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National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc.

January-February 2011

Gabrielle Giffords: Astrology of a Tragedy

by Susie Cox


was born here. I have never felt
such a communal sadness here,
ever. Tucson is frozen with grief. I notice
instead of taking a breath, Im giving a big
sigh instead. You see people on the street
and they are just staring aimlessly at the
ground. Everyone is doing the same thing.
Like zombies lost in space. Melancholy
hangs heavily in the air. (This article was
written soon after the Tucson shootings.)

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is a

Tucson girl too. In fact, we are both third
generation Tucsonans. She has a prominent and respected family here. This horrific shooting happened just yesterday
and has rocked the very core of my sweet
hometown. There are spontaneous gatherings of people popping up all over town
right now because people need to find a
place to mourn. The roads are empty.
Creepy empty. Everyone is crying, including me with my sensitive Pisces Moon.
But this has also shaken the nation and
might I say the whole world. Im afraid it
will never be the same.
But as a good little astrologer and perhaps
for emotional therapy, Ive poured
through all the astrology involved. Maybe
this will help people who are also grieving.
So here is my research. The first thing I
did was to do a chart for the event. That
information is January 8, 2011 at 10:10 AM
MST, Tucson, Arizona. We of course have
that lingering Cardinal Cross that is
getting activated by Jupiter and Uranus
entering Aries soon. Ive named the last
few degrees of Pisces the Sludge of the
Zodiac. With both of those potentially

volatile planets there, I was wondering

what was going to happen. This is the last
chance we will have to bring in some
compassion before they go into aggressive Aries. Jupiter enters Aries on January
23, and the ingress of Uranus into Aries on
March 13. Aries is the warrior that brings a
time of sudden change of attitude,
especially around aggressive behavior. We
are now walking down a divided path of
anger. Either people are going to get much
more heated up orIm hoping the exact
opposite. Maybe, just maybe, this tragedy
that has shaken the entire world will be a
wakeup call for us all. And I have to say,
just in the nick of time. Often there is a
trigger event that makes it possible to see
things in a new light. I think this horrific
shooting is one of those defining moments. Will we see the light and come together more peacefully of will we get even
more polarized and angry? Im not sure.
Looking at the chart of the shooting (see p.
2), we recently had the Mars-Sun conjunction is Capricorn just square Saturn. That
is a great setup for anger towards
authority figures and the government. But
the thing that jumps out of the chart is the
exact conjunction of the Moon and the
Ascendant. Since the Moon represents
society and the public, it tenderly touched
the emotions of us all. The Moon also
talks about family and community as it
captured the world with the unfolding
story in the small town style of Tucson,
the Old Pueblo. The Moon in Pisces can
also mean emotional instability. The killer
was obviously mentally and emotionally
unstable, as we now see through the
media. The family part of the Moon also

came through since it took place in front

of a neighborhood grocery store. The age
range of the victims went from 9 years old
to 89 years old. How many generations
were there? It looks like the heroes were
ordinary people, including a grandmother.
Then I looked at the chart for Gabrielle
Giffords, who was born June 8, 1970 in
Tucson. I dont have her time of birth, so I
did a sunrise chart for her. She has her
Sun in Gemini with a Leo Moon. Gabrielle
is well-known for her Congress on the

In this Issue
Gabrielle Giffords
Susie Cox
Chair Message
John Marchesella
NCGR Comings and Goings
Ronnie Dreyer
Astrology News Service
Edward Snow
Tragedy in Tucson
Audra Stenger
The Ten Faces of a Zodiac Sign
Eric Meyers
2011 Forecast for the U.S.
Alphee Lavoie
Vacua Cursus and Royal Wedding
Liz Houle
Shannon/Armistead Scholarship
PAA News
Celestial Events
Book Reviews
Chapter Contacts

Building Community Through Research and Education

p. 1
p. 4
p. 5

p. 5
p. 6
p. 8

page 2
17 19'

07 05'



24 15





26 57'
28 02'

07 06'













Gabrielle Giffords
June 8, 1970
6:00 AM MST
Tucson AZ
32N13, 110W55
Geocentric, Tropical
Sun on 1st
True Node




17 19'

26 41'












40' 39'












17 19'

07 05'

Corners events where she talks to the

public personally. She is a joyous
Gemini with the Leo Moon of a leader. She
has both her Venus and Mars in the
nurturing sign of Cancer. Those planets
show her unconditional love for her
family, her community, and her
constituents. She has only two hard
angles. Her trust comes from the Mercury
opposite Neptune. She might care too
much, if that is possible. Her only square
is Mars square Uranus. That helps her
want to make changes in the world, but
also had a huge part to play in the
shooting. More on that later. She has two
trines. One is Pluto trine her Mercury in
Taurus. Obviously that is about her
profound intelligence. The other trine is
Mars trine her North Node in Pisces. That
one talks about her dedication in helping
the world. It is her destiny to bring healing
to the world. Shes incredibly dedicated.
Looking at her transits for the day, we
have the story told perfectly. Recently she
had the eclipse trigger of her Mars by the
South Node. Thats a dangerous situation
right there. To make it much stronger,
transiting Pluto is opposed her natal
Mars. Remember, she has Mars square
Uranus natally. So the Nodal axis and
powerful Pluto were all squaring that
volatile Uranus. What a violence prone
combination that is! Speaking of Pluto, the
Jupiter-Uranus conjunction just opposed
her natal Pluto. So she was predisposed to
this happening. The only trine she had
was Saturn exactly forming a trine to her









08 05













Tucson Shooting
January 8, 2011
10:10 AM MST
Tucson AZ
32N13, 110W55
Geocentric, Tropical
Equal Houses
True Node










Sun. That strong trine probably kept her

alive. But what I find most interesting is
that transiting Pisces Moon that was
rising at the shooting, is conjunct her
North Node and her MC. The MC is her
point of reputation. That is a perfect
transit for instant fame and recognition.
Both Gabrielle Giffords and Tucson are
now household words. What a shame it
happened with this kind of notoriety.
Maybe the biggest irony of the day was
the little nine year old girl who was killed,
Christina Taylor Green. She was born on
September 11, 2001 and died on Saturday.
Her short life started on a huge violent
event and ended on one too.
Lets now look at the killers chart and his
transits. Jared Lee Loughner was born
September 10, 1988 in Tucson. I also did a
sunrise chart for him because of no time of
birth. What an interesting and troubled
chart he has! He is a double Virgo with
both his Sun and Moon in that sign. But
look at how the South Node slid in
between those planets at his birth.Yes, he
was born on a South Node (solar) eclipse
that occurred at 18 Virgo, exactly on his
Sun! I think South Node eclipses are
harder than North Node eclipses. If the
South Node is searching for self, it shows
his confused nature. You know with all
that Virgo, this shooting was planned for a
long time with great detail. Jupiter also
squares his Moon giving him dreams of
grandeur. His aggressive Mars in Aries is

opposite his Mercury, often creating a

mental environment of anger. That Mars
also squares his Neptune which brought
confusion to his poor soul. His trines are
Venus trining his Mars. Did everyone see
the scary smile he had after the shootings? He was proud of what he did,
obviously. Neptune is trine his Moon and
South Node. I bet he dreamed about this
for a long time. His last one is Pluto trine
his North Node. He felt very much empowered in his actions, sick as they were.
His transits are very telling, too. That
Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is squaring
his natal Saturn, which was rebellion
against government. Interesting that he
had Mercury conjunct his Saturn as well
as Saturn conjunct his Mercury. His mind
was very determined. Also, the Sun Mars
conjunction was trining his natal Sun.
That created more violent support in his
twisted mind.
To summarize this story, lets now look at
their comparison chart. This is the most
interesting of all. Where do I start with
this one, there are so many contacts? I
want to start with the most bizarre and
juicy of all their planetary connections.
Get this.Gabrielles Mars joins his
Chiron and Loughners Chiron also joins
her Mars. I dont usually use Chiron, but
this one was just too much to overlook.
The violent wounded healer? Also, his
confused Neptune opposes her Mars.
Heres another strange onehis North

page 3
18 01'

18 01'





15 05











































18 01'
























14 06'54'




07' 48'


06' 14


15 05






26 27



Jared Lee Loughner

September 10, 1988
6:00 AM MST
Tucson AZ
32N13, 110W55
Geocentric, Tropical
Sun on 1st
True Node






10 54'
18 14 06'
16 11'
01' 18


07' 48'






18 01'

Inner Wheel. Jared Loughner

Outer Wheel. Tucson Shooting

Node joins her MC and her Sun joins his

North Node. They obviously have a
karmic connection in this event. His
Venus in Leo joins her Moon in Leo. Was
that jealousy or maybe him wanting to
share in the limelight? His Pluto squares
both of those Leo planets, giving a
ruthless punch to the mix. Also, his Sun,
Moon and South Node conjunction
squares her Sun. Study the charts
included and Im sure you will find even
more contacts.
In times like these, it always helps to look
at the bigger picture. Luckily, astrology
provides that universal perspective to
comfort us all. If this tragic event helps
bring the world together in a more peaceful and harmonious waymaybe it was
worth it. Can we, as a society, honor the
victims of this unspeakable attack with a
major change in consciousness? I hope
so, but well have to wait and see.
Note: I used the equal house system with
an orb of seven degrees. For the charts of
Gabrielle Giffords and Jared Lee Loughner, there are no birth times available,
and therefore the charts were drawn with
the Sun on the first house cusp.
SUSIE COX is the master Astrologer at
Canyon Ranch Health Spa in Tucson,
Arizona. She became an astrologer in
1971 and has interpreted over 44,000

17 19'
















40' 39'

24 04

54' 06'
11' 01' 19'


10 14 16 18 23
















04 07'




17 19'







23 40'



















17 19'

Inner Wheel. Gabrielle Giffords

Outer Wheel. Jared Loughner

charts as a career astrologer. Her last

book, The International Directory of
Astrologers was sold in 57 countries.
Her current book, Susies Sun Signs, was
bought by Barnes & Noble and presents
astrology in a fresh and modern way.

