Voice of Freedom 96

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08710 500 232
ISSUE No.96 The Newspaper of the British National Party 08710 500 233

Parliamentary T HE CHAMPION of exposing recent with the Metropolitan Police, four years
parliamentary sleaze, Michael of which were spent stationed at Bex-
Barnbrook, is standing for the British leyheath Police Station as an Inspec-

National Party in the Christchurch tor.
Ward By-Election for Bexley Council Now retired, he is married with two chil-
on July 3rd. dren and has six grandchildren.
He was instrumental in securing the Right at the top of his list of issues that
investigations into the financial irregular- urgently need addressing in Bexley is

stands for the

ities of three Members of Parliament and anti-social behaviour, knife crime and
was responsible for reporting Old Bexley violence in general.
Conservative MP Derek Conway, to the “They are all on the increase in Bexley,”
Parliamentary Commissioner for Stan- Michael told Freedom.

BNP in Bexley
dards for his misappropriation of taxpay- “As a former police officer I believe it
ers’ money. He currently has three other is time that we started to look after the
investigations on-going into Members of law-abiding members of society and
Parliament, relating to expense claims. not the criminals. We must ensure that
Michael is very well qualified for these decent people are able to go about their
investigations after spending 30 years business without fear or harassment.”

BNP make history

n In his now trademark beige suit, the BNP’s London Assembly member Richard Barnbrook, awaits his turn to tackle London Mayor Boris Johnson.

Richard Barnbrook becomes the first British National Party

elected representative to address the London Assembly
Report & Photo by Bob Gertner concerned pensioners: Rich- in our capital was to channel

R ICHARD Barnbrook
AM, made history
when he attended the
ard asked:
“During the election cam-
paign you promised all retired
teenagers’ aggression through
the formation of new boxing
academies, an idea which the
London Mayor’s opening Londoners a 24 hour travel Mayor said he supported.
question time session with freedom pass. When will this Richard also had the floor on
the new London Assembly. pledge be honoured?” the housing issue and said that
Journalists and the public Boris Johnson said it would be the planned Thames Gate-
packed the gallery of the looked at when the new fare way development of 25,000
debating chamber to wit- review took place next year. homes to be built on Rainham
ness the event and heard the Richard also tackled the marches could be environ- The British National Party’s
first ever British National Mayor of London on how the mentally catastrophic as the
Party representative make his ban on alcohol consumption area was a natural flood plain. Annual Red, White & Blue Family Festi val
mark by raising a number of on public transport was to be Richard Barnbrook’s perfor-
Friday 15th August - Sunday 17th August 2008
issues. enforced. mance throughout the two hour
The first official question to be He was on his feet again to meeting was thoroughly pro- Denby, Derbyshire
asked in the London Assembly suggest that one way to tackle fessional and he was a credit to
See back page for full details
by an elected BNP member the youth knife crime epidemic the British National Party.

The website - www.bnp.org.uk


West Wales BNP councillor

To give the BNP
immediate help wins plaudits at first meeting
you can donate
now by credit and
K EVIN Edwards, the British
National Party councillor on
Llandybie Community Council in
to send us a reply,” he said. “As
public servants they should make it
clear where the money has gone.
debit card! West Wales won the plaudits of “They are accountable to the people
Call our fundraiser his fellow councillors at his very who elected them - I, for one, would
Ged Munns on first council meeting. certainly like to know where this
Llandybie Council had requested money went.”
08710 500 234 a breakdown of how their local “If the money has been spent legiti-
county representatives spent their mately, why don’t they come for-
PO Box 142, Leeds LS58 9DR £5,000 personal allowance. ward and say so?”
Just one county councillor responded Members agreed that the county
and he said that his colleagues were councillors would be allowed more

There was only ever

of the opinion that these were county time to respond. After the meeting
council funds, and nothing to do Kevin Edwards told Freedom:
with the community council.” “It was nice that some of the coun-

going to be the one

Llandybie community clerk Megan cillors who had shunned me and
Bevan, was worried it might be “dis- tried to keep me off committees at
courteous” to insist the other coun- the inaugural meeting said, “well

outcome to the Keith

cillors revealed their expenses and it done,” as we were leaving. Hope-
was this suggestion that drew a sharp fully this means we can now start
response from Kevin Edwards. working together for the good of the

Brown murder trial

“WELL DONE”: Kevin Edwards “It’s a bit discourteous of them not community.”

BNP leaflet campaign exposes

Tory council’s planning scam
B RITISH National Party coun-
cillors in Leicestershire have
taken on the Tories over a planning
this development,” said the leaf-
let. “Think of the pollution and the
noise, 24 hours a day and seven days
low paid migrant workers.
The Tories were livid that their best
laid plans had been exposed by the
application the Conservative-run a week. It won’t contribute anything British National Party and they
council wanted to push through to the community and will hit already launched a bitter attack on the BNP
without any public consultation. falling house prices even further.” councillors at a full council meeting
The proposed development is for a The Tories tried to claim that the devel- during a discussion about the new
72 acre industrial and distribution opment would create hundreds of job Planning Committee proposals.
development by UK Coal at the South opportunities, but this was rejected Graham Partner told Freedom:
Leicestershire Coal Disposal Point by the BNP councillors who said that “They verbally attacked the BNP in
off Beveridge Lane in Ellistown. The it wouldn’t be local people that were an attempt to justify their own cul-
largest unit would stand 58ft high and employed but HGV agency drivers and pability in the planning decision. We
by Martin Wingfield lors on Stoke City council, Michael cover seven acres. The site would sat quietly, content in the knowledge
OUR thoughts are with the family Coleman, summed up the feelings of require more than 800 vehicles a day, ELLISTOWN: The new development that right was on our side.
of Keith Brown who conducted many when he told journalists outside the most of them heavy lorries, and will not benefit local people. “Nothing the Tories said or will ever
themselves with such dignity the court: all using the already busy Mid- say can cover up the fact that
during the ordeal of the trial of “If Keith had killed Khan in the same land and Whitehill Roads. they did not wish the people
Habib Khan. circumstances I believe he would be The matter was first due to go of Ellistown to know about the
Justice was not seen to be done, but facing years behind bars for murder before the planning committee application in question. The
that was because the script for this and would not have got away with of North West Leicestershire scam was only exposed thanks
tragic saga was written long ago and manslaughter.” District Council despite there to the BNP leafleting the area
there could only ever be one outcome. The people of Stoke will give their having been no public consulta- before the planning meeting.”
Despite this loss of life being caused verdict on this miscarriage of jus- tion on the huge development, With Labour in disarray across
because of a dispute about property and tice at the next round of elections in so BNP councillors Graham the country it is being left to the
boundaries, it was portrayed as some- the city. In the rest of the country, a Partner and Ian Meller, went British National Party to stand
thing completely different because few more eyes will be opened to the into action and produced an up for the rights of ordinary
an astute defence council knew that unequal society that we now live in Ellistown Patriot newsletter people against the big business
by introducing race and the BNP into - if you are White and British and in which informed local residents and the back-handers that so
the equation it would give his client a dispute with someone from an ethnic of the Tory Council’s intention. typifies the excesses of Cam-
better chance of getting off. minority, the odds will be stacked “Ellistown does not need eron’s Conservative Party.
And get off he did, being found not against you.

BNP wins 17.2% in South Somerset

guilty of murder but convicted of But for Keith Brown’s family there is
manslaughter. That in part might be just a terrible void that can never be
due to the media’s cover- filled and the knowledge
age with ridiculous head- that British Justice wrote

lines such as “BNP activist off the life of a father, a
NE-in-six voters in the South South Somerset DC
fell on knife says Asian husband and son as next to
somerset town of Chard chose Chard Crimchard Ward
neighbour” and reports worthless just because he
the British National Party in a
that referred continually had been a member of the Thursday 29th May 2008
council by-election on 29th May.
to Mr Brown as a “BNP BNP and had been killed
Such was the shock at the BNP vote Jenny Kenton (Lib-Dem) .......... 423
activist” and Mr Khan as a by a Muslim ‘elder’. David Mears (Con) ................... 320
that Robert Baehr was featured on
“Muslim Elder”. Robert Baehr (BNP) . .............. 154
the following Sunday’s BBC Poli-
One of the nine British MICHAEL COLEMAN: BNP Percentage: 17.2%
Outside court. tics Show. He provided a contradic-
National Party council-
tion the media’s image of the British
National Party as young and booted in the 1990s campaigning to save

Righteous anger
skinhead thugs and proved an excel- thirty tress on Yeovil’s Wyndham
lent choice of candidate. Hill from council bulldozers

& political action

Robert is a local organic grower and The BBC programme also revealed
environmental campaigner dedicated that the Labour Party has admitted
to promoting self-sufficiency, the that it did not stand a candidate in
T HE British National Party believes
in telling the truth, even if it is
sometimes uncomfortable to hear or
anything we have to say is likely to ‘stir
up hatred’ against anyone. In fact, we
believe that by providing a peaceful
only lifestyle that in years to come
will ensure the survival of the Brit-
Chard to ensure that the Liberal Dem-
ocrat candidate beat Robert Baehr.
ish people. But the word on the doorstep in the
offensive to those who would rather and Constitutional outlet for the anger The Politics Show interviewed him town was that they did not stand for
bury their heads in the sand than and the frustration felt by millions of and showed footage of Robert back fear of being beaten by the BNP. ROBERT BAEHR: Environmentalist
face real problems in our society. our people over the undemocratic
But while we often pass quite transformation of our country by our
critical comment on the impact of political masters, the BNP actually
immigration, multi-culturalism and defuses tensions. Keep up to date with all the latest BNP news with the
British National Party Information Line
alien religions on the indigenous Where there is ‘hate’ we seek to turn
people of our lands, we have no it into righteous anger and political

0906 553 2245

animosity towards immigrants, their action against the only people who
descendants or the followers of non- deserve to be hated - the politicians
native religions. who use our taxes to turn our country
Nor do we intend to encourage others into a place where we often feel like
to feel such animosity, or believe that strangers in our own land.
The line is updated every day and calls cost £1.00 per minute

Ballot box seals broken in BNP Pat Richardson

target ward in Manchester mentioned in
A C4 ‘Dispatches’
T 7.00am on Thursday May She acknowledged that the box had
1st voters with polling cards been illegally opened and the seals
were being turned away from changed without all the candidates,
a polling station in the Higher their agents or the police being
Blackley ward in Manchester and
told that they were not entitled to
vote as they were not on the list.
Even armed with this information,
the returning officer insisted that
O NE of the British National
Party’s Epping Forest district
councillors Pat Richardson, is to
The polling station in question was nothing untoward had occurred and feature in the Channel 4 Dispatches
St Clare’s which is in an area where that he was quite happy with the programme.
the British National Party enjoys a box despite the fact that it had been During the television documentary,
large amount of support so BNP can- tampered with. which attracts millions of viewers and
didate Derek Adams, was quickly This is local elections Labour style, is scheduled to be screened in July, she
advised of the situation and went to During the count at Manchester Town every bit as corrupt as their Govern- will speak candidly about her attitude
the station to investigate. Hall, when the boxes were presented ment and councils, which cling on to towards Muslims living in Britain.
He was told by an official that mis- for opening, he noticed that Box No their gravy train at all costs. Mrs Richardson, who was the BNP’s
take had occurred and that some 130 now had different seal numbers. So the next time you hear an estab- first Jewish councillor, was inter-
people entitled to vote had been The count was halted at his request lishment politician complaining viewed for the programme during
refused a ballot slip, but that the and an elections official was called about the fixed results of elections in the local election count at Waltham
problem had been rectified. While he who admitted that the seals had far off lands , just remind them that Abbey Town Hall in May, where she
was there Derek saw the seal number been broken because the lid had such abuses of democracy are taking was elected to represent the Lough-
on the ballot box number 130. been put on the box the wrong way. place here as well. ton Broadway ward.
Along with fellow BNP party mem-
bers, she was questioned about her

Tory council boss

views on British Muslims by the
show’s producer James Jones.
Pat told Freedom: “He was very
polite and he followed us around PAT RICHARDSON: Interviewed.

insults Hainault’s
throughout the morning. wait and see.”
“I told him I think there are many Channel 4 Dispatches producer
moderate Muslims living in Britain James Jones, explained the reason-

Jews & veterans

just going about their day-to-day ing behind his decision to include the
lives, but that they end up being BNP councillor:
treated with suspicion because of rad- “I chose to interview Pat Richardson
ical Muslims who carry out attacks as a subject because her background

J ULIAN Leppert, the BNP

councillor for Hainault ward on
Redbridge Council, has registered
which devastate peoples’ lives.”
“Hopefully the programme will show
me in a positive light but you never
and political views make her an inter-
esting subject.
“I’m hoping what we’re putting
a formal complaint with the know how these things are going to together will make informative and
Standards Committee following be edited - so we shall just have to entertaining television.”
a serious breach of the Members’

Newspaper drops story just because

Code of Conduct by the council’s
Conservative leader Alan Weinberg.

