CMFF09WS MTA4 Sheardetal

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Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow (CMFF09)

The 14th International Conference on Fluid Flow Technologies

Budapest, Hungary, September 9-12, 2009



Alessandro CORSINI , Stefano MINOTTI3, Fabrizio SCIULLI3

Flkt Woods Ltd. E-mail:

Corresponding Author. Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica, University of Rome La Sapienza. Via Eudossiana 18, I00184
Rome, Italy. Tel.: +39 06 44585231, Fax: +39 06 4881759, E-mail:
Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica, University of Rome La Sapienza. Via Eudossiana 18, I00184

This paper presents a novel methodology that facilitates the design of a new range of large industrial
axial fans with appropriate aerodynamic, aeroacoustic, and mechanical properties to operate at
elevated temperatures under emergency conditions.
The methodology makes use of virtual-prototyping
techniques to characterise the aerodynamics and
aero-acoustics of the fan. The paper describes the
computational methodology and its application to a
range of large industrial axial fans. The validity of
the virtual prototype (VP) is confirmed by comparing its predictions with aerodynamic and aeroacoustic data obtained from testing a physical prototype of the fan.
Keywords: large industrial fans, high-temperature
applications, design methods, virtual prototyping
The need for new mass-transit systems has increased significantly in recent decades as governments seek to improve access to busy metropolitan
areas and reduce road traffic congestion. However,
the development of such systems is not without risk
to commuters. Although serious fires in tunnels are
rare, recent emergency events in the Mont Blanc
tunnel [1], the Tauern tunnel [2], the Channel Tunnel [3], and the Baku underground system [4] have
shown the potentially devastating consequences of
underground fires. In all of these examples, the
tunnel-ventilation system was unable to control or
extract the smoke to maintain a smoke-free route of
escape for travellers [5].
In response to tunnel fires that occurred in the
1980s and 1990s, the European Commission issued
mandates for the creation of a set of harmonised
standards to provide specifications for emergency

smoke and heat ventilation equipment. Among this

set of standards, Harmonised Standard EN 12101-3
provided the specifications for the evaluation and
approval of powered smoke and heat exhaust ventilators. However, the practicability of demonstrating the compliance of fans used in tunnelventilation systems with the requirements of
EN12101-3 has been a contentious issue, which has
only recently been resolved within Europe by the
establishment of fan testing procedures for demonstrating that such fans are fit for purpose [6, 7]. The
effectiveness of the European legislative framework
encouraged the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) to adapt the text of EN12101-3
into an international standard ISO 21927-3 [8].
Subsequently, the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE) have developed a separate standard
(149-2000) for application in the United States [9].
Fans for use in Europe have been required to
comply with EN 12101-3 since April 2005. For
fans intended for world-wide use outside Europe,
compliance with ISO 21927-3 has been possible
since November 2006. These relatively recent requirements with regard to high-temperature operations have had significant impacts on the design of
mechanical fans. Because material strength reduces
at elevated temperatures, a requirement of both
EN12101-3 and ISO 21927-3 is that fans must have
a larger tip gap between the blades and the casing to
ensure reliable emergency operation. However,
although such an increased tip gap facilitates emergency operation, it also has a detrimental effect on
both the aerodynamic and aero-acoustic performance of fans during routine operations. Moreover,
the mechanical stipulations that have this adverse
effect on aerodynamic and aero-acoustic performance has been imposed at a time when market de-

mand is continually driving industrial fan designers

to produce fans that simultaneously provide better
performance and less noise.
Against this background, significant changes
are taking place in the design methodology of large
industrial fans. Although the conventional approach
to industrial fan design has historically involved
trial-and-error empirical methods that rely on the
designers experience of aerodynamics [11, 12],
more recent approaches to the design of state-ofthe-art industrial fans have utilised computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses at the beginning of
the design process. Such improved methods of fan
design have been proposed by Vad [13] and Corsini
et al. [14], who have developed a family of highperformance swept fans for mine ventilation by
feeding-back the three-dimensional (3-D) design
criterion with computed aerodynamic data about
rotor secondary flows. Lee et al. [15] recently applied an inverse approach to the design of cooling
fans for electronic appliances, which included the
combined use of a design of experiments (DOE)
step and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to
explore the space available for design solutions. In
doing so, Lee et al. [15] transferred methodologies
that had been originally developed for the design of
turbo-machinery into the field of industrial fan
design. These design methodologies are reliant on
CFD to develop appropriate 3-D blade sections
The designers of large fans have historically
been primarily constrained by aerodynamic considerations. An aerodynamic design would initially be
produced by scaling the characteristics of smaller
units, with the actual performance of the final design then being established by experimental testing.
However, the recent development of legislation and
standards relating to the fans used in tunnelventilation systems has meant that mechanical constraints have become more significant. It is therefore no longer acceptable to undertake an aerodynamic design without considering the mechanical
implications of that design during the design process.
Another issue of importance to the contemporary design of tunnel-ventilation fans is that the
standards for the acoustic performance of these fans
during both routine and emergency operations have
become progressively more stringent. During routine night-time operations, the noise of a metro
ventilation system must be limited to 50 dBA to
avoid disturbing people who live in the vicinity.
During emergency operations, noise is limited to 80
dBA to allow emergency-services personnel to
communicate effectively during an emergency.
It is thus apparent that the new constraints of
EN 12101-3 and ISO 21927-3 on industrial fan
designers have been superimposed on continuing
market demand for fans that can provide higher
performance and less noise. In responding to these