Susie has been the subject of interviews

and articles in the New York Times, and is
listed in The Astrology Encyclopedia
and Sydney Omarrs The Astrology Hall
of Fame. Susie can be reached at,

page 4

NCGR Board of Directors

Elected Officers
John Marchesella, Chair,
Warren Kinsman, Treasurer,
Joyce Levine, Clerk, 2353 Massachusetts Ave., #91, Cambridge MA 02140,
Elected Directors
Lynn Koiner, International Liaison
Director, 737 Easley Street; Silver Spring
MD 20910,
Kaye Shinker, Education Director,
Leigh Westin, Chapter Affairs Director
and SIGs Coordinator; Editor, Geocosmic
Journal, P.O. Box 207, Waskom TX
Mark Wolz, Membership Director, 486
Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10018,
Appointed Directors
Demetrius Bagley, Media and Communications Director,
Priscilla Costello, Advisory Board Chair,
25 St. Mary Street, Apt. 1511, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada M4Y1R2, 416-9291810,
Jagdish Maheshri, Research Director,
Frank Piechoski, Marketing and
Promotions Director,

Message from the Chair

Dear Members,

the new year with my new position as Chair, and I

hope this will be only the first of many letters from me to you.


My first order of business is to thank Madalyn for her years of service to NCGR,
especially as Chair. But have no fear! Shes a Cancer, so shes not going very far
away. Madalyn will stay on as an advisor as well as maintain the role as NCGRs
representative to UAC 2012 (see right). She is also remaining the President of our
sister organization, NCGR-PAA. I personally thank her for leaving me a very wellfunctioning Board and organization. Now, we just have to grow it, albeit in the
midst of a chaotic world.
I hope my term as Chair will see the formation of some new programs, such as
teleconferenced workshops and other ways of promoting high quality astrological
education and creating a strong sense of community.
We also need to increase our membership, but stating that to the reader of this letter
is like preaching to the choir. If youre reading this letter, obviously, youre already
an actively participating member! So, instead, I ask you to encourage an astrological friend, student, colleague, and interested family member to sign up for membership in NCGR. Or if you dont know what you to get them for their birthdays,
spring for an annual membership! And do it sooner rather than later because membership discounts to UAC 2012 will be posted before you know it.
Im sure this will be the first of many requests that I make of you. A high priority of
mine is establishing community, and that can only happen with active participation of members. I hope you will generously volunteer for positions in your local
chapters, from coordinating workshops to making the coffee at those workshops
and everything in between, and to contribute nationally to E-news and memberletter.

Liane Thomas Wade, Executive
Secretary, NCGR Headquarters, 531
Main St., #1612, New York NY 10044, PhFax, 212-838-NCGR (6247),
Ronnie Gale Dreyer, memberletter
Editor; P.O. Box 8034, FDR Station, New
York NY 10150-8034,
Ken Irving, Webmaster,
Arlene Nimark, Advertising Manager,
1242 East 8th Street, Brooklyn NY 11230,

Getting involved is a way to learn more astrology because, when you communicate
with other astrologers, you become more proficient at the language of astrology. Its
also a way to exchange ideas, find out what you dont know and need to know, and
you might even express yourself in that 5th house kind of way. Service need not be
confined to the 6th house! And hey, astrology has given you a world of wonder.
Participating in the community is a way of giving back to astrology and keeping the
wonder going.

Advisory Board

Lastly, have I mentioned UAC 2012? Start saving your pennies, people! Ive had a
glimpse at the program, and lets just say, youre going to want to be there.

Bernadette Brady M.A. (UK), Nicholas

Campion Ph.D. (UK), Gary Christen, Bradley
V. Clark C.P.A., David Cochrane, Michael
Erlewine, Mnica Escalante-Ochoa (Mexico),
Madela Ezcurra, Linda Fei, Steven Forrest,
Irene E. Goodale, Robert Hand M.A., Charles
Hannan, Baris Ilhan (Turkey), Babs Kirby M.A.
(UK), Arlene A. Kramer, Alphee Lavoie,
Michael Lutin, Vivian B. Martin Ph.D., Michael
Munkasey, Arlene Nimark, Ingrid Petroff
(Austria), Bill Sarubbi (Austria), Maria Kay
Simms, Gloria Star, Richard Tarnas Ph.D., Donna
Van Toen (Canada).

If you dont know where to begin as a volunteer or how to initiate a volunteer

program in your chapter, dont hesitate to ask me for some starters. Just for openers,
Im the crme fromage New Yorks lick-and-stick parties! In fact, Im open to hearing all of your questions, comments and suggestions, and especially, the solutions
that you have in mind.

In my candidate statement, I asked you to join me on this journey. Now the journey
has begun. So, lets get down to work!

John Marchesella

page 5

NCGR Comings and Goings

appointed Board takes office. Board
members do not have term limits. However,
the Chair can only serve two three-year
terms, and this year Madalyn Hillis-Dineen
stepped down after serving her two terms,
with John Marchesella taking over the
Chair position.

On behalf of the Board and I am sure all

NCGR members, I want to thank Madalyn
profusely for her years of service to
NCGR, which began more than 20 years
ago, when she volunteered as NCGRs
Secretary, then Clerk, and then Chair. Although it may be the first time in many
years that Madalyn will not have to be
present at Board meetings, or participate
in conference calls or emails, she will still
be involved with NCGR as its UAC rep
and co-coordinator, as well as NCGR-PAA
president, both of which are positions that
are closely linked to NCGR. So Madalyn
will still participate in NCGR business.
During her tenure as Chair, Madalyn saw
NCGR through some very dark times,
which included an IRS audit, the results of
which was the formation of NCGR-PAA
and a reorganization of our Certification
Program, while at the same time, making sure
that the program was preserved and
strengthened. During her tenure, she guided
NCGR through fast-changing technological
advances, as well as making sure that UAC,
which was last produced in 2002, once again
became part of NCGRs program, culminating in UAC 2008 and UAC 2012. She also
was at the helm of NCGRs most successful
conferences Geocosmic Alchemy I and II in
Baltimore and Boston. Madalyn has been a
consistently optimistic Chair, staying true to
her priority of holding NCGR together, and
planning for its future. We extend gratitude
for that and the best of luck always.
We welcome John Marchesella, New York
NCGR Education Chair and NCGR-PAA
Mentoring Chair, to the position of NCGR
Chair. Due to Johns vast experience as both
a consulting astrologer, and Board member,
we know that we are in great hands.

In addition to the Chair position changing

hands, Tad Mann and Mark Kuenzel have
left the Board, and Chris Brennan is
moving on from his position as Research
Journal Editor. Tad has been an active
Publications Director having designed the
program book for Geocosmic Alchemy in
Boston, as well as redesigning and editing
the NCGR-PAA Study Guide. He has
consulted on all our publications, and
along with editor Chris Brennan, produced
last summers NCGR Research Journal
Looking Forward Moving Back. Mark
Kuenzel, Media and Communications
Chair, transformed our audio conference
tapes into MP3 files, most of which are
now available through the store on our
website www.geocosmic. org. We wish
Tad, Chris, and Mark much success in all
their future endeavors.
The Board has appointed Demetrius
Bagley as NCGRs new Media and
Communications Chair and he will
continue to expand NCGRs online
presence. Since he is our newest Board
member I asked Demetrius for a short bio,
which follows. I look forward to working
with the new Board.
Ronnie Dreyer
memberletter Editor
Demetrius Bagley is a New York City
Chapter associate and a NYC Astrology
Meetup assistant organizer. He is also an
active AFAN, AYA and ISAR member. He
may be a familiar presence from the room
monitoring teams at UAC 2008, ISAR 2009
and NCGR 2010, or even NYC NCGR's
conferences recording station. Demetrius
has published his original and annual
Personalized AstroDatebook (astrodate since 2007. This book combines the familiar annual astrological
datebook offerings with personal transits
and aspects. In 2010, he authored Vibe
Magazine's celebrity horoscope column.
In 2010, Demetrius received the Committee
for Effective Leadership Award, and
recognition from U.S. Congress, U.S.
Senate, New York State and New York City

Welcome Astrology
News Service
New Website to Educate
Public About Astrology


13th Sign, many of you wrote to your
astrological organizations about the need
for the astrological community to respond
collectively to this latest challenge to
astrology. We are pleased to announce an
exciting new program that will do just that
the Astrology News Service.

In May 2010, ISAR, NCGR, AFAN and the

AFA began a dialogue about the need to
educate the public about astrology. To enable the community to more effectively confront its critics, overcome objections, and
generally improve the impressions people
have of astrology and astrologers, the organizations formed the Astrology News
Service (ANS).
The ANS website (www.astrologynews, launched Feb. 9, 2010 will be
the first online astrological newspaper
exclu-sively written for an informed general aud-ience. Articles posted on the
website will feature all types of astrology,
as well as focus on issues related to astrologys be-lievability and value to society.
ANS will also provide professionally

for his community involvement. His

volunteer achievements include chairing
New York League of Humane Voters' Gala
2009a historic and successful fundraiser, directing NYC Vegan EatUP, a social
club with a history spanning over eight
years, 360+ events and nearly 1,500 members, inventing Carleton College's Annual
Alumni Trivia Competition where alumni
and close ones gather in various cities
and time zones all competing simultaneously, and godfathering Veggie Conquest,
an amateur cooking competition that sells
out tickets as fast as major music acts!
He looks forward to collaborating on
furthering NCGR and the astrological
community overall along.

