(E. J. Lowe) A Survey of Metaphysics

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A Survey of Metaphysics E. J. Lowe CONTENQUP, 2002 What ismephysic Theta of asm The abjetio rom nature epistemology Kant andthe posto metapysice Metaphysics a empire nomiege ously, conept and semantics Ontology sn otis catgoie |Adhortotine of hit book PART I IDENTITY AND CHANGE Numeral and uate identity Compose obj and hare of parte “The pal of the ship of Theseus, “wo ai solutions wo the pure beter son? Teague entity pout ‘The prion of the thousand and one cas (QUALITATIVE CHANGE AND THE DOCTRINE OF Lib’ Law ad the role of quate change “Tre temporal east scans he problem -Ackrietion oft adverbial ston Perraee ver endurance ‘The oto of tpor prs problem or perdarance haces “Temporal part asthe ents roé ean nd ening xt Can tree icing obj? lative ver ot ey Temporal pars and ening abjes Same al ston he problem of ices Inéeene fencing obits en and costtation The probe of Tiber and 1 PART Hf: NECHSSITY, ESSENCE, AND POSSIBLE WORLDS “Tro ind of psy obi a erin of tion xm ruen or te ney a ey Sime objeto wo he argument gilda Trnswek eity out wo jets fave Ben oe The eit of enya the ind-bdy problem ei and aiden popries sei proper ad he ces Fenty sei properties andthe ble of transwod ieity Invi ences ad neste ‘Mouroversargument ote neces rin The necesito ents ‘bets aking, ence nd cmos geese ee ‘Tee language of posible weds Mol logis and he interpretation ‘ccm retin ad eerie theses How sould we undesnd kof pose wos Adetatony view Mas etn elt ores fps woes Robt ea nthe inde conception oan CAUSATION AND CONDITIONALS ‘bjt versa condone Cour contnal nd pore works Conditional eed mile and igh contracts The ation lores’ ewe prs works Bacto suerte and content dependency “The question of rani an Anal asi ounteratae ‘The Hei asi onto nd probleme ‘Tecoma appoich w ent aston Prob vent cation Contry cases an bahgound cndions The ingot Argument Polen tthe Sings Agunt us The snp cout nas of even custo Senne eas othe sine rae The probe of cul onedtermiation Seine posible ponsesto the probes The cemplex cmt la of cent cation Generale th comer approach The cel atjecton PART IV: AGENTS, AC IONS, AND BVENTS The eer nec agent aston "he robe ie il Mtl eusson, toa coi, nd redo of ton ec conan acre The cont priya agent cui Ants of erent eration Inport soon of ear ‘Anarene of vs Chern of enti The inviuaton of mons and evens ‘Aes cron fester vent ‘Some ponte the ray ation EVENTS, THINGS, AND SPACE-TIME vent ontologies vers tinge aretha abject rent Redaction era linn Ismoton cana of stance? ‘rsp for on edie lr of hing and vents Can there be ine wiht ang? Soemaker’argunent PART Vi SPACE AND TIME Dimension nd he strc of sce Space the voi versus pce 50" Newonian lesa “The rtting back eperimen and Mack obeton “Themes hog experiment Objectin to Macs potion “Te general tery of ela andthe natare of pce “These tery felt te stare ie Stn elton an wancendetal elm “Theargunent fom incongruent cotespars. Kan?r example ofthe star and ‘Nw dmensoa egy wry dienes ool psa? on pac dente an etl gaye IsIndees a oper? ety andthe pearance hye The Prox te Raease Inthe par seating? ‘An mere eso ofthe pra ‘Neomion sre ajoon the para ‘Wy doc the pardon er 0 compeling? Moroni wenn othe prado “Toe A ser the Beis Mags arguent fre zeny fine Doe the Astle x ota? Tee and the res probers A lgoss of MeTogge te The thors coneeton fe nd ene lathe pag tei? ‘Bynes ft adhe ey fhe ate “Temporal async andthe strate of ie “Temporal ayer ond the page oie Caution and temporal aepniery Sak auton an tine it the pst fect the ps ver huning he pst “Teoma ne exert tine Proce of mle cto an mile oop oy ‘he Granth aad nthe problem of at oops ‘Timer gee ety inoxttonaloop ‘hela of theme and theo aime » PART VI: UNIVERSALS AND PARTICULARS ‘Te iaicin bevee univer and partes Asptoemporal scan of he diction ‘Nominal ere eats Prat std properties, Resa ds and een nominal some prblens oe esenbine nanan Thebund itey he probe of sembnce “wo nts of cnet an the waa of apes he saiempral nd ca era of sracnes, sun in spac and ine ow tke ofa objets poet Th ingest agumet Matt rte ad tematic ‘Theonsoga star of ate The ontop at of pole weeds Universandinw of stare _Are univer abc or cones ojo ‘hernia tas ffl and sates of is Biking os PREFACE 4s i tke nds, sop ofthis bok is road my intention ing that shouldbe epueofsering 8 cor tet fo student of moleng ‘tess, covering all of the est important ois tha they ae ely to encoun in x eypieal metaphysics cure I's smed pinay lntermedate and advanced undergrads stat of pilosa «students who hae ares Den intducd o some base netsh ‘oneeps und doctrines and who have ace come emily th the ‘chnigus of piosophial aa and argumentation tthe sone tne "hope ta the book wil be easomablyaceble to «wider ange of readers with phioophil interes, nciding thee with Gackgrowa in ‘ter dips, who want a general verve of der mtapgses, though the book ams to provide a sytem texto ofthe ain as of moder metaphysics met ofthe chapters ae sean ‘ontane, so that it shold he possible fr tethers the subj set ‘hose chapters which best meet the eqitements otc cours emus be acknowledged that no two teaches of metapsiaely ‘0 pce ato what exact should be inched ina eure othe ube and tht sich diagreement can scieties vel feet conceptions of what metaphysis rough tm be The comeptin of tpt tha informs A Suey af Sephysi,howeve oily elon ed al very widely shared ane—namaly tht metaphysis desl wth the meat Profoand questions that cn berated oncrning the fandomectl toc tur of ei Accorting woth conception, metapsi ptdeee than ny merely ena cence, eben phys, case provides te ey framework within whch such scenes ae conve and elite oe nother, A ce text in metas writen rom this pin of ew must sim, fst and foremost, to elucidate certain univer, spate onzpts—for example thse of enti, messy, eatin, set and ‘mead the go on exatne some inpotntdxtines wich ole thes concepts sich a the thesis that eth fen are entry aa ‘he clos hat tmporaty backward easton simple Inston ust endewur t provie «stematie acount of the we fn wha tes belonging to diferent ontlogiletegoris—fr exp tings ‘vets and prpertiemare iterated. These, acon, the mone iecines OF A Suntey of Metphyi A sabia objective {ajhin and deend the concept of meas ch he book for students need tobe aware ofthe many ed varied opponents of netaphirand howe they may be countered. I should emphasize tae my sm inthis bok iso provide a serve of mor themes and probles in modern metaphysics ors comprehensive surrey and etque ofthe views of major contemporary etaphysicans mach essa systematic history ofthe bet. Consqueay | tend not ‘vente in direct debate wih the published work of other philosophers, pas or presentalthough I do refer ti very fequtty and have Included an extensive bigzaphy of mostly tet publations. Sach direct engagement woud have made the book considerably ogee sod mote copes than ialeay ad 1 think less ef os intended suse, who need 16 understand the is before engin in trent “eta or hore invetgaton fr thems. shuld abo be sexe, however, thatthe Book iby no mens narronypatan inthe sense of roming ny own opinion on partic ses whist ening mention of others At the ame time, yt aod bland neurites of contre 1 should like to express my gratitude to Peter Momtci of Oxford University Press for encouraping me to wrt this book, tothe ress smonyious readers fr some very heli vie oa how to improve ie ‘nd, especlly co Tohn Hel apd Trenton Merce for ther dete Comments the penultimate version of the mani. Caper drs on material contained in my pape Subset Change anu patioerporal Coincidence’ Rati (Forthcoming aoe) and Chap. ‘er dawson material contained in my paper Bret Catton and Agent Causation’ Greer lisp Sto (203), pst. 1am patel ‘othe eis an publishes concerad fo permision tous thie mite. al rrr rll 1 INTRODUCTION: THE NATURE OF METAPHYSICS What is metaphysics? ope who at ot familar with tapi are ap to have ale a leat some cdistortes conception of what tales Some thy think ths something todo with snyaicn nd map, which som Pletely mistaken Somes hey Uk that it as something to wth py chs tue enough in ey Bat two be wrong tik hat cep is to phy a metalic it lope, oF ax metic 0 ‘Ehies—tat na kindof second-order ng int the concep founds tions and methods of frst order dpi. Metaphysics doe inde some fers of ich arguing, teen in hat respec it focus sat ‘xckeyopon the concerns of pss nded, ts rely asta histo tcl accident thet metaphysics elled what tis Arse wrote a ete (or more er, ome of his lecture notes mee collected fore a te tie) which ch ner came to bead the Mepis simply cae it tesla inthe canon ede of vistas work fer ante ete [this the Pak he Grek pei ta signifying thi elation) Even 0, this hap cident, iumoch ar pes and metaphors In enany ofthe fname concern, perbaps ast so much san scien fir al since far rater nthe ig fat one, © place the Mepis ater the Pye (hog we shoul akrowledge ere hit thereat ore signa diferences between Arto’ sconce ti ofthe subjat mater fps and that of made ysis shall, ‘ern bri to Arte view of metaphysis ner tbe chapter) SL Arie hah Od ya ati gene hee Te sf ‘Seg ie talon Caren Pr 1 ‘hati then, hat metaphysics an phys have