constraints, industrial fan designers require a methodology that provides an optimum balance between,
on the one hand, the mechanical and acoustic requirements of emergency operations and, on the
other hand, market and environmental demands for
aerodynamic efficiency and reduced noise during
routine operations. Such a new design methodology
has been addressed in the program of work reported
in this paper. The methodology combines finiteelement analysis (FEA) (for mechanical analysis)
and CFD (for aerodynamic and aero-acoustic analysis) to provide a virtual prototyping design methodology that replaces traditional methods of test and
evaluation in fan development.
Although virtual-prototyping techniques are
presently uncommon in the industrial fan industry,
such techniques have been used extensively in other
industries. They provide cross-functional evaluations of competing objectives and enable issues that
have previously been considered downstream issues to be considered in the initial stages of the
design cycle [17, 18]. By developing virtual prototypes (VPs) as digital mock-ups, the process of
virtual prototyping reduces the need to build physical prototypes and facilitates the early identification
of design problems, thus reducing the costs of product development.
The remainder of this paper is organised as
follows. Section 2 describes the new range of large
industrial axial fans developed using the methodology. Section 3 describes the virtual-prototyping
tools used in the study. As shown in Figure 1, the
fundamental engineering phase is complemented by
the use of virtual-prototyping activities to characterise the aerodynamic and aero-acoustic profiles of
the fan.

Fig. 1 Proto-typing approaches

Section 4 describes the test program and
Section 5 presents the results of the comparative
analyses used to validate the proposed VPs. The
paper concludes with a summary of the new design
methodology and the novel features that
differentiate it from those currently in use in the
design of fans and turbo-machinery.


seven standard diameters, as shown in Figure 2.

2.1. Design requirements and range

Fan designers must resolve competing aerodynamic, mechanical, acoustic and legislative objectives when developing a new range of large industrial fans. First, large fans must comply with the
European legislative framework embodied in the
EN 12101-3 standard and ISO 21927-3 outside
Europe. Second, specifications relating to the installed fan performance typically require large fans
intended for application in metro ventilation systems must be capable of:
1. operating at elevated temperatures during an
emergency while meeting the specified upper
limit for noise of 80 dBA; and
2. operating at ambient temperatures during routine conditions at the highest possible efficiency while meeting the specified upper limit
for noise of 50 dBA.
In addition to these requirements for emergency and routine operating modes, three additional
factors contribute to the complexity of the design
1. The fan range must include reversible and
unidirectional rotors. Moreover, reversible fans
must be capable of running at different speeds
when operating in different directions and unidirectional fans must be capable of running in
reverse in some circumstances.
2. The fan must be capable of being installed in
either a vertical or horizontal lay-out.
3. The fan range must be able to accommodate the
effect of unsteady pressure pulses generated in
tunnels by trains passing a ventilation shaft.
These varied requirements imply a level of
complexity in the design process that is
significantly beyond the historic norm within the
fan industry. The application of standard design
methodologies is therefore inappropriate.

Fig. 2 HT fan range dimensional data [19]

The performance requirements of the fans
operating over a range of duties typical of modern
metro ventilation systems are shown in Figure 3.


