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for Industrial CFD

Training Course

For Whom?


The training is intended for engineers involved with Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) and related flow and heat transfer
problems in industry

Getting started to use the OpenFOAM


Learn to use HELYX-OS as a front-end for

Brochure naam


for Industrial CFD Applications

The training OpenFOAM and HELYX-OS for Industrial CFD

Applications is a 2-day training course
This OpenFOAM/HELYX-OS training course is to

ditionally, the enhanced mesh generator develo-

achieve the following goals:

ped by ENGYS and provided with HELYX will be

Getting started and become familiar with the

demonstrated as a valid meshing technology on

OpenFOAM framework, commonly used

par with commercial CFD for industrial applica-

solvers and relevant industrial examples


Learn to use the open-source Graphical

Interactive training

User Interface HELYX-OS as the native frontend for OpenFOAM

The training is a good mix of short presentations

provided by the trainer, illustrated by means of


digital slides including theoretical and practi-

During this 2-day training, the attendants will be

cal background as well as hands-on cases and

introduced to the open-source CFD technology

examples. The participant will use HELYX-OS to


using HELYX-OS. The most com-

pre-process, model and solve relevant industrial

monly used CFD solver capabilities of Open-

applications in OpenFOAM related to different

FOAM will be explored, combined with an in-

engineering fields like incompressible/compres-

depth look in the structure of the Computational

sible flows, heat transfer and multiphase flows.

Fluid Dynamics Library, which forms the base of

An overview of the post-processing capabilities

all OpenFOAM fluid flow solvers. The open-sour-

will be described as well as using Paraview, the

ce native GUI HELYX-OS, developed by Engys Ltd.

general vizualization tool used from within Open-

will be used extensively.


Using hands-on practical sessions, you will learn

For Whom?

to setup, run and post-process cases which are

relevant to realistic industrial applications. We
will be using the standard mesh generator available in OpenFOAM throughout the training. Ad2

The training is intended for engineers involved in

fluid flows and heat transfer problems in industry
that are considering the use of OpenFOAM. The

OpenFOAM and HELYX-OS for Industrial CFD Applications

participants will be introduced to fluid dynamics

and corresponding CFD methods and solvers
that are available in OpenFOAM. The front-end
software package HELYX-OS will be introduced and extensively used to model and analyze
industrial case studies in different fields like
incompressible/compressible flows, heat transfer and multiphase flows among other topics.
Basic theoretical background on flow and heat
transfer mechanisms is preferable. The course
language is English.

The participants will learn to model, solve and

post-process relevant industrial applications
using OpenFOAM and HELYX-OS. You will also
obtain experience in using HELYX-OS to use the
standard mesh generator available in OpenFOAM. After completing the course, the participant will be able to:
Understand the basics of Computational

nical solutions based on a good understanding of

the theory behind these problems. All technical
consultants work with these technical issues on
a day-to-day basis in their client work. They have
up to 10 years experience in using OpenFOAM
are constantly challenged to translate theory into

Duration and group-size

The duration of the training is 2 full days ( 8-9
hours per day). The minimum group-size is 6
participants and the maximum group-size is 10
participants. The training will be organized at the
DRG office or upon request at the customer location.

excluding VAT. Training material and a bootable

geometries using OpenFOAM and HELYX-

USB disk will be provided containing a working


HELYX-OS/OpenFOAM installation together with

Use OpenFOAM

solvers on industrial

applications related to a variety of fields like

fluid flows, heat transfer and multiphase
problems among other topics

The DRG trainers aim for effective practical tech-

Model and mesh generation of complex

search Group (DRG) will conduct the training.

The training will cost EUR 1.200,= per person

Fluid Dynamics

The experienced consultants of Dynaflow Re-

practical solutions.


The trainer

Post-process the results from within OpenFOAM and HELYX-OS and using the visuali-

working examples.

If additional information is required, please
contact us by e-mail: or by
phone: +31 793615150.

zation toolkit Paraview

OpenFOAM and HELYX-OS for Industrial CFD Applications

Program outline


Meshing, steady state and porous media

More advanced features

Course Overview

Theory: Transient Solvers (PIMPLE)

HELYX-OS Overview/Methodology/Work-

Case Studies: URANS or DES Flows

Theory: Thermal Transport and Buoyant


Theory: snappyHexMesh Process

Case Studies: Meshing strategies and cases


Heat transfer cases

for snapping and layer addition

Theory: Steady-State solvers (compressible

Case Studies: HVAC/Thermal Transport/

Overview of Paraview and Walkthrough of

and incompressible)

methodology i.e. concept of paraview filters

Case Studies: Steady-State cases

and object inspector

Theory: MRF and Porous media in Steady

full cases

State Cases

Case Studies: MRF and/or Porous Media

flows (Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors,

Theory: RANS Models and Application (kEpsilon, SA, k-omega, v2f)

HELYX-OS for meshing and command line

solvers/utilities afterwards)

Case Studies: Conical Diffuser or turbulent

jet cases

Overview of batch processes in OpenFOAM

(i.e. Workflow with OpenFOAM integrating

pressure drop in monolith reactor, filters)

Case Studies: Running and post processing

OpenFOAM and HELYX-OS for Industrial CFD Applications

Case Study: Meshing a geometry and Executing a multiphase solver

Dynaflow Reseach Group

Dynaflow Research Group (DRG) is a world wide
well respected consultant. We help our clients
solve their most complex and critical technical

Consulting services


We provide engineering consulting services in all

DRG offers a wide range of training courses such

aspects of design and analysis for the Petro- che-

as software training, fiberglass training, dyna-

mical industry. Our work often requires a multi-

mics and stress training. Most of these training

disciplinary approach where we combine exper-

courses are offered on a regular basis during

tise in fluid flow behaviour, dynamic oscillations,

the year. We also develop customized training

FEM and stress analysis with sophisticated analy-

programs with our customers fit to their specific

sis software to predict system performances.




DRG has been developing software for many

DRG conducts research on different aspects of

years which, has resulted in several commercially

pipe-system design and pressure vessels. Most

available software packages such as BOSfluids ,

of this research is done in close collaboration

BOSpulse , Jive and Hades. We also provide tech-

with Paulin Research Group and their Houston

nical consulting services, and develop numerical

test facilities ( Dynaflow Re-

software that can be used in computer simulati-

search Group provides support to clients with

ons and other types of scientific computations.

their R&D to help them continuously improve

their products.

OpenFOAM and HELYX-OS for Industrial CFD Applications

Topic specific brochures:

Consulting Service Series
Software Product Series
Training Series
Visit our website or send an e-mail to

OpenFOAM and HELYX-OS for Industrial CFD Applications

Houtsingel 95
2719 EB Zoetermeer
The Netherlands
Reg nr. 27320315


+31 79 361 5150

+31 79 361 5149

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