Cathy Duffy sets the

At a full council meeting he called the
British National Party a “Nazi Party”.
When Julian Leppert requested he HAVERING: Mark Logan with staff outside the RSPCA office in Harold Hill.

BNP battles to keep example in Charnwood

withdraw this remark and apologise,
he not only refused to do so, but
repeated it - effectively calling the
BNP councillor a “Nazi”.

RSPCA office open

some councillors in a bad light.
“Lower than average attendance might
be through no fault of the councillor -
for instance, illness and personal cir-

W HEN the RSPCA office in

Chippenham Road in Harold
Hill was closed, local residents
and odd job men - who offer their
services free of charge to Gooshays
residents who need vital work done
cumstances may have caused them to
attend less meetings.”
David Dalby might have been fret-
turned to the British National but are unable to afford it. ting about how the media might see
Party to ask for help. The Community Action Team the attendance record of some Tory,
A deputation approached Mark hasalready helped an elderly resident Labour and Lib-Dem councillors, but
Logan, the BNP councillor for with some minor construction works, he had no such worries over Cathy
Gooshays ward on Havering Council, and carried out a small refurbishment Duffy, the British National Party’s sole
and asked him if he could do anything for another. Now the group has representative on Charnwood Council.
to get the office opened again. agreed to help renovate the RSPCA Her attendance record was exemplary -
He contacted the newly appointed building for the charity. she was one of just 3councillors out of
Chief Executive of the RSPCA, Mark To help finance the project there was 53 who had a 100% attendance record.
Watts, to find out the exact reasons the distribution of 10,000 British Cathy, who represents East Goscote.
behind the closure: National Party leaflets in Harold Hill CATHY DUFFY: 100% attendance. was pleased that her performance as
“I wrote to Mr Watts and Gregory with a full page highlighting to plight a local councillor this year showed
JULIAN LEPPERT: Requested apology.
Julian said that Weinberg’s name-
Brown, the RSPCA Branch
Development Advisor for the South
East, and got a prompt response,”
of the RSPCA office, and Mark has
been delighted with the response
from the public.
T HE Head of Democratic Ser-
vices at Charnwood Council,
David Dalby, was worried when
her leading the way by never missing
a meeting
“These figures do not include all the
calling was insulting to the many Mark told Freedom. “It’s looking promising,” he said. the Leicester Mercury asked for Sub-Licensing Panels and Appeals &
British Jews and WW2 veterans living “It transpired that the branch was in “Over £100 was raised on the first information concerning council- Review Panels that I have attended. I
in Hainault who are BNP members, urgent need of finance, the office had day alone. Whilst the office is closed lor attendance records for the year am also a member of the Shared Ser-
supporters and voters and as their become dilapidated and was in need an audit is being conducted and just ending. vices Members’ Reference Group and
elected representative he could not of refurbishment.” once that has been completed the He was concerned because the aver- am on the Charnwood Area Forum.”
let his words go unchallenged. Since his election back in February, upgrading work can start. Thanks age attendance for Charnwood coun- But the story never appeared in the
“I’m asking the Standards Committee Mark has been busily engaged in to the British National Party, the cillors was 22.4 meetings year. He Leicester Mercury, and we all know
to reprimand Alan Weinberg and for setting up a Community Action RSPCA office in Chippenham Road warned the councillors: the reason why. . . . it wouldn’t dare
him to fully retract and apologise for Team. This is a group of volunteer will hopefully re-open again soon, “We have prepared the information print a report that showed a BNP
his “Nazi” slur against both myself tradesmen - decorators, carpenters, and this time it will be on a much and I’m concerned that the figures councillor working harder than coun-
and the BNP,” Julian told Freedom. electricians, plumbers, builders firmer financial footing.” might be misinterpreted to show cillors from the other three parties.

BNP attracting Labour supporters Church Council cancels charity event

ABOUR MP Frank Field, is worried that
the Labour Party is losing its core support
to the BNP.
HE Church Council has cancelled
an annual church fund-raising
Hayton Church’s Rev Mark Cantrill,
said the decision was made at a spe-
event in Clarborough, near Basset- cially convened meeting of the Paro-
Writing in the Sunday Telegraph the Labour MP law because the organiser stood as a chial Church Council (PCC).
for Birkenhead warned that politicians shouldn’t British National Party candidate at “The PCC noted Mr Otter had recently
attempt to stifle debate on immigration. the local elections in May. stood as a British National Party can-
“The white English working class, and some The BNP’s David Otter has hosted the didate, which raised the issue of the
black Britons too, are voting against unlimited popular village fund-raising barbecue at relationship between the policies of the
immigration by embracing the BNP.” his Hayton home for the last 20 years, BNP and Christian teaching.”
“Voters are on the move. Once the BNP gets a generating thousands of pounds for David Otter told the local newspaper
sizeable cut of the Labour working class vote it many local charities and the village’s St that he was surprised and disappointed
may be impossible for a Labour Government to Peter’s Church. by the decision of the Church Council. DAVID OTTER: Surprised.
re-establish the status quo,” he said. FRANK FIELD: Labour MP.

A day in The rise of knife crime exposes
the life of in New Labour’s Britain Labour’s
lies over
the petrol M
ORE than 2,500 people community sentence but many of
have been stabbed to death
on the streets of Britain since New
those caught in possession escaped
with just a caution. profile of those involved. immigrants
Labour came to power in 1997.
In 2006, the last for which full sen-
tencing statistics are available, 7,817
The Government refuses to release
figures with regard to the ethnic
Ministers have refused calls from
victims’ groups for mandatory jail
terms for those carrying a blade,
I T is immigration from the Third
World that has caused Britain’s
population to swell so dramatically
make-up of those involved in knife
people were found guilty of carry- crime fuelling the suspicion that arguing that there aren’t enough in recent years.

O N the very same day that ing a knife but just 72 were given immigration is one of the main rea- prison places to accommodate those New research by the Government’s
truckers protesting about a prison sentence with the typical sons for it spiraling out of control. that would be jailed . . . and that’s Office for National Statistics
soaring fuel prices drove through offender serving just eight weeks Critics also suspect that Labour’s because our prisons are full of revealed that between 1991 and 2006,
London, the oil companies were behind bars. Of the remainder some softly, softly approach to knife crime foreign criminals and that again is 2.3million immigrants arrived to live
announcing record profits. escaped with a fine, others with a has something to do with the ethnic due to immigration. permanently in Britain with the vast
The cost of petrol is rising on a daily majority of them coming from Africa

It will be British innovators

basis and it is now at a level that is and Asia. 
leading to the bankruptcy of hun- During the same period, around
dreds of small and medium-sized 1.6million Britons left the country  - 
haulage companies. emigrating in the main to Australia,

& businessmen who top the

the United States, Canada, New
Zealand and Western Europe.
Since 1997, 1.8million foreign-born
economic migrants have also come

Rich List in our BNP Britain

to Britain to look for work.
The figures undermine the
Government’s claim that the majority
of immigrants come from the new
EU member states and that they
F OR ordinary Britons, times are
hard because last year prices
went up 7% while pay went up just
return home. The reality is that those
who come are almost entirely from
Third World countries and they are
2.5% unlikely to return home.
But the global super-rich, who Labour
has encouraged to flock to our shores,
have never had it so good. £2million a month
in child benefit is
According to the latest Rich List, the
top 1,000 richest people in the country

sent to Poland
now have more than £400billion
between them, up almost £53billion

LONDON BOUND: Truckers’ protest

in the last year under Gordon Brown
as Prime Minister. Since Labour
came to power the super-rich living
C HILD benefit payments for
Polish children living in
Poland are costing the British tax-
At the same time oil firms Royal in Britain have just got richer, and payer £33million a year.
Dutch Shell and BP were able to they have also got more foreign! Nearly £2million a month is being
announce better-than-expected first- When the Rich List was first published sent back to 36,000 children still
quarter profits thanks to the rising in 1989, 7 of the top 10, and all the living in Poland, whose parents are
price of oil, which is close to $120 a top 3, were native Britons. Today living and working in Britain.
barrel. Shell made profits of £3.9bn only 3 of the top 10 richest were even EU rules state that parents are able
in the first three months of the year, born here. Of the 75 billionaires who to claim the payments if they have
up from £3.2bn a year ago. BP saw live in Britain, 40 are foreigners. worked in Britain for a year.
its profits rise 48% to £3.31bn while In 1989, HM The Queen was the The study also reveals that the number
Anglo-Dutch firm Shell reported richest person in Britain. Today she of workers applying for the payouts -
annual profits of £13.9bn for 2007, a has been replaced by Indian steel LABOUR’S FAT CATS: Mittal, Abramovich, Duke of Westminster and Usmanov.
which amount to £977 a year for the
record for a UK-listed company. tycoon Lakshmi Mittal. and Usmanov owe their wealth to today. first child and £652 for younger chil-
The average price of petrol at Brit- The second richest man in Britain is plundering the people of the former So whilst we struggle to meet soaring dren - has nearly doubled in the past
ish pumps is a record £4.99 a gallon Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich, Soviet Union when the US-sponsored mortgage payments, food and fuel 12 months.
but this hasn’t stopped OPEC, the who saw his fortune increase from Yeltsin regime put their industry and bills on almost static income, it’s clear
Islamic-dominated oil producers’ resources up for grabs.
Thirty schools don’t
£10.8bn to £11.7bn this year. New where our Government’s priorities
cartel wanting more. entries in the top 10 include steel and The third richest, the Duke of actually lie. The 11 years of Labour
OPEC has said that it will soon be
have a White pupil
mines magnate Alisher Usmanov - Westminster, is at least native to rule have been better for the super-
looking for $200 a barrel (35 gallons) the largest shareholder in Arsenal these shores, though he owes his rich than having a Tory Government

from Western economies for its oil - football club - who comes in at fabulous £7 billion fortune not to any because it has neutered any opposition ORE than 30 state schools in
10 years ago it was just $10 a barrel. number five with £5.7bn. Abramovich talent or effort on his part but to the from more traditional Labour MPs. England are made up solely
fact that his ancestors 200 years ago The British National Party is the of ethnic minority pupils with no
owned the fields on which London’s only party left that still cares about white children on the roll.
west End was built. He can just sit ordinary British working families. The figures were only released
Join the Trafalgar Club back and let the rent roll in.
Times are harder for honest British
businessmen whose enterprise and
We don’t want the global super-rich
coming here to exploit our tax system
and we will confiscate anyill-gotten
because of a Freedom of Information
Act request.
These latest findings come just days
hard work has actually benefitted our gains and extradite those facing after official data showed that almost
country and whose money has been charges back to their own countries. 500,000 children in primary schools
fairly earned. Virgin boss Sir Richard Our Rich List will be made up of and a further 350,000 in second-
Branson, for example has seen his hard-working British businessmen ary schools only have English as a
net worth fall by £400m to £2.7bn and innovators who have fairly second language.
and has dropped nine places in the earned their money working for They account for one in seven of
list, down from 11th in 2007 to 20th the benefit of the British people. Britain’s total school population.

