f‬‬
<-‬ة وا‪,Y‬ة ‪ 1-f‬ا‪ U F - S‬ا وروا^ ا‪ <) <R$0%‬ا‪! %‬م وا‪ w+,Y *
/- -%‬أ< داود ا‪ * <$% %‬أ< ‪ /#-4‬وه! ا‪ s#%‬ة‬
‪ ?-$‬ا‪ o%‬ا‪ * <X4‬أ< إ‪L4‬ق ‪ #‬و * ‪ ,C‬ا‪ S‬ا‪ * <3 C$%‬أ‪ * " .q w+,Y " F HX‬أ‪O HX‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪0W,Y ,#Y‬‬

‪ # * HX!+ 0W,Y A N) * ,#L‬و * ‪ * HX!+‬أ< إ‪L4‬ق * ‪ * ,+m+‬أ<
‪ * ?+‬أ‪O HX‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪S‬‬
‫‪ F -‬و‪_f <- 1-f *
?-4‬ة وا‪,Y‬ة ‪ 1-f‬ا‪!-f U F - S‬ات و‪T . U F0 }Y‬ت " ‪O " .q w+,Y‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪,#Y‬‬
‫‪ ,C 0W,Y‬ا‪ # * -#%‬و وأ! ‪# -4 0W,Y , 34‬ن * _ل * ‪#‬رة * ‪ ,C * /+m‬ا‪ * <- * S‬ا‪ * * $L%‬أ ‪<- F‬‬
‫* ا‪ * * $L%‬أ ‪ F‬أن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل ‪ :‬ا‪ *
A oC%‬ذآ ت ‪ <- A[+ ?% ?W ^,0‬و‪O‬ل أ! ‪A[+ ?-) , 34‬‬
‫‪ <-‬وروا^ ا‪
* ‪# -4 w+,Y‬ن * _ل ‪O ?W‬ل ها ‪ Q Lf V+ *$Y w+,Y‬و
* ا‪ %‬واة
* ‪ ,04 *
F-3G‬ا‪* * $L%‬‬
‫‪ <-‬و
‪O " .q w+,Y " F$2X <- ,0$
F-3G *
?(0‬ل إ‪ A #4‬ا‪Y 0W,Y <rE%‬ج *
‪(0‬ل ‪#Y 0W,Y‬د * ‪* /#-4‬‬

‪_ * ,C3‬ل ا‪m03%‬ي ‪ 0W,Y‬ر‪ *
AG‬أه‪ A‬د
‪! * \U‬ف *
‪ * %‬أ< ذر ر‪ <r‬ا‪ F0 S‬أن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪?-4‬‬
‫‪O‬ل إن أ‪ Ao‬ا‪0%‬س
* ذآ ت ‪O A4
" .q w+,Y " <- A[+ ?-) ^,0‬ل إ‪ A #4‬و‪# -4 0W,Y‬ن * ‪ Y‬ب ‪* + G 0W,Y‬‬
‫‪Y‬زم ‪ &3#4‬ا‪!E+ *$L%‬ل ‪O‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ V$L ?-4‬ا
* ا‪ AoC%‬أن أذآ ‪ .q w+,Y " <- <-[+ _) ^,0‬‬
‫" ‪O‬ل ا‪
J%‬ي ‪ 0W,Y‬أ‪ * ,#Y‬إ اه ? ا‪,%‬ور‪ 0W,Y <O‬ر‪ * <3‬إ اه ? * ‪ ,C‬ا‪ * *#Y %‬إ‪L4‬ق * ‪ * , 34‬أ< ‪, 34‬‬
‫ا‪ CE#%‬ي * أ< ه ‪ +‬ة ‪O‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬ر ? أ‪ ‚X‬ر‪ AG‬ذآ ت ‪ <- A[+ ?-) ^,0‬ور ? أ‪ ‚X‬ر‪AG‬‬
‫د‪ ( F - A.‬ر
‪N‬ن ‪ ?W‬ا‪ ACO -$X‬أن ‪ F% 2s+‬ور ? أ‪ ‚X‬ر‪ AG‬أدرك ‪ ^,0‬أ!ا^ ا‪ ^_.,+ ?-) Ca%‬ا‪O ?W /0%‬ل ‪V+ *$Y‬‬
‫‪ &-O‬و‪ ,O‬روا^ ا‪oC%‬ري )< ا‪K‬دب *
‪ , C * ,#L‬ا‪ 0W,Y S‬ا* أ< ‪Y‬زم * آ‪ * 7‬ز‪ * ,+‬ا‪ * , %!%‬رح * أ< ه ‪ +‬ة‬

)! ‪ ^!L0‬وروا^
* ‪ # * ,#L
w+,Y‬و * أ< ‪ * /#-4‬أ‪ 1‬ه ‪ +‬ة ‪O‬ل ا‪
J%‬ي و)< ا‪C%‬ب * ‪ G‬وأ‪ &-O HX‬وا*‬
‫‪C‬س وآ‪  * V3‬ة و‪ ,O‬ذآ ت ‪ d‬ق ها ا‪ <) w+,L%‬أول آ‪J‬ب ا‪ [%‬م ‪ " : F%!O ,0‬إ
 ‪,0 *s-C+‬ك ا‪ Ca%‬أ‪,Y‬ه‪ #‬أو آ_ه‪#‬‬
‫" وها ا‪ w+,L%‬وا‪%‬ي ‪ F-CO‬د‪ 1- A %‬و‪!G‬ب ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ 1-‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬آ‪ #‬ذآ وه!
ه‪ *
/2Rd V‬ا‪#-3%‬ء
‫ا‪L%‬وي وا‪ <# -L%‬و‪!EJ+‬ى ‪ w+,L%‬ا‪ .y‬ا‪%‬ي روا^ ا*
‪0G 0W,Y FG‬دة * ا‪#Y 0W,Y H-s#%‬د * ز‪ # 0W,Y ,+‬و *‬
‫د‪0+‬ر * ‪ * G‬ز‪ * ,+‬ا* ‪C‬س ‪O‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ <$X *
?-4‬ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ <-‬أ‪ \+ d ;.‬ا‪0G ./0%‬دة‬
‫‪ ‚ 3r‬و‪ *a%‬روا^ إ‪ A #4‬ا‪ *
<rE%‬و‪ * FG‬أ< ‪ <- * ,#L
23G‬ا‪O OC%‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪?-4‬‬

* ‪ <$X‬ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ <-‬أ‪ \+ d ;.‬ا‪ /0%‬وها
‪!EJ+ A4‬ى ‪%‬ي ‪ F-CO‬وا‪ S‬أ‪ ?-‬وذه‪ .q V‬ون إ‪ 1%‬أ‪ V9 FX‬ا‪_[%‬ة ‪<) F -‬‬
H-#%‬ة وا‪,Y‬ة ‪ / E <) V9  ?W‬ذ‪ %‬ا‪ F-EX VLJ$9 A H-#%‬ا‪
J%‬ي * ‪ ?(N3‬و‪ w+,L% ,+;J+‬ا‪%‬ي روا^ ا‪

‫‪U * ,#L
0W,Y‬ر ‪ ,C 0W,Y‬ا‪ 24 0W,Y *#Y %‬ن * ‪ 1%!
‪ * /‬أ< ه ‪ +‬ة * ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل‬
‫‪!O H-G 
‪+ ?% $-‬آ وا ا‪ F ) S‬و‪!-[+ ?%‬ا ‪ ?( CX 1-‬إ آن ‪ 9 ?( -‬ة ‪!+‬م ا‪t) /
 E%‬ن ء (? وإن ء ‪?(% 2‬‬
‫‪ 29‬د ‪ F‬ا‪
* ها ا‪ FG!%‬وروا^ ا‪
n‬م أ‪Y * ,#Y‬ج و‪ * ,+m+‬هرون آ_ه‪ * #‬ا* أ< ذ‪ 1%!
Q%f * VR‬ا‪!J%‬أ
‫* أ< ه ‪ +‬ة
‪O ?W F-7‬ل ا‪
J%‬ي ها ‪ *$Y w+,Y‬و‪ ,O‬روي * أ< ه ‪ +‬ة * ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ *
‫و‪ FG‬و‪ ,O‬روا^ إ‪ A #4‬ا‪# -4 * /C3 w+,Y *
<rE%‬ن * ذآ!ان * أ< ‪O , 34‬ل

* ‪!O‬م ‪,3E+‬ون ‪!
!E+ ?W‬ن و‬
‫‪!-[+‬ن ‪ 1-‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬إ آن ‪!+ ?( -‬م ا‪ $Y /
 E%‬ة وإن د‪!-.‬ا ا‪ + #% /0%‬ون
* ا‪!7%‬اب و‪* <aY‬‬
‫‪ ?(N3‬أ‪ FX‬إ‪ V9 #X‬ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ F - F -‬ا‪_[%‬ة وا‪_$%‬م )< ا‪
#3%‬ة وا‪,Y‬ة ا

K 7J‬ا‪ ?W /+y‬ه<
‪ <) /CLJ$‬آ‪Y A‬ل وها‬
‫ه! ا‪%‬ي ‪ ^ [X‬ا‪  <rE%‬ض ‪ 1aY 
,3‬ا‪#Gn‬ع ‪ 1-‬و‪!G‬ب ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ 1-f F -‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ <) ?-4‬ا‪O /-#%‬ل و‪1aY ,O‬‬
‫ا‪ C%‬ي أن
‪ A#L‬ا‪ 1- /+y‬ا‪,0%‬ب واد‪ F ) 1‬ا‪#Gn‬ع ‪O‬ل و‪ # ) F-3%‬زاد ‪ 1-‬ا‪ #%‬ة وا‪!%‬ا‪
F ) VG‬ة آ‪(U%‬دة ‪!C0% F%‬ة و
‫زاد ‪ 1-‬ذ‪,0#) %‬وب و
‪ *04 *
F ) V‬ا‪_4n‬م و‪3‬ر أه‪ &-O F-‬وها ‪!O‬ل ‪ ,O FXt) V+‬ورد ا‪_[%
K‬ة ‪ <) F -‬أو‪O‬ت‬
‫آ‪ 7‬ة )‪ (0#‬وا‪ VG‬و
‪ ,3 F0#) F0 CX 
1- VLJ$
(0‬ا‪,0%‬اء ‪_[-%‬ة ‪ w+,L-%‬ا‪%‬ي روا^ ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y ,#Y‬أ! ‪ ,C‬ا‪*#Y %‬‬
‫‪! Y 0W,Y‬ة ‪ 0W,Y‬آ‪ /#E- * V3‬أ‪ ,C {#4 FX‬ا‪!E+ CG * *#Y %‬ل إ‪ ,C {#4 FX‬ا‪ # * S‬و * ا‪3%‬ص ‪!E+‬ل إ‪{#4 FX‬‬
‫ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ " ?-4‬إذا ‪g
?J3#4‬ذ‪!%!E) X‬ا
A7‬ل ‪!-f ?W‬ا ‪_f <- 1-f *
FXt) <-‬ة ‪ 1-f‬ا‪F - S‬‬
‫( ‪ U‬ا ‪!-4 ?W‬ا ا‪ <% S‬ا‪ <) /%m0
(Xt) /- 4!%‬ا‪ <sC09  /0%‬إ ‪C *
,C3%‬د ا‪ S‬وأر‪ !G‬أن أآ!ن أ‪ X‬ه! )‪;4 *#‬ل ‪<%‬‬
‫ا‪ F - &-Y /- 4!%‬ا‪ " /2U%‬وأ‪ ?-$
FG .‬وأ! داود وا‪
J%‬ي وا‪ w+,Y *
<R$0%‬آ‪ \+ d " /#E- * V3‬أ‪ .‬ى " ‪O‬ل‬
‫إ‪ A #4‬ا‪ * ,#L
0W,Y <rE%‬أ< ‪ # 0W,Y a‬و * ‪ * <-‬أ< ‪ a‬ا‪!2f * <#U%‬ان * ‪ ,C * ? -4‬ا‪ # * S‬و‬
‫‪O‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪;4 *
?-4‬ل ا‪ <% S‬ا‪!+ <J2 F - &EY /- 4!%‬م ا‪O " .q w+,Y " /
 E%‬ل إ‪A #4‬‬
‫ا‪# -4 0W,Y <rE%‬ن * ‪ Y‬ب ‪ * , 34 0W,Y‬ز‪ * w % * ,+‬آ‪ V3‬ه! آ‪ V3‬ا‪CYK‬ر * أ< ه ‪ +‬ة ر‪ <r‬ا‪O F0 S‬ل ‪O :‬ل‬
‫ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪!-f ?-4‬ا ‪t) <-‬ن ‪ <- ?a9_f‬زآة ‪ ?a%‬و‪!-4‬ا ا‪ <% S‬ا‪O /- 4!%‬ل )‪ 0W,Y 
 ‪O ^0%;4‬ل‬
‫ا‪ /- 4!%‬أ‪ 1-‬در‪ <) /G‬ا‪ (%0+  /0%‬إ ر‪ AG‬وأر‪ !G‬أن أآ!ن أ‪ X‬ذ‪ %‬ا‪ ?W AG %‬روا^ *
‪ * ,#L‬أ< ‪w % * #J3
* a‬‬
‫وه! ا* أ< ‪ F ? -4‬وآا ا‪ w+,L%‬ا‪O .y‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y 14!
* *$Y 0W,Y ,#Y‬ا* ‪!4 * a 0W,Y /3 (%‬ادة * ز‪+‬د‬
‫* ‪ * ? 3X‬ور‪O‬ء ا‪ * <
NL%‬رو‪ &W * {2+‬ا‪[XK‬ري أن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل
* ‪ ,#L
1- 1-f‬و‪O‬ل‬
‫ا‪ ?(-%‬أ‪ F%mX‬ا‪ ,3E#%‬ا‪ E#%‬ب ‪,0‬ك ‪!+‬م ا‪ /
 E%‬و‪ <J2 F% &CG‬وها إ‪04‬د  ;س ‪ F‬و‪ " ^!G o+ ?%‬أ‪O " *$Y W‬ل إ‪A #4‬‬
‫ا‪ ,C * <- 0W,Y <rE%‬ا‪ 24 0W,Y S‬ن ‪ * #3
<0W,Y‬ا* ‪d‬وس * أ ‪ &3#4 F‬ا* ‪C‬س ‪!E+‬ل ‪ :‬ا‪/2 ACE9 ?(-%‬‬

‪ ,#L‬ا‪ Ca%‬ى وار){ در‪ FJG‬ا‪  -3%‬وأ‪ <) F%g4 F‬ا‪ .y‬ة وا‪K‬و‪ 1%‬آ‪ & 9q #‬إ اه ? و
!‪ ?( - 14‬ا‪_$%‬م إ‪04‬د ‪!O , G‬ي‬
‫‪ Q Lf‬و
* ذ‪ ,0 %‬د‪!.‬ل ا‪ ,$#%‬وا‪ o%‬وج
‪ w+,L-% F0‬ا‪%‬ي روا^ ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y ,#Y‬إ‪ * A #4‬إ اه ? ‪ * w % 0W,Y‬أ<‬
‫‪ ,C * ? -4‬ا‪ * S‬ا‪ * *$L%‬أ
‪ &0 /#d) F‬ا‪ &0 /#d) F9,G * * $L%‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ : &%O ?-4‬آن‬
‫ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬إذا د‪ A.‬ا‪ ,#L
1- 1-f ,$#%‬و‪O ?W ?-4‬ل ا‪ ?(-%‬ا ‪ <% 2‬ذ‪ <!X‬وا)‪ <% QJ‬أ!اب ر‪ J#Y‬وإذا‬
‫‪ .‬ج ‪ ,#L
1- 1-f‬و‪O ?W ?-4‬ل ا‪ ?(-%‬ا ‪ <% 2‬ذ‪ <!X‬وا)‪ <% QJ‬أ!اب )‪ -N‬و‪O‬ل إ‪ A #4‬ا‪,C * 1 L+ 0W,Y <rE%‬‬
‫ا‪ 24 0W,Y , #L%‬ن * ‪ #‬و ا‪# -4 * <# #J%‬ن ا‪ * <- * <CN%‬ا‪O * $L%‬ل ‪O‬ل ‪ * <-‬أ< ‪ V%d‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪ : F0 S‬إذا‬

ر‪!-[) ,G$#% ?9‬ا ‪ 1-‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬وأ
 ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ 1-f F -‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ <) ?-4‬ا‪_[%‬ة )‪ 0
,O ,E‬ا‪_a%‬م ‪( -‬‬
‫)< ا‪ ,(UJ%‬ا‪ .K‬و
* ذه‪ V‬إ‪ 1%‬ذ‪ *
‪ ?(0‬ا‪ <3)U%‬ر‪ F#Y‬ا‪ S‬وأآ
‪ F‬وأ‪ ,#Y‬وأ
 ا‪ ,(UJ%‬ا‪K‬ول )_ ‪!O F ) V9‬‬
‫وا‪,Y‬ا وه‪ VLJ$9 A‬؟ ‪ <3)U-% * %!O 1-‬و
* ذ‪ %‬ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ 1-f F -‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪_f <) ?-4‬ة ا‪0%‬زة )‪t‬ن ا‪ /0$%‬أن ‪ E+‬أ )<‬
‫ا‪ CaJ%‬ة ا‪K‬و‪ /L9) 1%‬ا‪Ja%‬ب و)< ا‪ / X7%‬أن ‪ 1- <-[+‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬و)< ا‪ & #-% !,+ /7%7%‬و)< ا‪ %‬ا‪!E+ /3‬ل‬
‫ا‪ 0
L9  ?(-%‬أ‪ ^ G‬و ‪O ^,3 0J29‬ل ا‪ <3)U%‬ر‪ F#Y‬ا‪ 
0W,Y S‬ف *
زن *
‪ * #3‬ا‪m%‬ه ي أ‪ <X C.‬أ! أ

‪* /‬‬
‫‪ ‚ 0Y * A(4‬أ‪ FX‬أ‪ ^ C.‬ر‪ *
AG‬أ‪Lf‬ب ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬أن ا‪ <) /0$%‬ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ 1-‬ا‪0%‬زة أن ‪ Ca+‬ا‪
n‬م ‪ E+ ?W‬أ‬
‫‪ /L92‬ا‪Ja%‬ب ‪ ,3‬ا‪ CaJ%‬ة ا‪K‬و‪ 4 1%‬ا )< ‪ 1- <-[+ ?W F$2X‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬و‪ -o+‬ا‪,%‬ء ‪0-%‬زة و)<‬
‫ا‪ CaJ%‬ات  ‪ E+‬أ )< <ء
‪ 4 ?-$+ ?W (0‬ا )< ‪ F$2X‬وروا^ ا‪ * <R$0%‬أ< أ

‪ F$2X /‬أ‪O FX‬ل
* ا‪) /0$%‬آ ^ وها
‫ا‪ ?aY <) <L[%‬ا‪!) #%‬ع ‪ 1-‬ا‪ Q L[%‬وروا^ إ‪ A #4‬ا‪ * ,#L
* <rE%‬ا‪ ,C * 107#%‬ا‪ * #3
* 1-K‬ا‪m%‬ه ي‬
‫* أ< أ

‪ * , 34 * A(4 * /‬ا‪ V $#%‬أ‪O FX‬ل ‪ :‬ا‪ <) /0$%‬ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ 1-‬ا‪0%‬زة )آ ^ وه‪a‬ا روي * أ< ه ‪ +‬ة وا*‬
‫‪ #‬وا‪ <C3U%‬و
* ذ‪_f <) %‬ة ا‪O , 3%‬ل إ‪ A #4‬ا‪ * ?-$
0W,Y <rE%‬إ اه ? ‪ 0W,Y‬ه‪U‬م ا‪!J4,%‬ا‪#Y 0W,Y <R‬د * أ<‬
‫‪# -4‬ن * إ اه ? * ‪ /#E-‬أن ا*
‪!3$‬د وأ
!‪ 14‬و‪ . /2+Y‬ج ‪ ?( -‬ا‪ ACO 
!+ /CE * , %!%‬ا‪E) , 3%‬ل ‪ ?(%‬إن ها‬
‫ا‪ ,O , 3%‬د‪ ‚ a) X‬ا‪ F ) CaJ%‬؟ ‪O‬ل ‪ ,C‬ا‪ Ca9 CaJ) S‬ة ‪ ( QJJ29‬ا‪_[%‬ة و‪ ,#L9‬ر و‪ 1- <-[9‬ا‪ !,9 ?W <C0%‬و‪ Ca9‬و‪A329‬‬

‪ A7‬ذ‪ Ca9 ?W %‬و‪ A7
A329‬ذ‪ Ca9 ?W %‬و‪ A7
A329‬ذ‪ E9 ?W %‬أ ‪ Ca9 ?W‬و‪ 9‬آ{ ‪!E9 ?W‬م )‪ EJ‬أ و‪ ,#L9‬ر و‪ 1- <-[9‬ا‪1-f <C0%‬‬
‫ا‪ F - S‬و‪ !,9 ?W ?-4‬و‪ Ca9‬و‪ A7
A329‬ذ‪ 9 ?W %‬آ{ )‪E‬ل ‪ /2+Y‬وأ!
!‪,f 14‬ق أ! ‪ ,C‬ا‪ *#Y %‬إ‪04‬د ‪ Q Lf‬و
* ذ‪ %‬أ‪FX‬‬
‫‪ ?J. VLJ$+‬ا‪,%‬ء ‪_[%‬ة ‪ 1-f F -‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل ا‪
J%‬ي ‪ 0W,Y‬أ! داود ‪ 0W,Y‬ا‪ * A (4 * N0%‬أ< ‪ O‬ة ا‪,4K‬ي‬
‫* ‪ * , 34‬ا‪ * # * V $#%‬ا‪o%‬ب ‪O‬ل ‪ :‬ا‪,%‬ء
!‪!O‬ف  * ا‪#$%‬ء وا‪K‬رض  ‪< F0
,3[+‬ء ‪ CX 1- <-[9 1JY‬‬
‫وآا روا^ أ‪!+‬ب *
!‪ * , 34 * 14‬ا‪ * # * V $#%‬ا‪o%‬ب وروا^
‪3‬ذ * ا‪L%‬رث * أ< ‪ O‬ة ‪ * , 34‬ا‪* V $#%‬‬
‫‪ !)
#‬وآا روا^ رز‪3
* *+‬و‪ <) /+‬آ‪ * !)
FJ‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل ا‪,%‬ء
!‪!O‬ف  * ا‪#$%‬ء‬
‫وا‪K‬رض  ‪ <X!-39 _) <- 1-[+ 1JY ,3[+‬آ‪ #s‬ا‪ %‬اآ‪!-f V‬ا ‪ <-‬أول ا‪,%‬ء و‪ ^ .q‬وأو‪ F4‬وه^ ا‪+m%‬دة إ‪ 9 #X‬وى

‫روا‪ ,C * G /+‬ا‪ ,0$
<) S‬ا‪
n‬م ‪ , #Y * ,C‬ا‪O w Y <Ua%‬ل ‪! * 23G 0W,Y :‬ن أ‪, C * 14!
X C.‬ة *‬
‫إ اه ? *
‪ * ,#L‬إ اه ? * أ ‪O F‬ل ‪O :‬ل ‪O G‬ل ‪ 0%‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ <X!-39  ?-4‬آ‪,E‬ح ا‪ %‬اآ‪ V‬إذا ‪\-‬‬
‫‪ FE %39‬أ‪ *
^’#) FY,O .‬ا‪#%‬ء )‪t‬ن آن ‪ <) /GY F%‬ا‪!r!%‬ء ‪ ;r!9‬وإن آن ‪ <) /GY F%‬ا‪ U%‬ب  ب وإ أه ق
 ) ‪F‬‬
‫ا‪ <) <X!-3G‬أول ا‪,%‬ء و)< و‪ }4‬ا‪,%‬ء و)< ‪ .q‬ا‪,%‬ء وها ‪ V+ w+,Y‬و
!‪, C * 14‬ة ‪ ‚ 3r‬ا‪ w+,L%‬و
* ‪q‬آ‪ ,‬ذ‪%‬‬
‫دء ا‪!0E%‬ت ‪ #%‬روا^ أ‪ ,#Y‬وأه‪ A‬ا‪ *0$%‬وا* ‪ /#+m.‬وا* ‪CY‬ن وا‪L%‬آ?
* ‪ w+,Y‬أ< ا‪!%‬زاء * ا‪ <- * *$L%‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪S‬‬
‫‪O #(0‬ل ‪ <0#- :‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬آ‪#-‬ت أ‪ <) *(%!O‬ا‪ 9!%‬ا‪ ?(-%‬اه‪ *# ) <X,‬ه‪ &+,‬و)‪& ) *# ) <0‬‬
‫و‪ & %!9 *# ) <0%!9‬ورك ‪ # ) <%‬أ & و‪ <NE9 Xt) & NO 
 <0O‬و ‪  - 1NE+‬وإ‪+  FX‬ل
* وا‪ & %‬و ‪*
‫د‪C9 &+‬رآ& ر‪ 0‬و‪ & %39‬وزاد ا‪ ,3 F004 <) <R$0%‬ها و‪ 1-f‬ا‪ ,#L
1- S‬و
* ذ‪ %‬أ‪ VLJ$+ FX‬ا‪n‬آ‪7‬ر
* ا‪_[%‬ة ‪F -‬‬
‫‪!+‬م ا‪ /3#%‬و‪ /- %‬ا‪O /3#%‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ <- * * $Y 0W,Y ,#Y‬ا‪ ,C * <23%‬ا‪ * G * ,+m+ * *#Y %‬أ< ا‪w3K‬‬
‫ا‪ * <X30[%‬أوس * أوس ا‪ <2E7%‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪O F0 S‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ *
?-4‬أ)‪ AN‬أ‪!+ ?a
+‬م ا‪F ) /3#%‬‬
‫‪q \-.‬دم و) ‪ ˆCO F‬و) ‪ F‬ا‪ /o20%‬و) ‪ F‬ا‪;) /E3[%‬آ‪ 7‬وا ‪ *
<-‬ا‪_[%‬ة ) ‪t) F‬ن ‪ 3
?a9_f‬و‪!%O <- /r‬ا ‪ +‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ S‬وآ ‚‬
‫‪ 39‬ض ‪ 09_f  -‬و‪ ,O‬أر
& ؟ ‪ <03+‬و‪O & - ,O‬ل إن ا‪ Y S‬م ‪ 1-‬ا‪K‬رض أن ‪;9‬آ‪ A‬أ‪$G‬د ا‪ CXK‬ء وروا^ أ! داود وا‪<R$0%‬‬
‪ <- * * $Y w+,Y *
FG‬ا‪ <23%‬و‪ QLf ,O‬ها ا‪ w+,L%‬ا* ‪ /#+m.‬وا* ‪CY‬ن وا‪,%‬ار‪ <0O‬وا‪!0%‬وي )< ا‪K‬ذآر "‬
‫‪O " .q w+,Y‬ل أ! ‪ ,C‬ا‪ # 0W,Y FG
* S‬و * ‪!4‬ادة ا‪ [#%‬ي ‪ ,C 0W,Y‬ا‪ * S‬وه‪ # * V‬و * ا‪L%‬رث * ‪, 34‬‬
‫* أ< ه_ل * ز‪ * ,+‬أ‪C * *#+‬دة * ‪ * <$X‬أ< ا‪,%‬رداء ‪O‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬أآ‪ 7‬وا ا‪_[%‬ة ‪<-‬‬
‫‪!+‬م ا‪!(U
FXt) /3#%‬د ‪ ^,(U9‬ا‪K /aR_#%‬ن أ‪,Y‬ا  ‪ F ) <- <-[+‬إ  ‪ 2+ 1JY F9_f <- &r‬غ
‪O (0‬ل ‪ &-O‬و‪ ,3‬ا‪!#%‬ت‬
‫؟ ‪O‬ل إن ا‪ Y S‬م ‪ 1-‬ا‪K‬رض أن ‪;9‬آ‪ A‬أ‪$G‬د ا‪ CXK‬ء )‪ <C0‬ا‪ + <Y S‬زق ها ‪ *
V+ w+,Y‬ها ا‪ FG!%‬و) ‪ F‬ا‪EX‬ع  *‬
‫‪C‬دة * ‪ <$X‬وأ< ا‪,%‬رداء )‪,+ ?% FXt‬رآ‪ F‬وا‪ S‬أ‪ ?-‬و‪ ,O‬روى ا‪ w+,Y *
<E( C%‬أ< أ

‪ /‬وا*
‪!3$‬د * ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪S‬‬
‫‪ F -‬و‪ <) ?-4‬ا‪n
* ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ /- % F -‬ا‪ /3#%‬و
* ا‪ /3#%‬و‪ <) *a%‬إ‪04‬ده‪ ‚3r #‬وا‪ S‬أ‪ ?-‬وروي
‪* _4‬‬
‫ا‪ *$L%‬ا‪ [C%‬ي )‪E‬ل إ‪ A #4‬ا‪# -4 0W,Y <rE%‬ن * ‪ Y‬ب ‪Y * + G 0W,Y‬زم ‪ &3#4‬ا‪ *$L%‬ا‪ [C%‬ي ‪!E+‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل‬
‫ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪;9  ?-4‬آ‪ A‬ا‪K‬رض ‪ *
,$G‬آ‪ F#-‬روح ا‪,E%‬س
‪ *$Y A4‬وا‪!0%‬وي )< ا‪K‬ذآر و‪O‬ل ا‪ <rE%‬و‪O‬ل ا‪<3)U%‬‬
‫أ‪ X C.‬إ اه ? *
‪ ,#L‬أ‪!2f X C.‬ان * ‪ ? -4‬أن ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل إذا آن ‪!+‬م ا‪ /3#%‬و‪ /- %‬ا‪;) /3#%‬آ‪ 7‬وا‬
‫ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ <-‬ها
‪ A4‬وه‪a‬ا ‪ 1- V+‬ا‪ V o%‬أن ‪ 1- <-[+‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪!+ ?-4‬م ا‪ 1- /3#%‬ا‪ <) C0#%‬ا‪* JCo%‬‬
‫و ‪ Q[9‬ا‪JCo%‬ن إ ‪C (XK %‬دة وذآ ا‪  S‬ط ) ( )!‪ VG‬ذآ ا‪!4 %‬ل ‪ 1-f‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ( ) ?-4‬آ‪K‬ذان وا‪_[%‬ة ها‬

ه‪ V‬ا‪ <3)U%‬وأ‪ ,#Y‬ر‪ #(#Y‬ا‪ S‬و
* ذ‪ %‬أ‪ VLJ$+ FX‬ا‪_[%‬ة وا‪_$%‬م ‪ ,0 F -‬ز‪+‬رة ‪ 1-f ^ CO‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل أ! داود‬
‫‪ 0W,Y‬ا* !ف ه!
‪ * ,#L‬ا‪ E#%‬ي ‪! Y 0W,Y‬ة * أ< ‪ * , #Y of‬ز‪+‬د * ‪ ,C * ,+m+‬ا‪ * } $O * S‬أ< ه ‪ +‬ة أن‬
‫ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل

‪ *
?a0‬أ‪ <- ?-$+ ,Y‬إ رد ا‪ <- S‬رو‪ 1JY <Y‬أرد ‪ F -‬ا‪_$%‬م ‪ 29‬د ‪ F‬أ! داود‬
‫و‪ FLLf‬ا‪!0%‬وي )< ا‪K‬ذآر ‪O ?W‬ل أ! داود ‪ 0W,Y‬أ‪O Q%f * ,#Y‬ل ‪ O :‬أت ‪ ,C 1-‬ا‪ {)X * S‬أ‪ <X C.‬ا* أ< ذ‪* VR‬‬
‫‪ , 34‬ا‪ CE#%‬ي * أ< ه ‪ +‬ة ‪O‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪!-39  ?-4‬ا  !‪!CO ?a9‬را و ‪!-39‬ا ‪ CO‬ي  ‪,‬ا و‪!-f‬ا‬
‫‪t) <-‬ن ‪ #7 Y <0s-C9 ?a9_f‬آ‪ 29 ?J0‬د ‪ F‬أ! داود أ‪ N+‬و‪ ,O‬روا^ ا‪
n‬م أ‪ ,C * Q+  * ,#Y‬ا‪ {)X * S‬وه! ا‪F ŠR[%‬‬
‫و‪ FLLf‬ا‪!0%‬وي أ‪ N+‬و‪ ,O‬روي
* و‪ <- * .q FG‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪O F0 S‬ل ا‪ <rE%‬إ‪ * A #4‬إ‪L4‬ق )< آ‪ AN) FJ‬ا‪_[%‬ة‬
‫‪ 1-‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ 0W,Y ?-4‬إ‪ * A #4‬أ< أو‪ * 23G 0W,Y H+‬إ اه ? *
‪ ,C * <- * ,#L‬ا‪* 23G * S‬‬
‫أ< ‪ *# V%d‬أ‪ *
^ C.‬أه‪ * <- * FJ  A‬ا‪ <- * * $L%‬أن ر‪ _G‬آن ‪ <9;+‬آ‪, A‬اة ) ‪m‬ور ‪ CO‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪F - S‬‬
‫و‪ ?-4‬و‪ F - <-[+‬و‪ *
%‬ا‪ * <- F - (J‬ا‪E) * $L%‬ل ‪ * <- F%‬ا‪ 1- -#L+ 
* $L%‬ها ؟ ‪O‬ل أ‪VY‬‬
‫ا‪_$%‬م ‪ 1-‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪E) ?-4‬ل ‪ * <- F%‬ا‪ * $L%‬ه‪ % A‬أن أ‪ * 7+,Y W,Y‬أ< ؟ ‪O‬ل ‪E) ?3X‬ل ‪* <- F%‬‬
‫ا‪ * $L%‬أ‪ <X C.‬أ< * ‪,G‬ي أ‪O FX‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪!-39  ?-4‬ا ‪ CO‬ي  ‪,‬ا و ‪!-39‬ا  !‪!CO ?a9‬را ‪!-f‬ا‬
‫‪ <-‬و‪!#-4‬ا ‪ #7 Y‬آ‪ ?a9_f <0s-CJ) ?J0‬و‪ <) .?a
_4‬إ‪04‬د^ ر‪ ?$+ ?% ?(C
AG‬و‪ ,O‬روي
* و‪O _4
.q FG‬ل ‪ ,C‬ا‪ %‬زاق‬
[‪ * F20‬ا‪!7%‬ري * ا* _ن * ر‪E+ AG‬ل ‪ * A (4 F%‬ا‪ * *$L%‬ا‪O <- * *$L%‬ل رأى ‪ ,0 
!O‬ا‪(0) CE%‬ه?‬
‫و‪O‬ل إن ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O . " ?-4‬ل  ‪oJ9‬وا ‪ CO‬ي  ‪,‬ا و ‪oJ9‬وا  !‪!CO ?a9‬را و‪!-f‬ا ‪ #7 Y <-‬آ‪t) ?J0‬ن ‪?a9_f‬‬
‫‪ F-3-) <0s-C9‬ر‪q‬ه? ‪!T $+‬ن ا‪K‬دب  ){ أ‪!f‬ا‪!) ?(9‬ق ا‪(0) /GL%‬ه? و‪ ,O‬روي أ‪ FX‬رأى ر‪J0+ _G‬ب ا‪E) CE%‬ل ‪ + :‬ها
‫ور‪ F0
H%,XK AG‬إ ‪!4‬اء أي ا‪!-f Fs-C+ { #%‬ات ا‪ S‬و‪ F - F
_4‬دا‪ #R‬إ‪!+ 1%‬م ا‪ *+,%‬و‪O‬ل ا‪ C%‬ا‪ F#3
<) <X‬ا‪ Ca%‬‬
‫‪ 0W,Y‬أ‪ * ,#Y‬ر‪ *+,‬ا‪ [#%‬ي ‪ * , 34 0W,Y‬أ<
‪ 23G * ,#L
0W,Y ?+‬أ‪ * , #Y <X C.‬أ< ز‪*$Y * *$Y * V0+‬‬
‫* ‪ * <-‬أ< ‪ V%d‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪ * ?(0 S‬أ ‪ F‬أن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل ‪!-f‬ا ‪ #7 Y <-‬آ‪t) ?J0‬ن ‪<0s-C9 ?a9_f‬‬
‫‪O ?W‬ل ا‪ C%‬ا‪ 0W,Y <X‬ا‪C3%‬س * ‪,#Y‬ان ا‪ ,C * V 3 0W,Y <X(CfK‬ا‪ , #L%‬ا‪L%‬ن أ‪ * ,+m+ X C.‬هرون * أ<  ‪C‬ن‬
‫* ا‪ ,C * ?aL%‬ا‪ * S‬ا‪o%‬ب * أم أ‪ &0 H X‬ا‪ * <- * *$L%‬أ ( ‪O‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬أرأ‪&+‬‬
‫‪!O‬ل ا‪ m S‬و‪ " AG‬إن ا‪ S‬و
_‪!-[+ FJaR‬ن ‪ 1-‬ا‪E) " <C0%‬ل إن ها ه! ا‪!Ja#%‬م و‪ !%‬أ‪ 
F0 <X!#J%;4 ?aX‬أ‪ ?a9 C.‬إن ا‪S‬‬
‫‪ m‬و‪ AG‬وآ‪  * a-
< A‬أذآ ‪ <- <-[ ) ?-$
,C ,0‬إ ‪O‬ل ذا‪ X‬ا‪a-#%‬ن ‪ 2‬ا‪ % S‬و‪O‬ل ا‪ S‬و
_‪!G FJaR‬ا ‪0+%‬‬
‫ا‪ *
q * a-#%‬و ‪ <- <-[+‬أ‪ ,Y‬إ ‪O‬ل ذا‪ X‬ا‪a-#%‬ن ‪ 2‬ا‪ % S‬و‪!E+‬ل ا‪ S‬و
_‪!G FJaR‬ا ‪ 0+%‬ا‪,G V+ . *
q * a-#%‬ا‬
‫وإ‪04‬د^ ‪ ,+, ‚3r F‬و‪O ,O‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y ,#Y‬وآ { * ‪ 24‬ن * ‪ ,C‬ا‪ * S‬ا‪ * VR$%‬زاذان * ‪ ,C‬ا‪!3$
* S‬د أن‬
‫ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل إن ‪ <) * Y 4 /aR_
S‬ا‪K‬رض ‪ * <X!s-C+‬أ
‪ <J‬ا‪_$%‬م وه‪a‬ا روا^ ا‪w+,Y *

‫‪ 24‬ن ا‪!7%‬ري و‪# -4‬ن *
( ان ا‪ e#K‬آ_ه‪ ,C * #‬ا‪ * S‬ا‪ 
;) F VR$%‬ا‪ w+,L%‬ا‪ CO ,0 <- 1-f *
‫‪ FJ3#4‬و
* ‪ <2) FJs- , 3 *
<- 1-f‬إ‪04‬د^ ‪ 29 X‬د ‪
* ,#L
F‬وان ا‪,$%‬ي ا‪ s[%‬وه!
‪ J‬وك * ا‪* e#K‬‬
‫أ< ‪ * Q%f‬أ< ه ‪ +‬ة
)! ‪O‬ل أ‪ 0Lf‬و‪ L#-% VLJ$+‬م إذا ‪ 1C%‬و) غ
* ‪ FJ C-9‬أن ‪ 1- <-[+‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪F - S‬‬
‫و‪ #% ?-4‬روا^ ا‪ <3)U%‬وا‪,%‬ار‪ *
<0O‬روا‪ * ,#L
* Q%f /+‬زا‪,R‬ة * ا‪ * ,#L
* ?4E%‬أ< ‪ a‬ا‪O \+,[%‬ل آن ‪
‫ا‪ AG %‬إذا ) غ
* ‪ FJ C-9‬أن ‪ 1- <-[+‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ 1- ?-4‬آ‪Y A‬ل و‪O‬ل إ‪ A #4‬ا‪ 0W,Y <rE%‬رم * ا‪AN2%‬‬
‫‪ ,C 0W,Y‬ا‪ * S‬ا‪C#%‬رك ‪ 0W,Y‬زآ ‪ * +‬ا‪ * <C3U%‬وه‪ * V‬ا‪,GK‬ع ‪O‬ل ‪ * # &3#4 :‬ا‪o%‬ب ر‪ <r‬ا‪!E+ F0 S‬ل ‪ :‬إذا‬
‫‪!)!) ?J
,O‬ا ‪ 3C4 & C%‬و‪!-f‬ا ‪ ,0‬ا‪E#%‬م رآ‪ ?W * J3‬ا‪!JR‬ا ا‪!
!E) 2[%‬ا ‪ 9 w Y *
F -‬ون ا‪ Ca) & C%‬وا ‪
{C4‬ات ‪ Ca9‬ا‬
‫ * ‪ ,#Y‬ا‪ S‬و‪0W‬ء ‪ F -‬و‪_f‬ة ‪ 1-‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬و
‪ $20% /%;$‬و‪ 1-‬ا‪ #%‬وة
‪ A7‬ذ‪ . %‬إ‪04‬د ‪!O *$Y , G‬ي‬
‫‪!%O‬ا و‪ VLJ$+‬ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ 1-‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ {
?-4‬ذآ ا‪ ,0 S‬ا‪ Q%‬وا‪!$X;J4‬ا ‪ " 1%39 F%!E‬ور)‪ % 03‬ذآ ك " ‪O‬ل‬
‫‪ ˆ3‬ا‪!E+ *+ $2#%‬ل ا‪  1%39 S‬أذآ إ ذآ ت
‪ <3‬و‪ <) ?(2%.‬ذ‪ %‬ا‪!(#%‬ر و‪!%O‬ا ها
!‪ 2+ *d‬د ) ‪ F‬ذآ ا‪ 1%39 S‬آ‪#‬‬
‫‪ ,0‬ا‪K‬آ‪ A‬وا‪!.,%‬ل وا‪O!%‬ع و ذ‪ 9 ?% #
%‬د ) ‪ F‬ا‪_[% /0$%‬ة ‪ 1-‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O " .q w+,Y " ?-4‬ل‬
‫إ‪ A #4‬ا‪ * ,#L
0W,Y <rE%‬أ< ‪ a‬ا‪ # 0W,Y <
,E#%‬و * هرون *
!‪, C * 14‬ة *
‪ * &W * ,#L‬أ<‬
‫ه ‪ +‬ة أن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل ‪!-f‬ا ‪ 1-‬أ‪ CX‬ء ا‪ S‬ور‪t) F-4‬ن ا‪ ?(73 S‬آ‪ <) . <073 #‬إ‪04‬د^ ‪2 3r‬ن وه‪#‬‬
‫‪ #‬و * هرون و ‪ Fo‬وا‪ S‬أ‪ ?-‬و‪ ,O‬روا^ ‪ ,C‬ا‪ %‬زاق * ا‪!7%‬ري *
!‪, C * 14‬ة ا‪, m%‬ي ‪ F‬و
* ذ‪ %‬أ‪VLJ$+ FX‬‬
‫ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ * 0d ,0 F -‬ا‪K‬ذن إن ‪ Qf‬ا‪ <) Co%‬ذ‪ 1- %‬أن ا‪
n‬م أ ‪ * ,#L
a‬إ‪L4‬ق * ‪ ,O /#+m.‬روا^ )< ‪FL Lf‬‬
‫)‪E‬ل ‪ 0W,Y :‬ز‪+‬د * ‪ , C * ,#L
* #3
0W,Y 1 L+‬ا‪ * <- * S‬أ< را){ * أ ‪ * F‬أ< را){ ‪O‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪S‬‬
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S‬ذآ ‪ o <X‬إ‪04‬د^ ‪ V+‬و)< ‪ X F9!CW‬‬
‫وا‪ S‬أ‪ " /%;$
" ?-‬و‪ ,O‬ا‪ VLJ4‬أه‪ A‬ا‪ /Ja%‬أن ‪ a+‬ر ا‪ V9a%‬ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ 1-‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬آ‪ #-‬آ‪ FCJ‬و‪ ,O‬ورد )<‬
‫ا‪ \+ d *
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F% /+‬دام ا‪ <) <#4‬ذ‪ %‬ا‪Ja%‬ب و‪ H %‬ها ا‪ *
Q L[ w+,L%‬و‪ ^!G‬آ‪ 7‬ة و‪ ,O‬روي
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$%‬ل ‪ :‬رأ‪ }o &+‬ا‪
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 ‪ VJa+‬ا‪ ?4‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ *
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1- Af ?(-%‬‬
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‫وا‪!JY‬ا ‪!E‬ل ا‪ " 1%39 S‬ه! ا‪%‬ي ‪ ?a - <-[+‬و
_‪ " FJaR‬و‪ " F%!E‬أو‪!-f ?( - T%‬ات
* ر(? ور‪ " /#Y‬و‪. " F%!E‬‬

* أ
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* ا‪#-3%‬ء ‬
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‫‪ F -‬و‪ ?-4‬و‪O‬ل ‪ 1-f <-‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬وإن آن ا‪ L Lf 103#%‬آ‪E+  #‬ل ‪O‬ل
‪ m ,#L‬و‪ AG‬وإن آن ‪m+m‬ا ‪K _ -G‬ن ها‬

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* ب ا‪ ?+ LJ%‬أو ا‪ a%‬اه‪/‬‬
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AG‬ص ‪E+  #a) 1%39 S‬ل‬

‪ m ,#L‬و‪ AG‬وإن آن ‪m+m‬ا ‪E+  _ -G‬ل أ! ‪ a‬أو ‪ 1-f <-‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬ها ‪ L F2%‬و)‪O F‬ل وأ
 ا‪_$%‬م )‪E‬ل ا‪ U%‬‬
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 ا‪E ) F Vdo ) rL%‬ل ‪_4‬م ‪  -‬و‪_4‬م ‪ ?a -‬وها
‪ F - {#‬ا‪ 
1(JX‬ذآ ^ "‬
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* دون ‪ R4‬‬
‫ا‪ /L[%‬أو آ م ا‪ S‬و‪ F(G‬وها وإن آن
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* ب ا‪? 3J%‬‬
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ا‪#7 * 0
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a * ‚ 0Y * ? aY‬ا* ‪C‬س أ‪O FX‬ل ‪ Q[9  :‬ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ 1-‬أ‪,Y‬‬
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 ‪t) ,3‬ن ‪ *
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ا‪, ?(R‬ل ا‪_[%‬ة ‪ 1-‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪t) ?-4‬ذا‬
‫‪G‬ءك آ‪ <J‬ها )‪ #‬ه? أن ‪!a9‬ن ‪ 1- ?(9_f‬ا‪ * C0%‬ودؤه? ‪ /
 * #-$#-%‬و‪!,+‬ا
 ‪!4‬ى ذ‪ . %‬أ‪O *$Y W‬ل إ‪A #4‬‬
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: V3‬إ ‪mX‬ل‬

A -% 2%‫!ن أ‬3C4 ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f <C0%‫ ا‬1- ‫!ن‬-[+ ?(JL0G; ‫ !ن‬N+ CE% ‫!ن‬2L+ 1JY /aR_#%‫
* ا‬2%‫!ن أ‬3C4
1- 1-f ‫!وي إذا‬0%‫ل ا‬O " ‫ " ) ع‬FX!)m+ /aR_#%‫
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F - ‫} و‬E) ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f ‫!ل‬E+ _) #‫ه‬,Y‫ أ‬1- [JE+ _) ? -$J%‫[_ة وا‬%‫{  * ا‬# -) ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f <C0%‫ا‬
1%‫و‬K) " # -$9 ‫!ا‬#-4‫ و‬F - ‫!ا‬-f ‫!ا‬0
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# -$9 ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f ‫ل‬E+ ‫ أن‬.

Al-Bukhari said: "Abu Al-`Aliyah said: "Allah's Salah is His praising him before the angels,
and the Salah of the angels is their supplication.'' Ibn `Abbas said: "They send blessings.''
Abu `Isa At-Tirmidhi said: "This was narrated from Sufyan Ath-Thawri and other scholars,
who said: `The Salah of the Lord is mercy, and the Salah of the angels is their seeking
forgiveness. There are Mutawatir Hadiths narrated from the Messenger of Allah commanding
us to send blessings on him and how we should say Salah upon him. We will mention as many
of them as we can, if Allah wills, and Allah is the One Whose help we seek. In his Tafsir of this
Ayah, Al-Bukhari recorded that Ka`b bin `Ujrah said, "It was said, `O Messenger of Allah,
with regard to sending Salam upon you, we know about this, but how about Salah' He said:

‫ل‬q 1َ-َ‫ َو‬,ٍ # L

ُ 1َ-َ ْ‫ ُ( ? َ ِرك‬-%‫ ا‬،ٌ, ِ
َ ٌ, ِ#Y َ َX ‫ ِإ‬، َ? ِ‫ ِل ِإ ْ َاه‬q 1َ-
َ &
َ ْ -َf َ#‫ َآ‬،ٍ,# L
ُ ‫ ِل‬q 1َ-
َ ‫ٍ َو‬,# L
ُ 1َ-
َ Ah f
َ ?(ُ -%‫ ا‬:‫ُ!ا‬%!ُO»
«, ِ
َ ٌ, ِ#Y َ  َ X ‫ ِإ‬،َ? ِ‫ ِل ِإْ َاه‬q 1َ-َ &
َ ْ‫َ َ َرآ‬#‫ َآ‬،ٍ,# L

(Say: "O Allah, send Your Salah upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad, as
You sent Your Salah upon the family of Ibrahim, verily You are the Most Praiseworthy, Most
Glorious. O Allah, send Your blessings upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad,
as You sent Your blessings upon the family of Ibrahim, verily You are Most Praiseworthy,
Most Glorious.'')'' Imam Ahmad recorded that Ibn Abi Layla said that Ka`b bin `Ujrah met
him and said, "Shall I not give you a gift The Messenger of Allah came out to us and we said,
`O Messenger of Allah! We know how to send Salam upon you, but how can we send Salah'
He said:

‫ل‬q 1َ-َ‫ َو‬,ٍ # L

ُ 1َ-َ ْ‫ ُ( ? َ ِرك‬-%‫ ا‬،ٌ, ِ
َ ٌ, ِ#Y َ َX ‫ ِإ‬، َ? ِ‫ ِل ِإ ْ َاه‬q 1َ-
َ &
َ ْ -َf َ#‫ َآ‬،ٍ,# L
ُ ‫ ِل‬q 1َ-
َ ‫ٍ َو‬,# L
ُ 1َ-
َ Ah f
َ ?(ُ -%‫ ا‬:‫ُ!ا‬%!ُO»
«, ِ
َ ٌ, ِ#Y َ  َ X ‫ ِإ‬،َ? ِ‫ ِل ِإْ َاه‬q 1َ-َ &
َ ْ‫َ َ َرآ‬#‫ َآ‬،ٍ,# L

(Say: "O Allah, send Your Salah upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad, as
You sent Your Salah upon the family of Ibrahim, verily You are the Most Praiseworthy, Most
Glorious. O Allah, send Your blessings upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad,
as You sent Your blessings upon the family of Ibrahim, verily You are Most Praiseworthy,
Most Glorious.'')'' This Hadith has been recorded by the Group in their books with different
chains of narration.

Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "We
said, `O Messenger of Allah, this is the Salam upon you, but how do we send Salah upon you'
He said:

1َ-َ &
َ ‫َ َ َر ْآ‬#‫ َآ‬،ٍ,# L
ُ ‫ ِل‬q 1َ-َ‫ َو‬,ٍ # L
ُ 1َ-َ ْ‫ َوَ ِرك‬، ?َ ِ‫ ِل ِإ ْ َاه‬q 1َ-َ &
َ ْ -f
َ َ#‫ َآ‬،َ%ِ!ُ4‫كَ َو َر‬,ِ Cْ 
َ ٍ,# L
ُ 1َ-
َ Ah f
َ ? (ُ -%‫ ا‬:‫ُ!ا‬%!ُO»
«? ِ‫ ِل ِإ ْ َاه‬q

(Say: "O Allah, send Your Salah upon Muhammad, Your servant and Messenger, as You sent
Your Salah upon the family of Ibrahim, and send Your blessings upon Muhammad and upon
the family of Muhammad, as You sent Your blessings upon the family of Ibrahim.'')'' Abu
Salih narrated that Layth said:

«? ِ‫ ِل إِ ْ َاه‬q 1َ-
َ &
َ ‫َ َرَ ْآ‬#‫ َآ‬،ٍ,#L
ُ ‫ ِل‬q 1َ-
َ ‫ َو‬,ٍ # L
ُ 1َ-َ»

(Upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad as You sent Your blessings upon the
family of Ibrahim.) Ibrahim bin Hamzah told that, Ibn Abi Hazim and Ad-Darawardi told,
that Yazid, i.e., Ibn Al-Had said:

«? ِ‫ ِل ِإْ َاه‬q ‫ ِإ ْ َاهِ ?َ َو‬1َ-َ &

َ ‫َ َ َر ْآ‬#‫ َآ‬،ٍ,# L
ُ ‫ ِل‬qَ‫ و‬,ٍ # L
ُ 1َ-َ ‫ك‬
ْ ِ‫ َوَر‬، ?َ ِ‫ ِإ ْ َاه‬1َ-
َ &
َ ْ -f
َ َ#‫» َآ‬

(As You sent Your Salah upon Ibrahim, and send Your blessings upon Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad, as You sent Your blessings upon Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim.)
This was also recorded by An-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah.

Imam Ahmad recorded from Abu Humayd As-Sa`idi that they said: "O Messenger of Allah,
how can we send Salah upon you'' He said,

‫ل‬q 1َ-َ &

َ ‫َ َ َر ْآ‬#‫ َآ‬Fِ Jِ + ‫ر‬h ُ‫ وَذ‬Fِ G
ِ ‫ٍ َوَأزْوَا‬,# L
ُ 1َ-َ ْ‫ َوَ ِرك‬،َ? ِ‫ ِإْ َاه‬1َ-َ &
َ ْ -َf َ#‫ َآ‬،ِFJِ + h‫ َو ُذر‬Fِ G
ِ ‫ وََأزْوَا‬,ٍ # L
ُ 1َ-َ Ah f
َ ? (ُ -%‫ ا‬:‫ُ!ا‬%!ُO»
«, ِ
َ ٌ, ِ#Yَ  َ X ‫ ِإ‬،َ? ِ‫ِإ ْ َاه‬

(Say: "O Allah, send Your Salah upon Muhammad and his wives and offspring, as You sent
Your Salah upon Ibrahim, and send Your blessings upon Muhammad and his wives and
offspring, as You sent Your blessings upon the family of Ibrahim, verily You are Most
Praiseworthy, Most Glorious.'')'' It was also recorded by the rest of the Group, apart from At-

Muslim recorded that Abu Mas`ud Al-Ansari said: "We came to the Messenger of Allah and
we were with Sa`d bin `Ubadah. Bashir bin Sa`d said to him, `Allah has commanded us to
send Salah upon you, O Messenger of Allah. How can we send Salah upon you' The
Messenger of Allah remained quiet for so long that we wished that he had not asked him, then
the Messenger of Allah said:

1َ-َ &
َ ‫َ َ َر ْآ‬#‫ َآ‬،ٍ,# L
ُ ‫ ِل‬q 1َ-
َ ‫ َو‬,ٍ # L
ُ 1َ-َ ْ‫ َوَ ِرك‬، ?َ ِ‫ ِل ِإ ْ َاه‬q 1َ-
َ &
َ ْ -f
َ َ#‫ َآ‬،ٍ,# L
ُ ‫ ِل‬q 1َ-َ‫ٍ َو‬,# L
ُ 1َ-
َ Ah f
َ ? (ُ -%‫ ا‬:‫ُ!ا‬%!ُO»
«?ُJ#ْ -َِ ْ,Oَ َ#‫َمُ َآ‬-$%‫ٌ وَا‬, ِ
َ ٌ, ِ#Y َ َX ‫ ِإ‬،َ* ِ#%ََ3%ْ ‫ ِل ِإ ْ َاهِ َ? )ِ< ا‬q

(Say: "O Allah, send Your Salah upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad, as
You sent Your Salah upon the family of Ibrahim, and send Your blessings upon Muhammad
and upon the family of Muhammad, as You sent Your blessings upon the family of Ibrahim
among all people, verily You are Most Praiseworthy, Most Glorious.'' And the Salam is as you
know.)'' This was also recorded by Abu Dawud, An-Nasa'i, At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Jarir. At-
Tirmidhi said, "It is Hasan Sahih.''

Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi reported the following Hadith and graded it
Sahih; An-Nasa'i, Ibn Khuzaymah and Ibn Hibban recorded in their Sahihs that Fadalah bin
`Ubayd, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "The Messenger of Allah heard a man making
supplication in his prayer when he had not praised Allah or said Salah upon the Prophet . The
Messenger of Allah said:

«‫ َهَا‬Aَ ِ

(This man is rushing.) Then he called him over and said, to him or to someone else,

«‫َ َء‬#ِ ُ,3ْ َ ُ‫ْع‬, َ ْ% ? ُW <
h ِC0 %‫ ا‬1َ-َ Ah [
َ ُ ْ% ? Wُ ،ِF ْ َ-
َ ‫َ ِء‬07 %‫ وَا‬AG
َ ‫ َو‬m 
َ S
ِ ‫ِ ا‬, ِ#ْ Jَ ِ ‫َ ْأ‬,Cْ َ ْ-)َ ْ?‫ُ ُآ‬,Y
َ ‫ َأ‬1-َf ‫»ِإذَا‬

(When any one of you supplicates, let him start by praising and glorifying Allah, may He be
exalted, then let him send Salah upon the Prophet, and after that let him make supplication as
he wishes.)''

Another Hadith At-Tirmidhi recorded that Ubayy bin Ka`b said: "When two thirds of the
night had passed, the Messenger of Allah would get up and say,

«F ِ) َ#ِ ‫ت‬
ُ ْ!#َ %ْ ‫َ َء ا‬G ،ِF ِ) َ#ِ ‫ت‬
ُ ْ!#َ %ْ ‫َ َء ا‬G ،ُ/)َ ‫ ا ِد‬%‫(َ ا‬3ُ Cَ Jْ َ9 /ُ َ2G
ِ ‫ ا‬%‫ت ا‬
ِ ‫َ َء‬G ،َS‫ اذْ ُآ ُوا ا‬،َS‫سُ ا ْذآُ ُوا ا‬0%‫(َ ا‬+‫ََأ‬+»

(O people, remember Allah, remember Allah, the first blast of the Trumpet has come and will
be followed by the second blast, death has come with all its horrors, death has come with all
its horrors.)'' Ubayy said, "I said, `O Messenger of Allah, I send a lot of Salah upon you, how
much of my prayer should be Salah upon you' He said,

ِ َ

(Whatever you want.) I said, `A quarter' He said,

«َ% ٌ ْ .
َ !َ (ُ َ) ‫ت‬
َ ْ‫نْ ِزد‬tِ)َ ،َ&Tْ 
ِ َ

(Whatever you want, but if you increase it, it will be better for you.) I said, `Half' He said,

«َ% ٌ ْ .
َ !َ (ُ َ) ‫ت‬
َ ْ‫نْ ِزد‬tِ)َ ،َ&Tْ 
ِ َ

(Whatever you want, but if you increase it, it will be better for you.) I said, `Two thirds' He

«َ% ٌ ْ .
َ !َ (ُ َ) ‫ت‬
َ ْ‫نْ ِزد‬tِ)َ ،َ&Tْ 
ِ َ

(Whatever you want, but if you increase it, it will be better for you.) I said, `Should I make my
whole prayer for you' He said,

«ُCXْ َ‫ ذ‬
َ %َ ُ َ2sْ +ُ ‫ َو‬،َ# ‫ َه‬1َ2aْ 9ُ ْ‫»إِ َذن‬

(This would be sufficient to relieve your distress and earn you forgiveness of your sins.)'' Then
he said: "This is a Hasan Hadith.''

Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Talhah said that the Messenger of Allah came one day
looking happy. They said, "O Messenger of Allah, we see that you look happy.'' He said,

َ%‫ َو‬،‫ ًا‬U

َ Fِ ْ -ََ &
ُ ْ -َf %‫ ِإ‬
َ ِJ
 ‫ٌ ِ
*ْ ُأ‬,Y
َ ‫ َأ‬ َ ْ َ-
َ <h-َ[+ُ َ% Fُ X ‫ ِإ‬:‫ُ! ُل‬E+َ AG
َ ‫ َو‬m 
َ َ َ‫ن ر‬
 ‫ َأ‬
َ ِrْ +ُ َ
‫ُ َأ‬,# L
ُ َ+ :‫َ َل‬E)َ ُ-َ#َ %ْ ‫ِ< ا‬Xَ9‫ َأ‬Fُ X ‫»ِإ‬
«1َ-َ :&ْ-Oُ ،‫ْ ًا‬U َ Fِ ْ -ََ &
ُ #ْ -4
َ %‫ ِإ‬َ Jِ 
‫ٌ ِ
*ْ ُأ‬,Y َ ‫ َأ‬
َ ْ َ-
َ ?ُ -h$
َ +ُ

(The angel came to me and told me, "O Muhammad, would it not please you if your Lord,
may He be glorified, says: `No member of your Ummah sends Salah upon you but I send
Salah upon him tenfold, and no member of your Ummah sends greetings of Salam upon you
but I send greetings of Salam upon him tenfold''' I said, "Of course.'') This was also recorded
by An-Nasa'i.

Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Talhah Al-Ansari said: "One morning the Messenger of
Allah was in a cheerful mood and looked happy. They said, `O Messenger of Allah, this
morning you are in a cheerful mood and look happy.' He said,

،ٍ‫َت‬Th 4َ َ U ْ  َ Fُ 0ْ 
َ َL
َ ‫ت َو‬
ٍ َ0$َ Y
َ َ Uْ  َ َ(ِ Fُ %َ S
ُ ‫ا‬V
َ Jَ ‫ َآ‬،ً‫َة‬-f
َ Jِ
 ‫ ِ
*ْ ُأ‬
َ ْ َ-
َ 1-f
َ ْ*
َ :‫َ َل‬E)َ A G
َ ‫ َو‬m َ <hَ‫ت ِ
*ْ ر‬
ٍ q <ِXَ9‫ْ َأ‬AَG‫»َأ‬
ِ Fِ ْ -َ
َ ‫ وَ َر د‬،ٍ‫َت‬G‫ َ دَ َر‬U
ْ َ Fُ %َ {َ َ)‫وَ َر‬

(Of course just now someone an angel6 came to me from my Lord and said, "Whoever among
your Ummah sends Salah upon you, Allah will record for him ten good deeds and will erase
for him ten evil deeds, and will raise his status by ten degrees, and will return his greeting
with something similar to it.'')'' This is also a good chain, although they (Al-Bukhari and
Muslim) did not report it.

Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasa'i recorded that Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be
pleased with him, said: "The Messenger of Allah said:

«‫ ًا‬U
َ َ(ِ Fِ ْ -َ
َ S
ُ ‫ ا‬1-f
َ ً‫ة‬,َ Y
ِ ‫< وَا‬
َ 1-f
َ ْ*
َ »

(Whoever sends one Salah upon me, Allah will send ten upon him.) At-Tirmidhi said: "This is
a Sahih Hasan Hadith. On the same topic, narrations come from `Abdur-Rahman bin `Awf,
`Amir bin Rabi`ah, `Ammar, Abu Talhah, Anas and Ubayy bin Ka`b.''

Imam Ahmad recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said:

«!ُ‫َ ه‬Xَ‫ن أ‬
َ !ُ‫ُ! َأنْ َأآ‬G‫ َوأَ ْر‬،ٌAُG‫ َر‬%‫ُ(َ ِإ‬%َ0+َ َ% ،ِ/0 َ%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ-ْ‫ٌ )ِ< َأ‬/G
َ َ‫(َ َدر‬X tَِ) ،َ/-َ ِ4!َ %ْ ‫< ا‬
َ %ِ S
َ ‫ُ!ا ا‬-4
َ َ‫ و‬،ْ?ُa%َ ٌ‫(َ َزآَة‬Xtَِ) ،<َ-
َ ‫!ا‬-f
َ »

(Send Salah upon me, for this is Zakah for you, and ask Allah to grant me Al-Wasilah, for it is
a position in the highest part of Paradise which only one man will attain, and I hope that I will
be the one.) This was recorded only by Ahmad.

Imam Ahmad recorded that Al-Husayn bin `Ali said that the Messenger of Allah said:

َ Ah [
َ ُ+ ْ?%َ ? Wُ ُ^,َ 0ْ 
ِ ‫ت‬
ُ ْ ِ‫ُ َ
*ْ ُذآ‬A ِoCَ %ْ ‫»ا‬

(The miser is the one in whose presence I am mentioned, then he does not send Salah upon
me.) Abu Sa`id said:

َ hA[
َ +ُ ْ?َ-)َ »

(...and he does not send Salah upon me.) This was also recorded by At-Tirmidhi, who then
said: "This Hadith is Hasan Gharib, Sahih.''

At-Tirmidhi recorded that Abu Hurayrah said: "The Messenger of Allah said:

AُG‫‚ َر‬ُ Xْ ‫ ?َ َأ‬ ِ ‫ َو َر‬،ُF%َ َ َ2sْ +ُ ‫ن‬ ْ ‫ َأ‬Aَ ْCOَ  َ -َ$

َ Xْ ‫ ? ا‬Wُ ‫ن‬
َ َN
َ ‫ ْ( ُ َر‬
َ Fِ ْ -َ 
َ Aَ َ.‫ َد‬Aٍ ُG‫‚ َر‬
ُ Xْ ‫ وَ َر ِ َ? َأ‬،<-ََ Ah [
َ ُ+ ْ?َ-َ) ^ُ ,َ 0ْ 
ِ ‫ت‬
ُ ْ ِ‫ ُذآ‬Aٍ ُG‫‚ َر‬
ُ Xْ ‫ َ? َأ‬
ِ ‫» َر‬
«/0َ %ْ ‫َ^ُ ا‬-ِ.ْ,+ُ ْ?-ََ) َ Cَ aِ %ْ ‫^ُ َأ َ!َا^ُ ا‬,َ 0ْ 
ِ َ‫َأدْ َرك‬

(May he be humiliated, the man in whose presence I am mentioned and he does not send
Salah upon me; may he be humiliated, the man who sees the month of Ramadan come and go,
and he is not forgiven; may he be humiliated, the man whose parents live to old age and they

do not cause him to be granted admittance to Paradise.)'' Then he (At-Tirmidhi) said: "Hasan

It is reported that we should send blessings upon him on many occasions, such as following
the call to prayer, as in the Hadith recorded by Imam Ahmad from `Abdullah bin `Amr bin
Al-`As, who said that he heard the Messenger of Allah say:

،َ/َ- ِ4!َ %ْ ‫< ا‬

َ %ِ S
َ ‫ُ!ا ا‬-4َ ? ُW ،‫ ًا‬U
ْ  َ َ(ِ Fِ ْ َ-
َ S
ُ ‫ ا‬1-f َ <  -ََ 1-f
َ ْ*
َ Fُ X tَِ) ،<-ََ ‫!ا‬-f
َ ?Wُ ،ُ‫ُ!ل‬E+َ َ#-َْ7
ِ ‫ُ!ا‬%!ُE)َ ًX‫ذ‬h َg
ُ ْ?Jُ ْ3#ِ 4 َ ‫»ِإذَا‬
«/ََ2U  %‫ ا‬Fِ ْ -َ
َ ْ&-Y
َ /َ -َ ِ4َ!%ْ ‫< ا‬
َ %ِ ‫َ; َل‬4
َ ْ*#َ )َ ،َ!‫َ ُه‬X‫ُ! َأنْ َأآُ!نَ َأ‬Gْ‫ َوَأر‬،ِS‫َ ِد ا‬Cِ ْ*
ِ ,ٍ Cْ َ3%ِ %‫ِ< ِإ‬sCَ 0ْ 9َ َ% /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ٌ )ِ< ا‬/%َmِ 0ْ َ
َ(X ِt)َ

(When you hear the Mu'adhdhin, repeat what he says, then send Salah upon me, for whoever
sends Salah upon me, Allah will send Salah upon him tenfold. Then ask Allah to grant me Al-
Wasilah, which is a status in Paradise to which only one of the servants of Allah will be
entitled, and I hope that I will be the one. Whoever asks Allah for Al-Wasilah for me, it will be
permitted for me to intercede for him.) This was recorded by Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-
Tirmidhi and An-Nasa'i. Other occasions when we should send Salah upon the Prophet
include when entering or exiting the Masjid, because of the Hadith recorded by Imam Ahmad
from Fatimah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah who said: "When the Messenger of
Allah entered the Masjid, he would send Salah and Salam upon Muhammad, and say,

«ِJ#َ Y
ْ َ‫ب ر‬
َ ‫ِ< َأ ْ!َا‬% ْQJَ ْ)‫ُ!ِ< وَا‬Xُ‫ِ< ذ‬% ْ 2ِ
ْ ‫ ُ(? ا‬-ْ %‫»ا‬

(O Allah, forgive me my sins and open for me the gates of Your mercy) When he exited, he
would send Salah and Salam upon Muhammad, and say,

ْ َ) ‫ب‬
َ ‫ِ< َأ ْ!َا‬% ْQJَ ْ)‫ُ!ِ< وَا‬Xُ‫ِ< ذ‬% ْ ِ2
ْ ‫ ُ(? ا‬-ْ %‫»ا‬

(O Allah, forgive me my sins and open for me the gates of Your bounty.)'' We should also send
Salah upon him during the Funeral prayer. The Sunnah is to recite Surat Al-Fatihah following
the first Takbir, to send Salah upon the Prophet during the second Takbir, to make
supplication for the deceased during the third Takbir, and in the fourth Takbir to say, "O
Allah, do not deprive us of his reward, and do not test us after him.'' Ash-Shafi`i, may Allah
have mercy on him, recorded that Abu Umamah bin Sahl bin Hunayf was told by one of the
Companions of the Prophet that the Sunnah in the funeral prayer is for the Imam to
pronounce the Takbir, then to recite Surat Al-Fatihah silently after the first Takbir, then to
send Salah upon the Prophet then to offer sincere supplication for the deceased, but not to
recite any Qur'an in any of the Takbirs, then to conclude by saying Salam silently. An-Nasa'i
also recorded this from Abu Umamah, who said, "This is from the Sunnah,'' and he
mentioned it. According to the correct view, such a statement reported from a Companion
carries the ruling of Marfu`

At-Tirmidhi recorded that `Umar bin Al-Khattab said: "A supplication remains suspended
between heaven and earth and does not ascend any further until you send Salah upon your
Prophet.'' This was also narrated by Mu`adh bin Al-Harith from Abu Qurrah from Sa`id bin
Al-Musayyib from `Umar, as a saying of the Prophet . It was also recorded by Razin bin
Mu`awiyah in his book, where he also attributed it to the Prophet reporting that he said:

^َ ِ.qَ‫َ ِء و‬, %‫ َأو َل ا‬،<-ََ ‫!ا‬-f

َ ،ِV‫ ا ِآ‬%‫ ِ ا‬#ْ sُ ‫ِ< َآ‬X!ُ-َ3
ْ 9َ َ-)َ ،<َ-
َ 1-َ[+ُ 1JY
َ ,ُ َ3[
ْ +َ َ% ،ِ‫َ;رْض‬%ْ ‫َءِ وَا‬#$
 %‫ُ!فٌ َ ْ *َ ا‬Oْ!
َ ‫َ ُء‬,%‫»ا‬
«Fَ4 َ ْ‫َوَأو‬

(A supplication remains suspended between heaven and earth and does not ascend any further
until a person sends Salah on me. Do not treat me like a spare water container, send Salah
upon me at the beginning of your supplication, at the end and in the middle.) hSending Salah
upon the Prophet is even more strongly encouraged in the Qunut supplication. Ahmad, the
Sunan compilers, Ibn Khuzaymah, Ibn Hibban and Al-Hakim recorded that Al-Hasan bin
`Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "The Messenger of Allah taught me some words to
say during Al-Witr:

<ِNْE9َ َX tِ)َ ،َ&ْ N َ Oَ َ

 َ <ِ0ِO‫ َو‬،َ& ْ  َ ْ ‫َ َأ‬# ِ) <ِ% ْ‫ وََ ِرك‬،َ&ْ %َ!9َ ْ*#َ ِ) <ِ0%!َ َ9‫ َو‬،َ& ْ َ)َ ْ*#َ ِ) <ِ0)ِ َ‫ َو‬،َ&+ْ ,َ ‫*ْ َه‬#َ ِ) <ِX,ِ ‫ ُ( ? ا ْه‬-ْ %‫»ا‬
«&ْ َ%َ39َ ‫َ َو‬0 َ‫& ر‬
َ ْ‫َ َرآ‬Cَ9،َ&+ْ َ‫* َد‬
َ m ِ3+َ َ%َ‫ و‬،َ&ْ %َ‫َ ِل َ
*ْ وَا‬+ َ% Fُ X ‫ َوِإ‬،َ ْ َ-
َ 1َNEْ +ُ َ%‫َو‬

("O Allah, guide me along with those whom You have guided, grant me health along with
those to whom You have granted health, be an ally to me along with those to whom You are an
ally, and bless me for that which You have bestowed. Protect me from the evil You have
decreed, for verily You decree and none can decree over You. Verily, he whom You show
allegiance to is never abased and he whom You take as an enemy is never honored and mighty,
O our Lord, blessed and Exalted are You.'')'' In his Sunan, An-Nasa'i has the addition,

ُ 1َ-
َ S
ُ ‫ ا‬1-f
َ َ‫»و‬

("and may Allah bless Muhammad.'') at the end of this Qunut. It is also recommended to say
plenty of Salah upon him on Friday and on the eve of Friday. Imam Ahmad recorded that Aws
bin Aws Ath-Thaqafi, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "The Messenger of Allah said:

َ ‫ن‬tَِ) ،ِF ِ) ِ‫َة‬-[%‫* ا‬
ِ <
َ ‫ ُوا‬7ِ ْ‫ َ)َ;آ‬،ُ/Eَ ْ3[
 %‫ ا‬Fِ ِ)‫ َو‬،ُ/o
َ ْ20 %‫ ا‬Fِ ِ)‫ َو‬،َˆCِ Oُ Fِ ِ)‫ َدمُ َو‬q \
َ -ُِ. Fِ ِ) ،ِ/3َ ُ#
ُ ْ%‫َ!ْ ُم ا‬+ ْ?aُ
ِ +‫ َأ‬Aِ N
َ )ْ ‫» ِ
*ْ َأ‬
«<َ-َ ٌ/r َ ‫ ُو‬3ْ

(One of the best of your days is Friday; on this day Adam was created and died, on this day
the Trumpet (Sur) will be blown and all will have swoon away. So on this day send plenty of
Salah upon me, for your Salah will be presented to me.) They said, `O Messenger of Allah,
how will they be shown to you after your body has dispersed into the earth' He said,

«‫ َء‬Cِ Xْ ;َ%ْ ‫َ َد ا‬$G

ْ ‫ َأ‬Aَ ُ‫ ْ;آ‬9َ ْ‫ض َأن‬
ِ ْ‫;َر‬%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ-
َ ‫  َم‬Y
َ S
َ ‫نا‬

(Allah has forbidden the earth to consume the bodies of the Prophets. )'' This was also
recorded by Abu Dawud, An-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah, and it was graded Sahih by Ibn
Khuzaymah, Ibn Hibban, Ad-Daraqutni and An-Nawawi in Al-Adhkar.

18. QS Yasin 36 : 13-17

َ !ُ-4
َ ْ #ُ %ْ ‫َ َءهَ ا‬G ْ‫ ِإذ‬/ِ +َ ْ َE%‫ ا‬V
َ ‫َـ‬Lf
ْ ‫_ َأ‬
ً 7َ
 ْ?(ُ %َ ْ‫ ِب‬r
ْ ‫وَا‬

َ !ُ-4
َ ْ
 ْ?aُ ْ %َ‫ ِإ‬X‫ُ!اْ ِإ‬%َE)َ w
ٍ %َِ7ِ َXْ‫ز‬m3َ )َ َ#‫ُ! ُه‬aَ )َ *
ِ ْ 0َ Wْ ‫ ْ ِ( ُ? ا‬%َ‫َ ِإ‬0-ْ 4
َ ْ‫ ِإذْ َأر‬-

َ‫ُِ!ن‬aْ 9َ  ‫?ْ ِإ‬Jُ Xَ‫ْ ٍء ِإنْ أ‬1

َ *ِ
ُ ‫َـ‬#Y
ْ  %‫ َل ا‬mَX‫َ َو
َ َأ‬0ُ-7ْ
h ٌ U
َ َ  ‫?ْ ِإ‬Jُ Xَ‫ُ!اْ
َ أ‬%َO -

َ !ُ-َ4ْ #ُ %َ ْ?aُ ْ %َِ‫ إ‬X‫ ُ? ِإ‬-َ3ْ +َ َ0 ‫ُ!اْ َر‬%َO -

- * ِC#ُ %ْ ‫َـ ُŠ ا‬-َC%ْ ‫َ ِإ  ا‬0 ْ -ََ َ

‫ َو‬6

36:13. Dan buatlah bagi mereka suatu perumpamaan, yaitu penduduk suatu negeri ketika
utusan-utusan datang kepada mereka;
36:14. (yaitu) ketika Kami mengutus kepada mereka dua orang utusan, lalu mereka
mendustakan keduanya; kemudian Kami kuatkan dengan (utusan) yang ketiga, maka ketiga
utusan itu berkata: "Sesungguhnya kami adalah orang-orang yang diutus kepadamu".
36:15. Mereka menjawab: "Kamu tidak lain hanyalah manusia seperti kami dan Allah Yang
Maha Pemurah tidak menurunkan sesuatu pun, kamu tidak lain hanyalah pendusta belaka".
36:16. Mereka berkata: "Tuhan kami mengetahui bahwa sesungguhnya kami adalah orang
yang diutus kepada kamu.
36:17. Dan kewajiban kami tidak lain hanyalah menyampaikan (perintah Allah) dengan

(13. And put forward to them a similitude; the Dwellers of the Town, when there came
Messengers to them.)

(14. When We sent to them two Messengers, they denied them both; so We reinforced them
with a third, and they said: "Verily, we have been sent to you as Messengers.'')

(15. They said: "You are only human beings like ourselves, and the Most Gracious has
revealed nothing. You are only telling lies.'')

(16. The Messengers said: "Our Lord knows that we have been sent as Messengers to you,'')
(17. "And our duty is only to convey plainly.'')

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ !ُ-4
َ ْ #ُ %ْ ‫َ َءهَ ا‬G ْ‫ ِإذ‬/ِ +َ ْ َE%ْ ‫ب ا‬
َ َLf
ْ ‫ً َأ‬-7َ
َ ْ?(ُ َ% ْ‫ ِ ب‬r
ْ ‫وَا‬

*‫ * ا‬Fs- # ) ‫ق‬L4‫ل ا* إ‬O " ‫!ن‬-4 #%‫ءه ا‬G ‫ إذ‬/+ E%‫ب ا‬Lf‫_ أ‬7
" ‫* آ!ك‬+%‫!
 ا‬E% ,#L
+ ‫ ب‬r‫ وا‬1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
* Ho X‫ * أ‬Ho X‫ أ‬F% ‫ل‬E+ -
( ‫ وآن‬/ ‫آ‬X‫ أ‬/0+,
(X‫ إ‬FC0
* V‫ر ووه‬CYK‫ ا‬V3‫ وآ‬#(0 S‫< ا‬r‫س ر‬C
* ‫ة‬,+  * ‫ا روي‬a‫(? وه‬a) ‫!م‬-‫وق و‬,f‫دق و‬f ?‫ وه‬A4 %‫
* ا‬/W_W F %‫ إ‬1%39 S‫ ا‬w3C) ‫م‬0fK‫ ا‬,C3+ ‫ وآن‬Ho X‫أ‬
S‫ إن ء ا‬/[E%‫م ا‬#9 ,3 ^ ‫آ‬04 # / ‫آ‬X‫( أ‬X!‫ آ‬/#RK‫ˆ ا‬3 AaUJ4‫ ا‬,O‫ و‬/ ‫آ‬X‫( أ‬X‫ه ي أ‬m%‫دة وا‬JO‫ و‬/
a‫ و‬V [o%‫ا‬
1%39 .

َ !ُ-4
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U ‫? إ‬JX‫!ا
‫!ا‬%E) ‫ت‬0 C% ?(-4‫ (? ر‬9;9 &X‫ آ‬FX; %‫ " ذ‬AG‫ و‬m F%!O <) ?(0 1%39 S‫ ا‬C.‫ أ‬#‫ آ‬/a#%‫
? ا‬K‫
* ا‬7‫ آ‬/(C ^‫وه‬
,C3+ ‫ آن‬# X‫و‬,[9 ‫ون أن‬,+ 9 0-7
U ‫? إ‬JX‫!ا إن أ‬%O " : 1%39 F%!O‫ و^ و‬aX‫ وأ‬%‫!ا
* ذ‬C3J4‫ " أي ا‬0X‫و‬,(+ U‫أ‬
F%!O‫ ون " و‬4o% ‫? إذا‬aX‫? إ‬a-7
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‫ن‬-$ X!9;) X‫ؤ‬q
!4‫ ا ر‬U S‫ ا‬w3‫!ا أ‬%O ‫ى إ أن‬,(%‫ءه? ا‬G ‫!ا إذ‬0
g+ ‫س أن‬0%‫{ ا‬0

‫ " و‬: 1%39 " .

َ !ُ-4
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‫!ن " أي‬-4 #% ?a %‫ إ‬X‫? إ‬-3+ 0‫!ا ر‬%O ‫!ن‬a9 ‫? إ‬JX‫*
* <ء إن أ‬#Y %‫ل ا‬mX‫ و
U ‫? إ‬JX‫ء "
 أ‬g‫ل ه‬O ‫(ا‬%‫و‬
?a - X [0+‫ و‬Xm3 4 F0a%‫م و‬EJX‫ ا‬,‫ أ‬0
?EJX F - /‫ آ‬0‫! آ‬%‫? و‬a %‫ إ‬F-4‫ ر‬X‫? أ‬-3+ S‫ * ا‬-RO /W_7%‫(? ا‬-4‫(? ر‬JG‫أ‬
*+%‫رض وا‬K‫!ات و
 )< ا‬#$%‫?
 )< ا‬-3+ ‫ا‬, ( ?a0 ‫< و‬0  S 12‫ آ‬AO " : 1%39 F%!E‫ار آ‬,%‫ ا‬/CO ‫!ن‬a9 *#% ‫!ن‬#-3J4‫و‬
‫ ون‬4o%‫ ه? ا‬T%‫ أو‬S ‫ وا‬2‫ وآ‬AdC% ‫!ا‬0
q ".

ُ ِC#ُ %ْ ‫َغُ ا‬-Cَ %ْ ‫ ا‬%‫َ ِإ‬0ْ -َ
َ َ

" ‫ ى‬.K‫  وا‬X,%‫دة )< ا‬3$%‫? ا‬a% &X‫? آ‬J3d‫ذا أ‬t) ?a %‫ إ‬F 0-4‫?
 أر‬as-CX ‫ أن‬0 - #X‫!ن إ‬%!E+ " * C#%‫_غ ا‬C%‫ إ ا‬0 - 
?-‫ أ‬S‫ وا‬%‫ ذ‬V ‫!ن‬#-3J$) ‫!ا‬C 9 ?% ‫ وإن‬.

Allah says, `O Muhammad, tell your people who disbelieve in you,'

َ ْ #ُ %ْ ‫َ َءهَ ا‬G ْ‫ ِإذ‬/ِ +َ ْ َE%‫ ا‬V
َ ‫َـ‬Lf
ْ ‫_ َأ‬
ً 7َ

(a similitude; the Dwellers of the Town, when there came Messengers to them.) In the reports
that he transmitted from Ibn `Abbas, Ka`b Al-Ahbar and Wahb bin Munabbih - Ibn Ishaq
reported that it was the city of Antioch, in which there was a king called Antiochus the son of
Antiochus the son of Antiochus, who used to worship idols. Allah sent to him three
Messengers, whose names were Sadiq, Saduq and Shalum, and he disbelieved in them. It was
also narrated from Buraydah bin Al-Husayb, `Ikrimah, Qatadah and Az-Zuhri that it was
Antioch. Some of the Imams were not sure that it was Antioch, as we shall see below after
telling the rest of the story, if Allah wills.

َ#‫ُ! ُه‬aَ )َ *
ِ ْ 0َ Wْ ‫ ْ ِ(?ُ ا‬%َ‫َ ِإ‬0-ْ َ4ْ‫ِإذْ َأر‬6 (When We sent to them two Messengers, they denied them both;)
means, they hastened to disbelieve in them.

6ٍwِ%َ7ِ َXْ‫ز‬m3َ )َ 

(so We reinforced them with a third,) means, `We supported and strengthened them with a
third Messenger. ' Ibn Jurayj narrated from Wahb bin Sulayman, from Shu`ayb Al-Jaba'i,
"The names of the first two Messengers were Sham`un and Yuhanna, and the name of the
third was Bulus, and the city was Antioch (Antakiyah).

‫ُ!ا‬%َE)َ 6 (and they said) means, to the people of that city,

َ ْ
 ْ?aُ ْ %َ‫ ِإ‬X‫ِإ‬

(Verily, we have been sent to you as Messengers.) meaning, `from your Lord Who created you
and Who commands you to worship Him Alone with no partners or associates.' This was the
view of Abu Al-`Aliyah. Qatadah bin Di`amah claimed that they were messengers of the
Messiah, peace be upon him, sent to the people of Antioch.

h ٌ U
َ َ  ‫?ْ ِإ‬Jُ Xَ‫ُ!اْ
َ أ‬%َO

(They said: "You are only human beings like ourselves...'') means, `so how could you receive
revelation when you are human beings and we are human beings, so why do we not receive
revelation like you If you are Messengers, you should be angels.' This is like what many of the
nations said who disbelieved, as Allah has told us in the Ayah: c

َ0َX‫ُو‬,(ْ +َ ٌ U
َ َ ‫ُ!اْ َأ‬%َE)َ &
ِ ‫َـ‬0 h Cَ %ْ ِ ?ُ(-ُُ4‫ِ ِ(?ْ ُر‬9ْ;9 &َXَ‫ آ‬Fُ X ;َِ 
َ %َِ‫ذ‬6 (That was because there came to them their
Messengers with clear proofs, but they said: "Shall mere men guide us'') (64: 6) meaning that
they were amazed by that and they denied it. And Allah says:

* ِC
 ٍ*‫َـ‬-ْ $
ُ ِ َX!ُ9ْ;)َ َX‫ ءَاَ ُؤ‬,ُ Cُ 3ْ +َ َ‫ آَن‬#
َ َX‫و‬,[
ُ 9َ ‫ُونَ أَن‬,+ِ 9ُ َ0-ُ7ْ
h ٌ U
َ َ  ‫?ْ ِإ‬Jُ Xَ‫ُ!اْ ِإنْ أ‬%َO6 (They said: "You are no
more than human beings like us! You wish to turn us away from what our fathers used to
worship. Then bring us a clear authority.'') (14:10). And Allah tells us that they said:

‫ ُون‬$
ِ ‫َـ‬o% ‫?ْ إِذًا‬aُ X ‫?ْ ِإ‬aُ -َ7ْ
h ‫َ ًا‬Uَ ْ?Jُ 3ْ d
َ ‫*ْ َأ‬Tِ َ%‫ َو‬6 ("If you were to obey a human being like yourselves, then
verily, you indeed would be losers.'') (23:34). And Allah says:

!ُ4‫ ًا ر‬U
َ َ Fُ -%‫ ا‬w
َ 3َ َ ‫ُ!اْ َأ‬%َO ‫َى ِإ  أَن‬,(ُ %ْ ‫َ َء ُه ُ? ا‬G ْ‫ُ!اْ ِإذ‬0
ِ ْg+ُ ‫سَ أَن‬0%‫ َ{ ا‬0َ َ

‫ َو‬6 (And nothing prevented men from
believing when the guidance came to them, except that they said: "Has Allah sent a man as
(His) Messenger'') (17:94). These people said:

6 َ‫ُ!ن‬-َ4ْ #ُ %َ ْ?ُa ْ %َ‫ ِإ‬X‫ ُ? ِإ‬-َ3ْ +َ َ0‫ُ!اْ َر‬%َO - ‫ن‬

َ !ُِ ْa9َ  ‫?ْ ِإ‬Jُ Xَ‫ْ ٍء ِإنْ أ‬1
َ *ِ
ُ ‫َـ‬#Y
ْ  %‫ َل ا‬mَX‫َ َو
َ َأ‬0-ُ7ْ
h ٌ U
َ َ  ‫?ْ ِإ‬Jُ Xَ‫ُ!اْ
َ أ‬%َO

(You are only human beings like ourselves, and the Most Gracious has revealed nothing. You
are only telling lies.'' The Messengers said: "Our Lord knows that we have been sent as
Messengers to you.'') This means that the three Messengers answered them saying: "Allah
knows that we are His Messengers to you. If we were lying, He would have taken the utmost
vengeance against us, but He will cause us to prevail and will make us victorious against you,
and you will come to know whose will be the happy end in the Hereafter.'' This is like the

‫ ُون‬$
ِ ‫َـ‬o%ْ ‫ ُه ُ? ا‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ ُأو‬Fِ -%ِ ْ‫َ ُوا‬2‫ َو َآ‬Aِ 
ِ ‫َـ‬Cْ%ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءا‬+ِ%‫ت وَا ْرضِ وَا‬
ِ !َ ‫َـ‬#$
 %‫ ا‬1ِ) َ
?ُ -َ3ْ +َ ‫ًا‬, ِ(
َ ْ?ُa0َ ْ َ ‫ َو‬1ِ0ْ َ Fِ -%ِ 1َ2‫ْ َآ‬AOُ 6
(Say: "Sufficient is Allah for a witness between me and you. He knows what is in the heavens
and on earth.'' And those who believe in falsehood, and disbelieve in Allah, it is they who are
the losers.) (29:52)

* ِC#ُ %ْ ‫َـ ُŠ ا‬-َC%ْ ‫َ ِإ  ا‬0 ْ -ََ َ

‫ َو‬6 (And our duty is only to convey plainly.) means, `all we have to do is to
convey to you the Message with which we have been sent; if you obey, then happiness will be
yours in this world and the Hereafter, and if you do not respond, you will soon know the
consequences of that.' And Allah knows best.

19. QS Al Baqarah 2:25

‫ِى‬%‫ُ!اْ هَـَا ا‬%َO ًOْ‫رز‬h ٍ‫ َ ة‬#َ Wَ *ِ

ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬O‫َ رُ ِز‬#-‫(َـ ُ ُآ‬Xْ Kَ ‫ِ(َ ا‬JL
ْ َ9 *ِ
‫ْ ِى‬9َ & ٍ ‫ـ‬0G
َ ْ?(ُ َ% ‫ن‬
 ‫ت َأ‬
ِ َL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ ا‬-#ِ 
َ ‫ُ!اْ َو‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫ ِ ا‬U
h َ ‫َو‬
‫ُون‬,-ِ‫َـ‬. َ( ِ) ْ?‫( َ ةٌ َو ُه‬
 ٌ‫ ُ(?ْ )ِ (َ َأزْ َوج‬%َ‫ِ(ً َو‬C‫َـ‬UJَ
ُ Fِ ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬9‫ َوُأ‬Aُ ْCOَ *ِ
َ0Oْ ‫ رُ ِز‬6

2:25. Dan sampaikanlah berita gembira kepada mereka yang beriman dan berbuat baik,
bahwa bagi mereka disediakan surga-surga yang mengalir sungai-sungai di dalamnya. Setiap
mereka diberi rezeki buah-buahan dalam surga-surga itu, mereka mengatakan: "Inilah yang
pernah diberikan kepada kami dahulu." Mereka diberi buah-buahan yang serupa dan untuk
mereka di dalamnya ada istri-istri yang suci dan mereka kekal di dalamnya.

(25. And give glad tidings to those who believe and do righteous good deeds, that for them will
be Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise). Every time they will be provided with a fruit
therefrom, they will say: "This is what we were provided with before,'' and they will be given
things in resemblance (i.e. in the same form but different in taste) and they shall have therein
Azwajun Mutahharatun (purified mates or wives), and they will abide therein forever.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ0ْO‫ِي ُر ِز‬%‫ُ!ا َهَا ا‬%َO ًOْ‫ َ ةٍ ِرز‬#َ Wَ ْ*

ِ َ(0ْ
ِ ‫ُ!ا‬O‫َ ُر ِز‬#-‫(َ ُر ُآ‬Xْ ;َ%ْ ‫(َ ا‬Jِ ْL9َ ْ*
ِ ‫ْ ِي‬9َ ‫ت‬
ٍ 0G
َ ْ?(ُ %َ ‫ن‬
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ِ َL%ِ[%‫ُ!ا ا‬-#ِ 
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‫ُون‬,%َِ. َ( ِ) ْ?‫ ( َ ةٌ َو ُه‬َ
ُ ٌ‫ ُ(?ْ )ِ (َ َأزْوَاج‬%َ‫َ ِ(ً َو‬UَJ
ُ Fِ ِ ‫ُ!ا‬9‫ َوُأ‬Aُ Cْ Oَ ْ*

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4 ? 3X <) A ‫ء‬NEX‫ و ا‬F% .q .

After mentioning the torment that Allah has prepared for His miserable enemies who
disbelieve in Him and in His Messengers, He mentions the condition of His happy, loyal
friends who believe in Him and in His Messengers, adhere to the faith and perform the good
deeds. This is the reason why the Qur'an was called Mathani, based on the correct opinion of
the scholars. We will elaborate upon this subject later. Mathani means to mention faith and
then disbelief, or vice versa. Or, Allah mentions the miserable and then the happy, or vice
versa. As for mentioning similar things, it is called Tashabbuh, as we will come to know, Allah
willing. Allah said,

6ُ ‫(َـ‬Xْ Kَ ‫(َ ا‬Jِ ْL9َ *ِ

‫ْ ِى‬9َ &
ٍ ‫ـ‬0G
َ ْ?(ُ َ% ‫ن‬
 ‫ت َأ‬
ِ َLِ-‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ ا‬-#ِ 
َ ‫ُ!اْ َو‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫ ِ ا‬hUَ ‫ َو‬

(And give glad tidings to those who believe and do righteous good deeds, that for them will be
Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise)). Consequently, Allah stated that Paradise has
rivers that run beneath it, meaning, underneath its trees and rooms. From Hadiths it is
learned that the rivers of Paradise do not run in valleys, and that the banks of Al-Kawthar
(the Prophet's lake in Paradise) are made of domes of hollow pearls, the sand of Paradise is
made of scented musk while its stones are made from pearls and jewels. We ask Allah to grant
Paradise to us, for verily, He is the Most Beneficent, Most Gracious.

Ibn Abi Hatim reported that Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said,

«ْ$#ِ %ْ ‫َ ِل ا‬CِG &

ِ ْL9َ ْ*
ِ ‫َ ٍل َأ ْو‬-9ِ &
َ ْL9َ ُ 2َ 9َ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫(َرُ ا‬Xْ ‫»َأ‬

(The rivers of Paradise spring from beneath hills, or mountains of musk.)

He also reported from Masruq that `Abdullah said, "The rivers of Paradise spring from
beneath mountains of musk.''

Allah said next,

6ُACْ َO *ِ
َ0ْO‫ِى ُر ِز‬%‫ُ!اْ هَـَا ا‬%َO ًOْ‫رز‬h ٍ‫ َ ة‬#َ َW *ِ
ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬O‫َ رُ ِز‬#-‫ ُآ‬

(Every time they will be provided with a fruit therefrom, they will say: "This is what we were
provided with before'').

Ibn Abi Hatim reported that Yahya bin Abi Kathir said, "The grass of Paradise is made of
saffron, its hills from musk and the boys of everlasting youth will serve the believers with
fruits which they will eat. They will then be brought similar fruits, and the people of Paradise
will comment, `This is the same as what you have just brought us.' The boys will say to them,
`Eat, for the color is the same, but the taste is different. Hence Allah's statement,

ُ Fِ ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬9‫ َوُأ‬

(and they will be given things in resemblance). Abu Ja`far Ar-Razi narrated that Ar-Rabi` bin
Anas said that Abu Al-`Aliyah said that,

ُ Fِ ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬9‫ َوُأ‬

(and they will be given things in resemblance) means, "They look like each other, but the taste
is different.'' Also, `Ikrimah said,

ُ Fِ ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬9‫ َوُأ‬

(and they will be given things in resemblance) "They are similar to the fruits of this life, but
the fruits of Paradise taste better. '' Sufyan Ath-Thawri reported from Al-A`mash, from Abu
Thubyan, that Ibn `Abbas said, "Nothing in Paradise resembles anything in the life of this
world, except in name.'' In another narration, Ibn `Abbas said, "Only the names are similar
between what is in this life and what is in Paradise.''

Allah said,

6ٌ‫ ( َ ة‬
 ٌ‫ ُ(?ْ )ِ (َ َأزْ َوج‬%َ‫ َو‬

(and they shall have therein Azwajun Mutahharatun). Ibn Abi Talhah reported that Ibn
`Abbas said, "Purified from filth and impurity.'' Also, Mujahid said, "From menstruation,
relieving the call of nature, urine, spit, semen and pregnancies.'' Also, Qatadah said, "Purified
from impurity and sin.'' In another narration, he said, "From menstruation and
pregnancies.'' Further, `Ata', Al-Hasan, Ad-Dahhak, Abu Salih, `Atiyah and As-Suddi were
reported to have said similarly.

Allah's statement,

6َ‫ُون‬,-ِ‫َـ‬. َ( ِ) ْ?‫ َو ُه‬

(and they will abide therein forever) meaning ultimate happiness, for the believers will enjoy
everlasting delight, safe from death and disruption of their bliss, for it never ends or ceases.
We ask Allah to make us among these believers, for He is the Most Generous, Most Kind and
Most merciful.

20. QS Adz Dzariat 51: 15-23

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51:15. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang bertakwa berada di dalam taman-taman (surga) dan
di mata air-mata air,
51:16. sambil mengambil apa yang diberikan kepada mereka oleh Tuhan mereka.
Sesungguhnya mereka sebelum itu di dunia adalah orang-orang yang berbuat baik;
51:17. Mereka sedikit sekali tidur di waktu malam;
51:18. Dan di akhir-akhir malam mereka memohon ampun (kepada Allah).
51:19. Dan pada harta-harta mereka ada hak untuk orang miskin yang meminta dan orang
miskin yang tidak mendapat bahagian.
51:20. Dan di bumi itu terdapat tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Allah) bagi orang-orang yang yakin,
51:21. dan (juga) pada dirimu sendiri. Maka apakah kamu tiada memperhatikan?
51:22. Dan di langit terdapat (sebab-sebab) rezkimu dan terdapat (pula) apa yang dijanjikan
51:23. Maka demi Tuhan langit dan bumi, sesungguhnya yang dijanjikan itu adalah benar-
benar (akan terjadi) seperti perkataan yang kamu ucapkan.

(15. Verily, those who have Taqwa will be in the midst of Gardens and Springs,)

(16. Taking joy in the things which their Lord has given them. Verily, they were before this
doers of good.)

(17. They used to sleep but little by night.)

(18. And in the hours before dawn, they were asking for forgiveness.)

(19. And in their wealth there was the right of the Sa'il and the Mahrum.)

(20. And on the earth are signs for those who have faith with certainty.)

(21. And also in yourselves. Will you not then see

(22. And in the heaven is your provision, and that which you are promised.)

‫)‪(23. Then by the Lord of the heaven and the earth, it is the truth, just as you can speak.‬‬

‫‪ $29‬ا* آ‪ 7‬‬

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* ‪ + : <K ? #9 <0‬أ أ‪  /2f /
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!O 1%39 S‬ل " آ‪!X‬ا ‪ *
_ -O‬ا‪!3(+ 
A -%‬ن " و‪ *LX‬وا‪S‬‬
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_ -O‬ا‪!EX 
A -%‬م )‪E‬ل ‪ F%‬أ< ر‪ <r‬ا‪ *#% 1!d F0 S‬ر‪ ,O‬إذا ‪ H3X‬وا‪ 1E9‬ا‪ S‬إذا ا‪ . ‡E J4‬و‪O‬ل ‪ ,C‬ا‪_4 * S‬م ر‪<r‬‬
‫ا‪,O #% F0 S‬م ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬ا‪ /0+,#%‬ا‪ A2X‬ا‪0%‬س إ‪ *# ) &0a) F %‬ا‪ #-) A2X‬رأ‪ &+‬و‪ 1-f F(G‬ا‪F - S‬‬
‫و‪ &)  ?-4‬أن و‪ FG! H % F(G‬ر‪ AG‬آاب )‪a‬ن أول
 ‪ 1-f FJ3#4‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪!E+ ?-4‬ل " ‪ +‬أ‪ (+‬ا‪0%‬س أ‪!#3d‬ا ا‪3%‬م‬
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n‬م أ‪0W,Y 14!
* *$Y 0W,Y ,#Y‬‬
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* ‪ (0d‬و‪… *
(0d‬ه ه " )‪E‬ل أ!
!‪ 14‬ا‪ 3K‬ي ر‪ <r‬ا‪F0 S‬‬
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‪<) #3‬‬
‫‪ " 1%39 F%!O‬آ‪!X‬ا ‪ *
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A -%‬ن " آن ا‪m%‬ه ي وا‪!E+ *$L%‬ن آ‪!X‬ا آ‪ 7‬ا
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A -%‬ن و‪O‬ل ا* ‪C‬س‬
‫ر‪ <r‬ا‪ #(0 S‬وإ اه ? ا‪ " <3o0%‬آ‪!X‬ا ‪ *
_ -O‬ا‪!3(+ 
A -%‬ن "
0+‬ن و‪O‬ل ا‪LN%‬ك " إ‪ ?(X‬آ‪!X‬ا ‪ ACO‬ذ‪* 0$L
‫‪ .‬آ‪!X‬ا ‪ ?W " _ -O‬ا‪,J‬أ )‪E‬ل "
* ا‪!3(+ 
A -%‬ن و‪L4K‬ر ه? ‪ 2sJ$+‬ون " وها ا‪!E%‬ل ) ‪ ,3 F‬و‪‚$39‬‬

‫‪ُ ِ2sْ َJ$‬و َ‬
‫‪ِ َL4‬ر ُه?ْ ‪ْ َ+‬‬
‫َوِ ْ‪ْ َ;%‬‬

‫و‪ m F%!O‬و‪ " AG‬و‪L4K‬ر ه? ‪ 2sJ$+‬ون " ‪O‬ل

ه‪ ,‬و وا‪!-[+ ,Y‬ن و‪O‬ل ‪ .q‬ون ‪!
O‬ا ا‪ A -%‬وأ‪ .‬وا ا‪2sJ4‬ر إ‪1%‬‬
‫ا‪L4K‬ر آ‪O #‬ل ‪C9‬رك و‪ " 1%39‬وا‪L4K *+ 2sJ$#%‬ر " )‪t‬ن آن ا‪2sJ4‬ر )< ‪_f‬ة )(! أ‪ *$Y‬و‪ <) &CW ,O‬ا‪L[%‬ح‬
‫و ه * ‪ *
/#G‬ا‪ /L[%‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪ * ?(0 S‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬أ‪O FX‬ل " إن ا‪m0+ 1%39 S‬ل آ‪ /- % A‬إ‪1%‬‬
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A‬ب ‪ F -‬ه‪ F% 2 ;) 2sJ$
A‬ه‪ F%g4 13 ) AR4 *

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7‬ا‪ 1%39 F%!O <) *+ $2#%‬إ‪C.‬را * ‪!E3+‬ب أ‪O FX‬ل ‪!4 " F 0C%‬ف أ‪ ?a% 2sJ4‬ر< " ‪!%O‬ا‬
‫‪ .‬أ‪ .‬ه? إ‪ 1%‬و‪ &O‬ا‪ L$%‬‬

‫‪ُ L‬ومِ‬
‫\ ‪ Aِ ِR$-ِ%‬وَا ْ‪ْ #َ %‬‬
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!َاِ‪َ ْ?(ِ %‬‬

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!‪ " \Y ?(%‬أي ‪mG‬ء
‪!$E‬م ‪ ,O‬أ) زو^ ‪AR$-%‬‬
‫وا‪ L#%‬وم ‪ .‬أ
 ا‪ 3#) AR$%‬وف وه! ا‪%‬ي ‪,JC+‬ئ ‪g$%‬ال و‪ \Y F%‬آ‪O #‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y ,#Y‬وآ { و‪ ,C‬ا‪0W,Y O *#Y %‬‬
‫‪ 24‬ن *
[‪ * 1-3+ * ,#L
* V3‬أ< ‪ &0 /#d) * 1 L+‬ا‪ * * $L%‬أ ( ا‪ <- * * $L%‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪O #(0 S‬ل ‪:‬‬
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* ‪ 24 w+,Y‬ن ا‪!7%‬ري ‪ ?W . F‬أ‪^,04‬‬

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* ‪ w+,Y‬ا‪
(%‬س * ز‪+‬د
)! ‪ ,‬وأ
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‪ (0‬و‪ &%O‬أم ا‪ /UR * 0
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F% $ J+‬و‪O‬ل ا‪LN%‬ك ه! ا‪%‬ي ‬
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{)X‬ا* ‪ #‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪S‬‬
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‫‪ F 0s+ 10 ,+‬و ‪,[J ) F% *2+‬ق ‪ " F -‬وها ا‪ ,O w+,L%‬أ‪ ^,04‬ا‪o U%‬ن )< ‪ *
#( L Lf‬و‪ , .q FG‬و‪O‬ل ‪ CG * , 34‬‬
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‪ ( 1‬إ‪ , F %‬و‪O‬ل ‪!%!E+‬ن إ‪ FX‬ا‪ L#%‬وم و‪O‬ل ا‪<C3U%‬‬
‫أ ‪ <X‬أن أ‪ 
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ل ‪; F%‬ي ‪ VC4‬آن و‪ ,O‬ذه‪!4 F%
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-‬أو ‪ /) ^!LX‬أو ‪!LX‬ه ‪ .‬و‪O‬ل ا‪!7%‬ري * ‪ * ?-$
* H O‬ا‪ ,#L
* *$L%‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪O F0 S‬ل إن‬
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‪ / X,‬و‪ H %‬آ‪ A %‬ه<
‪,3 #% /-
 / a‬ه‬

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‫أي ) (
* ا‪+y‬ت ا‪,%‬ا‪ (E%. /# 1- /%‬و‪,O‬ر‪ F9‬ا‪C%‬ه ة
‪ ,O #‬ذرأ ) (
* ‪!0f‬ف ا‪C0%‬ت وا‪! L%‬ا‪X‬ت وا‪(#%‬د وا‪C%‬ل‬
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 ‪!-CG‬ا ‪ *
F -‬ا‪n‬رادات وا‪!E%‬ى و
  ‪ *
?(0‬ا‪2J%‬وت )< ا‪!E3%‬ل‬
‫وا‪!(2%‬م وا‪ L%‬آت وا‪3$%‬دة وا‪EU%‬وة و
 )< ‪ 9‬آ ‪ *
?(C‬ا‪ <) ?aL%‬و‪ {r‬آ‪ *
!N A‬أ‪ <) ?(RN‬ا‪ AL#%‬ا‪%‬ي ه!
‫إ‪ F ) F %‬و‪(%‬ا ‪O‬ل ‪ m‬و‪ " AG‬و)< أ‪ ?a$2X‬أ)_ ‪ [C9‬ون " ‪O‬ل ‪JO‬دة
* ‪  F$2X \-. <) a29‬ف أ‪ FX‬إ‪ \-. #X‬و‪F-f2
&0 %‬‬
‫‪C3-% .‬دة‬

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‫‪َ ْ?aُ $‬أ َ)‪ِ Cْ ُ9 َ-‬‬
‫َو)ِ< َأ ْ‪ِ 2ُ X‬‬

‫‪O.‬ل ‪ m‬و‪ " AG‬و)< أ‪ ?a$2X‬أ)_ ‪ [C9‬ون " ‪O‬ل ‪JO‬دة

* ‪  F$2X \-. <) a29‬ف أ‪ FX‬إ‪ \-. #X‬و‪C3-% F-f2
&0 %‬دة‬

‫‪ُ,‬و َ‬
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َ ‪َ !ُ9‬‬
‫َو)ِ< ا‪ %‬‬

‫و)< ا‪#$%‬ء رز‪ <03+ "?aO‬ا‪ " #%‬و

 ‪,!9‬ون " ‪ <03+‬ا‪ F%O /0%‬ا* ‪C‬س ر‪ <r‬ا‪ #(0 S‬و
ه‪ ,‬و وا‪ ,Y‬و‪O‬ل "‬
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 ‪,!9‬ون " )‪E‬ل أ أرى رز‪ <) <O‬ا‪#$%‬ء وأ‪ X‬أ‪<) FC-d‬‬
‫ا‪K‬رض ؟ )‪ #-) T  V [+  W_W wa#) / . A.,‬أن آن ا‪! %‬م ا‪ w%7%‬إذا ه! ‪,‬و‪ *
/-.‬ر‪ Vd‬وآن ‪ F%‬أخ أ‪F0
/ X *$Y‬‬
‫‪[) F3
A.,) .‬ر‪ 9‬دو‪m+ ?-) * J-.‬ل ذ‪ %‬دأ(‪ ) 1JY #‬ق  ‪ #(0‬ا‪!#%‬ت‬

‫\ ِ
ْ‪َ َ
Aَ 7‬أ ‪ِ 0ْ 9َ ْ?aُ X‬‬
‫ض ِإ ‪ َL%َ Fُ X‬‬
‫‪ِ َ#$‬ء وَا‪;َْ%‬رْ ِ‬
‫ب ا‪ %‬‬
‫)َ َ! َر ‪h‬‬

‫و‪!) " 1%39 F%!O‬رب ا‪#$%‬ء وا‪K‬رض إ‪ 

\L% FX‬أ‪!E09 ?aX‬ن " ‪ F$20 1%39 ?$E+‬ا‪ /#+ a%‬أن
 و‪,‬ه? ‪ *

‫ا‪ /
 E%‬وا‪ w3C%‬وا‪m%‬اء آ‪ /%L
 *R‬وه! ‪!aU9 _) F ) /+
 \Y‬ا ) ‪ F‬آ‪!aU9  #‬ا )< ‪!E09 * Y ?aEX‬ن وآن
‪3‬ذ ر‪<r‬‬
‫ا‪ F0 S‬إذا ‪,Y‬ث ‪<U%‬ء ‪!E+‬ل ‪ FCY[%‬إن ها ‪ \L%‬آ‪ #‬أ‪ X‬ه(‪O 0‬ل
‪,$‬د * ا* أ< ‪,‬ي * !ف * ا‪ *$L%‬ا‪ [C%‬ي‬
‫‪O‬ل ‪ <0s-‬أن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل" ‪ A9O‬ا‪ S‬أ‪!O‬ا
 أ‪ ?(% ?$O‬ر(? ‪!O,[+ ?% ?W‬ا" وروا^ ا* ‪,0 * + G‬ار *‬
‫‪ .‬ا* أ< ‪,‬ي * !ف * ا‪) *$L%‬آ ^

Allah the Exalted informs about those who have Taqwa, that on the Day of their Return they
will be amidst gardens and springs. To the contrary the miserable ones will be amidst
torment, punishment, fire and chains. Allah said,

?ُ( ‫َـ ُ(?ْ َر‬9‫*

َ ءَا‬
َ +ِ.
ِ ‫ءَا‬6 (Taking joy in the things which their Lord has given them.) His statement;

ِ ‫ءَا‬

(Taking) describes the state of the people of Taqwa in the midst of gardens and springs. They
will receive what their Lord gives them, meaning, delight, happiness and favors. Allah the
Exalted and Most Honored said,

ِ%‫ َذ‬Aَ Cْ َO ْ‫ُ!ا‬Xَ‫ ُ( ْ? آ‬X‫ِإ‬6 (Verily, they were before that), in the life of the world,

* ِ0$
ِ L
ُ 6 (gooddoers) As He said:

6 /ِ َ ِ%َo%ْ ‫ ِم ا‬+ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ?Jُ 2ْ َ-4

ْ ‫َ َأ‬#ِ ًTَ ِ0‫ َ ُ!اْ َه‬
ْ ‫ُ!اْ وَا‬-‫ ُآ‬

(Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent on before you in days past!)(69:24) Allah
the Exalted described the good acts that they performed,

َ (ْ َ+ َ
Aِ ْ %‫* ا‬h
ً_ ِ-َO ْ‫ُ!ا‬Xَ‫ آ‬6 (They used to sleep but little at night.) The scholars of Tafsir have
two opinions about this:

The first is that, they used to spend a little part of every night awake. Ibn `Abbas said, "Every
night, they would worship Allah, even during a little part of the night.'' Qatadah narrated
that Mutarrif bin `Abdullah said, "Hardly a night would pass by them that they did not pray
to Allah the Exalted and Most Honored, either in the beginning, or the middle of it.'' Mujahid
said, "Only a few nights, if any, would they sleep through the night until the morning without
praying Tahajjud.'' Qatadah said similarly. Anas bin Malik and Abu Al-`Aliyah said, "They
used to pray between Al-Maghrib and Al-`Isha'.'' The Second Opinion They used to spend a
little part of the night in sleep. This was preferred by Ibn Jarir. Al-Hasan Al-Basri said:

6 َ‫ُ!ن‬3
َ (ْ +َ َ
Aِ ْ %‫* ا‬h
ً ِ-َO ْ‫ُ!ا‬Xَ‫آ‬

(They used to sleep but little by night), "They performed voluntary night prayer and would
not sleep during the night except a little. They were active and would continue until they were
seeking forgiveness right before dawn.'' `Abdullah bin Salam said, "When the Messenger of
Allah arrived at Al-Madinah, people quickly gathered around him and I was among them.
When I saw his face, I knew that it was not the face of a liar. The first statement I heard from
him was,

َ ِ /َ 0 
َ ْ%‫ُ!ا ا‬-.
ُ ْ,9َ ،ٌ‫ َم‬Xِ ُ‫س‬0%‫ وَا‬Aِ ْ -%ِ ‫!ا‬-f
َ ‫ َو‬،َ‫َم‬-$
 %‫ُ!ا ا‬U)ْ ‫ َوَأ‬،َ‫َم‬Yْ‫َْ;ر‬%‫ُ!ا ا‬-ِf‫ َو‬،َ‫َم‬3
 %‫ُ!ا ا‬#3ِ d
ْ ‫س َأ‬
ُ 0%‫(َ ا‬+‫َ َأ‬+»

(O people! Feed with food, keep relations to kith and kin, spread the Salam, pray at night
while people are asleep, and you will enter Paradise in peace.)'' Imam Ahmad recorded that
`Abdullah bin `Umar said that the Messenger of Allah said,

«َ‫(َ ِ
*ْ …َ ِه ِ ه‬0ُ ِdََ‫(َ و‬0ِ ِdَ ْ*
ِ َ‫ َى …َ ِه ُه‬+ُ ً) َ ُ /ِ 0 َ%ْ ‫ن )ِ< ا‬

(Verily, there are lofty rooms in Paradise in which their outside can be seen from inside and
their inside from the outside.) Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari said, "Who are they for, O Allah's
Messenger'' He said,

«‫ َم‬Xِ ‫س‬
ُ 0%‫ً وَا‬#Rِ َO ِS ‫ت‬
َ َ‫ َو‬،َ‫َم‬3%‫?َ ا‬3َ ْd‫ َوَأ‬،َ‫َم‬-aَ %ْ ‫َنَ ا‬%‫*ْ َأ‬#َ %ِ » (For those who use soft speech, feed food and
spend the night in voluntary prayer while people are asleep.) Allah said:

َ ‫ِ ُو‬2sْ Jَ $
ْ +َ ْ?‫َـ ِ ُه‬L4
ْ  ِ‫ َو‬

(And in the hours before dawn, they were asking for forgiveness.) Mujahid and several others
said: "They were performing Salah.'' Others said that they would stand in prayer during the
night and delayed asking Allah for forgiveness until the latter hours before dawn. As Allah,
the Exalted the Blessed, said;

ْ  ِ َ*+ِ 2ِ sْ Jَ $
ْ #ُ %ْ ‫وَا‬

(And those who seek forgiveness during the last hours of the night.)(3:17); This is because it is
better if asking for forgiveness is done while praying. It is confirmed in the Sahih collections
as well as others, from several Companions, that the Messenger of Allah said,

ْ ;ََ) ٍ 2ِ ْsJَ $
ُ ْ*
ِ ْA‫ َه‬.Fِ ْ -ََ َ‫ُ!ب‬9;ََ) V
ٍ Rِ َ9 ْ*
ِ ْA‫ َه‬:‫ُ! ُل‬Eَ َ) ،ُ ِ.;َ%ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ ْ -%‫ ا‬w
ُ -ُُW 1َECْ +َ *
َ ِY َ Xْ , %‫َءِ ا‬#4
َ 1َ%‫ ِإ‬/ٍ -َْ َ% A ‫ِ ُل ُآ‬m0ْ +َ 1َ%َ39َ S
َ ‫نا‬
« ْ2َ %ْ ‫ُ َ{ ا‬- ْ +َ 1ْJَY ‫ُ؟‬F%َْg4ُ 1َْ3 ُ )َ Aٍ Rِ َ4 * ْ
ِ ْA‫ َه‬.Fَ%

(Allah, the Most High, descends each night to the lowest heaven when the last third of the
night remains. He says, "Is there anyone who is repenting so that I may accept his repentance
Is there anyone seeking forgiveness, so that I may forgive him Is there anyone asking of Me, so
that I may grant him his request'' until Fajr begins.) Many of the scholars of Tafsir said that
when the Prophet Ya`qub said to his sons:

61h‫?ْ َر‬aُ %َ ُ 2ِ sْ Jَ 4
ْ ‫ف َأ‬
َ ْ!4

(I will ask my Lord for forgiveness for you)(12:98), he delayed doing so until the hours before
dawn. Allah the Exalted and Most Honored said,

6 ِ‫ْ ُوم‬L#َ %ْ ‫ وَا‬Aِ Rِ $-% \

َ ْ?(ِ ِ%!َ
ْ ‫ َأ‬1ِ)‫ َو‬

(And in their wealth there was the right of the Sa'il and the Mahrum.) After Allah mentioned
their quality of performing prayer, He then mentioned their quality of spending in charity and
acts of compassion and kindness,

6\َY ?ْ (ِ ِ%!َ
ْ ‫ َأ‬1ِ)‫ َو‬

(And in their wealth there was the right), a designated part which they dedicated to the Sa'il
and Mahrum. The Sa'il is the poor who begs others, and he has a due right. As for the
Mahrum, Ibn `Abbas and Mujahid said, "He is the poor person who does not receive a
stipend.'' Meaning he does not receive a stipend from the Muslim treasury, nor does he have a
means of income, nor a profession. The Mother of the faithful, `A'ishah may Allah be pleased
with her, said about the Mahrum, "He is the displaced, the one who does not have a profession

to easily earn an income from.'' Qatadah and Az-Zuhri: "The Mahrum is the one who does
not ask the people for anything.'' Az-Zuhri added that the Messenger of Allah said,

Fَ% ُ*
َ 2ْ +ُ َ%‫ َو‬Fِ ِ0ْs+ُ 1ً0
ِ ,ُ ِ+َ َ% ‫ِي‬%‫ِ *ُ ا‬a$
ْ #ِ %ْ ‫*ِ ا‬aِ %َ‫ و‬،ِ‫َن‬9َ #ْ J %‫ْ َ ةُ وَا‬#J %‫ن وَا‬
ِ َJ#َ Eْ -%‫ وَا‬/ُ #َ ْE-%‫ ُ د^ُ ا‬9َ ‫ِي‬%‫ف ا‬
ِ ‫!ا‬
 %ِ ُ* ِa$
ْ #ِ %ْ ‫ ا‬H
َ ْ %َ»
«Fْ َ-
َ ‫ق‬ َ ,[ َ Jَ ُ َ)

(The poor (Miskin) is not the one who goes round to the people and asks them for a mouthful
or two or a date or two. But the poor is the one who does not have enough to satisfy his needs
and whose condition is not known to others, so that others may give him something in
charity.) This Hadith is recorded in the Two Sahihs using another chain of narration.

Allah the Exalted and the Blessed said next,

6 َ* ِ0Oِ !ُ#-ْ h% ٌ&‫َـ‬+‫ ا رْضِ ءَا‬1ِ)‫ َو‬

(And on the earth are signs for those who have faith with certainty.) Allah says that there are
signs on earth that testify to the might of the Creator and His boundless ability. These signs
include what Allah placed on the earth, the various plants, animals, valleys, mountains,
deserts, rivers and oceans. He also created mankind with different languages, colors,
intentions and abilities, and a variety among them, differences in the power of understanding
and comprehension, their deeds, and ultimately earning happiness or misery. Allah put every
organ in their bodies in its rightful place where they most need it to be. So He said‫؛‬

6 َ‫[ ُون‬
ِ Cْ 9ُ َ_)َ ‫?ْ َأ‬aُ $
ِ ُ2Xَ‫ أ‬1ِ)‫ َو‬

(And also in yourselves. Will you not then see) Qatadah commented, "He who thinks about his
own creation will realize that he was created with flexible joints so that it is easy for him to
perform acts of worship.'' Allah the Exalted said next,

?ُaُOْ‫َ ِء ِرز‬#$
 %‫ ا‬1ِ)‫ َو‬6 (And in the heaven is your provision,) meaning, rain,

َ !ُ9 َ
‫ َو‬6 (and that which you are promised.) meaning Paradise. This was said by Ibn
`Abbas, Mujahid and several others. Allah said:

6 َ‫ُ!ن‬Eِ0َ9 ْ?aُ X ‫
َ َأ‬Aَ 7ْ
h \
 َL%َ Fُ X ‫ض ِإ‬
ِ ْ‫َ ِء وَا ر‬#$
 %‫ب ا‬
h ‫ َ)!َ َر‬

(Then by the Lord of the heaven and the earth, it is the truth, just as you can speak.) Allah is
swearing by His honorable Self, all of the matters of the Judgement, Resurrection, and
Recompense that they have been promised shall certainly occur. Therefore, it is the truth,
there being no doubt about it, so do not doubt its coming, just as you do not doubt that you
can speak When he would talk to one of his friends, Mu`adh used to say: "What I am saying is
as true as your being here.''

21. QS Muhammad 47:32-35

?ُ(-َ‫َـ‬#ْ ‫} َأ‬
ُ ِCLْ ُ َ4‫ً َو‬Tْ  َ Fَ -%‫ واْ ا‬N ُ +َ *َ% ‫َى‬,(ُ %ْ ‫َ ُ( ُ? ا‬% َ*  Cَ َ9 َ
ِ,3ْ َ *ِ
‫ُ! َل‬4  %‫!اْ ا‬Oَ‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4
َ *َ ‫و ْا‬,f
َ َ‫ ُواْ و‬2َ ‫*َ َآ‬+ِ%‫ن ا‬
- ?ُa-َ‫َـ‬#ْ ‫ُ!اْ َأ‬- ِ Cْ 9ُ َ ‫ُ! َل َو‬4 %‫ُ!اْ ا‬3 ِd‫ َوَأ‬Fَ -%‫ُ!اْ ا‬3 ِd‫ُ!اْ َأ‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫(َ ا‬+َ;+
- ?ُ(%َ Fُ -%‫ِ َ ا‬2sْ +َ *َ-)َ ٌ‫ر‬2‫ُ!اْ َو ُه?ْ ُآ‬9َ
? Wُ Fِ -%‫ِ ا‬A ِC4 َ *َ ْ‫وا‬,f َ ‫َ ُواْ َو‬2َ‫* آ‬ َ +ِ%‫ن ا‬ ‫ِإ‬
- ?ُa-َ‫َـ‬#ْ ‫ َ ُآ?ْ َأ‬Jِ َ+ *َ%‫?ْ َو‬aُ 3َ
َ Fُ -%‫ن وَا‬
َ ْ!َ-
ْ  ‫ُ ُ? ا‬JXَ‫?ِ َوأ‬-ْ $
 %‫ ا‬1َ%ِ‫ُْ!اْ إ‬,9َ ‫ُ!اْ َو‬0(ِ 9َ َ_)َ 6

47:32. Sesungguhnya orang-orang kafir dan menghalangi (manusia) dari jalan Allah serta
memusuhi rasul setelah petunjuk itu jelas bagi mereka, mereka tidak dapat memberi
mudarat kepada Allah sedikit pun. Dan Allah akan menghapuskan (pahala) amal-amal
47:33. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, taatlah kepada Allah dan taatlah kepada rasul dan
janganlah kamu merusakkan (pahala) amal-amalmu.
47:34. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang kafir dan menghalangi (manusia) dari jalan Allah
kemudian mereka mati dalam keadaan kafir, maka sekali-kali Allah tidak akan memberi
ampun kepada mereka.
47:35. Janganlah kamu lemah dan minta damai padahal kamulah yang di atas dan Allah
(pun) beserta kamu dan Dia sekali-kali tidak akan mengurangi (pahala) amal-amalmu.

(32. Verily, those who disbelieve, and hinder from the path of Allah, and oppose the
Messenger, after the guidance has been clearly shown to them, they will not harm Allah in the
least, but He will make their deeds fruitless,)

(33. O you who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger and invalidate not your deeds.)

(34. Verily, those who disbelieved and obstructed others from the path of Allah and then died
as disbelievers -- never will Allah not forgive them.)

(35. So do not lose heart and beg for peace while you are superior. Allah is with you and He
will never deprive you of (the reward of) your deeds.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

?ْ (ُ َ%َ#
ْ ‫}ُ َأ‬Cِ ْL ُ 4
َ ‫ً َو‬Tْ 
َ Fَ -%‫ وا ا‬N
ُ +َ ْ*%َ ‫َى‬,(ُ %ْ ‫ ُ( ُ? ا‬%َ *
َ  َC9َ َ
,ِ 3ْ َ ْ*
ِ ‫ُ! َل‬4 %‫!ا ا‬Oَ‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫ِ ا‬A ِC4
َ ْ*
َ ‫وا‬,f
َ ‫َ ُوا َو‬2‫* َآ‬
َ +ِ%‫ِإن ا‬

S‫ ا‬N+ *% FX‫ى أ‬,(%‫ ا‬F% * C9 

,3 *
‫ن‬#+n‫ * ا‬,9‫ وار‬FO‫!ل و‬4 %‫‚ ا‬%.‫ و‬S‫ ا‬A C4 * ,f‫ و‬2‫* آ‬# 1%39 Co+
F9‫  د‬FCE ‫ي‬%‫ ا‬F-# *
‚%4 1- FC 7+ _) F-# S‫} ا‬CL 4‫ده و‬3
‫!م‬+ ‫ ه‬$o+‫ و‬F$2X N+ #X‫ وإ‬T 
‫ت‬T $%‫* ا‬C‫ه‬+ ‫ت‬0$L%‫ أن ا‬#‫ آ‬/ -a% FEL#+‫ و‬FCL+ A . *
/r!3 .

