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Freedom Voice of 60p

08710 500 232
ISSUE No.103 The Newspaper of the British National Party 08710 500 233

The BNP is the only political party that is . . .

Proud to PROTECT
the British people
ESPITE THE fact that the British
economy is falling apart at the
seams, and that the ‘Old Gang’ ISSUE!
parties have no answer to the crisis,
they are in agreement that there is one
policy that must never be considered –
and that is ‘protectionism’.
Gordon Brown called it “the greatest threat to the
world today,” whilst his Chancellor, Alistair Darling,
told the Commons, “it is very, very important we don’t Paul trounces
have protectionism.” Labour to win
Tory leader David Cameron and Liberal Democrat in Sevenoaks
finance spokesman Vince Cable, nod their heads see Page Two

sagely in agreement as the vile Lord Mandelson

wags his finger at British workers shivering in the
snow, protesting at being denied jobs in favour of
imported cheap labour, telling them “we must not
retreat into economic protectionism.”
But the British National Party says that is exactly
NICK GRIFFIN: what we should be doing. Protectionism simply
Only the British National Rosalind polls
Party has the sense to means protecting British firms and jobs from
889 votes (30%)
call for protectionism for cheap foreign imports and foreign labour. in Tameside
our jobs and industry. see Page Three
continued on Page 2 . . . .

The website -


West Mids Euro Election will be

a referendum on British identity
To give the BNP
immediate help you
can donate now
by credit and debit

card! NCOMPASSING a huge and varied chunk of
Call our fundraiser middle England, the West Midlands Euro Con-
stituency was the closest of any at the last Euro-
08710 500 234 pean elections to returning a British National Party
Member in the European Parliament.

Labour & Lib-Dems veto

Just 24,000 votes on top of the 108,000 accumulated
would have sent lead candidate Simon Darby, to
Strasbourg on a night that saw massive support for

BNP’s 0% council tax rise

the Party in several key areas.
This time around, having lost a seat due to the expansion
of the EU, all eyes will be on the sixth seat which should
be taken with a vote share of around 11.5%.

T HE British National Party group “The British National Party proposes With heavy votes predicted from BNP strongholds in the
on Burnley Council proposed a a 0% increase in council tax.” industrial and urbanised parts of the region together with
“No rise in council tax” motion at But the Liberal Democrat controlled support kicking in from new areas of growth, this region
the annual budget meeting. council would have none of it and would have been seen as one of the best chances of
BNP group leader Sharon Wilkinson, demanded a whopping 4.9% increase BNP success even without the economic catastrophe
explained the motion to the chamber: in council tax from the cash strapped now unfolding throughout the area.
“We shall use the money from the residents of Burnley and then rubbed With the British jobs for British workers dispute still sim-
Area Based Grants which this Council salt in the wound by refusing to dis- mering away and with the region feeling the effects of
has discretion to use to support rev- cuss the BNP’s 0% alternative. mass immigration more than most, June 4th in the West
enue spending. With £3 million in the The opposition invoked a little used Midlands will be more of a referendum on British iden-
pot we want to see this money used Burnley Council procedural rule that tity itself rather than a routine exercise in Eurocracy.
SIMON DARBY: Just 24,000 votes short in 2004.
for the benefit of all the people in the allows for the debate to be closed

BNP takes Swanley from

Borough and this can be done by not forthwith. The Lib-Dems got the
increasing their council tax. required majority vote to silence the
“Such a move would show our com- BNP thanks to the Labour group who
mitment to the people who elected us voted with them to support the closure
to represent them as they face these motion, denying the pople of Burnley
difficult times. any chance of a zero council tax rise.

Labour AND the Tories

supporters actually went and voted.
There was an above-average turnout
Swanley St Mary Ward at the polling booths on the crucial
Thursday February 19th 2009 day and by lunchtime it was evident
Paul Golding (BNP) ................ 408 that one of the safest Labour seats in
Kent was about to fall to the British
Michael Hogg (Lab) .................. 332 National Party
Tony Searles (Con) . ................. 247 Swanley had been a solid Labour seat
BNP Percentage: 41.8% for 40 years but voters wanted change
and welcomed the BNP with open

BURNLEY: BNP councillors leave the Town Hall after the budget meeting. S WANLEY was Labour’s last
stronghold in Tory-dominated
Sevenoaks, in Kent.
“People said they were sick of being
treated like second-class citizens in
When the election was called for Feb- their own country. Foreign workers
. . . continued from the front page ruary 19th, both Labour and the Tories are given British jobs and British fam-

Proud to PROTECT
targeted the ward with their campaign ilies are being shunted to the back of
teams, each confident of success. the queue for council houses because
But in the end it was the British of asylum seekers and immigrants.

the British people

National Party, contesting the ward When we explained the policies of the
for the very first time, that took the BNP, we found that the vast majority
honours by coming from nowhere to supported us,” Paul Golding briefed
imposing tariffs on the imports
that put British workers on the dole,
for British workers.
Protectionism saves jobs and keep
industry working. It will provide
snatch victory by 76 votes.
It is a major breakthrough for the BNP
journalists at the count.
His remarks were backed up the fol- VICTORIOUS: The BNP’s Paul Golding.
as it is the Party’s first victory south of lowing day when Swanley resident
and banning multinationals like the lifeboat to keep the nation afloat the River Thames. Jim Halford, told Kent on Sunday: Isle of Grain over securing Kent jobs
Total Oil from bringing in foreign after we abandon the sinking ship of Paul Golding and his team fought a “The reason the BNP won is because for Kent workers.”
labour to undercut British workers globalised international trade. textbook campaign. Every voter was of Labour’s pathetic performance on The 59-year-old bus driver said it was
in their own country. Britain is in the mess it is in today canvassed, every door was knocked labour law regarding the European the first time he had seen lots of young
It’s about protecting our country’s because Labour and the Tories signed upon, hundreds of voters were spoken Union. It is because of the workers people turning out for an election:
economy from the volatile global our country up to a global economy, to on their doorstep, and then on poll- in the North East losing their jobs to “They voted for the BNP because they
economy and making Britain, as and tangled us up in a web of interna- ing day there was a meticulous plan of foreigners. 850 workers sacked by are scared about losing their jobs and
far as possible, self-sufficient in tional trade and financial speculation action put into place to make sure our BMW and the power struggle on the houses, scared of not being able to pay
what its people need. It’s the only that is dragging us and everyone else their mortgages.”
way to really secure British jobs to our doom. Paul, who took the St Mary’s Ward
A self-sufficient Britain with a pro- seat by securing 41 per cent of the
tected economy, wouldn’t have been vote, didn’t waste any time in getting
effected when American banks lent down to work. The following week
out 120% mortgages to people who he attended the Tory-run council’s
could never pay it back. In a protected budget meeting.
economy, British workers and their “Although I am the only BNP council-
families would be kept safe from Wall lor, one is better than none at all. When
Street sharks swindling each other in going through the budget I pinpointed
pyramid schemes. several proposals that would hurt the
It’s globalisation, not protectionism, low paid, and these could be pushed
that is responsible for the current through without attention being drawn
recession. to them. If I wasn’t there I wouldn’t be
The only way forward for Britain is able to flag these up,” he said.
economic independence and a policy POLLING DAY: Paul Golding and his team of tellers are chalking up the votes.
that protects our nation’s industry,
farming and economy thus keeping Keep up to date with all the latest BNP news with the
our jobs and our families’ livelihoods
safe and secure. British National Party Information Line
0906 553 2245
The British National Party is very
proud to be called protectionist,
because that is what our Party is all
The line is updated every day and calls cost £1.00 per minute
KEPT SAFE: That’s protectionism. about - protecting British people!

“BNP is on the brink

of a breakthrough”
says The Independent
"Those for whom the idea of the The Independent's associate editor
British National Party as a part of spent two days in Carlisle shadowing
mainstream politics has always Alistair Barbour, the BNP's election
been unthinkable would do well to candidate in the Castle ward by-elec-
start thinking about it." tion, as he canvassed for support.
Paul Vallely,
Associate Editor, The Independent. It was what the local people had to say
about the British National Party and its

W HEN The Independent came to

Cumbria at the end of Febru-
ary it was looking for an anti-BNP
policies, that made up the bulk of the
report and the comments were almost
all in favour of the Party having more
follow-up story to one published a influence in British mainstream politics.
few days before (see report below). Cumbria’s press officer Clive Jefferson,
But when Paul Vallely's report, "Is the also took the journalist to a meeting in
BNP becoming Cumbria's cup of tea?" Whitehaven where the views of the

One-in-three vote BNP

INCREDIBLE EFFORT: Rosalind and Nick Griffin - the BNP faced a huge opposition campaign yet still increased its vote. appeared in the newspaper, it was any- rank and file membership of the BNP
thing but another smear story. It was one in West Cumbria were sought, and this
of the first honest and unbiased reports too was reported without any bias.
on the British National Party ever to The message of the report was that the
be published in a national newspaper. British National Party was very differ-

in Tameside by-election
ent to what our oppo-
nents claimed it was,
and that the public were
well aware of this.

O N Thursday February 5th, The night was a disaster for the ON THE DOORSTEP:
TAMESIDE COUNCIL Alistair Barbour, the
889 British people in the Tories, who had confidently pre- BNP’s candidate
Hyde Newton ward of Tameside Hyde Newton Ward dicted that they would take the for Castle Ward in
Metropolitan Borough Council Thursday February 5th 2009 seat and throughout the campaign Carlisle, canvasses
voted for the British National Phillip Fitzpatrick (Lab) ............. 1379 claimed that their canvass returns for support watched
Party - that’s one-in-three of Rosalind Gauci (BNP) ............ 889 showed them to be in front. Their by Paul Vallely, an
those who went to the polls. anti-BNP campaign just played into associate editor of
John Welsh (Con) . ................... 485 The Independent, and
It was an incredible effort in the face the hands of Labour, as did that of
of the huge anti-BNP campaign that
Peter Ball-Foster (Lib-Dem) ..... 172 the Lib-Dems who spent more time his photographer.
took place in the ward, and brave Nigel Rolland (Green)................ 69 in their leaflets telling people not
Angela McManus (UKIP)........... 33

New complaint record

BNP candidate Ros Gauci, even to vote for the BNP, than they did
managed to increase the Party’s BNP Percentage: 29.4% explaining what their policies were.
share of the vote by two percentage The result saw yet another derisory

set after anti-BNP

points despite the onslaught. with Labour MPs, MEPs, council- vote for the UKIP candidate which
Five different anti-BNP leaflets were lors and full time workers all bussed must be one of the final nails in the
put out - a total of 27,500 leaflets. in to lend a hand, as well as the usual political coffin of this fragmented

smear photograph
Labour, the Tories and the Liberal trade union and Labour-funded anti- Party and its discredited leader.
Democrats all worked together against BNP organisations. The 29.4% vote share for the British
the BNP, telling voters on the doorstep But it was the BNP’s positive message National Party bodes very well indeed
to vote for any candidate other than of hope to the voters of Hyde Newton for the BNP’s European Election cam-
Ros Gauci. Political pundits are in - that there is a way out of the global paign in the North West Constituency
agreement that it was the most intense
campaign ever mounted against a BNP
candidate in a local council election,
nightmare, by following the road of
British nationalism - that won so many
people over to our cause.
where our lead candidate Nick Griffin,
needs just 8% of the vote to secure a
seat in the European Parliament.
T HE Press Complaints Commis-
sion (PCC) received more than
1,000 complaints in just 24 hours
misleading or inaccurate.”
When the British National Party’s
Legal Officer Lee Barnes, first con-
after The Independent published a tacted the newspaper it was under-