M EMBERS of the TRAFALGAR CLUB make a real dif-

ference to the British National Party.
Subscribe to Freedom
They pledge a minimum of £15 a month, in return for which
they are entered into a regular prize draw, receive occasional D on’t miss out on the news that Gordon Brown and
his new Labour cronies at Westminster would rather
you didn’t read. Make sure you get Freedom every month
special internal bulletins and are entitled to attend the annual
by taking out a subscription.
Trafalgar Club dinner free of charge.
Now 16 pages and in a new tabloid format.
In addition, fully paid up 1st-year members receive a Tra-
falgar Club tie which carries the first two ‘words’ of Nelson’s The rates for 12 issues are:
semaphore signal before the Battle of Trafalgar - “England British Isles - £11.95
Expects”. Ladies receive a personalised organiser file. Air Mail Europe - £19.20
2nd-year members receive a fine enamel badge and 3rd-year Air Mail America and Africa - £28.80
members a specially-designed umbrella. Air Mail Australia & New Zealand - £31.40

The Trafalgar Club always welcomes new members. Please make cheques/POs payable to British National Party
and send with your name and address to:
08454 764 162 Subscriptions, PO Box 17, Amlwch LL68 8AB
to join and receive your payment card Pay by credit card
The Secretar y 08710 500 238
PO Box 293 Freedom is now delivered in a white sleeve within a plastic cover
Cardiff CF24 0NP so it arrives on your breakfast table in pristine Condition.

Euro election 09


What We Stand for

HOTLINE 08710 500 241 CRIME: A crack-down on crime with more ‘Bob-
bies on the Beat’. Tougher treatment of crimi-
nals, including the return of the death penalty

BNP to contest Henley by-election

for child killers and terrorists. Zero tolerance
for drug-dealers and violent thugs.

IMMIGRATION: An end to immigration and bogus

T HE British National Party is to
contest the Henley by-election
on Thursday 26th June.
asylum seekers flooding Britain. Use the £billions
wasted in foreign aid to fund ‘Homeward Bound’
Our candidate will be Tim Rait who schemes to encourage immigrants to return to
at the last General Election was the their land of ethnic origin.
BNP candidate for Maidenhead.
The constituency is true-blue Tory INDUSTRY: British ownership and control of Brit-
with the Lib-Dems coming a distant
second. The interest in the election ish industry and resources, including the mass
will be how the Labour vote holds media. Protection of British jobs and industry
up and who will come 4th out of the by selective exclusion of foreign manufactured
Greens, UKIP and the BNP.
Our campaign teams have been goods from the British market.
canvassing hard and there is a small
outside chance that we might reach HEALTH: We will use the vast sums of money
5% of the vote and save our deposit. now wasted on funding our membership of the
European Union for the restoration of an effective
national health service and proactive measures to
LAST TIME produce a healthier population in the first place.
General Election EUROPEAN UNION: British withdrawal from the
Henley Constituency European Union to restore Britain’s freedom. We
LEFT: British National Thursday 5th May 2005
Party candidate Tim Boris Johnson (Con).......... 24894 will trade with Europe where it benefits Britain,
Rait, out canvassing David Turner (Lib-Dem)..... 12101 but want no political ties or monetary union.
in Henley with our Kaleem Saeed (Lab)......... 6862
London Assembly
member Richard Mark Stevenson (Green)... 1518 EDUCATION: A return to traditional methods of
Barnbrook. Delphine Gray-Fisk (UKIP) 1162
education, with stronger discipline in the class-
room and an end to ‘trendy’ teaching methods

BNP looking to become a challenger in Chadwell Heath

which have failed our children so badly.

ENVIRONMENT: A healthy environment for a

I N the Top-Up List vote for the
London Assembly for Chadwell
Heath Ward in Barking and
the BNP’s 13th councillor in Barking
and Dagenham.
with all the other parties normally
squeezed out, but the votes on May
healthy people - the protection of our countryside.
A ban on greenfield-site house building except in
Chadwell Heath is a real Labour 1st show that the BNP is now emerg-
Dagenham, the British National and Conservative Party battleground ing as a serious challenger here. exceptional cases of genuine local need, an end
Party came third behind Labour Once again Labour are employing
and the Tories.
to field trials of GM crops, and the restoration of
the help of a ‘UKIP candidate’ to try
The full result was: to syphon off a few BNP votes. our 200 mile fishing limit.
Barking & Dagenham Council The UKIP candidate is Kerry Smith,
Chadwell Heath whose sister, Nadine Smith, just hap- FAIR PLAY FOR ENGLAND: The setting up of an
Thursday 1st May 2008
Labour Party ........................... 636
pens to be a Chadwell Heath Labour English Parliament to give England the same
councillor and whose elder brother
Conservative Party .................. 567 Liam Smith, just happens to be the
right of self-determination within the United
British National Party .......... 390 deputy leader of the Labour group on Kingdom as enjoyed by Scotland, Wales and
Liberal Democrats.................... 135 Barking & Dagenham Council. Northern Ireland.
UK Independence Party........... 94 The line-up for Chadwell Heath are:
Green Party ............................. 67 Terry Justice (Con)
Now there is a by-election in Chadwell GOVERNMENT & COMMUNITY: The establishment
Ashley McIlroy (Ind)
Heath on July 3rd and the BNP candi- Margaret Mullane (Lab) of a government that puts British interests first. A
date is 24 year-old James Webb. He is Kerry Smith (UKIP) return to healthy moral values and policies aimed
an electrical engineer who was born in James Webb (BNP)
Dagenham and stood as a BNP candi- at strengthening the family and community. Tough
JAMES WEBB: Just 15 votes from Chadwell Heath Ward, May 4th 2006:
date in Village ward in 2006 where he becoming the BNP’s 13th councillor in Lab 1101, 999, 987. Con 873, 734, 583. penalties for corruption in public life.
was just 15 votes short of becoming Barking and Dagenham. Ind 560. UKIP 385, 376.
FREEDOM: An major expansion of freedom and


democracy to roll back the erosion of our tradi-
tional freedoms and truly reflect the wishes of the
people. The introduction of referenda and direct
The British National Party is on the verge of a major breakthrough into
mainstream politics. In May, the BNP achieved another good set of DEFENCE: An alternative defence strategy based
local election results and gained representation on the Greater London on the principle of armed neutrality. No Brit-
Assembly. In June 2009 it’s the European Elections and it is vital that ish blood should be shed in conflicts which do
we continue to make progress. not involve British interests. The restoration of
But to win against the old gang parties in such a fiercely contested set of the County Regiment system and the reversal of
elections needs considerable funding and we are appealing for your help defence cuts which have weakened our Forces
as the BNP makes this vital push for power in order to save our country. and cost jobs.
I enclose a donation to the BNP for £ . . . . . . REMEMBER! It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree with
us on every last policy. Like all the other democratic
NAME.................................................................... Tel No................................ political parties, the British National Party includes
ADDRESS.......................................................................................................... some members who disagree with one or two poli-
.............................................................................. Post Code......................... cies. Just ask yourself whether you agree with more
of our policies than those of Labour, the Tories and
Cheques/POs payable to British National Party or British Heritage
the Lib-Dems. Most people do, which is why we are
PO Box 142, Leeds LS58 9DR the fastest growing political party in Britain today.
Those making donations of £200 or over must be on the UK Electoral Register. Send SAE for receipts for amounts of £25 or under.

EU law will put UK hauliers out of business

T HERE will be more foreign
lorries on Britain’s roads
following the passing of a new
foreign transporters are banned
from striking formal deals with
British companies for jobs here, but
that much easier. By filling up with
diesel abroad which is 14p a litre
cheaper than here and by using
European Union law, passed by once the rules change their access cheap foreign drivers, they will be
the European Parliament last to British markets will be made able to undercut British haulage
month, which will allow firms and capture the lion’s
European haulage con- share of the market.
tractors to take on more The Freight Transport
work whilst their lorries Association claims that
are in the UK. the EU law change will
Overseas hauliers use put hundreds of British
cheaper fuel and unregu- hauliers out of business
lated labour, particularly because it will create unfair
WHITBY HARBOUR: British fishermen have to sit and watch as Spanish and from Eastern Europe, and competition with most for-
French fishermen unload their catches.

Foreign fishermen plunder

British operators claim they eign companies operating
will be unable to compete. to a much lower standard
Under current legislation than UK firms.

our mackerel and whiting Roewe signals the Nissan bribe

end of 100 years N
by Trisha Scott of whiting.

A NOTHER example of the

European Union’s destructive
The Yorkshire fishermen are,
understandably, upset. Over the
ISSAN is shifting the manu-

of car production
interference in Britain’s affairs facture of its next-generation
past 10 years great efforts have
is the invasion of our waters by Micra to India from its Sunderland
been made by them to protect our

at Longbridge
foreign fishing boats. plant in the UK.
fish populations which have been It is only thanks to a £6.2million
And to make matters worse these recovering. Closing areas at sea and bribe from the Labour Government
French and Spanish intruders are fewer days out fishing have gone a by Steve Johnson An open-topped sports car, the to the Japanese firm that the factory

also catching fish which our own long way to conserve stocks. HEN top British carmaker MGTF, was supposed to be being is staying open.
fishermen are banned from netting. But the foreign fishermen have no MG Rover was sold off to the built under Chinese management at
Due to European quotas, British such restrictions, having seriously Chinese in July 2005, we warned Longbridge but it hasn’t appeared.
trawlers are not allowed to fish for depleted their own stocks of fish
730 jobs go in
that this meant the end of produc- Motor industry analysts are now
mackerel and whiting, yet French by careless fishing methods, they tion at the Longbridge plant. coming to the conclusion that – just
and Spanish boats can land these employ the same tactics in our seas,
Grantham as M&S
We also said that promises from the as we warned – volume carmaking
fish, and do it quite legally under the thus undoing all the good work done Chinese to the contrary were worth- will never come back to Longbridge.
quota system! by our fishermen.
looks overseas
less and the plan all along was to ship SAIC has no interest in producing
To add insult to injury, they then Membership of the European Rover and MG production to their cars in the West. It already owns
unload their catches at Whitby in Union penalises the British fishing
cheap labour plants at home and shut 51.9% of the Korean carmaker ORTHERN Foods have
North Yorkshire, whilst the local industry and allows our fish stocks the Midlands plants down. Ssangyong, and is setting up a dealer
fishermen can only look on. A recent to be plundered. That is why a BNP announced that its Fenland
Rover’s purchaser, Nanjing Automo- network in Britain and Europe based Foods site in Grantham which
catch by a French trawler included Government will leave the EU at the bile Corporation, has now merged on the Ssangyong franchise to sell
over a ton of mackerel and 300 boxes earliest opportunity. prepares Italian ready made meals
with Shanghai Automotive Indus- imported Chinese-made cars here, for Marks & Spencer is to be
try Corporation (SAIC). When it including, no doubt, Chinese made ‘mothballed’ from August.
EUROPOL gets new
unveiled its latest model it was a MGs and ‘Roewes’. 730 jobs will be lost at the
cut-down clone of the Rover 55 It’s cheaper to build cars in China and Lincolnshire factory as a result of the

powers in Britain
called the “Roewe 55”. The name is ship them to Britain and in the global withdrawal of M&S product lines at
because, when Ford sold MG Rover market it is only making a profit that the plant.
The factory broke even last

to China, they kept the Rover name counts. year with £45million of sales.
ETECTIVES from any Euro-
copyright so they could sell it to Tata SAIC don’t care about British work-
pean Union country are now
with Jaguar and Land Rover. ers and their families in the West
able to carry out investigations and
The “Roewe”, is a British design, Midlands and neither does this
even make arrests on British soil
being made in China and there is no Labour Government. It shouldn’t
due to a new EU agreement.
indication that any cars will ever be have allowed MG Rover to have been
Previously, European police could
made here. Indeed the Chinese have sold off and should have brought it
travel to this country to share intel-
sold off much of the Longbridge back under State control to ensure
ligence – but could not make arrests.
plant site to property developer St the future of volume car production
But now members of the European
Modwen. Most of the tools and in Britain and a secure future for the
police force Europol are able to form Labour’s failure to stand up for the equipment from the old plant have Longbridge workers.
Joint Investigation Teams using offi- British national interest in Brussels. already been shipped
cers from each national force. The British National Party believes to China and promises
The agreement removes Britain’s that responsibility for policing and made at the time of COSTS: Increased wheat and dairy
veto over any future changes to security must remain in the hands of the Chinese takeover prices makes pizzas more expensive.
Europol’s powers and is typical of the British Government. to keep a production M&S wanted wanted a cut in prices
plant going there are but managers argued that with rising
looking increasingly wheat, beef and dairy prices along
hollow. with increased energy costs any
GONE FOREVER: reduction just wasn’t feasible.
A century of car pro- So M&S pulled is business from the
duction at Longbridge firm and will now look abroad for
has been dispatched to product lines where the operating
the history books. costs are much cheaper.

