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What Is Civil Engineering?

Much of the physical infrastructure of our modern society is provided by Civil Engineers.
Civil Engineers are concerned with all types of structures including dams, bridges,
pipelines, roads, towers and buildings. They are responsible for the design and construction
of all our transport systems, the design and management of our gas and water supply,
sewerage systems, harbours, airports and railways. Civil Engineers plan, design and test the
structures of private and public buildings and facilities.
A Civil Engineer will work from an architect's drawings and consider whether the chosen
materials for a particular building will be strong enough to hold a structure of that height or
design. At the same time they would also think about how the structure might affect its
surroundings. It is the responsibility of the civil engineer to produce safe, economical and
environmentally-sound structures.
Civil engineering is an exciting profession because at the end of the day you can see the
results of your work, whether this is a completed bridge, a high-rise building, a subway
station, or a hydroelectric dam.

Electrical engineering
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and
application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. This field first became an
identifiable occupation in the latter half of the 19th century after commercialization of the
electric telegraph, the telephone, and electric power distribution and use. It now covers a
wide range of subfields including electronics, digital computers, power engineering,
telecommunications, control systems, RF engineering, and signal processing.
Electrical engineering may include electronic engineering. Where a distinction is made,
usually outside of the United States, electrical engineering is considered to deal with the
problems associated with systems such as electric power transmission and electrical
machines, whereas electronic engineering deals with the study of electronic systems
including computers, communication systems, integrated circuits, and radar.
From a different point-of-view, electrical engineers are usually concerned with using
electricity to transmit electric power, while electronic engineers are concerned with using
electricity to process information. The subdisciplines can overlap, for example, in the
growth of power electronics, and the study of behavior of large electrical grids under the
control of digital computers and electronics.


Industrial engineers (IEs) are responsible for designing
integrated systems of people, machines, material,
energy, and information. An industrial engineer may be
responsible for the quality of automobiles coming of
the end of a manufacturing line, the scheduling of a
hospitals emergency room, or even designing a better
cockpit to improve the performance of a fighter pilot.

Industrial engineers figure out how to do things better.

They engineer processes and systems that improve
quality and productivity. They work to eliminate waste
of time, money,
materials, energy,
and other resources.
This is why more and
more companies
are hiring industrial
engineers and then
promoting them
into management
Most importantly, an industrial engineer is
responsible for improving the overall efectiveness
of an organization. To do this IEs utilize the latest
advances in:
n Computers and Simulation
n Robotics and Automation
n Materials Handling
n Logistics and Distribution
n Management Information Systems
n Advanced Manufacturing Processes
n Quality Control
n Facilities Layout and Location
n Artificial Intelligence
n Production and Inventory Control
n Ergonomics and Human Factors
n Operations Research
n Reliability and Maintainability
n Engineering Economic Analysis
n Scheduling
n Transportation Systems

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