V (m3/s)

Fig. 3 HT fan range performance chart [19]

2.2. Fan range of present study
The specifications of the high-temperature (HT)
fan range developed and studied in the present
paper are listed in Table 1.
Table 1 Large HT fan range description
Size range
1.4m to 2.8m
Performance standard
ISO 5801
Voume flow rate
10 m3/s 300 m3/s
Total pressure rise
500 Pa 3000 Pa
900, 1500
Blade sections
truly reversible
High temperature certification
200C, 300C and
IEC motors
NEMA motors
ISO 21927-3
The product range initially consisted of fans of

This initial product range was significantly

extended by the additional requirements noted
above: (i) fans capable of both horizontal and
vertical application (which require different casing
construction methods); and (ii) the need for both
unidirectional fans (capable of operating at
different speeds during routine and emergency
operations, and capable of operating in reverse in
some scenarios) and reversible fans (capable of
operating in one direction during routine operation
and another direction during emergency operation,
and capable of operating at different speeds in some
2.2. Design method
The design procedure is shown in Figure 4. As
shown in the diagram, the design specifications
were first decided. Their validity was then
examined through theoretical analyses. The

parameters for the optimum design program were

screened using a preliminary blade-setting analysis
(PBSA), and the testing set was designed by DOE.
The latter enabled the specification of the possible
range of the main design variables, which was then
applied to the optimum design program to
determine several possible blade shapes.





Fig. 4 Design procedure

An example of solution matrix is given in Figure
5. The solutions predicted to have a stress level
associated with the blade support (stud) below a
maximum allowable limit are plotted. The solution
matrix thus plots compliant solutions over a range
of hub ratios and blade count, from which the
solution closest to the optimum hub ratio and blade
count can be chosen.

stud > threshold

Fig. 5. Design solution matrix

The fan range was chosen from among a matrix
of 720 component-designed configurations. Of
these, 20 blade configurations were selected as

satisfying the optimum aerodynamic and

mechanical criteria. The optimal blade geometries
were then analysed using virtual-prototyping tools
to check the mechanical design (FEA) and the
aerodynamics and aero-acoustics (CFD).
3.1. CFD solver
The study adopted a parallel multi-grid (MG)
scheme developed for an in-house finite-element
method (FEM) code [20, 21]. The FEM formulation
was based on a highly accurate stabilised PetrovGalerkin (PG) scheme that had been developed for
turbo-machinery applications [22, 23, 24].
The original parallel solver [21] had been upgraded on the basis of C++ object-oriented technology using libMesh library software [25], which
facilitates serial and parallel simulation of multiscale applications using adaptive mesh refinement
and coarsening strategies. The solver was designed
for built-in integration with software libraries for
multi-processor computation portability on Linuxbased hardware platforms.
The CFD solver included an acoustic VP tool
that had been targeted for the prediction of overall
noise emission. This VP tool was based on earlier
models of the vortex-shedding noise proposed by
Sharland [26] and Fukano [27]. According to Fukanos model [27], blade self-noise in low-speed
fans is a function of the wake at the blades trailing
edge. The noise source itself is related to the spanwise load distribution that drives the vortex shedding.
Fukanos model [27] is elaborated in the
present study by using 3-D numerical simulation to
derive the velocity and wake thickness (as required
in the original model). Because the circumferential
distribution of axial velocity and the relative
velocity can be post-processed from CFD at
different span-wise locations from blade hub to tip,
the outlet relative velocity contour can be calculated
and the model can then be fed for a more accurate
prediction of noise level. The validity of this
approach has recently been demonstrated in small
air-conditioning units [28].
3.2. FEA solver
The solid models of the blades were developed
using the SolidWorks CAD package. The
structural analysis utilised the commercial ANSYS
Workbench 8.0 FEA solver [29]. Automatic mesh
generation was used with tetrahedral elements, and
mesh refinement was applied to solve the
singularities of the blade-surface configurations.
Centrifugal force and bending moments (due to the
design radial work distribution) were applied as
nodal forces in the boundary conditions.
Figure 6 shows an example of a finite-element
mesh for the fan blade.

Fig. 6 Blade FEA grid

Figure 7 shows the results of the stress analysis
on a un-directional blade of the fan range.

Fig. 8 Large HT fan prototype

The test matrix is summarized in Table 2.
Table 2. Test matrix
angular settings
8, 16, 24, 32
flow rate range
120% - 60% design flow rate

4.2. Aerodynamic tests

The aerodynamic tests were conducted in accordance with the ISO 5801 standard (equivalent to
BS 848 part 1) [30] for a fully ducted configuration
and installation type D. This installation features
ducted inlet and outlet regions and the fan is supplied with an appropriately shaped inlet bell mouth.
Table 3 lists the specifications for the
aerodynamic tests.

