Film Studies

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More on "Roja"

Author(s): Venkatesh Chakravarthy and M. S. S. Pandian

Source: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 29, No. 11 (Mar. 12, 1994), pp. 642-644
Published by: Economic and Political Weekly
Stable URL:
Accessed: 17/12/2008 07:42

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Economic and Political Weekly.
Initiallyhe is on the side of Pakistan,but
More on Roja strangelyhe is not interestedin thecode
decipheredby Rishi for the state.
Venkatesh Chakravarthy Liaqualt'ssister:Sheis thesisterof a 'terrorist',
but she cannotresistthe good looks of
M S S Pandian Rislii Kumar.Because she is a woman
she is tender and not a terrorist.The
TEJASWININLRANJANA's 'Integrating choice in her own marriageand she can
problemthereforeis not with Kashmiri
Whose Nation? Tourists and Terrorists in be herself if and only if she attempts to
women,who haveto stillfunctionas the
Roja '(EconomicandPolitical PWeekly,Tanu- bringherhusbandback fromthe Kashmiri
site of desireof the nationalistmale,but
ary 15) is significant both in foregrounding 'terrorists' by turning the world upside
with only the Kashmirimen.
the problematic oeuvre of Manirathinam Eventually, much as she is not an
Royappa, the chief armtyofficer: Royappa is
andin addressinga series ofquestions wvhich ordinary woman, she nevertheless as a
very much like our erstwhileGeneral
Hindu-Indian woman finds her happi-
are importantth the context of the dominant Cariappa. He is ruthlesslyduty con-
ness and solace at the feet of her huisband.
film-practiceof our times. These questions Rishi Kumar: He is not just an ordinary sciousand alwaysin a hurryto fuilfilthe
relate to such issues as the constructionof anglicised middle class urban male and
requirementsof the state. Yet he finds
national identity, the linearisation of his- who wants to bed a ruralwoman but one
time to escort Rojaon her mission,be-
tory, the reproduction of the suibject,the who wishes to walk with her into the
cauisebeneathhis starcheduniformhe is
disavowal of female subjectivity, the man- institution of marriage. flie extends the
butan affectionatehumanbeing.HIeis a
protectivefatherwho paradoxicallyrep-
ner in which the spectator, s/he, is written same warmth to the idealised older
women in the village. He is not an ordi-
resentsthe castratingstate.
into the discourse of the film and the vio- Rislii's boss: Originallyhe is investedwiththe
lence of such a writing in erasing other nary technocrat who is ruthlessly pursu-
ing his career but a committed nationalist
missionto decipherthe crypticcode.But
voices and blocking other narrativeswhich he handsover the mantleto Rishi when
are capable of telling a different story or and a symbol of sacrifice. He can
he suddenlyfalls ill so that Rishi can
nonchalantly light his cigarette directly
writing a different history. henceforthact in the nameof the father
from the fire burning on the stove and
Much as we agree that Roja signifies the with equal nonchalance he can throw
andexercisethe powerthatgoes withit.
accomplishment of middle class desire as himself on the burning flag of Mother
He is nostalgic enough to delightfully
arguedby Niranjana,we find it difficult to India and partiallyburn himself in order
mentionhis village, but apparentlyhas
agreeto its corollary,whichshe derivesfrom to keep her pure from undesirable ele-
no senseof futureas he insiststhatRishi
this premise as well as otherelements in the ments. He is not an arrogantTamilianbut
takes Rojaalong to Kashmir.
film, that this entails a rejectionof the state an arrogant Indian. He prefers to tran-
The enemy:Initially,thereis a veil of secrecy
as we are not told whose crypticcode
and its defeat. On the contrary,our argu- scend regionalcharacteristicsbut remains
Rishihas deciphered.We laterlearnthat
ment is that the apparent inability of the perfectly self-possessed within a rigid
nationalism. He has apparentlyno desire
it is Pakistanas the brothersof the 'ter-
state in the film actuallymasks its silent and rorists' depart toward the mysterious
powerful ability'and in that sense the ulti- for the proximity of the good-looking
sister of Liaquat, the 'terrorist', but then mountain.Whenthebrothersareshoton
mate victors in the film are the state and the the other side, the enemy becomes a
he will displace this desire on to his wife
Hindu-patriarchalculture with which the to sing 'Kadal Rojave...' He is essen- commonenemyof thestateas wellas the
desire of Rishi Kumar,the hero, coincides. tially non-violent but uses violence only
In our understanding,the entire narrativeof The unioniminister: He is very busy with urgent
when it is the only way out. In this, he is
the film is keyed to the disavowal of th,e one with the projected state which cas-
issuesof nationalimportance,buthe has
violence of the state and the proclivities of trates what it considers unlawfuil. His
the timeandthe willingnessto breakthe
female subjectivity. By such a disavowal, caste identity is that of the elite non- protocolto considerRoja'splea.
the state is affirmedratherthan defeated. In brahminPillai but his only concern is the We have listed out these contradictory
orderto achieve this, the text privileges the diaspora of the Kashmiri Brahmin Pun- elements of condensationmainly to indicate
fulfilment of Rishi Kumar's desire xvhile dits. As far as the Kashmiri Muslims the series of protective father figures con-
negatingor confiningto the limbo the desire are concerned, he is interested only in structed within the text and dramatically
off?oja, th' heroine, andthe 'terrorists'.All reforming them but not in knowing
why they desire freedom. Above all he
j uxtaposedto themenacingenemy(Kashmiri
this is accomplished by processes of con- 'terrorists'/Pakistan)suchthatthedisavowal
can say JaiHindeffortlesslywitha broken
densation and displacement which intro- of state violence is aohieved in the film.
duce syntagmaticerasuresandparadigmatic WasimKhan:He is a menacing 'terrorist'leader Before we elaborate tliis point, it is neces-
silences in the field of desire of Rojaas well who is violently cornered by the state; sary to take a look at displacement which
as WasimKhanand Liaquat,the 'terrorists. yet remains unruffledas if untorturedby exists in a dialectical relationship to con-
the state throughout the film. densation.Displacement, as we pointedout
CONDENSATION Liaquat: He is not a Tamilian but very much in the footnote, is the transfer of intensity
like a Tamilian'because he studied BSc from one signifying element to another by
Let us first ,focus our attention on the Agricultureat Coimbatore and therefore a series of coincidences. In orderto look for
paradigmaticaxis. For the sake of brevity, he can speak Tamil. He is essentially displacementone has to look at transitions
let us mainly concentrateon the condensa- violent but deeply religious. He is as hard
and punctuations;which means looking at
tion producedby charactertraits.Condensa- as a stone but soft enough to be trans-
how one shot is linked to another. For, it -is
tion is an imaginaryand non-logical fusioni formed. Hle is a committed Kashmiri
who will not stray from the path of his in the very site of these links that paradig-
of often contradictiig elements of significa- matic silenIces, evasions and erasures are
tion or it picks up its force from a cluisterof desire or mission, but he is unpredictable
enouighto defeat himself by refusing to masked. Condensationof contradictingele-
signifying elements: exchange Rishi for Wasim Khan. He is ments do not always occur instantly, it is
Roja:Initiallyshe is the siteof unlimited desire. highly regionalistic but willing to get displacement which facilitates the Iork of
Sheis happyto be herself.Butshehas no reformed into a non-violent nationalist. condensation.Let us now move on to analyse