Another significant BNP vote

photograph deliberately designed to stood that editors were standing by the
smear the British National Party. caption. The newspaper was already
It was the largest number of complaints in the shops and there was no inten-
ever received by the Commission tion of removing the photo from The

in North West Leicestershire

and was prompted by a picture which Independent’s website.
accompanied an article entitled “Alarm Then a spokeswoman admitted that
over rise of BNP.” the image was of Nationalist Alliance
The PCC said the complainants supporters and two hours later the
referred to a picture that appeared on image was removed from the website
page 4 of The Independent which had with the spokeswoman revealing “an
Thringstone Ward been captioned: “BNP supporters out editorial decision has been taken by
Thursday February 19th 2009 in force in Leeds in 2005.” The Independent.”
Ray Woodward (Lab) ............... 593 They all claimed that the image was Removing the photograph from the
Tony Dandy (Con) .................... 520 actually a neo-nazi group calling itself website, however was only one part
Roy Harban (BNP) .................. 465 the Nationalist Alliance which is in fact of the process, becauses it had already
Terence Morrell (Lib-Dem) . ...... 76 hostile to the British National Party. been published in the printed edition.
A spokesman for the PCC said: The BNP intends to pursue this matter
BNP Percentage: 28.1%
“We have never had more than 500 further until The Independent is forced

T HE by-election in Thringstone
ward for North West Leices-
tershire Council was always going
or so complaints for a single article
before. The commission will now
make a judgment on whether the cap-
to issue an apology for what was
clearly a deliberate smear against the
members and supporters of the British
to be a stern test for the local Brit- tion in conjunction with the photo was National Party.
ish National Party team with both
Labour and the Conservatives
bringing in their national campaign THRINGSTONE COUNT: Mr and Mrs Roy Harban with the BNP counting agents.
teams for the vital marginal ward. fact that the Conservative candidate us to make that extra effort required to
So for BNP candidate Roy Harban, engaged the help of the rabidly left- win an election like this.”
to take a significant 28% vote share wing Socialist Workers’ Party for a The result certainly boosts the Brit-
was a very credible performance joint anti-BNP campaign. But the ish National Party’s hopes of making
especially in the face of such usual smears and lies, even appearing a breakthrough in the county council
intense campaigns from the two on a Tory leaflet, couldn’t quell the elections in June.
main parties. The Lib-Dems saw its swell of support for the BNP, fighting If added to the Whitwick result from
vote collapse to under 5% in a ward the ward for the very first time, and May 2007, the tallies for the parties
they nearly won in 2003. the Tory vote was left stagnating. are as follows:
For North West Leicestershire BNP, “Although we didn’t win this elec- Labour Party - 1432
the Thringstone election followed tion, we certainly honed our election British National Party - 1387
on the back of the Ibstock campaign, skills,” East Midlands Election Offi- Conservative Party - 1232
where the BNP polled 30.9%, which cer Wayne McDermott, told Freedom. Liberal Democrats - 720
meant that local activists had four “We also made many new friends and This makes the ward a three way mar-
months of solid by-election work. recruited new members for the cam- ginal and must give the BNP a great JUST TO SMEAR THE BNP: Including a photograph of a crank neo-nazi skinhead
Thringstone was also notable for the paign team which in future will enable chance of causing an upset. outfit and claiming they were BNP supporters had only one purpose.

Union boss negotiated

for the foreign workers
A BRITISH trade union official
who claimed to be speaking
on behalf of striking British con-
struction workers at the Imming-
ham Refinery, has been exposed as
being the chief negotiator of a pay
and conditions deal for the very
Italian and Portuguese workers the
strike was all about.
Bernard McAuley, a regional officer of
the Unite union, attended three meet-
ings with the bosses of the Italian firm
at the centre of the dispute, to ensure
the 140-strong foreign workforce was
paid the same as British skilled engi-
neers, electricians and pipe-fitters.
McAuley’s action, came exactly at
the same time as he was claiming to
speak on behalf of unemployed Brit-
ish workers seeking those very same DUPLICITY: Unite’s Bernard McAuley, who negotiated on behalf of the foreign workers.
jobs, just goes to show how trade tlement is a betrayal of the solidarity to be happy with just a handful of jobs
unions like Unite can’t be trusted. which British workers have shown up instead of no jobs at all.
Unite’s duplicity and its role in and down the country over the issue,” “Solidarity believes that all job vacan-
negotiations with the Total manage- said Pat Harrington, the general sec- cies in Britain should first be offered
ment on behalf of the workforce retary of Solidarity Trade Union. to British workers. We will campaign

New train contract

was criticised by another, much “The agreement is an insult to Brit- to ensure that no foreign worker gets a
more patriotic trade union. ish workers, granting them just the job that could be done by their British
“Unite is an utter disgrace and its set- scraps from the table and telling them counterpart.”

handed to Japan
T HE Government has given a Labour attempts to cover-up the
extent of UK’s foreign workforce
£7.5 billion contract for new
trains for the British rail network to
a Japanese consortium.
Britain needs a fleet of new trains to
replace the Intercity 125 diesel and
Intercity 225 electric fleets that Brit-
ish Rail bought in the 1970s and
K EITH Vaz was livid when the
Office for National Statistics
(ONS) dared to release figures that
1980s. Building and maintaining the showed that the number of foreign
new trains in Britain would safeguard workers in Britain has increased by
10,000 existing jobs and create a fur- 175,000 to 2.4 million in the last year,
ther 2,500, but the Government has while the number of British workers
given the contract to Japanese firm in employment fell by 234,000.
Hitachi, who will use factories in It was the last news that the Labour
Japan to construct the majority of the this upgrading of rolling stock is vital. MP for Leicester East and chairman
carriages. But the contracts for the work should of the Home Affairs Select Committee
It is madness that when jobs are being be going to British firms, using British wanted published on the very day that
lost at a record rate, the Government workers in British factories. unemployment in Britain reached a 12
is giving out contracts to foreign firms Only such a show of support for our year high.
and allowing them to take desperately beleaguered workforce will provide But don’t think for one moment that
FOREIGN LABOUR: Just over here to undercut British workers and take their jobs.
needed jobs out of the country. the incentive for the hard work Vaz was worried about the sensitivi-
The rail network is integral to the needed to restore some long lost ties of unemployed Brits and the hurt foreign workers in Britain has The presentation of the figures could
prosperity and welfare of Britain and pride in British engineering. that they would feel when working been made public? be used to stoke resentment amid
out the economic equation that 2.4 It was the bosses of Britain’s trade rising unemployment.”
million foreign workers = 2 million unions, the very people who claim to The Labour Party wanted a cover-up

Join the Trafalgar Club

unemployed British workers. be looking after the interests of British of these figures because it exposes
Vaz was angry because the release workers but who in fact are negotiat- Gordon Brown as a liar when he said
of the figures might “be misused by ing behind their backs to ensure better he believed in British jobs for Brit-
those who do not support the view working pay and conditions for for- ish workers.
that Britain should be a diverse and eign workers coming into the country. Trade union bosses wanted the figures
multicultural society.” A spokesman for the discredited covered up because it exposes them as
And guess who else was upset that Unite trade union said: traitors for aiding and abetting foreign
the extent of the fifth column of “The classifications were misleading. workers coming to Britain.

Subscribe to Freedom
M EMBERS of the TRAFALGAR CLUB make a real dif-
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They pledge a minimum of £15 a month, in return for which
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Second year members receive a fine enamel badge and third year Air Mail Australia & New Zealand - £31.40
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Euro Election 09

08710 500 234

What We Stand for
CRIME: A crack-down on crime with many more
‘Bobbies on the Beat’. Much tougher treatment of
criminals, including the return of capital punishment

Looking for 10% in Scotland

for child killers and terrorists. Zero tolerance for
drug-dealers and violent thugs.

IMMIGRATION: An end to immigration and bogus

asylum seekers flooding Britain. Use the £billions

It’s a tall order but Gary and his team are up for the challenge wasted in foreign aid to fund ‘Homeward Bound’
schemes to encourage immigrants to return to their
European Election 2004 land of ethnic origin.
Labour ............310865.. 26.4% INDUSTRY: British ownership and control of British
SNP.................231505.. 19.7% industry and resources, including the mass media.
Conservative ..209028.. 17.8% Protection of British jobs and industry by selective
Lib-Dem...........154178.. 13.1% exclusion of foreign manufactured goods from the
Green ............. 79695.. 6.8%
UKIP................ 78828.. 6.7% British market.
Socialist........... 61356.. 5.2%
Christian.......... 21056.. 1.8% HEALTH: We will use the vast sums of money now
BNP................. 19427.. 1.7% wasted on funding our membership of the European
Union for the restoration of an effective national
N OTHING can better illustrate
the progress that the British
National Party has made in Scot-
health service and proactive measures to produce a
healthier population in the first place.
land over the past five years than THE BNP’S SCOTTISH LIST: (left to right) Charlie Baillie, Roy Jones, Max
the fact that all six places on the Dunbar, Deborah McKnight, Gary Raikes and Elise Jones. EUROPEAN UNION: British withdrawal from the
Scottish List for the European the following candidates. progress north of the border and European Union to restore Britain’s freedom. We will
Election have been filled by people with today’s volatile political cli-
living in Scotland. 1 - Gary Raikes trade with Europe where it benefits Britain, but want
mate that vote share could be sig-
It was a very different story in 2004 2 - Charlie Baillie nificantly increased. On top of this,
no political ties or monetary union.
when five of the candidates on the list 3 - Deborah McKnight UKIP’s 6.7% vote from last time is
actually came from England. 4 - Roy Jones up for grabs and defections from the EDUCATION: A return to traditional methods of edu-
Scotland has lost a seat, so now there 5 - Max Dunbar
are just six seats up for grabs for the 6 - Elise Jones
Labour and Scottish Socialist vote cation, with stronger discipline in the classroom
could also bolster the BNP total. and an end to ‘trendy’ teaching methods which have
elections to the European Parliament Gary Raikes, the British National Par- The editor of Freedom, Martin Wing-
on June 4th. ty’s regional organiser for Scotland, field, headed the Scottish selection panel failed our children so badly.
Selection for the Scottish List took will be the No.1 candidate and Glas- and he was full of praise for the candi-
place in Glasgow on Sunday 22nd gow organiser Charlie Baillie, will be dates who attended the interviews. ENVIRONMENT: A healthy environment for a healthy
February, and after deliberations the second choice on the list. “They were all very strong interviews
by the panel the six places went to people - the protection of our countryside. A ban on
Eighteen months ago, Gary was the and making the final selection was not
lead candidate on the Regional List an easy decision,” he said. greenfield-site house building except in exceptional
for the Scottish Assembly elections. cases of genuine local need, an end to field trials of
He is a Turriff & District commu- GM crops, and the restoration of our 200 mile fish-
nity councillor and treasurer for the
Parents’ Council at the local pri- ing limit.
mary school.
Gary lives in the North East of Scot- FAIR PLAY FOR ENGLAND: The setting up of an Eng-
land with his wife and five year-old lish Parliament to give England the same right of
daughter where he is renovating an
old highland croft. self-determination within the United Kingdom as
He is a former Sergeant Major instruc- enjoyed by Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
tor with the Army Cadet Force.
To get elected to the European Par- GOVERNMENT & COMMUNITY: The establishment
liament, the BNP needs to gain
around 10% of the vote which on the
of a government that puts British interests first. A
face of our 2004 vote of just 1.7% return to healthy moral values and policies aimed
seems an impossible task. at strengthening the family and community. Tough
GARY RAIKES: No.1 on the list. But the Party has made significant CHARLIE BAILLIE : No.2 on the list. penalties for corruption in public life.