Fig. 7 Blade FEA stress analysis

Table 3. Specification for the aerodynamic test

Static and dynamic pressure
measured on the casing wall
and a standard Pitot-probe


Furness Control digital multichannel micro-manometer

FC012, Furness Controls Ltd,
2 kPa


1 Pa


0.5% of read data

4.1. Physical proto-type
A physical prototype of one fan within the
large family of fans was built to gather benchmark
performance data. Although the production version
of the chosen fan (a unidirectional fan with a tip of
2.24-m diameter) was designed to use a 900-kW 4pole motor, the test prototype was fitted with a 355kW 6-pole motor to fit with the capability of the
laboratorys electrical supply.
The aerodynamic and noise-performance tests
were carried out at the Flkt Woods Ltd laboratory
in Colchester (UK). The 2.24-m prototype fan used
in the tests was fitted with newly designed steel
blades suitable for emergency operation at 400C.
The tests were conducted at four pitch-angle
settings (8, 16, 24, and 32). Figure 8 shows the
prototype of the rotor fan in the test rig.


Averaged velocity profiles were also measured

around the circumference using a five-hole yawmeter probe. With the fan configured at a pitch
angle of 24, the traversing yaw-meter
measurements were conducted: (i) 10% of the blade
chord upstream of the hub leading edge; and (ii)
10% of the blade chord downstream of the hub
trailing edge.
4.3. Noise tests
The noise-performance tests were conducted in

accordance with the British Standard BS848, pt 2.5

[30]. The sound-pressure probe was a GRAS type
40AG microphone (suitable for measures in a highreverberant environment) with a Bruel & Kjaer
Falcon type2669 preamplifier. The signals were
acquired by a 01-dB Symphonie digital-signal
processor. The post-processing analysis of the
spectra of the recorded signals was conducted with
a Metravib dBFA suite. Table 4 lists the
specifications used in the noise tests.
Table 4. Specification for the noise test
In-duct acoustic measurements
performed at 6 fan diameter from
the fan section

Microphone model
Frequency range
Sound analyser

Brel&Kjr equipment connected to a 01dB signal acquisition and sound analyser

G.R.A.S. 40AG
Size: 12.7mm
63 Hz 8 kHz







Tip gap cells


Blade surface nodes





Tip gap nodes

Averaged cell aspect


The rotorOGV interaction was solved using a

steady-state interface approach that took account of
the changing blade-cascade frames of reference
according to a so-called frozen rotor technique.
Figure 9 shows details of: (i) the grid in proximity
to the blade hub; and (ii) the grid of the rotor-OGV


The rotor and the case were balanced to ensure

that vibration did not exceed 4 mm/s. The fan operated in a custom-built casing made from rings of
cast and machined steel. The clearance between the
blade tips and the casing was constant at 1% of the
To differentiate the aerodynamic noise from the
motor noise, a preliminary test of the motor was
conducted to identify its spectral signature, thus
facilitating an appropriate correction to be made in
the subsequent noise measurements. An inlet
bellmouth of aerodynamically optimum shape to
provide uniform and un-separated flow suction was
mounted on the inlet section of the fan. The test rig
incorporated an acoustically treated length of duct
to minimise extraneous noise. An airfoil louver in
the facility enabled the fan load and flow rate to be
varied for the tests.
5.1. CFD Virtual Prototypes
The CFD VP was based on the modelling of: (i)
the flow regions of the spinner cone and the rotors
outlet guide vanes (OGVs); and (ii) the set of
boundary conditions. The numerical grid of the
rotors blade passage consisted of a non-orthogonal
body-fitted coordinate system with an immersed
blade. The mesh consisted of about 500,000 nodes.
The OGV blade-to-blade passage was modelled
with an unstructured tetrahedral mesh consisting of
800,000 nodes. Details of the rotor and OGV grids
are provided in Table 5.
Table 5. Rotor and OGV grid details




Fig. 9 Computational grid, a) details of the rotor

grid at the blade hub, b) rotor-OGV assembly
igure 10 shows the inflow profiles used to
generate the velocity boundary conditions.