ِ ْC9ُ َ%‫ُ! َل َو‬4 %‫ُ!ا ا‬3 ِd‫ َوَأ‬Fَ -%‫ُ!ا ا‬3 ِd‫ُ!ا َأ‬0
َ q َ*+ِ%‫(َ ا‬+ ‫َ َأ‬+

HX‫  { * أ‬%‫ ازي * ا‬%‫ ا‬23G !‫ أ‬0W,Y { ‫ وآ‬0W,Y /

‫ا‬,O !‫ أ‬0W,Y ‫[_ة‬%‫ب ا‬J‫ وزي )< آ‬#%‫[ ا‬X * ,#L

م‬n‫ل ا‬O ,O‫و‬
‫ ك‬U%‫{
{ ا‬20+  #‫ آ‬VX‫ ذ‬S‫ إ ا‬F%‫
{  إ‬N+  FX‫ ون أ‬+ ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ب ر‬Lf‫ل آن أ‬O / %3%‫* أ< ا‬
{)X * ‫ ن‬Y * A9E
* ‫ وف‬3
* a <X C.‫رك أ‬C#%‫ ا* ا‬S‫ ا‬,C \+ d *
‫? روي‬W A#3%‫ ا‬VX%‫ ا‬AC+ ‫)!ا أن‬o) A#
‫ت إ‬0$L%‫ <ء
* ا‬H % FX‫ ى أ‬X ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ب ر‬Lf‫ أ‬U3
0‫ آ‬: ‫ل‬O #(0 S‫< ا‬r‫ ر‬# *‫* ا‬
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 ها ا‬0-E) " ?a%#‫!ا أ‬-C9 ‫!ل و‬4 %‫!ا ا‬3 d‫ وأ‬S‫!ا ا‬3 d‫& " أ‬%mX 1JY ‫!ل‬CE

%‫!ل )< ذ‬E%‫ * ا‬022‫& آ‬%mX #-) " ‫ء‬U+ *#% %‫
 دون ذ‬2s+‫ و‬F ‫ ك‬U+ ‫ أن‬2s+  S‫ " إن ا‬1%39 F%!O ‫ل‬mX 1JY eY‫!ا‬2%‫وا‬
F%!4‫ ر‬/d‫ و‬FJ * 0
g#%‫د^ ا‬C 1%39‫رك و‬C9
‫? أ‬W (C[+ ?% *#% !G X‫ و‬eY‫!ا‬2%‫ وا‬RCa%‫ب ا‬f‫
* أ‬1- ‫ف‬oX 0a)

‫? " أي‬a%#‫!ا أ‬-C9 ‫ " و‬1%39 ‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫ل ; و‬#’% AC
!‫ي ه‬%‫اد ا‬,9‫(ه? * ار‬X‫ ة و‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫(? )< ا‬9‫د‬34 <‫< ه‬J%‫ا‬
‫ دة‬% .

ْ?(ُ %َ Fُ -%‫ َ ا‬2ِ sْ +َ ْ*-َ)َ ٌ‫ر‬2ُ‫ُ!ا وَ ُه?ْ آ‬9َ

?Wُ Fِ -%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4
َ ْ*
َ ‫وا‬,f
َ َ‫ ُوا و‬2َ ‫*َ َآ‬+ِ%‫ن ا‬

 S‫ " إن ا‬1%39‫ و‬FXLC4 F%!E‫(? " آ‬% S‫ ا‬2s+ *-) ‫ر‬2‫!ا وه? آ‬9
?W S‫ ا‬A C4 * ‫وا‬,f‫ وا و‬2‫* آ‬+%‫ " إن ا‬1%39 F%!O
/+y‫ء " ا‬U+ *#% %‫
 دون ذ‬2s+‫ و‬F ‫ ك‬U+ ‫ أن‬2s+ .

ْ?aُ %ََ#
ْ ‫ َ ُآ?ْ َأ‬Jِ +َ ْ*%َ‫?ْ َو‬aُ 3َ
َ Fُ -%‫ن وَا‬
َ ْ!َ-
ْ ;َ%ْ ‫ ُ? ا‬Jُ ْX‫ ِ? َوَأ‬-ْ $%‫ ا‬1َ%‫ُ!ا ِإ‬,ْ 9َ َ‫ُ!ا و‬0(ِ 9َ َ-َ)

{r‫ وو‬/#%$#%‫ وا‬/X‫(د‬#%‫? " أي ا‬-$%‫ ا‬1%‫!ا إ‬,9‫اء " و‬,K‫!ا * ا‬23N9  ‫!ا " أي‬0(9 _) " * 0
g#%‫د^ ا‬C3% _‫ و‬AG ‫ل‬O
<) ‫!ن" أي‬-K‫? ا‬JX‫ وأ‬, ?-$%‫ ا‬1%‫!ا إ‬,9‫!ا و‬0(9 _) "‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫? ; و‬a9,‫دآ? و‬, ‫ ة‬7‫? وآ‬a9!O ‫ل‬Y <) ‫ر‬2a%‫? و * ا‬a0  ‫ل‬JE%‫ا‬
‫ة‬,‫ه‬3#%‫ وا‬/X‫(د‬#%‫
م )< ا‬n‫ * ورأى ا‬#-$#%‫ { ا‬#G 1%‫ إ‬/C$0% ‫ ة‬7‫!ة وآ‬O ?( ) ‫ر‬2a%‫وآ? );
 إذا آن ا‬, 1- ?‫!آ‬- ‫ل‬Y
{r‫ وو‬Q-[%‫ ا‬1%‫ ود!^ إ‬/a
* e+ O ‫ر‬2‫^ آ‬,f * Y ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬A3) #‫ آ‬%‫ ذ‬A32+ ‫ أن‬F-) /L-[

/#  ‫رة‬U F ) " ?a3

S‫" وا‬FJ# &-G F%!O‫ و‬%‫ ذ‬1%‫? إ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f ?(G;) * 04 U F0 ‫(? و‬0  ‫ ب‬L%‫ا‬
?a[E0+ ‫!ا( و‬W ?a )!+ A ‫ه‬+‫? إ‬aC-$+‫( و‬-C+‫( و‬CL+ *%‫? " أي و‬a%#‫ آ? أ‬J+ *%‫اء " و‬,K‫ ا‬1- 2%‫[ وا‬0%
?-‫ أ‬S‫ وا‬T  .

Allah then informs about those who disbelieve, obstruct others from the path of Allah, oppose
the Messenger and contend with him, and revert from the faith after guidance has become
clear to them. He indicates that those people can never harm Allah in the least, and rather
they only harm themselves and become losers on the Day of Resurrection. He will nullify their
deeds. Allah will not reward them even the weight of a mosquito (i.e., the smallest thing) for
any good that they did before their apostasy, but would instead totally invalidate and destroy
it. Their apostasy wipes away their good deeds entirely, just as the good deeds would normally
wipe away the evil deeds. Imam Ahmad Ibn Nasr Al-Marwazi reported in Kitab As-Salah (the
Book of Prayer) that Abu Al-`Aliyah said, "The Prophet's Companions used to think that no
sin would harm a person who says `La ilaha illallah,' just as no good deed would benefit a
person who joins partners with Allah. So Allah revealed,

6ْ?aُ -َ‫َـ‬#ْ‫ُ!اْ َأ‬-ِCْ 9ُ َ ‫ُ! َل َو‬4  %‫ُ!اْ ا‬3 ِd‫ َوَأ‬Fَ -%‫ُ! ْا ا‬3 ِd‫َأ‬

(Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and do not invalidate your deeds.) This made them fear
that some sins could nullify their deeds.'' It has also been reported from Ibn `Umar, may Allah
be pleased with him, that he said, "We, the Companions of Allah's Messenger , used to think
that good deeds would all be accepted, until Allah revealed,

6ْ?aُ -َ‫َـ‬#ْ‫ُ!اْ َأ‬-ِCْ 9ُ َ ‫ُ! َل َو‬4  %‫ُ!اْ ا‬3 ِd‫ َوَأ‬Fَ -%‫ُ! ْا ا‬3 ِd‫َأ‬

(Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and do not invalidate your deeds. ) So we asked each
other: `What is it that can nullify our deeds' So we said, `The major sins, great offenses that
require admission into the Fire and immoral sins.' But then Allah revealed,

6ُ‫َء‬U+َ *َ#%ِ َ%ِ‫ن َذ‬

َ ‫ ُ
َ دُو‬2ِ sْ +َ َ‫ِ و‬Fِ ‫ك‬
َ َ U
ْ ُ+ ‫ ُ أَن‬2ِ sْ َ+ َ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬

(Verily, Allah does not forgive joining partners with Him in worship, but He forgives except
that to whom He wills.) (4:48) After this was revealed, we ceased saying that. We thereafter
continued to fear for those who committed great sins and immoral sins and to have hope for
those who did not.'' Then, Allah commands His believing servants to obey Him and His
Messenger , which would result in their happiness in this worldly life and the Hereafter. He

also prohibits them from apostasy, because that would result in the nullification of their deeds.
Thus He says,

ْ ‫ُ!اْ َأ‬-ِCْ 9ُ َ ‫ َو‬

(and do not invalidate your deeds.) meaning, by apostasy. Thus, Allah says after this,

6 ْ?(ُ %َ Fُ -%‫ َ ا‬2ِ sْ +َ *َ-َ) ٌ‫ر‬2ُ‫ُ!اْ َو ُه?ْ آ‬9َ

? Wُ Fِ -%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4
َ *َ ْ‫وا‬,f
َ ‫ ُواْ َو‬2َ ‫*َ َآ‬+ِ%‫ن ا‬

(Verily, those who disbelieved and obstructed others from the path of Allah and then died as
disbelievers -- never will Allah forgive them.) This is similar to His saying,

6ُ‫َء‬U+َ *َ#%ِ َ%ِ‫ن َذ‬

َ ‫ ُ
َ دُو‬2ِ sْ +َ َ‫ِ و‬Fِ ‫ك‬
َ َ U
ْ ُ+ ‫ ُ أَن‬2ِ sْ َ+ َ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬

(Verily, Allah does not forgive joining partners with Him in worship, but He forgives except
that to whom He wills.) (4:48) Allah then addresses His believing servants by saying,

6ْ‫ُ!ا‬0(ِ 9َ َ_)َ 

(So do not lose heart) meaning, do not be weak concerning the enemies.

6ِ?-ْ $
 %‫ ا‬1َ%‫ُْ!اْ ِإ‬,9َ ‫ َو‬

(and beg for peace) meaning, compromise, peace, and ending the fighting between you and the
disbelievers while you are in a position of power, both in great numbers and preparations.
Thus, Allah says,

6َ‫َ ْ!ن‬-
ْ  ‫ ُ? ا‬Jُ Xَ‫ ِ? َوأ‬-ْ $
 %‫ ا‬1َ%‫ُْ!اْ ِإ‬,َ9‫ُ!اْ َو‬0(ِ 9َ َ_)َ 

(So do not lose heart and beg for peace while you are superior.) meaning, in the condition of
your superiority over your enemy. If, on the other hand, the disbelievers are considered more
powerful and numerous than the Muslims, then the Imam (general commander) may decide
to hold a treaty if he judges that it entails a benefit for the Muslims. This is like what Allah's
Messenger did when the disbelievers obstructed him from entering Makkah and offered him
treaty in which all fighting would stop between them for ten years. Consequently, he agreed to
that. Allah then says:

6ْ?aُ 3َ
َ Fُ -%‫وَا‬

(And Allah is with you) This contains the good news of victory and triumph over the enemies.

6ْ?aُ َ-‫َـ‬#
ْ ‫ َ ُآ?ْ َأ‬Jِ +َ *َ%َ‫و‬

(and He will never deprive you of (the reward of) your deeds.) meaning, Allah will never
invalidate your deeds, nullify them, or deprive you of them, but rather He will give you your
rewards complete, without any reduction.'' And Allah knows best.

22. QS An Nisa' 4:57

_‫ُ ُ(?ْ …ِـ‬-.

ِ ْ,Xُ َ‫( َ ةٌ و‬
 ٌ‫ ُ(?ْ )ِ (َ َأزْوَج‬% ‫ًا‬,َ‫* )ِ (َ َأ‬
َ +ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬. ُ ‫(َـ‬Xْ  ‫ِ(َ ا‬JL
ْ 9َ *ِ
‫ْ ِى‬9َ &
ٍ ‫ـ‬0G
َ ْ?(ُ ُ-.
ِ ْ,0ُ 4
َ &
ِ ‫َـ‬L-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ ا‬-#ِ 
َ ‫ُ!اْ َو‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫وَا‬
_ ِ-َ… 6

4:57. Dan orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal-amal saleh, kelak akan Kami masukkan
mereka ke dalam surga yang di dalamnya mengalir sungai-sungai; kekal mereka di dalamnya; mereka
di dalamnya mempunyai istri-istri yang suci, dan Kami masukkan mereka ke tempat yang teduh lagi

(57. But those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, We shall admit them to Gardens under
which rivers flow (Paradise), abiding therein forever. Therein they shall have Azwajun Mutahharatun
(purified mates), and We shall admit them to shades, wide and ever deepening.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ِ ْ?(ُ ُ-.
ِ ْ,Xُ َ‫( َ ةٌ و‬
ُ ‫ج‬
ٌ ‫َ ُ(?ْ )ِ (َ َأزْوَا‬% ‫ًا‬,َ ‫* )ِ (َ َأ‬
َ +ِ,ِ%َ. ‫ْ(َ ُر‬X;َ%ْ ‫(َ ا‬Jِ ْL9َ ْ*
ِ ‫ْ ِي‬9َ ‫ت‬
ٍ 0َG ْ?(ُ ُ-ِ.ْ,0ُ 4
َ ‫ت‬
ِ َL%ِ[%‫ُ!ا ا‬-#ِ 
َ ‫ُ!ا َو‬0
َ q َ*+ِ%‫وَا‬
ً- ِ-َ…

‫اء‬,3$%‫ر *
ل ا‬C.‫ا " ها إ‬,‫* ) ( أ‬+,%. ‫(ر‬XK‫( ا‬JL9 *
‫ ي‬9 ‫ت‬0G ?(-.,04 ‫ت‬L%[%‫!ا ا‬-#‫!ا و‬0
q *+%‫ " وا‬F%!O‫و‬
 ‫ا‬,‫ون ) ( أ‬,%. ?‫* أرادوا وه‬+‫ ءوا وأ‬w Y (RG‫( وأر‬%L
‫( و‬G) { #G <) ‫(ر‬XK‫ ي ) ( ا‬9 <J%‫ن ا‬, ‫ت‬0G <)
/-+‫ ذ‬%‫_ق ا‬.K‫ذى وا‬K‫س وا‬20%‫ ˆ وا‬L%‫(? ) ( أزواج
( ة " أي
* ا‬% " F%!O‫! و‬Y (0 ‫!ن‬sC+ ‫!ن و‬%‫و‬m+ ‫!ن و‬%!L+
Q%f !‫< وأ‬3o0%‫ك وا‬LN%‫* وا‬$L%‫ل ء وا‬O ‫ وآا‬. ‫ذى‬K‫ار وا‬OK‫
( ة
* ا‬: ‫س‬C *‫ل ا‬O #‫ آ‬/[O0%‫ت ا‬2[%‫وا‬
( ة
* ا‬: ‫دة‬JO ‫ل‬O‫ و‬. ,%!%‫< وا‬0#%‫اق وا‬mC%‫م وا‬o0%‫ ˆ وا‬L%‫!ل وا‬C%‫
( ة
* ا‬: ,‫ل
ه‬O‫ و‬.‫ي‬,$%‫ وا‬/ ‫و‬
‫ر‬U *‫ ا‬0W,Y : + G *‫ل ا‬O E X‫ أ‬C d ‫ ا‬+m ‫ ا‬7‫ آ‬E # _… ‫ _ " أي‬-… _… ?(-.,X‫ " و‬F%!O‫ و‬. ‚-‫ ˆ و آ‬Y ‫? و‬W#%‫وا‬
<C0%‫ ة * ا‬+ ‫ث * أ< ه‬,L+ ‫ك‬LN%‫& أ ا‬3#4 : ‫ل‬O /C3 0W,Y O 23G *‫ ا‬0W,Y 107#%‫ ا* ا‬0W,Y‫* و‬#Y %‫ ا‬,C 0W,Y
,-o%‫  ة ا‬- (3E+  ‫ م‬/R
(-… <) V‫ اآ‬%‫ ا‬$+ ‫ ة‬U% /0%‫ل " إن )< ا‬O ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f " .

Allah said,

‫ا‬,َ‫* )ِ (َ َأ‬

َ +ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬. ُ ‫(َـ‬Xْ  ‫ِ(َ ا‬JL
ْ 9َ *ِ
‫ْ ِى‬9َ &
ٍ ‫ـ‬0G
َ ْ?(ُ ُ-.
ِ ْ,0ُ 4
َ &
ِ ‫َـ‬L-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ ا‬-#ِ 
َ ‫ُ!اْ َو‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫وَا‬6 (But those who believe
and do deeds of righteousness, We shall admit them to Gardens under which rivers flow
(Paradise), abiding therein forever.) describing the destination of the happy ones in the
gardens of Eden, beneath which rivers flow in all of its areas, spaces and corners, wherever
they desire and wish. They will reside in it for eternity, and they will not be transferred or
removed from it, nor would they want to move from it. Allah said,

‫( َة‬
 ٌ‫ ُ(?ْ )ِ (َ َأزْ َوج‬%6 (Therein they shall have Azwajun Mutahharatun (purified mates),) free of
menstruation, postnatal bleeding, filth, bad manners and shortcomings. Ibn `Abbas said that
the Ayah means, "They are purified of filth and foul things.'' Similar was said by `Ata', Al-
Hasan, Ad-Dahhak, An-Nakha`i, Abu Salih, `Atiyah, and As-Suddi. Mujahid said that they
are, free of urine, menstruation, spit, mucous and pregnancies.'' Allah's statement,

_ ِ-َ… _
“ ‫ُ ُ(?ْ …ِـ‬-ِ.,ْ Xُ َ‫و‬6 (And We shall admit them to shades, wide and ever deepening (Paradise).)
means, wide, extensive, pure and elegant shade. Ibn Jarir recorded that Abu Hurayrah said
that the Prophet said,

ُ %ْ ‫َ َ َة ا‬
َ :َ(3ُ 
َ Eْ +َ َ% ‫ َ ٍم‬/َ Rَ ِ
ِ <ِ) V
ُ ‫ ا ِآ‬%‫ِ ُ ا‬$+َ ‫ َ ًة‬
َ %َ ِ/0 
َ %ْ ‫( »ِإن )ِ< ا‬There is a tree in Paradise, that if a
rider travels under its shade for a hundred years, he will not cross it. It is the Tree of Everlasting Life.)

23. QS Az Zukhruf 43:66-73

َ ‫ُ ُو‬3U
ْ +َ َ ْ?‫ َو ُه‬/ً Jَ ْsَ ْ?(ُ َ 9ِ ْ;9َ ‫ أَن‬/َ 
َ $%‫ن ِإ  ا‬
َ ‫ ُو‬
ُ 0َ+ ْA‫ َه‬

َ ِEJ #ُ ْ%‫و ِإ  ا‬,ُ 
َ ˆ
ٍ ْ3Cَ %ِ ْ?(ُ N
ُ ْ3َ ٍ Tِ
َ !ْ َ+ ‫_ ُء‬
ِ  ‫ ا‬-

ْ 9َ ْ?Jُ Xَ‫ َ !ْ َم َو َ أ‬%ْ ‫ ُ? ا‬aُ ْ -ََ ٌ‫َ ْ!ف‬. َ ِ‫َد‬C3ِ + -

َ ِ#-ِ$
ُ ْ‫ُ!ا‬Xَ‫َ َوآ‬0Jِ ‫َـ‬+َ‫ُ!اْ ِـ‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬-

َ‫ ُون‬Cَ L
ْ 9ُ ْ?aُ G
ُ ‫?ْ َوَأزْ َو‬Jُ Xَ‫ أ‬/َ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ُ!اْ ا‬-.
ُ ْ‫ اد‬-

َ‫ُون‬,ِ-‫َـ‬. َ( ِ) ْ?Jُ Xَ‫ ُ *ُ َوأ‬

ْ  ‫  ا‬-ََ9‫ُ َو‬H2ُ Xْ  ‫ ا‬Fِ ِ(Jَ U
ْ 9َ َ
َ( ِ)‫ب َو‬
ٍ !َ ْ‫ َوَأآ‬V
ٍ ‫* َذ َه‬h
ٍ ‫َـ‬L[
ِ ِ ْ?(ِ ْ َ-
َ ‫ف‬
ُ َ+ُ -

َ‫ُ!ن‬-#َ 3ْ 9َ ْ?Jُ 0ُ‫َ آ‬#ِ َ‫ُ!ه‬#Jُ ْW‫ أُو ِر‬1ِJ%‫ُ ا‬/0 

َ %ْ ‫ ا‬
َ -ْ 9ِ َ‫ و‬-

- ‫ُ!ن‬-ُ‫ ْ;آ‬9َ َ(0ْ

h ٌ‫ِ َ ة‬7‫ٌ َآ‬/(َ aِ ‫ُ ْ? )ِ (َ )َـ‬a%َ 6

43:66. Mereka tidak menunggu kecuali kedatangan hari kiamat kepada mereka dengan tiba-
tiba sedang mereka tidak menyadarinya.
43:67. Teman-teman akrab pada hari itu sebagiannya menjadi musuh bagi sebagian yang lain
kecuali orang-orang yang bertakwa.
43:68. "Hai hamba-hamba-Ku, tiada kekhawatiran terhadapmu pada hari ini dan tidak pula
kamu bersedih hati.
43:69. (Yaitu) orang-orang yang beriman kepada ayat-ayat Kami dan adalah mereka dahulu
orang-orang yang berserah diri.
43:70. Masuklah kamu ke dalam surga, kamu dan istri-istri kamu digembirakan."
43:71. Diedarkan kepada mereka piring-piring dari emas, dan piala-piala dan di dalam surga
itu terdapat segala apa yang diingini oleh hati dan sedap (dipandang) mata dan kamu kekal
di dalamnya."
43:72. Dan itulah surga yang diwariskan kepada kamu disebabkan amal-amal yang dahulu
kamu kerjakan.
43:73. Di dalam surga itu ada buah-buahan yang banyak untukmu yang sebahagiannya kamu

(66. Do they only wait for the Hour that it shall come upon them suddenly while they perceive

(67. Friends on that Day will be foes one to another except those who have Taqwa.)

(68. My servants! No fear shall be on you this Day, nor shall you grieve,)

(69. (You) who believed in Our Ayat and were Muslims.)

(70. Enter Paradise, you and your wives, in happiness.)

(71. Trays of gold and cups will be passed round them; (there will be) therein all that their
souls desire, and all that eyes could delight in and you will abide therein forever.)

‫‪(72. This is the Paradise, which you have been made to inherit because of your deeds that you‬‬
‫)‪used to do.‬‬

‫)‪(73. Therein for you will be fruits in plenty, of which you will eat (as you desire).‬‬

‫‪ $29‬ا* آ‪ 7‬‬
‫‪ُ 3ُ U‬و َ‬
‫ َ‪َ /‬أنْ َ‪َ /ً Jَ ْsَ ْ?(ُ َ 9ِ ْ;9‬و ُه?ْ ‪ْ +َ َ%‬‬
‫ن ِإ‪ %‬ا‪َ $%‬‬
‫َه‪ُ ُ0ْ َ+ ْA‬و َ‬

‫‪!E+‬ل ‪ 1%39‬ه‪ J0+ A‬ه‪g‬ء ا‪ U#%‬آ!ن ا‪!a#%‬ن ‪ " A4 -%‬إ ا‪ /$%‬أن ‪ /Js ?( 9;9‬وه?  ‪ 3U+‬ون " أي )‪ (Xt‬آ‪/%L
‫ووا‪ /3O‬وه‪g‬ء )‪!-‬ن ‪t) *+,3J$
(0‬ذا ‪G‬ءت إ‪<9 #X‬ء وه?  ‪ 3U+‬ون ( )‪!
,0+ T0 L‬ن آ‪ A‬ا‪,0%‬م ‪?(320+  w Y‬‬
‫‪ .‬و ‪?(0 {),+‬‬

‫ ُ‪ ,‬و ِإ‪ %‬ا ْ‪َ ِEJ #ُ %‬‬
‫‪ُ -.‬ء َ‪َ ٍˆ3ْ Cَ %ِ ْ?(ُ ُN3ْ َ ٍ Tِ
َ ْ!+‬‬
‫ا‪ِ ;َْ%‬‬

‫أي آ‪,f A‬ا‪ /O‬و‪ s% /Lf‬ا‪!+ V-E09 (Xt) S‬م ا‪, /

 E%‬اوة إ
 آن ‪ m S‬و‪ FXt) AG‬دا‪, ?R‬وا
‪ F‬وها آ‪O #‬ل إ اه ?‬
‫‪ F -‬ا‪_[%‬ة وا‪_$%‬م ‪ " F
!E%‬إ‪ #X‬ا‪ *
?9o9‬دون ا‪ S‬أو‪!
XW‬دة  ‪ <) ?a0‬ا‪ L%‬ة ا‪!+ ?W  X,%‬م ا‪ˆ3C ?aN3 2a+ /
‫و‪ N3 ?aN3 *3-+‬و
;واآ? ا‪0%‬ر و
 ‪ . " *+ fX *
?a%‬و‪O‬ل ‪ ,C‬ا‪ %‬زاق أ‪ X C.‬إ‪ 4‬ا‪ * A R‬أ< إ‪L4‬ق * ا‪L%‬رث *‬
‫‪ <-‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪ " F0 S‬ا‪_.K‬ء ‪, ˆ3C% ?(N3 T
!+‬و إ ا‪O " * EJ#%‬ل ‪_ -.‬ن
g‬ن و‪_ -.‬ن آ) ان )‪ <)!J‬أ‪ ,Y‬ا‪* 0
‫و‪) /0% U‬آ ‪E) F- -.‬ل ا‪ ?(-%‬إن )_‪ <- -. X‬آن ‪ J <X
;+‬و‪ /d‬ر‪ %!4‬و‪ o% <X
;+‬و‪ * <X(0+‬ا‪ U%‬‬
‫و‪ <0TC0+‬أ‪  O_
<X‬ا‪,3 F-N9 _) ?(-%‬ي ‪ 
F+ 9 1JY‬أر‪ <0J+‬و‪ F0 1r 9‬آ‪ #‬ر‪E ) <0 & r‬ل ‪ F%‬اذه‪F% 
?-39 !-) V‬‬
‫‪,0‬ي ‪ &aLN%‬آ‪ 7‬ا و‪O _ -O & a‬ل ‪!#+ ?W‬ت ا‪ {#JJ) .y‬أروا‪E ) #(Y‬ل ‪ *7 %‬أ‪,Y‬آ‪!E ) FCYf 1- #‬ل آ‪ A‬وا‪#(0
‫‪ ?3X FCY[%‬ا‪K‬خ و‪ ?3X‬ا‪ VY[%‬و‪ ?3X‬ا‪ A -o%‬وإذا
ت أ‪ ,Y‬ا‪ *+ )a%‬و‪0% U‬ر ذآ ‪!E ) F- -.‬ل ا‪ ?(-%‬إن ‪ X_) <- -.‬آن‬
‫‪ J [3# <X
‪ / [3‬ر‪ %!4‬و‪ U% <X
;+‬و‪ * <X(0+‬ا‪ o%‬و‪ <X Co+‬أ‪  O_
<X‬ا‪,3 ^,(9 _) ?(-%‬ي ‪F+ 9 1JY‬‬

A7‬أر‪ <0J+‬و‪ F - }o$9‬آ‪O <- &o4 #‬ل ) ‪!#‬ت ا‪ )a%‬ا‪ *  {# ) .y‬أروا‪E ) #(Y‬ل ‪ *7 %‬آ‪ A‬وا‪1- #a0
‫‪!E ) FCYf‬ل آ‪ A‬وا‪ HT FCY[% #(0
,Y‬ا‪K‬خ و‪ HT‬ا‪ VY[%‬و‪ HT‬ا‪ . A -o%‬روا^ ا* أ< ‪ ?9Y‬و‪O‬ل ا* ‪C‬س ر‪ <r‬ا‪S‬‬
‫‪ #(0‬و
ه‪ ,‬و‪JO‬دة ‪f‬رت آ‪, /-. A‬اوة ‪!+‬م ا‪ /
 E%‬إ ا‪ * EJ#%‬وروى ا‪ ‡)L%‬ا* ‪$‬آ )< ‪ /#G 9‬ه‪U‬م * أ‪* ,#Y‬‬
‫ه‪U‬م * ‪ ,C‬ا‪ * S‬آ‪ 0W,Y 7‬أ! ‪ * ,#L
23G‬ا‪ * {)X * ? aY 0W,Y 1)3
* /O % No%‬ا‪ * e#K‬أ< ‪Q%f‬‬
‫* أ< ه ‪ +‬ة ر‪ <r‬ا‪O F0 S‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ !% " ?-4‬أن ر‪ <) L9 * -G‬ا‪ S‬أ‪,Y‬ه‪ U#% #‬ق وا‪ .y‬‬
‫‪ s#% " .‬ب ‪ {#%‬ا‪!+ #(0  1%39 S‬م ا‪!E+ /
 E%‬ل ها ا‪%‬ي أ‪<) FJCCY‬‬

‫‪ ?ُ ُa ْ َ-‬ا ْ‪َ ْ! َ %‬م وَ‪َ َ%‬أ ْ‪ْ?Jُ X‬‬

‫‪ْ!.‬فٌ َ‬
‫‪ِ َC‬د ‪َ َ%‬‬
‫‪ِ َ+‬‬

‫‪ .‬أي ‪ U‬ه?‬

‫‪َ ِ#-ِ$‬‬
‫* ‪!ُ0
َ q‬ا ِ‪َ َ09ِ َ+‬وآَ‪!ُX‬ا ُ
‫ا‪َ +ِ%‬‬

‫أي ‪ ?(!-O &0

q‬و!ا‪ ?(0d‬وا‪EX‬دت ‪ U%‬ع ا‪!G S‬ار‪ ?(Y‬و…!اه ه? ‪O‬ل ا‪# -4 * #J3#%‬ن * أ ‪ F‬إذا آن ‪!+‬م ا‪t) /
‫ا‪0%‬س ‪!73C+ * Y‬ن  ‪ 1EC+‬أ‪ ?(0
,Y‬إ )‪m‬ع )‪0‬دى
‪0‬د " ‪C +‬د  ‪!.‬ف ‪ ?a -‬ا‪! %‬م و أ‪!XmL9 ?JX‬ن " ) ‪!G‬ه ا‪0%‬س آ‪?(-‬‬
‫‪O.‬ل ) ‪ " (3CJ‬ا‪!0
q *+%‬ا ‪ 09+‬وآ‪!X‬ا
‪O " * #-$‬ل ) ;س ا‪0%‬س
‪ (0‬ا‪* 0

‫‪ُ Cَ L‬ونَ‬
‫‪ْ 9ُ ْ?aُ G‬‬
‫ ‪َ َ/0‬أ ْ‪َ ْ?Jُ X‬وَأزْوَا ُ‬
‫ادْ‪!ُ-ُ.‬ا ا ْ‪َ %‬‬

‫أي ‪E+‬ل ‪ ?(%‬اد‪!-.‬ا ا‪ " /0%‬أ‪ ?JX‬وأزوا‪ " ?aG‬أي ‪ X‬اؤآ? " ‪ CL9‬ون " أي ‪!#30J9‬ن و‪,3$9‬ون ‪O‬ل ‪ * 1 L+‬أ< آ‪<03+ 7‬‬
‫‪#4 .‬ع ا‪0s%‬ء ‪ .‬وا‪ CL%‬ة أ?
* ها آ‪O F-‬ل ا‪3%‬ج ‪ S ,#L%) :‬ا‪%‬ي أ‪ 1‬ا‪!
CL%‬ا‪ <%‬ا‪ \L%‬إن ا‪ a 1%!#%‬‬

‫* َوَأ‪ُ,%َِ. َ( ِ) ْ?Jُ ْX‬ونَ‬

‫ ُ ُ‬
‫‪َ H‬و‪  -ََ9‬ا‪ْ َ;ْ%‬‬
‫ب َو)ِ (َ
َ َ‪ Fِ ِ(Jَ ْU9‬ا‪ُ 2ُ Xْ ;َْ%‬‬
‫‪َ V‬وَأ ْآ!َا ٍ‬
‫ف ِ
*ْ َذ َه ٍ‬
‫[‪ٍ َL‬‬
‫‪ِ ِ ?ْ (ِ ْ َ-‬‬
‫‪َُ+‬فُ َ‬

‫أي زدي ‪ / Xq‬ا‪3%‬م " وأآ!اب " وه< ‪ / Xq‬ا‪ U%‬اب أي

* ذه‪ .  V‬ا‪ (% ? d‬و  ى " و) (
 ‪ <(JU9‬ا‪ " H2XK‬و‪ O‬أ‬
‫‪ F (JU9 ?(N3‬ا‪ " H2XK‬و‪ -9‬ا‪ "* K‬أي ‪ V d‬ا‪ ?3%‬وا‪ Q+ %‬و‪ *$Y‬ا‪O 0#%‬ل ‪ ,C‬ا‪ %‬زاق أ‪ #3
X C.‬أ‪ <X C.‬إ‪* A #4‬‬
‫أ< ‪O , 34‬ل ‪ :‬إن ‪ 1%!
a‬ا* ‪C‬س ر‪ <r‬ا‪ #(0 S‬أ‪ ^ C.‬أن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل " إن أد‪ 1X‬أه‪ A‬ا‪/0%‬‬

H % g%g% *
‫ م‬.‫ و‬V‫[!ر
* ذه‬O <) ‫ م‬/R
‫ ة‬$
^ [ <) F% Q$2+ ,Y‫^ أ‬,3 /0%‫ ا‬A.,+  AG % /G‫(? در‬-24‫ وأ‬/%m0

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A E * /3 (% *‫ * ا‬V‫ * وه‬S‫ ا‬,C <0W,Y <Y $%‫!اد ا‬4 * ‫ و‬# 0W,Y , 0%‫ * * ا‬$L%‫< * ا‬- 0W,Y ?9Y <‫ا* أ‬
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‫ أن أ أ‬F0 S‫< ا‬r‫ ة ر‬+ ‫* * أ< ه‬$L%‫ * ا‬,%. *
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H2X ‫ي‬%‫ل " وا‬E) /0%‫وذآ ا‬
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( )‫? " و‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ أ ر‬O ?W " 1(J‫ي ا‬%‫ ا‬1- F ) <)
* V!Y * ( * + N%‫ ا‬w3K‫ أ! ا‬0W,Y m+m3%‫ ا‬,C * * a$
0W,Y 14!
*‫* ه! ا‬$Y 0W,Y ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫ل ا‬O‫و‬
1- !‫ت وه‬G‫{ در‬C$% F% *
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A‫ )< آ‬- V‫ل
* ذه‬O ‫ إ‬F#-‫ و أ‬- /2Lf /R#7-7 ‫!م‬+ A‫ اح آ‬+‫ و‬F - ‫ى‬,s+‫دم و‬. /R#7-W F% ‫ وإن‬/3$%‫ ا‬FO!)‫ و‬/4‫د‬$%‫ا‬
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!Y (0 ‫!ن‬sC9 ‫( و‬0
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َ !ُ-#َ ْ39َ ْ?Jُ 0ْ ‫َ ُآ‬#ِ َ‫ُ!ه‬#Jُ Wْ ‫ِ< أُو ِر‬J%‫ ا‬/ُ 0
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬
َ -ْ 9ِ َ‫و‬

‫!ل‬#U% CC4 &X‫ آ‬/L%[%‫? ا‬a%#‫!ن " أي أ‬-#39 ?J0‫ آ‬# ‫!ه‬#JW‫< أور‬J%‫ ا‬/0%‫ ا‬-9‫ن " و‬0J
‫ وا‬AN2J%‫ ا‬FG‫ و‬1- ?(% A O ?W
‫ل‬O ‫ت‬L%[%‫ل ا‬#K‫ ا‬V$L (9‫و‬29 ‫ل‬0+ ‫ت‬G‫ر‬,%‫ ا‬#X‫ وإ‬F-N)‫ و‬S‫ ا‬/#Y  *a%‫ و‬/0%‫ ا‬F-# ‫ا‬,Y‫ أ‬A.,+  FXt) ?‫آ‬+‫ إ‬S‫ ا‬/#Y‫ر‬
<‫ * أ‬e#K‫ *  ش * ا‬a !‫ أ‬0W,Y ‫ر‬2[%‫< ا‬03+ ‫!ب‬E3+ * ‚4!+ 0W,Y ‫ ي‬E#%‫ * ذان ا‬AN2%‫ ا‬0W,Y ?9Y <‫ا* أ‬
‫ ة‬$Y /0%‫
* ا‬F%m0
‫ ى‬+ ‫ر‬0%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬A‫? " آ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O F0 S‫< ا‬r‫ ة ر‬+ ‫ * أ< ه‬Q%f
‫! أن‬% ‫ي‬,J(0% 0‫!ل " و
 آ‬E ) ‫ر‬0%‫
* ا‬F%m0
‫ ى‬+ /0%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬A‫ * " وآ‬EJ#%‫&
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‫ر‬0%‫ل )< ا‬m0
‫ و‬/0%‫ل )< ا‬m0
F%‫ إ و‬,Y‫? "

* أ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O‫ و‬: ‫ل‬O " ‫ ا‬a F% ‫!ن‬a ) " S‫ ا‬X‫ا‬,‫ه‬
# ‫!ه‬#JW‫< أور‬J%‫ ا‬/0%‫ ا‬-9‫ " و‬1%39 F%!O %‫ " وذ‬/0%‫
* ا‬F%m0
)a%‫ ث ا‬+ *
g#%‫ر وا‬0%‫
* ا‬F%m0
g#%‫ ث ا‬+ )a%)
‫!ن‬-#39 ?J0‫ " آ‬.

َ !ُ-‫ ْ; ُآ‬9َ َ(0ْ
ِ ٌ‫ِ َ ة‬7َ‫ آ‬/ٌ (َ ِ‫ُ ْ? )ِ (َ )َآ‬a%َ

‫ اب‬U%‫م وا‬3%‫ ذآ ا‬#%‫? و‬9‫? وأرد‬9 J.‫ ا‬#(

‫!ن " أي‬-‫;آ‬9 (0
" ‫!اع‬XK‫ { ا‬#G *
‫ ة " أي‬7‫ آ‬/(‫? ) ( )آ‬a% "1%39 F%!O
?-‫ أ‬1%39 S‫ وا‬/Cs%‫ وا‬/#30%‫? ا‬JJ% /(‫آ‬2%‫^ ا‬,3 ‫ ذآ‬.

Allah says, `do these idolaters who disbelieve in the Messengers wait'

6َ‫ُ ُون‬3U
ْ َ+ َ ْ?ُ‫ َوه‬/ً Jَ ْsَ ْ?(ُ َ 9ِ ;ْ 9َ ‫ أَن‬/َ 
َ $%‫ِإ  ا‬

(only for the Hour that it shall come upon them suddenly while they perceive not) means, for
it is real and will inevitably come to pass, and these negligent people are unprepared for it.
When it comes, it will catch them unawares, and on that Day they will feel the utmost regret
when regret will not benefit them in the slightest and will not afford them any protection.

َ ِEJ#ُ %ْ ‫ و ِإ  ا‬,ُ 
َ ٍˆ3ْ Cَ ِ% ْ?(ُ N
ُ 3ْ َ ٍTِ
َ !ْ َ+ ‫_ ُء‬
ِ  ‫ا‬

(Friends on that Day will be foes one to another except those who have Taqwa.) means, every
friendship that exists for a purpose other than for the sake of Allah will turn to enmity on the
Day of Resurrection, except for that which is for the sake of Allah, which will last forever. This
is like the statement of Ibrahim, peace be upon him, to his people:

‫ر‬0%‫ً َو َ
ْ;وَا ُآ ُ? ا‬Nْ3َ ْ?aُ N
ُ ْ3َ ُ*3َ -ْ +َ ‫ˆٍ َو‬3ْ Cَ ِ ْ?aُ N
ُ 3ْ َ ُ 2ُ aْ +َ /ِ #َ ‫ِ َـ‬E%ْ ‫َ ْ! َم ا‬+ ?Wُ َ Xْ , %‫ َ!ةِ ا‬L
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ?ُa0ِ ْ َ ‫ً 
َ! د َة‬0‫َـ‬Wْ‫ َأو‬Fِ -%‫ن ا‬
ِ ‫* دُو‬h
َ 9 ‫َ ا‬#X ‫ِإ‬
6َ*+ِ ِ[‫ـ‬X *h
ْ?ُa%َ َ

(You have taken (for worship) idols instead of Allah. The love between you is only in the life of
this world, but on the Day of Resurrection, you shall disown each other, and curse each other,
and your abode will be the Fire, and you shall have no helper.) (29:25)

‫ُ!ن‬Xmَ ْL9َ ْ?Jُ Xَ‫ َ! َ أ‬#ُ aُ ْ َ-

َ ٌ‫!ْف‬.
َ َ ِ‫َد‬Cِ3+6 (My servants! No fear shall be on you this Day, nor shall you
grieve.) Then He will give them the glad tidings:

* ِ#-ِ$
ُ ْ‫ُ!ا‬Xَ‫َ َوآ‬0Jِ ‫َـ‬+َ‫ُ!اْ ِـ‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫ ا‬6 ((You) who believed in Our Ayat and were Muslims.) means, their
hearts believed and they submitted inwardly and outwardly to the Laws of Allah. Al-
Mu`tamir bin Sulayman narrated that his father said: "When the Day of Resurrection comes
and the people are resurrected, there will be no one left who will not be filled with terror.
Then a caller will cry out:

‫ُ!ن‬Xmَ ْL9َ ْ?Jُ Xَ‫ َ !ْ َم َو َ أ‬%ْ ‫ ُ? ا‬aُ ْ -َ

َ ٌ‫َ!ْف‬. َ ِ‫َد‬C3ِ + 6 (My servants! No fear shall be on you this Day, nor shall you
grieve.) So all the people will be filled with hope, but this will be followed by the words:

* ِ#-ِ$
ُ ْ‫ُ!ا‬Xَ‫َ َوآ‬0Jِ ‫َـ‬+َ‫ُ!اْ ِـ‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫ ا‬6 ((You) who believed in Our Ayat and were Muslims.) Then all of
mankind will be filled with despair apart from the believers.''

َ %ْ ‫ُ!اْ ا‬-.
ُ ْ‫اد‬6 (Enter Paradise, ) means, they will be told to enter Paradise.

ُ ‫?ْ َوَأزْ َو‬Jُ Xَ‫أ‬6 (you and your wives,) means, your counterparts

‫ ُون‬Cَ ْL9ُ 6 (in happiness (Tuhbarun).) means, in delight and joy.

‫ َوَأ ْآ!َب‬V
ٍ ‫* ذَ َه‬h
ٍ ‫َـ‬L[
ِ ِ ?ْ (ِ ْ -َ
َ ُ‫َف‬+ُ 6 (Trays of gold and cups will be passed round them;) means, fine
vessels of gold containing food and drink, without spouts or handles. (H ُ 2ُ Xْ َ;%ْ ‫َ(ِ< ا‬JU
ْ َ9 َ
َ( ِ)‫ ) َو‬
(there will be) therein all that their souls could desire).6 Some of them recited:

Hُ2Xْ  ‫ ا‬Fِ ِ(Jَ U

ْ 9َ َ
6 (that their souls desire,)

*ُ ْ ‫  ا‬-ََ9‫ َو‬6 (and all that eyes could delight in) means, of good food, delightful fragrances and
beautiful scenes.

َ( ِ) ْ?Jُ Xَ‫ َوأ‬6 (and you will therein) means, in Paradise

‫ُون‬,-ِ‫َـ‬.6 (abide forever) means, you will never leave it or want to exchange it. Then it will be
said to them, as a reminder of the blessing and favor of Allah:

‫ُ!ن‬-#َ 3ْ 9َ ْ?Jُ 0ُ‫َ آ‬#ِ َ‫ُ!ه‬#Jُ Wْ ِ‫ أُور‬1ِJ%‫ ا‬/ُ 0

َ %ْ ‫ ا‬
َ -ْ 9ِ َ‫ و‬6 (This is the Paradise, which you have been made to inherit
because of your deeds that you used to do.) means, the righteous deeds which were the cause
of your being included in the mercy of Allah. For no one will be admitted to Paradise by virtue
of their deeds alone; that will be by the mercy and grace of Allah. But the varying ranks and
degrees of Paradise will be attained according to one's righteous deeds.

‫ِ َة‬7‫ٌ َآ‬/(َ aِ ‫ُ ْ? )ِ (َ )َـ‬a%َ 6 (Therein for you will be fruits in plenty,) means, of all kinds.

‫ُ!ن‬-‫َ ْ; ُآ‬9 َ(ْ0

h 6 (of which you will eat.) means, whatever you choose and desire. When food and
drink are mentioned, fruit is also mentioned to complete the picture of blessing and joy. And
Allah knows best.

24. QS Asy Syuura 42 : 47-48

ٍ ِaX *h
ْ?aُ َ% َ
‫ ٍ َو‬Tِ
َ ْ!+َ ;ٍَْ-
ْ?aُ %َ َ
Fِ -%‫* ا‬
ِ Fُ %َ ‫َ!ْمٌ  َ
َ د‬+ 1
َ 9ِ ْ;+َ ‫ أَن‬Aِ Cْ Oَ *h
ْ?aُ h َ %ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬C َِJ4
ْ ‫ا‬

- &َ
, َO َ#ِ ٌ/Tَ h 4
َ ْ?(ُ Cْ ِ[9ُ ‫ح ِ(َ َوإِن‬
َ ِ )َ /ً #َ Y
ْ ‫ َر‬0
ِ *
َ ‫َـ‬$Xِn‫َ ا‬0Oْ َ‫ َأذ‬qَ‫ ِإذ‬X‫َـ ُŠ َوِإ‬-َC%ْ ‫ ْ َ ِإ  ا‬-َ
َ ْ‫ِ ً ِإن‬2Y
َ ْ?(ِ ْ َ-
َ ‫َـ‬0-ْ 4
َ ْ‫َ َأر‬#)َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬r َ 
ْ ‫ِنْ َأ‬tَ)
‫ُ!ر‬2َ‫* آ‬
َ ‫َـ‬$Xِn‫ن ا‬  tَِ) ْ?(ِ +ِ,+ْ ‫ َأ‬6

42:47. Patuhilah seruan Tuhanmu sebelum datang dari Allah suatu hari yang tidak dapat
ditolak kedatangannya. Kamu tidak memperoleh tempat berlindung pada hari itu dan tidak
(pula) dapat mengingkari (dosa-dosamu).

42:48. Jika mereka berpaling maka Kami tidak mengutus kamu sebagai pengawas bagi
mereka. Kewajibanmu tidak lain hanyalah menyampaikan (risalah). Sesungguhnya apabila
Kami merasakan kepada manusia sesuatu rahmat dari Kami dia bergembira ria karena
rahmat itu. Dan jika mereka ditimpa kesusahan disebabkan perbuatan tangan mereka
sendiri (niscaya mereka ingkar) karena sesungguhnya manusia itu amat ingkar (kepada

(47. Answer the Call of your Lord before there comes from Allah a Day which cannot be
averted. You will have no refuge on that Day nor there will be for you any denying.)

(48. But if they turn away, We have not sent you as a Hafiz over them. Your duty is to convey.
And verily, when We cause man to taste of mercy from Us, he rejoices there at; but when some
evil befalls them because of the deeds which their hands have sent forth, then verily, man
(becomes) ingrate!)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ٍ ِaXَ ْ*
ِ ْ?aُ %َ َ
‫ٍ َو‬Tِ
َ ْ!َ+ tٍَ-ْ
َ ْ*
ِ ْ?aُ %َ َ
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ِ Fُ %َ ‫َ َ
َ د‬% ‫َ!ْ ٌم‬+ <
َ ِ9;ْ +َ ْ‫ َأن‬Aِ Cْ َO ْ*
ِ ْ?aُ h َ %ِ ‫ُ!ا‬C ِJَ 4
ْ ‫ا‬

?a % ‫!ا‬C J4‫ل " ا‬E) F% ‫اد‬,3J4

‫ وأ‬F0
‫ر‬Y /-R(%‫م ا‬3%‫
!ر ا‬K‫ه!ال وا‬K‫
* ا‬/
 E%‫!م ا‬+ <) ‫!ن‬a+ 
1%39 ‫ ذآ‬#%

" AG‫ و‬m F%!O‫ و‬. {X
‫ دا){ و‬F% H %‫!ن و‬a+ [C%‫ ا‬Q#-‫ آ‬FXt) FX!a
‫ " أي إذا أ‬S‫
* ا‬F% ‫!م 
د‬+ <9;+ ‫ أن‬ACO *

^ [ * ‫!ن‬C sJ) F ) ‫ ون‬a0J9‫ آ? و‬J$+ ‫ن‬a

‫ و‬F ) ‫!ن‬0[LJ9 *[Y ?a% H % ‫ " أي‬aX *
‫ و‬T
!+ ;-
‫ ر‬1%‫ آ_  وزر إ‬2#%‫* ا‬+‫ أ‬T
!+ ‫ن‬$Xn‫!ل ا‬E+ " F %‫ إ إ‬F0
_) F9‫ر‬,O‫ و[ ^ و‬F#-3 ?a } L
!‫ ه‬A 1%39‫رك و‬C9
EJ$#%‫ ا‬T
!+ " .

,Oَ َ#ِ /ٌ َT h 4
َ ْ?ُ(Cْ [ِ 9ُ ْ‫ح ِ(َ َوِإن‬
َ ِ )َ /ً #َ Y
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ِ َ‫َن‬$ْXِtْ%‫َ ا‬0ْO‫ ِإذَا َأ َذ‬X‫َغُ َوِإ‬-Cَ %ْ ‫ ا‬%‫َ ْ َ ِإ‬-
َ ْ‫ِ ً ِإن‬2َY ْ?(ِ ْ -ََ ‫ك‬
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H % " AG‫ و‬m ‫ل‬O‫[  و‬# ?( - &$% ‫  " أي‬2Y ?( - ‫ك‬0-4‫ أر‬#) " * ‫ آ‬U#%‫< ا‬03+ " ‫!ا‬r ‫ن أ‬t) " 1%39 F%!O
‫  إ‬- ‫ " إن‬0(‫ و_ ه‬AG ‫ل‬O‫ب " و‬$L%‫ ا‬0 -‫_غ و‬C%‫  ا‬- #Xt) "1%39 ‫ل‬O‫ء " و‬U+ *
‫ي‬,(+ S‫* ا‬a%‫اه? و‬,‫  ه‬-
‫ ) ح ( " أي إذا‬/#Y‫ ر‬0
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* ا‬,‫ ر‬F#(%‫ وأ‬1%39 S‫ا^ ا‬,‫ء إ
* ه‬$0%‫ ا‬7‫ل أآ‬Y ‫} " وها‬O
g#-% ‫ إ‬,YK %‫ ذ‬H %‫ و‬F% ‫ ا‬. ‫ن‬a) Cf ‫ اء‬r FJf‫ وإن أ‬F% ‫ ا‬. ‫ن‬a) aU) ‫ اء‬4 FJf‫? " إن أ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ " ا‬.

When Allah tells us about the horrors and terrifying events of the Day of Resurrection, He
warns us about it and commands us to prepare for it:

6ِF-%‫* ا‬
ِ Fُ %َ ‫!ْمٌ  َ
َ د‬+َ َ19ِ ;ْ َ+ ‫ أَن‬Aِ Cْ َO *h
ْ?aُ h َ ِ% ْ‫ُ!ا‬C ِJَ 4
ْ ‫ا‬

(Answer the Call of your Lord before there comes from Allah a Day which cannot be averted.)
means, once He issues the command, it will come to pass within the blinking of an eye, and no
one will be able to avert it or prevent it.

6ٍ ِaX *h
ْ?aُ َ% َ
‫ ٍ َو‬Tِ
َ ْ!+َ ;ٍَ-ْ
ْ?aُ %َ َ

(You will have no refuge on that Day nor there will be for you any denying.) means, you will
have no stronghold in which to take refuge, no place in which to hide from Allah, for He will
encompass you with His knowledge and power, and you will have no refuge from Him except
with Him.

6  Eَ Jَ $
ْ #ُ ْ%‫ٍ ا‬Tِ
َ ْ!+َ 
َ h ‫ َر‬1َ%‫ ِإ‬- ‫_ َ َوزَ َر‬
 َ‫ آ‬-  2َ #َ %ْ ‫*َ ا‬+ْ ‫ِ ٍ َأ‬T
َ !ْ َ+ *
ُ ‫َـ‬$Xِn‫ُ! ُل ا‬E+َ 

(On that Day man will say: "Where (is the refuge) to flee'' No! There is no refuge! Unto your
Lord will be the place of rest that Day.) (75:10-12)

6ْ‫ُ!ا‬r َ ْ‫نْ َأ‬tَِ)

(But if they turn away,) refers to the idolators,

6ً ِ2Y
َ ْ?(ِ ْ -َ
َ ‫َـ‬0-ْ 4
َ ْ‫َ َأر‬#)َ 

(We have not sent you as a Hafiz over them. ) means, `you have no power over them.' And
Allah says elsewhere:

6ُ‫َء‬Uَ+ *َ
‫ِى‬,(ْ +َ Fَ -%‫* ا‬
 aِ ‫َـ‬%‫َا ُه?ْ َو‬,‫ ُه‬
َ ْ -ََ H
َ ْ %

(Not upon you is their guidance, but Allah guides whom He wills) (2:272).

6ُ‫َب‬$ِL%ْ ‫َ ا‬0 ْ َ-

َ ‫َـ ُŠ َو‬-Cَ %ْ ‫ ا‬
َ ْ َ-
َ َ#X tِ)َ 

(your duty is only to convey (the Message) and on Us is the reckoning) (13:40). And Allah says

6ُŠ‫َـ‬-Cَ ْ%‫ ِإ  ا‬
َ ْ -ََ ْ‫ِإن‬

(Your duty is to convey.) meaning, `all that We require you to do is to convey the Message of
Allah to them.'

6َ(ِ ‫ح‬
َ ِ )َ /ً #َ Y
ْ ‫ َر‬0
ِ *
َ ‫َـ‬$Xِn‫َ ا‬0ْO‫ أَ َذ‬qَ‫ ِإذ‬X‫ َوِإ‬

(And verily, when We cause man to taste of mercy from Us, he rejoices there at;) means, when
a time of ease and comfort comes to him, he is happy about it.

6ْ?(ُ Cْ [
ِ 9ُ ‫ َوإِن‬

(but when befalls them) means mankind.

6ٌ/Tَ h 4

(some evil) means, drought, punishment, tribulation or difficulty,

6ٌ‫ُ!ر‬2‫* َآ‬
َ ‫َـ‬$Xِn‫ن ا‬

(then verily, man (becomes) ingrate!) means, he forgets the previous times of ease and
blessings and acknowledges nothing but the present moment. If times of ease come to him, he
becomes arrogant and transgresses, but if any difficulty befalls him, he loses hope and is filled
with despair. This is like what the Messenger of Allah said to the women:

«‫ر‬0%‫ ا‬Aِ ‫َ َ َأ ْه‬7‫* َأ ْآ‬

 ُaJُ +ْ ‫< َرَأ‬hXِt)َ ،َ*Oْ , [
َ 9َ ،ِ‫َء‬$0h %‫َ َ ا‬U3ْ
َ َ+»

)(O women, give in charity, for I have seen that you form the majority of the people of Hell.) A
woman asked, "Why is that, O Messenger of Allah'' He said:

«}َO ‫ ْ ًا‬.
َ َ0ْ
ِ &
ُ +ْ ‫
َ َرَأ‬:&
ْ َ%َO ،ً
ْ!+َ &
َ ‫َ َ ْآ‬9 ? ُW َ ْ‫ه‬, %‫* ا‬
 ‫َا ُه‬,ْY‫ ِإ‬1%ِ‫& إ‬
َ 0ْ $
َ Y
ْ ‫!ْ َأ‬%َ ،َ ِU3َ %ْ ‫ن ا‬
َ ْ 2ُ ْa9َ َ‫ و‬/َ +َ َaU
h %‫ن ا‬
َ ْ ِ7aْ 9ُ *
 aُ X ;َِ%»

(Because you complain too much, and you are ungrateful to (your) husbands. If one of you
were to be treated kindly for an entire lifetime, then that kindness was lacking for one day, she
would say, `I have never seen anything good from you!') This is the case with most women,
except for those whom Allah guides and who are among the people who believe and do
righteous deeds. As the Prophet said, the believer is the one who:

ْg#ُ -ْ %ِ %‫ ِإ‬,ٍ َY;َ%ِ َ%ِ‫ َذ‬H
َ ْ َ%‫ َو‬،ُF%َ ‫ ْ ًا‬.
َ َ‫َن‬aَ) ،َ َCf
َ ‫َ ا ُء‬r Fُ Jْ ََf‫ َوِإنْ َأ‬،ُFَ% ‫ ْ ًا‬.
َ َ‫َن‬a)َ ،َ aَ 
َ ‫َ ا ُء‬4 Fُ Jْ ََf‫»ِإنْ َأ‬

(... if something good happens to him, he is thankful, and that is good for him. If something
bad happens to him, he bears it with patience, and that is good for him. This does not happen
to anyone except the believer.)

25. QS Fushilat 41 : 30-35

َ ‫ُو‬,
َ !ُ9 ْ?ُJ0ُ‫ آ‬1ِJ%‫ ا‬/ِ 0 َ%ْ ِ ‫ِ ُو ْا‬Uْ ‫ُ!اْ َوَأ‬Xmَ ْL9َ َ ‫َ)ُ!اْ َو‬o9َ  َ‫ أ‬/ُ َaTِ ‫َـ‬-#َ ْ%‫ ْ ِ( ُ? ا‬-َ
َ ‫ ُل‬m0َ َJ9َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬#‫َـ‬EَJ4
ْ ‫ ? ا‬Wُ Fُ -%‫َ ا‬0 َ‫ُ!اْ ر‬%َO *
َ +ِ%‫ن ا‬

َ‫ُ!ن‬, 9َ َ
َ( ِ) ْ?aُ %َ‫?ْ َو‬aُ $
ُ ُ2Xَ‫ أ‬1ِ(Jَ U
ْ 9َ َ
َ( ِ) ْ?aُ %َ‫ِ َ ِة َو‬. ‫ ا‬1ِ)‫ َ َو‬Xْ , %‫َ َ!ةِ ا‬L%ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ?‫ِ َ ُؤ ُآ‬%ْ‫*ُ َأو‬L
ْ َX -

- ? ِY‫ُ! ٍر ر‬2
َ ْ*
h ً mُ Xُ 6

* ِ#-ِ$
ْ #ُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ 1ِ0X‫َ َل ِإ‬O‫ً َو‬Lِ-‫َـ‬f َA#ِ َ‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫ ا‬1َ%‫* َدَ ِإ‬#
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َYْ َ‫َو َ
*ْ أ‬

- ? ِ#Y
َ 1%ِ‫ َو‬Fُ X;ََ‫َا َوةٌ آ‬,
َ Fُ 0َ ْ َ ‫ َو‬
َ 0َ ْ َ ‫ِى‬%‫ذَا ا‬tِ)َ ُ*$
َ ْY‫ َأ‬1
َ ‫ ِه‬1ِJ%ِ ْ{َ)ْ‫ اد‬/ُ Tَ h $
 %‫ُ َو َ ا‬/0َ $
َ L
َ %ْ ‫!ِى ا‬Jَ $
ْ 9َ َ َ‫و‬

- ? ِ
َ h‡Y
َ ‫هَ ِإ  ذُو‬E-َُ+ َ
‫ ُواْ َو‬Cَ f
َ *
َ +ِ%‫هَ ِإ  ا‬Eَ-+ُ َ

- ? ِ-َ3%ْ ‫ِ ُ{ ا‬#$
 %‫ ُه َ! ا‬Fُ X ‫ ِإ‬Fِ -%ِ ْ3ِ Jَ 4
ْ َ) ٌ‫ْغ‬mَX *
ِ ‫ ْ َـ‬U
 %‫* ا‬
َ 0
َ mَ 0َ+ 
ِ‫ َوإ‬6

41:30. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang mengatakan: Tuhan kami ialah Allah" kemudian
mereka meneguhkan pendirian mereka, maka malaikat akan turun kepada mereka (dengan
mengatakan): "Janganlah kamu merasa takut dan janganlah kamu merasa sedih; dan
bergembiralah kamu dengan (memperoleh) surga yang telah dijanjikan Allah kepadamu".
41:31. Kami lah Pelindung-pelindungmu dalam kehidupan dunia dan di akhirat; di dalamnya
kamu memperoleh apa yang kamu inginkan dan memperoleh (pula) di dalamnya apa yang
kamu minta.
41:32. Sebagai hidangan (bagimu) dari Tuhan Yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.
41:33. Siapakah yang lebih baik perkataannya daripada orang yang menyeru kepada Allah,
mengerjakan amal yang saleh dan berkata: "Sesungguhnya aku termasuk orang-orang yang
berserah diri?"
41:34. Dan tidaklah sama kebaikan dan kejahatan. Tolaklah (kejahatan itu) dengan cara
yang lebih baik, maka tiba-tiba orang yang antaramu dan antara dia ada permusuhan seolah-
olah telah menjadi teman yang sangat setia.
41:35. Sifat-sifat yang baik itu tidak dianugerahkan melainkan kepada orang-orang yang
sabar dan tidak dianugerahkan melainkan kepada orang-orang yang mempunyai
keberuntungan yang besar

(30. Verily, those who say: "Our Lord is Allah,'' and then they stand firm, on them the angels
will descend (saying): "Fear not, nor grieve! But receive the glad tidings of Paradise which
you have been promised!'')

(31. "We have been your friends in the life of this world and are (so) in the Hereafter. Therein
you shall have (all) that your souls desire, and therein you shall have (all) for which you ask.'')

(32. "An entertainment from the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.'')

(33. And who is better in speech than he who invites to Allah, and does righteous deeds, and
says: "I am one of the Muslims.'')

(34. The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal. Repel (the evil) with one which is better,

then verily he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a
close friend.)

(35. But none is granted it except those who are patient -- and none is granted it except the
owner of the great portion in this world.) (36. And if an evil whisper from Shaytan tries to
turn you away, then seek refuge in Allah. Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ ‫ُو‬,
َ !ُ9 ْ?Jُ 0ْ ‫ِ< ُآ‬J%‫ ا‬/ِ 0 
َ ْ%ِ ‫ ُوا‬U
ِ ْ ‫ُ!ا َوَأ‬Xmَ ْL9َ َ%َ‫َ)ُ!ا و‬o9َ %‫ َأ‬/ُ aَ ِRَ-#َ %ْ ‫َ ْ ِ( ُ? ا‬-
َ ‫ ُل‬m َ0Jَ 9َ ‫َ
ُ!ا‬EJَ 4
ْ ‫ُ ? ا‬W Fُ -%‫َ ا‬0 ‫ُ!ا َر‬%َO َ*+ِ%‫ن ا‬

‫ل‬O ?(% S‫
  ع ا‬1- 1%39 S‫ ا‬/ ‫!ا‬-#‫ و‬S A#3%‫[!ا ا‬-.‫
!ا " أي أ‬EJ4‫? ا‬W S‫ ا‬0‫!ا ر‬%O *+%‫ " إن ا‬1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
* HX‫& * أ‬W 0W,Y ‫زم‬Y <‫ * أ‬A (4 0W ‫ ي‬3U%‫ ا‬/C JO !‫ أ‬/C JO * ?-4 0W,Y ‫ اح‬%‫ ا‬0W,Y <-f!#%‫ ا‬1-3+ !‫)‡ أ‬L%‫ا‬
(%O ,O " ‫
!ا‬EJ4‫? ا‬W S‫ ا‬0‫!ا ر‬%O *+%‫ " إن ا‬/+y‫? ه^ ا‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬0 - ‫ أ‬O : ‫ل‬O F0 S‫< ا‬r‫ ر‬%

* ‫ و‬# * + G *‫ار وا‬mC%‫ ^ وا‬$29 <) <R$0%‫ ( وآا روا^ ا‬- ‫م‬EJ4‫ ا‬,E) ‫!ت‬#+ 1JY (%O *#) ?‫ ه‬7‫ أآ‬2‫? آ‬W ‫س‬X
,C 0W,Y ‫ر‬U *‫ ا‬0W,Y + G *‫ل ا‬O ?W F ‫_س‬2%‫ * ا‬F ‫? * أ‬9Y <‫ وآا روا^ ا* أ‬. F /C JO * ?-4 * ‫_س‬2%‫< ا‬-
F0 S‫< ا‬r‫\ ر‬+,[%‫ ا‬a <‫ أ‬,0 ‫ أت‬O : ‫ل‬O ‫ ان‬# * , 34 * , 34 *
 * ‫ق‬L4‫ ن * أ< إ‬24 0W,Y *#Y %‫ا‬
: ‫ل‬O ‫!د * ه_ل‬4K‫ ا‬w+,Y *
‫? روي‬W T  S ‫ آ!ا‬U+ ?% *+%‫ل ه? ا‬O " ‫
!ا‬EJ4‫? ا‬W S‫ ا‬0‫!ا ر‬%O *+%‫ " إن ا‬/+y‫ه^ ا‬
?W S‫ ا‬0‫!ا " ر‬%E) ‫ل‬O " ‫
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F0 S‫< ا‬r‫\ ر‬+,[%‫ ا‬a !‫ل أ‬O
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!ا‬EJ4‫? ا‬W S‫ ا‬0‫!ا ر‬%O A#L#%‫ ا‬1- ^!#J-#Y ,E% ‫ل‬E) VX‫
* ذ‬EJ4‫ا‬
‫? * أن‬aL%‫ي * ا‬,E3%‫ ا‬# * 2Y X C.‫< أ‬X‫( ا‬%‫ ا‬S‫ ا‬,C !‫ أ‬0W,Y ?9Y <‫ل ا* أ‬O‫ و‬,Y‫ي و وا‬,$%‫ وا‬/
‫!ا‬%O *+%‫ " إن ا‬1%39 F%!O ‫ل‬O ‫ ؟‬.‫ أر‬1%39‫رك و‬C9 S‫ب ا‬J‫ )< آ‬/+q ‫ أي‬#(0 S‫< ا‬r‫س ر‬C *‫ ا‬AT4 ‫ل‬O /
a *
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!ا‬EJ4‫? ا‬W S‫ ا‬0‫ر‬
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?W " / %3%‫ل أ! ا‬O‫ و‬/
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F ‫< * أ‬2E7%‫ ن ا‬24 * S‫ ا‬,C * ‫ * ء‬1-3+ 0W,Y ? U‫ ه‬0W,Y ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬. A#3%‫* وا‬+,%‫ ا‬F% ‫[!ا‬-.‫
!ا " أ‬EJ4‫ا‬
" ?EJ4‫? ا‬W S &0
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s%‫ ا‬m
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 أآ‬S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ &-O " ?EJ4‫? ا‬W S‫ ر< ا‬AO " ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f ‫ل‬O F ?[J‫< ;
أ‬0W,Y S‫!ل ا‬4‫ر‬
F ‫ه ي‬m%‫ ا‬w+,Y *
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S‫ ا‬,C * ‫ ن‬24 * F ‫م *  وة * أ‬U‫ ه‬w+,Y *
<R$0%‫ وا‬FL Lf <) ?-$
FG .‫ أ‬,O‫ و‬. Q Lf *$Y ‫
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‫ذا‬t) " AG‫ و‬m F%!O‫ و‬. F ) S‫ { ا‬9 ‫ أن‬A7#  ) S‫ ا‬1[ *
: F0 S‫< ا‬r‫ ر‬# ‫ل‬O #‫ آ‬F %‫ن إ‬$Yn 0
1%‫ إ‬F %‫ إ‬/0$L%‫ ا‬-9 F9‫د‬O  %‫ء إ‬4‫
* أ‬1%‫& إ‬0$Y‫\ أي إذا أ‬+,[%‫ ? " وه! ا‬#Y <%‫ و‬FX;‫اوة آ‬, F0 ‫ و‬0  ‫ي‬%‫ا‬
 %‫ن إ‬$Yn‫  وا‬- /E2U%‫ 
* ا‬%‫ إ‬V+ O ‫ ? أي‬#Y % <%‫ و‬FX;‫[ آ‬+ 1JY  - !0L%‫ وا‬JCL
‫ و‬.

?ٍ َِ ‡
َ ‫ ذُو‬%‫هَ ِإ‬Eَ-+ُ َ
‫ ُوا َو‬Cَ َf *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬%‫هَ ِإ‬E-َُ+ َ

1- \U+ FXt) %‫ ذ‬1- Cf *

‫ ( إ‬A#3+‫ و‬/ f!%‫ ه^ ا‬ACE+ 
‫ وا " أي و‬Cf *+%‫ه إ ا‬E-+ 
‫ " و‬AG‫ و‬m ‫ل‬O
‫س‬C *‫ * ا‬/L-d <‫< * أ‬- ‫ل‬O ‫ ة‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫دة )< ا‬3$%‫ وا)
* ا‬V [X ‫‡  ? " أي ذو‬Y ‫ه إ ذو‬E-+ 
‫!س" و‬20%‫ا‬
S‫(? ا‬#[ %‫!ا ذ‬-3) ‫ذا‬t) ‫ءة‬4n‫ ا‬,0 !23%‫ وا‬A(%‫ ا‬,0 ?-L%‫ وا‬VNs%‫ ا‬,0 C[% * 0
g#%‫ ا‬S‫ أ
ا‬: /+y‫ ه^ ا‬$29 <)
? #Y <%‫ و‬FX;‫وه? آ‬, ?(% {N.‫ ن و‬U%‫
* ا‬.

‫ُ!ا‬#‫َـ‬EJَ 4
ْ ‫? ا‬Wُ Fُ -%‫َ ا‬0‫ُ!اْ َر‬%َO *
َ +ِ%‫ن ا‬

(Verily, those who say: "Our Lord is Allah,'' and then they stand firm,) means, they do good
deeds sincerely for the sake of Allah, and they obey Allah, doing what Allah has prescribed for
them. Ibn Jarir recorded that Sa`id bin `Imran said, "I read this Ayah to Abu Bakr As-Siddiq,
may Allah be pleased with him:

6ْ‫ُ!ا‬#‫َـ‬EJَ 4
ْ ‫? ا‬Wُ Fُ -%‫َ ا‬0 ‫ُ!اْ َر‬%َO َ*+ِ%‫ن ا‬

(Verily, those who say: "Our Lord is Allah,'' and then they stand firm,) He said, `Those are
the ones who do not associate anything with Allah.''' Then he reported a narration of Al-
Aswad bin Hilal, who said, "Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, said, `What
do you say about this Ayah:

‫ُ!ا‬#‫َـ‬EJَ 4
ْ ‫? ا‬Wُ Fُ -%‫َ ا‬0‫ُ!اْ َر‬%َO *
َ +ِ%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ِإ‬6 (Verily, those who say: "Our Lord is Allah,'' and then they stand
firm,)' They said:

6ْ‫ُ!ا‬#‫َـ‬EJَ 4
ْ ‫ ? ا‬Wُ Fُ -%‫َ ا‬0 ‫ َر‬

("Our Lord is Allah,'' and then they stand firm,) `They shun sin.' He said, `You have not
interpreted it improperly.' They say: `Our Lord is Allah, then they stand firm and do not turn
to any other god besides Him. ''' This was also the view of Mujahid, `Ikrimah, As-Suddi and
others. Ahmad recorded that Sufyan bin `Abdullah Ath-Thaqafi said, "I said, `O Messenger
of Allah, tell me something that I can adhere to.' He said:

«?ِEJَ 4
ْ ‫ ? ا‬Wُ ،ُS‫< ا‬
َ h ‫ َر‬:ْAOُ »

(Say, my Lord is Allah, then stand firm.) I said, `O Messenger of Allah, what do you fear most
for me' The Messenger of Allah took hold of the edge of his tongue and said,


(This is.)'' This was also recorded by At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah; At-Tirmidhi said, "Hasan
Sahih.'' Muslim also recorded it in his Sahih, and An-Nasa'i recorded that Sufyan bin
`Abdullah Ath-Thaqafi said, "I said, `O Messenger of Allah, tell me something about Islam
that I will not have to ask anyone about it after you.' He said:

ْ ‫ ? ا‬Wُ ِSِ &
ُ 0ْ
َ q :ْAُO»

(Say: I believe in Allah, then stand firm.)'' -- then he mentioned the rest of the Hadith.

/َaTِ ‫َـ‬-#َ %ْ ‫ ْ ِ( ُ? ا‬-َ

َ ‫ ُل‬m0َ Jَ 9َ 6 (on them the angels will descend). Mujahid, As-Suddi, Zayd bin Aslam and
his Zayd's6 son said, "This means, at the time of death, and they will say,

‫َ)ُ!ا‬o9َ  ‫َأ‬6 (Fear not). '' Mujahid, `Ikrimah and Zayd bin Aslam said, "This means not to fear
"that which you will face in the Hereafter.''

‫ُ!ا‬Xmَ ْL9َ َ ‫ َو‬6 (nor grieve!) `for what you have left behind of worldly things, children, family,
wealth and debt, for we will take care of it for you.'

َ !ُ9 ْ?Jُ 0ُ‫ آ‬1ِJ%‫ ا‬/ِ 0
َ %ْ ِ ْ‫ ُوا‬U
ِ ْ ‫ َوَأ‬6 (But receive the glad tidings of Paradise which you have been
promised!) So they give glad tidings of the end of bad things and the arrival of good things.
This is like what is said in the Hadith narrated by Al-Bara', may Allah be pleased with him:

‫ن َورَب‬
ٍ َL+ْ َ‫ح َور‬ٍ ‫ رَ ْو‬1%ِ‫ِ< إ‬G ُ .
ْ ‫ ا‬،ُF0َ +ِ #ُ 3ْ َ9 &
ِ 0ْ ‫ ُآ‬V
ِ h 
 %‫ِ ا‬,$
َ َ%ْ ‫ )ِ< ا‬/ُ Cَ ‫ـ‬h 
 %‫ح ا‬
ُ ‫ و‬%‫(َ ا‬Jُ + ‫ِ< َأ‬G ُ .
ْ ‫ ا‬:*
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫ح ا‬
ِ ‫ِ ُو‬% ‫ُ! ُل‬E9َ /َ aَ Rِ َ-#َ %ْ ‫ن ا‬
«‫َن‬CNْ َ ِ ْ َ

(The angels say to the soul of the believer, "Come out, O good soul from the good body in
which you used to dwell, come out to rest, and provision and a Lord Who is not angry.'') It
was said that the angels will come down to them on the Day when they are brought out of
their graves. Zayd bin Aslam said, "They will give him glad tidings when he dies, in his grave,
and when he is resurrected.'' This was recorded by Ibn Abi Hatim, and this view reconciles all
the opinions; it is a good view and it is true.

6ِ‫ َة‬.
ِ  ‫ ا‬1ِ)‫ َ َو‬Xْ , %‫ َ!ةِ ا‬L
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ?‫ َ ُؤ ُآ‬%ِْ‫*ُ َأو‬L
ْ Xَ 

(We have been your friends in the life of this world and are (so) in the Hereafter. ) means, the
angels will say to the believers when death approaches: "We have been your friends, i.e., your
close companions, in this world, protecting you and helping you by the command of Allah, and
we will be with you in the Hereafter, keeping you from feeling lonely in your graves and when
the Trumpet is blown; we will reassure you on the Day of Resurrection and will take you
across the Sirat and bring you to the Gardens of delight.''

ُ ُ2Xَ‫ أ‬1ِ(Jَ U
ْ 9َ َ
َ( ِ) ْ?aُ %َ‫ َو‬6 (Therein you shall have (all) that your souls desire,) means, `in Paradise
you will have all that you wish for and that will delight you.'

‫ُ!ن‬, 9َ َ
َ( ِ) ْ?aُ %َ‫ َو‬6 (and therein you shall have (all) for which you ask.) means, `whatever you

ask for, it will appear before you as you wish it to be.'

? ِY‫ُ! ٍر ر‬2
َ ْ*
h ً mُ ُX 6 (An entertainment from the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.) means, `a
welcoming gift and a blessing from the One Who has forgiven your sins and Who is Merciful
and Kind towards you, Who has forgiven you, concealed your faults and been Kind and

F-%‫ ا‬1َ%‫* َدَ ِإ‬#

h ً ْ!َO *
َ ْY‫ َو َ
*ْ َأ‬6 (And who is better in speech than he who invites to Allah,) means,
he calls the servants of Allah to Him.

6َ* ِ#-ِ$
ْ #ُ %ْ ‫ ِ
*َ ا‬1ِ0X‫َلَ ِإ‬O‫ً َو‬Lِ-‫َـ‬f Aَ #ِ 
َ ‫ َو‬

(and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims.'') means, he himself follows
that which he says, so it benefits him as well as others. He is not one of those who enjoin good
but do not do it themselves, or who forbid evil yet they do it themselves. He does good and
avoids doing evil, and he calls people to their Creator, may He be blessed and exalted. This is
general in meaning and applies to everyone who calls people to what is good and is himself
guided by what he says. The Messenger of Allah is the foremost among people in this regard,
as Muhammad bin Sirin, As-Suddi and `Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam said. It was also
said that what was meant here is the righteous Mu'adhdhin, as it was mentioned in Sahih

َ Eِ %ْ ‫َ!ْ َم ا‬+ ًOَ0
ْ ‫س َأ‬
ِ 0%‫ َ! ُل ا‬d
ْ َ‫ُ!نَ أ‬X‫ذ‬h َg#ُ %ْ ‫( »ا‬The Mu'adhdhins will be the ones with the longest necks on
the Day of Resurrection.)'' In As-Sunan it is reported that the Prophet said:

«* ِXh‫ذ‬gَ #ُ -ْ %ِ َ 2َ
َ ‫ َو‬/َ # Rِ َ;%ْ ‫ ا‬S
ُ ‫َ ا‬,
َ ْ‫ َ)َ;ر‬،ٌ*#َ 9َ ْg
ُ ‫ن‬
ُ ‫ذ‬h gَ #ُ %ْ ‫ وَا‬،ٌ*
ِ َr ُ‫

(The Imam is a guarantor and the Mu'adhdhin is in a position of trust. May Allah guide the
Imams and forgive the Mu'adhdhin.)'' The correct view is that the Ayah is general in
meaning, and includes the Mu'adhdhin and others. When this Ayah was revealed, the Adhan
had not been prescribed at all. The Ayah was revealed in Makkah, and the Adhan was
prescribed in Al-Madinah after the Hijrah, when it was shown to `Abdullah bin `Abd Rabbihi
Al-Ansari in a dream. He told the Messenger of Allah about it, and he told him to teach it to
Bilal, may Allah be pleased with him, who had a more beautiful voice, as we have discussed
elsewhere. So the correct view is that the Ayah is general in meaning, as `Abdur-Razzaq said,
narrating from Ma`mar, from Al-Hasan Al-Basri, who recited this Ayah:

6 َ* ِ#ِ-$
ْ ُ#%ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ 1ِ0X‫َ َل ِإ‬O‫ً َو‬Lِ-‫َـ‬f Aَ #ِ 
َ ‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫ ا‬1َ%‫* َدَ ِإ‬#
h ً ْ!Oَ *
ُ َ$ْY‫ َو َ
*ْ َأ‬

(And who is better in speech than he who invites to Allah, and does righteous deeds, and says:
"I am one of the Muslims.'') and said, "This is the beloved of Allah, this is the close friend of
Allah, this is the chosen one of Allah, this is the most beloved of the all the people of earth to
Allah. He responded to the call of Allah and called mankind to that to which he had
responded. He did righteous deeds in response and said, `I am one of the Muslims.' This is
Allah's Khalifah.''

/َTh $
 %‫ َو َ ا‬/ُ 0َ $
َ L
َ %ْ ‫َ!ِى ا‬J$
ْ 9َ َ ‫ َو‬6 (The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal.) means, there is a
huge difference between them.

ْ ‫َ َأ‬1‫ ِه‬1ِJ%ِ ْ{َ)ْ‫اد‬6 (Repel (the evil) with one which is better,) means, `when someone does you

wrong, repel him by treating him well,' as `Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "There
is no better punishment for one who has disobeyed Allah with regard to you, than your
obeying Allah with regard to him.''

? ِ#Y
َ 1
 ِ%‫ َو‬Fُ X ;ََ‫َا َوةٌ آ‬,
َ Fُ 0َ ْ َ ‫َ َو‬0َ ْ َ ‫ِى‬%‫ذَا ا‬tَِ)6 (then verily he, between whom and you there was enmity,
(will become) as though he was a close friend.) means, `if you treat well those who treat you
badly, this good deed will lead to reconciliation, love and empathy, and it will be as if he is a
close friend to you and he will feel pity for you and be kind to you.' Then Allah says:

‫ ُوا‬Cَ f
َ َ*+ِ%‫هَ ِإ  ا‬E-َ+ُ َ
‫ َو‬6 (But none is granted it except those who are patient) meaning, no one
accepts this advice and works according to it, except for those who can be patient in doing so,
for it is difficult for people to do.

6ٍ? ِ
َ ‡
h َY ‫هَ ِإ  ذُو‬E-َُ+ َ
‫ َو‬

(and none is granted it except the owner of the great portion) means, the one who has a great
portion of happiness in this world and in the Hereafter. `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn
`Abbas explained this Ayah: "Allah commands the believers to be patient when they feel
angry, to be forbearing when confronted with ignorance, and to forgive when they are
mistreated. If they do this, Allah will save them from the Shaytan and subdue their enemies to
them until they become like close friends.''

6ِF-%ِ ْ3ِ Jَ 4
ْ َ) ٌ‫ْغ‬mXَ ِ*‫ ْ َـ‬U
 %‫* ا‬
ِ َ0
َ mَ 0َ +َ 
‫ َوِإ‬

(And if an evil whisper from Shaytan tries to turn you away, then seek refuge in Allah.)
means, the devils among men may be deceived by your kind treatment of him, but the devils
among the Jinn, when they insinuate their evil whispers, cannot be dealt with except by
seeking refuge with the Creator Who gave him power over you. If you seek refuge with Allah
and turn to Him, He will stop him from harming you and bring his efforts to naught. When
the Messenger of Allah stood up to pray, he would say:

«Fِ7ْ2Xَ َ‫ و‬Fِ o
ِ 2ْ Xَ َ‫ ِ^ و‬mِ #ْ ‫ ِ
*ْ َه‬،ِ? ِG  %‫ ْ َنِ ا‬U
 %‫* ا‬
ِ ?ِ ِ-3َ %ْ ‫ِ ِ{ ا‬#$
 %‫ ا‬S
ِ ِ ُ‫( »َأُ!ذ‬I seek refuge in Allah the All-Hearing,
All-Knowing, from the accursed Shaytan and his evil insinuations, breath and impurity.)'' We
have already stated that there is nothing like this in the Qur'an, apart from the passage in
Surat Al-A`raf, where Allah says:

? ِ-َ ٌ{ ِ#4
َ Fُ X ‫ ِإ‬Fِ -%ِ ْ3ِ Jَ 4
ْ َ) ٌ‫ْغ‬mَX *
ِ ‫ ْ َـ‬U
 %‫* ا‬
َ 0
َ mَ 0َ +َ 
‫ َوِإ‬- َ* ِ-(ِ ‫َـ‬%ْ ‫* ا‬
َ ‫ُ ْ فِ َوَأْ ِض‬3%ْ ِ ْ
ُ ‫ْ َ! َو ْأ‬23َ %ْ ‫ُ ِ ا‬. 6 (Show
forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the foolish. And if an evil whisper comes
to you from Shaytan, then seek refuge with Allah. Verily, He is All-Hearer, All-Knower.)
(7:199-200) and the passage in Surat Al-Mu'minun where Allah says:

‫ ُون‬N
ُ L
ْ +َ ‫ب أَن‬
h ‫ َر‬
َ ِ ُ‫ َوَأُ!ذ‬- ِ* ِ‫ ـ‬U%‫ت ا‬
ِ ‫َا‬mَ#‫ ِ
*ْ َه‬
َ ِ ‫ب َأُ! ُذ‬
h ‫ْ ر‬AُO‫ َو‬- َ‫ُ!ن‬2[
ِ +َ َ#ِ ُ?-َْ‫* َأ‬
ْ Xَ /َ Tَ h $
 %‫* ا‬
َ Y
ْ ‫ َأ‬1
َ ‫ ِه‬1ِJ%ِ ْ{َ)ْ‫ اد‬6
(Repel evil with that which is better. We are Best-Acquainted with the things they utter. And
say: "My Lord! I seek refuge with You from the whisperings of the Shayatin. And I seek
refuge with You, My Lord! lest they should come near me.'') (23:96-98)

26. QS Az Zumar 39 : 61

- ‫ُ!ن‬Xmَ ْL+َ ْ?‫! ُء َو َ ُه‬$%‫ ُ( ُ? ا‬$

 #َ +َ َ ْ?(ِ 9ِ َ‫َز‬2#َ ِ ْ‫َ!ْا‬E9 ‫* ا‬
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ ا‬1hَ0+ُ َ‫ و‬6

39:61. Dan Allah menyelamatkan orang-orang yang bertakwa karena kemenangan mereka,
mereka tiada disentuh oleh azab (neraka dan tidak pula) mereka berduka cita.

(61. And Allah will deliver those who have Taqwa to their places of success. Evil shall touch
them not, nor shall they grieve.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29
َ !ُXmَ ْL+َ ْ?‫َ ُه‬%‫! ُء َو‬$%‫ ُ( ُ? ا‬$
 #َ +َ َ% ْ?(ِ 9ِ ‫َ َز‬2#َ ِ ‫َ!ْا‬E9 ‫*َ ا‬+ِ%‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫< ا‬hَ0+ُ ‫َو‬

‫!ء " أي‬$%‫(? ا‬$#+  " S‫ ا‬,0 ‫!ز‬2%‫دة وا‬3$%‫(?

* ا‬% \C4 # ‫(? " أي‬9‫ز‬2# ‫!ا‬E9‫* ا‬+%‫ ا‬S‫< ا‬0+‫ " و‬1%39‫رك و‬C9 F%!O‫و‬
. A‫!ن آ‬-RX  A‫!ن * آ‬YmYm
‫ع‬m) A‫!ن
* آ‬0
q ?‫ ه‬A C‫آ‬K‫ع ا‬m2%‫(? ا‬XmL+ ‫!ن " أي و‬XmL+ ?‫ " و ه‬/
 E%‫!م ا‬+ .

6ْ?(ِ ِ9‫َ َز‬2#َ ِ ْ‫َ!ْا‬E9 ‫*َ ا‬+ِ%‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ ا‬1h0َ +ُ ‫ َو‬

(And Allah will deliver those who are those who have Taqwa to their places of success.) means,
because of what Allah has decreed for them of happiness and victory.

6ُ‫!ء‬$%‫ ُ( ُ? ا‬$
 #َ +َ َ 

(Evil shall touch them not, ) means, on the Day of Resurrection.

6َ‫ُ!ن‬Xmَ ْL+َ ْ?‫ َو َ ُه‬

(nor shall they grieve.) means, the greater terror (of that Day) will not cause them grief, for
they will be safe from all grief and removed from all evil, and they will attain all that is good.

27. QS A Z - Z U M A R 39:73-75

َ*+ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬. َ‫ُ!ه‬-ُ.ْ‫?ْ )َد‬Jُ ْCِd ْ?‫ُـ‬a ْ -َ

َ ٌ?‫َـ‬-4
َ َ(Jُ Xَ mَ َ. ْ?(ُ َ% ‫َ َل‬O‫َ&ْ َأ ْ!َ ُ(َ َو‬LJِ )ُ ‫َءُوهَ َو‬G ‫ ِإذَا‬1JY
َ ‫ زُ
َ ًا‬/ِ 0 
َ %ّ‫ ا‬1َ%‫!ْاْ َر ُ(?ْ ِإ‬Eَ 9‫*َ ا‬+ِ%‫\ ا‬
َ ِ4‫ َو‬

- * ِ-ِ#‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ْ ُ ا‬G‫?َ َأ‬3ْ 0ِ )َ ‫َ ُء‬UXَ w ُ ْ Yَ /ِ 0 

َ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ‫ !ُأ‬Cَ Jَ Xَ َ‫َ ا رْض‬0َW‫^ُ َوَأوْ َر‬,َ 
ْ ‫َ َو‬0َO,َ f
َ ‫ِى‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -% ُ,#ْ ‫َـ‬L%ْ ‫ُ!اْ ا‬%‫َـ‬O‫ َو‬6
* ِ#-َ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ب ا‬
h ‫ َر‬Fِ -%ِ ُ,#ْ L َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ ِO‫\ َو‬h َL%ْ ِ ْ?(ُ 0َ ْ َ 1
َ ِNOُ ‫ ِ(?ْ َو‬h ‫ِ َر‬,#ْ L
َ ِ َ‫ُ!ن‬LCh $َ +ُ ‫ش‬ِ ْ 3َ %ْ ‫!ْ ِل ا‬Y
َ ْ*
ِ * َ h)َY /َ aَ Tِ ‫َـ‬-#َ %ْ ‫ َى ا‬9َ َ‫ و‬6

39:73. Dan orang-orang yang bertakwa kepada Tuhannya dibawa ke dalam surga
berombong-rombongan (pula). Sehingga apabila mereka sampai ke surga itu sedang pintu-
pintunya telah terbuka dan berkatalah kepada mereka penjaga-penjaganya: "Kesejahteraan
(dilimpahkan) atasmu, berbahagialah kamu! maka masukilah surga ini, sedang kamu kekal
di dalamnya".
39:74. Dan mereka mengucapkan: "Segala puji bagi Allah yang telah memenuhi janji-Nya
kepada kami dan telah (memberi) kepada kami tempat ini sedang kami (diperkenankan)
menempati tempat dalam surga di mana saja yang kami kehendaki." Maka surga itulah
sebaik-baik balasan bagi orang-orang yang beramal.

39:75. Dan kamu (Muhammad) akan melihat malaikat-malaikat berlingkar di sekeliling

Arasy bertasbih sambil memuji Tuhannya; dan diberi putusan di antara hamba-hamba Allah
dengan adil dan diucapkan: "Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam".

(73. And those who had Taqwa will be led to Paradise in groups till when they reach it, and its
gates will be opened and its keepers will say: "Salam `Alaykum (peace be upon you)! You
have done well, so enter here to abide therein forever.'')

(74. And they will say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allah Who has fulfilled His promise
to us and has made us inherit the land. We can dwell in Paradise where we will; how excellent
a reward for the workers!'')

(75. And you will see the angels surrounding the Throne from all round, glorifying the praises
of their Lord. And they will be judged with truth. And it will be said, "All the praises and
thanks be to Allah, the Lord of all that exits.'')

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

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3%‬ل أ! ا‪ / %3%‬وأ!‬
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‫‪ A4
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_‪ FJaR‬أ‪!O,L
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* #%3%‫ رب ا‬S ,#L%‫ ا‬A O‫\ و‬L% ?(0  <NO‫ " و‬1%39‫رك و‬C9 F%!O <) ,#L% ?JJ.‫رض " وا‬K‫وات وا‬#$%‫ " ا‬.

Allah tells us about the blessed believers, who will be taken to Paradise in groups, one group
after another, starting with the best of them: those who are closest to Allah, then the most
righteous, then the next best and the next best. Each group will be with others like them,
Prophets with Prophets, the true believers with their peers, the martyrs with their
counterparts, the scholars with their colleagues, every group composed of people of the same

6َ‫َءُوه‬G ‫ ِإذَا‬1JY

(till when they reach it,) means, when they arrive at the gates of Paradise, after passing over
the Sirat, where they will be detained on a bridge between Paradise and Hell, and any
injustices that existed between them in this world will be settled until they have all been
purified from sin through this trial. Then permission will be granted for them to enter
Paradise. It was recorded in the Hadith about the Trumpet that when the believers reach the
gates of Paradise, they will consult one another as to who should ask permission for them to
enter. They will ask Adam, then Nuh, then Ibrahim, then Musa, then `Isa, then Muhammad
(may blessings and peace be upon them all). This is akin to what will happen in the arena of
judgement, when they will ask for someone to intercede for them with Allah when He comes to
pass judgement. This is to show the noble position of Muhammad above the rest of mankind
in all situations. In Sahih Muslim, it is reported that Anas, may Allah be pleased with him,
said, "The Messenger of Allah said:

َ %ْ ‫ِ ٍ{ )ِ< ا‬2
َ ‫َ َأو ُل‬X‫»َأ‬

(I will be the first intercessor in Paradise.) According to the wording of Muslim:

َ %ْ ‫ب ا‬
َ َ ‫ع‬
ُ َ ْE+َ ْ*
َ ‫َ َأو ُل‬X‫» َوَأ‬

(I will be the first one to knock at the gates of Paradise.) Imam Ahmad recorded that Anas bin
Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "The Messenger of Allah said:

«َ-ْCOَ ,ٍ Y
َ َ;%ِ َQJَ )ْ ‫َ َأ‬% ْ‫ت َأن‬
ُ ْ
ِ ‫ ُأ‬
َ ِ :‫ُ! ُل‬E َ َ) :‫َ َل‬O ٌ,# L
ُ :‫ُ! ُل‬O;ََ) ‫&َ؟‬Xْ ‫ َ
*ْ َأ‬:‫ن‬
ُ ‫َ ِز‬oْ%‫ُ!لُ ا‬E َ َ) Q
ُ ِJ2ْ Jَ 4
ْ َ;)َ /ِ
َ َ Eِ %ْ ‫!ْمَ ا‬+َ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ب ا‬
َ َ <ِ9q»

(I will come to the gate of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection and will ask for it to be opened.
The gatekeeper will say, "Who are you'' I will say "Muhammad.'' He will say, "I was told
about you and that I was not to open the gate for anyone before you.'')'' It was also recorded
by Muslim. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said,
"The Messenger of Allah said:

?ُ(Jُ َ Xِ q ،َ( ِ) ‫ن‬

َ !ُd! sَ Jَ َ+ َ%‫ َو‬،َ( ِ) َ‫ُ!ن‬o ِ Jَ #ْ +َ َ%‫ َو‬،َ( ِ) َ‫ُ!ن‬E[ ُ ْC+َ َ% ،ِ‫ْر‬,Cَ %ْ ‫ ا‬/َ -َ ْ %َ ِ #َ Eَ %ْ ‫ُ! َرةِ ا‬f 1َ-َ ْ?‫ َ! ُر ُه‬f ُ ،َ/‫ـ‬0 َ %ْ ‫Ž ا‬
ُ -َِ9 ‫»َأ و ُل ُز ْ
َ ٍة‬

?ِ ْL-%‫َ ِ
*ْ َورَا ِء ا‬#(ِ ِOَ4  
ُ ‫ َى‬+ُ ،ِ‫َن‬JَGْ‫ ُ(?ْ َزو‬0ْ
ِ ,ٍ ِY‫ وَا‬Ah aُ %ِ‫ َو‬،ُ$ ْ #ِ %ْ ‫ ُ( ُ? ا‬L ُْ ‫ !ةُ َو َر‬%َُ;%ْ ‫ َو َ
َ ِ
ُ ُه ُ? ا‬،ُ/N
 2ِ %ْ ‫ وَا‬Vُ ‫ َه‬%‫ُ ُ( ُ? ا‬dَU
ْ ‫َوَأ‬
«“ U ِ َ‫ َ ًة َو‬aْ ُ 1َ%َ39َ S َ ‫ُ!نَ ا‬LCh $َ +ُ ،ٍ,Y
ِ ‫ وَا‬V ٍ -ْ َO 1-َ ْ?(ُ ُ !ُ-Oُ ،َˆ ُ َC9َ َ%‫َ ُ(?ْ َو‬0 ْ َ ‫ف‬ َ َ-Jِ . ْ ‫َ ا‬% ،ِ*$ ْ L ُ %ْ ‫ا‬

(The first group to enter Paradise will enter looking like the moon on the night when it is full.
They will not spit there, or blow their noses, or defecate. Their vessels and combs will be of
gold and silver, their censers will be of aloeswood and their sweat will be musk. Each of them
will have two wives, the marrow of whose shin bones will be visible from beneath the skin

because of their beauty. There will be no disputes between them and there will be no hatred;
their hearts will be as if one heart. They will glorify Allah morning and evening.)'' This was
also recorded by Al-Bukhari and Muslim. Al-Hafiz Abu Ya`la recorded that Abu Hurayrah,
may Allah be pleased with him, said, "The Messenger of Allah said:

،َ‫ُ!ن‬%!ُCَ+ َ% ،ً‫َ َءة‬r‫َ ِء ِإ‬#$  %‫ي )ِ< ا‬ َ h‫ ُدر‬V ٍ ‫ َآ!ْ َآ‬,h 
َ ‫!ْ ِء َأ‬rَ 1-َ ْ?(ُ Xَ !ُ-+َ َ*+ِ%‫ وَا‬،ِ‫ْر‬,Cَ ْ%‫ ا‬/َ -َ ْ َ% ِ َ#Eَ %ْ ‫ُ! َر ِة ا‬f 1-َ /َ 0  َ %ْ ‫ن ا‬
َ !ُ-ُ.ْ,+َ ٍ‫»َأ و ُل ُز ْ
َ ة‬
،ُ* ِ3%ْ ‫ُ! ُر ا‬L%ْ ‫ُ ُ( ُ? ا‬G‫ وََأزْوَا‬،ُ‫ !ة‬%َُ;%ْ ‫ َو َ
َ ِ
ُ ُه ُ? ا‬،ُ$ ْ #ِ %ْ ‫ ُ( ُ? ا‬L
ْ َ‫ َور‬،ُV‫ َه‬%‫ُ ُ( ُ? ا‬dَU
ْ ‫ َأ‬،َ‫ُ!ن‬o ِ Jَ #ْ +َ َ%‫ َو‬،َ‫ُ!ن‬-2ِ Jْ +َ َ%‫ َو‬،َ‫ُ!ن‬d! sَ Jَ َ+ َ%َ‫و‬
«‫َء‬#$  %‫ن ذِرَاً )ِ< ا‬ َ !J4ِ ،َ‫ َدم‬q ْ?(ِ ِ‫ُ! َرةِ َأ‬f 1-َ ،ٍ,ِY‫ وَا‬Aٍ ُG‫\ َر‬ ِ -ُُ. 1-َ ْ?(ُ ُOَ-ْ.‫َأ‬

(The first group to enter Paradise will look like the moon on the night when it is full. They will
be followed by a group which looks like the brightest star shining in the sky. They will not
urinate or defecate or spit or blow their noses. Their combs will be of gold, their sweat will be
musk and their censers will be of aloeswood. Their wives will be Al-Hur Al-`Iyn, and they will
all look the same, as if they are one person in the image of their father Adam, sixty cubits
tall.)'' They Al-Bukhari and Muslim6 also produced this from the Hadith of Jabir. It was
reported that Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "The Messenger of Allah

«‫ْر‬,Cَ %ْ ‫ ا‬/َ -َ ْ َ% ِ #َ Eَ %ْ ‫َ َءةَ ا‬r‫ُ! ُه(ُ?ْ ِإ‬G‫ِ<ءُ ُو‬Nُ9،ً2%ْ ‫ن َأ‬

َ !ُ3Cْ 4
َ ْ?‫ ُه‬،ٌ‫ِ< ُز ْ
َ ة‬J
 ‫ ِ
*ْ ُأ‬/َ 0 َ%ْ ‫ ا‬Aُ .
ُ ْ,+َ »

(A group of my Ummah, seventy thousand, will enter Paradise with their faces shining like the
moon on the night when it is full.) `Ukkashah bin Mihsan stood up and said, `O Messenger of
Allah, pray to Allah to make me one of them.' He said,

ِ Fُ -ْ َ3G
ْ ‫ْ ُ( ? ا‬-%‫»ا‬

(O Allah, make him one of them.) Then one of the Ansar stood up and said, `O Messenger of
Allah, pray to Allah to make me one of them.' He said,

ُ َ(ِ 
َ Eَ َC4

(Ukkashah has beaten you to it.)'' This was recorded by (Al-Bukhari and Muslim). This
Hadith -- about the seventy thousand who will enter Paradise without being brought to
account -- was also recorded by Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn `Abbas, may Allah be
pleased with him, Jabir bin `Abdullah, `Imran bin Husayn, Ibn Mas`ud, Rifa`ah bin `Arabah
Al-Juhani and Umm Qays bint Mihsan -- may Allah be pleased with them all -- and also from
Abu Hazim from Sahl bin Sa`d, may Allah be pleased with them, who said that the Messenger
of Allah said:

‫ُ!رَة‬f 1-َ ْ?(ُ ُ‫ُ!ه‬G‫ ُو‬،َ/0  َ %ْ ‫ِ ُ ُه?ُ ا‬.qَ‫ُ ُ(?ْ و‬%‫ َأو‬Aَ ُ.ْ,+َ 1ْJY
َ ،ٍˆْ3Cَ ِ ْ?(ُ N
ُ 3ْ َ ٌ.
ٍ %ْ ‫ َأ‬/ِ Rَ ِ#3ُ Cْ 4
َ ْ‫ً َأو‬2%ْ ‫ُ!نَ َأ‬3Cْ 4
َ <ِJ
 ‫ ِ
*ْ ُأ‬/َ 0 
َ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ُ ْ, َ َ%»
«‫ْر‬,Cَ ْ%‫ ا‬/َ -َْ %َ ِ َ#Eَ %ْ ‫ا‬

(Seventy thousand or seven hundred thousand of my Ummah will surely enter Paradise,
holding on to one another, such that the first and last of them will enter Paradise together,
with their faces looking like the moon on the night when it is full.)''

6َ*+ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬. َ‫ُ!ه‬-.
ُ ْ‫?ْ )َد‬Jُ Cْ ِd ?ْ ‫ُـ‬a ْ َ-
َ ٌ?‫َـ‬-4
َ َ(Jُ Xَ mَ َ. ْ?(ُ %َ َ‫َل‬O‫َ&ْ َأ ْ َ!ُ(َ َو‬LJِ )ُ ‫َءُوهَ َو‬G ‫ ِإذَا‬1JY

(till when they reach it, and its gates will be opened and its keepers will say: "Salam `Alaykum
(peace be upon you)! You have done well, so enter here to abide therein forever.'') This is a

conditional sentence that is not complete. What it implies is that when they come to the gates
of Paradise the gates will be opened for them as a sign of honor, and the angelic gatekeepers
will meet them with glad tidings, greetings of peace and praise. Unlike the gatekeepers of Hell
who will meet the disbelievers with rebuke and reprimand, the believers will be filled with
happiness and joy, each according to his degree of luxury and delights. What happens after
this is not mentioned; it is left for the imagination to think of its dearest wishes and be filled
with hope. It is known from the Sahih Hadiths that Paradise has eight gates. Imam Ahmad
recorded that Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "The Messenger of Allah

‫< ِ
*ْ َب‬َ ِ‫َ ِة ُد‬-[
 %‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ن ِ
*ْ َأ ْه‬
َ َ‫*ْ آ‬#َ )َ ،ٌ‫ َأ ْ!َاب‬/ِ 0 
َ -ْ ِ%‫ َو‬،ِ/0 َ%ْ ‫ب ا‬
ِ ‫< ِ
*ْ َأ ْ!َا‬َِ ‫ ُد‬1َ%َ39َ S
ِ ‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4َ <ِ) Fِ %َِ
ِ * ِ ْ G
َ ْ‫\ زَو‬
َ َ2Xْ ‫» َ
*ْ َأ‬
Aْ‫ن ِ
*ْ َأه‬
َ َ‫ َو َ
*ْ آ‬،ِ‫ِ(َد‬%ْ ‫< ِ
*ْ َبِ ا‬َ ِ ‫ِ(َدِ ُد‬%ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ن ِ
*ْ َأ ْه‬ َ َ‫ َو َ
*ْ آ‬،ِ/Oَ ,َ [  %‫ب ا‬
ِ َ ْ*
ِ < َ ِ‫ ُد‬/ِ Oَ ,َ [
 %‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ن ِ
*ْ َأ ْه‬
َ َ‫ َو َ
*ْ آ‬،ِ‫َة‬-[  %‫ا‬
«‫ن‬+ %‫ب ا‬ِ َ ْ*
ِ < َِ ‫[ َمِ ُد‬ h %‫ا‬

(Whoever spends a pair of something from his wealth for the sake of Allah, will be called from
the gates of Paradise. Paradise has (several) gates. Whoever is among the people of prayer,
will be called from the gate of Prayer; whoever is among the people of charity, will be called
from the gate of Charity; whoever is among the people of Jihad, will be called from the gate of
Jihad; whoever is among the people of fasting, will be called from the Gate of Ar-Rayyan.)''
Abu Bakr said, `O Messenger of Allah, it does not matter from which gate one is called, but
will anyone be called from all of them' He said,

ِ ‫ن‬
َ !ُa9َ ْ‫ُ! َأن‬Gْ‫ َوَأر‬،ْ?3َ Xَ »

(Yes, and I hope that you will be one of them.)'' Something similar was also recorded by Al-
Bukhari and Muslim. It was reported from Sahl bin Sa`d, may Allah be pleased with him, that
the Messenger of Allah said:

«‫ُ!ن‬#Rِ [%‫ ا‬%‫ ِإ‬Fُ -ُُ.ْ,+َ َ% ،َ‫ن‬+ %‫ ا‬1#$

َ +ُ َ(0ْ
ِ ٌ‫ َب‬،ٍ‫ َأ ْ!َاب‬/َ َ Xِ َ#Wَ /ِ 0 
َ ْ%‫ن )ِ< ا‬

(In Paradise there are eight gates; one of them is called Ar-Rayyan, and no one will enter it
except those who fast.)'' In Sahih Muslim, it is recorded that `Umar bin Al-Khattab, may
Allah be pleased with him, said, "The Messenger of Allah said:

‫ َأ ْ!َاب‬Fُ %َ ْ&L
َ Jِ ُ) %‫ ِإ‬،ُF%ُ!ُ4‫^ُ َو َر‬,ُ Cْ 
َ ‫ًا‬,# L
ُ ‫ َوَأن‬S
ُ ‫ ا‬%‫ ِإ‬Fَ %ِ‫َ إ‬% ْ‫ َأن‬,ُ (َ 
ْ ‫ َأ‬:‫ُ! ُل‬E+َ ? Wُ ،َ‫ُ!ء‬r!ُ %ْ ‫ ُŠ ا‬Cِ $
ْ ُ َ) ْ‫ِ ُŠ َأو‬-Cْ ُ )َ ُ;r
 !َ Jَ َ+ ,ٍ Y
َ ‫?ْ ِ
*ْ َأ‬aُ 0ْ
ِ َ
«‫(َ َء‬h+‫ ِ
*ْ َأ‬Aُ ُ.ْ,+َ ،ُ/ َ ِXَ#7 %‫ ا‬/ِ 0 َ %ْ ‫ا‬

(There is no one among you who performs Wudu' and does it well, or -- amply --, then he
says: "I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His
servant and Messenger, '' but the eight gates of Paradise will be opened for him and he will
enter through whichever one he wishes.)''

We ask Allah to make us among its people. In the Two Sahihs, it is reported from Abu
Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, in the lengthy Hadith about intercession (that the
Prophet said):

‫ِي‬%‫ وَا‬،ِ َ.Kُ ‫ب ا‬ ِ ‫َ;ْ!َا‬%ْ ‫س )ِ< ا‬

ِ 0%‫ َ آَ ُء ا‬
ُ ْ?‫ َو ُه‬،ِ*#َ +ْ َ;%ْ ‫ب ا‬ ِ َC%ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ َJِ
 ‫ ِ
*ْ ُأ‬Fِ ْ -ََ ‫ب‬َ َ$Y
ِ َ% ْ*
َ ْAِ.ْ‫ َأد‬،ُ,# Lَ
ُ َ+ :1َ%َ39َ ُS‫ُ! ُل ا‬E َ َ)»
/+‫ و)< روا‬/َ a
َ ‫ َو َهَ ٍ َأوْ َهَ ٍ َو‬/َ a
َ * َ ْ َ َ#aَ %َ ‫ب‬
ِ َC%ْ ‫<ِ ا‬9َ ‫َ َد‬Nِ * َ ْ َ َ
/ِ 0 
َ ْ%‫ ِ{ ا‬+ِ‫* ِ
*ْ َ
ِ ْ َ‫[ َا‬
ْ #ِ %ْ ‫ن
َ َ ْ *َ ا‬
 ‫ ِ^ ِإ‬,ِ َ ِ ٍ,# L
ُ H
ُ ْ2Xَ
«‫[ َى‬ ْ ُ ‫ َو‬/َ a

(Allah will say: "O Muhammad, admit those of your Ummah who are not to be brought to
account, through the right-hand gate, and they will be counted among those who will enter
from other gates as well.'' By the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, the distance
between the two gateposts of the gates of Paradise is like the distance between Makkah and
Hajar -- or Hajar and Makkah.)'' According to another report: (between Makkah and Busra.)
It was recorded in Sahih Muslim from `Utbah bin Ghazwan that (the Prophet ) gave them a
speech in which he told them that the distance between the two gateposts of Paradise was the
distance of a forty-year journey, but there would come a day when they would be packed with
crowds of people. Allah says,

6ْ?Jُ Cْ ِd ْ?‫ُـ‬a ْ -َ

َ ٌ?‫َـ‬-َ4 َ(Jُ Xَ َm.
َ ْ?ُ(َ% ‫َ َل‬O‫ َو‬

(and its keepers will say: "Salam `Alaykum (peace be upon you)! You have done well,'')
meaning, `your deeds and words were good, and your efforts were good, and your reward is
good.' The Messenger of Allah issued commands during some of his military campaigns that it
should be shouted out to the Muslims:


ُ /+‫ و)< روا‬/ٌ #َ -ِ$
ُ ٌH2ْ Xَ %‫ُ(َ ِإ‬-.
ُ ْ,+َ َ% /َ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ن ا‬

(No one enters Paradise except a Muslim soul) or, according to one report, (A believing soul.)''
Allah says,

6َ*+ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬. َ‫ُ!ه‬-.
ُ ْ‫)َد‬

(so enter here to abide therein forever.) means, to dwell therein, never seeking any change.

ْ ‫َ َو‬0Oَ َ,f
َ ‫ِى‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -% ,ُ #ْ ‫َـ‬L%ْ ‫ُ!اْ ا‬%‫َـ‬O‫ َو‬

(And they will say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allah Who has fulfilled His promise to
us...'') means, when the believers see the great reward and splendors, blessing and grand
generosity, they will say,

ْ ‫َ َو‬0Oَ ,َ َf ‫ِى‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -% ,ُ #ْ ‫َـ‬L%ْ ‫ا‬

(All the praises and thanks be to Allah Who has fulfilled His promise to us) meaning, `the
promise which He made to us through His Messengers who called us to this in the world.'

‫َد‬3 ِ#%ْ ‫‚ ا‬
ُ ِ-o
ْ 9ُ َ 
َ X ‫ ِإ‬/ِ #َ ‫ َـ‬Eِ ْ%‫!ْ َم ا‬+َ َXِmo
ْ 9ُ َ ‫ َو‬
َ -ِ4
ُ ُ‫ ر‬1َ-َ َ09 ,َ‫َ
َ َو‬09ِ ‫َ َوءَا‬0 ‫ َر‬6 (Our Lord! Grant us what You
promised unto us through Your Messengers and disgrace us not on the Day of Resurrection,
for You never break (Your) promise)(3:194),

َ ْ%ِ َ0h ‫ َر‬Aُ 4
ُ ‫َ َءتْ ُر‬G ْ,Eَ %َ Fُ -%‫َ ا‬X‫َا‬,‫َ!ْ َأنْ َه‬% ‫ى‬
َ ,ِ َJ(ْ 0َ %ِ 0‫ِ(َـَا َو
َ ُآ‬% َX‫َا‬,‫ِى َه‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -%ِ ُ,#ْ L
َ %ْ ‫ُ!اْ ا‬%َO‫ َو‬

(and they will say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allah, Who has guided us to this, and
never could we have found guidance, were it not that Allah had guided us! Indeed, the
Messengers of our Lord came with the truth.'') (7:43), and

 #َ +َ َ ‫ َو‬V
ٌ َ[Xَ َ( ِ) َ0$
 #َ َ+ َ ِF-ِN
ْ َ) *ِ

َ َE#ُ %ْ ‫َ دَا َر ا‬0-َY‫ِى َأ‬%‫ ا‬- ٌ‫ُ!ر‬a
َ ٌ‫ُ!ر‬2sَ %َ َ0 ‫ن َر‬
 ‫ن ِإ‬
َ mَ َL%ْ ‫ ا‬0
َ V
َ ‫ِى َأذْ َه‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -% ,ُ #ْ L
َ %ْ ‫ُ!اْ ا‬%َO‫ َو‬
6‫ب‬ٌ !ُs%ُ َ( ِ)

(And they will say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allah Who has removed from us (all)
grief. Verily, our Lord is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate (good deeds). Who,
out of His grace, has lodged us in a home that will last forever, where toil will touch us not nor
weariness will touch us.'') (35:34-35)

6َ* ِ-#ِ ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ ُ ا‬G

ْ ‫ َ? َأ‬3ْ 0ِ َ) ‫َ ُء‬UXَ w
ُ ْ َY /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ !ُأ ِ
*َ ا‬Cَ َJXَ ‫ض‬
َ ْ‫َ ا ر‬0Wَ ‫ َوَأوْ َر‬

(and has made us inherit (this) land. We can dwell in Paradise where we will; how excellent a
reward for the (pious) workers!) Abu Al-Aliyah, Abu Salih, Qatadah, As-Suddi and Ibn Zayd
said, "This means the land of Paradise.'' This is like the Ayah:

‫ُ!ن‬L-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫َ ِدىَ ا‬C

ِ َ(Wُ ِ +َ ‫ض‬
َ ْ‫ن ا ر‬
 ‫آْ ِ َأ‬h %‫ِ ا‬,3ْ َ *ِ
‫ُ! ِر‬m %‫ ا‬1ِ) َ0Cْ Jَ ‫ْ َآ‬,Eَ %َ‫ َو‬6 (And indeed We have written in Az-
Zabur after Adh-Dhikr that My righteous servants shall inherit the land. ) (21:105) they will

6ُ‫َء‬UXَ w
ُ ْ Y
َ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ !ُأ ِ
*َ ا‬Cَ Jَ Xَ 

(We can dwell in Paradise where we will) meaning, `wherever we want, we can settle; how
excellent a reward for our efforts.' In the Two Sahihs, it was reported in the story of the
Mi`raj which was narrated by Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, that the
Prophet said:

«ْ$#ِ ْ%‫ َا ُ(َ ا‬9ُ ‫ َوِإذَا‬،ِg%ُْg-%‫َ ُِ ا‬0G

َ َ( ِ) ‫ذَا‬tَِ) ،َ/0 
َ %ْ ‫& ا‬
ُ ْ-.
ِ ْ‫( »ُأد‬I was admitted into Paradise where I saw that its
domes were pearls and its soil was musk.)''

Allah tells us how He will pass judgement on the people of Paradise and Hell, and put each of
them in the place fitting for him and for which he is suited; this is justice from Him and He is
never unjust. Then He tells us of His angels who surround His majestic Throne, glorifying the
praises of their Lord, extolling and magnifying Him, and declaring Him to be above any
shortcomings or injustice whatsoever, for He has passed judgement in the fairest and most
just manner. He says:

?ُ(َ0 ْ َ 1
ِ ُO‫ َو‬6 (And they will be judged) meaning, all of creation.

\َL%ْ ِ6 (with truth.) Then He says:

6َ* ِ#-َ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ب ا‬
h ‫ َر‬Fِ -ِ% ,ُ #ْ L
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ ِO‫ َو‬

(And it will be said, "All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of all that exits.'')
meaning, all of creation, whether animate or inanimate, will speak words of praise to Allah,
the Lord of all that exists, for His wisdom and justice. These words are not attributed to any
specific speaker, which indicates that the whole of creation will testify to His praise. Qatadah
said, "Allah began His creation with praise, as He said,

‫ت وَا رْض‬

ِ !َ ‫َـ‬#$
 %‫\ ا‬
َ َ-.
َ ‫ِى‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -% ,ُ #ْ َL%ْ ‫ا‬6 (All praises and thanks be to Allah, Who created the heavens
and the earth) (6:1). and He ended it with praise, as He says:

* ِ#-َ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ب ا‬
h َ‫ ر‬Fِ -%ِ ُ,#ْ L
َ %ْ ‫َ ا‬A ِO‫ َو‬h\L
َ %ْ ِ ْ?(ُ 0َ ْ َ 1
ِ ُO‫ َو‬6 (And they will be judged with truth. And it will be said,
"All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of all that exists.'').''

28. QS Yunus 10:9-10

?ِ ِ30 %‫& ا‬
ِ ‫ـ‬0G
َ <ِ) ُ ‫(َـ‬Xْ  ‫ِ ِ( ُ? ا‬JْL9َ *ِ
‫ْ ِى‬9َ ْ?(ِ Xِ َ#+ِtِ ْ?(ُ ‫ ِ( ْ? َر‬+ِ,(ْ َ+ ‫ت‬
ِ َLِ-‫[ـ‬%‫ُ! ْا ا‬-#ِ َ‫ُ!اْ َو‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫ن ا‬

- * ِ#-َ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ب ا‬
h َ‫ ر‬Fِ -% ُ,#ْ L
َ ْ%‫!َا ُه?ْ َأنِ ا‬
ْ َ‫ِ ُ د‬.‫_مٌ َوءَا‬
َ َ( ِ) ْ?(ُ Jُ  L
ِ 9َ َ‫ ُ( ? و‬-%‫ ا‬
َ 0َ ‫َـ‬LCْ 4
ُ َ( ِ) ْ?‫!َ ُه‬
ْ ‫ َد‬6

10:9. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal-amal saleh, mereka
diberi petunjuk oleh Tuhan mereka karena keimanannya, di bawah mereka mengalir sungai-
sungai di dalam surga yang penuh kenikmatan.
10:10. Doa mereka di dalamnya ialah: Subhanakallahumma", dan salam penghormatan
mereka ialah: "Salam". Dan penutup doa mereka ialah: Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil 'aalamin."

(9. Verily, those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, their Lord will guide them through
their faith; under them will flow rivers in the Gardens of delight (Paradise).)

(10. Their way of request therein will be: "Glory to You, O Allah!'' and "Salam'' (peace, safety
from evil) will be their greetings therein! And the close of their request will be: "All praise is
due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists.'')

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

?ِ ِ30 %‫ت ا‬
ِ 0G
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َ q *
َ +ِ%‫ن ا‬

?(X#+t ?(+,( 4 FX; ‫ت‬L%[%‫!ا ا‬-#3) F ‫!ا

‫ * وا‬-4 #%‫!ا ا‬O,f‫ و‬S ‫!ا‬0
q *+%‫اء ا‬,3$%‫ل ا‬Y * ‫ر‬C.‫ها إ‬
^‫!زو‬+ 1JY ? EJ$#%‫[ اط ا‬%‫ ا‬1- /
 E%‫!م ا‬+ S‫(? ا‬+,(+  X,%‫(? )< ا‬X#+‫ إ‬VC$ ‫ ^ أي‬+,EJ) / CC4 0(‫ء ه‬C%‫!ن ا‬a9 ‫ أن‬A#JL+
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. Aa ^ UC+‫ و‬FCYf ‫رض‬3+ ^ CO *
‫م‬O ‫ إذا‬/C d Q+‫ ور‬/0$Y ‫!رة‬f <) F-# F% A7#+ /+y‫Ž )< ا‬+ G *‫ل ا‬O‫ ; و‬F
" ?(X#+t ?(‫(? ر‬+,(+ " 1%39 F%!O %) /0%‫ ا‬F-.,+ 1JY F+,+ *  *
^‫!ر‬X F% A3 ) -# X‫!ل أ‬E ) ‫& ؟‬X‫
* أ‬F% ‫!ل‬E )
S) _4
‫دة‬JO * ^!LX ‫ر وروي‬0%‫ )< ا‬F)E+ 1JY ^‫_د‬+‫ و‬FCYf ‫م‬m- ) /0J0
Q+‫ ور‬/T 4 ‫!رة‬f <) F-# F% A7#+ )a%‫وا‬
?-‫ أ‬.

َ* ِ#َ%َ3%ْ ‫ب ا‬
h َ‫ ر‬Fِ -%ِ ,ُ #ْ L
َ %ْ ‫!َا ُه?ْ َأنِ ا‬
ْ ‫ِ ُ َد‬.qَ‫َمٌ و‬-4
َ َ( ِ) ْ?(ُ ُJ L
ِ 9َ ‫ ُ( ? َو‬-%‫ ا‬
َ Xَ َLCْ 4
ُ َ( ِ) ْ?‫!َا ُه‬
ْ ‫َد‬

" *‫ل ا‬O ./0%‫ ا‬A‫ل أه‬Y ‫ * " أي ها‬#%3%‫ رب ا‬S ,#L%‫ د!اه? أن ا‬.q‫_م و‬4 ( ) ?(J L9‫(? و‬-%‫ ا‬XLC4 ( ) ?‫د!اه‬
?( 9; ) ?‫ د!اه‬%‫(? وذ‬-%‫ ا‬XLC4 ‫!ا‬%O FX!(JU+ %‫ل إذا
(? ا‬O " ?(-%‫ ا‬XLC4 ( ) ?‫ " د!اه‬F%!O ‫ أن‬C.‫Ž أ‬+ G
" F%!O %) ?(‫ ر‬S‫وا ا‬,#Y ‫!ا‬-‫ذا أآ‬t) ‫ل‬O " ‫_م‬4 ( ) ?(J L9‫ " و‬F%!O %) F - ‫ (? ) دون‬- ?-$ ) FX!(JU+ # -#%‫ا‬
XLC4 " ?‫ه‬,Y‫ل أ‬O ‫م‬3% ‫!ا‬,+ ‫ أن‬/0%‫ ا‬A‫ إذا أراد أه‬: ‫ ن‬Y * A9E
‫ل‬O‫ * " و‬#%3%‫ رب ا‬S ,#L%‫ د!اه? أن ا‬.q‫و‬
*(-‫(* آ‬0
A‫ل ) ;آ‬O ‫ ى‬.K‫ )< ا‬H % ‫م‬3d ( ) V‫
* ذه‬/2Lf ‫دم‬. A‫دم
{ آ‬. ‫ف‬q ‫ ة‬U ?‫ه‬,Y‫ أ‬1- ‫!م‬E ) ‫ل‬O " ?(-%‫ا‬
FX!E-+ ‫!م‬+ ?(J L9 " F%!O *
FC ( ) /+y‫(? " وه^ ا‬-%‫ ا‬XLC4 " ‫ل‬O ‫<ء‬U !,+ ‫ه? أن‬,Y‫ إذا أراد أ‬: ‫!ري‬7%‫ ن ا‬24 ‫ل‬O‫و‬
" F%!O‫ ? " و‬Y‫!
* رب ر‬O ‫_م‬4 " F%!O‫_
 " و‬4 
_4 _ O ‫ إ‬# W;9 ‫!ا و‬s% ( ) ‫!ن‬3#$+  " F%!O‫ و‬. /+y‫_م " ا‬4
1- /%‫ د‬F ) ‫ * " ها‬#%3%‫ رب ا‬S ,#L%‫ د!اه? أن ا‬.q‫ " و‬F%!O‫ و‬/+y‫? " ا‬a - ‫_م‬4 ‫ ب‬A‫ (?
* آ‬- ‫!ن‬-.,+ /aR_#%‫وا‬
‫اء‬,J‫ ا‬,0‫ و‬FJ‫اء آ‬,J‫ ار^ و)< ا‬#J4‫ وا‬FE-. ‫اء‬,J‫ ا‬,0 F$2X ,#Y ‫(ا‬%‫ى و‬,#%‫!ل ا‬d 1- ‫!د‬C3#%‫ا ا‬,‫!د أ‬#L#%‫ ه! ا‬1%39 FX‫أ‬
%‫ ذ‬1%‫رض " إ‬K‫!ات وا‬#$%‫\ ا‬-. ‫ي‬%‫ ا‬S ,#L%‫ب " " ا‬Ja%‫^ ا‬,C 1- ‫ل‬mX‫ي أ‬%‫ ا‬S ,#L%‫ " ا‬1%39 ‫!ل‬E+ w Y F-+m09
<) ‫ء‬G ‫(ا‬%‫!ال و‬YK‫ { ا‬#G <) ‫ ة‬.y‫  و)< ا‬X,%‫ ة ا‬L%‫ ة )< ا‬.y‫ وا‬1%‫و‬K‫!د )< ا‬#L#%‫ ا‬FX‫( وأ‬$ ‫!ل‬+ <J%‫!ال ا‬YK‫ا‬
?( - S‫? ا‬3X ,+‫ا‬m9 *
‫ ون‬+ #% %‫ آ‬%‫!ن ذ‬a+ #X‫ " وإ‬H20%‫!ن ا‬#(-+ #‫ آ‬, #LJ%‫ وا‬Q C$J%‫!ن ا‬#(-+ /0%‫ ا‬A‫ " إن أه‬w+,L%‫ا‬
^‫!ا‬4 ‫ إ ه! و رب‬F%‫ )_ إ‬,
‫ء و أ‬NEX‫( ا‬% H -) ‫داد‬m9‫د و‬39‫ ر و‬aJ) .

In these two Ayat, Allah promises the happy blessings for those who believed in Allah and His

Messengers. And for those that have complied with what they were commanded to follow. The
promise is that He will guide them because of their faith, or it may mean through their faith.
As to the first interpretation, the meaning is that Allah will guide them on the Day of
Resurrection to the straight path until they pass into Paradise because of their faith in this
world. The other meaning is that their faith will assist them on the Day of Resurrection as
Mujahid said:

?ِ(Xِ َ#+ِtِ ْ?(ُ  ‫ ِ(?ْ َر‬+ِ,(ْ +َ 6 (Their Lord will guide them through their faith) meaning "Their faith will
be a light in which they will walk.''

