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 Nutrition

Dietary Planning

 Nur 102

 Module J

 Nov 18, 2009

 Guidelines for Dietary Planning

 A number of guidelines have been established to help in planning for optimal nutrition.

 The Four Basic Food Groups- milk, meat, fruits and vegetables.

 The Food Guide Pyramid- expanded basic four and added fats, oils and sweets.

 Food Pyramid

 Food Pyramid

 Breads, Cereal 6 to 11 servings

 Vegetables 3 to 5 servings

 Fruit 2 to 4 servings

 Milk and Cheese 2 to 3 servings

 Meats and Beans 2 to 3 servings

 Fats, Oils, Sweets Sparingly

 My Pyramid

 Menu Choices

 1. Potato, broccoli with cheese sauce, lettuce salad, tea.

 2. Turkey / cheese sandwich, carrots with dip, apple / raisin salad, milk

 3. Pastry, sausage, hot chocolate.

 Nutrition During Human Growth and Development

Healthy eating is a life long commitment!!

Trust vs.. Mistrust
 Rapid growth

 Greater water requirements

 Iron supplements

 Toddler
Autonomy vs.. Shame

 Growth rate slows

 Increase protein and minerals

 Bite size pieces

 Preschool
Initiative vs.. Guilt

 Physical activity needs increase

 Protein needs increases

 Likes single foods

 Prone to food jags

 School Age
Industry vs.. Inferiority

 Growth rate slows

 Inconsistent meal pattern

 Adolescent
Identity vs.. Role Confusion

 Rapid growth

 Increase protein and carbohydrates

 Calcium

 Iron

 Adolescent
Identity vs.. Role Confusion

 Rapid growth
 Increase protein and carbohydrates

 Calcium

 Iron

 Adult

 Balanced diet

 Moderation

 Decrease fats

 Increase

complex carbohydrates

 Adult

 Balanced diet

 Moderation

 Decrease fats

 Increase complex carbohydrates

 Adult

 Balanced diet

 Moderation

 Decrease fats

 Increase complex carbohydrates

 Goals

 Fluid Balance

 Knowledge of treatment regimen

 Electrolyte Balance

 Safety

 Sleep
 Adequate Neurological Status

 Effective Bowel Elimination

 Nutritional Assessment

 Diet history / health history

 Physical measurements

 Lab test

 Patient inspection and observation

 Patient Inspection and Observation

Signs of poor nutrition

 Posture

 Weight

 Overall appearance

 General vitality

 Diet History

Meals and snacks per day

Preparation of meals

Food preferences

Food allergies

Food aversions

Bowel habits

Exercise pattern

Knowledge of food groups

 Assessment

 Subjective

 Past Medical History

 Nutrition History

 Elimination History

 Social History

 Neurological History

 Physical Measurements



Body fat composition

 Assessment

 Objective

 Weight

 Head

 Eyes

 Throat & Mouth

 Cardiovascular

 Urinary System

 Gastrointestinal

 Respiratory

 Neurological

 Skin

 Lab test

Urinary creatinine

Blood urea nitrogen

Albumin levels

 Labs
 Hematocrit (HCT)

 Male: 40-54% Female: 37-47%

 Urine Specific Gravity

 1.010-1.030

 Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)

 10-20 mg

 Labs


 NA+ ---135-145 meq/L

 K+ ----- 3.5-4.5 meq/L

 Ca+2 ---- 4.3-5.3meq/L or 10.5-11 mg/dL

 Mg+2 ---1.5-2.0 meq/L


Cl- ----- 95-108 meq/L

HCO3- - 24-30

PO4-3 --- 1.7-4.6

 Factors Affecting Eating

 Culture/Religion

 Money

 Personal Preference Emotions

 Disease

 Dental Care

 Trauma

 Religious Considerations
 Jewish:

 Don’t mix meat & dairy products at the same meal

 Prohibited Foods:

 All products obtained from pigs: i.e.: pork, bacon, ham, animal shortening, marshmallows

 Religious Considerations (con’t)

 Catholic:

 Abstain from eating meat & from eating between meals on Ash Wednesday & Good

 Observe periods of fasting

 Seven-Day Adventist:

 Prohibited Foods: Pork products & shellfish

 Alcoholic beverages

 Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints (Morman):

 Alcoholic beverages

 Christian:

 Alcoholic beverages

 Factors Affecting Eating (Cont.)

 Social factors

 Food fads

 Decrease knowledge of nutrition

 Vegetarian




 Nursing Diagnosis
 Imbalanced Nutrition: less than body requirements

 Imbalanced Nutrition: more than body requirements

 Gas Exchange, Impaired

 Nursing Diagnosis

 Confusion, Acute or Chronic

 Diarrhea

 Hyperthermia

 Hypothermia

 Impaired Oral Mucous Membranes

 Impaired Skin Integrity

 Fatigue

 Nursing Care Plan


Nursing Diagnosis




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