in common? Wl pysiand hee I spesk of modern physician empire science Eonered exp certain baie daha phenomena in the at ‘rl worl tha inthe ream hing xs in pce ad tine. Pes ppeai ta puttin caual ast expan sch phenomena for expe, hela ofslectromapntom nf gration which sul expla the Iotion of electrical charged and ase abet rept Met Pye also concerned though ot xl ith he ate of hinge ‘xing in space ad ine, wih the entre of space and ethene, Sh wih the natureafcnsaton Ba metaphysis ol at en an ent ie since it does nope ppl experimental observational hein spor of tcl Nave metaphyscians sly conceaed With ‘the mtn ofthe physical world-unle thy happen to capo the do trine ot phscliom hich mii that the rly hig ha ext ae ‘physaentierin space sate They area concerted with he nacre (of absrac ene sich asthe objects of mathennc std Igle— numbers st propositions and 0 ft, Sch ete plaunbly do not fest spve and ne, but eed ot be dened ny part of ely on tat acon Meret hee ve, ery aga ents which do ex ia space a ie but ich are cven st the proper abject mater ofthe inp scence of physi —enties auch a persons and thelr metal ater of thought a fling, ad enti such 8 scl and pica {oup, Accrding to many pewpher an scent the bebo of thee ete can neve be explained ll by ape othe aw of physi, ot ent bee thi eho i lege ease, subject ana tater than mer ho ce! elation. OF eno, rial pio ‘oplersmay want eal hi view: bt then they re mpi te ‘Syn mpl dente, not one which Blogs to the pote of Pisksiel, "What Begins to emerge fre thee aeration that one ofthe sles of mets ar antl dips, ita provide foam in which toundry sper between other dcnes can be conducted—for instr the pt eo wheter the subjc-ater of spel inc, sch a bilgy or ppcholgy or economics an prope be ai 0 be ‘beamed under tat of another aeelly more “ondament iene cha pys. coding tne aon andl widerpead ance tion of metphysieeadich ir baal te conception of meas which infers the pros fk--metaphsce can osepy the inte lcitnry role jut descibed bese central concer i withthe funda sacar of lity asa wl No special sience—aot even sir—can hve tat concer, base the subject mater of very spe= fil cence identified mace acrwlythan thie fr fstance, olay the scence of ling tings ppchology he scene of ental sates and Physics as Thee sad inated is he selnce of those states and process energetic states sd dynamic proces fr exam wich ate {pate conmon vo al things exiting in pace and tne Even i can resucesaly ped the physi ante tean thatthe whole of| rely case o things exiting pce adie wou low that metaphysis to pice because he er argument at ity stna confine, which a metaphyil arguent, not an argument that phi can provide ‘Metaphysi, tditonaly conceied is ery agubly inciinabe and conerptlyneesry a6 the intelectual ekdrop fr every other ‘icine, Why Unity Besse rath ie sig and ins o,0 pt anoter wate word or ray aa le unitary and neces f-constent The various pec sincs and other inde dsip lines howe prcttoners wold probly ot cae fall temsehes seni sch a historians a ery teois—aeal concerned a est prt ith the pursuit of ath, ut psc according ther awn ‘ethods of guy end within thet cn prescribed domain. None the Ie he indvisblty of rath meats ta al ofthese forms of inary tt i hey ret sce the i, agnoedge te need to Be Consent witheach other Nor can anyone other penume to ajubae Such questions of mat onsen Besos none of them hs ris tion beyond is own nite dori, Sch aadeaton can only Be pro ed bythe ptoners of an inteecsal dcplne which apres 0 Corl university in ebjct-mater ad ins—and tht ciple is ‘etapa watonally cece "The freeing argument may be looked pon sspconly s special leading on the part of sell meapyscns seeking 0 guaran ‘henseles an inlstn role. And, tbe fai, i mould be wrong 10 ‘rane tat argument in prey dapat pit though coe fiom wat beyond debating Bt a 2a, hs point merely series 10 Stenthen the is of metphyseso Bean autonomous and spent ‘he form of atonal nguiy esa the point that absolut er thing inn eve th sats nd redetils fmetpbyss ise comes within the purview of the unreal pine which nets his 0 ‘he None of this means that metaphysics ave oe sean ste apart letiy making thir pronouncements rom nll eight above the conn rod. Ply Beene metapycs ie air tlt sctin,itis ne which norton being can ao engin ie Soin ofthe tine We ae al metphyian wether ne ie or, Ihre now it rat But hsm oy het anyon pinion on ‘queton of metaphysis iat a gd, oan, anyone cl’ Thetis to reson to deny that there ca be sich a thing experi it sal tiki. which tes sme pain oa FY had ny ‘oybts about ths [raul ot have ether oes bod ‘The threat of relativism ‘ers the argument st we hae fst een examining in dence of incopy os waitin aneeved-the argument fom th nv ity of tt, from the ity of he woed-may ser vlaersble stack on thse who question this conception oft and tacit “nivel conepion of enn and atonal, Lam thinking fone ploophers, an pretiones of se eter inlcude, who spouse se orm clr o¢ hori atv, Sch pope ay len tha rath single nv, ining tat wha re for fe ealtare wr here epoch may not be te fr anothes an Bt Airc utze and epoch ate drent a inommeneirabe concep tins of ream an atonal Bat of cure, sacha dotine i olf reaps thei nthe tense of mctaphyeythat | have been ‘expounding ad tying to defend fr nothing than chim about the fondamenta tr fret, hich could not substan wey bythe methods of ay epi since o nls dling, suc a tropologyn history a sailoy othe extent thar the pscionss ‘of any sock pine are lp to epouse uch dati, ey est seckovedge tat what they are advocating Is precly a metaphyseal thei ects ii one which tances the boundaries of ny mere Tite form of atonal inquiry So. once agi, west that he step tndermine or eiminate the methyl dimension of ox thinking i sell feng ecase dhe very atm neces const a pie of tneapyscal inking Ths hows tha he arent from the indivi of rath i na abuse een to the delece of metpsiy inthe sense that me Pp would be completely witout juin in ie bec which, nce gun sould no supie u, ecase everthing ining ve he “quvton wheter uth indies potently open to metpsi Inquiy. On the ether hand tis 0 sy that the agaren om he Invi of rath ie or superuser hink ta the docine of ‘hein of rath ca ave cea ingly wees the dil of that dxtrine cannot. Tat being so, mets may be ud to contin chin ts inthe form of hs argument the rounds of ts on str tion. That iso sy. metaphyseal exoing may be ued 10 defnd the ocr of he indisbity otha that deine cain ten Be sed to age for the ingen of metaphysics. There need be nothing in crcl or tetion epg about such 3 procedure ‘The objection from naturalized epistemology hare are wees, ater people esd cts an historia reat wh sok to underine te cede of metaphrsiy, tadonal eon ‘evel tunel dpi of = nom-enpiical character, concerned withthe fndimentlsractare of ely. Fr instance, there ae tose Pilsoper sco adhere to hat fen now as the progeamane of “parle epistemology? The tht hee tat any ind of ko ledge tia by human beings ncadingsything tat might deserve tobe called metaphyseal kntedge, must be compatible with or state [2nd ofr ceatre—in 8 specie of ial —that a aie ‘hough whl matre proets of Binge elution Mereove, Inq note oar of ach Kroeger it may belle, be at fof moe general wen ingiy into the copie cpus of ce ‘ure ofour kind Thos epistemalogy—the hor of kaowlge—i pop ext be conceived os bng 2 par ofthe tural since of human bcology, which matin tra hee Bslogal and lise «prey Dil foundation. Bat wha scape dots such conception of buman nomloge and sures hae for scowleging he exsence of met ysl Knowle analy enacted Very le ay maybe Thovght For how could 2 natraly eveied Mor, with ngnte ‘apace ‘Sesgned’ by nate sll o equ it to suvie ina hose ae sea a visonment, atin non-enpi! knowledge of he fndamentl stra tute af sess? On thew the nly Kind of metaphyi” dserng of recognition wuld be, sf there can be sich a thing. natn! Inetapgscsha + metaphysics knowledge of whose tthe cout plese seen a knowabl by and practical advantages to animale ‘tho pctclarbilogkal capac and ate: Any sch metpby. Ses ay be alg, mst bea let cntiuous with natura scene uel or mor iy ost a part of tS, on this ew there 0 question that tapi eid to answer wich propery in the dala fsome natural cence the fundamen ce, physics, or one ‘ofthe pci ener ites a not titel debe oy. ‘he tobe wih this ne of tinking is once me that 8 able o sunderinetel a in the course of dings demonstrate et inthe Indspensaity oriniminabilty of metpysis a6 wadionally con rie the itp 0 the extent hat ly matured eo Tatonry cancetan oun beings ems a thtsen the very possi ity of metapya keg, equal thretens the very post of ‘ofc oledge—for equally mysterious how 2 nati eee Creature should have any capac to are knwedge af ach arcane raters 4 the formation of stay or the statue of DNA, No eter ven species ith eich e re acgsiatd ino er a been epi of Such scetieKowage 1s debatable whether the psesion of sch Sowwlee is adantgeou to our pec, map wel rm ot 9 be the cause of or timely extinction. Moret the point tog, 90 ne asthe ight hea foe or why ery harms seine is pect witha the constants smpsed by the theory of eration by tual secon. Natural scence Hull cant peel expan then, ow natural scientific hedge poi in cet ourtle So ‘he fc tha cannot explain how metaphysical lee o radon ally cone iposble in creature ike ours ges no ery good reason to suppose hat such knowledge is nor possible. For If dds we ‘woul equally have good sont spose hat natural sete kno edge not posible n crests ke ourevex~and this would me that ve would no longe have ay rounds obleve in the snc eres to which turned pisemology appeals such the tery of elution Il Furthermore itbas tobe recognaed thar he er dete that Lam now codcting ith the avocte of naturale epistemology one wich isl neces ess upon certain maps asumpyions—some of ic re sharaand some of which re pte sho he very do tine of naturale epiteroloy 0d te hinds of arguments that se invoked in is apport, anes metaphildmesion to them which at ‘os withthe conta cams of that docine—so thatthe maurlied pstemologie i apparel gully of caro fare of weleawarees ‘stingall matin severly naturaliti mou but not engin thar this very act tray te of hnkingon bison par whic ant ‘ly be commode by such tras Kant and the possibility of metaphysics But we should not low tese dense moves om the pat of maps 1o ll us ito thinking ht there afer all, no eed to expan the post of metaphyicalkonwege may wel be that his possi anno Be explained ently eatery and we may be ened 9 Conelue fom this nt that thee fs a0 sch Posty Dt eather hs Satralam tinaduate Hwee, this ever looking ors postive Crplanston of the poi Here we may be reminded tht its Inman! Kant who ft pod the morentous gue How is et sys possible” Kans aver, howerer, sii to metphysis 3 teaonly once, thats conceited ar form of ational gu ito ‘he fandmentlsrctte of realty. For Kant held that metaphyi shuns in fact concern not the fundamental sracure of ind: Idependet elit, een if cha elit exist but ether the funda mental scr fans hugh abou ey Kant aie that only tconsteung metaphysical cs as havng ht concen coud ou non tmpireal Know of thir tath be exling and certied—the ‘option ere being hat the tute af oun tovght something {rproblemateay ese tous a wy In which theatre of ind lnependent rely ino. That assumption may ts be quetaned, More fadanently weve, t may be objected othe Kantian coe tion of metaphysics that Wf nothing about the structure of ind Independent reat is acesbe tou the, bythe sme ten, ting shot the trace of oe wn thought acs cs ether. in the leva sna of ind-adependent’ oo hoagie oki stom iP ar ay Seth tar un ot pat of mind inpendet sel. Bi ‘indindpenden rey’ ne the sum ta of hing whose existence ot dependent open our iki of her. But or own thoughts ave an exience hich i ot Aepenen pon ear Misking of thet and so consitate prt of mind independent resi Indi see. tue that oar thoughts wold ot ‘eis ie were no tig them, thts to ate st hin {a he fr them wo exist Se maps bar bl that the ony things tha existe hgh and thei thinkers, hat the thing ong those thoughts Thisis aot however poston acandigowhich here no mindsindependent reali athe lean ss of hat expreson Ieimay be objected the epoing argument hat misontues he ature of the Kato vew of metaphyseal ins. tn rng thet ‘meeps cis concer the atretore of ot though boat ely oppose scr mid idependet elit sl saying that sch chins onceen stata fete ofthe contents oe thoughts not ny fears ofthe hough theses conceived a rel pclae process abing on in ut minds or heads Bt aw can coherent be ‘3 thar strctrl eres fhe content of ou hgh antes four thonghis themadhe? "The content of thoughtwhet i is thought afont—is an ese feature of that though ply evig to determine the very deny fat thought. A thovght of mine that tw ‘us two equal fur ott lemons ae biter, would ot be that very ‘ought bt fran ery content, Consequences thee possi of our ereumcribing the sopposed abject mater of met sles in sus way hat ican be he to ccm then thoughts ‘ithout having neon forthe ature af thoughts themes And repeat shouts themes ae noting if ot pf min independent rely. Peshaps the Kantian wily t outer ti net ine of ction in some et. Buln enough ny sich tert would undermine the ‘err posit that he ying tn dled orn onder tora ay sac stem he Kanan wl Te to engage in genuine metaphysis nent aon conceived He wl ve to deny fr instance ht the nent of thoopht ean eet ete ofthat thought a tis to ery 0c thes concerning the naire of 4 cen cxtepry of fies—thoghteconeted a Bing eens a mind independent tei Once pis we ee hoe metaphysis a tainly contd is inescapable for any rational tinker The Kanan attempt to aid nets inh ee esting our xa enncerns pre othe contents four though pps doomed ire Qvetione odo ith conten chances hve inescapeiya pean meeps dimension, hat dimension which des no ate oly to do withthe content of hough sbow conten “the reason hy Kant sought 10 cen theatre of metphysi claims as bsg hi about the suc of or thought about realty father than the sractute of ey elf i tht he betleved tht ony in this way could the sully certain and non-empial character of ttapsalknowldge be explained. If metaphyseal cis concerned tind independent elite reaone, we cold not pos have certain now oftheir tth-—and yet, e conse, we do know some taps tube wth abso cera Note hve, es ofa hat he ‘ery ttn tt would ot be pomblet ve catia knowledge of | reaps th metaphysis concerned mind-independent rely elf « metpl cain, inthe tadionlsese of "net ‘ye rather than in Kant’ own redefined sense ofthe em. To Tse shows ance nos the selfing mature of Kant’ tempted tedfniton Second, howewe even grating the teh of This Intec sertion hy shoulda we espn toi by sping at etapa knowledge a adn conceived is impossible sx Sellen cain, nasmach a i preci a metaphysis cis 2 trtonaly anced, but ahr tat metaphsilknowedige lost never rain knclege—that tht metaphysical knowledges can {host nee besbaey invulnerable to fein o prot? Why Should we imagine that metaphysics fords ur a method of rational ingury which rane thetuth oft consons, beyond ay pos itp thee sabsuent eves in the gt of Frher nui No even in ramet do me tink Bat we hee ach incontrovertible methods of Semen iste, fod hats mathemati poo? rliguses the tie of proof once as bo ved te avast any genine ‘oof cant but be suse Bu ht i i yng tha al knowledge IS bp definition, naa of whats a and consequently hat what me ‘ow’ anno! bt bee ‘Metaphysics and empirical knowledge (0 course, may be consered tha the greater problem about met Phys! knowledge clinton conceit och ow ‘hey cul ata tetany ta ny ol enor npr Now in “this respect, too, metaphysical knowledge-claims are akin | omahemst Invi i, ews eld wo be non-empe he see ht ey ot ner empl eee othe spot cman And then the wary igh bee eel Inowledgeains comern te fundamental sete a mind independ set he I sian Some ep sonnet tater a cn a sc ww an ate ow Ie ohh dos at ey pan empl een or em at ony uh rien core oa the wt we a one ong sci ater thn steric ts equal posible er ‘heer ve a street metas fe fon mathena i may be ah whee teres et of ote) ce he objects and scsi by maar ey sb (OF Course mb red at the pps aac matena ‘ebro, cts nd te eal mest te Ide ofthe oloatsbt foro te fleet reo, bare Decate tat one hor ds hi Bean to the acre wel of hinge sac and ine Bape Seewen estat tes) “skin of ort hay em dino n dtn ofreputing tps ones eer tht ti posible al ts bang ees of ene ee, a ten tot eer al tht mec on hows ein fo and oy see rr tn sata ear wesean be compell sean ae these of rata eptinagy a he Hd ef mcr tise a on that i ctu with Fide Jo Pa Cpa coy nt tae he we Te oye pone toes ey hk the owing We sh ena tt te mts er the xe of sone Ket cul ee rey ihe ee be eo et in crac he nde esl pole sn inseam eee eno a sport et theta damien sore eminence Fo where ‘calito nceary wih ace enn: oe rome Ehencrier tthe este of at tat oe Tey fein bei ena cree emote enc for here Stang wh ns pene of ett casing at the existence of certain etre of rey is poles ot semen that ‘amin evel be achieved by merely erpiszal meas fini, pei ‘ens empiril evidence can oly be evidence fo sates fairs ha ‘a itnipeneny be sho ob pol. Ths mets ke at eats does havea non npr subject mater, to he extent hat iti the lvl dspine whote concer to cart the pss of rel existence, Metapyaesconcermed t dices what the oly f txistence i embrace: thi oe, What enters of eis could ‘sist and which of them could covet. Having charted the posites, the question wil remain a which of many mata compte pos sities forthe fundamen scr of ay actual obtaos—and his {question a en be answered fall ithe ai of emp evidence, tem on tentatively an priory Possibility, concepts, and semantics We see the, how thi coneption of he a of metaphysics, met pss can genuinely be concerned with the Fndamental structure oF rely il eather thant withthe srt fou hog about el ian at the sare time can ave 8 nom-empiiehatater which ds tinguishes i fom natural scence Bt pele anay il remain. or hominy beaks on-empizlknoledge of whats psi self ue! How posible for renters tie ous chart thee of Froabtie? OF eau ths curious question, tothe exten hat is [hel «question aden to ourslee~abou the ery rl of pos is whose sews eng cle ino question. Suppose we wee focome up witha angument whose ncaa 5 not possible fev aso chr the ean of posses. That consion would sem to tndermine isl Bee the consi self concerns te rea fps Silt rinsing tht tat elm doer not include the posi