6 َ* ِ#َ-‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ب ا‬
h ‫ َر‬Fِ -% ,ُ #ْ L
َ ْ%‫ن ا‬
ِ ‫ِ ُ َدْ!َا ُه?ْ َأ‬.‫_مٌ َوءَا‬
َ َ( ِ) ْ?(ُ Jُ  L
ِ 9َ ‫ ُ(? َو‬-%‫َ ا‬0َ ‫َـ‬LCْ ُ4 َ( ِ) ْ?‫ َ! ُه‬
ْ ‫ َد‬

(Their way of request therein will be: "Glory to You, O Allah!'' And Salam (peace, safety from
evil) will be their greetings therein! And the close of their request will be: "All praise is due to
Allah, the Lord of all that exists.'') meaning this is the condition of the people of Paradise.
This is similar to what is found in the following Ayat:

َ Fُ Xَ ْ!َE-ْ +َ ‫!ْ َم‬+َ ْ?(ُ Jُ  L
ِ 9َ 6 (Their greeting on the Day they shall meet Him will be "Salam Peace6!'')

َ ً#‫َـ‬-َ4 _
ً ِO  ‫ ِإ‬- ً# ِW;ْ َ9 َ َ‫ْ!ًا و‬s%َ َ( ِ) ‫ن‬
َ !ُ3#َ $
ْ +َ َ 6 (No Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk) will they hear
therein, nor any sinful speech. But only the saying of: Salam! Salam!!'') 56:25-266,

? ِY‫ب ر‬
œ ‫* ر‬h
ً ْ!َO ٌ‫_َم‬4
َ 6 ((It will be said to them): "Salam'' -- a Word from the Lord, Most
Merciful.) 36:586,

?ُa ْ -َ
َ ٌ?‫َـ‬-$
َ ٍَ Ah ‫* ُآ‬h
ْ?(ِ ْ -ََ ‫ن‬
َ !ُ-ُ.ْ,+َ /ُ aَ Tِ ‫َـ‬-#َ %‫وَا‬6 (And angels shall enter unto them from every gate
(saying): "Salamun `Alaykum (peace be upon you)!'') 13:23-246 In Allah's statement,

6َ* ِ#-َ‫َـ‬3ْ%‫ب ا‬
h ‫ َر‬Fِ -% ,ُ #ْ L
َ %ْ ‫ ُ َدْ!َاهُ?ْ َأنِ ا‬.
ِ ‫ َوءَا‬

(And the close of their request will be: All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists.'')
There is an indication that Allah Almighty is the Praised One always, the Worshipped at all
times. This is why He praised Himself at the beginning and the duration of His creation. He
also praised Himself in the beginning of His Book and the beginning of its revelation. Allah

V‫َـ‬Jaِ %ْ ‫^ِ ا‬,ِ Cْ 

َ 1َ-
َ ‫َ َل‬mXْ ‫ِى َأ‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -ِ% ,ُ #ْ L
َ %ْ ‫ا‬6 (All the praises and thanks be to Allah, Who has sent down to
His servant the Book (the Qur'an).) 18:16,

‫ت وَا رْض‬

ِ !َ ‫َـ‬#$
 %‫\ ا‬
َ َ-.
َ ‫ِى‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -% ,ُ #ْ َL%ْ ‫ا‬6 (All praise is due to Allah, Who (alone) created the heavens and
the earth,) 6:16, and many other citations with this meaning. The Ayah also indicates that
Allah is the Praised One in this world and in the Hereafter and in all situations. In a Hadith
recorded by Muslim:

«Hَ20 %‫ن ا‬
َ !ُ#(َ -ْ +ُ َ#‫َ َآ‬, ِ#L
ْ J %‫ وَا‬Q
َ ِC$
ْ J %‫ُ!نَ ا‬#(َ ْ-+ُ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ ‫ن َأ ْه‬
 ‫( »ِإ‬The people of Paradise will be inspired to
glorify Allah and praise Him as they instinctively breath.) This will be their nature because of
the increasing bounties of Allah upon them. These bounties are repeated and brought back
again and increased with no limit or termination. So praise be to Allah for there is no God but
He and no Lord save He

29. QS Yunus 10:1

- ْ?(ِ h َ‫ ر‬,َ 0ِ ‫ق‬

ٍ ْ,f
ِ ‫ َم‬,َ َO ْ?(ُ %َ ‫ُ!اْ َأن‬0
َ ‫*َ ءا‬+ِ%‫ ِ ا‬U
h َ ‫س َو‬
َ 0%‫ِ ِر ا‬Xَ‫ ُ(?ْ َأنْ أ‬0ْ
h Aٍ G
ُ َ‫ ر‬1َ%‫َ ِإ‬0 ْ Y
َ ْ‫ً َأنْ َأو‬Cَ
َ ‫س‬
ِ 0-ِ% َ‫َأآَن‬

10:2. Patutkah menjadi keheranan bagi manusia bahwa Kami mewahyukan kepada seorang
laki-laki di antara mereka: "Berilah peringatan kepada manusia dan gembirakanlah orang-
orang beriman bahwa mereka mempunyai kedudukan yang tinggi di sisi Tuhan mereka".
Orang-orang kafir berkata: "Sesungguhnya orang ini (Muhammad) benar-benar adalah
tukang sihir yang nyata."

(2. Is it a wonder for mankind that We have sent Our revelation to a man from among
themselves (saying): "Warn mankind, and give good news to those who believe that they shall
have with their Lord the rewards of their good deeds'' (But) the disbelievers say: "This is
indeed an evident sorcerer!'')

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

?ِ(h‫ َر‬,َ ْ0

ِ ‫ق‬
ٍ ْ,ِf ‫ َم‬,َ Oَ ْ?(ُ َ% ‫ن‬
 ‫ُ!ا َأ‬0
َ q َ*+ِ%‫ ِ ا‬U
h َ ‫سَ َو‬0%‫ْ ِ ِر ا‬X‫ ُ(?ْ َأنْ َأ‬0ْ
ِ Aٍ ُG‫ َر‬1َ%‫َ ِإ‬0 ْ Y
َ ْ‫ً َأنْ َأو‬Cَ
َ ‫س‬
ِ 0-ِ% َ‫َأآَن‬

1%39 C.‫ أ‬#‫ آ‬UC%‫ *

* ا‬-4 #%‫ل ا‬4‫ر
* إر‬2a%‫
* ا‬V39 *
1- ‫ ا‬a0
1%39 ‫!ل‬E+ . /+y‫ " ا‬C ‫س‬0-% ‫ " أآن‬F%!O‫و‬
AG‫ ر‬1- ?a‫ءآ? ذآ
* ر‬G ‫? أن‬JC‫ " أو‬#(
!E% Q%f‫ل ه!د و‬O‫ " و‬0X‫و‬,(+ U‫(? " أ‬%!O *
* r#%‫ ون ا‬E%‫* ا‬
*‫ك * ا‬LN%‫ل ا‬O‫<ء ب " و‬U% ‫ا إن ها‬,Y‫( وا‬%‫ إ‬/(%y‫ ا‬A3G‫!ا " أ‬%O ?(X‫ أ‬e+ O ‫ر‬2‫ ا * آ‬Co
1%39 ‫ل‬O‫? " و‬a0

‫!ن‬a+ ‫ أ?
* أن‬S‫!ا ا‬%E) ?(0
aX‫ أو
* أ‬%‫ ب ذ‬3%‫ ت ا‬aX‫! أ‬4‫? ر‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f ‫ا‬,#L
1%39 S‫ ا‬w3 #% ‫س‬C
F ) ‫!ا‬2-J.‫ ر(? " ا‬,0 ‫ق‬,f ‫م‬,O ?(% ‫ " أن‬F%!O‫ و‬. /+y‫ " ا‬C ‫س‬0-% ‫ " أآن‬AG‫ و‬m S‫ل ا‬mX;) ‫ل‬O ,#L
‫ ا‬U F%!4‫ر‬
‫آ‬%‫دة )< ا‬3$%‫(? ا‬% &EC4 ‫!ل‬E+ " ‫ق‬,f ‫م‬,O ?(% ‫!ا أن‬0
q *+%‫ ا‬U‫ " و‬F%!O <) ‫س‬C *‫ * ا‬/L-d <‫< * أ‬- ‫ل‬E)
* {  %‫ك وا‬LN%‫ل ا‬O ‫
!ا وآا‬,O # 0$Y ‫ ا‬G‫!ل أ‬E+ " ?(‫ ر‬,0 ‫ق‬,f ‫م‬,O ?(% ‫س " أن‬C *‫!)< * ا‬3%‫ل ا‬O‫ول و‬K‫ا‬
" ?(‫ ر‬,0 ‫ق‬,f ‫م‬,O ?(% ‫ " أن‬,‫ل
ه‬O‫ و‬. /+y‫ا " ا‬,+, 4; ‫ر‬0 % " 1%39 F%!E‫? وها آ‬-4‫ * أ‬,+‫* * ز‬#Y %‫ ا‬,C‫ و‬HX‫أ‬
?-4‫ * أ‬,+‫ل ز‬O ‫(? وآا‬% {2U+ ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f ,#L
‫ و‬: ‫ل‬O ?(L C$9‫(? و‬JO,f‫!
(? و‬f‫(? و‬9_f /L%[%‫ل ا‬#K‫ل ا‬O
F% ‫ل‬E+ #‫
!ه آ‬,O <J%‫ ا‬/L%[%‫ل ا‬#K‫ أن ا‬,‫!ل
ه‬O + G *‫ر ا‬J.‫ ر(? وا‬,0 ‫ق‬,f ‚-4 ‫دة‬JO ‫ل‬O‫ ن و‬Y * A9E
(X‫س أ‬0%‫ ا‬a0+  ‫م‬,O ?a% : /
%‫!ل ذي ا‬O‫{ و‬9 S‫ ا‬/d <) 0%‫و‬K 02-.‫  و‬%‫  إ‬-3%‫م ا‬,E%‫ ا‬0% : ‫ن‬$Y ‫!ل‬E‫_م آ‬4n‫م )< ا‬,O
LC%‫ ا‬1- &#d ‫دي‬3%‫ ا‬V$L%‫
{ ا‬.

Allah rebukes the attitude of the disbelievers with the words

َ ِ‫س‬0-ِ% ‫ن‬
َ َ‫َأآ‬

(Is it a wonder for mankind...) They have always found it strange that Allah would send
Messengers to them from among mankind. Allah also tells us about other people from
previous nations who said,

6َ0Xَ ‫ُو‬,(ْ +َ ٌ َUَ ‫َأ‬

(Shall mere men guide us) (64:6) Hud and Salih said to their people:

6ْ?aُ 0ْ
h Aٍ ُG‫ َر‬1َ-َ ْ?aُ h ‫* ر‬h
ٌ ْ‫َ َء ُآ?ْ ِذآ‬G ‫?ْ أَن‬Jُ Cْ ِ
َ ‫َأ َو‬

(Do you wonder that there has come to you a reminder from your Lord through a man from
among you.) (7:63) Allah also told us what the disbelievers from Quraysh said:

6 ٌ‫َب‬
ُ ‫ْ ٌء‬1U
َ %َ ‫ًا ِإن هَـَا‬,ِY‫َـ(ً َو‬%‫ ِإ‬/َ (َ %ِ ‫ ا‬Aَ َ3G
َ ‫َأ‬

(Has he made the gods into one God Verily, this is a curious thing!) (38:5) Ad-Dahhak
reported Ibn `Abbas that he said: "When Allah sent Muhammad as a Messenger, most of the
Arabs denied him and his message and said: Allah is greater than sending a human Messenger
like Muhammad. '' Ibn `Abbas said, "So Allah revealed:

َ ِ‫س‬0-ِ% ‫ن‬
َ َ‫َأآ‬

(Is it a wonder for mankind...)'' Allah's statement;

6ْ?(ِ h ‫َ َر‬,0ِ ‫ق‬

ٍ ْ,f
ِ َ‫م‬,َ Oَ ْ?(ُ َ% ‫ن‬

(that they shall have with their Lord the rewards of their good deeds) Scholars have differed
over the meaning of the reward for the good deeds in this Ayah:

ِ ‫ َم‬,َ َO ْ?(ُ %َ ‫ن‬
 ‫ُ!اْ َأ‬0
َ ‫* ءا‬
َ +ِ%‫ ِ ا‬hUَ ‫ َو‬

(and give good news to those who believe that they shall have with their Lord the rewards of
their good deeds.) `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas said about this Ayah, "Eternal
happiness has been written for them.'' Al-`Awfi reported that Ibn `Abbas said: "It is the good
reward for what they have done.'' Mujahid said: "It is their good deeds -- their prayers,
fasting, charity, and glorification.'' He then said, "And Muhammad will intercede for them.''

30. QS Al Imran 3:30
F-%‫ وَا‬Fُ $ َ ْ2Xَ Fُ -%‫ ُر ُآ ُ? ا‬h َL+ُ ‫ًا َو‬, ِ3َ ‫َا‬,
َ ‫ َأ‬Fُ 0َ ْ َ‫(َ َو‬0َ ْ َ ‫ن‬
 ‫َ!ْ َأ‬% ‫َ َ! د‬9 ‫ُ! ٍء‬4 *ِ
َ َ
‫ ًا َو‬N
َ ْL
 ٍ ْ .
َ ْ*
ِ ْ&-َ#ِ َ 
ٍ 2ْ Xَ A ‫ُ ُآ‬,
ِ 9َ ‫َ!ْ َم‬+
‫َد‬Cِ3%ْ ِ ُ‫ رَءُوف‬6

3:30. Pada hari ketika tiap-tiap diri mendapati segala kebajikan dihadapkan (dimukanya),
begitu (juga) kejahatan yang telah dikerjakannya; Ia ingin kalau kiranya antara ia dengan
hari itu ada masa yang jauh; dan Allah memperingatkan kamu terhadap diri (siksa) Nya.
Dan Allah sangat Penyayang kepada hamba-hamba-Nya.

(30. On the Day when every person will be confronted with the good he has done, and all the
evil he has done, he will wish that there were a great distance between him and his evil. And
Allah warns you against Himself and Allah is full of kindness with the servants.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

F-%‫ وَا‬Fُ $ َ ْ2Xَ Fُ -%‫ ُر ُآ ُ? ا‬h َLُ+‫ًا َو‬, ِ3َ ‫ًا‬,

َ ‫ َأ‬Fُ 0َ ْ َ‫(َ َو‬0َ ْ َ ‫ن‬
 ‫َ!ْ َأ‬% ‫َ َ! د‬9 ‫ُ! ٍء‬4 ْ*
ِ ْ&-َِ#
َ َ
‫ ًا َو‬N
َ L
ُ ٍ ْ .
َ ْ*
ِ ْ&-َ#ِ َ َ
ٍ 2ْ Xَ A ‫ُ ُآ‬,
ِ 9َ ‫َ!ْ َم‬+
‫َد‬Cِ3%ْ ِ ٌ‫رَءُوف‬
‫ رأى‬#) " .‫م وأ‬,O # T
!+ ‫ن‬$Xn‫; ا‬C0+ " 1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫ و آ‬. *
F%#‫ { أ‬#G ,C3-% NL+ /
 E%‫!م ا‬+ <03+
FX U% ‫!ل‬E+ #‫ آ‬, 3 ,
‫ أ‬#(0  ‫!ن‬a+ ‫ وأن‬F0
‫ أ‬C9 FX‫! أ‬% ‫ وود‬F[ ‫ء^ و‬4 Q CO *
‫ و
 رأى‬FY )‫ وأ‬%‫ ^ ذ‬4 0$Y F%#‫أ‬
1%39 ‫ل‬O ?W " *+ E%‫ ا‬HTC) * O U#%‫ ا‬,3 0 ‫< و‬0  & % + " ‫!ء‬$%‫ ا‬A3) 1- ^‫ أ‬G ‫ي‬%‫  وه! ا‬X,%‫ )< ا‬F X‫ و‬E
‫ي آن‬%‫ا‬
‫!ا‬0E+‫ و‬FJ#Y‫!ا
* ر‬4; + _T% ^‫د‬C3%  G
F%_G AG ‫ل‬O ?W FE ?a)!o+ ‫ " أي‬F$2X S‫رآ? ا‬L+‫ا " و‬,!J
‫دا و‬,(
‫ا و‬,‫آ‬g

‫(? أن‬% VL+ FE-o ? Y‫ أي ر‬: ^ ‫ل‬O‫ و‬F$2X ?‫ره‬Y ?( FJ)‫
* رأ‬: ‫[ ي‬C%‫* ا‬$L%‫ل ا‬O " ‫د‬C3% ‫ رءوف‬S‫ " وا‬F2% *

?+ a%‫ ا‬F%!4‫!ا ر‬3CJ+ ‫? وأن‬+!E%‫ ا‬F0+‫ ? ود‬EJ$#%‫ ا‬Fd‫ ا‬f 1- ‫!ا‬# EJ$+ .

‫ ًا‬N
َ ْL
 ٍ ْ .
َ ْ*
ِ ْ&-َِ#
ٍ 2ْ Xَ A ُ‫ آ‬,ُ 
ِ 9َ َ‫!ْم‬+َ 6(On the Day when every person will be confronted with all
the good he has done,) meaning, on the Day of Resurrection, Allah brings the good and evil
deeds before the servant, just as He said,

 .‫ َم َوَأ‬, Oَ َ#ِ ِTِ

َ !ْ َ+ *
ُ ‫َـ‬$Xِn‫;ُ ا‬C0َ ُ+ 6 (On that Day man will be informed of what he sent forward, and
what he left behind.) 75:136.

When the servant sees his good deeds, he becomes happy and delighted. When he sees the evil
deeds he committed, he becomes sad and angry. Then he will wish that he could disown his
evil work and that a long distance separated it from him. He will also say to the devil who
used to accompany him in this life, and who used to encourage him to do evil;

*+ِ َE%ْ ‫ ا‬H

َ Tْ Cِ َ) *
ِ ْ Oَ ِ U
ْ #َ %ْ ‫ ا‬,َ ْ3ُ 
َ 0َ ْ َ ‫ِ< َو‬0 ْ َ &
َ ْ َ-+6 ("Would that between me and you were the distance of the
two easts ‫ ـ‬a horrible companion (indeed)!) 43:386. Allah then said, while threatening and

Fَ$ْ2Xَ Fُ -%‫ ُرآُ ُ? ا‬hL

َ +ُ َ‫و‬6 (And Allah warns you against Himself) meaning, He warns you against His
punishment. Allah then said, while bringing hope to His servants, so that they do not despair
from His mercy or feel hopeless of His kindness,

‫َد‬C3ِ ْ%ِ ٌ‫ َرءُوف‬Fُ -%‫وَا‬6 (And Allah is full of kindness with the servants) Al-Hasan Al-Basri said,
"Allah is so kind with them that He warns them against Himself.'' Others commented, "He is
merciful with His creation and likes for them to remain on His straight path and chosen
religion, and to follow His honorable Messenger.''

31. QS Al Qashash 28:85-88

* ِC
 Aٍ ‫َـ‬-r
َ 1ِ) !َ ُ‫َى َو َ
*ْ ه‬,(ُ %ْ ِ ‫َ َء‬G *َ
ْ ‫ َأ‬1h‫ ر‬AُO ٍ‫َد‬3
َ 1َ%‫ك ِإ‬
َ ‫د‬qَ %َ ‫ن‬
َ ‫ُ ْءَا‬E%ْ ‫ ا‬
َ ْ -َ
َ َ‫ِى َ) َ ض‬%‫ن ا‬

َ*+ِ 2ِ ‫َـ‬a-ْ h% ‫* …َ( ًا‬

 Xَ !ُa9َ _
َ )َ َh ‫* ر‬h
/ً #َ Y
ْ ‫ ِإ  َر‬V
ُ ‫َـ‬Jaِ %ْ ‫ ا‬
َ ْ %َ‫ ِإ‬1َE-ْ +ُ ‫ُ! أَن‬Gْ 9َ &
َ 0ُ‫ َو
َ آ‬-

َ* ِ‫ ِ آ‬U
ْ #ُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ *
 Xَ !ُa9َ َ ‫ َو‬
َ h َ‫ ر‬1َ%‫ع ِإ‬
ُ ْ‫ وَاد‬
َ ْ َ%‫&ْ ِإ‬%َmِ Xُ‫َ ِإذْ أ‬,3ْ َ ِF-%‫& ا‬
ِ ‫َـ‬+‫*ْ ءَا‬
َ َX , [
ُ +َ َ ‫ َو‬-

- ‫ُ!ن‬3G
َ ْ 9ُ Fِ ْ %َ‫ْ ُ? َوِإ‬aL
ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬Fُ %َ Fُ (َ ْG‫ٌ ِإ  َو‬%َِ‫ْ ٍء ه‬1
َ A‫ ِإ  هُ َ! ُآ‬Fَ ‫َـ‬%‫ َ َ ِإ‬.
َ ‫َـ(ً ءَا‬%‫ِ ِإ‬F-%‫ع َ
{َ ا‬
ُ ْ,9َ َ ‫ َو‬6

28:85. Sesungguhnya yang mewajibkan atasmu (melaksanakan hukum-hukum) Al Qur'an,

benar-benar akan mengembalikan kamu ke tempat kembali. Katakanlah: "Tuhanku
mengetahui orang yang membawa petunjuk dan orang yang dalam kesesatan yang nyata".
28:86. Dan kamu tidak pernah mengharap agar Al Qur'an diturunkan kepadamu, tetapi ia
(diturunkan) karena suatu rahmat yang besar dari Tuhanmu, sebab itu janganlah sekali-kali
kamu menjadi penolong bagi orang-orang kafir.
28:87. Dan janganlah sekali-kali mereka dapat menghalangimu dari (menyampaikan) ayat-
ayat Allah, sesudah ayat-ayat itu diturunkan kepadamu, dan serulah mereka kepada (jalan)
Tuhanmu, dan janganlah sekali-kali kamu termasuk orang-orang yang mempersekutukan
28:88. Janganlah kamu sembah di samping (menyembah) Allah, tuhan apapun yang lain.
Tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia. Tiap-tiap sesuatu pasti binasa,
kecuali Allah. Bagi-Nya lah segala penentuan, dan hanya kepada-Nya lah kamu

(85. Verily, He Who has given you the Qur'an, will surely bring you back to the return. Say:
"My Lord is Aware of him who brings guidance, and of him who is in manifest error.'')

(86. And you were not expecting that the Book would be sent down to you, but it is a mercy
from your Lord. So never be a supporter of the disbelievers.)

(87. And let them not turn you away from the Ayat of Allah after they have been sent down to
you, and invite to your Lord and be not of idolators.)

(88. And invoke not any other god along with Allah, La ilaha illa Huwa. Everything will perish
save His Face. His is the decision, and to Him you shall be returned.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ٍ ِC
ُ ‫َ ٍل‬-r
َ <ِ) !َ ‫َى َو َ
*ْ ُه‬,(ُ ْ%ِ ‫َ َء‬G ْ*
َ ُ?-َ
ْ ‫< َأ‬h‫ْ َر‬AُO ‫َ ٍد‬3
َ 1َ%‫ َا دكَ ِإ‬%َ َ‫ن‬qْ Eُ %ْ ‫ ا‬
َ ْ -ََ ‫ض‬
َ َ )َ ‫ِي‬%‫ن ا‬

!‫د وه‬3
1%‫ د^ إ‬4 FX; F% ‫ ا‬Co
‫س و‬0%‫ ا‬1- ‫ن‬q E%‫_وة ا‬9‫ و‬/%4 %‫_غ ا‬C F - F
_4‫ و‬S‫!ات ا‬-f F%!4‫
ا ر‬q 1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
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 E%‫!م ا‬+
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 E%‫!م ا‬+ 1%‫د " أي إ‬3
1%‫ ادك إ‬% " ‫س‬0%‫ ا‬1%‫  أداء^ إ‬-
* ‫ي‬,$%‫ل ا‬O‫اء" و‬,(U%‫ * وا‬C0% ‘ G‫ل " و‬O‫? " و‬JCG‫!ل
ذا أ‬E ) A4 %‫ ا‬S‫{ ا‬#+ ‫!م‬+ " 1%39 ‫ل‬O‫ * " و‬-4 #%‫* ا‬%;$0%‫و‬
F%O . ‫ن‬q E%‫ * ا‬-R4 ?W /0%‫ ا‬1%‫ ادك إ‬% ‫!ل‬E+ " ‫د‬3
1%‫ ادك إ‬% ‫ن‬q E%‫  ا‬- ‫ي ) ض‬%‫س " إن ا‬C *‫ * ا‬Q%f <‫أ‬
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1%‫ ادك إ‬% " #(0 S‫< ا‬r‫س ر‬C *‫ * ا‬/
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^‫ وروا‬/

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‫‪!+‬م ا‪ F-.,+ ?W /
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0W,Y FL Lf *
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‫‪ 24‬ن )‪ * /04 * 3C4 0
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1%‬د " إ‪ /a
* آ_م ا‪LN%‬ك ‪ <NJE+‬أن ه^ ا‪/ X,
‫وإن آن
‪!#‬ع ا‪!$%‬رة
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0W,Y‬دة )< ‪ % " 1%39 F%!O‬ادك إ‪3
1%‬د" ‪O‬ل ه^‬

‪ #‬آن ا* ‪C‬س ‪ . (#Ja+‬و‪ ,O‬روى ا* أ< ‪ ? 3X * ^,0$ ?9Y‬ا‪E%‬ري أ‪O FX‬ل )< ‪ % " F%!O‬ادك إ‪3
1%‬د " ‪O‬ل إ‪&  1%‬‬
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* )‪ $‬ذ‪!  %‬م ا‪K /
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‫‪![-%‬اب وو‪ FG‬ا‪ *  {#%‬ه^ ا‪!OK‬ال أن ا* ‪C‬س )‪ $‬ذ‪9 %‬رة  ‪ F!G‬إ‪ /a
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‫‪ . ?-39‬و‪(%‬ا )‪ $‬ا* ‪C‬س ‪9‬رة أ‪ .‬ى ‪ % " : F%!O‬ادك إ‪3
1%‬د " ‪!#%‬ت و‪9‬رة  !م ا‪ /
 E%‬ا‪%‬ي ه! ‪ ,3‬ا‪!#%‬ت و‪9‬رة ‪/0%‬‬
‫ا‪ <J%‬ه< ‪mG‬اؤ^ و
[ ^ ‪ 1-‬أداء ر‪ /%4‬ا‪ S‬وإ_ ( إ‪ 1%‬ا‪ * -E7%‬ا‪ HXn‬وا‪ *%‬و‪ FXK‬أآ‪ \-. A#‬ا‪ S‬وأ)[‪ \-. Q‬ا‪ S‬وأ ف‬
‫‪ \-.‬ا‪ 1- S‬ا‪_dn‬ق و‪ AO " : 1%39 F%!O‬ر< أ‪G *
?-‬ء ‪,(%‬ى و
* ه! )< ‪_r‬ل
‪ " * C‬أي ‪ 2%. *#% AO‬وآ ‪+‬‬

‪ *

!O *
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‪ ?a0‬و
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1%39‬آ ا ‪ FJ#3X F C0%‬ا‪ F - /# 3%‬و‪ 1-‬ا‪C3%‬د إذ أر‪ F-4‬إ‪?( %‬‬

‫* …َ(ِ ًا ِ‪َ +ِ ِ)َa-ْ %‬‬
‫ )َ‪ Xَ !ُa9َ َ-‬‬
‫ب ِإ‪َ %‬ر‪َ ْ*
ِ /ً #َ ْY‬ر ‪َ h‬‬
‫ ا ْ‪ُ َJِa%‬‬
‫& َ‪َ !ُGْ 9‬أنْ ُ‪ِ 1َEْ-+‬إَ‪َ ْ %‬‬
َ ُآ‪َ ْ0‬‬

 آ‪ !G 9 &0‬أن ‪ 1E-+‬إ‪  %‬ا‪Ja%‬ب " أي
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/#Y‬ر " "‬
‫أي إ‪ #X‬أ‪mX‬ل ا‪ *
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‪ ^( L0‬ا‪ /#30%‬ا‪ (… *X!a9 _) " /# 3%‬ا " أي
‪0 3‬‬
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‫*ْ ‪ِ َ+q‬‬
‫َو‪َ َX , ُ[+َ َ%‬‬

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‫)‪t‬ن ا‪ A3
S‬آ‪ J#-‬و
‪ ,+g‬د‪ 0+‬و
 أر‪ R4 1- F -4‬ا‪K‬د‪+‬ن و‪(%‬ا ‪O‬ل " وادع إ‪ 1%‬ر " أي إ‪C 1%‬دة ر و‪ ^,Y‬‬
‫‪ " F% +  " .‬و ‪ *
*X!a9‬ا‪ U#%‬آ *‬

‫‪َ ?ُ ْaL‬وِإَ‪َ ْ 9ُ Fِ ْ %‬‬
‫<ْ ٍء هَِ‪ِ ٌ%‬إ‪َ %‬و‪ Fُ َ% Fُ (َ ْG‬ا ْ‪ُ %‬‬
‫‪ِ َ% َ .‬إَ‪ Fَ %‬إِ‪ُ %‬ه َ! ُآ‪َ A‬‬
‫ع َ
َ{ ا‪ِ Fِ -%‬إَ‪َ q ً(%‬‬
‫َو‪ُ ْ,9َ َ%‬‬

‫‪ " : F%!O‬و ‪,9‬ع

{ ا‪ S‬إ‪  .q (%‬إ‪ F%‬إ ه! " أي  ‪ \ -9‬ا‪C3%‬دة إ ‪ F%‬و ‪ <sC09‬ا‪ / (%n‬إ ‪ . FJ#3%‬و‪ " F%!O‬آ‪< A‬ء ه‪%‬‬
‫إ و‪ " F(G‬إ‪C.‬ر ;‪ FX‬ا‪,%‬ا‪ ?R‬ا‪ <OC%‬ا‪ <L%‬ا‪! E%‬م ا‪%‬ي ‪!#9‬ت ا‪ \R_o%‬و ‪!#+‬ت آ‪O #‬ل ‪ " 1%39‬آ‪) ( - *
A‬ن و‪ 1EC+‬و‪FG‬‬
‫ر ذو ا‪_%‬ل وا‪n‬آ ام " )‪ * FG!% C3‬ا‪%‬ات وه‪a‬ا ‪ F%!O‬ه(‪ " 0‬آ‪< A‬ء ه‪ %‬إ و‪ " F(G‬أي إ إ‪ ^+‬و‪<) &CW ,O‬‬
‫ا‪ \+ d *
Q L[%‬أ< ‪ * /#-4‬أ< ه ‪ +‬ة ‪O‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ " : ?-4‬أ‪,f‬ق آ‪ (%O /#-‬ا‪ , C% U%‬أ آ‪A‬‬
 ‪ _.‬ا‪ " Ad S‬و‪O‬ل
ه‪ ,‬وا‪!7%‬ري )< ‪ " : F%!O‬آ‪< A‬ء ه‪ %‬إ و‪ " F(G‬أي إ
 أر‪ F ,+‬و‪ F(G‬و‪ ^aY‬ا‪oC%‬ري‬
‫)< ‪ FL Lf‬آ‪ E#%‬ر ‪O F%‬ل ا* ‪ : + G‬و‪O *
,(UJ$+‬ل ذ‪!E %‬ل ا‪ : U%‬أ‪ 2sJ4‬ا‪ S‬ذ‪ F [L
&$% CX‬رب ا‪C3%‬د إ‪F %‬‬
‫ا‪ FG!%‬وا‪ A#3%‬وها ا‪!E%‬ل  ‪ <)0+‬ا‪!E%‬ل ا‪K‬ول )‪t‬ن ها إ‪C.‬ر * آ‪ A‬ا‪#K‬ل ;‪ /-d (X‬إ
 أر‪ F ,+‬و‪ FG‬ا‪*
1%39 S‬‬
‫ا‪#K‬ل ا‪ /L%[%‬ا‪ /3+ U-% /E#%‬وا‪!E%‬ل ا‪K‬ول
‪ ^NJE‬أن آ‪ A‬ا‪%‬وات )‪ / X‬وزا‪ /-R‬إ ذا‪ 1%39 F9‬و‪,E9‬س )‪ FXt‬ا‪K‬ول وا‪ .y‬‬
‫ا‪%‬ي ه! ‪ ACO‬آ‪< A‬ء و‪ ,3‬آ‪< A‬ء ‪O .‬ل أ! ‪ ,C a‬ا‪ * ,#L
* S‬أ< ا‪ <)  X,%‬آ‪J‬ب ا‪ a2J%‬وا‪CJ‬ر ‪ 0W,Y‬أ‪* ,#Y‬‬

‪ * ,#L‬أ< ‪ * ?-$
0W,Y a‬إ اه ? ‪ ? -4 * # 0W,Y‬ا‪C%‬ه‪ 0W,Y <-‬أ! ا‪O , %!%‬ل ‪ :‬آن ا* ‪ #‬إذا أراد أن ‪3J+‬ه‪FC-O ,‬‬
‫‪ <9;+‬ا‪0 ) ( 1- ‚E ) / o%‬دي [!ت ‪!E ) *+mY‬ل ‪ :‬أ‪ *+‬أه‪ -‬؟ ‪ {G + ?W‬إ‪!E ) F$2X 1%‬ل " آ‪< A‬ء ه‪ %‬إ و‪" F(G‬‬
‫و‪ F% " : F%!O‬ا‪ " ?aL%‬أي ا‪ -#%‬وا‪ [J%‬ف و
‪ " F#aL% VE3‬وإ‪!3G 9 F %‬ن " أي ‪!+‬م
‪3‬دآ? ) ‪ ?a%#; ?a+m‬إن آن ‪ .‬ا‬
‫‪ o) .‬وإن  ا )‪!4 $29 .q . U‬رة ا‪ [E%‬و‪ S‬ا‪ ,#L%‬وا‪/0#%‬‬

‫‪Here Allah commands His Messenger to convey the Message and recite the Qur'an to people.‬‬

He tells him that he will be brought back to the return, which is the Day of Resurrection,
where he will be asked about the prophethood he was entrusted with. So Allah says:

َ 1َ%‫ دكَ ِإ‬qَ %َ ‫ن‬
َ ‫ُ ْءَا‬E%ْ ‫ ا‬
َ ْ -ََ ‫ض‬
َ َ َ) ‫ِى‬%‫ِإن ا‬6 (Verily, He Who has given you the Qur'an, will surely bring
you back to the return.) meaning, `the One Who has commanded you to put it into practice
among mankind,'

َ 1َ%‫ك ِإ‬
َ ‫ د‬qَ %َ6 (will surely bring you back to the return.) `On the Day of Resurrection, where He
will question you concerning that,' as Allah said:

* ِ-4
َ ْ #ُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ْ 0َ %ََ‫َ ْ ِ(?ْ و‬%‫ ِإ‬Aَ 4
ِ ْ‫* ُأر‬
َ +ِ%‫* ا‬
ْ 0َ َ-)َ 6 (Then surely, We shall question those to whom it was sent
and verily, We shall question the Messengers.) (7:6) Allah said:

?ُJCْ G
ِ ‫ ُأ‬qَ‫ُ! ُل
َذ‬E َ )َ Aَ 4
ُ  %‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫َ ُ{ ا‬#
ْ +َ ‫!ْ َم‬+َ 6 (On the Day when Allah will gather the Messengers together
and say to them: "What was the response you received'') (5:109). And He said:

‫ء‬qَ,(َ U
 %‫* وَا‬
َ ْ h Cِ 0%ِ ‫ َء‬1‫ِـ‬G‫ َو‬6 (and the Prophets and the witnesses will be brought forward) (39: 69) In
his Tafsir of his Sahih, Al-Bukhari recorded that Ibn `Abbas commented on the Ayah:

َ 1َ%‫ك ِإ‬
َ ‫ د‬qَ %َ6 (will surely bring you back to the return.) "To Makkah.'' This was also recorded
by An-Nasa'i in his Tafsir in his Sunan, and by Ibn Jarir. Al-`Awfi also reported from Ibn
`Abbas that the phrase:

َ 1َ%‫ك ِإ‬
َ ‫ د‬qَ %َ6 (will surely bring you back to the return.) means, "will surely bring you back to
Makkah as He brought you out of it.'' Muhammad bin Ishaq recorded that Mujahid
commented on:

َ 1َ%‫ك ِإ‬
َ ‫ د‬qَ %َ

(will surely bring you back to the return.) He said, "Back to your place of birth in Makkah.''
Ibn `Abbas is also reported to have interpreted it variously referring to death, to the Day of
Resurrection which will come after death, and to Paradise which will be his reward and his
destiny for putting the Message of Allah into practice and conveying it to the humans and
Jinns, and because he is the most perfect, most eloquent and most noble of all the creation of
Allah. Allah's saying:

6ٍ* ِC
َ 1ِ) !َ ‫َى َو َ
*ْ ُه‬,(ُ %ْ ِ ‫َ َء‬G *َ
ْ ‫ َأ‬1h‫ ر‬AُO

(Say: "My Lord is Aware of him who brings guidance, and of him who is in manifest error.'')
means: "Say, O Muhammad, to those among your people who oppose you and disbelieve you,
among the idolators and those who follow them in their disbelief, `My Lord knows best which
of us, you or I, is rightly guided, and you will come to know for which of us will be the (happy)
end in the Hereafter, and for which of us will be a good end and victory in this world and in
the Hereafter'.'' Then Allah reminds His Prophet the numerous blessings He granted to him
and mankind by virtue of sending him to them:

V‫َـ‬Jaِ %ْ ‫ ا‬
َ ْ %َ‫ ِإ‬1َE-ْ +ُ ‫ُ! أَن‬Gْ َ9 &
َ 0ُ‫ َو
َ آ‬6 (And you were not expecting that the Book would be sent down to
you,) `Before the revelation was sent down to you, you did not expect that revelation would be
sent down to you.'

h‫* ر‬h
/ً #َ Y
ْ ‫ِ* ر‬a‫َـ‬%‫ َو‬6 (but it is a mercy from your Lord.) means, `but revelation has been sent
down to you from Allah as a mercy to you and to mankind because of you. Since Allah has
granted you this great blessing,'

‫* …َ( ا‬
 Xَ !ُa9َ _
َ )َ 6 (So never be a supporter) i.e., a helper,

*+ِ 2ِ ‫َـ‬a-ْ %ِ6 (of the disbelievers.) rather, separate from them, `express your hostility towards them
and oppose them. '

6َ ْ َ%‫&ْ ِإ‬%َmِ Xُ‫َ ِإذْ أ‬,3ْ َ Fِ -%‫& ا‬

ِ ‫َـ‬+‫ َ*ْ ءَا‬
َ X , [
ُ +َ َ ‫ َو‬

(And let them not turn you away from the Ayat of Allah after they have been sent down to
you.) meaning, `Do not let their opposition to you affect you or put people off from following
your way; do not worry about that or pay any attention to it, for Allah will make your word
supreme, will support your religion and will make the Message with which He has sent you
prevail over all other religions.' So He says:

h‫ َر‬1َ%‫وَادْعُ ِإ‬6 (and invite to your Lord) to worship your Lord Alone, with no partners or

* َ‫ ِ آ‬U
ْ #ُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ *Xَ !ُa9َ َ ‫ َو‬6 (and be not of idolators.)

!ُ‫ ِإ  ه‬Fَ ‫َـ‬%‫َ َ َ ِإ‬.‫َـ(ً ءَا‬%‫ ِإ‬Fِ -%‫ع َ

َ{ ا‬
ُ ْ,9َ َ ‫ َو‬6 (And invoke not any other god along with Allah, there is no
God but Him.) means, it is not appropriate to worship anything or anybody except Him, and
divinity does not befit any except His glory.

Fَ(ْG‫ٌِ ِإ  َو‬%َ‫ْ ٍء ه‬1

َ A ‫ ُآ‬6 (Everything will perish save His Face.) Here Allah is telling us that He is
Eternal, Ever Lasting, Ever Living, Self-Sustaining, Who, although His creation dies, He will
never die, as He says:

‫آْ َام‬nِ ‫ وَا‬Aِ ‫ْـ‬-َ%ْ ‫َ ذُو ا‬h ‫ َر‬Fُ G

ْ ‫ َو‬1َECْ +َ ‫ َو‬- ‫ن‬
ٍ َ) َ( ْ َ-
َ ْ*
َ A ‫ ُآ‬6 (Whatsoever is on it will perish. And the Face of
your Lord full of majesty and honor will remain forever.) (55:26-27). Allah used the word
"Face'' to refer to Himself, as He says here:

Fَ(ْG‫ٌِ ِإ  َو‬%َ‫ْ ٍء ه‬1

َ A ‫ ُآ‬6 (Everything will perish save His Face.) meaning, everything except Him. It
was reported in the Sahih via Abu Salamah that Abu Hurayrah said, "The Messenger of Allah

«Aِdَ S
َ ‫َ ا‬-.
َ َ
‫<ْ ٍء‬
َ A ‫َ ُآ‬%‫ُ َأ‬, ِC%َ ُ 
ِ U%‫(َ ا‬%ََO /ٍ #َ -َِ‫ق آ‬
ُ َ,f
ْ ‫( » َأ‬The truest word of a poet was the saying of
Labid - indeed everything except Allah is false.)

ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬Fُ %َ6 (His is the decision,) means, dominion and control, and there is none who can reverse
His judgement or decision.

6َ‫ُ!ن‬3َGْ 9ُ Fِ ْ َ%‫ َوِإ‬

(and to Him you shall be returned.) means, on the Day when you will be brought back, and He
will reward or punish you according to your deeds: if they are good, then you will be
rewarded, and if they are bad, then you will be punished. This is the end of the Tafsir of Surat
Al-Qasas. To Allah be praise and blessings.

32. QS Al Qashash 28:33-35

ِ !ُ-Jُ ْE+َ ‫ف أَن‬
ُ َ.;َ)َ ً$ْ2Xَ ْ?(ُ 0ْ
ِ &
ُ -ْ َJOَ 1hX‫ب ِإ‬
h َ‫َ َل ر‬O

ِ !ُhaَ +ُ ‫ف أَن‬
ُ َ.‫ َأ‬1hX‫ ِإ‬1ِ0Oُ ,h [
َ ُ+ ‫ ِردْءًا‬1
َ 3ِ
َ Fِ ْ-4
ِ ْ‫ً )ََ;ر‬Xَ$%ِ 1h0
ِ Q
ُ[َ ْ)‫ن ُه َ! َأ‬
ُ ‫ هَـ ُو‬1ِ.‫ َوَأ‬-

- ‫ُ!ن‬C-ِ‫َـ‬s%ْ ‫َ ا‬#ُa3َ Cَ 9‫* ا‬

َ ‫َ َو‬#Jُ Xَ‫َ أ‬0Jِ ‫َـ‬+ْ‫َ ِـ‬#aُ ْ %َ‫ُ!نَ ِإ‬-[
ِ +َ َ_)َ ً0‫َـ‬-ْ 4
ُ َ#aُ %َ ُA3َ 
ْ Xَ ‫ َو‬
َ ِ.;َِ َ‫ك‬,َ N
َ , U
ُ 0َ 4
َ َ‫َل‬O 6

28:33. Musa berkata: "Ya Tuhanku sesungguhnya aku, telah membunuh seorang manusia
dari golongan mereka, maka aku takut mereka akan membunuhku.
28:34. Dan saudaraku Harun dia lebih fasih lidahnya daripadaku, maka utuslah dia
bersamaku sebagai pembantuku untuk membenarkan (perkataan) ku; sesungguhnya aku
khawatir mereka akan mendustakanku".
28:35. Allah berfirman: "Kami akan membantumu dengan saudaramu, dan Kami berikan
kepadamu berdua kekuasaan yang besar, maka mereka tidak dapat mencapaimu;
(berangkatlah kamu berdua) dengan membawa mukjizat Kami, kamu berdua dan orang
yang mengikuti kamulah yang menang".

(33. He said: "My Lord! I have killed a man among them, and I fear that they will kill me.'')

(34. "And my brother Harun -- he is more eloquent in speech than me, so send him with me as
a helper to confirm me. Verily, I fear that they will deny me.'')

(35. Allah said: "We will strengthen your arm through your brother, and give you both power,
so they shall not be able to harm you, with Our Ayat; you two as well as those who follow you,
will be the victors.'')

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ِ !ُ-ُJEْ +َ ْ‫ف َأن‬
ُ َ.;ََ) ً$ْ2Xَ ْ?(ُ 0ْ
ِ &
ُ ْ-Jَ َO <hX‫ب ِإ‬
h ‫َلَ َر‬O

&-JO <X‫ل رب إ‬O "F9!4 *
)!.‫ و‬F0
[ ) ارا‬+‫ ج
* د‬. #X‫ي إ‬%‫ ) !ن ا‬1%‫هب إ‬% 1%39 S‫ أ
^ ا‬#%
<X‫!ن " أي إذا رأو‬-JE+ ‫ف أن‬.;) "<CE%‫ ا‬%‫< ذ‬03+ " $2X .

ِ !ُhaَ ُ+ ْ‫َفُ َأن‬.‫< َأ‬hX‫ِ< ِإ‬0ُO,h [
َ ُ+ ‫< ِردْءًا‬
َ 3ِ
َ Fُ -ْ ِ4ْ‫ً )ََ;ر‬Xَ$%ِ <h0
ِ ُQ[
َ )ْ ‫ن ُه َ! َأ‬
ُ ‫ِ< هَرُو‬.‫َوَأ‬

" * Y ‫ ة‬#%‫ ا‬-9 ‫ول‬09 ‫

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‫ أن‬%‫ " وذ‬X$% <0
Q[)‫< هرون ه! أ‬.‫وأ‬
‫ة‬,E A-Y‫ " وا‬: ‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫ و‬C3J%‫ة )< ا‬, F ) A[L) FX$% 1- (3r!) ‫ ة‬#%‫ ا‬.;) ‫رة‬,%‫ ة أو ا‬#J%‫( و * ا‬0  .
F <09
‫ أ‬# ) <0$Xg+ ‫ )< أ
ي " أي‬F‫ أزري وأ آ‬F ‫د‬,‫< ا‬.‫< هرون أ‬-‫ ا
* أه‬+‫< وز‬% A3G‫< وا‬%!O ‫(!ا‬E2+ <X$%
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* 0W‫ ا‬C. ‫ن‬K AG‫ و‬m S‫ * ا‬F C.‫ وأ‬F%!O‫ أ‬# ) <0O,[+ ‫
ي‬K +!E
‫ و‬0 3
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‫!س‬20%‫{ )< ا‬X‫أ‬
<0 ?(2+ FXt) F ?(#-‫<
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َ !ُC%َِs%ْ ‫َ ا‬#aُ 3َ Cَ 9 ‫* ا‬
َ ‫َ َو‬#Jُ Xْ ‫َ َأ‬09ِ َ+ِ َ#aُ ْ َ%‫ن ِإ‬
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َ ِ.;َِ َ‫ك‬,َ N
َ ,U
ُ َ04
َ َ‫َل‬O

 CX ‫!ن‬a+ ‫ أن‬F% &%;4 ‫ي‬%‫  ا‬.; CXG m3X‫!ي أ

ك و‬E04 ‫  " أي‬.; ‫ك‬,N ,U04 " : 1%39 S‫ل ا‬O 14!
%‫;ل ذ‬4 #%

‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫  " و‬CX ‫^ هرون‬.‫ أ‬0J#Y‫
* ر‬F% 0C‫ " ووه‬: 1%39 ‫ل‬O‫ " و‬14!
+ %g4 & 9‫ أو‬,O " ‫ ى‬.K‫ ا‬/+y‫ )< ا‬#‫ آ‬3

!4‫  ور‬CX S‫ ا‬F-3G 1JY F ) {2 FXt) ‫_م‬$%‫ ا‬#( - ‫ هرون‬1- 14!
F .‫ أ‬1- /0
?‫ أ‬,Y‫ أ‬H % ‚-$%‫ˆ ا‬3
/Y ‫" أي‬X-4 #a% A3X‫ " و‬: 1%39 F%!O‫ ( " و‬G‫ و‬S‫ ا‬,0 ‫ " وآن‬14!
\Y <) 1%39 ‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫ و‬FT-
‫ ) !ن و‬1%‫إ‬
(+‫ أ‬+ " : 1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫ آ‬S‫ت ا‬+q #a _‫ إ‬VC$ #‫ أذاآ‬1%‫!ل إ‬f!%‫ ا‬1%‫(? إ‬% A C4  ‫ " أي‬09+ #a %‫!ن إ‬-[+ _) " ‫ه ة‬O
- F%!O 1%‫ إ‬- S‫ت ا‬4‫!ن ر‬s-C+ *+%‫ " ا‬: 1%39 ‫ل‬O‫س " و‬0%‫
* ا‬#[3+ S‫ وا‬- F%!O 1%‫ إ‬- ‫ 
* ر‬%‫ل إ‬mX‫Š
 أ‬- ‫!ل‬4 %‫ا‬
‫ل‬E) ‫ ة‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫ )< ا‬#(3C9‫* ا‬#%‫ و‬#(% /CO3%‫ أن ا‬#‫ ه‬C.‫(ا أ‬%‫ا و‬,+g
‫ و‬0 3
‫ ا و‬fX S 12‫ " أي وآ‬C $Y S 12‫وآ‬
X‫ " إ‬: 1%39 ‫ل‬O‫ " و‬m+m ‫!ي‬O S‫< إن ا‬-4‫ ور‬X‫* أ‬C- K S‫ ا‬VJ‫ " آ‬: 1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫!ن" آ‬C%s%‫ ا‬#a3C9‫ و
* ا‬#JX‫ " أ‬: 1%39
‫!ن‬-[+ _) X-4 #a% A3X‫ و‬103#%‫ أن ا‬1- + G *‫ ا‬FG‫ وو‬/+y‫ ا‬.q 1%‫  " إ‬X,%‫ ة ا‬L%‫!ا )< ا‬0
q *+%‫ وا‬0-4‫[ ر‬00%
103#%‫ و  أن ها ا‬09+ ‫!ن‬C%s%‫ ا‬#a3C9‫ و
* ا‬#JX‫ ^ أ‬+,E9 " ‫!ن‬C%s%‫ ا‬#a3C9‫ و
* ا‬#JX‫ أ‬09+ ": ‫!ل‬E ) ‫ئ‬,JC+ ?W #a %‫إ‬
?-‫ أ‬S‫ ها وا‬1%‫ إ‬/GY _) ‫ول‬K‫ ا‬F G!J%‫
* ا‬AfY !‫ وه‬Q Lf .

When Allah commanded him to go to Fir`awn, the one who he had run away from and whose
vengeance he feared,

6ً$ْ2Xَ ْ?(ُ 0ْ
ِ &
ُ -ْ َJOَ 1hX‫ب ِإ‬
h َ‫َ َل ر‬O

( Musa said: My Lord! I have killed a man among them,) meaning, that Coptic,

6ِ‫ُ!ن‬-ُJEْ +َ ‫ف أَن‬
ُ َ.َ;)َ 

(and I fear that they will kill me.) i.e., `when they see me.'

6ًXَ$%ِ 1h0
ِ Q
ُ[َ )ْ ‫ن ُه َ! َأ‬
ُ ‫ هَـ ُو‬1ِ.‫وََأ‬

(And my brother Harun -- he is more eloquent in speech than me,) Musa, peace be upon him,
had a speech defect, because when he had been given the choice between a date and a pearl, he
mistakenly picked up a coal and placed it on his tongue, so he found it difficult to speak
clearly. Musa said:

6 ‫ َأ ْ
ِى‬1ِ) Fُ ‫ ِ ْآ‬
ْ ‫ َوَأ‬- ‫ َأزْرِى‬Fِ ِ ْ‫د‬,ُ 
ْ ‫ ا‬- 1ِ.‫ن َأ‬
َ ‫ هَـ ُو‬- 1ِ-‫
*ْ َأ ْه‬h ‫ ًا‬+ِ‫ َوز‬1h% Aَ3G
ْ ‫ وَا‬- <ِ%ْ!َO ‫َ(ُ! ْا‬E2ْ +َ - 1ِXَ$%h *h
ُ Aْ ُ-ْY‫وَا‬

("And loose the knot (the defect) from my tongue. That they understand my speech. And
appoint for me a helper from my family, Harun, my brother. Increase my strength with him,
And let him share my task.'') (20:27-32) meaning, `give me someone to keep me company in
this immense task of prophethood and conveying the Message to this arrogant, tyrannical and
stubborn king. ' Hence Musa said:

6ً‫ ِردْءا‬1
َ 3ِ
َ Fِ -ْ 4
ِ ْ‫ً َ);َر‬Xَ$%ِ 1h0
ِ ُQ[
َ ْ)‫ن ُه َ! َأ‬
ُ ‫ هَـ ُو‬1ِ.‫ َوَأ‬

(And my brother Harun -- he is more eloquent in speech than me: so send him with me as a
helper) meaning, as a support to give strength to my cause and confirm what I say and convey
from Allah, because the word of two carries more weight in people's minds than the word of
one. So he said:

6ِ‫ُ!ن‬haَ +ُ ‫ف أَن‬
ُ َ.‫ َأ‬1hX‫ِإ‬

(Verily, I fear that they will deny me.) Muhammad bin Ishaq said: c

61ِ0ُO,h َ[+ُ ‫ ِردْءًا‬

(as a helper to confirm me.) means, `to explain to them what I say, for he can understand me
where they may not.' When Musa asked for this, Allah said to him:

6َ ِ.َ;ِ َ‫ك‬,َ N

َ , U
ُ 0َ 4

(We will strengthen your arm through your brother,) meaning, `We will add strength to your
cause and give you help through your brother, who you have asked to be made a Prophet
alongside you.' This is like the Ayat;

61َ4!ُ#+ َ%َْg4
ُ &
َ ِ9‫ْ أُو‬,Oَ 

(You are granted your request, O Musa!) (20:36)

6 ًّ Cِ Xَ ‫ن‬
َ ‫َ^ُ هَـ ُو‬.‫َ َأ‬0Jِ #َ Y
ْ ‫
ِ* ر‬Fُ %َ َ0Cْ ‫ َو َو َه‬

(And We granted him his brother Harun, (also) a Prophet, out of Our mercy) (19:53). One of
the Salaf said, "There is no one who has ever done a greater favor to his brother than Musa
did for Harun, may peace be upon them both, for he interceded for him until Allah made him
a Prophet and Messenger with him to Fir`awn and his chiefs. Allah said concerning Musa:

( ِG‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫ ا‬,َ 0ِ ‫ن‬

َ َ‫ َوآ‬6 (he was honorable before Allah) (33:69).

0‫َـ‬-ْ 4
ُ َ#aُ َ% Aُ 3َ 
ْ Xَ ‫ َو‬6 (and (We will) give you both power) means, overwhelming evidence.

َ0Jِ ‫َـ‬+ْ‫َ ِـ‬#aُ ْ %َ‫ُ!نَ ِإ‬-[

ِ +َ َ_)َ 6 (so they shall not be able to harm you, with Our Ayat;) means, `they will
have no way or means of harming you because you are conveying the signs of Allah.' This is
like the Ayat:

h‫ ْ َ
ِ* ر‬%َ‫ َل ِإ‬mِ Xُ‫Šْ
َ أ‬-hَ ‫ُ! ُل‬4  %‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ‫َـ‬+6 (O Messenger! Proclaim (the Message) which has been sent
down to you from your Lord.) until His saying:

‫س‬0%‫* ا‬
َ #ُ [
ِ 3ْ +َ Fُ -%‫وَا‬6 (Allah will protect you from mankind) (5:67).

F-%‫& ا‬
ِ ‫ـ‬%َ4ِ‫ن ر‬
َ !ُs-hCَ +ُ َ*+ِ%‫ا‬6 (Those who convey the Message of Allah) until His saying:

6ًC ِ$َY Fِ -%ِ 1َ2‫ َو َآ‬

(And sufficient is Allah as a Reckoner) (33:39). And sufficient is Allah as a Helper and
Supporter. And Allah told them the consequences in this world and the next, for them and for
those who followed them,

‫ُ!ن‬Cِ-‫َـ‬s%ْ ‫َ ا‬#aُ َ3Cَ 9 ‫َ َو َ

*ِ ا‬#Jُ Xَ‫أ‬6 (you two as well as those who follow you will be the victors.) This is like
the Ayat:

َ ‫ى‬
 !ِ َO Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ ِإ‬1ِ-ُ4‫ْ َو ُر‬Xَ ‫* َأ‬Cَ ِ-
ْ ّ Fُ -%‫ ا‬V
َ Jَ ‫ َآ‬6 (Allah has decreed: "Verily, it is I and My Messengers
who shall be the victorious.'' Verily, Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty.) (58:21)

َ Xْ , %‫ َ!ةِ ا‬L

َ %ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫َ وَا‬0-َ4
ُ ُ‫[ ُ ر‬
ُ 0َ0َ% X‫ِإ‬6 (Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers
and those who believe in this world's life) (40:51) to the end of the Ayah.

33. QS A T - T A U B A H 9:72

َCْ‫ َأآ‬Fِ -%‫* ا‬َ

ِ ٌ‫!َان‬r ْ ‫ْنٍ َو ِر‬,
َ ‫ت‬
ِ 0G
َ <ِ) /ً Cَ h d
َ َ*‫َ ِآ‬$
َ ‫* )ِ (َ َو‬
َ +ِ,%َِ. ‫(َ ُر‬Xْ َ;%ْ ‫(َ ا‬Jِ ْL9َ ْ*
ِ ‫ْ ِي‬9َ ‫ت‬
ٍ 0G
َ ِ‫َت‬0
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫ِ *َ وَا‬0
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ ا‬,َ 
َ ‫َو‬
? ِ3َ %ْ ‫!ْ ُز ا‬2َ %ْ ‫َ ُه َ! ا‬%ِ‫َذ‬

9:72. Allah menjanjikan kepada orang-orang yang mukmin lelaki dan perempuan, (akan
mendapat) surga yang di bawahnya mengalir sungai-sungai, kekal mereka di dalamnya, dan
(mendapat) tempat-tempat yang bagus di surga Adn. Dan keridaan Allah adalah lebih besar;
itu adalah keberuntungan yang besar.

(72. Allah has promised the believers -- men and women, -- Gardens under which rivers flow
to dwell therein forever, and beautiful mansions in gardens of `Adn (Eden; Paradise). But the
greatest bliss is the good pleasure of Allah. That is the supreme success.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َCْ‫ َأآ‬Fِ -%‫* ا‬َ

ِ ٌ‫!َان‬r ْ ‫ْنٍ َو ِر‬,
َ ‫ت‬
ِ 0G
َ <ِ) /ً Cَ h d
َ َ*‫َ ِآ‬$
َ ‫* )ِ (َ َو‬
َ +ِ,%َِ. ‫(َ ُر‬Xْ َ;%ْ ‫(َ ا‬Jِ ْL9َ ْ*
ِ ‫ْ ِي‬9َ ‫ت‬
ٍ 0G
َ ِ‫َت‬0
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫ِ *َ وَا‬0
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ ا‬,َ 
َ ‫َو‬
? ِ3َ %ْ ‫!ْ ُز ا‬2َ %ْ ‫َ ُه َ! ا‬%ِ‫َذ‬
‫* ) ( " أي‬+,%. ‫(ر‬XK‫( ا‬JL9 *
‫ ي‬9 ‫ت‬0G " <) ? E#%‫ ? ا‬30%‫ ات وا‬o%‫ت
* ا‬0
g#%‫ وا‬F * 0
g#-% ^,‫ أ‬# 1%39 Co+
<‫< * أ‬X!%‫ ان ا‬# <‫ أ‬w+,Y *
* L L[%‫ء )< ا‬G #‫ ار آ‬E%‫ ا‬/C d ‫ء‬0C%‫ ا‬/0$Y ‫ " أي‬/C d *‫آ‬$
‫ا " و‬,‫ * ) ( أ‬7‫

‫ و‬#(J Xq V‫ن
* ذه‬J0G ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O F ‫ ي * أ‬3K‫ ا‬H O * S‫ ا‬,C 14!
<‫ * أ‬a
‫ن‬, /0G <) F(G‫ و‬1- ‫ء‬+ Ca%‫ ر(? إ رداء ا‬1%‫ وا إ‬0+ ‫!م و * أن‬E%‫ و
  * ا‬#( ) 
‫ و‬#(J Xq‫ و‬/N) *
‫ن‬J0G‫ و‬#( )
_ )< ا‬J4 (%!d /)!
‫ة‬,Y‫ة وا‬g%g% *
/# o% /0%‫
* )< ا‬g#-% ‫? إن‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O F‫و‬
S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O ‫ ة‬+ ‫ * أ< ه‬N+‫ أ‬#( )‫ * و‬L L[%‫^ )< ا‬G .‫ أ‬N3 ?(N3 ‫ ى‬+  ?( - ‫!ف‬+ ‫!ن‬-‫
* ) ( أه‬g#-%
‫ أو‬S‫ ا‬A C4 <) G‫ ه‬/0%‫ ا‬F-.,+ ‫ أن‬S‫ ا‬1- EY ‫ن‬t) ‫ن‬N
‫م ر‬f‫[_ة و‬%‫م ا‬O‫ وأ‬F%!4‫ ور‬S *
q *
?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f
F- C4 <) *+,‫ه‬#-% S‫ه ا‬,‫ أ‬/G‫ در‬/R
/0%‫ل إن )< ا‬O ‫س ؟‬0%‫ ا‬CoX _)‫ أ‬S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ ‫!ا‬%O ( ) ,%‫< و‬J%‫ ا‬Fr‫ )< أر‬H-G
/0%‫(ر ا‬X‫ أ‬29 F0
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<r‫ ر‬ACG * ‫ذ‬3
* ‫ر‬$+ * ‫? * ء‬-4‫ * أ‬,+‫ ز‬/+‫
* روا‬FG
ي وا‬J%‫< وا‬X‫ ا‬C%‫ ا‬,0‫* و‬#Y %‫  ش ا‬FO!)‫و‬
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[%‫دة * ا‬C * ‫
ي‬J-%‫ و‬F-7
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^G .‫ء أ‬#$%‫ )< ا‬V‫!آ‬a%‫ ون ا‬9 #‫ آ‬/0%‫ )< ا‬/) s%‫ اءون ا‬J % /0%‫ ا‬A‫? إن أه‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O ,34 *
F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫* ر‬a$
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* ا‬F E% /- 4!%‫ ا‬F% ‫ل‬E+ ‫ن‬a
/0%‫ )< ا‬/%m0
1-‫? أن أ‬-3 % ?W * L L[%‫)< ا‬
S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ة أن ر‬+ ‫ * أ< ه‬V3‫ * آ‬w % * ‫ ن‬24 X C.‫ ازق أ‬%‫ ا‬,C 0W,Y : ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫ل ا‬O #‫ آ‬/0%‫?
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* VR‫ * أ * * ا* أ< ذ‬14!
0W,Y <X‫ ا‬L%‫ ا‬-#%‫ ا‬,C * , %!%‫ا‬
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0-O : ‫ل‬O F0 S‫< ا‬r‫ ة ر‬+ ‫ * أ< ه‬/%,#%‫< * أ< ا‬R%‫ ا‬,‫ *
ه‬,34 w+,Y *
م أ‬n‫ ا‬,0$
<)‫< و‬X‫ ا‬C%‫روا^ ا‬
(‫ ا‬9‫!ت و‬O %‫ وا‬g%g-%‫ؤه ا‬C[Y‫ و‬$#%‫( ا‬d_
‫ و‬/N) /0C%‫ و‬V‫ ذه‬/0C% ‫ل‬O ‫ؤه ؟‬0 
/0%‫ * ا‬0W,Y S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+

ي‬J%‫!^ و* ا‬LX !)
# *‫ وروي * ا‬FC 102+ ‫ و‬F W 1-C9  ‫!ت‬#+  ,-o+‫ ;س و‬+  ?30+ (-.,+ *
‫ ان‬2m%‫ا‬
<) ‫? إن‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O F0 S‫< ا‬r‫< ر‬- * ,34 * ‫ن‬#30%‫ق * ا‬L4‫* * إ‬#Y %‫ ا‬,C w+,Y *

?3d‫_م وأ‬a%‫ ا‬V d *#% ‫ل‬E) ‫* ه< ؟‬#% S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ ‫ل‬E) <‫م أ ا‬E) . ‫(
* …ه ه‬0d‫( و‬0d *
‫ ى …ه ه‬+ ) s% /0%‫ا‬
S) ‫ ي‬3K‫ و ا‬# * S‫ ا‬,C w+,Y *
<X‫ ا‬C%‫ روا^ ا‬V+ w+,Y ‫ل‬O ?W ‫ م‬X ‫س‬0%‫ وا‬A -% 1-f‫[ م و‬%‫م وأدام ا‬3%‫ا‬
‫( ه< ورب‬% .  /0%‫ن ا‬t) ‫ ؟‬/0%‫ ا‬1%‫ إ‬#U
A‫? أ ه‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O ,+‫ * ز‬/
4‫? و* أ‬-‫أ‬
‫ )< دار‬,‫م )< أ‬E
‫ ة و‬7‫ آ‬A-Y‫ و‬/- #G ‫ء‬0$Y /G‫ وزو‬/ NX ‫ ة‬#W‫(
 د و‬X‫ و‬, U
[O‫ و‬mJ(9 /XL+‫ ور‬K’J+ ‫!ر‬X /C3a%‫ا‬
‫ل‬E) S‫!ا إن ء ا‬%!O ‫ل‬O (% ‫ ون‬#U#%‫* ا‬LX S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ ?3X ‫!ا‬%O / ( / - /-L
<) /#3X‫ ة و‬CY‫ ة و‬N.‫ و‬/(‫ و)آ‬/# -4
F ) ?‫ ه‬#
?‫ وأ‬AG‫ وأ‬C‫(? أآ‬0 S‫ ا‬r‫ " أي ر‬C‫ أآ‬S‫!ان
* ا‬r‫ " ور‬1%39 F%!O‫ و‬FG
*‫ روا^ ا‬S‫!م إن ء ا‬E%‫ا‬

S‫!ل ا‬4‫ أن ر‬F0 S‫< ا‬r‫ري ر‬,o%‫ ا‬, 34 <‫ر * أ‬$+ * ‫? * ء‬-4‫ * أ‬,+‫ * ز‬S‫ ا‬F#Y‫ ر‬%

م‬n‫ل ا‬O #‫ ? آ‬30%‫ا‬
A‫!ل ه‬E ) ‫ك‬,+ <) o%‫ وا‬+,34‫ و‬0‫  ر‬C% ‫!ن‬%!E ) /0%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬+ /0%‫ ا‬A‫ه‬K ‫!ل‬E+ AG‫ و‬m S‫ل إن ا‬O ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f
+ ‫!ن‬%!E ) ‫ ؟‬%‫
* ذ‬AN)‫? أ‬a ‫!ل أ أ‬E ) E-. *
‫ا‬,Y‫} أ‬39 ?% 
0J ‫ أ‬,O‫ رب و‬+ 1r X  0% 
‫!ن و‬%!E ) ‫? ؟‬J r‫ر‬
,C !‫ل أ‬O‫ و‬%
w+,Y *
^G .‫ أ‬. " ‫ا‬,‫^ أ‬,3 ?a - }o4‫< )_ أ‬X‫!ا‬r‫? ر‬a - AY‫!ل أ‬E ) ‫ ؟‬%‫
* ذ‬AN)‫رب وأي <ء أ‬
S‫ ا‬,C * G * ‫ر‬,a0#%‫ * ا‬,#L
* ‫ ن‬24 * <+ 2%‫ ا‬0W,Y <RG %‫ ا‬AN2%‫ ا‬0W,Y <-
L#%‫ ا‬A #4‫ * * إ‬$L%‫ ا‬S‫ا‬
0‫ ر‬+ ‫!ا‬%O ‫آ? ؟‬,+‫ );ز‬T  ‫(!ن‬JU9 A‫ ه‬AG‫ و‬m S‫ل ا‬O /0%‫ ا‬/0%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬A.‫? " إذا د‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O
FJ‫< )< آ‬4,E#%‫ ء ا‬N%‫)‡ ا‬L%‫ل ا‬O‫!ري و‬7%‫ ا‬w+,Y *
<) ‫ار‬mC%‫ وروا^ ا‬. " C‫< أآ‬X‫!ا‬r‫ل ر‬O ‫ ؟‬0J ‫ أ‬#

?-‫ أ‬S‫ وا‬Q L[%‫  ط ا‬1- ‫ي‬,0 ‫ ها‬/0%‫ ا‬/2f .

Allah describes the joys and eternal delight He has prepared for the believers, men and
women in,

6َ( ِ) *
َ +ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬. ُ ‫(َـ‬Xْ  ‫ِ(َ ا‬JL
ْ 9َ *ِ
‫ ِى‬
ْ 9َ ٌ&‫ـ‬0G

(Gardens under which rivers flow to dwell therein forever) for eternity,

6ً/Cَ h َd *
َ aِ ‫َـ‬$
َ ‫ َو‬

(and beautiful mansions), built beautifully in good surroundings. In the Two Sahihs, it is
recorded that Abu Musa, `Abdullah bin Qays Al-Ash`ari said that the Messenger of Allah

‫ ِردَاء‬%‫ ِ(?ْ ِإ‬h ‫ َر‬1َ%‫ ُوا ِإ‬

ُ 0ْ َ+ ْ‫* َأن‬
َ ْ َ َ‫َ!ْ ِم و‬E%ْ ‫* ا‬
َ ْ َ َ
‫ َو‬،َ#(ِ ِ) َ
‫َ َو‬#(ُ Jُ َ ِXq /ٍ N
 ِ) ْ*
ِ ِ‫َن‬J0 َG‫ َو‬،َ#(ِ ِ) َ
‫َ َو‬#(ُ Jُ َ Xِ q V
ٍ ‫ن ِ
*ْ َذ َه‬
ِ َJ0G
«‫ْن‬, َ /ِ 0 Gَ <ِ) Fِ (ِ ْG‫ َو‬1َ-َ ‫َ ِء‬+ ِ ْCaِ %ْ ‫ا‬

(Two gardens, their pots and whatever is in them are made of gold, and two gardens, their
pots and whatever is in them are made of silver. Only the Veil of Pride of Allah's Face
separates the people from gazing at Him, in the garden of Eden.) He also narrated that the
Messenger of Allah said,

‫ َى‬+َ َ% ْ?(ِ ْ َ-

َ ‫ف‬ُ !ُ+َ ‫ن‬
َ !ُ-‫* )ِ (َ َأ ْه‬
ِ ْg#ُ -ْ %ِ ‫َ ِء‬#$
 %‫ً )ِ< ا‬- ِ
َ !J4
ِ َ(%ُ!ُd ،ٍ/َ)! 
ُ ‫َ ٍة‬,Y
ِ ‫ةٍ وَا‬gَ %ُْgُ% ْ*
ِ /ً #َ ْ o
َ %َ /ِ 0
َ %ْ ‫* )ِ< ا‬
ِ gْ #ُ -ْ ِ% ‫ن‬
«ًN3ْ َ ْ?(ُ N ُ 3ْ َ

(For the believer in Paradise there is a tent like a hollow pearl which is sixty miles high in the
sky, and in the tent the believer will have (so large) a family that he visits them all and some of
them would not be able to see the others. ) The Two Sahihs collected this Hadith. It is recorded
in the Two Sahihs that Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said,

Fِrْ‫( )ِ< َأر‬H َ -ََG) ْ‫ َأو‬،ِS‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4

َ <ِ) َ َGَ‫ ه‬/َ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Fُ -َِ.ْ,+ُ ْ‫ َأن‬S
ِ ‫ ا‬1َ-
َ “EY
َ ‫ن‬tِ)َ ،َ‫َن‬N
َ ‫َ َم َر‬f‫َةَ َو‬-[
 %‫َ َم ا‬O‫ وََأ‬Fِ %ِ!ُ4‫ َو َر‬S
ِ ِ *
َ q ْ*
َ »
«َ( ِ) ,َ %ِ‫ِ< ُو‬J%‫ا‬

‫ل‬O ‫س؟‬0%‫ ا‬CoX _)‫ أ‬S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ :‫!ا‬%O:

^!ُ%;َْ4َ) S
َ ‫?ُ ا‬Jُ %ْ ;ََ4 ‫ذَا‬tَِ) ،ِ‫َ;رْض‬%ْ ‫َ ِء وَا‬#$  %‫* ا‬ َ ْ َ َ#‫* َآ‬ ِ ْ Jَ َG‫ َد َر‬Ah ‫* ُآ‬
َ ْ َ Fِ -ِ ِC4َ <ِ) َ*+ِ,‫َ ِه‬#ُ -ْ ِ% S ُ ‫هَ ا‬,
َ ‫ َأ‬/ٍ َG‫ َد َر‬/َ َRِ
/ِ 0 
َ ْ%‫ن )ِ< ا‬
«*َ#ْY  %‫ش ا‬ُ ْ  َ Fُ Oَ ْ!َ)‫ َو‬،ِ/0 
َ %ْ ‫(َرُ ا‬Xْ ‫ ُ َأ‬
 َ29َ Fُ 0ْ
ِ ‫ َو‬،ِ/0 َ %ْ ‫} ا‬ُ4 َ ْ‫ َوَأو‬/ِ 0 َ%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ-ْ‫ َأ‬Fُ X tَِ) ‫س‬
َ ْ‫ ْدَو‬2ِ %ْ ‫ا‬

(Whoever believes in Allah and His Messenger, offers prayer perfectly and fasts the month of
Ramadan, will rightfully be granted Paradise by Allah, no matter whether he emigrates in
Allah's cause, or remains in the land where he is born.) The people said, "O Allah's
Messenger! Shall we acquaint the people with this good news'' He said, (Paradise has one-

hundred grades which Allah has prepared for the Mujahidin who fight in His cause, the
distance between each two grades is like the distance between the heaven and the earth. So,
when you ask Allah, ask Him for Al-Firdaws which is the best and highest part of Paradise,
from it gush forth the rivers of Paradise and above it is the `Arsh (Throne) of the Beneficent.)
Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Hurayrah said, that the Messenger of Allah said,

«/َ- ِ4َ!%ْ ‫< ا‬

َ %ِ S
َ ‫ُ!ا ا‬-$
َ َ) <
 -ََ ْ?Jُ ْ -f
َ ‫»ِإذَا‬

‫ل‬O‫؟‬/- 4!%‫ و
 ا‬S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ A O:

«!ُ‫َ ه‬X‫ن َأ‬

َ !ُ‫ُ! َأنْ َأآ‬Gْ‫ٌ َوَأر‬,Y
ِ ‫ٌ وَا‬AُG‫ َر‬%‫ُ(َ ِإ‬%َ0َ+ َ% /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ )ِ< ا‬/ٍ G
َ ‫ دَ َر‬1َ-
ْ ‫»َأ‬

(If you invoke Allah for Salah (blessings) on me, then also invoke Him to grant me Al-
Wasilah.) He was asked, "What is Al-Wasilah, O Allah's Messenger'' He said, (The highest
grade in Paradise, it will be for only one man, and I hope I am that man.) The Musnad
contains a Hadith from Sa`d bin Mujahid At-Ta'i, that Abu Al-Mudillah said, that Abu
Hurayrah said, "We said, `O Allah's Messenger! Talk to us about Paradise, what is it built of'
He said,

،ُ‫ُ!ت‬#+َ َ% ُ,-ُْo+َ ‫س َو‬

ُ ;َCْ +َ َ% ُ?3َ 0ْ َ+ َ(ُ-.
ُ ْ,+َ ْ*
َ .‫ن‬
ُ ‫َ َا‬2
ْ m %‫ُ َا ُ(َ ا‬9‫ َو‬،ُ‫ُ!ت‬Oَ %ْ ‫ُ وَا‬g%ُْg-%‫َ ُؤهَ ا‬C[
ْ َY‫ َو‬
ْ #ِ %ْ ‫ُ(َ ا‬dَ-
ِ ‫ َو‬،ٍ/N
 ِ) /ُ 0َ َC%ِ‫ َو‬V
ٍ ‫ ذَ َه‬/ُ 0َ Cَ %ِ »
َ 1َ0ْ2+َ َ%‫ َو‬Fُ ُ َ ِW 1َ-ْC9َ َ%

(A brick of gold and a brick of silver. Its mortar is from musk, its gravel is pearls and rubies.
Its sand is saffron. Whoever enters it will enjoy the delights, will never be hopeless, and will
live forever and will not die. His clothes will never decay nor will his youth ever end.)'' Allah
said next,

6ُ Cَ ‫ َأ ْآ‬Fِ -%‫* ا‬
h ٌ‫ َ!ن‬r
ْ ‫ َو ِر‬

(But the greatest bliss is the good pleasure of Allah)9:726, meaning, Allah's pleasure is more
grand, greater and better than the delight the believers will be enjoying in Paradise6. Imam
Malik narrated, that Zayd bin Aslam said that `Ata' bin Yasar said that Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri
said that the Messenger of Allah said,

َ !ُ%!ُE َ )َ ‫?ْ؟‬Jُ ِrَ‫ْ ر‬A‫ َه‬:‫ُ! ُل‬E َ )َ . َ +ْ ,َ +َ <ِ) ُ ْ o
َ %ْ ‫َ وَا‬+ْ ,َ 3ْ 4
َ ‫َ َو‬0 ‫ َر‬
َ ْ C%َ :َ‫ُ!ن‬%!ُE َ )َ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ ‫َ َأ ْه‬+ :/ِ 0
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ ‫;َ ْه‬%ِ ‫ُ! ُل‬E+َ A G
َ َ‫ و‬m 
َ S
َ ‫نا‬ ‫»ِإ‬
‫<ْء‬َ ‫ب َوَأي‬ h َ‫َ ر‬+ :َ‫ُ!ن‬%!ُE َ )َ ‫َِ؟‬%َ‫ ِ
*ْ ذ‬Aَ َNْ)‫?ْ َأ‬aُ ِْ‫َ ُأ‬%‫ َأ‬:‫ُ! ُل‬E َ َ) ،َEِ -ْ َ. ْ*
ِ ‫ًا‬,Y َ ‫ْ}ِ َأ‬39ُ ْ?َ% َ
َ0Jَ ْ  َ ْ ‫ْ َأ‬,َO‫ب َو‬ h َ‫َ ر‬+ 1َrْ Xَ َ% َ0َ% َ
«‫ًا‬,َ ‫ ُ^ َأ‬,َ 3ْ َ ْ?aُ ْ -َ
َ }
ُ َo4
ْ ‫َ َأ‬-َ) <ِX‫ْ!َا‬r‫?ْ ِر‬aُ ْ -ََ A Y ِ ‫ ُأ‬:‫ُ!ل‬E َ َ) ‫َ؟‬%ِ‫ ِ
*ْ َذ‬Aُ N َ )ْ ‫َأ‬

(Allah, the Exalted and Ever High, will say to the people of Paradise, `O residents of
Paradise!' They will say, `Labbayka (here we are!), our Lord, and Sa`dayk (we are happy at
your service!) and all the good is in Your Hand.' He will ask them, `Are you pleased' They will
say, `Why would not we be pleased, O Lord, while You have given us what You have not given
any other of your creation' He will say, `Should I give you what is better than all this' They
will say, `O Lord! What is better than all this' He will say, `I will grant you My pleasure and
will never afterwards be angry with you.') The Two Sahihs collected the Hadith of Malik.

34. QS An Naml 27:15-19

* ِ0
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫َ ِد^ِ ا‬C
ِ ْ*
h ٍ ِ7َ‫ آ‬1َ-
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َ %ْ ‫َ َ ا‬O‫ً َو‬#ْ-
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ُ ‫َ دَاوُودَ َو‬0 ْ 9َ ‫ْ ءَا‬,Eَ %ََ‫و‬

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ْ 2َ %ْ ‫(ُ َ! ا‬%َ ‫ن هَـَا‬
 ِ‫ْ ٍء إ‬1
َ Ah ‫َ
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ِ 0َ
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ُ 0%‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ+ ‫َ َل‬O‫* دَاوُو َد َو‬
ُ ‫َـ‬# ْ -َ4
ُ ‫ث‬
َ ‫ وَ َو ِر‬-

َ‫ُ! َزُ!ن‬+ ْ?(ُ )َ ِ ْ %‫ وَا‬HْXnِ ‫* وَا‬

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ُ *
َ ‫َـ‬# ْ -َ$
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ِ Y
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- ?$Cَ َJ)َ - ‫ن‬ َ ‫ ُو‬3ُ Uْ +َ َ ْ?‫ُ! ُد^ُ َو ُه‬0G

ُ ‫* َو‬
ُ ‫َـ‬# ْ -َ4
ُ ْ?aُ 0#َ 
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َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬-ُ.ْ‫ اد‬Aُ ْ#0 %‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ+ /ٌ -َ#ْ Xَ ْ&َ%َO Aِ #ْ 0 %‫ وَادِى ا‬1َ- َ ‫!ْا‬9َ ‫ َأ‬qَ‫ ِإذ‬1JY
َ Jِ #َ Y
ْ َ ِ 1ِ0ْ-.
ِ ْ‫ َوَأد‬Fُ ‫َـ‬rْ 9َ ًLِ-‫َـ‬f Aَ #َ 
ْ ‫ى َوَأنْ َأ‬,َ ِ%‫ وَا‬1َ-َ‫ َو‬1  -ََ &َ ْ#3َ Xْ ‫ َأ‬1ِJ%‫ ا‬
َ Jَ #َ 3ْ Xِ َ aُ 
ْ ‫ َأنْ َأ‬1ِ0ْ ‫ب َأوْ ِز‬
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* ِL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫َ ِدكَ ا‬C ِ 6

27:15. Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah memberi ilmu kepada Daud dan Sulaiman; dan
keduanya mengucapkan: Segala puji bagi Allah yang melebihkan kami dari kebanyakan
hamba-hamba-Nya yang beriman".
27:16. Dan Sulaiman telah mewarisi Daud, dan dia berkata: "Hai Manusia, kami telah diberi
pengertian tentang suara burung dan kami diberi segala sesuatu. Sesungguhnya (semua) ini
benar-benar suatu karunia yang nyata".
27:17. Dan dihimpunkan untuk Sulaiman tentaranya dari jin, manusia dan burung lalu
mereka itu diatur dengan tertib (dalam barisan).
27:18. Hingga apabila mereka sampai di lembah semut berkatalah seekor semut: Hai semut-
semut, masuklah ke dalam sarang-sarangmu, agar kamu tidak diinjak oleh Sulaiman dan
tentaranya, sedangkan mereka tidak menyadari";
27:19. maka dia tersenyum dengan tertawa karena (mendengar) perkataan semut itu. Dan dia
berdoa: "Ya Tuhanku, berilah aku ilham untuk tetap mensyukuri nikmat-Mu yang telah
Engkau anugerahkan kepadaku dan kepada dua orang ibu bapakku dan untuk mengerjakan
amal saleh yang Engkau ridai; dan masukkanlah aku dengan rahmat-Mu ke dalam golongan
hamba-hamba-Mu yang saleh".

(15. And indeed We gave knowledge to Dawud and Sulayman, and they both said: "All praise
be to Allah, Who has preferred us above many of His believing servants!'')

(16. And Sulayman inherited from Dawud. He said: "O mankind! We have been taught the
language of birds, and we have been given from everything. This, verily, is an evident grace.'')
(17. And there were gathered before Sulayman his hosts of Jinn and men, and birds, and they
all were set in battle order (marching forward).)

(18. Till, when they came to the valley of the ants, one of the ants said: "O ants! Enter your
dwellings, lest Sulayman and his armies should crush you, while they perceive not.'')

(19. So he (Sulayman) smiled, amused at her speech and said: "My Lord! Grant me the power
and ability that I may be grateful for Your favors which You have bestowed on me and on my
parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds that will please You, and admit me by Your
mercy among Your righteous servants.'')

‫‪ $29‬ا* آ‪ 7‬‬

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1- / E-J$
/-#0 !‫ذا ه‬t) <E$J$+ ‫_م‬$%‫ ا‬#( - ‫ن * داود‬# -4 ‫ ج‬. ‫ل‬O <G0%‫\ ا‬+,[%‫< * أ< ا‬#3%‫ ا‬,+‫ * ز‬3$

‫ن‬# -4 ‫ل‬E) 0a-(9 0E$9 ‫ ك وإ‬E4 * 0 10 ‫ و‬E-. *

\-. X‫(? إ‬-%‫ ا‬: ‫!ل‬E9 <‫ء وه‬#$%‫ ا‬1%‫( إ‬#R‫!ا‬O /3)‫…( ه را‬
* ‫ ة‬+ ‫م * أ< ه‬#‫ * ه‬#3
* ‫ زاق‬%‫ ا‬,C \+ d *
,0 Q L[%‫& )< ا‬CW ,O‫!ة آ? و‬, ?J E4 ,E) ‫!ا‬3G‫ار‬
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;) /-#X ‫ ء‬CXK‫ 
* ا‬CX &f O " : ‫ل‬O ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f <C0%‫ا‬
‫ة‬,Y‫ وا‬/-#X _() ‫ ؟‬QC$9 ?
* ا‬/
‫& أ‬a-‫ " أه‬.

Here Allah tells us about the great blessings and favors which He bestowed upon two of His
servants and Prophets, Dawud (David) and his son Sulayman (Solomon), peace be upon them
both, and how they enjoyed happiness in this world and the Hereafter, power and authority in
this world, and the position of being Prophets and Messengers. Allah says:

َ ِ0
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫َ ِد^ِ ا‬C
ِ ْ*
h ٍ ِ7‫ َآ‬1َ-
َ َ0َ-N
 )َ ‫ِى‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -ِ% ,ُ #ْ L
َ %ْ ‫َ َ ا‬Oَ‫ً و‬#ْ-
ِ *
َ ‫َـ‬# ْ -َ4
ُ ‫َ دَاوُودَ َو‬0 ْ َ9‫ْ ءَا‬,Eَ %ََ‫و‬

(And indeed We gave knowledge to Dawud and Sulayman, and they both said: "All the
praises and thanks be to Allah, Who has preferred us above many of His believing servants!'')

6َ‫* دَاوُود‬
ُ ‫َـ‬# ْ َ-4
ُ ‫ث‬
َ ‫ َو َو ِر‬

(And Sulayman inherited from Dawud.) means, in kingship and prophethood. What is meant
here is not wealth, because if that were the case, Sulayman would not have been singled out
from among the sons of Dawud, as Dawud had one hundred wives. Rather what is meant is
the inheritance of kingship and prophethood, for the wealth of the Prophets cannot be
inherited, as the Messenger of Allah said:

َ !َ (ُ )َ ُ^َ0‫ َ ْآ‬9َ َ
،ُ‫ُ! َرث‬X َ% ‫ِ َ ِء‬CXْ ;َْ%‫ َ ا‬
ِ َ3
َ *
ْ Xَ »

(We Prophets cannot be inherited from; whatever we leave behind is charity.) And Sulayman

6ٍ‫ْء‬1َ Ah ‫َ
ِ* ُآ‬0 ِ9‫ ْ ِ َوأُو‬%‫\ ا‬
َ ِ0َ
َ0#ْ h-
ُ ‫س‬
ُ 0%‫(َ ا‬+;َ+

(O mankind! We have been taught the language of birds, and we have been given from
everything.) Here Sulayman was speaking of the blessings that Allah bestowed upon him, by
giving him complete authority and power, whereby mankind, the Jinn and the birds were
subjugated to him. He also knew the language of the birds and animals, which is something
that had never been given to any other human being -- as far as we know from what Allah and
His Messenger told us. Allah enabled Sulayman to understand what the birds said to one
another as they flew through the air, and what the different kinds of animals said. Sulayman

َ Ah ‫َ
ِ* ُآ‬0 ِ9‫ ْ ِ َوأُو‬
 %‫\ ا‬
َ ِ0َ
َ0#ْ -hُ

(We have been taught the language of birds, and we have been given from everything.) i.e., all
things that a king needs.

6ُ* ِC#ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aُ ْN2َ %ْ ‫ ُ( َ! ا‬%َ ‫ن هَـَا‬


(This, verily, is an evident grace.) means, `this is clearly the blessings of Allah upon us.'

َ !ُ‫ُ! َز‬+ ْ?(ُ )َ ِ ْ 
 %‫ وَا‬HْXnِ ‫* وَا‬
ِ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ُ^‫ُ! ُد‬0G
ُ َ*‫َـ‬# ْ َ-$
ْ ِ% َ U
ِ Y
ُ ‫ َو‬

(And there were gathered before Sulayman his hosts of Jinn and men, and birds, and they all
were set in battle order.) means, all of Sulayman's troops of Jinn, men and birds were
gathered together, and he rode with them in a display of might and glory, with people
marching behind him, followed by the Jinn, and the birds flying above his head. When it was
hot, they would shade him with their wings.

6َ‫ُ! َزُ!ن‬+ ْ?(ُ )َ 

(and they all were set in battle order.) The first and the last of them were brought together, so
that none of them would step out of place. Mujahid said: "Officials were appointed to keep
each group in order, and to keep the first and the last together so that no one would step out of
line -- just as kings do nowadays.''

6ِA#ْ 0 %‫ وَادِى ا‬1َ-

َ ‫!ْا‬9َ ‫ َأ‬qَ‫ ِإذ‬1JY

(Till, when they came to the valley of the ants,) meaning, when Sulayman, the soldiers and the
army with him crossed the valley of the ants,

6َ‫ ُون‬3ُ U
ْ +َ َ ْ?‫ُ! ُد^ُ َو ُه‬0G
ُ ‫* َو‬
ُ ‫َـ‬# ْ -َ4
ُ ْ?aُ 0 #َ 
ِ ْL+َ َ ْ?aُ 0َ ِa‫َـ‬$
َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬-ُ.ْ‫ُ اد‬Aْ#0 %‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ+ ٌ/-َْ#Xَ ْ&%ََO

(one of the ants said: "O ants! Enter your dwellings, lest Sulayman and his armies should
crush you, while they perceive not.'') Sulayman, peace be upon him, understood what the ant

6ُF‫َـ‬rْ 9َ ًLِ-‫َـ‬f Aَ َ#

ْ ‫ى َوَأنْ َأ‬,َ %ِ‫ وَا‬1َ-
َ ‫ َو‬1-َ
َ &
َ #ْ 3َ Xْ ‫ َأ‬1ِJ%‫َ ا‬Jَ َ#3ْ Xِ َ aُ 
ْ ‫ َأنْ َأ‬1ِ0
ْ ِ‫ب َأوْز‬
h َ‫َ َل ر‬O‫(َ َو‬%ِ ْ!َO *h
ًaِL‫َـ‬r ?َ $
 Cَ Jَ َ)

(So he smiled, amused at her speech and said: "My Lord! Grant me the power and ability that
I may be grateful for Your favors which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and
that I may do righteous good deeds that will please You, ) meaning: `inspire me to give thanks
for the blessings that You have bestowed upon me by teaching me to understand what the
birds and animals say, and the blessings that You have bestowed upon my parents by making
them Muslims who believe in You.'

F‫َـ‬rْ 9َ ًLِ-‫َـ‬f Aَ #َ 
ْ ‫ َوَأنْ َأ‬6 (and that I may do righteous good deeds that will please You,) means,
`deeds that You love which will earn Your pleasure.'

* ِL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫َ ِدكَ ا‬Cِ 1ِ) 

َ Jِ #َ ْY َ ِ 1ِ0-ْ ِ.ْ‫ َوَأد‬6 (and admit me by Your mercy among Your righteous servants.)
means, `when You cause me to die, then join me with the righteous among Your servants, and
the Higher Companion among Your close friends.'

35. QS An Nuur 24:22

‫ن أَن‬َ !CِL9ُ َ ‫ُ!اْ َأ‬L2َ [

ْ َ %ْ َ‫ُ!اْ و‬23ْ َ %ْ َ‫ و‬Fِ -%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4
َ 1ِ) َ*+ِ 
ِ ‫(َـ‬#ُ %ْ ‫* وَا‬
َ ِa‫َـ‬$#َ %ْ ‫ وَا‬1َْ ُE%ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ%ْ‫ُ! ْا ُأو‬9ْgُ+ ‫ أَن‬/ِ 3َ $
 %‫ُ?ْ وَا‬a0ِ
Aِ N
ْ َ2%ْ ‫ُ!اْ ا‬%ْ‫ ُأو‬Aِ 9َ ْ;+َ َ َ‫و‬
? ِY‫ُ!رٌ ر‬2 َ Fُ -%‫?ْ وَا‬aُ %َ Fُ -%‫ِ َ ا‬2sْ +َ 6

24:22. Dan janganlah orang-orang yang mempunyai kelebihan dan kelapangan di antara
kamu bersumpah bahwa mereka (tidak) akan memberi (bantuan) kepada kaum kerabat
(nya), orang-orang yang miskin dan orang-orang yang berhijrah pada jalan Allah, dan
hendaklah mereka memaafkan dan berlapang dada. Apakah kamu tidak ingin bahwa Allah
mengampunimu? Dan Allah adalah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.

(22. And let not those among you who are blessed with graces and wealth swear not to give to
their kinsmen, the poor, and those who left their homes for Allah's cause. Let them pardon
and forgive. Do you not love that Allah should forgive you And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

‫!نَ أَن‬CL
ِ 9ُ َ%‫ُ!ا َأ‬L2َ [
ْ َ ْ%َ‫ُ!ا و‬2ْ3 َ ْ%‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫ِ ا‬A ِC4
َ <ِ) *
َ +ِ ِGَ(#ُ %ْ ‫َآِ *َ وَا‬$#َ ْ%‫ وَا‬1َْ ُE%ْ ‫ِ< ا‬%‫ُ!ا أُو‬9ْg+ُ ْ‫ َأن‬/ِ 3َ $
 %‫?ْ وَا‬aُ 0ْ
ِ Aِ ْN2َ %ْ ‫ُ! ا‬%‫ أُو‬Aِ 9َ ;ْ َ+ َ%َ‫و‬
? ِY‫ُ!رٌ َر‬2 َ Fُ -%‫?ْ وَا‬aُ %َ Fُ -%‫ِ َ ا‬2sْ +َ

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AN2%‫! ا‬%‫‚ " أو‬-L+  ‫‚ أي‬-L%‫ وه< ا‬/ %K‫ "
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* Y F0 S‫< ا‬r‫\ ر‬+,[%‫& )< ا‬%mX /+y‫(? وه^ ا‬$2XK ?(#-… {
FE-o F2%‫ و‬F
‫ وآ‬1%39 F#-Y *
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,3 ‫ا‬,‫ أ‬/3)0 /WW‫ * أ‬Q$
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‫\ وآن‬+,[%‫ ا‬/%. *‫ آن ا‬FXt) /WW‫ * أ‬Q$
!‫ وه‬FC $X‫ و‬FC+ O 1- \+,[%‫‚ ا‬3+ /0#%‫ وا‬AN2%‫ ا‬F%‫ و‬1%39‫رك و‬C9
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<) ‫ا‬,‫ أ‬F0
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Allah says,

6ِA9َ ;ْ +َ َ ‫ َو‬

(And let not swear) meaning, make an oath,

6ْ?aُ 0ِ
Aِ ْN2َ %ْ ‫ُ!اْ ا‬%ْ‫ُأو‬

(those among you who are blessed with graces ) means, those who have the means to give
charity and do good,

6ِ/3َ $

(and wealth) means, good fortune,

6ِF-%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4

َ 1ِ) *
َ +ِ 
ِ ‫ُ(َـ‬#%ْ ‫ِ *َ وَا‬a‫َـ‬$#َ %ْ ‫ وَا‬1َْ Eُ ْ%‫ ا‬1ِ%ْ‫ُ!اْ ُأو‬9ْgُ+ ‫أَن‬

(to give to their kinsmen, the poor, and those who left their homes for Allah's cause.) means,
do not swear that you will not uphold the ties of kinship with your relatives who are needy or
who migrated for the sake of Allah, which is the ultimate act of kindness in the area of
upholding kinship ties. Allah says,

6ْ‫ُ!ا‬L2َ [
ْ َ %ْ َ‫ُ!اْ و‬23ْ َ %ْ ‫ َو‬

(Let them pardon and forgive.) past insults and bad treatment. This is part of the patience,
generosity and kindness of Allah towards His creation, despite the fact that they wrong
themselves. This Ayah was revealed concerning As-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him,
when he swore that he would not help Mistah bin Uthathah after he said what he said about
`A'ishah, as we have already seen in the Hadith. When Allah revealed the innocence of the
Mother of the believers, `A'ishah, and the believers were happy and content with the outcome
of this incident, and those believers who had talked about the matter repented, and the
prescribed punishment had been carried out upon those on whom it was carried out, then
Allah started to soften the heart of As-Siddiq towards his relative Mistah bin Uthathah.
Mistah was the cousin of As-Siddiq, the son of his maternal aunt, and he was a poor man with
no wealth except whatever Abu Bakr spent on him. He was one of those who had migrated for
the sake of Allah. He had invented the lies and the slander, but then Allah accepted his
repentance from that and the prescribed punishment was carried out on him. As-Siddiq was
known for his generosity and he did favors to his relatives and strangers alike. When this
Ayah was revealed:

6ْ?aُ %َ Fُ -%‫ َ ا‬2ِ ْs+َ ‫ن أَن‬

َ !CL
ِ 9ُ َ ‫َأ‬

(Do you not love that Allah should forgive you), which shows that the reward fits the action,
and that `if you forgive others, you will be forgiven,' then As-Siddiq said, "Of course, by
Allah, we love -- O our Lord -- that You should forgive us.'' Then he resumed his spending on
Mistah and said, "By Allah I will never stop spending on him.'' This was to counteract what
he had said previously, "By Allah I will never spend on him.'' This proves that he deserved to
be called As-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him and his daughter.

36. QS Al Hajj 22:1-2

? َِ ٌ‫ْء‬1 َ /ِ 
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ُ 0%‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ+
- F-%‫ب ا‬
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ُ A ‫ُ ُآ‬A‫ْ َه‬9َ َ(Xَ ْ‫َ َ و‬9 ‫!ْ َم‬+َ
َ 6

22:1. Hai manusia, bertakwalah kepada Tuhanmu; sesungguhnya keguncangan hari kiamat
itu adalah suatu kejadian yang sangat besar (dahsyat).
22:2. (Ingatlah) pada hari (ketika) kamu melihat keguncangan itu, lalailah semua wanita
yang menyusui anaknya dari anak yang disusuinya dan gugurlah kandungan segala wanita
yang hamil, dan kamu lihat manusia dalam keadaan mabuk, padahal sebenarnya mereka
tidak mabuk, akan tetapi azab Allah itu sangat keras.

(1. O mankind! Have Taqwa of your Lord! Verily, the earthquake of the Hour is a terrible
thing.) (2. The Day you shall see it, every nursing mother will forget her nursling, and every
pregnant one will drop her load, and you shall see mankind as in a drunken state, yet they will
not be drunk, but Allah's torment is severe.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ /ِ 
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ُ 0%‫(َ ا‬+ ‫َ َأ‬+

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‫‪ #‬ان * ا‪) * [L%‬آ ^ وه‪a‬ا روى ا* ‪,0 * + G‬ار * ‪,0‬ر * !ف * ا‪O *$L%‬ل ‪ <0s-‬أن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪S‬‬
‫‪ F -‬و‪m *
A2O #% ?-4‬وة ا‪ $3%‬ة و
‪ F3‬أ‪ 
,3 FLf‬رف ا‪ O /0+,#%‬أ " ‪ +‬أ‪ (+‬ا‪0%‬س ا‪!E9‬ا ر‪ ?a‬إن ز‪ /%m%‬ا‪< /$%‬ء‬
‫ ? " وذآ ا‪) w+,L%‬آ ‪ 4 !LX‬ق ا* ‪,G‬ن وا‪ S‬أ‪ ?-‬ا‪ w+,L%‬ا‪O " <X7%‬ل ا* أ< ‪ 0W,Y ?9Y‬أ< ‪ 0W,Y‬ا* ا‪C%‬ع‬
‫‪ 0W,Y‬أ! ‪ 24‬ن ‪ <03+‬ا‪ #3#%‬ي *
‪JO * #3‬دة * أ‪O HX‬ل ‪ " &%mX‬إن ز‪ /%m%‬ا‪< /$%‬ء  ? " وذآ ‪ 4 !LX <03+‬ق‬
‫ا‪ # * *$L%‬ان أ‪O FX‬ل و
* ه‪ *
-‬آ‪ 7‬ة ا‪ *%‬وا‪ HXn‬وروا^ ا* ‪ . #3
w+,Y *
F%! + G‬ا‪ w+,L%‬ا‪O w%7%‬ل‬
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a‬ا* ‪C‬س ‪O‬ل ‪:‬‬
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‫أن ‪!X!a9‬ا ‪ w-W‬أه‪ A‬ا‪O ?W - /0%‬ل ‪ -‬إ‪K <X‬ر‪ !G‬أن ‪!X!a9‬ا  أه‪ A‬ا‪!Y 2) " /0%‬ا وزاد أ‪ " N+‬وإ‪ #X‬أ‪mG ?JX‬ء
* أ‪mG ‚%‬ء‬
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;+ S‬ك أن ‪ o9‬ج
* ذر‪ 73 J+‬إ‪ 1%‬ا‪0%‬ر ‪O‬ل ‪ +‬رب و
 ‪ w3‬ا‪0%‬ر ‪O‬ل
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‫)‪ {N9 T0 L‬ا‪ (-#Y A
L%‬و‪ V U+‬ا‪ " , %!%‬و‪ 9‬ى ا‪0%‬س ‪a4‬رى و
 ه? ‪a$‬رى و‪ *a%‬اب ا‪ \U) " " ,+, S‬ذ‪1- %‬‬
‫ا‪0%‬س ‪ s9 1JY‬ت و‪!G‬ه(? ‪O‬ل ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪!G;+ *
" ?-4‬ج و
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‫وا‪ d *
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‪ * ?-$‬أ< ا‪!YK‬ص * ‪ ,C‬ا‪O S‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪F%q 1-‬‬
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* ه? ) ‪E‬ل ‪F%‬‬

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‪ /a -‬أن ا‪ ,#L
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‫إ‪ 1%‬ا‪!+ S‬م ا‪2Y /
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‫وآ‪ Q+ %‬وآ;‪G‬و‪ ,+‬ا‪ A o%‬وا‪ %‬آب وا‪!%!E+ /aR_#%‬ن ‪ + :‬رب ‪0) ?-4 ?-4‬ج
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(%‬و‪(%‬ا ‪O‬ل ‪ " 1%39‬إن ز‪ /%m%‬ا‪< /$%‬ء  ? " أي أ

" 1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫ع آ‬m2%‫ وا‬V %‫!س
* ا‬20-% A[L+ 
!‫ال ه‬m%m%‫ وا‬V  *R‫ وآ‬AR‫دث ه‬Y‫{ و‬2
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ْ َ3r
َ ْ‫ َأر‬#
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ِ ْ
ُ A‫ُ ُآ‬A‫ْ َه‬9َ َ(Xَ ْ‫ َ و‬9َ ‫َ!ْ َم‬+

AsJUJ) ‫& " أي‬3r‫ أر‬# /3r

A‫ آ‬A‫ه‬9 " F% ‫ ا‬$2
‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫;ن و‬U%‫ ا‬#r ‫( " ها
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?%‫ " و‬/3r
A‫ل " آ‬O ‫(ا‬%‫ و‬F% (r‫ل إر‬Y <) F0 e‫ه‬,9 F - ‫س‬0%‫\ ا‬2‫< ه< أ‬J%‫ ( وا‬%‫س إ‬0%‫ ا‬VY‫ ى * أ‬9 
" ‫(!ل‬%‫ة ا‬,U% F
#9 ACO ‫( " أي‬-#Y A#Y ‫ ذات‬A‫{ آ‬N9‫ " و‬F%!O‫ و‬F
) (3 r‫& " أي * ر‬3r‫ أر‬# " ‫ل‬O‫{ و‬r
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ا‬K‫ة ا‬, *
‫ ى " أي‬a4 " ‫ ئ‬O‫رى " و‬a4 ‫س‬0%‫ ى ا‬9‫و‬
,+, S‫* اب ا‬a%‫رى و‬a$ ?‫رى " و
 ه‬a4 ?(X‫ أ‬V$Y " .

Allah commands His servants to have Taqwa of Him, He informs them of the terrors of the
Day of Resurrection which will come to them with its earthquakes and other horrors, as He

6 َ(َ%َEWْ َ‫ض أ‬
ُ ْ‫ر‬Kَ ‫& ا‬
ِ َG َ .
ْ ‫ َوَأ‬- َ(%َ ‫َا‬m%ْ ِ‫ض ز‬
ُ ْ‫& ا ر‬
ِ %َmِ ْ%‫ِإذَا ُز‬

(When the earth is shaken with its (final) earthquake. And when the earth throws out its
burdens.) 99:1-26

6 /ُ 3َ Oِ ‫!َا‬%ْ ‫& ا‬
ِ 3َ Oَ ‫ ٍ َو‬Tِ َ
!ْ َ )َ - ً‫ة‬,َ Y
ِ ‫ َو‬/ً ‫َ َد آ‬J‫ُ آ‬,)َ ‫َ ُل‬Cِ%ْ ‫ض وَا‬
ُ ْ‫& ا ر‬
ِ َ-ِ#Y
ُ ‫ َو‬

(And the earth and the mountains shall be removed from their places, and crushed with a
single crushing. Then on that Day shall the (Great) Event befall.) 69:14-156 And;

6 ًّ$َ ‫َ ُل‬C

ِ %ْ ‫& ا‬
ِ $
 ُ ‫ َو‬- ًّG‫ض َر‬
ُ ْ‫& ا ر‬
ِ G
 ‫ِإذَا ُر‬

(When the earth will be shaken with a terrible shake. And the mountains will be powdered to
dust.) 56:4-56 It was said that this earthquake will come at the end of the life span of this
world, at the outset of the Hour. Ibn Jarir recorded that `Alqamah commented on Allah's

6ٌ? ِ
َ ٌ‫ْء‬1
َ /ِ 
َ $%‫ ا‬/َ %ََm%ْ َ‫ن ز‬

(Verily, the earthquake of the Hour (of Judgement) is a terrible thing.) "Before the Hour.''
Others said that this refers to the terror, fear, earthquakes and chaos that will happen on the
Day of Resurrection, in the arena (of Judgement), after the resurrection from the graves. This
was the view favored by Ibn Jarir, who took the following Hadiths as evidence: Imam Ahmad
recorded that `Imran bin Husayn said that when the Messenger of Allah was on one of his
journeys and some of his Companions had fallen behind, he raised his voice and recited these
two Ayat:

َ Aٍ #ْ Y
َ ‫ت‬ِ ‫ ذَا‬A ‫ ُ{ ُآ‬N
َ 9َ َ‫&ْ و‬3َ r
َ ْ‫ َأر‬#
َ /ٍ 3َ r
ِ ْ
ُ A ‫ ُآ‬Aُ َ‫ ْه‬9َ َ(Xَ ْ‫َ َ و‬9 ‫!ْ َم‬+َ - ٌ? ِ
َ ٌ‫ْء‬1
َ /ِ َ$%‫ ا‬/َ %َmَ ْ%‫ن َز‬
 ‫?ْ ِإ‬aُ  ‫ُ!اْ َر‬E9 ‫س ا‬
ُ 0%‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ+
6 ٌ,+ِ,
َ Fِ -%‫ب ا‬
َ ‫* ََا‬  aِ ‫َـ‬%‫َـ َى َو‬aُ$ِ ?ُ‫َـ َى َو
َ ه‬a4 ُ َ‫س‬0%‫َ َى ا‬9‫َو‬

(O mankind! Have Taqwa of your Lord! Verily, the earthquake of the Hour is a terrible thing.
The Day you shall see it, every nursing mother will forget her nursling, and every pregnant
one will drop her load, and you shall see mankind as in a drunken state, yet they will not be
drunken, but Allah's torment is severe.) When his Companions heard that, they hastened to

catch up with him, because they knew that he wanted to say something. When they reached
him, he said:

‫َ رَب‬+ :‫ُ! ُل‬E َ )َ ،ِ‫ر‬0%‫ ا‬1َ%‫ ِإ‬

َ 7َ 3ْ َ ْw3َ ْ ‫ َد ُم ا‬q َ+ :‫ُ! ُل‬E َ )َ ،AG َ ‫ َو‬m 
َ ُF ‫ َر‬Fِ +ِ‫َد‬0 ُ )َ ،ُ‫َم‬-$
 %‫ ا‬Fِ ْ -َ
َ ُ‫ َدم‬q ‫َدَى‬0+ُ ‫َ!ْ ُم‬+ ‫ك‬
َ ‫ ذَا‬،َ‫َ!ْ ٍم ذَاك‬+ ‫ي‬
 ‫ن َأ‬
َ ‫ْرُو‬,9َ ‫»َأ‬
َ %ْ ‫ٌ )ِ< ا‬,Y ِ ‫ َووَا‬،ِ‫ر‬0%‫ُ!نَ )ِ< ا‬3$ ْ 9ِ َ‫ٌ و‬/3َ $ ْ 9ِ ‫ َو‬/ٍ Rَ ِ#3ُ $
ْ 9ِ ‚ٍ %ْ ‫ َأ‬Ah ‫ ِ
*ْ ُآ‬:‫ُ!ل‬E َ )َ ‫رِ؟‬0%‫ ا‬w ُ 3ْ َ َ

(Do you know what Day that is That is the Day when Adam will be called. His Lord will call
him and will say: "O Adam, send forth (those of your progeny) who are to be sent to the
Fire.'' He will say, "O Lord, how many are to be sent to the Fire'' He will say, "From every
thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine will be in the Fire and one will be in Paradise.'') His
Companions were filled with despair and stopped smiling. When he saw that, he said:

<ِ0َ *
ِ َ-َ‫ َو َ
*ْ َه‬،ُ‫ُ!ج‬G;ْ
َ ‫ج َو‬
ُ !ُG;ْ +َ ُ^َ9 َ 7 ‫ َآ‬%‫} ِإ‬Oَ ‫<ْ ٍء‬
َ {َ
َ َJXَ َ‫*
َ آ‬
ِ ْ َJEَ ِ-.
َ {َ #َ %َ ْ?ُaX ‫^ِ ِإ‬,ِ َ ِ ,ٍ # L
ُ H
ُ 2ْ Xَ ‫ِي‬%‫ )َ!َا‬،‫ُ!ا‬-#َ 
ْ ‫ ُوا وَا‬U
ِ ْ ‫»َأ‬
«H ِ-ْ ِ‫ِ< إ‬0َ َ‫ َد َم و‬q

(Be of good cheer and strive hard, for by the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad,
you will be counted with two creations who are of immense numbers, Ya'juj and Ma'juj, and
those who have already died of the progeny of Adam and the progeny of Iblis.) Then they felt
happier, and he said:

«/‫ا‬,%‫ع ا‬
ِ ‫ )ِ< ِذرَا‬/ِ #َ Oْ  %‫ِ ِ َأ ِو ا‬3Cَ %ْ ‫ ا‬V
ِ 0ْ َG <ِ) /ِ
َ U%َ‫ آ‬%‫س ِإ‬
ِ 0%‫?ْ )ِ< ا‬Jُ ْX‫
َ َأ‬،ِ^,ِ َ ِ ,ٍ # L
ُ ُH2ْ Xَ ‫ِي‬%‫ )َ!َا‬،‫ ُوا‬U
ِ ْ ‫ُ!ا َوَأ‬-#َ 
ْ ‫»ا‬

(Strive hard and be of good cheer, for by the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, in
comparison to mankind you are like a mole on the flank of a camel or a mark on the foreleg of
a beast.) This was also recorded by At-Tirmidhi and by An-Nasa'i in the Book of Tafsir in
their Sunans. At-Tirmidhi said, "It is Hasan Sahih.''

At-Tirmidhi recorded from `Imran bin Husayn that when the words,

6ُ?aُ ‫ُ!اْ َر‬E9 ‫س ا‬

ُ 0%‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ‫َـ‬+

(O mankind! Have Taqwa of your Lord.) Until His saying,

َ Fِ -%‫ب ا‬
َ ‫َا‬
َ *aِ ‫َـ‬%‫ َو‬

(but Allah's torment is severe.) were revealed, the Prophet was on a journey, and he said:

:‫ َل‬O ‫رِ؟‬0%‫ ا‬w ُ 3ْ َ َ

‫ب َو‬
h َ‫َ ر‬+ :‫َ َل‬O ،ِ‫ر‬0%‫ ا‬wَ 3ْ َ ْw3َ ْ ‫ ا‬:‫ِ َد َم‬% S
ُ ‫ُ! ُل ا‬E+َ ٌ‫!ْم‬+َ َ%ِ‫ َذ‬:‫َ َل‬O .ُ?-َ
ْ ‫ َأ‬Fُ %ُ!ُ4‫ َو َر‬S
ُ ‫ ا‬:‫ُ!ا‬%َO ‫َ؟‬%ِ‫َ!ْ ٍم َذ‬+ ‫ي‬
 ‫ن َأ‬
َ ‫ْرُو‬,9َ ‫»َأ‬
«/0َ %ْ ‫ ا‬1َ%‫ٌ ِإ‬,ِY‫ ِر وَوَا‬0%‫ ا‬1َ%‫ن ِإ‬
َ !ُ3$ْ 9ِ َ‫ و‬/ٌ َ3$
ْ 9ِ ‫ َو‬/ٍ Rَ ِ#3ُ $
ْ 9ِ

(Do you know what Day that is) They said, "Allah and His Messenger know best.'' (He said:
That is the Day on which Allah will say to Adam, "Send forth (those of your progeny) who are
to be sent to the Fire.'' He will say, "O Lord, how many are to be sent to the Fire'' He will say,
"From every thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine will be in the Fire and one will be in
Paradise.'') The Muslims started to weep, then the Messenger of Allah said:

ْ&-َ#h ‫ ُآ‬%ِ‫ َوإ‬،ْ&# 9َ ْ‫ِن‬t)َ ،ِ/  -ِ ِ‫َه‬%ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ُ‫د‬,َ 3َ %ْ ‫ُ ا‬.
َ ْg ُ َ) :‫َ َل‬O ،ٌ/ -ِِ‫َه‬G َ(+ْ َ,+َ * َ ْ َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫ آ‬%‫} ِإ‬  َO ٌ‫ !ة‬Cُ Xُ ْ*aُ 9َ ْ?%َ َ(X tَِ) ،‫دُوا‬,h 4
َ ‫َ ِرُ!ا َو‬O»
« ِ3Cَ %ْ ‫ ا‬V
ِ 0ْ َG <ِ) /ِ
َ U%َ‫ َأوْ آ‬،ِ/ ‫ا‬,%‫ع ا‬ ِ ‫ )ِ< ِذرَا‬/ِ #َ Oْ  %‫ ا‬Aِ 7َ #َ ‫ َآ‬%‫ُ;
َ ِ? ِإ‬%ْ ‫ ا‬Aُ 7َ
َ ‫?ْ َو‬aُ ُ-7َ
َ َ
‫ َو‬،َ* ِEِ)َ0#ُ %ْ ‫ا‬

(Be close in your rank and be straight forward, for there was never any Prophet but there was

a time of ignorance just before his advent, so the number will be taken from that time of
ignorance, and if that is not enough, it will be made up from the hypocrites. A parable of
yours in comparison to the other nations is that, you are like a mark on the foreleg of an
animal, or a mole on the flank of a camel.) Then he said,

«/0َ%ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ُ!ا رُ ُ{َ َأ ْه‬X!ُa9َ ْ‫ُ! َأن‬Gْ‫;َر‬%َ <hX‫»ِإ‬

(I hope that you will be a quarter of the people of Paradise.) They said, "Allahu Akbar!'' Then
he said,

َ %ْ ‫ِ ا‬A‫ َأ ْه‬w
َ -ُُW ‫ُ!ا‬X!ُa9َ ْ‫ُ! َأن‬Gْ‫َ;ر‬-َ hX‫»ِإ‬

(I hope that you will be a third of the people of Paradise.) They said, "Allahu Akbar!'' Then
he said,

َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ ‫‚ َأ ْه‬
َ [
ْ Xِ ‫ُ!ا‬X!ُa9َ ْ‫ُ! َأن‬Gْ‫َ;ر‬-َ hX‫»ِإ‬

(I hope that you will be half of the people of Paradise.) They said, "Allahu Akbar!'' Then he 
the narrator6 said, "I do not know if he said two-thirds or not.'' This was also recorded by
Imam Ahmad. Then At-Tirmidhi also said, "This is a Hasan Sahih Hadith.'' In his Tafsir,
under this Ayah, Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Sa`id said, "The Prophet said:

1َ%‫ً ِإ‬73ْ َ 
َ Jِ +‫ر‬h ‫ج ِ
*ْ ُذ‬
َ ِ o
ْ 9ُ ْ‫ك َأن‬
َ ُ
ُ ;ْ َ+ S
َ ‫ ِإن ا‬:‫ت‬
ٍ ْ!َ[ِ ‫َدَى‬0 ُ َ) ،َ+ْ َ,3ْ 4 َ ‫َ َو‬0 َ‫ ر‬
َ ْ C %َ :‫ُ! ُل‬E َ )َ ،ُ‫دَم‬q َ+ :/ِ
َ َ Eِ %ْ ‫!ْمَ ا‬+َ 1َ%َ39َ S
ُ ‫ُ! ُل ا‬E+َ »
ُ, ِ%!َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Vُ ِU+َ ‫(َ َو‬-َ#ْ Yَ Aُ ِ
َL%ْ ‫ ُ{ ا‬N
َ 9َ ٍTِ َ0 ِL)َ ،َ‫ُ!ن‬3$ْ 9ِ ‫ٌ َو‬/3َ $
ْ 9ِ َ‫ و‬/ٍ َRِ#3ُ $
ْ 9ِ َ‫َل‬O ُ^‫‚ ُأرَا‬ ٍ %ْ َ‫ أ‬Ah ‫ ِ
*ْ ُآ‬:َ‫َل‬O ‫رِ؟‬0%‫ ا‬w ُ ْ3َ َ
‫ب َو‬h َ‫َ ر‬+ :‫َل‬O ،ِ‫ر‬0%‫ا‬

َ ِF-%‫ب ا‬
َ ‫َا‬
َ *
 aِ ‫َـ‬%‫َـ َى َو‬a$
ُ ِ ?ُ‫َـ َى َو
َ ه‬a4
ُ َ‫س‬0%‫َ َى ا‬9‫ َو‬

(On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will say: "O Adam.'' He will say, "At Your service, O
Lord.'' Then a voice will call out: "Allah commands you to send forth from your progeny
those who are destined for the Fire.'' He will say, "O Lord, who is destined for the Fire'' He
will say, "From every thousand'' -- I think he said -- "nine hundred and ninety-nine.'' At that
time every pregnant female will drop her load and children will turn grey. (and you shall see
mankind as in a drunken state, yet they will not be drunken, but Allah's torment is severe.))
That will be so difficult for mankind to bear that their faces will change. The Prophet said:

‫ أَو‬،ِˆ َ ْ َ;%ْ ‫!ْ ِر ا‬7%‫ ا‬V ِ 0ْ Gَ <ِ) ‫!ْدَا ِء‬$  %‫ْ َ ِة ا‬3U %َ‫س آ‬ ِ 0%‫?ْ )ِ< ا‬Jُ Xْ َ‫ أ‬،ٌ,Y ِ ‫?ْ وَا‬aُ 0ْ
ِ ‫ َو‬،َ‫ُ!ن‬3$
ْ 9ِ ‫ٌ َو‬/3َ $
ْ 9ِ َ‫ و‬/ٍ Rَ ِ#3ُ $
ْ ِ9 ‫ج‬ َ !ُG;ْ
َ ‫ج َو‬
َ !ُG;ْ +َ ْ*
ِ »
:َ‫َل‬O ? Wُ .َXْ C aَ )َ ، /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ َأ ْه‬w
َ ُ-ُW :‫َ َل‬O ? Wُ .َXْ Caَ )َ ، /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ُ!ا ُر ُ َ{ َأ ْه‬X!ُa9َ ْ‫ُ! َأن‬Gْ‫ََ;ر‬% <hX‫ َوِإ‬،ِ‫ َ!د‬4 ْ ;َ%ْ ‫!ْ ِر ا‬7 %‫ ا‬V
ِ ْ0G
َ <ِ) ‫َ ِء‬N ْ Cَ %ْ ‫ْ َ ةِ ا‬3U
«Xْ C aَ )َ ،ِ/0 َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ْ َ َأ ْه‬ َ

(Nine hundred and ninety-nine from Ya'juj and Ma'juj, and one from you. Among mankind
you are like a black hair on the side of a white bull, or a white hair on the side of a black bull.
I hope that you will be one quarter of the people of Paradise.) We said "Allahu Akbar!'' Then
he said, (A third of the people of Paradise.) We said, "Allahu Akbar!'' Then he said, (One half
of the people of Paradise.) We said: `Allahu Akbar!'' Al-Bukhari also recorded this elsewhere.
It was also recorded by Muslim, and An-Nasa'i in his Tafsir. The Hadiths and reports about
the terrors of the Day of Resurrection are very many, and this is not the place to quote them

6ٌ? ِ
َ ٌ‫ْء‬1
َ /ِ 
َ $%‫ ا‬/َ %ََm%ْ َ‫ن ز‬

(Verily, the earthquake of the Hour is a terrible thing.) means, a serious matter, a terrifying
crisis, a horrendous event. This earthquake is what will happen to people when they are filled
with terror, as Allah says:

6 ‫ًا‬,+ِ,
َ ً ‫َا‬mْ%‫ُ!اْ ِز‬%ِm%ْ ‫ُ!نَ َو ُز‬0
ِ ْgُ#%ْ ‫ ا‬1
َ ِ-Jُ ْ ‫َ ا‬%َِ0‫ ُه‬

(There, the believers were tried and shaken with a mighty shaking.) 33:116. Then Allah says:

6ْ&3َ r
َ ْ‫ َأر‬#
َ /ٍ 3َ r
ِ ْ
ُ A ‫ ُآ‬Aُ ‫ْ َه‬9َ َ(Xَ ْ‫َ َ و‬9 ‫َ ْ! َم‬+

(The Day you shall see it, every nursing mother will forget her nursling,) means, she will be
distracted by the horror of what she is seeing, which will make her forget the one who is the
dearest of all to her and to whom she shows the most compassion. Her shock will make her
neglect her infant at the very moment of breastfeeding, Allah says,

6ٍ/3َ r
ِ ْ
ُ A ‫ ُآ‬

(every nursing mother), and He did not say a mother who has an infant of breastfeeding age.

6ْ&3َ r
َ ْ‫ َأر‬#

(her nursling) means, her nursing infant that has not yet been weaned.

6َ(-َ#ْ Y
َ Aٍ #ْ Y
َ ‫ت‬
ِ ‫ ذَا‬A ‫ ُ{ ُآ‬N
َ 9َ ‫ َو‬

(and every pregnant one will drop her load,) means, before the pre- gnancy has reached full
term, because of the intensity of the horror.

6‫َـ َى‬a4
ُ َ‫س‬0%‫َ َى ا‬9‫ َو‬

(and you shall see mankind as in a drunken state,) means, because of the severity of their
situa- tion, when they will lose their minds, so that whoever sees them, will think, that they are

َ Fِ -%‫ب ا‬
َ ‫َا‬
َ *
 aِ ‫َـ‬%‫َـ َى َو‬a$
ُ ِ ?ُ‫ َو
َ ه‬

(yet they will not be drunken, but Allah's torment is severe.)

37. QS Al Anbiya 21:105-107

ْ ‫ ِإ  َر‬ َ ‫َـ‬0ْ-4
َ ‫ َو
َ أَ ْر‬- *
َ +ِ,Cِ ‫َ ْ!مٍ َـ‬E%h ًs‫َـ‬-Cَ َ% ‫ هَـَا‬1ِ) ‫ن‬
 ِ‫ إ‬- ‫ن‬
َ !ُL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫َ ِدىَ ا‬C
ِ َ(Wُ ِ َ+ ‫ض‬
َ ْ‫ن ار‬
 ‫آْ ِ َأ‬h %‫ِ ا‬,3ْ َ *ِ
‫ُ! ِر‬m%‫ ا‬1ِ) َ0ْCJَ ‫ْ َآ‬,َE%َ‫َو‬
* ِ#-َ‫َـ‬3-ْ h% 6

21:105. Dan sungguh telah Kami tulis di dalam Zabur sesudah (Kami tulis dalam)
Lohmahfuz, bahwasanya bumi ini dipusakai hamba-hamba-Ku yang saleh.
21:106. Sesungguhnya (apa yang disebutkan) dalam (surat) ini, benar-benar menjadi
peringatan bagi kaum yang menyembah Allah).
21:107. Dan tiadalah Kami mengutus kamu, melainkan untuk (menjadi) rahmat bagi semesta

(105. And indeed We have written in Az-Zabur after Adh-Dhikr that My righteous servants
shall inherit the land.)

(106. Verily, in this there is a plain Message for people who worship Allah.)