Take time to visit the NCGR Website: Follow NCGR on Twitter and Facebook.

page 6

Tragedy in Tucson

23 48'


According to Marc Penfields book

Horoscopes of the USA and Canada, the
military presidio, Fort Tucson was
founded on August 20, 1775 (Marc
Penfield, Horoscopes of the USA and

written news releases and other press

related materials directly to traditional and
online media using a new media distribution
system that has been created with support
from the astrological organizations. Editors
and broadcasters will be urged to visit the
website and use the content posted there as
source material.
The ANS is grateful to the astrological
organizations whose support has made this
project possible. As a volunteer-driven
effort, the ANS will rely on you and other
members of the astrological community for
story ideas, volunteers, and other inspirational ideas. In the coming weeks, well also
be reaching out to additional astrological
organizations to continue to forge ties
between groups and create a unified voice.
We hope youll visit the website at and help
us spread the word!
Edward Snow
Editor, Astrology News Service








06 15'



















23 48'

Canada, 2nd Ed., Tempe: American

Federation of Astro-logers, 1996, p. 54).
Tucson has always been a rough and
tough town and continues to be one
today, having been ranked the 18th most
dangerous city in America (www. With
an exact natal square from Mars in Libra
(the sign of its detriment) in the 1st house,
to Pluto in Capricorn in the 4th, violence
has been common throughout its history,
whether between settlers, against Native
Americans, or today. Perhaps that is why,
with Saturn directly on the 1st house
cusp, Tucson was the first and only
walled city in the U.S. until 1854 (Marc
Penfield, Horoscopes of the USA and
Canada, p. 54). Tucsons Moon at 26
Gemini conjoins the malefic stars
Betelgeuse and Menalinan, both
associated with violent death (the Moon
represents the people in a mundane chart),
and therefore indicating the possibility of
violence against the people of Tucson.

Gabrielle Giffords and Tucson

Gabrielle Giffords was literally a child of
Tucson; born there on June 8, 1970. No
birth time data is available so a sunrise
chart is being displayed. Congresswoman
Giffords Sun at 17 Gemini is conjunct
Tucsons Jupiter in the same degree
indicating that she is a very popular
political leader for her city. Her Uranus at
4 Libra is conjunct Tucsons Saturn,












24 45'
27 13'
05 58'













Inner Wheel
Tucson AZ Founding
August 20, 1775
Sunrise Chart.
5:31 AM
Tucson AZ
32N13, 110W55.


17 06



23 16

37' 40'







Tucsons Chart





by Audra Stenger
of Uranus
in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn
that will define this decade creeps
upon us, we are sadly reminded of the
history of political violence that occurred
during their previous conjunction in the
1960s. America once again faces a great
tragedy with the violent shootings in Tucson, Arizona on Saturday, January 8, 2011:
shot in the head was United States Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, shot dead
were nine year-old Christina Taylor Green
(born on September 11, 2001), Judge John
Roll, Gabe Zimmerman, Dorothy Morris,
Dorwin Stoddard, and Phyllis Scheck,
while 13 others were also wounded. Our
deepest condolences go out to those who
have suffered loss and tragedy.




Outer Wheel
Gabrielle Giffords
Sunrise Chart
June 8, 1970
5:21 AM
Tucson AZ
32N13, 110W55

indicating that she was an impetus for

change in the city, though considered by
some to be a radical. Saturnian walls do
not like to come down and Uranus usually
brings them down suddenly with great
distress and resistance. She upset
conservatives in 2010 by supporting
Obamas healthcare reform legislation, and
as a result her office was vandalized and
she received death threats. Sarah Palin
singled out Congresswoman Giffords
(along with several other elected officials)
for removal from office on her website by
putting the cross-hair of a gunsight over
their districtsan oft-used tactic of other
hate groups. Traditionally, the FBI keeps a
close watch on hate groups (it is after all
illegal to even insinuate murdering a
politician in this country) but somehow
Sarah Palin has eluded censure.
Giffords has a natal Mars-Uranus square,
which, on the positive side, meant she had
the potential energy to implement change,
but, on the downside, especially when in the
chart of a famous person, could indicate the
possibility of sudden and violent death (as
in the cases of Presidents John F. Kennedy,
and James Garfield), or someone who might
attract violence to themselves (Isabel
Hickey, Astrology: A Cosmic Science,
Sebastopol: CRCS Publications, 1992, p.
228), and someone who may take risks with
their safety (Frances Sakoian and Louis S.
Acker, The Astrologers Handbook, New
York: Harper and Row, 1973, pp. 371-2).

page 7

23 48'





17 06
















06 15'
13 05'



















23 48'

Inner Wheel. Tucson AZ. Outer Wheel. Tucson Shooting, January

8, 2011, 10:10 AM MST, Tucson AZ, 32N13, 110W55.
















26 57'
28 02'
07 06'



27 39'
























































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24 45'
27 13'













Come to Astro



Inner Wheel. Tucson Shooting, Outer Wheel Gabrielle Giffords.

All charts are Geocentric, Tropical, Placidus, True Nodes.

Editors Note. The tragedy that took place in Tucson AZ on

January 8, 2011 made such a strong impact that we received two
articles. Rather than choose one over the other, we decided to
publish both. Because of our policy to use the specifications of
the writer, the charts are repeated in each article with different
house systems.

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page 8

The Ten Faces of a Zodiac Sign

by Eric Meyers

the qualities
of an astrology sign? How do you
know that youve covered all of
the signs facets in your description?
Astrology literature provides many
keywords to help, but is there another
way? The astrology system itself might
just provide the answer. We can see how
every sign informs the nature of the other
signs in a glorious interconnected system.

In my book Elements & Evolution: The

Spiritual Landscape of Astrology, there is a
thorough description of the evolutionary
importance of all of astrologys aspects. For
example, the strength of Aries combined
with the nurturance of Cancer produces
protection. The intellectual speculations of
Gemini combine with the earthy analysis of
Virgo to give us science. The benevolence
of Pisces with the structural organization of
Capricorn joins in charity. We can derive a
complete profile of every sign based on how

Tucson and the Shooting

The time of the shooting has been listed as
10:10 AM MST. Notably, transiting malefic
Mars (violence, guns, head injuries) at 24
Capricorn conjoins Tucsons radix Pluto
(death). Transiting Pluto at 5 Capricorn
squares Tucsons radix Saturn (incumbent
politicians) at 6 Libra.

it interacts with all of the others. The result

is ten different faces to each sign. Heres
how it works. First off, every sign has its
own face. Aries is autonomy, Virgo is competence, and Sagittarius is direction. If you
prefer a different word, then substitute your
own. The vocabulary is incidental to the
larger design.
Next, in the great Evolutionary Cycle,
every sign builds on the strengths of its
predecessor while providing a foundation
for its successor. There is an evolutionary
relationship between adjacent signs, but
they dont provide a face as the connection
works in a cyclical manner. Through the
various aspects, the remaining nine signs
provide the other faces. The result is a total
of ten faces for every sign. Heres how it
works with two examples: Libra and Pisces.
The evolutionary task of Libra is to
develop the IThou connection, to be

squaring her natal Neptune. Perhaps she

was not as aware of her surroundings or
of the dangers to herself because of the
nature of the transit. Giffords also had
transiting Mars exactly opposite her natal
Venus six days prior to the shooting
indicating the high potential for conflicts
with others. The combination of these
transits has proved tragic.

Shooting and Giffords

Transiting Pluto is within one degree of
opposition to Giffords natal Mars at 4
Cancer from March 2009-October 2011,
indicating a time of potential violence
against her. Transiting Pluto also exactly
squares her natal Uranus. According to
Rob Hand, this transit can manifest as a
fanatical energy that is completely callous
to human feelings. It is also possible for
large social forces to cause things to
happen to the native (Rob Hand, Planets
in Transit, Para Research, Inc, 1976, pp.
512-3). This of course is a generational
transit affecting everyone around her age,
but Congresswoman Giffords was an
elected official and thus rendered more
likely to experience the full force of a
generational transit. Additionally, Giffords
was in the midlife transit of Neptune

If anything good can come out of a story
like this, at least for Congresswoman
Giffords, its that she is well-insured (at
the time of this writing she is reported
stable but critical post-operatively). Every
member of Congress and the Senate has
the best socialized medicine anywhere in
the world. The government-paid healthcare insurance we provide for our politicians is sans deductibles or caps or any of
the other hassles millions of Americans have
to grapple with. She will not be denied
coverage because of an existing condition
nor rehabilitation because she has reached
her annual limit, etc. As for the suspected
mass murderer, Jared Loughner, he is unlike
other mass murderers whose family, friends
and classmates deny noticing anything

in relationship. In the Evolutionary Cycle,

developing competence (Virgo) prepares
us to enter equal relationships, which are
necessary for us to hold our power
(Scorpio) with others, and ultimately, in
the world.
The opposition between Libra and Aries
deals with the issue of behaviorhow we
conduct ourselves with others. The
evolutionary purpose is for an individual
(Aries) to learn through the process of
socialization (Libra). Others provide a
mirror for self-reflection, and we develop
behavior routines, which are both true to
the self, and considerate to others.
When we consider the trine aspect, the
combination of Libra and Gemini produces
communicationsharing our thoughts
(Gemini) with another (Libra). Information
(Gemini) is transferred into interpersonal
contexts (Libra). Libras other trine is

out of the ordinary. With Loughner,

people seem to be coming out of the
woodwork all stating the same things: he
was obviously disturbed, a loner, and
someone with strong anti-government
sentiments. There are many what-ifs to
this story, but perhaps if the United States
had a different type of mental health care
system, and signs were not overlooked,
Loughner could have gotten the help he
needed, and this tragedy could have been
avoided. An additional unintended outcome
of this violence may be that the people of
the United States end up having less access
to their elected officials because of the need
to increase their security.
As for the waxing square of Uranus and
Pluto, we have a choice about how we
want to use this wave of this archetypal
energy: to descend into sectarianism with
violence, bigotry, and general disregard
for our fellow human beings, or to
continue to make the humanistic changes
that were started at the conjunction in the
1960s: to end political corruption, to
ensure womens rights and equal rights of
people of color, to end endless wars, and
to protect our planets environment.

