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Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter is composed of the summary of the data gathered and
its findings, the conclusions made and recommendations based on the
findings of the study.
The main purpose of the study is to assess the self-confidence of
teenagers with the use of pick-up lines.
Summary of Findings
Based on the analyzed and interpreted data the following findings
were revealed:
1. What was confidence of teenagers without exposure with pick-up
The results showed that the teenagers answered on the row of
Disagree (D) which got a 35% from the respondents.
2. What was the confidence of teenagers with pick-up lines?

The results showed that the teenagers answered on the row of

Agree (A) which got a 57% from the respondents.
3. Was there a significant difference between self-confidence with and
without pick-up lines?
There was no significant difference in the effects of using pick-up
lines to the self-confidence of the teenagers because the computed value
was less than the p-value.
Based on the foregoing, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. Before using pick-up lines, the respondents self-confidence was
lower compared to after they used pick-up lines.
2. The respondents self-confidence grew stronger after using pick-up
3. We have concluded that, based on this study, there was no
significant difference between the respondents self confidence with
and without using pick-up lines.

Based on the conclusion made, the researchers would like to propose

the following recommendations to be able to enhance or boost up the
self- confidence of the teenagers.
1. For the Parents Concerned

They should encourage their children to participate and supp

ort them in different activities so that they would be able to
have confidence upon growing up. And parents should avoid
degrading their children in order for them to not lose their

2. For the Teachers/Professors Concerned


They should provide some activities like role playing, public

speaking and games to be able for the students to reduce
shyness and boost up their self-confidence. They should also
avoid embarrassing their students like scolding them in front
of the class because this may have effect on confidence and

3. For the Future Researchers Concerned


They should make more studies that would also affect the
self- confidence of the teenagers to be able to grow the most
appropriate and effective way to enhance or boost up their
self-confidence. Future researches should read other researche
s so that they will be able to know what they have to improve an
d what other variables they should include in their research.
Number of respondents should be increased to achieve a
more accurate result of the experimental research.

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