(107. And We have sent you (O Muhammad ) not but as a mercy for the `Alamin.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ !ُLِ%[%‫ي ا‬
َ ‫َ ِد‬C
ِ َ(Wُ ِ +َ ‫ض‬
َ ْ‫;َر‬%ْ ‫ن ا‬
 ‫ ْآ ِ َأ‬h%‫ ا‬,ِ 3ْ َ ْ*
ِ ‫ُ! ِر‬m %‫َ )ِ< ا‬0Cْ Jَ ‫ْ َآ‬,Eَ %َ‫َو‬

F%!E‫ ة آ‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫رض )< ا‬K‫ ا‬/W‫ ة وورا‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫دة )< ا‬3$%‫ *
* ا‬L%[%‫د^ ا‬C3% ^NO‫ و‬F#JY # ‫ ا‬Co
1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
 X,%‫ ة ا‬L%‫!ا )< ا‬0
q *+%‫ وا‬0-4‫[ ر‬00% X‫ل " إ‬O‫ * " و‬EJ#-% /CO3%‫د^ وا‬C *
‫ء‬U+ *
(W‫!ر‬+ S ‫رض‬K‫ " إن ا‬1%39
?(-CO *
*+%‫‚ ا‬-oJ4‫ ا‬#‫رض آ‬K‫(? )< ا‬02-oJ$ % ‫ت‬L%[%‫!ا ا‬-#‫? و‬a0
q *+%‫ ا‬S‫ ا‬,‫ل " و‬O‫(د " و‬K‫!م ا‬E+ ‫!م‬+‫و‬
‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫ و‬/%L
 *R‫ وه! آ‬/+‫ر‬,E%‫ وا‬/  U%‫ ا‬VJa%‫!ر )< ا‬$
‫ أن ها‬1%39 C.‫(?" وأ‬% 1N9‫ي ار‬%‫(? ا‬0+‫(? د‬% *0a# %‫و‬
,3 *
‫!ر‬m%‫ )< ا‬0CJ‫ آ‬,E%‫ " و‬1%39 F%!O * CG * , 34 &%;4 : e#K‫ل ا‬O " ‫آ‬%‫ ا‬,3 *
‫!ر‬m%‫ )< ا‬0CJ‫ آ‬,E%‫" و‬1%39
‫دة و‬JO‫* و‬$L%‫< وا‬C3U%‫س وا‬C *‫ل ا‬O‫ب و‬Ja%‫!ر ا‬m%‫ ا‬,‫ل
ه‬O‫ن و‬q E%‫ وا‬A Xn‫!راة وا‬J%‫ ا‬: ‫!ر‬m%‫ل ا‬E) " ‫آ‬%‫ا‬
‫ل‬O‫ء و‬#$%‫ي )< ا‬%‫آ ا‬%‫ ا‬CG * , 34 ‫ل‬O‫ن و‬q E%‫آ ا‬%‫س ا‬C *‫!راة و* ا‬J%‫آ ا‬%‫ داود وا‬1- ‫ل‬mX‫ي أ‬%‫!ر ا‬m%‫ ا‬: ,Y‫وا‬
‫ول‬K‫ب ا‬Ja%‫? ه! ا‬-4‫ * أ‬,+‫ل ز‬O ‫ وآا‬S‫ ا‬F#Y‫ ر‬+ G *‫ ا‬%‫ر ذ‬J.‫ وا‬S‫ ا‬,0 ‫ب‬Ja%‫آ أم ا‬%‫آ وا‬%‫ ا‬,3 VJa%‫!ر ا‬m%‫ ا‬,‫
‫ب‬Ja%‫آ أم ا‬%‫ ء وا‬CXK‫ ا‬1- &%mX‫< أ‬J%‫ ا‬VJa%‫!ر ا‬m%‫ ا‬: ?-4‫ * أ‬,+‫* * ز‬#Y %‫ ا‬,C ‫ل‬O‫!ظ و‬2L#%‫!ح ا‬-%‫!ري ه! ا‬7%‫ل ا‬O‫و‬
\4‫!ر و‬m%‫!راة وا‬J%‫ )< ا‬1%39‫ و‬FXLC4 S‫ ا‬C.‫ أ‬: ‫س‬C *‫ * ا‬/L-d <‫< * أ‬- ‫ل‬O‫ و‬%‫ ذ‬ACO ‫ ء‬K‫ ا‬F ) VJa+ ‫ي‬%‫ا‬
‫ل‬O‫!ن و‬L%[%‫ وه? ا‬/0%‫(? ا‬-.,+‫رض و‬K‫? ا‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f ,#L
‫!رث أ‬+ ‫رض أن‬K‫!ات وا‬#$%‫!ن ا‬a9 ‫ أن‬ACO F#-
CG * , 34‫ و‬,‫ و
ه‬/ %3%‫ل أ! ا‬O ‫ وآا‬/0%‫ل أرض ا‬O " ‫!ن‬L%[%‫دي ا‬C (W + ‫رض‬K‫س " أن ا‬C *‫ * ا‬,‫
g#%‫ي ه? ا‬,$%‫ل ا‬O‫!ن و‬L%[%‫* ا‬LX ‫رداء‬,%‫ل أ! ا‬O‫!ري و‬7%‫ وا‬HX‫  { * أ‬%‫ وا‬Q%f !‫ي وأ‬,$%‫دة وا‬JO‫< و‬C3U%‫ وا‬.

َ +ِ,ِ َ ‫َ!ْ ٍم‬E%ِ ً َ-Cَ َ% ‫ن )ِ< َهَا‬

/320#%  _C% ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f ,#L

X,C 1- ^0%mX‫ي أ‬%‫ن ا‬q E%‫* " أي إن )< ها ا‬+, ‫!م‬E%  _C% ‫ " إن )< ها‬F%!O‫و‬
?($2X‫ ن و(!ات أ‬U%‫ ا‬/d 1- S‫ ا‬/d ‫ وا‬Wq‫ و‬F r‫ ور‬FCY‫ وأ‬F  # S‫وا ا‬,C *+%‫* وه? ا‬+, ‫!م‬E% /+2‫ وآ‬.

َ ِ#%ََ3-ْ ِ% /ً #َ Y
ْ ‫ َر‬%‫ك ِإ‬
َ َ0ْ-4
َ ْ‫َو
َ َأر‬

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A3G S‫ أن ا‬1%39 Co+ " * #%3-% /#Y‫ك إ ر‬0-4‫ " و
?%‫ " أ‬1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫ ة آ‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫ ا‬$. ‫ه‬,LG‫ ة و
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g+  *+%‫ء وا‬2‫ى و‬,‫!ا ه‬0
q *+-%
S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ A O : ‫ل‬O ‫ ة‬+ ‫زم * أ< ه‬Y <‫ن * ا* أ‬$ ‫ * آ‬,+m+ * ‫اري‬m2%‫
وان ا‬0W,Y # <‫ ا* أ‬0W,Y FL Lf
/#Y‫ ر‬X‫ أ‬#X‫ " إ‬.y‫ ا‬w+,L%‫? و)< ا‬-$
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,O‫ < و‬L%‫ل إ اه ? ا‬O !)
‫ ة‬+ ‫ * أ< ه‬Q%f <‫ * أ‬e#K‫ و ^ * وآ { * ا‬/X‫ * أ< !ا‬S‫ ا‬,C ^‫" روا‬
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\+ d *
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^‫? أورد‬W " ‫اة‬,(
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* &-[%‫\ ا‬+ d *

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V [+ ‫ أن‬,+ + #X‫ وإ‬F3R_d A4‫ ب وأر‬7+ ‫ل‬mX ‫ا‬,#L
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+ ^ #. * /) [0
‫م‬,O * Y A(G !‫ل أ‬O : ‫ل‬O
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‫رج‬mo%‫وس وا‬K‫< ا‬03+ /- O <0‫اوة ا‬, ?J)  ,O ?aX‫ * وإ‬d U%‫(? ا‬3
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* أ‬,Y‫} و أ‬O FJ+‫ ة
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‫ي‬%‫? ا‬a .‫ا
* أ‬,!
‫ق‬,f‫ و أ‬X$% ‫ق‬,f‫ا أ‬,Y‫& أ‬+‫
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#‫ آ‬VN ‫دم أ‬q ,%‫
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‫ن‬t) ‫ة‬,R‫ * زا‬HX!+ * ,#Y‫ " وروا^ أ! داود * أ‬/
 E%‫!م ا‬+ F - ‫_ة‬f (-3G;) * #%3-% /#Y‫ ر‬S‫< ا‬073 #X‫!ن وإ‬CNs9
* ‫زرق‬K‫ق ا‬L4‫ إ‬0W,Y * ‫ق * ه‬L4‫ إ‬0W,Y + G * 23G !‫!اب
 روا^ أ‬%) ‫ ؟‬F 2‫* آ‬#% &-[Y /#Y‫ );ي ر‬A O
q *
‫ل‬O " * #%3-% /#Y‫ك إ ر‬0-4‫ " و
 أر‬F%!O <) ‫س‬C *‫ * ا‬CG * , 34 * , 34 F% ‫ل‬E+ AG‫!دي * ر‬3$#%‫ا‬
‫ف‬E%‫‚ وا‬$o%‫
* ا‬K‫ب ا‬f‫ أ‬#
<)! F%!4‫ ور‬S *
g+ ?% *
‫ ة و‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫ )< ا‬/#Y %‫ ا‬F% VJ‫ آ‬.y‫ !م ا‬%‫ وا‬S
‫س‬C *‫ * ا‬CG * , 34 * ‫ل‬EC%‫ زن ا‬#%‫ * ا‬, 34 !‫ وه‬,34 <‫!دي * أ‬3$#%‫ ا‬w+,Y *
?9Y <‫ا روا^ ا* أ‬a‫وه‬
* ,+!4 * ‫!ب‬+‫< * أ‬-
%‫ ا‬HX!+ * 1$  * ,#Y‫ان * أ‬,C * <X‫ ا‬C%‫? ا‬4E%‫ روا^ أ! ا‬,O‫? و‬-‫ أ‬S‫!^ وا‬L0 ^ ‫)آ‬
F% ‫ آن‬F3C9 *
‫ل‬O "* #%3-% /#Y‫ك إ ر‬0-4‫س " و
 أر‬C *‫ * ا‬CG * , 34 * &W <‫ * أ‬V CY * ‫!دي‬3$#%‫ا‬
‫ف‬E%‫ وا‬$#%‫‚ وا‬$o%‫
* ا‬K‫ ا‬R4 F 1-JC+ ‫ آن‬#
<)! F3CJ+ ?% *
‫ ة و‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫ )< ا‬/#Y‫ ر‬.

Allah tells us of His decree for His righteous servants who are the blessed in this world and in
the Hereafter, those who will inherit the earth in this world and in the Hereafter. As Allah

6َ* ِEJ#ُ -ْ ِ% /ُ Cَ Eِ ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫َ ِد^ِ وَا‬C

ِ ْ*
ِ ‫َ ُء‬U+َ *َ
َ(ُW‫ُ! ِر‬+ Fِ -% ‫ض‬
َ ْ‫ر‬Kَ ‫ن ا‬

(Verily, the earth is Allah's. He gives it as a heritage to whom He wills of His servants; and the
(blessed) end is for those who have Taqwa.) 7:1286

6 ُ,‫(َـ‬
ْ  ‫ُ!مُ ا‬E+َ ‫َ!ْ َم‬+‫ َ َو‬Xْ ,%‫ َ!ةِ ا‬L
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫َ وَا‬0-َُ4‫[ُ ُ ُر‬0َ0%َ X‫ِإ‬

(Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe in this world's
life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth.) 40:516

‫ِى‬%‫ ُ( ُ? ا‬0َ +ِ‫ ُ(?ْ د‬%َ *

 َ0aّ #َ ُ %َ َ‫ ِ(?ْ و‬-ِْCOَ *ِ
َ +ِ%‫‚ ا‬
َ -َo
ْ Jَ 4
ْ ‫َ ا‬#‫ض َآ‬
ِ ْ‫ اْر‬1ِ) ْ?(ُ 0 2َ ِ-o
ْ Jَ $
ْ َ َ% ‫ت‬
ِ َL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ ا‬-#ِ 
َ ‫?ْ َو‬aُ 0ْ
ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءا‬+ِ%‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ ا‬,َ 
َ ‫ َو‬
6ْ?(ُ َ% 1َN9َ ْ‫ار‬

(Allah has promised those among you who believe and do righteous good deeds, that He will
certainly grant them succession in the land, as He granted it to those before them, and that He
will grant them the authority to practise their religion which He has chosen for them) 24:556.
Allah tells us that this is recorded in the Books of Divine Laws and Decrees, and that it will
inevitably come to pass. Allah says:

6ِ ْ‫آ‬h %‫ ا‬,ِ 3ْ َ *ِ
‫ُ! ِر‬m%‫ ا‬1ِ) َ0Cْ َJَ‫ْ آ‬,َE%ََ‫و‬

(And indeed We have written in Az-Zabur after Adh-Dhikr) Al-A`mash said: "I asked Sa`id
bin Jubayr about the Ayah:

6ِ ْ‫آ‬h %‫ ا‬,ِ 3ْ َ *ِ
‫ُ! ِر‬m%‫ ا‬1ِ) َ0Cْ َJَ‫ْ آ‬,َE%ََ‫و‬

(And indeed We have written in Az-Zabur after Adh-Dhikr). He said: `Az-Zabur means the
Tawrah, the Injil and the Qur'an.''' Mujahid said, "Az-Zabur means the Book.'' Ibn `Abbas,
Ash-Sha`bi, Al-Hasan, Qatadah and others said, "Az-Zabur is that which was revealed to
Dawud, and Adh-Dhikr is the Tawrah.'' Mujahid said: "Az-Zabur means the Books which
came after Adh-Dhikr, and Adh-Dhikr is the Mother of the Book (Umm Al-Kitab) which is
with Allah.'' This was also the view of Zayd bin Aslam: "It is the First Book.'' Ath-Thawri
said: "It is Al-Lawh Al-Mahfuz.''

6َ‫ُ!ن‬L-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫َ ِدىَ ا‬Cِ َ(Wُ ِ َ+ ‫ض‬

َ ْ‫ن ا ر‬

(that My righteous servants shall inherit the land.) Mujahid said, narrating from Ibn `Abbas,
"This means, the land of Paradise.'' This was also the view of Abu `Aliyah, Mujahid, Sa`id bin
Jubayr, Ash-Sha`bi, Qatadah, As-Suddi, Abu Salih, Ar-Rabi` bin Anas and Ath-Thawri (may
Allah have mercy on them).

6 َ*+ِ,Cِ ‫َ!ْ ٍم َـ‬E%h ًs‫َـ‬-Cَ %َ ‫ هَـَا‬1ِ) ‫ن‬


(Verily, in this (the Qur'an) there is a plain Message for people who worship Allah.) means, `in
this Qur'an which We have revealed to Our servant Muhammad , there is a plain Message
which is beneficial and is sufficient for a people who worship Allah.' This refers to those who
worship Allah in the manner which He has prescribed and which He loves and is pleased with,
and they would rather obey Allah than follow the Shaytan or their own desires.

6 َ* ِ#َ-‫َـ‬3-ْ %h /ً #َ Y
ْ ‫ ِإ  َر‬
َ ‫َـ‬0-ْ َ4ْ‫ َو
َ َأر‬

(And We have sent you not but as a mercy for the `Alamin.) Here Allah tells us that He has
made Muhammad a mercy to the `Alamin, i.e., He sent him as a mercy for all of them 
peoples6, so whoever accepts this mercy and gives thanks for this blessing, will be happy in
this world and in the Hereafter. But whoever rejects it and denies it, will lose out in this world
and in the Hereafter, as Allah says:

6 ‫َ َا ُر‬E%ْ ‫ ا‬H
َ Tْ ِ ‫(َ َو‬Xَ ْ!-َ[
ْ َ+ ?َ 0 (َ G
َ - ‫!َا ِر‬Cَ %ْ ‫َ ْ! َ
ُ(?ْ دَا َر ا‬O ‫! ْا‬-Y
َ ‫ْ ًا َوَأ‬2‫ ُآ‬Fِ -%‫& ا‬
َ #َ ْ3Xِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬%,َ *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬1َ%ِ‫َ َ إ‬9 ْ?%َ‫َأ‬

(Have you not seen those who have changed the blessings of Allah into disbelief, and caused
their people to dwell in the house of destruction Hell, in which they will burn, -- and what an
evil place to settle in!) 14:28-296 And Allah says, describing the Qur'an:

6ٍ, ِ3َ ‫ن‬
ٍ َa
َ ْ‫َ َدو‬0+ُ 
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ ُأو‬1ً#
َ ْ?(ِ ْ َ-
َ !َ ‫ ٌ َو ُه‬Oْ ‫ ِ(?ْ َو‬Xِ ‫ ءَاذَا‬1ِ) ‫ن‬
َ !ُ0
ِ ْg+ُ َ *
َ +ِ%‫َءٌ وَا‬2
ِ ‫ًى َو‬,‫ُ!اْ ُه‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ-%ِ !َ ‫ْ ُه‬AُO

(Say: "It is for those who believe, a guide and a healing. And as for those who disbelieve, there
is heaviness in their ears, and it is blindness for them. They are those who are called from a
place far away.'') 41:446 Muslim reports in his Sahih: Ibn Abi `Umar told us, Marwan Al-
Fazari told us, from Yazid bin Kisan, from Ibn Abi Hazim that Abu Hurayrah said that it was
said, "O Messenger of Allah, pray against the idolators.'' He said:

ْ ‫& َر‬
ُ 7ْ 3ِ ُ َ#X ‫ َوِإ‬،ًX3َ% ْw3َ ْ‫?ْ ُأ‬%َ <hX‫»ِإ‬

(I was not sent as a curse, rather I was sent as a mercy.) This was recorded by Muslim. Imam
Ahmad recorded that `Amr bin Abi Qurrah Al-Kindi said: "Hudhayfah was in Al-Mada'in
and he was mentioning things that the Messenger of Allah had said. Hudhayfah came to
Salman and Salman said: `O Hudhayfah, the Messenger of Allah would sometimes be angry
and would speak accordingly, and would sometimes be pleased and would speak accordingly.
I know that the Messenger of Allah 6 addressed us and said:

S‫ِ< ا‬0َ73َ َ َ#X ‫ ِإ‬،َ‫ُ!ن‬CN َ ْs9َ َ#‫ َآ‬V ُ Nَ ْ ‫ َد َم َأ‬q ,ِ %ََ‫* و‬

ِ ٌAُG‫َ َر‬X‫َ َأ‬#X tِ)َ ،ً/0َ 3ْ َ% Fُ Jُ 0ْ َ3%َ ْ‫ِ< َأو‬CَN
َ <ِ) (ً/C 4
َ ) Fُ Jُ ْCCَ 4
َ <ِJ
 ‫ ِ
*ْ ُأ‬Aٍ G
ُ ‫َ َر‬#+‫»َأ‬
َ ِE%ْ ‫!ْ َم ا‬+َ Fِ ْ -َ
َ ً‫َة‬-َf َ(ْ-3َ ْGَ) َ* ِ#%ََ3ْ-%ِ /ً #َ ْY‫َر‬

(Any man of my Ummah whom I have insulted or cursed when I was angry -- for I am a man
from among the sons of Adam, and I get angry just as you do. But Allah has sent me as a
Mercy to the Worlds, so I will make that my anger6 into blessings for him on the Day of
Resurrection.'') This was also recorded by Abu Dawud from Ahmad bin Yunus from Za'idah.
It may be asked: what kind of mercy do those who disbelieve in him get The answer is what
Abu Ja`far bin Jarir recorded from Ibn `Abbas concerning the Ayah:

6 َ* ِ#َ-‫َـ‬3-ْ %h /ً #َ Y
ْ ‫ ِإ  َر‬
َ ‫َـ‬0-ْ َ4ْ‫ َو
َ َأر‬

(And We have sent you not but as a mercy for the `Alamin. ) He said, "Whoever believes in
Allah and the Last Day, mercy will be decreed for him in this world and in the Hereafter;
whoever does not believe in Allah and His Messenger, will be protected from that which
happened to the nations of earthquakes and stoning.''

38. QS Thaha 20:123

ْ +َ َ ‫ َو‬A ِN+َ _
َ )َ َ‫َاى‬,‫ َ{ ُه‬Cَ 9‫* ا‬
ِ #َ )َ ‫ًى‬,‫ ُه‬1h0
h ?ُa0 َ 9ِ ;ْ َ+ 
tِ)َ ‫ُو‬,
َ ˆ
ٍ ْ3Cَ %ِ ْ?ُaN
ُ 3ْ َ ً3 ِ#G
َ َ(ْ0
ِ َCِ ‫َلَ ا ْه‬O 6

20:123. Allah berfirman: "Turunlah kamu berdua dari surga bersama-sama, sebagian kamu
menjadi musuh bagi sebagian yang lain. Maka jika datang kepadamu petunjuk daripada-Ku,
lalu barang siapa yang mengikut petunjuk-Ku, ia tidak akan sesat dan tidak akan celaka.

(123. He (Allah) said: "Get you down, both of you, together, some of you are an enemy to some
others. Then if there comes to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows My guidance he
shall neither go astray nor shall be distressed.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ْ +َ َ%‫ َو‬AN
ِ َ+ َ-)َ َ‫َاي‬,‫ َ{ ُه‬Cَ 9 ‫*ِ ا‬#َ )َ ‫ًى‬,‫< ُه‬h0
ِ ْ?aُ 0 َ ِ9;ْ َ+ 
tَِ) ‫و‬,ُ 
َ ٍˆ3ْ Cَ %ِ ْ?aُ N
ُ ْ3َ ً3 ِ#G
َ َ(0ْ
ِ َCِ ‫َ َل ا ْه‬O

‫ل‬O ‫و‬, ˆ3C% ?aN3 ‫ ة‬EC%‫!رة ا‬4 <) %‫ ذ‬0$ ,O‫? و‬a-‫ آ‬/0%‫ أي
* ا‬3 #G (0
‫!ا‬C‫ اه‬H -‫!اء وإ‬Y‫دم و‬y 1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
‫ و‬AN+ _) ‫اي‬,‫{ ه‬C9‫* ا‬#) ‫ ن‬C%‫ وا‬A4 %‫ ء وا‬CXK‫ ا‬: / %3%‫ل أ! ا‬O ‫ى‬,‫< ه‬0
?a0 9;+ 
t) : F%!O‫ و‬FJ+‫ وذر‬H -‫ وإ‬FJ+‫دم وذر‬q
‫ ة‬.y‫ )< ا‬1EU+ ‫  و‬X,%‫ )< ا‬AN+  ‫س‬C *‫ل ا‬O 1EU+ .

Allah says to Adam, Hawwa' and Iblis, "Get down from here, all of you.'' This means each of
you should get out of Paradise. We expounded upon this in Surah Al-Baqarah.

َ ˆ
ٍ 3ْ Cَ ِ% ْ?aُ N
ُ 3ْ َ 

(Some of you as enemies to others.) 2:366 He (Allah) was saying this to Adam and his progeny
and Iblis and his progeny. Concerning Allah's statement,

6‫ًى‬,‫ ُه‬1h0
h ?ُa0 َ 9ِ ْ;+َ 

(Then if there comes to you guidance from Me,) Abu Al-`Aliyyah said, "This (guidance) means
the Prophets, the Messengers and the evidence.''

ْ +َ َ ‫ َو‬A N
ِ +َ َ_)َ ‫ى‬
َ ‫َا‬,‫ َ{ ُه‬Cَ 9 ‫* ا‬
ِ #َ )َ 

(Then whoever follows My guidance he shall neither go astray nor shall be distressed.) Ibn
`Abbas said, "He will not be misguided in this life and he will not be distressed in the

39. QS Maryam 19:49-50

ّ Cِ َX َ0-ْ 3َ G
َ “_‫ب َو ُآ‬
َ !ُE3ْ +َ َ‫\ و‬
َ ‫َـ‬L4
ْ ‫ُ ِإ‬F%َ َ0Cْ ‫ َو َه‬Fِ -%‫ن
ِ* دُونِ ا‬
َ ‫ُو‬,Cُ ْ3+َ َ
‫ ُ(?ْ َو‬%ََmJَ ْ‫ ا‬#-َ)َ
- ّ ِ-
َ ‫ق‬
ٍ ْ,f
ِ ‫ن‬
َ َ$ِ% ْ?(ُ %َ َ0-ْ َ3G
َ ‫َ َو‬0Jِ #َ Y
ْ ‫* ر‬h
ْ?(ْ %َ َ0Cْ ‫ َو َو َه‬6

19:49. Maka ketika Ibrahim sudah menjauhkan diri dari mereka dan dari apa yang mereka
sembah selain Allah, Kami anugerahkan kepadanya Ishak, dan Yakub. Dan masing-
masingnya Kami angkat menjadi nabi.
19:50. Dan Kami anugerahkan kepada mereka sebagian dari rahmat Kami dan Kami jadikan
mereka buah tutur yang baik lagi tinggi.

(49. So when he had turned away from them and from those whom they worshipped besides
Allah, We gave him Ishaq and Ya`qub, and each one of them We made a Prophet.)

(50. And We gave them of Our mercy, and We granted them Sidqin `Aliyyan on the tongues.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29
“ Cِ Xَ َ0-ْ 3َ َG “-ُ‫ب َوآ‬
َ !ُE3ْ +َ َ‫ق و‬
َ َL4
ْ ‫ ِإ‬Fُ %َ َ0Cْ ‫ َو َه‬Fِ -%‫ُونَ ِ
*ْ دُونِ ا‬,Cُ 3ْ +َ َ
‫َ ُ(?ْ َو‬%َmJَ 
ْ ‫ ا‬#َ-)َ

‫ق‬L4‫ وا* إ‬F0‫< ا‬03+ ‫!ب‬E3+‫ق و‬L4‫ إ‬F% V‫(? ووه‬0

. !‫
* ه‬S‫ ا‬F%,‫ أ‬S‫ )< ا‬F
!O‫ أ^ و‬A -o%‫ل ا‬mJ‫ ا‬#-) 1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
X !‫!ب وه‬E3+ ,%‫ق وا‬L4‫_ف أن إ‬. ‫!ب " و‬E3+ ‫ق‬L4‫ل " و
* وراء إ‬O‫ " و‬/-)X ‫!ب‬E3+‫ ى " و‬.K‫ ا‬/+y‫ل )< ا‬O #‫آ‬
Rq F%‫( وإ‬%‫ إ‬,C3X ‫!ا‬%O ‫ي‬,3 *
F 0C% ‫ل‬O ‫!ت إذ‬#%‫!ب ا‬E3+ NY ‫اء إذ‬,( ?J0‫ ة " أم آ‬EC%‫!رة ا‬4 <) ‫ن‬q E%‫ا‬
F9 Y <) F0  ?( S‫ ا‬O‫ ء أ‬CX‫ أ‬CE‫_ و‬$X F% 0-3G ‫!ب أي‬E3+‫ق و‬L4‫ إ‬0‫ ذآ هه‬#X‫(ا إ‬%‫ق " و‬L4‫ وإ‬A #4‫إ اه ? وإ‬
FXt) ‚4!+ ^,%‫آ و‬%‫ و‬F - [JO‫ ا‬#% ? ‫ ة إ اه‬Y <) ‘CX ,O ‫_م‬$%‫ ا‬F - ‫!ب‬E3+ *a+ ?% !-) "  CX 0-3G _‫ل " وآ‬O ‫(ا‬%‫و‬
<CX ‚4!+ " ‫ل‬E) ‫س‬0%‫ ا‬. * AT4 * Y FJLf 1- \2J#%‫ ا‬w+,L%‫? )< ا‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O #‫ آ‬N+‫< أ‬CX
*‫? ا‬+ a%‫? ا* ا‬+ a%‫? ا* ا‬+ a%‫ " إن ا‬.y‫‡ ا‬2-%‫ " و)< ا‬S‫ ا‬A -. ? ‫ ا* إ اه‬S‫< ا‬CX ‫ق‬L4‫ ا* إ‬S‫< ا‬CX ‫!ب‬E3+ *‫ ا‬S‫ا‬
? ‫ق * إ اه‬L4‫!ب * إ‬E3+ * ‚4!+ ?+ a%‫ " ا‬.

“ -ِ
َ ٍ‫ْق‬,f
ِ َ‫َن‬$%ِ ْ?(ُ َ% َ0ْ-3َ َG‫َ َو‬0Jِ #َ Y
ْ ‫َ ُ(?ْ ِ
*ْ َر‬% َ0Cْ ‫وَ َو َه‬

‫* وآا‬$L%‫ء ا‬07%‫< ا‬03+ ‫س‬C *‫ * ا‬/L-d <‫< * أ‬- ‫ل‬O "  - ‫ق‬,f ‫ن‬$% ?(% 0-3G‫ و‬0J#Y‫(?
* ر‬% 0C‫ " ووه‬F%!O‫و‬
_4‫ و‬S‫!ات ا‬-f ?(X!Y,#+‫ (? و‬- ‫!ن‬07+ ‫ن‬+‫د‬K‫ وا‬A-#%‫ { ا‬#G ‫ن‬K  - ‫ل‬O #X‫ إ‬+ G *‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬HX‫ * أ‬%
‫ي و‬,$%‫ل ا‬O
* 3#G‫ (? أ‬- .

Allah, the Exalted, says that when the Friend of Allah (Ibrahim) withdrew from his father and
his people for the sake of Allah, Allah gave him in exchange those who were better than them.
He gave him Ishaq (Isaac) and Ya`qub (Jacob), meaning his son, Ishaq, and Ishaq's son,
Ya`qub. This is as Allah said in another Ayah,

6ً/-َ)ِ َX ‫ب‬

َ !ُE3ْ +َ ‫ َو‬

(and Ya`qub, a grandson.) 21:726 Also, Allah says,

6َ‫ُ!ب‬E3ْ +َ \
َ ‫َـ‬L4
ْ ‫ ِء ِإ‬qَ‫ َو
ِ* وَر‬

(and after Ishaq, of Ya`qub.) 11:716 There is no difference of opinion about Ishaq being the
father of Ya`qub. This is what is recorded in the Qur'an in Surah Al-Baqarah.

ْ ‫ َوِإ‬Aَ ِ3‫َـ‬#4
ْ ‫َ ِإ ْ َهِ ?َ َوِإ‬Rِ َq Fَ ‫َـ‬%‫ َوِإ‬
َ (َ ‫َـ‬%‫ ِإ‬,ُ Cُ 3ْ Xَ ْ‫ُ!ا‬%َO ‫ِى‬,ْ3َ *ِ
َ‫ُون‬,Cُ 3ْ 9َ َ
Fِ ِ0Cَ %ِ َ‫َل‬O ْ‫ت ِإذ‬
ُ ْ!#َ %ْ ‫ب ا‬
َ !ُE3ْ +َ َ N
َ َY ْ‫ َء ِإذ‬qَ,(َ 
ُ ْ?Jُ 0ُ‫أَمْ آ‬

(Or were you witnesses when death approached Ya`qub When he said unto his sons, "What
will you worship after me" They said, "We shall worship your God the God of your fathers,
Ibrahim, Isma`il and Ishaq.'')2:1336 Allah only mentioned Ishaq and Ya`qub here to show
that He made Prophets from among his descendants and successors in order to give him relief
and happiness in his life. This is why Allah says,

6ًّ Cِ Xَ َ0-ْ َ3G

َ _
“ ‫ َو ُآ‬

(and each one of them We made a Prophet.) 19:496 If Ya`qub had not become a Prophet in
the lifetime of Ibrahim, then Allah would not have limited the promise of prophethood to him,
but He would have mentioned his son Yusuf as well. For verily, Yusuf was also a Prophet, just
as the Messenger of Allah said in a Hadith whose authenticity is agreed upon, when he was
asked who was the best of people. He said,

«S‫ِ ا‬A ِ-َ. ?َ ِ‫ِ ا ْ*ِ ِإ ْ َاه‬S‫< ا‬

h Cِ َX ‫ق‬
َ َL4
ْ ‫* ِإ‬
ِ ْ ‫ ا‬S
ِ ‫<ا‬
h Cِ Xَ ‫ب‬
َ !ُEْ3+َ *
ُ ْ ‫ ا‬S
ِ ‫<ا‬
 Cِ Xَ ‚
ُ 4
ُ !ُ+»

(The Prophet of Allah, Yusuf, the son of the Prophet of Allah Ya`qub, the son of the Prophet of
Allah Ishaq, the son of the Friend of Allah Ibrahim.) In another wording of this Hadith, he

«? ِ‫* ِإ ْ َاه‬
ِ ْ َ‫َق‬L4
ْ ‫* ِإ‬
ِ ْ ‫ب‬
َ !ُE3ْ َ+ *
َ ْ ‚
َ 4
ُ !ُ+ ?ِ +ِ َa%ْ ‫?ِ ا ْ*ِ ا‬+ِ aَ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ْ ‫ ِ? ا‬+ِ َa%ْ ‫* ا‬
َ ْ ‫ َ? ا‬+ِ َa%ْ ‫ن ا‬

(Verily, the noble one is the son of the noble one, who is the son of the noble one, who is the son
of the noble one. That is Yusuf, the son of Ya`qub, the son of Ishaq, the son of Ibrahim.)
Concerning Allah's statement,

6 ًّ -َِ ‫ق‬

ٍ ْ,f
ِ َ‫َن‬$%ِ ْ?(ُ َ% َ0-ْ 3َ َG‫َ َو‬0Jِ #َ Y
ْ ‫* ر‬h
ْ?(ْ َ% َ0Cْ ‫ َو َو َه‬

(And We gave them of Our mercy, and We granted Sidqin `Aliyyan on the tongues. ) `Ali bin
Abi Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas said, "Sidqin `Aliyyan means the good praise.'' As-Suddi
and Malik bin Anas said the same thing. Ibn Jarir said, "Allah only said `Aliyyan (loftiness,
exalted) because all of the religions commend them and mention them with praises, may
Allah's peace and blessing be upon them all.''

‫‪40. QS Al Fatihah 1:2‬‬

‫ب ا ْ‪َ3%‬ـَ‪* ِ#-‬‬
‫‪ Fِ -% ُ,#ْ L‬رَ ‪h‬‬
‫‪ 6‬ا ْ‪َ %‬‬

‫‪1:2. Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam,‬‬

‫)‪(2. Al-Hamd be to Allah, the Lord of all that exists.‬‬

‫‪ $29‬ا* آ‪ 7‬‬

‫ب ا ْ‪َ ِ#%ََ3%‬‬
‫‪َ Fِ -ِ% ,ُ #ْ L‬ر ‪h‬‬
‫ا ْ‪َ %‬‬

‫ا‪ E%‬اء ا‪ ?r 1- /3C$%‬ا‪,%‬ال )< ‪ F%!O‬ا‪ S ,#L%‬ه!

‪,JC‬أ و‪ C.‬وروي * ‪ 24‬ن *  ‪ /0‬ورؤ‪ * /‬ا‪3%‬ج أ‪ "O #(X‬ا‪,#L%‬‬
‫‪ V[0% " S‬وه! ‪ 1-‬إ‪#r‬ر )‪ A3‬و‪ O‬أ ا* أ< ‪ " /-C‬ا‪ ?N " S ,#L%‬ا‪,%‬ال وا‪_%‬م إ‪ <X7-% C9‬ا‪K‬ول و‪! F%‬اه‪ F0a% ,‬ذ‬
‫و* ا‪ *$L%‬وز‪ " <- * ,+‬ا‪ $a " S ,#L%‬ا‪,%‬ال إ‪’% C9‬ول ا‪O <X7%‬ل أ! ‪ "103
+ G * 23G‬ا‪ " S ,#L%‬ا‪S aU%‬‬
‫‪ [%.‬دون ‪ *
R4‬دو‪ FX‬ودون آ‪  
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* ا‪ ?30%‬ا‪ ( [L+  <J%‬ا‪,3%‬د و ‪,3 } L+‬ده‬
‫ ^ أ‪ Q L[9 <) ,Y‬ا‪y‬ت ‪ FJ%‬و‪!G * a#9‬ارح أ‪$G‬م ا‪K * 2-a#%‬داء ) ا‪ <) ?(% }$ 
FNR‬د‪ X‬ه?
* ا‪ %‬زق و اه?‬
‫‪ ? 3X *
F‬ا‪ *
e 3%‬ا‪ELJ4‬ق
‪ ?(0‬ذ‪ F - %‬و
 ‪ F - ?((CX‬وده? إ‪ *
F %‬ا‪C4K‬ب ا‪g#%‬د‪ /+‬إ‪ 1%‬دوام ا‪!-o%‬د )<‬
‫دار ا‪E#%‬م )< ا‪ ? 30%‬ا‪ 0 -) ? E#%‬ا‪ 1- ,#L%‬ذ‪ %‬آ‪ F-‬أو و‪ .q‬ا ‪ .‬و‪O‬ل ا* ‪ + G‬ر‪ F#Y‬ا‪ " : S‬ا‪0W " S ,#L%‬ء أ‪1- F 10W‬‬
‫‪ F$2X‬و)< ‪ F0#r‬أ
‪C‬د^ أن ‪!07+‬ا ‪O FX;a) F -‬ل ‪!%!O‬ا " ا‪O " S ,#L%‬ل و‪ A O ,O‬إن ‪!O‬ل ا‪ " ARE%‬ا‪0W " S ,#L%‬ء ‪F -‬‬
‫;‪ FR#4‬ا‪ 10$L%‬و‪ F92f‬ا‪ 1-3%‬و‪ F%!O‬ا‪0W S aU%‬ء ‪ F#30 F -‬وأ‪+‬د‪  ?W . F+‬ع )< رد ذ‪ F-fY # %‬أن ‪ { #G‬أه‪ A‬ا‪/) 3#%‬‬
‫‪$-‬ن ا‪ 3%‬ب ‪!3O!+‬ن آ_
* ا‪ ,#L%‬وا‪a
aU%‬ن ا‪ .y‬و‪ AEX ,O‬ا‪ <#-$%‬ها ا‪#%‬ه‪ V‬أ‪!4 #(X‬اء * ‪ 23G‬ا‪[%‬دق وا* ء‬

* ا‪ / )![%‬و‪O‬ل ا* ‪C‬س " ا‪ " S ,#L%‬آ‪ /#-‬آ‪ A‬آ و‪ ,O‬ا‪,J4‬ل ا‪!O /L[ + G * <Cd E%‬ل ا‪ " ARE%‬ا‪ a " S ,#L%‬ا‬
‫‪ .‬وها ا‪%‬ي اد^ ا* ‪ FXK X F ) + G‬ا‪ ,0 (J‬آ‪ *
* ا‪ *+ .;J#%‬أن ا‪ ,#L%‬ه! ا‪07%‬ء ‪!E%‬ل ‪ 1-‬ا‪!#L#%‬د‬
‫[‪ F92‬ا‪_%‬ز
‪ /‬وا‪ /+,3J#%‬وا‪!a+  aU%‬ن إ ‪ 1-‬ا‪ /+,3J#%‬و‪!a+‬ن ‪0%‬ن وا‪$-%‬ن وا‪K‬رآن آ‪O #‬ل ا‪ : U%‬أ)د‪ ?a9‬ا‪#30%‬ء‬

‪,+ /W_W <0‬ي و‪ <X$%‬وا‪ #N%‬ا‪ CL#%‬و‪ ?(0a%‬ا‪!2-J.‬ا أ‪ #(+‬أ? ا‪ ,#L%‬أو ا‪ * %!O 1- aU%‬وا‪ \ ELJ%‬أن  ‪
!# #(0‬‬
‫و‪ ,#L%) f![.‬أ?
* ا‪3E+ 
w Y *
aU%‬ن ‪!a+ FXK F -‬ن ‪ 1-‬ا‪2[%‬ت ا‪_%‬ز
‪ /‬وا‪!E9 /+,3J#%‬ل ‪ 2% F9,#Y‬و‪FJ 4‬‬
‫و‪ F
a% F9,#Y‬وه! أ‪!a+  FXK .‬ن إ ‪!E%‬ل وا‪ aU%‬أ?
* ‪3E+ 
w Y‬ن ‪!a+ FXK F -‬ن ‪!E%‬ل وا‪ A32%‬وا‪ / 0%‬آ‪,E9 #‬م‬
‫وه! أ‪!a+  FXK .‬ن إ ‪ 1-‬ا‪2[%‬ت ا‪E+  /+,3J#%‬ل ‪ 2% F9 a‬و‪ FJ 4‬و‪!E9‬ل ‪ 1- F9 a‬آ
‪ F‬وإ‪ FX$Y‬إ‪ .<%‬ها ‪AfY‬‬

 ‪ Y‬ر^ ‪ ˆ3‬ا‪ *+ .;J#%‬وا‪ S‬أ‪ .?-‬و‪O‬ل أ! ‪ [X‬إ‪#Y * A #4‬د ا‪!%‬ه ي ‪ :‬ا‪ ˆ EX ,#L%‬ا‪%‬م ‪!E9‬ل ‪,#Y‬ت ا‪ AG %‬أ‪^,#Y‬‬
‫‪,#Y‬ا و
‪,#L‬ة )(! ‪ , #Y‬و
‪!#L‬د وا‪ , #LJ%‬أ‪ *
Š-‬ا‪ ,#L%‬وا‪ ,#L%‬أ?
* ا‪ aU%‬و‪O‬ل )< ا‪ aU%‬ه! ا‪07%‬ء ‪ 1-‬ا‪# *$L#%‬‬
* ا‪ 3#%‬وف ‪E+‬ل ‪ F9 a‬و‪ a‬ت ‪ F%‬و‪_%‬م أ)[‪ . Q‬وأ
 ا‪,#%‬ح )(! أ?
* ا‪!a+ FXK ,#L%‬ن ‪ <L-%‬و‪ & #-%‬و‪#-%‬د أ‪N+‬‬
‫آ‪,#+ #‬ح ا‪3%‬م وا‪a#%‬ن و‪ !LX‬ذ‪ %‬و‪!a+‬ن ‪ ACO‬ا‪$Yn‬ن و‪ ^,3‬و‪ 1-‬ا‪2[%‬ت ا‪ /+,3J#%‬وا‪_%‬ز
‪ /‬أ‪ !() N+‬أ?‪ .‬ذآ أ‪!O‬ال‬
‫ا‪ <) ‚-$%‬ا‪O ,#L%‬ل ا* أ< ‪ 0W,Y ?9Y‬أ!
‪ #3‬ا‪Y * 2Y 0W,Y <3 E%‬ج * ا* أ<
‪ * /a -‬ا* ‪C‬س ر‪ <r‬ا‪S‬‬
‫‪O #(0‬ل ‪O :‬ل ‪ #‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪LC4 0#- ,O F0 S‬ن ا‪ S‬و إ‪ F%‬إ ا‪ " #) S‬ا‪ " S ,#L%‬؟ )‪E‬ل ‪ : <-‬آ‪ /#-‬ر‪ ( r‬ا‪F$20% S‬‬
‫وروا^ أ‪E) 2Y * #3
1‬ل ‪O‬ل ‪ - <-3% #‬وأ‪  - ^,0 FLf‬إ‪ F%‬إ ا‪ S‬و‪LC4‬ن ا‪ S‬وا‪ S‬أآ‪0)  ,O C‬ه )‪" #‬‬
‫ا‪ " S ,#L%‬؟ ‪O‬ل ‪ : <-‬آ‪ /#-‬أ‪ (CY‬ا‪ F$20% 1%39 S‬ور‪ F$20% ( r‬وأ‪ VY‬أن ‪E9‬ل و‪O‬ل ‪ * <-‬ز‪,G * ,+‬ن * ‪* ‚4!+‬‬

( ان ‪O‬ل ا* ‪C‬س " ا‪ " S ,#L%‬آ‪ /#-‬ا‪ aU%‬وإذا ‪O‬ل ا‪ ",C3%‬ا‪O " S ,#L%‬ل ‪,C <X a‬ي ‪ .‬روا^ ا* أ< ‪ ?9Y‬وروى أ‪N+‬‬
‫ه! وا* ‪# * U w+,Y *
+ G‬رة * أ< روق * ا‪LN%‬ك * ا* ‪C‬س أ‪O FX‬ل ‪ " :‬ا‪ " S ,#L%‬ه! ا‪ S aU%‬ه!‬
‫ا‪oJ4‬اء ‪ F%‬وا‪ On‬ار ‪ FJ#30 F%‬وه‪,‬ا‪ FJ+‬وا‪,J‬ا‪ FR‬و ذ‪ %‬و‪O‬ل آ‪ V3‬ا‪CYK‬ر " ا‪0W " S ,#L%‬ء ا‪ S‬و‪O‬ل ا‪LN%‬ك " ا‪S ,#L%‬‬
‫" رداء ا‪ *#Y %‬و‪ ,O‬ورد ا‪ !L0 w+,L%‬ذ‪O . %‬ل ا* ‪ # * , 34 0W,Y + G‬و ا‪ * / E 0W,Y <X!a$%‬ا‪* 1$  <0W,Y , %!%‬‬
‫إ اه ? *
!‪ * 14‬أ< ‪ * V CY‬ا‪ # * ?aL%‬وآ‪O /CLf F% &X‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ " ?-4‬إذا ‪" &-O‬‬
‫ا‪ S ,#L%‬رب ا‪ a ,E) " * #%3%‬ت ا‪m) S‬ادك " و‪ ,O‬روى ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y AC0Y * ,#Y‬روح ‪! 0W,Y‬ف * ا‪ * *$L%‬ا‪!4K‬د‬
‫* ‪O {+ 4‬ل ‪ + &-O :‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ S‬أ أ‪,UX‬ك
‪,#Y ,
L‬ت ( ر< ‪C9‬رك و‪E) 1%39‬ل " أ
 إن ر ‪ VL+‬ا‪ " ,#L%‬وروا^ ا‪<R$0%‬‬
‫* ‪ * Y * <-‬ا* ‪ * , C * HX!+ * / -‬ا‪ * *$L%‬ا‪!4K‬د * ‪ . F {+ 4‬وروى أ!  ‪ 1$‬ا‪ ‡)L%‬ا‪

1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O S‫ ا‬,C * G * ‫ اش‬. * /L-d * 7‫ * إ اه ? * آ‬14!
w+,Y *
*‫< وا‬R$0%‫وا‬
* HX‫ * أ‬FG
*‫ وروى ا‬. V+ *$Y ‫
ي‬J%‫ل ا‬O‫ " و‬S ,#L%‫ء ا‬,%‫ ا‬AN)‫ وأ‬S‫ إ ا‬F%‫آ  إ‬%‫ ا‬AN)‫? " أ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ا‬
1‫ي أ‬%‫ إ آن ا‬S ,#L%‫ل ا‬E) /#3X ,C 1- S‫? ا‬3X‫?"
 أ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O F0 S‫< ا‬r‫ ر‬%

 X,%‫! أن ا‬% " ‫ل‬O ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f <C0%‫ * ا‬HX‫!ل * أ‬fK‫!ادر ا‬X <)‫ ^ و‬$29 <) <Cd E%‫ل ا‬O‫ " و‬.‫ أ‬#
S ,#L%‫ ا‬F
(%‫ن إ‬a% ‫< و ^ أي‬Cd E%‫ل ا‬O " %‫
* ذ‬AN)‫ أ‬S ,#L%‫ن ا‬a% S ,#L%‫ل ا‬O ?W <J

* أ‬AG‫ ر‬,+ <) ‫ا) ه‬L
 X,%‫ ة ا‬L%‫ ا‬/0+‫!ن ز‬0C%‫ل وا‬#%‫ " ا‬1%39 S‫ل ا‬O 1EC+   X,%‫ ? ا‬3X‫ و‬102+  ,#L%‫!اب ا‬W ‫ن‬K  X,%‫? ا‬3X *
F - /#3X 7‫أآ‬
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*‫* ا‬04 <)‫ أ
_" و‬.‫!ا و‬W ‫ ر‬,0 . ‫ت‬L%[%‫ ت ا‬OC%‫وا‬
(XCJa+ ‚ ‫ آ‬+‫ر‬,+ ?-) * a-#% &-N3) X-4 ? ‫( و‬G‫_ل و‬% <sC0+ #‫ آ‬,#L%‫ ا‬% ‫ رب‬+ ‫ل‬O S‫د ا‬C *
‫ا‬,C ‫" أن‬
+ O ‫ي ؟‬,C ‫ل‬O ‫
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Abu Ja`far bin Jarir said, "The meaning of

F-% ,ُ #ْ L
َ %ْ ‫ا‬6 (Al-Hamdu Lillah) (all praise and thanks be to Allah) is: all thanks are due purely to
Allah, alone, not any of the objects that are being worshipped instead of Him, nor any of His
creation. These thanks are due to Allah's innumerable favors and bounties, that only He
knows the amount of. Allah's bounties include creating the tools that help the creation

worship Him, the physical bodies with which they are able to implement His commands, the
sustenance that He provides them in this life, and the comfortable life He has granted them,
without anything or anyone compelling Him to do so. Allah also warned His creation and
alerted them about the means and methods with which they can earn eternal dwelling in the
residence of everlasting happiness. All thanks and praise are due to Allah for these favors
from beginning to end.''

Further, Ibn Jarir commented on the Ayah,

F-% ,ُ #ْ L
َ %ْ ‫ا‬6 (Al-Hamdu Lillah), that it means, "A praise that Allah praised Himself with,
indicating to His servants that they too should praise Him, as if Allah had said, `Say: All
thanks and praise is due to Allah.' It was said that the statement,

6ِF-% ,ُ #ْ L
َ %ْ ‫ا‬

(All praise and thanks be to Allah), entails praising Allah by mentioning His most beautiful
Names and most honorable Attributes. When one proclaims, `All thanks are due to Allah,' he
will be thanking Him for His favors and bounties.''

Hamd is more general, in that it is a statement of praise for one's characteristics, or for what
he has done. Thanks are given for what was done, not merely for characteristics.

Hafs mentioned that `Umar said to `Ali, "We know La ilaha illallah, Subhan Allah and Allahu
Akbar. What about Al-Hamdu Lillah'' `Ali said, "A statement that Allah liked for Himself,
was pleased with for Himself and He likes that it be repeated.'' Also, Ibn `Abbas said, "Al-
Hamdu Lillah is the statement of appreciation. When the servant says Al-Hamdu Lillah, Allah
says, `My servant has praised Me.'' Ibn Abi Hatim recorded this Hadith.

Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal recorded that Al-Aswad bin Sari` said, "I said, `O Messenger of
Allah! Should I recite to you words of praise for My Lord, the Exalted, that I have collected'
He said,

«,َ #ْ L
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬V
ِ +ُ َ ‫ن َر‬
 ‫( »َأ
َ ِإ‬Verily, your Lord likes Al-Hamd.)''

An-Nasa'i also recorded this Hadith. Furthermore, Abu `Isa At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i and Ibn
Majah recorded that Musa bin Ibrahim bin Kathir related that Talhah bin Khirash said that
Jabir bin `Abdullah said that the Messenger of Allah said,

«Sِ‫د‬,ُ #ْ L
َ ْ%‫َ ِء ا‬, %‫ ا‬Aُ N
َ ْ)‫ َوَأ‬،ُS‫ ا‬%‫ ِإ‬Fَ %ِ‫َ إ‬% ِ ‫ ْآ‬h%‫ ا‬Aُ N
َ )ْ ‫( »َأ‬The best Dhikr (remembering Allah) is La ilaha
illallah and the best supplication is Al-Hamdu Lillah.)

At-Tirmidhi said that this Hadith is Hasan Gharib. Also, Ibn Majah recorded that Anas bin
Malik said that the Messenger of Allah said,

«َ .
َ ‫ َأ‬#
ِ Aَ َN)ْ ‫ َأ‬1َ
ْ ‫ِي َأ‬%‫ آَنَ ا‬%‫ ِإ‬،ِS ,ُ #ْ L
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬:‫َ َل‬Eَ) /ً #َ 3ْ Xِ ,ٍ Cْ َ 1َ-َ S
ُ ‫ َ? ا‬3َ Xْ َ‫»
َ أ‬

(No servant is blessed by Allah and says,`Al-Hamdu Lillah', except that what he was given is
better than that which he has himself acquired.) Further, in his Sunan, Ibn Majah recorded
that Ibn `Umar said that the Messenger of Allah said,

َ(ِXَCُJaْ +َ ‚
َ ْ ‫َ َآ‬+ِ‫ْر‬,+َ ْ?-ََ) *
ِ ْ aَ َ-#َ ْ%ِ ْ&َ-N
َ 3َ َ) . َ Xِ َ-ْ 4
ُ ?ِ ِ
َ ‫ ِ(َ َو‬Gْ ‫َ ِل َو‬-َ%ِ <ِsCَ 0ْ +َ َ#َ‫ آ‬,ُ #ْ َL%ْ ‫ ا‬
َ %َ ‫ب‬
h ‫َ َر‬+:‫َ َل‬O S ِ ‫َ ِد ا‬Cِ ْ*
ِ ‫ًا‬,Cْ 
َ ‫»ِإن‬
َ+ :َ%َO ‫ِي؟‬,Cْ  َ َ‫َل‬O ‫
َذَا‬:^ُ ,ُ ْC َ ‫َ َل‬O َ#ِ ?ُ -َْ‫ َو ُه َ! َأ‬،ُS‫َلَ ا‬O ،َ(Cُ Jُ aْ Xَ ‚
َ ْ ‫ْرِي َآ‬,Xَ َ% /ً %ََE
َ ‫َ َل‬O ْ,Oَ ‫ًا‬,Cْ َ ‫ن‬  ‫َ ِإ‬0‫َ َر‬+ :َ%َE)َ S
ِ ‫ ا‬1َ%‫َا ِإ‬,3ِ [ َ )َ
F+ِmْG;َ)َ <ِXَE-ْ َ+ 1JَY ،‫ِي‬,Cْ َ ‫َ َل‬O َ#‫َهَ َآ‬CُJ‫ ا ْآ‬:َ#(ُ َ% S ُ ‫َ َل ا‬Eَ) .َXِ َ-ْ ُ4 ?ِ ِ
َ ‫ َو‬َ (ِ ْG‫َ ِل َو‬- َ ِ% <ِsَC0ْ +َ َ#‫ب َآ‬h ‫َ َر‬+ ,ُ #ْ L
َ %ْ ‫َ ا‬%َ :‫َل‬O Fُ X ‫ب ِإ‬
h َ‫ر‬

(A servant of Allah once said, `O Allah! Yours is the Hamd that is suitable for the grace of
Your Face and the greatness of Your Supreme Authority.' The two angels were confused as to
how to write these words. They ascended to Allah and said, `O our Lord! A servant has just
uttered a statement and we are unsure how to record it for him.' Allah said while having more
knowledge in what His servant has said, 'What did My servant say' They said, `He said, `O
Allah! Yours is the Hamd that is suitable for the grace of Your Face and the greatness of Your
Supreme Authority.' Allah said to them, `Write it as My servant has said it, until he meets Me
and then I shall reward him for it.)

The letters Alif and Lam before the word Hamd serve to encompass all types of thanks and
appreciation for Allah, the Exalted. A Hadith stated,

«Fُ -‫َْ; ْ
ُ ُآ‬%‫ ُ{ ا‬G
َ ْ +ُ 
َ ْ %َِ‫ َوإ‬،ُF-‫َ ْ ُ ُآ‬o%ْ ‫ك ا‬
َ ,ِ َ ِ‫ َو‬،ُF-ُ‫ آ‬
ُ -ْ #ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬
َ %َ‫ َو‬،ُF-‫ُ ُآ‬,#ْ َL%ْ ‫ ا‬
َ %َ ? (ُ -%‫( »ا‬O Allah! All of Al-Hamd is due to
You, You own all the ownership, all types of good are in Your Hand and all affairs belong to

Ar-Rabb is the owner who has full authority over his property. Ar-Rabb, linguistically means,
the master or the one who has the authority to lead. All of these meanings are correct for
Allah. When it is alone, the word Rabb is used only for Allah. As for other than Allah, it can
be used to say Rabb Ad-Dar, the master of such and such object. Further, it was reported that
Ar-Rabb is Allah's Greatest Name.

Al-`Alamin is plural for `Alam, which encompasses everything in existence except Allah. The
word `Alam is itself a plural word, having no singular form. The `Alamin are different
creations that exist in the heavens and the earth, on land and at sea. Every generation of
creation is called an `Alam. Al-Farra` and Abu `Ubayd said, "`Alam includes all that has a
mind, the Jinns, mankind, the angels and the devils, but not the animals.'' Also, Zayd bin
Aslam and Abu Muhaysin said, `Alam includes all that Allah has created with a soul.''
Further, Qatadah said about,

6َ* ِ#-َ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ب ا‬
h ‫ َر‬

(The Lord of the `Alamin), "Every type of creation is an `Alam.'' Az-Zajjaj also said, "Alam
encompasses everything that Allah created, in this life and in the Hereafter.'' Al-Qurtubi
commented, "This is the correct meaning, that the `Alam encompasses everything that Allah
created in both worlds. Similarly, Allah said,

* ِ0Oِ !
?ْ ُJ0ُ‫َ إِن آ‬#(ُ 0َ ْ َ َ
‫ت وَا رْضِ َو‬
ِ !َ ‫َـ‬#$
 %‫ب ا‬
 ‫َ َل َر‬O - َ* ِ#-َ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ن َو
َ رَب ا‬
ُ ْ!َ ْ ِ) ‫َ َل‬O 6 (Fir`awn (Pharaoh) said:
"And what is the Lord of the `Alamin'' Musa (Moses) said: "The Lord of the heavens and the
earth, and all that is between them, if you seek to be convinced with certainty'') (26:23-24).

`Alam is derived from `Alamah, that is because it is a sign testifying to the existence of its
Creator and to His Oneness.''

41. QS Al Isra' 17:71

_ ِJَ) ‫ن‬
َ !ُ#-َ
ْ ُ+ َ ‫ ُ(?ْ َو‬Cَ ‫َـ‬J‫ن ِآ‬
َ ‫ْ َ ءُو‬E+َ 
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ َ);ُو‬Fِ 0ِ ِ# َ ِ Fُ Cَ ‫َـ‬J‫ ِآ‬1
َ 9ِ ‫*ْ أُو‬#َ )َ ْ?(ِ #ِ ‫
َـ‬tِِ ‫س‬
ٍ َX‫ ُأ‬A ‫ُْ!اْ ُآ‬,Xَ ‫!ْ َم‬+َ

17:71. (Ingatlah) suatu hari (yang di hari itu) Kami panggil tiap umat dengan pemimpinnya;
dan barang siapa yang diberikan kitab amalannya di tangan kanannya maka mereka ini akan
membaca kitabnya itu, dan mereka tidak dianiaya sedikit pun.

(71. (And remember) the Day when We shall call together all human beings with their
(respective) Imam (i.e. the Book of deeds). So whosoever is given his record in his right hand,
such will read their records, and they will not be dealt with unjustly in the least.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ً- ِJَ) ‫ن‬

َ !ُ#-َ
ْ +ُ َ%‫ََ ُ(?ْ َو‬J‫ َءُونَ ِآ‬Eْ +َ 
َ Tِ َ%‫ َ);ُو‬Fِ 0ِ ِ# َ ِ Fُ َ َJ‫< ِآ‬
َ 9ِ ‫*ْ أُو‬#َ )َ ْ?(ِ
ِ َ
tِِ ٍ‫َس‬X‫ ُأ‬A‫ُْ!ا ُآ‬,Xَ ‫!ْ َم‬+َ

F%!E‫ (? وها آ‬C0 ‫دة أي‬JO‫ و‬,‫ل

ه‬E) %‫!ا )< ذ‬2-J.‫ ا‬,O‫

(? و‬t /
‫ أ‬A‫ آ‬V4L+ FX‫ أ‬/
 E%‫!م ا‬+ * 1%39‫رك و‬C9 Co+
‫ن‬K w+,L%‫ب ا‬LfK ‫  ف‬C‫‚ ها أآ‬-$%‫ˆ ا‬3 ‫ل‬O‫ و‬/+y‫} " ا‬$E% ?(0  <NO ?(%!4‫ء ر‬G ‫ذا‬t) ‫!ل‬4‫ ر‬/
‫ أ‬Aa%‫ " و‬1%39
<‫ وروي * ا* أ‬+ G *‫ر^ ا‬J.‫{ وا‬+ UJ%‫ (?
* ا‬CX 1- ‫ل‬mX‫ي أ‬%‫(? ا‬Ja ,+‫ل ا* ز‬O‫? و‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f <C0%‫إ

(? ا‬
!,X ‫!م‬+ " F%!O <) ‫س‬C *‫!)< * ا‬3%‫!ن أراد
 روا^ ا‬a+ ‫!ن أراد ها وأن‬a+ ‫ أن‬A#JL ) ?(CJa : ‫ل‬O FX‫ أ‬,‫ *
ه‬Q X
‫ <ء‬A‫ " وآ‬1%39 F%!E% QG‫ر‬K‫!ل ه! ا‬E%‫ك وها ا‬LN%‫* وا‬$L%‫ وا‬/ %3%‫ل أ! ا‬O ‫(? وآا‬%#‫ب أ‬Ja ‫

(? " أي‬t ‫س‬X‫ أ‬A‫آ‬

(? أي‬t ‫ اد‬#%‫ أن ا‬A#JL+‫ و‬/+y‫ " ا‬F ) #
* E2U
#%‫ ى ا‬J) ‫ب‬Ja%‫{ ا‬r‫ " وو‬1%39 ‫ل‬O‫ * " و‬C
‫^ )< إ
م‬0 [Y‫أ‬
‫!ن‬,+ /#R‫ه? أ‬0-3G‫ل " و‬O #‫(? آ‬J#R; ‫!ا‬#JR‫ ا‬2a%‫ ا‬A‫_م وأه‬$%‫ (? ا‬- ‫ ء‬CXK ‫!ا‬#JR‫ن ا‬#+n‫ ا‬A‫ );ه‬F ‫!ن‬#9;+ *# ‫!م‬O A‫آ‬
‫ ى‬9‫ " و‬1%39 ‫ل‬O‫ و‬w+,L%‫!ا & " ا‬%‫!ا & ا‬%‫ ا‬,C3+ ‫{
* آن‬CJ ) ,C39 &X‫
‫ أ‬A‫{ آ‬CJJ% " * L L[%‫ر " و)< ا‬0%‫ ا‬1%‫إ‬
‫!ن‬-#39 ?J0‫
 آ‬$0J$X 0‫ آ‬X‫\ إ‬L% ?a - \0+ 0J‫!ن ها آ‬-#39 ?J0‫ون
 آ‬m9 ‫ !م‬%‫( ا‬J‫ آ‬1%‫ إ‬1,9 /
‫ أ‬A‫ آ‬/ WG /
‫ أ‬A‫آ‬
&O ‫ " وأ‬1%39 F%!E‫( آ‬%#; FJ
‫ أ‬1- ‫ا‬,‫!ن ه‬a+ ‫ أن‬,  FXt) FJ
‫  * أ‬S‫? ا‬aY ‫< إذا‬C0% ‫ء‬+ ‫)< أن‬0+  ‫" وها‬
1-  0TG‫ و‬, (U /
‫ أ‬A‫
* آ‬0TG ‫ ‚ إذا‬a) " 1%39 F%!O‫اء " و‬,(U%‫ * وا‬C0% ‫<ء‬G‫ب و‬Ja%‫{ ا‬r‫!ر ر( وو‬0 ‫رض‬K‫ا‬
FJ‫< آ‬9‫* أو‬#) ?(

t ‫س‬X‫ أ‬A‫! آ‬,X ‫!م‬+ " 1%39 ‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫ل و‬#K‫ب ا‬J‫
م ه! آ‬n 0‫ اد هه‬#%‫* ا‬a%‫ا " و‬, ( ‫ء‬g‫ه‬
<9‫ " );

* أو‬F%!E‫ آ‬F9‫ اء‬O VL+‫ ؤ^ و‬E+ Q%[%‫ ا‬A#3%‫
* ا‬F ) # ^‫ ور‬4‫ و‬FJY ) *
‫(? " أي‬J‫ ءون آ‬E+ T%‫ );و‬F0 # 
,O "_ J) ‫!ن‬#-+ ‫ " و‬1%39 F%!O‫ت و‬+y‫ " ا‬F%#U FJ‫< آ‬9‫ وأ

* أو‬- F%!O 1%‫ إ‬- F J‫ ءوا آ‬O‫!ل هؤم ا‬E ) F0 #  FJ‫آ‬
#3+ * ,#L
0W,Y : ‫ل‬E) ‫ )< ها‬7+,Y ‫ار‬mC%‫ ا‬a !‫)‡ أ‬L%‫ روى ا‬,O‫ و‬. ‫!اة‬0%‫ )< \ ا‬A J$#%‫ } ا‬o%‫ ه! ا‬A J2%‫م أن ا‬,E9
* F0 S‫< ا‬r‫ ة ر‬+ ‫ * أ< ه‬F ‫ي * أ‬,$%‫ * ا‬A R‫ ا‬4‫ * إ‬14!
* S‫ ا‬, C 0W,Y : O /
‫ن * آ ا‬#7 * ,#L
F% ,#+‫ و‬F0 #  FJ‫ آ‬13 ) ?‫ه‬,Y‫ أ‬1,+ " ‫ل‬O " ?(

t ‫س‬X‫ أ‬A‫! آ‬,X ‫!م‬+ " 1%39 S‫!ل ا‬O <) ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f <C0%‫ا‬
‫ (ا‬09q ?(-%‫!ن ا‬%!E ) , 3 *
FX‫ ) و‬FLf‫ أ‬1%‫\ إ‬-0 ) K’J+ ‫ة‬g%g% *
‫ج‬9 F4‫ رأ‬1- A3+‫ و‬F(G‫ ˆ و‬C+‫ و‬F#$G <)
^‫ ا‬+‫ و‬F#$G <) F% ,#+‫ و‬F(G‫!د و‬$ ) )a%‫ ها وأ
AG‫ ر‬Aa% ‫ن‬t) ‫ وا‬U‫(? أ‬% ‫!ل‬E ) ?( 9; ) ‫ )< ها‬0% ‫ورك‬
AG‫ ر‬Aa% ‫ن‬t) S‫آ? ا‬,3‫!ل أ‬E ) ^m.‫(? ا‬-%‫!ن ا‬%!E ) ?( 9; ) F 09;9  ?(-%‫
* ها أو
*  ها ا‬S ‫!ذ‬3X ‫!ن‬%!E ) FLf‫أ‬
FG!%‫ وى إ
* ها ا‬+  ‫ار‬mC%‫ل ا‬O ?W " ‫ ها‬A7

Allah tells us that on the Day of Resurrection, he will call each people to account by its Imam.
The scholars differed as to the meaning of this (i.e. Imam. Mujahid and Qatadah said that it
meant each nation would be called to account by its Prophet. Some of the Salaf said this is the
greatest honor for the people of Hadith, because their leader is the Prophet . Ibn Zayd said it
means they would be called to account by their Book which was revealed to their Prophet with
its laws. This was also the view favored by Ibn Jarir. Ibn Abi Najih narrated that Mujahid
said, "With their Books.'' It may be that what is meant here is what Al-`Awfi narrated from
Ibn `Abbas concerning this Ayah,

6ْ?(ِ #ِ ‫
َـ‬tِِ ‫س‬
ٍ َX‫ ُأ‬A‫ُْ!اْ ُآ‬,Xَ ‫!ْ َم‬+َ 

((And remember) the Day when We shall call together all human beings with their (respective)
Imam), which is that it refers to the Book (or record) of their deeds. This was also the view of
Abu Al-`Aliyah, Al-Hasan and Ad-Dahhak. This view is the most correct, because Allah says:

6ٍ* ِC
 ‫ ِإ
َ ٍم‬1ِ) Fُ ‫َـ‬0 ْ [
َ ْY‫ْ ٍء َأ‬1 A ‫ َو ُآ‬

(and all things We have recorded with numbers (as a record) in a Clear Book Fi Imamin
Mubin6) 36:126

6ِF ِ) #
ِ َ* ِE2ِ U
ُ *
َ ِ
ِ ْ#ُ %ْ ‫ َى ا‬Jَ َ) V
ُ ‫َـ‬Jِa%ْ ‫ َ{ ا‬r
ِ ُ‫ َوو‬

(And the Book (one's record) will be placed, and you will see the criminals, fearful of that
which is (recorded) therein) 18:496

6 َ‫ُ!ن‬-َ#3ْ 9َ ْ?Jُ 0ُ‫ن

َ آ‬
َ ‫َ ْو‬mْ9ُ ‫ َ !ْ َم‬%ْ ‫(َ ا‬Cِ ‫َـ‬J‫ ِآ‬1َ%‫ ِإ‬1َْ,ُ9 /ٍ
 ‫ أ‬A‫ ُآ‬/ً َ Wِ َG /ٍ
 ‫ ُأ‬A ‫َ َى ُآ‬9‫ َو‬

َ !ُ-#َ 3ْ 9َ ْ?Jُ 0ُ‫
َ آ‬
ُ$ِ 0َJْ$Xَ 0‫ ُآ‬X‫ ِإ‬h\َL%ْ ِ ?ُa ْ -َ
َ \
ُ ِ0َ+ َ0Cُ ‫َـ‬J‫هَـَا ِآ‬

(And you will see each nation humbled to their knees, each nation will be called to its record
(of deeds). This Day you shall be recompensed for what you used to do. This Our record
speaks about you with truth. Verily, We were recording what you used to do.) (45:28-29) This
does not contradict the fact that the Prophet will be brought forward when Allah judges
between his Ummah, for he will inevitably be a witness against his Ummah over their deeds.
But what is meant here by Imam is the Book of deeds. Allah says:

6ْ?(ُ Cَ ‫َـ‬J‫ن ِآ‬

َ ‫ َءُو‬Eْ +َ 
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ )َُ;و‬Fِ ِ0 ِ# َ ِ Fُ Cَ ‫َـ‬J‫ ِآ‬1
َ 9ِ ‫*ْ أُو‬#َ )َ ْ?(ِ #ِ ‫
َـ‬tِِ ‫س‬
ٍ َX‫ ُأ‬A‫ُْ!اْ ُآ‬,Xَ ‫!ْ َم‬+َ 

((And remember) the Day when We shall call together all human beings with their (respective)
Imam. So whosoever is given his record in his right hand, such will read their records,) means,
because of their happiness and joy at what is recorded therein of good deeds - they will read it
and want to read it. As Allah says:

6 Fْ َ C‫َـ‬J‫ َ ُؤاْ ِآ‬Oْ ‫ُ! ُل هَ ُؤ ُم ا‬E َ َ) Fِ 0ِ ِ# َ ِ Fُ Cَ ‫َـ‬J‫ ِآ‬1

َ 9ِ ‫)ََ;
*ْ أُو‬

(Then as for him who will be given his record in his right hand will say: "Here! read my
record!) until His saying,

ِ ِ Fُ Cَ ‫َـ‬J‫ ِآ‬1
َ ِ9‫ َوَأ
*ْ أُو‬

(But as for him who will be given his record in his left hand,) 69:19-296

6ً_ ِJ)َ َ‫ُ!ن‬#-َْ+ُ َ ‫ َو‬

(and they will not be dealt with unjustly in the least Fatilan6.) We have already mentioned
that the Fatil is the long thread in the groove of a date-pit. Al-Hafiz Abu Bakr Al-Bazzar
recorded a Hadith from Abu Hurayrah according to which the Prophet said, concerning the

6ْ?(ِ #ِ ‫
َـ‬tِِ ‫س‬
ٍ َX‫ ُأ‬A‫ُْ!اْ ُآ‬,Xَ ‫!ْ َم‬+َ 

((And remember) the Day when We shall call together all human beings with their (respective)

1َ%‫\ ِإ‬
ُ ِ- َ 0ْ َ )َ ،ُ;%َْ;َ-Jَ +َ ‫ ٍة‬gَ ُ%ْgُ% ْ*
ِ ٌ‫َج‬9 Fِ 4ِ ْ‫ َرأ‬1َ-َ Aُ 3َ  ْ +ُ َ‫ و‬،ُF(ُ ْG‫ˆ َو‬  َ Cْ +َ َ‫ و‬،ِF#ِ $
ْ ِG <ِ) Fُ %َ , #َ +ُ ‫ َو‬،ِFِ0 ِ# َ ِ Fُ َ َJ‫ ِآ‬1َ3ْ ُ َ) ?ْ ‫ُ ُه‬,Y
َ ‫ َأ‬1َْ,+ُ »
،‫ َهَا‬Aَ 7ْ
ِ ْ?aُ 0ْ
ِ Aٍ ُG‫ َر‬Ah aُ %ِ ‫ن‬tِ)َ ‫ِ ُوا‬Uْ ‫ َأ‬:?ْ (ُ َ% ‫ُ! ُل‬E َ َ) ?ْ (ِ ِ9;ْ َ )َ ،‫َ )ِ< َهَا‬0%َ ْ‫ َوَ ِرك‬،‫َ ِ َ(َا‬09ِ q ? (ُ -%‫ ا‬:‫ُ!ن‬%!ُE َ َ) ،ٍ, ِ3َ ْ*
ِ Fُ Xَ ْ‫ )َ َ َ و‬Fِ ِ َLf ْ ‫َأ‬
?ُ( ِ9ْ; َ )َ Fِ ِ َ09ِ ْ;9َ َ% ?(ُ -%‫ هََا ا‬h  َ ْ*
ِ ْ‫ َأو‬،‫ ِ
*ْ َهَا‬S ِ ِ ‫ُ! ُذ‬3Xَ :‫ُ!ن‬%!ُEَ )َ Fُ ُ َLf ْ ‫ َا ُ^ َأ‬+َ َ‫ و‬،ِF#ِ $ ْ ِG <) Fُ %َ , #َ +ُ ‫ َو‬،ُF(ُ ْG‫!َ د َو‬$ ْ َ َ) ُ ِ)َa%ْ ‫َوَأ
«‫ َهَا‬Aَ 7ْ
ِ ْ?aُ 0ْ
ِ Aٍ ُG‫ َر‬hAaُ ِ% ‫ن‬  tَِ) ُS‫ ُآ ُ? ا‬,َ 3َ ْ ‫ َأ‬: ‫ُ! ُل‬E َ َ) .^ِ mِ .
ْ ‫ ُ( ? َأ‬-%‫ ا‬:‫ُ!ن‬%!ُE َ )َ

(One of you will be called and will be given his Book in his right hand. He will be in a good
physical state, with a white face, and there will be placed on his head a crown of shining
pearls. He will go to his companions and they will see him from afar, and will say, "O Allah,
let him come to us and bless us with this.'' Then he will come to them and will say to them,
"Rejoice, for every man among you will be like this.'' As for the disbeliever, his face will be
black and his body will be enlarged. His companions will see him from afar and will say, "We
seek refuge in Allah from this, or from the evil of this, O Allah, do not let him come to us.''
"Then he will come to them and they will say, O Allah, humiliate him!'' He will say, "May
Allah cast you away, every man among you will be like this.'') Then Al-Bazzar said: "This was
only reported through this chain.''

42. QS Al Isra' 17:19-21

- ‫ُ!رًا‬aU
 ?ُ( ُ 3ْ 4
َ َ‫ آَن‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%‫ ِ
*ٌ )َ;ُو‬gْ
ُ !َ ُ‫ َ(َ َوه‬3ْ 4
َ َ(َ% 1َ34
َ ‫ِ َ ةَ َو‬. ‫ َو َ
*ْ َأرَادَ ا‬6

17:19. Dan barang siapa yang menghendaki kehidupan akhirat dan berusaha ke arah itu
dengan sungguh-sungguh sedang ia adalah mukmin, maka mereka itu adalah orang-orang
yang usahanya dibalas dengan baik.
17:20. Kepada masing-masing golongan baik golongan ini maupun golongan itu Kami
berikan bantuan dari kemurahan Tuhanmu. Dan kemurahan Tuhanmu tidak dapat
17:21. Perhatikanlah bagaimana Kami lebihkan sebagian dari mereka atas sebagian (yang
lain). Dan pasti kehidupan akhirat lebih tinggi tingkatnya dan lebih besar keutamaannya.

(19. And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it, with the necessary effort due for it
while he is a believer, then such are the ones whose striving shall be appreciated, (rewarded by

(20. On each these as well as those We bestow from the bounties of your Lord. And the
bounties of your Lord can never be forbidden.)

(21. See how We prefer one above another (in this world), and verily, the Hereafter will be
greater in degrees and greater in preferment.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ ْ?(ُ ُ 3ْ 4
َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫َ آ‬Tِ %َ‫ْ ِ
*ٌ َ);ُو‬g
ُ !َ ‫ َ(َ َو ُه‬3ْ 4
َ َ(%َ 1َ34
َ ‫ِ َ َة َو‬.ْ%‫َو َ
*ْ َأرَا َد ا‬

FE+ d *
%‫ ذ‬V-d ‫ ( " أي‬34 (% 134‫ ور " و‬$%‫? وا‬30%‫ ة و
 ) (
* ا‬.y‫ار ا‬,%‫ ة " أي أراد ا‬.y‫ " و
* أراد ا‬F%!O‫و‬
‫ آن‬T%‫اء " );و‬m%‫!اب وا‬7% *O!

* أي‬g
FC-O ‫
* " أي‬g
!‫? " وه‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f ‫!ل‬4 %‫ ا‬/3J
?( 34 " .

6َ‫ِ َ ة‬. ‫ َو َ
*ْ َأرَادَ ا‬

(And whoever desires the Hereafter) wanting the Hereafter and its blessings and delights,

6َ( َ ْ34
َ َ(َ% 1َ34
َ ‫ َو‬

(and strives for it, with the necessary effort due for it) seeking it in the right way, which is
following the Messenger .

ِ gْ
ُ !َ ‫ َو ُه‬

(while he is a believer,) means, his heart has faith, i.e., he believes in the reward and

 ?ُ( ُ 3ْ 4
َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫ آ‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%‫ َ);ُو‬

(then such are the ones whose striving shall be appreciated, (rewarded by Allah).)

Allah says:

6_‫ َآ‬

On each meaning, on each of the two groups, those who desire this world and those who desire
the Hereafter, We bestow what they want

6َh ‫ ِ
*ْ ََ ِء َر‬

(from the bounties of your Lord.) means, He is the One Who is in control of all things, and He
is never unjust. He gives to each what he deserves, whether it is eternal happiness or doom.
His decree is unstoppable, no one can withhold what He gives or change what He wants. Allah

َ h ‫َ ُء َر‬
َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫ َو
َ آ‬

(And the bounties of your Lord can never be forbidden.) meaning, no one can withhold or
prevent them. Qatadah said,

َ َh ‫َ ُء َر‬
َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫ َو
َ آ‬6 (And the bounties of your Lord can never be forbidden.) "(It means)
they can never decrease''.

َ َh ‫َ ُء َر‬
َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫ َو
َ آ‬6 (And the Bounties of your Lord can never be forbidden) Al-Hasan and
others said, "(It means) they can never be prevented.'' Then Allah says:

6ٍˆ3ْ َ 1َ-
َ ْ?(ُ N
َ ْ3َ َ0-ْ N)َ ‚
َ ْ ‫ ْ َآ‬
ُ X‫ا‬

(See how We prefer one above another,) meaning in this world, so that some are rich and some
are poor, and others are in between; some are beautiful, some are ugly and others are in
between; some die young while others live to a great age, and some die in between.

6ً_ ِNْ29َ ُ Cَ ‫& َوَأ ْآ‬

ٍ ‫َـ‬G‫ ُ دَ َر‬Cَ ‫ َ ُة َأ ْآ‬.
ِ_ َ%‫ َو‬

(and verily, the Hereafter will be greater in degrees and greater in preferment.) means, the
differences between them in the Hereafter will be greater than the differences between them in
this world. Some of them will be in varying levels of Hell, in chains and fetters, while others
will be in the lofty degrees of Paradise, with its blessings and delights. The people of Hell will
vary in their positions and levels, just as the people of Paradise will. In Paradise there are one
hundred levels, and the distance between one level and another is like the distance between
heaven and earth. It is recorded in the Two Sahihs that the Prophet said:

 %‫\ ا‬
ِ ُ)‫َ ِ َ )ِ< ُأ‬s%ْ ‫ ا‬V
َ َ‫!ْآ‬aَ %ْ ‫ن ا‬
َ ْ‫َ َ و‬9 َ#‫* َآ‬
َ h -hِ Aَ ‫َ َ َ ْونَ َأ ْه‬% 1َ-ُ3%ْ ‫ت ا‬
ِ َG‫ َر‬,%‫ ا‬Aَ ‫ن َأ ْه‬
 ‫( »ِإ‬The people of the highest levels
(of Paradise) will see the people of `Illiyin as if they are looking at distant stars on the
horizon.) Allah says:

_ ِN2ْ 9َ ُ Cَ ‫& َوَأ ْآ‬

ٍ ‫َـ‬G‫ ُ َد َر‬Cَ ‫ َ ُة َأ ْآ‬.
 َ%‫ َو‬6 (and verily, the Hereafter will be greater in degrees and greater in

43. QS I B R A H I M 14:23-25

َ َ( ِ) ْ?(ُ Jُ  ِL9َ ْ?(ِ h‫ن َر‬
ِ ْ‫ذ‬tِِ َ( ِ) * َ +ِ,ِ%َ. ‫(َ ُر‬Xْ َ;%ْ ‫(َ ا‬Jِ ْLَ9 ْ*
ِ ‫ْ ِي‬9َ ‫ت‬ ٍ 0G
َ ‫ت‬
ِ َLِ%[%‫ُ!ا ا‬-#ِ  َ ‫ُ!ا َو‬0
َ q *
َ +ِ%‫َ ا‬A.
ِ ْ‫َوُأد‬
‫َء‬#$  %‫ ا‬1ِ) َ(ُْ )َ ‫َ ِ&ٌ َو‬W َ(ُ-f ْ ‫ َأ‬/ٍ Cَ h d
َ ٍ‫َ ة‬U َ ‫ َآ‬/ً Cَ h d
َ /ً #َ -َِ‫_ آ‬
ً 7َ
َ Fُ -%‫ب ا‬
َ َ r
َ ‚َ ْ ‫ َ َآ‬9َ ْ?%َ‫َأ‬
-‫ن‬ َ ‫ َ آ ُو‬Jَ +َ ْ?(ُ -َ3%َ ‫س‬
ِ 0-ِ% ‫َ َل‬7ْ
Kَ ‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ب ا‬ُ ِ ْN+َ ‫(َ َو‬h‫ن َر‬ ِ ْ‫ذ‬tِِ ٍ* ِY A ‫(َ ُآ‬-َُ‫ ُأآ‬1ِ9ْg9ُ

14:23. Dan dimasukkanlah orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal saleh ke dalam surga
yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai, mereka kekal di dalamnya dengan seizin Tuhan
mereka. Ucapan penghormatan mereka dalam surga itu ialah "salaam"
14:24. Tidakkah kamu perhatikan bagaimana Allah telah membuat perumpamaan kalimat
yang baik seperti pohon yang baik, akarnya teguh dan cabangnya (menjulang) ke langit,
14:25. pohon itu memberikan buahnya pada setiap musim dengan seizin Tuhannya. Allah
membuat perumpamaan-perumpamaan itu untuk manusia supaya mereka selalu ingat.

(23. And those who believed and did righteous deeds, will be made to enter Gardens under
which rivers flow, - to dwell therein for ever (i.e. in Paradise), with the permission of their
Lord. Their greeting therein will be: "Salam (peace!).'')
(24. See you not how Allah sets forth a parable A goodly word as a goodly tree, whose root is
firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the sky.)
(25. Giving its fruit at all times, by the leave of its Lord, and Allah sets forth parables for
mankind in order that they may remember.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ َ( ِ) ْ?(ُ Jُ  ِL9َ ْ?(ِ h‫ن َر‬
ِ ْ‫ذ‬tِِ َ( ِ) *
َ +ِ,ِ%َ. ‫(َ ُر‬Xْ َ;%ْ ‫(َ ا‬Jِ ْLَ9 ْ*
ِ ‫ْ ِي‬9َ ‫ت‬
ٍ 0G
َ ‫ت‬
ِ َLِ%[%‫ُ!ا ا‬-#ِ 
َ ‫ُ!ا َو‬0
َ q *
َ +ِ%‫َ ا‬A.
ِ ْ‫َوُأد‬

*+%‫ ا‬A.‫ل " وأد‬E) ‫اء‬,3$%‫ل ا‬# ‚ H -‫(? إ‬C . ‫ل وأن‬a0%‫ي وا‬mo%‫
* ا‬F %‫روا إ‬f 
‫ ء و‬EK‫
ل ا‬1%39 ‫ ذآ‬#% ?W
 ‫ا‬,‫ * أ‬7‫* ) ("
آ‬+,%. " ‫روا‬4 *+‫روا وأ‬4 w Y ( ) /Y‫ر‬4 "‫(ر‬XK‫( ا‬JL9 *
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‫_م‬4 (JXm. ?(% ‫ل‬O‫& أ!ا( و‬LJ)‫ءوه و‬G ‫ إذا‬1JY " 1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫_م " آ‬4 ( ) ?(J L9 ?(‫ذن ر‬t " ‫!ن‬%‫و‬m+ ‫!ن و‬%!L+
1%39 ‫ل‬O‫_
 " و‬4‫ و‬/ L9 ( ) ‫!ن‬E-+‫ " و‬1%39 ‫ل‬O‫? " و‬a - ‫_م‬4 ‫ ب‬A‫ (?
* آ‬- ‫!ن‬-.,+ /aR_#%‫ " وا‬1%39 ‫ل‬O‫?" و‬a -
* #%3%‫ رب ا‬S ,#L%‫ د!اه? أن ا‬.q‫_م و‬4 ( ) ?(J L9‫(? و‬-%‫ ا‬XLC4 ( ) ?‫" " د!اه‬

 %‫َ ِ&ٌ َو َ) ُْ(َ )ِ< ا‬W َ(ُ-ْf‫ َأ‬/ٍ Cَ h d
َ ٍ‫ َ ة‬
َ ‫ َآ‬/ً Cَ h d
َ /ً #َ -َِ‫ً آ‬-7َ
َ ُF-%‫ب ا‬
َ َ َr ‚
َ ْ َ‫ َ آ‬9َ ْ?%َ‫َأ‬

" *
g#%‫" وه! ا‬/C d ‫ ة‬U‫ " آ‬S‫ إ ا‬F%‫ " (دة أن  إ‬/C d /#-‫_ آ‬7
" F%!O <) ‫س‬C *‫ * ا‬/L-d <‫< * أ‬- ‫ل‬O
‫ل‬O ‫ا‬a‫ء وه‬#$%‫ ا‬1%‫
* إ‬g#%‫ ا‬A# ( {) + ‫!ل‬E+ " ‫ء‬#$%‫
* " و) ( )< ا‬g#%‫ ا‬V-O <) S‫ إ ا‬F%‫!ل  إ‬E+ " &W (-f‫أ‬
g#%‫ وإن ا‬Q%[%‫ ا‬F-#‫ و‬V %‫ ا‬F%!O‫
* و‬g#%‫ ا‬A# * ‫رة‬C %‫ إن ذ‬,Y‫ و وا‬,‫ و
a‫ و‬CG * , 34‫ك و‬LN%‫ا‬
‫ل‬O ‫!د‬3$
*‫ي *
ة * ا‬,$%‫ا روا^ ا‬a‫ء وه‬$
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* ا‬U‫آ‬
S‫!ل ا‬4‫ أن ر‬HX‫ب * أ‬LCL%‫ * ا‬V 3 * /#-4 * ‫د‬#Y‫ و‬. /-o0%‫ ه< ا‬HX‫ ة * أ‬O * /+‫و‬3
* /C3‫ و‬/-o0%‫ه< ا‬
* ^ *
‫ و‬FG!%‫ وروي
* ها ا‬/-o0%‫ل ه< ا‬O " /C d ‫ ة‬U‫ آ‬/C d /#-‫_ آ‬7
" ‫ أ‬E) $ ‫ع‬0E <9‫? أ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f
* , C 0W,Y : ‫ري‬oC%‫ل ا‬O‫دة و ه? و‬JO‫ك و‬LN%‫ وا‬CG * , 34‫ و‬/
a‫ و‬,‫ وق و
F - X ‫!) وآا‬O!
* <X‫ و‬C.‫ل " أ‬E) ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬,0 0‫ آ‬: ‫ل‬O # *‫){ * ا‬X * S‫ ا‬, C * /
4‫ * أ< أ‬A #4‫إ‬
<) {O!) : # *‫ل ا‬O " (‫ذن ر‬t * Y A‫( آ‬-‫< أآ‬9g9‫ء و‬J ‫ و‬2 f (O‫ت ور‬LJ+  ?-$#%‫ ا‬AG %‫ آ‬- ‫ أو‬- FCU9 ‫ ة‬
<‫? " ه‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O T  ‫!ا‬%!E+ ?% #-) ?-a9‫ ه& أن أ‬a) ‫ن‬#-aJ+  #‫ و‬a ‫& أ‬+‫ ورأ‬/-o0%‫( ا‬X‫< أ‬$2X
‫!ن‬#-aJ9 ?‫? أرآ‬% &-O ‫? ؟‬-aJ9 ‫ أن‬30

‫ل‬O /-o0%‫( ا‬X‫< أ‬$2X <) {O‫ آن و‬,E% S‫^ وا‬J‫ أ‬+ : #3% &-O 0#O #-) " /-o0%‫ا‬
* Q X <‫ ن * ا* أ‬24 0W,Y : ,#Y‫ل أ‬O‫<
* آا وآا و‬%‫ إ‬VY‫( أ‬J-O ‫!ن‬a9 ‫ن‬K : # ‫ل‬O T  ‫!ل‬O‫? أو أ‬-a9‫ ه& أن أ‬a)
‫!ل‬4‫ ر‬,0 0‫ آ‬: ‫ل‬O ‫ا‬,Y‫ وا‬7+,Y ‫? إ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ث * ر‬,L+ F3#4‫? أ‬-) /0+,#%‫ ا‬1%‫ إ‬# *‫& ا‬CLf ,‫
‫ذا‬t) ‫ ت‬0) /-o0%‫!ل ه< ا‬O‫? " );ردت أن أ‬-$#%‫ ا‬AG %‫ ا‬A7
‫  ة‬U%‫ل "
* ا‬E) ‫ر‬# 19;) ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫ا‬
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‫ل‬O‫^ و‬G .‫ " أ‬/-o0%‫? " ه< ا‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬E) ‫!م‬E%‫ ا‬sf‫ أ‬X‫أ‬

‫ل‬O " *
g#%‫ ا‬A7
(O‫ ح ور‬+  ‫  ة‬U%‫ " إن
* ا‬FLfK 
!+ ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O # *‫ا‬
" /-o0%‫? " وه< ا‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O 1JY & LJ4) /-o0%‫( ا‬X‫< أ‬C-O <) {O‫!ادي وو‬%‫س )<  ا‬0%‫{ ا‬O!)
+ ‫ل‬O _G‫دة أن ر‬JO 0W,Y ‫ر‬3%‫ ا‬,+‫< ا* ز‬03+ ‫ أن‬0W,Y A #4‫ * إ‬14!
0W,Y <‫ أ‬0W,Y ?9Y <‫ل ا* أ‬O‫ و‬N+‫^ أ‬G .‫أ‬
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1%‫ إ‬,# !% &+‫ل " أرأ‬E) ‫!ر‬GK ‫!ر‬W,%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬V‫ ذه‬S‫!ل ا‬4‫ر‬
S ,#L%‫ وا‬S‫ن ا‬LC4‫ و‬C‫ أآ‬S‫ وا‬S‫ إ ا‬F%‫!ل  إ‬E9 " ‫ل‬O ‫ ؟‬S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ !‫ل
 ه‬O ‫ء ؟‬#$%‫ )< ا‬F )‫رض و‬K‫ )< ا‬F-f‫ أ‬A#3
/0%‫ل ه<  ة )< ا‬O /C d ‫ ة‬U‫س آ‬C *‫ء" و* ا‬#$%‫ )< ا‬F )‫رض و‬K‫ )< ا‬F-f‫_ة )اك أ‬f A‫
ات )< د آ‬U

َ ‫ َ آ ُو‬Jَ +َ ْ?(ُ -3َ َ% ‫س‬
ِ 0-ِ% ‫َ َل‬7
ْ ;َ%ْ ‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ب ا‬
ُ ِ N
ْ +َ ‫(َ َو‬h‫ن َر‬
ِ ْ‫ذ‬tِِ *
ٍ ِY A‫(َ ُآ‬-َُ‫ِ< ُأآ‬9ْg9ُ

A O‫ أ( و‬/3C4 A‫ آ‬A O‫ أ( و‬/J4 A‫ آ‬A O‫* و‬+ ( A‫ آ‬A O‫ ( و‬A‫ آ‬A O‫  و‬U‫وة و‬, A O " * Y A‫( آ‬-‫< أآ‬9g9 " F%!O‫و‬
‫(ر‬X ‫ أو‬A % ‫ء أو‬J ‫ ‚ أو‬f *
&O‫ و‬A‫ )< آ‬#W (0
,G!+ ‫ال‬m+  ‫  ة‬A7#‫ آ‬F-7
g#%‫ ق أن ا‬$%‫ه
* ا‬%‫ وا‬/04 A‫آ‬
C d ‫ ا‬7‫ذن ر( " أي آ
_ آ‬t " * Y‫& و‬O‫ و‬A‫(ر )< آ‬0%‫ اف ا‬d‫ وأ‬A -%‫ء ا‬Xq Q%f A# F% {) + ‫ال‬m+  *
g#%‫ ا‬%‫آ‬
‫آ ون‬J+ ?(-3% ‫س‬0-% ‫ل‬7
K‫ ا‬S‫ ب ا‬N+‫ " و‬.

Allah next mentioned the final destination of the miserable ones, who earned the disgrace and
torment and having to listen to Shaytan address them, then He mentioned the final
destination of the happy ones,

6ُ ‫ْ(َـ‬XKَ ‫(َ ا‬Jِ L

ْ َ9 *ِ
‫ ِى‬
ْ 9َ &
ٍ ‫ـ‬0G
َ ‫ت‬
ِ َL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ ا‬-#ِ 
َ ‫ُ!اْ َو‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬Aَ ِ.‫ َوُأ ْد‬

(And those who believed and did righteous deeds, will be made to enter Gardens under which
rivers flow,) wherever they wish them to flow and wherever they may be,

َ( ِ) َ*+ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬.6 (to dwell therein for ever,) and will never transfer or be transferred from it,

?‫َـ‬-َ4 َ( ِ) ْ?(ُ Jُ  L

ِ 9َ ْ?(ِ h‫ن َر‬
ِ ْ‫ذ‬tِِ6 (with the permission of their Lord. Their greeting therein will be:
"Salam (peace!). '') Allah said in other Ayat,

?‫ُـ‬a ْ َ-
َ ٌ?‫َـ‬-4
َ َ(Jُ َXmَ َ. ْ?(ُ َ% َ‫َل‬O‫َ&ْ َأْ َ! ُ(َ َو‬LJِ ُ)‫َءُوهَ َو‬G ‫ ِإذَا‬1JY
َ 6 (Till, when they reach it, and its gates will be
opened and its keepers will say: "Salamun `Alaykum (peace be upon you!)'') 39:736

?ُa ْ -َ
َ ٌ?‫َـ‬-$
َ ٍَ Ah ‫* ُآ‬h
ْ?(ِ ْ -ََ ‫ن‬
َ !ُ-ُ.ْ,+َ /ُ aَ Tِ ‫َـ‬-#َ %‫وَا‬6 (And angels shall enter unto them from every gate
(saying): "Salamun `Alaykum (peace be upon you!).'') 13:23-246

#‫َـ‬-َ4‫ َو‬/ً  L
ِ 9َ َ( ِ) ‫ن‬
َ ْ!E َ-+ُ َ‫و‬6 (Therein they shall be met with greetings and the word of peace and
respect.) 25:756

6 َ* ِ#َ-‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ب ا‬
h ‫ َر‬Fِ -% ,ُ #ْ L
َ ْ%‫ن ا‬
ِ ‫ِ ُ َدْ!َا ُه?ْ َأ‬.‫_مٌ َوءَا‬
َ َ( ِ) ْ?(ُ Jُ  L
ِ 9َ ‫ ُ(? َو‬-%‫َ ا‬0َ ‫َـ‬LCْ ُ4 َ( ِ) ْ?‫ َ! ُه‬
ْ ‫ َد‬

(Their way of request therein will be Subhanaka Allahumma (glory to you, O Allah) and
Salam (peace!) will be their greetings therein (Paradise)! And the close of their request will be:
Al-Hamdu Lillahi Rabbil-'Alamin all praise to Allah the Lord of that exists6.)10:106

`Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that `Abdullah bin `Abbas commented that Allah's statement,

/َCh d
َ /ً #َ -ِ‫_ َآ‬
ً 7َ
َ 6 (a parable: a goodly word), refers to testifying to La ilaha illallah, (none has the
right to be worshipped but Allah) while,

/َC h d
َ ٍ‫َ ة‬U
َ ‫ َآ‬6 (as a goodly tree), refers to the believer, and that,

&َِW َ(-ُf
ْ ‫َأ‬6 (whose root is firmly fixed), indicates that La ilaha illallah, (none has the right to be
worshipped but Allah) is firm in the believers' heart,

 %‫ ا‬1ِ) َ(
ُ ْ َ)‫ َو‬

(and its branches (reach) to the sky.) with which the believer's works are ascended to heaven.
Similar is said by Ad-Dahhak, Sa'id bin Jubayr, `Ikrimah, Mujahid and several others. They
stated that this parable describes the believer's deeds, good statements and good actions. The
believer is just like the beneficial date tree, always having good actions ascending at all times,
by day and by night. Al-Bukhari recorded that `Abdullah bin `Umar said, "We were with the
Messenger of Allah when he asked,

«َ(h َ‫ن ر‬
ِ ْ‫ذ‬tِِ ٍ* ِY A‫(َ ُآ‬-َ‫ِ< ُأ ُآ‬9ْg9ُ ‫ َو‬،ً‫َء‬J
ِ َ%َ‫ً و‬2 ْ َf َ(ُO‫ت وَ َر‬
 َLJَ +َ َ% ?ِ ِ-$
ْ #ُ %ْ ‫ِ ا‬AG
ُ  %َ‫ َأوْ آ‬Fُ Cِ ْUُ9 ‫َ َ ٍة‬
َ ْ*
َ <ِX‫ ُو‬Cِ .
ْ ‫»َأ‬

(Tell me about a tree that resembles the Muslim, the leaves of which do not fall in summer or
winter and gives its fruit at all times by the leave of its Lord.)'' Ibn `Umar said, "I thought of
the date palm tree, but felt shy to answer when I saw that Abu Bakr and `Umar did not talk.
When they did not give an answer, the Messenger of Allah said,

«/َ-ْo0 %‫< ا‬
َ ‫» ِه‬

(It is the date palm tree.) When we departed, I said to `Umar, `My father, by Allah! I thought
that it was the date tree.' He said, `Why did you not speak then' I said, `I saw you were silent
and I felt shy to say anything.' `Umar said, `Had you said it, it would have been more precious
to me than such things (i.e., would have been very precious to me).''' `Abdullah bin `Abbas
said that,

/َC h d
َ ٍ‫َ ة‬U
َ ‫ َآ‬6 (as a goodly tree), is a tree in Paradise. Allah said next,

6ٍ* ِY A‫(َ ُآ‬-َُ‫ ُأآ‬1ِ9ْg9ُ 

(Giving its fruit at all times,) It is said that it means by day and by night. And they say that
describes the believer as a tree that always has fruits during summer and winter, by night and
by day. This is the parable of the believer whose good works ascend to heaven by day and by
night and at all times,

َ(h‫ن َر‬
ِ ْ‫ذ‬tِِ6 (by the leave of its Lord, ) thus earning perfection and becoming beneficial, plentiful,
pure and blessed,

‫َ َ آ ُون‬J+َ ْ?(ُ -3َ َ% ‫س‬

ِ 0-ِ% ‫َ َل‬7
ْ Kَ ‫ُ ا‬F-%‫ب ا‬
ُ ِ N
ْ +َ َ‫و‬6 (and Allah sets forth parables for mankind in order that they
may remember.)

44. QS Al Maaidah 5:35

‫ُ!ن‬L-ِ2ْ 9ُ ْ?aُ -3َ َ% Fِ -ِ ِCَ4 1ِ) ْ‫ُوا‬,(ِ ‫َـ‬G‫ َو‬/َ -َ ِ4!َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Fِ َ%‫ُ!اْ ِإ‬sJَ ْ ‫ وَا‬Fَ -%‫ُ!اْ ا‬E9 ‫ُ!اْ ا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ‫َـ‬+َ

5:35. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kepada Allah dan carilah jalan yang
mendekatkan diri kepada-Nya, dan berjihadlah pada jalan-Nya, supaya kamu mendapat
(35. O you who believe! Have Taqwa of Allah and seek the Wasilah to Him, and strive hard in
His cause, so that you may be successful.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ْ?aُ -3َ َ% Fِ -ِ ِC4

َ <ِ) ‫ُوا‬,‫َ ِه‬G‫ َو‬/َ -َ ِ4!َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Fِ ْ %َ‫ُ!ا ِإ‬sJَ ْ ‫ وَا‬Fَ -%‫ُ!ا ا‬E9 ‫ُ!ا ا‬0
َ q *
َ +ِ%‫(َ ا‬+‫َ َأ‬+

‫ل‬O ,O‫( ت و‬0#%‫ ك ا‬9‫رم و‬L#%‫ف * ا‬2aX‫ اد ( ا‬#%‫ آن ا‬FJ &X O ‫!ا^ وه< إذا‬EJ * 0
g#%‫د^ ا‬C ‫
ا‬q 1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
AR‫ وأ! وا‬,‫ل
ه‬O ‫ وآا‬/ E%‫س أي ا‬C *‫ * ء * ا‬/L-d * : ‫!ري‬7%‫ ن ا‬24 ‫ل‬O "/- 4!%‫ ا‬F %‫!ا إ‬sJ‫ه " وا‬,3
*‫ أ ا‬O‫ و‬F r + # A#3%‫ وا‬FJ F %‫ !ا إ‬E9 ‫دة أي‬JO ‫ل‬O‫ و‬,Y‫ و وا‬,+‫ي وا* ز‬,$%‫ وا‬7‫ * آ‬S‫ ا‬,C‫دة و‬JO‫* و‬$L%‫وا‬
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<‫ وه‬/0%‫ ودار^ )< ا‬- ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f - S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬/%m0
<‫ وه‬/0%‫ )< ا‬/%m0
1-‫ أ‬1- ?- N+‫ أ‬/- 4!%‫[!د وا‬E#%‫ا‬
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\+ d *
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‫ ب أ‬O‫أ‬
/- N2%‫ وا‬/- 4!%‫ا ا‬,#L
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J%‫!ة ا‬,%‫(? رب ه^ ا‬-%‫اء ا‬,0%‫{ ا‬#$+ * Y ‫ل‬O *
" : ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f
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<% ‫!ا‬-$) <- ?J -f ‫ " إذا‬: ‫ل‬O - ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f - S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ة أن ر‬+ ‫ * أ< ه‬V3‫ * آ‬w % * ‫ ن‬24 X C.‫أ‬
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* 1-3#%‫ * ا‬w % *
?4E%‫)‡ أ! ا‬L%‫ل ا‬O " .q w+,Y " ." X‫! أن أآ!ن أ‬G‫ وأر‬,Y‫ وا‬AG‫( إ ر‬%0+ H % /0%‫ )< ا‬/G‫ در‬/- 4!%‫ ه? أن ا‬C.‫أ‬
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* VR‫ * أ * * ا* أ< ذ‬14!
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<) ,C <% (%;$+ ?% FXK /- 4!%‫< ا‬% S‫!ا ا‬-4 ": - ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f - S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O ‫س‬C *‫ و * ء * ا‬#
^‫ روا‬,O‫ل و‬O ‫ * أ * آا‬14!
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‫ و‬# * ,#L
* ‫ة‬, C * 14!
0W,Y 14!
S‫ ا‬, C 0W,Y ‫زم‬Y * ,#Y‫ أ‬0W,Y ? Y‫< * د‬- * ,#L
0W,Y F+‫ا*
‫{ أ‬#4 FX‫ * وردان أ‬14!
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‫ أن‬S‫!ا ا‬-$) /G‫( در‬O!) H % S‫ ا‬,0 /G‫ در‬/- 4!%‫ " إن ا‬: - ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f - S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O ‫!ل‬E+ ‫ري‬,o%‫ ا‬, 34
<‫ * أ‬+  0W,Y L * , #L%‫ ا‬,C * * E+ d *
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 ا‬2f ‫ ى‬.K‫ء وا‬N  #‫اه‬,Y‫إ‬
- ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f - ,#L#% /- 4!%‫( ا‬#4‫ وا‬,Y‫(
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ل و )( وأ!ا( وأ‬/W_W (0
&  A‫آ‬
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( ) ‫ اء‬2[%‫ وا‬FJ  A‫وأه‬

\+ %‫ * * ا‬G‫ر‬o%‫ آ * ا‬U#%‫ر وا‬2a%‫اء
* ا‬,K‫ل ا‬JE ?‫ت أ
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ه‬#% " ‫!ن‬L-29 ?a-3%
/# 3%‫دة ا‬3$%‫_ح وا‬2%‫
* ا‬: /
 E%‫!م ا‬+ F- C4 <) *+,‫ه‬#-% ^,‫ي أ‬% %‫(? )< ذ‬C ‫? ور‬+!E%‫* ا‬+,-% * ‫رآ‬J%‫ ? وا‬EJ$#%‫ا‬
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/C %‫… ه ا‬0
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y‫ ا‬/3 ) %‫ ا‬/ %3%‫ ف ا‬s%‫ول )< ا‬m9 ‫!ل و‬L9 ‫ و‬, C9  <J%‫ ة ا‬#J$#%‫ة ا‬,%o%‫ا‬
FC 102+ ‫ و‬F W 1-C9  ‫!ت‬#+   L+‫ ;س و‬+  ?30+ (0a4.

Allah commands His faithful servants to fear Him in Taqwa, which if mentioned along with
acts of obedience, it means to refrain from the prohibitions and the prohibited matters. Allah
said next,

/َ- ِ4!َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Fِ َ%‫ُ!اْ ِإ‬sJَ ْ‫وَا‬6 (seek the Wasilah to Him.) Sufyan Ath-Thawri said that Talhah said that
`Ata' said that Ibn `Abbas said that Wasilah means `the means of approach'. Mujahid, Abu
Wa'il, Al-Hasan, Qatadah, `Abdullah bin Kathir, As-Suddi, Ibn Zayd and others gave the
same meaning for Wasilah. Qatadah said that the Ayah means, "Seek the means of approach
to Him by obeying Him and performing the acts that please Him.''

/َ- ِ4!َ %ْ ‫ ِ(?ُ ا‬h َ‫ ر‬1َ%‫ُ!نَ ِإ‬sJَ ْC+َ ‫ن‬

َ !ُْ,+َ *
َ +ِ%‫َ ا‬Tِ ‫َـ‬%‫أُو‬6 (Those whom they call upon seek a means of access to
their Lord (Allah).) 17:576 Wasilah is a means of approach to achieve something, and it is also
used to refer to the highest grade in Paradise, and it is the grade of the Messenger of Allah ,
his residence and the nearest grade in Paradise to Allah's Throne. Al-Bukhari recorded that
Jabir bin `Abdullah said that the Messenger of Allah said,

«‫ُ!دًا‬#L ْ
َ ً
َ Fُ 7ْ َ3ْ ‫ وَا‬،َ/َ- ِN2َ %ْ ‫ وَا‬/َ -َ ِ4!َ %ْ ‫ًا ا‬,# L
ُ ‫ت‬
ِ q ،ِ/#َ Rِ َE%ْ ‫َ ِة ا‬-[
 %‫ وَا‬،ِ/
 J%‫ْ َ! ِة ا‬, %‫ب ه ِ^ِ ا‬
 َ‫ ُ( ? ر‬-%‫ ا‬:‫َا َء‬,0h %‫ ُ{ ا‬#َ $
ْ َ+ *
َ ِY ‫َ َل‬O ْ*

َ Eِ %ْ ‫!ْ َم ا‬+َ /ُ ََ2U
 %‫ ا‬Fُ %َ ْ&-َY %‫ِإ‬،ُF9َ ْ,َ‫ِي َو‬%‫( »ا‬Whoever, after hearing to the Adhan says, "O Allah! Lord
of this perfect call and of the regular prayer which is going to be established! Grant
Muhammad the Wasilah and superiority and send him on the Day of Judgment6 to the
praiseworthy station which You have promised him," then intercession from me will be
permitted for him on the Day of Resurrection.) Muslim recorded that `Abdullah bin `Amr bin
Al-`As said that he heard the Prophet saying,

«،َ/-َ ِ4!َ ْ%‫<َ ا‬%ِ ‫ُ!ا‬-4َ ? Wُ ،‫ْ ًا‬U َ Fِ ْ -ََ S

ُ ‫ ا‬1-f َ ً‫َة‬-f َ <  َ-
َ 1-َf ْ*
َ Fُ X tَِ) ،<َ-
َ ‫!ا‬-f
َ ?Wُ ،ُ‫ُ!ل‬E+َ َ
Aَ ْ7
ِ ‫ُ!ا‬%!ُEَ) ‫ن‬ َ ‫ذ‬h gَ #ُ %ْ ‫ ُ? ا‬Jُ ْ3#ِ 4
َ ‫ِإذَا‬
 %‫ ا‬Fِ ْ َ-
َ ْ&-َY /َ َ- ِ4َ!%ْ ‫< ا‬
َ %ِ ‫ََ; َل‬4 *ْ َ#)َ ،َ!‫َ ُه‬X‫ن َأ‬
َ !ُ‫ُ! َأنْ َأآ‬Gْ‫ َوَأر‬،ِS‫َدِ ا‬C
ِ ْ*
ِ ,ٍ Cْ 3َ ِ% %‫ِ< ِإ‬sCَ 0ْ َ9 َ% /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ٌ )ِ< ا‬/%َِm0ْ
َ َ(Xtِ)َ »
(When you hear the Mu'adhdhin, repeat what he says, and then ask for Salah (blessing, mercy
from Allah) for me. Verily, whoever asks for Salah for me, then Allah will grant ten Salah to
him. Then, ask for the Wasilah for me, for it is a grade in Paradise that only one servant of
Allah deserves, and I hope that I am that servant. Verily, whoever asks (Allah) for Wasilah for
me, he will earn the right of my intercession.) Allah said,

6َ‫ُ!ن‬L-ِْ29ُ ْ?aُ -َ3%َ Fِ -ِ ِC4

َ 1ِ) ْ‫ُوا‬,(ِ ‫َـ‬G‫ َو‬

(and strive hard in His cause as much as you can. So that you may be successful.) After Allah
commanded Muslims to avoid the prohibitions and to work towards obedience, He
commanded them to fight against their enemies, the disbelievers and idolators who have
deviated from the straight path and abandoned the correct religion. Allah encouraged the
believers by reminding them of the unending success and great happiness that He prepared
for them for the Day of Resurrection, which will never change or decrease for those who join
Jihad in His cause. They will remain in the lofty rooms of Paradise that are safe and beautiful.
Those who live in these dwellings will always be comfortable and will never be miserable,
living, never dying, and their clothes will never grow thin, nor will their youth ever end.

45. QS An Nisa' 4:80

F-%‫ع ا‬
َ َd‫ْ َأ‬,َE)َ ‫ُ! َل‬4  %‫ِ ِ{ ا‬+ُ ْ*

4:80. Barang siapa yang menaati Rasul itu, sesungguhnya ia telah menaati Allah. ...

(80. He who obeys the Messenger, has indeed obeyed Allah, ...

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ً ِ2Y
َ ْ?(ِ ْ -َ
َ َ‫َك‬0-ْ َ4ْ‫َ َأر‬#)َ 1%!َ 9َ ْ*َ
‫ َو‬Fَ -%‫ع ا‬
َ َd‫ْ َأ‬,َE)َ ‫ُ! َل‬4  %‫ِ ِ{ ا‬+ُ ْ*

FXK ‫ و
 ذاك إ‬S‫ ا‬1[ ,E) ^[ *
‫ و‬S‫ع ا‬d‫ أ‬,E) Fd‫? ;ن
* أ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f ,#L
F%!4‫^ ور‬,C * 1%39 Co+
Q%f <‫ * أ‬e#K‫ * ا‬/+‫و‬3
!‫ أ‬0W,Y ‫ن‬04 * ,#Y‫ أ‬0W,Y : ?9Y <‫ل ا* أ‬O 1Y!+ <Y‫(!ى إن ه! إ و‬%‫\ * ا‬0+ 

‫ و‬S‫ ا‬1[ ,E) <X[ *
‫ و‬S‫ع ا‬d‫ أ‬,E) <0d‫? "
* أ‬-4‫ و‬F%q 1-‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O ‫ ة‬+ ‫* أ< ه‬
‫ " و‬F%!O‫ و‬. F e#K‫ * * ا‬L L[%‫& )< ا‬W w+,L%‫< " وها ا‬X[ ,E)
K‫ ا‬1[ *
‫< و‬0d‫ أ‬,E)
K‫ع ا‬d‫أ‬
F% A[Y 
* ا‬% ‫ وآن‬X‫ و‬,34 3C9‫* ا‬#) ‫_غ‬C%‫  إ ا‬- ‫ إن‬F0
‫  " أي‬2Y ?( - ‫ك‬0-4‫ أر‬#) 1%!9
S‫ ا‬3+ *
‫ و‬,‫ ر‬,E) F%!4‫ ور‬S‫{ ا‬+ *
" w+,L%‫ء )< ا‬G #‫ 
* أ
^ <ء آ‬- H %‫ و‬$.‫ب و‬. 0 1%!9 *
F$2X ‫ إ‬N+  FXt) F%!4‫ " ور‬.

Allah states that whoever obeys His servant and Messenger, Muhammad , obeys Allah; and
whoever disobeys him, disobeys Allah. Verily, whatever the Messenger utters is not of his own
desire, but a revelation inspired to him. Ibn Abi Hatim recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that
the Messenger of Allah said,

َ ْ,Eَ َ) َ ِ
;َْ%‫ ا‬1َ[
َ ْ*
َ ‫ َو‬،<ِ0
َ َd‫ْ َأ‬,َE)َ َ ِ
;َ%ْ ‫َعَ ا‬d‫ وَ َ
*ْ َأ‬،َS‫ ا‬1َ[
َ ْ,َE)َ <ِXَ[
َ ْ*
َ ‫ َو‬،َS‫ع ا‬
َ َd‫ْ َأ‬,َE)َ <ِ0ََd‫» َ
*ْ َأ‬

(Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah; and whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah. Whoever obeys
the Amir (leader, ruler), obeys me; and whoever disobeys the Amir, disobeys me.) This Hadith
was recorded in the Two Sahihs. Allah's statement,

6ً ِ2Y
َ ْ?(ِ ْ َ-
َ ‫َـ‬0-ْ 4
َ ْ‫َ َأر‬#)َ 1%َ!9َ *َ
‫ َو‬

(But he who turns away, then We have not sent you as a watcher over them.) means, do not
worry about him. Your job is only to convey, and whoever obeys you, he will acquire
happiness and success and you will gain a similar reward to that he earns. As for the one who
turns away from you, he will gain failure and loss and you will not carry a burden because of
what he does. A Hadith states,

«Fَ$ْ2Xَ %‫  ِإ‬N

ُ +َ َ% Fُ X tَِ) Fُ %َ!ُ4‫ َو َر‬S
َ ‫ِ ا‬3ْ َ+ ْ*
َ ‫ َو‬،َ,
َ ‫ْ َر‬,َE)َ Fُ %َ!ُ4‫ وَ َر‬S
َ ‫ ِ{ ا‬
ِ +ُ ْ*
َ »

(Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, will acquire guidance; and whoever disobeys Allah
and His Messenger, will only harm himself.)

46. QS An Nisa' 4:66-70

?ُ(% ‫َ ْ ًا‬. ‫ن‬ َ َa%َ Fِ ِ َ‫ُ!ن‬

َ !ُ+ َ
ْ‫ُ!ا‬-3َ )َ ْ?(ُ X ‫َ!ْ َأ‬%‫ ُ(?ْ َو‬0ْ
h ٌA ِ-َO  ‫ُ!^ُ ِإ‬-َ3)َ 
ْ?‫َـ ِ ُآ‬+ِ‫ُ!اْ
ِ* د‬G ُ ْ.‫?ْ َأ ِو ا‬aُ $
َ ُ2Xَ‫ُ!اْ أ‬-ُJOْ ‫ن ا‬
ِ ‫ ْ ِ(?ْ َأ‬-ََ َ0Cْ َJ‫ َآ‬X‫!ْ َأ‬%ََ‫و‬
J ِCْ79َ , 
َ ‫َوَأ‬
ً# َِ ‫ْ ًا‬G‫ـ َأ‬X,ُ % *h
ْ?(ُ ‫َـ‬0 ْ 9َ ّ ‫ َوإِذًا‬-

ً# ِEJَ $
 ًdَ ِf ْ?(ُ ‫َـ‬0+ْ ,َ (َ َ%‫ َو‬-

ًE ِ)‫َ َر‬Tِ ‫َـ‬%‫*َ أُو‬$

ُ َY‫* َو‬
َ ِL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ ِء وَا‬qَ,(َ U
 %‫* وَا‬
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ْ 2َ %ْ ‫َ ا‬%ِ‫ ذ‬6

4:66. Dan sesungguhnya kalau Kami perintahkan kepada mereka: "Bunuhlah dirimu atau
keluarlah kamu dari kampungmu", niscaya mereka tidak akan melakukannya, kecuali
sebagian kecil dari mereka. Dan sesungguhnya kalau mereka melaksanakan pelajaran yang
diberikan kepada mereka, tentulah hal yang demikian itu lebih baik bagi mereka dan lebih
menguatkan (iman mereka),
4:67. dan kalau demikian, pasti Kami berikan kepada mereka pahala yang besar dari sisi
4:68. dan pasti Kami tunjuki mereka kepada jalan yang lurus.
4:69. Dan barang siapa yang menaati Allah dan Rasul (Nya), mereka itu akan bersama-sama
dengan orang-orang yang dianugerahi nikmat oleh Allah, yaitu: Nabi-nabi, para shiddiiqiin,
orang-orang yang mati syahid dan orang-orang saleh. Dan mereka itulah teman yang sebaik-
4:70. Yang demikian itu adalah karunia dari Allah, dan Allah cukup mengetahui.

(66. And if We had ordered them (saying), "Kill yourselves (i.e. the innnocent ones kill the
guilty ones) or leave your homes,'' very few of them would have done it; but if they had done
what they were told, it would have been better for them, and would have strengthened their

(67. And indeed We would then have bestowed upon them a great reward from Ourselves.)
(68. And indeed We would have guided them to the straight way.)

(69. And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger, then they will be in the company of those on
whom Allah has bestowed His grace, of the Prophets, the Siddiqin, the martyrs, and the
righteous. And how excellent these companions are!)

(70. Such is the bounty from Allah, and Allah is sufficient as All-Knower.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

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 E%‫!م ا‬+ VJ‫ آ‬S‫ ا‬A C4 <) /+q ‚%‫ أ أ‬O *
" ‫ل‬O
S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O , 34 <‫[ ي * أ‬C%‫* ا‬$L%‫ة * ا‬m#Y <‫!ري * أ‬7%‫ ن ا‬24 \+ d *

ي‬J%‫ " وروى ا‬S‫ا‬
FG!%‫ إ
* ها ا‬F) 3X  *$Y w+,Y ‫ ها‬: ‫ل‬O ?W " ‫اء‬,(U%‫ * وا‬E+,[%‫ * وا‬C0%‫
{ ا‬K‫وق ا‬,[%‫ ا‬GJ%‫? " ا‬-4‫ و‬F -
‫ ق‬d *
#‫ و ه‬, X$#%‫ وا‬Q L[%‫& )< ا‬CW 
‫رة‬U F-‫ وأ?
* ها آ‬. ‫   [ ي‬G * S‫ ا‬,C F#4‫ة ا‬m#Y !‫وأ‬
‫ ء‬#%‫ل " ا‬E) ?( \L-+ ?%‫!م و‬E%‫ ا‬VL+ AG %‫ * ا‬AT4 ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ أن ر‬/L[%‫
* ا‬/#G * ‫ ة‬9‫!ا‬J

S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬VYK <X‫ إ‬: ‫ل‬O FX‫ أ‬HX‫ * أ‬/+‫ و)< روا‬. w+,L%‫(? (ا ا‬Y ) ‫!ن‬#-$#%‫ ) ح ا‬#) : HX‫ل أ‬O " VY‫
* أ‬
* HX‫ * أ‬%

م‬n‫ل ا‬O . ?(-#3‫ آ‬A#‫? أ‬% ‫(? وإن‬3
<073C+ S‫! أن ا‬G‫ وأر‬#(0 S‫< ا‬r‫ ر‬#‫ و‬a ‫ أ‬VY‫? وأ‬-4‫ و‬F -
‫ اءون‬J % /0%‫ ا‬A‫? " إن أه‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O ‫ري‬,o%‫ ا‬, 34 <‫ر * أ‬$+ * ‫ ? * ء‬-4 * ‫!ان‬2f
‫!ل‬4‫ ر‬+ : ‫!ا‬%O " ?(0  
Ar2J% ‫ ب‬s#%‫ ق أو ا‬U#%‫)\
* ا‬K‫ )< ا‬s%‫ري ا‬,%‫ ا‬V‫!آ‬a%‫ اءون ا‬J+ #‫(? آ‬O!) *
‫ ف‬s%‫ ا‬A‫أه‬
* L L[%‫^ )< ا‬G .‫ * " أ‬-4 #%‫!ا ا‬O,f‫ و‬S ‫!ا‬0
q ‫ل‬G‫^ ر‬,  <$2X ‫ي‬%‫ وا‬1- " ‫ل‬O ?‫( ه‬s-C+  ‫ ء‬CXK‫زل ا‬0
-9 S‫ا‬
‫ ة أن‬+ ‫< * ء * أ< ه‬- *‫< ا‬03+ ‫ * ه_ل‬Q -) <X C.‫ارة أ‬m) 0W,Y ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫? وروا^ ا‬-$#% ‡2-%‫ وا‬%
w+,Y *

\)K‫ )< ا‬s%‫ري ا‬,%‫ ا‬V‫!آ‬a%‫ ا‬- ‫ ون‬9 ‫ أو‬- ‫ اءون‬9 #‫ آ‬/0%‫ اءون )< ا‬J % /0%‫ ا‬A‫ل " إن أه‬O ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ر‬
* -4 #%‫!ا ا‬O,f‫ و‬S ‫!ا‬0
q ‫ل‬G‫^ ر‬,  <$2X ‫ي‬%‫ وا‬1- " ‫ل‬O ‫ !ن‬C0%‫ ا‬T%‫ أو‬S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ : ‫!ا‬%O " ‫ت‬G‫ر‬,%‫ ا‬Ar29 <) {%%‫ا‬
<) <X‫ ا‬C%‫? ا‬4E%‫)‡ أ! ا‬L%‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬. ?-‫ أ‬S‫ري وا‬oC%‫  ط ا‬1- w+,L%‫ ها ا‬: <4,E#%‫ ء ا‬N%‫)‡ ا‬L%‫ل ا‬O "
‫ * ء‬/CJ * ‫!ب‬+‫? * أ‬%4 * ‚ 2 * <- 0W,Y <-f!#%‫ر ا‬# * ,#L
0W,Y m+m3%‫ ا‬,C * <- 0W,Y : Ca%‫ا‬
" ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬F% ‫ل‬E) F%;$+ ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬1%‫ إ‬/UCL%‫
* ا‬AG‫ ر‬19‫ أ‬: ‫ل‬O # *‫* ا‬
# &-#‫ و‬F &0
q # &0
q ‫& إن‬+‫ أ) أ‬: ‫ل‬O ?W ‫!ة‬C0%‫!ان وا‬%K‫[!ر وا‬% 0 - ?J-N) S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ : ‫ل‬E) " ?(2J4‫ وا‬A4
<) ‫!د‬4K‫<ء  ض ا‬N % FX‫^ أ‬,  <$2X ‫ي‬%‫? وا‬3X " ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O /0%‫ )< ا‬3
*Ra% <X‫ إ‬F &-#
‫ل‬O *
‫ و‬S‫ ا‬,0 ,( ( F% ‫ آن‬S‫ إ ا‬F%‫ل  إ‬O *
" ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O ?W " ‫‚ م‬%‫ ة أ‬$
‫ ؟‬S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ ‫ ها‬,3 -(X ‚ ‫ آ‬: AG‫ل ر‬E) " /0$Y ‚%‫ ون أ‬U‫ و‬/3‫ وأر‬/0$Y ‚%‫ أ‬/R
( F% VJ‫^ آ‬,#L‫ و‬S‫ن ا‬LC4
%‫ ذ‬,20J$9 ‫د أن‬aJ) S‫? ا‬3X *
/#30%‫!م ا‬EJ) F-EWK ACG 1- {r‫! و‬% A#3% /
 E%‫!م ا‬+ <9; % AG %‫ " إن ا‬: S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬E)
# 3X - F%!O 1%‫ إ‬- ‫
آ!را‬T  *a+ ?% ‫ه‬,%‫ *
* ا‬Y ‫ن‬$Xn‫ ا‬1- 19‫ أ‬A‫ت ه‬+y‫& ه^ ا‬%mX‫ " و‬FJ#Y  S‫^ ا‬,#sJ+ ‫ إ أن‬F-‫آ‬
1aCJ4) " ?3X " ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬E) ‫ ؟‬/0%‫ك )< ا‬0  ‫ ى‬9 
‫ن‬+ J% <0  ‫ وإن‬: <UCL%‫ل ا‬E) ‫ ا‬C‫ آ‬a-
^,04‫رة و‬aX‫ و‬/‫ ا‬F ) F+,  F9 2Y <) F %,+ ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫& ر‬+‫ رأ‬,E-) : # *‫ل ا‬O F$2X &r) 1JY
‚ 3r .

Allah states that even if the people were commanded to commit what they were prohibited
from doing, most of them would not submit to this command, for their wicked nature is such
that they dispute orders. Allah has complete knowledge of what has not occured, and how it
would be if and when it did occur. This is why Allah said,

َ 2ُ Xَ‫ُ!اْ أ‬-ُJOْ ‫ن ا‬
ِ ‫َ ْ ِ(?ْ َأ‬-
َ َ0Cْ Jَ َ‫ آ‬X‫!ْ َأ‬%َ‫ َو‬6 (And if We had ordered them (saying), "Kill yourselves (i.e. the
innnocent ones kill the guilty ones)) until the end of the Ayah. This is why Allah said,

Fِ َ‫ُ!ن‬
َ !ُ+ َ
ْ‫ُ!ا‬-َ3)َ ْ?(ُ X ‫!ْ َأ‬%ََ‫و‬6 (but if they had done what they were told,) meaning, if they do what
they were commanded and refrain from what they were prohibited,

?ُ(% ‫َ ْ ًا‬. ‫ن‬

َ َaَ%6 (it would have been better for them,) than disobeying the command and
committing the prohibition,

J ِC7ْ َ9 , 
َ ‫ َوَأ‬6 (and would have strengthened their conviction), stronger Tasdiq (conviction of
faith), according to As-Suddi.

‫ـ‬Xُ,% *h
?ْ (ُ ‫َـ‬0 ْ 9َ ّ ‫ َوإِذًا‬6 (And indeed We should then have bestowed upon them from Ladunna) from

# ِ
َ ‫ْ ًا‬G‫َأ‬6 (A great reward), Paradise,

# ِEJَ $
 ًdَ ِf ْ?(ُ ‫َـ‬0+ْ ,َ (َ َ%‫ َو‬6 (And indeed We should have guided them to the straight way.) in this life
and the Hereafter.