FREEDOM: An major expansion of freedom and
democracy to roll back the erosion of our tradi-
tional freedoms and truly reflect the wishes of the
people. The introduction of referenda and direct
The British National Party is on the verge of a major breakthrough into democracy.
mainstream politics. Last May, the BNP achieved another good set of
local election results and gained representation on the Greater London DEFENCE: An alternative defence strategy based on
Assembly. In June 2009, it’s the European Elections and it is vital that the principle of armed neutrality. No British blood
we continue to make progress. should be shed in conflicts which do not involve
But to win against the old gang parties in such a fiercely contested set of British interests. The restoration of the County Regi-
elections needs considerable funding and we are appealing for your help ment system and the reversal of defence cuts which
as the BNP makes this vital push for power in order to save our country. have weakened our Forces and cost jobs.
I enclose a donation to the BNP for £ . . . . . .
REMEMBER! It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree with
NAME.................................................................... Tel No................................ us on every last policy. Like all the other democratic
ADDRESS.......................................................................................................... political parties, the British National Party includes
some members who disagree with one or two policies.
.............................................................................. Post Code......................... Just ask yourself whether you agree with more of our
Cheques/POs payable to British National Party or British Heritage policies than those of Labour, the Tories and the Lib-
P.O.Box 14, Welshpool SY21 0WE Dems. Most people do, which is why we are the fastest
growing political party in Britain today.
Those making donations of £200 or over must be on the UK Electoral Register. Send SAE for receipts for amounts of £25 or under.

Righteous anger T HERE was a sinister development at the beginning

of February when a foreign country made a call to
& political action its nationals living here to influence the result of an
election in part of Britain.
T HE British National Party believes
in telling the truth, even if it is
sometimes uncomfortable to hear or
anything we have to say is likely to ‘stir
up hatred’ against anyone. In fact, we
believe that by providing a peaceful and
In Pakistan a newspaper, the Pakistan Daily, called upon
Pakistanis living in the North West of England to register to
vote so that they will be able to use it in the European Elec-
offensive to those who would rather Constitutional outlet for the anger and the tions. Under the headline “Register to vote or this racist BNP
bury their heads in the sand than face frustration felt by millions of our people man Nick Griffin gets elected”, the newspaper makes it very
real problems in our society. over the undemocratic transformation of clear that it is trying to assemble a fifth column of Pakistani
But while we often pass quite critical our country by our political masters, the immigrants to use its electoral clout in an effort to undermine
comment on the impact of immigration, BNP actually defuses tensions.
the vote of British people living in the North West.
multiculturalism and alien religions on Where there is ‘hate’ we seek to turn
The report says:
the indigenous people of our lands, we it into righteous anger and political
“Pakistan Daily is urging YOU the Asian community to get
have no animosity towards immigrants, action against the only people who
their descendants or the followers of deserve to be hated - the politicians into the polling booths at this summer’s European Elections.

Pakistan calling . . .
non-native religions. who use our taxes to turn our The British National Party could win its first seat in the Euro-
Nor do we intend to encourage others country into a place where we often pean Parliament. If you want to do something about it and
to feel such animosity, or believe that feel like strangers in our own land. stop the BNP then register with your local council to vote.”
Hopefully this interference from a foreign country in

Pakistan calling . . .
an effort to manipulate the result of a British election,
will backfire and in effect actually motivate the British

NEWS IN BRIEF Dramatic rise

people themselves to ensure they have the vote on June
4th and use it to support the British National Party.

in the Muslim
n THE number of illegal immigrants
entering Britain in the back of population! Ethnic minorities get
special help to cope
lorries from France has more than
doubled in two years.
More than 3,300 migrants hidden

with the recession

in the back of lorries were picked
up in an eight month period in 2008
compared with 1,400 in an entire

12-month period the previous year. HE ethnic minorities will get Commission to ensure that the ethnic
Almost all are passing through the extra Government help to shield
port of Calais and the rise has been
minorities are not disproportionately
by Lee Hancock them from unemployment and the affected by job cuts.
blamed on weaknesses in Britain's EW figures have been released by the
border controls. economic downturn. He said that ethnic minority workers
Office for National Statistics showing That’s according to the Work and suffered most in the recession when
n MORE than 90% of asylum seekers that the Muslim population in Britain has Pensions Secretary James Purnell, the Tories were in power and Labour
registering at Croydon’s Lunar House grown by more than 500,000 in the last
have no form of identification and who told Labour’s Black, Asian and would make sure this wouldn’t happen
four years.
refuse to give their date of birth. The Islamic population multiplied 10 times faster
Minority Ethnic conference in Leic- again.
Figures obtained under the Freedom of than other population groups in British society ester that the Government will work One of the Government’s first moves
Information act showed that in 2008, with the number of Christians in the UK actually with the Equality and Human Rights to protect this specific section of the POLICE STATIONS: Flying a flag to
24,437 asylum seekers had to be given falling by more than 2 million.  community was to appoint entrepre- ‘celebrate’ homosexual history month.

a date of birth as January 1 by Lunar Experts have put the Islamic population explosion neur and star of the BBC’s Dragon’s
House because they had no passport. down to the effects of mass immigration, a Den, James Caan, as the new Co-
As soon as the predominantly Afghan,

league tables
higher birthrate amongst Muslim communities Chair of the Department of Business’s
Iranian, Iraqi and Eritrean immigrants and conversion to Islam.  Ethnic Minority Task Force.
had illegally entered Britain, they Not surprisingly, Muslim groups welcomed The appointment was announced by
claimed asylum. the expansion with Muhammad Abdul Bari, Lord Mandelson following the sixth
n THE Metropolitan Police has been
under-reporting its crime figures for
the last 10 years.
general secretary of the Muslim Council of
Britain, warning that the number of mosques
in Britain (1,600 at the present time) would
meeting of the Task force.
Caan’s job will be to target the K ENT Police organised an essay
writing competition for school-
children in order to promote homo-
banks and financial institutions pro-
So have other forces including Essex, have to increase in line with the rising Muslim viding funds, as well as briefing the sexuality and boost its ranking in a
Hertfordshire, Humberside, Kent, population.  gay-friendly league table.
Government on ways it can better
Lancashire, Thames Valley North The total number of Muslims in Great Britain:  Kent Police is now ranked the fourth
Yorkshire and North Wales Police. support Black and ethnic minority
2004: 1,087,000  most gay-friendly employer in Britain,
The under-counting only came to light (BME) business owners.
2005: 2,017,000  but is still behind the Hampshire Con-
after new Home Office guidance on Mandelson said that Caan’s business stabulary which holds second place.
2006: 2,142,000 
how to classify crime led to a rise of 2007: 2,327,000  acumen would help the Task force Nine other forces are in the top 100.
22% in the number of serious violent 2008: 2,422,000  “remove barriers for ethnic minority Recently the Kent force shot up 22 places
crimes recorded. CAAN: Funds for BME business owners. business owners”. in the gay-friendly league table with a
series of gay dances, dinners, and meet-

Asylum seekers get £40 a

ings, but has since refused to divulge how
much it spent on these initiatives.
* Police in Limehouse, East London,

week for gas and electricity

replaced the Union Jack flying outside
their police station with a gay-friendly
flag to mark Homosexual History Month
Gay pride flag were also flown from
A SYLUM seekers and refugees
living in Middlesbrough are
being given £40 a week for their gas
We are one of three providers who
have a contract with the Home Office
to accommodate and support asylum
police stations in North Wales.

and electricity bills. seekers dispersed to the town. Utility

Middlesbrough Council were forced costs are part of the support provision.
into revealing the extent of the Asylum seekers are given £20 per week
funding after a request from a local for gas and £20 per week for electricity
BNP supporter using the Freedom of with a provision for additional funds.
Information Act. He asked: The council’s expenditure on gas and
“Do asylum seekers and refugees get electricity for asylum seekers in the
free gas and electricity paid for by the current year is £69,837.34.
council? How much can they claim They have never paid a penny in . . .
per week and in 2008 how much was yet they can get £40 a week out.
spent on this in Middlesbrough?” No wonder Britain is Europe’s top
The Council replied: destination for illegal immigration.

BRITAIN IS GREAT: Just turn up and get £40 a week towards your gas and electricity.

Bailed out
bank sends Save our Postal EU puts
British jobs
overseas Service from charity
out of
privatisation business
by Steve Johnson But our postal service isn’t a com-
A British charity is facing clo-

F OR over 150 years the Royal mercial undertaking and it shouldn’t sure after the European Union
Mail has been a tried and be competing with anyone - it’s a demanded it pay back £200,000 it
trusted part of British life. public service, like the Fire Brigade, had received in grants.
Day in, day out, from Highland croft the NHS and the Army. The Aid & Assist Project, which
to South Downs cottage, from man- It isn’t there to make a profit, it’s there repairs and restores furniture for
sion to council house, it has delivered to deliver the mail. low-income families in Lowestoft
LOSING OUT: Haverton Hill shipyard. everyone’s daily post. The Royal Mail has seen the most prof- and Oulton Broad, has been ordered
to pay back the grant after failing
A BANK that received bil- Last year it made a profit, costing itable parts of its operation creamed
the taxpayer nothing to run. But off by TNT and its fellow multi- an audit because invoices had been
lions of pounds of taxpayers’ ROYAL MAIL: It is not a commercial
regardless of this, the ‘Labour’ Gov- national mail corporations in recent undertaking but a public service. lost in a flood.
money has refused to continue to
provide finance for a project that ernment wants to begin privatising it years - and that’s because the ‘Labour’
could bring more than 1,000 jobs to and hopes to sell almost a third of Government let them muscle in on our this Labour Government is more
the north east of England. our postal service off to a foreign mail service in the first place. Thatcherite than Maggie Thatcher’s
The Tees Alliance Group (TAG) was multinational company. This left the Royal Mail to uphold Government was itself.
awarded a £300m contract to build an The arguments Mandelson & Co are the obligation to provide a universal The banner of the British Labour
oil and gas platform for global off- putting up for privatising Royal Mail mail service to all Britons, regardless Movement, and, indeed, the tradi-
shore company SeaDragon but now show just how Thatcherite the Labour of how remote or inaccessible their tions and ideals of its founders is
Lloyds TSB - which is 43.4% owned Party now is. dwelling place. It should have been today carried proudly aloft only by
by the taxpayer after a £13bn bail-out They repeatedly talk of the great held together to maintain the whole the British National Party.
- says it is no longer convinced about public service that is Royal Mail as post as a public service so that the We alone will not privatise our public
the viability of SeaDragon 1 being “the company”, which “needs foreign easier and more lucrative parts of the services, like Royal Mail, and only
constructed in the region. investment to compete”, whilst its operation could help pay for the more the BNP will nationalise the banks,
It wants the work to be moved obligations to pay retired postal staff demanding but socially necessary transport, energy, and other vital ser-
from the Haverton Hill shipyard, in the pensions they have built up pound- parts of the service. vices and infrastructure so that the
Billingham to Singapore. ing from doorstep to doorstep for David Cameron’s Conservatives lifeblood of our nation can be kept
The contract to build SeaDragon 1 decades in all weathers are denounced also support the sell-off, which is flowing for the benefit of our people,
as a “dangerous liability”. hardly surprising considering that and not for private profit. LOWESTOFT: Financial records were
on Teesside should have provided lost in the floods of 2006.
over 1000 jobs for local people, but

We don’t need to build more

because of lack of support from the The charity, which has been working
bank and the mercenary attitude of in the town since 1983, was awarded
a global company to find a cheaper £185,000 of European Social Fund
labour force, that work could now off- money in 2000 to set up a workshop

homes - just
shored to Singapore. where adults with learning difficul-
ties were given training in repairing

Now the
and restoring donated furniture.
In 2006, the workshop in Rotterdam

share the ones we

Road was flooded and boxes of

EU targets
financial documents were damaged.
How ironic that the EU which

UK’s sea have more fairly!

can’t get its own accounts passed
by auditors should demand repay-
ment of £200,000 from a British

charity because their records were
destroyed by flood water!

