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Daniela Vargas U.

Connection between physical and real world.
{{Computers for the rest of YOU}} sense more of the body places physical expression in
addition to information
Intelligence amplification (IA) to support humans.
What does a person look like to a computer?
Why new form computer?

Look at full range of expression (espontnea o planeada)

Reading body language

Transduction conversion of one form of energy into another. Enables the flow.
Ex.: microphone: sound pressure electrical voltage






processing (programar)



Digital two possibilities are enough (ex: raining or not raining)

Analog 2 < possibilities (ex: how much rain, direction, etc)

Serial events one at a time

Parallel event happen simultaneously

Electrical Basics
Electrones tend to go from one point with high energy/power to one with less. (+ to - ) (+ to ground)
Energa elctrica sigue camino de la menor Resistencia a tierra
*Lowest ground energy earth

Voltage (volts)
level of electric energy
Current (amps)
amount of energy between two points
Resistance (ohms) amount an object resists the flow of energy
Voltage = current x resistance OHMS law
Watts combination of current and voltage wattage [ electrical power ]

{{All the electrical energy in a circuit must be used}} {{ojo: Resistencia suficiente}} [prevent corto circuito]
Electricity vs. Electronics
Electricity energy, pass message or signal
Electronics convey info., brain

Electrical power usually supplied by Direct current (DC) source supplies current/ground on one
Alternating current source alternates voltage on two wires


120 volts /

5 volts

When components are in series (mismo camino):

*current is the same

*voltage decreases because components use energy

Parallel (caminos diferentes): current divides

-- mientras mas Resistencia, menos energa pasa


two-bus row breadboard.

On each side of the board are two long rows of holes, sometimes with a colored line.
Connected together with a strip of metal in the back. These long strips are generally reserved for the
two most popular junctions in your circuits, 5 volts and ground.
Center short rows of holes separated by a central divider. All of the holes are connected with a metal
strip underneath the holes. Can use the holes in any given row to form a junction connecting
components together.
The center divider is so that you can mount integrated circuit chips, such as microprocessors. IC chips
typically have two rows of pins that you need to connect other components to. The center row isolates
the two rows from each other and gives you several holes connected to each pin so you can connect
other components.
Microcontrollers 4 rows from top (to regulate energy) , divide center (patas no se topan/conectan)
check that youve got the connections right before you add the microcontroller to your circuit!
Schematics to circuits wherever there is a junction in your schematic, you must join all the
components connected to that junction. Do not treat the schematic as a geographic map of what the
circuit should look like. The schematic indicates how components are connected electrically, not space
Ex: Attach one leg of an LED to a ground and the other leg via a resistor to a pin on the microcontroller.
Instead, the components are connected in series by first connecting one end of one resistor to the same

row as the microcontrollers output pin. Then use any unused row to serve as a junction for the other
end of the resistor and the long lead of the LED. Finally, put the short lead of the LED into one of the
long rows on side of the breadboard (this will be ground). Remember, because the LED is a diode, it will
only conduct electricity in one direction, from the long lead (the anode) to the cathode (short lead).
Multimeter see the flow of electricity through your circuit and components. Checking that the
voltage or current between any two points in a circuit, past a certain point, is what you expect it to be.
(Most common place: power to ground) Identify the positive and negative leads of your power supply
Soldering you should solder only when there is no other way to make the connection. We love the
solderless breadboard for this reason. The first rule of soldering is to heat the joint, not the solder. This
means that the solder should not touch the iron directly.
Voltage regulators supply ground and 5-volt power to the long strips of holes on the sides of your
{{BE NEAT!}} [hide metal, use short cables, different colors,etc]

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