NCM 100 Final Exam Lecturencm

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The nurse is developing a plan of care for the client experiencing

anxiety following the loss of a job. The client is verbalizing
concerns regarding the ability to meet role expectations and
financial obligations. The most appropriate nursing diagnosis for
this client is.
a. Dysfunctional family process
b. Disturbed thought process
d. Ineffective coping
_____2 The active, organized, cognitive process used to carefully examine
ones thinking and the thinking of others?
a. Decision Makingb. Critical Thinking c. Analysis d.
_____3 It involves use of the mind in forming conclusions, making
decisions, drawing inferences and reflecting.
a. Decision Makingb. Critical Thinking c. Analysis d.
_____4. btaining information and using information to reach acceptable
solutions when there is a gap between what is occurring and what
should be occurring.
a. Decision Makingb. Critical Thinking c. Analysis d.
_____5 The end point of critical thinking that leads to problem resolution.
a. Decision Makingb. Critical Thinking c. Analysis d.
_____6.This is used to identify, diagnose and treat human responses to
health and illness
a. Nursing Process b. Assessment
c. Diagnosis d.
_____7. his is a statement that describes the clients actual or potential
response to a health problem that the nurse is licensed and
competent to treat.
a. Assessment
b. Medical Diagnosis
c. Nursing
d. Planning
_____8 It predominately-identifies a specific disease state. It focuses on
the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
a. Implementation b. Medical Diagnosis
c. Nursing Diagnosis
d. Planning
_____9.Which of the following is not a subjective data:
a. Anxiety
b. Abdominal
c. dizziness


_____10The following are specific activities during evaluation except:

a. Collecting data
c. Measuring goal attainment
b. Performing nursing interventions
d. Revising or modifying the
care plan

_____11. The primary source of data during assessment is the:

a. The patients chart
relatives/significant others
b. The patient
d. The doctor
_____12. Therapeutic communication begins with:
a. Giving initial care
b. Showing empathy








_____13. The following are independent nursing interventions for a febrile

patient except:
a. Administer Paracetamol 500mg. tab every 4 hrs. PRN for temp.
b. Advice to Increase fluid intake
c. Promote bed rest
d. Keep the patients clothings clean and dry
_____14. What is the statement that describes the health care needs of the
a. Nursing Diagnosis
b. Planning c. Evaluationd.
_____15. Which of the following statements is the most appropriate for a
nurse to make when initiating a painful procedure on a four year
old boy?
a. You are a big boy. I know you can handle this
b. You can have your mom hold your hand
c. You are not a baby. I know you wont cry
d. You will get a treat if you are good
_____16. A nurse is in charge of care for a 20-year-old client with leukemia,
what is the first step when using the nursing process?
A. Planning
C. Implementation
B. Evaluation
D. Assessment
_____17. The client is an obese male who is stagnant, and refuses to get
out of bed. Which of the following measures will prevent the development
of a decubitus ulcer?
A. Avoid frequent turning
B. Encourage and assist the client to turn every two hours
C. Encourage the client to smoke cigarette
D. D. Apply heating pad on the area 24 hours
_____18. The nurse is in charge of care for a patient who is being
administered oxygen. The nurse observes that the visitor of the patient is
pulling out a cigarette, which of the following should the nurse do?
A. Punish the visitor immediately.
B. Inform the visitor of the No Smoking policy and institute the
presence of a No Smoking sign at the door or at the head
part of the patient
C. Call the police to arrest the visitor.
D. Allow the visitor of the patient to smoke

_____19. The nurse has administered approximately half of an enema

solution when the client complains of pain and cramping. Which nursing
action is the most appropriate?
A. Ignore the client.
B. Clamp the tubing for 30 seconds and restart the flow at a
slower rate.
C. Continue the flow even if the client is complaining of pain.
D. Increase the flow rate to maximum
_____20. What is the statement specifying what is to be done regarding the
patients problem, who is to do it, how to do it and when is to be
a. Planning
b. Intervention
c. Evaluationd.
Nursing diagnosis
_____21. An 11 month old infant is admitted to the hospital with severe
diarrhea. Which of the following nursing diagnoses would be
appropriate for the nurse to identify as a priority.
a. Pain
b. Altered bowel elimination
d. Altered
urinary elimination
____22. . What does TPN stand for?
A. Total personal nutrition
B. Through peripheral nutrition







____23. . Heat application to an area will cause the blood vessels to:
A. Atrophy
C. Constrict
B. Hypertrophy
D. Dilate
____24. . Cold application to an area will cause the blood vessels to:
A. Atrophy
C. Hypertrophy
B. Constrict
D. Dilate
____25. Mang Ambo, a stroke patient is developing a partial thickness skin
loss in his sacral area, on which stage of pressure ulcer does partial
thickness skin loss belong?
A Stage I
B. Stage II
C. Stage III D. Stage IV
____26. An elderly client has a stage III pressure ulcer on her sacrum.
During assessment of the clients skin, the nurse would expect to find:
A.Non-blanchable erythema of intact skin
B. Ulcer presents a deep crater with full-thickness skin loss
involving damage on subcutaneous tissue
C. Abrasion, blister or shallow crate
D. Full-thickness skin loss with extensive destruction and tissue
____27. Which among the following will enhace sleep for client
scomplaining of insomia?

A. Establish regular routine

B. Avoid coffee

c. Encourage activity before

D. Use the bed mainly for

___28. Nurse Adi is instrucitng patient Fiona to drink Milk, which amongs
the following is true regarding the effect of milk in promoting sleep.
A. Milk is a good stimulant that enhancees sleep.
B. Milk contains L-Tryptohan wchi is a natural sedative
C. Milk contains Calcium which enhances sleep
D. All of the above

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