Allah then said,

6 ًE ِ)‫َ َر‬Tِ ‫َـ‬%‫* أُو‬

ُYَ ‫* َو‬
َ ِL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ ِء وَا‬qَ,(َ U%‫* وَا‬
َ ِE+h,[
h %‫* وَا‬
َ h Cِ 0%‫* ا‬
h ?ِ(ْ -ََ Fُ -%‫ َ? ا‬3َ Xْ ‫*َ َأ‬+ِ%‫َ َ
َ{ ا‬Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُ! َل َ);ُو‬4 %‫ وَا‬Fَ -%‫ِ ِ{ ا‬+ُ *َ
‫ َو‬

(And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger, then they will be in the company of those on
whom Allah has bestowed His grace, of the Prophets, the Siddiqin, the martyrs, and the
righteous. And how excellent these companions are!) Consequently, whosoever implements
what Allah and His Messenger have commanded him and avoids what Allah and His
Messenger have prohibited, then Allah will grant him a dwelling in the Residence of Honor.
There, Allah will place him in the company of the Prophets, and those who are lesser in grade,
the true believers, then the martyrs and then the righteous, who are righteous inwardly and
outwardly. Allah then praised this company,

E ِ)‫ َر‬

َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%‫* أُو‬
ُYَ ‫ َو‬6 (And how excellent these companions are!) Al-Bukhari recorded that
`A'ishah said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah saying,

«‫ َة‬.
ِ ْ%‫ َ وَا‬Xْ ,%‫* ا‬
َ ْ َ َ h .
ُ %‫ض ِإ‬
ُ َ #ْ +َ <
َ Cِ Xَ ْ*
ِ َ
» (Every Prophet who falls ill is given the choice between
this life and the Hereafter.) During the illness that preceded his death, his voice became weak
and I heard him saying,

* ِLِ-‫[ـ‬%‫ ِء وَا‬qَ,(َ U
 %‫ِ *َ وَا‬E+h,[
h %‫* وَا‬
َ h Cِ 0%‫* ا‬
h ?ِ( ْ َ-
َ Fُ -%‫ َ? ا‬3َ ْX‫*َ َأ‬+ِ%‫ َ
َ{ ا‬6 (in the company of those on whom Allah
has bestowed His grace, the Prophets, the true believers (Siddiqin), the martyrs and the
righteous) I knew then that he was being given the choice.'' Muslim recorded this Hadith. This
Hadith explains the meaning of another Hadith; the Prophet said before his death;

ْ ;َ%ْ ‫\ ا‬
ِ ِ) %‫ ُ( ? ))ِ<( ا‬-%‫( »ا‬O Allah! In the Most High Company) three times, and he then died,
may Allah's best blessings be upon him.

Ibn Jarir recorded that Sa`id bin Jubayr said, "An Ansari man came to the Messenger of
Allah while feeling sad. The Prophet said to him, `Why do I see you sad' He said, `O Allah's
Prophet! I was contemplating about something.' The Prophet said, `What is it' The Ansari
said, `We come to you day and night, looking at your face and sitting by you. Tomorrow, you
will be raised with the Prophets, and we will not be able to see you.' The Prophet did not say
anything, but later Jibril came down to him with this Ayah,

6َ* h Cِ 0%‫* ا‬
h ?ِ( ْ َ-
َ Fُ -%‫?َ ا‬3َ ْX‫*َ َأ‬+ِ%‫َ َ
َ{ ا‬Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُ! َل َ);ُو‬4  %‫ وَا‬Fَ -%‫ ِ{ ا‬
ِ +ُ *َ
‫ َو‬

(And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger then they will be in the company of those on
whom Allah has bestowed His grace, of the Prophets), and the Prophet sent the good news to

the Ansari man.'' This Hadith was narrated in Mursal form from Masruq, `Ikrimah, `Amir
Ash-Sha`bi, Qatadah and Ar-Rabi` bin Anas. This is the version with the best chain of
narrators. Abu Bakr bin Marduwyah recorded it with a different chain from `A'ishah, who
said; "A man came to the Prophet and said to him, `O Messenger of Allah! You are more
beloved to me than myself, my family and children. Sometimes, when I am at home, I
remember you, and I cannot wait until I come and look at you. When I contemplate about my
death and your death, I know that you will be with the Prophets when you enter Paradise. I
fear that I might not see you when I enter Paradise.' The Prophet did not answer him until the

6 ًE ِ)‫َ َر‬Tِ ‫َـ‬%‫* أُو‬

ُYَ ‫* َو‬
َ ِL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ ِء وَا‬qَ,(َ U%‫* وَا‬
َ ِE+h,[
h %‫* وَا‬
َ h Cِ 0%‫* ا‬
h ?ِ(ْ -ََ Fُ -%‫ َ? ا‬3َ Xْ ‫*َ َأ‬+ِ%‫َ َ
َ{ ا‬Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُ! َل َ);ُو‬4 %‫ وَا‬Fَ -%‫ِ ِ{ ا‬+ُ *َ
‫ َو‬

(And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger, then they will be in the company of those on
whom Allah has bestowed His grace, of the Prophets, the true believers, the martyrs, and the
righteous. And how excellent these companions are!) was revealed to him.'' This was collected
by Al-Hafiz Abu `Abdullah Al-Maqdisi in his book, Sifat Al-Jannah, he then commented, "I
do not see problems with this chain.'' And Allah knows best. Muslim recorded that Rabi`ah
bin Ka`b Al-Aslami said, "I used to sleep at the Prophet's house and bring him his water for
ablution and his needs. He once said to me, `Ask me.' I said, `O Messenger of Allah! I ask that
I be your companion in Paradise.' He said, `Anything except that' I said, `Only that.' He said,

 %‫ َ ةِ ا‬7ْ aَ ِ 
ِ ْ2Xَ 1-َ <h0ِ;َ)َ »

(Then help me (fulfill this wish) for you by performing many prostrations.)'' Imam Ahmad
recorded that `Amr bin Murrah Al-Juhani said, "A man came to the Prophet and said, `O
Allah's Messenger! I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and
that you are the Messenger of Allah, pray the five (daily prayers), give the Zakah due on my
wealth and fast the month of Ramadan.' The Messenger of Allah said,

\ُ3+َ ْ?%َ َ
Fِ ْ 3َ Cُ f
ْ ‫ ُأ‬V
َ [
َ Xَ ‫َا َو‬a‫ َه‬،ِ/
َ ‫ِ َـــــ‬E%ْ ‫َـــــــــ!ْ َم ا‬+ ‫َا ِء‬,(َ ‫ــ‬U%‫ِ *َ وَا‬E+h,‫ــ‬h[%‫ ــ*َ وَا‬h Cِ 0%‫ هَـــَا آَنَ
َـــ َ{ ا‬1-َ ‫ت‬
َ ‫»
«Fْ+,َ %ِ‫وَا‬

(Whoever dies in this state will be with the Prophets, the truthful and martyrs on the Day of
Resurrection, as long as - and he raised his finger - he is not disobedient to his parents.)'' Only
Ahmad recorded this Hadith. Greater news than this is in the authentic Hadith collected in
the Sahih and Musnad compilations, in Mutawatir form, narrated by several Companions
that the Messenger of Allah was asked about the person who loves a people, but his status is
not close to theirs. The Messenger said,

«VَY‫ ْ ُء َ
َ{ َ
*ْ َأ‬#َ %ْ ‫( »ا‬One is with those whom he loves.) Anas commented, "Muslims were never
happier than with this Hadith.'' In another narration, Anas said, "I love the Messenger of
Allah, Abu Bakr and `Umar, and I hope that Allah will resurrect me with them, even though I
did not perform actions similar to theirs.'' Allah said,

F-%‫* ا‬
ِ Aُ N
ْ 2َ %ْ ‫َ ا‬%ِ‫ذ‬6 (Such is the bounty from Allah) meaning, from Allah by His mercy, for it is He
who made them suitable for this, not their good deeds.

# ِ-َ Fِ -%ِ 1َ2‫ َو َآ‬6 (and Allah is sufficient as All-Knower), He knows those who deserve guidance
and success.

47. QS Al Baqarah 2:62

‫!ْف‬. َ َ ‫ ِ(?ْ َو‬h‫ َر‬,َ 0ِ ْ?‫ْ ُ ُه‬G‫ ُ(?ْ َأ‬-ََ) ًLِ-‫َـ‬f Aَ ِ#
َ ‫ِ ِ َو‬. ‫ْ َ !ْ ِم ا‬%‫ وَا‬Fِ -%ِ َ*
َ ‫ِ *َ َ
*ْ ءَا‬TCِ ‫[ـ‬%‫[َـ َى وَا‬0 %‫* هَدُواْ وَا‬
َ +ِ%‫ُ! ْا وَا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫ن ا‬
‫ُ!ن‬Xmَ ْL+َ ْ?‫َ ْ ِ(?ْ َو َ ُه‬-
َ 6

2:62. Sesungguhnya orang-orang mukmin, orang-orang Yahudi, orang-orang Nasrani dan

orang-orang Shabiin, siapa saja di antara mereka yang benar-benar beriman kepada Allah,
hari kemudian dan beramal saleh, mereka akan menerima pahala dari Tuhan mereka, tidak
ada kekhawatiran terhadap mereka, dan tidak (pula) mereka bersedih hati.

(62. Verily, those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians (Sabi'in),
whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does righteous good deeds shall have their
reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

‫!ْف‬.َ َ%َ‫ ِ(?ْ و‬h ‫ َر‬,َ 0ْ ِ ْ?‫ ُ ُه‬G

ْ ‫َ ُ(?ْ َأ‬-)َ ًL%َِf Aَ #ِ 
َ ‫ِ ِ َو‬.ْ%‫ َ !ْ ِم ا‬%ْ ‫ِ وَا‬F-%ِ *
َ q ْ*
َ *
َ ِTِ [%‫[َرَى وَا‬0%‫*َ هَدُوا وَا‬+ِ%‫ُ!ا وَا‬0
َ q َ*+ِ%‫ن ا‬
‫ُ!ن‬Xmَ L
ْ +َ ْ?‫َ ُه‬%‫ ْ ِ(?ْ َو‬-ََ

FCX ‫ل‬a0%‫ (?

* ا‬AY‫رم و
 أ‬L#%‫( ا‬JX‫ وا‬F ) ‫
  إذن‬A3) <) ‫ى‬,39‫ ^ و‬G‫ زوا‬Va9‫‚ أوا
^ وار‬%. *
‫ل‬Y 1%39 *  #%
<C0%‫!ل ا‬4 %‫{ ا‬C9‫
* ا‬A‫ آ‬/$%‫ م ا‬O 1%‫
إ‬K‫ ا‬%‫ وآ‬10$L%‫اء ا‬mG F% ‫ن‬t) ‫ع‬d‫ وأ‬/2%$%‫
? ا‬K‫*
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* أ‬1- 1%39
‫ " أ إن‬1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫ آ‬FX!2-o+‫ و‬FX!‫ آ‬J+ 
1- ‫!ن‬XmL+ ?‫ و ه‬FX!-CEJ$+ # ) ?( - ‫!ف‬. ‫ و‬/+,K‫دة ا‬3$%‫ ا‬F-) <
?W S‫ ا‬0‫!ا ر‬%O *+%‫" إن ا‬F%!O <) ‫ر‬NJY‫ ا‬,0 * 0
g#-% /aR_#%‫!ل ا‬E9 #‫!ن " وآ‬XmL+ ?‫ (? و ه‬- ‫!ف‬.  S‫ ء ا‬%‫أو‬
0W,Y <‫ أ‬0W,Y ?9Y <‫ل ا* أ‬O " ‫ون‬,!9 ?J0‫< آ‬J%‫ ا‬/0% ‫ وا‬U‫!ا وأ‬XmL9 ‫)!ا و‬o9 ‫ أ‬/aR_#%‫ (? ا‬- ‫ل‬m0J9 ‫
F - S‫ ا‬1-f <C0%‫& ا‬%;4 F0 S‫< ا‬r‫ن ر‬#-4 ‫ل‬O : ‫ل‬O ,‫ *
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‫(? )آ ت‬3
&0‫* آ‬+‫ د‬A‫? * أه‬-4‫و‬
A#‫ و‬.y‫ !م ا‬%‫ وا‬S *
q *
* T[%‫[رى وا‬0%‫* هدوا وا‬+%‫!ا وا‬0
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* آ‬+‫(? و‬-‫ * آ‬C0% ‫!ن‬0
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ها‬,9 ‫ )!ض‬S‫ أن ا‬103# ‫ء أو‬,%‫دة وا‬C3-% /-CO (-3G S‫ أن ا‬103# V‫!اآ‬a%‫ون ا‬,C3+ ‫!م‬O * T[%‫ ازي أن ا‬%‫ر ا‬J.‫وا‬
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‫ (? و‬- ‫_م رادا‬$%‫ ا‬F - ? ‫ءه? إ اه‬G *+%‫ * ا‬X‫ ا‬Ua%‫ ا‬1%‫!ب إ‬$0#%‫!ل ه! ا‬E%‫ وها ا‬: ‫ل‬O ( %‫? إ‬%3%‫ا‬
‫!س و‬#%‫[رى و ا‬0%‫ (!د و ا‬%‫* ا‬+‫ د‬1- ‫!ا‬$ % ‫!م‬O ?(X‫ أ‬FC0
* V‫ ووه‬F 3J
‫ و‬,‫!ل
ه‬O - ?-‫ أ‬S‫ وا‬- ‫!ال‬OK‫ا‬
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*+‫(? و د‬9 ) 1- ‫!ن‬O ‫!م‬O ?‫ ه‬#X‫ آ * وإ‬U#%‫ا‬
?-‫ أ‬S‫< وا‬CX ‫(? د!ة‬s-C9 ?% *+%‫!ن ا‬T[%‫ء ا‬#-3%‫ˆ ا‬3 ‫ل‬O‫رض إذ ذاك و‬K‫ ا‬A‫ن أه‬+‫ أد‬R4 * ‫ ج‬. ,O FX‫[‘ أي أ‬% .

After Allah described the condition - and punishment - of those who defy His commands, fall
into His prohibitions and transgress set limits by committing prohibited acts, He stated that
the earlier nations who were righteous and obedient received the rewards for their good
deeds. This shall be the case, until the Day of Judgment. Therefore, whoever follows the
unlettered Messenger and Prophet shall acquire eternal happiness and shall neither fear from
what will happen in the future nor become sad for what has been lost in the past. Similarly,
Allah said,

6 َ‫ُ!ن‬XَmL
ْ +َ ْ?‫ ْ ِ(?ْ َو َ ُه‬-ََ ٌ‫!ْف‬.
َ َ Fِ -%‫ َ َء ا‬%ِْ‫أَ ِإن َأو‬

(No doubt! Verily, the Awliya' of Allah, no fear shall come upon them nor shall they grieve)

The angels will proclaim to the dying believers, as mentioned,

َ ‫ُو‬,
َ !ُ9 ْ?Jُ 0ُ‫ آ‬1ِJ%‫ ا‬/ِ 0 َ%ْ ِ ‫ِ ُو ْا‬Uْ ‫ُ!اْ َوَأ‬Xmَ ْL9َ َ ‫َ)ُ!اْ َو‬o9َ  َ‫ أ‬/ُ aَ Tِ ‫َـ‬-#َ %ْ ‫َ ْ ِ( ُ? ا‬-
َ ‫ ُل‬m0َ Jَ َ9 ْ‫ُ!ا‬#‫َـ‬EJَ 4
ْ ‫ ? ا‬Wُ Fُ -%‫َ ا‬0 َ‫ُ!اْ ر‬%َO *
َ +ِ%‫ن ا‬

(Verily, those who say: "Our Lord is Allah (alone),'' and then they stand firm, on them the
angels will descend (at the time of their death) (saying): "Fear not, nor grieve! But receive the
glad tidings of Paradise which you have been promised!''). (41:30)

`Ali bin Abi Talhah narrated from Ibn `Abbas, about,

6ِ .
ِ  ‫ َ !ْ ِم ا‬%ْ ‫ وَا‬Fِ -%ِ *
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ َ* ِTCِ ‫[ـ‬%‫[َـ َى وَا‬0 %‫* هَدُواْ وَا‬
َ +ِ%‫ُ!اْ وَا‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫ن ا‬

(Verily, those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever
believes in Allah and the Last Day) that Allah revealed the following Ayah afterwards,

6 َ*+ِ $
ِ ‫َـ‬o%ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ‫ َ ِة‬.
ِ  ‫ ا‬1ِ) !َ ‫ َو ُه‬Fُ 0ْ
ِ Aَ Cَ ْE+ُ *َ-َ) ً0+ِ‫َـ ِ? د‬-4
ْ nِ ‫ ْ َ ا‬
َ Šِ Jَ ْC+َ *َ
‫ َو‬

(And whoever seeks religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the
Hereafter he will be one of the losers) (3:85).

This statement by Ibn `Abbas indicates that Allah does not accept any deed or work from
anyone, unless it conforms to the Law of Muhammad that is, after Allah sent Muhammad .
Before that, every person who followed the guidance of his own Prophet was on the correct
path, following the correct guidance and was saved.

The Jews are the followers of Prophet Musa, who used to refer to the Tawrah for judgment.
Yahud is a word that means, `repenting', just as Musa said,

6َ ْ %َ‫َـ ِإ‬Xْ,‫ ُه‬X‫ِإ‬

6ِF-%‫[َ ُر ا‬Xْ ‫* َأ‬

ُ ْLXَ ‫ن‬
َ !+‫!َا ِر‬L
َ %ْ ‫َلَ ا‬O Fِ -%‫ ا‬1َ%‫[َرِى ِإ‬Xَ‫ َ
*ْ أ‬

("Who will be my helpers in Allah's cause'' Al-Hawariyyun said: "We are the helpers of
Allah.'') (61:14)

It was said that they were called `Nasara', because they inhabited a land called An-Nasirah
(Nazareth), as Qatadah, Ibn Jurayj and Ibn `Abbas were reported to have said, Allah knows
best. Nasara is certainly plural for Nasran.

When Allah sent Muhammad as the Last and Final Prophet and Messenger to all of the
Children of Adam, mankind was required to believe in him, obey him and refrain from what
he prohibited them; those who do this are true believers. The Ummah of Muhammad was
called `Mu'minin' (believers), because of the depth of their faith and certainty, and because
they believe in all of the previous Prophets and matters of the Unseen.

There is a difference of opinion over the identity of the Sabians. Sufyan Ath-Thawri said that
Layth bin Abu Sulaym said that Mujahid said that, "The Sabians are between the Majus, the
Jews and the Christians. They do not have a specific religion.'' Similar is reported from Ibn
Abi Najih. Similar statements were attributed to `Ata' and Sa`id bin Jubayr. They (others) say
that the Sabians are a sect among the People of the Book who used to read the Zabur
(Psalms), others say that they are a people who worshipped the angels or the stars. It appears
that the closest opinion to the truth, and Allah knows best, is Mujahid's statement and those
who agree with him like Wahb bin Munabbih, that the Sabians are neither Jews nor
Christians nor Majus nor polytheists. Rather, they did not have a specific religion that they
followed and enforced, because they remained living according to their Fitrah (instinctual
nature). This is why the idolators used to call whoever embraced Islam a `Sabi', meaning, that
he abandoned all religions that existed on the earth. Some scholars stated that the Sabians are
those who never received a message by any Prophet. And Allah knows best.

48. QS Yunus 10:24-26

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َ ْY‫* َأ‬
َ +ِ-h% 6

10:24. Sesungguhnya perumpamaan kehidupan duniawi itu, adalah seperti air (hujan) yang
Kami turunkan dari langit, lalu tumbuhlah dengan suburnya karena air itu tanam-tanaman
bumi, di antaranya ada yang dimakan manusia dan binatang ternak. Hingga apabila bumi itu
telah sempurna keindahannya, dan memakai (pula) perhiasannya, dan pemilik-pemiliknya
mengira bahwa mereka pasti menguasainya, tiba-tiba datanglah kepadanya azab Kami di
waktu malam atau siang, lalu Kami jadikan (tanaman tanamannya) laksana tanam-tanaman
yang sudah disabit, seakan-akan belum pernah tumbuh kemarin. Demikianlah Kami
menjelaskan tanda-tanda kekuasaan (Kami) kepada orang-orang yang berpikir.
10:25. Allah menyeru (manusia) ke Darussalam (surga), dan menunjuki orang yang
dikehendaki-Nya kepada jalan yang lurus (Islam).

10:26. Bagi orang-orang yang berbuat baik, ada pahala yang terbaik (surga) dan
tambahannya. Dan muka mereka tidak ditutupi debu hitam dan tidak (pula) kehinaan.
Mereka itulah penghuni surga, mereka kekal di dalamnya.

(24. Verily, the parable of the life of the world is as the water which We send down from the
sky; so by it arises the intermingled produce of the earth of which men and cattle eat: until
when the earth is clad in its adornments and is beautified, and its people think that they have
all the powers of disposal over it, Our command reaches it by night or by day and We make it
like a clean-mown harvest, as if it had not flourished yesterday! Thus do We explain the Ayat
in detail for the people who reflect.)

(25. Allah calls to the Abode of Peace (Paradise) and guides whom He wills to the straight

(26. For those who have done good is the best, and even more. Neither darkness nor dust nor
any humiliating disgrace shall cover their faces. They are the dwellers of Paradise, they will
abide therein forever.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

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^!G‫ ي و‬J3+ #‫ آ‬UL#%‫ت ا‬f  <) ‫!اد‬4‫م و‬JO ‫ " أي‬JO ?(‫!ه‬G‫ ه\ و‬+ ‫ " و‬1%39 F%!O‫ و‬. F ‫ زه‬w+,Y *
N+‫? أ‬9Y
‫ل‬O #‫ ه? آ‬A ‫ه‬%‫* و )< ا‬dC%‫ )< ا‬/X‫(? إه‬% A[L+  ‫ر أي‬sf‫ " أي ه!ان و‬/%‫ ة " و ذ‬Cs%‫ ة وا‬JE%‫ ة
* ا‬2%‫ ة ا‬2a%‫ا‬
S‫ ا‬0-3G ?(!-O <) ‫ ورا‬4‫!ه(? و‬G‫ ة )< و‬NX ‫ ورا " أي‬4‫ ة و‬NX ?‫ه‬E%‫ !م و‬%‫ ا‬%‫  ذ‬S‫ه? ا‬O!) " ?(EY <) 1%39
q FJ#Y‫ ور‬F-N2 .

Allah the Almighty has set an example of the similitude of the life of this world, its glitter and
the swiftness of its passage, likening it to the plant and vegetation that Allah brings out from
the earth. This plant grows from the water that comes down from the sky. These plants are
food for people, such as fruits and other different types and kinds of foods. Some other kinds
are food for cattle such as clover plants (i.e. green fodder for the cattle) and herbage etc.

َ()َ ُ .
ْ ‫ت ا رْضُ ُز‬
ِ َ.
َ ‫ َأ‬qَ‫ ِإذ‬1JY
َ 6 (until when the earth is clad in its adornments ,)

&َ0+‫وَا ز‬6 (and is beautified ) meaning, it became good by what grows on its hills such as
blooming flowers of different shapes and colors.

َ(-ُ‫…* َأ ْه‬
َ ‫ َو‬6 (and its people think...) those who planted it and put it in the ground,

َ( ْ -َ
َ َ‫َ ِدرُون‬O ْ?(ُ X ‫َأ‬6 (that they have all the powers of disposal over it) to cultivate it and harvest it.
But while they were in that frame of mind, a thunderbolt or a severe, cold storm came to it. It
dried its leaves and spoiled its fruits. Allah said:

‫ًا‬, ِ[َY َ‫َه‬0-ْ َ3

َ )َ ‫َ(َرًا‬X ْ‫_ َأو‬
ً ْ َ% َX ُ
ْ ‫َهَ َأ‬9‫َأ‬6 (Our command reaches it by night or by day and We make it
like a clean-mown harvest, ) it became dry after it was green and flourishing.

 ِ *
َ sْ 9َ ْ?% ‫آَ;َن‬6 (as if it had not flourished yesterday!) as if nothing existed there before.
Qatadah said: "As if it had not flourished; as if it was never blessed.'' Such are things after
they perish, they are as if they had never existed. Similarly, the Hadith,

«‫س‬0%‫ ا‬,h  َ ;َِ 1َ9ْg+ُ ‫ َو‬،َ% :‫ُ! ُل‬E َ َ) ‫}؟‬Oَ ٌ? ِ3Xَ  َ ِ 

َ ْA‫}؟ َه‬Oَ ‫َ ْ ًا‬. &
َ +ْ ‫ َرَأ‬Aْ َ‫ ه‬:Fُ %َ ‫َ ُل‬E ُ َ) ،ً/$
َ #ْ
َ ‫ ِر‬0%‫ )ِ< ا‬H
ُ #َ sْ ُ )َ ،َ Xْ , %‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ ِ? َأ ْه‬3َ Xْ ;َِ 1َ9ْgُ+
َ% ُ‫ُ!ل‬E َ َ) ‫َ}؟‬O ً4ْgُ & َ +ْ ‫ْ رََأ‬A‫ َه‬:Fَ% ‫َ ُل‬E+ُ ? Wُ ،ً/$
َ #ْ َ ِ? ِ30 %‫ )ِ< ا‬H
ُ #َ ْs ُ )َ ،َ Xْ ,%‫َاً )ِ< ا‬ َ » (A person who led the most
prosperous life in this world will be brought up and dipped once in the Fire. He will then be
asked: `Have you ever found any good or comfort' He will reply: `No.' And a person who had
experienced extreme adversity in this world will be brought up and dipped once in the bliss
(of Paradise). Then he will be asked: 'Did you ever face any hardship or misery' He will reply:
`No.') Allah said about those who were destroyed:

َ( ِ) ْ‫!ْا‬0َ sْ +َ ْ?% ‫َ;َن‬a0َ ِ#7ِ ‫َـ‬G ْ?‫َرِ ِه‬+ِ‫ د‬1ِ) ْ‫ُ!ا‬LCَ f
ْ َ;)َ 6 (So they lay (dead), prostrate in their homes; as if they had
never lived there.)11:67-686 Allah then said:

&‫َـ‬+y‫ُ ا‬A[
h 2َ Xُ َ%َِ‫آ‬6 (Thus do We explain the Ayat. ..) We do explain the proofs, and evidences, in

6َ‫ ُون‬a2َ Jَ +َ ‫َ!ْ ٍم‬E%ِ

(for the people who reflect.) so they may take a lesson from this example in the swift vanishing

of this world from its people while they are deceived by it. They would trust this world and its
promises, and then it unexpectedly turns away from them. This world, in its nature, runs
away from those who seek it but seeks those who run away from it. Allah mentioned the
parable of this world and the plants of the earth in several Ayat in His Noble Book. He said in
Surat Al-Kahf:

Aُ‫ آ‬1َ-َ Fُ -%‫ح َوآَنَ ا‬

ُ +h %‫ْرُو^ُ ا‬9َ ً# ِU‫ َه‬Q
َ Cَ ْf;ََ) ‫ض‬
ِ ْ‫ت ا ر‬
ُ َCXَ Fِ ِ }
َ -ََJ.
ْ َ) ‫َ ِء‬#$
 %‫* ا‬
ِ Fُ ‫َـ‬0ْ%mَ Xْ ‫َ ٍء َأ‬#‫ َ َآ‬Xْ ,%‫َ َ! ِة ا‬L%ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ 7َ
 ?ُ(%َ ْ‫ ِ ب‬r
ْ ‫وَا‬
‫رًا‬,ِ َJEْ
 ‫ْ ٍء‬1َ 6 (And put forward to them the example of the life of this world: it is like the water
(rain) which We send down from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth mingles with it, and
becomes fresh and green. But (later) it becomes dry and broken pieces, which the winds
scatter. And Allah is able to do everything.) (18:45) He also gave similar examples in both
Surat Az-Zumar 39:216 and Surat Al-Hadid 57:206.

Allah said:

 %‫ دَا ِر ا‬1َ%‫ُ! ِإ‬,ْ +َ Fُ -%‫وَا‬6 (And Allah calls to the Abode of Peace) When Allah mentioned the
swiftness of this world and its termination, He invited people to Paradise and encouraged
them to seek it. He called it the Abode of Peace. It is the Abode of Peace because it is free from
defects and miseries. So Allah said:

? ِEJَ $
ٍ ‫ َا‬f
ِ 1َ%‫َ ُء ِإ‬U+َ *َ
‫ِى‬,(ْ +َ ‫_ ِم َو‬
 %‫ دَا ِر ا‬1َ%‫ُْ! ِإ‬,+َ Fُ -%‫ وَا‬6 (Allah calls to the Home of Peace and guides
whom He wills to the straight path.) It was narrated that Jabir bin `Abdullah said: "Allah's
Messenger came out one day and said to us:

&َ3#ِ 4َ ،ْ{#َ 4 ْ ‫ ا‬:‫َ َل‬E)َ ،ً-7َ

َ Fُ َ% ْ‫ ِ ب‬r ْ ‫ ا‬:Fِ Cِ ِYَ[ِ% َ#‫ ُه‬,ُ Y َ ‫ُ!لُ َأ‬E+َ ،<-َْGِ‫ ر‬,َ 0ْ ِ Aَ ِRَa ِ
‫ َو‬،<ِ4ْ‫ َرأ‬,َ 0ْ  ِ Aَ +ِ ْCG ِ ‫ن‬  َ;‫َ ِم َآ‬0#َ %ْ ‫& )ِ< ا‬
ُ +ْ ‫< َرَأ‬hX‫»ِإ‬
!ُ,ْ +َ ً%!ُ4َ‫ ر‬w َ 3َ َ ? Wُ ،ً/َ‫ )ِ (َ َ
ْ;د‬Aَ َ3G َ ? Wُ ،ًJْ َ َ( ِ) 1َ0َ ? Wُ ،‫َ َ دَارًا‬o9 ‫ ا‬ٍ -ِ
َ Aِ 7َ َ#‫ َآ‬
َ Jِ
 ‫ ُأ‬Aُ 7َ
َ ‫َ َو‬-ُ7َ
َ َ#X ‫ ِإ‬،َCُ -ْ َO Aَ Eَ 
َ ،ْAِE
ْ ‫ وَا‬،َXُ ُ‫ُأذ‬
،ٌ‫ُ!ل‬4‫ُ َر‬,# َL
ُ َ+ & َ ْX‫ َوَأ‬،ُ/0 َ%ْ ‫& ا‬
ُ ْ َC%ْ ‫ وَا‬،ُ‫َم‬-ْ4tِ%ْ ‫ا ُر ا‬,%‫ وَا‬،ُ-َِ#%ْ ‫ُ ا‬Sَ) ،ُF‫ َ َآ‬9َ ْ*
َ ْ?(ُ 0ْ
ِ ‫ َو‬،َ‫ُ!ل‬4  %‫ب ا‬ َ َG‫ ُ(?ْ َ
*ْ َأ‬0ْ #ِ َ) ،ِF
ِ َ3َd 1َ%‫س ِإ‬ َ 0%‫ا‬
ِ Aَ ‫َ َأ َآ‬/0 َ%ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ .
َ ‫ َو َ
*ْ َد‬،َ/0 َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ َ.‫َ َم َد‬-4ْ tِ%ْ ‫َ ا‬A.
َ ‫ َو َ
*ْ َد‬،َ‫َم‬-ْ4tِ%ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ َ.‫ َد‬ َ َ َG‫*ْ َأ‬#َ )َ

(I have seen in my sleep that it was as if Jibril was at my head and Mika'il at my leg. They
were saying to each other: `Give an example for him.' He said: `Listen, your ear may listen.
And fathom, your heart may fathom. The parable of you and your Ummah is that of a king
who has built a house on his land. He arranged a banquet in it. Then he sent a messenger to
invite the people to his food. Some accepted the invitation and others did not. Allah is the King
and the land is Islam, the house is Paradise and you Muhammad are the Messenger.
Whosoever responds to your call enters Islam. And whosoever enters Islam enters Paradise.
And whosoever enters Paradise eats from it.) Ibn Jarir recorded this Hadith. It was also
reported that Abu Ad-Darda' said that Allah's Messenger said:

‫ن‬  ‫ ِإ‬،ْ?aُ h ‫ َر‬1َ%‫!ا ِإ‬#-ُ‫سُ َه‬0%‫(َ ا‬+‫َ َأ‬+ :*
ِ ْ َ-َE7 %‫ ا‬%ِ‫ ُ(?ْ إ‬-‫ ُآ‬S
ِ ‫\ا‬
ُ ْ-.
َ Fُ 3ُ #َ $
ْ +َ ِ‫َن‬+ِ‫َد‬0+ُ ‫ن‬
ِ َa-َ
َ َ( ْ َC0ْ 
َ ِ َ‫ و‬%‫ ِإ‬H
ُ #ْ U
 %‫ِ ا‬F ِ) ْ&3َ -َd
َ ٍ‫!ْم‬+َ ْ*
ِ َ

1َ(%ْ َ‫ َ َوأ‬7ُ َ‫ آ‬#

ِ ٌ ْ .
َ 1َ2‫ َو َآ‬AOَ » (Two angels descend every day in which the sun rises and say that
which all Allah's creatures would hear except Jinn and humans: `O people! Come to your
Lord! Anything little and sufficient is better than a lot but distractive.') And He sent this down
in the Qur'an when He said:

 %‫ دَا ِر ا‬1َ%‫ُ! ِإ‬,ْ +َ Fُ -%‫وَا‬6 ("Allah calls to the Abode of Peace''.) Ibn Abi Hatim and Ibn Jarir
recorded this.

Allah states that those who do good in this world -- by having faith and performing righteous
deeds -- will be rewarded with a good reward in the Hereafter. Allah said:

ْ nِ ‫* ِإ  ا‬
ِ ‫َـ‬$Y
ْ nِ ‫ ُء ا‬qَmG
َ ْAَ‫ ه‬6 (Is there any reward for good other than good)(55:60) Then Allah

6ٌ‫َدَة‬+‫ َو ِز‬

(and even more.) the reward on the good deeds multiplied ten times to seven hundred times
and even more on top of that. This reward includes what Allah will give them in Paradise,
such as the palaces, Al-Hur (virgins of Paradise), and His pleasure upon them. He will give
them what He has hidden for them of the delight of the eye. He will grant them on top of all of
that and even better, the honor of looking at His Noble Face. This is the increase that is
greater than anything that had been given. They will not deserve that because of their deeds,
but rather, they will receive it by the grace of Allah and His mercy. The explanation that this
refers to looking at Allah's Noble Face was narrated from Abu Bakr, Hudhayfah bin Al-
Yaman, `Abdullah bin `Abbas, Sa`id bin Al-Musayyib, `Abdur-Rahman bin Abu Layla,
`Abdur-Rahman bin Sabit, Mujahid, `Ikrimah, `Amir bin Sa`ad, `Ata', Ad-Dahhak, Al-Hasan,
Qatadah, As-Suddi, Muhammad bin Ishaq, and others from the earlier and later scholars.
There are many Hadiths that contain the same interpretation. Among these Hadiths is what
Imam Ahmad recorded from Suhayb that Allah's Messenger recited this Ayah,

‫َدَة‬+‫ وَ ِز‬1َ0$
ْ ُL%ْ ‫ُ!اْ ا‬0$
َ ْY‫*َ َأ‬+ِ-h%6 (For those who have done good is the best and even more.) And then
he said:

‫ َو
َ ُه!َ؟‬:‫ن‬ َ !ُ%!ُE َ َ) ^ُ !ُ#‫ ُآ‬mَ ِ0ْ +ُ ْ‫ َأن‬,ُ + ُ+ ‫ًا‬, ِ ْ!
َ S ِ ‫ ا‬,َ 0ْ 
ِ ْ?ُa%َ ‫ ِإن‬/ِ 0 َ%ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ ‫َ َأ ْه‬+ :ٍ‫َد‬0
ُ ‫َدَى‬X ‫ َر‬0%‫ ِر ا‬0%‫ ا‬Aُ ‫ َوَأ ْه‬/َ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬/ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aُ ‫ َأ ْه‬Aَ .
َ َ‫»ِإذَا د‬
ْ ‫
َ َأ‬S ِ ‫ )َ!َا‬،ِF َ%‫ ُونَ ِإ‬ ُ 0ْ َ )َ ،َ‫َب‬L ِ %ْ ‫َ ُ( ُ? ا‬% ‚
ُ U
ِ aْ َ َ) ‫َ َل‬O ‫رِ؟‬0%‫* ا‬ َ
ِ َXْ  ِ ُ+‫ َو‬/َ ‫ــ‬0
َ %ْ ‫َ ا‬0ْ-.
ِ ْ,+ُ ‫َ َو‬0‫ُ! َه‬G‫ ˆْ ُو‬h Cَ ُ+ ?ْ َ%‫َ؟ َأ‬00َ +ِ‫ْ َ
!َاز‬AEh 7َ ُ+ ْ?%َ‫َأ‬
«?ِ(0ِ ُ 
ْ ;َ%ِ  Oَ ‫َ َأ‬%‫ َو‬،ِF ْ َ%‫َ ِ ِإ‬0 %‫* ا‬ َ
ِ ْ?(ِ ْ َ%‫ ِإ‬V
 َY‫ً َأ‬T ْ َ S ُ ‫ا‬

(When the people of Paradise enter Paradise, a caller will say: `O people of Paradise, Allah
has promised you something that He wishes to fulfill.' They will reply: `What is it Has He not
made our Scale heavy Has He not made our faces white and delivered us from Fire' Allah will
then remove the veil and they will see Him. By Allah, they have not been given anything
dearer to them and more delightful than looking at Him.) Muslim and a group of Imams also
related this Hadith. Allah then said:

 َJOَ ْ?(ُ ‫ُ! َه‬G‫\ ُو‬

ُ ‫ ْ َه‬+َ َ ‫ َو‬6 (Neither darkness nor dust shall cover their faces. ..) meaning, no blackness
or darkness will be on their faces during the different events of the Day of Judgment. But the
faces of the rebellious disbelievers will be stained with dust and darkness.

/%‫ َو َ ِذ‬6 (nor any humiliating disgrace) meaning, they will be covered with degradation and
disgrace. The believers, however will not be humiliated internally or externally, on the
contrary, they will be protected and honored. For as Allah has said:

‫ ُورا‬4
ُ ‫ َ ةً َو‬N
ْ Xَ ْ?(ُ ‫ـ‬Eَ%‫ َ! ِم َو‬%ْ ‫ ا‬
َ ِ%َ‫  ذ‬
َ Fُ -%‫َـ ُ( ُ? ا‬O!َ َ) 6 l(So Allah saved them from the evil of that Day, and
gave them Nadrah (brightness) and joy.) 76:116 meaning, light in their faces and delight in
their hearts. May Allah make us among those by His grace and mercy.

49. QS An Naba' 78 : 31-36

َ َ* ِEJ #ُ -ْ ِ% ‫ن‬

ًC‫َـ‬0ْ‫\ َوَأ‬
َ Rِ qَ,Y
َ -

ً‫ْ َا‬9‫ َأ‬V

ِ ‫ َوآَ!َا‬-

ًOَ‫ً ِده‬4ْ;‫ َو َآ‬-

ًَ‫ْ!ًا َو َ ِآ‬sَ% َ( ِ) ‫ن‬

َ !ُ3#َ $
ْ +َ  -

- َ$Y
ِ ‫َ ًء‬
َ َh ‫* ر‬h
‫ ًء‬qَmG
َ 6

78:31. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang bertakwa mendapat kemenangan,

78:32. (yaitu) kebun-kebun dan buah anggur,
78:33. dan gadis-gadis remaja yang sebaya,
78:34. dan gelas-gelas yang penuh (berisi minuman).
78:35. Di dalamnya mereka tidak mendengar perkataan yang sia-sia dan tidak (pula
perkataan) dusta.
78:36. Sebagai balasan dari Tuhanmu dan pemberian yang cukup banyak,

(31. Verily, for those who have Taqwa, there will be a success;)

(32. Hada'iq and vineyards,)

(33. And Kawa`ib Atrab,)

(34. And a cup Dihaq.)

(35. No Laghw shall they hear therein, nor lying;)

(36. Rewarded from your Lord with a sufficient gift.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ َ* ِEJ #ُ -ْ ِ% ‫ن‬

‫س‬C *‫ل ا‬O " ‫زا‬2

* EJ#-% ‫ " إن‬1%39 ‫ل‬E) ? E#%‫ ? ا‬30%‫ وا‬/
‫ ا‬a%‫
* ا‬1%39 ?(% ,‫اء و
 أ‬,3$%‫ ا * ا‬Co
1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
‫س‬C *‫!ل ا‬O 0‫…( ه‬K‫ر ا‬0%‫!ا
* ا‬0) ‫ )زوا‬: ‫دة‬JO‫ و‬,‫ل
ه‬O‫ه و‬m0J
‫ك‬LN%‫ وا‬.

ًَ0ْ‫\ َوَأ‬
َ Rِ ‫َا‬,Y

" ‫ و ه‬A o0%‫ *

* ا‬9$C%‫\ ا‬R‫ا‬,L%‫\ " وا‬R‫ا‬,Y .

ً‫ َا‬9ْ ‫ َأ‬V

ِ ‫َوآَ!َا‬

‫ر  ب‬a‫(* أ‬XK * %,J+ ?% ,‫!اه‬X *(+,W ‫!ن أن‬03+ ,‫!اه‬X ‫ " أي‬V‫ " آ!ا‬,Y‫ و وا‬,‫س و
ه‬C *‫ل ا‬O V‫!را آ!ا‬Y‫أي و‬

<aJ4,%‫* ا‬#Y %‫ ا‬,C * ,#Y‫ * أ‬S‫ ا‬,C 0W,Y ?9Y <‫ل ا* أ‬O /3O‫!ا‬%‫!رة ا‬4 <) FX  ‫م‬,E9 #‫ آ‬,Y‫* وا‬4 <) ‫ اب أي‬9‫أ‬
<‫? * أ‬4E%‫* ا‬#Y %‫ ا‬,C <‫ * أ‬w s%‫ن أ! ا‬# -4 * /  0W,Y ? 9 * S‫ ا‬,C * *#Y %‫ ا‬,C ‫ ن‬24 <‫< أ< * أ‬0W,Y
* ر‬,CJ% /0%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬#O ‫ل " إن‬O FX‫? أ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f <C0%‫ث * ا‬,L+ F3#4 FX‫ أ‬/

‫< * أ< أ‬EU
,%‫? ا‬4E%‫ا‬
‫ اب‬9K‫ ا‬V‫!ا‬a%‫ ه? ا‬#J% (X‫ إ‬1JY ‫ون أن أ
 آ? ؟‬,+ 9 ‫
ذا‬/0%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬+ ?(+‫د‬0J) ?( #J% /L$%‫ وإن ا‬S‫ " ا‬.

ًOَ‫ً ِده‬4;ْ ‫َو َآ‬

‫ل‬O‫ و‬/ J#%‫’ى ا‬#%‫ " ا‬O‫ " ده‬,+‫دة وا* ز‬JO‫* و‬$L%‫ وا‬,‫ل
ه‬O‫ و‬/ )f /
a ‫ل‬O‫ و‬/3JJ
‫س‬C *‫ل ا‬O
/3JJ#%‫ ه< ا‬CG * , 34‫ و‬,‫

ً‫َ آِا‬%َ‫ْ!ًا و‬s%َ َ( ِ) ‫ن‬

َ !ُ3#َ $
ْ +َ َ%

" *
?%4 ( ) 
A‫_م وآ‬$%‫ ه< دار ا‬A ‫? آب‬W‫ة و إ‬,R2%‫ ) ( آ_م غ ر * ا‬H % ‫ ? " أي‬W;9 ‫! ) ( و‬s%  " F%!E‫آ‬
E0%‫ ا‬.

ِ ‫َ ًء‬
َ َh ‫َا ًء ِ
*ْ َر‬mَG

‫!ل‬E9 ‫ ا‬7‫ آ‬#%4  )‫ أي آ)  وا‬$Y ‫ ء‬FJ#Y‫ ور‬FX$Y‫ وإ‬F0

‫ و‬F-N2 ^!#‫ وأه‬F S‫زاه? ا‬G ^X ‫ي ذآ‬%‫أي ها ا‬
<)‫ آ‬S‫ أي ا‬S‫< ا‬C$Y F0
‫< و‬X2‫< أي آ‬0C$Y;) <X‫ ب أ‬3%‫ ا‬.

Allah informs about the happy people and what He has prepared for them of esteem, and
eternal pleasure. Allah says,

6 ‫َزًا‬2
َ َ* ِEJ#ُ -ْ ِ% ‫ن‬

(Verily, for those who have Taqwa, there will be a success;) Ibn `Abbas and Ad-Dahhak both
said, "A place of enjoyable recreation.'' Mujahid and Qatadah both said, "They are successful
and thus, they are saved from the Hellfire.'' The most obvious meaning here is the statement
of Ibn `Abbas, because Allah says after this,

6َ\Rِ qَ,Y

(Hada'iq) And Hada'iq are gardens of palm trees and other things.

6 ً‫ َا‬9ْ ‫ َأ‬V

ِ ‫ َو َآ!َا‬- ًC‫َـ‬0
ْ ‫\ َوَأ‬
َ Rِ qَ,Y

(And vineyards, and Kawa`ib Atrab,) meaning, wide-eyed maidens with fully developed
breasts. Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid and others have said,

ِ ‫آَ!ا‬

(Kawa`ib) "This means round breasts. They meant by this that the breasts of these girls will
be fully rounded and not sagging, because they will be virgins, equal in age. This means that
they will only have one age.'' The explanation of this has already been mentioned in Surat Al-
Waqi`ah. Concerning Allah's statement,

6 ًOَ‫ً دِه‬4ْ;‫ َو َآ‬

(And a cup Dihaq.) Ibn `Abbas said, "Continuously filled.'' `Ikrimah said, "Pure.'' Mujahid,
Al-Hasan, Qatadah, and Ibn Zayd all said,

6ًOَ‫ ِده‬

(Dihaq) "This means completely filled.'' Then Allah says,

6 ًَ‫ْ!ًا َو َ ِآ‬s%َ َ( ِ) ‫ن‬

َ !ُ3#َ $
ْ +َ  

(No Laghw shall they hear therein, nor lying;) This is similar to Allah's statement,

6ٌ? ِW;ْ َ9 َ ‫!ٌ )ِ (َ َو‬sْ %َ  

(Free from any Laghw, and free from sin.) (52:23) meaning, there will not be any vain,
worthless speech therein, nor any sinful lying. Rather, it will be the abode of peace, and
everything that is in it will be free of any shortcomings. Allah then says,

6 ًَ$Y
ِ ‫َ ًء‬
َ h ‫* ر‬h
‫ ًء‬qَmG

(Rewarded from your Lord with a sufficient gift.) meaning, `this that We have mentioned to
you is what Allah will reward them with, and they will be given it by His favor and from Him.
It will be a kindness, mercy, gift, and recompense from Him. It will be sufficient, suitable,
comprehensive and abundant.' The Arabs say, "He gave me and he sufficed me.'' This means
that he sufficiently provided for me.'' From this comes the saying, "Allah is sufficient for me.''

50. QS Al Imran 3:130-136

‫ُ!ن‬L-ِْ29ُ ْ?aُ -َ3%َ َF-%‫ُ!اْ ا‬E9 ‫ وَا‬/ً 2َ 3َ ‫َـ‬N

 ً2‫َـ‬3r ْ ‫َ َأ‬h %‫ُ!اْ ا‬-‫;ْ ُآ‬9َ َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ‫َـ‬+
- *+ِ ِ2‫َـ‬aْ-%ِ ْ‫ت‬,  ِ ‫ ُأ‬1ِJ%‫ َر ا‬0%‫ُ!اْ ا‬E9 ‫وَا‬
-‫ن‬َ !ُ#َY ْ ُ9 ْ?aُ -َ3%َ ‫ُ! َل‬4 %‫ وَا‬Fَ -%‫ُ!اْ ا‬3 ِd‫َوَأ‬
* ِEJ #ُ -ْ %ِ ْ‫ت‬,ِ ‫ت وَا رْضُ ُأ‬ ُ !َ ‫َـ‬#$
 %‫ُ(َ ا‬rْ  َ /ٍ 0 Gَ ‫ُ?ْ َو‬ah ‫* ر‬h
ٍ‫ َ ة‬2ِ sْ
َ 1َ%‫َ ِرُ!اْ ِإ‬4‫َو‬
-*َ ِ# ِ ‫َـ‬a%ْ ‫ ِء وَا‬q N  %‫ ِء وَا‬q $  %‫ ا‬1ِ) َ‫ُ!ن‬E2ِ 0ُ+ َ*+ِ%‫ا‬
* ِ0$ِ ْL#ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬V  ِL+ُ Fُ -%‫س وَا‬ ِ 0%‫* ا‬ ِ َ َ* ِ2‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ ْ ‡َ وَا‬sَ %ْ ‫ا‬
- ‫ُ!ا‬-3َ )َ َ
1َ- َ ْ‫[ِ وا‬+ُ ْ?َ%‫ َو‬Fُ -%‫ب ِإ  ا‬ َ !ُX %‫ِ ُ ا‬2sْ +َ *َ
‫ُ!ِ ِ(?ْ َو‬Xُِ% ْ‫ ُوا‬2َ sْ Jَ 4 ْ َ) Fَ -%‫ ُ(?ْ َذ َآ ُواْ ا‬$َ 2ُ Xْ ‫ُ!اْ َأ‬#-ََ… ْ‫ َأو‬/ً U
َ ِL‫ُ!اْ )َـ‬-3َ َ) ‫*َ ِإذَا‬+ِ%‫وَا‬
‫ُ!ن‬#-َْ3+َ ?ْ ‫وَ ُه‬
- * ِ-#ِ ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ ُ ا‬G ْ ‫?َ َأ‬3ْ Xِ َ‫*َ )ِ (َ و‬+ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬. ُ ‫(َـ‬Xْ  ‫(َ ا‬Jِ ْL9َ *ِ
‫ْ ِى‬9َ ٌ&‫ـ‬0G َ َ‫ ِ(?ْ و‬h ‫* ر‬h
ٌ‫ َ ة‬2ِ sْ
 ْ?‫ ُؤ ُه‬qَmG
َ َTِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ ُأو‬6

3:130. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu memakan riba dengan berlipat ganda
dan bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah supaya kamu mendapat keberuntungan.
3:131. Dan peliharalah dirimu dari api neraka, yang disediakan untuk orang-orang yang
3:132. Dan taatilah Allah dan Rasul, supaya kamu diberi rahmat.
3:133. Dan bersegeralah kamu kepada ampunan dari Tuhanmu dan kepada surga yang
luasnya seluas langit dan bumi yang disediakan untuk orang-orang yang bertakwa,
3:134. (yaitu) orang-orang yang menafkahkan (hartanya), baik di waktu lapang maupun
sempit, dan orang-orang yang menahan amarahnya dan memaafkan (kesalahan) orang. Allah
menyukai orang-orang yang berbuat kebajikan.
3:135. Dan (juga) orang-orang yang apabila mengerjakan perbuatan keji atau menganiaya
diri sendiri, mereka ingat akan Allah, lalu memohon ampun terhadap dosa-dosa mereka dan
siapa lagi yang dapat mengampuni dosa selain daripada Allah? Dan mereka tidak
meneruskan perbuatan kejinya itu, sedang mereka mengetahui.
3:136. Mereka itu balasannya ialah ampunan dari Tuhan mereka dan surga yang di dalamnya
mengalir sungai-sungai, sedang mereka kekal di dalamnya; dan itulah sebaik-baik pahala
orang-orang yang beramal.

(130. O you who believe! Do not consume Riba doubled and multiplied, but fear Allah that
you may be successful.)
(131. And fear the Fire, which is prepared for the disbelievers.)
(132. And obey Allah and the Messenger that you may obtain mercy.)
(133. And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness from your Lord, and for
Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the Muttaqin (the pious).)
(134. Those who spend (in Allah's cause) in prosperity and in adversity, who repress anger,
and who pardon men; verily, Allah loves the Muhsinin (the good-doers).)
(135. And those who, when they have committed Fahishah (immoral sin) or wronged
themselves with evil, remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their sins; and none can forgive
sins but Allah, and do not persist in what (wrong) they have done, while they know.)
(136. For such, the reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens with rivers flowing
underneath (Paradise), wherein they shall abide forever. How excellent is this reward for the
doers (of good).)

‫‪ $29‬ا* آ‪ 7‬‬

‫‪ /ً 2َ ََN
ُ ً)َ3r‬وَا‪!ُE9‬ا ا‪ْ?aُ -3َ %َ Fَ -%‬‬
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َ q َ*+ِ%‬ا ‪ُ ;ْ َ9 َ%‬آ‪!ُ-‬ا ا‪َ َ h %‬أ ْ‬

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g#%‬ا‪  %‬وأآ‪ F-‬أ‪ /2N
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‫‪ <NE9‬وإ
 أن ‪t) < 9‬ن ‪ ^NO‬وإ زاد^ )< ا‪,#%‬ة وزاد^ ا‪ <) .y‬ا‪,E%‬ر وه‪a‬ا آ‪ A‬م ) ‪ ‚N9 #‬ا‪ [+ 1JY A -E%‬آ‪ 7‬ا‬
‫‪ 2N
‪C 1%39‬د^ ‪!EJ%‬ى ‪!L-2+ ?(-3%‬ن )< ا‪K‬و‪ 1%‬و)< ا‪ .y‬ة‬

‫ ‪,‬تْ ‪َ*+ِ ِ)َa-ْ ِ%‬‬

‫وَا‪!ُE9‬ا ا‪َ 0%‬ر ا‪ُ <ِJ%‬أ ِ‬

‫" ‪,!9 ?W‬ه? ‪0%‬ر و‪Y‬ره?

‪E) (0‬ل ‪ " . 1%39‬وا‪!E9‬ا ا‪0%‬ر ا‪ <J%‬أ‪,‬ت ‪ *+ )a-%‬وأ‪!3 d‬ا ا‪ S‬وا‪!4 %‬ل ‪!#Y 9 ?a-3%‬ن‬

‫ ‪ ^(% $29 ,G!+‬ا‪/+K‬‬

‫ت وَا‪;َْ%‬رْضُ ُأِ ‪,‬تْ ِ‪َ ِEJ #ُ -ْ %‬‬
‫‪َ#$‬وَا ُ‬
‫‪ َ(r‬ا‪ %‬‬
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‫َو‪ِ َ4‬رُ!ا ِإ‪ٍ َ ِ2sْ
َ 1َ%‬ة ِ
*ْ َر ‪َ ْ?aُ h‬و َ‬

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* ر‪ ?a‬و‪(r  /0G‬‬
‫ا‪!#$%‬ات وا‪K‬رض أ‪,‬ت ‪ " * EJ#-%‬أي آ‪ #‬أ‪,‬ت ا‪0%‬ر ‪ *+ )a-%‬و‪ A O ,O‬إن
‪ (r  F%!O 103‬ا‪!#$%‬ات وا‪K‬رض ‪1- ( C09‬‬
‫ا‪$9‬ع ‪ (%!d‬آ‪O #‬ل )< ‪ ) /2f‬ش ا‪ *
(0R " /0%‬إ‪ CJ4‬ق " أي )‪ R(% 0… #‬و‪ (r  A A O‬آ!‪F ) /CO (XK (%‬‬
‫‪ &L9‬ا‪ 3%‬ش وا‪<U%‬ء ا‪ VCE#%‬وا‪ Fr  +,J$#%‬آ!‪ F%‬و‪ ,O‬دل ‪ 1-‬ذ‪ <) &CW 
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‪ 29 F0‬أ‪(X‬ر ا‪ /0%‬و‪  (2E4‬ش ا‪ " *#Y %‬وه^ ا‪ /+y‬آ‪!4 <) F%!E‬رة ا‪" ,+,L%‬‬
‫‪!E4‬ا إ‪ 2s
* ر‪ ?a‬و‪ (r  /0G‬آ‪ 3‬ض ا‪#$%‬ء وا‪K‬رض " ا‪ . /+y‬و‪ ,O‬رو‪ ,0$
<) 0+‬ا‪
n‬م أ‪ ,#Y‬أن ه ‪ AO‬آ‪ VJ‬إ‪1%‬‬
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‫‪LC4‬ن ا‪ *+;) S‬ا‪ A -%‬إذا ‪G‬ء ا‪(0%‬ر "‪ .‬و‪ ,O‬روا^ ا* ‪E) + G‬ل ‪ HX!+ <0W,Y‬أ‪ X;CX‬ا* وه‪ V‬أ‪ * ,%. * ?-$
<X C.‬أ<‬
‫‪ * , 34 * /#7 .‬أ< را‪
* 1-3+ * ,‬ة ‪O‬ل ‪ & E%‬ا‪ <.!0J%‬ر‪!4‬ل ه ‪ AO‬إ‪ 1%‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪#L ?-4‬‬
‫ ‪ o‬آ‪ C‬ا ‪E) ,$) ,O‬ل ‪ 1- &
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&-O :‬‬
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‪d * ?-$‬رق * (ب ‪ :‬أن ‪ *
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&mX ,E% :‬ا‪!J%‬راة روا^ ا* ‪/W_W *
+ G‬‬
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_G‬أه‪ A‬ا‪Ja%‬ب ‪O‬ل ‪:‬‬
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‫ا‪(0%‬ر إذا ‪G‬ء ا‪ . A -%‬و‪ ,O‬روي ها
)! )‪E‬ل ا‪mC%‬ار ‪ 0W,Y #3
* ,#L
0W,Y‬ا‪ s#%‬ة * ‪ /#-4‬أ! ه‪U‬م ‪ ,C 0W,Y‬ا‪!%‬ا‪,Y‬‬
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‫ا‪(0%‬ر " ؟ ‪O‬ل ‪ w Y :‬ء ا‪O S‬ل " وآ‪ %‬ا‪0%‬ر ‪!a9‬ن ‪ w Y‬ء ا‪ m S‬و‪ . " AG‬وها ‪ " * 03
A#JL+‬أ‪,Y‬ه‪ " #‬أن ‪!a+‬ن‬
‫ا‪ <) 103#%‬ذ‪ %‬أ‪m-+  FX‬م
* ‪,‬م
‪U‬ه‪ 09,‬ا‪ A -%‬إذا ‪G‬ء ا‪(0%‬ر أن  ‪!a+‬ن )<
‪a‬ن وإن آ‪ : F#-3X  0‬وآ‪ %‬ا‪0%‬ر ‪!a9‬ن ‪w Y‬‬
‫ء ا‪ m S‬و‪ AG‬وها أ…( آ‪,E9 #‬م )< ‪ w+,Y‬أ< ه ‪ +‬ة * ا‪mC%‬ار " ا‪ " <X7%‬أن ‪!a+‬ن ا‪ 103#%‬أن ا‪(0%‬ر إذا ‪ 1Us9‬و‪FG‬‬
‫ا‪ *
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* ا‪ VX%‬ا‪ %a) .y‬ا‪ <) /0%‬أ‪!) * - 1-‬ق ا‪!#$%‬ات ‪ &L9‬ا‪ 3%‬ش و ‪ (r‬آ‪#‬‬
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‫و‪!G‬د ا‪0%‬ر وا‪ S‬أ‪?-‬‬

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* ‪ /d‬ا‪S‬‬
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{ ذ‪ *# %‬أ‪4‬ء إ‪ : ?( %‬و‪ ,O‬ورد )< ‪ ˆ3‬ا‪Wy‬ر "‬
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‪ 0W,Y : ^,0$‬أ!
!‪ 14‬ا‪ V 3 * 1$  0W,Y *
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‫* أ‪ * %
* HX‬أ ‪O F‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ *
" ?-4‬آ‚ ‪ FCN‬آ‚ ا‪ F0 S‬ا‪ F‬و
* ‪m.‬ن ‪ J4 FX$%‬‬
‫ا‪! S‬ر‪ F9‬و
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n‬م أ‪ ,C 0W,Y : ,#Y‬ا‪0W,Y *#Y %‬‬

‪ * %‬ا‪m%‬ه ي * ‪ * , 34‬ا‪ * V $#%‬أ< ه ‪ +‬ة ر‪ <r‬ا‪ F0 F0 S‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل " ‪ H %‬ا‪,+,U%‬‬
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* ‪ . %
w+,Y‬و‪O‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ ,#Y‬أ‪ 0W,Y : N+‬أ!‬

‪3‬و‪ 0W,Y /+‬ا‪ * e#K‬إ اه ? ا‪ * <# J%‬ا‪L%‬رث * ‪ ,C * ,+!4‬ا‪ S‬وه! ا*
‪!3$‬د ر‪ <r‬ا‪O F0 S‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪S‬‬
‫‪ 1-f‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ " ?-4‬أ‪
?a+‬ل وار‪ FW‬أ‪ VY‬إ‪ " F%
F %‬؟ ‪!%O‬ا ‪ + :‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ *

S‬أ‪ ,Y‬إ
‪ F%‬أ‪ VY‬إ‪
F %‬ل‬
‫وار‪O FW‬ل " ا‪!#-‬ا أ‪ ?a0
H % FX‬أ‪ ,Y‬إ
ل وار‪ FW‬أ‪ VY‬إ‪ %
F %‬إ
 ‪ &
 ‪!%‬ار‪ W‬إ
 أ‪ .‬ت " ‪.‬‬
‫‪O‬ل ‪ :‬و‪O‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪,39 
" ?-4‬ون ا‪ ?a ) / [%‬؟ " ‪ 0-O‬ا‪%‬ي  ‪ F [9‬ا‪G %‬ل ‪O‬ل "  و‪ *a%‬ا‪%‬ي ‪-#+‬‬
‫‪ ,0 F$2X‬ا‪O " VNs%‬ل ‪ :‬و‪O‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ " ?-4‬أ‪,9‬رون
 ا‪!O %‬ب ؟ " ‪ 0-O‬ا‪%‬ي  و‪O F% ,%‬ل "  و‪*a%‬‬
‫ا‪!O %‬ب ا‪%‬ي  ‪,E+‬م
* و‪ . " T  ^,%‬أ‪ .‬ج ا‪oC%‬ري ا‪ A[2%‬ا‪K‬ول
‪ F0‬وأ‪ .‬ج
‪ ?-$‬أ‪ Af‬ها ا‪ *
w+,L%‬روا‪ /+‬ا‪" F e#K‬‬
‫‪O " .q w+,Y‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪  &3#4 /C3 0W,Y 23G * ,#L
0W,Y : ,#Y‬وة * ‪ ,C‬ا‪ S‬ا‪,L+ <23%‬ث * أ< ‪ /C[Y‬أو ا*‬
‫أ< ‪ * * [Y‬ر‪ ,( AG‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪E) Vo+ ?-4‬ل " أ‪,9‬رون
 ا‪!O %‬ب ؟ " ‪ 0-O‬ا‪%‬ي  و‪O F% ,%‬ل " ا‪!O %‬ب آ‪A‬‬
‫ا‪!O %‬ب ا‪%‬ي ‪ F%‬و‪#) ,%‬ت و‪,E+ ?%‬م
‪O " T  ?(0‬ل " أ‪,9‬رون
* ا‪!-3[%‬ك " ؟ ‪!%O‬ا ا‪%‬ي ‪
F% H %‬ل )‪E‬ل ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪S‬‬
‫‪ F -‬و‪ " ?-4‬ا‪!-3[%‬ك آ‪ A‬ا‪!-3[%‬ك ا‪%‬ي ‪
F%‬ل )‪#‬ت و‪,E+ ?%‬م
‪O " T  F0‬ل ‪O ?W :‬ل ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪
" ?-4‬‬
‫ا‪ " / [%‬؟ ‪!%O‬ا ‪ :‬ا‪ {+ [%‬ا‪%‬ي  ‪ F [9‬ا‪G %‬ل )‪E‬ل ‪ 1-f‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ " ?-4‬ا‪ / [%‬آ‪ A‬ا‪ / [%‬ا‪%‬ي ‪,JU ) VNs+‬‬
‫ ‪ FCN‬و‪ #L+‬و‪ F(G‬و‪ [ ) ^ 3 3UE+‬ع ‪O . " .q w+,Y " " FCN‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y : ,#Y‬ا* ‪ 0W,Y #X‬ه‪U‬م ه! ا*‬
‫ وة * أ ‪ * F‬ا‪E+ F% ? * H O * ‚0YK‬ل ‪Y F%‬ر‪,O * /W‬ا
‪ /‬ا‪,3$%‬ي أ‪;4 FX‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪E) ?-4‬ل ‪:‬‬
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‫أد ‪
F -‬ارا آ‪ A‬ذ‪!E+ %‬ل "  ‪ " VNs9‬وه‪a‬ا روا^ * أ<
‪3‬و‪ * /+‬ه‪U‬م ‪ F‬وروا^ أ‪ , 34 * 1 L+ * N+‬ا‪E%‬ن‬
‫* ه‪U‬م ‪ : F‬أن ر‪O _G‬ل ‪ +‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ !O <% AO S‬وأ‪ <-3% <- A-O‬أ‪E) F-E‬ل "  ‪ . " VNs9‬ا‪ w+,L%‬ا‪ 2X‬د ‪ F‬أ‪w+,Y " ,#Y‬‬
‫‪O ." .q‬ل أ‪ ,C 0W,Y ,#Y‬ا‪ %‬زاق أ‪ * #3
X;CX‬ا‪m%‬ه ي * ‪ ,C * , #Y‬ا‪ * *#Y %‬ر‪ *
AG‬أ‪Lf‬ب ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪F - S‬‬
‫و‪O ?-4‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪ + AG‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ S‬أو‪O <0f‬ل "  ‪O " VNs9‬ل ا‪ a2) : AG %‬ت ‪O * Y‬ل ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O 
?-4‬ل )‪t‬ذا‬
‫ا‪ {#+ VNs%‬ا‪ U%‬آ‪ F-‬ا‪ 2X‬د ‪ F‬أ‪O " .q w+,Y " ,#Y‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y : ,#Y‬أ!
‪3‬و‪ 0W,Y /+‬داود * أ< ه‪ * ,0‬أ< ‪ Y‬ب‬
‫ا* أ< ا‪!4K‬د * أ< ا‪!4K‬د * أ< ذر ر‪ <r‬ا‪O F0 S‬ل ‪ :‬آن ‪!Y 1- <E$+‬ض ‪) F%‬ء ‪!O‬م )‪!%E‬ا ‪ :‬أ‪!+ ?a+‬رد ‪ 1-‬أ<‬
‫ذر و‪ 3 V$JL+‬ات
* رأ‪ F4‬؟ )‪E‬ل ر‪ : AG‬أ‪) X‬ء );ورد ‪ 1-‬ا‪!L%‬ض )‪ FO,‬وآن أ! ذر ‪ ?W H-) #RO‬ا‪+ F% A E) {r‬‬
‫أ ذر ‪ ?W &$-G ?%‬ا‪ &3r‬؟ )‪E‬ل ‪ :‬إن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل ‪ " 0%‬إذا ‪ VN‬أ‪,Y‬آ? وه! ‪t) H- -) ?RO‬ن ذه‪V‬‬
‫‪ F0‬ا‪ VNs%‬وإ )‪ . " {N -‬وروا^ أ! داود * أ‪04t AC0Y * ,#Y‬د^ إ أ‪ FX‬و‪ <) {O‬روا‪ * FJ+‬أ< ‪ Y‬ب * أ< ذر‬
‫وا‪ Q L[%‬ا* أ< ‪ Y‬ب * أ ‪ * F‬أ< ذر آ‪ #‬روا^ ‪ ,C‬ا‪ * S‬أ‪ * ,#Y‬أ ‪O " .q w+,Y " F‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y ,#Y‬إ اه ?‬
‫* ‪ 0W,Y ,%.‬أ! وا‪ AR‬ا‪O <X30[%‬ل ‪ :‬آ‪  ,0 4!-G 0‬وة *
‪ ,#L‬إذ د‪ F - A.‬ر‪_a F#-a) AG‬م أ ‪ #-) FCN‬أن أ ‪O FCN‬م‬
‫‪ ?W‬د إ‪ 0 %‬و‪E) ;r!9 ,O‬ل ‪ <0W,Y :‬أ< * ‪,G‬ي  ‪ /‬ه! ا* ‪ ,34‬ا‪,3$%‬ي ‪ -‬و‪ ,O‬آ‪O - /CLf F% &X‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪1-f S‬‬
‫ا‪ F - S‬و‪ " ?-4‬إن ا‪ *
VNs%‬ا‪ U%‬ن وإن ا‪ U%‬ن ‪ *
\-.‬ا‪0%‬ر وإ‪ ;29 #X‬ا‪0%‬ر ‪#%‬ء )‪t‬ذا ‪ VN‬أ‪,Y‬آ? )‪. " ;r!J -‬‬
‫وه‪a‬ا روا^ أ! داود
* ‪ w+,Y‬إ اه ? * ‪ ,%.‬ا‪ * <X30[%‬أ< وا‪ AR‬ا‪E%‬ص ا‪ #%‬ادي ا‪O <X30[%‬ل أ! داود ‪ :‬أرا^ ‪ ,C‬ا‪* S‬‬
‫‪O " .q w+,Y " L‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ ,C 0W,Y : ,#Y‬ا‪!X 0W,Y ,+m+ * S‬ح *
‪3‬و‪ /+‬ا‪ Y * A9E
* <#-$%‬ن * ء *‬
‫ا* ‪C‬س ر‪ <r‬ا‪O #(0 S‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ *
" ?-4‬أ‪ $3
X‬ا أو و‪ F0 {r‬و‪ ^O‬ا‪ ?0(G Q ) *
‫إن ‪ A#‬ا‪mY /0%‬ن  !ة ‪ W_W‬أ إن ‪ A#‬ا‪0%‬ر ‪!($ A(4‬ة ‪ .‬وا‪ *
, 3$%‬و‪ <O‬ا‪ *J2%‬و

* ‪ / G‬أ‪ VY‬إ‪ 1%‬ا‪/ G *
‫ ‡ ‪ 
,C (#a+‬آ‪ ,C (#‬ا‪ S‬إ
’ ا‪ F)!G S‬إ‪ . " X#+‬ا‪ 2X‬د ‪ F‬أ‪ ,#Y‬وإ‪04‬د^ ‪ 
F ) H % *$Y‬وح و
‪" *$Y F0J‬‬
‫‪O " ^03
<) .q w+,Y‬ل أ! داود ‪ a
* /CE 0W,Y‬م ‪ ,C 0W,Y‬ا‪ <03+ *#Y %‬ا*
(‪,‬ي * ‪ <03+ U‬ا*
‪![0‬ر *‬

‪_ * ,#L‬ن * ‪ * ,+!4‬وه‪ * V‬ر‪ *
AG‬أ‪0‬ء أ‪Lf‬ب ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ * ?-4‬أ ‪O F‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪1-f S‬‬
‫ا‪ F - S‬و‪ *
" ?-4‬آ?  وه! ‪O‬در ‪ 1-‬أن ‪ ’
^20+‬ا‪ F)!G S‬أ
‪ 0‬وإ‪ X#+‬و
* ‪ 9‬ك ‪!W HC%‬ب ‪#G‬ل وه! ‪O‬در ‪- F -‬‬
‫‪O‬ل ‪ : U‬أ‪O FC$Y‬ل ‪!9‬ا‪ - 3r‬آ‪ ^$‬ا‪ /-Y S‬ا‪ a%‬ا
‪ /‬و
* ‪!9‬ج ‪ S‬آ‪ ^$‬ا‪9 S‬ج ا‪O " .q w+,Y " . " -#%‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪: ,#Y‬‬
‫‪ ,C 0W,Y‬ا‪O ,+m+ * S‬ل ‪ <0W,Y , 34 0W,Y‬أ!
‪!Y‬م * ‪3
* A(4‬ذ * أ‪ * HX‬أ ‪ F‬أن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪O 1-f S‬ل "
* آ?‬
‫  وه! ‪O‬در ‪ 1-‬أن ‪ ^20+‬د^ ا‪ 1- S‬رءوس ا‪ *
^ o+ 1JY \R_o%‬أي ا‪!L%‬ر ء ‪ .‬وروا^ أ! داود وا‪
J%‬ي وا*‬

‪ * , 34 w+,Y *
FG‬أ< أ‪!+‬ب ‪ F‬و‪O‬ل ا‪
J%‬ي ‪O " .q w+,Y " V+ *$Y :‬ل ‪ ,C‬ا‪ %‬زاق أ‪ X;CX‬داود * ‪ * H O‬ز‪,+‬‬
‫* أ‪ * ?-4‬ر‪ *
AG‬أه‪ A‬ا‪U%‬م ‪E+‬ل ‪ ,C F%‬ا‪ * F% ? * A -%‬أ< ه ‪ +‬ة ر‪ <r‬ا‪ " 1%39 F%!O <) F0 S‬وا‪ * #…a%‬ا‪‡ s%‬‬
‫" أن ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل "
* آ?  وه! ‪,E+‬ر ‪ 1-‬إ‪2X‬ذ^
’ ا‪ F)!G S‬أ
‪ 0‬وإ‪O " .q w+,Y " " X#+‬ل ا*‬

دو‪ 0W,Y : F+‬أ‪ * ,#L
* ,#Y‬ز‪+‬د أ‪ 1 L+ X;CX‬ا* ‪ V%d‬أ‪ ?f * <- X;CX‬أ‪ * , C * HX!+ <X C.‬ا‪ * *$L%‬ا*‬
‫‪ #‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪O #(0 S‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ 9 
" ?-4‬ع ‪ / G *
,C‬أ)‪ AN‬أ‪ G‬ا
* ‪ ‡ / G‬آ‪(#‬‬
‫ا‪sJ‬ء و‪ FG‬ا‪ . " S‬روا^ ا* ‪ + G‬وآا روا^ ا*
‪#Y * # * U * FG‬د * ‪1%39 F%!E) F , C * HX!+ * /#-4‬‬
‫" وا‪ * #…a%‬ا‪ " ‡ s%‬أي  ‪!-#3+‬ن ‪ <) ?(CN‬ا‪0%‬س ‪!2a+ A‬ن ‪  ?(0‬ه? و‪!C$JL+‬ن ذ‪ ,0 %‬ا‪ m S‬و‪O ?W AG‬ل ‪" 1%39‬‬
‫وا‪ * * )3%‬ا‪0%‬س " أي
{ آ‚ ا‪!23+ U%‬ن ‪ <) ?(#-… *#‬أ‪ <) <EC+ _) ?($2X‬أ‪,G!
?($2X‬ة ‪ 1-‬أ‪ ,Y‬وها أآ‪ A#‬ا‪!YK‬ال‬

‫و‪(%‬ا ‪O‬ل " وا‪ VL+ S‬ا‪() . " * 0$L#%‬ا
E‬ت ا‪$Yn‬ن و)< ا‪_W " w+,L%‬ث أ‪
*( - ?$O‬ل
* ‪ /O,f‬و
‫زاد ا‪,C S‬ا ‪ !23‬إ ‪m‬ا و
* ‪!9‬ا‪ S {r‬ر)‪ F3‬ا‪ . " S‬روى ا‪L%‬آ? )<
‪,J$‬رآ‪ * /CE * 14!
w+,Y *
F‬إ‪1 L+ * \L4‬‬
‫* أ< ‪ /L-d‬ا‪C * < E%‬دة * ا‪ * &
[%‬أ< * آ‪ V3‬أن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل "
* ‪ ^ 4‬أن ‪ U+‬ف ‪F%‬‬
‫ا‪ 0C%‬ن و‪ F% {) 9‬ا‪,%‬ر‪G‬ت )‪ F#-… *# ‚3 -‬و‪ F
Y *
}3+‬و‪O ?W . " F3O *
A[+‬ل ‪  1- Q Lf‬ط ا‪ * o U%‬و‪^G o+ ?%‬‬
‫‪ .‬و‪ ,O‬أورد^ ا*
دو‪ <- w+,Y *
F+‬وآ‪  * V3‬ة وأ< ه ‪ +‬ة وأم ‪ /#-4‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪ !L0 ?(0 S‬ذ‪ %‬وروي
* ‪\+ d‬‬
‫ا‪LN%‬ك * ا* ‪C‬س ر‪ <r‬ا‪O #(0 S‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ " ?-4‬إذا آن ‪!+‬م ا‪X /
‪0‬د ‪!E+‬ل ‪ :‬أ‪*+‬‬
‫" ا‪!)3%‬ن * ا‪0%‬س ه‪!#-‬ا إ‪ 1%‬ر‪ ?a‬و‪.‬وا أ‪!G‬رآ? و‪ 1- \Y‬آ‪ A‬ا
‪ ?-$‬إذا ‪ 2‬أن ‪ A.,+‬ا‪/0%‬‬

‫[ وا َ‪!ُ-3َ َ) َ
1َ-‬ا َوهُ?‬
‫ب ِإ‪ %‬ا‪َ ُF-%‬وَ‪ِ ُ+ ْ?%‬‬
‫‪ُ َ2sْ Jَ 4‬وا ِ‪َ ْ?ِ(ِ !ُXُ%‬و َ
*ْ َ‪ ُ ِ2sْ +‬ا‪َ !ُX%‬‬
‫‪َ ْ?(ُ $‬ذ َآ ُوا ا‪ْ َ) Fَ -%‬‬
‫‪َ /ً U‬أ ْو …ََ‪!ُ#-‬ا َأ ْ‪َ ُ2X‬‬
‫‪َ Y‬‬
‫* ِإذَا َ)‪!ُ-َ3‬ا )َ ِ‬
‫وَا‪َ +ِ%‬‬
‫َ‪!ُ#-َ3ْ +‬ن‬

‫‪ " 1%39 F%!O‬وا‪ *+%‬إذا )‪!-3‬ا )‪ /UY‬أو …‪!#-‬ا أ‪ ?($2X‬ذآ وا ا‪ 2sJ4) S‬وا ‪ " ?(!X%‬أي إذا ‪,f‬ر
‪ ?(0‬ذ‪ VX‬أ‪/!J% ^!3C9‬‬
‫وا‪2sJ4‬ر ‪O‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y ,+m+ 0W,Y ,#Y‬ه‪#‬م * ‪ * 1 L+‬إ‪ ,C * \L4‬ا‪ * S‬أ< ‪ ,C * /L-d‬ا‪ * *#Y %‬أ< ‪ #‬ة‬
‫* أ< ه ‪ +‬ة ر‪ <r‬ا‪ * F0 S‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل " إن ر‪ _G‬أذ‪ VX‬ذ‪E) CX‬ل ‪ :‬رب إ‪ <X‬أذ‪ &CX‬ذ‪E) <% ^ 2 ) CX‬ل‬
‫ا‪ m S‬و‪,C : AG‬ي ‪ A#‬ذ‪ ?-3) CX‬أن ‪ F%‬ر ‪ 2s+‬ا‪ VX%‬و‪ 2 ,O F .;+‬ت ‪,C3%‬ي ‪ A# ?W‬ذ‪E) .q CX‬ل ‪ :‬رب إ‪ &-# <X‬ذ‪CX‬‬
‫) ‪E) ^ 2‬ل ‪C9‬رك و‪,C ?- 1%39‬ي أن ‪ F%‬ر ‪ 2s+‬ا‪ VX%‬و‪ 2 ,O F .;+‬ت ‪,C3%‬ي ‪ A# ?W‬ذ‪E) .q CX‬ل ‪ :‬رب إ‪ &-# <X‬ذ‪CX‬‬
‫) ‪E) <% ^ 2‬ل ا‪ m S‬و‪,C : AG‬ي ‪ ?-‬أن ‪ F%‬ر ‪ 2s+‬ا‪ VX%‬و‪ F .;+‬أ(‪,‬آ? أ‪ 2 ,O <X‬ت ‪,C3%‬ي )‪ 
A#3 -‬ء " ‪.‬‬
‫أ‪ <) ^G .‬ا‪ w+,Y *
* L L[%‬إ‪ * \L4‬أ< ‪O " .q w+,Y " ^!L0 /L-d‬ل ا‪
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ة " وروا^ أ! داود وا‬
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1- ‫[ ون‬+ *+%‫* ا‬+ [#-%

َ ِ-
ِ َ3%ْ ‫ ُ ا‬G
ْ ‫ َ? َأ‬3ْ Xِ ‫*َ )ِ (َ َو‬+ِ,ِ%َ. ُ‫ْ(َر‬X;َ%ْ ‫(َ ا‬Jِ ْL9َ ْ*
ِ ‫ ِي‬
ْ 9َ ٌ‫ت‬0G
َ ‫ ِ(?ْ َو‬h َ‫ َةٌ ِ
*ْ ر‬2ِ sْ
َ ْ?‫َا ُؤ ُه‬mG
َ Tِ َ%‫أُو‬

?(‫ ة
* ر‬2s
" ‫ت‬2[%‫ ه^ ا‬1- ?‫اؤه‬mG ‫ ة
* ر(? " أي‬2s
?‫اؤه‬mG T%‫ " أو‬F ?(2f‫ و‬# ?(2f‫ و‬,3 1%39 ‫ل‬O ?W
‫ح‬,#+ " * -
3%‫ ا‬G‫? أ‬3X‫ * ) ( " و‬7‫* ) ( " أي
آ‬+,%. " ‫ وت‬U#%‫!اع ا‬X‫(ر " أي
* أ‬XK‫( ا‬JL9 *
‫ ي‬9 ‫ت‬0G‫و‬
/0%‫ ا‬1%39

Allah prohibits His believing servants from dealing in Riba and from requiring interest on
their capital, just as they used to do during the time of Jahiliyyah. For instance, when the time
to pay a loan comes, the creditor would say to the debtor, "Either pay now, or the loan will
incur interest.'' If the debtor asks for deferment of the loan, the creditor would require
interest and this would occur year after year until the little capital becomes multiplied many
times. Allah also commands His servants to have Taqwa of Him so that they may achieve
success in this life and the Hereafter. Allah also threatens them with the Fire and warns them
against it, saying,

َ !ُ#Y
َ ْ ُ9 ْ?aُ -3َ َ% ‫ُ! َل‬4  %‫ وَا‬Fَ -%‫ُ!اْ ا‬3 ِd‫ َوَأ‬- *
َ +ِ ِ2‫َـ‬a-ْ ِ% ‫ت‬
ْ ,
ِ ‫ ُأ‬1ِJ%‫رَ ا‬0%‫ُ!اْ ا‬E9 ‫وَا‬

(And fear the Fire, which is prepared for the disbelievers. And obey Allah and the Messenger
that you may obtain mercy.) 3:131,1326.

Allah encourages His servants to perform righteous deeds and to rush to accomplish the acts
of obedience. Allah said,

Allah encourages His servants to perform righteous deeds and to rush to accomplish the acts
of obedience. Allah said,

َ ِEJ #ُ -ْ ِ% ْ‫ت‬, 
ِ ‫ض ُأ‬
ُ ْ‫ت وَا ر‬
ُ !َ ‫َـ‬#$
 %‫(َ ا‬r
ُ ْ 
َ /ٍ 0 G
َ ‫?ْ َو‬aُ h ‫* ر‬h
ٍ‫ِ َ ة‬2sْ
َ 1َ%‫َرُِ!اْ ِإ‬4‫ َو‬

(And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as
wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the Muttaqin (the pious)) 3:1336.

Just as the Fire was prepared for the disbelievers. It was reported that the meaning of Allah's

6ُ‫ت وَا رْض‬

ُ !َ ‫َـ‬#$
 %‫(َ ا‬r
ُ ْ 

(as wide as the heavens and the earth) draws the attention to the spaciousness of Paradise. For

instance, Allah said in another Ayah, while describing the couches of Paradise,

6ٍ‫ َ ق‬Cْ Jَ 4
ْ ‫(َ ِ
*ْ ِإ‬0ُ ِRََ 

(lined with silk brocade) 55:546, so what about their outer covering It was also said that
Paradise is as wide as its length, because it is a dome under the Throne. The width and length
of a dome or a circle are the same in distance. This is supported by what is found in the Sahih;

ْ  %‫ش ا‬
ُ ْ 
َ َ(ُ2Eْ 4
َ ‫ َو‬،ِ/0 َ%ْ ‫(َرُ ا‬Xْ ‫ ُ َأ‬2َ 9َ Fُ 0ْ
ِ ‫ َو‬،ِ/0 
َ %ْ ‫} ا‬
َ ْ‫ َوأَو‬،ِ/‫ـ‬0َ%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ-ْ‫ َأ‬Fُ X tَِ) ،َ‫ِ ْ َدوْس‬2%ْ ‫ُ! ُ^ ا‬%;َ4
ْ َ) /َ ‫ـ‬0
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬S
َ ‫ ُ? ا‬Jُ ْ%;َ4
َ ‫»ِإذَا‬

(When you ask Allah for Paradise, ask Him for Al-Firdaws which is the highest and best part
of Paradise. From it originate the rivers of Paradise, and above it is the Throne of the Most
Beneficent (Allah).)

This Ayah 3:133 above6 is similar to Allah's statement in Surat Al-Hadid,

6ِ‫َ ِء وَا رْض‬#$

 %‫ض ا‬
ِ ْ َ3‫(َ َآ‬r
ُ ْ 
َ /ٍ 0 َG‫?ْ َو‬aُ h ‫* ر‬h
‫ِ َ ٍة‬2sْ
َ 1َ%‫ُ!اْ ِإ‬Eَِ4

(Race with one another in hastening towards forgiveness from your Lord (Allah), and
Paradise the width whereof is as the width of the heaven and the Earth) 57:216.

Al-Bazzar recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that a man came to the Messenger of Allah and
asked him, about Allah's statement,

6ُ‫ت وَا رْض‬

ُ !َ ‫َـ‬#$
 %‫(َ ا‬r
ُ ْ 
َ /ٍ 0 G
َ ‫ َو‬

(Paradise as wide as the heavens and the Earth) 3:1336; "Where is the Fire then'' The
Prophet said,

«‫(َرُ؟‬0 %‫* ا‬
َ ْ+;َ)َ ،ٍ‫<ْء‬
َ A ‫ ُآ‬H
َ Cِ %َ َ‫َء‬G ‫ ِإذَا‬Aَ ْ -%‫& ا‬
َ ْ+‫»َأ َرَأ‬

(When the night comes, it overtakes everything, so where is the day) The man said, "Where
Allah wants it to be.'' The Prophet said,

«AَG‫ َو‬m 
َ S
ُ ‫ َ َء ا‬w
ُ ْ َY ُ‫ُ!ن‬a9َ ُ‫ر‬0%‫ ا‬
َ %َِ‫» َوآ‬

(Similarly, the Fire is where Allah wants it to be.) This Hadith has two possible meanings.
First, when we do not see the night during the day, this does not mean that the day is not
somewhere else, even though we cannot see it. Such is the case with Hell-fire, for it is where
Allah wants it to be. The second meaning is that when the day overcomes this part of the
world, the night overtakes the other part. Such is the case with Paradise, for it is in the utmost
heights above the heavens and under the Throne. The width of Paradise is, as Allah stated,

6ِ‫َءِ وَا ْرض‬#$

 %‫َ ْ ضِ ا‬3‫ َآ‬

(whereof is as the width of the heaven and the Earth) 57:216.

The Fire, on the other hand, is in the lowest of lows. Therefore, Paradise being as wide as the
heavens and Earth does not contradict the fact that the Fire exists wherever Allah wills it to

Allah said, while describing the people of Paradise,

6ِ‫ء‬q N%‫ ِء وَا‬q $

 %‫ ا‬1ِ) ‫ن‬
َ !ُE2ِ 0ُ+ َ*+ِ%‫ا‬

(Those who spend (in Allah's cause) in prosperity and in adversity) 3:1346, in hard times and
easy times, while active (or enthusiastic) and otherwise, healthy or ill, and in all conditions,
just as Allah said in another Ayah,

6ً/ َ Xِ _
َ َ‫ “ا َو‬4
ِ ِ‫(َر‬0%‫ وَا‬Aِ ْ %ِ ْ?(ُ %ََ!
ْ ‫ن َأ‬
َ !ُE2ِ 0ُ+ َ*+ِ%‫ا‬

(Those who spend their wealth (in Allah's cause) by night and day, in secret and in public) 
2:2746 These believers are never distracted from obeying Allah, spending on what pleases
Him, being kind to His servants and their relatives, and other acts of righteousness. Allah said,

6ِ‫س‬0%‫*ِ ا‬
َ َ* ِ2‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫َ ْ ‡َ وَا‬s%ْ ‫* ا‬
َ ِ#
ِ ‫َـ‬a%ْ ‫وَا‬

(who repress anger, and who pardon men;) 3:1346 for when they are angry, they control their
anger and do act upon it. Rather, they even forgive those who hurt them. Imam Ahmad
recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet said,

«VَNsَ %ْ ‫َ ا‬,0ْ 
ِ Fُ $
َ ْ2Xَ 
ُ -ِ#ْ +َ ‫ِي‬%‫َ ا‬,+ِ,U
 %‫* ا‬
 aِ %َ‫ و‬،ِ/
َ َ [%ِ ُ,+ِ,U
 %‫ ا‬H
َ ْ %َ »

(The strong person is not he who is able to physically overcome people. The strong person is
he who overcomes his rage when he is angry.)

This Hadith is also recorded in the Two Sahihs. Imam Ahmad recorded that Ibn `Abbas said
that the Messenger of Allah said,

.‫(ْ َ! ٍة‬$
َ ِ ٌA(ْ 4َ ‫ ِر‬0%‫ ا‬Aَ #َ َ ‫َ ِإن‬%‫ً َأ‬Wَ-َW ‫ْنٌ ِ َ ْ َ! ٍة‬mY
َ /ِ ‫ـ‬0
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ #َ 
َ ‫ن‬ ‫َ ِإ‬%َ‫ أ‬،َ?0(َ G
َ Q
ِ ْ )َ ْ*
ِ ُS‫َ^ُ ا‬O‫ َو‬،ُF%َ {َ r
َ ‫ ًا َأوْ َو‬$ ِ 3ْ
ُ َ 
َ Xْ ‫» َ
*ْ َأ‬
«ًXَ#+ِ‫ إ‬Fُ )َ ْ!َG ;َ-َ
َ %‫ ِإ‬S
ِ ٌ,Cْ َ َ(#َ َ‫
َ َآ‬،ٌ,Cْ َ َ(#ُ  ِ aْ +َ ٍ‡ ْ َ /ِ َ ْ Gَ ْ*
ِ S ِ ‫ ا‬1َ%‫ ِإ‬V  Y
َ ‫ َأ‬/ٍ 
َ ْ َG ْ*
ِ َ
‫ َو‬،َ*Jَ 2ِ %ْ ‫< ا‬
َ ِO‫ َ
*ْ ُو‬,ُ ِ3$  %‫وَا‬

(He who gives time to a debtor or forgives him, then Allah will save him from the heat of
Jahannam (Hell-fire). Behold! The deeds of Paradise are difficult to reach, for they are on top
of a hill, while the deeds of the Fire are easy to find in the lowlands. The happy person is he
who is saved from the tests. Verily, there is no dose of anything better to Allah than a dose of
rage that the servant controls, and whenever the servant of Allah controls it, he will be
internally filled with faith.)

This Hadith was recorded by Imam Ahmad, its chain of narration is good, it does not contain
any disparraged narrators, and the meaning is good.

Imam Ahmad recorded that Sahl bin Mu`adh bin Anas said that his father said that the
Messenger of Allah said,

«‫ُ! ِر َء‬L%ْ ‫ي ا‬
h ‫ َ ُ^ ِ
*ْ َأ‬h o
َ ُ+ 1JY
َ \
ِ Rِ َ-َo%ْ ‫س ا‬
ِ ‫ ُرؤُو‬1-َ S
ُ ‫ِ َ^ُ َدَ^ُ ا‬20ْ ُ+ ْ‫ َأن‬1-َ ٌ‫َ ِدر‬O !َ ‫ ْ ً َو ُه‬
َ ?َ َ‫» َ
*ْ َآ‬

(Whoever controlled rage while able to act upon it, then Allah will call him while all creation
is a witness, until He gives him the choice of any of the Huris (fair females with wide, lovely
eyes - as mates for the pious) he wishes.)

Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah collected this Hadith, which At-Tirmidhi said was
"Hasan Gharib''.

Ibn Marduwyah recorded that Ibn `Umar said that the Messenger of Allah said,

«S‫ ا‬Fِ G
ْ ‫َ َء َو‬sJِ ْ ‫(َ ا‬#َ 
َ ‫ ْ ‡ٍ َآ‬
َ /ِ 
َ ْ G
َ ْ*
ِ ‫ ًا‬G
ْ ‫ َأ‬Aَ N
َ ْ)‫ َأ‬/ٍ 
َ ْ َG ْ*
ِ ٌ,Cْ َ ‫ع‬
َ  َ9َ َ

(There is not a dose of anything that the servant takes which is better than a dose of control of
rage that he feels, when he does it seeking Allah's Face.) Ibn Jarir and Ibn Majah also
collected this Hadith.

Allah said,

6َ‡ ْ sَ %ْ ‫ِ *َ ا‬#
ِ ‫َـ‬a%ْ ‫وَا‬

(who repress anger) meaning, they do not satisfy their rage upon people. Rather, they refrain
from harming them and await their rewards with Allah, the Exalted and Most Honored. Allah
then said,

6ِ‫س‬0%‫* ا‬
َ َ* ِ2‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫وَا‬

(and who pardon men;) They forgive those who treat them with injustice. Therefore, they do
not hold any ill feelings about anyone in their hearts, and this is the most excellent conduct in
this regard. This is why Allah said,

* ِ0$
ِ ْL#ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬V
ِ ُ+ Fُ -%‫وَا‬6 (verily, Allah loves the Muhsinin (the good-doers)).

This good conduct is a type of Ihsan excellence in the religion6. There is a Hadith that reads,

«S‫ ا‬Fُ 3َ َ)‫ِ َر‬S {َ r

َ ‫َ!َا‬9 ْ*
َ ‫ َو‬،‫“ا‬m
ِ %‫ْ ٍ! ِإ‬23َ ِ ‫ًا‬,Cْ 
َ S
ُ ‫ َو
َ زَا َد ا‬،ٍ/Oَ ,َ f
َ ْ*
ِ ٌ‫
َ Eَ Xَ َ
 (ِ ْ َ-
َ ?ُ $
ِ Oْ ‫َثٌ ُأ‬-Wَ »

(I swear regarding three matters: no charity shall ever decrease the wealth; whenever one
forgives people, then Allah will magnify his honor; and he who is humble for Allah, then Allah
will raise his rank.)

Allah said,

?ِ(ِ !ُXُ%ِ ْ‫َ ُوا‬2sْ Jَ 4

ْ َ) Fَ -%‫ ُ(?ْ َذ َآ ُواْ ا‬$
َ ُ2Xْ ‫ُ!اْ َأ‬#-ََ… ْ‫ َأو‬/ً U
َ L
ِ ‫ُ!اْ )َـ‬-َ3)َ ‫* ِإذَا‬
َ +ِ%‫وَا‬6 (And those who, when they have
committed Fahishah or wronged themselves with evil, remember Allah and ask forgiveness for
their sins) 3:1356.

Therefore, if they commit an error they follow it with repentance and ask forgiveness. Imam
Ahmad recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet said,

،ِFِ ُ. ُ ;ْ +َ ‫ َو‬V

َ Xْ  %‫ِ ُ ا‬2sْ +َ “َ‫ ر‬Fُ َ% ‫ن‬
 ‫?َ َأ‬-ِ3َ )َ ًCXْ َ‫ ذ‬Aِ#َ ‫ِي‬,Cْ  َ :A َG‫ َو‬m َ S ُ ‫َ َل ا‬E)َ ،ُ^ْ 2ِ ْ َ) ًCْX‫& َذ‬
ُ Cْ Xَ ْ‫< أَذ‬hX‫ب ِإ‬h ‫ َر‬:‫َ َل‬E)َ ًCXْ ‫ َذ‬Vَ Xَ ْ‫ً َأذ‬-G
ُ َ‫ن ر‬
ُ.;ْ َ+‫ َو‬Vَ Xْ  %‫ ُ ا‬2ِ sْ +َ “‫ ر‬Fُ %َ ‫ن‬  ‫ِي َأ‬,Cْ َ ?َ -ِ َ :1%َ39َ ‫َ َركَ َو‬C9َ ‫َ َل‬E)َ ،ُ^ْ 2ِ ْ َ) ًCXْ ‫& َذ‬ُ -ْ #ِ 
َ <hX‫ب ِإ‬
h َ‫ ر‬:‫َل‬E)َ َ . َ q ًCXْ ‫ َذ‬Aَ #ِ 
َ ? Wُ ،‫ِي‬,Cْ َ3%ِ ‫ت‬ ُ ْ 2َ
َ ْ,Oَ
VْX %‫ ُ ا‬2ِ sْ +َ “‫ ر‬Fُ %َ ‫ِي َأن‬,Cْ  َ ?َ -َِ :A G َ َ‫ و‬m  َ Sُ ‫َ َل ا‬E)َ ،<ِ% ^ُ ْ ِ2 ْ َ) ًCXْ َ‫& ذ‬ُ -ْ #ِ 
َ <hX‫ب ِإ‬ h ‫ َر‬:‫َل‬E)َ َ . َ q ًCXْ َ‫ ذ‬Aَ #ِ 
َ ? Wُ ،‫ِي‬,Cْ 3َ %ِ ‫ت‬
ُ ْ 2َ َ ْ,َO،ِFِ
ِ2sْ +َ “‫ ر‬Fُ %َ ‫ن‬  ‫ِي َأ‬,Cْ  َ ?َ -ِ َ :A G َ ‫ َو‬m َ S ُ ‫َ َل ا‬E)َ ،<ِ% ُ^ْ 2ِ ْ َ) ًCXْ َ‫& ذ‬ ُ -ْ #ِ 
َ <hX‫ب ِإ‬ h ‫ َر‬:‫َل‬E)َ َ .َ q ًCXْ َ‫ ذ‬Aَ #ِ 
َ ? Wُ ،‫ِي‬,Cْ َ3%ِ ‫ت‬ ُ ْ 2َ
َ ْ,Oَ ،ِFِ ُ ُ.;ْ َ+‫َو‬
َ َء‬Aْ َ#3ْ َ ْ-َ) ‫ِي‬,Cْ 3َ %ِ ‫ت‬ ُ ْ 2َ َ ْ,َO <hX‫ُ ُآ?ْ َأ‬,(ِ  ْ ‫ ُأ‬،ِFِ ُُ.;ْ +َ ‫ َو‬V
َ Xْ  %‫ا‬

(A man once committed an error and said, `O Lord! I committed an error, so forgive me.'
Allah said, `My servant committed an error and knew that he has a Lord Who forgives or
punishes for the error. I have forgiven My servant.' The man committed another error and
said, `O Lord! I committed an error, so forgive me.' Allah said, `My servant knew that he has
a Lord Who forgives or punishes for the sin. I have forgiven My servant.' The man committed
another error and said, `O Lord! I committed an error, so forgive me.' Allah said, `My servant
knew that he has a Lord Who forgives or punishes for the error. I have forgiven my servant.'
He then committed another error and said, `O Lord! I committed an error, so forgive me.'
Allah said, `My servant knew that he has a Lord Who forgives or punishes for the error. Bear
witness that I have forgiven My servant, so let him do whatever he likes.') A similar narration
was collected in the Sahih.

`Abdur-Razzaq recorded that Anas bin Malik said, "I was told that when the Ayah,

6ْ?(ِ ِ !ُXُ %ِ ْ‫َ ُوا‬2sْ Jَ 4

ْ َ) Fَ -%‫ ُ(?ْ َذ َآ ُواْ ا‬$
َ ُ2Xْ ‫ُ!اْ َأ‬#-ََ… ْ‫ َأو‬/ً U
َ ِL‫ُ! ْا )َـ‬-3َ )َ ‫* ِإذَا‬
َ +ِ%‫وَا‬

(And those who, when they have committed Fahishah or wronged themselves with evil,
remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their sins,) was revealed, Iblis (Shayatan) cried.''
Allah's statement,

F-%‫ب ِإ  ا‬
َ !ُX %‫ ُ ا‬2ِ sْ +َ *َ
‫ َو‬6 (and none can forgive sins but Allah), means that none except Allah
forgives sins. tAllah said,

‫ُ!ن‬#-َْ3+َ ْ?‫ُ!اْ َو ُه‬-َ3)َ َ

1َ-َ ْ‫[ وا‬
ِ ُ+ ْ?%ََ‫و‬6 (And do not persist in what (wrong) they have done, while they
know), for they repent from their error, return to Allah before death, do not insist on error,
and if they err again, they repent from it. Allah said here,

‫ُ!ن‬#-َ3ْ َ+ ?ْ ‫ َو ُه‬6 (while they know) Mujahid and `Abdullah bin `Ubayd bin `Umayr commented,
"Whoever repents, then Allah will forgive him.'' Similarly, Allah said,

ِ ْ*
َ /َ َ ْ!J %‫ ا‬Aُ Cَ ْE+َ !َ ‫ ُه‬Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ُ!اْ َأ‬#-َْ3+َ ْ?%َ‫َأ‬6 (Know they not that Allah accepts repentance from His
servants) 9:1046, and,

# ِY‫ُ!راً ر‬2

َ Fَ -%‫ِ ا‬,
ِ +َ Fَ -%‫ ِ ا‬2ِ sْ Jَ $
ْ +َ ? Wُ Fُ $
َ 2ْ Xَ ْ?-ِ
ْ +َ ْ‫ُ!ءًا َأو‬4 ْA#َ 3ْ +َ *َ
‫ َو‬6 (And whoever does evil or wrongs
himself but afterwards seeks Allah's forgiveness, he will find Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most
Merciful.) 4: 1106 and there are several examples similar to this Ayah.

Next, Allah said after this description,

?ِ(h ‫* ر‬h
ٌ‫ِ َ ة‬2sْ
 ْ?‫ ُؤ ُه‬qَmَG 
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُأو‬6 (For such, the reward is forgiveness from their Lord) 3:1366, as a
reward for these qualities,

 ‫(َـ‬Xْ  ‫(َ ا‬Jِ ْL9َ *ِ

‫ْ ِى‬9َ ٌ&‫ـ‬0G
َ ‫(ِ?ْ َو‬h‫* ر‬h
ٌ‫ َ ة‬2ِ sْ
 6 (forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens with rivers
flowing underneath (Paradise)) carrying all kinds of drinks,

َ( ِ) َ*+ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬.6 (wherein they shall abide forever) and ever,

* ِ-#ِ ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ ُ ا‬G

ْ ‫ َ? َأ‬3ْ Xِ ‫ َو‬6 (How excellent is this reward for the doers) Allah praises Paradise in this part
of the Ayah.

51. QS AL GHAASIYAH 88:8-16

/َ# ِ X ٍ Tِ
َ ْ!+َ ٌ^!ُG‫ُو‬
- /َ r ِ ‫ ِ (َ رَا‬3ْ $ َ h%
/ٍ َ ِ%َ /ٍ 0 G
َ 1ِ)
/َ sِ ‫َـ‬% َ( ِ) {ُ #َ $ ْ 9َ 
/َ+‫َ ِر‬G ٌ* ْ  َ َ( ِ)
 ٌ‫ ُ ر‬4 ُ َ( ِ)
 ٌ‫َوَأ ْآ!َاب‬
/َ)!ُ2[ ْ
َ ‫ق‬ ُ ‫َ ِر‬#Xَ ‫َو‬
َ <  ِ ‫ َو َزرَا‬6

88:8. Banyak muka pada hari itu berseri-seri,

88:9. merasa senang karena usahanya,
88:10. dalam surga yang tinggi,
88:11. tidak kamu dengar di dalamnya perkataan yang tidak berguna.
88:12. Di dalamnya ada mata air yang mengalir.
88:13. Di dalamnya ada takhta-takhta yang ditinggikan,
88:14. dan gelas-gelas yang terletak (di dekatnya),
88:15. dan bantal-bantal sandaran yang tersusun,
88:16. dan permadani-permadani yang terhampar.

(8. Faces that Day will be joyful,)

(9. Glad with their endeavor.)
(10. In a lofty Paradise.)
(11. Where they shall neither hear harmful speech nor falsehood.)
(12. Therein will be a running spring.)
(13. Therein will be thrones raised high.)
(14. And cups set at hand.)
(15. And Namariq, set in rows.)
(16. And Zarabi, spread out (Mabthuthah).)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ِ َX ٍ Tِ
َ ْ!+َ ٌ^!ُG‫ُو‬
(% A[Y #X‫ ? ) ( وإ‬30%‫ ف ا‬3+ ‫ " أي‬/#X "/
 E%‫!م ا‬+ ‫ " أي‬T
!+ ^!G‫ل " و‬E) ‫اء‬,3$%‫ آ ا‬10W ‫ ء‬EK‫ل ا‬Y ‫ ذآ‬#%
( 3$ %‫ ذ‬.

/ٌ َ r
ِ ‫ْ ِ (َ رَا‬3$
َ %ِ

(-# & r‫ ر‬,O / r‫ ( را‬3$% ‫ ن‬24 ‫ل‬O‫ و‬.

/ٍ َ ِ%َ /ٍ 0 G
َ <ِ)

q ‫ )ت‬s%‫ )< ا‬/ ( /3 )‫أي ر‬.

/ً َ
ِ َ% َ( ِ) {ُ #َ $
ْ 9َ َ%

‫! ) ( و‬s%  " 1%39 ‫ل‬O‫_

 " و‬4 ‫!ا إ‬s% ( ) ‫!ن‬3#$+  " 1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫! آ‬s% /#-‫< ه? ) ( آ‬J%‫ ا‬/0%‫{ )< ا‬#$9  ‫أي‬


_4 _ O ‫ إ‬# W;9 ‫!ا و‬s% ( ) ‫!ن‬3#$+  " 1%39 ‫ل‬O‫ ? " و‬W;9 " .

َ !ُ)ْ
َ ٌ‫ ُ ر‬4
ُ َ( ِ)

/ %3%‫ ر ا‬$%‫ ا‬-9 1- H-+ ‫ أن‬S‫< ا‬%‫ذا أراد و‬t) ‫!ا‬%O * 3%‫!ر ا‬L%‫ ( ا‬- #$%‫ ا‬/329
‫ ش‬2%‫ ة ا‬7‫ آ‬/#X / % ‫أي‬
F% &3r‫!ا‬9 .

َ !ُrْ!
َ ٌ‫َوَأ ْآ!َاب‬

(‫* أراده
* أر‬#% ‫ة‬,f
‫ ب‬U%‫< ا‬X‫< أوا‬03+

ٌ/)َ !ُ2[
َ ‫ق‬
ُ ‫َ ِر‬#Xَ ‫َو‬

?‫!ري و ه‬7%‫ي وا‬,$%‫ك وا‬LN%‫دة وا‬JO‫ و‬/

a ‫ل‬O ‫ وآا‬,R4!%‫رق ا‬#0%‫س ا‬C *‫ل ا‬O .

ٌ/Wَ !ُ7Cْ
َ <
 ِ ‫َو َزرَا‬

0(‫آ ه‬X‫ ( و‬- ‫!س‬-%‫* أراد ا‬#% 0(‫ وه‬0(‫ أي ه‬/W!7C

‫ و‬,Y‫ك و وا‬LN%‫ل ا‬O ‫} وآا‬$C%‫را< ا‬m%‫س ا‬C *‫ل ا‬O
* ‫) ي‬3#%‫ك ا‬LN%‫ * ا‬G(
* ,#L
* <‫ أ‬0W,Y ‫ن‬#7 * ‫ و‬# 0W,Y ‫ * أ< داود‬a !‫ي روا^ أ‬%‫ ا‬w+,L%‫ها ا‬
/0-% #U
A‫? " أ ه‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫!ل‬E+ ,+‫ * ز‬/
4‫{ أ‬#4 FX‫ أ‬V+ ‫< آ‬0W,Y 14!
* ‫ن‬# -4
A-Y‫ و‬/- #G ‫ء‬0$Y /G‫ وزو‬/ NX ‫ ة‬#W‫(
 د و‬X‫ و‬, U
[O‫ و‬mJ(9 /XL+‫ ور‬K’J+ ‫!ر‬X /C3a%‫( ورب ا‬% .  /0%‫ن ا‬t)
*LX S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ ?3X ‫!ا‬%O " ‫ ؟‬/ ( / % /-L
<) /#3X‫ ة و‬CY‫ ة و‬N.‫ و‬/(‫ و)آ‬/# -4 ‫ )< دار‬,‫م )< أ‬E
‫ ة و‬7‫آ‬
* , %!%‫< * ا‬EU
,%‫ن ا‬#7 * ‫س‬C3%‫ * ا‬FG
*‫ وروا^ ا‬S‫!م إن ء ا‬E%‫ل ا‬O " S‫!ا إن ء ا‬%!O " ‫ل‬O (% ‫ ون‬#U#%‫ا‬
F G(
* ,#L
* ?-$

After mentioning the situation of the wretched people, Allah changes the discussion to
mention those who will be happy. He says,

َ ْ!+َ ٌ^!ُG‫ ُو‬

(Faces that Day.) meaning, on the Day of Judgement.

ِ X

(will be joyful,) meaning, pleasure will be noticeable in them (those faces). This will only occur
due to their striving. Sufyan said,

6 ٌ/ َ r
ِ ‫ْ ِ (َ رَا‬3$
َ h%

(Glad with their endeavor.) "They will be pleased with their deeds.'' Then Allah says,

6 /ٍ َ ِ%َ ٍ/0 G
َ 1ِ)

(In a lofty Paradise.) meaning, elevated and brilliant, secure in their dwellings.

6 /ً َ sِ ‫َـ‬% َ( ِ) {ُ #َ $
ْ 9َ  

(Where they shall neither hear harmful speech nor falsehood.) meaning, they will not hear in
the Paradise that they will be in, any foolish word. This is as Allah says,

َ  ‫ْ!ًا ِإ‬sَ% َ( ِ) َ‫ُ!ن‬3#َ $
ْ +َ  

(They shall not hear therein any Laghw, but only Salam.) (19:62) Allah also says,

6ٌ? ِW;ْ َ9 َ ‫!ٌ )ِ (َ َو‬sْ %َ  

(Free from any Laghw, and free from sin.) (52:23) and He says,

6 ً#‫َـ‬-َ4 ً#‫َـ‬-4
َ ً_ ِO  ‫ ِإ‬- ً# ِWْ;9َ َ ‫ْ!ًا َو‬s%َ َ( ِ) َ‫ُ!ن‬3#َ $
ْ +َ َ 

(No Laghw will they hear therein, nor any sinful speech. But only the saying of: "Salam!
Salam!'' ) (56:25-26) Then Allah continues,

6 ٌ/+َ ‫َ ِر‬G ٌ* ْ 

َ َ( ِ)

(Therein will be a running spring.) meaning, flowing freely. This is mentioned with the intent
of emphasizing affirmation. It is not intended to mean that there is only one spring. So here it
refers to springs collectively. Thus, the meaning is that in it (Paradise) are flowing springs. Ibn
Abi Hatim recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said,

«ْ$#ِ %ْ ‫َ ِل ا‬CG

ِ &
ِ ْL9َ ْ*
ِ ْ‫َ ِل َأو‬-ِ9 ِ&L
ْ 9َ ْ*
ِ ُ 
 َ29َ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫(َ ُر ا‬Xْ ‫»َأ‬

(The rivers of Paradise spring forth from beneath hills -- or mountains -- of musk.)

6 ٌ/
َ !ُ)ْ
 ٌ‫ ُ ر‬4
ُ َ( ِ)

(Therein will be thrones raised high.) meaning, lofty, delightful, numerous couches, with
elevated ceilings. Upon which will be seated wide-eyed, beautiful maidens. They have
mentioned that whenever the friend of Allah wishes to sit on these lofty thrones, they (the
thrones) will lower themselves for him.

6 ٌ/
َ !ُrْ!
 ٌ‫ َوَأ ْآ!َاب‬

(And cups set at hand.) meaning, drinking containers that are prepared and presented for
whoever among their masters (i.e., the people of Paradise) wants them.

6 ٌ/)َ !ُ2[
َ ‫ق‬
ُ ‫َ ِر‬#Xَ ‫ َو‬

(And Namariq set in rows.) Ibn `Abbas said, "An-Namariq are pillows.'' This was also said by
`Ikrimah, Qatadah, Ad-Dahhak, As-Suddi, Ath-Thawri and others. Concerning Allah's

6 ٌ/Wَ !ُ7Cْ
َ <
 ِ‫وَ َزرَا‬

(And Zarabi, spread out (Mabthuthah).) Ibn `Abbas said, "Az-Zarabi are carpets.'' This was
also said by Ad-Dahhak and others. Here the word Mabthuthah means placed here and there
for whoever would like to sit upon them.

52. QS AL Baqarah 2:45-46

* ِ3U
ِ ‫َـ‬o%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ-
َ  ‫ِ َةٌ ِإ‬Cَa%َ َ(X ِ‫َ!ةِ َوإ‬-[
 %‫ْ ِ وَا‬C[
 %ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0 ِ3Jَ ْ4‫وَا‬
- ‫ُ!ن‬3G
ِ ‫ َر‬Fِ ْ %َ‫ ُ(?ْ ِإ‬X ‫ ِ(?ْ َوَأ‬h‫ُ!ا َر‬E‫َـ‬-
 ?ُ(X ‫ن َأ‬
َ !0
ُ +َ *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬6

2:45. Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan sabar dan (mengerjakan) salat. Dan
sesungguhnya yang demikian itu sungguh berat, kecuali bagi orang-orang yang khusyuk,
2:46. (yaitu) orang-orang yang meyakini, bahwa mereka akan menemui Tuhannya, dan
bahwa mereka akan kembali kepada-Nya.

(45. And seek help in patience and As-Salat (the prayer) and truly, it is extremely heavy and
hard except for Al-Khashi`in.)

(46 (They are those) who are certain that they are going to meet their Lord, and that unto
Him they are going to return.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ ِ3
ِ َo%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ-
َ %‫ِ َ ةٌ ِإ‬Cَa%َ َ(X ‫َةِ َوِإ‬-[%‫ْ ِ وَا‬C[
 %ِ ‫ُ!ا‬0 ِ3Jَ 4
ْ ‫وَا‬

^‫ ه‬$29 <) ‫ ن‬Y * A9E

‫ل‬O #‫[_ة آ‬%‫ وا‬C[% /X3J4 ‫ ة‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫ ا‬. *
g+ # ) ^, C ‫
ا‬q 1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
<Cd E%‫ل ا‬O ,‫
ه‬F - X ‫[ م‬%‫ ا‬FX‫ إ‬A E) C[%‫[_ة );
 ا‬%‫ˆ وا‬R‫ ا‬2%‫ ا‬1- C[% ‫ ة‬.y‫ ا‬V-d 1- ‫!ا‬0 3J4‫ ا‬/+y‫ا‬
AG‫ * ر‬V -‫ ي * آ‬G * ‫ق‬L4‫!ري * أ< إ‬7%‫ ن ا‬24 : ‫ل‬O‫ و‬w+,L%‫ ا‬F \X #‫ آ‬C[%‫ن ( ا‬N
‫ ر‬1#$+ ‫(ا‬%‫و ^ و‬
FX O ‫(ا‬%‫< و‬f3#%‫‚ * ا‬a%‫ ا‬C[% ‫ اد‬#%‫ ا‬A O‫ " و‬C[%‫[‚ ا‬X ‫[!م‬%‫ل " ا‬O ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f <C0%‫ ? * ا‬-4 <0 *

<‫ن * أ‬# -4 * ‫ق‬L4‫ إ‬0W,Y A #4‫ة * إ‬m#Y * S‫ ا‬,C 0W,Y ?9Y <‫ل ا* أ‬O . ‫[_ة‬%‫ ا‬A3) ‫دات وأ_ه‬C3%‫;داء ا‬
: ‫ل‬O . S‫رم ا‬L
* C[%‫ ا‬F0
*$Y‫* وأ‬$Y /C [#%‫ ا‬,0 Cf ‫ ان‬Cf C[%‫ل ا‬O F0 S‫< ا‬r‫ب ر‬o%‫ * ا‬# * ‫ن‬04
C[%‫ل ا‬O CG * , 34 * ‫ر‬0+‫ * د‬%
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‫[_ة إن‬%‫ وا‬F%!O 
‫ وأ‬S‫ ا‬/d *
(X‫!ا أ‬#-‫ وا‬S‫ة ا‬r
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a * ‫ة‬,R‫ * أ< زا‬+ ‫ * زآ‬1 L+ 0W,Y , %!%‫‚ * ا‬-. 0W,Y ,#Y‫
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* ‫ر‬# *
#‫ر آ‬# * /
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: ‫ل‬O ‫ر‬# * /
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A‫ آ‬1-‫ و‬. ?  ‡Y ‫( إ ذو‬#(-+‫ه و‬9g+ ‫ه أي‬E-+ 
‫ وا و‬Cf *+%‫ إ ا‬/ f!%‫ ه^ ا‬1E-+ 
‫‡  ? " أي و‬Y ‫ه إ ذو‬E-+
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‫ ة أي‬Ca% (X‫ وإ‬1%39 F%!E) +,E9
F <03+ * 3o%‫ ا‬1- ‫ ن إ‬Y * A9E
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FCU+ ‫ وها‬.
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?-‫ أ‬.

ِ ‫ رَا‬Fِ ْ َ%‫ ُ(?ْ ِإ‬X ‫ ِ(?ْ َوَأ‬h ‫ُ! َر‬Oَ-ُ
ْ?(ُ X‫ن َأ‬
َ !0
ُ +َ َ*+ِ%‫ا‬

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 E%‫!م ا‬+ F %‫!رون إ‬UL
?(X‫!ن أ‬#-3+ ‫! ر(? أي‬O_
?(X‫!ن أ‬0+ *+%‫ * ا‬3o%‫ ا‬1-
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( ) ?aL+ FJT U
1%‫ إ‬/3G‫أي أ
!ره? را‬
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?(X‫!ن أ‬0+ " F%!O 
;) ‫ ات‬a0#%‫ا‬
#‫^ آ‬,r‫<ء و‬U%‫ ( ا‬1#$+ <J%‫ء ا‬#4K‫
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# ‫ل‬O‫? و‬a 9;+ ŽG,
<2%; ‫!ا‬0E 9 % <03+ ‫ د‬$#%‫< ا‬4‫ر‬2%‫(? )< ا‬9‫ ا‬4 ŽG,
<2%; ‫!ا‬0… ?(% &-E) . /#[%‫ * ا‬,+‫ل در‬O
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C *%‫< ا‬0
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<) *%‫ أن ا‬1- (
_‫ ب وآ‬3%‫ر ا‬3‫أ‬
* G * ‫ ن‬24 0W,Y ?f !‫ أ‬0W,Y ‫ر‬U * ,#L
0W,Y + G *‫ل ا‬O ?W " ‫!ه‬3O‫(?
!ا‬X‫!ا أ‬0) ‫ر‬0%‫
!ن ا‬#%‫ورأى ا‬
,‫ *
ه‬Q X <‫ ن * ا* أ‬24 * ‫ ي‬C%‫ أ! داود ا‬0W,Y 107#%‫< ا‬0W,Y‫!ا و‬0…‫& و‬00… ‫ * أي‬E+ ‫ن‬q E%‫ …* )< ا‬A‫ آ‬,‫
" 1%39 F%!O <) / %3%‫ * أ< ا‬HX‫  { * أ‬%‫ ازي * ا‬%‫ ا‬23G !‫ل أ‬O‫ و‬Q Lf ,04 ‫? وها‬- !() ‫ن‬q E%‫ …* )< ا‬A‫ل آ‬O
‫دة‬JO‫ و‬HX‫  { * أ‬%‫ي وا‬,$%‫ وا‬,‫? وروي *
ه‬9Y <‫ ا* أ‬: ‫ل‬O * E+ 0‫* هه‬%‫ ا‬: ‫ل‬O " ?(‫! ر‬O_
?(X‫!ن أ‬0+ *+%‫ا‬
" F%!E‫! ر(? آ‬O_
?(X‫!ا أ‬#- " ?(‫! ر‬O_
?(X‫!ن أ‬0+ *+%‫Ž " ا‬+ G *‫ج * ا‬Y * , 04 ‫ل‬O‫ و‬/ %3%‫!ل أ< ا‬O !LX
‫!ل‬E+ 1%39 S‫ أن ا‬Q L[%‫& " و)< ا‬-O " ?-4‫ * أ‬,+‫* * ز‬#Y %‫ ا‬,C ‫ل‬O ‫& وآا‬#- ‫!ل‬E+ " F $Y ‫<
_ق‬X‫& أ‬00… <X‫إ‬
&00…‫" أ‬1%39 S‫!ل ا‬E ) 1- ‫!ل‬E ) ‫{ " ؟‬9 9‫ أس و‬9 ‫ وأذرك‬An‫ وا‬A o%‫ ا‬% o4‫? أ‬%‫? أآ
 أ‬%‫ أ‬G‫? أزو‬%‫ " أ‬/
 E%‫!م ا‬+ ,C3-%
‫ (? " إن ء‬$0) S‫!ا ا‬$X "1%39 F%!O ,0 d!$C
<9; 4‫< " و‬0J $X #‫ك آ‬$X‫ !م أ‬%‫ " ا‬S‫!ل ا‬E )  ‫!ل‬E ) ‫< " ؟‬O_
1%39 S‫ ا‬.

Allah commanded His servants to use patience and prayer to acquire the good of this life and
the Hereafter. Muqatil bin Hayan said that this Ayah means, "Utilize patience and the
obligatory prayer in seeking the Hereafter. As for patience (here), they say that it means
fasting.'' There are similar texts reported from Mujahid. Al-Qurtubi and other scholars
commented, "This is why Ramadan is called the month of patience,'' as is mentioned in the
Hadith literature. It was also said that `patience' in the Ayah means, refraining from evil, and
this is why `patience' was mentioned along with practicing acts of worship, especially and
foremost, the prayer. Also, Ibn Abi Hatim narrated that `Umar bin Al-Khattab said, "There
are two types of patience: good patience when the disaster strikes, and a better patience while
avoiding the prohibitions of Allah.'' Ibn Abi Hatim said that Al-Hasan Al-Basri was reported
to have said similarly.

Allah then said,


(And As-Salah (the prayer).)

The prayer is one of the best means of assistance for firmly adhering to Allah's orders, just as

Allah said;

6ُ Cَ ْ‫ َأآ‬Fِ -%‫ ِ ْآ ُ ا‬%ََ‫ ِ و‬aَ 0ْ #ُ %ْ ‫َ ِء وَا‬UْL2َ %ْ ‫* ا‬

َ 1َ(0ْ َ9 َ‫َ!ة‬-[%‫ن ا‬
 ‫َ! َة ِإ‬-[%‫ ِ? ا‬Oِ َ‫ َوأ‬V
ِ ‫َـ‬Jaِ %ْ ‫ ِ
*َ ا‬
َ ْ %َِ‫ إ‬1
ِ ْ‫ُ
َ ُأو‬A9ْ ‫ا‬

(Recite (O Muhammad ) what has been revealed to you of the Book (the Qur'an), and
perform As-Salah. Verily, As-Salah (the prayer) prevents from Al-Fahsha' (i.e. great sins of
every kind), and Al-Munkar and the remembrance of (praising) of (you by) Allah is greater
indeed) (29:45).

The personal pronoun in the Ayah,

6ٌ‫ِ َ ة‬Caَ %َ َ(X ‫ َوِإ‬

(And truly, it is extremely heavy and hard) refers to prayer, as Mujahid is reported to have
said, and it was also the choice of Ibn Jarir. It is possible that the pronoun might be referring
to the advice - to observe patience and the prayer - mentioned in the same Ayah. Similarly,
Allah said about Qarun (Korah),

َ ‫ِ ُو‬C‫[ـ‬%‫هَ ِإ  ا‬E-َُ+ َ ‫ً َو‬Lِ-‫َـ‬f Aَ #ِ 
َ ‫* َو‬
َ ‫*ْ ءَا‬#َ %h ٌ ْ .
َ Fِ -%‫ب ا‬
ُ ‫!َا‬Wَ ْ?aُ -َْ+‫ َ? َو‬-ْ ِ3%ْ ‫ُ! ْا ا‬9‫*َ أُو‬+ِ%‫َ َل ا‬O‫ َو‬

(But those who had been given (religious) knowledge said: "Woe to you! The reward of Allah
(in the Hereafter) is better for those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and this, none
shall attain except As-Sabirun (the patient).'') (28:80).

Also, Allah said,

‫ ُوا‬Cَ َf *
َ +ِ%‫هَ ِإ  ا‬Eَ-+ُ َ
‫ َو‬- ٌ? ِ#Y
َ 1
 %َِ‫ و‬Fُ X ;َ‫َا َوةٌ َآ‬,
َ Fُ 0َ ْ َ ‫ َو‬
َ 0َ ْ َ ‫ِى‬%‫ِذَا ا‬t)َ *
َ Y
ْ ‫ َأ‬1
َ ‫ ِه‬1ِJ%ِ ْ{َ)ْ‫ُ اد‬/Tَ h $
 %‫ َو َ ا‬/ُ 0َ $
َ َL%ْ ‫!ِى ا‬Jَ $
ْ َ9 َ ‫ َو‬
6 ?ٍ ِ
َ ‡
h َY ‫هَ ِإ  ذُو‬E-َُ+ َ

(The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal. Repel (the evil) with one which is better
then verily he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a
close friend. But none is granted it (the above quality) except those who are patient ‫ ـ‬and none
is granted it except the owner of the great portion (of happiness in the Hereafter and) in this
world.) (41:34-35) meaning, this advice is only implemented by those who are patient and the
fortunate. In any case, Allah's statement here means, prayer is `heavy and burdensome',

6َ* ِ3U
ِ ‫َـ‬o%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ-َ  ‫ِإ‬

(except for Al-Khashi`in.)

Ibn Abi Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas commented on this Ayah, "They (Al-Khashi`in) are
those who believe in what Allah has revealed.''

Allah's statement,

َ !ُ3ِG‫ َر‬Fِ ْ َ%‫ ُ(?ْ ِإ‬X ‫ ِ(?ْ َوَأ‬h ‫ُ!ا َر‬E‫َـ‬-
 ?ُ(X‫!نَ َأ‬0
ُ +َ َ*+ِ%‫ا‬

(They are those who are certain that they are going to meet their Lord, and that unto Him
they are going to return.) continues the subject that was started in the previous Ayah.
Therefore, the prayer, or the advice to observe it is heavy,

6ْ?(ِ h‫ُ!ا َر‬E‫َـ‬-
 ?ُ(X ‫!نَ َأ‬0
ُ +َ *
َ +ِ%َ0 ِ3U
ِ ‫َـ‬o%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ-َ  ‫ِإ‬

(except for Al-Khashi`in. (They are those) who are certain (Yazunnuna) that they are going to
meet their Lord,) meaning, they know that they will be gathered and face their Lord on the
Day of Resurrection,

ِ ‫ َر‬Fِ ْ َ%‫ ُ(?ْ ِإ‬X ‫ َوَأ‬

(and that unto Him they are going to return.) meaning, their affairs are all subject to His will
and He justly decides what He wills. Since they are certain that they will be returned to Allah
and be reckoned, it is easy for them to perform the acts of obedience and refrain from the
prohibitions. Ibn Jarir commented on Allah's statement;

6ْ?(ِ h َ‫ُ!ا ر‬E‫َـ‬-

 ?ُ(X ‫!نَ َأ‬0
ُ +َ 

(Yazunnuna that they are going to meet their Lord)

Ibn Jarir said; "The Arabs call certainty as well as doubt, Zann. There are similar instances
in the Arabic language where a subject as well as its opposite share the same name. For
instance, Allah said,

6َ‫ُ!ه‬3Oِ ‫ ُ(?ْ 
!َا‬X ‫!اْ َأ‬0
َ َ) ‫ َر‬0%‫ن ا‬
َ !ُ
ْ #ُ %ْ ‫ َو َرأَى ا‬

(And the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners), shall see the Fire and Zannu (apprehend)
that they have to fall therein)''(18:53).