BNP will ban sheep imports

T HE European Union has
decreed that the electronic
identification of sheep must be
scrap the proposals but also leave
the European Union and ban all
sheep imports. The lamb and mutton
compulsory from 2010. consumed in Britain would be born,
This will place increasing financial bred and slaughtered in Britain by
and practical burdens upon Brit- British farmers on British-owned
ish farmers and will put them at a small farms.
competitive disadvantage
compared with imports, as
the standards with which
importers have to comply are
well below those required of
UK farmers.
The technology used for the
electronic identification of
sheep also has major flaws,
including reliability, which
brings into question the
credibility of the decision.
A British National Party
Government would not only
SHEEP ID: Will give imports
an unfair advantage over
home grown sheep.

Preparing children to serve


Migrant workers
and immigrants
society and our nation target South East
P RIVATE schools should be

nationalised. That’s accord- REEN fields in south-east England’s population - will be on
ing to the incoming President of England will have to be waiting lists for council or housing
the biggest teaching union, the concreted over so new houses association homes by 2010.
National Union of Teachers, speak- can be built to provide homes The extra pressure in the south
ing to the NUT’s National Confer- for Britain’s growing immigrant east comes from migrant workers
ence in Manchester. population. taking low-paid jobs and second
Bill Greenshields said: The Government wants councils in generation immigrant families
“Let’s consider bringing all schools this already over-crowded region moving out of London to look for
into the state sector, then we would to sanction planning permission a better environment to bring up
soon see some urgent improvements for another 36,000 houses to help their children.
in our state system”. alleviate the queues for taxpayer- Ministers are now acknowledging
He was highly critical of the Labour MARXIST
DINOSAUR: subsidised social housing. that 40% of new households over
Government’s policy of selling off Last month local government chiefs the next two decades will be formed
city schools as “academies” to big Or does the NUT’s
Bill Greenshields said that five million - one in ten of by newly arrived immigrants.
businessmen, calling it privatisation make a valid point?
of education by stealth.
Even though the NUT is regarded than because their rich parents can and brickies, farmers and craftsmen,
by many as a Marxist dinosaur, Mr buy their way in. They should be the scientists and soldiers and doctors
Greenfield has a point, up to a point. training grounds for our top scien- and nurses. And fewer accountants, GREENBELT
Currently private schools educate tists, engineers and military officers. lawyers, City wide boys, bureaucrats, LAND:
fewer than 7% of our children, but But the British National Party corporate apparatchiks and holders of In the already
account for almost half the entrants believes that bringing in some third-class degrees in “Media Stud- over-crowded
to Oxford and Cambridge. Partly schools at the top of our state system ies” from the University of Luton. south-east , it’s
because of social snobbery and the and making them genuinely “public Technical and craft education needs the only place
“old school tie”, but also because schools” is only the start of what is to be massively resourced. It was the left to build on.
they have the money to provide a needed. We need to go back to the neglect of this vital component by
high standard of education, hiring basics of the 1944 Butler Education successive Labour and Tory Govern-

Notting Hill Cruddas

the top teachers in lavishly-equipped Act and reform our failing education ments that wrecked the original 1944
classrooms. They also provide schol- system from the bottom up. educational vision.

denies a Dagenham
arships to the brightest children from Schools should be focussed on Schools for future workers by hand
less-well off families and have a far preparing our children, from each need as much support, and prestige,

family their home

higher standard of discipline in the according to his or her abilities, to as those for future workers by brain.
classroom. each according to their needs, to serve Children should be sorted and guided
Such elite schools should be open over a period of several years toward
society and the nation. A society and
to the best and brightest of all our the type of education which will best AGENHAM MP Jon Cruddas etc) and furniture on his ‘2nd home’
nation that needs more electricians,
children, selected on merit rather bring out their own unique talents, ,likes to portray himself as ‘a in Notting Hill.
plumbers, fitters, engineers, chippies
mental, physical, artistic or whatever man of the people’ when in fact he It’s a cynical exploitation of a loop-
and place them most effectively at is a champagne socialist typical of hole in Commons’ regulations which
the service of the nation. the current breed of New Labour allows him to claim for the cost of
The uniqueness of all of our children politicians. mortgage interest on a flat in Notting
should be celebrated and harnessed Jon Cruddas claims to live locally in Hill that he doesn’t really need.
to bring out in each of them their Dagenham, when actually he lives in Last year Jon Cruddas received
own separate, personal, and essential a luxury half a million pound apart- £21,535 in Additional Cost Allow-
contribution to the family and unity ment in sought-after Notting Hill ances just below the maximum he
of the Nation. which is also where he sends his chil- could claim of £22,110. His total
A contribution which they need to dren to school. claim came to nearly £120,000 and
be taught to value and take pride He says he needs this second home in this is on top of his £59,000 salary,
in. All Britons, doctor and dust- exclusive Notting Hill to be near Par- generous pension scheme and inci-
man, cyberneticist and carpenter, liament which is 4 miles away, even dental expenses limit of £20,440.
physicist and farm labourer, are though his Dagenham house is only But the real scandal of this sorry
needed, working together to build 13 miles away. episode is that his house in Dagen-
PUBLIC SCHOOLS: They should be open to the best and brightest, selected on Cruddas has told the House of Com- ham is for cosmetic purposes
merit rather than because their rich parents can buy their way in. our nation’s future.
mons fees office that his ‘main home’ only. He doesn’t really live there
is the one in Dagenham. He claims and by holding on to this empty

‘Albania’ Bob rages at

Additional Cost Allowances to pay ex-council house just to con the
for mortgage interest, white goods voters, he is depriving a local
(fridge, freezer, washing machine family of an affordable home

BNP in reply to local

health care query
T HE BNP’s first local election
results in Derby have rattled
the Derby North Labour MP Bob
aging 654 votes which was 18% of
the total votes cast.
These results must have been play-
“With regard to your suggestion that
you would get better treatment if you
arrived as an illegal immigrant, I find
Luxton, who is known by many ing on Bob’s mind when he received this assertion to be ridiculous. I am
of his constituents as Albania Bob a letter from one of his constituents sorry that you have been led to your
for his campaigning on behalf of over problems he has been experi- beliefs by propaganda that is peddled
Albanians both in Britain and encing trying to find an NHS dentist. by the disgraceful, fascist, racists of
back in their native country. Unfortunately this chap happened to the BNP and it is for this reason that
In Allestree ward Glynn Cooper mention the healthcare received by they are quite rightly shunned by
polled 11% for the British National illegal immigrants and that reference every respectful political party.”
Party and in Chaddesden ward, Paul set Albania Bob off. The MP ranted The recipient was astonished by the
Hilliard received a more than encour- in his reply: reply he received, in part because he
had never mentioned the BNP in his
letter to the MP.
Maybe he had just caught Bob at a
bad moment. Probably after he had
just returned from a meeting of the
All-Party Albania Group at the
Houses of Commons where he is
campaigning for MPs to ratify the
Albania Stabilization and Associa-
tion Agreement.
At a meeting with Albanian dissidents
recently the Derby North MP said he
was worried about freedom of speech
in Albania because the media denies
opposition groups access (just like
here then - Ed) and that he wanted
to see the creation of a pro-Albanian
lobby in the British parliament with
WESTMINSTER: Bob Luxton isn’t meeting constituents from Derby the purpose of helping them improve
North, but Albanians worried about press freedom in Albania. the image of Albania in the UK.

£300 raised at NE Essex meeting

by Jim Taylor how Third World cultures were now becoming

T HERE were 35 members and supporters at

the meeting of the North East Essex Group
held on 21st May in Brightlingsea.
more common place in the West.
The meeting was chaired by Jim Taylor, and joining
him and Alisdair on the top-table were Patrick Sul-
Significantly, one-third were ladies who also con- livan, Colchester’s first BNP council candidate who
tributed by far the most to the question and answer beat his Labour opposition, and Keith Beaumont,
session held at the end of the meeting. the BNP contact for the Tendring District.
The guest speaker was Alisdair Lewis, the chair- After the speeches everyone enjoyed the tasty
man of the Southend Branch of the British National refreshments provided by Carol Geal and Tracey
Party who entertained the meeting with a well pre- Worsley and contributed to the collection which
sented talk based on his extensive travels, about raised over £300.

Moving into the

SNP’s heartland
M EMBERS of the North East
Scotland unit of the British
National Party paid a visit to Alex
friendly and very interested in what
the BNP had to say.
Strichen lies in the SNP heartland
Salmond’s home town of Strichen and has yet to be ‘culturally enriched’
and every house there received a which is probably why the town had
back issue of Freedom along with more than its fair share of white-
a BNP policy leaflet. flighters. These were people who
Only two people did not want a paper openly admitted that they had settled BRIGHTLINGSEA: Meeting Chairman Jim Taylor, introduces guest speaker Alisdair Lewis from Southend BNP.
and politely returned them, while in the town to escape the effects of

Nick & Simon speak in Shropshire

almost everybody else spoken to was uncontrolled mass immigration.

by Karl Foulkes The chairman for the meeting was such as Peak Oil, the ongoing crisis

B EING one of England’s most

rural and sparsely populated
counties, Shropshire has never been
North Shropshire Organiser Phil
Reddall and he introduced Deputy
facing Britain’s farming and fishing
industries and the need for greater
national self sufficiency.
BNP Chairman Simon Darby, who
a place traditionally associated with his trademark mixture of humour At the end of the speech, the 70 plus
with nationalist politics. and intelligence, had the audience members of the audience showed
But now due to the hard work and both enthralled and amused. their appreciation with a two minute
dedication of our members and He was followed by Nick Griffin long standing ovation.
supporters, the Party is gaining who delivered one of the most Afterwards, it was time for guests
GLASGOW: BNP papersellers are confronted by angry mob of opponents. support and becoming an established to socialize and enjoy a superb

Bravery on Buchanan Street

informative and inspiring speeches
part of the local political landscape ever heard at a Shropshire gathering. buffet prepared by our hardworking
- as anyone who attended the last Speaking for well over an hour, Nick members Helen and Raynor. A
Shropshire meeting will testify. covered a wide range of subjects collection raised a total of £265.
by John McGuire intimidated the BNP members stood

G LASGOW’S Buchanan Street

is the heartbeat of the retail
district and an area where on any
firm and received support from brave
members of the public who still came
forward to buy copies of Freedom.
given Saturday Scottish Socialists, During the day the mob grew and
Communists and Islamic groups became more threatening, bringing
meet to distribute their literature. Buchanan Street to a standstill with
But on a Saturday at the end of May amazed shoppers and retail staff looking
four BNP activists entered this Lion’s on in disbelief at the now 40 strong mob
Den to sell the British National Par- of thugs surrounding the papersellers.
ty’s newspaper Freedom. Thankfully the police then intervened
Glasgow organiser Charlie Baillie, finding the situation serious enough
visited Strathclyde Police to inform to call for back up. They then formed
them of his intention and plan for the a protective cordon around our mem-
day. He was told that officers would bers and ensured the public were able
be present in the area on the day to to buy the newspapers without facing
ensure they would be able to sell intimidation and abuse. SHREWSBURY: North Shropshire Organiser Phil Reddall, introduces Simon Darby and BNP Chairman Nick Griffin.
their newspapers unhindered. The day was a success for the BNP
Naturally the rabble were upset and with the public seeing the bravery
encircled the four activists, scream- and dignity of British National Party

East Midlands training seminar

ing obscenities. Refusing to be members in the face of a mob.

