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Form E-1

Agreement for Utilization of Specimens

We, (1) Leader, Environmental Specimen Bank (es-bank), Ehime University, Japan,
hereinafter known as Leader and (2) Dr./Mr./Ms. ., hereinafter known as
Applicant agrees to adhere and follow the conditions given below for utilizing the
samples, now in store at the es-bank.
(1) The above sample provided by the Leader to the Applicant should be used strictly for
the proposed scientific purpose stated by the applicant in Form E-2, which should be
consistent with the goals of es-bank i.e. the collection and dissemination of reference
and retrospective data on the Samples archived.
(2) The samples should be used only for the purpose of the research project titled
of the applicant
and/or coworkers. In any case, if there is a major change in the proposed research
theme of the applicant/coworkers, the applicant should inform the Leader in advance
and obtain his permission, in writing, for using the above mentioned sample for the
research theme under the new topic.
(3) The Applicant should duly fill-up Form E-2 (Sample Application Form) and handover
the same to the Leader.
(4) The details of the samples will be provided by the Leader after discussion of the esbank committee comprising some Professors and Administrative members of Ehime
University, in a case by case basis.
(5) The samples should not be eaten and also should not be used for any medically
oriented research that may directly affect the health of human as well wildlife and
domestic animals.
(6) The Applicant or co-workers should duly acknowledge the es-bank and the sample
collector while publishing papers or presenting the data obtained by using the samples
from es-bank, Ehime University, Japan, in seminars, conferences, etc,. The reprints of
the said publications (abstracts, papers, proceedings, etc.) should be sent to the esbank committee at the earliest, after they are published. The es-bank committee is
entitled to use them freely in their publications, statements, etc. stating them as the
achievements of their es-bank activity. In principle, the es-bank prefers to have
collaborative studies in between the applicant/coworkers and the scientists working
on related field(s) in Ehime University.
(7) Shipping and other costs related to the transport of the samples to and from the
specimen bank, costs for the analysis and publication of the results and other
expenses related to the use of the sample(s) from the es-bank should be borne by the

(8) The sample(s) can be used by the applicant/collaborators working on the research
project stated in condition (2) of this agreement. Other than this, providing or selling
the samples to other scientists working on different research themes or any other
person is strictly prohibited.
(9) The property right of the sample in strictly held by es-bank. The applicant can not
claim any right over the sample, other than using the samples for the purpose
mentioned under condition (2) of this agreement.
(10) The es-bank will not take responsibility for the legal, ethical, religious or any such
problem(s) that may arise in his place of research or elsewhere, for the applicant or
coworkers, while using the sample or data obtained by analysis of the samples from
(11) The es-bank will not take any responsibility for any health problem or accident
that may occur during or after handling the samples obtained from es-bank, to the
applicant or coworkers. Further, the es-bank does not assure the quality of the
samples with regard to its freshness, presence of pathogens, toxic chemicals, etc.
(12) If any accident occurs during the transport of the samples, in and outside Japan,
the related problems should be solved by both the parties upon discussion.
(13) If the applicant does not follow any of the conditions of this agreement, the esbank committee will discuss and decide upon stopping the provision of any further
samples to the applicant and associates or taking any other action.
(14) If any other quandary, not stated in this agreement arises with regard to the
provision, utilization, etc of the samples from es-bank arises, the same should be
solved upon discussion between both the parties.
Two copies of this agreement has been made and signed by the Leader of es-bank
and the applicant and each one keeps a copy.

Shinsuke Tanabe
Leader, Environmental Specimen Bank
Ehime University, Bunkyo cho 3
Matsuyama 7908577


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