of| ‘ur caring it We oan hare esto obese he cones if the tonclson mer fle 0 we an fave no rot aleve it Is this ja feboter's ak Tot thik wo: rater i yet anther example of he tnaoidaby of taps. As rational Digs we canot bt onside ules apbl ofknowing a es something abot thereof pos bitin Th shuld not be suring. Reasoning self depends upon a pa of pss, becuse ald angumen is oe a enc st pose for the concuson tobe fale he premises are tue—and« ‘atoning creature which ca sen the wali of a es some rent Some phikopters msiaain that questions of what is posible ae, skims jt gestions out wha anceps we deploy othe meanings ‘ofr words, or example itmaybe seid thet the only eon wy isn ose foc bachelor to be mated tit chlo eens mad ‘nan al possty i grounded inthe meaning of words which ely comenona in nature, perhaps thee iy afer ale no eal of Posie’ or metaphysics to char in any ontological seus see, Indeed, the tsk we have been asigning tothe metas igh on this ie ore appropriately be signe othe excographe Buin rt, it does make sense to suppoe that all possibly grounded fa ie reining of words no asthe there ae posites nd nose bites concerning the meanings of words tenses whic anna wh ‘ut asaiy be taken be round nthe meanings of word In ty ‘se returing to a Bachelor example ts carta hee fc fey good sense in which pole fa bachelor to be marie ‘whatnot posible i fora bachelor tobe martid and sil ore be lesb ‘acho gen the meaning of this English more. TH st iposiy concerning themes ofa rd Bat the sense in whch 'vieyosile for bachelor to be marti ha ting whatee oda with the eesnigs of words. Sina the sense in mich spose for ma eng orn amie in fur sites othe seen which i Posie ar pin of water oe ontsied in twp ha noth ‘whatever odo th the meaings word, Thos ae el pois, heh ae pounded inthe sare hing nt the meeting ofthe ordre aie to debe things "here may bea inoue ee In whi at es some pasties he ‘coepin bass Reson on the concps af pin of wer end ‘of pin jg srs wo pers usta ii pose for the tert ‘onan the former, jst rection onthe coe ofan sceetangle -alics persuade sta pb to ide no two eal ht ‘ng wines Rt tise deny thatthe posites in question a nd inthe nue of the ings concerned ort oily Shee slits ae grounded merely inthe meanings f the words ne set dese tote thing Foran aeguate concept os thing of cen nl should ety erect grasp of tha thing’ var Seman ca, ot fr istance, ein poses fan adequate concept om ose Iulngle i he canes ofthis ther sed rome gre noe rrnopverion:1Hs warunE oP sesansestes. | 3 ‘of whose sides ate the same i lengtBecause am sees wing ot gore of ht nature, No hat ease done, the, ying hc tov of lps ma be eda yr oh poss dant est independenly of our ways of taking about or ‘neptune worl Te thee points abut meanings and concepts becuse there re sore lope who woul ek ban guns or oo precy in the theory of essing, for any legate ith they would be prepared wo career metaphyseal“ In anyways, ich 2 ew of thesttes af napa cams is moder des veston of Kans iw ‘of metapbyil cis a eing concerned withthe scr of though Indes, for those philosopher who conse tt the tre oF tot jum iy a orton, the race ofthe Inge in which thought & ‘spree he ws ae er loo nde ently te, hjections smart thse agains Kenan may be sed aunt what We may cll he seman conception of meus. ti gate poly tro hat diferent ngage eect tet voesbulay and rama strates the dfeent metphial precncetion of the ech om ies whose languages they ate. But even if his see wou ‘eve to show that metaphyseal ms are pounded purl ia ange Mreoer:itisimpontant to ecognie that haan Beings te ot inceple ‘challenging and ejecting the metaphysical preconception ofthe pec omni in which hy happen to ve been born and ested To be pete of ht tone at oly orl on the enorme arity ‘metaphysical stems that hve bee roped and defended over the cen tae by plop longing tthe sme o cnly rated speck communis So hee rely evidence hat meas hk ivarbl or enaonshy sje 103 aang degree af git ea tual ret Hlomeer, have aleady sid enough i reba af the last eres of metaphysics ata anced, Ontology and ontological categories ‘tthe outst of thi hap mentioned Arte, whose view was that rape i the wence of ing qi being, and for that reson a um Me De Lg of egy ts 4 | wrmopverion: rue warune oP sztannstes conceptual rie to any api scence with «mone nite sje Inte. This we placer slog —the sy of wha reine of entities ‘het ar and hw they at elt to one anthers he het fet pss, Cle sew which acon wel with the conception of metaphysis that have be dleding in thi chaper—the lew tht retuphyics is concerned with the fandarentl satu fv 8 wl. Arise des no comsnit wha ae arated a the Kantian ‘ror of spponing that metaphysics conc the stcure of o dh shout Being rther tan being il I ee, of ean, hae anon tscouse rational abort mts of being nsmach awe are capable of eetiting though boat eat here ro ol ben the wrk. Bu this aes mean at we st sabia dy of ou hough about things fr ty of things theses Our thoghts do no conte ‘ilo carthin nerve betvern ws and th things we re enderourng to think of somehow making them iacemble rissa. ‘he coms things ae acest preci ect we ate able think ote. The things we thik af dot tery elspa int the ‘hx e hae of he, 4 et psn ae apt suppose. To thererinde of thsboo, thet sal be allowing toe’ ed ether than Kao coer he nate of metaphysis aa nella dip Tie though soul srs that ena prof yah to rome Arie es sews on other mater t do ith meth, Far tess pie elie, my stance on thie dee no ply ht npr, capi ae july ceria agement by relting on con ep! what Glows, Usa feqeiy adap thi pocere when ‘amin, amongst thes the camel of Hey, pein, ang, ee pli eto agen se ine and motion, Foes ite can achieve dear understanding of sh andamentl metpbys amerpis ant she intentions tha we ean hope t deploy them Sucesy our ates to aut the fname tracer af rely hive not induded iy his bok a cpa chapter on ont ‘od | Lu Ayr Cray ein ln Roel, ba cient Sy pnt etn ‘Sms ete dings iene nr ad ee eee categories beast dict motivate dsason of entegorzaton Inabstacton adele eatment ofthe eps qesions hat tise as to whee thio tht exegry fetes sal shal not be Creed by ou enolgy theory of what theres (The mens 1 ome to proving sch dco en Chapter although even there my fecu ionfy on sete ue of etegriztion certain questions of ‘eosin la Figo importantly in Capes i and 20.) But ty erworth whi sping itl bere out he nel staph # tm of ‘toore sy be expected to hve Trtonall, most sach ste a hierechcal in struct having the or fa gered ie, the opmast “teory bing tht of ety oF Heng gent Anything tat does or ‘oldest int would ser, nconeoversaly escrbabe an ‘eit’ of Some sor The ext highest evel feteporaton is howeea mate of tome conser. Some tetaphyscians rian, think at al ents tne fanarentaly vl a this eel nt universal and partic, tile hese thes arama dvsion 8 being between strat ies for example, numbers sey and poposions) and. cane ies (shal say rare about bh ofthese sons Past VL ofthis oui) These high-level etgorir may hen be farther subdivided in ange of suborinste categorie x4 thd lel of cterizaton— “ihough, pin hee ao conten among metpysians so how ‘acy thse dvsions shuld be made For example one might want “Sivie the aepny of rivers ft theo sub-cegries properties Sn elaons Asin, one might want to dvi the cteory of concrete mies into things or ering objets) std een—a sion Tics {Ranme dealin Cheri. "Faing? might then be farther slid ine ssanes and nom sabstaate eames ofthe Later Beng sch things a 3 eap of sad w+ bul o ck, which lack a itera princi of wy and depen forte exitenee sd identity upon sings tic do pest uch prin ings ke plans anal alc, nd star, which ee consquenthy cai substance). Bor thre wil nevi be some yes of entity whos place in any ierarhy of eatepori sil ete Ho for instance, should we Cateorine such putative ene a le, gps and shadow? Ate they winners ene eer fee ‘ory ont cuanto Taare ime hy ee oy eh an ia mss ie Cage tae a a 1 a whe = C7 Ese, Cathet oeree att ete? Ar they propery desea immaterial ‘jets or re they mete ‘ution Or aaeoe anda ach po el eins 3 all but non-Deigs’? (OF eos ne relly wt to inde non-beingn our only then we had beter net the terms ei” and ‘big 8 Spon fe lat Yea lo etsy i taken denote our pmo onli eapnry) Space an ine them shes together with datos prt Gv! repon of spaces momen of ine, for exmpe, re elit to categoria wl merge om some ofthe dicsions In Part V ef this book With these ‘vets in min it ay none he ess be egal pay for proses of | istration Tindeat by meen of spe te diagram how 4 tem of ‘ators right in pute ergsnize, slog the hes jst upped see ig) Bat mus ste that dina ect aeatne andha o chi oben iter complete or uncntrorral A short outline of this book 1 ay ao be ep to readers iF now conc this nroctory “hapter by providing ve syops the tps that wl Be over the remainder ofthe ok. As befits a survey ofthe abet the book’ contents areas compen a1 could pack make them, BU many readers il ve a marae ange of concer which hope hey maybe Frdped to locate withthe ad ofthe flaming overview Chapters and coneen problems of entity, pestence, and change Some of thee problems involve exter of Sason and Fon in “ohich one thing ces" o wo ecome eas in the tai puro the ship of Theses