642 Economic and Political Weekly March 12, 194

how the processes of condensationaiid dis- repressed castratingfatherdoes not vanish ists are unpredictable elements and one
placement affirm rather than negate the and verymuchreturnseither in the figureof canniottell what they are capable of. On
success of the state in the film. the surveillingarmyorin the soundandlight the contrary, if the filmiiended here with
of the menacing truckswhen Roja goes to the exchange taking place, then certainly
DISPLACEMENTS visit Wasunu Khan.Hereouridentificationis the state will be defeated and Roja and the
so intensely displacedonto Roja that we do terroristswill succeed with Rishi Kumar's
The last title in the beginning of the film not see the unnaturality of a prison house own enigma of transforming Liaquat be-.
is that of the author Manirathinam;as it standingin the centreof a mountainousarea. ing confinied to the limbo without any
comes on, wvehear in the backgrotud a We only notice all this as pure things or as possibility for his ensuing heroism reach-
distantprayer from a mosque in the sound- ambient atmosphere;for, we are as threat- ing a climatic closure. lIere, the clothes
track. Ihis is followed by the entry of a ened by Wasim Khan as Roja is and there- thrown on the bridge create the crucial
menacing truck with its surveillance lights fore we fail to see what it really signifies. displacement and all that is necessary. As
in the middle of a pine forest and the film As for our initial encounter with Roja picks them up, clutches them closer
cuts to Liaquat and his men in such a way Roja-apart fromthe voyeurisminherentin to her bosom our fear mounts along with
that the spectator is positioned in a sympa- the field ofdesireunleashedbythesong-the hers. We begin to doubt VvhetherRishi has
thetic manner towards them. The choice of song itself positions her desire in the realm been assassinated which seems to leave
PankajKapoor and his appearanceadds to of unlimitedpotentiality.But such potenti- the promised end unfulfilled or postpones
such a sympathy. Then we see the army ality is graduallydeniedor silenced as she is it with a degree of suspense. However, we
menacingly moving forward. At this junc- trappedin the gaze of Rishi Kumar in the are soon reassured as Rishi Kumar es-
ture Wasim Khan steps out of a tent. hIis very next scene to which our attention is capes with the help of Liaquat's sister and
very appearance, his being taller than the displaced. After that occurrence,the film knocks every other member of the gang
othersand being bald-headedsans the head- postpones what such a trappingpromises down in his miraculous and dramatic es-
gear worn by others, distinguishes him as andtakes us on a varietyof detoursfromthe cape until he encounters Liaquat in the
dangerousand separate.hmnediately,there object of that look and graduallypushes the bushes. But Liaquat is also tamed by the
is a cut to a chargingdog and in this we the aforementioned potentiality to the back- pep talk of Rishi which has all the power
spectatorshave found an object to identify ground.Thatis, we are no longerinterested of a mantra; and as a mark of respect
Nvithand therefore let loose our aggression in the enigmathatherdesirepresentedall by Liaquat lets his gun limply down and
on the subject pursued by the dog, Wasim itself but only in the new enigma which is allows Rishi to go. As Rishi walks towards
Khan. Very soon othersescape, but muchto whetherherdesirewill coincide with thatof Roja, the army moves in the direction in
our satisfaction Wasim Khan is comered Rishi. Theirweddingseems to promisethis. which Liaquat left. Now, this is displaced
andpluckedout ofhis world.Herethe image Because Roja has not yet reconciledherself to another image in which, for no reason,
freezes and on the frozen image of Wasim to such a sudden turn of events, the eroti- Roja falls at the feet of Rishi and with that
Khan the news of his arrestis printed.One cism of theirpromisedcouplingis displaced act she is fully transformed into a middle