page 9

with Aquarius. This pairing brings the

interpersonal dynamics of Libra to the
collective levelhow we can all get along
harmoniously on this planet. The integration of this trine produces culture, the
collective agreements, customs and
behavioral norms that serve as social glue.
Next we move to the square. The integration of Libra and Capricorn produces civilization. Capricorn involves institutions,
the structure of government, and other
social systems. Libra adds laws to bring
about fairness, social norms, diplomacy,
and outreach. Capricorn cements Libran
concepts (liberty, equity, and judiciousness) into form. The square between Libra
and Cancer addresses the issue of getting
personal needs met (Cancer) in relationships (Libra). Cancer is emotional and
wants depth and nourishment, while Libra
calls for harmony, agreement, and cooperationthe integration is romantic love.
Through the sextile aspect, Libra has a
connection with Leo. These social signs
pertain to engagement. Sharing (Leo)

Hand, Rob, Planets in Transit, Rockport:
Para Research, Inc, 1976.
Hickey, Isabel Astrology: A Cosmic
Science, Sebastopol: CRCS Publications,
Penfield, Marc, Horoscopes of the USA
and Canada, 2nd Ed., Tempe: American
Federation of Astrologers, 1996.
Sakoian, Frances and Acker, Louis S.,
The Astrologers Handbook, New York:
Harper and Row, 1973.
AUDRA STENGER started in astrology
14 years ago while working as a
paramedic. She received a bachelors
degree as a Physicians Assistant and has
passed Level I testing for NCGR. She is
the Secretary of the Southern Oregon
Chapter of NCGR in Ashland, which
broadcasts some its lectures free online
at (Astrology in
Ashland). Audra also offers a free
monthly astrology newsletter at her
website: and
can be contacted via email at info@ and by phone at

supports connecting (Libra), and this

aspect lights up interactions in lifeaffirming ways. The territory here is not
exclusively romantic, though the vibe
could be like the energy experienced on a
successful first date. Libras other sextile
is with Sagittarius, the sign of direction.
The integration is found in politics, using
a broad definition. Collaboration (Libra)
supports policy (Sagittarius)this aspect
deals with how people join together to
achieve a purpose.
Then theres the quincunx, which is often
considered a minor aspect. My research
shows that the quincunx pertains to more
advanced evolutionary lessons compared
to the other aspects. In simpler times
these lessons were not as fundamental to
develop, but in modern times they are
becoming more essential as part of life. In
Elements & Evolution, I argue that the
quincunx should now be considered as a
major aspect. The inclusion of the
quincunx completes the pattern described
here. With it, all signs have an evolutionary relationship with every other one.
The Libra-Pisces quincunx asks us how
we could humanly connect (Libra) in Spirit
(Pisces)? How do we embrace each others
souls? With this aspect we unite the scattered pieces of Spirit together through
relating. The integration points to the Sanskrit word Namaste, the common greeting
that roughly translated means to honor
the light of divinity in each other. Libras
other quincunx is with Taurus. Both of
these signs are ruled by Venus, the goddess of beauty. Taurus relates to the senses, the body, and the beauty of the physical world. Libra is conceptual, addressing aesthetics and the airy world of social
norms and civility. Their meeting point is
art. Integration is found through materializing (Taurus) ideals of beauty (Libra).
Using this approach, we can see that the
ten faces of Libra are: relationship, behavior, communication, culture, civilization, romantic love, engagement, politics, Namaste, and art. All of the various
components of Libra are represented.
For another example, lets look at Pisces.
The 12th and final sign is where everything dissolves and returns back to Spirit.
It concerns our experiential connection with
the divine, mysticism. In the Evolutionary

Cycle, developing systems (Aquarius)

provides the necessary frameworks for us to
have a selfless engagement with the world
(Pisces). And out of the collective oneness,
an individual emerges and declares her
autonomy (Aries).
The opposition between Pisces and Virgo
concerns improvement, how we can
realize a more advanced state of being.
Virgo develops through skill development
and active measures, while Pisces raises
consciousness, releases what holds us
back, and absorbs lessons into the
soul. Either way, we are further along than
where we were before. Pisces trine Cancer
brings the personal heart to the collective.
The lesson is to learn how to personally
love (Cancer) everyone, and all of life; the
development of empathy. Piscean compassion within realms of intimacy (Scorpio) is
sacred union. Here we learn how to
deeply connect with others, with exchanges infused with transcendent love.
Pisces is square Sagittariusthese two
signs concern discovery, the quest for
meaning. Sagittarian philosophy and
purpose informed by transpersonal
experiences (Pisces) gives us (a broad
definition of) religion. The Pisces-Gemini
square connects left brain facts, data, and
logic (Gemini), with the creative, intuitive,
non-rational right brain (Pisces). By using
both sides of our heads, we can arrive at
holistic understanding.
The Pisces-Capricorn sextile concerns
charity. Compassion towards all people
(Pisces) is given organizational structure
(Capricorn). This aspect attempts to bridge
transpersonal love and the social fabric.
With Pisces-Taurus, we learn to develop
serenity. Piscean love and inspiration can be
brought into the body (Taurus) to produce
inner peace. We can learn to sit (Taurus) in
Spirit (Pisces), and connect the senses to
the transcendent.
Leo wants to live in the moment, while Pisces goes with the flow in its other-worldly
way, always seeking loftier experiences.
Managed well, this quincunx correlates to
having peak experiences. Maintaining clarity
of awareness (Leo) in such altered states
(Pisces) provides the integration, spiritual
awakening. The Pisces-Libra quincunx
was addressed earlier.

page 10

2011 Forecast for the United States

by Alphee Lavoie


astrologer who researched the

economy of the United States came to
the forefront. Her name was Louise
McWhirter. One of her findings showed
that the placement of the North node of
the Moon was very useful in predicting
the economy with a good degree of
accuracy. Following her research she
indicated that December of 2007 would be
a bottom for the recession. We are now in
a position where the economy is getting
better day by day and in the middle of
October of 2011 will be halfway between
the dire state that it has been in and a
normal economy. The general forecast by

The ten faces of Pisces are mysticism,

improvement, empathy, sacred union,
religion, understanding, charity, serenity,
spiritual awakening, and Namaste.
To see the complete layout of the evolutionary curriculum please see my book Elements
& Evolution (see review on p. 22-Ed.).
ERIC MEYERS, M.A. is both a counseling
astrologer and an author, currently living
in Asheville, North Carolina. With a background in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology (Naropa University), his focus is
on how astrology relates to the process of
spiritual awakening. As a graduate of the
Steven Forrest Apprenticeship program,
Eric would be considered an evolutionary
astrologerthough his work seeks to add
a transpersonal angle to this growing
field. Erics latest book, Elements & Evolution: The Spiritual Landscape of Astrology, was released in July 2010. As a true
breakthrough work, Eric is now attaining
broader recognition as a unique and fresh
voice in the field. Other works include
Uranus: The Constant of Change, and
Between Past & Presence: A Spiritual
View of the Moon & Sun. He runs Soul
Vision Consulting with his partner, Sajit
Greene. His deepest desire is to contribute
to the renewal of astrology at this pivotal
time in human history. Eric can be contacted at eric@soulvisionconsulting.

the time the end of August of 2012 rolls

around will be normal or stable.

Focus on the United States

This year transiting Saturn will conjoin the
natal Saturn and will square natal Sun in
the chart of the United States, an event
which is known as the Saturn return and
happens every 29 years. This is an
extremely important cycle. In the U.S.
chart Saturn is situated in the 10th house
of authority ruling the second house of
money, banks and interest rates.
The U.S.chart has a tight and unfavorable
aspect between transiting Saturn and the
natal Sun in the 8th house of taxes and
debts. This aspect usually happens three
times within a year or more. The first
occurrence was on December 3, 2010 and
it will happen again on March 22, 2011 and
August 28, 2011. These will be important
dates for President Obama when he has to
address the issues of taxes, interest rates,
monies and the national debt. The fact
that this Saturn return occurs in the 10th
house ruling our president and work, and
the transit to the Sun in the 8th house of
the United States chart could very well
mean that he can find that the votes about
his popularity are in short supply. If you
recall, shortly after December 3, 2010
president Obama called on ex-president
Clinton to help with this financial concern.
It was in 1981 when we last saw the Saturn
return occur in the US chart. It was then
that we were faced with more bankruptcy
and banks closing their doors. Looking
backwards in time 29 years previous to
1981 that same aspect was in operation for
the United States, affecting the economy
and financial picture.
Reflecting back another 29 years from 1981,
we see that the event of the Saturn return
occurred once again in 1952 in the U.S.
chart. It was also in 1952 that the official IRS
office (internal revenue service) was created
and reorganized giving them more power to
control the nation income tax . Though it
was preceded by other various United
States tax collecting offices.

The eclipse on January 4, 2011 occurred at

1338 of the sign of Capricorn. Its almost
in an exact opposition to the United States
Sun at 1319 of the sign of Cancer. This
opposition will fall in the houses of the
U.S. chart that rule banks, bank loans,
interest rates and, of course, taxes and the
national debt. The eclipses are also
affecting the departments of the chart that
relate to wealth and the prosperity of the
people with their collective earning and
buying power. This solar eclipse will
intensify and impact these areas during
the first half of the year 2011. This
opposition will also produce great tension
in the 10th house in which Saturn sits and
rules our president and all those in power.
Watch the spring 2011 at the retrograde
Saturn return since it is possible that
these issues will reach a peak involving
taxes, money and the national debt and
President Obamas popularity.
The last time eclipses occurred in this
very same position was in 1992 when 120
banks collapsed. The latest news now is
FDIC: 2010 Worst Year For Bank
Failures since 1992. The stock market will
go through more crises beginning midFebruary to approximately mid-May. Once
weve passed that marker of mid-May it
seems that things will pick up in the summer
of 2011.
ALPHEE LAVOIE has 48 years experience
in the field of astrology, and is NCGRPAA Level IV certified in counseling and
rectification. For almost half a century
Alphee Lavoie has been a successful, full
time counseling astrologer. He has
lectured all over the world and is
regarded as a Master Astrologer. Alphee
has authored three best selling horary
books and writes a monthly column on
horary for Dell Horoscope and the
Hartford Courant. His international
company, AIR Software, offers 32 different
programs that are innovative as well as
award winning astro-financial software.
Alphee is a world-renowned financial
astrologer appearing on Bloomberg
Magazine and CNN broadcasts.
Currently he is conducting

page 11

Figure 1 was calculated with Alphees rating technique

Figure 2 was calculated using Donald Bradley barometer techniques modified By Air Software

astrological research with his AstroInvestigator group (gators for short).

