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1. After the sinking of the British ship the Lusitania and the Zimmerman Telegram, who
entered World War I?
2. Who was the Tsar of Russia during World War I?
3. Roosevelt and Churchill signed a treaty of friendship in August 1941. What was this
agreement called?
4. In a command economy who makes most of the decisions?
5. Who agreed to let Germany attack the Czechoslovakia so they could avoid war with
6. Why did Hitler declare war on the USA?
7. In a mixed economy, some decisions are made by the state and other decisions are made
by ___________.
8. The Germans surrendered in World War II, 8 days after what major event?
9. What was Hitlers biggest mistake during the war?
10. What two cities did the United States drop nuclear bombs on?
11. At the Treaty of Versailles, what did the British and the French want to do?
12. Hitler planned to invade Britain, but he knew he needed to destroy who first?
13. During the 1920s, who was the richest country in the world?
14. In a market economy what determines what will be produced?
15. Who committed suicide on April 30, 1945?
16. World War I was a war mainly fought where?
17. The surprise attack in France on June 6, 1944 is famously known as __-Day.
18. Nearly how many soldiers died as a result of World War I?
19. After the Wall Street Crash, banks and businesses failed and millions of people lost their
jobs. This period is known as the _______ _________.
20. What happened on September 1, 1939?
21. How many people are estimated to have been killed during the Holocaust?
22. What is the Holocaust?
23. Many women worked on the front lines during World War I as what?
24. This song became famous amongst soldiers during World War I. What was it called?
25. The lasting impact of World War I lied in the peace agreement. While the countries tried
to bring peace, they mainly caused _______ and ___________.
26. One-sided information designed to persuade, to keep up morale and support for the war is
another way to say what?
27. On the 11th hour, of the 11th day, on the 11th month (November 11, 1918), what happened?
28. What treaty punished Germany and started the League of Nations?
29. What two major countries signed the armistice that ended World War I?
30. ___________ was the phrase the soldier told their wives and families as they went off to
war during World War I.
31. Even though the Great War was initially between Serbia and Austria-Hungary, why did it
become a major conflict with multiple countries?

32. What is a centralized government under the authority of a dictator that suppresses the
opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of nationalism and
33. During World War I, the government depended on whom like never before?
34. What event started World War 1?
35. Hitler planned on making an empire of what kind of people?
36. America didnt enter World War I until late because for most of the war we were what?
37. In the trenches, when you go up and over, this means you are going up and out of your
trench and then over to the other trench. However, before you get there you must cross
38. ___________ gain support from peasants with promises of peace, land, and bread during
the Russian Revolution.
39. Who was the Nazi secret police?
40. Who was a part of the Triple Entente during World War I?
41. Who was a part of the Triple Alliance during World War I?
42. Who was a part of the Axis Powers during World War II?
43. What happened on June 28, 1914?
44. The United States entered World War II after the attack on which naval base in Hawaii?
45. Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany at the beginning of World War II?
46. Hitler persuaded people that his problems were caused by who?
47. In 1933 Hitler became the leader of the _____________ government.
48. To protect themselves, most countries during World War I began building strong armies
and navies. They also started forming what?
49. What were the MAIN causes of war?
50. What was the goal of the League of Nations?
51. At the start of the 1900s, the people in Europe were filled with a great sense of ______.
52. Name two threats you faced while living in a trench.
53. The Family Feud, The Great War, and the War to End All Wars are all names for which
major war in world history?
54. Name one reason the USA rejected to sign the Treaty of Versailles.
55. World War I involved the use of new _________.
56. For most of World War I the United States practiced what?
57. As a result of World War I, what happened to an entire generation of people in Europe?
58. The men slept in mud, washed in mud, ate mud, and dreamed mud. This quote is more
than likely describing the lives of soldiers who lived where?
59. When the United States joined the war in 1917, which side did we join with?
60. Who was the leader of the Nazi Party?
61. NOTICE! Travelers intending to embark on the Atlantic voyage are reminded that the a
state of war exists between Germany and her allies and Great Britain and her allies; that
the zone of war includes the waters adjacent to the British Isles; that, in accordance with
formal notice given by the Imperial German government, vessels flying the flag of Great
Britain, or any of her allies, are liable to destruction in those waters and that travelers
sailing the war zone on ships of Great Britain or her allies do so at their own risk.
Germany sent this notice but one ship ignored it. What ship was it?