A S well as adding £200 a year to

the average family’s food bill, the
I MMIGRATION is sending our
population soaring and to house
them all the Government has
over hundreds of years because they
have nowhere to live.
The villages then die as living com-
European Union’s fishing policy has
cost over 100,000 British jobs. removed planning controls to let munities, turning into ghost towns
The 25-year-old EU deal, which developers build over what is left of peopled only at weekends and
decides on annual fish quotas between the British countryside. school holidays.
the member states, has seen more than The Labour Government want to build The answer here isn’t to build more
97,000 jobs lost in the UK - 9,000 in 3 million new homes - a city bigger houses - it’s to put local people first
fishing itself and 88,000 onshore in than Birmingham - within the next 11 in their own communities.
dependent industries. years to cope with the increase in pop- Local people should have the right
ulation and plans to remove protection through parish and village councils of
from greenfield sites, allowing 16,000 vetoing house sales to outsiders.
small towns, villages and hamlets The Government should also target
across Britain to be blighted by more economic development to ensure there
sprawling housing estates. are jobs for young rural people, instead
Of course there is the genuine prob- of letting ‘the Market’ shift jobs to
lem that many local people in rural cities or indeed countries far away.
Britain can no longer afford to live in That way - without building any
their own towns and villages. more houses - British people would
The cause of this isn’t that there aren’t be able to live in the areas in which
enough houses for everyone. Second they grew up.
homes bought by wealthy outsiders Britain doesn’t need any more immi-
have pushed prices up resulting in gration. With climate change, soar-
SEA ANGLING: Now being targeted young villagers having to leave com- ing world population and resource
by EU jobsworths in Brussels. munities their forebears have built up exhaustion, together with the increas-
ing instabilities in global markets, we
But not satisfied with decimating are going to find it ever harder in the
Britain’s commercial fishing indus- coming decades to feed and fuel the
try, the EU is now imposing quotas number of people we’ve already got.
on recreational fishermen with local
The BNP is the only party which actu-
sea anglers facing restrictions on the
ally faces up to this issue of sustain-
amount of cod, ling and pollack they
can catch. able population.
There are 19,000 jobs in the recre- The BNP alone will protect the
ational fishing industry in the UK and beauty and productivity of the Brit-
it generates £2 billion to the economy ish countryside and the integrity and
each year. viability of the ancient traditional
But that doesn’t matter to the jobs- communities.
worths in Brussels who are now Britain doesn’t need to build any
more houses. We just need to make
targeting hobby fisherman despite
the fact that the numbers of fish SECOND HOMES: Turning our rural sure the houses we have are shared
involved are negligible. communities into ghost towns. out more fairly.

Frinton-on-Sea ‘Incredible’ growth for

meets the BNP
T HE traditional English seaside
town of Frinton-on-Sea was
joined group secretary Keith Beau-
mont, and fundraisers Beverley the BNP in Salisbury
the latest port of call in North East
Essex British National Party’s
‘Operation Outreach’ programme
Green and David Nelmes on a chilly
Saturday morning. The campaigners
were warmed, however, by the wel-
T HE most recent meeting of
Salisbury BNP attracted the
largest audience to date.
of papersales and leaflet distribu- coming response from the local com- Local organiser Mike Chant, opened
tion activities across their patch. munity who spent £60 buying copies the evening by welcoming the host
Eight dedicated active members of Freedom and making donations. of new faces attending their first ever
BNP meeting.
Leafleting co-ordinator Phil Downton,
gave an update on recent activities
and outlined the programme through
to the June elections. Volunteers were
sought for a weekend leaflet drop at
Durrington, and ten members stepped
forward to offer their help.
The guest speaker was the BNP’s
National Youth Officer Mike Howson,
who spoke on current affairs and
explained the BNP’s responses to the
crisis affecting Britain today.
His talk inspired three of those
amongst the new faces to sign up and
join the Party there and then. THE TEAM: Helping to take the British National Party to the people of Salisbury.
Mike Chant told the meeting that two months has been quite incredible. run by Brian Hayward was a great
FRINTON-ON-SEA: The North East Essex team on Operation Outreach. thanks to the efforts of the committed “Now we have to start looking for a success, and along with the collec-
team at the head of Salisbury BNP, larger venue for meetings,” he said. tion helped to raise a very healthy
the growth of the group over the last The new BNP merchandise stall £268.60 on the night.

Walker brothers in Scarborough Sikh spokesman at

Northampton meeting
ROTHERS Adam and Mark job. He had subsequently joined the
Walker, from Durham were the trade union, Solidarity and was now
latest guest speakers at Scarbor- being represented by them.
ough BNP’s monthly meeting. He recently stood in a by election in
Adam told the audience that he could Shildon and missed out on a council
become the first British schoolteacher
to be struck off for holding “racist”
views. Yet in the same school an Eng-
seat by just one vote.
The popular pair then took it in turns
to speak, entertaining the assembled
second Branch  meeting of the
year with a  better than expected
lish teacher caught looking at hard audience with humorous anecdotes. number of people attending despite
core porn had been allowed to carry for which they received rapturous the intermittent snow showers and
on teaching. applause. bitterly cold weather.
Mark Walker told the audience how he Local organiser Trisha Scott then The evening was kicked off with
had stood as a BNP candidate and had closed the meeting, announcing that branch fundholder Rob Walker, out-
also been suspended from his teaching the collection had raised £151.32. lining the current financial position of
the branch before talking about local
events and activism  over the previ-
ous month and what is expected in the
month to come.
Next up was the guest speaker for the
evening the highly respected Sikh
spokesman, Rajinder Singh, who
talked about his childhood in India
and the Islam-instigated bloodshed
that followed the partition of the sub- NORTHAMPTON: Rajinder Singh addresses the British National Party meeting.
continent. Rajinder offered words of
warning to Western governments of in the number of Muslims communities are perceived as racist.
the trouble to come if Islam is allowed which confirms Rajinder’s warnings. The collection raised a fantastic £260
a free-reign in Europe. After a short break Northants which has been added to the branch’s
MAKE IT EASY ON YOURSELF: The BNP’s own Walker Brothers and Trisha Scott. David Robinson then gave a brief organiser Larry Nunn, introduced ever expanding pot to contest seats in
speech on demographics in the UK and a DVD documentary on racism in the Northamptonshire County Council
across Europe, illustrating the growth which it was shown that only Whites elections in June.

BNP contest Salford poll

Still on course for an MEP in the East Mids
ALFORD BNP are contesting of support in Salford before in the
the Pendlebury ward by-election previous elections we have contested.
which takes place on March 19th. “We are succeeding now because we
In recent weeks the branch has been are honest with people - telling them
working hard to deliver the BNP the truth whether they like it or not!
message to the voters of Pendlebury, “Former Labour voters are turning to BROXTOWE COUNCIL
and the response from the public has us because we are the only political Greasley Ward
been very encouraging. party that offers Britain’s working Thursday February 28th 2009
The British National Party’s candidate folk any real future.” Penny Spencley-Stevens (Con) 1125
is the Salford organiser Eddy As well as candidates from the Edward Jacobs (Lab) ............... 600
O’Sullivan, and he is very pleased with three ‘Old Gang’ parties, there is a Wayne Shelbourn (BNP) ........ 301
the way the campaign is progressing. representative of the Green Party and Gwen Robb (Lib-Dem) ............. 232
“We have never received this level an Independent standing.
Keith Marriott (UKIP)................. 31
BNP Percentage: 13.1%

T HE British National Party’s

vote share in the Greasley by-
election keeps it on course for a seat
Greasley is a safe Conservative seat
and it was held with a comfortable
majority in spite of a big push from
representing the East Midlands in Labour.
the European Parliament. The BNP team fought a very good
But it was a close run thing! campaign with the resources avail-
The BNP needs a 13% vote share able and organiser Nina Brown
across the East Midlands on June reports that over 30 membership
4th, and in Broxtowe our candi- enquirieshad been received which
date Wayne Shelbourn, and his will boost the numbers in the local
team just managed to reach that campaign team for the next election
target by the skin of their teeth. in Broxtowe. n WAYNE SHELBOURN
PENDLEBURY: Eddy O’Sullivan (top right) with his campaign team.

An acting councillor
even though he was
beaten by 15 votes

North Yorks T
HE British National Party’s campaign for June’s county
council elections in North Yorkshire continues apace

with the team visiting Thirsk at the beginning of February,
following on from January’s leafleting blitz around Malton. IVAN HAMMONDS: Voters are knocking on his door calling him ‘their councillor’.

moves on D
Five thousand BNP leaflets were distributed throughout the day, URING the Ibstock by-election bungalow just hours later council
and these were very well received by the residents of the town. campaign in December of last workmen were already in the bath-

to Thirsk
A meeting of local supporters was held after the day’s activi- year, British National Party can- room dismantling the electric shower,
ties and plans for further leafleting sessions in Thirsk and its didate Ivan Hammonds, made a which had to be completely replaced.
promise to the voters. “I told them of Councillor Partner’s
surrounding villages were arranged.
He told them that whether he was effort on their behalf and she thanked
elected or not, he was there for them us, and the British National Party, for
and if they needed help he would the swift action that had got the coun-
make representations on their behalf cil to finally respond to her shower
using the services of the two BNP problem,” said Ivan.
councillors already on North West “It is this sort of service that we pro-
Leicestershire Council. vide which is winning respect and
Sadly Ivan wasn’t elected, failing by gaining votes for the British National
just 15 votes to win the seat, but that Party in the region. People talk to
didn’t deter the electorate. each other about the good work that
Just a week later a lady who was is being achieved by BNP councillors
waiting for a replacement hip, and and local representatives.”
her husband who was completely
incapacitated asked Ivan’s assistance
regarding a near lethal walk-in elec-
tric shower. They hadn’t received a
response from the council and she
called Ivan “as her councillor”.
Ivan contacted BNP councillor BNP councillor
LOUTH: Richard Barnbrook urges the members of East Lindsey BNP to reach out and recruit the people of their region.

