Writing Paper

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Writing Paper: Part 2

Task type: Letter of Complaint

Read this extract from a letter you have recently sent to a friend:

.... Oh, and by the way, don't go to Barry's Restaurant for your birthday. We
went there last night - the service was awful and the food was a disaster! I
complained to the head waiter but he asked me to put it in writing ...
Write your letter of complaint to the restaurant manager. (220-260 words)

Click on the underlined words or phrases for comments. The numbers in brackets offer
suggestions. General feedback appears below the essay.

Name: Sawako
Country: Japan
School: Shena Simon College, Manchester, UK
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to express my annoyance at the service I received in your restaurant
yesterday. I chose your restaurant to invite three of my important business
clients, after having read a glowing review in "Best Restaurants in Britain 2000",
but the realitiy was far from its recommendation// failed to live up to my
First, as stated in the guide book, you had a variety of set meals ON the menu.
However, only two meat dishes and one fish dishes were on offer yesterday. This
deeply disappointed my guests. Therefore, we chose the starter, main dish and
dessert la carte, but it was not very easy. Many were unavailable; e.g. we did not
have any choises other than onion soup and seafood salad for the starter.
Furthermore, the meals were not served at the same time. About five minutes after
a rump steak was put on the table for one of my clients,none of the others had
been served. Therefore, he had to start alone. I asked your staff to bring all the
other meals soon and in another five minutes only two, including my grilled
salmon, were brought to us. When the other one, steamed trout, was put on the
table, the client who had had a rump steak had almost finished.
Finally, the beef steak my client had was overcooked, although he asked for a
On paying the bill, I complained about this inconvenience to your head waiter, but
he asked me to contact you directly in writing. I feel that a refund of at least 200,

which is half of our payment // bill, would be appropriate. I look forward to

receiving a satisfactory reply within 14 days.
Yours faithfully,
Jane Smith

Writing Paper: Part 2

Task type: A report
You are a member of a committee that is campaigning for an international sports
competition to be hosted in your home town. You have received the following memo:

To: Committee members

From: Chairman
I would be grateful if all members could
write a short report giving their views on
the following points:
1. why our town would be a suitable host for
the competition
2. any objections to our campaign and how
we can overcome them
3. suggestions as to how we can make the
best use of our budget

Write your report for the Chairman of the committee. (220-260 words)

Click on the underlined words or phrases for comments. The numbers in brackets offer
suggestions. General feedback appears below the essay.

Name: Mirei Hirota

School: British Council, Tokyo, Japan
Ref. MH-5-1
To: Chairman
Fm: Mirei Hirota, a committee member {1}
International Swimming Competition in August 2001
Please find my report as follows in response to your memo of May 15.
1) Reasons why our town, Nihonbashi, would be suitable for the competition
As our town is located in the centre of Tokyo, all the participants are able to come
to our town easily by limousine bus. (Direct bus service from the airport to the
Tokyo City Air Terminal)
Swimming pool
We have an excellent indoor swimming pool which has been built recently. It is
reported to be the largest one in Tokyo and is going to be used for the Olympic
Game in the future.
2) Any objections to our campaign and how to overcome them
As this competition is one of the big international festivals to deepen mutual
relationship, about 500 participants, most of them from English-speaking
countries, are expected to visit out town. Therefore we have to arrange about 100
interpreters immediately.
We will put an advertisement on both our homepage and our local newspaper to
recruit interpreters from the beginning of the next week.
3) Suggestions as to how we can make the best use of our budget
Sight seeing
After the competition, we will arrange sight seeing {5} for all the participants,
chartering {***} bus for them. We will consider what kind of places will please the
exhausted players in the next weekly meeting.

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