62. How long was World War I going on before the U.S. finally entered it?
63. In _________ the people were desperate as a result of the depression, and turned to the
National Socialist Workers Party.
64. Who was blamed for starting World War I?
65. What two events made the United States join World War I?
66. What event made the United States join World War II?
67. What did Germany offer Mexico in the Zimmerman Telegram?
1. The depression in the USA affected the entire world.
2. Many leaders felt that honest reporting would turn people against the war.
3. The assassination of the Archduke and the Zimmerman Telegram were two events that
forced America to enter the war.
4. Trench foot was extremely rare during the war and most soldiers never worried about it.
5. Once in power, Hitler allowed all other political parties to run against the Nazis.
6. During the Treaty of Versailles, both England and France were concerned about national
7. Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik Party during the Russian Revolution.
8. At one point, Hitler controlled all of Western Europe.
9. The MAIN causes of war were Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nukes.
10. The Zimmerman Telegram was sent from Mexico to Germany in an attempt to get the
Germans to help Mexico take back some territory from the United States.
11. The government purposely used propaganda to get people to support the war.
12. During World War I, Germany and Austria-Hungary was forced to fight the war on two
separate sides of the country since they were fighting France & Russia.
13. The US supported Britain by actively fighting in both war from the very beginning.
14. The British Air Force had fewer planes and that is why they were defeated by the Nazis.
15. The British entered Berlin and this caused Hitler to commit suicide.
16. During World War 1 the government used women like never before. They used them to
replace the men and work in factories, offices, and shops.

1. What is the policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically,
economically, or socially?
2. This is an agreement to stop fighting.
3. What is when a country chooses to not participation in a dispute or war?
4. In this type of warfare, soldiers fought each other from trenches.
5. One-sided information designed to persuade, to keep up morale and support for the war is
6. A centralized government under the authority of a dictator that suppresses the opposition
through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of nationalism and racism.

7. Government owns industry. The GOAL is to achieve Economic Equality. Aims for a
classless society
8. In this economic system private Ownership is encouraged. Some people start with more
resources than others and competition is encouraged. This will in turn result in unequal
economic classes.
9. Having EXTREME pride in your country, willing to defend it is known as what?
10. These are agreements to help one another in the event of an attack.
11. Building up armed forces and getting ready for war is better known as what?
12. This theory states that all people should be equal and there should be no classes. In this,
everyone should work for the good of the country and the government is not needed.
1. America was OR was not completely surprised when German U-Boats shot down the
Lusitania and killed American civilians.
2. The Lusitania OR the Zimmerman Telegram was the last thing Germany did before
entering the war.
3. In the Zimmerman Telegram Germany offered Mexico an opportunity to win back
territory in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico OR Texas, California, and Utah.
4. World War I began when Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary OR Serbia was
5. The Russians became Communist OR Capitalist as a result of their revolution.
6. At the start of World War I, people were excited OR afraid when the news spread that the
war was beginning.
7. In communism OR socialism, the government is not needed or required.
8. Home by Christmas or Home before you know it became the phrase many soldiers told
their wives and families at the beginning of the war.
9. During the Russian Revolution, workers united against the Russian ruler OR Russian
military, and killed Nicholas and his family.
10. A severe infection that caused many soldiers to lose their feet during the war was Lice or
Trench Foot.
11. The machine gun, the airplane, and the flamethrower OR the cannon, the rifle, and the
atomic bomb were all introduced during World War 1.
12. Russia fought in World War I and suffered minor OR terrible loses.
13. Socialism OR capitalism encourages competition amongst individuals.

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