Alphee continues answering horary
questions, counsels, writes, and teaches
at his online astrology school.
( He
can be contacted at,, AIR Software, 115
Caya Avenue, West Hartford CT 06110
800-659-1247, 860-232-6521.


page 12


The purpose of NCGR shall be to provide an
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NCGR memberletter is a bimonthly publication
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page 13

Vacua Cursus and

the Royal Wedding




At the time of Prince Williams marriage,

the Moon will be at the end of the sign of
Pisces, a lovely, romantic, and sentimental
sign. This Moon placement may stir a
debate between some astrologers regarding whether the Moon is actually Void-ofCourse (VOC) or not.
There are two definitions of what constitutes a VOC Moon: modern and traditional. To astrologers who follow the
modern definition of a VOC Moon, the
Moon in this chart is VOC. However, to
astrologers who use the traditional, or
William Lillys definition of a VOC Moon,
the Moon in this chart is not VOC. This
article does not attempt to convince
anyone about which side to take, only to
describe the different definitions and
dispel some confusion regarding the VOC
Moon in modern and traditional western
A Void-of-Course Moon is of major importance, especially in certain specialty charts,
for example, the charts of a question
(Horary) or an event (Electional). This
marriage is an event chart. The exact
definition of what constitutes a VOC
Moon is debated. The traditional definition
of a VOC Moon, or William Lillys definition



Royal Wedding
April 29, 2011
11:00 AM BST
London England
51N30, 0W10
Geocentric, Tropical,
Placidus, True Node










Whatever time the vows actually do take

place, their wedding chart will have a void
of course (VOC) Moon, which will begin
on April 27, 2011 at 3:52 PM BST, and will
end on April 29, 2011 at 6:33 PM BST
when it enters Aries.

21 20 14



45' 55'59'20'


chose April 29, 2011 as their

wedding date. The wedding
invitation says that the marriage will take
place at Westminster Abbey, on Friday,
April 29, 2011 at 11:00 AM, which means
that Kate and William could say their I
Dos anytime around that time, perhaps
even around 11:30 AM, the same time that
Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer
did at their wedding.


by Liz Houle


















A Planet is void-of-course, when he is

separated from a Planet, nor doth
forthwith, during his being in that Sign,
apply to any other: This is most usually
in the Moon; in judgments do you
carefully observe whether she be void of
course yea or no; you shall seldom see a
business go handsomely forward when
she is so (William Lilly, Christian Astrology, Mansfield, Notts, England: Ascella
Publications, 1647/1999, p. 112).
In his book Horary Astrology Plain &
Simple astrologer Anthony Louis explains
how William Lilly defined a void-of-course
(VOC) Moon. Lilly used orbs or moieties
(half orbs) between the Moons aspects to
other planets, and a Moon was only VOC
if not within moiety of an aspect with
another planet. This means that the Moon
can become void in the middle of a sign
and also that the Moon is not necessarily
VOC at the end of a sign if it is within orb
of an applying aspect to another planet
that perfects (reaches the exact degree of
the aspect) in the following sign. Anthony
Louis cites two examples of the Moon
entering vacua cursus, Latin for void of
course, from Lillys book Christian
Astrology: A Lady of her Husband
imprisoned, when he should be
delivered? (Christian Astrology, p. 471)
and If Presbytery Shall Stand? (Christian
Astrology, p. 440) (Anthony Louis,



Horary Astrology Plain & Simple,

St.Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications,1998,
p. 59).
Using Lillys methods, we can say that the
Moon in Prince Williams marriage chart is
not VOC as it is within orb of a conjunction to Uranus in the next signthat is, if
you use the modern planets as British
astrologer Derek Appleby did. However,
Appleby did not use Lillys traditional
definition of VOC but the modern one.
The modern definition is that the Moon is
void of course when it does not perfect a
major aspect to a planet before leaving the
sign it is in. Appleby describes void of
course Moon as follows:
This term describes the condition of the
Moon when she is unable to perfect any
aspect to which she applies before she or
the planet to which she applies changes
sign (Derek Appleby, Horary Astrology, Bel
Air: Astrology Classics, 2005, p. 16).
Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson also used the
modern definition of VOC Moon. If the
Moon cannot complete her final
aspect because the planet leaves the Sign
it is in before she reaches the necessary
degree, the person will abandon the
matter before it can be finished. (Ivy
Goldstein-Jacobson, Simplified Horary
Astrology, Alhambra: Frank Severy

page 14

Continually Refined











Publishing, 1960, p. 83). Jacobson did not

believe that the Moon could aspect a
planet in the next sign. She also wrote The
Moon is considered void of course when
she makes no applying aspect at all
(Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson, Simplified
Horary Astrology, p. 84) so she would not
consider the Moon in aspect to Uranus in
Prince Williams marriage chart.
Neither would Marc Edmund Jones who
also used a modern definition when he
The Moon . . . must make some major
aspect to at least one of the other planets
before it leaves the sign in which it lies at
the moment of issue. Otherwise the chart
is not valid because the moon in void of
course (Mark Edmund Jones, Horary
Astrology, Stanwood: Sabian Publishing
Society, 1971, p. 120).
Al H. Morrison, creator of the first Void of
Course Moon ephemeris, would be in
agreement with Appleby, Jacobson, and
Jones. He wrote definitively that based on
his 45 years of experience At the instant of



time the Moon completes the last major

aspect it will make before leaving the
sign, it becomes Void of Course . . . there
is no orb to be considered(Al H.
Morrison, The Best of Al H. Morrison,
selected and edited by Karen Christino,
Brooklyn: Stella Mira Books, 2006, p. 159).
When the Moon is determined to be VOC,
it is interpreted as unhelpful in varying
degrees, depending on whose interpretation you follow. According to William Lilly,
All manner of matters go hardly on
(except the principal significators be
very strong) when the Moon is void of
course; yet somewhat she performs if
Moon in void of course and be in either
Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, or Pisces.
(William Lilly, Christian Astrology, p. 57).
John Frawley points out on his website that when
Lilly wrote, go hardly on he doesnt mean
scarcely but that things go on in a hard
way. Appleby interprets VOC, . . . she [the
Moon] is applying to nothing. So
nothing will happen (Derek Appleby,
Horary Astrology, p. 17). Ivy GoldsteinJacobson reiterates Applebys interpreta-

tion, . . . the keyword for you to remember

to use is NOTHING (Ivy GoldsteinJacobson, Simplified Horary Astrology, p.
84). Or there is nothing to worry about as
the topic of the question will not amount
to anything.
Guido Bonatus took a less favorable
stance on the meaning of the VOC Moon
It will come to no good end, nor be
accomplished; but the Querent shall be
forced to desist with shame and loss
(William Lilly, The Astrologers Guide,
(Tempe, AZ: AFA, 2005, p. 17).
It seems that even the traditional or
modern-day-traditional astrologers take a
modern view of interpreting a VOC Moon
which contradicts Lillys interpretation.
Or at least they did when they wrote their
books. Traditional astrologers Barbara
Watters and Olivia Barclays definition of
the VOC Moon corresponds with John
Frawleys in his book The Horary Textbook. Frawley jokes about a rumor that
Quentin Tarantino was inspired to
create the movie Reservoir Dogs after
watching astrologers discuss Void of

page 15

Course Moons. (Clips of the movie are

available on YouTube and they are not for
the faint of heart.) He defines the VOC
Moon in his book. The Moon is void of
course if it does not perfect another
aspect before leaving its present sign. If
it perfects an aspect immediately after
leaving this signat 0 of the next sign,
perhapsit is void of course now; it will
not be void of course once it has changed
sign. (John Frawley, The Horary Textbook,
London: Apprentice Books, 2005, p. 65.).

and many others . . . Sue Ward rightly

pointed out that the need for perfection
is not specified in Lillys definition. . .
Although some authors have claimed that
orbs are not of any great importance in
horary, Lillys work shows that he
regarded them as very significant

Deborah Houlding explains this modernizing of the VOC Moon by the aforementioned traditional astrologers as a misinterpretation by Olivia Barclay, which has
since been corrected after Lillys material
was reexamined:

Returning to the analysis of Prince

Williams marriage chart, according to
Vivian Robson, in his book, Electional
Astrology, . . . the planet from which the
Moon last separated. . . represents the
man in the marriage while . . . the planet
to which the Moon next applies . . .
represents the woman. (Vivian Robson,
Electional Astrology, Bel Air: Astrology
Classics, 2005, p. 117.)

It is apparent that the definition of a void

of course Moon as understood by most
modern [traditional] astrologers bears
little relation to William Lillys technique,
even though it was once assumed to be
an accurate description of it. In this it is
claimed that the Moon is void of course
from the moment that it perfects its last
aspect within its present sign up to the
moment that it enters a new sign. . . the
modern definition being originally
taught by the Olivia Barclay Qualifying
Horary Course, which instructed people
like myself, Carol Wiggers, Sue Ward, Lee
Lehman, John Frawley, Barbara Dunn,

If the Moon is VOC, as according to the

modern definition, what can be expected
for Kate in this marriage chart? Will
something cause a delay on her big day?
Or is there simply nothing to worry about?
Or if we use Lillys definition, with the
Moiety of the Moon, about 6, and accept
the upcoming yet out-of-sign conjunction
with Uranus to be the significator of Kate,
does it mean that she will shock everyone
by wearing a sleeveless dress? Or will
there be some other unexpected, shocking
event? Or more likely, does Uranus
signify the break from tradition since Kate
Middleton will be the first commoner to

marry a prince in close proximity to the

throne in more than 350
years...( uk/uk/2010/
Fortunately for Prince William and Kate
Middleton, according to Lilly, even if the
Moon is VOC, as long as it is in a sign
ruled by Jupiter (Sagittarius or Pisces) it
shows that things will go well. This means
that the Pisces Moon in Prince Williams
marriage chart signifies success according
to traditional astrology. It works out well
with the modern definition of VOC as well,
which can interpret this VOC Moon as
indicating that there is nothing to worry
about. Regardless of which definition of
void of course Moon the astrologer
chooses to follow, modern or traditional,
the end result may be the same: happily
ever after.