Chapter, loka seh css with iw to dtcrining eter, a if bo compose thing cm etn ident overtime whl undergoing xchange oft component parts. aso rise the questo of whether Henty could Be agi or 4 mater of degree In Chapter the rather dierent question of whether. and if so how, «thing can ea Went overtime while wnderoing = change ofitsinrnse qualities o-alled probe of nine change ‘ee [espn andes the datine of temporal prt neh ols ‘one ston sth problem, Then, in Chapter 1lok at the question of thee our cnc of ent shoud be live or a aso nen the eure of desing how we can bs concepuaine cass fs Sobstnt change—fr example the cs of tte ing formed om Jump of bron Should we slow that two een hing, ach the statue and its consent bronze, can exit in ex the sme placa the fame time How ind tal doe he ration of costition der from the elton oie? The next thee chpter concen the metaphysics of modality at raps ies tod with polity and necessity In Chapter 5 afer nsierng some saloges teen ane ad modi ook sa wel Jun tet n prove that re entity statment te neces ru tnd ase some pore bjctions to th alleed roo. a examine tome of append metphysilinpltions. in panics besing pom the mind-body probe, In Chapter 6 fntadace the diction Iwan ceil and aciental propertes and rise the gueton of nether this distinction founded nmenton or has amare abjetve Ts, T lo examine to important eset theses cncening the nnn nants one mengreytep Hat atad ‘Sate Snth ak ee to sage Pm oe saphena son cet pe enna en eel Bhat taser ae Caen ag te et ‘pa Aeon 6 egos Cy sey fen a he ce of const hemes sb ersin mol do te ete Jose fer er iNet hoe 7.1 date wen whch reed poe ‘ds ine ened es motte ad a some {oso concn the onl sof ps wrs nd ek itis dite ie lem taney nd caine sn ener naps th tie acu ha thie hat natal ect mel ponte a “he filing goo te apf be raf sty anitheinrpenon ore coo teens Ma ct ‘exrepir ann neme ae sl wr ee inertia vastness come he terme og eaten Chap Tela dca sme a henge sae ef eure oe Sioa, king nal at ples ted y te cme Siren ofc aie iy of andes stn ete ye wel Chetek the ed ‘met hy ef eto nl conta i coe fe nave of cn steno tai fe stn tage cnerng te af esl eto freuen san fc oe ee a ft nd concn the betes: nh ‘cumine erin etl sae ofc ii eal te tte qt of whe such amas ea ney aco tue iy cin mo cal vein rane me qt once ocd py an he ue af ste outers nals fcr compte ith ee sett ane yc bate “nes rsa fal uray om he recling ree beingconcerl thats Cher se echo ofthe hes eet ond pert ee cas a dc slindyendet ee these ol athe he dfn Can it caton ed oc cson a sce as emmy be ude va ane ends inate ecto aeamy ej psesng al tome) nchops meee co actoscn pe Heed wih suas vento wheter actos and evens belong. tere distinct tla esepric explore hit hue by das sone nd even are to be inde, oasing on problen cases which te dices concerning the lection time of accurenc ofan ion or an event. examine bth spatiotemporal and causal itera of ‘ey fr actions and events: Te stil focus in Chap 3 om the uein of whether persisting thing (and more especialy substance) ne nto prin to cvents vce vr, Should wee ects ci inv or nonreactive palit sich mater? A fre sue | teams hw places an tes are ele the things pl event hie fecupy ov gsc at than: could thes fr inane, be etch of tee Sing which cig bappen? “Te tops of Chapter eal ws smoothly into those ofthe next Bie hopters which concer the natre of space and cme in goer. Tn ‘Chapt examine the dintonbeween abslue and eltonal on ‘epos f space and evant Sie ae Newton's celebrated yam Srpiments ia favour of abso mation, Il ack the pletion for the nature of time of Albers Entei’ hess of thereat of sina taney tn Copter aot Kent's aos problem ence ion tent counterparts obs ch a right and ait iro-age et and) and sk what plains, aha or the ataref pe. 1 ‘prc oem of elton ube init wight 8 Kat bins ‘how, amcendentl ie? Cape 6 concer de aaeios pur thes of mrtion tibet the ancient Grek psp Zen0 of le, Hee Lack whether any of hee paradexes sales tat continuous mation i imposible, or whether moders mathratis can resol the patent dite ri by ter alo examine te ise of wheter ‘pact nl motion could be dcominows. In Copter 7,1 discuss trl-Kaown argument forthe uoelty of time developed by the Can Inde dosopher | M . MTaggz. nding ont te elation Tween time a tense and ee he qusion of whether or nt bere ae tend fct cue he ton of poral Becoming athe ely Ten sac and “dynam conceptions of he nate of time. 80 Conse the question af whter the fate areal the pest and stand examine ising om the rat Ene of dtr. In {hela chapies ofthis oop of iv, Chapters rae the question af ow the dso of tme elite the rection of eausaon, sicker ‘ston pow I explore this sue by examining, among other ‘hing the positon tare into the past The susion iad onsieraion of whether he row fi’ canbe expined by ference ‘ophstalavs. The lst two chapter of the boo areeancemed wih two very funder ot ose related metaphysicl ditions the diineion Te unites and pata abd the dtinctin hewee asta snd concrete ent n Chapter examine vais acouns ofthe st ‘of these distinctions ad sas he question a whether we rely nel to include bth universal nd patclsnour ontology Can pric be tepid, in fea bundle of univers, comer, lan of atts serve the parses for which anes a use ive? thiscontest | discuss he mit and dics of thors which nvke the exitnce of salle "ope, somtimes sho elle patie ‘quae’ Fil, Chater 20 lok at the question a ow we sould ‘raw the sinction betwen atc and corte objet and sk what revs we can hae if ant ble in the existence fastest, sch a umber sand propos, Theres also ame dsceon of how we sould exegetical’ and wha place any, ve sul gant ich es nour onto. PART I: IDENTITY AND CHANGE america and giant 2 “he pon ofthe ip of These % “orator to te parle rs beter satin! | » Fs ion a sro port * Tefal othe hand an ae ” ‘Quaterattve CiANGE AND THEE DOCTRINE OF Ai Law and he poe fg change « ‘hes eprint the pron s ‘stein lhe adel oat ° errno sr endrence ’ ‘Ape fr pera teres 7 Q IDENTITY OVER TIME AND CHANGE OF COMPOSITION, Numerical and qualitative identity ‘Teconecp of entity its ping one seeming t once pret simple and yet enormouly complex. On the sie of simply, there i the input ft tht everything sen eth el ad ith 0 ther ‘hing And whaeer sre of thing trac of anying ential wi st ‘hing since anything ideal ith ut hing tht very ting el. TH Tater principle i sometimes kona’ La im deference 0 most famous advo, Gotid When Cebnz. Pom what as been ‘ado freee toe a wey vil relation which ees haemo caps dnieence—trvil because everthing whateer stds thi lation to aa and 9 otha ese feed, one may even wonder vith what propriety cas be calle yeaa all snc we ‘aly think of eltins a olding Between Afr things Homer, we {ne happy oy that ation which hols between diferent things may tls somtines Hold betwen a hing onde for sample = pean my Iitanoter pen but we los that pean may Bt mae The od thing about dey thought fa aration ita ican leer bold ence 4 thing and ule Bot perbape tha jot rake am nase ‘aon rather han nota gen eto tall The me paling aspects of identity bein wo emerge when econ sider itn ambition withthe phenomenan of change We regal sy ‘ha thing cam change avr tine ming heey hat one abe sme ‘hing cae diferent trent timex But may scam wo be nth ‘ort of «contrat to ay tht ashing can e bok the seme and ‘ern that bth the sae ada he same, Here piosophes ae tly quick to de a itnetion Been wet thy ell meri ad a uate inti ean any ce hey ay whe ting hangs, ‘remains numerical ne aod the ve thing bt becomes itty dierent for exalt sone and he ume banat i tee in Colour ltr yellow, ee ad the same te that i i sl nee fd tr le. Are here; then, wo fren! kinds of Sent, oF two ‘ferent sees of the word “same? Mow philosophers and lope ‘ould answer No'to his question. They wou sy tat when we speak of 1 hing becoming qualitative diferent overtime, we py ent that thi thing fae nomerially diferent quality a¢ numerically erent Yimer—for inane, that the banana fae oe qa rene fone time and another quai yellownes a another tine O ths veal ‘enya manera entity ute have to ding beeen he Sea thing othe of qutes, Composite objects and change of parts We salle looking ove doy the natare of uate change inthe row chple In hs csp, ea fo focus on another hind of change hich may sem at eas sping change of eompositon Many of te jets that we veer Yo i every convertion ate composite abject that tsa they ae compened of rious other bjt which te here fore ports o nm. For tac, + rps able Is composed of Four ‘ode lege tached othe fur contre of ectanguar wooden sure Homan beings abd other King evanisns ar, of ous, compost ‘jects vitha ey camper composition tutre A we i compose ‘frp ranches ses, rand frth—and thes trae com pore of eter things uch a el, which ae compe of teal orgie bine a itimatey of substomie patil Thus we Bind ture aioe hime of cnpation, Ne Bind ach hierarchies abo in the elm of att of ou own king such a ars and computers 1 fo, exper dre om the vel of artefacts sre popular In lop! dconson of chang of ompoition, because we tend to be ‘nore fine with the ways in which such abject re compose, they tring products of deliberate aman deg, Tet fnd it prey satura yt ne andthe tne thing change it quaits overtime we ind