When Dickie plays Boris

Graham Partner, who went immedi- Graham Partner

T HE British National Party’s

London Assembly representa-
tive Richard Barnbrook, was in
ately to the council depot to arrange
for a visit to replace the shower.
When Ivan visited the couple at their
had a new
shower installed
within hours.
Louth in Lincolnshire on Monday

it goes down a storm BNP fight Ravenscliffe election

16th February to address members
and supporters of the East Lindsey
branch of the BNP.
Around 70 people attended the meet-
ing to hear Richard slate the Govern-
ment for its betrayal of the British
people by allowing migrant workers and Dagenham Constituency with the Richard rounded off his speech with a
T HE British National Party will
contest its first local election in
Newcastle-under-Lyme on March 5th.
and immigrants to jump the queue for North-East Lincolnshire area. rallying call for East Lindsey BNP to BNP candidate Sarah Barnes (left) is
jobs and housing. “At present you may feel cocooned reach out to people of the region and taking on Tory, Labour, Lib-Dem and
He also warned of the threat from from the effects of mass immigration, bring them into the family that is the UKIP candidates in the Ravenscliffe by-
Islam to the stability of our country but it is coming,” he warned. British National Party. election, which was called after the resig-
focusing in particular on the introduc- “Forty years ago, White Londoners “We are now being welcomed on nation of a Conservative councillor.
tion of Sharia law to Britain.  from Hackney, Stepney and Tower the doorstep. Voters are turning their In an interview with the Stoke Sentinel
Richard entertained the audience with Hamlets started to move out to the Bark- backs on the ‘Old Gang’ parties and the full-time mum from Bradwell told
anecdotes from his London Assembly ing & Dagenham area as immigrants their international agenda in droves, the newspaper:
experiences and brought the house moved in. Now White Londoners are and looking to us to win back their “Immigration is an issue, but we are not
down with his impression of London moving out of Barking & Dagenham to country for them. a racist party and I’m not a racist person.
Mayor Boris Johnson. East Essex as the immigrant population “Overcome your timidity and pres- I just think it’s about time we stood up
He went on to compare his Barking expands out of control.” ent our policies to the public. It’s for what we think should be done.
not enough to just attend meet- “I have been out campaigning in Sil-
ings - you must get out and engage verdale, Knutton and Cross Heath
with voters and recruit them to our where people have been supportive of
cause,” he said. the British National Party.”

Latest issue out NOW!

FSID is the BNP’s monthly DVD
video magazine produced by BNPtv.
It features news bulletins, interviews,
Read Land & People’s regular newsletter, and film of BNP meetings & activities.
The Countrysider which is of interest to

To receive the latest issue send
environmentalists and farmers. £10.00 (inc post) to:
It comes out six times a year. The Secretary, FSID,
Subscription to The Countrysider is £3 for 6 issues from: PO Box 3, Burnley,
Land & People, PO Box 351, Torquay, Devon TQ2 8XN Lancashire.
(cheques payable to British Heritage)    (Cheques made payable to FSID)

Economist Keynes backed Sally Wood

BNP protectionist policy Straight Talking
It’s the only option for a nation seeking Unnecessary suffering
economic stability and financial security
I T IS conventional wisdom that
if Governments had listened to
the recommendations of British
the long run to set up strains and enmities
which will bring to nought the financial
conveniently possible; and, above all, let
finance be primarily national.”
BNP SAYS: Enjoy your holidays
economist John Maynard Keynes, BNP SAYS: It must be British abroad and investigate foreign
at the time of the 1930’s Great owned companies employing British cultures but when it comes to
Slump that the depression would workers in British factories. industry - make it in Britain, and
have been over much quicker. KEYNES SAID: “I sympathise with those the economy - put the interests of
For once conventional wisdom is right, who would minimise, rather than with the British people first.
for this is what Keynes said in response those who would maximise, economic So 75 years ago the greatest British
to that financial crisis when writing in entanglement between nations.” economist of the 20th Century mapped
the Yale Review in July 1933, and it is BNP SAYS: Self sufficiency first, out the blueprint which is now the basis
exactly the same as what the British and only trade with other nations of the economic policy of the British TOO CRUEL: Ritual slaughter should have no place in a modern society.

National Party is saying in response to where there’s a surplus or it’s a National Party.
this financial crisis in 2009. necessity. Keynes made no bones about it MALL children don’t tend to associate meat with animals. They
KEYNES SAID: “The divorce between KEYNES SAID: “Ideas, knowledge, then and we make no bones about it just tuck in with never a thought of where the food comes from.
ownership and the real responsibility of art, hospitality, travel - these are the now - protectionism is the only way It is not until they get older that they start to realise that they are
management is serious within a country things which should of their nature forward for any nation that desires eating what was once a live animal, capable of feeling pain and fear.
when, as a result of joint-stock enterprise, be international. But let goods be financial security and economic I remember when that comprehension came to me and I went to my
ownership is broken up between homespun whenever it is reasonably and stability for their people. mother for some kind of reassurance that they didn’t suffer too greatly on
innumerable individuals who buy their my behalf, and I still remember to this day her telling me that we live in a
interest today and sell it tomorrow humane country where all the animals are stunned before they are killed
and lack altogether both knowledge and so are unaware of what is happening to them.
and responsibility towards what they
She certainly wouldn’t be able to make  such a comment today: not
momentarily own.”
since large numbers of immigrants have been encouraged by successive
BNP says: Private share-holdings
governments to come and settle here and who eat ritually slaughtered
are detrimental to the stability
of any company within which meat as part of their religious belief.
they are held. This ritual involves the animals being tied up by their feet and their
KEYNES SAID: “But when the same throats cut so that the blood slowly drains away; and they can take up
principle is applied internationally, to two minutes to die. Modern scientific evidence leaves no doubt that
it is, in times of stress, intolerable - I religious methods of slaughter must result in a degree of pain. So why
am irresponsible towards what I own is this allowed?
and those who operate what I own are Well it seems that certain religious groups are exempted from a section of
irresponsible towards me.” the law in the Welfare of Animals Regulations 1995 that requires all animals
BNP SAYS: It is only owners, to be stunned before they are slaughtered.
management and workers that This is a disgrace because it provides certain sections of our popula-
should have a financial stake in tion with an exemption from the very legislation designed to prevent
their company. animals from suffering.
KEYNES SAID: “There may be some
financial calculation which shows it
to be advantageous that my savings The colour of justice
should be invested in whatever quarter
of the habitable globe shows the greatest HE BBC has been so  incensed by perceived injustices in the
marginal efficiency of capital or the THE GREAT SLUMP: The north of England bore the brunt of the depression with the sentences meted out to criminals in Russia recently that it
highest rate of interest.” 1930s the most difficult time in living memory for people of this area. featured them as a news item in their own right.
BNP SAYS: Shareholders’ loyalty The Corporation was unhappy with the 20 year sentences handed down
is to making a profit and not to to a group of Russian youths who had murdered members of the ethnic
the company that may or may not
supply that profit. Traditional fuel minorities. But before criticising the Russians for being too lenient on their
own folk when it comes to sentencing, the BBC should look at how the

sources are only

KEYNES SAID: “But experience is opposite seems to be the case here in Britain.
accumulating that remoteness between Now everyone agrees that murder is a heinous crime but acknowledges that

a short term fix

ownership and operation is an evil in the there are differing degrees. A premeditated murder is more despicable than
relations between men, likely or certain in one carried out in the heat of the moment but not as despicable as a murder
where acute suffering is inflicted upon the victim.

NEWS P ROLONGED power cuts for

Britain are going to be the order
of the day within the next few years
“To help replace this lost capacity,
the Government has planned a wind
turbine system, however this does not
When Hell’s Angel Gerry Tobin, was murdered, it was a premeditated act but
he died instantly with a single bullet to the head. This was a white on white
murder and the killers were sentenced to 30 years in prison.

unless new technology is embraced. take into account the days without Hannah Foster on the other hand was raped and suffered great torment
That’s the warning from the British wind when the turbines fall idle. This before being murdered. She was taken from the street for this sole purpose
National Party’s Cornwall organiser could well leave a shortfall which but yet her killer, Maninder Pal Singh Koli, received a sentence of only 24
Brinsley Jenkins, a professional engi- would mean power cuts across the years, although found guilty of rape as well as murder.
neer of some 30 years standing. National Power Grid,” he said. When Amar Aslan was beaten to death with a pole in Crow Nest Park in
“The UK’s generator capacity cur- Brin said that he would hope that a Dewsbury by a gang of Muslims, his killers, Amin Ali and Asaf Khan, were
rently has a surplus over the maximum BNP government would, as a matter sentenced to 12 years and 9 years respectively. The lesser sentences were
demand, but the next six years will of urgency, build five new coal-fired
see this reduced as older generating accorded because robbery had been the motive of the attack.
power stations and re-open our coal
plants are scrapped under restrictive Finally a murder involving black gangs which occurred in broad daylight
fields to supply them.
EU regulations,” he told Freedom. He would also like to see older coal on Oxford Street when Anthony Costa stabbed Stephen Bigby in the heart.
generators refurbished to provide Costa was given just 5 years for
standby capacity by utilising all the manslaughter as the judge accepted
latest clean coal technology. that he had not intended to kill
But Brin also pointed out that reli- Bigby. It beggars belief that when
British National Party ance on traditional fuel sources a person stabs another in the heart
SMS ALERTS was only a short-term fix. that there is no intent to kill.
Before the BBC starts criticising the
“The phenomenon known as ‘peak
G ET our latest election results,
the BNP’s media appearance
dates and other BNP news flashes
oil’ is no longer an abstract con-
cept, it is now a reality as oil pro-
sentences handed down to the guilty
in Russia, they should consider the
instantly texted to your mobile duction has plateaued, and in some sentencing here. For in Britain
phone. areas, has already tailed off. it is the White British that seem
There is no subscription charge, “So we need to investigate the to receive the harsher sentences,
just text “BNP” to 83300 in order feasibility of cutting-edge, intrin- while our ethnic minorities receive
to immediately join the service and sically-safe, ‘fast-breeder’ nuclear
“BNP OFF” to the same number to more lenient ones.
power stations which are demon-
No text message will cost more
strably safer than conventional
nuclear facilities,” he said. Hannah Foster:
than £1.50 and will only be sent out Raped AND murdered
for BNP election results and other yet her killer got a more
important information. BRIN JENKINS: lenient sentence than the
Helpline 08710 500 232 The Government’s energy murderers of Gerry Tobin.
policy will leave a shortfall.

VICTIMISED: Martin Wingfield’s website was banned by Liverpool Council. The St George’s Day Parade in Sandwell was
targeted by the Labour Council and Christian nurse Caroline Petrie, was suspended for praying for a patient.