Appleby, Derek, Horary Astrology, Bel
Air: Astrology Classics, 2005. Originally
published Wellingborough:Aquarian
Press, 1985.
Morrison, Al H., The Best of Al H.
Morrison, selected and edited by Karen
Christino, Brooklyn: Stella Mira Books,
Goldstein-Jacobson, Ivy, Simplified
Horary Astrology, Alhambra: Frank Severy
Publishing, 1960.
Jones, Mark Edmund, Horary Astrology,

page 16

Around the Board

CGR Election Results. Sherry

Campbell, Fernando Guimaraes, and
Joyce Levine counted the ballots. The
results are as follows:
Chair. John Marchesella: 315 votes
Write-in: Liane Thomas Wade
Leigh Westin: 267 votes
Mark Wolz: 274 votes
Jan Warren Allen
Carolyn Egan
Robert Hand
Norma Jean Ream
Jack Taube
(All write-ins had one vote each).
By Law Change passed. Yes. 207; No. 30.
326 ballots were counted. Unfortunately
170 ballots came in without a name or
return address, so they could not be
Joyce Levine,

ducation News. Developing a List of

Books Written by Members. What if
NCGR had a list of the books written by
members that included a brief synopsis of

Stanwood: Sabian Publishing Society,

Lilly, William, Christian Astrology,
Mansfield, Notts: Ascella Publications,
1999. Originally published 1647.
Louis, Anthony, Horary Astrology Plain
& Simple, (St.Paul, MN: Llewellyn
Publications, 1998)
Robson, Vivian, Electional Astrology,
Bel Air:Astrology Classics, 2005. Originally published in 1937.
has been an astrologer for over 20 years,
practices Eastern and Western Astrology,
and is a member of NCGR. A certified web
developer since 1999, she builds and
maintains several astrology-related
websites. She offers Daily Texted Horoscopes on her own website: Liz can be
contacted at

Welcome to New Members

CGR welcomes the following new and returning members (along with their
chapters) who joined between August 17, 2010-February 2, 2011.

Annapolis. Laurissa Heller; AstroMexico. Yuriria Robles de Miranda, Alejandro

Diaz Quiroz, ; Baltimore. Ann Hughes, Dale Skrakowski; Long Island. Jeanne Denaro,
Julia T. Gatti, Joanne Wolff; Members-at-Large. Dulce Bell-Bulley, Lillian Bennett,
Dawn Bodrogi, Stephen Campbell, Ying-Shan Chen, Hazel Dixon-Cooper, Anton
Evdokimov, Stacey Halboth, Jerry Hejka-Ekins, Marilyn Meikle, Christos Psomas,
Barbara Rybicka; Minnesota STARS. Amy Jensen, Vici ODay, Charles Obert;
New York City. Danielle Arias, Janelle Belgrave, Catherine Boroco, Casey Cheevers,
Debra Cicchetti, Maggie Connell, Sylvia Cruz, Robert Giarratano, Patricia Hamilton,
Louise Hirscht, Gwen Kaiser, Nadine Kennedy, Barbara S. Klap, Jamaima Lourencato,
Josefina de Montenegro, Catherine ONeill, Juanita PaladinoJoseph E. Portuguez,
Marielle Renssen, Christine Rohloft, Brigitte Sauget, Chris Sparta, Kimberly Stein,
Margaret Strada,Clark Stillman, Hilary Stillman, Ekaterina Travis, Maria Wander,
Michi Yahahata,Verne A. Zimmer; Northern Illinois. Diane Cassam, Nicole Diamond, Peter Gadek; Northern New Jersey. Mary Santorella; Ohio Valley. Julie
Rebensdorf, Sarah Warner; Rocky Mountain. Joann and Russel Avedis, Deborah
Leon, Dennis McElwee; Sacramento. Linda Byrd, Sara T. Fisk, Marjorie B. Hunt,
Allen Kietzke, Larry Landis, Jan Lucas, Joyce Mason, Elizabeth OHara, Laura Lee
Russell, Christopher Taylor, Barbara Yberra; San Diego. Kathryn Papera;Kimberlee
Speakman, Dena Swift; San Francisco Bay Area. Elaine Kalantarian, Akasha Madron,
Aude G. Magee, Gordon Marlett, Leticia Miramontes, Don Porter, Richard Shiflett,
Barbara S. Strader; Southeastern Michigan (aka SMART). Nancy Sarconi; Southern Oregon. Melodee Baldridge, Gwen Davies, Monica Davis; Southwestern Suburban Chicago. Angie Thinnes, Cindy Vocat; Tokyo. Naoko Kuroda; Triangle Area
(Raleigh-Durham). Barbara Hemenway; Turkey. Duygu Alkan, Ibyn Kemancy, Sevi
Orakoglu, Serap Tapkentli.

the contents and then a link to the place

where the book could be purchased. A
formidable project, but NCGR has part of it
complete. Liane has a Book Nook in the ENews and organization of the contents of
the past few years is the requirement.
However, the membership has written
quite a few books that are not on Liane's
list. It is time to start collecting these
titles, separate them by subject matter, and
develop a web page for our members.
Therefore I'm asking you to contact me
with a list of books you have written or /
published. (E-books also qualify). Write to
me at, and I will write
back asking for more information.
Kaye Shinker
Education Chair

ducation News. Natal Chart Calculations Online. Good News! For ever so
long, there have been requests for an
available example of How to Set a Natal
Chart. You will now find such an example
on the NCGR website www.geocosmic.
org/educ/index.shtml or just go to under Education, or

just click on Chart Calculation Lesson
and follow the instructions. This method
comes straight out of the late Joan Negus'
out-of-print workbook Basic Astrology: A
Practical Guide. This is a tried and true
method that has allowed many people to
easily pass the Level 1 exam. In fact, Joan
wrote this book for that expressed
purpose. Ken Negus gave us permission
to use Joan's work and we feel this is a
great way to honor both Joan and Ken
Negus as they were instrumental in
helping to establish the NCGR education
program. Joe Polise, one of our Educational Examiners and accredited instructors, moved this project forward by
providing the book and critiquing the
final outcome. Kaye Shinker, NCGR
Education Director and Educational
Examiner, provided Examples Two and
Three and the accompanying math. We
hope by having a viable example readily
available, it will dissolve all fear and
trepidation that may have existed
previously. If you thoroughly learn this

page 17

To ensure that you continue to

receive the online memberletter,
please be sure to send your email
address to Liane Thomas Wade,
execsec@, 212-838NCGR, if she does not already have
it. If you already receive your E-News
from NCGR and the memberletter
link, then you do NOT need to do
anything unless want information
sent to a different email address. If
you do not receive our online
publications, and are receiving this
through a friend and not directly
through NCGR, then you must send
your email address to LIane. If you
do like reading hard copy, just print
this issue out and staple it together.
If you are computer-challenged,
please ask another NCGR member
to print out a copy for you, contact
your chapter president, or contact and someone on the Board will assist you.

straightforward method, you should have

little trouble in passing Level I exam and
then going forward in continuing to
becoming NCGR-PAA certified.
From personal experience, I can tell you
that even though you may have completed other credentialed astrological
education programs, there is a remarkable
amount of personal satisfaction in
becoming NCGR-PAA certified. With the
asset of a proven chart setting example in
your hands, we look forward to hearing
that many more of you have contacted
Shirley Soffer, NCGR-PAA Director of
Education, to take the educational exams.
Shirley can be reached at education@ Wishing you the
best of luck in all your educational
Leigh Westin, Director
Chapter and SIGs

Around the Chapters-SIGS

very year, International Astrology

Day officially takes place on the
Spring Equinox. This year that date is
March 20, 2011, and as usual it will be
marked by celebrations, networking

Joanna Shannon and Julian Armistead Scholarship

for Astrological Education and Community Service

oanna Shannon and Julian Armistead were great forces behind the certification
process and prominent members of the astrological community in the New York
City Chapter of NCGR. She was Education Chair and President for many years, and
he sat as Vice President for just as many years.
To honor the memory of their service to the community and their contribution to
astrological education, as well as to encourage education and service from up and
coming astrologers, their estates are creating a scholarship in their names. Once a
year, $1000 will be awarded to an astrologer or student who is a member of NCGR and
in the process of becoming certified by NCGR-PAA.
The requirement is simply to write an essay of no more than 2000 words, including
your credentials, your experience in astrological education and service to the astrological community thus far, your aims in your work with astrology, and how the
scholarship would help you in your study of astrology. The scholarship can be used
for anything that will facilitate the winners study, i.e., books, computer software,
classes, conferences, etc. That will be at the winners discretion. Finally, at the end
of the year, the winner should submit a brief essay evaluating his or her experience of
that years study and service.
Submissions should be made to John Marchesella in a Word document via email to by June 30, 2011, and he, in turn, will submit the candidates to the NCGR Board. The winner will be selected by the NCGR Board and
announced in the September-October memberletter.
John Marchesella

events, lectures, and get togethers

throughout the month of March. As we go
to press the following events sponsored
by NCGR Chapters have been confirmed.
Friday March 18, 2011. 6:30-8:30 PM,
New York City NCGR. The Astrology of
Generations. Source of Life Center, 352
7th Avenue (30th Street), 16th Floor, New
York City. A Panel Discussion on the
Generational Aspects and Cycles as
reported in NCGR's Research Project, The
Focus Group Reports, prepared by Pat
Morimando. Panelists: Tracey Allen, Joe
Carasso, Kirk Kahn, Shirley Soffer.
Members $10, Non-Member $20. Become a
member that evening for $55 and enjoy the
memberships discount and other benefits!
Saturday March 19, 2011. 10:00 AM- 8:00
PM. The San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
and San Francisco Astrological Society.
Brave New World: Outer Planets in
Transition. Starr King Room. First Unitarian
Universalist Church, 1187 Franklin Street at
Geary San Francisco, CA 94109. Keynote:
Steven Forrest. Bring on the Human