it precty natura 0 that one ‘nthe same thing can change hs pres ve tn. ded we em co Pld a a his ithe ease ing organi in whose very maar iis to undergo proces of grovth and metabolism which ive an ‘change of mater betwen an og and einen Bat even the case of artefacts, we ind it natural 0 speak of och ehane- When | take my wah cart Be ead do at complain tat not he Same mach oe cer f i etre to me wid sme of is woe parts replaced bye ones, Of ons here fa sese which he ech sot "Ah ae fer it hasbeen repre not hese inspec of i component part—it nom heifer one, Butt sl we want 9, ‘neandthesune wath iinureily the me ot he cae hat the wotch which tok o be reputed a ese to exist and» new ad ume lire watch replied Thal isha ena [Byway But the gueston Hs can we say thi, eithou ling into “Shur or even conraditn? It ready cyt como cers Pecse which sen to teste ine of ose oda ways talking about such mater Byte fr the et Enon of hee pul (ses the problem ofthe ship of Tes. The version wre shall examine ‘rain sted by Thoms Hees, aed om 2 pase oma work of the cient Gree biographer Pach ‘The puzzle of the ship of Theseus According legen, when the Meo Theses deh fous ship was ‘reserved inte harbour a Athens fr many yeas nthe cour of ne, ports oft Beato decay and hee were repacl by nee parte fhe sane Form and materials the evil, Erna none of the org parts tern, posing the qutson of wheter he shin he aor was sti the same shpat the sip that Theses had sae in—that wheter i ‘is numeri deat wit he gna hip of Theseus. Sige we cs toma allow that an artat can undergo replacement fis pans a Test if the replcementcccrs 2 pred and piecemeal fishion, the ‘Svious answer to thi question woud ert ta the reomted bp, {swe may cil is indeed enti withthe origi skip. Te ony {ternative woul he to inpoe soe iit onthe poporton of hi’ rts that oul be replaced without so te ientiy— shat without ‘easing oe, Bu i nyt ee ht thi wil compel wt ay ha sath Bip hin Th a sof i ae ‘hip cannot survive the sepcement of ny of pt, which seme sd oF atest strong confit wth cominon sense, The reason fr this eooaguenc that dente rane on shat to ay, fa Meal with band i Mental ith theo of neces ne wi Suppose hes, hat we mp some inion ‘he proprio o ship's prte Ha ca be replaced without ls of ie iy for este, Suppose me stp that upto 5 per certo hips rts oto mor, canbe repel thou that hip ceasing to ex ‘According otis iteron, woul be poet ele 4p en of ships pte in sic ey tat th eaing sy hip ssl etc vith ship a Bat he would ewe be pol to replace 4 percent of ‘Ship Hs pars in such yc the eng ship ship cs il enc With sip in which ab he rant fey mpi tat ip enc wih sip However, nck eae cond wel be tht ship tn ship edie inthe pats by moran thes percent ii in fc prope en) ining that according to he poponed eer, hey ‘all ore the sete ai. Thus we havea contraction, the eitron inpying in wach cbt hat hip aiden wit sp fee of the transit of Ment ad that ship wo enti ith ship © cae the proposed Timi i exceed). Cansequetyte any cos nti oimpone fone of per et llowing a change of ars at ll "ewe man tallow change of pts at ale ser tt we mus aon 3 complete change fp rather deren pol wld eo a hat I ship canta have mre than = cen proportion of ie kh! pats replaced, but thi tn, are sto dis: it bce ay i hat Ing be se would spear to he strary an second Benue the oii pars of thing ace, by definition te pets hich Ha thing hed when nse came into estene yet eta ue problem ito dtingsish ewes 1 ese ofa now sip coming into eastence and one af a8 esting ship ‘ergo acne pats) ‘Sofa weaver ht ti pave o lo that soething he ship cain tie undergn een complet replacemen of urtsprovied, ‘eure tht thi done Hite by ite. But ow we cone tesa ple ofthe sip of Theses Suppo tht athe nal pte of The Seu ship ate gradually eplceé by ew ones, chow rig arts ae CGreilytenoed in 2 wacoe and stored tee unt the warehouse | | vetly cots al of thei pars whe lthe placement pte long tothe ship in th arbour (he renovated ships we ve died to eli) And then supose that someone puts al te orginal prs together again to form sip which i exact Mk the ogra sip of "Thecus: cl hi hip the recone ship Now weet ys lar hips, the renovated ship andthe recor ship ech of which night em to ave some ci tobe enti with he original sip of “Thee Theckimofthe renovated ship wehee sey eramind tet spun the apprent Bt tht ship ean undenga nme, «complet repbcamen fs parts Bat the resonated ship al sere t hve # ‘sd him, for moony eit exactly He the gine ehip in epet af "Epperance (as ithe enovated sip) bat shot compa of xe sme parts A farther consideration apparent in sopport fhe chim {hat we common allow that an ate! can be dnb tO ie ta Inter seebled, the plication big that the resembled artefact ‘Sumer dent with the oe tht cer dacembled think, for exemple, of et os byl tht designed be etd in this ay, or ofa wath that stent pees for clang ad ter ut bck opt ‘ain. IF the ovgnl ship of Theses bad simply been gradually dis Iman witout elaemen of ay fs ps and the pats had been succes removed tothe warehouse, thee eventually o be eased to form a ship of exact the sme strate the tral thing syn his {ase we ht the original ship hd een moved ese ies 0 he warebouse. uti thio eae eat happenin te cte in which he ‘ign! pars at replaced by nev one they ae remind om the ship inthe trbou ‘Our problem, then, ith. the ase in which bth renovation a econ cet, webve ante ine sips the enorated ship ‘nthe harbour and te econsteicted ship the warehouse, bro which seem ohave pod da toe dental withthe righ ship of Theses If there had ben renovation withootrecontraction, me woul Papiy ave denied the emote ship wit the inal ship and thes had ben rcontraction without renovation, we would apply hve en fete ent hp ihe iin at ec nthe ‘ated hp and the constr ship ae enical withthe original ship ech thi ain lou ofthe fc ht ery a trast elton, If he reovsted ship sen wit he origi! ship and the cpl ships ao ent with the espace ship then flows by the eestity of Meni, tat the renovated ship i enc with the ‘ecasitacted ship--and yt this sr canna be the ce, because he ‘enovatd ship pd the recht ship are two gute dint ships ech Tsing ite ine lation. Om the oer an ko se itary toy that one rather ha the other ofthe ter hip ential th the vig ship—far bow ea we hao, na principle ay one ber ‘han teaser for this tinction? Moree we do choose one often far his isintion-sy. the envaed ship then we mn seem 0 ase the ftowing absurd consequence on ur bn sere tat we shall Ie 5x. concenig the reconstructed si hat although ine a fact enc with the ig ship added, oly amet exec forthe iste when spree seed in the weno, never less it wo have been eile the ginal ship f enration had never cuted tht the gal parts a ot Ben epaced bat Bad spy been nocd ro the hab the meehowe fn tha se Seen the ected ship mold have ben ent with the ng Ship in which ease wold ae come int existence ch ie nae shen the hip of Theeur wa tilt Bat hw ca ke ese ‘hata eran thing whic emi ct er ith cern oe thing woud have been etal with Bieta hing ein his ase, the tenrated ai) a texted Sure wheter ono es entice wilh Bs a mater whi ences onl a db quite indcpendety of ‘at ther things door do nt ext “Two radical solutions to the puzzle Jn the ght of ti conundram, we may be tempted to conde that te he ter hip ent with the org shi hough ai Scacly ore pata than any of our her serantves We may een be tempral o eacade that our common seme eonception of compost jets as things which ean penn ver time irl incoherent Tweet, before we eset Sach dnperate meanest he se ht ‘wehave properly wdestod the wpe ta confront mye at ‘ve sl have wo srtender seme aspects four common sete oncption cf bjs an tee perisence on acon of he poze ort may evn be ‘toe we ean defend tat contin in its entity by noticing some de ‘into tht ey 30 fr be escaped us One aipec of ext common ence vnc of objet that we dae t pose forthe ame objet oben to diferent pace tone oo diferent abet (at Teas dierent jets of the sre ind) te bein the same place at he Same ime ne wert ie op this ssmpson, ten one or other ofthe foloing sluoos othe pote ofthe sip of Theseus woul theoreti tll be eval os. One slton woud Be oy tht Bh the feo “ated ship end the econsructe ship ae ential withthe oii ship ceting ta ths imps that heater tine one ad he sae hip i in wo dent passa oct that i both inthe Baout and inthe Wetchouse. Another ston woul! Beto sy wile acepting that he rerovted hip ad the eomsrcte ship two gute dst! ships that Ton thse sis were vigil in he Rabu 0 hat, ait was mending to speak ofthe ship of Theses acordng o his soto, he tho Ite ships exact cine with one another un the pres of Feoovetion tnd removal xpi whereupon they gradually became septe Tt must be mite tat bo of thes salutons ee wo be logy tasimpescl in that they appeeny ansges: no lav of lope ad ener the easvity of es But hey ee to abe such exe ie revs to our cnn sense conepn of objets and hi pe “enc that we may dvb wheter hey make god ese metaphyseal Speling As remarked nthe previo caper the answers oguestins ‘fh i posse ae et, a ene, determined purely Wy lings onventions othe neanings of words, bat rahe the natures of hings Themes gate independently of he langege which we wet describe thot things