BNP launch Operation Fightback to

counter the Labour Party bullies
by Paul Golding MARTIN WINGFIELD group and claimed that they were

T HE British National Party

has launched a new campaign
against the media and political bul-
In typical Militant Tendency-style,
Liverpool City Council banned
the viewing of North West region
BNP supporters. Operation Fight-
back mobilised and the Press Com-
plaints Commission confirmed that
lying of our Party - code named BNP candidate and Freedom editor they received an “unprecedented”
Operation Fightback. Martin Wingfield’s Blog in all coun- number of complaints.
Utilising a wide range of methods cil premises. Operation Fightback CAROLINE PETRIE
and tactics, Operation Fightback has organised a huge complaints drive Caroline is a Christian nurse from
already notched up an impressive and within three days Liverpool Somerset who offered a prayer for a
string of outstanding victories. Council lifted the ban. patient - only for her politically-cor-
Our media and political opponents ‘THE INDEPENDENT’ rect superiors to suspend her without
have always attacked our movement Shortly after the BNP’s huge break- pay. Operation Fightback organised
with impunity - but enough is enough! through in Swanley, inKent, The a complaints drive and within three
It is time to strike back against our Independent newspaper published a days she was reinstated.
detractors! Operation Fightback also photo of members of a crank Nazi These are just a small sample of the
mobilises against various politically- successes of Operation Fightback.
correct outrages. This unique and totally unexpected
Here are just some examples of the BNP campaign initiative has been
effectiveness of Operation Fightback enormously successful so far, and
in its efforts so far: it has only been established for a
JO BRAND short time. In the past our oppo-
Following Jo Brand’s disgraceful nents have been able to denigrate
comments on TV about putting “dog our Party for far too long - now we
poo” on BNP members’ doorsteps, are starting to fight back.
Operation Fightback organised a huge Many of Operation Fightback’s suc-
complaints drive and within two days cesses so far have been organised
she received a visit from the police. using a new e-mailing list operation
ST GEORGE’S DAY called BNP eNews, which at pres-
When the Labour council in the Black ent has over 25,000 individual sub-
Country scrapped a highly popular St scribers.
George’s Day parade, Operation Fight- Make sure you join the growing
back went into overdrive and within a army of nationalist cyber warriors
week Sandwell Council backed down BRAND: Labour Party member incited the by visiting the BNP website and
and reinstated the parade defacing of the homes of BNP members. subscribing to BNP eNews!

Anti-BNP ‘charity’ goes

bankrupt taking council
taxpayers’ money with it
A ‘CHARITY’, which campaigned
against British National Party
candidates standing for election in
two years ago.
“At the Budget setting meeting over
the last two years I expressed my
Stoke-on-Trent, has gone into admin- concern that the NSREC had become
istration with debts of over £100,000. a political organisation and as such
The North Staffordshire Racial Equal- should not be funded by the council,”
ity Council (NSREC) received £1 mil- he told Freedom.
MICHAEL SIMPKINS: People know the lion of taxpayers’ money each year but “I also questioned the amount of grant
law, there’s no need for equality training. had failed to submit any accounts after aid funding given to the NSREC by the

BNP contribution
2006. Now its nine full-time staff mem- council which was collected directly
bers have been made redundant and the via the council tax system, amount-

is appreciated
organisation “wound-up” amid claims ing to the tune of more than £500,000
of serious financial malpractice. over the last ten years.
Alby Walker, the leader of the nine- “This vast amount of council tax-
B RITISH National Party coun-
cillor for Corsham, Michael
Simpkins, attended an open forum
strong British National Party group on
Stoke City council - councillors who
payers’ money was given without any
sevice level agreement or any balance
were elected despite the best efforts and checks by Stoke council.”
designed to solve racial discrimina- of the NSREC - had flagged up his Alby has now asked the council’s
tion in business. concerns about the charity more than interim Chief Executive, Chris
The meeting was staged by Wilt- Harman, to instigate a
shire County Council in Trowbridge thorough investigation
in response to allegations that local into where council tax-
housing and letting agencies were dis- payers’ money has gone
criminating against ethnic minorities. and if there is the slight-
After listening to all the debates, est suspicion of any mis-
Michael came to the conclusion that appropriation, to call in
new measures weren’t necessary. the police to conduct a
“I don’t think there is a need for this. criminal investigation.
Everyone is aware of the law,” he told
the local newspaper.
And the British National Party’s Alby Walker:
contribution was appreciated. Leader of the nine-
“I was pleasantly surprised by the BNP strong British National
members at the meeting,” reported Party group on Stoke
meeting chairman Pastor Una Davis, City Council.

The Voice of

ISSUE No.103
The Newspaper of the British National Party

EDITOR: Martin Wingfield

Steve Johnson, Tina Wingfield,
Trisha Scott, & Louise Scott

Love Europe
Hate the EU!
by Nick Griffin
HE British National Party loves Europe but hates the
European Union. That’s the message of the BNP’s ‘Battle COVENTRY: The first of the BNP’s Battle of Britain roadshows
of Britain’ roadshow for the European elections. in the West Midlands was a sell-out and unbridled success.
To underline the importance of this message, we have used a Spitfire
from the RAF No. 303 Polish Fighter Squadron as our backdrop for &
our find raising functions in recognition of the Polish Spitfire pilots
who served in the Royal Air Force during World War II.
Whatever is happening in the European Union today has nothing to do
with the traditionally strong bonds between the countries of Europe. Letters to the Editor -
We love Europe, but hate what the EU is trying to do to us.
No self-respecting nation would allow its own working people to be Put Britons first Get out of NATO Fuel Poverty Bill
overwhelmed by workers from another country. Poland would be very
upset if a million Vietnamese descended on that country, working for a
bowl of rice a day and taking a million jobs from Polish people I have
HE “British jobs for British
workers” protests might have
started in Lincolnshire but the issue
S INCE the end of World War II
there has scarcely been a year
in which this country has not been
VER 5 million households are
living in fuel poverty in the UK.
This Labour Government has failed to
no doubt that the Polish Government would also intervene if a million is every bit as important across the militarily engaged in some part of end fuel poverty and tackle the scan-
Britons descended on Poland and took jobs away from Polish people. whole of the UK. the world or other. dal of winter deaths caused by people
The desire to protect your own workers has nothing to do with dislik- Here in Halifax, many local workers We are no longer a world power, living in cold homes.  
are also the victims of unfair competi- despite what our politicians would like On 20th March the Fuel Poverty Bill
ing any other nation - it is about protecting our own workforce, a right tion from cheap foreign labour. comes before Parliament. It will give
us to think. In most of these conflicts
which we would encourage every other nation to safeguard. While it is true that some individuals we are cheap American mercenaries. the Government a duty to insulate the
It is the madness of the European Union which has allowed globalists simply won’t work, this clearly isn’t I would like to think that like our Cana- homes of people living in fuel poverty
to exploit workers in almost every country through its “free move- the case with the rapidly growing ranks dian NATO partner, we would pull our to a high standard.
ment of people” scam. This not only betrays workers in nations such of newly unemployed victims of the troops out of Afghanistan and leave the Insist that your MP is in Parliament to
as Britain, where so-called ‘cheaper’ labour has made big business economic crisis. Americans to fight by themselves for vote for the Fuel Poverty Bill. 
It’s wrong that local people should have the Trans-Afghanistan pipeline which Cllr Cathy Duffy, Charnwood.
even bigger profits, but it also undermines the imported workers’ to join the dole queue while jobs go to is what this conflict is all about.
native country. Poland has suffered more than most because of a skills
drain of its people going to other European nations, thereby affecting
foreign workers.
It is the Westminster politicians who
This country could do something more Strong together
constructive with the billons of pounds
its own national growth. are to blame for putting their quest for WOULD like to appeal to all
we waste on wars and obsolete weap-
a federal Europe and all its diversity true nationalists and patriots
Protecting each individual nations’ workforce and economy onry like aircraft carriers and nuclear
to join The British Workers’ Trade
should be the priority of every European Government. dogma before the interests of ordinary submarines that could be destroyed
British people. Union, Solidarity.
by unmanned drones from their bases
Free trade was fine when Britain was the Leaving your old discredited trade
thousands of miles away.
workshop of the world, but now China is union and joining Solidarity will
When will the British people open
industrialised it’s economic suicide. give you a real sense of satisfaction.
their eyes and see how they are being
In June, at the European elections, And that’s because you will know
conned - out of Europe, out of NATO.
voters will have a real choice. that you are NOT funding the Labour
George Avery, York.
It will be the three old parties which Party’s anti-BNP campaign and at
are happy to see our manufacturing only £5 a month will no doubt be
jobs exported and to let foreign labour The year of change saving money as well.

swamp our service sector, against the VERY discussion in the media Most other unions deliberately target
British National Party, which believes about the British National Party BNP members for their political beliefs
in the protection of British industry and has a spokesman from the Old Gang and in my particular case even called
jobs from unfair foreign competition. parties spouting about how they for me to be sacked!
C. Godridge, Halifax. “must start listening to people”. I have received excellent professional
They all say the same thing and are representation from Solidarity during
the time of my dispute with my employ-
Ready for the BNP clearly working together to try to stem
support for the BNP. ers and feel that is is very worthwhile to

E VERY issue of Freedom carries be contributing to a non-corrupt trade

OUR BACKDROP: A Spitfire from the RAF No. 303 Polish Fighter Squadron. I hope that the man in the street won’t
union that does exactly what it says.
the request to “pass it on” so be duped by these weasel words.
that someone else can find out about Labour and the Tories have had their When my old trade union turned against
the British National Party. chance and they have let the people me I moved to Solidarity and now I feel
Recently I was in a launderette in down time and time again. insured - full and comprehensive!

South London and left my copy of I get immense pleasure out of seeing Mark Walker, schoolteacher, BNP &

The Voice of Solidarity member, Co Durham.
Freedom on top of one of the wash- these jaded politicians looking like
ing machines. frightened rabbits caught in the head-
Question Time
Within minutes a gentleman waiting lights of an oncoming car every time

for his load to finished grabbed it and they are asked to explain away a good HAVE sent the following message
ISSUE No.98 The Newspaper of the British National Party
started glancing through it. BNP election result. of complaint to the BBC.
“I didn’t know that the British National
Freedom sells at 60p
They know that their time is up and “When BBC are you going to accept
Party published a newspaper. I’m that 2009 will be the year of political that a large number of people in the
going to take this home and have a change in Britain. UK support the British National Party
10 copies £3.50 + £4.00 p&p good read,” he said. Mike Bell, South Birmingham. and that there should be BNP represen-
I took my chance and ventured: tatives on Question Time?
25 copies £9.00 + £5.50 p&p “You’ll be able to vote BNP in the
50 copies £18.00 + £10.00 p&p European elections in June.” BNP’s ‘Comments Club’ “The BNP is not going to go away I
can assure you of that, so why do you
100 copies
150 copies

+ £12.00 p&p
+ £15.00 p&p
“I shall certainly be doing that,” he
said. “And the way things are going
in this country I think the BNP will
I HAVE always been a prolific letter
writer but felt my efforts were
missing the mark.
not allow our voice and views to be
aired in public.”
“I am fed up with hearing panelists
Groups and Branches please call do very well.” Now with ‘comment sections’ on most constantly attacking the British National

08710 500 242 It sounds like another vote in the bag!

So please remember, pass Freedom on
and get chatting at every opportunity.
online news reports you can give an
instant response and get the BNP mes-
sage over to a much wider readership.
Party yet there is no-one from our Party
allowed to respond.
Cheques/POs payable to British Heritage, ‘Isn’t it about time we had the British
The British people are ready for the Come and join the BNP’s Comments
The Secretary, PO Box 598, Worcester WR4 4AS. British National Party! Club - it’s very, very rewarding.
National Party on the panel and some
BNP supporters in the audience?” John Maddox, London. Mrs M. Collins, Manchester. Robert Cherrie, email.