It is recorded in the Sahih that on the Day of Resurrection, Allah will say to a servant, "Have I
not allowed you to marry, honored you, made the horses and camels subservient to you and
allowed you to become a chief and a master'' He will say, "Yes.'' Allah will say, "Did you have
Zann (think) that you will meet Me'' He will say, "No.'' Allah will say, "This Day, I will forget
you, just as you forgot Me.'' If Allah wills, we will further elaborate on this subject when we
explain Allah's statement,

6ْ?(ُ َ $
ِ 0َ َ) Fَ -%‫ُ! ْا ا‬$Xَ 

(They have forgotten Allah, so He has forgotten them) (9:67).

53. QS Al Anfaal 8 : 27-28

َ !ُ#َ-3ْ 9َ ْ?Jُ Xَ‫?ْ َوأ‬aُ Jِ ‫َـ‬0‫ُ!اْ َأ
َـ‬X!ُo9َ ‫ُ! َل َو‬4  %‫ وَا‬Fَ -%‫ُ!اْ ا‬X!ُo9َ َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫(َ ا‬+;َ+

- ? ِ
َ ٌ ْG‫^ُ َأ‬,َ 0ِ Fَ -%‫ٌ َوَأن ا‬/0َ Jْ ِ) ْ?‫ ُآ‬,ُ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُ?ْ َوَأو‬a%ُ!َ
ْ ‫َ َأ‬#X‫ُ!اْ َأ‬#-َ
ْ ‫ وَا‬6

8:27. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu mengkhianati Allah dan Rasul (Muhammad)
dan (juga) janganlah kamu mengkhianati amanat-amanah yang dipercayakan kepadamu, sedang
kamu mengetahui.
8:28. Dan ketahuilah, bahwa hartamu dan anak-anakmu itu hanyalah sebagai cobaan dan
sesungguhnya di sisi Allah-lah pahala yang besar.

(27. O you who believe! Betray not Allah and His Messenger, nor betray knowingly your Amanat
(things entrusted to you)).

(28. And know that your possessions and your children are but a trial and that surely, with Allah is a
mighty reward.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ْ?Jُ ْX‫?ْ َوَأ‬aُ ِ9َXَ

‫ُ!ا َأ‬X!ُo9َ َ‫ُ!لَ و‬4  %‫ وَا‬Fَ -%‫ُ!ا ا‬X!ُo9َ َ% ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ q َ*+ِ%‫(َ ا‬+‫َ َأ‬+

<0 1%‫? إ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬F73 * Y ‫ر‬0#%‫ ا‬,C * /C% <‫& )< أ‬%mX‫ه ي أ‬m%‫دة وا‬JO <‫ زاق * أ‬%‫ ا‬,C ‫ل‬O
FX‫ أي إ‬FE-Y 1%‫^ إ‬,  ‫ وأر‬% ?( - ‫ );ر‬%‫رو^ )< ذ‬UJ4) ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫? ر‬aY 1- ‫!ا‬%m0 % /+ O
1%‫\ إ‬-X‫ وا‬F - S‫!ب ا‬J+ ‫!ت أو‬#+ 1JY O‫وق ذوا‬+  ‚-L) F%!4‫ ور‬S‫ن ا‬. ,O FX‫ ورأى أ‬/C% !‫? )* أ‬W Q%‫ا‬
F%!4‫ ر‬1- FJ!9 S‫ل ا‬mX‫ أ‬1JY ,(%‫
* ا‬F -  Us
o+ ‫ آن‬1JY ‫م‬+‫ أ‬/3$9 %‫ آ‬wa#) F0
/+‫ر‬4 <) F$2X } ) /0+,#%‫ا‬
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F-L+  ‚-L) /+‫ر‬$%‫!^
* ا‬-L+ ‫ وأرادوا أن‬F - S‫ ا‬/!J FX‫ و‬UC+ ‫س‬0%‫)ء ا‬
<0W,Y + G *‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬. " F ‫ق‬,[9 ‫ أن‬w-7%‫ ا‬+m+ " ‫ل‬E) /O,f <%
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‫ل‬O /C3 * ‫ ة‬s#%‫< * ا‬2E7%‫ * !ن ا‬S‫ ا‬,C * ,#L
0W,Y <2R%‫رث ا‬L%‫ * ا‬HX!+ 0W,Y m+m3%‫ ا‬,C 0W,Y ‫رث‬L%‫ا‬
0W,Y N+‫ أ‬+ G *‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬. /+y‫!ل " ا‬4 %‫ وا‬S‫!ا ا‬X!o9  ‫!ا‬0
q *+%‫( ا‬+‫ أ‬+ " F0 S‫< ا‬r‫ن ر‬#7 AJO <) /+y‫& ه^ ا‬%mX
G <0W,Y ‫ل‬O <0W,L) ‫ & ء * أ< رح‬E% ‫ل‬O ‫ م‬L#%‫ * ا‬,#L
0W,Y ‫!ار‬4 * /C 0W,Y ‫ وف‬3
* U * ?4E%‫ا‬
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‫ ج‬. ‫ ن‬24 ‫ أن أ‬S‫ ا‬,C *
‫ إن‬F %‫ * إ‬E)0#%‫
* ا‬AG‫ ر‬VJa) " ‫!ا‬#J‫ واآ‬F %‫!ا إ‬G .) ‫{ آا وآا‬r!
<) ‫ ن‬24 ‫? " إن أ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ر‬
<)‫ا و‬,G V+ w+,Y ‫ ها‬/+y‫? " ا‬a9X
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?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬,[E ?(#-3+ e+ O 1%‫ إ‬VJ‫ آ‬FX‫ أ‬/3J- <‫ * أ‬VdY /[O * L L[%‫ و)< ا‬. X FO 4‫^ و‬,04
* # ‫م‬E) ( )‫{ و‬0f # O;) CdY NLJ4‫ وا‬F3G J4) ‫ب‬Ja%‫ ا‬W‫ )< أ‬w3C) %‫ ذ‬1- F%!4‫ ر‬S‫{ ا‬-d;) QJ2%‫ه? م ا‬+‫إ‬
A3% +‫ر‬,+ 
‫را و‬, ,( ,O FXt) F‫ل " د‬E) ‫ * ؟‬0
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‫ص‬. VC4 1- ‫( وردت‬X‫ أ‬Qf ‫ وإن‬/
 /+y‫ أن ا‬Q L[%‫& وا‬-O " ?a% ‫ ت‬2 ,E) ?JT 
‫!ا‬-#‫ل ا‬E) ‫ر‬, A‫ أه‬1- {-d‫ ا‬S‫ا‬
‫ل‬O‫ و‬. /+,3J#%‫ وا‬/
‫_ز‬%‫ر ا‬Ca%‫ر وا‬s[%‫!ب ا‬X%‫? ا‬39 /X o%‫ وا‬. ‫ء‬#-3%‫ه
* ا‬#%‫ ا‬,0 VC$%‫[!ص ا‬o  ‡2-%‫!م ا‬#3 .K)
 " ‫!ل‬E+ /N+ 2%‫< ا‬03+ ‫د‬C3%‫ ( ا‬- S‫* ا‬#JR‫< ا‬J%‫ل ا‬#K‫ ا‬/X
K‫? " ا‬a9X
‫!ا أ‬X!o9‫س " و‬C *‫ * ا‬/L-d <‫< * أ‬-
‫ق‬L4‫ * إ‬,#L
‫ل‬O‫ و‬. FJ [3
‫ب‬a9‫ وار‬FJ04 ‫ ك‬J ‫!ل‬E+ " ‫!ل‬4 %‫ وا‬S‫!ا ا‬X!o9  " /+‫ل )< روا‬O‫!ه و‬NE09  " ‫!ا‬X!o9
<) ^!2%o9 ?W ?a0
F 1r + 
* ا‬F% ‫( وا‬9  ‫ أي‬/+y‫ )< ه^ ا‬m%‫ *  وة * ا‬m%‫ * ا‬23G * ,#L
N+‫ل أ‬O‫ و‬. ?(9X
‫!ا أ‬X. ,E) ‫!ل‬4 %‫ وا‬S‫!ا ا‬X. ‫ إذا‬: ‫ي‬,$%‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬. ?a$2XK /X .‫? و‬a9X
K ‫ ه_ك‬%‫ن ذ‬t) ^ 1%‫ إ‬$%‫ا‬
‫!ا‬X!o9 ‫(آ? أن‬X ,+‫* * ز‬#Y %‫ ا‬,C ‫ل‬O‫ آ * و‬U#%‫Š ا‬-C+ 1JY FX!U2 ) w+,L%‫? ا‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f <C0%‫!ن
* ا‬3#$+ ‫!ا‬X‫آ‬
‫!ن‬E)0#%‫{ ا‬0f #‫!ل آ‬4 %‫ وا‬S‫ ا‬.

ٌ? ِ
َ ٌ G
ْ ‫ ُ^ َأ‬,َ ْ0
ِ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ٌ َوَأ‬/0َ ْJِ) ْ?‫َ ُد ُآ‬%ْ‫ُ?ْ َوأَو‬a%ُ‫َ َأ ْ
!َا‬#X ‫ُ!ا َأ‬#-َْ‫وَا‬

( ) FX!3 9‫ ( و‬- FX‫ و‬aU9‫? أ‬-3 % ‫!ه‬#‫? إذ أآ‬a% F0
‫ر وا‬CJ.‫ " أي ا‬/0J) ?‫? وأودآ‬a%‫ أ
!ا‬#X‫!ا أ‬#-‫ " وا‬F%!O‫و‬
?‫!آ‬-CX‫ل " و‬O‫  ? " و‬G‫^ أ‬,0 S‫ وا‬/0J) ?‫? وأودآ‬a%‫ أ
!ا‬#X‫ " إ‬1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫ آ‬F0
( ‫!ن‬rJ39‫ و‬F0 ( ‫!ن‬-sJU9 ‫أو‬
?‫ ه‬T%‫ );و‬%‫ ذ‬A32+ *
‫ و‬S‫? و أودآ? * ذآ ا‬a%‫? أ
!ا‬a(-9  ‫!ا‬0
q *+%‫( ا‬+‫ أ‬+ " 1%39 ‫ل‬O‫ " و‬/0J) o%‫ وا‬U%
G‫^ أ‬,0 S‫ " وأن ا‬F%!O‫ و‬/+y‫روه? " ا‬Y) ?a% ‫وا‬, ?‫? وأودآ‬aG‫!ا إن
* أزوا‬0
q *+%‫( ا‬+‫ أ‬+ " 1%39 ‫ل‬O‫ ون " و‬4o%‫ا‬
FXLC4 S‫ وا‬T  0 <0s+  ?‫ ه‬7‫و وأآ‬, ?(0
,G!+ ,O FXt) ‫ود‬K‫
!ال وا‬K‫?
* ا‬a% . F90G‫ وؤ^ و‬F‫!ا‬W ‫ ? " أي‬
‫ن‬t) <X,9 <0C-d‫دم ا‬q *‫ ا‬+ " 1%39 S‫!ل ا‬E+ WK‫ و)< ا‬. /
 E%‫!م ا‬+ A+m%‫!اب ا‬7%‫ ا‬F+,%‫ ة و‬.y‫  وا‬X,-% %#%‫[ ف ا‬J#%‫ه! ا‬
F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ * ر‬Q L[%‫ <ء " و)< ا‬A‫ 
* آ‬%‫ إ‬VY‫ أ‬X‫ <ء وأ‬A‫ آ‬9) J) ‫ <ء وإن‬A‫ت آ‬,G‫< و‬09,G‫و‬
FCL+  ‫ ء‬#%‫ ا‬VL+ ‫ و
* آن‬#‫!اه‬4 #
F %‫ إ‬VY‫ أ‬F%!4‫ ور‬S‫
* آن ا‬: ‫ن‬#+n‫_وة ا‬Y ,G‫ و‬F ) *‫_ث
* آ‬W " ‫ل‬O FX‫? أ‬-4‫و‬
F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬VY A . " F0
S‫^ ا‬EX‫ إذ أ‬,3 2a%‫ ا‬1%‫{ إ‬G + ‫
* أن‬F %‫ إ‬VY‫ر أ‬0%‫ )< ا‬1E-+ ‫ و
* آن أن‬S ‫إ‬
* أ‬g+  ^,  <$2X ‫ي‬%‫ل " وا‬O ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f FX‫ أ‬Q L[%‫& )< ا‬CW #‫!س آ‬20%‫
!ال وا‬K‫ود وا‬K‫ ا‬1- ‫م‬,E
* 3#G‫س أ‬0%‫ وا‬F%
‫ و‬F-‫ وأه‬F$2X *
F %‫ إ‬VY‫ أآ!ن أ‬1JY " .

The Two Sahihs mention the story of Hatib bin Abi Balta`ah. In the year of the victory of Makkah he
wrote to the Quraysh alerting them that the Messenger of Allah intended to march towards them.
Allah informed His Messenger of this, and he sent a Companion to retrieve the letter that Hatib sent,
and then he summoned him. He admitted to what he did. `Umar bin Al-Khattab stood up and said, "O
Allah's Messenger! Should I cut off his head, for he has betrayed Allah, His Messenger and the
believers'' The Prophet said,

«?ُaَ% ‫ت‬
ُ ْ 2َ
َ ْ,Eَ َ) ?ْ ُJTْ 
ِ َ
ْ ‫ ا‬:‫َ َل‬E)َ ‫ْ ٍر‬,َ Aِ ‫ َأ ْه‬1َ-َ {َ -َd‫ ا‬S
َ ‫ ا‬A َ3%َ َ+ِ‫ْر‬,+ُ َ
‫ َو‬،‫ْرًا‬,َ ,َ (ِ 
َ ْ,Oَ ُFX tَِ) Fُ 
ْ َ‫( »د‬Leave him! He
participated in Badr. How do you know that Allah has not looked at those who participated in
Badr and said, Do whatever you want, for I have forgiven you.)

However, it appears that this Ayah is more general, even if it was revealed about a specific incident.
Such rulings are dealt with by their indications, not the specific reasons behind revealing them,
according to the majority of scholars.

Betrayal includes both minor and major sins, as well those that affect others. `Ali bin Abi Talhah said
that Ibn `Abbas commented on the Ayah,

?ُaJِ ‫َـ‬0‫ُ!اْ َأ
َـ‬X!ُoَ9‫ َو‬6 (nor betray your Amanat) "The Amanah refers to the actions that Allah has
entrusted the servants with, such as and including what He ordained. Therefore, Allah says

‫ُ!ا‬X!ُo9َ َ 6 (nor betray...), `do not abandon the obligations.''' `Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd
commented, "Allah forbade you from betraying Him and His Messenger, as hypocrites do.''

Allah said, /َ0Jْ ِ) ْ?‫ ُآ‬,ُ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُ?ْ َوأَو‬a%ُ!َ

ْ ‫َ َأ‬#X ‫ُ!اْ َأ‬#َ-
ْ ‫وَا‬6 (And know that your possessions and your children are
but a trial.) from Him to you. He grants these to you so that He knows which of you will be
grateful and obedient to Him, or become busy with and dedicated to them instead of Him.
Allah said in another Ayah,

? ِ
َ ٌ G
ْ ‫َ ُ^ َأ‬,0ْ 
ِ Fُ -%‫ وَا‬/ٌ 0َ ْJ)ِ ْ?ُ‫آ‬,ُ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫?ْ َوَأو‬aُ %ُ!َ
ْ ‫َ َأ‬#X ‫ ِإ‬6 (Your wealth and your children are only a trial, whereas
Allah! With Him is a great reward.) 64:156,

/َ0Jْ ِ) ِ ْ َo%ْ ‫ وَا‬h U

 %ِ ?ُ‫ُ!آ‬-Cْ َX‫ َو‬6 (And We shall make a trial of you with evil and with good.) 21:356,

6 َ‫ ُون‬$
ِ ‫َـ‬o%ْ ‫ ُه ُ? ا‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ )َُ;و‬
َ %َِ‫ْ ذ‬A3َ ْ2+َ *َ
‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫ُ ُآ?ْ َ* ِذ ْآ ِ ا‬,‫َـ‬%ْ‫?ْ َو َ َأو‬aُ %َُ!
ْ ‫ُ?ْ َأ‬a(ِ -ْ 9ُ َ ‫ُ! ْا‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ+

(O you who believe! Let not your properties or your children divert you from the

remembrance of Allah. And whosoever does that, then they are the losers.)63:96, and,

?ُ‫ َرُوه‬Y
ْ َ) ْ?aُ % ‫ ّوًا‬,ُ 
َ ْ?‫ِ ُآ‬,‫ـ‬%ْ‫?ْ َوأَو‬aُ G
ِ ‫ن ِ
*ْ َأزْ َو‬
 ‫ُ!اْ ِإ‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫(َ ا‬+;َ+6 (O you who believe! Verily, among your wives
and your children there are enemies for you (who may stop you from the obedience of Allah);
therefore beware of them!) 64:146 Allah said next,

? ِ
َ ٌ G
ْ ‫^ُ َأ‬,َ 0ِ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ َوَأ‬6 (And that surely with Allah is a mighty reward.) Therefore, Allah's
reward, favor and Paradise are better for you than wealth and children. Certainly, among the
wealth and children there might be enemies for you and much of them avail nothing. With
Allah alone is the decision and sovereignty in this life and the Hereafter, and He gives
tremendous rewards on the Day of Resurrection. In the Sahih, there is a Hadith in which the
Messenger of Allah said,

«،ِS %‫ ِإ‬Fُ C ِL+ُ َ% ‫ ْ َء‬#َ %ْ ‫ ا‬V  L ِ ُ+ ‫ن‬

َ َ‫ َو َ
*ْ آ‬،َ#‫!َا ُه‬4 ِ #
ِ Fِ ْ َ%‫ ِإ‬V َY‫ َأ‬Fُ ُ%!ُ4َ‫ َور‬Sُ ‫نا‬ َ َ‫ َ
*ْ آ‬:‫ن‬
ِ َ#+ِtْ%‫َ َوةَ ا‬-َY *
 (ِ ِ ,َ G
َ ‫ َو‬،ِF ِ) *‫َثٌ َ
*ْ ُآ‬-Wَ
ِ S
ُ ‫ َ^ُ ا‬Eَ Xْ ‫ ِإذْ َأ‬,َ 3ْ َ ِ 2ْ aُ %ْ ‫ ا‬1َ%‫ َ{ ِإ‬G
ِ ْ +َ ْ‫ ِ
*ْ َأن‬Fِ ْ %َ‫ ِإ‬V
 َY‫ ِر َأ‬0%‫ )ِ< ا‬1َE-ْ +ُ ْ‫ن َأن‬
َ َ‫( » َو َ
*ْ آ‬There are three qualities for
which whomever has them, he will have tasted the sweetness of faith. (They are:) whoever
Allah and His Messenger are dearer to him than anyone else, whoever loves a person for
Allah's sake alone, and whoever prefers to be thrown in fire rather than revert to disbelief,
after Allah has saved him from it.)

Therefore, loving the Messenger of Allah comes before loving children, wealth and oneself. In
the Sahih, it is confirmed that he said,

«* ِ3#َ G
ْ ‫س َأ‬
ِ 0%‫ وَا‬Fِ ِ%َ
‫ َو‬Fِ -ِ‫ِ َوَأ ْه‬F$
ِ 2ْ Xَ ْ*
ِ Fِ ْ َ%‫ ِإ‬V
َ ‫ن َأ‬
َ !ُ‫ َأآ‬1JَY ْ?‫ ُآ‬,ُ Y
َ ‫* َأ‬
ِ ْg+ُ َ% ^ِ ,ِ َ ِ <ِ$ْ2Xَ ‫ِي‬%‫( »وَا‬By He in Whose Hand
is my soul! None of you will have faith unless I become dearer to him than himself, his family,
his wealth and all people.)

6 ?ِ َِ3%ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ ْN2َ %ْ ‫ ذُو ا‬Fُ -%‫?ْ وَا‬aُ %َ ْ ِ2sْ +َ َ‫?ْ و‬aُ 9ِ َT h 4
َ ْ?aُ 0َ ْ 2h aَ ُ+‫ً َو‬XَOْ )ُ ْ?aُ % Aَ3
ْ َ+ Fَ -%‫ُ!اْ ا‬EJ 9َ ‫ُ!اْ إَن‬0َ
‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫(َ ا‬+;َ‫ِـ‬+

(29. O you who believe! If you obey and fear Allah, He will grant you Furqan, and will expiate for you
your sins, and forgive you; and Allah is the Owner of the great bounty.)

Ibn `Abbas, As-Suddi, Mujahid, `Ikrimah, Ad-Dahhak, Qatadah, Muqatil bin Hayyan and several
others said that,

ًXَOْ ُ)6 (Furqan), means, `a way out'; Mujahid added, "In this life and the Hereafter.'' In another
narration, Ibn `Abbas is reported to have said, `Furqan' means `salvation' or -- according to another
narration -- `aid'. Muhammad bin Ishaq said that `Furqan' means `criterion between truth and
falsehood'. This last explanation from Ibn Ishaq is more general than the rest that we mentioned, and
it also includes the other meanings. Certainly, those who have Taqwa of Allah by obeying what He
ordained and abstaining from what he forbade, will be guided to differentiate between the truth and
the falsehood. This will be a triumph, safety and a way out for them from the affairs of this life, all the
while acquiring happiness in the Hereafter. They will also gain forgiveness, thus having their sins
erased, and pardon, thus having their sins covered from other people, as well as, being directed to a
way to gain Allah's tremendous rewards,

? ِY‫ُ!رٌ ر‬2
َ Fُ -%‫?ْ وَا‬aُ %َ ْ 2ِ sْ +َ ‫ َو‬Fِ ِ ‫ن‬
َ !ُU#ْ 9َ ‫ُ!رًا‬X ْ?aُ % Aَ3
ْ +َ ‫ِ َو‬FJِ #َ Y
ْ ‫*
ِ* ر‬
ِ ْ -َ2ْ ‫?ْ ِآ‬aُ 9ِ ْg+ُ Fِ %ِ !ُ4 َ ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
ِ ‫ َوءَا‬Fَ -%‫ُ! ْا ا‬E9 ‫ُ!اْ ا‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ+ 6 (O you
who believe! Have Taqwa of Allah, and believe in His Messenger, He will give you a double portion of
His mercy, and He will give you a light by which you shall walk (straight). And He will forgive you.
And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.) 57:286.

54. QS Al A'Raf 7 : 42-43

َ‫ُون‬,-ِ‫َـ‬. َ( ِ) ْ?‫ ُه‬/ِ 0 َ%ْ ‫ ا‬V

ُ ‫َـ‬Lf
ْ ‫ َأ‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫(َ ُأو‬3َ 4
ْ ُ‫ً ِإ  و‬$ْ2Xَ ‚
ُ -haَ Xُ َ ِ‫َت‬L-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ ا‬-ِ#
َ ‫ُ!اْ َو‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫وَا‬

- ,َE%َ Fُ -%‫َ ا‬X‫َا‬,‫َ!ْ َأنْ َه‬% َ‫ى‬,ِ Jَ (ْ 0َ %ِ 0‫ِ(َـَا َو

َ ُآ‬% َX‫َا‬,‫ِى َه‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -%ِ ُ,#ْ L َ %ْ ‫ُ!اْ ا‬%َO‫(َـ ُ َو‬Xْ  ‫ ِ( ُ? ا‬Jِ ْL9َ *ِ
‫ ِى‬
ْ َ9 Aœ
ِ ْ*
h ?ِ‫ُو ِره‬,f
ُ 1ِ) َ
َ0ْmَ Xَ ‫َو‬
‫ُ!ن‬-َ#3ْ 9َ ْ?ُJ0ُ‫َ آ‬#ِ َ‫ُ!ه‬#Jُ ْW‫ أُو ِر‬/ُ 0 َ %ْ ‫?ُ ا‬aُ -ْ 9ِ ‫ُ!دُواْ أَن‬Xَ‫\ و‬
h َL%ْ ِ َ0h ‫ُ َر‬A4
ُ ‫َ َءتْ ُر‬G 6

7:42. Dan orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal-amal yang saleh, Kami tidak
memikulkan kewajiban kepada diri seseorang melainkan sekedar kesanggupannya, mereka
itulah penghuni-penghuni surga; mereka kekal di dalamnya.
7:43. Dan Kami cabut segala macam dendam yang berada di dalam dada mereka; mengalir di
bawah mereka sungai-sungai dan mereka berkata: "Segala puji bagi Allah yang telah
menunjuki kami kepada (surga) ini. Dan kami sekali-kali tidak akan mendapat petunjuk
kalau Allah tidak memberi kami petunjuk. Sesungguhnya telah datang rasul-rasul Tuhan
kami, membawa kebenaran". Dan diserukan kepada mereka: "Itulah surga yang diwariskan
kepadamu, disebabkan apa yang dahulu kamu kerjakan."(42. But those who believed, and
worked righteousness -- We burden not any person beyond his scope -- such are the dwellers
of Paradise. They will abide therein.)

(43. And We shall remove from their breasts any Ghill; rivers flowing under them, and they
will say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allah, Who has guided us to this, and never could
we have found guidance, were it not that Allah had guided us! Indeed, the Messengers of our
Lord did come with the truth.'' And it will be cried out to them: "This is the Paradise which
you have inherited for what you used to do.'')

7‫ ا* آ‬$)

َ ‫ُو‬,%َِ. َ( ِ) ْ?‫ ُه‬/ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫َبُ ا‬Lf
ْ ‫ َأ‬
َ Tِ %َ‫(َ أُو‬3َ 4
ْ ‫ ُو‬%‫ً ِإ‬$ْ2Xَ ‚
ُ -hَaXُ َ% ‫ت‬
ِ َL%ِ[%‫ُ!ا ا‬-#ِ 
َ ‫ُ!ا َو‬0
َ q َ*+ِ%‫وَا‬

‫!ا‬-#‫!(? و‬-O &0

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0mX‫ون و‬,%. ( ) ?‫ ه‬/0%‫ب ا‬Lf‫ أ‬T%‫( أو‬34‫ إ و‬$2X ‚-aX  " ‫ل‬O 1%39
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,َEَ% Fُ -%‫َ ا‬X‫َا‬,‫َ َأنْ َه‬%ْ!%َ َ‫ِي‬,Jَ (ْ َ0%ِ 0‫ِ َ(َا َو

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َ %ْ ‫ُ ُ? ا‬a-ْ 9ِ ْ‫ُ!دُوا َأن‬X‫\ َو‬
h َL%ْ ِ َ0h ‫ َر‬Aُ 4ُ ‫َ َءتْ ُر‬G

‫وا‬,G‫ و‬/0%‫ ا‬1%‫!ا إ‬E 4 ‫ إذا‬/0%‫ ا‬A‫ إن أه‬/+y‫(ر " ا‬XK‫(? ا‬JL9 *
‫ ي‬9 A *
?‫وره‬,f <) 
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<- * 0
g#%‫? * أ
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?‫وره‬,f <) 
a <‫ أ‬w+,Y *
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0mX‫& " و‬%mX ‫ر‬, A‫ أه‬S‫ وا‬0 ) : <-
‫ ى‬+ /0%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬A‫? " آ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O ‫ ة‬+ ‫ * أ< ه‬Q%f <‫ * أ‬e#K‫*  ش * ا‬
. " ‫ ة‬$Y F% ‫!ن‬a ) <X‫ا‬,‫ ه‬S‫! أن ا‬% ‫!ل‬E ) /0%‫^
* ا‬,3E
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?aJ%X ?a%#‫ أ‬VC$ ‫!ن " أي‬-#39 ?J0‫ آ‬# ‫!ه‬#JW‫ أور‬/0%‫? ا‬a-9 ‫!دوا " أن‬X /0%‫ر
* ا‬0%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬,E
‫!ا‬W‫ أور‬#% ‫(ا‬%‫و‬
F - S‫ ا‬1-f F0 * L L[%‫& )< ا‬CW #% ‫ ها‬1- A#L%‫ ا‬VG‫ و‬#X‫ وإ‬. ?a%#‫ أ‬V$L ?a%‫ز‬0
?9‫!أ‬C9‫ و‬/0%‫? ا‬J-.,) /#Y %‫ا‬
/#Y  S‫< ا‬X,#sJ+ ‫ إ أن‬X‫ل " و أ‬O S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ &X‫!ا و أ‬%O "/0%‫ ا‬F-# F-.,+ *% ?‫آ‬,Y‫!ا أن أ‬#-‫ل " وا‬O FX‫? أ‬-4‫و‬
AN)‫ و‬F0
" .

After Allah mentioned the condition of the miserable ones, He then mentioned the condition of
the happy ones, saying,

6ِ‫َت‬L-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ ا‬-#ِ 
َ ‫ُ!اْ َو‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫وَا‬

(But those who believed, and worked righteousness) Their hearts have believed and they
performed good deeds with their limbs and senses, as compared to those who disbelieved in
the Ayat of Allah and were arrogant with them. Allah also said that embracing faith and
implementing it are easy, when He said,

ُ 1ِ) َ
ْ mَ Xَ َ‫ن و‬
َ ‫ُو‬,ِ-‫َـ‬. َ( ِ) ْ?‫ ُه‬/ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬V
ُ ‫َـ‬Lf
ْ ‫ َأ‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫(َ ُأو‬3َ 4
ْ ‫ً ِإ  ُو‬$2ْ Xَ ‚
ُ -haَ Xُ َ ‫ت‬
ِ َL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ُ!اْ ا‬-#ِ 
َ ‫ُ! ْا َو‬0َ
‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫وَا‬

(But those who believed, and worked righteousness -- We burden not any person beyond his
scope -- such are the dwellers of Paradise. They will abide therein. And We shall remove from
their breasts any Ghill;) meaning, envy and hatred. Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Sa`id Al-
Khudri said that the Messenger of Allah said,

‫!ا‬EXُ ‫ُ!ا َو‬h ‫ ِإذَا ُه‬1JY َ َ Xْ , %‫ ُ(?ْ )ِ< ا‬0َ ْ َ ْ&Xَ َ‫ َ? آ‬%َِ
َ ْ?(ُ َ%   ُJْOَ) ‫ ِر‬0%‫ وَا‬/ِ 0 َ %ْ ‫ َ ٍة َ ْ *َ ا‬
َ 0ْ َO 1َ-َ ‫ُ!ا‬$Cِ ُY ‫ ِر‬0%‫* ا‬ َ
ِ ‫ن‬
َ !ُ0
ِ gْ #ُ %ْ ‫َ ا‬-َ.
َ ‫»ِإذَا‬
«َ Xْ , %‫ن )ِ< ا‬َ َ‫ آ‬Fِ 0ِ aَ $
ْ #َ ِ Fُ 0ْ ِ
‫ َأ َد ل‬/ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ )ِ< ا‬Fِ %ِmِ 0ْ َ#ِ ْ?ُ‫ه‬,َ Y
َ ‫^ِ ِإن َأ‬,ِ َ ِ <ِ$2ْ َX ‫ِي‬%‫ )َ!َا‬/ِ 0 َ %ْ ‫ُ! ِل ا‬.‫َ ُ(?ْ )ِ< ُد‬% َ‫ُأ ِذن‬

(After the believers are saved from entering the Fire, they will be kept in wait by a bridge
between Paradise and Hellfire. Then, transgression that occurred between them in the life of
this world will be judged. Until, when they are purified and cleansed, they will be given
permission to enter Paradise. By He in Whose Hand is my soul! One of them will be able to
find his dwelling in Paradise more so than he did in the life of this world.) As-Suddi said about
Allah's statement,

6ُ ‫(َـ‬Xْ  ‫ِ ِ( ُ? ا‬JL
ْ 9َ *ِ
‫ْ ِى‬9َ Aœ
ِ ْ*h
?ِ‫ُو ِره‬,f
ُ 1ِ) َ
ْ mَ َX‫ َو‬

(And We shall remove from their breasts any Ghill; rivers flowing under them,) "When the
people of Paradise are taken to it, they will find a tree close to its door, and two springs from
under the trunk of that tree. They will drink from one of them, and all hatred will be removed
from their hearts, for it is the cleansing drink. They will take a bath in the other, and the
brightness of delight will radiate from their faces. Ever after, they will never have messy hair
or become dirty.'' An-Nasa'i and Ibn Marduwyah (this being his wording) recorded that Abu
Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said,

!َ% :‫ُ! ُل‬E َ )َ /ِ 0 

َ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ُ^,َ 3َ Eْ
َ ‫ َى‬+َ ِ‫ر‬0%‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ َأ ْه‬A‫ َو ُآ‬،‫ْ ًا‬a
ُ Fُ %َ ُ‫ُ!ن‬aَ َ) ،<ِX‫َا‬,‫ َه‬S
َ ‫نا‬
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ِ ^ُ َ,3َ Eْ
َ ‫َ َى‬+ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ ‫ َأ ْه‬A ‫» ُآ‬
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َ Fُ %َ ُ‫ُ!ن‬a َ َ) ،<ِX‫َا‬,‫ َه‬S َ ‫نا‬ ‫َأ‬

(Each of the people of Paradise will see his seat in the Fire and he will say, `Had not Allah
guided me! And this will cause him to be grateful. Each of the people of the Fire will see his
seat in Paradise, and he will say, `Might that Allah had guided me!' So it will be a cause of
anguish for him.) This is why when the believers are awarded seats in Paradise that belonged

to the people of the Fire, they will be told, "This is the Paradise that you inherited because of
what you used to do. '' This means, because of your good deeds, you earned Allah's mercy and
thus entered Paradise and took your designated dwellings in it, comparable to your deeds.
This is the proper meaning here, for it is recorded in the Two Sahihs that the Prophet said,

«/0َ%ْ ‫ ا‬Fُ -َُ#

َ Fُ -َِ.ْ,+ُ ْ*َ% ْ?‫ ُآ‬,َ َY‫ن َأ‬
 ‫ُ!ا َأ‬#َ-
ْ ‫»وَا‬

(And know that the good deeds of one of you will not admit him into Paradise.) They said,
"Not even you, O Allah's Messenger'' He said,

«AْNَ)‫ َو‬Fُ 0ْ
ِ /ٍ #َ Y
ْ َ ِ S
ُ ‫<ا‬
َ Xِ ,َ # sَ Jَ +َ ْ‫ّ َأن‬%‫َ ِإ‬X‫َ َأ‬%َ‫»و‬

(Not even I, unless Allah grants it to me out of His mercy and favor.)

55. QS AL HADID 57:16-24

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َ ‫ َ)َ َل‬Aُ ْCOَ *ِ
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57:16. Belumkah datang waktunya bagi orang-orang yang beriman, untuk tunduk hati
mereka mengingat Allah dan kepada kebenaran yang telah turun (kepada mereka), dan
janganlah mereka seperti orang-orang yang sebelumnya telah diturunkan Al Kitab
kepadanya, kemudian berlalulah masa yang panjang atas mereka lalu hati mereka menjadi
keras. Dan kebanyakan di antara mereka adalah orang-orang yang fasik.
57:17. Ketahuilah olehmu bahwa sesungguhnya Allah menghidupkan bumi sesudah matinya.
Sesungguhnya Kami telah menjelaskan kepadamu tanda-tanda kebesaran (Kami) supaya
kamu memikirkannya.
57:18. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang bersedekah baik laki-laki maupun perempuan dan
meminjamkan kepada Allah pinjaman yang baik, niscaya akan dilipat gandakan
(pembayarannya) kepada mereka; dan bagi mereka pahala yang banyak.
57:19. Dan orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, mereka itu orang-orang
Shiddiqien dan orang-orang yang menjadi saksi di sisi Tuhan mereka. Bagi mereka pahala
dan cahaya mereka. Dan orang-orang yang kafir dan mendustakan ayat-ayat Kami, mereka
itulah penghuni-penghuni neraka.
57:20. Ketahuilah, bahwa sesungguhnya kehidupan dunia itu hanyalah permainan dan suatu
yang melalaikan, perhiasan dan bermegah-megah antara kamu serta berbangga-bangga
tentang banyaknya harta dan anak, seperti hujan yang tanam-tanamannya mengagumkan
para petani; kemudian tanaman itu menjadi kering dan kamu lihat warnanya kuning
kemudian menjadi hancur. Dan di akhirat (nanti) ada azab yang keras dan ampunan dari
Allah serta keridaan-Nya. Dan kehidupan dunia ini tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan yang
57:21. Berlomba-lombalah kamu kepada (mendapatkan) ampunan dari Tuhanmu dan surga
yang luasnya seluas langit dan bumi, yang disediakan bagi orang-orang yang beriman kepada
Allah dan Rasul-rasul-Nya. Itulah karunia Allah, diberikan-Nya kepada siapa yang
dikehendaki-Nya. Dan Allah mempunyai karunia yang besar.
57:22. Tiada suatu bencanapun yang menimpa di bumi dan (tidak pula) pada dirimu sendiri
melainkan telah tertulis dalam kitab (Lohmahfuz) sebelum Kami menciptakannya.
Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu adalah mudah bagi Allah.
57:23. (Kami jelaskan yang demikian itu) supaya kamu jangan berduka cita terhadap apa
yang luput dari kamu, dan supaya kamu jangan terlalu gembira terhadap apa yang
diberikan-Nya kepadamu. Dan Allah tidak menyukai setiap orang yang sombong lagi

membanggakan diri,
57:24. (yaitu) orang-orang yang kikir dan menyuruh manusia berbuat kikir. Dan barang
siapa yang berpaling (dari perintah-perintah Allah) maka sesungguhnya Allah Dia-lah Yang
Maha Kaya lagi Maha Terpuji

(16. Has not the time yet come for the believers that their hearts should be humble for the
remembrance of Allah And that which has been revealed of the truth, lest they become as
those who received the Scripture before, and the term was prolonged for them and so their
hearts were hardened And many of them were rebellious.)

(17. Know that Allah gives life to the earth after its death! Indeed We have made clear the
Ayat to you, if you but understand.)

(18. Verily, those who give Sadaqat, men and women, and lend Allah handsome loan, it shall
be increased manifold (to their credit), and theirs shall be an honorable good reward.)

(19. And those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. they are the Siddiqun (true believers)
and the martyrs with their Lord. They shall have their reward and their light. But those who
disbelieve and deny Our Ayat -- they shall be the dwellers of the blazing Fire.)

(20. Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting
among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children. (It is) like a rain (Ghayth), thereof
the growth is pleasing to the tiller; afterwards it dries up and you see it turning yellow; then it
becomes straw. But in the Hereafter (there is) a severe torment, and (there is) forgiveness
from Allah and (His) pleasure. And the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment.)

(21. Race with one another in hastening towards forgiveness from your Lord, and Paradise
the width whereof is as the width of the heaven and the earth, prepared for those who believe
in Allah and His Messengers. That is the grace of Allah which He bestows on whom He is
pleased with. And Allah is the Owner of great bounty.)

(22. No calamity occurs in the earth nor in yourselves but it is inscribed in the Book of Decrees
before We bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allah.)

(23. In order that you may not grieve at the things over that you fail to get, nor rejoice over
that which has been given to you. And Allah likes not prideful boasters.)

(24. Those who are misers and enjoin miserliness upon people. And whosoever turns away,
then Allah is Rich, Worthy of all praise.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

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‫‪ ,#‬إ‪ 3+ 
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 ) ‪ F‬؟ ا ‪ F - ^!r 3) <- ^!r‬إ‪1%‬‬
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g9‬ا ؟ ‪O‬ل ‪ <) # &0
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‫)!‪,G‬وا ) ‪ 3+ 
* آ‪J‬ب ا‪E) S‬ل ‪ + ˆ3C% ?(N3‬ه‪g‬ء
 آ‪ {#$X 0‬ها أ‪ !0 &O J)) /0J) Ff‬إ‪ 4‬ا‪ 1- A R‬ا‪* J0W‬‬
‫و‪ /-
* 3C4‬و‪ /-
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<E *
<E‬أن ‪ 9‬وا أ
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‪ ?a0‬أن ‪ ?-3+‬ا‪ FC-O *
S‬أ‪ (% FX‬آر^ ‪ .‬وروى أ! ‪ 23G‬ا‪ C%‬ي ‪ 0W,Y‬ا* ‪, #Y‬‬
‫‪ s
* + G 0W,Y‬ة * أ<
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-‬ف ‪ 3
FC-O‬و) و‪ a0
FC-O a0+ ?%‬ا إن ‪ <0‬إ‪ 4‬ا‪d #% A R‬ل ‪?( -‬‬
‫ا‪ ,
K‬و‪ ?(!-O &$O‬ا‪! J.‬ا آ‪ *  *
J‬أ‪ ?(+,+‬وأر‪ ?(-G‬ا‪ ?(!-O F9!(J4‬وا‪ FJ-LJ4‬أ‪ ?(J0$%‬و‪!%O‬ا ‪ 3X‬ض ‪ <0 1-‬إ‪ 4‬ا‪A R‬‬
‫ها ا‪Ja%‬ب )‪ 9 F *
q *#‬آ‪ ^0‬و
* آ‪O ^0-JO F 2‬ل )‪ A3‬ر‪ ?(0
AG‬آ‪J‬ب ا‪ O <) S‬ن ‪ A3G ?W‬ا‪ E%‬ن  * ‪,0W‬و‪F% A O #-) F 9‬‬
‫‪ .‬أ‪( *
g9‬ا ؟ ‪O‬ل ‪ F &0
q‬و‪ ‘
!+‬إ‪ 1%‬ا‪ E%‬ن  * ‪,0W‬و‪ F 9‬و
‪  <%‬أؤ
* (ا ا‪Ja%‬ب ؟ )‪ ?(--
. *#‬ا‪! %‬م
‪ VYf /-‬ا‪ E%‬ن‬

‫ت َ‪َ !ُ-ِE3ْ 9َ ْ?aُ -َ3%‬‬
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َ ,َ 3‬ا‪ِ َ+ْ%‬‬
‫َ‪!ُ#-‬ا َأ ‬

‫) ‪ F‬إرة إ‪ 1%‬أن ا‪ * -+ 1%39 S‬ا‪!-E%‬ب ‪ (9!$O ,3‬و‪,(+‬ي ا‪ L%‬رى ‪ (J-r ,3‬و‪ 2+‬ج ا‪ a%‬وب ‪ < L+ #a) (9, ,3‬ا‪K‬رض‬
‫ا‪ /J #%‬ا‪ /,#%‬ا‪,
(%‬ة ‪ w s%‬ا‪J(%‬ن ا‪!%‬ا‪ A‬آ‪,(+ %‬ي ا‪!-E%‬ب ا‪ C / 4E%‬اه * ا‪q E%‬ن وا‪ AR,%‬و‪ Ž%!+‬إ‪ ( %‬ا‪!0%‬ر ‪ ,3‬أن آ‪&X‬‬

‪ A[+  /-2E‬إ‪ ( %‬ا‪!%‬ا‪LC$) Af‬ن ا‪(%‬دي ‪U+ *#%‬ء ‪ ,3‬ا‪_N%‬ل وا‪ *#% AN#%‬أراد ‪ ,3‬ا‪#a%‬ل ا‪%‬ي ه! ‪U+ #%‬ء )‪3‬ل وه!‬
‫ا‪ ? aL%‬ا‪,3%‬ل )< ‪ { #G‬ا‪32%‬ل ا‪ ‚ -%‬ا‪ Co%‬ا‪ Ca%‬ا‪3J#%‬ل‬

‫‪َ ٌ G‬آ ِ‪ٌ?+‬‬

‫‚ َ‪ ْ?(ُ %‬وََ‪َ ْ?(ُ %‬أ ْ‬
‫‪ُ ََN+ُ ً0$‬‬
‫ت َوَأ‪!ُr َ ْO‬ا ا‪َ َY ًrْ Oَ Fَ -%‬‬
‫[ ‪ِ َO,h‬‬
‫* وَا ْ‪ #ُ %‬‬
‫[ ‪َ ِO,h‬‬
‫ن ا ْ‪ #ُ %‬‬
‫ِإ ‬

‫‪ F V 7+ # 1%39 Co+‬ا‪ * O,[#%‬وا‪O,[#%‬ت ;

!ا‪ 1- ?(%‬أه‪ A‬ا‪ /GL%‬وا‪ E2%‬وا‪ " /0a$#%‬وأ‪!r O‬ا ا‪ " 0$Y r O S‬أي‬
‫د)‪ /[%. / 0 ^!3‬ا‪sJ‬ء
‪r‬ة ا‪,+ +  S‬ون ‪mG‬اء
‪ *#‬أ!^ و ‪!a‬را و‪(%‬ا ‪O‬ل " ‪ " ?(% ‚N+‬أي ‪ ?(% AE+‬ا‪/0$L%‬‬
‫‪ U3‬أ
‪ (%7‬و‪m+‬اد ‪ 1-‬ذ‪ %‬إ‪ ‚3r /R#3C4 1%‬و)!ق ذ‪ " %‬و‪ ?(%‬أ‪ G‬آ ‪ " ?+‬أي ‪!W‬اب ‪ *$Y A+mG‬و
‪ Q%f {G‬و
ب آ ‪?+‬‬

‫* َآ‪ُ َ2‬وا َو َآُ!ا ِ‪ َ0ِ9َ+‬أُو‪ِTَ%‬‬

‫ ْ‪َ ,َ 0‬ر‪َ ْ?(ُ %َ ْ?(ِ h‬أ‪ ُ ْG‬هُ?ْ َو‪!ُX‬رُ ُه?ْ وَا‪َ +ِ%‬‬
‫‪َ,(َ U‬ا ُء ِ‬
‫[‪!ُE+h,‬نَ وَا‪ %‬‬
‫ ُه ُ? ا‪h %‬‬
‫‪ Fِ -ِ4‬أُوَ‪َ ِT%‬‬
َ q َ*+ِ%‬ا ِ‪َ Fِ -%‬ورُ ُ‬
‫‪? ِL‬‬‫ب ا ْ‪َ %‬‬
‫‪ُ َLf‬‬ ‫َأ ْ‬

‫و‪ " 1%39 F%!O‬وا‪!0
q *+%‬ا ‪ S‬ور‪ F-4‬أو‪ T%‬ه? ا‪!E+,[%‬ن " ها ‪#9‬م ‪ /-#%‬و‪ ‚f‬ا‪ S * 0
g#%‬ور‪!E+,f ?(X; F-4‬ن ‪O‬ل‬
‫ا‪ * <)!3%‬ا* ‪C‬س )< ‪ " 1%39 F%!O‬وا‪!0
q *+%‬ا ‪ S‬ور‪ F-4‬أو‪ T%‬ه? ا‪!E+,[%‬ن " ه^
‪ " /%![2‬وا‪,(U%‬اء ‪ ,0‬ر(?‬
‫‪ ?(%‬أ‪ G‬ه? و‪!X‬ره? " و‪O‬ل أ! ا‪ " 1LN%‬أو‪ T%‬ه? ا‪!E+,[%‬ن " ‪ ?W‬ا‪ ‚X;J4‬ا‪_a%‬م )‪E‬ل " وا‪,(U%‬اء ‪ ,0‬ر(? " وه‪a‬ا ‪O‬ل‬

‪ $‬وق وا‪LN%‬ك و
‪ Y * A9E‬ن و ه? و‪O‬ل ا‪ * e#K‬أ< ا‪ $
* 1LN%‬وق * ‪ ,C‬ا‪!3$
* S‬د )< ‪1%39 F%!O‬‬
‫" أو‪ T%‬ه? ا‪!E+,[%‬ن وا‪,(U%‬اء ‪ ,0‬ر(? " ‪O‬ل ه? ‪ FW_W‬أ‪0f‬ف ‪ <03+ :‬ا‪ * O,[#%‬وا‪ * E+,[%‬وا‪,(U%‬اء آ‪O #‬ل ‪" 1%39‬‬
* ‪ {+‬ا‪ S‬وا‪!4 %‬ل );و‪ {
T%‬ا‪ *+%‬أ‪ ?3X‬ا‪ *
?( - S‬ا‪ * C0%‬وا‪ * E+,[%‬وا‪,(U%‬اء وا‪ 2) " * L%[%‬ق  * ا‪* E+,[%‬‬
‫وا‪,(U%‬اء )‪,‬ل ‪ 1-‬أ‪20f #(X‬ن و  أن ا‪ \+,[%‬أ‪ *

1-‬ا‪ , (U%‬آ‪ #‬روا^ ا‪
‪ * %‬أ‪ HX‬ر‪ F#Y‬ا‪ <) S‬آ‪FJ‬‬
‫ا‪!2f * ;d!#%‬ان * ‪ * ? -4‬ء * ‪$+‬ر * أ< ‪ , 34‬ا‪,o%‬ري أن ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪O ?-4‬ل " إن أه‪ A‬ا‪/0%‬‬
‫‪ J %‬اءون أه‪ A‬ا‪ s%‬ف
* )!‪ ?(O‬آ‪ J9 #‬اءون ا‪!a%‬آ‪ V‬ا‪,%‬ري ا‪ <) s%‬ا‪ *
\)K‬ا‪ U#%‬ق أو ا‪ s#%‬ب ‪O "?(0  
Ar2J%‬ل ‪+‬‬
‫ر‪!4‬ل ا‪0
-9 S‬زل ا‪ CXK‬ء  ‪ (s-C+‬ه? ‪O‬ل " ‪ 1-‬وا‪%‬ي ‪ ^,  <$2X‬ر‪G‬ل ‪!0
q‬ا ‪ S‬و‪!O,f‬ا ا‪ " * -4 #%‬ا‪ \29‬ا‪oC%‬ري‬
‪ 1- ?-$‬إ‪ .‬ا‪ . F %
w+,Y *
FG‬و‪O‬ل ‪ .q‬ون ‪ A‬ا‪ #%‬اد
* ‪ " 1%39 F%!O‬أو‪ T%‬ه? ا‪!E+,[%‬ن وا‪,(U%‬اء ‪ ,0‬ر(? "‬
‫);‪ * C.‬ا‪ S * 0
g#%‬ور‪!E+,f ?(X; F-4‬ن و(‪,‬اء ‪ ^aY‬ا* ‪
* + G‬ه‪O ?W ,‬ل ا* ‪ Y * Q%f <0W,Y + G‬ب أ!‬

‪ 0W,Y #3‬إ‪ 0W,Y 1 L+ * A #4‬ا* _ن * ز‪ * ,+‬أ‪ * ?-4‬ا‪ C%‬اء * زب ‪O‬ل ‪ &3#4 :‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪F - S‬‬
‫و‪!E+ ?-4‬ل ‪!0
" :‬ا أ
‪,( <J‬اء " ‪O‬ل ‪ _9 ?W‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬ه^ ا‪ " /+y‬وا‪!0
q *+%‬ا ‪ S‬ور‪ F-4‬أو‪ T%‬ه?‬
‫ا‪!E+,[%‬ن وا‪,(U%‬اء ‪ ,0‬ر(? " ها ‪ .V+ w+,Y‬و‪O‬ل أ! إ‪L4‬ق * ‪ #‬و *
‪!#‬ن )< ‪ "1%39 F%!O‬وا‪!0
q *+%‬ا ‪S‬‬
‫ور‪ F-4‬أو‪ T%‬ه? ا‪!E+,[%‬ن وا‪,(U%‬اء ‪ ,0‬ر(? ‪ ?(%‬أ‪ G‬ه? و‪!X‬ره? " ‪O‬ل ‪!T +‬ن ‪!+‬م ا‪ 3
 E%‬آ‪ . * 3CfK‬و‪" 1%39 F%!O‬‬
‫وا‪,(U%‬اء ‪ ,0‬ر(? " أي )< ‪0G‬ت ا‪ ? 30%‬آ‪G #‬ء )< ا‪ * L L[%‬إن أرواح ا‪,(U%‬اء )< ‪!Y‬ا‪ $9 N. d Af‬ح )< ا‪/0%‬‬
‫‪ w Y‬ءت ‪;9 ?W‬وي إ‪ -9 1%‬ا‪0E%‬د‪ ?( - {-d) A+‬ر ا‪E) /_d‬ل
ذا ‪,+ 9‬ون ؟ )‪!%E‬ا ‪ VLX‬أن ‪ 9‬د‪ X‬إ‪ 1%‬ا‪,%‬ار ا‪A9E0)  X,%‬‬
‫)  )‪ AJE0‬آ‪ 0-JO #‬أول
ة )‪E‬ل إ‪ & NO ,O <X‬أ‪ ?(X‬إ‪!3G +  ( %‬ن " و‪ ?(% " 1%39 F%!O‬أ‪ G‬ه? و‪!X‬ره?" أي ‪ ,0 ?(%‬ا‪S‬‬
‫أ‪ A+mG G‬و‪!X‬ر  ? ‪ *  13$+‬أ‪ ?(+,+‬وه? )< ذ‪2J+ %‬و‪!9‬ن ‪ 
V$L‬آ‪!X‬ا )< ا‪,%‬ار ا‪ *
 X,%‬ا‪#K‬ل آ‪O #‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪,#Y‬‬
‫‪ * 1 L+ 0W,Y‬إ‪L4‬ق ‪ 0W,Y‬ا* ‪ * /3 (%‬ء * د‪0+‬ر * أ< ‪ ,+m+‬ا‪O <X!o%‬ل ‪!E+ , C * /%N) &3#4 :‬ل ‪&3#4‬‬
‫‪ * #‬ا‪o%‬ب ‪!E+‬ل ‪ &3#4‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪!E+ ?-4‬ل " ا‪,(U%‬اء أر‪ /3‬ر‪ , G *
AG‬ا‪#+n‬ن ‪ <E%‬ا‪,3%‬و )[‪,‬ق‬
‫ا‪) AJE) S‬اك ا‪%‬ي ‪ 0+‬ا‪0%‬س إ‪ F %‬ه‪a‬ا ور){ رأ‪!$0-O &E4 1JY F4‬ة ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬و‪!$0-O‬ة ‪ #‬وا‪<X7%‬‬

‪ <E% *
g‬ا‪,3%‬و )‪ N+ #X;a‬ب …( ^ ‪!U‬ك ا‪G Q-%‬ء^ ‪ ?(4‬ب )‪) F-JE‬اك )< ا‪,%‬ر‪ /G‬ا‪ / X7%‬وا‪ w%7%‬ر‪_# }-. *
‫‪ L%f‬و‪ <E% T 4 .q‬ا‪,3%‬و )[‪,‬ق ا‪) AJO 1JY S‬اك )< ا‪,%‬ر‪ /G‬ا‪ /7%7%‬وا‪ %‬ا{ ر‪ *
AG‬أ‪ 4‬ف ‪ F$2X 1-‬إ‪ 4‬ا) آ‪ 7‬ا ‪<E%‬‬
‫ا‪,3%‬و )[‪,‬ق ا‪) AJO 1JY S‬اك )< ا‪ %‬ا‪ " /3‬وه‪a‬ا روا^ ‪ * <-‬ا‪ * <0+,#%‬أ< داود ا‪ * <$% %‬ا* ا‪C#%‬رك * ا* ‪/3 (%‬‬
‫و‪O‬ل ها إ‪04‬د
[ ي ‪ Q%f‬وروا^ ا‪
* ‪ w+,Y‬ا* ‪ /3 (%‬و‪O‬ل ‪ . V+ *$Y‬و‪ " 1%39 F%!O‬وا‪ *+%‬آ‪ 2‬وا وآ!ا‬
‫‪ 09+‬أو‪ T%‬أ‪Lf‬ب ا‪ #% " ? L%‬ذآ ا‪,3$%‬اء و
‪ ‚ ?(%‬آ ا‪ EK‬ء و * ‪?(%Y‬‬

‫Ž َ) َ‪َ J‬ا^‬
‫‪ V‬ا ْ‪َ 2aُ %‬ر َ‪ُ ِ(+َ ? Wُ Fُ 9ُ َCX‬‬
‫َ َ‬ ‫‪َ w‬أ ْ‬
‫‪َ ْ?aُ 0َ ْ َ ٌ .‬و َ‪ <ِ) ٌ Wُ َa9‬ا‪َ!
ْ ;َْ%‬ا ِل وَا‪َ;ْ%‬وْ‪َ%‬دِ َآ َ‪ٍ ْ َ Aِ َ7#‬‬
‫‪ُ َ L‬ة ا‪ ٌV3ِ %َ َ ْX, %‬وََ‪َ ٌ!(ْ %‬وزِ‪َ ٌ/0َ +‬و َ‪ُ َ29‬‬
‫َ‪!ُ#-‬ا َأ ‪ َ#X‬ا ْ‪َ %‬‬
‫‪َ L‬ةُ ا‪ِ َ Xْ ,%‬إ‪َJ
َ %‬عُ ا ْ‪ُ ُs%‬ور‬ ‫‪َ!r‬انٌ َو
َ ا ْ‪َ %‬‬ ‫* ا‪ Fِ -%‬وَ ِر ْ‬ ‫‪َ ٌ,+ِ,‬و
َ ْ‪ َ ِ2s‬ةٌ ِ
‫َابٌ َ‬ ‫‪ِ َ .‬ة َ‬ ‫‪َ ً
َY‬و)ِ< ا‪ِ ْ%‬‬ ‫ن ُ‬ ‫[ َ‪“ 2‬ا ُ‪ُ !ُa+َ ? W‬‬

‫‪!E+‬ل ‪!
1%39‬ه‪ 0‬أ
ا‪ L%‬ة ا‪  X,%‬و
‪ EL‬ا ‪ " (%‬إ‪ #X‬ا‪ L%‬ة ا‪ V3%  X,%‬و‪ !(%‬وز‪ /0+‬و‪ ?a0  .29‬و‪ <) Wa9‬ا‪!
K‬ال وا‪K‬ود "‬
‫أي إ‪ AfY #X‬أ
ه ‪ ,0‬أه‪ (-‬ها آ‪O #‬ل ‪ " 1%39‬ز‪0-% *+‬س ‪ VY‬ا‪!(U%‬ات
* ا‪$0%‬ء وا‪ * 0C%‬وا‪ d0E%‬ا‪ 0E#%‬ة
* ا‪%‬ه‪V‬‬
‫وا‪ /N2%‬وا‪ A o%‬ا‪ /
!$#%‬وا‪3XK‬م وا‪ L%‬ث ذ‪J
%‬ع ا‪ L%‬ة ا‪  X,%‬وا‪ *$Y ^,0 S‬ا‪#%‬ب " ‪ r ?W‬ب ‪ A7
1%39‬ا‪ L%‬ة ا‪<)  X,%‬‬
‫أ‪ (X‬زه ة )‪ / X‬و‪ /#3X‬زا‪E) /-R‬ل " آ‪ " w A7#‬وه! ا‪ #%‬ا‪%‬ي ‪!0O ,3 <9;+‬ط ا‪0%‬س آ‪O #‬ل ‪ " 1%39‬وه! ا‪%‬ي ‪m0+‬ل ا‪w s%‬‬

* ‪!0O 
,3‬ا" ‪ .‬و‪ " 1%39 F%!O‬أ‪ V‬ا‪2a%‬ر ‪ " F9CX‬أي ‪ V3+‬ا‪m%‬راع ‪CX‬ت ذ‪ %‬ا‪m%‬رع ا‪%‬ي ‪ w s% &CX‬وآ‪ V3+ #‬ا‪m%‬راع‬
‫ذ‪ %‬آ‪ V39 %‬ا‪ L%‬ة ا‪  X,%‬ا‪2a%‬ر )‪ ?(Xt‬أ‪ Y‬ص <ء ‪ ( -‬وأ
‪ A‬ا‪0%‬س إ‪ J) Ž (+ ?W ". ( %‬ا^
[‪ 2‬ا ‪!a+ ?W‬ن ‪ " 
‫‪ Ž (+‬ذ‪ %‬ا‪m%‬رع )‪ J‬ا^
[‪ 2‬ا ‪ 
,3‬آن ‪ N.‬ا ‪ NX‬ا ‪!a+ ?W‬ن ‪ ,3‬ذ‪ %‬آ‪ 
Y F-‬أي ‪ #LJ
$C+ [+‬ه‪a‬ا ا‪ L%‬ة ا‪ X,%‬‬
‫‪!a9‬ن أو ‪!a9 ?W A(Ja9 ?W /‬ن !زا !هء وا‪$Xn‬ن ‪!a+‬ن آ‪ <) %‬أول ‪ ^ #‬و‪!20‬ان ‪ * % + d N FC‬ا‪K‬ف‬
‫(< ا‪ ?W 0#%‬إ‪ U+ FX‬ع )< ا‪ FCd sJJ) /%!(a%‬و‪!O ˆ3 ,E2+‬ا^ ‪ o  [ ) Ca+ ?W‬آ‪ C‬ا ‪ ‚ 3r‬ا‪!E%‬ى ‪ A -O‬ا‪ L%‬آ‪/‬‬
‫‪ ^m3+‬ا‪<U%‬ء ا‪ $ %‬آ‪O #‬ل ‪ " 1%39‬ا‪ S‬ا‪%‬ي ‪!O ‚3r ,3 *
A3G ?W ‚3r *
?aE-.‬ة ‪!O ,3 *
A3G ?W‬ة ‪ 23r‬و ‪C‬‬
\-o+‬ء وه! ا‪ ? -3%‬ا‪ " +,E%‬و‪ #%‬آن ها ا‪ A7#%‬دا ‪ 1-‬زوال ا‪  X,%‬وا‪ (RNEX‬و) ا ( 
‪ /%L‬وأن ا‪ .y‬ة آ‪ /0R‬‬

‪Y /%L‬ر
* أ
ه ور ‪ *
( ) # ) V‬ا‪E) o%‬ل " و)< ا‪ .y‬ة اب ‪ ,+,‬و
‪ 2s‬ة
* ا‪ S‬ور‪!r‬ان و
 ا‪ L%‬ة ا‪  X,%‬إ‬

‪J‬ع ا‪ s%‬ور " أي و‪ <) H %‬ا‪ .y‬ة ا‪ / 9y‬ا‪ /C+ E%‬إ إ
 ها وإ
 ها ‪ :‬إ
 اب ‪ ,+,‬وإ

‪ 2s‬ة
* ا‪ S‬ور‪!r‬ان ‪ .‬و‪F%!O‬‬
‫‪ " 1%39‬و
 ا‪ L%‬ة ا‪  X,%‬إ
‪J‬ع ا‪ s%‬ور " أي ه<
‪J‬ع )ن ر ‪ *#%‬رآ* إ‪ ( Js+ FXt) F %‬و‪ ,EJ3+ 1JY FC39‬أن  دار‬
‫‪!4‬اه و
‪3‬د وراءه وه< ‪ EY‬ة ‪ /C$0% /- -O‬إ‪ 1%‬ا‪,%‬ار ا‪ .y‬ة ‪O .‬ل ا* ‪ Y * <- 0W,Y + G‬ب ا‪0W,Y <-f!#%‬‬
‫ا‪L#%‬ر< ‪ # * ,#L
0W,Y‬و * أ< ‪ * /#-4‬أ< ه ‪ +‬ة ‪O‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪!4 {r!
" ?-4‬ط )<‬
‫ا‪ *
. /0%‬ا‪  X,%‬و
 ) ( ا‪ O‬ءوا " و
 ا‪ L%‬ة ا‪  X,%‬إ
‪J‬ع ا‪ s%‬ور " وها ا‪ <) &W w+,L%‬ا‪, Q L[%‬ون ه^ ا‪+m%‬دة‬
‫وا‪ S‬أ‪ . ?-‬و‪O‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y ,#Y‬ا* ‪ #X‬ووآ { آ_ه‪ * #‬ا‪ ,C * \ E * e#K‬ا‪O S‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪S‬‬

‫‪ F -‬و‪ /0-% " ?-4‬أ‪ O‬ب إ‪ 1%‬أ‪,Y‬آ?
*  اك ‪ F-3X‬وا‪0%‬ر
‪ A7‬ذ‪ " %‬ا‪ 2X‬د ‪ .t‬ا‪ FG‬ا‪oC%‬ري )< ا‪O %‬ق
* ‪ w+,Y‬ا‪!7%‬ري *‬
‫ا‪ <2) F e#K‬ها ا‪ w+,L%‬د‪ 1- A %‬ا‪ JO‬اب ا‪ o%‬وا‪ *
U%‬ا‪$Xn‬ن وإذا آن ا‪
K‬آ‪(-) %‬ا ‪ F7Y‬ا‪ 1- 1%39 S‬ا‪C#%‬درة‬
‫إ‪ 1%‬ا‪ o%‬ات
* )‪ A3‬ا‪%‬ت و‪ 9‬ك ا‪
L#%‬ت ا‪ F0 2a9 <J%‬ا‪!X%‬ب وا‪m%‬ت و‪ F% A[L+‬ا‪!7%‬اب وا‪,%‬ر‪G‬ت‬

‫‪ Aُ N‬ا‪َUَ+ ْ*
َ Fِ ِ9ْg+ُ Fِ -%‬ء‬ ‫ )َ ْ‬
‫‪َ Fِ -ِ4‬ذ‪َ ِ%‬‬
‫‪ِ َ#$‬ء وَا ْ‪;َ%‬رْضِ ُأِ ‪,‬تْ ِ‪!ُ0
َ q َ*+ِ-%‬ا ِ‪َ Fِ -%‬و ُر ُ‬
‫ض ا‪ %‬‬
‫‪َ َ(r‬آ‪ِ ْ َ3‬‬
‫ ْ ُ‬
‫‪!ُEِ َ4‬ا ِإ‪ َ 2ِ sْ
َ 1َ%‬ةٍ ِ
*ْ َر ‪َ ْ?ُah‬و‪َ /ٍ 0 َG‬‬
‫وَا‪ Fُ -%‬ذُو ا ْ‪ Aِ ْN2َ %‬ا ْ‪? ِ3َ %‬‬

‫)‪E‬ل ‪!E4 " 1%39‬ا إ‪ 2s

* ر‪ ?a‬و‪ (r  /0G‬آ‪ 3‬ض ا‪#$%‬ء وا‪K‬رض " وا‪ #%‬اد ‪ H0G‬ا‪#$%‬ء وا‪K‬رض آ‪O #‬ل ‪1%39‬‬
‫)< ا‪ /+y‬ا‪ .K‬ى " و‪4‬ر!ا إ‪ 2s
* ر‪ ?a‬و‪ (r  /0G‬ا‪!#$%‬ات وا‪K‬رض أ‪,‬ت ‪ " * EJ#-%‬و‪O‬ل ه(‪ " 0‬أ‪,‬ت ‪*+-%‬‬
q‬ا ‪ S‬ور‪ F-4‬ذ‪ AN) %‬ا‪U+ *
F 9g+ S‬ء وا‪ S‬ذو ا‪ AN2%‬ا‪ " ? 3%‬أي ها ا‪%‬ي أه‪ ?(-‬ا‪ F% S‬ه!
* )‪ F-N‬و
‪?( - F0‬‬
‫وإ‪ FX$Y‬إ‪ ?( %‬آ‪ <) 0
,O #‬ا‪ Q L[%‬أن )‪ E‬اء ا‪!%O *+ G(#%‬ا ‪ +‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ S‬ذه‪ V‬أه‪ A‬ا‪!W,%‬ر ‪!GK‬ر وا‪,%‬ر‪G‬ت ا‪ 1-3%‬وا‪? 30%‬‬
‫ا‪O ? E#%‬ل " و
 ذاك ؟ " ‪!%O‬ا ‪!-[+‬ن آ‪ <-[X #‬و‪!
![+‬ن آ‪![X #‬م و‪!O,[J+‬ن و ‪,[JX‬ق و‪!EJ3+‬ن و ‪O \J3X‬ل " أ)_‬
‫أد‪< 1- ?a%‬ء إذا )‪,3 *
?JEC4 ^!#J-3‬آ? و ‪!a+‬ن أ‪ ,Y‬أ)‪ ?a0
* ‪ ?J30f 
{0f‬؟ " ‪!LC$9‬ن و‪ Ca9‬ون‬
‫و‪,#L9‬ون د آ‪_f A‬ة ‪ /W_W‬و‪O "* W_W‬ل ) ‪!3G‬ا )‪!%E‬ا ‪ {#4‬إ‪!.‬ا‪ 0X‬أه‪ A‬ا‪!
 )‪!-32) 0-3‬ا
‪E) F-7‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪1-f S‬‬
‫" ا‪ F - S‬و‪ " ?-4‬ذ‪ AN) %‬ا‪U+ *
F 9g+ S‬ء‬

‫‪ 1َ-‬ا‪ٌ ِ$+َ Fِ -%‬‬

‫ن َذِ‪َ َ%‬‬
‫ب ِ
*ْ َ‪َ Aِ ْCO‬أنْ ‪َ َ Cْ َX‬أهَ ِإ ‬
‫‪ِ ْ?aُ $‬إ‪ِ <ِ) %‬آ‪ٍ َJ‬‬
‫ض َو‪َ <ِ) َ%‬أ ْ‪ِ ُ2X‬‬
‫ب ِ
*ْ ُ
[ِ َ‪ <ِ) /ٍ C‬ا ْ‪َ;%‬رْ ِ‬

َ َأ‪َ َf‬‬

‫‪,O * 1%39 Co+‬ر^ ا‪ ACO FE-. <) \$%‬أن ‪ C+‬أ ا‪E) /+ C%‬ل "
[ ‪ <) /C‬ا‪K‬رض و )< أ‪ " ?a$2X‬أي )< ا‪)y‬ق‬
‫و)< ‪ " ?a4!2X‬إ )< آ‪J‬ب
* ‪ ACO‬أن ‪ CX‬أه " أي
* ‪ ACO‬أن ‪ \-oX‬ا‪ /E -o%‬و‪ CX‬أ ا‪ /#$0%‬و‪O‬ل ‪ ACO *
" ?(N3‬أن ‪ CX‬أه"‬
‫‪ 1- ,R‬ا‪!20%‬س و‪ 1- ,R A O‬ا‪ /C [#%‬وا‪! *$YK‬د^ ‪ 1-‬ا‪ /E -o%‬وا‪ /%,% /+ C%‬ا‪_a%‬م ‪ .( -‬آ‪O #‬ل ا* ‪<0W,Y + G‬‬
‫‪!E3+‬ب ‪ 0W,Y‬ا* ‪![0
* / -‬ر * ‪ ,C‬ا‪O *#Y %‬ل آ‪ {
$%G &0‬ا‪E) *$L%‬ل ر‪ 
" 1%39 F%!O * F-4 AG‬أ‪f‬ب

[ ‪ <) /C‬ا‪K‬رض و )< أ‪ ?a$2X‬إ )< آ‪J‬ب
* ‪ ACO‬أن ‪ CX‬أه " )‪E) (0 FJ%;$‬ل ‪LC4‬ن ا‪ S‬و
* ‪ <) U+‬ها ؟ آ‪/C [
‫ * ا‪#$%‬ء وا‪K‬رض )‪ <2‬آ‪J‬ب ا‪ ACO *
S‬أن ‪ C+‬أ ا‪ /#$0%‬و‪O‬ل ‪JO‬دة ‪ 
" :‬أ‪f‬ب
[ ‪ <) /C‬ا‪K‬رض " ‪O‬ل ه< ا‪!0$%‬ن‬
‫‪ <03+‬ا‪,%‬ب " و )< أ‪!E+ " ?a$2X‬ل ا‪K‬و‪G‬ع وا‪
K‬اض ‪O‬ل و‪ 0s-‬أ‪ H % FX‬أ‪,. FC [+ ,Y‬ش !د و ‪,O /CaX‬م و ‪-.‬ن‬
‫ ق إ ‪ VX‬و
 ‪ !23+‬ا‪ F0 S‬أآ‪ . 7‬وه^ ا‪ /+y‬ا‪ /#+ a%‬ا‪ *
/# 3%‬أدل د‪ 1- A %‬ا‪,E%‬ر‪2X /+‬ة ا‪ ?-3%‬ا‪ ?(LCO - \$%‬ا‪- S‬‬
‫و‪O‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ‪ 0W,Y ,#Y‬أ! ‪ ,C‬ا‪! Y 0W,Y *#Y %‬ة وا* ‪ O /3 (%‬أ‪ X C.‬أ! ه‪ ‘X‬ا‪ <X!o%‬أ‪ {#4 FX‬أ ‪ ,C‬ا‪ *#Y %‬ا‪<-CL%‬‬
‫‪!E+‬ل ‪ ,C &3#4 :‬ا‪ # * S‬و * ا‪3%‬ص ‪!E+‬ل ‪ &3#4 :‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪!E+ ?-4‬ل " ‪,O‬ر ا‪ S‬ا‪E#%‬د‪ ACO +‬أن ‪\-o+‬‬
‫ا‪!#$%‬ات وا‪K‬رض ‪ * $#o‬أ‪ "/04 ‚%‬وروا^
‪ ,C w+,Y *
FL Lf <) ?-$‬ا‪ * S‬وه‪ V‬و‪! Y‬ة *  ‪ Q+‬و‪ * {)X‬ز‪,+‬‬
‫و‪ * ?(JW_W‬أ< ه‪ F ‘X‬وزاد ا* وه‪ " V‬وآن  ‪ 1- F‬ا‪#%‬ء " وروا^ ا‪
J%‬ي و‪O‬ل ‪ . Q Lf *$Y‬و‪ " 1%39 F%!O‬إن‬
‫ذ‪ 1- %‬ا‪ " $+ S‬أي أن ‪ 1%39 F#-‬ا‪ K‬ء ‪ ACO‬آ!‪ (X‬وآ‪ 1- A(4 (0 Y <) ,G!+ 
\Cd (% FJJ‬ا‪ m S‬و‪?-3+ FXK AG‬‬

 آن و
 ‪!a+‬ن و
 ‪ !% *a+ ?%‬آن آ ‚ آن ‪!a+‬ن‬

‫‪ُ V‬آ ‪ٍ َJْo

ُ A‬ل َ)‪ٍ !ُo‬ر‬
‫‪ L‬‬
‫‪َ ْ?aُ 9َ َ) َ
1َ-‬و‪!ُYَ 2ْ 9َ َ%‬ا ِ‪ُ َ9q َ#‬آ?ْ وَا‪ِ +ُ َ% Fُ -%‬‬
‫‪ْ!4‬ا َ‬
‫ِ‪َ ;ْ َ9 َ- ْ aَ %‬‬

‫و‪!4;9 _ a% " 1%39 F%!O‬ا ‪ ?a9) 

1-‬و ‪!Y 29‬ا ‪9q #‬آ? " أي أ‪0#-‬آ? ‪,EJ‬م ‪ 0#-‬و‪ \C4‬آ‪ ’% 0JJ‬ء ‪ ACO‬آ!‪(X‬‬
‫و‪ X +,E9‬ا‪0Ra%‬ت ‪ ACO‬و‪!G‬ده ‪!#-3J%‬ا أن
 أ‪ ?aTo % *a+ ?% ?af‬و
 أ‪;.‬آ? ‪!4;9 _) ?aC [ % *a+ ?%‬ا ‪!% FXK ?a9) 
‫‪,O‬ر <ء ‪a%‬ن " و ‪!Y 29‬ا ‪9q #‬آ? " أي ‪G‬ءآ? و‪9q " $29‬آ? " أي أآ? وآ_ه‪_J
#‬زم أي  ‪ o29‬وا ‪ 1-‬ا‪0%‬س ‪#‬‬
‫أ‪ ?3X‬ا‪t) ?a - F S‬ن ذ‪ ?a 3$ H % %‬و آ‪,‬آ? وإ‪ #X‬ه! * ‪,O‬ر ا‪ S‬ورز‪oJ9 _) ?a% FO‬وا ‪ ?3X‬ا‪ S‬أ ا و ا ‪ o29‬ون (‬
‫‪ 1-‬ا‪0%‬س و‪(%‬ا ‪O‬ل ‪ "1%39‬وا‪ VL+  S‬آ‪Jo
A‬ل )‪!o‬ر " أي
‪Jo‬ل )< ‪!o) " CaJ
F$2X‬ر " أي ‪ ^ 1-‬و‪O‬ل ‪/
‫‪ H %‬أ‪ ,Y‬إ وه! ‪ 2+‬ح و‪mL+‬ن و‪ *a%‬ا‪!-3G‬ا ا‪ 2%‬ح ‪ a‬ا وا‪mL%‬ن ‪ Cf‬ا‬

‫‪ُ, ِ#L‬‬
‫< ا ْ‪َ %‬‬
‫ن ا‪ُ Fَ -%‬ه َ! ا ْ‪ 0ِ َs%‬‬
‫‪َ Aِ o‬و َ
*ْ ‪!َ Jَ َ+‬ل )َِ‪ t‬‬
‫س ِ ْ‪ْ Cُ %‬‬
‫ن ا‪َ 0%‬‬
‫ن وَ َ‪ُ
ُ ;ْ +‬و َ‬
‫* َ‪َ !ُ-َoCْ +‬‬
‫ا‪َ +ِ%‬‬

‫و‪ " 1%39 F%!O‬ا‪!-oC+ *+%‬ن و‪

;+‬ون ا‪0%‬س ‪ " AoC%‬أي ‪!-32+‬ن ا‪ a0#%‬و‪!NL+‬ن ا‪0%‬س ‪ " F -‬و
* ‪!J+‬ل " أي * أ
‫و‪t) " FJd‬ن ا‪ S‬ه! ا‪ <0s%‬ا‪ " , #L%‬آ‪O #‬ل
!‪ F - 14‬ا‪_$%‬م " إن ‪ 2a9‬وا أ‪ ?JX‬و
* )< ا‪K‬رض ‪t) 3 #G‬ن ا‪, #Y <0s% S‬‬

‫‪Allah asks, `Has not the time come for the believers to feel humility in their hearts by the‬‬
‫‪remembrance of Allah and hearing subtle advice and the recitation of the Qur'an, so that they‬‬

may comprehend the Qur'an, abide by it, and hear and obey Muslim recorded that `Abdullah
bin Mas`ud said, "Only four years separated our acceptance of Islam and the revelation of
this Ayah, in which Allah subtly admonished us,

6ِF-%‫ ِآْ ِ ا‬%ِ ْ?(ُ ُ !ُ-Oُ {َ U

َ ْo9َ ‫ُ!اْ أَن‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ-%ِ ِ‫َ ْ;ن‬+ ْ?%َ‫َأ‬

(Has not the time yet come for the believers that their hearts should be humble for the
remembrance of Allah)'' This is the narration Muslim collected, just before the end of his
book. An-Nasa'i also collected this Hadith in the Tafsir of this Ayah. Allah's statement,

6ْ?(ُ ُ !ُ-ُO ْ&$

َ Eَ َ) ,ُ
َ  ‫ ْ ِ(?ُ ا‬-َ َ ‫ )ََ َل‬Aُ Cْ َO *ِ
َ ‫َـ‬Jِa%ْ ‫ُ! ْا ا‬9‫*َ أُو‬+ِ%َ‫ُ!اْ آ‬X!ُa+َ َ ‫ َو‬

(Lest they become as those who received the Scripture before, and the term was prolonged for
them and so their hearts were hardened) Allah is prohibiting the believers from imitating
those who were given the Scriptures before them, the Jews and Christians. As time passed,
they changed the Book of Allah that they had, and sold it for a small, miserable price. They
also abandoned Allah's Book behind their back and were impressed and consumed by various
opinions and false creeds. They imitated the way others behaved with the religion of Allah,
making their rabbis and priests into gods beside Allah. Consequently, their hearts became
hard and they would not accept advice; their hearts did not feel humbled by Allah's promises
or threats,

ِ ‫ ُ(?ْ )َـ‬0ْ
h ٌ ِ7َ‫ َوآ‬

(And many of them were rebellious.) meaning, in action; therefore, their hearts are corrupt
and their actions are invalid, just as Allah the Exalted said,

6ِFِ ْ‫ ُذ ِآ ُوا‬#

h َY ْ‫ُ!ا‬$َX‫ َو‬Fِ 3ِ r
ِ َ!
 *َ ?َ -َِa%ْ ‫ن ا‬
َ !ُ) h L
َ +ُ /ً َ 4
ِ َO ْ?(ُ َ!ُ-Oُ َ0-ْ َ3G
َ ‫ـ ُ(?ْ َو‬03َ% ْ?(ُ Eَ ‫َـ‬7 h
ِ ْEXَ َ#Cِ )َ 

(So, because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them and made their hearts grow
hard. They changed the words from their (right) places and have abandoned a good part of
the Message that was sent to them.)(5:13) meaning, their hearts became corrupt and they
hardened, and they acquired the behavior of changing Allah's Speech from their appropriate
places and meanings. They abandoned acts of worship that they were commanded to perform
and committed what they were prohibited to do. This is why Allah forbade the believers from
imitating them in any way, be it basic or detailed matters. Allah the Exalted said,

َ !ُ-ِEْ39َ ْ?ُa-3َ %َ &
ِ ‫َـ‬+ ‫?ُ ا‬aُ %َ 0  َ ْ,َO َ(9ِ ْ!
َ َ,3ْ َ ‫ض‬
َ ْ‫ِ ا ر‬1L
ْ +ُ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ُ!اْ َأ‬#-َ
ْ ‫ا‬

(Know that Allah gives life to the earth after its death! Indeed We have made clear the Ayat to
you, if you but understand.) This Ayah indicates that He brings subtleness to hearts after they
have become hard, guides the confused after they were led astray, and relieves hardships after
they have intensified. And just as Allah brings life back to the dead and dry earth by sending
the needed abundant rain, He also guides the hardened hearts with the proofs and evidences
of the Qur'an. The light (of faith) would have access to the hearts once again, after they were
closed and, as a consequence, no guidance was able to reach them. All praise is due to Him
Who guides whomever He wills after they were misguided, Who misguides those who were led
aright before. Surely, it is He Who does what He wills and He is the All-Wise, the Most Just in
all that He does, the Most Subtle, the Most Aware, the Most High, the Proud.

Allah the Exalted describes the reward that He will award to those who spend from their
wealth, whether male or female, on the needy, the poor and the meek,

‫ً َو‬0َ$Y
َ ًrْ Oَ َF-%‫ا‬

(and lend Allah handsome loan,) meaning, they give in charity with a good heart seeking the
pleasure of Allah. They do not seek worldly rewards or appreciation from those to whom they
give in charity. Allah's statement,

6ْ?(ُ َ% ‚
ُ َ3‫َـ‬N+ُ 

(it shall be increased manifold,) indicating that He will multiply the good deeds from tenfold,
up to seven hundredfold and even more than that,

6ٌ?+ِ ‫ْ ٌ َآ‬G‫ ُ(?ْ َأ‬%َ‫ َو‬

(and theirs shall be an honorable good reward.) theirs will be a generous, handsome reward, a
good dwelling to return to and an honorable final destination. Allah's statement,

h %‫ ُه ُ? ا‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ ُأو‬Fِ -ِ4
ُ ‫ َو ُر‬Fِ -%ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫وَا‬

(And those who believe in Allah and His Messengers -- they are the Siddiqun) This completes
His description of those who have faith in Him and in His Messengers, by describing them as
Siddiqun, true believers. Al-`Awfi reported from Ibn `Abbas about

h %‫ ُه ُ? ا‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ ُأو‬Fِ -ِ4
ُ ‫ َو ُر‬Fِ -%ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫وَا‬

(And those who believe in Allah and His Messengers -- they are the Siddiqun) that its meaning
does not continue to the next Ayah,

6ْ?‫ُ! ُر ُه‬Xَ‫ ُ ُه?ْ و‬G

ْ ‫ ُ(?ْ َأ‬%َ ْ?(ِ h ‫ َر‬,َ 0ِ ُ‫ء‬qَ,(َ U

(and the martyrs (are) with their Lord. They shall have their reward and their light.) Abu Ad-
Duha (stopped after he) recited,

h %‫ ُه ُ? ا‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُأو‬

(they are the Siddiqun), then initiated recitation:

6ْ?(ِ h‫ َر‬,َ 0ِ ُ‫ء‬qَ,(َ U


(and the martyrs (are) with their Lord.) Masruq, Ad-Dahhak, Muqatil bin Hayyan and others
said similarly. Al-A`mash narrated from Abu Ad-Duha from Masruq from `Abdullah bin
Mas`ud commented on Allah's statement,

6ْ?(ِ h َ‫ ر‬,َ 0ِ ‫ ُء‬qَ,(َ U

 %‫ُ!نَ وَا‬E+h,[
h %‫ ُه ُ? ا‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُأو‬

(they are the Siddiqun, and the martyrs with their Lord.) "They are of three categories,''
meaning there are those who spend in charity, the Siddiqun and the martyrs. Allah the
Exalted said,

6َ* ِL-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ ِء وَا‬qَ,(َ U
 %‫ِ *َ وَا‬E+h,[
h %‫ *َ وَا‬h Cِ 0 %‫
*َ ا‬h ?ِ( ْ -ََ Fُ -%‫َ َ? ا‬3Xْ ‫* َأ‬
َ +ِ%‫َ َ
َ{ ا‬Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُ! َل )َُ;و‬4  %‫ وَا‬Fَ -%‫ِ ِ{ ا‬+ُ *َ
‫ َو‬

(And whoso obey Allah and the Messenger, then they will be in the company of those on whom
Allah has bestowed His grace, of the Prophets, the Siddiqin, the martyrs, and the righteous.)
(4:69) Therefore, Allah made a distinction between the Siddiqin and the martyrs, indicating
that they are of two distinct categories, so there is no doubt that Siddiq is a better status than
the martyr. Imam Malik bin Anas recorded in his Muwatta' that Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri said
that the Messenger of Allah said,

Aِ ُrَ2َJ%ِ ،ِ‫ ِ ب‬sْ #َ %ْ ‫ ِ قِ َأ ِو ا‬U
ْ #َ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ِ\)ُ ;ُ%ْ ‫َ ِ َ )ِ< ا‬s%ْ ‫ي ا‬
 ‫ر‬h ,%‫ ا‬V
َ ‫!ْ َآ‬aَ %ْ ‫ن ا‬
َ ْ‫ َاءَو‬Jَ َ9 َ#‫ َآ‬،ْ?(ِ Oِ ْ!َ) ْ*
ِ ‫ف‬
ِ َ ُs%ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ ‫ن َأ ْه‬
َ ْ‫ َاءَو‬Jَ َ %َ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ ‫ن َأ ْه‬
«?ُ(َ0 ْ َ

(The people of Paradise will look at the dwellers of the lofty mansions as one looks at a
brilliant star far away in the east or in the west on the horizon, because of their superiority
over one another.) On that the people said, "O Allah's Messenger! Are these lofty mansions for
the Prophets whom none else can reach'' The Prophet replied,

«* ِ-َ4 ْ ُ#%ْ ‫ُ!ا ا‬O, f

َ ‫ِ َو‬Sِ ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ q ٌ‫َل‬G‫ ِر‬،ِ^,ِ َ ِ <ِ$ْ2Xَ ‫ِي‬%‫ وَا‬،1َ-َ »

(No! By Him in Whose Hand is my soul! these are for men who believe in Allah and believe in
the Messengers.) Al-Bukhari and Muslim also collected this Hadith. Allah's statement,

6ْ?(ِ h‫ َر‬,َ 0ِ ُ‫ء‬qَ,(َ U


(and the martyrs with their Lord.) means that they will be in the gardens of Paradise, as
recorded in the Sahih:

/ََ-d h ‫َ ْ ِ(?ْ َر َ ا‬-َ {َ َ-dَ) ِA+ِ‫َد‬0Eَ ْ%‫َ ا‬-ْ ِ9 1َ%‫;ْوِي ِإ‬9َ ? Wُ ،ْ‫ َ َءت‬w ُ ْ Y
َ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ح )ِ< ا‬ ُ َ $ْ َ9 ٍ ْN.ُ ٍ ْ d َ Aِ fِ ‫َ!َا‬Y <ِ) ‫َا ِء‬,(َ U
 %‫ح ا‬
َ ‫ن َأرْوَا‬ ‫»ِإ‬
َ% َ( ْ %َ‫ ُ(?ْ ِإ‬X‫& َأ‬
ُ ْ N
َ َO ْ,َO <hX‫ ِإ‬:‫َ َل‬E)َ ،ٍ‫َ َأ و َل َ
ة‬0-ْ ِJOُ َ#‫ َآ‬،َAJَ ْE0ُ )َ َ ِ) Aَ 9ِ َE0ُ َ) َ Xْ ,%‫ا ِر ا‬,%‫ ا‬1َ%‫َ ِإ‬X‫ ُ د‬9َ ْ‫ َأن‬V
ِ Xُ :‫ُ!ا‬%َE)َ ‫ُونَ؟‬,+ِ 9ُ ‫
«‫ُ!ن‬3G ِ ْ َ+

(The souls of the martyrs live in the bodies of green birds, who fly wherever they wish in
Paradise and then return to their nests in chandeliers. Once your Lord cast a glance at them
and said, `Do you want anything'' They said, "We wish that You return us to the life of the
world, so that we may fight in Your cause and be killed as we were killed the first time.'' Allah
said, "I have decreed that they shall not be returned to it again.'') Allah's statement,

6ْ?‫ُ! ُر ُه‬X‫ ُ ُه?ْ َو‬G

ْ ‫ ُ(?ْ َأ‬%َ

(They shall have their reward and their light.), means that Allah will grant them a generous
reward and a tremendous light that will precede before them. In this, the believers vary
regarding the level of reward they receive, according to their good actions in the life of this
world. Imam Ahmad recorded that `Umar bin Al-Khattab said that he heard the Messenger of
Allah say,

«‫َا‬aَ ‫ ه‬Fِ ْ َ%‫س ِإ‬

ُ 0%‫ُ ُ ا‬0ْ +َ ‫ِي‬%‫ك ا‬
َ ‫ َ)َا‬،َAJِ ُE)َ S
َ ‫قا‬
َ ,َ [
َ َ) ‫ُ و‬,3َ %ْ ‫< ا‬
َ Eِ َ% ،ِ‫َن‬#+ِtْ%‫ ا‬,ُ h G
َ ٌ*
ِ ْg
ُ ٌAُG‫ َر‬:ٌ/3َ َ ْ‫َاءُ َأر‬,(َ U%‫»ا‬

(There are four ranks of martyrs. The first is a man who believes and who is true in faith, who
meets the enemy (in battle), fulfills his duty to Allah and is killed. This is the type that the
people will look up to (his level in Paradise), like this.) The Prophet raised his head until his

cap fell off his head, and the same happened to `Umar. The Prophet continued,

AُGَ‫ ر‬wُ %ِ7%‫ وَا‬./ِ َ Xِ 7%‫ ا‬/ِ G

َ ‫ َر‬, %‫ك )ِ< ا‬
َ ‫ َ)َا‬،ُF-َJَ َE)َ ٌ‫ ْب‬َ ٌ?(ْ 4 َ ^ُ َ‫َء‬G ،ِQ-ْ %‫ك ا‬ ِ ْ!Uَ ِ ^ُ ُ (ْ …
َ ‫ب‬ ُ َ Nْ +ُ َ#X ;ََa)َ ‫و‬,ُ َ3%ْ ‫< ا‬
َ Eِ %َ ٌ*
ِ ْg
ُ <ِX7%‫»وَا‬
َ ‫ف‬َ َ 4ْ ‫ ِ
*ٌ َأ‬gْ
ُ ٌAُG‫ ا ِ ُ{ َر‬%‫ وَا‬./َ7%ِ7%‫ ا‬/ِ G َ ‫ َر‬, %‫ك )ِ< ا‬ َ ‫ َ)َا‬،َAJِ Oُ 1ْJY َ S َ ‫قا‬ َ َ,[َ )َ ‫و‬,ُ 3َ %ْ ‫< ا‬
َ Eِ َ% ،ًT h 4
َ َ .
َ qَ‫ً و‬Lِ%َf ً-#َ  َ َ}-َ.
َ ٌ*
ِ ْg
«/َ3ِ ‫ ا‬%‫ ا‬/ِ G
َ ‫ َر‬,%‫ َ)َاكَ )ِ< ا‬،َAJِ Oُ 1ْJY َ S َ ‫قا‬ َ َ,[ َ )َ ‫و‬,ُ 3َ %ْ ‫< ا‬
َ Eِ َ% ،‫ِ ًا‬7َ‫ َا)ً آ‬4
ْ ‫ ِإ‬Fِ $
ِ ْ2Xَ

(The second is a believer who meets the enemy and is struck by a stray arrow which causes
him to die. This believer is in the second grade. The third is a believer who has combined good
deeds with evil deeds; he meets the enemy and is truthful to his duty to Allah until he is killed.
This is the third category. And the fourth is a believer who has committed sins excessively, so
he meets the enemy and is truthful to his duty to Allah, and is killed. This is the fourth
category.) `Ali bin Al-Madini also reported this Hadith and said, "This Egyptian chain is Salih
useful.'' At-Tirmidhi said, "Hasan Gharib.'' Allah's statement,

6 ?ِ ِLَ%ْ ‫ ا‬V
ُ ‫َـ‬Lf
ْ ‫َ َأ‬Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫َ ُأو‬0ِJ‫َـ‬+َ‫َ ُواْ َو َآُ!اْ ِـ‬2‫* َآ‬
َ +ِ%‫وَا‬

(But those who disbelieve and deny Our Ayat -- they shall be the dwellers of the blazing Fire.)
mentions the destination and the condition of the miserable ones, after Allah mentioned the
destination and rewards of the happy ones.

Allah the Exalted degrades the significance of this life and belittles it by saying,

6ِ,‫ْـ‬%ْ‫ ا 
ْ َ! ِل وَا و‬1ِ) ٌ ُWَa9َ ‫?ْ َو‬aُ 0َ ْ َ ٌ .
ُ َ29َ ‫ٌ َو‬/0َ +ِ‫(ْ!ٌ َوز‬%ََ‫ٌ و‬Vِ3%َ َ Xْ ,%‫َ َ! ُة ا‬L%ْ ‫َ ا‬#X ‫َأ‬

(that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among you,
and rivalry in respect of wealth and children.) meaning, this is the significance of this life to its
people, just as He said in another Ayah,

َ َ %ِ‫ث َذ‬ِ ْ َL%ْ ‫َـ ِ? وَا‬3ْXKَ ‫ وَا‬/ِ
َ ! $
َ #ُ ْ%‫ ا‬Aِ ْ o
َ %ْ ‫ وَا‬/ِ N
 2ِ ْ%‫ وَا‬V
ِ َ‫ ه‬%‫* ا‬
ِ ‫َ َ ِة‬0َE#ُ %ْ ‫َـِ ِ ا‬0َE%ْ ‫* وَا‬
َ ِ0Cَ %ْ ‫َ ِء وَا‬$h0%‫* ا‬
ِ ‫ت‬
ِ !َ (َ U
 %‫ ا‬V
 ُY ‫س‬
ِ 0-ِ% *
َ +h ‫ ُز‬
6‫ب‬ ِ ;َ#َ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ْ Yُ ُ^,َ 0ِ Fُ -%‫ َ وَا‬Xْ ,%‫َ َ! ِة ا‬L%ْ ‫ا‬

(Beautified for men is the love of things they covet; women, children, much of gold and silver
(wealth), branded beautiful horses, cattle and well-tilled land. This is the pleasure of the
present world's life; but Allah has the excellent return with Him.)(3:14) Allah the Exalted also
sets a parable for this life, declaring that its joys are fading and its delights are perishable,
saying that life is,

6ٍw ْ
َ Aِ 7َ #َ ‫ َآ‬

(Like a rain (Ghayth),) which is the rain that comes down to mankind, after they had felt
despair. Allah the Exalted said in another Ayah,

6ْ‫ُ!ا‬0َ َO َ
,ِ 3ْ َ *ِ
َ ْ sَ %ْ ‫ ُل ا‬hm0َ ُ+ ‫ِى‬%‫ َو ُه َ! ا‬

(And He it is Who sends down the Ghayth (rain) after they have despaired.)(42:28) Allah's

6ُF9ُ َCXَ َ‫ر‬2aُ %ْ ‫ ا‬V

ْ ‫َأ‬

(thereof the growth is pleasing to the tiller;) meaning that farmers admire the vegetation that

grows in the aftermath of rain. And just as farmers admire vegetation, the disbelievers admire
this life; they are the most eager to acquire the traits of life, and life is most dear to them,

َُY ‫ن‬
ُ !ُa+َ ? Wُ ‫َ ّ ًا‬2[
ُ ُ^‫َ َا‬J)َ ُŽ ِ(+َ ? Wُ 

(afterwards it dries up and you see it turning yellow; then it becomes straw.) meaning, that
vegetation soon turns yellow in color, after being fresh and green. After that, the green fades
away and becomes scattered pieces of dust. This is the parable of this worldly life, it starts
young, then matures and then turns old and feeble. This is also the parable of mankind in this
life; they are young and strong in the beginning. In this stage of life, they look youthful and
handsome. Slowly, they begin growing older, their mannerism changes and their strength
weakens. They then grow old and feeble; moving becomes difficult for them, while doing easy
things becomes beyond their ability. Allah the Exalted said,

6 ُ +ِ,Eَ %ْ ‫ِ ?ُ ا‬-3َ %ْ ‫َ ُء َو ُه َ! ا‬U+َ َ

ُ\-ُْo+َ /ً Cَ ْ 
َ َ‫ً و‬2ْ3r
َ ٍ‫ !ة‬Oُ ِ,3ْ َ *ِ
Aَ 3َ G
َ ? Wُ ٍ‫ !ة‬Oُ ٍ‚3ْ r
َ ,ِ 3ْ َ *ِ
Aَ َ3G
َ ? Wُ ‚
ٍ 3ْ r
َ *h
ْ?aُ Eَ َ-.
َ ‫ِى‬%‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ا‬

(Allah is He Who created you in (a state of) weakness, then gave you strength after weakness,
then after strength gave (you) weakness and grey hair. He creates what He wills. And He is the
All-Knowing, the All-Powerful.)(30:54) This parable indicates the near demise of this life and
the imminent end of it, while in contrast, the Hereafter is surely coming. Those who hear this
parable should, therefore, be aware of the significance of the Hereafter and feel eagerness in
the goodness that it contains,

6ِ‫ ُور‬sُ %ْ ‫َـ ُ{ ا‬J

َ  ‫ َ ِإ‬Xْ ,%‫َ َ! ُة ا‬L%ْ ‫ َ!نٌ َو
َ ا‬r
ْ ِ‫ َور‬Fِ -%‫* ا‬
h ٌ‫ِ َ ة‬2sْ
َ ‫ٌ َو‬,+ِ,
َ ٌ‫َاب‬
َ ‫ِ َ ِة‬. ‫ ا‬1ِ)‫ َو‬

(But in the Hereafter (there is) a severe torment, and (there is) forgiveness from Allah and
(His) pleasure. And the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment.) meaning, surely, the
Hereafter that will certainly come contains two things either severe punishment or forgiveness
from Allah and His good pleasure. Allah the Exalted said,

6ِ‫ُ ُور‬s%ْ ‫َـ ُ{ ا‬J

َ  ‫ َ ِإ‬Xْ ,%‫َ َ! ُة ا‬L%ْ ‫وَ

(And the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment.) meaning, this life is only a form of
enjoyment that deceives those who incline to it. Surely, those who recline to this life will
admire it and feel that it is dear to them, so much so, that they might think that this is the only
life, no life or dwelling after it. Yet, in reality, this life is insignificant as compared to the
Hereafter. Imam Ahmad recorded that `Abdullah said that the Messenger of Allah said,

«ِ%‫ ذ‬Aُ 7ْ
ِ ‫ ُر‬0%‫ وَا‬،ِF-ِ3ْ Xَ ‫ك‬
ِ ‫ َا‬
ِ ْ*
ِ ْ?‫ِ ُآ‬,Y
َ ‫ َأ‬1َ%‫ب ِإ‬
ُ َ Oْ ‫ َأ‬/ُ 0 
َ -ْ َ%»

(Paradise is nearer to any of you than the strap on his shoe, and so is the (Hell) Fire.) Al-
Bukhari collected this Hadith through the narration of Ath-Thawri. This Hadith indicates the
close proximity of both good and evil in relation to mankind. If this is the case, then this is the
reason Allah the Exalted encouraged mankind to rush to perform acts of righteousness and
obedience and to avoid the prohibitions. By doing so, their sins and errors will be forgiven and
they will acquire rewards and an exalted status. Allah the Exalted said,

6ِ‫َ ِء وَا رْض‬#$

 %‫ض ا‬
ِ ْ َ3‫(َ َآ‬r
ُ ْ 
َ /ٍ 0 َG‫?ْ َو‬aُ h ‫* ر‬h
‫ِ َ ٍة‬2sْ
َ 1َ%‫ُ!اْ ِإ‬Eَِ4

(Race with one another in hastening towards forgiveness from your Lord, and Paradise the

width whereof is as the width of the heaven and the earth,) Allah the Exalted said in another

َ ِEJ #ُ -ْ ِ% ْ‫ت‬, 
ِ ‫ض ُأ‬
ُ ْ‫ت وَا ر‬
ُ !َ ‫َـ‬#$
 %‫(َ ا‬r
ُ ْ 
َ /ٍ 0 G
َ ‫?ْ َو‬aُ h ‫* ر‬h
ٍ‫ِ َ ة‬2sْ
َ 1َ%‫َرُِ!اْ ِإ‬4‫ َو‬

(And march forth in the way (to) forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as the
heavens and the earth, prepared for those who have Taqwa.)(3:133) Allah said here,

6ِ? ِ3َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ N

ْ 2َ %ْ ‫ ذُو ا‬Fُ -%‫َ ُء وَا‬U+َ *َ
Fِ ِ9ْg+ُ Fِ -%‫ ا‬Aُ N
ْ )َ َ%ِ‫ َذ‬Fِ -ِ4
ُ ‫ َو ُر‬Fِ -%ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ-ِ% ْ‫ت‬, 
ِ ‫ُأ‬

(prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. That is the grace of Allah which
He bestows on whom He is pleased with. And Allah is the Owner of great bounty.) meaning,
"This, that Allah has qualified them for, is all a part of His favor, bounty and compassion.''
We mentioned a Hadith collected in the Sahih in which the poor emigrants said to the
Messenger , "O Allah's Messenger! The wealthy people will get higher grades and permanent
enjoyment.'' He asked,

«‫» َو
َ ذَاكَ؟‬

(Why is that) They said, "They pray like us and fast as we do. However, they give in charity,
whereas we cannot do that, and that free servants, whereas we cannot afford it.'' The Prophet

‫ ُون‬Ch َa9ُ َ‫ن و‬

َ !ُLhC$ َ 9ُ :ْ?Jُ 3ْ 0َ f
َ َ
Aَ 7ْ
ِ {َ 0َ f
َ ْ*
َ %‫?ْ ِإ‬aُ 0ْ
ِ Aَ َN)ْ ‫ٌ َأ‬,َY‫ُ!نُ َأ‬aَ+ َ%َ‫ و‬،ْ?‫ ُآ‬,َ 3ْ َ ْ*
َ ْ?Jُ Eْ Cَ 4
َ ُ^!ُ#Jُ ْ-3َ )َ ‫< ٍء ِإذَا‬
َ 1َ-
َ ْ?aُ %‫َ َأ ُد‬-)َ ‫»َأ‬
«* ِWَ-Wَ َ‫ً و‬Wَ-Wَ ٍ‫َة‬-َf Ah ‫ن دُ ُ َ ُآ‬
َ ‫ُو‬,#h L َ 9ُ ‫َو‬

n(Shall I tell you of a good deed that, if you acted upon, you would catch up with those who
have surpassed you none would overtake you and be better than you, except those who might
do the same. Say, "Glorious is Allah,'' "Allah is Most Great,'' and "Praise be to Allah,'' thirty
three times each after every prayer.) They later came back and said, "Our wealthy brethren
heard what we did and they started doing the same.'' Allah's Messenger said,

«‫َء‬U+َ ْ*
َ Fِ ِ9ْg+ُ S
ِ ‫ ا‬Aُ ْN)َ 
َ %ِ‫»ذ‬

This is the favor of Allah that He gives to whom He wills.)

Allah reminds of His measuring and deciding the destiny of all things before He created the

6ْ?aُ $
ِ ُ2Xَ‫ أ‬1ِ) َ ‫ ا رْضِ َو‬1ِ) /ٍ Cَ ِ[
َ َf‫
َ َأ‬

(No calamity occurs on the earth nor in yourselves) meaning, `there is nothing that touches
you or happens in existence,'

6َ‫ْ َ َأه‬CX ‫ أَن‬Aِ Cْ َO *h

ٍ ‫َـ‬J‫ ِآ‬1ِ)  ‫ِإ‬

(but it is inscribed in the Book of Decrees before We bring it into existence.) meaning, `before
We created the creation and started life.' Qatadah commented on this Ayah,

6ِ‫ ا رْض‬1ِ) /ٍ Cَ ِ[
َ َf‫
َ َأ‬

(No calamity occurs on the earth) refers to famine, while,

6ْ?aُ $
ِ ُ2Xَ‫ أ‬1ِ) َ ‫ َو‬

(or nor in yourselves) refers to suffering and diseases.'' He also said, "We were told that every
person who suffers a prick of a thorn, a twisted ankle, or a bleeding vein, has it occur on
account of his sins. What Allah forgives is even more.'' This great, honorable Ayah provides
clear evidence to the misguidance of the cursed Qadariyyah sect, who deny Allah's
Preordaihnent and His knowledge of everything before it occurs. Imam Ahmad recorded that
`Abdullah bin `Amr bin Al-`As said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah say,

«/َ0َ4 ‚
َ %ْ ‫* َأ‬
َ ِ$#ْ o
َ ِ ‫ض‬
َ ْ‫;َر‬%ْ ‫ت وَا‬
ِ ‫!َا‬#$%‫\َ ا‬-ُo
ْ َ+ ْ‫ َأن‬Aَ CَO َ +ِ‫َد‬E#َ ْ%‫ ا‬S
ُ ‫ َر ا‬,Oَ »

(Allah ordained the measures (of everything) fifty thousand years before He created the
heavens and the earth.)'' Muslim collected this Hadith in his Sahih with the addition:

«‫َء‬#%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ-َ Fُ 
ُ ْ َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫» َوآ‬

(And His Throne was over the water.) At-Tirmidhi also collected it and said, "Hasan Sahih.''
Allah's statement,

6ٌ ِ$+َ Fِ -%‫ ا‬1َ-

َ َ%ِ‫ن ذ‬

(Verily, that is easy for Allah.) means that He knows all things before they occur, and He
records them exactly as they will occur when they occur, and this is easy for Him. Verily, Allah
knows what happened, what will happen and what did not happen, and what shape and form
it will take if it were to happen.

56. QS AL An'am 6:133-135

َ +ِ َ.‫َ!ْ ٍم ءَا‬O /ِ + ‫ر‬h ‫* ُذ‬h
ْ?‫ََ; ُآ‬UXَ‫َ أ‬#‫َ ُء َآ‬U+َ 
?ُ‫آ‬,ِ 3ْ َ *ِ
ْ Jَ $
ْ +َ ‫?ْ َو‬aُ ْC‫ْ ِه‬+ُ ;ْ U
َ َ+ ‫ إِن‬/ِ #َ Y
ْ  %‫ ذُو ا‬10ِ sَ %ْ ‫وَ َر َ ا‬

ِ 3ْ #ُ ِ ?ُJXَ‫ت َو
َ أ‬
ٍ Kَ ‫ن‬
َ ‫ُو‬,
َ !ُ9 َ
‫ ِإن‬-

- ‫ُ!ن‬#-ِ‫ـ‬%‫ ا‬Q
ُ -ِْ2+ُ َ Fُ X ‫ا ِر ِإ‬,%‫ ا‬/ُ Cَ Eِ ‫ َـ‬Fُ %َ ُ‫ُ!ن‬aَ9 *َ
َ‫ُ!ن‬#-َ3ْ 9َ َ‫ ْ!ف‬$
َ َ) ٌAِ
َ 1hX‫?ْ ِإ‬aُ Jِ َXَa
َ 1َ-َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬-#َ 
ْ ‫َ!ْ ِم ا‬E‫َـ‬+ ْAOُ 6

6:133. Dan Tuhanmu Maha Kaya, lagi mempunyai rahmat. Jika Dia menghendaki niscaya
Dia memusnahkan kamu dan menggantimu dengan siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya setelah
kamu (musnah), sebagaimana Dia telah menjadikan kamu dari keturunan orang-orang lain.
6:134. Sesungguhnya apa yang dijanjikan kepadamu pasti datang, dan kamu sekali-kali tidak
sanggup menolaknya.
6:135. Katakanlah: "Hai kaumku, berbuatlah sepenuh kemampuanmu, sesungguhnya aku
pun berbuat (pula). Kelak kamu akan mengetahui, siapakah (di antara kita) yang akan
memperoleh hasil yang baik dari dunia ini. Sesungguhnya, orang-orang yang lalim itu tidak
akan mendapat keberuntungan.

(133. And your Lord is Al-Ghani, full of mercy; if He wills, He can destroy you; and in your
place make whom He wills as your successors, as He raised you from the seed of other people.)

(134. Surely, that which you are promised, will verily come to pass, and you cannot escape.)
(135. Say: "O my people! Work according to your way, surely, I too am working, and you will
come to know for which of us will be the (happy) end in the Hereafter. Certainly the
wrongdoers will not be successful.")

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ +ِ .
َ q ‫َ!ْ ٍم‬O /ِ + ‫ر‬h ‫َ; ُآ?ْ ِ
*ْ ُذ‬U
َ Xْ ‫َ َأ‬#‫َ ُء َآ‬Uَ+ َ
ْ?‫ ُآ‬,ِ 3ْ َ ْ*
ِ ْ‚-ِo
ْ Jَ $
ْ +َ َ‫?ْ و‬aُ Cْ ‫ْ ِه‬+ُ ;ْ U
َ َ+ ْ‫ ِإن‬/ِ #َ Y
ْ  %‫< ذُو ا‬
 ِ0sَ %ْ ‫ ا‬
َ ‫َو َر‬

‫(? " ذو‬%‫!ا‬Y‫ { أ‬#G <) F %‫ اء إ‬E2%‫!^ وه? ا‬G!%‫ { ا‬#G *

FE-. { #G * ‫< " أي‬0s%‫ " ا‬,#L
+ " ‫ " ور‬1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
‫? أ‬J2%. ‫? " أي إذا‬aC‫ه‬+ ;U+ ‫ ? " " إن‬Y‫ ءوف ر‬% ‫س‬0% S‫ " إن ا‬1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫ ? (? آ‬Y‫ ر‬%‫ " أي وه!
{ ذ‬/#Y %‫ا‬
%‫ ذ‬1- ‫در‬O !‫* " أي ه‬+ .q ‫!م‬O /+‫;آ?
* ذر‬UX‫ أ‬#‫ " آ‬FJ ‫!ن‬-#3+ ‫* أي‬+ .q ‫!م‬O ‫ء " أي‬U+ 
?‫آ‬,3 *
1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫* آ‬+ . ‫ ن‬9n‫ء وا‬g‫ إذهب ه‬1- ‫در‬O !‫ ه‬%‫ه آ‬,3 ‫ي‬% 19‫ وأ‬1%‫و‬K‫ ون ا‬E%‫ ا‬V‫ أذه‬#‫ آ‬F+,% $+ F - A(4
!‫ ه‬S‫ وا‬S‫ ا‬1%‫ اء إ‬E2%‫? ا‬JX‫س أ‬0%‫( ا‬+‫ أ‬+ "1%39 ‫ل‬O‫ ا " و‬+,O %‫ ذ‬1- S‫* وآن ا‬+ . ‫;ت‬+‫س و‬0%‫( ا‬+‫? أ‬aC‫ه‬+ ;U+ ‫" إن‬
‫!ا‬%!J9 ‫ اء وإن‬E2%‫? ا‬JX‫< وأ‬0s%‫ ا‬S‫ " وا‬1%39 ‫ل‬O‫ و‬. " m+m3 S‫ ا‬1- %‫ و
 ذ‬,+,G \-o ‫;ت‬+‫? و‬aC‫ه‬+ ;U+ ‫ إن‬, #L%‫< ا‬0s%‫ا‬
^‫!ل )< ه‬E+ ‫ن‬#7 * ‫& أن‬3#4 : ‫ل‬O /CJ * ‫!ب‬E3+ * ‫ق‬L4‫ * إ‬,#L
‫ل‬O‫? " و‬a%7
‫!ا أ‬X!a+  ?W ?‫!
 آ‬O ‫ل‬,CJ$+
A$0%‫ ا‬/+‫ر‬%‫ وا‬AfK‫ ا‬/+‫ر‬%‫* " ا‬+ .q ‫!م‬O /+‫;آ?
* ذر‬UX‫ أ‬#‫ " آ‬/+y‫ ا‬.

ِ 3ْ #ُ ِ ْ?Jُ Xْ ‫ت َو
َ َأ‬
ٍ َ% ‫ن‬
َ ‫ُو‬,
َ !ُ9 َ

" /%L
 *R‫د آ‬3#%‫
* أ
ا‬F ‫ون‬,!+ ‫ي‬%‫ أن ا‬,#L
+ ?‫ ه‬C.‫*" أي أ‬+m3# ?JX‫ت و
 أ‬y ‫ون‬,!9 
‫ " إن‬1%39 F%!O‫و‬
‫ل‬O‫^ <ء و‬m3+  ‫در‬O !‫ و
 ه‬9)‫ ا ر‬9 ?9 f ‫? وإن‬a9‫ إد‬1- ‫در‬O !‫ ه‬A S‫ون ا‬m39 ‫*" أي و‬+m3# ?JX‫و
* ‫? * ء‬+
<‫ * أ‬a <‫ * * أ‬$Y * ,#L
0W,Y 12[#%‫ * ا‬,#L
0W,Y <‫ أ‬0W,Y : ‫ ه‬$29 <) ?9Y <‫ا* أ‬
‫وا‬,3) ‫!ن‬-E39 ?J0‫دم إن آ‬q <0 + ‫ل‬O FX‫? أ‬-4‫ و‬F%q 1-‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f <C0%‫ * ا‬F0 S‫< ا‬r‫ري ر‬,o%‫ ا‬, 34 <‫أ< رح * أ‬
*+m3# ?JX‫ت و
 أ‬y ‫ون‬,!9 
‫^ إن‬,  <$2X ‫ي‬%‫ وا‬19!#%‫?
* ا‬a$2X‫أ‬.

ُ -ِ2ْ +ُ َ% Fُ X ‫ا ِر ِإ‬,%‫ ا‬/ُ Cَ ِOَ Fُ َ% ‫ن‬
ُ !ُa9َ ْ*
َ ‫ن‬
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َ َ) Aٌ ِ
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َ 1َ-
َ ‫ُ!ا‬-َ#
ْ ‫!ْمِ ا‬Oَ َ+ ْAOُ

?aJE+ d 1- ‫ وا‬#J4‫ أي ا‬, ‫ أآ‬, ‫ وو‬,+, ,+,(9 ‫!ن " ها‬#-39 ‫!ف‬$) A
 <X‫? إ‬aJXa
1- ‫!ا‬-#‫!م ا‬O + AO " 1%39 F%!O‫و‬
X‫? إ‬aJXa
1- ‫!ا‬-#‫!ن ا‬0
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1- "‫س‬C *‫ * ا‬/L-d <‫< * أ‬- ‫ل‬O " ‫ ون‬J0
X‫ وا إ‬JX‫!ن وا‬-

<) F0a
1%39 FXt) ‫ أي‬F - S‫!ات ا‬-f F%!4 % ^,!
S‫ ا‬mX‫ أ‬,O‫? و‬a% ‫< أو‬% ‫!ن‬a9‫!ن " أي أ‬#%%‫ ا‬Q-2+  FX‫ار إ‬,%‫ ا‬/CO
R4 1- ^
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!O *
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F% QJ)‫د و‬C3%‫
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[ر وا‬K‫& ا‬LJ) ?W F9 Y <) %‫ ذ‬A‫* وآ‬+ LC%‫* وا‬# %‫ ا‬%‫ ب وآ‬3%‫ ة ا‬+mG
<) ‫!ا‬0
q *+%‫ وا‬0-4‫[ ر‬00% X‫ل " إ‬O‫ " و‬m+m ‫!ي‬O S‫< إن ا‬-4‫ ور‬X‫* أ‬C- K S‫ ا‬VJ‫ " آ‬1%39 S‫ل ا‬O #‫ * آ‬3#G‫(? أ‬0 S‫ا‬
‫!ر‬m%‫ )< ا‬0CJ‫ آ‬,E%‫ " و‬1%39 ‫ل‬O‫ار " و‬,%‫!ء ا‬4 ?(%‫ و‬/03-%‫(? ا‬%‫(? و‬9‫ر‬3
* #%%‫{ ا‬20+  ‫!م‬+ ‫(د‬K‫!م ا‬E+ ‫!م‬+‫  و‬X,%‫ ة ا‬L%‫ا‬
?a00a$0%‫ * و‬#%%‫* ا‬a-(0% ?(‫ (? ر‬%‫ إ‬1Y‫ );و‬F-4‫را * ر‬C.‫ إ‬1%39 ‫ل‬O‫!ن و‬L%[%‫دي ا‬C (W + ‫رض‬K‫آ أن ا‬%‫ ا‬,3 *

?(02-oJ$ % ‫ت‬L%[%‫!ا ا‬-#‫? و‬a0

q *+%‫ ا‬S‫ ا‬,‫" و‬1%39 ‫ل‬O‫ " و‬, ‫ف و‬.‫
< و‬E
‫ف‬. *#% %‫ه? ذ‬,3 *
‫ آ!ن‬U+  <0X‫و‬,C3+ 0
‫!)(? أ‬. ,3 *
?(0%,C %‫(? و‬% 1N9‫ي ار‬%‫(? ا‬0+‫(? د‬% *0a# %‫(? و‬-CO *
*+%‫‚ ا‬-oJ4‫ ا‬#‫رض آ‬K‫)< ا‬
0d‫ ا و…ه ا و‬.q‫ أو و‬/0#%‫ وا‬,#L%‫ ا‬F%‫ و‬/+,#L#%‫ ا‬/
K‫ (^ ا‬%‫ ذ‬S‫ ا‬A3) ,O‫ و‬/+y‫" ا‬T  <.

Allah said,

‫ َو َر‬6 (And your Lord...), O Muhammad,

1ِ0sَ %ْ ‫ا‬6 (is Al-Ghani) Rich, free from needing His creatures in any way or form, while they stand
in need of Him in all situations,

ْ  %‫ذُو ا‬6 (full of mercy;) towards creation. Allah said in another Ayah,

? ِY‫َ َ ءُوفٌ ر‬% ‫س‬

ِ 0%ِ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ِإ‬6 (Truly, Allah is full of kindness, the Most Merciful towards mankind.)

?ُaCْ ‫ُْ ِه‬+ ;ْ U

َ +َ ‫إِن‬6 (if He wills, He can destroy you.) if you defy His commandments,

?ُ‫آ‬,ِ 3ْ َ *ِ
ْ‚-ِْoJَ $
ْ +َ ‫ َو‬6 (And in your place make whom He wills as your successors,) who
behave obediently,

*+ِ .
َ ‫َ!ْ ٍم ءَا‬O /ِ + ‫ر‬h ‫* ُذ‬h
ْ?‫َ; ُآ‬U
َ Xَ‫َ أ‬#‫ َآ‬6 (As He raised you from the seed of other people.) and surely, He is
able to do this, and it is easy for Him. And just as Allah has destroyed the earlier nations and
brought their successors, He is able to do away with these generations and bring other people
in their place. Allah has also said;

‫ ا‬+ِ,َO 
َ %ِ‫ ذ‬1َ-
َ Fُ -%‫ن ا‬
َ َ‫*َ َوآ‬+ِ .
َ ‫ت ِـ‬
ِ ْ;+َ ‫سُ َو‬0%‫(َ ا‬+‫?ْ َأ‬aُ Cْ ‫ْ ِه‬+ُ ;ْ U
َ +َ ‫ إِن‬6 (If He wills, He can take you away, O
people, and bring others. And Allah is Ever Capable over that.) 4:1336,

m+ِm3َ ِ Fِ -%‫ ا‬1َ-

َ ِ%‫ٍ َو
َ َذ‬,+ِ,G
َ \
ٍ ْ-َoِ ‫ت‬
ِ ;ْ +َ ‫ُـ?ْ َو‬aCْ ‫ْ ِه‬+ُ ;ْ U
َ +َ ‫ إِن‬- ُ, ِ#َL%ْ ‫ ا‬1
 0ِ sَ %ْ ‫ ُه!َ ا‬Fُ -%‫ وَا‬Fِ -%‫ ا‬1َ%‫ ُء ِإ‬qَ َE2ُ %ْ ‫?ُ ا‬Jُ Xَ‫سُ أ‬0%‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ+ 6 (O
mankind! It is you who stand in need of Allah. But Allah is Rich (free of all needs), Worthy of
all praise. If He willed, He could destroy you and bring about a new creation. And that is not
hard for Allah.) 35:15-176, and,

‫ُ!ا‬X!ُa+َ َ ? Wُ ْ?‫!ْ
ً َ ْ َ ُآ‬Oَ ْ‫ل‬,ِ Cْ Jَ $
ْ +َ ْ‫!ْا‬%َ!Jَ 9َ ‫ ُء َوإِن‬qَ Eَ ُ2%ْ ‫ ُ? ا‬Jُ Xَ‫ َوأ‬1
 0ِ َs%ْ ‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ وَا‬Fِ $
ِ ْ2X 6 (But Allah is Rich (free of all needs),
and you are poor. And if you turn away, He will exchange you for some other people and they
will not be your likes.) 47:386. Muhammad bin Ishaq said that Ya`qub bin `Utbah said that he
heard Aban bin `Uthman saying about this Ayah,

*+ِ .
َ ‫َ!ْ ٍم ءَا‬O /ِ + ‫ر‬h ‫* ُذ‬h
ْ?‫َ; ُآ‬U
َ Xَ‫َ أ‬#‫ َآ‬6 (As He raised you from the seed of other people. ) "`The seed'
means the offspring and the children.'' Allah's statement,

*+ِmِ3ْ #ُ ِ ?ُJXَ‫ت َو
َ أ‬
ٍ Kَ َ‫ُون‬,
َ !ُ9 َ
 ‫ ِإ‬6 (Surely, that which you are promised, will verily, come to pass
and you cannot escape.) means, tell them, O Muhammad, that what they have been promised
of Resurrection will surely occur,

ِ 3ْ #ُ ِ ?ُJXَ‫ َو
َ أ‬6 (and you cannot escape.) from Allah. Rather, He is able to resurrect you even
after you become dust and bones. Certainly, Allah is able to do all things and nothing ever
escapes His power. Allah said;

‫ُ!ن‬#-َ3ْ 9َ َ‫ ْ!ف‬$
َ َ) ٌA
ِ َ 1hX‫?ْ ِإ‬aُ Jِ َXَa
َ 1َ-َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬-#َ 
ْ ‫َ!ْ ِم ا‬E‫َـ‬+ ْAOُ 6 (Say: "O my people! Work according to your way,
surely, I too am working and you will come to know.'') This contains a stern warning and a
sure promise, saying; remain on your way, if you think that you are rightly guided, for I will
remain on mine. Allah said in another Ayah,

‫ِ ُون‬Jَ 0ُ
X‫ ُواْ ِإ‬
ِ Jَ Xْ ‫ وَا‬- ‫ن‬
َ !ُ-
ِ َ X‫?ْ ِإ‬aُ Jِ Xَ َa
َ 1َ-
َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬-#َ 
ْ ‫نا‬
َ !ُ0
ِ ْg+ُ َ َ*+ِ-%h AُO‫ َو‬6 (And say to those who do not
believe: "Act according to Makanatikum, We are acting (in our way). And you wait! We (too)
are waiting.'') 11:121-1226. `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas said that,

?ُaJِ Xَ َa
َ 1َ-
َ 6 (according to Makanatikum...) means, your way.

‫ُ!ن‬#ِ-‫ـ‬%‫ ا‬Q
ُ -ِْ2+ُ َ Fُ X ‫ا ِر ِإ‬,%‫ ا‬/ُ Cَ ِE‫ َـ‬Fُ %َ ُ‫ُ!ن‬a9َ *َ
َ !ُ#-َ3ْ 9َ ‫ف‬
َ ْ!$
َ )َ 6 (And you will come to know for which of us will
be the (happy) end in the Hereafter. Certainly the wrongdoers will not be successful) 6:1356,
You will come to know if the happy end will be mine (Muhammad's) or yours (the
disbelievers). Allah has indeed kept His promise and allowed Muhammad to prevail in the
land and rise above those who defied him. He conquered Makkah for him and made him
triumphant over his people who rejected and showed enmity towards him. The Prophet's rule
soon spread over the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen and Bahrain, and all this occurred during his
lifetime. After his death, the various lands and provinces were conquered during the time of
his successors, may Allah be pleased with them all. Allah also said,

َ ‫ى‬
 !ِ َO Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ ِإ‬1ِ-ُ4‫ْ َو ُر‬Xَ ‫* َأ‬Cَ ِ-
ْ ّ Fُ -%‫ ا‬V
َ Jَ ‫ َآ‬6 (Allah has decreed: "Verily, it is I and My Messengers
who shall be the victorious." Verily, Allah is All-Powerful, Almighty.) 58:216

‫ار‬,%‫ُ! ُء ا‬4 ْ?(ُ %َ‫ َو‬/ُ 0َ 3ْ -%ْ ‫ ُ(?ُ ا‬%َ‫ ُ(?ْ َو‬9ُ َ‫ ِر‬3ْ
َ *
َ ِ#-ِ‫ـ‬%‫َ ُ{ ا‬20َ+ َ ‫َ ْ! َم‬+ - ,ُ ‫(َـ‬
ْ  ‫ُ! ُم ا‬E+َ ‫!ْ َم‬+َ َ‫ َ و‬Xْ ,%‫َ َ! ِة ا‬L%ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫َ وَا‬0-َ4
ُ ‫[ ُ ُر‬
ُ 0َ0%َ X‫ِإ‬
6 (Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe in this
world's life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth. The Day when their excuses
will be of no profit to the wrongdoers. Theirs will be the curse, and theirs will be the evil
abode.) 40:51-526 and,

6 َ‫ُ!ن‬L-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫َ ِدىَ ا‬C

ِ َ(ُW ِ +َ ‫ض‬
َ ْ‫ن ا ر‬
 ‫آْ ِ َأ‬h %‫ِ ا‬,3ْ َ *ِ
‫ُ! ِر‬m %‫ ا‬1ِ) َ0Cْ Jَ ‫ْ َآ‬,Eَ %َ‫ َو‬

(And indeed We have written in the Zabur after the Dhikr that My righteous servants shall
inherit the land.) 21:1056

57. QS AL MUTHAFFIFIN 83:18-28

* h -h ِ 1ِ2%َ ‫ ا  ْ َا ِر‬V َ ‫َـ‬J‫_ ِإن ِآ‬

- ‫ !ن‬h- ِ َ
‫ك‬ َ ‫َو
َ َأدْرَا‬
َ !ُ Eَ #ُ %ْ ‫ُ ُ^ ا‬,(َ U
ْ َ+
? ِ3Xَ 1ِ2َ% ‫ن ا ْ َا َر‬  ‫ِإ‬
َ‫ ُون‬ ُ 0َ+ ِRِ qَ‫ ا ر‬1َ- َ
?ِ ِ30 %‫ َ َة ا‬N
ْ Xَ ْ?(ِ ‫ُ! ِه‬G‫ ُو‬1ِ) ‫ف‬ ُ ِ 3ْ 9َ
‫ُ!م‬Jo ْ
 \ ٍ ِY‫ن
ِ* ر‬ َ ْ!Eَ $ْ +ُ
‫ُ!ن‬$2ِ ‫َـ‬0Jَ #ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬H ِ )َ َ0Jَ َ ْ-)َ 
َ %َِ‫ ذ‬1ِ)‫ٌ َو‬$ ْ
ِ Fُ #ُ ‫َـ‬Jِ.
? ِ0$ ْ 9َ *ِ
Fُ G ُ ‫َا‬m
ِ ‫َو‬
‫ ُ!ن‬Eَ #ُ %ْ ‫ب ِ(َ ا‬ ُ َ U ْ +َ ً0ْ  َ 6

83:22. Sesungguhnya orang yang berbakti itu benar-benar berada dalam keni'matan yang
besar (surga),
83:23. mereka (duduk) di atas dipan-dipan sambil memandang.
83:24. Kamu dapat mengetahui dari wajah mereka kesenangan hidup mereka yang penuh
83:25. Mereka diberi minum dari khamar murni yang dilak (tempatnya),
83:26. laknya adalah kesturi; dan untuk yang demikian itu hendaknya orang berlomba-
83:27. Dan campuran khamar murni itu adalah dari tasnim,
83:28. (yaitu) mata air yang minum daripadanya orang-orang yang didekatkan kepada Allah.