cannothelp but recall in this contextthe oft- onto the eroticism of the villagers in the class wife. As for Royappa, the army
repeated statement ot Jean 1ik: (Iodard that song that follows. Once in the city, their officer, he is now fully relaxed as he is
the sign is the murder of the thing. Once differences are reconciled; but then duty sure that his men will get Liaquatand that
named like that Wasim Khan becomes as calls andthey leave forKashmir.Therethey they can continue to keep'Wasim Khan in
docile as a lap dog. He is associated with a are separatedand can only fantasise about custody. Therefore, seated as he is firmly
sense of power only when he threateningly each other until the closure of the film. on the wall, he beams a confident and
protrudesoutside his teintor moves forward Before discussingthis closure,we need to paternal smile towards the couple. Rishi
menacingly from inside his grilled prison tnderscore the crucial displacementwhich lifts Roja in the air and clasps her close to
cell to shout at Roja. In short, he is the clinches the narrativein favourof the state his body and-.withthat the film reaches its
threateningson of Mother Indiawho xvants andRishi Kumar.Much as Rojahas entered orgasmic closure.
to keep the virgin forest of Kashnmrto the institution of marriage;Rishi Kumar's
himself Therefore, there is an aggressive very absence makes all her power return STATE AND PATRIARCHY
pleasure in nipping him in the bud. Given with full force. Finally she is able to put
the logic of the narrativewhat should have enoughpressureson the state to yield to her In short, the flm opens like a nightmare
followed immediately the arrest of Wasim desire to exchange Wasini Khan,for Rishi but ends like a wet dream. But whose
Khan is his tortureby the armyauthorities. Kumar. In this, her desire coincides with nightmare and whose wet dreait? What
Instead, our attention is displaced to the Liaquatand his men who have kidnapped we need to emphasise here is that Roja's
idyllic locale of the southermnostpart of Rishi Kumarprimarilyforsuchanexchange. phefiomenal eff6rt (unlike' that of Rishi
India and in the bargain the above-men- Ilowever, as Roja, Royappa and Wasim Kumar) proves to be ultimately fruitless;
tioned possibility is silenced. In exchange, Khanreachthe bridgewherethe exchangeis strangely because, for no apparent reason
we are offered as a respite from the preced- supposed to take place, we see over their or cause, Liaquat fails to exchange Rishi
ing nightmarishsequence (and its cold blue shouldersand onithe otherend of the bridge Kumar for Wasim Khan. It is the other
tones brokenonly by the yellow of the truck the Marutivan ot Liaquatdrivingdown in a woman whose desire works in favour of
lights), the red warm light of the sun andthe frenziedspeed andas it takes a curvesome- R'ishiKumar that is instrumental in mak-
body of Roja to gaze at in vast expanses thing unexpectedhappens.A man runs out ing his escape possible, along with- lir
xvhere there ure no threateningpines but to the centre of the bridge, throws Rishi own bravado;and last but not theleast, the
only us in the auditoriumand Roja. On the Kumar's clothes and takes off in a similar transformationof Liaquat who in that act
svlhole,the violence with which we wit- fashion. In the resultingcommotionof Roja of transformation is reduced to an
nessed the action of the state in the begini- and Royappa running towards what has unchallenging double of Rishi Kumar.The
ning is never repeated directly. As we have been dropped,we arenot given the optionto other woman's desire is equated in the
enumerated in the list of condensations, thinkwlhythe terroristshave acted in a self- film xvith that of the so-called beauty of
there are only a series of protective fathers defeating manner. We seem to treat this Kashmir which can now be deferred as a
such as Royappa and the union minister occurrencewith the samefrivolousnesswith promise for the future tourist. As far as the
representing the state henceforth. Bultthe whlichthe narrativetreats it: afterall terror- desire of Liaquat is concemned,it is really