Fig. 10 Simulated inflow velocity profiles

The inflow profiles of velocity and turbulence
level were obtained by simulating the spinner cone

region alone. The computed pitch-averaged profiles

of the axial and radial velocity components (as
shown in Figure 10), normalised by the blade-tip
velocity, refer to the fan design flow rate at 24.
This approach to the generation of boundary
conditions enabled account to be taken of the effects
of a sharp reduction of the flow area and the wake
generated by the struts.
5.2. Aerodynamic data analysis
The validation of the aerodynamic VP was
based on a combination of the traversing yaw-meter
data and the overall data on fan performance.
Figure 11 shows a plot of the computed pitchaveraged axial and peripheral velocity profiles
against those measured with the traversing yaw
meter behind the rotor. The velocity profiles refer to
the fan configured with a pitch angle of 24
operating under design conditions. The velocity
components are normalised by the blade-tip




Fig. 12 Comparison of total pressure rise map at

6 pole speed, a) test, b) CFD

Fig. 11 Comparison of pitch-averaged velocity

profiles at the rotor outlet (line: CFD VP,
symbols: measurements)
The span-wise velocity distributions of Figure
11 show that the predictions of the virtual prototype
were in general agreement with the data of the real
prototype. It is noteworthy that the simulated
peripheral velocity profile was able to reproduce
some of the more significant features of the real
blade aerodynamics, such as the unloading at the
The validity of the VP was also demonstrated by
its capacity to predict the overall fan performance.
Figure 12 compares the measured and predicted
total pressure-rise maps at 6-pole speed, whereas
Figure 13 compares the pressure-rise maps at 4-pole
speed. The analysis of all fan-performance
parameters confirmed the validity of the
aerodynamic VP.
5.3. Aeroacoustic data analysis
The validation of the aero-acoustic VP was
based on in-duct sound measurements conducted at
6-pole speed.



Fig. 13 Comparison of total pressure rise map at

4 pole speed, a) test, b) CFD

Table 6 shows a comparison of the fan-specific

noise levels derived from the in-duct acoustic
measurements with those computed by the acoustic
VP. For each angular setting, the noise data refer to
the design point of the fan. Both the measured and
computed specific sound-power levels refer to an
axial distance of six fan diameters from the fanrotor section. In accordance with Fukano et al. [31],
the specific noise level (Ks, measured in dB) was
defined as follows:
Ks (dB) = SWL 10 log10 (V ptot
in which:
SWL (dB) defining the sound power level,
V (m3/s) the volume flow rate, and
ptot (Pa) the total pressure rise.
Table 6 Overall sound power level

design flow







The noise levels predicted by the VP, based on a

vortex-shedding model complemented with CFD
data, have been shown to provide a good estimate
of the overall noise emissions of the fan. Although
the VP forecasts apparently overestimated the
emission levels at intermediate angular settings,
more accurate predictions were obtained at lowload configurations of the fan.
The combination of Fukanos model [27] and
numerical simulations with the acoustic VP has
been shown to be a reliable tool for application in
industrial noise predictions.
The emergence of a regulatory framework
within Europe and world-wide defining the performance requirements of large fans intended for
application in metro ventilation systems adds complexity to the design process. The challenge associated with designing large fans capable emergency
operating at elevated temperature is compounded by
an on-going market demand for lower noise and
more aerodynamically efficient products.
This paper has presented a novel design
methodology and described its application in the
optimisation of a new range of large industrial axial
fans intended for high-temperature operation in
metro ventilation systems. The new methodology
features: (i) an up-front role for computational tools
(such as FEA and CFD); and (ii) an enhanced role
for virtual prototyping as opposed to traditional testand-evaluation development.
The aerodynamic and aero-acoustic VP tools
have been described and validated against bench-

mark data obtained from experimental testing of a

physical fan prototype. In particular:
1. the aerodynamic VP has been shown to reproduce the overall performance of the physical
prototype by providing an adequate simulation
of the 3-D flow field exiting the fan rotor; and
2. the combination of Fukanos model [27] and
numerical simulations with the acoustic VP has
been shown to be suitable as a reliable tool for
application in industrial noise predictions.
The new design methodology has facilitated
development of a new range of large fans that
comply with the requirements of both EN 12101-3
and ISO 21927-3 during emergency operation.
Despite the constraints imposed upon the designers
by the new legislation, aerodynamic targets where
achieved within the allowable mechanical limits of
the material used. The design methodology enabled
aerodynamic targets to be met by facilitating an
optimisation process that enabled a better trade-off
then had previously been possible between hubratio and blade number.
This trade-off was
successful as the optimisation process enabled the
trade-off to be made at the mechanical limits of
blade, hub and blade fixing materials.
The present research was done in the context of
the contract FW-DMA08, between Flakt Woods Ltd
and Dipartimento di Meccanica e Aeronautica
University of Rome La Sapienza. The authors
gratefully acknowledge Mr. I. Kinghorn and Dr. F.
Menichini for their contributions.
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