Maurice is cycling 100 miles by John Ryde day the mysteries of the mail merge as well as canvass

to raise Euro Election funds THE East Midlands region of the British National
Party continues to roll-out its seminars for
training local members to the highest standards of
sheet preparation and the analysis of the results from
the information gathered, were explained in detail.
It is these newly acquired skills that are helping the
funds for the East Midlands Euro
Election Fund. electioneering and administration. British National Party in the East Midlands to contest
This bike ride has the potential to Last month eight local officials attended an IT skills local elections in the most professional way, equal at the
raise a good sum of money towards session at a venue in rural Leicestershire and during the very least to the campaigns of the three main parties. 
our Euro Election fund and help us
move the party to new heights in the
East Midlands.
Maurice is doing the hard work so
the rest of us just need to ask fellow
friends, work colleagues, family, and
people at your pub or local sports
club to sponsor his effort.
There will be a chance for every-
one to come along and see Maurice
cross the finishing line but in return
by Wayne McDermott you will be expected to do two hours

M AURICE Collett is cycling

100 miles from his home
in Leicestershire to Skegness on
leafleting in Skegness and help man a
Freedom sale stall.
If you wish to sponsor Maurice’s
the Lincolnshire coast on the bike ride please contact East Mid-
first Sunday in July to help raise lands BNP at eastmids@bnp.org.uk

Residents bullied
over mosque plan
Fleur White by the councillors on the top table
reports from particularly forcefully by the rude
Nottingham and rather obnoxious councillor,
on a local Harry Tipton (Cons), demanding that
efforts to stip a all British National Party members
mosque being leave the meeting.
One BNP member was able to address

W HEN it was reported in the

Nottingham Evening News
that the Muslim community in
the meeting before the microphone
was snatched away. They asked:
“Is the scale and location of the pro-
West Bridgford in Nottingham- posed development proportional to
shire were seeking planning per- the needs of the actual local commu-
mission for a large two storey nity or just to the desires of another
mosque and school on land behind community?”
the Asda supermarket in the town, Our democratic right to free speech
local residents were worried. was denied us and we were startled
A public meeting was called by by the ferocity of the elected rep-
VALUE FOR MONEY: Not only are BNP councillors Ian Meller and Graham Partner very cost effective they also defend the resentatives who shouted us down
interests of local residents. Here they are photographed in front of an area for a proposed development in Beveridge Lane, Rushcliffe Borough Council so
Ellistown, which the Tory Council wanted to push through without public consultation. that those opposing the develop- from the stage. They were guilty of

BNP councillors are

ment could voice their concerns and psychological bullying, expecting
members of Nottingham BNP went the audience to cower behind a cur-
along to hear what was being said. tain of political correctness and to
Almost the entire audience was cite excuses such as parking prob-

working the hardest to

against the mosque and just one lady lems and noise instead of voicing the
objected to the general consensus real concern of those present.
saying that a Muslim wouldn’t try That we feel threatened by a reli-
to stop a church being built in their gion and a politically orientated

look after your interests

locality and that those at the meeting culture that is wholly incompatible
were ‘racist’ to oppose the planning with a Christian Britain and that
permission. we expect our elected representa-
Not surprisingly she was supported tives to do something about it.
by Wayne McDermott council have only missed one meet- while NW Leicestershire council ser-

B RITISH National Party coun-

cillors often have a difficult
time in the council chamber with
ing giving the BNP an average atten-
dance on NW Leicestershire District
council at 97.6% compared with
vices face cutbacks because of lack
of funds.
The worse record on the council is
little or no help or support from the Labour 93.6%, Conservatives 86.8% that of Edward Blunt, the Conserva-
representatives of the other parties. and Lib Dems 73.5%. tive councillor for Ibstock. He is cur-
BNP councillors know they have When looking at the amount of rently facing court appearance on a
to work extra hard to look after the money each councillor has been paid drink drive charge and his attendance
interests of their constituents because per meeting they have attended, our record is just over 40% with each
as they are not members of the Lab/ councillors make the BNP the most meeting attended costing the local
Con/Lib-Dem Club, our opponents value for money Party on the coun- council tax payers £515.43.
will be doing everything they can to INSERT:
cil with Graham Partner attending Our Leicestershire councillors are The site of the
hinder their efforts. 40 meetings this year for his basic doing the British National Party proposed mosque
After a year in office our three coun- allowance - not a penny more, unlike proud. Local activists worked for
cillors in Leicestershire have a track the old gang councillors - while Ian the three victories and our council- WEST BRIDGFORD: Councillors tell the meeting that is it ‘racist’ to oppose the
record to be proud of and one to put Meller is the 4th best out of the 38 lors are repaying that commitment mosque just because of concerns over the rapid growth of Islam in Britain.
the old gang parties to shame. councillors. through their work on the council.
The average attendance of our coun- Again the BNP is the only party whose Over the past 12 months they have
cillors is 98.2% with our councillor councillors are taking just the basic learned the work of the council and
in Charnwood, Cathy Duffy, attend- allowance. Even the Lib-Dems who with every week that goes by are
ing 100% or her meetings. claim to be so community-friendly gaining more experience and manag-
Councillors Graham Partner and Ian have two of their three councillors ing to out-perform councillors with
Meller on North West Leicestershire taking more than the basic and all the many more years on the council.

More memories from May 1st

Delighted in Rugby
No wonder BNP election
agent Ian Donaldson, and
candidate Joanne Felvus-
McCarron are looking
Joanne had just polled
16.3% in Rugby’s Lawford
and Kings Newnham ward
trouncing both the Labour
and the Liberal Democrat
The British National
Party were just 384 votes
behind the winning Tory

Happy in Coventry
Happy and smiling
faces from the BNP The monthly magazine of the British National Party
contingent at the 28 full-colour pages providing a showcase for the modern,
Coventry count.
populist nationalism to which the BNP is now committed.
It was another
solid performance Subscribe for six issues
from Coventry BNP British Isles - £17.50
standing in 13 wards Air Mail Europe - £23.20
across the city.
Air Mail Middle East and Americas - £29.60
In the nine seats
contested by both the Air Mail Australasia & Far East - £29.60
BNP and the Lib-Dems Please make cheques payable to British National Party and send to
we ran out comfortable The Secretary, PO Box 17, Amlwch LL68 8AB
7-2 winners. Credit card payments 08710 500 238

Re-writing history for political ends

by Dr Donald Stevens inhabitants were mainly Greek.
Sally Wood
I N response to the letter
from Glenn Richards in last
month’s issue of Freedom,
George is a common Greek name
with ‘ge’ meaning earth and ‘orge’
meaning work, therefore George
Straight Talking
he was quite justified to was ‘a man who worked the
be surprised that Sandwell
Council were advertising
earth’ - a farmer. It is definitely
not a Turkish name. Allotment Wanted
its famous St George’s Day The error of those who dressed
parade with a knight wearing St George in Islamic green
an Islamic tunic. with Turkish symbols at best
It is believed that St George typifies the lack of knowledge of
lived in what is now Turkey and history and languages today, or
therefore some have deduced at worse is yet another attempt
that he was Turkish. However, at by politicians to re-write history
the time of St George, the Turks and falsify the past for their own
FALSE: Turkish St George had not yet settled there and the political ends.

Real art with A naval officer speaks out

a story to tell
by Trevor Agnew
O the Tinsley cooling towers
which stand by the M1 near
O NE of my earliest memories is of peering through railings
at an elderly neighbour tending his plot in the allotments at
the end of my road in South London.
Sheffield are to be demolished. I still think of that today when  I flash passed in the train and spot
They are an imposing indicator to the same site. The allotments have long since disappeared only to be
drivers, letting them know that they replaced by an ugly block of flats with a garish mural which adorns
are entering the North of England. the entire flank wall. It seems like something from another country.
They stand moodily and artistically,
dominating the steel city skyline.
Where I live now there was much consternation when the Liberal
And they ARE art. A living art which Democrats, who ran the  Council at that time and  who are always

The Demise of our

is a stepping stone into an industrial keen to proclaim their green credentials, decided to allow a Housing 
golden age when Britain was a world Association development on the nearby allotments. Since then many
leader. A monument to the efforts and of the council houses in our area have become occupied by Eastern

Merchant Navy
achievements of the British worker. Europeans and others from overseas. When I recently tried to put my
name down for an allotment on the sole remaining site I was told
there was a waiting list of at least forty people before me and I could
be given no indication as to when I was likely to reach the top of the

B RITAIN’S Merchant Navy

list. Prepare to put your name down when young if you wish to get
Under the regulations it was possible
has a proud history from the one in this lifetime!
for people to train and obtain
days of armed merchantmen to the qualifications which would allow With the United States now converting a fifth of its corn to ethanol
invaluable support they provided them to sail in their relevant level to  provide approximately 3-4% of  the fuel needed to run its  cars
in the wars of the last century. in whichever area of operation they and trucks, the price of food worldwide has rocketed.  Coupled with
Britain used to have one of the chose. But then the International that, the droughts in Australia and China have resulted in a shortage
greatest merchant fleets in the world, Maritime Organisation decreed that of  rice  which has caused some countries to  cease exporting  rice
with vessels plying their trade all over revisions were needed to harmonise completely for fear of food riots.
the globe. Sadly this is no longer the the certificate structures worldwide. Britain was last self sufficient in  grain, meat and dairy  in  the
case because new international laws The tonnage limit of coastal vessels 1830’s and today self-sufficiency stands at only 60%, which makes
Unlike what passes as art today, these have changed the Merchant Navy was reduced from the original 5000
beyond recognition.
us particularly vulnerable to a decline in food imports. During the last
towers have a story to tell, a link to local and 1500 limits to a paltry 500,
Successive British governments have war when this was of concern, ten percent of our food was produced
people and they were once useful. which has no practical use at all.
accepted these laws with no regard The limited European Trading Area from gardens and allotments. It is hard to imagine such a figure could
But to the powers that be, they are be reached today especially as many gardens in urban areas are now
an awkward reminder of how British for the consequences to British was revised to Near Coastal which
industry has been devastated and the jobs in the industry and the reduced limits people qualified in this area housing developments having been designated as ‘brownfield sites’.
working class sold out. merchant tonnage now operating to 150 nautical miles off the UK As for that allotment . . . look around for one and you could well
Millions of drivers, and voters, see with British crews. coast and 30 nautical miles off Eire, look in vain, for where it used to be you may find instead an ugly
them and it pricks people’s con- It is the International Maritime where previously it allowed people block of flats housing people from other lands and giving us the
sciences about what Britain has lost. Organisation which is behind the to navigate vessels across the whole responsibility of all those additional mouths to feed. 
And that is one of the main reasons changes, introducing new legislation North Sea.
which favours Third World tonnage The changes have led to a shortage
why the days of these monoliths of
South Yorkshire are numbered. and seafarers.
Initially, training and certification
of qualified personnel and this gap Who are these homes for?
is now being filled by mariners from
was governed by the Standards of Third World countries. They benefit CO-TOWNS: what
an oxymoron is that!
Training and Certification of Watch from lower costs, reduced college
Keepers which came into force in fees and adaptations to the current How can a new town be
1978. This laid down the minimum legislation which favour their naval ecologically friendly when

FLASH! qualifications required for the

certification of marine professionals.
These rules served our fleet well and
organisations. These people often
have limited English which presents
a danger in itself.
it is built on a green field
site which entails concret-
ing over large areas of the
allowed the certification of officers Our Merchant fleet is coming to countryside and destroy-
and men in accordance with our trade the end of its days because the ing natural habitat?
requirements. Government is not standing up and
The British fleet had three areas You only have to think of
defending the industry.
of operation, namely Home Trade In the not too distant future, all all the additional traffic and
(coastal areas including the Irish Sea, seafarer, shore-based ship pilot and congestion it will generate,
North Sea and local trading areas), associated jobs will be filled by free to spew pollutants into
Middle Trade which covered to the foreigners, and one of Britain’s great the air.
Mediterranean and Black Sea and institutions and the skills that go with Take the small village of Micheldever in the North Hampshire Downs.
Foreign Going. it will have been lost forever. Here in this delightful rural landscape of rolling hills and wooded
copse: home to owls, bats and a rare pair of stone curlews, Eagle Star
Insurance have plans to concrete over it and construct one of these
British National Party
SMS ALERTS Winswell in War new eco-towns.
Another eco-town is proposed near Couldwell and Roslington in
G ET our latest election
results, the BNP’s media
appearance dates and other
England 1940 South Derbyshire. Bank Development are planning a 5,700 unit
settlement which will entail the felling of national forest trees
Bombs, spies, invasion - and a new road to feed its new eco-town of ‘Grovewood’. How
BNP news flashes instantly
texted to your mobile phone. schoolboys form their eco-friendly is that!
It appears that 40% of these homes are to be affordable housing, but
There is no subscription charge, own Home Guard
just text “BNP” to 83300 in order for whom?
to immediately join the service Traditional fiction The English are simply not replacing themselves, but they are now
and “BNP OFF” to the same suitable for all ages fleeing our ever increasingly crime-ridden cities to be replaced there
number to unsubscribe. by economic migrants. Surely if these economic migrants were told
No text message will cost more
than £1.50 and will only be sent
£7.00 inc post to stay in their own countries their carbon footprint would be lower,
and that has to be good for the planet.
out for BNP election results and
other important information.
PO Box 6576, Poole, Dorset BH12 9DQ From every angle these eco-towns can only be an eco-disaster.