Trafalgar Club takes to the sea



THE British National Party is organised into campaigning local

branches, groups and Contacts across the UK. These are divided by
HE weekend of the 21st Feb- insight into how life aboard a ship such which featured an array of Cook based region, branches are in bold type, groups in plain and Contacts in
ruary saw the Trafalgar Club, as this during the period was unlike artefacts and also many multimedia italics. To Contact any of these, get in touch with the region. Where
the UK’s leading patriotic fund- anything we can imagine today. presentations which told the life of there is no Contact listed, or if there’s no group in your area and
raising group, in Hartlepool for an After the fascinating tour, TC mem- this famous British son of the sea. you would like details of how to start a new group, please write
event very much in keeping with the bers were taken to the Captain’s The new Trafalgar Club organiser to: Administration Support at PO Box 2004, Bristol BS99 1WG or
Club’s nautical and naval theme. Table on the ship, the setting for Lee Hancock, hailed the weekend as telephone 07974 094449.
The setting for the dinner on the their dinner which enjoyed a beau- a great success:
Saturday night was the stunning tiful panoramic view of Hartlepool EASTERN: PO Box 287, Waltham Cross EN8 8ZU
“The ship was absolutely stunning
HMS Trincomalee, a fully-restored Marina. Members chose from a menu and it was the perfect location for a Tel: 01992 631677. Email:
1817 British frigate, which is the which included roast sirloin of prime club that celebrates Britain’s proud Basildon, Billericay, Brentwood, Broxbourne, Castle Point,
oldest British warship still afloat. Scottish beef, sugar baked Yorkshire naval tradition. All of the guests I Colchester, East Herts, Epping Forest, Fenland, Luton, Maldon
The ship has been renovated in a ham and Parisienne dressed poached spoke to really enjoyed the weekend & Braintree, Norfolk, Bedfordshire, North Herts & Stevenage,
multi-million pound project that has Scottish salmon. and said it was a privilege to dine in a Peterborough, Rochford, South Cambridgeshire, Southend,
seen it restored to its original glory. After a wonderful night of catching genuine part of British history.” Suffolk, Thurrock, Welwyn & Hatfield, West Herts.
Trafalgar Club members were treated up with old friends and making the This North East event was the EAST MIDLANDS: PO Box 8816, Coalville LE67 0BR
to a guided tour of the ship before the acquaintance of new ones, BNP Chair- second in the Trafalgar Club’s con- Tel: 07795 000676. Email:
dinner and the tour of all parts of the man Nick Griffin, gave a short speech tinuing plan of offering its members
ship really showed how this has been at the end of the evening. Ashfield, Bassetlaw, Bolsover, Boston, Holbeach & Spalding, Corby,
events around the country during the
money well spent. He covered such themes as the British Broxtowe, Charnwood, Derby, East LIndsey, Erewash, Kettering,
year in addition to the annual black-
Perhaps the most immediate thing that National Party’s by-election victory in tie dinner in October. Leicester, Lincoln North, Lincoln South, Lincolnshire Coastal, Melton
was noticed by the members after get- Sevenoaks just two days earlier and For those who would like to become Mowbray & Rutland, Newark & Sherwood, North Kesteven, North
ting on board was how low the ceil- the use of black propaganda by anti- part of Britain’s premier patriotic West Leicestershire, Northants, Nottingham, South Derbyshire,
ings were. Thankfully, aside from the British forces. club, please contact: The Secretary, South Kesteven, Wellingborough, West LIndsey.
odd bumped head, no major injuries On Sunday members visited the Cap- PO Box 98, Worcester WR4 4AS or LONDON: PO Box 287, Waltham Cross EN8 8ZU
were reported! Yet this really gave an tain Cook Museum in Middlesbrough email Tel: 01992 631677. Email:
Barking and Dagenham, Barnet, Brent & Harrow, Bexley, Bromley
& Lewisham, Croydon & Sutton, East London, Enfield & Haringey,
Greenwich, Havering, Redbridge & Waltham Forest, Richmond &
Kingston, Wandsworth & Merton.
MID-WEST: PO Box 3206, Corsham, Wiltshire SN13 0WU
Tel: 0117 947 5931. Email:
Banes, Bristol & North Somerset, Calne & Chippenham, Mendip
& North East Somerset, Sedgemoor & South Somerset, Swindon,
Warminster, Wiltshire.
NORTH-EAST: PO Box 1132, Newcastle NE994YT
Tel: 07957 777521. Email:
Blyth Valley, Darlington, Easington, Hartlepool, North West Durham,
Sedgefield & Wear Valley, South Tyneside, Stockton-on-Tees,
Sunderland, Sunderland South, Teesside, Tyneside.
NORTH-WEST: PO Box 53, South Shore, Blackpool FY4 1FS
Tel: 07719 030757. Email:
Allerdale, Alsager, Barrow & South Lakeland, Blackburn & Darwen,
Blackpool, Bolton, Burnley, Bury, Carlisle, Copeland, Hyndburn,
Isle of Man, Lancaster & Preston, Liverpool, Manchester North,
Manchester South, Oldham, Pendle, Rossendale & Rochdale,
Salford, St Helens, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford, Vale Royale,
ON BOARD: BNP chairman Nick Griffin, tells Trafalgar Club members about the BNP’s election victory in Sevenoaks in Kent. Warrington & Halton, Wigan, Wirral.
SCOTLAND: PO Box 11815, Turriff AB53 8WB
Tel: 07526 125894 E-mail:

Join the BNP today! Highlands & Islands, North-East, Central, Lothians, Mid Scotland &
Fife, South, Glasgow & West.
SOUTH-EAST: PO Box 4114, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9GF
Tel: 07926-831-855. Email:
MEMBERSHIP FEES Abingdon, Arun, Chichester & Worthing, Aylesbury Vale,
Gold Membership Basingstoke, Bracknell & Wokingham, Brighton & Hove, Crawley
£60.00 & Horsham, Dover, Elmbridge, Farnborough, Folkestone, Hart,
Standard Membership Hastings, Bexhill & Rother, Havant, High Wycombe, Hythe,
£30.00 Maidstone, Medway, New Forest, Oxfordshire, Portsmouth & Fareham,
Family Membership Reading, Reigate & Banstead, Slough, Southampton, Spelthorne, Thanet
£40.00 & East Kent, Tonbridge Wells, Waverley, West Berkshire, West Kent,
Senior Citizen/Unwaged/Student Wokingham.
£15.00 SOUTH-WEST: PO Box 351, Torquay, Devon TQ2 8XN
Tel: 0117 947 5931. Email:
BY TELEPHONE: Call 08710 500 236 Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm with your credit card. Bridport, Cornwall, Dorset, Exeter, Devon North & West, Plymouth,
BY INTERNET: Log on to and click on the ‘Join’ button. South Devon, South Hams.
BY POST: Fill in the form below and send it to The Secretary, PO Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 0YA. ULSTER: Email:
Tel: 07788 526 487
Coleraine, Co. Down, Co Londonderry, Co. Antrim, Co Tyrone,
Co. Armagh, Co. Fermanagh.
WALES: PO Box 293, Cardiff CF24 0NP
Tel: 0845 - 4764162. Email:
Anglesey, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Carmarthenshire, Conwy, Denbighshire
& Flintshire, South Wales, Swansea, Vale of Glamorgan, Wrexham.
WEST MIDLANDS: PO Box 598, Worcester WR4 4AS
Tel: 07077 820271. Email:
Birmingham East, Birmingham North, Birmingham South, Black
Country, Burton-on-Trent, Cannock Chase, Coventry, Herefordshire,
Lichfield, Newcastle-under-Lyme, North Shropshire, North Warwickshire,
Nuneaton & Bedworth, Rugby, Shrewsbury, Solihull, South Shropshire
& Bridgnorth, Staffordshire Moorlands, Stratford-on-Avon, Stoke-on-
Trent, Walsall, Wolverhampton, Worcestershire.
YORKSHIRE:  PO Box 20, Halifax HX1 9JT
Tel: 07926 324331. Email:
Barnsley, Bradford, Bridlington, Craven, Doncaster, Halifax,
Harrogate & District, Hull, Kirklees North, Kirklees South
(Huddersfield), Leeds, Rotherham, Scarborough, Scunthorpe, Selby,
Sheffield, Wakefield, York.

Labour trounced
and BNP vote up What would a reader of
50% in Harrogate
A CAMPAIGN by the ‘Old
Gang’ parties to bully voters
in Bilton ward in Harrogate to vote
ish National Party backfired when
on polling day the BNP vote actu-
ally went up by 50%.
make of this?
for any of them but not for the Brit- BNP candidate Steven Gill, also
trounced the Labour candidate,
receiving over three times his vote.
And the campaign alerted the public
to something else. As a letter in the
Harrogate Advertiser pointed out:
“It seems to be an admission that their
policies are all the same but that the
BNP’s policies are very different.”

Bilton Ward
Thursday February 19th 2009
Claire McKenzie (Lib-Dem) ...... 902
Sharon Bentley (Con) . ............. 673
Steven Gill (BNP) . .................. 164
L ET’S just pretend for an instance that a Sun
reader wanders into this pub in Devon.
Now coming behind him is Chris Tarrant with a sack
Sadly the chap can’t name the meeting so doesn’t
win the money. In fact he could have had a hundred
guesses and he still wouldn’t have got it right.
Andrew Gray (Lab) ................... 51 full of money that could be his if he answers just one For the meeting (above) was the February gather-
BNP Percentage: 9.2% question correctly. Chris asks the fellow what sort ing in Exeter of the British National Party, a politi-
STEVEN GILL: Improved vote.
of meeting have they just walked in on? And gives cal party that The Sun regularly tells its readers is
him TEN opportunities to give the right answer. made up of knuckle-dragging skinhead thugs. . . . .

Brave Tess polls

10.6% in Lewisham
John Peacock laid the foundations
for the BNP in the East Midlands
HE population of Downham was grandmother Tess Culnane, who
ward in Lewisham has changed was still able to poll a very respect-
considerably in recent years with able 10.6% of the vote despite the
the White population moving out changing demographics of the ward.
to make way for new arrivals from by Wayne McDermott

overseas. HE Peacock Club is named
So it takes a brave lady to stand for after the late John Peacock,
the British National Party, and that the former British National Party
regional organiser for the East
LEWISHAM COUNCIL Midlands who was responsible for
DOWNHAM Ward establishing the foundations for the
Thursday February 19th 2009 BNP in the region.
Jenni Clutten (Lib-Dem) ........... 1075 John introduced his Members’ Monthly
Duwayne Brooks (Lib-Dem) ..... 1067 Payment scheme, and it is this regular
Damien Egan (Lab) .................. 655 income over many years which has put
Christine Allison (Con) . ............ 654 the BNP in the East Midlands in such a
Pauline Morrison (Lab) ............. 635 strong position today.
Andrew Lee (Con) .................... 632 It is thanks to John’s scheme, work-
Tess Culnane (BNP) ............... 287 ing in conjunction with the region’s
Cath Miller (Green).................... 63 fundraising activities, that there are
now funds available for a top class NICK GRIFFIN: He told the Peacock Club diners that the BNP is well prepared to
Lee Roach (Green).................... 62 capitalise on the opportunities after a significant European Election vote.
BNP Percentage: 10.6% leaflet to promote the British National
TESS CULNANE: Received 287 votes. Party’s European Election campaign diners about the recent selection inter- not follow the likes of UKIP and the
the East Midlands. views for the East Midlands Euro can- Greens who had polled spectacularly

Mid-Ulster BNP leaflets Dungannon

This year’s Peacock Club dinner was didates, and he was followed by BNP at the Euro Poll but had then failed to
held in Nottingham on February 16th. chairman Nick Griffin, who detailed establish themselves as a mainstream
Once again Wendy Russell did a fan- the plans in place to help the Party party after the elections.