Ths we tein n0 postion simply 0 sipulate that one and the same thing exit ino laces at nc ht feet higs an ext inte sare plac these ie fw wants that either sly bein, then we must er the right do so by aancng Cogent epuments—and tat my no poe o be tal es. Moree, tof these proposed salto othe purse safer fom the icy ‘hat hey make impossible fo 0a how ran things oF certain nd sachs ship eatin certain marber of places a a cei ine ithouteeenc to eve ccering ero tr than hat tne For Instance according tothe is ation, we cannot tl wheter ata cetsin time mere enone by wo dine sist diferent aces rst ‘oe ad these ship, withou knowing bout te prior hry ofthe Ship or ship concerned. And searing to he end sation, we cannot tel whether at cert time, we ate cononted by jst one ship in Certain place or dict sis without kong about the fare story of theship a ships concerts consuences emt ender ‘he propre sts aban an lel A better solution? Maybe, howereout common ante concption of abject ad persistence cam sap oper useathed frm th us f the sip of These we nile with due cate. This iy owen opinion, I sal nowy to pli First fal we ned tings ina way in which we te Dt hone sor betwee dina csein which composite eich sch as ship pradoal disassembled and ater resembled ad what happens in the pure ease the orginal pars ofthe ship of Theses nthe oir ‘the various pars once rea line houghout the proces cite incorporated into a ste partlydsmantd ship, or ee not incorporated into any shpat al For example, there wl es ine when half ofthe pais ar ill anneced together it half manta ship ie the ening half ae loo and separate na chose Asch ‘ints proper oy hat he ship queson aval enpemet ‘of prs, but that half of them are inthe warehoe ond al f them ae sillin the pty mantis, Bu what ae we oy tthe coves pono ie dig the res involved inthe pac ae hat when half the ocgal prs ofthe sip of Theseus Have bre emo oe warehouse and ave ben ele by ew ones nthe arbour lndsprabe dha that nse inthe habowe one ei ship a orking onder, with 2 al emplement of pt Ba do wean hve staking hip wth fall erp of pats half which ren the ‘arehoose ad Ralf of whi re nthe har If we aver Ys then sve must seems that Bal of thee pat a shared by to inc ships: nares che hl which ae inthe arbor, The ship io question stb nner hips, Because they donot have exact the sme pats ‘ea ha spar lf which te athe hao we the oes Fn ofits prs the htbour sl lf in the warehouse, Hever i ery oof hat it makes ese aya fo inc hip cay he Sate ime sare blo thir prts Caan oar common sense cone on of eects and thie ptaence does met ens ws 1 thi aNITy AND CHANGE OF COMPOSITION. | 31 spat then, that we should or sy tis But then we ust dsie to ‘hc sip the vos pre concerned Belang atthe ae Ib question, ‘Gea al ofthe arts the harbour bongo the ship ht fn he Frou, But fat we hove decided, none of thas pars simataneousy longi any other ship flows tat atthe cie in question hee iso ship bch basil complement of esha of which rein te hartour fn half of which rin the wnshone Ucn, ndced that hep inthewarhoase belongto no ship ato that ime Ths quite diferent fom wht wey abt the parts the warehouse an oeinary ese Soe anon he ren finest « ey nd onsiatlon 2 thee ies 1 4 SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE AND SPATIOTEMPORAL COINCIDENCE Beginning and ceasing to exist In the previous two chapter, weave ook at eo diferent Binds of Change tht persian abet can undergo: change of composition and {golive change, The fist sor of change occas when composi object dere change ofits component parts. The second ot oecus when tne an the same abject bs mumerical dfleret qualities at mmeially font tes, OF couse, thee two Kinds of cheng ae not entirely independent of ne anoer Smet, 2 change ofthe oe kid rigs thou change ofthe other Kind. For etample if «compose object esis new parts posing guatie tht are diferent fom thos fs ‘HL parts, the composte object tl? may undergo a change of Ks (glies—is when # hose ehangs i clour beau new brik of « ferent colour awed a eplace so rks But» composite object ao ao undergo qualia change without undergoing ay change of Composition for inane, when it component pants are _simphy Teeraned withthe elt the dhape ofthe composite object 963 Inole changes. Bo three aoa third kindof change tht we ned 10 “nse which radon esa hae Tis isthe in of Change mich ous when «persting abet eter bepns or ees 0 ft thus no exact Kind of change which hppens in or an tet inthe way thet qualitative and compostnal changes ae, bt {atest Cungeofobject—a change with spect wha eet there fein the wor This called substantial change Becsue pesiing tjects—things suchas houses, apples, and planks of wood—are ead ‘oly call invidalslstances or “substantia individual’, OF cours ths was # kind of change which I i sus to some exten in ‘Chapter 2, but ia the preset chapter it wl Be the mn fous of our ‘Mos ofthe substantial individuals ht we are emia with inde, pehap all of them—aze composite bjt aural to sume tht there mutex some non composite susan individuals, bcese ts natural wo suse tat hiarchies of compostion cannot be lfiniely lescending that tos trl oat tht alhough ano ompanent parts may themes becomes objets, and the parts of ‘hese pars may agai be campos, there must evenly bea en 10 sh 4 series af whole part elation, the teins Being povided by jects which are by their very mature simple or non-composte. The ‘atom of he seen Gresk philosopher Democrits played preci thi roeit his ontalogy—'tom!mesning orignal ht which ne be cat (rived ito any ler parts In modern phys, the sled “let ena parle suchas ecrone and quay ie ok though i many other ways they ae quite une Demartean atomic they te not coma of 8 bing peel ard and igi bodes with precise (rometcl shapes. Whee ell meeps empower ir. cies of composition to be infinitely descending x eel guon, hic shal ot atempt answer here. Perhaps the mont tht we an faely ay isha epic evdence caren sugges hat all mia objets do in ft ave uinate comsponent part 2 snle or om ‘compose nature Hover, since no macosape terial bt sn ompoie sf as we kw and maconepe objects willbe out al Concer in hice we can eflectvely confine our atention wha ‘olan campos abject ‘One fra substan o eome nt extenc forces cer objects te united ogee so ao for ts omsponent art This {ea happens wen «hos all or co ship contrac fro pan and spars. Anthea weve ifr catin obec which tnealeny united ogee to form composite whol to be retrange ‘uch away that «compo whole o ew kod comes execs, Thi wat hppene hen aun of bronzes moulded nto the frm a sate: tt et ected ut ofthe bronre, Peay ht so ‘hat happens when alvin ogi ich ata plan or enacted uta fergie mater Sabana change of hind aes ome “elt etapa probles,howeres Caner the cs ofthe bots ‘ad thestave, We se compli ony th! them orm of bron isa numerical distin objet rom the sau beat the a and he sttue wil ndinaiy have some ite exsence ot diferent imes—the Timp fst and later he nue Moree the lamp andthe statue plausiy hve diferent ersten codons tht io tere deen Kinds tof changes that can and canis be ried bythe mp and the statue reget, For emmpe the mp ea sure change in which it i fntened ito th shape of «dn, but the sate cannot survive sch 2 ‘change Convers he ate cn sve he ls of replacement of ome ‘ofthe bronze parte hat eompone but the lump of Bronze cannot ‘eroving or replacing ome ofthe roe prtics ees ws with numer ‘aly dtc lump of bronze. Hower, if the lamp andthe ste ate merical sting sania nual then they ainda be ing» sermingly strange reltionehip to one stoer—for ring at least prt of ter existences thy act cineide with one another, cuping Posey the sae place he same ime Morea, whl thiis the cs ‘acy these brome pater compose tee to numerically dint {iva ther andthe Brnae—and we may onder baw thi i poste Can there be coinciding objects? ‘Many pilsopers hk tht i i fndrentaly aur 1 sappos that the hm and the slate two namely dsine bjects which aly Ceineide with ene another for + period of tne and are composed of ‘acy the sme particles, They complain that they cannot understand ‘that would mie these objects ti t ch Hime! How oul thet Uijet hve any property wich the oer bjt Iced OF ours it may te roped thatthe objects could have ferent hovel and! modal roperties—where an havc prnprty of objets one which thas in Feet of what hs happend 10 nthe ost and« modal property fan thie ne wich ten esp of what cul bapen We ave ted sad for instance, that the mp and the sttue may have come into fastest dle ins tha ere oe diferent hinds of change tht they cam and cannot eovive, However may be wondered how 0 ets which ra certsin moment nine eat ain thei non Isr and now-moalproperts cool, noe the sd in espet sat On Meal Conidae an 0c nce ble Pcl “oftheir historia and modal properties. And te lump ad the staue do Sppeato be exalt thetrnon tril and non madal properties ‘en they eval csc th one nother Tat Being si is mpl Tha hey cannot ate aly dilfle fom ene another inthe hr and nal properties then the principle a the inti of dicen we tre pepe to acep soul petty compel ws judge ht they tren fc one andthe sete objec, ot two numeri distin objets, {ot tat the picpleof the deny of ndsenibles, which maintains that no two objet em pes excl