(18. Nay! Verily, the Record of Al-Abrar (the righteous believers) is (preserved) in `Illiyyin.)
(19. And what will make you know what `Illiyyin is)
(20. A Register inscribed,)
(21. To which bear witness those nearest.)
(22. Verily, Al-Abrar (the righteous believers) will be in Delight.)
(23. On thrones, looking.)
(24. You will recognize in their faces the brightness of delight).
(25. They will be given to drink of pure sealed Rahiq.)
(26. Sealed with musk, and for this let those strive who want to strive.)
(27. It will be mixed with Tasnim:)
(28. A spring whereof drink those nearest to Allah.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ* h -h
ِ <ِ2َ% ‫َْ; ْ َا ِر‬%‫ب ا‬
َ َJ‫ ِإن ِآ‬-‫َآ‬

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َ َأدْرَاك‬. {$9‫? وا‬

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‫‪Allah says that truly,‬‬

6ِ‫ ا  ْ َار‬V
َ ‫َـ‬J‫ن ِآ‬

(Verily, the Record of Al-Abrar (the righteous believers)) These people are in a situation that
is the opposite of the wicked people.

6َ* h -h
ِ 1ِ2%َ

(is in `Illiyyin.) meaning, their final destination is `Illiyyin, which is the opposite of Sijjin. It
has been reported from Hilal bin Yasaf that Ibn `Abbas asked Ka`b about Sijjin while he was
present, and Ka`b said, "It is the seventh earth and in it are the souls of the disbelievers.''
Then Ibn `Abbas asked him about `Illiyyin, so he said, "It is the seventh heaven and it
contains the souls of the believers.'' This statement -- that it is the seventh heaven -- has been
said by others as well. `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas said concerning Allah's

6 َ* h h-
ِ 1ِ2%َ ‫ ا  ْ َا ِر‬V
َ ‫َـ‬J‫ن ِآ‬
 ‫_ ِإ‬
 ‫ َآ‬

(Nay! Verily, the Record of Al-Abrar (the righteous believers) is in `Illiyyin.) "This means
Paradise.'' Others besides him have said, "`Iliyyin is located at Sidrat Al-Muntaha.'' The
obvious meaning is that the word `Illiyyin is taken from the word `Uluw, which means
highness. The more something ascends and rises, the more it becomes greater and increases.
Thus, Allah magnifies its affair and extols its matter by saying,

6 َ‫ !ن‬-h
ِ َ
َ ‫ َو
َ َأدْرَا‬

(And what will make you know what `Illiyyin is) Then He says by way of affirming what will
be written for them,

6 َ‫ ُ!ن‬Eَ #ُ %ْ ‫^ُ ا‬,ُ (َ ْU+َ ٌ‫ُ!م‬Oْ

 ٌV‫َـ‬J‫ ِآ‬

(A Register inscribed. To which bear witness those nearest.) They are the angels. This was
stated by Qatadah. Al-`Awfi reported from Ibn `Abbas that he said, "Those nearest to Allah in
each heaven will witness it.'' Then Allah says,

6 ?ٍ ِ3Xَ 1ِ2%َ َ‫ن ا  ْ َار‬


(Verily, Al-Abrar (the righteuos believers) will be in Delight.) meaning, on the Day of
Judgement they will be in eternal pleasure and gardens that contain comprehensive bounties.

6ِRِ ‫ ا رَا‬1َ-َ

(On thrones,) These are thrones beneath canopies from which they will be gazing. It has been
said, "This means that they will be gazing at their kingdom and what Allah has given them of
good and bounties that will not end or perish. It has also been said,

َ ‫ ُو‬
ُ 0َ+ 
ِ ِRqَ‫ ا ر‬1َ-

(On thrones, looking.) "This means that they will be looking at Allah, the Mighty and
Sublime.'' This is the opposite of what those wicked people have been described with,

َ !ُ!ُL
ْ #َ % ٍ Tِ
َ ْ!َ+ ?ْ (ِ h‫ ُ(?ْ َ* ر‬X ‫_ ِإ‬
 ‫ َآ‬

(Nay! Surely, they (evildoers) will be veiled from seeing their Lord that Day.) (83:15) Thus, it
has been mentioned that these (righteous people) will be allowed to look at Allah while they
are upon their thrones and elevated couches. Concerning Allah's statement,

6 ?ِ ِ30 %‫ َ ةَ ا‬N
ْ Xَ ْ?(ِ ‫ُ! ِه‬G‫ ُو‬1ِ) ‫ف‬
ُ ِ ْ39َ 

(You will recognize in their faces the brightness of delight.) meaning, `you will notice a glow of
delight in their faces when you look at them.' This is a description of opulence, decorum,
happiness, composure, and authority that they will be experiencing from this great delight.
Concerning Allah's statement,

6 ‫ُ! ٍم‬Jo
ٍ ِY‫ن
ِ* ر‬
َ ْ!Eَ $
ْ +ُ 

(They will be given to drink of pure sealed Rahiq.) meaning, they will be given drink from the
wine of Paradise. Ar-Rahiq is one of the names of the wine (in Paradise). Ibn Mas`ud, Ibn
`Abbas, Mujahid, Al-Hasan, Qatadah and Ibn Zayd all said this. Ibn Mas`ud said concerning
Allah's statement,

ِ Fُ #ُ ‫َـ‬J.

(Sealed with musk,) "This means it will be mixed with musk.'' Al-`Awfi reported from Ibn
`Abbas that he said, "Allah will make the wine have a pleasant aroma for them, so the last
thing that He will place in it will be musk. Thus, it will be sealed with musk.'' Qatadah and
Ad-Dahhak both said the same. Then Allah says,

6َ‫ُ!ن‬$2ِ ‫َـ‬0َJ#ُ %ْ ‫ِ ا‬H)َ َ0Jَ َ -ْ )َ َ%َِ‫ ذ‬1ِ)‫ َو‬

(and for this let (all) those strive who want to strive.) meaning, for a situation like this, let the
boasters boast, compete, and strive to gain more. Let the competitors compete and race
toward the likes of this. This is similar to Allah's statement,

َ !ُ-#ِ ‫َـ‬3%ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ #َ 3ْ َ -ْ َ) ‫ هَـَا‬Aِ ْ7#ِ %ِ

(For the like of this let the workers work.) (37:61) Allah then says,

6 ?ٍ ِ0$
ْ 9َ *ِ
Fُ G
ُ ‫َا‬m
ِ ‫ َو‬

(It will be mixed with Tasnim.) meaning, this wine that is being described is mixed with
Tasnim. This refers to a drink called Tasnim, and it is the most excellent and exalted drink of
the people of Paradise. This was said by Abu Salih and Ad-Dahhak. Thus, Allah says,

َ !ُ Eَ #ُ %ْ ‫ب ِ(َ ا‬
ُ َ U
ْ +َ ً0ْ 

(A spring whereof drink those nearest to Allah.) (83:28) meaning, those who are near to Allah,
will drink from it as they wish, and the companions of the right hand will be given a drink
that is mixed with it. This has been said by Ibn Mas`ud, Ibn `Abbas, Masruq, Qatadah and

58. QS AL Baqarah 2:177

1َ9‫* َوءَا‬ َ h Cِ 0%‫ وَا‬V

ِ ‫َـ‬Jaِ %ْ ‫ وَا‬/ِ aَ Tِ ‫َـ‬-#َ %ْ ‫ ِ وَا‬.
ِ  ‫ْ َ !ْ ِم ا‬%‫ وَا‬Fِ -%ِ َ*
َ ‫  َ
*ْ ءَا‬Cِ ْ%‫* ا‬
 aِ ‫َـ‬%‫ب َو‬
ِ ِ ْs#َ %ْ ‫ق وَا‬
ِ ِ U
ْ #َ %ْ ‫َ ا‬AَCOِ ْ?aُ ‫ُ! َه‬G‫!اْ ُو‬%!َ 9ُ ‫  أَن‬Cِ %ْ ‫ ا‬H
َ ْ %
‫ُ!)ُ!ن‬#%ْ ‫آَ!ةَ وَا‬m %‫ ا‬1َ9‫َ! َة َوءَا‬-[  %‫َمَ ا‬O‫ب َوَأ‬ ِ َO h %‫* َو)ِ< ا‬ َ ِ-ِR$%‫ وَا‬Aِ ِC$ %‫* وَا ْ*َ ا‬ َ ِa‫َـ‬$#َ %ْ ‫ وَا‬1َ#‫َـ‬J َ %ْ ‫ وَا‬1َْ ُE%ْ ‫ ذَوِى ا‬Fِ Ch Y ُ 1َ-َ ‫َ َل‬#%ْ ‫ا‬
‫ُ!ن‬EJ #ُ %ْ ‫ ُه?ُ ا‬َ ِT‫َـ‬%‫ُ!ا َوأُو‬Oَ,f َ * َ +ِ%‫َ ا‬Tِ ‫َـ‬%‫س أُو‬ ِ ;ْ Cَ ْ%‫ِ *َ ا‬Y‫ ا ِء َو‬N  %‫َ ِء وا‬4ْ;Cَ %ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ) * َ +ِ ِ[%‫ُواْ وَا‬,(َ ‫ِ ِه ْ? ِإذَا َـ‬,(ْ 3َ ِ 6

2:177. Bukanlah menghadapkan wajahmu ke arah timur dan barat itu suatu kebajikan, akan
tetapi sesungguhnya kebajikan itu ialah beriman kepada Allah, hari kemudian, malaikat-
malaikat, kitab-kitab, nabi-nabi dan memberikan harta yang dicintainya kepada kerabatnya,
anak-anak yatim, orang-orang miskin, musafir (yang memerlukan pertolongan) dan orang-
orang yang meminta-minta; dan (memerdekakan) hamba sahaya, mendirikan salat, dan
menunaikan zakat; dan orang-orang yang menepati janjinya apabila ia berjanji, dan orang-
orang yang sabar dalam kesempitan, penderitaan dan dalam peperangan. Mereka itulah
orang-orang yang benar (imannya); dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang bertakwa.
(177. It is not Birr that you turn your faces towards east and (or) west; but Birr is the one who
believes in Allah, the Last Day, the Angels, the Book, the Prophets and gives his wealth, in
spite of love for it, to the kinsfolk, to the orphans, and to Al-Masakin (the poor), and to the
wayfarer, and to those who ask, and to set servants free, performs As-Salah (Iqamat-As-
Salah), and gives the Zakah, and who fulfill their covenant when they make it, and who are
patient in extreme poverty and ailment (disease) and at the time of fighting (during the
battles). Such are the people of the truth and they are Al-Muttaqun (the pious).)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

‫َل‬#%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ9qَ‫ *َ و‬h Cِ 0 %‫ب وَا‬ ِ َJaِ %ْ ‫ وَا‬/ِ aَ Rِ َ-#َ %ْ ‫ ِ وَا‬.

ِ ْ%‫ َ !ْمِ ا‬%ْ ‫ وَا‬Fِ -%ِ *
َ q ْ*
َ  ِC%ْ ‫* ا‬
 aِ %َ‫ب َو‬ِ ِ sْ #َ %ْ ‫ق وَا‬
ِ ِ U
ْ #َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ Cَ Oِ ْ?aُ ‫ُ! َه‬G‫!ا ُو‬%!َ 9ُ ْ‫  َأن‬Cِ %ْ ‫ ا‬H
َ ْ َ%
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َ !ُ)!ُ#%ْ ‫آَةَ وَا‬m%‫ ا‬1َ9qَ‫َةَ و‬-[  %‫َ َم ا‬O‫ب َوَأ‬ِ َO h %‫* َو)ِ< ا‬ َ ِ-ِR$%‫ وَا‬Aِ ِC$  %‫* ا‬ َ ْ ‫* وَا‬ َ ِ‫َآ‬$#َ %ْ ‫ وَا‬1َ
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13 ) /d‬‬
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‪ FG‬وا‪
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‪ Y * A9E‬ن و‪!a+‬ن ا‪#%‬آ!ر
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‪!3$‬د وا* ‪C‬س وأ! ا‪ / %3%‬و
ة ا‪,#(%‬ا‪ <X‬و
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‪ Y * A9E‬ن وأ!
‪ %‬وا‪LN%‬ك و ه? وإ‪ V[X #X‬ا‪ 1- *+ [%‬ا‪,#%‬ح وا‪ 1- wL%‬ا‪ C[%‬‬
‫)< ه^ ا‪!YK‬ال ‪ F9,U%‬و‪ FJ!3f‬وا‪ S‬أ‪ ?-‬وه! ا‪3J$#%‬ن و‪ F -‬ا‪_aJ%‬ن ‪ :‬و‪ " F%!O‬أو‪ T%‬ا‪!O,f *+%‬ا " أي ه‪g‬ء ا‪*+%‬‬
‫ا‪!2[9‬ا (^ ا‪2[%‬ت ه? ا‪!O,f *+%‬ا )< إ‪!EEY ?(XK ?(X#+‬ا ا‪#+n‬ن ا‪!OK <C-E%‬ال وا‪3)K‬ل )(‪g‬ء ه? ا‪!O,f *+%‬ا "‬
‫‪ .‬وأو‪ T%‬ه? ا‪!EJ#%‬ن" ‪ ?(XK‬ا‪!E9‬ا ا‪L#%‬رم و)‪!-3‬ا ا‪%‬ت‬

‫‪This Ayah contains many great wisdoms, encompassing rulings and correct beliefs.‬‬

‫‪As for the explanation of this Ayah, Allah first commanded the believers to face Bayt Al-‬‬
‫‪Maqdis, and then to face the Ka`bah during the prayer. This change was difficult for some of‬‬
‫‪the People of the Book, and even for some Muslims. Then Allah sent revelation which clarified‬‬

the wisdom behind this command, that is, obedience to Allah, adhering to His commands,
facing wherever He commands facing, and implementing whatever He legislates, that is the
objective. This is Birr, Taqwa and complete faith. Facing the east or the west does not
necessitate righteousness or obedience, unless it is legislated by Allah. This is why Allah said:

6ِ .
ِ  ‫ َ !ْ ِم ا‬%ْ ‫ وَا‬Fِ -%ِ *
َ ‫  َ
*ْ ءَا‬Cِ %ْ ‫* ا‬
 aِ ‫َـ‬%َ‫ب و‬
ِ ِ sْ #َ %ْ ‫ ِ قِ وَا‬U
ْ #َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ َCOِ ْ?aُ ‫ُ! َه‬G‫!اْ ُو‬%!َ ُ9 ‫  أَن‬Cِ ْ%‫ ا‬H
َ ْ %

(It is not Birr that you turn your faces towards east and (or) west (in prayers); but Birr is the
one who believes in Allah and the Last Day,)

Similarly, Allah said about the sacrifices:

6ْ?aُ 0ِ
‫ْ!َى‬EJ %‫ ا‬Fُ ُ%َ0+َ *ِa‫َـ‬%‫ُ! ُ
(َ َو َ دِ
َ ُؤهَ َو‬Lُ% Fَ -%‫َ َل ا‬0+َ *َ%

(It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah, but it is the piety from you that
reaches Him.) (22:37)

Abu Al-`Aliyah said, "The Jews used to face the west for their Qiblah, while the Christians
used to face the east for their Qiblah. So Allah said:

6ِ‫ ِ ب‬sْ #َ %ْ ‫ق وَا‬

ِ ِ U
ْ #َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ Cَ ِO ْ?aُ ‫ُ! َه‬G‫!اْ ُو‬%!َ 9ُ ‫  أَن‬Cِ %ْ ‫ ا‬H
َ ْ %

(It is not Birr that you turn your faces towards east and (or) west (in prayers)) (2: 177)
meaning, "this is faith, and its essence requires implementation.'' Similar was reported from
Al-Hasan and Ar-Rabi` bin Anas. Ath-Thawri recited:

6ِF-%ِ *
َ ‫  َ
*ْ ءَا‬Cِ %ْ ‫* ا‬
 aِ ‫َـ‬%َ‫و‬

(but Birr is the one who believes in Allah,) and said that what follows are the types of Birr. He
has said the truth. Certainly, those who acquire the qualities mentioned in the Ayah will have
indeed embraced all aspects of Islam and implemented all types of righteousness; believing in
Allah, that He is the only God worthy of worship, and believing in the angels the emissaries
between Allah and His Messengers.

The `Books' are the Divinely revealed Books from Allah to the Prophets, which were finalized
by the most honorable Book (the Qur'an). The Qur'an supercedes all previous Books, it
mentions all types of righteousness, and the way to happiness in this life and the Hereafter.
The Qur'an abrogates all previous Books and testfies to all of Allah's Prophets, from the first
Prophet to the Final Prophet, Muhammad, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon them all.

Allah's statement:

6ِFCh Y
ُ 1َ-
َ ‫َ َل‬#%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ9‫ َوءَا‬

(...and gives his wealth, in spite of love for it,) refers to those who give money away while
desiring it and loving it. It is recorded in the Sahihayn that Abu Hurayrah narrated that the
Prophet said:

« ْE2ْ%‫ ا‬1َUo
ْ 9َ ‫ و‬1َ0sِ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aُ
ُ ;ْ 9َ ،ٌQ ِL
َ ٌQ ِLf
َ &
َ Xْ َ‫ق َوأ‬
َ , [
َ َ9 ْ‫ َأن‬/ِ Oَ,[
 %‫ ا‬Aُ N
َ ْ)‫»َأ‬

(The best charity is when you give it away while still healthy and thrifty, hoping to get rich
and fearing poverty.)

Allah said:

6 ‫ُ!رًا‬a
ُ َ ‫ ًء َو‬qَmG
َ ْ?aُ 0ِ
,ُ +ِ Xُ َ ِF-%‫ ا‬Fِ G
ْ !َ %ِ ْ?aُ #ُ 3ِ 
ْ ُX َ#X ‫ ِإ‬- ‫ِ ًا‬4‫ً َوَأ‬# ِJ+َ َ‫ً و‬0 ِa$
ِ Fِ Ch Y
ُ 1َ-
َ َ‫َم‬3
 %‫ن ا‬
َ !ُ#3ِ 
ْ +ُ ‫ َو‬

(And they give food, inspite of their love for it, to the Miskin (the poor), the orphan, and the
captive (saying): "We feed you seeking Allah's Face only. We wish for no reward, nor thanks
from you.'') (76:8, 9)


ِ 9ُ #
ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬E2ِ 0ُ9 1JY
َ  Cِ %ْ ‫ُ!اْ ا‬%َ09َ *َ%

(By no means shall you attain Birr unless you spend of that which you love.) (3:92) Allah's

َ َ[.
َ ْ?(ِ ِ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫َ!ْ آ‬%‫ ِ(?ْ َو‬$
ِ 2ُ Xَ‫ أ‬1َ-
َ ‫ن‬
َ ‫ ُو‬Wِ ْgُ+‫ َو‬

(...and give them preference over themselves even though they were in need of that) (59:9)
refers to a higher category and status, as the people mentioned here give away what they need,
while those mentioned in the previous Ayat give away what they covet (but not necessarily

Allah's statement:

61َْ ُE%ْ ‫ َذوِى ا‬

(the kinsfolk) refers to man's relatives, who have more rights than anyone else to one's
charity, as the Hadith supports:

ْ ‫ كَ َوِإ‬h Cِ ِ ‫س َِ َو‬
ِ 0%‫ ا‬1َ%ْ‫ )َ ُ(?ْ َأو‬،ٌ/‫َـ‬-f
ِ َ‫ و‬/ٌ َO,َ f
َ :ِ‫َن‬J0ْW‫?ِ ا‬Y
ِ  %‫ ذِي ا‬1َ-َ‫ و‬،ٌ/Oَ ,َ f
َ *
ِ ِ‫َآ‬$#َ %ْ ‫ ا‬1َ-
َ /ُ َO,َ [

(Sadaqah (i. e., charity) given to the poor is a charity, while the Sadaqah given to the relatives
is both Sadaqah and Silah (nurturing relations), for they are the most deserving of you and
your kindness and charity).

Allah has commanded kindness to the relatives in many places in the Qur'an.

61َ#‫َـ‬J َ %ْ ‫وَا‬

(to the orphans) The orphans are children who have none to look after them, having lost their
fathers while they are still young, weak and unable to find their own sustenance since they
have not reached the age of work and adolescence. `Abdur-Razzaq reported that `Ali said that
the Prophet said:

6ُ* ِa‫َـ‬$#َ %ْ ‫وَا‬

(and to Al-Masakin) The Miskin is the person who does not have enough food, clothing, or he

has no dwelling. So the Miskin should be granted the provisions to sustain him enough so that
he can acquire his needs. In the Sahihayn it is recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that Allah's
Messenger said:

Fَ% *
َُ ْ2+ُ َ%‫ َو‬F ِ0ْs+ُ 1
ً 0ِ ُ,
ِ َ+ َ% ‫ِي‬%‫ِ *ُ ا‬a$
ْ #ِ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ aِ %َ‫ و‬،ِ‫َن‬J#َ ْE-%‫ وا‬/ُ #َ Eْ -%‫ وا‬،ِ‫َن‬9 َ #ْ J %‫ َ ةُ وا‬#ْ J %‫َ ُد^ ا‬9 ‫ِي‬%‫ف ا‬
ِ ‫!ا‬
 %‫* ِ(َا ا‬
ُ ِa$
ْ #ِ %ْ ‫ ا‬H
َ ْ َ%»
«Fْ َ-
َ ‫ق‬ َ ,[ َ Jُ َ)

(The Miskin is not the person who roams around, and whose need is met by one or two dates
or one or two bites. Rather, the Miskin is he who does not have what is sufficient, and to whom
the people do not pay attention and, thus, do not give him from the charity.)

6ِA ِC$
 %‫* ا‬
ِ ْ ‫وَا‬

(and to the wayfarer) is the needy traveler who runs out of money and should, thus, be
granted whatever amount that helps him to go back to his land. Such is the case with whoever
intends to go on a permissible journey, he is given what he needs for his journey and back.
The guests are included in this category. `Ali bin Abu Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas said,
"Ibn As-Sabil (wayfarer) is the guest who is hosted by Muslims.'' Furthermore, Mujahid,
Sa`id bin Jubayr, Abu Ja`far Al-Baqir, Al-Hasan, Qatadah, Ad-Dahhak, Az-Zuhri, Ar-Rabi`
bin Anas and Muqatil bin Hayyan said similarly.

6َ* ِ-Rِ $%‫وَا‬

(and to those who ask) refers to those who beg people and are thus given a part of the Zakah
and general charity.

6ِ‫َب‬Oh %‫ َو)ِ< ا‬

(and to set servants free) These are the servants who seek to free themselves, but cannot find
enough money to buy their freedom. We will mention several of these categories and types
under the Tafsir of the Ayah on Sadaqah in Surat Bara'ah chapter 9 in the Qur'an6, In sha'

Allah's statement:

 %‫َ َم ا‬O‫ َوَأ‬

(performs As-Salah (Iqamat-As-Salah)) means those who pray on time and give the prayer its
due right; the bowing, prostration, and the necessary attention and humbleness required by
Allah. Allah's statement:

6َ‫آَ!ة‬m %‫ ا‬1َ9‫ َوءَا‬

(and gives the Zakah) means the required charity (Zakah) due on one's money, as Sa`id bin
Jubayr and Muqatil bin Hayyan have stated.

Allah's statement:

6ْ‫ُوا‬,(َ ‫ ِه?ْ ِإذَا َـ‬,ِ (ْ 3َ ِ ‫ن‬

َ !ُ)!ُ#%ْ ‫وَا‬

(and who fulfill their covenant when they make it,)

is similar to:

َ ‫َـ‬7 ِ#%ْ ‫ن ا‬
َ !ُNُE0ِ+ َ ‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫ ا‬,ِ (ْ َ3ِ ‫ن‬
َ !ُ)!ُ+ *
َ +ِ%‫ا‬

(Those who fulfill the covenant of Allah and break not the Mithaq (bond, treaty, covenant).)

The opposite of this characteristic is hypocrisy. As found in a Hadith:

«‫َن‬. *
َ #ِ Jُ Rْ ‫ وَإذَا ا‬،َ‚-َ.
ْ ‫ َأ‬,َ 
َ ‫ وَإذَا َو‬،َ‫ث َآ َب‬
َ , َY ‫ ِإذَا‬:ٌ‫َث‬-Wَ \
ِ ِ)َ0#ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬/ُ +َ q»

(The signs of a hypocrite are three: if he speaks, he lies; if he promises, he breaks his promise;
and if he is entrusted, he breaches the trust.)

In another version:

« َ)َ ?َ f
َ َ. ‫وَإذَا‬،َ‫ر‬,َ
َ َ,‫ وَإذَا َ َه‬،َ‫ث َآَب‬
َ ,َY ‫»ِإذَا‬

(If he speaks, he lies; if he vows, he breaks his vow; and if he disputes, he is lewd.)

Allah's statement:

6ِ‫َ ْ;س‬C%ْ ‫* ا‬
َ ِY‫ ا ِء َو‬N
 %‫َ ِء وا‬4;ْ Cَ ْ%‫ ا‬1ِ) َ*+ِ ِ [%‫وَا‬

(. ..and who are patient in extreme poverty and ailment (disease) and at the time of fighting
(during the battles).) means, during the time of meekness and ailment.

6ِ‫ ْ;س‬Cَ %ْ ‫ِ *َ ا‬Y‫ َو‬

(...and at the time of fighting (during the battles).) means on the battlefield while facing the
enemy, as Ibn Mas`ud, Ibn `Abbas, Abu Al-`Aliyah, Murrah Al-Hamdani, Mujahid, Sa`id bin
Jubayr, Al-Hasan, Qatadah, Ar-Rabi` bin Anas, As-Suddi, Muqatil bin Hayyan, Abu Malik,
Ad-Dahhak and others have stated.

And calling them the patient here, is a form of praise, because of the importance of patience in
these circumstances, and the suffering and difficulties that accompany them. And Allah knows
best, it is He Whom help is sought from, and upon Him we rely.

Allah's statement:

6‫ُ!ا‬O,َ f
َ *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%‫أُو‬

(Such are the people of the truth) means, whoever acquires these qualities, these are truthful
in their faith. This is because they have achieved faith in the heart and realized it in deed and
upon the tongue. So they are the truthful,

‫ُ!ن‬EJ #ُ ْ%‫ ُه?ُ ا‬

َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%‫ َوأُو‬6 (and they are Al-Muttaqun (the pious).) because they avoided the
prohibitions and performed the acts of obedience.

59. QS M A R Y A M 19:59-63

“ َ ‫ن‬
َ ْ!Eَ ْ-+َ ‫ف‬
َ ْ!$
َ )َ ‫ت‬
ِ ‫ َ(!َا‬U
 %‫ُ!ا ا‬3َC9 ‫َ َة وَا‬-[
 %‫َُ!ا ا‬r‫‚ٌ َأ‬-ْ .
َ ْ?‫ِ ِه‬,3ْ َ ْ*
ِ َ‚-َo
َ )َ

ًT ْ 
َ ‫ن‬
َ !ُ#-َْ+ُ َ%‫ َو‬/َ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ن ا‬
َ !ُ-ُ.,ْ َ+ 
َ Tِ َ%‫ً َ);ُو‬L%َِf Aَ #ِ 
َ ‫* َو‬
َ qَ‫ب و‬
َ َ9 ْ*
َ %‫ِإ‬

“ 9ِ ;ْ
َ ُ^,ُ ْ‫ن َو‬
َ َ‫ آ‬Fُ X ‫ ِإ‬V
ِ ْ َs%ْ ِ ^ُ َ‫َد‬C
ِ *
ُ #َ Y
ْ  %‫َ ا‬,
َ ‫ِ< َو‬J%‫ْنٍ ا‬,
َ ‫ت‬
ِ 0َG

“ U
َ ‫ َ ًة َو‬aْ ُ َ( ِ) ْ?(ُ ُOْ‫ ُ(?ْ ِرز‬%ََ‫َ
ً و‬-4
َ %ِ‫!ًا إ‬sْ َ% َ( ِ) ‫ن‬
َ !ُ3#َ $
ْ +َ َ%

“ ِE9َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫َ َ
*ْ آ‬Xِ‫َد‬Cِ ْ*
ِ ‫ث‬
ُ ‫ُ! ِر‬X <ِJ%‫ ا‬/ُ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬
َ -ْ ِ9

19:59. Maka datanglah sesudah mereka, pengganti (yang jelek) yang menyia-nyiakan salat
dan memperturutkan hawa nafsunya, maka mereka kelak akan menemui kesesatan.
19:60. kecuali orang yang bertobat, beriman dan beramal saleh, maka mereka itu akan
masuk surga dan tidak dianiaya (dirugikan) sedikit pun.
19:61. yaitu surga Adn yang telah dijanjikan oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah kepada
hamba-hamba-Nya, sekalipun (surga itu) tidak nampak. Sesungguhnya janji Allah itu pasti
akan ditepati.
19:62. Mereka tidak mendengar perkataan yang tak berguna di dalam surga, kecuali ucapan
salam. Bagi mereka rezekinya di surga itu tiap-tiap pagi dan petang.
19:63. Itulah surga yang akan Kami wariskan kepada hamba-hamba Kami yang selalu

(59. Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have lost the Salah and have followed
lusts. So they will meet Ghaiy.)

(60. Except those who repent and believe, and work righteousness. Such will enter Paradise
and they will not be wronged in aught.)

(61. (They will enter) `Adn Gardens which the Most Gracious has promised to His servants in
the unseen. Verily, His promise must come to pass.)

(62. They shall not hear therein any Laghw, but only Salam. And they will have therein their
sustenance, morning and afternoon.)

(63. Such is the Paradise which We shall give as an inheritance to those of Our servants who
had Taqwa.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

“ َ ‫ن‬
َ ْ!Eَ ْ-+َ ‫ف‬
َ ْ!$
َ )َ ‫ت‬
ِ ‫ َ(!َا‬U
 %‫ُ!ا ا‬3َC9 ‫َ َة وَا‬-[
 %‫َُ!ا ا‬r‫‚ٌ َأ‬-ْ .
َ ْ?‫ِ ِه‬,3ْ َ ْ*
ِ َ‚-َo
َ )َ

S‫ˆ ا‬R‫* ) ا‬+‫د‬g#%‫ وأوا

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* ا‬3C9‫_م و
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 آ‬1- F
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* ا‬E-. <J%‫ه* ا‬X‫ * أد‬3%‫!ر ا‬L%‫
* ا‬/G‫ ) ( زو‬S‫< ا‬%‫ و‬1%‫ف إ‬m+ FX‫ إ أ‬.

“ ِE9َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫َ َ
*ْ آ‬Xِ‫َد‬Cِ ْ*
ِ ‫ث‬
ُ ‫ُ! ِر‬X <ِJ%‫ ا‬/ُ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬
َ -ْ ِ9

(W‫!ر‬X <J%‫ ه< ا‬/# 3%‫ت ا‬2[%‫ (^ ا‬02f‫< و‬J%‫ ا‬/0%‫  " أي ه^ ا‬E9 ‫
* آن‬X‫د‬C *
‫!رث‬X <J%‫ ا‬/0%‫ ا‬-9 " F%!O‫و‬
‫ )< أول‬1%39 ‫ل‬O #‫س وآ‬0%‫)!ن * ا‬3%‫ ‡ وا‬s%‫!ن ا‬#…a%‫ اء وا‬N%‫ اء وا‬$%‫ )< ا‬AG‫ و‬m S ‫!ن‬3 #%‫ * وه? ا‬EJ#%‫ ا‬X‫د‬C
( ) ?‫ دوس ه‬2%‫!ن ا‬W + *+%‫!ن ا‬W‫!ار‬%‫ل " ا‬O ‫ أن‬1%‫!ن " إ‬3. ?(9_f <) ?‫* ه‬+%‫!ن ا‬0
g#%‫ ا‬Q-)‫ أ‬,O " ‫!ن‬0
g#%‫!رة ا‬4
‫ون‬,%. " .

After Allah mentioned the party of blessed ones -- the Prophets and those who followed them
by maintainig the limits set by Allah and His commandments, fulfilling what Allah ordered
and avoiding His prohibitions -- then He mentions,

(ٌ‚-ْ َ. ْ?‫ ِه‬,ِ 3ْ َ ْ*

ِ ‚
َ -َ.
َ ) (there has succeeded them a posterity.) This means later generations.

 %‫َُ!اْ ا‬r‫َأ‬

(who have lost Salah) Losing their prayers is when they do not consider the prayers
obligatory. Therefore they lose, because the prayer is the pillar and foundation of the religion.
It is the best of the servants' deeds. Thus, these people will occupy themselves with worldly
desires and delights, and they will be pleased with the life of this world. They will be tranquil
and at ease in the worldly appetites. Therefore, these people will meet with Ghaiy, which

means loss on the Day of Resurrection. Al-Awza`i reported from Musa bin Sulayman, who
reported from Al-Qasim bin Mukhaymirah that he said concerning Allah's statement,

6َ‫َـ!ة‬-[%‫َُ!اْ ا‬r‫‚ٌ َأ‬-ْ َ. ْ?‫ ِه‬,ِ ْ3َ *ِ

َ -َo
َ َ)

(Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have lost the Salah) "This means that they
will not keep up with the proper times of the prayer, because if it meant complete
abandonment of the prayer, this would be disbelief.'' It is also reported that it was said to Ibn
Mas`ud, "Allah often mentions the prayer in the Qur'an. He says,

َ !ُ‫َه‬4 ْ?(ِ Jِ ‫َـ‬-f
َ *َ ?ْ ُ‫* ه‬
َ +ِ%‫ا‬

(Those who neglect their Salah.) 107:56 And He says,

6َ‫ُ!ن‬#Rِ qَ‫ ِ(?ْ د‬9ِ _

َ 1َ-

(Those who remain constant in their Salah.) 70:236 And He says,

6َ‫َ)ُِ!ن‬L+ُ ْ?(ِ 9ِ َ_f

َ 1َ-

(Who guard their Salah.)'' 23:96 Then, Ibn Mas`ud said, "This means at its designated
times.'' The people said, "We thought that this was referring to the abandonment of the
prayer.'' He replied, "That would be disbelief.'' Masruq said, "No one who guards the five
daily prayers will be written among the heedless. In their neglect is destruction. Their neglect
is delaying them past their fixed times.'' Al-Awza`i reported from Ibrahim bin Zayd that
Umar bin `Abdul-`Aziz recited the Ayah,

6 ً ّ
َ ‫ن‬
َ !ُEْ-+َ ‫ف‬
َ ْ!$
َ )َ ‫ت‬
ِ !َ (َ U%‫ُ! ْا ا‬3Cَ 9 ‫َـ!ةَ وَا‬-[
 %‫َُ!اْ ا‬r‫‚ٌ َأ‬-ْ .
َ ْ?‫ ِه‬,ِ 3ْ َ *ِ
َ -ََo)َ 

(Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have lost the Salah and have followed lusts.
So they will meet Ghayy.) Then, he said, "Their loss was not their abandonment of the
prayers, but it was by not offering them during their proper and prescribed times.'' Allah

6ً ّ
َ َ‫ُ!ن‬E-ْ َ+ ‫ف‬
َ ْ!$
َ َ)

(So they will meet Ghayy. ) `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported from Ibn `Abbas that he said,

6ً ّ
َ َ‫ُ!ن‬E-ْ َ+ ‫ف‬
َ ْ!$
َ َ)

(So they will meet Ghayy.) "This means loss.'' Qatadah said, "This means evil.'' Sufyan Ath-
Thawri, Shu`bah and Muhammad bin Ishaq all reported from Abu Ishaq As-Sabi`i, who
reported from Abu `Ubaydah, who reported from `Abdullah bin Mas`ud that he said,

6ً ّ
َ َ‫ُ!ن‬E-ْ َ+ ‫ف‬
َ ْ!$
َ َ)

(So they will meet Ghayy.) "This is a valley in the Hellfire which is very deep and its food is
filthy.'' Al-A`mash reported from Ziyad, who reported from Abu `Iyad, who commented
Allah's statement,

6ً ّ
َ َ‫ُ!ن‬E-ْ َ+ ‫ف‬
َ ْ!$
َ َ)

(So they will meet Ghayy.) He said, "This is a valley in Hell made of puss and blood.'' Allah

6ًLِ-‫َـ‬f َA#ِ 
َ ‫ب وَءَا َ
*َ َو‬
َ َ9 *َ

(Except those who repent and believe and work righteousness.) This means, "Except those
who recant from giving up the prayers and following the desires, for verily, Allah will accept
their repentance, give them a good end and make them of those who inherit the Garden of
Delight (Paradise). '' For this reason Allah says,

َ ‫ن‬
َ !ُ#-َْ+ُ َ ‫ َو‬/َ 0 
َ ْ%‫ُ!نَ ا‬-.
ُ ْ,+َ 
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ َ)ُ;و‬

(Such will enter Paradise and they will not be wronged in aught.) This is because repentance
wipes away that which was before it. In another Hadith, the Prophet said,

«Fَ% V
َ Xْ ‫َ َذ‬% ْ*#َ ‫ َآ‬V
ِ Xْ %‫* ا‬
ِ V
ُ Rِ J%‫»ا‬

(The one who repents from sin is like he who has no sin.) Because of this, those who repent
will not lose anything from the (good) deeds that they did. They will not be held accountable
for what they did before their repentance, thus causing a decrease in their reward for deeds
that they do after their repentance. That is because whatever they did before repenting is lost,
forgotten and not taken to account. This is an honor from the Most Generous and a kindness
from the Most Gentle. This is an exception that is made for these people, similar to Allah's
statement in Surah Al-Furqan,

6h\َL%ْ ِ  ‫ ِإ‬Fُ -%‫  َم ا‬Y

َ 1ِJ%‫ ا‬H
َ 2ْ 0%‫ن ا‬
َ !ُ-Jُ ْE+َ َ ‫ َ َو‬.
َ ‫َـ(َ ءَا‬%‫ ِإ‬Fِ -%‫ن
َ َ{ ا‬
َ !ُْ,+َ َ َ*+ِ%‫وَا‬

(And those who invoke not any other god along with Allah, nor kill such person as Allah has
forbidden, except for just cause...) until Allah's statement,

6ً# ِY‫ُ!رًا ر‬2

َ Fُ -%‫ن ا‬
َ َ‫ َوآ‬

(and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.) 25:68-706

Allah, the Exalted, says that the Gardens (of Paradise), which the penitent will enter, will be
Gardens of `Adn, meaning, eternity. These are Gardens that the Most Beneficent promises His
servants in the unseen. This means that these Gardens are from the unseen things that they
believe in, even though they have never witnessed them. They believe in the unseen out of their
strong conviction and the strength of their faith. Concerning Allah's statement,

6ً ّ ِ9;ْ َ
^ُ ,ُ 
ْ ‫ آَنَ َو‬Fُ X ‫ِإ‬

(Verily, His promise must come to pass.) This affirms the fact that this will occur, and that it is
a settled matter. Allah does not break His promise, nor does He change it. This is similar to
His statement,

َ ُ^,ُ ْ‫آَنَ َو‬

(His promise is certainly to be accomplished.) 73:186 This means that His promise will be and
there is no avoiding it. Allah's statement here,

6ً ّ 9ِ ;ْ

(must come to pass.) This means that it will come to His servants who are striving towards it
and they will reach it. There are those commentators who said,

6ً ّ 9ِ ;ْ

(must come to pass.) "This means it is coming, because everything that comes to you, you also
come to it. This is as the Arabs say, `Fifty years came to me, and I came to fifty years.' They
both mean the same thing (I'm fifty years old).'' Concerning Allah's statement,

6ً‫ْ!ا‬s%َ َ( ِ) ‫ن‬

َ !ُ3#َ $
ْ +َ  

(They shall not hear therein any Laghw.) This means that in these gardens of Paradise there is
no ignorant, wasteful and useless speech, like there is in this life. He said,

َ  ‫ِإ‬

(...but only Salam.) This is an indifferent exception, similar to Allah's statement,

6 ً#‫َـ‬-َ4 ً#‫َـ‬-4
َ ً_ ِO  ‫ ِإ‬- ً# ِWْ;9َ َ ‫ْ!ًا َو‬s%َ َ( ِ) َ‫ُ!ن‬3#َ $
ْ +َ َ 

(No Laghw will they hear therein, nor any sinful speech. But only the saying of: Salam!
Salam!) 56:25-266 Concerning His statement,

6ًّ U
َ ‫ َ ةً َو‬aْ ُ َ( ِ) ْ?(ُ ُOْ‫َ ُ(?ْ ِرز‬%‫ َو‬

(And they will have therein their sustenance, morning and afternoon.) This means, in what is
similar to mornings and evenings. This does not mean that there is a night and a day (in
Paradise), but they will be living in times that alternate. They will know its lighted times from
its lights and illumination. This is as Imam Ahmad recorded from Abu Hurayrah, who said
that the Messenger of Allah said,

ْ ‫ ُ(?ْ َوَأ‬Jُ َ Xِ q ،َ‫ُ!ن‬d!sَ Jَ َ+َ%‫ َو‬.َ( ِ) َ‫ُ!ن‬o  #َ Jَ +َ َ%‫ َو‬،َ( ِ) َ‫ُ!ن‬E[ ُ Cْ +َ َ% ‫ْ ِر‬,Cَ %ْ ‫ ا‬/َ -َ ْ َ% ِ َ#Eَ %ْ ‫ُ! َرةِ ا‬f 1َ- َ ْ?‫ َ! ُر ُه‬f ُ /َ 0 َ%ْ ‫Ž ا‬
ُ ِ-9َ ‫»َأو ُل ُز ْ
َ ٍة‬
َ% ،ِ*$
ْ L
ُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ?ِ ْL-%‫ِ(َ ِ
*ْ َورَا ِء ا‬Oَ4  
ُ ‫ َى‬+ُ ،ِ‫َن‬JG َ ْ‫ ُ( ْ? زَو‬0ْ ِ
ِ ‫ وَا‬Ah ُa%ِ‫ُ َو‬$ ْ ِ#%ْ ‫ُ ُ( ُ? ا‬L ْ ‫ َو َر‬،ُ‫ !ة‬%ُ;َ%ْ ‫ َو َ
َ ِ
ُ ُه?ُ ا‬/ُ N
 ِ2%ْ ‫ وَا‬V ُ ‫  َه‬%‫ا‬
«“ U
َ ‫ْ َ ًة َو‬aُ S َ ‫نا‬ َ !ُLCh $
َ +ُ ،ٍ,Y ِ ‫ وَا‬Aٍ G
ُ َ‫ ر‬Vِ -ْ Oَ 1َ- َ ْ?(ُ ُ!ُ-ُO ،َˆُ َC9َ َ%َ‫ ُ(?ْ و‬0َ ْ َ ‫ف‬ َ َ-Jِ .ْ‫ا‬

(The first group to enter into Paradise will have forms like the form of the moon on a night
when it is full. They will not spit, nor will they blow their noses therein. They also will not
defecate. Their containers and combs will be made of gold and silver and their censers will be
of aloeswood. Their sweat will be the fragrance of musk and each of them will have two wives.
The marrow of their shins will be visible from beneath the skin due to their beauty. They will
not have any disputes between them, or any hatred. Their hearts will be united like the heart
of one man. They will glorify Allah in the morning and evening.) Al-Bukhari and Muslim both
recorded this narration in the Two Sahihs. Imam Ahmad also recorded that Ibn `Abbas said
that the Messenger of Allah said,

«“ U
َ ‫ َ ةً َو‬aْ ُ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ْ?(ُ ُOْ‫َ ْ ِ(?ْ ِرز‬-
َ ‫ج‬
ُ ُ o
ْ َ+ ،َ‫ َاء‬N
ْ َ. /ٍ C Oُ <ِ) /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ب ا‬
ِ َCِ ٍ (ْ َX ‫ق‬
ِ ِ‫ َر‬1َ-
َ ُ‫َاء‬,(َ U%‫»ا‬

(The martyrs will be upon the banks of a river by the gates of Paradise. Over them will be a
green dome. Their sustenance will be brought out to them from Paradise, morning and
evening.) Ahmad is the only one who collected this narration. Ad-Dahhak reported that Ibn
`Abbas said,

6ًّ U
َ ‫ َ ةً َو‬aْ ُ َ( ِ) ْ?(ُ ُOْ‫َ ُ(?ْ ِرز‬%‫ َو‬

(And they will have therein their sustenance, morning and afternoon.) "This means the
amount of time equal to night and day.'' Allah said,

6 ً ّ ِE9َ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫َ
َ* آ‬Xِ‫َد‬C
ِ ْ*
ِ ‫ث‬
ُ ‫ُ! ِر‬X 1ِJ%‫ ا‬/ُ 0 
َ %ْ ‫َ ا‬-ْ 9ِ 

(Such is the Paradise which We shall give as an inheritance to those of Our servants who had
Taqwa.) This means, `This Paradise that We have described with these magnificent attributes,
it is that which We will cause are pious servants to inherit.' They are those who obey Allah in
happiness and times of hardship. They are those who suppress their anger and they pardon
people's offenses. This is as Allah says at the beginning of Surah Al-Mu'minun,

6 َ‫ُ!ن‬3U
ِ ‫َـ‬. ْ?(ِ 9ِ _
َ 1ِ) ْ?‫*َ ُه‬+ِ%‫ ا‬- ‫ن‬
َ !ُ0
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬Q
َ -َْ)‫ْ َأ‬,Oَ 

(Successful indeed are the believers. Those who are humble in their Salah.) 23:1-26 Until His

َ ‫ُو‬,ِ-‫َـ‬. َ( ِ) ْ?‫س ُه‬
َ ْ‫ ْ َدو‬2ِ %ْ ‫ُ!نَ ا‬Wِ +َ *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬- ‫ن‬
َ !ُWِ‫ َ!ر‬%ْ ‫ ُه ُ? ا‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُأو‬

(These are indeed the inheritors. Who shall inherit the Firdaws. In it they shall dwell forever.)

‫‪60. QS Al Fatihah 1:6‬‬

‫‪? ِEJَ $‬‬

‫ط ا ْ‪ْ #ُ %‬‬
‫‪ 6‬ا ْه ِ‪ َX,‬ا‪َ h[%‬ا َ‬

‫‪1:6. Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lurus,‬‬

‫)‪(Guide us to the straight path.‬‬

‫‪ $29‬ا* آ‪ 7‬‬

‫‪َ? ِEJَ $‬‬

‫ط ا ْ‪ْ #ُ %‬‬
‫ا ْه ِ‪ َX,‬ا‪َ h[%‬ا َ‬

‫‪ O‬اءة ا‪!(#%‬ر ‪[%‬د و‪ O‬ئ ا‪ $%‬اط و‪ O‬ئ ‪m%‬اي ‪O‬ل ا‪ 2%‬اء وه< ‪ <0 /s%‬رة و‪ <0‬آ‪,E9 #% . V-‬م ا‪07%‬ء ‪ 1-‬ا‪!T$#%‬ل‬
‫‪C9‬رك و‪ V4X 1%39‬أن ‪g$% VE3+‬ال آ‪O #‬ل" )‪ <% (2[0‬و‪,C3% (2[X‬ي و‪,C3%‬ي
 ‪;4‬ل " وها أآ‪ A#‬أ‪!Y‬ال ا‪ AR$%‬أن ‪,#+‬ح‬

‪;$+ ?W F%!T$‬ل ‪ FJGY‬و‪ /GY‬إ‪!.‬ا‪ FX‬ا‪ " : F%!E * 0
g#%‬اه‪ X,‬ا‪ [%‬اط ا‪ FXK " ? EJ$#%‬أ‪ /GL-% QX‬وأ‪ /G–% {X‬و‪(%‬ا‬
‫أر‪ ,‬ا‪ S‬إ‪ FXK F %‬ا‪K‬آ‪ A#‬و‪!a+ ,O‬ن ا‪g$%‬ال ‪C.n‬ر * ‪Y‬ل ا‪ AR$%‬وا‪ FG JY‬آ‪O #‬ل
!‪ F - 14‬ا‪_$%‬م " رب إ‪ #% <X‬أ‪&%mX‬‬
‫إ‪ " E) . *
<%‬و‪ {
,EJ+ ,O‬ذ‪ %‬و‪!T$
‚f‬ل آ‪!E‬ل ذي ا‪!0%‬ن "  إ‪ F%‬إ أ‪ XLC4 &X‬إ‪ <X‬آ‪ *
&0‬ا‪ " * #%%‬و‪,O‬‬
‫‪!a+‬ن ‪ #‬د ا‪07%‬ء ‪ 1-‬ا‪!T$#%‬ل آ‪!E‬ل ا‪ : U%‬أأذآ ‪ <JGY‬أم ‪ ,O‬آ‪ Y <X2‬ؤك إن  ‪ J#‬ا‪ L%‬ء إذا أ‪  - 10W‬ا‪ #%‬ء ‪
‫آ‪ Fr 39 *
^2‬ا‪07%‬ء وا‪,(%‬ا‪ /+‬ه(‪ 0‬ا‪n‬رد وا‪ \ )!J%‬و‪,39 ,O‬ى ا‪,(%‬ا‪ ($20 /+‬آ‪ #‬ه‪ "0‬اه‪ X,‬ا‪ [%‬اط ا‪*#NJ) " ? EJ$#%‬‬

‪ 103‬أ‪ 0#(%‬أو و)‪ 0E‬أو ارز‪ 0O‬أو ا‪ " 0‬وه‪ ^0+,‬ا‪ "*+,0%‬أي  ‪ F% 0‬ا‪ o%‬وا‪ U%‬و‪,39 ,O‬ى ‪ 1%t‬آ‪ " : 1%39 F%!E‬ا‪^CJG‬‬
‫وه‪,‬ا^ إ‪ f 1%‬اط
‪) " " ? EJ$‬ه‪,‬وه? إ‪ f 1%‬اط ا‪ " ? L%‬وذ‪ 103# %‬ا‪n‬رد وا‪ /%,%‬وآ‪ " : F%!O %‬وإ‪,(J% X‬ي إ‪1%‬‬
‫‪ f‬اط
‪ " ? EJ$‬و‪,39 ,O‬ى ‪_%‬م آ‪!E‬ل أه‪ A‬ا‪ " /0%‬ا‪ S ,#L%‬ا‪%‬ي ه‪,‬ا‪(% X‬ا " أي و)‪(% 0E‬ا و‪ F% 0-3G‬أه_ ‪ .‬وأ
 ا‪ [%‬اط‬
‫ا‪E) ? EJ$#%‬ل ا‪
n‬م أ! ‪ + G * 23G‬أ‪ &3#G‬ا‪ *
K‬أه‪ A‬ا‪;J%‬و‪ 1- 3 #G A+‬أن ا‪ [%‬اط ا‪ ? EJ$#%‬ه! ا‪ \+ %‬ا‪!%‬ا‪ Qr‬ا‪%‬ي‬
‫ ا!‪G‬ج ) ‪ F‬وذ‪ { #G /s% <) %‬ا‪ 3%‬ب )‪ *#‬ذ‪!O %‬ل ‪ /  * + G‬ا‪ : <2o%‬أ
ا‪ f 1- * 0
g#%‬اط إذا ا!ج ا‪!#%‬ارد‬

‪O ? EJ$‬ل وا‪!U%‬اه‪ 1- ,‬ذ‪ %‬أآ‪ *
7‬أن ‪O [L9‬ل ‪ 3J$9 ?W‬ا‪ 3%‬ب ا‪ [%‬اط )‪ <) F-#3J$J‬آ‪!O A‬ل و‪ A#‬وو‪/
EJ4 ‚f‬‬
‫أو ا!‪G‬ج )‪ ‚[J‬ا‪ FJ
EJ4 ? EJ$#%‬وا‪!3#%‬ج !‪ ?W . FGG‬ا‪C &2-J.‬رات ا‪ *
*+ $2#%‬ا‪ ‚-$%‬وا‪ $29 <) ‚-o%‬‬
‫ا‪ [%‬اط وإن آن ‪ (-fY {G +‬إ‪< 1%‬ء وا‪ ,Y‬وه! ا‪ S /3J#%‬و‪!4 -%‬ل ) وي أ‪ FX‬آ‪J‬ب ا‪O S‬ل ا* أ< ‪ 0W,Y ?9Y‬ا‪*$L%‬‬
‫*  )‪#+ * 1 L+ <0W,Y /‬ن * ‪m#Y‬ة ا‪+m%‬ت * ‪ , 34‬وه! ا* ا‪Jo#%‬ر ا‪ * <R%‬ا* أ‪ <.‬ا‪L%‬رث ا‪!K‬ر * ا‪L%‬رث‬
‫ا‪!K‬ر * ‪ * <-‬أ< ‪ V%d‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪O F0 S‬ل ‪O :‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ " ?-4‬ا‪ [%‬اط ا‪ ? EJ$#%‬آ‪J‬ب ا‪ " S‬وآ‪%‬‬
‫روا^ ا* ‪m#Y w+,Y *
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* روا‪ /+‬ا‪L%‬رث‬
‫ا‪!K‬ر * ‪ " !)
<-‬وه! ‪ ACY‬ا‪ S‬ا‪ * J#%‬وه! ا‪%‬آ ا‪ ? aL%‬وه! ا‪ [%‬اط ا‪ "? EJ$#%‬و‪ ,O‬روي
!‪ <- 1- )!O‬ر‪<r‬‬
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‪!#‬ن *
( ان * ا* ‪C‬س )< ‪ " : 1%39 F%!O‬اه‪ X,‬ا‪ [%‬اط‬
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* S‬‬
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{4‬ا‪#$%‬ء وا‪K‬رض ‪ .‬و‪O‬ل ا* ا‪" : 1%39 F%!O <) / 20L%‬‬
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ACE+‬ا‪C3%‬د ^ و‪O‬ل ‪ ,C‬ا‪ * *#Y %‬ز‪ * ,+‬أ‪ ?-4‬اه‪ X,‬ا‪ [%‬اط ا‪? EJ$#%‬‬
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!,+‬ق ا‪ [%‬اط )‪t‬ذا أراد‬
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+ G‬‬

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م أ‬n‫ل ا‬O ‫(ا‬%‫و‬
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* ب‬A() ‫ ؟‬%
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,C3%‫ن ا‬t) %‫ ذ‬1%‫إ‬
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* و‬, 3$%) \ )!J%‫ت وا‬C7%‫وا‬
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ا‬q 1%39 ‫ل‬O‫ و‬. ?-‫ أ‬S‫ وا‬%‫ ذ‬1- /0 3#%‫ل ا‬#K‫ ا‬1- /
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0% V‫ وه‬0J+,‫ه‬
^ 1%‫ إ‬0 ‫ل‬,39 ‫ و‬F - 0 #J4‫ ? " ا‬EJ$#%‫[ اط ا‬%‫ ا‬X,‫ " اه‬: 1%39 F%!O 103#) ‫ ا‬4 /L92%‫ ا‬,3 ‫ ب‬s#%‫ ا‬.

This is the best method for seeking help, by first praising the one whom help is sought from
and then asking for His aid, and help for one's self, and for his Muslim brethren by saying.

6 َ? ِEJَ $
ْ #ُ %ْ ‫ط ا‬
َ ‫[ َا‬
h %‫َ ا‬X,ِ ‫ا ْه‬

(Guide us to the straight path.)

This method is more appropriate and efficient in bringing about a positive answer to the
pleas, and this is why Allah recommended this better method.

Asking for help may take the form of conveying the condition of the person who is seeking
help. For instance, the Prophet Moses said,

6ٌ ِE)َ ٍ ْ .
َ ْ*
ِ 1
 %َ‫& ِإ‬
َ ْ%mَ Xَ‫َ أ‬#%ِ 1hX‫ب ِإ‬
h ‫ َر‬

(My Lord! Truly, I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on me!) (28:24).

Also, one may first mention the attributes of whoever is being asked, such as what Dhun-Nun

6َ* ِ#-ِ‫ـ‬%‫& ِ
*َ ا‬
ُ 0ُ‫ آ‬1hX‫ ِإ‬
َ َ0‫َـ‬LCْ 4
ُ &
َ Xَ‫ ِإ  أ‬Fَ ‫َـ‬%‫  ِإ‬

(La ilaha illa Anta (none has the right to be worshipped but You (O Allah)), Glorified (and
Exalted) be You (above all that they associate with You)! Truly, I have been of the wrongdoers)

Further, one may praise Him without mentioning what he needs. The Meaning of Guidance
mentioned in the Surah

The guidance mentioned in the Surah implies being directed and guided to success. Allah said,

? ِEJَ $
ْ #ُ %ْ ‫ط ا‬
َ ‫ َا‬h[%‫َ ا‬X,ِ ‫ ا ْه‬6 (Guide us to the straight path) meaning guide, direct, lead and grant us
the correct guidance. Also,

ْ 0 %‫ ا‬Fُ ‫َـ‬0ْ+,َ ‫ وَ َه‬6 (And shown him the two ways (good and evil)) (90:10), means, `We explained to
him the paths of good and evil.' Also, Allah said,

? ِEَJ$
 ٍ‫ِ َ ط‬f 1َ%‫َا^ُ ِإ‬,‫ وَ َه‬Fُ ‫َـ‬CJَ G
ْ ‫ا‬6 (He (Allah) chose him (as an intimate friend) and guided him to a
straight path) (16:121), and,

? ِL
َ %ْ ‫ط ا‬
ِ َ ِf 1َ%‫ُو ُه?ْ ِإ‬,ْ‫)َه‬6 (And lead them on to the way of flaming Fire (Hell)) (37:23). Similarly,
Allah said,

? ِEJَ $
ٍ َ f
ِ 1َ%‫ِى ِإ‬,(ْ Jَ َ% 
َ X ‫ َوِإ‬6 (And verily, you (O Muhammad ) are indeed guiding (mankind) to
the straight path) (42:52), and,

‫(َـَا‬%ِ َX‫َا‬,‫ِى َه‬%‫ ا‬Fِ -ِ% ,ُ #ْ L

َ %ْ ‫ا‬6 (All praise and thanks be to Allah, Who has guided us to this) (7:43),
meaning, guided us and directed us and qualified us for this end - Paradise.

As for the meaning of As-Sirat Al-Mustaqim, Imam Abu Ja`far At-Tabari said, "The Ummah
agreed that Sirat Al-Mustaqim, is the clear path without branches, according to the language
of the Arabs. For instance, Jarir bin `Atiyah Al-Khatafi said in a poem, `The Leader of the
faithful is on a path that will remain straight even though the other paths are crooked.'' At-
Tabari also stated that, "There are many evidences to this fact.'' At-Tabari then proceeded,
"The Arabs use the term, Sirat in reference to every deed and statement whether righteous or
wicked. Hence the Arabs would describe the honest person as being straight and the wicked
person as being crooked. The straight path mentioned in the Qur'an refers to Islam.

Imam Ahmad recorded in his Musnad that An-Nawwas bin Sam`an said that the Prophet

«‫ َب‬1َ- َ ‫ َو‬،ٌ‫َة‬.ْ
ُ ٌ‫ُ!ر‬J4 ُ ‫ب‬ ِ ‫َْ;ْ!َا‬%‫ ا‬1َ-
َ ‫ َو‬،ٌ/L َ J 2َ
ُ ٌ‫َ َأْ!َاب‬#(ِ ِ) ‫ن‬ِ ‫ُ!رَا‬4 ‫ط‬ِ ‫[ َا‬h %‫< ا‬ ِ Jَ Cَ 0ْ G
َ 1َ- َ ‫ َو‬،ً# ِEJَ $ ْ
ُ ًd‫ َا‬fِ ً-7َ
َ S ُ ‫با‬ َ َ r َ
ًT ْ 
َ Qَ َJ2ْ +َ ْ‫ن َأن‬ُ َ$Xْ tِْ%‫ذَا أَرَا َد ا‬tَِ) ،ِ‫[ َاط‬
h %‫ق ا‬ ِ ْ!َ) ْ*
ِ !ُْ,+َ ٍ‫ َودَاع‬،‫!ا‬G!َ ْ39َ َ%َ‫ً و‬3 ِ#G َ َ‫[ َاط‬ h %‫ُ!ا ا‬-ُ.ْ‫س اد‬ ُ 0%‫(َ ا‬+ ‫ََأ‬+ :‫ُ!ل‬E+َ ‫ع‬ ٍ ‫ط دَا‬ ِ ‫[ َا‬h %‫ا‬
S‫َ ِر ُم ا‬L
َ /ُ َLJ 2َ #ُ %ْ ‫ب ا‬
ُ ‫َ;ْ!َا‬%ْ ‫ وَا‬S ِ ‫ُودُ ا‬,Y ُ :‫ن‬ ِ ‫!رَا‬$%‫َ ُم وَا‬-4 ْ tِ%ْ ‫ ا‬:‫ط‬ُ ‫ َا‬h[%َ) ُF
ْ -ِ9َ Fُ Jَ L
ْ Jَ َ) ْ‫ ِإن‬ َ X tَِ) Fُ L
ْ Jَ 2ْ َ9 َ% َLَ +ْ َ‫و‬:‫َل‬O ‫ب‬
ِ ‫َْ; ْ!َا‬%‫ ا‬
َ -ْ 9ِ ْ*
ُ Ah ‫ ُآ‬V ِ ْ-Oَ <ِ) S ِ ‫‡ُ ا‬ ِ ‫ َاطِ وَا‬h[%‫ق ا‬ ِ ْ!)َ ْ*
ِ <ِ‫ا‬,%‫ وَا‬،ِS‫ب ا‬ ُ َJ‫[ َاطِ ِآ‬
h %‫س ا‬ ِ ‫ رَ ْأ‬1َ-َ <ِ‫ا‬,%‫ ا‬ َ %َِ‫( » َوذ‬Allah has set an
example: a Sirat (straight path) that is surrounded by two walls on both sides, with several
open doors within the walls covered with curtains. There is a caller on the gate of the Sirat
who heralds, 'O people! Stay on the path and do not deviate from it.' Meanwhile, a caller from
above the path is also warning any person who wants to open any of these doors, 'Woe unto
you! Do not open it, for if you open it you will pass through.' The straight path is Islam, the
two walls are Allah's set limits, while the doors resemble what Allah has prohibited. The caller
on the gate of the Sirat is the Book of Allah, while the caller above the Sirat is Allah's
admonishment in the heart of every Muslim.)

If someone asks, "Why does the believer ask Allah for guidance during every prayer and at
other times, while he is already properly guided Has he not already acquired guidance''

The answer to these questions is that if it were not a fact that the believer needs to keep asking
for guidance day and night, Allah would not have directed him to invoke Him to acquire the

guidance. The servant needs Allah the Exalted every hour of his life to help him remain firm
on the path of guidance and to make him even more firm and persistent on it. The servant
does not have the power to benefit or harm himself, except by Allah's permission. Therefore,
Allah directed the servant to invoke Him constantly, so that He provides him with His aid and
with firmness and success. Indeed, the happy person is he whom Allah guides to ask of Him.
This is especially the case if a person urgently needs Allah's help day or night. Allah said,

AْCَO *ِ
‫ َل‬mَX‫ِى َأ‬%‫ ا‬V
ِ ‫َـ‬Jِa%ْ ‫ وَا‬Fِ %ِ!ُ4‫ َر‬1َ-
َ ‫ َل‬mXَ ‫ِى‬%‫ ا‬V
ِ ‫َـ‬Jaِ %ْ ‫ وَا‬Fِ %ِ!ُ4َ‫ َور‬Fِ -%ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
ِ ‫ُ!اْ ءَا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫(َ ا‬+ ;َ ‫َـ‬+6 (O you who believe!
Believe in Allah, and His Messenger (Muhammad ), and the Book (the Qur'an) which He has
sent down to His Messenger, and the Scripture which He sent down to those before (him))

Therefore, in this Ayah Allah commanded the believers to believe, and this command is not
redundant since what is sought here is firmness and continuity of performing the deeds that
help one remain on the path of faith. Also, Allah commanded His believing servants to

‫ َ!هب‬%ْ ‫& ا‬
َ Xَ‫ أ‬
َ X ‫ ِإ‬/ً #َ ْY‫ َر‬
َ Xُ,% *ِ
َ0%َ ْV‫َ َو َه‬0Jَ +ْ َ,‫َ ِإذْ َه‬,3ْ َ َ0َ!ُ-ُO ْ‫غ‬mِ 9ُ َ َ0‫ َر‬6 (Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate
(from the truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You are the
Bestower.) (3:8). Hence,

? ِEJَ $
ْ #ُ %ْ ‫ط ا‬
َ ‫ َا‬h[%‫َ ا‬X,ِ ‫ ا ْه‬6 (Guide us to the straight way) means, "Make us firm on the path of
guidance and do not allow us to deviate from it.''

7) 6 َ* h%N%‫ ْ ِ(?ْ َو َ ا‬-ََ ‫ب‬

ِ !ُNsْ #َ %ْ ‫ ْ ِ ا‬
َ ْ?(ِ ْ -َ
َ &
َ #ْ 3َ Xْ ‫* َأ‬
َ +ِ%‫ِ َاطَ ا‬f. The way of those upon whom You have
bestowed Your grace, not (that) of those who earned Your anger, nor of those who went

We mentioned the Hadith in which the servant proclaims,

? ِEJَ $
ْ #ُ %ْ ‫ط ا‬
َ ‫ َا‬h[%‫َ ا‬X,ِ ‫ ا ْه‬6 (Guide us to the straight way) and Allah says, "This is for My servant, and
My servant shall acquire what he asks for.'' Allah's statement.

?ِ( ْ َ-
َ &
َ #ْ َ3Xْ ‫*َ َأ‬+ِ%‫ط ا‬
َ ‫ َا‬f
ِ 6 (The way of those upon whom You have bestowed Your grace) defines the
path. `Those upon whom Allah has bestowed His grace' are those mentioned in Surat An-Nisa'
(chapter 4), when Allah said,

- ًE ِ)‫ َر‬َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%‫* أُو‬

ُY َ ‫ِ *َ َو‬L-ِ‫[ـ‬%‫ ِء وَا‬qَ,(َ U  %‫* وَا‬
َ ِE+h,[
h %‫* وَا‬
َ h Cِ 0 %‫* ا‬
h ?ِ( ْ -ََ Fُ -%‫ َ? ا‬3َ Xْ ‫*َ َأ‬+ِ%‫ َ
َ{ ا‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُ! َل )َُ;و‬4  %‫ وَا‬Fَ -%‫ِ ِ{ ا‬+ُ *َ
# ِ-
َ Fِ -%ِ 1َ2‫ َو َآ‬Fِ -%‫* ا‬
ِ Aُ N
ْ 2َ %ْ ‫َ ا‬%ِ‫ ذ‬6 (And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad ),
then they will be in the company of those on whom Allah has bestowed His grace, the
Prophets, the Siddiqin (the truly faithful), the martyrs, and the righteous. And how excellent
these companions are! Such is the bounty from Allah, and Allah is sufficient to know)

61. QS Al An'am 6 : 66-69

A ِ‫?ْ ِ َ!آ‬aُ ْ -ََ &ُ $ ْ % AُO \ َL%ْ ‫ وَ ُه َ! ا‬ َ

ُ ْ!Oَ Fِ ِ ‫ب‬
َ ‫َو َآ‬
- ‫ُ!ن‬#َ-3ْ 9َ ‫ف‬ َ ْ!4 َ ‫َ  َو‬EJَ $
 tٍَCXَ Ah aُ h%
- ‫ ْآ َى‬h%‫ ا‬,َ 3ْ َ ْ,3ُ Eْ 9َ َ_)َ *
ُ ‫ ْ َـ‬U %‫ ا‬ َ 0 َ $
ِ 0ُ+ 
‫ ْ ِ ^ِ َوِإ‬
َ w ٍ +ِ,Y
َ 1ِ) ْ‫ُ!ا‬r!ُo+َ 1JY َ ْ?(ُ 0ْ 
َ ْ‫َ َ)َ;ْ ِ ض‬0Jِ ‫َـ‬+‫ ءَا‬1ِ) َ‫ُ!ن‬r!ُo+َ *
َ +ِ%‫& ا‬
َ +ْ ‫َوِإذَا َرَأ‬
‫ُ!ن‬EJ +َ ْ?(ُ -3َ %َ ‫ِ* ِذآْ َى‬a‫َـ‬%َ‫ْ ٍء و‬1 َ *h
?ِ(َِ$Y ِ ْ*
ِ َ‫ُ!ن‬EJ +َ َ*+ِ%‫ ا‬1َ-َ َ
‫ َو‬- َ* ِ#-ِ‫ـ‬%‫َ!ْ ِم ا‬E%ْ ‫ َ
َ{ ا‬6

6:66. Dan kaummu mendustakannya (azab) padahal azab itu benar adanya. Katakanlah:
"Aku ini bukanlah orang yang diserahi mengurus urusanmu".
6:67. Untuk tiap-tiap berita (yang dibawa oleh rasul-rasul) ada (waktu) terjadinya dan kelak
kamu akan mengetahui.
6:68. Dan apabila kamu melihat orang-orang memperolok-olokkan ayat-ayat Kami, maka
tinggalkanlah mereka sehingga mereka membicarakan pembicaraan yang lain. Dan jika setan
menjadikan kamu lupa (akan larangan ini), maka janganlah kamu duduk bersama orang-
orang yang lalim itu sesudah teringat (akan larangan itu).
6:69. Dan tidak ada pertanggungjawaban sedikit pun atas orang-orang yang bertakwa
terhadap dosa mereka; akan tetapi (kewajiban mereka ialah) mengingatkan agar mereka

(66. But your people have denied it (the Qur'an) though it is the truth. Say: "I am not
responsible for your affairs.'')
(67. For every news there is a reality and you will come to know.)
(68. And when you see those who engage in false conversation about Our verses (of the
Qur'an) by mocking at them, stay away from them till they turn to another topic. And if
Shaytan causes you to forget, then after the remembrance, sit not you in the company of those
people who are the wrongdoers.)
(69. There is no responsibility for them upon those who have Taqwa, but (their duty) is to
remind them, that they may (attain) Taqwa.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ٍA ِ‫?ْ ِ َ!آ‬aُ ْ -َ

َ &
ُ $
ْ %َ ْAOُ \
 َL%ْ ‫ َو ُه َ! ا‬
ُ ْ!Oَ Fِ ِ ‫ب‬
َ  ‫َو َآ‬

H % ‫ي‬%‫\ " أي ا‬L%‫ " وه! ا‬U+ O <03+ " 

!O " ‫ ن‬C%‫ى وا‬,(%‫ وا‬F ?(JTG ‫ي‬%‫ن ا‬q E% ‫ " أي‬F ‫ " وآب‬1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
g -) ‫* ء‬#) ?a‫\
* ر‬L%‫ ا‬AO‫ " و‬F%!E‫? آ‬a A‫!آ‬# &$%‫ ‡ و‬2L ?a - &$% ‫ " أي‬A ‫? !آ‬a - &$% AO " \Y ^‫وراء‬
<) <E ,E) <02%. *
‫ ة و‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫ )< ا‬,34 <03C9‫* ا‬#) /%‫{ وا‬#$%‫? ا‬a -‫_غ و‬C%‫< ا‬- #X‫ " أي إ‬2a -) ‫و
* ء‬
‫ ة‬.y‫  وا‬X,%‫ ا‬.

َ !ُ#-َ3ْ 9َ ‫ف‬
َ ْ!4
َ ‫  َو‬Eَ Jَ $
ُ ٍtCَ Xَ Ah ُa%ِ

*#-3J%‫ل " و‬O #‫ * آ‬Y ,3 !%‫!ع و‬O‫ و‬C. Aa% ‫ أي‬/E EY ;CX Aa% ‫ أي‬,Y‫س و وا‬C *‫ل ا‬O " EJ$
;CX Aa% "‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫و‬
‫!ن‬#-39 ‫!ف‬4‫^" و‬,3 ‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫ و‬, ‫ أآ‬, ‫ وو‬,+,(9 ‫ب " وها‬J‫ آ‬AG‫ أ‬Aa% " ‫ل‬O‫ * " و‬Y ,3 ^;CX " .

‫آْ َى‬h %‫َ ا‬,3ْ َ ْ,3ُ ْE9َ َ-َ) ُ‫ ْ َن‬U
 %‫ ا‬
َ 0 َ $
ِ 0ْ ُ+ 
‫ ْ ِ ^ِ َوِإ‬
َ w
ٍ +ِ,َY <ِ) ‫ُ!ا‬r!ُo+َ 1JY
َ ْ?(ُ 0ْ 
َ ْ‫ ِض‬
ْ ;ََ) َ0ِ9َ+q <ِ) َ‫ُ!ن‬r!ُo+َ َ*+ِ%‫& ا‬
َ +ْ ‫َوِإذَا َرَأ‬
* ِ#ِ%%‫!ْمِ ا‬Eَ %ْ ‫ا‬

‫ ^ " أي‬w+,Y <) ‫!ا‬r!o+ 1JY ?(0 ‫اء " ); ض‬m(J4‫ وا‬V+aJ% ‫ " أي‬09+q <) ‫!ن‬r!o+ *+%‫& ا‬+‫" وإذا رأ‬F%!O‫و‬

 ‫ أن‬/
K‫د ا‬Yq *
‫ ) د‬A‫ آ‬% ‫ اد‬#%‫ ن " وا‬U%‫ ا‬0 $0+ 
‫ " وإ‬V+aJ%‫
* ا‬F ) ‫!ا‬X‫
 آ‬.q ‫وا )< آ_م‬.;+ 1JY
"‫آ ى‬%‫ ا‬,3 ,3E9 _) "  4X ?(3
,Y‫ أ‬H-G ‫ن‬t) (3r‫
!ا‬1- (X!3N+‫ و‬S‫ت ا‬+q ‫ )!ن‬L+ *+%‫ * ا‬a#%‫
{ ا‬H-+
‫ي‬,$%‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬. " F - ‫ ه!ا‬aJ4‫ ن و
 ا‬$0%‫; وا‬o%‫< ا‬J
‫ " ر){ * أ‬w+,L%‫(ا ورد )< ا‬%‫ * " و‬#%%‫!م ا‬E%‫آ "
{ ا‬J%‫ ا‬,3
* A9E
‫ل‬O ‫(? وآا‬3
" ,3E9 _) " ‫ & )آ ت‬$X ‫ل إن‬O " ‫ ن‬U%‫ ا‬0 $0+ 
‫ " وإ‬F%!O <) CG * , 34‫ و‬%
<‫* أ‬
‫وا‬,3E9 _) ( ‫أ‬m(J$+‫ ( و‬2a+ S‫ت ا‬+q ?J3#4 ‫ب أن إذا‬Ja%‫? )< ا‬a - ‫ل‬mX ,O‫ " و‬F%!O <) ( %‫ر إ‬U#%‫ ه< ا‬/+y‫ ن وه^ ا‬Y
# ) ?‫!ه‬#J+‫و‬4 ,E) %‫ ذ‬1- ?‫!ه‬#9‫ ر‬O‫(? وأ‬3
?J$-G ‫? إذا‬aX‫ أي إ‬./+y‫(? " ا‬-7
‫? إذا‬aX‫ ^ إ‬w+,Y <) ‫!ا‬r!o+ 1JY ?(3

F ) ?‫ ه‬.

َ‫ُ!ن‬EJ +َ ْ?(ُ -3َ %َ ‫*ْ ِذ ْآ َى‬aِ %َ‫<ْ ٍء َو‬

َ ْ*
ِ ْ?(ِ ِ َ$Y
ِ ْ*
ِ ‫ن‬
َ !ُEJ +َ *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬1َ-َ َ

?(9,( *
‫!ا‬R  ,E) %‫(? )< ذ‬3
‫!ا‬$-+ ?-) ?‫!ه‬C09 ‫(?
* <ء " أي إذا‬$Y *
‫!ن‬EJ+ *+%‫ ا‬1- 
‫ " و‬F%!O‫و‬
* %
<‫ي * أ‬,$%‫ * ا‬A R‫ ا‬4‫ * إ‬14!
* S‫ ا‬,C 0W,Y ŽK‫ ا‬, 34 !‫ أ‬0W,Y ?9Y <‫ل ا* أ‬O ?(#W‫[!ا
* إ‬-o9‫و‬
‫ أي‬%‫& ذ‬-3) ‫ إذا‬S‫ت ا‬+q <) ‫!ا‬r!o+ ‫  أن‬- 
‫ل‬O " ‫(?
* <ء‬$Y *
‫!ن‬EJ+ *+%‫ ا‬1- 
‫ " و‬F%!O . CG * , 34
‫!ا أن ها‬#‫(?
* <ء وز‬$Y *
?( - H -) ?(3
‫!ا‬$-G ‫^ وإن‬03
A ‫ ون‬.q ‫ل‬O‫(? و‬0 &r ‫(? وأ‬JC09 ‫إذا‬
*a%‫ " و‬F%!O ‫!ن‬a+ ?(%!O 1-‫ و‬.?‫Ž و ه‬+ G *‫ي وا‬,$%‫ وا‬,‫
ه‬F%O " ?(-7
‫? إذا‬aX‫ " إ‬F%!O <‫ وه‬/ X,#%‫ء ا‬$0%‫ ا‬/+
F %‫!دون إ‬3+ ‫ و‬%‫!ن ذ‬EJ+ ?(-3% F ) ?‫ ه‬# ?(% ‫آ ا‬9 T0 Y ?(0 ‫ اض‬n ?‫آ‬X
‫* أ‬a%‫!ن " أي و‬EJ+ ?(-3% ?(% ‫ ذآ ى‬.

Allah said,

6ِFِ ‫ب‬
َ ‫ َو َآ‬

(But have denied it) denied the Qur'an, guidance and clear explanation that you (O
Muhammad ) have brought them,

ِ ْ!َO

(your people) meaning, Quraysh,

6\َL%ْ ‫ َو ُه َ! ا‬

(though it is the truth.) beyond which there is no other truth.

6ٍA ِ‫?ْ ِ َ!آ‬aُ ْ -ََ &

ُ $
ْ % AُO

(Say: "I am not responsible for your affairs.'') meaning, I have not been appointed a guardian
or watcher over you. Allah also said;

6ْ ُ2aْ َ -ْ َ) ‫ْ
ِ* َو
َ* َ َء‬gُ -ْ َ) ‫َ* َ َء‬#)َ ْ?aُ h ‫\
ِ* ر‬
 َL%ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ Oُ ‫ َو‬

(And say: "The truth is from your Lord.'' Then whosoever wills, let him believe, and
whosoever wills, let him disbelieve.) 18:296, This means, my duty is to convey the Message
and your duty is to hear and obey. Those who follow me, will acquire happiness in this life and
the Hereafter. Those who defy me will become miserable in this life and the Hereafter. So
Allah said;

6 َEJَ $
 tٍَCXَ hAaُ %h

(For every news there is a reality...) meaning, for every news, there is a reality, in that, this
news will occur, perhaps after a while, according to Ibn `Abbas and others. Allah said in other

ِ ِY َ,3ْ َ ^ُ َ;Cَ Xَ *
 #ُ -َ3ْ Jَ %ََ‫و‬

(And you shall certainly know the truth of it after a while.) 38:886 and,

6ٌ‫َب‬J‫ ِآ‬Aٍ G
َ ‫ َأ‬Ah aُ %ِ

((For) each and every matter there is a decree (from Allah).) 13:386. This, indeed, is a
warning and a promise that will surely occur,

6َ‫ُ!ن‬#-َ3ْ 9َ ‫ف‬
َ ْ!4
َ ‫ َو‬

(and you will come to know.)

Allah's statement,

َ0Jِ ‫َـ‬+‫ ءَا‬1ِ) َ‫ُ!ن‬r!ُo+َ *

َ +ِ%‫& ا‬
َ +ْ ‫ َوِإذَا َرَأ‬6 (And when you see those who engage in false conversation about
Our verses (of the Qur'an)), by denying and mocking them.

^ِ ْ
َ w
ٍ +ِ,Y
َ 1ِ) ْ‫ُ!ا‬r!ُo+َ 1JY
َ ْ?(ُ 0ْ 
َ ْ‫)ََ;ْ ِ ض‬6 (stay away from them till they turn to another topic.) until
they talk about a subject other than the denial they were engaged in.

6ُ*‫ ْ َـ‬U
 %‫ ا‬
َ 0 َ $
ِ 0ُ+ 
‫ َوِإ‬

(And if Shaytan causes you to forget...) This command includes every member of this Ummah.
No one is to sit with those who deny and distort Allah's Ayat and explain them incorrectly. If
one forgets and sits with such people,

‫ ْآ َى‬h %‫َ ا‬,3ْ َ ْ,ُ3Eْ 9َ _

َ )َ 6 (then after the remembrance sit not you) after you remember,

* ِ#-ِ‫ـ‬%‫َ!ْ ِم ا‬E%ْ ‫ َ
َ{ ا‬6 (in the company of those people who are the wrongdoers.). A Hadith states,

«Fْ -َ
َ ‫ ِهُ!ا‬aْ Jُ 4
ْ ‫ن َو
َ ا‬
ُ َ $
ْ 0h %‫َ;ُ وَا‬o
َ %ْ ‫ِ< ا‬J
 ‫*ْ ُأ‬
َ {َ ِ)‫( » ُر‬My Ummah was forgiven unintentional errors,
forgetfulness and what they are coerced to do.) The Ayah above 6:686 is the Ayah mentioned
in Allah's statement,

‫ُ?ْ إِذا‬aX ‫ ْ ِ ^ِ ِإ‬

َ w
ٍ +ِ,Y
َ 1ِ) ‫ُ! ْا‬r!ُo+َ 1JY
َ ْ?(ُ 3َ
َ ْ‫ُوا‬,3ُ ْE9َ َ_)َ َ(ِ ‫ُأ‬mَ ْ(Jَ $
ْ +ُ ‫َ ُ ِ(َ َو‬2aَ +ُ Fِ -%‫& ا‬
ِ ‫َـ‬+‫ُ?ْ ءَا‬J3ْ #ِ 4
َ ‫ َأنْ ِإذَا‬V
ِ ‫َـ‬Jِa%ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ?aُ ْ -َ
َ ‫ َل‬mXَ ْ,Oَ ‫ َو‬
6ْ?(ُ -ُْ7

(And it has already been revealed to you in the Book that when you hear the Verses of Allah
being denied and mocked at, then sit not with them, until they engage in a talk other than
that; (but if you stayed with them) certainly in that case you would be like them.) 4:1406, for,
if you still sit with them, agreeing to what they say, you will be just like them. Allah's

َ *h
?ِ(ِ َ$Y
ِ ْ*
ِ ‫ن‬
َ !ُEJ +َ َ*+ِ%‫ ا‬1َ-َ َ
‫ َو‬6 (There is no responsibility for them upon those who have
Taqwa,) means, when the believers avoid sitting with wrongdoers in this case, they will be
innocent of them and they will have saved themselves from their sin. Allah's statement,

‫ُ!ن‬EJ +َ ْ?(ُ -َ3%َ ‫ِ* ِذ ْآ َى‬a‫َـ‬%‫ َو‬6 (but (their duty) is to remind them, that they may avoid that.), means, We
commanded you to ignore and avoid them, so that they become aware of the error they are

indulging in, that they may avoid this behavior and never repeat it again.

{ ِ2
َ َ ‫ َو‬1  ِ%‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫(َ
ِ* دُونِ ا‬%َ َH ْ َ% ْ&Cَ $
َ ‫َ َآ‬#ِ ٌHْ2Xَ Aَ $ َ ْC9ُ ‫ أَن‬Fِ ِ ْ ‫آ‬h ‫ َ َو َذ‬Xْ , %‫ َ!ةُ ا‬L َ ْ%‫ْ ُ( ُ? ا‬9 
َ ‫(ْ!ًا َو‬%ََ‫ً و‬Cِ3%َ ْ?(ُ 0َ +ِ‫َُواْ د‬o9 ‫*َ ا‬+ِ%‫وَ َذ ِر ا‬
6 َ‫ُ ُون‬2aْ +َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬Xَ‫َ آ‬#ِ ٌ? ِ%‫ِ ٍ? َوََابٌ َأ‬#Y
َ ْ*
h ٌ‫ َاب‬ َ ْ?(ُ َ% ‫ُ! ْا‬Cَ$‫َ َآ‬#ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬-ِ$ْ ‫*َ ُأ‬+ِ%‫ ا‬ َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫(َ ُأو‬0ْ
ِ َْ.ْg+ُ  ‫ْ ٍل‬,َ A ‫لْ ُآ‬,ِ ْ39َ ‫َوإِن‬

(70. And leave alone those who take their religion as play and amusement, and are deceived by
the life of this world. But remind (them) with it (the Qur'an) lest a soul Tubsal for that which
one has earned, when he will find for himself no protector or intercessor besides Allah, and
even if he offers every ransom, it will not be accepted from him. Such are they who are given
up to destruction because of that which they have earned. For them will be a drink of boiling
water and a painful torment because they used to disbelieve.) Allah said,

َ Xْ , %‫ َ!ةُ ا‬L

َ %ْ ‫ ُ(?ُ ا‬9ْ 
َ ‫(ْ!ًا َو‬%ََ‫ً و‬Cِ3%َ ْ?(ُ 0َ +ِ‫ُواْ د‬o
َ 9 ‫*َ ا‬+ِ%‫ َوذَ ِر ا‬6 (And leave alone those who take their religion as
play and amusement, and are deceived by the life of this world.) The Ayah commands to leave
such people, ignore them and give them respite, for soon, they will taste a tremendous
torment. This is why Allah said,

Fِ ْ ‫آ‬h ‫ َو َذ‬6 (But remind with it) meaning, remind the people with this Qur'an and warn them
against Allah's revenge and painful torment on the Day of Resurrection. Allah said;

َ َ‫َ آ‬#ِ ٌH2ْ Xَ Aَ $
َ Cْ ُ9 ‫أَن‬

(lest a soul Tubsal for that which one has earned,) meaning, so that it is not Tubsal. Ad-
Dahhak from Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, `Ikrimah, Al-Hasan and As-Suddi said that Tubsal means,
be submissive. Al-Walibi said that Ibn `Abbas said that Tubsal means, `be exposed'. Qatadah
said that Tubsal means, `be prevented', Murrah and Ibn Zayd said that it means, `be
recompensed', Al-Kalbi said, `be reckoned'. All these statements and expressions are similar,
for they all mean exposure to destruction, being kept away from all that is good, and being
restrained from attaining what is desired. Allah also said;

* ِ# َ %ْ ‫ ا‬V
َ ‫َـ‬Lf
ْ ‫ ِإ  َأ‬- ٌ/0َ ِ‫&ْ رَه‬Cَ َ$‫َ َآ‬#ِ H
ٍ 2ْ Xَ A‫ ُآ‬6 (Every person is restrained by what he has earned.
Except those on the Right.) 74:38-396, and

{ ِ2
َ َ ‫ َو‬1
 %َِ‫ و‬Fِ -%‫ن ا‬
ِ ‫(َ
ِ* دُو‬%َ H
َ ْ َ%6 (when he will find for himself no protector or intercessor besides
Allah,) and,

ِ ْ.
َ ْg+ُ  ‫ْ ٍل‬,
َ A ‫لْ ُآ‬,ِ 3ْ 9َ ‫ َوإِن‬6 (and even if he offers every ransom, it will not be accepted from
him.) meaning, whatever the ransom such people offer, it will not be accepted from them.
Allah said in a similar statement,

ًC‫ض َذ َه‬
ِ ْ‫ْ ُء ا ر‬A
h ?ِ‫ِه‬,Y
َ ‫َ ِ
*ْ َأ‬ACَ Eْ +ُ *َ-)َ ٌ‫ر‬2ُ‫ُ!اْ َوهُ ْ? آ‬9َ
‫ ُواْ َو‬2َ ‫*َ َآ‬+ِ%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ِإ‬6 (Verily, those who disbelieved, and died
while they were disbelievers, the (whole) earth full of gold will not be accepted from anyone of
them.) 3:916 Allah said here,

‫ ُون‬2ُ aْ +َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬Xَ‫َ آ‬#ِ ٌ? ِ%‫ِ ٍ? وَََابٌ َأ‬#Y

َ ْ*
h ٌ‫ َاب‬
َ ْ?(ُ %َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬C$
َ ‫َ َآ‬#ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬-$
ِ ْ ‫*َ ُأ‬+ِ%‫ ا‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُأو‬6 (Such are they who are given up
to destruction because of that which they have earned. For them will be a drink of boiling
water and a painful torment because they used to disbelieve. )

62. QS 'Abasa 80 : 38-39

- ‫ َة‬2ِ $
 ٍ Tِ
َ ْ!+َ ٌ^!ُG‫ُو‬
- ‫ َة‬Uِ Cْ Jَ $
 ٌ/aَ L ِ ‫َـ‬r

80:38. Banyak muka pada hari itu berseri-seri,

80:39. tertawa dan gembira ria,

(38. Some faces that Day will be bright,)

(39. Laughing, rejoicing at good news.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ٌ‫ِ َ ة‬2$
ُ ٍ ِT
َ !ْ +َ ٌ^!ُG‫ُو‬

‫ ة‬0J$
‫ ة أي‬2$
^!G‫ * و‬E+ ) %0‫س ه‬0%‫!ن ا‬a+ ‫ أي‬.

ٌ‫ َ ة‬U
ِ Cْ Jَ $
ُ /ٌ َaY
ِ َr

/0%‫ ا‬A‫ء ه? أه‬g‫!ه(? وه‬G‫ و‬1- UC%‫ …( ا‬,O ?(!-O <) ‫ ور‬$%‫
* ا‬/Y ) ‫ ورة‬$
‫ أي‬.

Allah says;

6 ٌ‫ َ ة‬U
ِ Cْ Jَ $
 ٌ/aَ L
ِ ‫َـ‬r - ٌ‫ِ َ ة‬2$
 ٍ Tِ
َ ْ!+َ ٌ^!ُG‫ ُو‬

(Some faces that Day will be bright (Musfirah), laughing, rejoicing at good news.) meaning,
the people will be divided into two parties. There will be faces that are Musfirah, which means

6 ٌ‫ َ ة‬U
ِ Cْ َJ$
 ٌ/aَ L
ِ ‫َـ‬r

(Laughing, rejoicing at good news.) meaning, happy and pleased due to the joy that will be in
their hearts. The good news will be apparent on their faces. These will be the people of

63. QS Al Baqarah 2 : 261-265

{ِ4‫ َو‬Fُ -%‫َ ُء وَا‬Uَ+ *َ#%ِ ُ‚3ِ ‫َـ‬Nُ+ Fُ -%‫ وَا‬/ٍ C Y

َ /ُ Rَ ْ
h /ٍ -َCُ 0ُ4 Ah ‫ )ِ< ُآ‬Aَ َِ04
َ {َ Cْ 4
َ ْ&Jَ Cَ Xَ‫ٍ أ‬/C Y
َ Aِ َ7#َ ‫ َآ‬Fِ -%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4
َ <ِ) ْ?(ُ َ%!َ
ْ ‫ن َأ‬
َ !ُE2ِ 0ُ+ *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬Aُ 7َ
6 ٌ? ِ-

ْ +َ ْ?‫ ْ ِ(?ْ َو َ ُه‬-ََ ‫ف‬
ٌ ْ!َ. َ ‫َ َر ّ ِ(?ْ َو‬,0ِ ْ?‫ْ ُ ُه‬G‫ ُ(?ْ َأ‬% ‫ّ وَ َأذًى‬0
َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬E2َ Xْ ‫ن
َ َأ‬
َ !ُ3Cِ Jْ +ُ َ ? Wُ Fِ -%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4
َ 1ِ) ْ?(ُ َ%!ْ
‫ُ!نَ َأ‬E2ِ 0ُ+ *
َ +ِ%‫ا‬

ٌ? ِ-Y
َ 10ِ
َ Fُ -%‫ُ(َ َأذًى وَا‬3Cَ Jْ َ+ /ٍ Oَ ,َ f
َ *ّ
ٌ ْ َ. ٌ‫ِ َ ة‬2sْ
َ ‫ ُوفٌ َو‬3ْ

َ Aِ 7َ #َ ‫ َآ‬Fُ -َُ7#َ )َ ِ ِ.ْ ‫ْ َ !ْ ِم ا‬%‫ وَا‬Fِ -%ِ *
ِ ْg+ُ َ ‫سِ َو‬0%‫َء ا‬Rِ‫ ر‬Fُ %ََ
\ُ ِ20ُ+ ‫ِى‬%َ‫* وَاْذَى آ‬ ّ #َ %ْ ِ ?ُaJِ ‫َـ‬O,َ f
َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬-ِCْ 9ُ َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءا‬+ِ%‫(َ ا‬+;َ+
6َ*+ِ 2ِ ‫َـ‬a%ْ ‫َ!ْ َم ا‬E%ْ ‫ِي ا‬,(ْ +َ َ Fُ -%‫ُ!اْ وَا‬C$ َ ‫ َآ‬#
ّ ‫ْء‬1 َ 1َ- َ َ‫رُون‬,ِ ْE+َ  ‫ًا‬,-ْ َf Fُ ‫ َ َآ‬Jَ )َ ٌAِ ‫ُ وَا‬Fَ َf;ََ) ٌ‫ َاب‬9ُ Fِ ْ َ- َ

?% ‫ِن‬tَ) *
ِ ْ 2َ ْ3r
ِ َ(-َُ‫&ْ ُأآ‬9َ َ;َ) ٌAِ ‫ََ(َ وَا‬f‫ ِ َ ْ َ! ٍة َأ‬/ٍ 0 َG Aِ َ7#َ ‫ِ ِ(?ْ َآ‬$2ُ Xَ‫
*ْ أ‬h ًJ ِC7ْ 9َ َ‫ و‬Fِ -%‫ت ا‬
ِ َrْ َ
‫َ َء‬sJِ ْ ‫ ُ(?ُ ا‬%َ!َ
ْ ‫ُ!نَ َأ‬Eِ20ُ+ *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬Aُ 7َ
َ ‫ َو‬
6 ٌ ِ[َ ‫ن‬ َ !ُ-#َ 3ْ 9َ َ#ِ Fُ -%‫ وَا‬A َ)َ ٌAِ ‫(َ وَا‬Cْ [
ِ ُ+

2:261. Perumpamaan (nafkah yang dikeluarkan oleh) orang-orang yang menafkahkan

hartanya di jalan Allah adalah serupa dengan sebutir benih yang menumbuhkan tujuh bulir,
pada tiap-tiap bulir: seratus biji. Allah melipat gandakan (ganjaran) bagi siapa yang Dia
kehendaki. Dan Allah Maha Luas (karunia-Nya) lagi Maha Mengetahui.
2:262. Orang-orang yang menafkahkan hartanya di jalan Allah, kemudian mereka tidak
mengiringi apa yang dinafkahkannya itu dengan menyebut-nyebut pemberiannya dan
dengan tidak menyakiti (perasaan si penerima), mereka memperoleh pahala di sisi Tuhan
mereka. Tidak ada kekhawatiran terhadap mereka dan tidak (pula) mereka bersedih hati.
2:263. Perkataan yang baik dan pemberian maaf lebih baik dari sedekah yang diiringi
dengan sesuatu yang menyakitkan (perasaan si penerima). Allah Maha Kaya lagi Maha
2:264. Hai orang-orang beriman, janganlah kamu menghilangkan (pahala) sedekahmu
dengan menyebut-nyebutnya dan menyakiti (perasaan si penerima), seperti orang yang
menafkahkan hartanya karena ria kepada manusia dan dia tidak beriman kepada Allah dan
hari kemudian. Maka perumpamaan orang itu seperti batu licin yang di atasnya ada tanah,
kemudian batu itu ditimpa hujan lebat, lalu menjadilah dia bersih (tidak bertanah). Mereka
tidak menguasai sesuatu pun dari apa yang mereka usahakan; dan Allah tidak memberi
petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang kafir.
2:265. Dan perumpamaan orang-orang yang membelanjakan hartanya karena mencari
keridaan Allah dan untuk keteguhan jiwa mereka, seperti sebuah kebun yang terletak di
dataran tinggi yang disiram oleh hujan lebat, maka kebun itu menghasilkan buahnya dua
kali lipat. Jika hujan lebat tidak menyiraminya, maka hujan gerimis (pun memadai). Dan
Allah Maha Melihat apa yang kamu perbuat.

(261. The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, is that of a grain (of
corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to
whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knower.)

(262. Those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah, and do not follow up their gifts with
reminders of their generosity or with injury, their reward is with their Lord. On them shall be
no fear, nor shall they grieve.)

(263. Kind words and forgiving of faults are better than Sadaqah (charity) followed by injury.

And Allah is Rich (free of all needs) and He is Most Forbearing.)

(264. O you who believe! Do not render in vain your Sadaqah (charity) by reminders of your
generosity or by injury, like him who spends his wealth to be seen of men, and he does not
believe in Allah, nor in the Last Day. His likeness is the likeness of a smooth rock on which is a
little dust; on it falls heavy rain which leaves it bare. They are not able to do anything with
what they have earned. And Allah does not guide the disbelieving people.)

(265. And the parable of those who spend their wealth seeking Allah's pleasure while they in
their own selves are sure and certain that Allah will reward them (for their spending in His
cause), is that of a garden on a height; heavy rain falls on it and it doubles its yield of harvest.
And if it does not receive heavy rain, light rain suffices it. And Allah is All-Seer (knows well)
of what you do.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

F-%‫َ ُء وَا‬U+َ ْ*#َ %ِ ُ‚

ِ َNُ+ Fُ -%‫ وَا‬/ٍ C Y
َ /ُ Rَ ِ
/ٍ -َُC0ْ 4
ُ Ah ‫ )ِ< ُآ‬Aَ َِ04
َ {َ Cْ َ4 ْ&Jَ Cَ Xْ ‫ َأ‬/ٍ C Y
َ Aِ 7َ #َ ‫ َآ‬Fِ -%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4
َ <ِ) ْ?ُ(%َ‫ُ!نَ َأ ْ
!َا‬E2ِ ْ0+ُ *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬Aُ َ7
? ِ-َ ٌ{4ِ ‫وَا‬

/R#3C4 1%‫( إ‬%7

‫ أ‬U3 ‚N9 /0$L%‫ وإن ا‬F9r
‫ء‬sJ‫ وا‬F- C4 <) \2X‫* أ‬#% ‫!اب‬7%‫ ‚ ا‬3NJ% 1%39 S‫ ا‬F r A7
<) ‫ق‬2Xn‫ ا‬F <03+ ‫!ل‬La
‫ل‬O‫ و‬S‫ ا‬/d <) <03+ CG * , 34 ‫ل‬O " S‫ ا‬A C4 <) ?(%‫!ن أ
!ا‬E20+ *+%‫ ا‬A7
" ‫ل‬E) ‚3r
?‫ره‬,%‫‚ ا‬3N+ ŽL%‫(د وا‬%‫س ا‬C *‫ * ا‬/
a * U * V C ‫ل‬O‫ و‬%‫_ح و ذ‬$%‫اد ا‬,‫ وإ‬A o%‫(د
* رط ا‬%‫ا‬
<) Š-‫ أ‬A7#%‫ " وها ا‬/CY /R
/-C04 A‫ )< آ‬A04 {C4 &JCX‫ أ‬/CY A7#‫ " آ‬1%39 S‫ل ا‬O ‫(ا‬%‫‚ و‬3r /R#3C4 1%‫ إ‬#( )
*#% ‫رع‬m%‫< ا‬#0+ #‫( آ‬LfK AG‫ و‬m S‫ ( ا‬#0+ /L%[%‫ل ا‬#K‫ أن ا‬1%‫ إرة إ‬F ) ‫ن ها‬t) /R#3C$%‫د ا‬, ‫!س
* ذآ‬20%‫ا‬
‫اش‬,. !‫  { أ‬%‫د * ا‬+‫ ز‬0W,Y : ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫ل ا‬O ‚3r /R#3C4 1%‫ إ‬/0$L%‫ ‚ ا‬3NJ /0$%‫ وردت ا‬,O‫ و‬/C %‫رض ا‬K‫ر^ )< ا‬
^‫!د‬3X ‫ة‬, C <‫ أ‬1- 0-.‫ د‬: ‫ل‬O ‚  * ‫
< *  ض‬%‫ ‚ ا‬4 <‫ر * أ‬U * /0  *‫ ا‬1%!
Af‫ وا‬0W,Y
‫ة‬, C !‫ل أ‬O G; ‫ ت‬,E% S‫ وا‬: &%O ‫ة ؟‬, C !‫ آ ‚ ت أ‬0-O F4‫ رأ‬,0 ‫ة‬,O /2 LX F9‫ وا
أ‬FC0 Ff‫!ى أ‬a
F0 %;$0) &-O 
 أ‬%O ‫& ؟‬-O # <X!%;$9 ‫ل أ‬O‫ و‬F(G! ‫!م‬E%‫ ا‬1- ACO;) }RL%‫ ا‬1- F(G! _CE
‫ وآن‬G;
‫ أو د‬F-‫ وأه‬F$2X 1- \2X‫ و
* أ‬/R#3C$) S‫ ا‬A C4 <) /-r) /E2X \2X‫!ل
* أ‬E+ ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫& ر‬3#4 ‫ل‬O
,O‫ و‬/Y F% !() ^,$G <) ‫_ء‬C AG‫ و‬m S‫_^ ا‬J‫( و
* ا‬O o+ ?% 
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‫ أ‬U3 /0$L%) ‫ أو
ز أذى‬N+

* ,#L
0W,Y : ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫ل ا‬O " .q w+,Y " .O!O!
.q FG‫ و
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‫ل‬E) S‫ ا‬A C4 <) /
/O0 ‫ق‬,[9 _G‫!د أن ر‬3$
*‫< * ا‬XC U%‫ و ا‬# ‫& أ‬3#4 ‫ن‬# -4 * /C3 0W,Y 23G
‫ن *
( ان‬# -4 w+,Y *
<R$0%‫? وا‬-$
^‫ وروا‬/
/OX /R#3C$ /
 E%‫!م ا‬+ * 9;J% - ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f - ‫!ل‬4‫ر‬
. /OX /R#3C4 /
 E%‫!م ا‬+ ( % ‫ل‬E) S‫ ا‬A C4 <) ^‫ ه‬S‫!ل ا‬4‫ ر‬+ ‫ل‬E) /
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‡2%‫ و‬F e#K‫* ا‬
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‫[!م‬%‫‚ إ ا‬3r /R#3C4 1%‫( إ‬%7
‫ أ‬U 1%‫دم إ‬q *‫ ا‬/0$Y A3G S‫ إن ا‬- ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f - S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O ‫!د‬3$

* ر‬S‫ ا‬,0 V d‫? أ‬R[%‫!ف )? ا‬-o%‫ و‬/
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* أ‬F‫ و ا‬F
3d ‫ع‬,+ F ‫ي‬mG‫أ‬
" . F { ‫ * وآ‬#‫Ž آ_ه‬K‫ ا‬, 34 <‫ وأ‬/C  <‫ * أ‬a <‫? * أ‬-$
^‫ وآا روا‬. /0G ‫[!م‬%‫ ا‬/0G ‫[!م‬%‫ ا‬$#%‫ ا‬Q+‫
* ر‬
- S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O AR‫? * وا‬+ . * /- # * U * * ‫ آ‬%‫ة * ا‬,R‫< * زا‬- * * $Y 0W,Y ,#Y‫ل أ‬O " .q w+,Y
* ,#L
X;CX‫ل أ! داود أ‬O " .q w+,Y " . ‚3r /R#3C$ &2N9 S‫ ا‬A C4 <) /E2X \2X‫
* أ‬- ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f
‫ل‬O : ‫ل‬O F ‫ذ * أ‬3
* A(4 * ,R) * ‫!ب * زن‬+‫ * أ< أ‬, 34‫!ب و‬+‫ * أ‬1 L+ * V‫ ا* وه‬0W,Y ‫ ح‬$%‫ و * ا‬#
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وان‬S‫ ا‬,C * ‫ هرون‬0W,Y <‫ أ‬X;CX‫ أ‬: ?9Y <‫ل ا* أ‬O "
?‫ دره‬Aa F-) FJ  <) ‫م‬O‫ وأ‬S‫ ا‬A C4 <) /E20 A4‫ل
* أر‬O - ?-4‫ و‬F%q‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f - S‫!ل ا‬4‫[ * أن ر‬Y * ‫ ان‬#
S‫ " وا‬/+y‫_ ه^ ا‬9 ?W ?‫‚ دره‬%‫ أ‬/R#3C4 ?‫ دره‬Aa F-) %‫ ذ‬/(G <) \2X‫ وأ‬S‫ ا‬A C4 <) ‫ا‬m *
‫ و‬/
 E%‫!م ا‬+ ?‫ دره‬/R#3C4
‚%‫< أ‬2%‫ أ‬1%‫ إ‬/0$L%‫ ‚ ا‬3N9 <) ‫ ة‬+ ‫ي * أ< ه‬,(0%‫ن ا‬#7 <‫ أ‬w+,Y ‫م‬,E9 ,O‫ و‬V+ w+,Y ‫ء " وها‬U+ *#% ‚N+

‫‪ *
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دو‪: F+‬‬
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X C.‬د * ‪ ,%.‬ا‪ <EU
,%‬أ‪ X C.‬أ< *‬
‫ ‪ * 1$‬ا‪ * {)X * V $#%‬ا* ‪ &%mX #% #‬ه^ ا‪ A7
" /+y‬ا‪!E20+ *+%‬ن أ
!ا‪ A C4 <) ?(%‬ا‪O " S‬ل ا‪ 1-f - <C0%‬ا‪S‬‬
‫‪ F -‬و‪ - ?-4‬رب زد أ
‪O <J‬ل );‪mX‬ل ا‪ *
" S‬ذا ا‪%‬ي ‪ E+‬ض ا‪O " 0$Y r O S‬ل رب زد أ
‪O <J‬ل );‪mX‬ل ا‪ "S‬إ‪1)!+ #X‬‬
‫ا‪ [%‬ون أ‪ G‬ه? ‪$Y s‬ب " و‪ ,O‬روا^ أ! ‪ ?9Y‬وا* ‪CY‬ن )< ‪ * VGY * FL Lf‬أرآ * * أ< ‪ # * 2Y #‬‬
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/0%‬و ق ‪!%‬ا‪ F+,%‬و
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^,[O #X‬ح ا‪0%‬س ‪ F%‬أو ( ‪2[% F9‬ت ا‪ aU % /- #%‬‬
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‪ $+ H-‬أي  <ء‬

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* ذ‬F -
*+ )a%‫!م ا‬E%‫ي ا‬,(+  S‫!ا وا‬C$‫ آ‬#
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َ Aِ َ7#َ ‫ ِ(?ْ َآ‬$
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0 E+‫ و‬E+,[9 ‫(?" أي‬$2X‫
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* أن ا‬g+ ‫ أي‬$JY‫ وا‬X#+‫ن إ‬N
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‫(ر‬XK‫ ا‬F ) ‫ ي‬9‫ك و‬LN%‫س وا‬C *‫رض وزاد ا‬K‫{
* ا‬29 #%‫ن ا‬a#%‫(!ر ا‬#%‫ ا‬,0 !‫ن  !ة وه‬J$ A7#‫  !ة " أي آ‬/0G
‫ اق‬3%‫ز وا‬L%‫ وا‬/0+,#%‫ ا‬A‫ أه‬/
 ‫ أ‬O #‫ اء و‬%‫? ا‬N ‫ اءات‬O ‫_ث‬W *‫ت ه‬s% ‫_ث‬W ‫ !ة‬%‫ و)< ا‬: S‫ ا‬F#Y‫ ر‬+ G *‫ل ا‬O
(f‫ " أ‬F%!O‫ و‬. ‫س‬C *‫ اءة ا‬O (X‫آ أ‬+‫ اء و‬%‫ ا‬$‫ ? وآ‬#9 /s% (X‫ل إ‬E+‫ و‬/)!a%‫م وا‬U%‫ ا‬A‫ˆ أه‬3 ‫ اءة‬O <‫( وه‬LJ)‫و‬
(C[+ ?% ‫ن‬t) " ‫ن‬0%‫ ه
* ا‬1%‫ إ‬/C$0% ‫ *" أي‬23r " (9 #W ‫( " أي‬-‫& " أآ‬9) ‫م‬,E9 #‫ آ‬,+,U%‫ ا‬#%‫ " وه! ا‬A‫وا‬
A) A‫( وا‬C[+ ?% ‫( إن‬XK ‫ا‬,‫ أ‬AL#9  ‫ !ة‬%‫ (^ ا‬/0%‫ أي ه^ ا‬#%‫ *
* ا‬-%‫ ذاذ وه! ا‬%‫ك ه! ا‬LN%‫ل ا‬O " A) A‫وا‬
# S‫ل " وا‬O ‫(ا‬%‫ و‬FC$L A
 A‫ آ‬F #0+‫ ^ و‬7a+‫ و‬S‫ ا‬F-CEJ+ A ‫ا‬,‫!ر أ‬C+  *
g#%‫ ا‬A# %‫( وآ‬J+2‫
 آن )(! آ‬+‫وأ‬
‫د^ <ء‬C ‫ل‬#‫
* أ‬F - 12o+  ‫!ن [ " أي‬-#39 .

(261. The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, is that of a grain (of
corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to
whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knower.)

(262. Those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah, and do not follow up their gifts with
reminders of their generosity or with injury, their reward is with their Lord. On them shall be
no fear, nor shall they grieve.)

(263. Kind words and forgiving of faults are better than Sadaqah (charity) followed by injury.
And Allah is Rich (free of all needs) and He is Most Forbearing.)

(264. O you who believe! Do not render in vain your Sadaqah (charity) by reminders of your
generosity or by injury, like him who spends his wealth to be seen of men, and he does not
believe in Allah, nor in the Last Day. His likeness is the likeness of a smooth rock on which is a
little dust; on it falls heavy rain which leaves it bare. They are not able to do anything with
what they have earned. And Allah does not guide the disbelieving people.)

(265. And the parable of those who spend their wealth seeking Allah's pleasure while they in
their own selves are sure and certain that Allah will reward them (for their spending in His
cause), is that of a garden on a height; heavy rain falls on it and it doubles its yield of harvest.
And if it does not receive heavy rain, light rain suffices it. And Allah is All-Seer (knows well)
of what you do.)

(266. Would any of you wish to have a garden with date palms and vines, with rivers flowing
underneath, and all kinds of fruits for him therein, while he is striken with old age, and his
children are weak (not able to look after themselves), then it is struck with a fiery whirlwind,
so that it is burnt Thus does Allah make clear His Ayat to you that you may give thought.)

This is a parable that Allah made of the multiplication of rewards for those who spend in His
cause, seeking His pleasure. Allah multiplies the good deed ten to seven hundred times. Allah

6ِF-%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4
َ <ِ) ْ?(ُ %َ!َ
ْ ‫ن َأ‬
َ !ُE2ِ 0ُ+ َ*+ِ%‫ ا‬Aُ َ7

(The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah...)

Sa`id bin Jubayr commented, "Meaning spending in Allah's obedience.'' Makhul said that the
Ayah means, "Spending on Jihad, on horse stalls, weapons and so forth.'' The parable in the
Ayah is more impressive on the heart than merely mentioning the number seven hundred.
This Ayah indicates that Allah `grows' the good deeds for its doers, just as He grows the plant
for whoever sows it in fertile land. The Sunnah also mentions that the deeds are multiplied up
to seven hundred folds. For instance, Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Mas`ud said that a
man once gave away a camel, with its bridle on, in the cause of Allah and the Messenger of
Allah said,

َ /ٍ Oَ َX /ِ َRِ#3ِ Cْ $
َ ِ /ِ
َ َ ِE%ْ ‫!ْ َم ا‬+َ *
 َ 9ِ ;ْ َJ%َ»

(On the Day of Resurrection, you will have seven hundred camels with their bridles.)

Muslim and An-Nasa'i also recorded this Hadith, and Muslim's narration reads, "A man
brought a camel with its bridle on and said, `O Messenger of Allah! This is in the sake of
Allah.' The Messenger said,

«/َOَX /ِ Rَ ِ#3ُ Cْ 4
َ /ِ
َ َ ِE%ْ ‫َ!ْ َم ا‬+ َ(ِ 
َ %َ»

(You will earn seven hundred camels as reward for it on the Day of Resurrection. )

Another Hadith: Ahmad recorded that Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said,

َXَ‫ َوأ‬،<ِ% Fُ Xtَِ) ‫[!ْ َم‬ %‫ ا‬%‫ ِإ‬:S

ُ ‫ُ!لُ ا‬E+َ ،ُS‫
َ َ َء ا‬1%ِ‫ إ‬،ٍ‚3ْ r ِ /ِ Rَ ِ#ِ3Cْ 4
َ 1َ%‫ ِإ‬،َ(ِ%َ7
ْ ‫ ِ َأ‬U
َ 3َ ِ /ُ 0َ $
َ L
َ %ْ ‫ ا‬،ُ‚ََN+ُ ‫ َد َم‬q * ِ ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ #َ َ A ‫» ُآ‬
Vَ d ْ ‫ ِ? َأ‬Rِ [%‫ف َ)?ِ ا‬
ُ !ُ-oَ %ََ‫ و‬،ِFh َ‫َ ِء ر‬Eِ% ,َ 0ْ 
ِ ٌ/Y
َ ْ َ)‫ ِ)ْ ِ ِ^ َو‬,َ ْ0ِ ٌ/Y
َ ْ َ) :‫َن‬JY َ ْ َ) ?ِ Rِ [-ِ%َ‫ و‬،<ِ-G ْ ‫* َأ‬ْ
ِ Fُ َ9!َ (ْ 
َ ‫ َو‬Fُ
َ َ3d
َ ُ‫ع‬,َ َ+ ،ِFِ ‫ِي‬mG ْ ‫َأ‬
«/0G ُ ُ‫[!م‬%‫ ا‬،ٌ/0G ُ ‫[!ْ ُم‬%‫ ا‬،ِ$ ْ #ِ ْ%‫ِ ا‬Q+ِ‫ ِ
*ْ ر‬S ِ ‫َ ا‬,0ْ ِ

(Every good deed that the son of Adam performs will be multiplied ten folds, to seven
hundred folds, to many other folds, to as much as Allah wills. Allah said, "Except the fast, for
it is for Me and I will reward for it. One abandons his food and desire in My sake.'' The
fasting person has two times of happiness: when he breaks his fast and when he meets his
Lord. Verily, the odor that comes from the mouth of whoever fasts is more pure to Allah than
the scent of musk. Fasting is a shield (against sinning), fasting is a shield.) Muslim recorded
this Hadith.

Allah's statement,

6ُ‫َء‬U+َ *َ#ِ% ‚
ُ ِ3‫َـ‬N+ُ Fُ -%‫وَا‬

(Allah gives manifold increase to whom He wills) is according to the person's sincerity in his

6ٌ? ِ-
َ ٌ{4
ِ ‫ َو‬Fُ -%‫وَا‬

(And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knower) meaning, His Favor is so
wide that it encompasses much more than His creation, and He has full knowledge in whoever

deserves it, or does not deserve it. All the praise and thanks are due to Allah.

Allah praises those who spend from their money in His cause, and then refrain from
reminding those who received the charity of that fact, whether these hints take the form of
words or actions.

Allah's statement,

6‫ َو َ َأذًى‬

(or with injury), indicates that they do not cause harm to those whom they gave the charity to,
for this harm will only annul the charity. Allah next promised them the best rewards for this
good deed,

6ْ?(ِ h ‫َ َر‬,0ِ ْ?‫ ُ ُه‬G

ْ ‫ ُ(?ْ َأ‬%َ

(their reward is with their Lord), indicating that Allah Himself will reward them for these
righteous actions. Further,

6ْ?(ِ ْ -َ
َ ٌ‫!ْف‬.
َ َ ‫ َو‬

(On them shall be no fear) regarding the horrors of the Day of Resurrection,

6َ‫ُ!ن‬Xmَ ْL+َ ْ?‫ َو َ ُه‬

(nor shall they grieve) regarding the offspring that they leave behind and the adornment and
delights of this world. They will not feel sorry for this, because they will acquire what is far
better for them.

Allah then said,

6ٌ‫ ُوف‬3ْ

(Kind words) meaning, compassionate words and a supplication for Muslims,

6ٌ‫ َ ة‬2ِ sْ
َ ‫ َو‬

(and forgiving) meaning, forgiving an injustice that took the form of actions or words,

6‫(َ َأذًى‬3ُ Cَ Jْ َ+ /ٍ Oَ ,َ f
َ *h
ٌ ْ .

(are better than Sadaqah (charity) followed by injury.)

َ Fُ -%‫وَا‬

(And Allah is Rich) not needing His creation,

6ٌ? ِ-َY

(Most Forbearing) forgives, releases and pardons them.

There are several Hadiths that prohibit reminding people of acts of charity. For instance,
Muslim recorded that Abu Dharr said that the Messenger of Allah said,

\h2َ0#ُ %ْ ‫ وَا‬،ُ^‫ إِزَا َر‬Aُ Cِ $

ْ #ُ %ْ ‫ وَا‬،1َ
ْ َ‫َ أ‬#ِ ‫ن‬
ُ 0#َ %ْ ‫ ا‬:ٌ? ِ%‫َابٌ َأ‬
َ ْ?(ُ َ%‫ َو‬،ْ?(ِ h‫آ‬mَ +ُ َ%َ‫ و‬،?ِ( ْ %َ‫ُ ُ ِإ‬0ْ +َ َ%‫ َو‬،ِ/
َ َ Eِ %ْ ‫ ْ!مَ ا‬+َ S
ُ ‫ ُ( ُ? ا‬#ُ h-aَ +ُ َ% /ٌ َWَ-Wَ »
«‫َذِب‬a%ْ ‫‚ ا‬ ِ -َِL%ْ ِ Fُ Jَ َ3-ْ 4

(Three persons whom Allah shall neither speak to on the Day of Resurrection nor look at nor
purify, and they shall receive a painful torment: he who reminds (the people) of what he gives
away, he who lengthens his clothes below the ankles and he who swears an oath while lying, to
sell his merchandise.)

This is why Allah said,

6‫* وَا ذَى‬

h #َ %ْ ِ ?ُaJِ ‫َـ‬O,َ f
َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬-
ِ Cْ ُ9 َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%‫(َ ا‬+;َ+

(O you who believe! Do not render in vain your Sadaqah (charity) by reminders of your
generosity or by injury) stating that the charity will be rendered in vain if it is followed by
harm or reminders. In this case, the reward of giving away charity is not sufficient enough to
nullify the harm and reminders. Allah then said,

6ِ‫س‬0%‫َ َء ا‬R‫ ِر‬Fُ %ََ

ُ\2ِ 0ُ+ ‫ِى‬%َ‫آ‬

(like him who spends his wealth to be seen of men) meaning, "Do not nullify your acts of
charity by following them with reminders and harm, just like the charity of those who give it
to show off to people.'' The boasting person pretends to give away charity for Allah's sake, but
in reality seeks to gain people's praise and the reputation of being kind or generous, or other
material gains of this life. All the while, he does not think about Allah or gaining His pleasure
and generous rewards, and this is why Allah said,

6ِ .
ِ  ‫ َ !ْ ِم ا‬%ْ ‫ وَا‬Fِ -%ِ *
ِ ْg+ُ َ ‫ َو‬

(and he does not believe in Allah, nor in the Last Day.)

Allah next set the example of whoever gives charity to show off. Ad-Dahhak commented that
the example fits one who follows his acts of charity with reminders or harm. Allah said,

6ٍ‫!َان‬2ْ f
َ Aِ َ7#َ ‫ َآ‬Fُ -ُ7َ #َ )َ 

(His likeness is the likeness of Safwan) where Safwan, from is Safwanah, meaning `the smooth

6ٌAِ ‫ وَا‬Fُ َ َf;ََ) ٌ‫ُ َاب‬9 Fِ ْ َ-


(on which is little dust; on it falls a Wabil) meaning, heavy rain,

6‫ًا‬,-ْ f
َ ُF‫ َ َآ‬Jَ َ)

(which leaves it bare.) This Ayah means that heavy rain left the Safwan completely barren of
dust. Such is the case with Allah's action regarding the work of those who show off, as their
deeds are bound to vanish and disappear, even though people think that these deeds are as

plentiful as specks of dust. So Allah said,

6َ*+ِ ِ2‫َـ‬a%ْ ‫!ْ َم ا‬Eَ %ْ ‫ِي ا‬,(ْ َ+ َ Fُ -%‫ُ!اْ وَا‬C$

َ ‫ َآ‬#
h ‫ْ ٍء‬1
َ 1َ-
َ ‫ن‬
َ ‫ِرُو‬,Eْ +َ  

(They are not able to do anything with what they have earned. And Allah does not guide the
disbelieving people.)

?% ‫ِن‬tَ) *
ِ ْ 2َ ْ3r
ِ َ(-َُ‫&ْ ُأآ‬9َ َ;َ) ٌAِ ‫ََ(َ وَا‬f‫ ِ َ ْ َ! ٍة َأ‬/ٍ 0 َG Aِ َ7#َ ‫ِ ِ(?ْ َآ‬$2ُ Xَ‫
*ْ أ‬h ًJ ِC7ْ 9َ َ‫ و‬Fِ -%‫ت ا‬
ِ َrْ َ
‫َ َء‬sJِ ْ ‫ ُ(?ُ ا‬%َ!َ
ْ ‫ُ!نَ َأ‬Eِ20ُ+ *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬Aُ 7َ
َ ‫ َو‬
6 ٌ ِ[َ ‫ن‬ َ !ُ-#َ 3ْ 9َ َ#ِ Fُ -%‫ وَا‬A َ)َ ٌAِ ‫(َ وَا‬Cْ [
ِ ُ+

(265. And the parable of those who spend their wealth seeking Allah's pleasure while they in
their own selves are sure and certain that Allah will reward them (for their spending in His
cause), is that of a garden on a height; heavy rain falls on it and it doubles its yield of harvest.
And if it does not receive heavy rain, light rain suffices it. And Allah is All-Seer (knows well)
of what you do.) This is the example of the believers who give away charity seeking only
Allah's pleasure,

ِ ُ2Xَ‫
*ْ أ‬h ًJ ِC7ْ 9َ َ‫و‬6 (while they in their own selves are sure and certain) meaning, they are certain
that Allah shall reward them for these righteous acts with the best rewards. Similarly, in a
Hadith collected by Al-Bukhari and Muslim, the Messenger of Allah said,

«ًَ$Jِ ْY‫ً وَا‬Xَ#+ِ‫ن إ‬

َ َN
َ ‫َمَ َر‬f ْ*
َ » (Whoever fasts Ramadan with faith and expectation...) meaning,
believing that Allah commanded the fast, all the while awaiting His reward for fasting it.

Allah's statement,

‫ ِ َ ْ!َة‬/ٍ 0 G
َ Aِ 7َ َ#‫ َآ‬6 (is that of a garden on a Rabwah) means, the example of a garden on `a height
above the ground', as the majority of scholars have stated. Ibn `Abbas and Ad-Dahhak added
that it also has flowing rivers.

Allah's statement,

Aِ‫َ َ(َ وَا‬f‫َأ‬6 (Wabil falls on it) means, heavy rain as we stated, So it produces its,

َ(-ُ‫ُأ ُآ‬6 (yield of harvest) meaning, fruits or produce,

*ْ َ23ْ r
ِ 6 (doubles), as compared to other gardens.

Aََ) Aٌ ِ‫(َ وَا‬Cْ [

ِ ُ+ ْ?% ‫ِن‬t)َ 6 (And if it does not receive Wabil, a Tall suffices it.)

Ad-Dahhak said that the `Tall' is light rain. The Ayah indicates that the garden on the
Rabwah is always fertile, for if heavy rain does not fall on it, light rain will suffice for it. Such
is the case regarding the believer's good deeds, for they never become barren. Rather, Allah
accepts the believer's righteous deeds and increases them, each according to his deeds. This is
why Allah said next,

 ِ[َ َ‫ُ!ن‬-#َ 3ْ 9َ َ#ِ Fُ -%‫وَا‬6 (And Allah is All-Seer of what you do) meaning, none of His servants'
deeds ever escapes His perfect watch.