D UNGANNON has in recent

years gained the unwanted
reputation as the number one Mid
Organiser, was able to report that at the
beginning of February the organiser
for the Mid Ulster, Davy Stewart, and
tastic job of organising the event and
a superb meal was enjoyed by all.
After the meal came the speeches.
through the boom in membership that
is likely to be coming our way during
the Euro election campaign.
Anyone from the East Midlands
wishing to join the Peacock Club and
attend the dinner should email Wendy
Ulster destination for asylum seek- his team had already held a day of First was Geoff Dickens who told Nick was adamant that the BNP would Russell at  
ers and migrant workers. action in Dungannon.

Scots travel south to help

Now local people are reporting that Local residents were apparently queu-
it’s the first town in the province to ing up to take leaflets and buy news-
have a no-go area for White folk, so papers from the BNP activists as well

with elections in Carlisle

it’s not that surprising that support as recounting their stories of competi-
for the British National Party is been tion for local jobs and local housing
on the increase. because of the town’s growing immi-
Kieran Dinsmore, the Ulster Regional grant population.
B RITISH National Party
activists were out on the streets
of Stirling on Friday 6th February

Advertise in Freedom
for a session of leafleting and to
gauge the response from the people
of this historic town in the heart of
Scotland’s central belt.
ADVERTISING RATES: The centre of Stirling with its busy
5 cms x 1 Column = £15.00 a month shopping area and arcades proved
10 cms x 1 Column = £30.00 a month
an ideal location to reach the public
5 cms x 2 Columns = £30.00 a month
10 cms x 2 Columns = £60.00 a month and newspapers were sold and all the
leaflets given out over a period of
DISCOUNTS: two and a half hours.
An advert placed for 3 months will have a discount of 10% The following day, four activists
An advert placed for 6 months will have a discount of 20% from Glasgow travelled beyond the
EXAMPLE: Tartan Curtain to Carlisle to join
An advertisement of 10cms x 2 Columns for 6 months their colleagues for a few hours of
would cost £360.00 less £72.00 = £288.00 leafleting in the Belah and Castle
Please select the advertising option you require and send
wards, where the BNP is contesting
two important by-elections, and for a WARM-UP: It was bitterly cold but hot cups of tea were on hand for the leafleters.
your copy together with a cheque made payable to the
‘British National Party’ to: Freedom Adverts, city centre papersale. “It was also a stark reminder of just from the reception we got from
P.O.Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 0YA. “It was a most interesting visit and how far we have to go in Scotland. the people we met and, effectively,
For any further inquiries please email made us realise how far the BNP has One could have been forgiven for this is the case. Politics is changing
progressed in England,” one of the thinking that were out electioneering rapidly in Britain and the BNP is now
team, Charlie Baillie, told Freedom. with one of the mainstream parties mainstream in many places.”

Cromwell Club holds a belated Leaflets to

attract new
Burns’ Night black tie dinner
by David Fairclough
mem bers

M embers of the Crom-

well Diner’s Club met for
a belated Burns Night black tie
dinner which was held in a mag-
nificent country house situated in
the heart of North West Leicester-
shire’s beautiful countryside.
Following a welcome drink on
arrival, members retired to an old
candlelit oak panelled dining room
to enjoy their meal, the highlight of
which was the arrival of the large
ceremonial Scottish Haggis which
was quickly addressed and equally EUROPE
quickly dispatched by the diners! ATMOSPHERIC: Club members enjoy the candlelit oak panelled dining room. TAX
After the meal guest speaker Clive theft and publication on the Internet McDermmot, to help towards the
Jones, described the difficulties of an old BNP membership list. expenses of the Thringstone ward
some people had to face being a Following the talk, a cheque for by-election, while another cheque for
BNP member in the work place. It £100 was presented to North West £100 was sent to support the BNP’s
was a topical talk after the recent Leicestershire organiser Wayne Battle of Britain Fighting Fund.  

BNP campaign
in Aberavon

S OUTH Wales BNP members

held a day of action in Aberavon
at the beginning of February.
South Wales turned out to brave the
sub-zero temperatures, some to run
the stall and others to leaflet a local
Aberavon is part of the Neath and estate. Four thousand leaflets were
Port Talbot council area. The town delivered or handed out including
was founded on heavy industry, 2000 local Patriot leaflets, and a stack
mainly coal mining, steel production of Freedom newspapers were sold.
and petrochemicals, but now, the coal The high profile activity upset the
and petrochemical industries have town’s Labour AM, Brian Gibbons.
BAPTISM OF FIRE: Charlotte Lewis. closed down. He told the local Evening Post:

Charlotte beats the

The steel works, formerly British “The BNP has nothing to offer the
Steel, at one time had five furnaces people of the Aberavon constituency

Lib-Dems in Croydon
running and a state of the art roll- or any other part of South Wales.
ing mill working flat out, but now “It is our diversity that makes us the

it is owned by India’s Tata Steel community that we are. We benefit
HE by-election for the Wadden
ward seat on Croydon Council and has just one furnace in produc- from being a multicultural town NHS BRITISH JOBS
coincided with the most severe tion and a fraction of the workforce that trades with countries from all
winter weather in south London for employed. The devastating effect over the world.”
nearly 20 years of the loss of income that Aberavon The positive response of the people
So it was a real baptism of fire for new and its population have experienced of Aberavon to the British National
Croydon & Sutton BNP organiser, is plain for all to see. Party seems to indicate that they don’t
Charlotte Lewis, who was also the Despite the snow which had fallen embrace diversity as enthusiastically
candidate in Waddon. overnight, sixteen people from across as their Assembly Member.
“I was well and truly thrown in at the
deep end,” joked Charlotte, “but I did
my best under difficult circumstances
and to beat the Liberal Democrats and
the Greens was very satisfying.
“Added to that, UKIP was put firmly
in its place, on a par with the Monster
Raving Loony Party!”
Waddon Ward
Thursday February 12th 2009
Clair Hilley (Con) ...................... 1462
Ian Payne (Lab) ........................ 1222
Charlotte Lewis (BNP) . .......... 157
Patricia Gauge (Lib-Dem) . ....... 150
Mary Davey (Green).................. 115
Kathleen Garner (UKIP)............ 48
Mark Samuel (Ind)..................... 13
John Cartwright (Loony)............ 11
BNP Percentage: 4.9%
HIGH PROFILE: The BNP’s appearance in Aberavon upset the Labour Party.


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£10 for 1000

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Remember a photograph 08710 500 241

Membership............................... 08710 500 236
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makes for a better report Trafalgar Club............................

Young BNP.................................
Swansea’s workforce faces unfair competition from cheap foreign labour
‘British jobs for British workers’
BNP warns Welsh jobs Get your new leaflets today

also under threat
EVIN Edwards, the West
Wales organiser for the Brit-
ish National Party, was featured in
the South Wales Evening Post on
February 7th when he warned that
the industrial protests that have
been taking place in recent weeks
outside oil refineries and power
stations across Britain are equally
relevant to South Wales.
He told the newspaper:
“The British jobs for British workers
protests started in Lincolnshire, but
the issue is every bit as important in
South Wales.”
“Too many local workers are also the
victims of unfair competition from
cheap foreign labour.”

Pembroke Dock: BNP activists at the Dragon LNG plant on the day several
hundred contractors walked off the site in support of the workers at Immingham.

“While some individuals simply as well as greedy companies who A4 (top)
don’t, or won’t work, this clearly would rather make a short-term profit £15 per 1000
isn’t the case with the rapidly grow- than invest in local workers.”
ing number of newly unemployed Not surprisingly his comments upset A5 (this one)
victims of the economic crisis.” Swansea Council leader, Liberal £10 per 1000
“It’s wrong that local people should Democrat Chris Holley:

Call Alwyn Deacon on 07815 146 712

have to join the dole queue while jobs “I deplore the comments from this
go to foreigners.” organisation,” he said, before going
Kevin made it very clear that the on to claim that most migrant work-
blame for the situation should be ers had gone back to the country
aimed at politicians who “put building they came from.
a federal Europe and diversity dogma The strikes across Britain show
KEVIN EDWARDS: Politicians to blame. before the interests of ordinary voters, clearly that this isn’t the case.

Big turnout at BNP

EXPECTANT AUDIENCE: It’s a full house in Barnsley to hear the BNP message despite the best efforts of the Labour Party.

meeting in Barnsley
T HERE is no stopping the Brit-
ish National Party in Barns-
ley, despite the best efforts of the
too complacent about the BNP’s 20%
support base in Barnsley and must
ensure that every single supporter in
speaker after the break and he deliv-
ered an excellent speech which com-
pared Barnsley with Barking and
Labour Party. Barnsley gets out to vote on June 4th. Dagenham.
Over 280 people attended Barnsley’s Richard Barnbrook was the final He recounted how Dagenham was
February meeting to listen to speeches once a Labour Party stronghold where The monthly magazine of the British National Party
from BNP Director of Publicity Mark it never believed it could be opposed.
28 full-colour pages providing a showcase for the modern,
Collett, London Assembly member Richard detailed the dirty tricks
populist nationalism to which the BNP is now committed.
Richard Barnbrook, and local Barns- resorted to by the local Labour Party
ley candidate Simon Goodricke. when it saw its fiefdom slipping away Subscribe for six issues
It was a fantastic evening with new - and they were exactly the same dirty British Isles - £17.50
members signing up and a record tricks that the Labour Party are now Air Mail Europe - £23.20
amount of money raised from Freedom resorting to in Barnsley. Air Mail Middle East and Americas - £29.60
and other BNP merchandise sales. Richard was also critical of the local Air Mail Australasia & Far East - £29.60
Simon Goodricke briefed the audi- media in Barking and Dagenham for Please make cheques payable to British National Party and
ence about developments in Barnsley its continual attacks on the BNP but send to: The Secretary, PO Box 17, Amlwch LL68 8AB
and what was on the cards unless the pointed out that these smears weren’t Credit card payments 08710 500 238
BNP start winning seats on the bor- believed by the public who gave the
ough council. He compared Barnsley BNP a warm welcome when they go

with neighbouring areas pointing out out knocking on doors 52 weeks a
the dramatic effect that immigration year and not just during the run up to
has had on the region. elections.
Mark Collett spoke on the European At the end of the meeting, Simon, Mark
elections and the importance of get- and Richard mingled with the audience, Now that you have found out the truth about the British
ting people out to vote. He said that answering questions from many newly- National Party please give this newspaper to a friend or
MARK COLLETT: The British National
members and supporters should not be Party’s Director of Publicity. won over supporters of the Party. neighbour so that they can have their eyes opened too.
Printed and promoted by and on behalf of the British National Party, PO Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 0YA.

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