Economic and Political Weekly March 12, 1994 643

in doldrums. Not onily has he lost his
nmission,but his ideology as well, which
is, however, not fully articulated in the
film except as an ideology of violenice. SAMEEKSHATRUST BOOKS
(We are never told or Liaquat is niever
allowvedto say within the filmiiwlhyhe and Selections of Artides from Economic and Political Weekly
his men desire azadi or freedonm.'I'This is a
crucial enigma which is silenced in the General Editor: Ashok Mitra
film.) Therefore, the consequieniceof the
nightmare is shared by Wasim Khaii,
Liaquat and Roja whose desires, if ful-
filled, xvouldhave meant the subversion of
Pauperising Agriculture
the state (in the case of Wasim Khan and
Liaquat) as well as patriarchy (in the case
Studies in AgrarianChange and
of Roja).
Indeed, it is the other side of this overlap
Demographic Structure
between state and patriarchy whiclhis the by N Krishnaji
fulfilment of the Hindu middle class male
desire signified in the film by the restora-
tion of the nuclear family. This is exactly Contents:
why the film privileges the discourse of Wages of Agricultural Iabour-Wheat Price Movements-Interregional
Rishi Kumarover the discourses of others. Disparities in Per Capita Production and Productivity of FoodgrAins-
In short, the film perceives the threat to
the state as a threat to the Hindui-middle- Agricultural Price Policy and Indian Foodgrain Economy-Demand Con-
class-nuclear-family. With the threat to strint: Role of Foodgran Prices and Income Inequality-Agrarian Relations
the family resolved at the closure of the and Left Movement in KerAla-Poverty and Frility: Theory and Evidence-
film, the threat to the state vanishes. In Agrarian Structure and Family Formation-Family Size, Levels of Living and
tlail context, it is pertinent to recall Differntial Mortality: Some Paradoxes-Poverty and Sex Ratio: Data and
Foucault's observation that state appara-
tus like the army and the police are only Speculations-land and labour: Demographic Factor-Population and
the termini of a power which is in actuality Agricultural Growth: Interregional Variations
localised in units like the family. There- pp viii + 259 Rs 240
fore, power restored to the family is the
return of power to the state. This crucial
displacement of the state onto the family
is what sanitises the state in the film as a
urotective father while masking -its real
violent face. Poverty and Income Distribution
Edited by
* Conidensationand displacement are concepts
K S Krisbwamy
formulatedby Freudin his analysis of dreams,
according to whom the dream-work has to While there has been, over the years, a perceptible incrcase in per capita
disguise its real contents. In order to deceive income and expenditure and possibly some decline in the incidence of
the ever alert eye of the censoring mecha- poverty in India, what still remains is massive and of a kind that is not
nism, it either fulses contradictory elements
of signification together (condensation) or remedied quickly or smoothly. Even with radical policies, the shifts in in-
else displaces the intensity of one significa- come and occupational structures to mak a scrious dent on it will ta more
tion onto an entirely different or opposite than the rest of this century. In the welter of recent cxchanges between the
signifilcation (displacement). Condensation
and displacement create absolute coinci- government and the opposition as well as between planners and market ad-
dences and identifications. They operate not vocates on the strtegy of growth, these issues, have been largely obfuscated.
just at t!:euincoiiscious level or in dreamsbut It is therefore more than ever necessary today to recognise the magnitude
also in conlsciouIsfantasies, slips ofthe tonguie,
jokes and paraphrases. Primarily, they are of the problem and the inadequacy of the measures adopted so far to deal
imaginary modes of signification and are with it.
therefore non-logical and non-differential.
That is, they blend one signifying element pp viii + 420 Rs 240
with another,without any rhyme or reason
and in this process mnaskor make differences
seamless. Jacques Lacan developed this in- Avalable from
sight further when he equated condensation
to the paradigmnatic axis and displacementto OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
the synitagmaticaxis. The paradigmatic axis
refersto all that is available in the reservoirof Bombay Delhi Calcutta Madras
language, culture and the rudimentsspecific
to a craft lik-efilm-making. The syntagmatic
axis refers to the temporal sequen1ceof im1-
ages and sound, transitionsand punctuations.

644 Economic and Political Weekly March 12, 1994

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