64. QS AL HADID 57:7-12

 ِC‫ ٌ َآ‬G ْ ‫َ ُ(?ْ َأ‬% ْ‫ُ!ا‬Eَ2Xَ‫?ْ َوأ‬aُ 0ِ

َ ‫*َ ءَا‬+ِ%َ) Fِ ِ) * َ ِ2-َْoJَ $ْ
 ?ُa-َ3َ G َ #
ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬E2ِ Xَ‫ َوأ‬Fِ %ِ!ُ4َ‫ َور‬Fِ -%ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
ِ ‫ءَا‬
-*َ ِ0
ِ ْg
 ْ?Jُ 0ُ‫ُ?ْ إِن آ‬aEَ ‫َـ‬7 ِ
ََ.‫ْ َأ‬,Oَ ‫?ْ َو‬aُ h َ ِ ْ‫ُ!ا‬0
ِ ْgJُ %ِ ْ?ُ‫ُْ!آ‬,+َ ‫ُ! ُل‬4 %‫ وَا‬Fِ -%ِ ‫ن‬ َ !ُ0
ِ ْg9ُ َ ْ?aُ %َ َ
- ? ِY‫َ َ ءُوفٌ ر‬% ْ?aُ ِ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬  ‫!رِ َوِإ‬0%‫ ا‬1َ%‫& ِإ‬ ِ ‫َـ‬#-ُ%‫
*َ ا‬h ْ?ُaG َ ِ o ْ ُ h% &
ٍ ‫َـ‬0h َ &
ٍ ‫َـ‬+‫^ِ ءَا‬,ِ Cْ َ 1َ- َ ‫ ُل‬hm0َ +ُ ‫ِى‬%‫ُه َ! ا‬
- /َG‫ ُ? دَ َر‬ َ ْ ‫ َأ‬َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ ُأو‬Aَ َJ‫َـ‬O‫ َو‬Q ِ Jْ َ2%ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ Cْ Oَ *ِ
\َ َ2Xَ‫ُ? 
*ْ أ‬a0ِ
‫!ِى‬Jَ ْ$+َ َ ‫ض‬ ِ ْ‫ت وَا ر‬ ِ !َ ‫َـ‬#$  %‫ث ا‬ ُ ‫
ِ َا‬Fِ -ِ%‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4َ 1ِ) ْ‫ُ!ا‬E2ِ 0ُ9  ‫ُ?ْ َأ‬a%َ َ
ِCَ. ‫ن‬ َ !ُ-#َ 3ْ 9َ َ#ِ Fُ -%‫ وَا‬1َ0$ ْ ُL%ْ ‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ ا‬,َ َ‫_ َو‬ “ ُ‫ُ!اْ َوآ‬-Jَ ‫َـ‬O‫ُ َو‬,3ْ َ *ِ
ْ‫ُ!ا‬E2َ Xَ‫* أ‬ َ +ِ%‫* ا‬ َ
- ?+ِ ‫ْ ٌ َآ‬G‫ َأ‬Fُ %َ‫ َو‬Fُ %َ Fُ 2َ َِN ُ َ) ً 0َ$Y َ ًrْ َO Fَ -%‫ض ا‬ ُ ِ ْE+ُ ‫ِى‬%‫
* ذَا ا‬6
ِ%‫*َ )ِ (َ َذ‬+ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬. ُ ‫ْ(َـ‬X ‫(َ ا‬Jِ L ْ 9َ *ِ
‫ ِى‬ ْ 9َ ٌ&‫ـ‬0Gَ َ‫ َ !ْم‬%ْ ‫ َا ُآ ُ? ا‬Uْ ُ ?ِ(0ِ ‫َـ‬#+ْ ;َِ‫ ِ(?ْ َو‬+ِ,+ْ ‫ُ!رُهُ? َ ْ *َ َأ‬X 1َ3ْ$+َ & ِ ‫َـ‬0
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫* وَا‬
َ ِ0
ِ gْ #ُ %ْ ‫ َى ا‬9َ َ‫!ْم‬+َ
? ِ3َ %ْ ‫!ْ ُز ا‬2َ %ْ ‫ُه َ! ا‬

57:7. Berimanlah kamu kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya dan nafkahkanlah sebagian dari
hartamu yang Allah telah menjadikan kamu menguasainya. Maka orang-orang yang beriman
di antara kamu dan menafkahkan (sebagian) dari hartanya memperoleh pahala yang besar.
57:8. Dan mengapa kamu tidak beriman kepada Allah padahal Rasul menyeru kamu supaya
kamu beriman kepada Tuhanmu. Dan sesungguhnya Dia telah mengambil perjanjianmu jika
kamu adalah orang-orang yang beriman.
57:9. Dialah yang menurunkan kepada hamba-Nya ayat-ayat yang terang (Al Qur'an) supaya
Dia mengeluarkan kamu dari kegelapan kepada cahaya. Dan sesungguhnya Allah benar-
benar Maha Penyantun lagi Maha Penyayang terhadapmu.
57:10. Dan mengapa kamu tidak menafkahkan (sebagian hartamu) pada jalan Allah, padahal
Allah-lah yang mempusakai (mempunyai) langit dan bumi? Tidak sama di antara kamu
orang yang menafkahkan (hartanya) dan berperang sebelum penaklukan (Mekah). Mereka
lebih tinggi derajatnya daripada orang-orang yang menafkahkan (hartanya) dan berperang
sesudah itu. Allah menjanjikan kepada masing-masing mereka (balasan) yang lebih baik.
Dan Allah mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan.
57:11. Siapakah yang mau meminjamkan kepada Allah pinjaman yang baik, maka Allah
akan melipat-gandakan (balasan) pinjaman itu untuknya, dan dia akan memperoleh pahala
yang banyak,
57:12. (yaitu) pada hari ketika kamu melihat orang mukmin laki-laki dan perempuan, sedang
cahaya mereka bersinar di hadapan dan di sebelah kanan mereka, (dikatakan kepada
mereka): "Pada hari ini ada berita gembira untukmu, (yaitu) surga yang mengalir di
bawahnya sungai-sungai yang kamu kekal di dalamnya. Itulah keberuntungan yang banyak

(7. Believe in Allah and His Messenger, and spend of that whereof He has made you trustees.
And such of you as believe and spend, theirs will be a great reward.)

(8. And what is the matter with you that you believe not in Allah! While the Messenger invites
you to believe in your Lord; and He has indeed taken your covenant, if you are real believers.)

(9. It is He Who sends down manifest Ayat to His servant that He may bring you out from
darkness into light. And verily, Allah is to you full of kindness, Most Merciful.)

(10. And what is the matter with you that you spend not in the cause of Allah And to Allah
belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth. Not equal among you are those who spent
and fought before the conquering. Such are higher in degree than those who spent and fought
afterwards. But to all Allah has promised the best. And Allah is All-Aware of what you do.)

(11. Who is he that will lend Allah a handsome loan: then He will increase it manifold to his

credit, and he will have a honorable reward.)

(12. On the Day you shall see the believing men and the believing women -- their light running
forward before them and in their right hands. Glad tidings for you this Day! Gardens under
which rivers flow (Paradise), to dwell therein forever! Truly, this is the great success!)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

ٌ ِC‫ْ ٌ َآ‬G‫َ ُ(?ْ َأ‬% ‫ُ!ا‬Eَ2Xْ ‫?ْ َوَأ‬aُ 0ْ

ِ ‫ُ!ا‬0
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‪ A7‬أ‪ ,Y‬ذه‪ ,
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0-E) " ?(%#‬ه? ‪ +‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪S‬‬
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?a%#‬أ‪ *
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1-‬ا وإن آن  ‪29 ?(0‬وت )< ‪Ar29‬‬
‫ا‪m%‬اء آ‪O #‬ل ‪!J$+  "1%39‬ي ا‪,E%‬ون
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; S‬ا‪ ?(%‬وأ‪AN) ?($2X‬‬
‫ا‪ S‬ا‪#%‬ه‪!
; *+,‬ا‪ ?(%‬وأ‪ 1- ?($2X‬ا‪ *+,E%‬در‪ /G‬وآ_ و‪ ,‬ا‪ S‬ا‪ 10$L%‬و)‪ AN‬ا‪ S‬ا‪#%‬ه‪ 1- *+,‬ا‪ *+,E%‬أ‪ G‬ا  ‪" #‬‬
‫وه‪a‬ا ا‪ w+,L%‬ا‪%‬ي )< ا‪ " Q L[%‬ا‪ *
g#%‬ا‪!E%‬ي ‪ .‬وأ‪ VY‬إ‪ 1%‬ا‪ *
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‫‪,(+‬ر ‪ VXG‬ا‪,# .y‬ح ا‪K‬ول دون ا‪!J ) .y‬ه?
‪!J‬ه? ذ
‪(-) F‬ا ‚ ‪,#‬ح ا‪ .y‬وا‪07%‬ء ‪ A N29 {
F -‬ا‪K‬ول ‪(% F -‬ا‬
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* )‪ A3‬ذ‪ ,3 %‬ذ‪ %‬و
‫إ ‪ ,[E F#-3%‬ا‪K‬ول وإ‪ Ff_.‬ا‪J%‬م وإ‪Y <) FO2X‬ل ا‪ ,(%‬وا‪ /-E%‬وا‪ \ N%‬و)< ا‪ \C4 " w+,L%‬دره?
‪ /R‬أ‪ " ‚%‬و  ‪,0‬‬
‫أه‪ A‬ا‪#+n‬ن أن ا‪ \+,[%‬أ ‪ a‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪ F% F0 S‬ا‪ ‡L%‬ا‪K‬و)
* ه^ ا‪ R4 *
( A# *
, 4 FXt) /+y‬أ
? ا‪ CXK‬ء )‪FXt‬‬
‫أ‪ F%
\2X‬آ‪ F-‬ا‪sJ‬ء و‪ FG‬ا‪ m S‬و‪ AG‬و‪ . ( F+m+ /#3X ^,0 ,YK *a+ ?%‬و‪O ,O‬ل أ!
‪ ,#L‬ا‪!3$
* * $L%‬د ا‪!sC%‬ي ‪,0‬‬
‫‪ $29‬ه^ ا‪ /+y‬أ‪ X C.‬أ‪ * ,#Y‬إ اه ? ا‪ <L+ U%‬أ‪ X C.‬أ! إ‪L4‬ق أ‪ * ,#L
* ,#Y‬إ اه ? ا‪ <C-37%‬أ‪ ,C X C.‬ا‪,
Y * S‬‬
‪ ,#L‬أ‪ X C.‬أ‪ * ,#Y‬إ‪L4‬ق * أ‪!+‬ب أ‪ 0W,Y HX!+ * ,#L
X C.‬ا‪_3%‬ء * ‪ #‬و ا‪ 0W,Y <XC U%‬أ! إ‪L4‬ق ا‪m2%‬اري‬
‫‪ 24 0W,Y‬ن * ‪q * , 34‬دم * ‪ * <-‬ا* ‪O #‬ل آ‪ ,0 &0‬ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ ?-4‬و‪ ^,0‬أ! ‪ a‬ا‪ \+,[%‬و‪F -‬‬
‫‪C‬ءة ‪,f <) (-. ,O‬ر^ ‪_o‬ل )‪m0‬ل ‪E) A+ CG‬ل
‪ <%‬أرى أ ‪C F - a‬ءة ‪,f <) (-. ,O‬ر^ ‪_o‬ل ؟ )‪E‬ل " أ‪F%
‫‪ ACO <-‬ا‪O " QJ2%‬ل )‪t‬ن ا‪!E+ S‬ل ا‪ O‬أ ‪ F -‬ا‪_$%‬م و‪ F% AO‬أراض أ‪ E) <) <0 &X‬ك ها أم ‪ }.4‬؟ )‪E‬ل ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ 1-f S‬ا‪S‬‬
‫‪ F -‬و‪ + " ?-4‬أ ‪ a‬إن ا‪ E+ S‬أ ‪  -‬ا‪_$%‬م و‪!E+‬ل ‪ %‬أراض أ‪ E) <) <0 &X‬ك ها أم ‪ }.4‬؟ )‪E‬ل أ! ‪ a‬ر‪ <r‬ا‪F0 S‬‬
‫‪ .‬أ‪ 1- }o4‬ر< ‪ m‬و‪ AG‬؟ إ‪ * <X‬ر< راض " ها ا‪ ‚ 3r w+,L%‬ا‪04n‬د
* ها ا‪ FG!%‬وا‪ S‬أ‪?-‬‬

‫‪ Fُ َ% Fُ 2َ َِN ُ َ) ً0$‬وََ‪َ Fُ %‬أ‪َ ٌ ْG‬آ ِ‪ٌ?+‬‬

‫ض ا‪َ َY ًrْ Oَ Fَ -%‬‬
*ْ ذَا ا‪ِ%‬ي ُ‪ُ ِ Eْ +‬‬

‫و‪ *
" 1%39 F%!O‬ذا ا‪%‬ي ‪ E+‬ض ا‪O " 0$Y r O S‬ل ‪ * #‬ا‪o%‬ب ه! ا‪2Xn‬ق )< ‪ A C4‬ا‪ . S‬و‪ A O‬ه! ا‪ 1- /E20%‬ا‪ 3%‬ل‬
‫وا‪ Q L[%‬أ‪ FX‬أ?
* ذ‪ *
Aa) %‬أ‪ A C4 <) \2X‬ا‪ /[%. / 0 S‬و‪f /#+m‬د‪ /O‬د‪!# <) A.‬م ه^ ا‪ /+y‬و‪(%‬ا ‪O‬ل ‪" 1%39‬‬

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‫‪ A #G‬ورزق ه وه! ا‪!+ /0%‬م ا‪O /
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‫‪ ,C‬ا‪ * S‬ا‪L%‬رث * ‪ ,C‬ا‪!3$
* S‬د ‪O‬ل ‪ &%mX #% :‬ه^ ا‪ *
" /+y‬ذا ا‪%‬ي ‪ E+‬ض ا‪O " F% F2N ) 0$Y r O S‬ل‬
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* ق رداح )< ا‪ <K /0%‬ا‪,Y,%‬اح ‪ -‬و)< ‪ - ‡2%‬رب ‪/-oX‬‬
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* أ‬-L
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‫ أ‬1%‫!ح إ‬X *  
*  * ا‬J
‫ ف أ‬39 ‚ ‫ آ‬S‫< ا‬CX
" F%!O‫ و‬. " ?(+,+‫  * أ‬13$+ ?‫!ره‬0 ?() ‫!ه(? وأ‬G‫ه? )< و‬# $ ?() ‫(? وأ‬X#+; ?(CJ‫!ن آ‬9g+ ?() ‫ ه? وأ‬
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( ) * 7‫* ) ( " أي
آ‬+,%. " ‫(ر‬XK‫( ا‬JL9 *
‫ ي‬9 ‫ت‬0 ‫رة‬UC%‫? ا‬a% ‫ت أي‬0G ‫ !م‬%‫ اآ? ا‬U ?(% ‫ل‬E+ ‫(ر" أي‬XK‫( ا‬JL9
? 3%‫!ز ا‬2%‫ ه! ا‬%‫ا " ذ‬,‫" أ‬.

Allah the Exalted and Blessed orders having perfect faith in Him and in His Messenger, and
that one should persist on this path adhereing firmly to it. Allah encourages spending from
what He has made mankind trustees of, the wealth that you - mankind - have, that He has lent
you. This wealth was in the hands of those before you and was later transferred to you.
Therefore, O mankind, spend as Allah commanded you from the wealth that He entrusted to
you for His obedience. Otherwise, He will hold you accountable and punish you for your
ignoring what He ordained on you in this regard. Allah's statement,

6ِF ِ) *
َ ِ2-َo
ْ Jَ $
َ #

(of that whereof He has made you trustees.), indicates that you - mankind -- will surrender
this wealth to someone else. In this case, those who will inherit from you might obey Allah
with their wealth, and thus acquire more happiness than you on account of what Allah has
granted them. They might disobey Allah, and in this case you will have helped them commit
evil and transgression. Imam Ahmad recorded that `Abdullah bin Ash-Shikhkhir said, "I
came to Allah's Messenger as he was reciting and saying,

6 ُ Wُ aJ %‫ ُ? ا‬aُ ‫(َـ‬%ْ ‫َأ‬

«‫َ ْ &َ؟‬N
ْ ;َ)َ &
َ ْO, [
َ َ9 ْ‫ َأو‬،َ& ْ َ-ْ َ;)َ &
َ $
ْ Cِ %َ ْ‫ َأو‬،َ& ْ 0َ ْ);ََ) &
َ ْ-‫
ََأ َآ‬%‫َ ِإ‬%َِ

َ %َ ْA‫ َو َه‬،<ِ%َ
:‫ َد َم‬q *
ُ ْ‫ُ! ُل ا‬E+َ

((abundance diverts you.)( The Son of `Adam claims, "My wealth, my wealth.'' But is there
anything belonging to you, except that which you consumed, which you used, or which you
wore and then it became worn or you gave as charity and sent it forward) Muslim also
collected with the addition:

«‫س‬0-ِ% Fُ ‫َرِ ُآ‬9‫ٌ َو‬V‫ )ََا ِه‬،َ%ِ‫!َى ذ‬4

ِ َ
‫» َو‬

(Other than that, you will go away from it and leave it behind for other people.) Allah's


6ٌ ِC‫ ٌ َآ‬G
ْ ‫ ُ(?ْ َأ‬%َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬E2َ Xَ‫?ْ َوأ‬aُ 0ِ
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%َ)

(And such of you as believe and spend, theirs will be a great reward.) encourages having faith
and spending in acts of obedience. Allah the Exalted said,

6ْ?ُah َ ِ ‫ُ! ْا‬0

ِ ْgُJ%ِ ْ?‫ُْ! ُآ‬,+َ ‫ُ! ُل‬4  %‫ وَا‬Fِ -%ِ ‫ن‬
َ !ُ0ِ
gْ ُ9 َ ْ?aُ %َ َ
‫ َو‬

(And what is the matter with you that you believe not in Allah! While the Messenger invites
you to believe in your Lord;) meaning, "what prevents you from believing, while the
Messenger is among you calling you to faith and bringing forward clear proofs and evidences
that affirm the truth of what he brought you'' And we have reported the Hadith through
different routes in the beginning of the explanation on the chapter on Faith in Sahih Al-
Bukhari, wherein one day the Messenger of Allah said to his Companions,

«‫ً؟‬Xَ#+ِ‫?ْ إ‬aُ ْ َ%‫ ِإ‬V

َ ْ‫* َأ‬
َ ِ0
ِ gْ #ُ %ْ ‫ي ا‬

(Who do you consider among the believers as having the most amazing faith) They said, "The
angels.'' He said,

«‫ ِ(?ْ؟‬h ‫ َر‬,َ ْ0

ِ ْ?‫ن َو ُه‬
َ !ُ0
ِ ْg+ُ َ% ْ?(ُ َ% َ
‫» َو‬

(And what prevents them from believing when they are with their Lord) They said, "Then the
Prophets.'' He said,

«‫َ ْ ِ(?ْ؟‬-
َ ‫ ُل‬mِ 0ْ +َ <
ُYْ !َ ْ%‫ن وَا‬
َ !ُ0
ِ ْg+ُ َ% ْ?(ُ َ%َ
‫» َو‬

(What prevents them from believing when the revelation comes down to them) They said,
"Then us.'' He said,

«َ( ِ) َ#ِ ‫ن‬

َ !ُ0
ِ ْg+ُ ً2ُLf
ُ َ‫ُون‬,ِ+َ ،ْ?‫ ُآ‬,َ 3ْ َ ‫ن‬
َ !ُT ِ+َ ٌ‫َ!ْم‬O ،ًXَ#+ِ‫ِ *َ إ‬0
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬V
ْ ‫*ْ َأ‬aِ %َ‫…(ُ ِ ُآ?ْ؟ و‬
ْ ‫* َأ‬
َ ْ َ َX‫ن َوَأ‬
َ !ُ0
ِ ْg9ُ َ% ْ?aُ %ََ
‫» َو‬

(What prevents you from believing, when I am amongst you Actually, the believers who have
the most amazing faith, are some people who will come after you; they will find pages that
they will believe in.) We mentioned a part of this Hadith when explaining Allah's statement in
Surat Al-Baqarah,

6ِV ْ sَ %ْ ِ ‫ن‬

َ !ُ0
ِ ْg+ُ َ*+ِ%‫ا‬

(who believe in the Ghayb (unseen).)(2:3) Allah's statement,

6ْ?aُ Eَ ‫َـ‬7 ِ
َ .
َ ‫ْ َأ‬,Oَ ‫ َو‬

(and He has indeed taken your covenant,) is similar to another of His statements,

َ ‫َ َوَأ‬03ْ #ِ 4
َ ْ?Jُ -ْ ُO ْ‫ ِإذ‬Fِ ِ ?ُaEَ Wَ ‫ِى وَا‬%‫ ا‬Fُ Eَ ‫َـ‬7 ِ
‫?ْ َو‬aُ ْ َ-
َ Fِ -%‫َ ا‬/#َ 3ْ Xِ ْ‫وَاذْ ُآ ُوا‬

(And remember Allah's favor to you and His covenant with which He bound you when you
said: "We hear and we obey.'')(5:7), which refers to giving the pledge of allegiance to the

Prophet . Ibn Jarir said that the covenant mentioned here, is that taken from mankind, when
they were still in Adam's loin. This is also the opinion of Mujahid, and Allah knows best. Allah

6ٍ&‫َـ‬0 h َ &
ٍ ‫َـ‬+‫ ِ^ ءَا‬,ِ Cْ َ 1َ-َ ‫ ُل‬hm0َ +ُ ‫ِى‬%‫ ُه َ! ا‬

(It is He Who sends down manifest Ayat to His servant) clear proofs, unequivocal evidences
and plain attestations,

6ِ‫!ر‬0%‫ ا‬1َ%‫& ِإ‬

ِ ‫َـ‬#-ُ%‫* ا‬
h ْ?aُ G
َ ِ o
ْ ُ %ِ

(that He may bring you out from darkness into light.) from the darkness of ignorance,
disbelief and contradictory statements to the light of guidance, certainty and faith,

6ٌ? ِY‫َ َ ءُوفٌ ر‬% ْ?aُ ِ Fَ -%‫ن ا‬

 ‫ َوِإ‬

(And verily, Allah is to you full of kindness, Most Merciful.) by revealing the Divine Books and
sending the Messengers to guide mankind, eradicating doubts and removing confusion. After
Allah commanded mankind to first believe and spend, He again encouraged them to acquire
faith and stated that He has removed all barriers between them and the acquisition of faith.
Allah again encouraged them to spend,

6ِ‫ت وَا رْض‬

ِ !َ ‫َـ‬#$
 %‫ث ا‬
ُ ‫
ِ َا‬Fِ -ِ%‫ َو‬Fِ -%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4
َ 1ِ) ْ‫ُ!ا‬Eِ20ُ9  ‫?ْ َأ‬aُ %َ َ
‫ َو‬

(And what is the matter with you that you spend not in the cause of Allah And to Allah
belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth.) means, spend and do not fear poverty or
scarcity. Surely, He in Whose cause you spent is the King and Owner of the heavens and earth
and has perfect control over their every affair, including their treasuries. He is the Owner of
the Throne, with all the might that it contains, and He is the One Who said,

6َ* ِO‫ ا ِز‬%‫َ ْ ُ ا‬. !َ ‫ َو ُه‬Fُ ُ2-ِْo+ُ !َ ُ(َ) ‫ْ ٍء‬1

َ *h
ْ?Jُ Eْ َ2Xَ‫ َو
َ أ‬

(And whatsoever you spend of anything, He will replace it. And He is the best of providers.)
(34:39), and,

6ٍ‫ َق‬Fِ -%‫َ ا‬,0ِ َ

‫ُ َو‬,2َ 0َ+ ْ?ُ‫آ‬,َ 0ِ َ

(whatever is with you, will be exhausted, and whatever is with Allah will remain.)(16:96)
Therefore, those who trust in and depend on Allah will spend, and they will not fear poverty
or destitution coming to them from the Owner of the Throne. They know that Allah will surely
compensate them for whatever they spend.

Allah's statement,

6َAJَ ‫َـ‬O‫ َو‬Q

ِ Jْ َ2%ْ ‫ ا‬Aِ Cْ َO *ِ
َ َ2Xَ‫ُ? 
*ْ أ‬a0ِ
‫!ِى‬Jَ ْ$+َ َ 

(Not equal among you are those who spent before the conquering and fought.) meaning those
who did not fight and spend before the Conquest are not equal to those who spent and fought.
Before Makkah was conquered, things were difficult for Muslims and only the righteous ones
embraced Islam. After Makkah was conquered, Islam spread tremendously throughout the

known world and people embraced the religion of Allah en masse. Similarly He said:

ْ L
ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ ا‬,َ 
َ ‫_ َو‬
“ ُ‫ُ!اْ َوآ‬-Jَ ‫َـ‬O‫ َو‬,ُ 3ْ َ *ِ
ْ‫ُ!ا‬Eَ2Xَ‫* أ‬
َ +ِ%‫* ا‬
h /ً G
َ َ‫ ُ? َدر‬
ْ ‫ َأ‬
َ Tِ ‫َـ‬%ْ‫ُأو‬

(Such are higher in degree than those who spent and fought afterwards. But to all Allah has
promised the best (reward).) The majority considers the Conquest here to be the conquest of
Makkah. Ash-Sha`bi and several others said that the Ayah refers to the treaty at Al-
Hudaybiyyah. There is proof for this opinion found in a Hadith from Anas, collected by Imam
Ahmad. Anas said, "Khalid bin Al-Walid and `Abdur-Rahman bin `Awf had a dispute. Khalid
said to `Abdur-Rahman, `You boast about days (battles) that you participated in before us.'
When the news of this statement reached the Prophet he said,

ْ ‫ ْ? َأ‬Jُ ْs-ََ َ
،ًC‫َ ِل َذ َه‬C
ِ %ْ ‫ ا‬Aَ 7ْ
ِ ْ‫ٍ َأو‬,Y
ُ ‫ ُأ‬Aَ 7ْ
ِ ْ?Jُ ْE2َ Xْ ‫َ!ْ َأ‬% ^ِ ,ِ َ ِ <ِ$2ْ Xَ ‫ِي‬%‫ َ)!َا‬،<َِLْf‫ِ< َأ‬% ‫» َدُ!ا‬

(Do not bother my Companions, for by He in Whose Hand is my soul! If you spend an amount
of gold equal to (Mount) Uhud, (or equal to the mountains), you will not reach the level of
their actions.)'' It is a known fact that Khalid bin Al-Walid, whom the Prophet addressed this
statement to, embraced Islam during the period between the treaty of Al-Hudaybiyyah and
the conquering of Makkah. The dispute between Khalid and `Abdur-Rahman occurred
because of the battle of Bani Jadhimah. The Prophet sent Khalid bin Al-Walid to them after
the conquest of Makkah, and they said, "Saba'na,'' instead of saying, "Aslamna'' (we
embraced Islam). So Khalid ordered their execution and the execution of their prisoners (of
war); `Abdur-Rahman bin `Awf and `Abdullah bin `Umar opposed him. This is the reason
behind the dispute that occurred between Khalid and `Abdur-Rahman. But in the Sahih, the
Messenger of Allah said,

«Fَ2 ِ[Xَ َ%‫ ِه?ْ َو‬,ِ َY‫ َأ‬,

ُ Šَ -ََ َ
،ًC‫ ذَ َه‬,ٍ Y
ُ ‫ ُأ‬Aَ 7ْ
ِ ْ?‫ ُآ‬,ُ Y
َ ‫\ َأ‬
َ َ2Xْ ‫َ!ْ َأ‬% ِ^,ِ َ ِ <ِ$2ْ Xَ ‫ِي‬%‫ )َ!َا‬،<َِLf
ْ ‫!ا َأ‬C$
ُ 9َ َ%»

(None should revile my Companions, for by He in Whose Hand is my soul! If one of you were
to spend as much gold as Uhud, it would not reach the level of them equal to an amount as
much as one Mudd of one of them or half of it.) Allah said,

ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫َ ا‬,
َ ‫_ َو‬
“ ‫ َو ُآ‬

(But to all Allah has promised the best (reward).) meaning, those who spent before and after
the conquest of Makkah; they all will gain a reward for their good deeds, even though some of
them vary in rank and earn a better reward than others as Allah said,

ْ ;َِ *
َ +ِ,(ِ ‫َـ‬#ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ ا‬Aَ N
 َ) ْ?(ِ $
ِ 2ُ Xَ‫ِ ِ(?ْ َوأ‬%!َ
ْ ;َِ Fِ -%‫ ا‬Aِ ِC4
َ 1ِ) ‫ن‬ َ ‫ُو‬,(ِ ‫َـ‬#ُ %ْ ‫ َ ِر وَا‬N%‫ ا‬1ِ%ْ‫ ْ ُ ُأو‬ َ *َ ِ0
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ َ‫ُون‬,3ِ ‫َـ‬E%ْ ‫!ِى ا‬Jَ $
ْ +َ  
6 ً# ِ َ ‫ْ ًا‬G‫*َ َأ‬+ِ,3ِ ‫َـ‬E%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ-َ * َ +ِ,(ِ ‫َـ‬#ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ ا‬Aَ N  َ)‫ َو‬1َ0$ ْ Lُ %ْ ‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫ ا‬,َ 
َ ‫_ َو‬
“ ‫ َوآُـ‬/ً G َ ‫* دَ َر‬
َ +ِ,3ِ ‫َـ‬E%ْ ‫ ا‬1َ-َ ْ?(ِ $ِ 2ُ Xَ‫َوأ‬

(Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled, and
those who strive hard and fight in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah
has preferred in grades those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above
those who sit (at home). Unto each, Allah has promised good, but Allah has preferred by a
great reward those who strive hard and fight, above those who sit (at home).)(4:95) There is a
Hadith in the Sahih that states,

« ْ َ. Aَ ‫ َو)ِ< ُآ‬،ِ‚ ِ3N

 %‫* ا‬
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ S
ِ ‫ ا‬1َ%‫ ِإ‬V
 َY‫َ ْ ٌ َوَأ‬. ‫ي‬
 !ِ َE%ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ْg#ُ %ْ ‫»ا‬

(The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer; both have
goodness in them.) The Prophet ended his statement this way to draw attention to the second
type of believer, so that their own qualities are not forgotten in the midst of preferring the
former type. In this way, the latter is not dismissed as being degraded in the Hadith.
Therefore, the Prophet ended his statement by praising the second type -- the weak believers
-- after giving preference to the first type. Allah said:

6ٌ ِC.
َ ‫ن‬
َ !ُ-#َ ْ39َ َ#ِ Fُ -%‫وَا‬

(And Allah is All-Aware of what you do.) meaning, since Allah is perfectly aware of all things,
He made distinctions between the rewards of the believers who spent and fought before the
Conquest and those who spent and fought afterwards. Surely, Allah does this by His
knowledge of the intention of the former type and their perfect sincerity to Him, all the while
spending in times of hardship, poverty and dire straits. This is found in the Hadith,

«‚ْ%‫ َأ‬/َ Rَ ِ
ٌ?‫\ ِدرْ َه‬
َ َC4

(Spending one Dirham is preceded over a hundred thousand.) There is no doubt that the
people of faith consider Abu Bakr As-Siddiq to be the person who has the best share
according to the meaning of this Ayah. He was the chief of those who implemented it, among
all followers of all Prophets. He spent all of his wealth seeking the Face of Allah, the Exalted
and Most Honored. He did it voluntarily too, not to repay a debt or a favor that anyone from
mankind had on him. May Allah be pleased with him.

Allah said,

َ Y
َ ًrْ Oَ Fَ -%‫ ِ ضُ ا‬Eْ +ُ ‫ِى‬%‫
* ذَا ا‬

(Who is he that will lend Allah a handsome loan:) `Umar bin Al-Khattab said that this Ayah
refers to spending in Allah's cause. It was also said that it pertains to spending on children.
What is correct is that it is more general than that. So all those who spend in the cause of
Allah with good intentions and a sincere heart, then they fall under the generality of this
Ayah. This is why Allah the Exalted said in another Ayah:

6ُF%َ ُF2َ 
ِ َNُ )َ ً0$
َ َY ًrْ Oَ Fَ -%‫ض ا‬
ُ ِ Eْ +ُ ‫ِى‬%‫
* ذَا ا‬

(Who is he that will lend Allah handsome loan: then (Allah) will increase it manifold to his
credit (in repaying),) and in another Ayah,

6ً‫ِ َ ة‬7‫َ)ً َآ‬3r

ْ ‫َأ‬

(many times) (2:245), meaning, being handsome reward and tremendous provisions: Paradise
on the Day of Resurrection. Ibn Abi Hatim recorded that `Abdullah bin Mas`ud said, "When
this Ayah,

6ُF%َ ُF2َ 
ِ َNُ )َ ً0$
َ َY ًrْ Oَ Fَ -%‫ض ا‬
ُ ِ Eْ +ُ ‫ِى‬%‫
* ذَا ا‬

(Who is he that will lend Allah handsome loan: then (Allah) will increase it manifold to his
credit (in repaying),) was revealed, Abu Ad-Dahdah Al-Ansari said, `O Allah's Messenger!
Does Allah ask us for a loan' The Prophet said,

«‫َاح‬,ْY, %‫َأََ ا‬+ ،ْ?3َ Xَ »

(Yes, O Abu Ad-Dahdah.) He said, `Give me your hand, O Allah's Messenger,' and the Prophet
placed his hand in his hand. Abu Ad-Dahdah said, `Verily, I have given my garden as a loan to
my Lord.' He had a garden that contained six hundred date trees; his wife and children were
living in that garden too. Abu Ad-Dahdah went to his wife and called her, `Umm Ad-Dahdah!'
She said, `Here I am.' He said, `Leave the garden, because I have given it as a loan to my
Lord, the Exalted and Most Honored.' She said, `That is a successful trade, O Abu Ad-
Dahdah!' She then transferred her goods and children. The Messenger of Allah said,

ْ , %‫;َِ< ا‬%ِ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫ح )ِ< ا‬
ٍ ‫ْقٍ َردَا‬
َ ْ*
ِ ْ?‫» َآ‬

(How plentiful are the sweet date clusters that Abu Ad-Dahdah has in Paradise!)'' In another
narration, the Prophet said,

َ %ْ ‫ح )ِ< ا‬
ِ ‫َا‬,Y
ْ ,%‫َِ;ِ< ا‬% ،ٌ‫ُ!ت‬Oَ+‫ُ(َ ُد ر َو‬O‫ ُو‬
ُ ،ٍ‫ة‬%,َ
ُ /ٍ -َo
ْ Xَ ‫ب‬
 ‫» ُر‬

(How many a date tree that has lowered down its clusters, which are full of pearls and gems in
Paradise for Abu Ad-Dahdah!)

Allah the Exalted states that the believers who spend in charity will come on the Day of
Resurrection with their light preceding them in the area of the Gathering, according to the
level of their good deeds. As reported from `Abdullah bin Mas`ud:

6ْ?(ِ +ِ,+ْ ‫* َأ‬

َ ْ َ ?ُ‫ُ! ُره‬X 1َ3$
ْ +َ 

(their light running forward before them), he said, "They will pass over the Sirat according to
their deeds. Some of them will have a light as large as a mountain, some as a date tree, some as
big as a man in the standing position. The least among them has a light as big as his index
finger, it is lit at times and extinguished at other times.'' Ibn Abi Hatim and Ibn Jarir collected
this Hadith. Ad-Dahhak commented on the Ayah, "Everyone will be given a light on the Day
of Resurrection. When they arrive at the Sirat, the light of the hypocrites will be extinguished.
When the believers see this, they will be concerned that their light also will be extinguished,
just as the light of the hypocrites was. This is when the believers will invoke Allah, `O our
Lord! Perfect our light for us.''' Allah's statement,

6?ِ(0ِ ‫َـ‬#+ْ َ;ِ ‫ َو‬

(and in their right hands.) Ad-Dahhak said: "Their Books of Records.'' As Allah said:

Fِ0 ِ# َ ِ Fُ Cَ ‫َـ‬J‫ ِآ‬1

َ 9ِ ‫*ْ أُو‬#َ )َ 6 (So whosoever is given his record in his right hand.)(17:71) Allah said,

6ُ ‫(َـ‬Xْ  ‫(َ ا‬Jِ ْL9َ *ِ

‫ْ ِى‬9َ &
ٌ ‫ـ‬0G
َ ‫ َ !ْ َم‬%ْ ‫ َا ُآ?ُ ا‬U
ْ ُ 

(Glad tidings for you this Day! Gardens under which rivers flow,) meaning, it will be said to
them, "Receive glad tidings this Day, of gardens beneath which rivers flow,

َ( ِ) َ*+ِ,-ِ‫َـ‬.6 (to dwell therein forever!), you will remain therein forever,''

? ِ3َ %ْ ‫!ْ ُز ا‬2َ %ْ ‫َ ُه َ! ا‬%ِ‫ َذ‬6 (Truly, this is the great success!)

65. QS AL Jinn 72:25-28

‫ َأ‬1h‫ َر‬Fُ %َ Aُ 3َ ْ+َ ‫ُونَ َأ ْم‬,
َ !ُ9 
ٌV+ِ Oَ ‫ْ ِإنْ َأدْرِى َأ‬AُO

‫ًا‬,َY‫ َأ‬Fِ Cِ ْ
َ 1َ-َ ُ (ِ ْ+ُ _
َ )َ V
ِ ْ َs%ْ ‫ ُ? ا‬-ِ‫ َـ‬-

‫ًا‬,َfَ‫ ر‬Fِ ِ2-ْ .

َ ْ*
ِ ‫ َو‬Fِ +ْ ,َ +َ ِ* ْ َ *ِ

ُ -ُْ$+َ Fُ X ِtَ) ‫ُ! ٍل‬4‫
ِ* ر‬1َN9َ ْ‫* ار‬
َ  ‫ ِإ‬-

- ‫َدا‬,
َ ٍ‫ْء‬1
َ A ‫ ُآ‬1َ[Y
ْ ‫ ِ(?ْ َوَأ‬+ْ َ,%َ َ#ِ ‫ط‬
َ َY‫ ِ(?ْ َوَأ‬h ‫& َر‬
ِ ‫َـ‬-‫َـ‬4‫ُ!اْ ِر‬s-َْ ‫ْ َأ‬,Oَ ‫َ َ? أَن‬-3ْ َ %h 6

72:25. Katakanlah: "Aku tidak mengetahui, apakah azab yang diancamkan kepadamu itu
dekat ataukah Tuhanku menjadikan bagi (kedatangan) azab itu, masa yang panjang?".
72:26. (Dia adalah Tuhan) Yang Mengetahui yang gaib, maka Dia tidak memperlihatkan
kepada seorang pun tentang yang gaib itu.
72:27. Kecuali kepada rasul yang diridai-Nya, maka sesungguhnya Dia mengadakan penjaga-
penjaga (malaikat) di muka dan di belakangnya.
72:28. Supaya Dia mengetahui, bahwa sesungguhnya rasul-rasul itu telah menyampaikan
risalah-risalah Tuhannya, sedang (sebenarnya) ilmu-Nya meliputi apa yang ada pada mereka,
dan Dia menghitung segala sesuatu satu persatu.

(25. Say: "I know not whether that which you are promised is near or whether my Lord will
appoint for it a distant term.'')

(26. "The All-Knower of the Unseen, and He reveals to none His Unseen.'')

(27. Except to a Messenger whom He has chosen, and then He makes a band of watching
guards to march before him and behind him.)

(28. Till he knows that they have conveyed the Messages of their Lord. And He surrounds all
that which is with them, and He keeps count of all things.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ ‫< َأ‬h‫ َر‬Fُ %َ Aُ 3َ 
ْ +َ ْ‫ُونَ َأم‬,
َ !ُ9 َ
ٌV+ِ Oَ ‫ْ ِإنْ َأدْرِي َأ‬AُO

‫ إن‬AO " , 3 ‫( أم‬JO‫ و‬V+ O‫ري أ‬,+ ‫ و‬/$%‫& ا‬O! F% ?-  FX‫س إ‬0-% ‫!ل‬E+ ‫? أن‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f F%!4‫
ا ر‬q 1%39 ‫!ل‬E+
7‫ آ‬F%‫او‬,J+ ‫ي‬%‫ ا‬w+,L%‫ أن ا‬1- A %‫ د‬/#+ a%‫ ا‬/+y‫ و)< ه^ ا‬/-+!d ‫ة‬,
‫ا " أي‬,
‫ ر< أ‬F% A3+ ‫ون أم‬,!9 
V+ O‫أدري أ‬
S‫ ا‬1-f ‫ آن‬,O‫ و‬VJa%‫ ^ )< <ء
* ا‬X ?%‫ و‬F% Af‫رض آب  أ‬K‫& ا‬L9 ‚%g+  ‫_م‬$%‫[_ة وا‬%‫ ا‬F - FX‫
* أ‬/-(%‫
* ا‬
+ ‫ل‬O ‫ أن‬F%;4 # O ‫!رة أ ا< آن‬f <) A+ CG F% ‫ى‬,C9 #%‫( و‬0 V + _) /$%‫& ا‬O‫;ل * و‬$+ ?-4‫ و‬F -
+ ‫ل‬E) ‫(!ري‬G ‫ ا< [!ت‬K‫ ا‬%‫دا^ ذ‬X #%‫ " و‬AR$%‫?
* ا‬-; (0 ‫!ل‬T$#%‫ل "
 ا‬O ‫ ؟‬/$%‫< * ا‬X C.;)
" ‫ل‬O F%!4‫ ور‬S‫ ا‬VY‫< أ‬0a%‫ م و‬f ‫_ة و‬f 7‫( آ‬% ,‫? أ‬% <X‫ل أ
 إ‬O " ‫( ؟‬% ‫دت‬,‫ أ‬#) /0R‫( آ‬X‫ إ‬L+‫ ؟ " و‬/$%‫ا‬
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* أ‬X;)
F - S‫ ا‬1-f <C0%‫ري * ا‬,o%‫ ا‬, 34 <‫? * ء * أ< رح * أ‬+
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.q <) ‫ل أ! داود‬O ,O‫ت " و‬y ‫ون‬,!9 #X‫^ إ‬,  <$2X ‫ي‬%‫ وا‬19!#%‫?
* ا‬a$2X‫وا أ‬,3) ‫!ن‬-E39 ?J0‫دم إن آ‬q <0 + " ‫ل‬O ?-4‫و‬
CG * *#Y %‫ ا‬,C * Q%f * /+‫و‬3
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0W,Y ?Y_#%‫ب ا‬J‫آ‬
,3$% A O " ‫!م‬+ ‚[X *
K‫ ه^ ا‬S‫ ا‬m39 *% " ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O <0Uo%‫ ا‬/C-3W <‫ * أ‬F ‫* أ‬
A O " ‫!م‬+ ‚[X ?‫ ه‬.g+ ‫ ر( أن‬,0 <J
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‫ أ! داود‬F ‫ د‬2X‫ م " ا‬/R#$#. " ‫ل‬O ‫!م ؟‬+ ‚[X ?‫ وآ‬,3$% .

َ ‫ َأ‬Fِ Cِ ْ
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ِ ْ sَ %ْ ‫ِ ُ? ا‬%َ

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‫<ء‬U ‫ !ن‬L+ ‫ " و‬1%39 F%!E‫ه^ آ‬
‫ا‬,Y‫ أ‬FC 1- (+ _) V s%‫? ا‬% " ‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫ و‬F - 1%39 F3-d‫ أ‬#
‫ إ‬F#- *
‫ <ء‬1- FE-. .

‫ًا‬,َf‫ َر‬Fِ 2ِ -ْ َ. ْ*
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ُ -ُ$
ْ +َ Fُ X tَِ) ‫ُ! ٍل‬4‫ ِ
*ْ َر‬1َN9َ ْ‫ َ
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" ‫ا " أي‬,f‫ ر‬F2-. *

‫ و‬F+,+ *  *
-$+ FXt) " 1%39 ‫ل‬O ?W ‫ ي‬UC%‫< وا‬a-#%‫!ل ا‬4 %‫? ا‬3+ ‫!ل " وها‬4‫
* ر‬1N9‫إ
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S‫< ا‬Y‫
* و‬F3

1- FX‫و‬,X$+‫ و‬S‫
* أ
ا‬FX!2L+ /aR_#%‫ت
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,+m# F[o+ .

‫دًا‬,َ َ ‫<ْ ٍء‬

َ A ‫ ُآ‬1َ[Y
ْ ‫ ِ(?ْ َوَأ‬+ْ َ,%َ َ#ِ َ‫َط‬Y‫ ِ(?ْ َوَأ‬h ‫ت َر‬
ِ َ%َ4‫ُ!ا ِر‬s-َْ َ‫ْ أ‬,َO ْ‫َ َ? َأن‬-3ْ َ %ِ

*‫ل ا‬O .?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f <C0%‫ ا‬1%‫ إ‬,R FX‫ إ‬A E) ‫!د ؟‬3+ *
1%‫? " إ‬-3 % " F%!O <) ‫ي‬%‫ ا‬#N%‫ ون )< ا‬$2#%‫‚ ا‬-J.‫ ا‬,O‫و‬
‫ا إ‬,Y‫ أ‬FC 1- (+ _) V s%‫? ا‬% " F%!O <) CG * , 34 * 23G * <#E%‫!ب ا‬E3+ 0W,Y , #Y *‫ ا‬0W,Y + G
S‫ ا‬1-f ,#L
" ?-3 % " A+ CG {
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-$+ FXt) ‫!ل‬4‫
* ر‬1N9‫ار‬
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" ?(‫ت ر‬4‫!ا ر‬s-‫ أ‬,O ‫? أن‬-3 % " ‫دة‬JO * #3
* ‫ زاق‬%‫ ا‬,C ‫ل‬O‫ و‬V CY <‫ * أ‬,+m+‫ي و‬,$%‫ك وا‬LN%‫ا روا^ ا‬a‫ وه‬F
^‫ر‬J.‫دة وا‬JO * /‫ * أ<  و‬, 34 ^‫( وآا روا‬0 &3)‫( ود‬J2Y /aR_#%‫ وأن ا‬S‫& * ا‬s- ,O A4 %‫ أن ا‬S‫< ا‬CX ?-3 % ‫ل‬O
‫ و‬F+,+ *  *
-$+ FXt) ‫!ل‬4‫
* ر‬1N9‫ " إ
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%‫ (? وذ‬%‫ إ‬A4‫* أر‬+%‫ * ا‬CJ+ 1JY ‫ ن‬U%‫?
* ا‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f <C0%‫!ن ا‬2L+ /aR_#%‫ت
* ا‬CE3
<‫ل ه‬O " ‫ا‬,f‫ ر‬F2-.
" ?(‫ت ر‬4‫!ا ر‬s-‫ أ‬,O ‫? أن‬-3 % " ,‫ *
ه‬Q X <‫ل ا* أ‬O ‫ت ر(? وآا‬4‫!ا ر‬s-‫ أ‬,O ‫ ك أن‬U%‫ ا‬A‫? أه‬-3 % ‫!ل‬E+ * Y
‫س أن‬0%‫? ا‬-3 % ?N% " ?-3 % " ‫!ب‬E3+ ‫ أ‬O ‫!ي‬sC%‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬X ‫ت ر(? و)< ها‬4‫!ا ر‬s-‫ أ‬,O ‫ أن‬A4 %‫?
* آب ا‬-3 % ‫ل‬O
<) 103#%‫!ن ا‬a+‫ و‬$#%‫!زي )< زاد ا‬%‫^ ا* ا‬aY ‫!ل‬O !‫ وه‬AG‫ و‬m S‫ ا‬1%‫ إ‬,R #N%‫!ن ا‬a+ ‫ أن‬A#JL+‫!ا و‬s- ,O A4 %‫ا‬
‫!ن‬a+‫ت ر(? و‬4‫!ا ر‬s-‫ أ‬,O ‫? أن‬-3 % <Y!%‫ (?
* ا‬%‫ إ‬F%m0+ 
‡2L+‫ و‬F94‫!ا
* أداء ر‬0a#J % FJaR_# F-4‫‡ ر‬2L+ FX‫ أ‬%‫ذ‬
*#-3 %‫ و‬1%39 F%!E‫ " وآ‬F CE 1- V-E0+ *#
‫!ل‬4 %‫{ ا‬CJ+ *
?-30% ‫ ( إ‬- &0‫< آ‬J%‫ ا‬/-CE%‫ ا‬0-3G 
‫ " و‬1%39 F%!E‫ آ‬%‫ذ‬
‫ ها‬,3 ‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫ و‬/%L
 3O (X!‫ آ‬ACO ‫ ء‬K‫? ا‬-3+ 1%39 FX; ?-3%‫
* ا‬%‫ل ذ‬7
‫ أ‬1%‫ * " إ‬E)0#%‫* ا‬#-3 %‫!ا و‬0
q *+%‫ ا‬S‫ا‬
/0#%‫ وا‬,#L%‫ ا‬S‫* و‬%‫!رة ا‬4 $29 .q . ‫دا‬, ‫ <ء‬A‫ آ‬1[Y‫(? وأ‬+,% # ‫ط‬Y‫" وأ‬.

Allah commands His Messenger to say to the people that he has no knowledge of when the
Hour will be and he does not know whether its time is near or far.

6 ‫ًا‬,َ
‫ َأ‬1h‫ َر‬Fُ %َ ُA3َ 
ْ +َ ْ‫ُونَ َأم‬,
َ !ُ9 
ٌV+ِ Oَ ‫ْ ِإنْ َأدْرِى َأ‬AOُ 

(Say: "I know not whether which you are promised is near or whether my Lord will appoint
for it a distant term.'') meaning, a long period of time. In this noble Ayah is an evidence that
the Hadith that many of the ignorant people often circulate, which says that the Prophet will
not remain under the earth more than one thousand years (i.e., the Hour will be before that
period) is a baseless lie. We have not seen it in any of the Books (of Hadith). Verily, the
Messenger of Allah was asked about the time of the Hour and he would not respond. When
Jibril appeared to him in the form of a bedouin Arab, one of the questions he asked the
Prophet was, "O Muhammad! Tell me about the Hour'' So the Prophet replied,

«AِR$%‫* ا‬
ِ ?َ َ-
ْ ;َِ َ(ْ0
َ ‫ُو ُل‬g$
ْ #َ ْ%‫»
َ ا‬

(The one questioned about it knows no more than the questioner.) On another occasion when
a bedouin Arab called out to the Prophet in a loud voice saying, "O Muhammad! When will
be the Hour'' The Prophet said,

«‫(َ؟‬%َ ‫ت‬
َ ْ‫َد‬,
ْ ‫َ َأ‬#)َ ،ٌ/0َ Rِ َ‫(َ آ‬X ‫َ ِإ‬L
َ +ْ َ‫»و‬

(Woe unto you. Verily, it will occur so what have you prepared for it) The man replied, "I have
not prepared much for it of prayers and fasting, but I love Allah and His Messenger.'' The
Prophet then replied,

«&ْCCَ ْY‫& َ
َ{ َ
*ْ َأ‬
َ Xْ َ;)َ »

(Then you will be with whomever you love.) Anas said, "The Muslims were not happier with
anything like they were upon (hearing) this Hadith.'' Concerning Allah's statement,

ِ* ر‬1َN9َ ْ‫ًا ِإ  َ
*ِ ار‬,َY‫ َأ‬Fِ Cِ ْ
َ 1َ-
َ ُ ِ(
ْ +ُ َ_)َ V
ِ ْ sَ %ْ ‫ِ ُ? ا‬-‫َـ‬

(The All-Knower of the Unseen, and He reveals to none His Unseen. Except to a Messenger)
This is similar to Allah's statement,

6َ‫َ َء‬#ِ  ‫ ِإ‬Fِ #ِ -ْ ِ ْ*

h ‫<ْ ٍء‬U
َ ِ ‫ن‬
َ !ُ ِL+ُ َ ‫ َو‬

(And they will never compass any thing of His knowledge except that which He wills.) (2:255)
Similarly, Allah says here that He knows the unseen and the seen and that no one of His
creation can attain any of His knowledge except that which Allah allows him to have. Thus,
Allah says,

ِ* ر‬1َN9َ ْ‫ًا ِإ  َ
*ِ ار‬,َY‫ َأ‬Fِ Cِ ْ
َ 1َ-
َ ُ ِ(
ْ +ُ َ_)َ V
ِ ْ sَ %ْ ‫ِ ُ? ا‬-‫َـ‬

(The All-Knower of the Unseen, and He reveals to none His Unseen. Except to a Messenger
whom He has chosen,) This includes the angelic Messenger and the human Messenger. Then
Allah says,

6ً‫ا‬,َf‫ َر‬Fِ 2ِ -ْ َ. ْ*
ِ ‫ َو‬Fِ +ْ ,َ َ+ *
ِ ْ َ *ِ
ْ +َ Fُ X tَِ)

(and then He makes a band of watching guards to march before him and behind him.)
meaning, He particularly gives him additional guardian angels who protect him by the
command of Allah and they accompany him with that which is with him of Allah's revelation.
Thus, Allah says,

6 ً‫َدا‬,
َ ‫ْ ٍء‬1
َ A ‫ ُآ‬1َ[Y
ْ ‫ ِ(?ْ َوَأ‬+ْ َ,َ% َ#ِ َ‫َط‬Y‫ ِ(?ْ َوَأ‬h‫& َر‬
ِ ‫َـ‬-‫َـ‬4‫ُ!اْ ِر‬s-َْ ‫ْ َأ‬,Oَ ‫ َ? أَن‬-َ3ْ َ h%

(Till he knows that they have conveyed the Messages of their Lord. And He surrounds all that
which is with them, and He keeps count of all things.) The pronoun `he' which is in His

6َ?-َ3ْ َ %ِ

(Till he knows) refers to the Prophet . Ibn Jarir recorded from Sa`id bin Jubayr that he said
concerning the Ayah,

6 ‫ًا‬,َfَ‫ ر‬Fِ 2ِ -ْ َ. ْ*
ِ ‫ َو‬Fِ +ْ ,َ +َ ِ* ْ َ *ِ
ْ +َ Fُ X tَِ) ‫ُ! ٍل‬4‫
ِ* ر‬1َN9َ ْ‫* ار‬
َ  ‫ ِإ‬- ‫ًا‬,َY‫ َأ‬Fِ Cِ ْ
َ 1َ-
َ ُ (ِ 
ْ +ُ َ_)َ V
ِ ْ sَ %ْ ‫ِ ُ? ا‬-‫َـ‬

(The All-Knower of the Unseen, and He reveals to none His Unseen. Except to a Messenger
whom He has chosen, and then He makes a band of watching guards to march before him and
behind him.) "These are four guardians among the angels along with Jibril,

6َ?-َ3ْ َ %ِ

(Till he knows) This means Muhammad ,

6ً‫َدا‬,َ ‫ْ ٍء‬1
َ A‫ ُآ‬1َ[ْY‫ ِ(?ْ َوَأ‬+ْ ,َ َ% َ#ِ ‫ط‬
َ َY‫ ِ(?ْ َوَأ‬h ‫& َر‬
ِ ‫َـ‬-‫َـ‬4‫ُ!اْ ِر‬sَ-ْ ‫ْ َأ‬,Oَ ‫أَن‬

(that they have conveyed the Messages of their Lord. And He surrounds all that which is with
them, and He keeps count of all things.)'' This was recorded by Ibn Abi Hatim. It has also
been reported by Ad-Dahhak, As-Suddi and Yazid bin Abi Habib. `Abdur-Razzaq reported
from Ma`mar, from Qatadah,

6ْ?(ِ h َ‫& ر‬
ِ ‫َـ‬-‫َـ‬4ِ‫ُ!اْ ر‬s-َْ ‫ْ َأ‬,َO ‫ َ? أَن‬-َ 3ْ َ %h

(Till he knows that they have conveyed the Messages of their Lord.) "So that the Prophet of
Allah would know that the Messengers had conveyed their Messages from Allah and that the
angels have protected them and defended them.'' This has also been reported by Sa`id bin Abi
`Arubah from Qatadah, and Ibn Jarir preferred this interpretation. Al-Baghawi said,
"Ya`qub recited it as, (?َ َ-3ْ ُ %ِ ) (in order to be known) this means, so that the people may know
that the Messengers had conveyed the Message.'' It also could carry the meaning that the
pronoun refers to Allah (i.e., So that He (Allah) may know). This opinion has been mentioned
by Ibn Al-Jawzi in Zad Al-Masir. The meaning of this is that He protects His Messengers
through His angels so that they will be able to convey His Messages. He protects what He
reveals to them of revelation so that He will know that they have indeed conveyed the
Messages of their Lord. This is like His statement,

6ِF ْ َCِE
َ 1َ-َ V
ُ -ِEَ 0َ+ *#
ِ ‫ُ! َل‬4  %‫ ُ{ ا‬Cِ J َ+ *َ
َ?-َ3ْ 0َ ِ%  ‫َ ْ (َ ِإ‬-
َ &
َ 0ُ‫ آ‬1ِJ%‫ ا‬/َ -َْCEِ %ْ ‫َ ا‬0ْ-3َ G
َ َ
‫ َو‬

(And We made the Qiblah which you used to face, only that We know who followed the
Messenger from those who would turn on their heels.) (2:143) Allah also said,

6 َ* ِEِ2‫َـ‬0#ُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
 #َ -َ3ْ َ َ%‫ُ!اْ َو‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬Fُ -%‫* ا‬
 #َ -َ3ْ َ %ََ‫و‬

(Verily, Allah knows those who believe, and that He knows the hypocrites.) (29:11) It should
be added to these examples that from Allah's knowledge is that He knows all things before
they occur, and this is something definite and certain. Therefore, He says after this,

َ ‫ْ ٍء‬1
َ A ‫ ُآ‬1َ[Y
ْ ‫ ِ(?ْ َوَأ‬+ْ َ,%َ َ#ِ َ‫َط‬Y‫ َوَأ‬

(And He surrounds all that which is with them, and He keeps count of all things.) This is the
end of the Tafsir of Surat Al-Jinn, and all praises and thanks are due to Allah.

66. QS An Nahl 16:97-100

َ !ُ-#َ 3ْ +َ ْ‫ُ!ا‬Xَ‫*
َ آ‬
َ Y
ْ ;َِ ?ُ‫ َ ه‬G
ْ ‫ ُ(?ْ َأ‬0 +َ mِ ْ0َ %ََ‫ و‬/ً Cَ h d
َ ‫َ َ! ًة‬Y Fُ 0 َ ِ ْL0ُ َ-)َ ٌ*
ِ ْg
ُ !َ ‫ َو ُه‬1َ7Xْ ‫* َذآَ ٍ َأوْ ُأ‬h
ًLِ-‫َـ‬f Aَ #ِ 
َ ْ*

6 ?ِ ِG %‫* ا‬
ِ ‫ ْ َـ‬U
 %‫* ا‬
ِ Fِ -%ِ ْ3ِ َJ4
ْ َ) ‫ن‬
َ ‫ُ ْءَا‬E%ْ ‫ت ا‬
َ ‫ َ ْأ‬Oَ ‫ذَا‬tَِ)

َ‫ُ!ن‬-‫ َ!آ‬Jَ +َ ْ?(ِ ّ‫ َر‬1َ-َ‫ُ!اْ َو‬0

َ ‫* ءا‬
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬1َ-
َ ٌ‫َن‬-ْ 4
ُ Fُ %َ H
َ ْ %َ Fُ X ‫ِإ‬

َ !ُ‫ْ ِ آ‬U
ُ Fِ ِ ?ُ‫* ه‬
َ +ِ%‫ُ وَا‬FXَ ْ!%َ!Jَ َ+ *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬1َ-
َ Fُ 0ُ ‫َـ‬-ْ 4
ُ َ#X ‫ ِإ‬-

16:97. Barang siapa yang mengerjakan amal saleh, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan dalam
keadaan beriman, maka sesungguhnya akan Kami berikan kepadanya kehidupan yang baik
dan sesungguhnya akan Kami beri balasan kepada mereka dengan pahala yang lebih baik
dari apa yang telah mereka kerjakan.
16:98. Apabila kamu membaca Al Qur'an, hendaklah kamu meminta perlindungan kepada
Allah dari setan yang terkutuk.
16:99. Sesungguhnya setan ini tidak ada kekuasaannya atas orang-orang yang beriman dan
bertawakal kepada Tuhannya.
16:100. Sesungguhnya kekuasaannya (setan) hanyalah atas orang-orang yang mengambilnya
jadi pemimpin dan atas orang-orang yang mempersekutukannya dengan Allah.

(97. Whoever does righteous deeds - whether male or female - while he (or she) is a believer;
then We will certainly give them a good life, and We will certainly grant them their rewards in
proportion to the best of what they used to do.)

(98. So when you recite the Qur'an, seek refuge with Allah from Shaytan, the outcast.)

(99. Verily, he has no power over those who believe and put their trust only in their Lord.)

(100. His power is only over those who obey and follow him (Shaytan), and those who join
partners with Him (Allah).)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ‫ُ!ن‬-#َ 3ْ +َ ‫ُ!ا‬Xَ‫*
َ آ‬
َ ْY;َِ ?ْ ‫ْ َ ُه‬G‫ ُ(?ْ َأ‬0 +َ mِ ْ0َ %ََ‫ و‬/ً Cَ h d
َ ‫ َ ًة‬Y
َ Fُ 0 َ ِ ْL0ُ -َ)َ ٌ*
ِ gْ
ُ !َ ُ‫ َوه‬1َ7ْX‫ً ِ
*ْ ذَ َآ ٍ َأوْ ُأ‬Lِ%َf Aَ #ِ 
َ ْ*

* ذآ أو أ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f F CX /04‫ و‬1%39 S‫ب ا‬Ja% {J#%‫ ا‬A#3%‫ وه! ا‬L%f A# *#% 1%39 S‫
* ا‬,‫ها و‬
F+m+ ‫  وأن‬X,%‫ )< ا‬/C d ‫ ة‬Y S‫ ا‬F L+ ‫ ;ن‬S‫ ا‬,0 *
‫ وع‬U
F ‫;
!ر‬#%‫ ا‬A#3%‫ وإن ها ا‬F%!4‫ ور‬S *
FC-O‫دم و‬q <0
?(X‫ أ‬/#G‫س و‬C *‫ روي * ا‬,O‫& و‬X‫ آ‬/(G ‫
* أي‬/Y‫ ا‬%‫!^ ا‬G‫ و‬A#JU9 /C %‫ ة ا‬L%‫ ة وا‬.y‫ار ا‬,%‫ )< ا‬F-# 
V‫ ووه‬/
a‫س و‬C *‫ل ا‬O ‫ وآا‬/0E% ‫ ه‬$) FX‫ أ‬F0 S‫< ا‬r‫ ر‬V%d <‫< * أ‬- *‫ و‬V %‫_ل ا‬L%‫ زق ا‬% ‫ وه‬$)
/0%‫ ة إ )< ا‬Y ,YK V +  ‫دة‬JO‫ و‬,‫* و
ه‬$L%‫ل ا‬O‫دة و‬3$%‫( ه< ا‬X‫س أ‬C *‫ * ا‬/L-d <‫< * أ‬- ‫ل‬O‫ و‬FC0
‫ ة‬L%‫ أن ا‬Q L[%‫ اح ( وا‬UX‫ وا‬/% A#3%‫ ه< ا‬N+‫ك أ‬LN%‫ل ا‬O‫  و‬X,%‫دة )< ا‬C3%‫_ل وا‬L%‫ زق ا‬%‫ك ه< ا‬LN%‫ل ا‬O‫و‬
A CY  <0W,Y ‫!ب‬+‫ * أ< أ‬, 34 0W,Y ,+m+ * S‫ ا‬,C 0W,Y ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫ي روا^ ا‬%‫ ا‬w+,L%‫ء )< ا‬G #‫ آ‬F-‫ ها آ‬A#U9 /C %‫ا‬
‫? ورزق‬-4‫
* أ‬Q-)‫ أ‬,O " ‫ل‬O ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ أن ر‬# * S‫ ا‬,C * <-CL%‫* ا‬#Y %‫ ا‬,C * +  <‫* أ‬
* ‘X‫ أ< ه‬w+,Y *
ي وا‬J%‫ وروى ا‬F ‫ ي‬E#%‫ ا‬,+m+ * S‫ ا‬,C w+,Y *
^‫^ " وروا‬9q # S‫ ا‬F30O‫) و‬2‫آ‬
FU  ‫_م وآن‬4–% ‫ي‬,‫
* ه‬Q-)‫ أ‬,O " ‫!ل‬E+ ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫{ ر‬#4 FX‫ أ‬, C * /%N) * <0(%‫< ا‬- *‫ا‬
* HX‫دة * أ‬JO * 1 L+ * ‫م‬#‫ ه‬0W,Y ,+m+ 0W,Y ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬Q Lf w+,Y ‫
ي ها‬J%‫ل ا‬O‫ " و‬F {0O‫) و‬2‫آ‬
)a%‫ ة وأ
 ا‬.y‫ ( )< ا‬- ‫ب‬7+‫  و‬X,%‫ ( )< ا‬13+ /0$Y *
g#%‫? ا‬-+  S‫? " إن ا‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬O : ‫ل‬O

FG‫ ا‬.t ‫ د‬2X‫ ا " ا‬. ( 13+ /0$Y F% *a9 ?% ‫ ة‬.y‫ ا‬1%‫ إ‬1N)‫  إذا أ‬X,%‫ )< ا‬F90$L ?3 ) .

?ِ ِG  %‫ن ا‬
ِ َ ْ U
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ِ Fِ -%ِ ْ3ِ Jَ 4
ْ َ) ‫ن‬
َ qْ ُE%ْ ‫ت ا‬
َ ْ‫ َ أ‬Oَ ‫ِذَا‬t)َ

? G %‫ ن ا‬U%‫
* ا‬S ‫ وا‬3J$+ ‫ن أن‬q E%‫ اءة ا‬O ‫? إذا أرادوا‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f F CX ‫ن‬$% 1- ^‫د‬C3% 1%39 S‫ها أ

* ا‬
‫ذة‬3J4‫!اردة )< ا‬%‫ ا‬w+‫د‬YK‫ ا‬0
,O ,O‫ و‬/#RK‫ و ^
* ا‬+ G * 23G !‫ أ‬%‫ ذ‬1- ‫ع‬#Gn‫ ا‬1aY VG‫ !ا‬H % ‫ب‬,X
‫وها أ‬
F - }-o+‫ و‬F9‫ اء‬O ‫رئ‬E%‫ ا‬1- HC-+ _T% ‫ اءة‬E%‫اء ا‬,J‫ ا‬,0 ‫ذة‬3J4‫ )< ا‬103#%‫ وا‬/0#%‫ وا‬,#L%‫ ا‬S‫ و‬$2J%‫ )< أول ا‬/d!$C

<XJ$$%‫? ا‬9Y <‫ة وأ‬m#Y * <aY‫_وة و‬J%‫ ا‬ACO ‫!ن‬a9 #X‫ذة إ‬3J4‫ أن ا‬1%‫(!ر إ‬#%‫ ا‬V‫(ا ذه‬%‫ ; و‬a2J%‫ وا‬,J%‫
* ا‬F30#+‫و‬
*+ 4 * ,#L
‫ و‬N+‫ ة أ‬+ ‫ * أ< ه‬%‫ ذ‬A7
‫(ب‬#%‫!وي )<  ح ا‬0%‫ ا‬AEX‫ و‬/+y‫ (^ ا‬JY‫_وة وا‬J%‫ ا‬,3 ‫!ن‬a9 (X‫أ‬
?-‫ أ‬S‫_وة وا‬J%‫ ا‬1- (
,E9 1- /%‫ا‬,%‫ ا‬w+‫د‬YK‫م
* ا‬,E9 #% ‫ول‬K‫ ا‬Q L[%‫< وا‬3o0%‫ وإ اه ? ا‬.

َ‫ُ!ن‬-‫ َ!آ‬Jَ +َ ْ?(ِ h‫ َر‬1َ-

َ ‫ُ!ا َو‬0
َ q *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬1َ-
َ ٌ‫َن‬-ْ 4
ُ Fُ %َ H
َ ْ %َ Fُ X ‫ِإ‬

 VX‫(? )< ذ‬3O!+ ‫ن أن‬-4 ?( - F% H % ‫!ري‬7%‫ل ا‬O " ‫!ن‬-‫!آ‬J+ ?(‫ ر‬1-‫!ا و‬0
q *+%‫ ا‬1- ‫ن‬-4 F% H % FX‫ " إ‬F%!O‫و‬
* [-o#%‫(? ا‬0
‫دك‬C ‫ " إ‬F%!E‫ ون آ‬.q ‫ل‬O‫ (? و‬- F% /Y  ^03
‫ ون‬.q ‫ل‬O‫ و‬F0
‫!!ن‬J+ " .

َ‫ْ ِ آُ!ن‬U
ُ Fِ ِ ْ?‫*َ ُه‬+ِ%‫ وَا‬Fُ َXْ!%َ!Jَ +َ َ*+ِ%‫ ا‬1َ-
َ Fُ Xُ َ-ْ 4
ُ َ#X ‫ِإ‬

"‫ آ!ن " أي أ آ!ا‬U

F ?‫ " وه‬S‫ 
* دون ا‬%‫و^ و‬o9‫ ون ا‬.q ‫ل‬O‫ و‬FX!3 + ,‫ل
ه‬O " FX!%!J+ *+%‫ ا‬1- FX-4 #X‫إ‬
FX‫^ أ‬03
‫ ون‬.q ‫ل‬O‫ و‬1%39 S * ‫ آ‬U
‫ ن‬U-% ?(Jd VC$ ‫روا‬f ‫ أي‬/ CC4 ‫ء‬C%‫!ن ا‬a9 ‫ أن‬A#JL+‫ و‬S‫دة ا‬C <)
!ال وا‬K‫ آ(? )< ا‬.

This is a promise from Allah to those Children of Adam, male or female, who do righteous
deeds - deeds in accordance with the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet , with a
heart that believes in Allah and His Messenger , while believing that these deeds are
commanded and enjoined by Allah. Allah promises that He will give them a good life in this
world and that He will reward them according to the best of their deeds in the Hereafter. The
good life includes feeling tranquillity in all aspects of life. It has been reported that Ibn `Abbas
and a group (of scholars) interpreted it to mean good, lawful provisions. It was reported that
`Ali bin Abi Talib interpreted as contentment. This was also the opinion of Ibn `Abbas,
`Ikrimah and Wahb bin Munabbih. `Ali bin Abi Talhah recorded from Ibn `Abbas that it
meant happiness. Al-Hasan, Mujahid and Qatadah said: "None gets this6 good life 
mentioned6 except in Paradise.'' Ad-Dahhak said: "It means lawful provisions and worship in
this life''. Ad-Dahhak also said: "It means working to obey Allah and finding joy in that.'' The
correct view is that a good life includes all of these things. as found in the Hadith recorded by
Imam Ahmad from `Abdullah bin `Amr that the Messenger of Allah said:

«^َ9q َ#ِ S
ُ ‫ ا‬Fُ 3َ 0 Oَ ‫ َو‬،ً)َ2‫ َو ُر ِزقَ َآ‬،َ?-َ4
ْ ‫ َ
*ْ َأ‬Q
َ -َ)ْ ‫ْ َأ‬,Oَ »

(He who submits becomes a Muslim6 has succeeded, is given sufficient provisions, and is
content with Allah for what he is given.) It was also recorded by Muslim.

This is a command from Allah to His servants upon the tongue of His Prophet , telling them
that when they want to read Qur'an, they should seek refuge with Allah from the cursed
Shaytan. The Hadiths mentioned about seeking refuge with Allah (Isti`adhah), were quoted in
our discussion at the beginning of this Tafsir, praise be to Allah. The reason for seeking refuge
with Allah before reading is that the reader should not get confused or mixed up, and that the
Shaytan would not confuse him or stop him from thinking about and pondering over the
meaning of what he reads. Hence the majority of scholars said that refuge should be sought
with Allah before starting to read.

َ !ُ-‫ َ! آ‬Jَ +َ ْ?(ِ h ‫ َر‬1َ-
َ ‫ُ!اْ َو‬0
َ ‫* ءَا‬
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬1َ-َ ٌ‫َن‬-ْ 4
ُ Fُ %َ َH ْ %َ Fُ X ‫ِإ‬

(Verily, he has no power over those who believe and put their trust only in their Lord.) Ath-
Thawri said: "He has no power to make them commit a sin they will not repent from.'' Others
said: it means that he has no argument for them. Others said it is like the Ayah:

6 َ* ِ[-َْo#ُ %ْ ‫ْ ُ( ُ? ا‬0
ِ َ‫َ َدك‬Cِ  ‫ِإ‬

(Except Your chosen servants amongst them.) 15:406

6ُFXَ ْ!%َ!Jَ َ+ *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬1َ-
َ Fُ 0ُ ‫َـ‬-ْ 4
ُ َ#X ‫ِإ‬

(His power is only over those who obey and follow him (Shaytan), ) Mujahid said: "Those who
obey him.'' Others said, "Those who take him as their protector instead of Allah.''

6َ‫ْ ِ آُ!ن‬U
ُ Fِ ِ ?ُ‫* ه‬
َ +ِ%‫وَا‬

(and those who join partners with Him.) means, those who associate others in worship with

67. QS AL WAQI'AH 56:88-91

* ِ  َE#ُ %ْ ‫ن ِ
*َ ا‬
َ َ‫َ);َ
 إِن آ‬
- ? ِ3Xَ & ُ ‫ـ‬0َG‫َنٌ َو‬L+ْ َ‫)َ َ وْحٌ َور‬
- ِ* ِ# َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Vِ ‫َـ‬Lfْ ‫ن ِ
*ْ َأ‬َ َ‫َوَأ
 إِن آ‬
-*ِ ِ# َ %ْ ‫ ا‬Vِ ‫َـ‬Lfْ ‫َ ِ
*ْ َأ‬% ٌ?‫َـ‬-$
َ َ)

56:88. adapun jika dia (orang yang mati) termasuk orang yang didekatkan (kepada Allah),
56:89. maka dia memperoleh ketenteraman dan rezeki serta surga kenikmatan.
56:90. Dan adapun jika dia termasuk golongan kanan,
56:91. maka keselamatan bagimu karena kamu dari golongan kanan.

(88. Then, if he be of the Muqarrabin,)

(89. Then Rawh, Rayhan and a Garden of Delights.)
(90. And if he be of those on the right,)
(91. Then Salam (peace) to you from those on the right.)

7‫ ا* آ‬$29

َ ِ  َE#ُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ َ‫َ)َ;
 ِإنْ آَن‬

‫ * وإ
 أن‬# %‫ب ا‬Lf‫(?
* أ‬X‫* دو‬#
‫!ن‬a+ ‫  * أو‬E#%‫!ن
* ا‬a+ ‫ره? إ
 أن‬NJY‫ ا‬,0 ‫س‬0%‫!ال ا‬Y‫ ه< أ‬/W_7%‫!ال ا‬YK‫ه^ ا‬
" *  E#%‫ "
* ا‬NJL#%‫" );
 إن آن " أي ا‬1%39 ‫ل‬O ‫(ا‬%‫ و‬S‫ * ;
ا‬-‫ه‬%‫ى ا‬,(%‫ * * ا‬%N%‫\ ا‬L% * a#%‫!ن
* ا‬a+
‫ت‬YC#%‫ˆ ا‬3‫ وهت و‬a#%‫
ت وا‬L#%‫ آ!ا ا‬9‫ت و‬CLJ$#%‫ت وا‬CG‫!ا‬%‫!ا ا‬-3) *+%‫ وه? ا‬.

?ٍ ِ3Xَ /ُ 0 G
َ ‫َنٌ َو‬L+ْ َ‫َ) َ وْحٌ َور‬

‫ وح‬%‫( ا‬J+‫!ل " أ‬E9 /#Y %‫ ا‬/aR_

‫ اء أن‬C%‫ ا‬w+,Y <) ‫م‬,E9 #‫!ت آ‬#%‫ ا‬,0 % /aR_#%‫ ه? ا‬UC9‫ن و‬L+‫(? روح ور‬-) ‫أي‬
" ‫س‬C *‫ * ا‬/L-d <‫< * أ‬- ‫ل‬O " ‫ن‬CN ‫ن ورب‬L+‫ روح ور‬1%‫< إ‬G .‫ ا‬F0+ #39 &0‫ آ‬V %‫ ا‬,$%‫ )< ا‬/C %‫ا‬
, 34 ‫ل‬O‫  و‬X,%‫
* ا‬/Y‫ ا‬%‫رة ا‬mY !‫ل أ‬O‫ و‬/Y‫ ا‬J4‫ وح ا‬%‫ إن ا‬,‫ل
ه‬O ‫ وآا‬/Y‫ ا‬J$
‫!ل‬E+ ‫ن‬L+‫ ور‬/Y‫!ل را‬E+ " ‫) وح‬
,‫س و
ه‬C *‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬/#Y ) ‫دة ) وح‬JO ‫ل‬O‫ء و‬.‫ ور‬/0G "‫ن‬L+‫ " ) وح ور‬,‫ ح و*
ه‬2%‫ وح ا‬%‫ي ا‬,$%‫ وا‬CG *
/Y‫ ا‬%‫ وا‬/#Y %‫
* ا‬%‫ { ذ‬#G F% A[Y  E
ت‬t) /L Lf /‫ر‬EJ
‫!ال‬OK‫ ه^ ا‬A‫ن ورزق وآ‬L+‫ ور‬CG * , 34‫و‬
*[s 19g+ 1JY *  E#%‫
* ا‬,Y‫رق أ‬2+  / %3%‫ل أ! ا‬O‫ ? " و‬3X /0G‫* " و‬$L%‫ زق ا‬%‫ ور وا‬$%‫ ج وا‬2%‫ وا‬/Y‫ ا‬J4‫وا‬
,O‫ر ؟ و‬0%‫ ا‬A‫ ه! أم
* أه‬/0%‫ ا‬A‫?
* أه‬-3+ 1JY ‫س‬0%‫
* ا‬,Y‫!ت أ‬#+  V3‫ * آ‬,#L
‫ل‬O‫ و‬F ) FY‫ˆ رو‬CE ) /0%‫ن ا‬L+‫ر‬
0$Y ‫ن‬a% 0(‫& ه‬CJ‫! آ‬%‫& " و‬7%‫!ل ا‬E% ‫!ا‬0
q *+%‫ ا‬S‫& ا‬C7+ " ? ‫!رة إ اه‬4 <) 1%39 F%!O ,0 ‫ر‬NJY‫ ا‬w+‫د‬Y‫ أ‬0
,O FXt) F <09;) ‫ )_ن‬1%‫\ إ‬-X‫!ت ا‬#%‫ ا‬-#% 1%39 S‫!ل ا‬E+ " ‫!ل‬E+ ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f <C0%‫اري * ا‬,%‫ ? ا‬#9 w+,Y (-G‫وأ‬
* ا‬/R#$#. F3
‫!ت و‬#%‫ ا‬-
F %‫\ إ‬-0 ) - ‫ل‬O - FY‫< )’ر‬0JR‫ ا‬VY‫ أ‬w Y F9,G!) ‫ اء‬N%‫ اء وا‬$% FJ G
Q+‫!ى ر‬4 Q+‫( ر‬0
‫!ن‬% Aa% X!% ‫ ون‬U (4‫ و)< رأ‬,Y‫ وا‬/XL+ %‫ ا‬Af‫ن أ‬L+ %‫ ا‬RCr ?(3
‫ و‬/0%‫!ط
* ا‬0Y‫ن و‬2‫أآ‬

م‬n‫ل ا‬O /+y‫\ (^ ا‬-3J9 w+‫د‬Y‫ وردت أ‬,O‫م و‬,E9 #‫ آ‬F%! w+,L%‫م ا‬#9 ‫ " وذآ‬$#%‫ ا‬F ) ˆ K‫ ا‬+ L%‫(? ا‬3
‫ و‬FCYf
" ‫ أ‬E+ S‫!ل ا‬4‫& ر‬3#4 (X‫ أ‬/UR * \ E * S‫ ا‬,C * ‫ ة‬$
* A+, * ‫ هرون‬0W,Y ,#L
* HX!+ 0W,Y ,#Y‫أ‬
‫ل‬O‫ و‬. F ‫!ر‬K‫ ا‬14!
*‫ هرون وه! ا‬w+,Y *
ي وا‬J%‫ اء وآا روا^ أ! داود وا‬%‫ن "  ){ ا‬L+‫) وح ور‬
. ‫ اء‬%‫ ا‬QJ2 " ‫ن‬L+‫ ءوا " ) وح ور‬E) ‫!ن‬OC%‫ ا‬F2%.‫^ و‬,Y‫!ب و‬E3+ ‫ اءة‬O <‫ اءة ه‬E%‫ وه^ ا‬F7+,Y *
‫ إ‬F) 3X  ‫
* ‫ث‬,L9 ‫ذ‬3
&0 ‫{ درة‬#4 FX‫ أ‬A)!X * *#Y %‫ ا‬,C * ,#L
‫!د‬4K‫ أ! ا‬0W,Y /3 (% *‫ ا‬0W,Y *$Y 0W,Y ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫ل ا‬O‫و‬
: ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل ر‬E) ‫ ؟‬N3 0N3 ‫ ى‬+‫ و‬0J
‫اور إذا‬mJX‫? أ‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫& ر‬%;4 (X‫‘ أ‬X‫أم ه‬
. *
Aa% ‫رة‬U F ) w+,L%‫ ها ا‬. " ‫ه‬,$G <) H2X A‫& آ‬-.‫ د‬/
 E%‫!م ا‬+ ‫ إذا آن‬1JY U% \-3+ ‫ ا‬d ?$0%‫!ن ا‬a+ "
* HX‫ * أ‬%

م‬n‫< * ا‬3)U%‫ ا‬H+‫ * إدر‬,#L

م‬n‫ * ا‬,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫
 روا^ ا‬N+‫ أ‬/L[% F% ,(U+‫ و‬A‫;آ‬+ \-3+ 103
<) \-3+ Rd *
g#%‫ ا‬/#$X #X‫ل " إ‬O ?-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ * ر‬F ‫ * أ‬%
* V3‫* * آ‬#Y %‫ ا‬,C * ‫ه ي‬m%‫ا‬

F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ أن ر‬Q L[%‫? و)< ا‬+!O *J
‫د  ? و‬04‫ " وها إ‬F73C+ ‫!م‬+ ^,$G 1%‫ إ‬S‫ ا‬F3G + 1JY /0%‫ ا‬
‫ ش‬3% /E-3
A+‫د‬0O 1%‫;وي إ‬9 ?W ‫ ءت‬w Y /0%‫ض ا‬+‫ ح )< ر‬$9 N. ‫ !ر‬d Af‫!ا‬Y <) ‫اء‬,(U%‫ل " إن أرواح ا‬O ?-4‫و‬
<‫* * أ‬#Y %‫ ا‬,C F ) &)  ‫!م‬+ ‫ل آن أول‬O VR$%‫ ء * ا‬0W,Y ‫م‬#‫ ه‬0W,Y ‫ن‬2 0W,Y : ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫ل ا‬O‫ و‬w+,L%‫" ا‬
S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫{ ر‬#4 ‫< )_ن * )_ن‬0W,Y ‫!ل‬E+ FJ3#$) ‫زة‬0G {CJ+ !‫ر وه‬#Y 1- / L-%‫ أس وا‬%‫ أ ˆ ا‬o  &+‫ رأ‬1- %
‫? ؟‬a aC+ 
‫ل‬E) ‫!ن‬aC+ ‫!م‬E%‫ ا‬V‫ل );آ‬O " ^‫ء‬E% S‫ آ ^ ا‬S‫ء ا‬E% ^ ‫ء^ و
* آ‬E% S‫ ا‬VY‫ أ‬S‫ء ا‬E% VY‫!ل "
* أ‬E+ ?-4‫ و‬F -
% U ‫ذا‬t) " ? 3X /0G‫ن و‬L+‫  * ) وح ور‬E#%‫ " );
 إن آن
* ا‬NJY‫ إذا ا‬F0a%‫ ذاك و‬H % ‫ل‬O ‫!ت‬#%‫ ^ ا‬aX X‫!ا إ‬%E)
U ‫ذا‬t) " ? LG / -[9‫ ? و‬#Y *
‫ل‬m0) * %N%‫ * ا‬a#%‫" وأ
 إن آن
* ا‬VY‫ أ‬FRE-% AG‫ و‬m S‫ وا‬AG‫ و‬m S‫ء ا‬E% VY‫أ‬
^03#% ,‫ ه‬#(0 S‫< ا‬r‫ ر‬/UR * ,#Y‫
م أ‬n‫ا روا^ ا‬a‫ء^ أآ ^ ه‬E-% 1%39 S‫ وا‬S‫ء ا‬E% ^ ‫ آ‬%

ِ ِ# َ %ْ ‫ب ا‬
ِ َLf
ْ ‫َوَأ
 ِإنْ آَنَ ِ
*ْ َأ‬

" * # %‫ب ا‬Lf‫

* أ‬% ‫_م‬$) " * # %‫ب ا‬Lf‫
* أ‬NJL#%‫ * " أي وأ
 إن آن ا‬# %‫ب ا‬Lf‫" وأ
 إن آن
* أ‬1%39 F%!O‫و‬
: ,+‫دة وا* ز‬JO ‫ل‬O‫ * و‬# %‫ب ا‬Lf‫&
* أ‬X‫ أ‬/
_4 1%‫& إ‬X‫  أ‬- ‫ أي  ;س‬% ‫_م‬4 ?‫ه‬,YK ‫!ل‬E9 % /aR_#%‫ ه? ا‬UC9 ‫أي‬
*$Y 103
‫ * وها‬# %‫ب ا‬Lf‫
* أ‬FX‫ ^ أ‬Co9‫ و‬/aR_#%‫ ا‬F - ?-$9 /
a ‫ل‬O #‫ آ‬S‫ ا‬/aR_
F - &#-4‫ و‬S‫?
* اب ا‬-4
/0% ‫ وا‬U‫!ا وأ‬XmL9 ‫)!ا و‬o9 ‫ أ‬/aR_#%‫ (? ا‬- ‫ل‬m0J9 ‫
!ا‬EJ4‫? ا‬W S‫ ا‬0‫!ا ر‬%O *+%‫" إن ا‬1%39 S‫!ل ا‬E‫ آ‬%‫!ن ذ‬a+‫و‬
‫!ر‬2 *
mX ‫!ن‬,9 
( ) ?a%‫? و‬a$2X‫(< أ‬JU9 
( ) ?a%‫ ة و‬.y‫  و)< ا‬X,%‫ ة ا‬L%‫ آ? )< ا‬%‫* أو‬LX ‫ون‬,!9 ?J0‫< آ‬J%‫ا‬
* )$
&X‫!ل أ‬E9 #‫ه آ‬03
<E‫ & أن و‬s%‫ * وأ‬# %‫ب ا‬Lf‫
* أ‬X‫ أ‬% ?-$
‫ أي‬% ‫_م‬$) ‫ري‬oC%‫ل ا‬O " ? Y‫ر‬
,O‫ء و‬,%‫_م )(!
* ا‬$%‫& ا‬3)‫ل إن ر‬G %‫
* ا‬%  E4 %!E‫ آ‬F% ‫ء‬,%‫!ن آ‬a+ ,O‫ و‬A -O * )$
<X‫ل إ‬O ,O ‫ إذا آن‬A -O
?-‫ أ‬S‫ وا‬F %‫ و
ل إ‬/  3%‫ ا‬A‫ˆ أه‬3 * ‫ا‬a‫ ه‬+ G *‫^ ا‬aY

ِ ِ# َ ْ%‫ب ا‬
ِ َLf
ْ ‫ ِ
*ْ َأ‬
َ َ% ٌ‫َم‬-$
َ َ)

* # %‫ب ا‬Lf‫
* أ‬% ‫_م‬$) " * # %‫ب ا‬Lf‫
* أ‬NJL#%‫ * " أي وأ
 إن آن ا‬# %‫ب ا‬Lf‫ " وأ
 إن آن
* أ‬1%39 F%!O‫و‬
*‫دة وا‬JO ‫ل‬O‫ * و‬# %‫ب ا‬Lf‫&
* أ‬X‫ أ‬/
_4 1%‫& إ‬X‫  أ‬- ‫ أي  ;س‬% ‫_م‬4 ?‫ه‬,YK ‫!ل‬E9 % /aR_#%‫ ه? ا‬UC9 ‫" أي‬
‫ * وها‬# %‫ب ا‬Lf‫
* أ‬FX‫ ^ أ‬Co9‫ و‬/aR_#%‫ ا‬F - ?-$9 /
a ‫ل‬O #‫ آ‬S‫ ا‬/aR_
F - &#-4‫ و‬S‫?
* اب ا‬-4 : ,+‫ز‬
‫ وا‬U‫!ا وأ‬XmL9 ‫)!ا و‬o9 ‫ أ‬/aR_#%‫ (? ا‬- ‫ل‬m0J9 ‫
!ا‬EJ4‫? ا‬W S‫ ا‬0‫!ا ر‬%O *+%‫ " إن ا‬1%39 S‫!ل ا‬E‫ آ‬%‫!ن ذ‬a+‫* و‬$Y
mX ‫!ن‬,9 
( ) ?a%‫? و‬a$2X‫(< أ‬JU9 
( ) ?a%‫ ة و‬.y‫  و)< ا‬X,%‫ ة ا‬L%‫ آ? )< ا‬%‫* أو‬LX ‫ون‬,!9 ?J0‫< آ‬J%‫ ا‬/0%
&X‫!ل أ‬E9 #‫ه آ‬03
<E‫ & أن و‬s%‫ * وأ‬# %‫ب ا‬Lf‫
* أ‬X‫ أ‬% ?-$
‫ أي‬% ‫_م‬$) ‫ري‬oC%‫ل ا‬O " ? Y‫!ر ر‬2
‫ء‬,%‫_م )(!
* ا‬$%‫& ا‬3)‫ل إن ر‬G %‫
* ا‬%  E4 %!E‫ آ‬F% ‫ء‬,%‫!ن آ‬a+ ,O‫ و‬A -O * )$
<X‫ل إ‬O ,O ‫ إذا آن‬A -O *
?-‫ أ‬S‫ وا‬F %‫ و
ل إ‬/  3%‫ ا‬A‫ˆ أه‬3 * ‫ا‬a‫ ه‬+ G *‫^ ا‬aY ,O‫و‬.

These are the three types of conditions that people face upon their death. Either they are
among the near believers or those below their rank on the right, or those who denied the
truth, were led astray from the guidance and were ignorant about Allah. Allah said,

6َ‫ َ)َ;
 إِن آَن‬

(Then if he), in reference to the dying person,

6َ* ِ  Eَ ُ#%ْ ‫* ا‬

(be of the Muqarrabun) who fulfilled the obligations and the recommended acts of worship
and avoided the forbidden and disliked matters and even some of the allowed,

6 ٍ? ِ3Xَ &
ُ ‫ـ‬0G
َ ‫َنٌ َو‬L+ْ ‫)َ َ ْوحٌ وَ َر‬

(then for him Rawh, Rayhan and a Garden of Delights.) Theirs will be Rawh and Rayhan;
and the glad tidings of these traits will be conveyed to them by the angels at the time of death.
We mentioned before the Prophet's Hadith narrated from Al-Bara' in which the angels of
mercy say (to a dying, believing person),

َ ِ ْ
َ ‫ب‬
َ ‫ن َو َر‬
ٍ َL+ْ ‫ح َو َر‬
ٍ ْ‫ رَو‬1َ%‫ِ< ِإ‬G ُ ْ.‫ ا‬،Fَ0+ِ ُ#3ْ 9َ &
ِ 0ْ ‫ ُآ‬V
ِ h %‫ِ ا‬,$
َ %ْ ‫ )ِ< ا‬/ُ Cَ h 
 %‫ح ا‬
ُ ‫ و‬%‫(َ ا‬Jُ + ‫»َأ‬

(O good soul in the good body that you inhabited, come to Rawh, Rayhan and a Lord Who is
not angry.) `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported from Ibn `Abbas, "Rawh means rest, and Rayhan
means place of rest.'' Mujahid said similarly that Rawh means rest. Abu Hazrah said that
Rawh means: "Rest from the world.'' Sa`id bin Jubayr and As-Suddi said that it means to
rejoice. And from Mujahid:

6ٌ‫َن‬L+ْ ‫)َ َ وْحٌ َو َر‬

(Rawh and Rayhan) means: "Paradise and delights.'' Qatadah said that Rawh means mercy.
Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid and Sa`id bin Jubayr said that Rayhan means provisions. All of these
explanations are correct and similar in meaning. The near believers who die will earn all of
these; mercy, rest, provision, joy, happiness and good delights,

6ٍ? ِ3Xَ &

ُ ‫ـ‬0G
َ ‫ َو‬

(and a Garden of Delights.) Abu Al-`Aliyah said, "None of the near believers will depart (this
life) until after he is brought a branch of the Rayhan of Paradise and his soul is captured in
it.'' Muhammad bin Ka`b said, "Every person who dies will know upon his death if he is
among the people of Paradise or the people of the Fire.'' In the Sahih, it is recorded that the
Messenger of Allah said,

«‫ ْش‬3َ ْ%ِ /ٍ َE-َ3

ُ Aَ +ِ‫َد‬0َO 1َ%‫َ ْ;وِي ِإ‬9 ? Wُ ،ْ‫ َ َءت‬w
ُ ْ Y
َ /ِ 0 
َ %ْ ‫َضِ ا‬+‫ح )ِ< ِر‬
ُ َ $
ْ َ9 ،ٍ ْN.
ُ ٍ‫ ُ!ر‬d
ُ Aِ f
ِ ‫َ!َا‬Y <ِ) ‫َا ِء‬,(َ U
 %‫ح ا‬
َ ‫ن َأرْوَا‬

(The souls of the martyrs live in the bodies of green birds flying wherever they wish in the
Gardens of Paradise, and then rest to their nests in chandeliers hung from the Throne of the
Almighty....) Imam Ahmad recorded that `Ata' bin As-Sa'ib said, "The first day I saw `Abdur-
Rahman bin Abi Layla, I saw an old man whose hair had become white on his head and
beard. He was riding his donkey and following a funeral. I heard him say, `So-and-so
narrated to me that he heard the Messenger of Allah say,

«^َ‫َء‬E%ِ S
ُ ‫ َآ ِ َ^ ا‬S
ِ ‫َ َء ا‬E%ِ ^َ ِ ‫ َو َ
*ْ َآ‬،ُ^‫َ َء‬E%ِ S
ُ ‫ا‬V
َ ‫ َأ‬S
ِ ‫َ َء ا‬E%ِ V
 َY‫» َ
*ْ َأ‬

(He who likes to meet Allah, Allah likes to meet him, and he who hates to meet Allah, Allah
hates to meet him.) The people around him started weeping, and he asked them why they
wept. They said, `All of us hate death.' He said,

َ N
ِ Jُ Y
ْ ‫ ِإذَا ا‬Fُ 0 aِ %َ‫ و‬،َ‫ ذَاك‬H
َ ْ %َ »

6 ٍ? ِ3Xَ &
ُ ‫ـ‬0G
َ ‫َنٌ َو‬L+ْ َ‫ )َ َ ْوحٌ َور‬- *
َ ِ  Eَ #ُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫)ََ;
 إِن آ‬

VَY‫ َأ‬Fِ Rِ َE-ِِ% AG

َ ‫ َو‬m 
َ ُS‫ وَا‬،AَG‫ َو‬m
َ S
ِ ‫َءَ ا‬Eِ% V
 َY‫َ َأ‬%ِِ َ U
h ُ ‫ذَا‬tَِ)

6 ٍ? ِLG
َ /ُ َ -ِ[
ْ َ9‫ َو‬- ?ٍ ِ#Y
َ ْ*
h ٌ‫ل‬mُ ُ0)َ - َ* h%N%‫* ا‬
َ ِh َa#ُ %ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ ‫ن‬
َ َ‫ َوَأ
 إِن آ‬

«^َ ‫ َأ ْآ‬Fِ Rِ َE-ِِ% 1َ%َ39َ S

ُ ‫وَا‬،ِS‫َ َء ا‬Eِ% ^َ ِ ‫ َآ‬
َ ِ%ِ َ U
h ُ ‫ذَا‬tَ)

(It does not mean that. When one dies: (Then, if he be of the near believers, then for him are
Rawh, Rayhan, and a Garden of Delights.)( and when this good news is conveyed to him, he

likes to meet Allah the Exalted and Most Honored and Allah the Exalted and Most Honored
likes, even more, to meet him, (But if he be of the denying, the erring, then for him is an
entertainment with Hamim. And entry in Hellfire.)( and when this news is conveyed to him, he
hates to meet Allah and Allah hates, even more, to meet him.)'' This is the narration that
Imam Ahmad collected; and in the Sahih, there is a Hadith with this meaning collected from
`A'ishah. Allah's statement,

ِ ِ# َ %ْ ‫ ا‬V
ِ ‫َـ‬Lf
ْ ‫ َوَأ
 إِن آَنَ ِ
*ْ َأ‬

(And if he be of those on the right,) means, if he, the dying person, is among those on the right,

ِ ِ# َ %ْ ‫ ا‬V
ِ ‫َـ‬Lf
ْ ‫ ِ
*ْ َأ‬
َ % ٌ?‫َـ‬-$
َ َ)

(Then Salam (peace) to you from those on the right) meaning, the angels will deliver the good
news to them by saying, "Peace be upon you,'' i.e., be calm, you will be led to safety, you are
among those on the right, as `Ikrimah said, "The angels will greet him with the Salam and
convey to him the news that he is among those on the right. '' This is a good explanation, and
it conforms with Allah's statement,

*ْLXَ - ‫ن‬َ ‫ُو‬,َ !ُ9 ْ?Jُ 0ُ‫ آ‬1ِJ%‫ِ ا‬/0 َ%ْ ِ ‫ِ ُو ْا‬Uْ ‫ُ!اْ َوَأ‬Xmَ ْL9َ َ ‫َ)ُ!اْ َو‬oَ9  ‫ َأ‬/ُ aَ Tِ ‫َـ‬-#َ %ْ ‫َ ْ ِ( ُ? ا‬-
َ ‫ ُل‬m0َ Jَ َ9 ْ‫ُ!ا‬#‫َـ‬EJَ 4
ْ ‫ ? ا‬Wُ Fُ -%‫َ ا‬0 َ‫ُ!اْ ر‬%َO *
َ +ِ%‫ن ا‬
6 ?ٍ ِY‫ُ! ٍر ر‬2
َ ْ*
h ً mُ Xُ - ‫ن‬َ !ُ, َ9 َ
َ( ِ) ْ?aُ %َ‫?ْ َو‬aُ $ ُ ُ2Xَ‫ أ‬1ِ(Jَ Uْ َ9 َ
َ( ِ) ْ?aُ %َ‫ َ ةِ َو‬. ِ  ‫ ا‬1ِ)‫ْ َ َو‬X, %‫َ َ! ِة ا‬L%ْ ‫ ا‬1ِ) ْ?‫ِ َ ُؤ ُآ‬%ْ‫َأو‬

(Verily, those who say: "Our Lord is Allah.'' and then they stand firm, on them the angles will
descend (at the time of their death) (saying): "Fear not, nor grieve! But receive the glad
tidings of Paradise which you have been promised! We have been your friends in the life of
this world and are (so) in the Hereafter. Therein you shall have (all) that your souls desire, and
therein you shall have (all) for which you ask. An entertainment from the Oft-Forgiving, Most
Merciful.'') (41:30-32).

68. QS Al An'am 6:32-36

َ ‫ُو‬,L
ْ +َ Fِ -%‫& ا‬
ِ ‫َـ‬+َ‫* ِـ‬
َ ِ#ِ-‫ـ‬%‫* ا‬aِ ‫َـ‬%َ‫ و‬
َ Xَ !ُh َa+ُ َ ْ?(ُ Xtِ)َ َ‫ُ!ن‬%!ُE+َ ‫ِى‬%‫ ا‬
َ Xُ ُmL
ْ َ َ% Fُ X ‫ ُ? ِإ‬-َ3ْ َX ْ,Oَ 

َ ِ-4
َ ْ ُ#%ْ ‫ ا‬tَِCX *ِ
َ ‫َ َء‬G ْ,Eَ%َ‫ و‬Fِ -%‫& ا‬
ِ ‫َـ‬#-َِa%ِ ‫ َل‬,h Cَ
ُ َ ‫َ َو‬X ُ ْ[Xَ ْ?(ُ ‫َـ‬9‫ َأ‬1JY
َ ْ‫ُ!اْ َوأُوذُوا‬h ‫
َ ُآ‬1َ-
َ ْ‫ ُوا‬Cَ َ[)َ 
َ ِ-Cْ Oَ *h
ُ ‫ َ&ْ ُر‬h‫ْ ُآ‬,َE%َ‫ َو‬-

?ُ(3َ #َ 
َ %َ Fُ -%‫َ!ْ َءَ ا‬%‫ٍ َو‬/+َ َ‫ َ ُ(?ْ ِـ‬9ِ ْ;Jَ َ) ‫َ ِء‬#$
 %‫ ا‬1ِ) ً#-4
ُ ْ‫ض َأو‬
ِ ْ‫ ا ر‬1ِ) ًEَ2Xَ َ1sِ Jَ Cْ 9َ ‫& أَن‬
َ 3ْ َJَ 4
ْ ‫ِن ا‬tَ) ْ?(ُ r
ُ ‫ ِإْ َا‬
َ ْ َ-
َ َ Cُ َ‫ن آ‬
َ َ‫ َوإِن آ‬-
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ِ *
 Xَ !ُa9َ _
َ )َ ‫َى‬,(ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬1َ- َ

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ْ +َ *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬V
ُ ِJَ $
ْ +َ َ#X ‫ ِإ‬6

6:32. Dan tiadalah kehidupan dunia ini, selain dari main-main dan senda gurau belaka. Dan
sungguh kampung akhirat itu lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa. Maka tidakkah
kamu memahaminya?
6:33. Sesungguhnya, Kami mengetahui bahwasanya apa yang mereka katakan itu
menyedihkan hatimu, (janganlah kamu bersedih hati), karena mereka sebenarnya bukan
mendustakan kamu, akan tetapi orang-orang yang zalim itu mengingkari ayat-ayat Allah.
6:34. Dan sesungguhnya telah didustakan (pula) rasul-rasul sebelum kamu, akan tetapi
mereka sabar terhadap pendustaan dan penganiayaan (yang dilakukan) terhadap mereka,
sampai datang pertolongan Kami kepada mereka. Tak ada seorang pun yang dapat merubah
kalimat-kalimat (janji-janji) Allah. Dan sesungguhnya telah datang kepadamu sebahagian
dari berita rasul-rasul itu.
6:35. Dan jika perpalingan mereka (darimu) terasa amat berat bagimu, maka jika kamu
dapat membuat lobang di bumi atau tangga ke langit lalu kamu dapat mendatangkan
mukjizat kepada mereka, (maka buatlah). Kalau Allah menghendaki tentu saja Allah
menjadikan mereka semua dalam petunjuk, sebab itu janganlah kamu sekali-kali termasuk
orang-orang yang jahil.
6:36. Hanya orang-orang yang mendengar sajalah yang mematuhi (seruan Allah), dan orang-
orang yang mati (hatinya), akan dibangkitkan oleh Allah, kemudian kepada-Nya-lah mereka

(32. And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. But far better is the abode
of the Hereafter for those have Taqwa. Will you not then understand)

(33. We know indeed the grief which their words cause you; it is not you that they deny, but it
is the verses of Allah that the wrongdoers deny.)

(34. Verily, (many) Messengers were denied before you, but with patience they bore the denial,
and they were hurt, till Our help reached them, and none can alter the Words of Allah. Surely,
there has reached you the information about the Messengers (before you).)

(35. If their aversion is hard on you, then if you were able to seek a tunnel in the ground or a
ladder to the sky, so that you may bring them a sign. And had Allah willed, He could have
gathered them together upon true guidance, so be not you one of the ignorant.)

(36. It is only those who listen, that will respond, but as for the dead, Allah will raise them up,
then to Him they will be returned.)

‫‪ $29‬ا* آ‪ 7‬‬

‫ن َأ)َ‪َ !ُ-ِE3ْ 9َ َ-‬‬
‫‪َ L‬ةُ ا‪ِ َ ْX, %‬إ‪َ ٌV3ِ َ% %‬و‪َ ٌ!(ْ َ%‬و‪,-َ%‬ا ُر ا‪ُ َ ِ.ْ%‬ة ‪َ !ُEJ +َ َ*+ِ-ِ% ٌ ْ َ.‬‬
َ ا ْ‪َ %‬‬

‫‪ " .‬و‪ " F%!O‬و

 ا‪ L%‬ة ا‪  X,%‬إ ‪ V3%‬و‪ " !(%‬أي إ‪ (C% #X‬آ‪ " %‬و‪,-%‬ار ا‪ .y‬ة ‪!EJ+ *+-% .‬ن أ)_ ‪!-E39‬ن‬

‫‪ُ,L‬و َ‬
‫ت ا‪ْ +َ Fِ -%‬‬
‫ َوَ‪ *aِ %‬ا‪ِ َ+ِ َ* ِ#%ِ%‬‬
‫ن )َِ‪َ Xَ !ُh َa+ُ َ% ْ?(ُ Xt‬‬
‫ ا‪ِ%‬ي َ‪َ !ُ%!ُE+‬‬
‫َ‪ِ ?ُ -َْ3Xَ ْ,O‬إ ‪َ Xُ mُ ْL َ %َ Fُ X‬‬

‫‪!E+‬ل ‪ 1-f F C0%  -$

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!O V+a9 <) ?-4‬و
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‫‪ $2X {.‬أن  ‪!X!a+‬ا
‪Wq 1- $2X {. -3-) " " * 0
g‬ره? إن ‪!0
g+ ?%‬ا (ا ا‪ w+,L%‬أ‪ " 24‬و‪X!a+  ?(Xt) " F%!O‬‬
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K‬و‪ *a%‬ا‪+ * #%%‬ت ا‪,L+ S‬ون" أي و‪?(0a%‬‬
‫‪,X3+‬ون ا‪ \L%‬و‪,[ FX!3),+‬وره? آ‪O #‬ل ‪ 24‬ن ا‪!7%‬ري * أ< إ‪L4‬ق * ‪ * / GX‬آ‪O <- * V3‬ل ‪O :‬ل أ! ‪<C0-% A(G‬‬
‫‪ 1-f‬ا‪ F - 1%39 S‬و‪ F%q‬و‪ : ?-4‬إ‪ aX  X‬و‪aX *a%‬ب
 ‪mX;) F &TG‬ل ا‪ X!a+  ?(Xt) " S‬و‪ *a%‬ا‪+ * #%%‬ت ا‪S‬‬
‫‪,L+‬ون " روا^ ا‪L%‬آ?
* ‪ \+ d‬إ‪ 4‬ا‪ * A R‬أ< إ‪L4‬ق ‪O ?W .‬ل ‪  1- Q Lf :‬ط ا‪ * o U%‬و‪ . ^G o+ ?%‬و‪O‬ل ا* أ<‬
‫‪ * ,#L
0W,Y : ?9Y‬ا‪!%‬ز‪ +‬ا‪!%‬ا‪ * U 0W,Y /a# <4‬ا‪ UC#%‬ا‪!%‬ا‪_4 * <4‬م *
‪ * * a$‬أ< ‪ ,+m+‬ا‪ <X,#%‬أن ا‪<C0%‬‬
‫‪ 1-f‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪ <E% ?-4‬أ ‪O FL)[) A(G‬ل ‪ F%‬ر‪ AG‬أ أراك ‪ Q)[9‬ها ا‪ ‘[%‬؟ )‪E‬ل وا‪ S‬إ‪ ?-K <X‬إ‪ <C0% FX‬و‪ 1J
,C <0C%‬ف ‪ 3C9‬؟ و‪ _9‬أ! ‪ X!a+  ?(Xt) " ,+m+‬و‪ *a%‬ا‪+ * #%%‬ت ا‪,L+ S‬ون " و‪O‬ل أ! ‪ Q%f‬و‪JO‬دة ‪!#-3+ :‬ن‬
‫أ‪ X‬ر‪!4‬ل ا‪ S‬و‪,L+‬ون ; وذآ
‪ * ,#L‬إ‪L4‬ق * ا‪m%‬ه ي )< ‪ /[O‬أ< ‪G * Y A(G‬ء ‪ O {#J$+‬اءة ا‪ 1-f <C0%‬ا‪F - S‬‬
‫و‪ *
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,Y‬ه إ‪ 1%‬ا‪C[%‬ح )‪ #-‬ه?‬
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A‬ء  ؟ )آ ‪G 
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* ‪?-‬‬
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A‬أن ‪T +  F CYf‬ن ‪ *
\C4 #%‬ا‪!(3%‬د )‪#-‬‬
‫أ‪!LCf‬ا ‪ ?(J3#G‬ا‪_J) \+ %‬و
!ا ‪39 ?W‬ه‪,‬وا أن  ‪!3+‬دوا )‪ #-‬آ‪ &X‬ا‪ /- -%‬ا‪G /7%7%‬ءوا أ‪ #-) N+‬أ‪!LCf‬ا ‪39‬ه‪,‬وا أن  ‪!3+‬دوا‬
‫‪!O 29 ?W (-7#%‬ا )‪ #-‬أ‪ QCf‬ا‪ \+  * H0.K‬أ‪ . ?W ^[ .‬ج ‪ 1JY‬أ‪ 19‬أ ‪ 24‬ن * ‪ Y‬ب )<  ‪E) FJ‬ل ‪ :‬أ‪ + <X C.‬أ‬
‫‪ * /-0Y‬رأ‪O ,#L
&3#4 # ) +‬ل ‪ +‬أ ‪ /C-3W‬وا‪ &3#4 ,E% S‬أ ء أ )( وأ ف
 ‪ +‬اد ( و‪ &3#4‬أ ء
‫ )&
‪03‬ه و
 ‪ +‬اد ( ‪O‬ل ا‪ : H0.K‬وأ‪ X‬وا‪%‬ي ‪ . ?W F &2-Y‬ج
* ‪ 1JY ^,0‬أ‪ 19‬أ ‪E) FJ  <) F - A.,) A(G‬ل ‪+‬‬
‫أ ا‪ 
?aL%‬رأ‪ ,#L
&3#4 # ) +‬؟ ‪O‬ل
ذا ‪ &3#4‬؟ ‪O‬ل ‪09‬ز‪ *LX 0‬و‪0
,C !0‬ف ا‪ U%‬ف أ‪!#3d‬ا );‪ 0#3d‬و‪!-#Y‬ا‬
‫)‪ 0-#L‬وأ!ا ); ‪ 1JY 0‬إذا ‪ 1- 0 W9‬ا‪ %‬آ‪ V‬وآ‪ 0‬آ‪ <4 2‬رهن ‪!%O‬ا ‪ F 9;+ <CX 0
:‬ا‪ *
<Y!%‬ا‪#$%‬ء )‪,X 1J#‬رك ه^ ؟‬
‫وا‪ F *
gX  S‬أ‪,‬ا و ‪O FO,[X‬ل )‪E‬م ‪ F0‬ا‪ H0.K‬و‪ 9‬آ‪ . F‬وروى ا* ‪ \+ d *
+ G‬أ‪C4‬ط * ا‪,$%‬ي )< ‪?-3X ,O " F%!O‬‬
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V-‬ر‪ * #%4 ?J3G‬وإن ‪t) ,#L
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!O‬ا ‪- T  ?a‬‬
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* <X C.‬أ‪f‬دق ه! أم‬
‫آذب )‪ H % FXt‬ه(‪ e+ O *
0‬ي و ك ‪ {#J$+‬آ_
‪ 0‬؟ )‪E‬ل أ! ‪ A(G‬و‪ L+‬وا‪ S‬إن
‪,#L‬ا ‪[%‬دق و
‪}O ,#L‬‬
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S‬ا‪ F - S‬و‪?-4‬‬

‫‪َ ِ-4‬‬
‫ت ا‪ Fِ -%‬وََ‪َ َG ْ,Eَ %‬ءكَ ِ
*ْ ‪ tِCَ َX‬ا ْ‪َ ْ #ُ %‬‬
‫[ ُ‪ َX‬وَ‪َ h,Cَ
ُ َ%‬ل ِ‪ِ َ#-َِa%‬‬
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‫‪ُ َ
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ِ ٌA4‬وا َ‬
‫َوَ‪ ْ,َE%‬آُ ‪ُ ْ&َ h‬ر ُ‬

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A4‬وا ‪ 
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‫و‪ *# ) F% /+m39‬آ‪ F
!O *
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g#%‬آ‪O #‬ل " و‪ &EC4 ,E%‬آ‪C3% 0J#-‬د‪ X‬ا‪* -4 #%‬‬
‫إ‪ ?(% ?(X‬ا‪![0#%‬رون وإن ‪ ?(% X,0G‬ا‪!C%s%‬ن " و‪O‬ل ‪ " 1%39‬آ‪ VJ‬ا‪ *C- K S‬أ‪ X‬ور‪ <-4‬إن ا‪!O S‬ي ‪ " m+m‬و‪ " F%!O‬و‪,E%‬‬
‫‪G .‬ءك
* ‪ ;CX‬ا‪ " * -4 #%‬أي
* ‪ C.‬ه? آ ‚ ‪ [X‬وا وأ‪,+‬وا ‪ *
* ‪ ?( ) -) ?(
!O‬أ‪!4‬ة و(? ‪,O‬وة‬

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‫< َ‪ <ِ) ًEَ2X‬ا ْ‪;َ%‬رْضِ َأوْ ُ‬
‫& َأنْ َ‪َ sِ َJCْ 9‬‬
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‫ ِإ ْ‬
‫َوِإنْ آَنَ َآ ُ‪َ ْ -ََ َ C‬‬
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‫* ِ
َ‬ ‫ا‪َ,(ُ ْ%‬ى )َ‪ Xَ !ُa9َ َ-‬‬

‫‪O ?W‬ل ‪ " 1%39‬وإن آن آ‪  - C‬إ ا‪ " ?(r‬أي إن آن \ ‪  -‬إ ا‪t) " 0 ?(r‬ن ا‪ &3J4‬أن ‪ <) E2X <sJC9‬ا‪K‬رض‬

‫ء‬#$%‫ )< ا‬#-4 % A39 ‫ أو‬/+ ?( 9;J) F ) V‫ه‬J) ‫ ب‬$%‫\ ا‬20%‫ ا‬: ‫س‬C *‫ * ا‬/L-d <‫< * أ‬- ‫ل‬O " ‫ء‬#$%‫ )< ا‬#-4 ‫أو‬
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AN)‫ أ‬/+ ?( 9;J) F ) ,3[J)
*‫ * ا‬/L-d <‫< * أ‬- ‫ل‬O /+y‫ " ا‬3 #G ?(-‫رض آ‬K‫
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‫س‬0%‫ { ا‬#G *
g+ ‫ ص أن‬L+ ‫? آن‬-4‫ و‬F - S‫ ا‬1-f S‫!ل ا‬4‫ل إن ر‬O " ‫ى‬,(%‫ ا‬1- ?(3#% S‫! ء ا‬%‫ " و‬F%!O <) ‫س‬C
‫ول‬K‫آ ا‬%‫دة )< ا‬3$%‫ ا‬S‫
* ا‬F% \C4 ,O *
* إ‬g+  FX‫ أ‬S‫ ا‬C.;) ‫ى‬,(%‫ ا‬1- ^!3J+‫ و‬.

َ ْ +ُ Fِ ْ %َ‫ ? ِإ‬Wُ Fُ -%‫ ُ( ُ? ا‬7ُ َ3Cْ +َ 1َ9ْ!#َ %ْ ‫ن وَا‬
َ !ُ3#َ $
ْ +َ *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬V
ُ ِJَ ْ$+َ َ#X ‫ِإ‬

‫ر‬0 % " F%!E‫ آ‬F#(2+‫ و‬F 3+‫_م و‬a%‫{ ا‬#$+ *

+ R,% V J$+ #X‫!ن " أي إ‬3#$+ *+%‫ ا‬V J$+ #X‫ " إ‬1%39 F%!O‫و‬
‫!ب‬-E%‫ ا‬19!
?(XK ‫ر‬2a%‫ ا‬% <03+ " ‫!ن‬3G + F %‫? إ‬W S‫(? ا‬73C+ 19!#%‫" وا‬F%!O‫* " و‬+ )a%‫ ا‬1- ‫!ل‬E%‫\ ا‬L+‫  و‬Y ‫
* آن‬
?( - ‫? (? وازدراء‬a(J%‫!ن " وها
* ب ا‬3G + F %‫? إ‬W S‫(? ا‬73C+ 19!#%‫ل " وا‬E) ‫د‬$GK‫ ;
!ات ا‬S‫((? ا‬CU) .

Allah's statement,

6ٌ!(ْ َ%‫ٌ َو‬V3ِ %َ  ‫ َ ِإ‬Xْ ,%‫َ َ! ُة ا‬L%ْ ‫ َو

َ ا‬

(And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement.) means, most of it is play and

6َ‫ُ!ن‬-Eِ 3ْ َ9 _
َ )َ ‫ن َأ‬
َ !ُEJ+َ *
َ +ِ-%h ٌ ْ .
َ ُ‫ َ ة‬.
ِ  ‫ا ُر ا‬,-َ%‫ َو‬

(But far better is the abode of the Hereafter for those who have Taqwa. Will you not then

Allah comforts the Prophet in his grief over his people's denial and defiance of him,

6َ‫ُ!ن‬%!ُE+َ ‫ِى‬%‫ ا‬
َ Xُ ُmL
ْ َ َ% Fُ X ‫ ُ? ِإ‬-َ3ْ َX ْ,Oَ 

(We know indeed the grief which their words cause you;) meaning, We know about their
denial of you and your sadness and sorrow for them. Allah said in other Ayat,

‫ َت‬$
َ َY ْ?(ِ ْ -ََ 
ُ 2ْ Xَ ْV‫ْ َه‬9َ _
َ )َ 6 (So destroy not yourself in sorrow for them.) 35:86, and

* ِ0
ِ ْg
ُ ْ‫ُ!ا‬X!ُa+َ  ‫ َأ‬
َ 2ْ X ٌ{ِo‫ َـ‬
َ -3َ َ% 6 (It may be that you are going to kill yourself with grief, that they
do not become believers.) 26:36, and,

6 ً2َ4‫ َأ‬w
ِ +ِ,L
َ %ْ ‫ُ!اْ ِ(َـَا ا‬0
ِ ْgُ+ ْ?% ‫َـ ِ ِه?ْ إِن‬W‫ ءَا‬1َ-َ 
َ ْ2X ٌ{o
ِ ‫ َـ‬
َ -3َ -ََ)

(Perhaps, you, would kill yourself in grief, over their footsteps (for their turning away from
you), because they believe not in this narration.) 18:66 Allah's statement,

ْ +َ ِF-%‫& ا‬
ِ ‫َـ‬+َ‫* ِـ‬
َ ِ#-ِ‫ـ‬%‫* ا‬aِ ‫َـ‬%‫ َو‬
َ Xَ !ُhaَ +ُ َ ْ?(ُ X tَِ)

(it is not you that they deny, but it is the verses of Allah that the wrongdoers deny.) means,
they do not accuse you of being a liar,

َ ْ+َ Fِ -%‫& ا‬
ِ ‫َـ‬+َ‫* ِـ‬
َ ِ#-ِ‫ـ‬%‫* ا‬aِ ‫َـ‬%َ‫و‬

(but it is the Verses of Allah that the wrongdoers deny. ) It is only the truth that they reject
and refuse. Muhammad bin Ishaq mentioned that Az-Zuhri said that Abu Jahl, Abu Sufyan

Sakhr bin Harb and Al-Akhnas bin Shurayq once came to listen to the Prophet reciting the
Qur'an at night, but these three men were not aware of the presence of each other. So they
listened to the Prophet's recitation until the morning, and then left. They met each other on
their way back and each one of them asked the others, "What brought you'' So they
mentioned to each other the reason why they came. They vowed not to repeat this incident so
that the young men of Quraysh would not hear of what they did and imitate them. On the
second night, each one of the three came back thinking that the other two would not come
because of the vows they made to each other. In the morning, they again met each other on
their way back and criticized each other, vowing not to repeat what they did. On the third
night, they again went to listen to the Prophet and in the morning they again vowed not to
repeat this incident. During that day, Al-Akhnas bin Shurayq took his staff and went to Abu
Sufyan bin Harb in his house saying, "O Abu Hanzalah! What is your opinion concerning
what you heard from Muhammad.'' Abu Sufyan said, "O Abu Tha`labah! By Allah, I have
heard some things that I recognize and know their implications. I also heard some things
whose meaning and implications were unknown to me.'' Al-Akhnas said, "And I the same, by
He Whom you swore by!'' Al-Akhnas left Abu Sufyan and went to Abu Jahl and asked him,
"O Abu Al-Hakam! What is your opinion about what you heard from Muhammad. '' Abu
Jahl said, "We competed with Bani `Abd Manaf (the Prophet's subtribe) and so we fed as they
fed and gave away as they gave away. So, when we were neck and neck with them, just as two
horses in a race, they said, `There is a Prophet from among us, to whom revelation from the
heaven comes.' So how can we ever beat them at that By Allah we will never believe in him or
accept what he says.' This is when Al-Akhnas left Abu Jahl and went away.'' Allah's

6َX ُ [
ْ Xَ ْ?(ُ ‫َـ‬9‫ َأ‬1JY
َ ْ‫ُ!اْ َوأُوذُوا‬h ُ‫
َ آ‬1َ-
َ ْ‫َ ُوا‬C[
َ )َ َ-ِCْ Oَ *h
ُ ‫َ&ْ ُر‬h ‫ْ ُآ‬,Eَ %َ‫ َو‬

(Verily, (many) Messengers were denied before you, but with patience they bore the denial,
and they were hurt, till Our help reached them,) This comforts the Prophet's concern for
those who denied and rejected him. Allah also commands the Prophet to be patient, just as the
mighty Messengers before him were. He also promised him victory, just as the previous
Messengers were victorious and the good end was theirs, after the denial and harm their
people placed on them. Then, victory came to them in this life, just as victory is theirs in the
Hereafter. Allah said,

6ِF-%‫& ا‬
ِ ‫َـ‬#-َِa%ِ ‫ َل‬h,Cَ
ُ َ ‫ َو‬

(and none can alter the Words of Allah.) This refers to His decision that victory in this life and
the Hereafter is for His believing servants. Allah said in other Ayat,

َ !ُCِ-‫َـ‬s%ْ ‫َ ُ( ُ? ا‬% َXَ,0ُG ‫ن‬
 ‫ َوِإ‬- َ‫[ُ!رُون‬0َ#%ْ ‫َ ُ( ُ? ا‬% ْ?(ُ X‫ ِإ‬- َ* ِ-4
َ ْ #ُ ْ%‫َ ا‬Xِ‫َد‬C3ِ ِ% َ0Jُ #َ -َِ‫&ْ آ‬Eَ Cَ 4
َ ْ,Eَ %َ‫ َو‬

(And, verily, Our Word has gone forth of old for Our servants, the Messengers. That they
verily would be made triumphant. And that Our hosts, they verily would be the victors.) 
37:171-1736, and,

6 ٌm+ِm
َ ‫ى‬
 !ِ َO Fَ -%‫ن ا‬
 ‫ ِإ‬1ِ-4
ُ ‫ْ وَ ُر‬Xَ َ‫* أ‬Cَ -ِ
ْ ّ Fُ -%‫ ا‬V
َ Jَ ‫ َآ‬

(Allah has decreed: "Verily! It is I and My Messengers who shall be the victorious.'' Verily,
Allah is All-Powerful, Almighty.) 58:216 Allah said;

6َ* ِ-4
َ ْ #ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬tِCَ X *ِ
َ ‫َ َء‬G ْ,Eَ%َ‫و‬

(Surely, there has reached you the information about the Messengers (before you).) who were
given victory and prevailed over the people who rejected them. And you (O Muhammad ),
have a good example in them. Allah said next,

ُ ‫ ِإْ َا‬
َ ْ َ-
َ َ Cُ َ‫ن آ‬
َ َ‫ َوإِن آ‬6 (If their aversion is hard on you,) and you cannot be patient because of
their aversion,

 %‫ ا‬1ِ) ً#-4
ُ ْ‫ ا رْضِ َأو‬1ِ) ًEَ2Xَ 1
َ sِ Jَ Cْ َ9 ‫& أَن‬
َ ْ3
َ Jَ 4
ْ ‫ِن ا‬t)َ 

(then if you were able to seek a tunnel in the ground or a ladder to the sky...) `Ali bin Abi
Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas commented, "If you were able to seek a tunnel and bring
them an Ayah, or go up a ladder in the sky and bring a better Ayah than the one I (Allah) gave
them, then do that.'' Similar was reported from Qatadah, As-Suddi and others. Allah's

* ِ-(ِ ‫َـ‬%ْ ‫* ا‬
ِ *
 Xَ !ُa9َ َ_)َ ‫َى‬,(ُ %ْ ‫ ا‬1َ-َ ْ?(ُ 3َ #َ 
َ %َ Fُ -%‫!ْ َ َء ا‬%َ‫ َو‬6 (And had Allah willed, He could have gathered
them together upon true guidance, so be not you one of the ignorant.) is similar to His

ً3 ِ#G
َ ْ?(ُ -ُ‫ض آ‬
ِ ْ‫ ا ر‬1ِ) *َ
َ y 
َ  ‫َ!ْ َ َء َر‬%‫ َو‬6 (And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have
believed, all of them together) `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas said about Allah's

6‫َى‬,(ُ ْ%‫ ا‬1َ-

َ ْ?(ُ 3َ #َ 
َ %َ Fُ -%‫!ْ َ َء ا‬%ََ‫و‬

(And had Allah willed, He could have gathered them together upon true guidance,) "The
Messenger of Allah was eager that all people believe and be guided to follow him. Allah told
him that only those whose happiness Allah has written in the first Dhikr will believe.'' Allah's

‫ُ!ن‬3#َ $
ْ +َ *
َ +ِ%‫ ا‬V
ُ ِJَ $
ْ +َ َ#X ‫ِإ‬6 (It is only those who listen, that will respond,) means, only those who
hear the speech, comprehend and understand it, will accept your call, O Muhammad ! In
another Ayah, Allah said;

*+ِ 2ِ ‫َـ‬aْ%‫ ا‬1َ-َ ‫!ْ ُل‬Eَ %ْ ‫\ ا‬L

ِ +َ ‫َ ًّ َو‬Y ‫ن‬
َ َ‫ ِرَ
َ* آ‬0ُ h% 6 (That it may give warning to him who is living, and that
the Word may be justified against the disbelievers.) 36:706. Allah's statement,

َ ْ +ُ Fِ ْ %َ‫ ? ِإ‬Wُ Fُ -%‫ُ ُ( ُ? ا‬73َ ْC+َ 1َ9ْ!#َ %ْ ‫وَا‬

(but as for the dead, Allah will raise them up, then to Him they will be returned.) refers to the
disbelievers because their hearts are dead. Therefore, Allah resembled them to dead corpses
as a way of mocking and belittling them, saying,

َ ْ +ُ Fِ ْ َ%‫ ? ِإ‬Wُ Fُ -%‫ُ ُ(?ُ ا‬73َ Cْ +َ 1َ9ْ!َ#%ْ ‫وَا‬6 (but as for the dead (disbelievers), Allah will raise them up, then
to Him they will be returned (for their recompense).)


Program Terjemah Al Quran v1.5 by Ebta Setiawan


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