these proper, shoal nthe ‘on it whats cammonly known ‘Lelia aw —the pring that steve ero things tev of nything sens wi ht hing ‘ee Chap 3 Confusion sometimes encourage bythe fc tha bi hinselfendrsd bath pines td made them fous but iis gne- aly need tht Libis Law eh et eomtentous the two princes) Relative versus absolute identity ‘raced wth thi apparent conundrum, philosophers ve responded in rambo fierent way, most f ot al wich sem to requ some epic om everday waye af thinking, One posi it question evs standard sunny bout he tre of dent entity is wma thoght of beng a abate elton, i the owing ses. Tet" and be certain ster tha to genes denoting ‘vain sorts oF Hinds of substantia Examples woud be the terms “ee plane ie and indeed, ate’ and Tun of bro “Then Wis standard sul ht ia and b ace sane the sme nd ate sls oth Ga then and Hare ao merely The same G.I, itso se that Lin's Lav ips thi weak the a to ae, in fle that forse sorta eon wig the sare X a4 Dy then tthteve itr fa ao ee of. ae then lows tat if and are “he ateFthen whatever str ofa ae o ut ifaica Ghent Issurdy rue of that ts the same Ga whence tsa truco chat isthe same Cae ut prhap thistaderd sumption and with he Standard sersion of Labit'sLaw—should be question. Peraps i tones see oer alt supp hat and may be he same Fand yt ot the same G This win x poponen of + ela conception of ‘ety maint? Assording to this ie, we cannot of cert in Tale and tht they are oar nt eninge tht vethout ater question They may be Sena reatve to one eta Characteration of them but dnt lative another: ow might thi ep or th the ease f the tate ad the lump of ‘wane Simp as ls, Wee pres a onthe one han hat he sue andthe lap ae two namereliy distinc objets becuse they Afro thi storia moda properties. On the other hand test ile these and the lamp eal coincide wih one another, we fe Dresed fo ay that they campot afer al be fo numerically dine het The ean entity theorist may, however, ignore tr difia- tice a ang Gm + miconepion that entity and dissntns) ne baat retin, when int hey are Sally eae. According to he ‘lave cannot eligi speak of the mate andthe mp Delg, ot fing tobe, numerical intial objet, because his eo tempt 10 spetkof deny and disinrnes wat eating tem to appropriate ‘oval charcrzton of the objects that we are refering to Pebaps ht we soul ny and wat according tthe reais, we can canst. ny spi that the ste pd the amp f roae ae one ed the sme Iunpf bom bet atone ad he same stave Tn oder fo mae this propos tle moe init appa ox Set what we might sy ithe mp of brome were 0 be mele dows Spin and Formed into diferent ato (perhaps the Sat tate W5£ ‘ote of Napolon and the scond a satue of Welingn). ecording 0 the reli we might sy of he Stand second statues ha they te diferent states but the sme fom of Poze. But then, it sem he lump of bronge ste athe te at which che Bist statue exits its ot these statue a thei tate Toft wer, the, by te sane Totes, the lump ofbrone would have to be these state she second Satu when that exit Bot if the st stv were the same sate as the lump of brome and the lump of bronze ware a the ame sate ts the second statu, the i seme thatthe tansy of dey pie that test statue woul be the aes thewecond tate, tele edits ot. Sa we must condade thatthe fit tte ad the Tp of brome ate atone adhe se aur even hey are oe ad these lamp of rae. The tron of hie acount ha eps Tete am apn iP Cth Ren Gy ed. 64 | weverty aso crane yw ae pulled n t difeet rections onceonnghe state ad the Tuo ne eating ob bots that hey aredtnt ad tha ey ate ‘eta Moreover, t even eames i 3 whe to deen that ‘we fo scined to ake that we are not compel to surender ether in four of the the: mec tun bot deren, provid ha we us each in the watt the elt recommend. hive ti represent the ravi sltion to eur problem io as four ight a pose bu ino tt diate fs ove, For one thing in ebandoning The sanded version of Lena's Lai ladon what tiny popes and line woul sea the os fandamentl pail of ety, witbot wich we elect lst al teal grip on te notion of ken, The veltvned ientity elans of the retina be objected are no real retin entity al, tot someting ele —telaion of sary perhaps. Anoterprobl i tht uesions of ienity are intimately bound up wih questions of tse ota Fone want to rena identity sot racer ton one must be prepared elvis existence to sort carceria tions This ert ve ery strange mpleatons* Suppose hat he (Gt) statue ie detroyed by ming dow the Brome, but the bronze ‘eri fac so cntnges o et No, according tthe lati, the sate the same lon of bose a the ap of bonae—ands 6 Te ost sti he mp of bronze continue o exist Seen afer the ‘ces of meting has exured, thee texts someting which i the Se thing of se aorta the state cording 16 the rests. Tit Secs to pl thatthe state dos sil exis, le only ‘a shear of ‘one rather thn he tue Bat i wld al ser that the ele isis nt ented to any abt or “uel” conception of exis ce, So the eli st ge that ong to say that te Sater ‘auto exit simpler when ed down tony ceases to exit “Bea sate: erhape thie eno sn asad thing to 4, Dut it cern seme osu a ery ig dept rm common-sense was of think ing about existence and seta change. We may ase to gine up Sahing fr instance, ta pice of paper spy desroyed when Int to oshes or ven that» human being imply ene fo ex po ering flare funy hoe Sab faci ya ee a Ta sunstasriaccnaner ano comernencr | 6 -mporal parts and coinciding objects Suppose we decide tht the abot conception of entity is too fd ‘metal tobe pen up How ce might we handle he ase ofthe statue and ‘he lamp of bronze! Temporal part hers, ofthe sort we cused in the prvous hater provide what may se tobe a ata seation 0 ‘ur probe. The empora-prt thar can sy That olangasthe state fd the imp of bronze exci eine they have ety the ame Temporal prs eventhough they may have dierent temporal pars efore or aie thet pri. Thi llows us to uy hat considered as Your imensona holes he satue and the Lump of bronze ar indeed umes dint objet and yet ht, at ay ive time ring thet toinsence, jut oe temporal pt ofan object exit inthe place hey ‘scopy Bente the erp pt ofthe tate whch exits at tat time IS numeral ident with the tempor! pat of te lamp af Bronze hich evs at that time, Th acon, Hike the lait on, both {Spline and to some extent justifies our nnaion wo sy tat the staae fa the lump of bronze Bath ae an are noe enc wih oe anater thing the tine of sincdence. As temporally extend wholes they ate hot decal. tty are ‘pry’ Keni darng the period of come tke mash hey ave easly the ee esporal pts ding hat ‘Naturally hs soltion wil only appeal to those who do no consider tempor pss theores subject to ivupeale objections. Rat ewn for Semone who cpt theory af temporal Fer coinciding objet can Sil present «problem, Case ie in which bronze state made from bree which nly ome ster nto 2 amp ache ime when the state formed and which pred or destroyed when teste isl is destroyed In hn ce, the sate and the lump af bronze coincide tivouphou thi env eitence hat, accrding tthe temporal pes Theory they have exact the sme temporal parts at al mes and on Seer acne andthe sun Your dimensional whole The rouble now is that we sl want 0 sy that there ar changes whic the statue could he srs ut whic he lamp bonae cou ot have suvited and vice vera-in er that they have difleent mada properties. Bt his ‘ference fn th properties nap, by Lf Lat imply hat he ‘stu andthe lamp of one seamen objects een gran ing that they pons the sme nomads properties throughout thei repeat exstences and consequently donot fein respect of any of ‘he itor properties ‘One posible reponse thatthe tempor pas theorist can veto his sparen tical ita sy that, wen we ase a mda ropery an hit Ur secption mst be ina cern sense reliant sme sppopeinte Sorta aracteraaton ofthe bjet—and tht ene and the ‘sine object my pos ein model propery wetie to one sorta harsceration ofthat object and yet sk tlie ¢0 another sich Churacteration’ We sal ave to sy, ions that 2 amp of UrnaesceninYour-dmenssna whol could arvie ating, but hat "sa sate col ot. This ypgetion sof nar, eminent fet thereae identity theorist wa ness ar saying abou te existence of objcte—thedfeence being tht, whereas the trporsl parts hoist need only ele judgements af what changes a objec sl ae 0 how hat bj cratered eral the reatve identity theorist at to eavz judgements of what change an objet acl doer uve 9 howe that objet characterized srl One iy well wonder, howe, ‘whether Fone point bave toads latvization ian cae iis rot peers nado thet ent theres postin, ice tht oes not equi us inten ur enteogy sachsen range and obscure ents the supposed temporal 7s af esting objets ei tev hat the temporl-prts theory lows us tort he andi abso Tuc ation of Meaty and the standard eson of etn Lay ut perhaps a commie othe esence of emporalpats is to hey a Prieta py for thi aang, Some radical solutions to the problem of coincidence ‘Can we solve the problem ofthe save ad the fm of bronze without ithe tlatraing ent o adopting the doce of enor past foster, came do 30 without having to say that two sumer ‘inc pet abject ca etn ey the sme place these time eye ea, Bony me ate pepe to ght up some other SUNSTANTIAL CHANGE AND COINCIDENCE | 6

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