New Labour’s attack

on the British pub The S ale s Le ague f or Is sue 95
1. LEEDS ........................................................... (3)

�� � � �
by Trisha Scott 2. CARLISLE...................................................... (2)

O UR proud British heritage

and culture have been under
attack from New Labour since it
came to power in 1997. We have 5. Coventry....................................................... .(7)
seen our cultural and Christian fes- 6. Allerdale....................................................... ( -)
tivals banned, renamed or watered
7. Newcastle & Gateshead......................... ( -)
down so as “not to offend those of
other faiths”. 8. Broxbourne.................................................. (8)
The traditional games and pastimes 9. Black Country............................................. (9)
enjoyed by generations of British 10. Leicester....................................................... (10)
children are banned or deemed “too
11. Southend...................................................... (12)

� ��
dangerous” by the Establishment in
its appeasement of the compensation 12. Croydon........................................................ (17)
culture. 13. Barking & Dagenham.............................. (16)
In addition to these insidious inroads
and savage assaults on our traditions, 14. Epping Forest............................................. (14)
the local pub is now fast becoming an 15. Northampton.............................................. (15)
endangered entity. Inns, hostelries or 16. Wakefield..................................................... (16)
pubs, however they are termed, are LAST ORDERS: Britain’s pubs have been hit by the smoking ban and increased
duty on spirits, wine and beer. 17. Copeland...................................................... (- )

icons of our culture. For hundreds of
years, such places have played host a devastating effect on many pubs, lost this year. If this scenario contin- 18. Pendle............................................................ (18)
to groups and individuals, whether to both rural and urban. This, combined ues, we could be seeing the end of 19. Burnley.......................................................... (19)
conduct business, for social purposes, with the availability of cheap alco- our traditional British pub within the 20. Charnwood.................................................. (20)
or most commonly for a reward after hol in supermarkets, has led to many next few years.
a hard day’s work. former pub customers opting to buy There seems to be a hidden agenda
In days gone by, inns would be identi- cheap booze and stay at home, where behind Labour’s attack on our pubs.
fied by signs showing pictures, as the they can enjoy their drink with a Given that they seem to be quite
ability to read was not widespread smoke in their own living room. happy with what appears to be creep- PO Box 158,
in the general population. This no In addition, the recent increase in ing “Islamification” of our country, Tel: 08710 500 242
longer is the case, of course, although duty on alcoholic drinks announced happy with the prospect of a super Deeside,
pictorial signs still adorn most pubs, in the Budget has further added to the mosque in our capital city, can we CH5 2WW. orders@bnp.org.uk
and many are very ornate. woes of publicans. assume that this apparent clampdown
Naturally some pubs did close, but most At present, British pubs are clos- on our pubs is yet another step on the
villages had one, where the locals could ing down at the alarming rate of slippery path to Britain becoming an
go and enjoy their pint. twenty-seven a week, and it is not Islamic republic?
Then along came New Labour, only the village pubs which are being Our people need to wake up to
armed with their sledgehammer, to affected, many town and city ones what is going on and elect a Party
introduce draconian measures aimed have also gone. which will safeguard our institu- A Cost Too Far?
at our British drinking places. The British Beer & Pub Association tions, culture and traditions - the £9.50
The smoking ban has already had fears that at least 1000 pubs will be British National Party. An analysis of the net economic costs and
benefits for the UK of EU membership.

DIY dentistry
Indian launch rubs home
A must-have for the arguments relating to
our membership of the EU.
A cost-benefit analysis of EU membership

- yet another
published by Civitas estimates the annual
burden on Britain of regulation, the CAP

symptom of
Britain’s space shame
and the budget, is at four per cent of GDP.

Killing of the
Labour failure countryside
by G. Harvey

L ABOUR’S claim that more

people than ever before are
able to access our National Health
We gave up dominion over earth and sky £8.99
It is a national emblem: the patchwork

fields, the hedgerows, the dark brooding
Service for dental treatment has AST month India successfully Indians did. hills. Its images fill our literature and our
been exposed as yet another lie. launched another rocket into But then the Government pulled the cinema screens. Yet somehow, while we
New figures show that 3,500 space, this time carrying a cluster plug on our space programme so our were otherwise preoccupied, the British
patients per day lost access to NHS of ten satellites. launchers don’t earn us any money, countryside has been brought to ruin.

dental treatment in the last three The rocket lifted off from Sriharikota they have been left to rust beside the
months of 2007. In Yorkshire alone, island in southern Andhra Pradesh ruins of our shut-down launch centre One World, Ready
state, carrying two Indian and eight in Woomera in Southern Australia.
more than 40,000 fewer adults are
foreign satellites. They are expected Back in 1971, the Minister in charge or Not
in receipt of dental care on the NHS by William Greider
since the reforms which were sup- to provide data to enable India to plan of the space project had actually can-
posed to improve treatment cover rural and urban development. The sat- celled it before the launch had taken £11.49
ellites were deployed in orbit within place. However, there was enough Subtitled “The manic logic of global capitalism”,
were introduced. it shows the threat posed by the global
minutes of each other and the entire hardware for the attempt, so permis-
economy to the societies and economies
operation lasted twenty minutes. sion was given to launch this flight. of individual nations by currency transfers
Such Indian space shots are now a Britain’s Black Arrow rocket worked and the shifting of production to low-wage
regular occurrence. India established perfectly, and on 28th October 1971, countries. This is a mainstream demolition
its space programme in 1963, and placed Prospero, Britain’s first satel- of fashionable economic dogma.
now regularly launches satellites into lite, into orbit.
orbit, not just for itself but for paying
customers including Israel and Italy.
The decision by the project team to
name the satellite after Shakespeare’s
Do We Need Mass
Britain launched its space programme magician who lays down his books Immigration?
in the 1950s. We launched a satellite and gives up dominion over Earth by Anthony Browne
into space in 1971, long before the and Sky, was quite deliberate. £10.00
Immigration at current levels is turning
Britain into a country very ill-at-ease with
NHS DENTIST: Patients losing access. itself. It imports poverty, increases social
Small wonder then, that it is becom- tensions, crime, public health problems
ing more common to read about des- and creates parallel communities. Anthony
Browne argues for a zero net immigration
perate people who have to resort to
policy and demolishes many of the myths
DIY dentistry, such as extractions used to justify mass immigration.
with the help of a pair of pliers and a
generous helping of whisky. The West, Islam,
Our NHS was once the envy of the
world, but successive governments, and Islamism
(2nd Edition) by Caroline Cox
both Labour and Tory, have reduced
it to the pathetic shambles that it now £11.00
is - something which would shame The fundamental conflict between
any developing Third World nation. modern Western societies and modern
Islamism is documented here by dis-
This government, which is ever cussing the writings of key Islamists,
eager and willing to throw our past and present, including Osama bin
money at dubious causes such as Laden. The evidence raises many ques-
the European Union and overseas tions and challenges for both Muslims
aid, would do well to remember LAUNCH: The plug had already been pulled on the Black Arrow project when the and non-Muslims.
that charity begins at home. rocket was launched from Woomera to take the Prospero satellite into space.

The Voice of
ISSUE No.96 The Newspaper of the British National Party

EDITOR: Martin Wingfield

Steve Johnson, Trisha Scott,
Tina Wingfield. Bob Gertner.

BNP is the only party

for our pensioners
I T WAS fitting that the first ever question from a Brit-
ish National Party representative in the Greater London
Assembly was concerning Britain’s pensioners. Richard
COCKERMOUTH: Allerdale BNP promote their local election candidate in the high street of the West Cumbrian market town.

Barnbrook asked the new London Mayor, Boris Johnson:

“During your election campaign you promised all retired Lon- No more Hazel Blears
doners a 24 hour Travel Freedom pass. When will this pledge be
The question took the new Mayor by surprise and he stuttered,
H AZEL Blears, the Minister
for Social  Cohesion, has
announced a new initiative to Letters to the Editor - freedom@bnp.org.uk
“ . . . at the new fare review next year sometime, I don’t know monitor so called hot spots of
exactly when.”
potential racial tensions within Migrant worker myth Socialism rejected
the community. recently watched a refreshingly INCE World War II, the
It was a vague and evasive response which surprised even the The task has been assigned to our honest report on television doctrine of socialism has
Conservative Party representatives in the chamber. It seems that already under-funded local councils. which should lay to rest the myth spread across the civilised world.
now the campaign is over, Boris doesn’t see his election pledge Thereby adding yet  another layer that Britain needs East European Its basic tenets are one world, a shared
to pensioners as a priority. and cost to the burgeoning  race immigrants, in order to survive. economy, the free movement of people
relations industry. For once, we were shown the reality and an end to private property.
Looking after the interests of Britain’s pensioners would be the If this country stopped immigration of what it means to be a British job But it has been rejected by many of
priority for any British National Party Government. It is only there would be no racial hot spots those it was intended to help.
seeker in the face of competition
right that those who have served this country the longest and paid and no need for  the appallingly from the Polish sector. Tibetans and other ethnic groups are
the most in taxes and in national insurance should receive the expensive race relations industry. The pathetic adherence to the grossly willing to die to achieve or regain
benefit of this contribution. There would be no illegal immigrant racist mantra “they are doing the jobs their nationhood.
problem, no spurious asylum seekers that Brits won’t do” makes me sick! Africans are prepared to kill immigrants
Putting pensioners first when it comes to looking after their health in numbers that defy common sense That a very small percentage of from other African countries to defend
and welfare makes commonsense and that is why our old folk and no chronic pressures on our their culture and land.
unemployed “Brits” are bone idle
would always be put to the front of the NHS queue. hospitals, schools and housing.   and won’t work, is not in doubt - Muslim countries have turned their
When your working life is over and you are on a limited Our  prisons would not be full of this brand of workshy layabouts back on socialism and returned to
income, it is vital that the cost of essential services is main- foreign criminals, and terrorism has existed for generations, and yes, their traditional Sharia-based law.
and gun crime would be far lower. needs tackling. But this description It is human nature, nationalism
tained at a level that does not hurt you at this vulnerable stage. But most importantly, there would of “idle Brits” is deeply offensive to and religion that people prefer to
To ensure that our people have access to gas, electricity, water be no need for a Ministry of Social align to, not an out-dated doctrine
the vast majority of the unemployed
and public transport at a price they can afford, the BNP would Cohesion, or Hazel Blears and her who cannot find a job. promoted by politicians with only
bring these services back under state control - it is a scandal costly initiatives. If immigrant workers are so vital to the a superficial relationship to reality
that Labour and the Tories have allowed private and in some John Reed, Wolverhampton. economy, could someone enlighten because of Political Correctness.
cases foreign owned firms to make a profit out of supplying the me as to who did the jobs that they The only political model that will
essential services that we cannot live without. ‘Freedom’ is ideal have taken before they came. function based on reality is that of
The British National Party would re-open the Post Offices that
this Labour Government has closed, and massively invest in local
W E have just received our May
issue of Freedom, for which
we have an overseas subscription,
Trisha Scott, Scarborough. independent nations, with native
populations cooperating at an
international level while retaining
public transport. At the top of all pensioners’ wish list is a cut in and we were delighted to see that A kick in the ballots! the right to decide the composition
council tax and the BNP would be able to make significant reduc-
tions in what each household has to pay by stopping any further
the Party had done so well in the
recent local council elections.
It is very difficult, where we are in
I F anyone had any doubt that
the British worker has been sold
down the river by New Labour they
and evolution of their own unique
Philip Smeeton, email.
immigration and deporting all illegal immigrants and migrant Spain, to get any in-depth news of should have heard Harriet Harman
workers which at a stroke, would not only relieve the pressure the elections because we are not on Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour. £1 per vote funding
on housing and social services but also reduce the cost of them.
very adept at using the internet. So She said she will actively positively
T IS time our MPs and
We would cut red tape and political correctness within our police receiving Freedom each month is the discriminate to get Asian and Black
councillors stopped acting as a
force and recruit new and re-train existing officers to do the job ideal medium for us to keep up-to- women onto more local councils to
breed of civil servants and let the
date with the latest developments. “reflect the community”.
the public wants of them - to keep Britain’s streets safe. Well done to everyone working so
political parties they represent
Later the same day on ITV’s Tonight
To implement our radical manifesto, especially with regard to pay their wages.
hard on behalf of the Party. programme, Harman’s husband - Jack
immigration, the police, import controls, state ownership and To be able to do this political parties
John and Kit, Costa del Sol. Dromey, New Labour’s Treasurer,
should receive state funding in
the re-opening of our Post Offices would breach EU Direc- An air mail subscription to Spain costs said that British workers must not
accordance with the level of support
just £19.20 for 12 issues. to be afforded any more rights than
tives passed by Brussels. Hence a BNP Government would they receive at a General Election.
leave the European Union at the earliest opportunity. workers from Eastern Europe.
I would suggest £1 for each vote up
It’s Resusci Abdul! Just two more reasons why British
to 100,000, then £5 a vote thereafter.