Future; Ralfee Finn. Uranus/Pluto: An

Astrological Heros Journey; Stephanie
Gailing. Uranus in Aries: Taking Charge of
our Well-Being; Dorothy Kovach. When one
Door Closes, Another Opens: how to
Flourish Financially in the New Age; Dale
OBrien: 2011 and Beyond: A New World
Emerging from the Sea. Early Bird Rates
until March 12. Information and Registration: Discounted rates for members of AFAN, NCGR,
or SFAS.
Sunday March 20, 2011. 1:00-5:00 PM.
Southeast Michigan Astrologers'
Round Table. (SMART). 9th Annual
Sunday Sampler in honor of International Astrology Day. Crazy Wisdom
Community Room, $20. Nancy Emmert.
Human Design. Phil and Sandy Mead.
Yantras East and West; Rodney Smith and
Cherie Liang. Western and Chinese
Astrology. Nancy will provide a free
Human Design chart to anyone who
supplies their birth data (date, time, place)
by March 16. Contact Simran at
bluemoonastrology@ or 734428-0254 for the free chart. For a free

page 18

be proud and delighted at

what our brand new
Sidereal SIG has produced! Please email
MaryFrances Clinton, to
receive your Sidereal SIG
Founding Member


MaryFrances Clinton

Symmetrical Astrology

Please turn to our back

pages for more information about Chapters
including their monthly
meetings, special events,
and their website
listings. If you wish to attend a meeting, or speak
at a meeting, be sure to
check our back pages.

copy of your Western natal chart, email


Around the Community

strology and Academia. Sophia

Centre for the Study of Cosmology in
Culture at the University of Wales. We are holding
two promotional conferences for the MA
in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology.
Both will appeal to potential students but
all are welcome: April 8-10, 2011, Maps of
the Psyche, with Liz Greene, Nick
Campion and Bernadette Brady, in
Zurich. May 13-15, 2011, Origins: the
Babylonian and Egyptian Contribution
to Western Astrology with Nick Campion
and Bernadette Brady, Mansfield,
Massachusetts. June 4-5, 2011 our 9th
annual conference Sky and Symbol will be
held in Bath UK, and will address the role,
nature and function of celestial symbolism. Keynote speakers: will be Liz Greene
(University of Wales Trinity Saint David
and University of Bristol), Kristin
Lippincott (The Exhibitions Team), Ilana
Wartenburg (University College, London), Gary Wells (Ithaca College), and

idereal SIG. Now our winter freeze and

holiday activities are mostly behind
us, a number of membership applications
and checks have come in for our newly
approved Sidereal SIG. Several have been
for the full $50 covering three years of
membership instead of $20 for just one
year. Of course, those $20 and $50
membership amounts are the special
lifetime rates available for continuing
memberships as Founding Members of
our NCGR-Sponsored Sidereal SIG. These
rates will be available by sending in
memberships before our March Equinox
second issue of our Skies Above Quarterly Journal. Memberships received after
that deadline will be $25 annually or $65
for three years, and adjustable in the
future as SIG expenses require. Our Skies
Above Inaugural Issue is filled with
amazing articles and fascinating items.
Kenneth Bowsers lead article set a high
standard matched by contributions from
several other members. Every member will

Elliot Wolfson (New York University).

Information about these conferences:
www.historyof For
information about the distance learning
program, contact Nick Campion, n.campion,
Kepler College Certification Program.
Kepler College is in the midst of a
teachout for our AA, BA and MA students, with their graduation planned for
New Orleans on the eve of UAC 2012. No
degree students can be accepted but all
undergraduate classes are available for
audit. That said, while still searching for a
new academic setting, Kepler College has
expanded its certificate program to
provide quality training in multiple astrological areas of beginning through advanced topics. Registration is available
now online at www.certificates.kepler.
edu. Information about specific courses
can be found in our Certificate Catalog
which can be accessed online at Please contact us at If you have questions,
comments, or suggestions for additional
courses or certificates.
The Institute for the Study of the Ancient
World, part of New York University, is a
graduate program dedicated to the study
of the ancient world (including astrology).
For information about upcoming lectures
and events:

strology and the Media. With the

recent media frenzy caused by
University of Minnesota astronomy
professor Parke Kunkles revelation
that the signs are no longer aligned and
that Ophiuchus is the 13th sign, there
have been many articles and media
appearances by astrologers. Among those
seen on television or mentioned in articles
are: Shelley Ackerman (
online/index.html?hpt=C2), Rob Brezsny,
Lawrence Grecco, and Monty Taylor
html?_r=4&src=twrhp), Lynn Koiner
(, and Joyce
Levine (
astrology-shake-up-did-your-signchange-20110114). Since we could not
list them all, if you would like to be mentioned in our next issue, please email with your
name and the URL of the article or clip.

page 19

Increase in Certification Fees. As of February 1, 2011 there
will be an increase in fees for all levels of NCGR-PAA tests. Also,
please note that test-takers as of this same date will no longer be
required to be members of NCGR-PAA in order to qualify for the
test fee discounts. The test fee discounts will be available to
NCGR members only. The new fees are as follows:

Level I. $60.00 for NCGR members. $115.00 for non-members;

Level II. $70.00 for NCGR members. $125.00 for non-members;
Level III. Proctored. $80.00 for NCGR members.
$135.00 for non-members;
Level III. Take-Home. $90.00 for NCGR members
$145.00 for non-members
Level IV. Rectification. $105.00 for NCGR members
$160.00 for non-members
Level IV. Tracks
$165.00 for NCGR members
$330.00 for non-members

ducation and Certification News. Congratulations to the

following NCGR-PAA members and NCGR members (including
their Chapters) who recently attained proficiency in a level of
NCGR-PAA testing:
Level I. San Francisco (Bay Area): Stefanie Baeker, Elizabeth
Hansen, David Kincaid, Donnalyn Kirchner, Nicole R. Neal;
Level II: San Francisco (Bay Area) Chapter: Maria Racquel
Kydonieus; Clare L. Martin; Stephen J. Massaro; Kay Taylor;
Philip Witkay;
Level III: Member-at-Large: Lucinda Ogden; New York City: J.
Christopher King;
Thanks to Linea Van Horn, Terry Lamb, and Shirley Soffer for
proctoring exams and for service to NCGR-PAA's certification
program. For a list of all NCGR-PAA certified astrologers as well as
information on our certification program, please visit our website at
Shirley Soffer, C.A., NCGR-PAA
Director of Education
Loretta Lopez, NCGR-PAA
Public Relations

OTA (State of the Art) 2011 Conference. October 27-30, 2011, Crowne
Plaza Hotel, Niagara Falls, NY. Speakers:
Michael Barwick, Dr. Patricia Bell, Nick
Dagan Best, Ellen Bourn, Peter Burns,
Cassandra Butler, Robert Corre, Kathy
Hanley, Baris Ilhan, Jacqueline Janes,
Janet Markham, Marion McMillan,
Franco Minatel, Wendy Nemeth, Chantal
Patenaude, Alison Price, Samuel
Reynolds, Sandra-Leigh Serio, Nadiya
Shah, Julie Simmons, Sylvia Jean Smith,
Kelly Surtees, Kay Taylor, and Donna
Van Toen. Pre-Conference Workshops:
Robert Corre, Baris Ilhan. For information and registration, email, and Donna will
email you a flyer. Her website is

Condolences to Chapter
and SIGS director Leigh
Westin on the passing
of her father. As we go
to press, we heard about
the passing of Irish
astrologer and author
Maurice McCann. We
hope to have a tribute in
the next issue.
Send tidbits about
NCGR members, media
reports, news about
births, marriages,
recognition, etc. to:

Dear Friends,

s of February 1, 2011, NCGR-PAA will no longer

be a membership organization. As many of you
know, the NCGR Professional Astrologers' Alliance
was created in response to an IRS audit of NCGR. At
that time, the IRS suggested that if NCGR wanted to
maintain its non-profit charitable organization status
that we needed to make certain changes to our certification process and the way we marketed our certified
astrologers. Our attorney advised us to set up a separate organization, the NCGR-PAA, which is a non
profit trade association and, as such, can test, certify
and promote its members.
We did this in 2008 and in the past two years have
struggled to find our identity beyond certification,
testing, and promotion. While we had many plans on
how PAA might benefit both its members and the
astrological community (lobbying, speaker's bureau,
etc), it has been difficult to put those plans in place. In
all organizations and especially ours, there seems to be
a lack of volunteers and a lack of energy and enthusiasm. That being said, our Board began to rethink our
role as an organization. What benefits were we offering
members? Is there a better way to accomplish our
certification goals?
After another check with our attorney, we were told that
the PAA need not be a member organization. In other
words, we do not need to collect dues and have embers
in order to test, certify and promote our astrologers.
Therefore, beginning February 1, 2011, we will cease to
be a member organization. Instead, we will collect
monies from testing fees as well as any fees that we
may charge to have a full listing at our website. We will
also derive income from the sale of study guides and
from online and in-person lectures and workshops that
we may offer.
Those of you whose memberships extend beyond
February 1 will have a full listing at the website until
such time as your membership would have expired.
The annual fee for a full listing at the website is $45,
which is what we had been charging for dues. If you do
not pay for a full listing and you are certified at NCGRPAA Level IV, you will continue to have your name
listed on our certified astrologer page as before.
We encourage you to keep your website listing current
and, in turn, we will be doing our best to promote our
website as the one to go to if you are looking for a
competent professional.
Madalyn Hillis-Dineen
President, NCGR-PAA

page 20

Book Reviews

Celestial Events
January-March 2011
January 4, 2011. Solar Eclipse (New
Moon). 3:50 AM. 13 Capricorn 38'.
January 7, 2011. Venus enters Sagittarius. 7:29 AM.
January 13, 2011. Mercury enters
Capricorn. 6:20 AM.
January 15, 2011. Mars enters Aquarius.
5:41 PM.
January 19, 2011. Full Moon. 04:20 PM.
29 Cancer 27'D
January 20, 2011. Sun enters Aquarius.
5:18 AM.
January 22, 2011. Jupiter enters Aries.
12:11 PM.
January 26, 2011. Saturn stations
retrograde. 1:10 AM. 17 Libra 13'.