workers should continue to kick the
Read Martin Wingfield’s Daily Blog HE Army Cadet Force have
Labour Party in the ballots.
A party getting 10million votes
been  told that  they should would be paid £50million a year up
martinwingfield.blogspot.com return their first aid CPR training
Rory Allason, London.
to the next General Election. They
aid known as ‘Resusci Annie’ to could pay their MPs and councillors
headquarters for replacement. Britain and Tibet what they wished by way of salaries

The Voice of
BULK A new version of ‘Resusci Annie’
comes with ethnic features as the W HAT is the difference
between Britain’s present
and expenses, and the rules for
taxation and expenses should be the

ISSUE No.93 The Newspaper of the British National Party RATES previous replacement was deemed
too ‘White’ and the MOD was
required to order more ethnic types
plight and that of Tibet? 
A people being displaced to become
a minority in their own land.
same as for a private company.
There would be great incentives and
advantages for people to vote. Even
Freedom sells at 60p to satisfy the PC elite.
So the kids can now look forward to
Why is protest against this happening
in Tibet acceptable, yet not so in
if they voted for a losing candidate,
they would in effect be making a
10 copies £3.50 + £4.00 p&p using ‘Resusci Abdul’ instead. Britain, where it is called racism? donation to the party of their choice.
Name & address supplied Robin Unsworth, Oldham. David Rimington, Harrogate.
25 copies £9.00 + £5.50 p&p
50 copies £18.00 + £10.00 p&p
100 copies £35.00 + £12.00 p&p
150 copies £52.00 + £15.00 p&p
Groups and Branches Contact John Walker on

08710 500 241

Cheques/POs payable to Freedom Promotions,
The Secretary, PO Box 158, Deeside CH5 2WW.
orders@bnp.org.uk Exclusive to British National Party members

Gill to take her first JOIN YOUR CAMPAIGN TEAM

wing-walk at 61 to raise T HE British National Party is organised into campaigning local
branches, groups and Contacts across the UK. These are

money for the Gurkhas

divided by region, branches are in bold type, groups in plain
and Contacts in italics. To Contact any of these, get in touch
with the region. Where there is no Contact listed, or if there’s no
group in your area and you would like details of how to start a
T HE Solihull unit of the British
National Party welcomed guest
speaker Gill Bailey, to its June
new group, please write to: Administration Support at PO Box
2004, Bristol BS99 1WG or telephone 07974 094449.
meeting and she moved everybody EASTERN: PO Box 287, Waltham Cross EN8 8ZU
deeply with her story of the plight Tel: 01992 631677. Email: eastern@bnp.org.uk
of one of the British Army’s finest Basildon, Billericay, Brentwood, Broxbourne, Castle Point,
fighting forces, the Gurkhas. Colchester, East Herts, Epping Forest, Fenland, Luton, Maldon
“These men have been abandoned by & Braintree, Norfolk, Bedfordshire, North Herts & Stevenage,
this Labour Government after having Peterborough, South Cambridgeshire, Southend, Suffolk,
served this country loyally for 200 Thurrock, Welwyn & Hatfield, West Herts.
years,” she told the meeting.
But Gill believes the contribution of EAST MIDLANDS: PO Box 8816, Coalville LE67 0BR
these brave loyal soldiers of the Queen Tel: 07795 000676. Email: eastmids@bnp.org.uk
may be needed again to protect these Ashfield, Bassetlaw, Bolsover, Boston, Holbeach & Spalding,
islands of ours from the increasing Broxtowe, Charnwood, Derby, Derbyshire Dales & High Peaks,
terrorist threat that we face. East LIndsey, Grantham, Horncastle & Woodall Spa, Leicester,
She is raising funds for the Gurkhas Lincoln, Long Eaton & Stapleford, Melton Mowbray & Rutland,
by doing a sponsored ‘wing-walk’
Newark & Sherwood, North Kesteven, Northants, Nottingham,
which involves standing on the wing
of a plane whilst it is taking off, then South Derbyshire, Sleaford, Stamford, West LIndsey.
BRAVE LADY: Gill Bailey with Andy Terry, Solihull BNP organiser, Mike Bell South
flying around and landing. Daunting Birmingham BNP organiser, and Alwyn Deacon, Midlands Election Officer. LONDON: PO Box 287, Waltham Cross EN8 8ZU
you may think but added to this, Gill Tel: 01992 631677. Email: london@bnp.org.uk
is 61 years of age! Solihull BNP wished her the best of West Midlands regularly helps raise Barking and Dagenham, Barnet, Brent & Harrow, Bexley,
“I am a ‘virgin’ wing walker and must luck and raised £110 for her on the funds for our armed forces with the Bromley & Lewisham, Croydon & Sutton, East London, Enfield
admit I am scared silly,” she said. night. South Birmingham Organiser Knowle-based charity Troop Aid one & Haringey, Greenwich, Havering, Redbridge & Waltham
“But I feel so strongly about the sad Mike Bell and Midlands Elections of the recipients.
Forest, Richmond & Kingston, Wandsworth & Merton.
situation these brave men are in that I Officer Alwyn Deacon, who were at If you would like to make a donation
feel I have to banish those fears. the meeting, said they would try and to either cause, please forward MID-WEST: PO Box 3206, Corsham, Wiltshire SN13 0WU
“The plane is booked and paid for arrange a joint fund raising night for your cheque, made payable to ‘The Tel: 0117 947 5931. Email: midwest@bnp.org.uk
so please give what you can - these the Gurkhas and for another charity, Gurkhas Trust Fund’ or ‘Troop Aid’, Banes, Bristol & North Somerset, Calne & Chippenham,
Gurkhas were and still are, prepared Knowle based Troop Aid. c/o Solihull BNP, PO Box 12409, Mendip & North East Somerset, Sedgemoor & South Somerset,
to fight and die for these islands.” The British National Party in the Solihull, West Midlands, B37 8AD. Swindon, Warminster, Wiltshire.

Happy anniversary for

NORTH-EAST: PO Box 1132, Newcastle NE994YT
Tel: 07957 777521. Email: northeastsec@bnp.org.uk
Blyth Valley, Darlington, Easington, Hartlepool, North West

two BNP councillors

Durham, Sedgefield & Wear Valley, South Tyneside, Stockton-
on-Tees, Sunderland, Sunderland South, Teesside, Tyneside.
NORTH-WEST: PO Box 53, South Shore, Blackpool FY4 1FS
Tel: 07719 030757. Email: northwest@bnp.org.uk

C ATHY Duffy and Carol

Collett celebrated one year
of monthly Saturday morning
Council and Carol is a councillor
on Rothley Parish Council, which
is also in Leicestershire.
Allerdale, Alsager, Barrow & South Lakeland, Blackburn &
Darwen, Blackpool, Bolton, Burnley, Bury, Carlisle, Copeland,
Hyndburn, Isle of Man, Lancaster & Preston, Liverpool,
surgeries in East Goscote village Both ladies have attained 100% Manchester North, Manchester South, Oldham, Pendle,
hall last month. attendance at all committee
Tea cups were raised and a slice Rochdale, Salford, St Helens, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford,
of delicious homemade lemon Cathy has recently had leaflets Vale Royale, Warrington & Halton, Wigan, Wirral.
cake enjoyed by the two British distributed in East Goscote with SCOTLAND: PO Box 11815, Turriff AB53 8WB
National Party councillors the surgery dates for the next 12 Tel: 07526 125894 E-mail: Scotland@bnp.org.uk
Cathy is  a borough councillor for months and Carol has volunteered Aberdeen, Ayrshire, Dumfries & Galloway, Dundee, Falkirk,
East Goscote ward on Charnwood to help for another year. Glasgow, Hamilton, Kilmarnock & Loudoun, Livingston, Moray
& Gordon, Stirling.

Join the BNP today!

SOUTH-EAST: PO Box 4114, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9GF
Tel: 07790 571742. Email: southeast@bnp.org.uk
Abingdon, Arun, Chichester & Worthing, Aylesbury Vale,
Basingstoke, Bracknell & Wokingham, Brighton & Hove, Crawley
MEMBERSHIP FEES & Horsham, Dover, Elmbridge, Farnborough, Folkestone, Hart,
Gold Membership Hastings, Bexhill & Rother, Havant, High Wycombe, Hythe,
£60.00 Maidstone, Medway, New Forest, North Downs, Oxfordshire,
Standard Membership Portsmouth & Fareham, Reading, Slough, Southampton, Spelthorne,
£30.00 Thanet & East Kent, Tonbridge Wells, Waverley, West Berkshire,
West Kent, Wokingham.
Family Membership
£40.00 SOUTH-WEST: PO Box 351, Torquay, Devon TQ2 8XN
Senior Citizen/Unwaged/Student Tel: 0117 947 5931. Email: southwest@bnp.org.uk
£15.00 Bridport, Cornwall, Dorset, Exeter, Devon North & West, Plymouth,
South Devon, South Hams.
BY TELEPHONE: Call 08710 500 236 Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm with your credit card. ULSTER: Email: ulster@bnp.org.uk
BY INTERNET: Log on to www.bnp.org.uk and click on the ‘JOIN’ button. Tel: 05600 833836
BY POST: Fill in the form below and send it to The Secretary, PO Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 4AW. Coleraine, Ulster.
WALES: PO Box 293, Cardiff CF24 0NP
Tel: 0845 - 4764162. Email: wales@bnp.org.uk
Anglesey, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Carmarthenshire, Conwy,
Denbighshire & Flintshire, South Wales, Swansea, Vale of
Glamorgan, Wrexham.
WEST MIDLANDS: PO Box 2547, Cannock WS12 4GA
Tel: 07077 820271. Email: westmids@bnp.org.uk
Birmingham East, Birmingham North, Birmingham South,
Black Country, Burton-on-Trent, Cannock Chase, Coventry,
Herefordshire, Lichfield, Newcastle-under-Lyme, North Shropshire,
North Warwickshire, Nuneaton & Bedworth, Rugby, Shrewsbury,
Solihull, South Shropshire & Bridgnorth, Staffordshire Moorlands,
Stratford-on-Avon, Stoke-on-Trent, Walsall, Wolverhampton,
YORKSHIRE:  PO Box 20, Halifax HX1 9JT
Tel: 07926 324331. Email: yorkshire@bnp.org.uk
Barnsley, Bradford, Bridlington, Craven, Doncaster, Halifax,
Harrogate & District, Hull, Kirklees North, Kirklees South
(Huddersfield), Leeds, Rotherham, Scarborough, Scunthorpe,
Selby, Sheffield, Wakefield, York.

Missing results from Oldham

for missing out their results
from last month’s Election
Oldham Council
Chadderton Central
Thursday 1st May 2008
Special issue of Freedom.
John Hudson (Conservative) ............ 966
Roy Goodwin scored 24.4% in Tony Brownridge (Labour) ................ 866
Chadderton Central and Alwyn Roy Goodwin (BNP) ....................... 660
Stott maintained the British National Pat Lord (Liberal Democrat) ............. 212
Party’s vote share in Shaw. BNP Percentage: 24.4%
The Party has struggled to
organise in Oldham in recent Shaw
years, so both performances Howard Sykes (Liberal Democrat) 1496
Michael Canning (Conservative) ...... 422
indicate that once the local branch
Alwyn Stott (BNP) . ......................... 391
is fully up and running again,
Dilys Fletcher (Labour) ..................... 303
success certainly be achieved in BNP Percentage: 15.0%
the town. ROY GOODWIN: 660 votes (24.4%)
STOCKPORT BNP: Phil Everton, Steve Flood (Davenport & Cale Green), Duncan Warner

BNP win again in Gooshays

(Manor), Richard Skill (Heald Green), Stephen Maher (Offerton), Warwick Reah, Paul
Bennett (Reddish North), Gordon Black, George Thorne and Alan Stevens.

Establishing the BNP

vote in Stockport ward in the GLA Top-Up List
STOCKPORT BNP fielded six can- while Paul Bennett’s 402 vote in Red- B ACK in February the British
National Party scored a stun-
ning victory in Gooshays ward
didates in the elections for Stock- dish North was just 18 votes down on
port Council and pride of place last year’s total. for Havering Council when BNP
on election night went to Stephen Steven Flood polled 7.1% in Daven- candidate Mark Logan, received a
Maher for his 617 votes (18.8%) in port and Cale Green, while Richard 10% swing to secure a huge 38%
Offerton ward, which was nearly Skill beat Labour in Heald Green. share of the votes cast.
200 votes more than he had polled Even David Gordon, who polled the On May 1st voters in Gooshays
12 months earlier. BNP’s lowest vote in Stockport, still ward once again made the British
In Manor ward, Duncan Warner managed to finish ahead of the UKIP National Party their No.1 choice in
improved on his vote and percent- candidate and was just 17 votes from the ward when the Party came first in
age of 2007 with 437 votes (13.8%), taking third place from Labour. the Top-Up List vote for the Greater
London Assembly.
This show of support came after
another BNP exposure of the Tory
policies that were hurting the ordi-
nary working people of Havering. HAROLD HILL: Mark Logan briefs residents on the local housing scandal.
Only the BNP was prepared to high- people from other London boroughs
London Assembly light the council’s local housing and immigrants who had only just
Top-Up List scandal that had 4,000 people in the arrived in Britain.
Gooshays Ward borough on the council housing wait- The British National Party said this
British National Party..... 867 ing list, many of whom would never practice was unacceptable and that a
Conservative ................... 818 get a council home. This was because BNP-run council would only put the
Labour ............................. 538 the council-appointed East London local people of Havering in the bor-
UK Independence . .......... 145 Lettings Company was forcing local ough’s social housing and not those
Liberal Democrat.............. 111 people to enter a ‘bidding system’ to from other parts of London or from
make them compete for housing with overseas.

Mancunians now turning to

TEAM BASSETLAW: Philip Allen, BNP candidate David Otter and his wife Susan,
Gina and Derek Butler, and Stephen Ray.
the British National Party
BNP poll 30% in Bassetlaw I
T was a good night for the British
National Party in Manchester on
May 1st when it polled the highest

B ASSETLAW BNP organiser years. There is virtually no immigra- ever vote for a BNP candidate in
Dave Otter, took almost one in tion problem and little crime, which the city.
three of the votes in the Clayworth makes the result more remarkable. In the face of possible electoral
Ward of Bassetlaw District Coun- It shows that the British National fraud, which is yet to be investigated,
cil elections on May 1st. Party is being taken seriously in Derek Adams came second in Higher
The excellent BNP vote came in areas where such a degree of support Blackley, receiving 828 votes which
the face of a record turnout of 51%, would not normally be expected. equates to 27% of the votes cast
which makes a nonsense of our oppo- in the ward. In the neighbouring
BASSETLAW DISTRICT COUNCIL Charlestown ward, BNP candidate
nents’ claim that when there is a high Clayworth Ward
turnout the BNP do badly. Stephen Moran, also came second
Kath Sutton (Con) . ...................... 461 with 687 votes just short of 24% of
The Clayworth Ward is typically David Otter (BNP) ...................... 243
middle England and has been a Con- Philip Goodliiffe (Lab) .................. 107
the vote.
servative Party stronghold for many BNP Percentage: 30.0% In Miles Platting and Newton Heath,
Joseph Cegla won 250 votes to place
him in third position in a ward that

Advertise in Freedom
has recently been flooded with
foreign voters. HIGHER BLACKLEY: Derek Adams polled 828 votes which was 27% of those cast.
This was a tremendous achievement turning the city into a multicultural, problems. Although there is the
which makes the Party the official lawless disaster area. worry that given the rate at which
opposition in Higher Blackley and Derek Adams told Freedom: foreign voters are being brought into
Charlestown wards. A fact that must “It has been a long time coming but this country and being permitted
ADVERTISING RATES: be sending shivers down the spines people are finally seeing common to participate in our elections, it is
5 cms x 1 Column = £15.00 a month of the Labour Party mafia who are sense and voting for a truly patriotic cancelling out the influence of those
10 cms x 1 Column = £30.00 a month running Manchester Town Hall and party with sensible solutions to our now turning to the BNP.”
5 cms x 2 Columns = £30.00 a month
10 cms x 2 Columns = £60.00 a month
DISCOUNTS: Latest issue out NOW!
An advert placed for 3 months will have a discount of 10%
FSID is the BNP’s monthly DVD
An advert placed for 6 months will have a discount of 20%
video magazine produced by BNPtv.
EXAMPLE: It features news bulletins, interviews,
An advertisement of 10cms x 2 Columns for 6 months and film of BNP meetings & activities.
would cost £360.00 less £72.00 = £288.00
To receive the latest issue send

Please select the advertising option you require and send £10.00 (inc post) to:
your copy together with a cheque made payable to the
The Secretary, FSID,
‘British National Party’ to: Freedom Adverts,
P.O.Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 0YA. PO Box 3, Burnley,
For any further inquiries please email freedom@bnp.org.uk Lancashire.

Leaflets to
attract new
Order yours today!

WORKINGTON: There was an audience of sixty waiting in the West Cumbrian town for the arrival of the BNP Chairman who
had already made a speech that evening in Carlisle.

100 turn out to hear Nick EUROPE TAX

Griffin speak in Cumbria

I T just goes to show the interest
that the British National Party
is creating in Cumbria that on a
an enthusiastic welcome when he
arrived just before nine o’clock and
he chose to answer questions from
ulation, speech writers and shallow
ideals, it’s impressive to hear some-
one speaking from the heart with a
Monday night over 100 people the floor rather than giving the usual passionate belief in what they believe
dragged themselves away from the formal address. is best for Britain.
television to attend two meetings It was an enthralling performance The following day Nick did some
addressed by Nick Griffin. that struck a chord with the audience filming for BNPtv in Cockermouth
As part of a North of England tour, and what he had said was summed up and Carlisle as well as conducting
the BNP chairman spoke at a meeting by an Independent councillor at the media interviews before going with
of over forty members and support- front of the queue for the Gents an BNP Cumbrian Press Officer Clive
ers in Carlisle before travelling down hour later. Jefferson, to Carlisle City Council
to another gathering in Workington “That’s something we don’t hear to hand in the nomination papers for ENVIROMENT HOUSING
later on in the evening. very often today - a politician talking the two British National Party candi-
This was an excellent meeting with common sense.” dates standing in the Upperby ward
Nick at his very best. He received In this time of spin and media manip- by-election.

Late sub does OK

W HEN our original local can-
didate had to pull out at the
last minute because of work com-
mitments, Allerdale BNP organiser
Paul Stafford, bravely stepped into
the breach so that the All Saints
Ward in Cockermouth could be
contested by the BNP for the very
first time.
Paul lives in Wigton which is 10
miles away from Cockermouth and NHS BRITISH JOBS
in this part of the world if you are not
local, then you might as well live on
another planet.
So in the face of the squeeze from PLACE YOUR BETS: Helping to raise much-needed funds for the Party are Keith
the ward being a keenly-fought Labour/ Beniston, David Fairclough, Melanie Fairclough and Andrew Croxall.
Tory marginal, this wasn’t a bad effort.
ALLERDALE BC Casino & dinner helps raise
All Saints Ward (Cockermouth)
Thursday 5th June 2008
Alan Tyson (Con) . .................... 586
funds for the Cromwell Club
by David Fairclough
Christine Smith (Lab) . .............. 537 The next Cromwell Dinner will be
Paul Stafford (BNP) ................ 99
Helen Graham (Green) . ........... 54
Eddie Woodthorpe (Ind)............ 24
N ORTH West Leicestershire
members attended a Cromwell
Diner’s Club event in Coleorton,
held in early July in the Moira area
of North West Leicestershire and if
you would like more details or more
BNP Percentage: 7.6% Leicestershire over the May Bank photos please call David Fairclough
Holiday Weekend for a traditional on 07989 529 326
English dinner followed by a fund-

East meets West

raising casino.
There was a great party atmosphere
as members took the opportunity to

celebrate the excellent local BNP N Saturday 7th June the East
election effort, which included and West Midlands regions
helping out with the campaign in held an “East meets West” Euro-
Amber Valley which resulted in two pean Election fundraising dinner.
new BNP councillors being elected. For just £20 a head, eighty people
The money raised from the casino dined out at a plush Warwickshire
and a raffle, as with all the Cromwell venue enjoying dishes including
Diner’s Club events, goes to help sirloin steak borderlaise, salmon
fund the British National Party’s royale and chicken a la king.
activities in the region.

WIGTON LAD: Paul Stafford


Send US all your Admin Support ......................... 07974 094 449 ISLAM NATIONAL PRIDE

£10 for 1000

Bulk Orders................................ 01244 281 549
BNP election & Membership............................... 08710 500 236

branch news
Elections.................................... 07949 339 130
Subscriptions............................. 08710 500 238 Postage: £12 for 1000/2000: £14 for 3000/4000: £15 for 5000

08710 500 241

Trafalgar Club............................ 08454 764 162
freedom@bnp.org.uk Treasurer.................................... 01244 281 549
Remember - a photograph Website....................................... 07855 323 589
makes for a better report Young BNP................................. 07779 796 208

The British National Party’s

RWB Event Organiser:
Dave Shapcott
“If you want to be
part of this great
family occasion
Su m mer Fa mily Festival
make sure your
Den by i n Derbys h i re, Friday 15th - Su n 17th Aug ust
branch is involved. A fun-packed entertainment-filled
Please contact me weekend celebrating our regional and
on 07721 991 108 or national culture.
It’s paradise for the children with
fairground rides including a walzer,
dogem cars, giant big wheel, carousel
and slides plus much more . .
All-day children’s marquee
Firework Display & Laser Display

Full programme of
Bands & Singers
Licensed Bar

Football competition
Monster Truck Racing
Paint Ball
Tug of War
Men’s T-shirt with the
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Available in medium,
large and extra large.

inc p&p Regional and Branch
Stalls with £200 Prize for
Men’s T-shirt with the
GWR logo on the front.
Best one
Available in medium,
large and extra large. Local History Displays
inc p&p Political events

Women’s T-shirt with the

Church Service Sunday morning
GWR logo on the front.
Available in medium,  Closing address by the British
large and extra large.
National Party chairman Nick Griffin
inc p&p
BNP Catering will be providing
Buy online at
meals on both the camping and the
www.greatwhiterecords.com main event fields.
Send a cheque made payable to Great White Records to Full camping facilities
PO Box 74, Market Weighton, East Yorkshire YO43 4WT.

Printed by the British National Party and published by the British National Party in support of the British National Party, PO Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 0YA.

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