February 2, 2011. New Moon. 9:31 PM.

13 Aquarius 53'.
February 3, 2011. Mercury enters
Aquarius. 5:17 PM.
February 4, 2011. Venus enters Capricorn. 0:57 AM.
February 8, 2011. Chiron enters Pisces.
2:56 PM.
February 18, 2011. Full Moon. 3:35 AM.
29 Leo 20'.
February 18, 2011. Sun enters Pisces.
07:25 AM.
February 21, 2011. Mercury enters
Pisces. 3:52 PM.
February 22, 2011. Mars enters Pisces.
8:05 PM.
March 1, 2011. Venus enters Aquarius.
9:38 PM.
March 3, 2011. North Node enters
Sagittarius. 6:33 AM.
March 4, 2011. New Moon. 3:45 PM.
13 Pisces 55'
March 9, 2011. Mercury enters Aries.
12:47 PM.
March 11, 2011. Uranus enters Aries.
7:49 PM.
March 19, 2011. Full Moon. 01:10 PM
EDT. 28Vi47'
March 20, 2011. Sun enters Aries. 6:20
March 27, 2011. Venus enters Pisces.
1:52 AM EDT.
March 30, 2011. Mercury stations
retrograde. 3:48 PM EDT. 24 Aries 21'.
Listings are calculated according to the
Tropical zodiac and EST except where noted.
Daylight Savings Time begins March 13,
2011. To calculate the Vedic (sidereal) positions with Lahiri ayanamsa, subtract approximately 2359 from tropical positions.

by Donna Van Toen

Elements and Evolution: The Spiritual
Landscape of Astrology, by Eric Meyers,
M.A., Astrology Sight Publishing, Asheville,
NC,, 2010.
Paper. 270 pp. $19.95 US.

ou may think the elements are old,

familiar territoryand they are. But
theres such a thing as new insights into
old themes, and this book has plenty of
those. The author takes a spiritual
approach to the elements, covering them
thoroughly from a fresh perspective that
enhances rather than reinvents the
wheeland your understanding as well.
The result is a way of looking at the chart
that the author calls cyclical evolution,
one that takes into account not only the
elements but also the qualities and
aspects. As part of this, Meyers offers a
new way of categorizing the elements
charged and neutral. In this system, fire
and water are charged; they have a high
intensity level and are connected with
non-consensus reality. Earth and air, on
the other hand, are neutral. They are
concerned with non-consensus reality and
quantity. You could also classify the
charged elements as subjective and the
neutral elements as objective.
A full four chapters are devoted to aspects by element, including the quincunx.
The conjunction is only briefly mentioned
in this section, because it is generally a
pure manifestation of one element. In the
case of the others, though, Meyers offers
not so much a cookbook as a users guide
to the energy of each aspect according to
element. He also discusses major and minor
configurations in the same manner including
a number of complex aspect patterns rarely
mentioned in textbooks.
There is also quite a wonderful chapter,
The Spiral Stairway, which is essentially
a discussion of managing the lessons of
your life path. This chapter covers a lot of
ground, ranging from the Saturn cycle to
elemental deficiencies to fate and free will
to self-destruct mechanisms. Progressions
and transits are briefly covered in a
general way in this chapter.
While I would have like to see a case
study showing how Meyers uses this

system, and I would have liked an index

(though the table of contents is pretty
detailed), the quality and readability of
this material is very high. Meyers has
tilled the familiar ground of the elements
and turned up an amazingly insightful way
of looking at things. Elements and
Evolution is a breakthrough book. I
highly recommend it to all.
Yankee Doodle Discord, by Tom Canfield,
ACS Publications (a division of Starcrafts
LLC), 334-A Calef Highway, Epping, NH,
03042,, 2010. Paper.
217 pp. $15.95 U.S.

ave you been ignoring Eris? Or

simply wondering what to do with it?
This book might help. Canfield relates Eris
to the frenemy principle. Eris the goddess
had a knack for stirring up discordand
she did so by pretending to be a friend.
She did seemingly nice things to
manipulate. And according to Canfield,
she can play that game in charts as well.
He particularly notes that Eris is at her
most discordant when involved in a
sextile, trine, or other so-called easy
aspect; with the stress aspects, the other
planet seems to keep her in line and under
control to some extent.
Not that this is a book about Eris in natal
astrology, mind you. As the title would
suggest, the theme is Eris in U.S. history.
Canfield uses a Scorpio Rising chart
proposed by Wolfstar for his research,
primarily because of the aspects Eris
makes to the Ascendant. And he uses 47
charts of events and important personages in U.S. history to back it upstarting with the chart of King George III and
moving on to Franklin Delano Roosevelt
and his death, John Fitzgerald Kennedy
and his death, Ronald Reagan and the
assassination attempt on him, and moving
along to 9/11 and hurricane Katrina.
There are some wonderful anecdotes
throughout, and overall the book is quite
readableeven for those of you who do
not live in the U.S. and are perhaps less
keen on U.S. history. As for that chart,

well, all I can say is arm yourself with the

data from this book and plug it into your
favorite chart.

page 21

page 22

No matter what chart you use, youre

going to find an Eris-Uranus quincunx,
and I am sure there will be other aspects
as well. Granted, some of the data here
Reagans for exampleis dirty data and
noted as such, but there are other, timed
charts that dont elicit too much
There is an index, a bibliography, and a
table of yearly positions for Eris from 1700
to 2050. The book is well-written and very
readable. I strongly suspect there will be
discord over some of those charts and
some of Canfields conclusionsand Im
sure Eris wouldnt have it any other way.
Whether you like the U.S. chart or not,
this is a worthy first step in understanding
and interpreting Eris. Treat it as a seed book
rather than a bible and I think youll enjoy it.
The Astrology Sourcebook, by Shirley
Soffer, 305 LaGuardia Place, #25 A, New
York, NY, 10012-2008, shirleysoffer, 2010. Paper. 237 pp. $20.00. To
order send check for $23.00 (including
$3.00 S&H). Originally published 1998 by
Lowell House.

f youre looking for an engaging,

readable book for your next beginners
class or as a gift for a client or friend, look
no further. Heres a book that will

enlighten without overwhelming and

cover all the bases of basics. The author
starts with a little bit of historyjust
enough to put things in perspective. She
then goes on to cover planets, signs,
elements, qualities, houses, house
systems, and more. Note that Soffer is
teaching using the natural zodiac wheel,
and as a result sign meanings take
precedence over house meanings.
While this certainly simplifies things for
the newbie who knows only his/her Sun
Sign, I would liked to have seen an
appendix listing house meanings as
differentiated from sign meanings, since in
a class, this distinction becomes important
and more information becomes necessary.
Likewise, while elements are covered in
depth, qualities are discussed only briefly.
While again, for the rank beginner, the
material presented will probably be
enough, teachers will probably want to
have some supplemental handouts ready.
Its the discussion of planets that makes
this book shine. Each planet is covered in
depth, both mythologically and astrologically, with discovery information for the
outer planets also detailed. These
descriptions are readable and rife with
references to other literature. There is a
very extensive bibliography and a good

index and is slightly revised from the

original edition.
While I would have liked to see material
on houses and qualities expanded and
perhaps a sample chart included to
illustrate precisely what it is the
astrologer is interpreting, I would not
hesitate to add this book to any
beginners course curriculum. Nor would I
hesitate to recommend it to a client. What
is here is both solid and readable. Give it a

Books Received in 2010

We just dont have room to review all the
books that we receive throughout the
year. The following noteworthy books
were published or reissued this past year.
Sun Signs and Past Lives, by Bernie
Ashman, 2010. Paper. 240 pp. $16.95.
Past life by decanate for each Sun Sign.
Mansions of the Moon for the Green
Witch, by Ann Moura, 2010. Paper. 230
pp. $17.95. Good, solid astrology
including information on the origins,
some of the more important fixed stars, and
more. Also some information on
planetary sigils, seals, and magical squares.
Runic Astrology, by Donald Tyson, 2009.
Paper. 197 pp. $21.95. Using runes as an
aid to oracular chart interpretation.
Interesting, but a bit hard to follow.

page 23

All of the above are published by Llewellyn

How To Choose Stocks to Outperform
the Market 2011, by Grace K. Morris,
M.A., Astro Economics, Inc. www.astro, Spiralbound.
unpaginated. Price not marked. Useful
information for financial astrologers. A
popular annual.
All the Sun Goes Round: Tales from the
Zodiac, by Reina James, The Wessex
Astrologer Ltd., www.wessexastrologer.
com, 2010. Paper. 118 pp., 9.99 Br.
Light-hearted zodiac tales-Ed.
The following books are non-astrological
but written by astrologers.
The Power of Receiving, by Amanda
Owen, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin,, 2010. Paper. 223 pp.,
$13.95. The book focuses on how the power of receiving and how you can manifest all
that you want. Well-done and great gift-Ed.
Sacred Landscapes, A.T. Mann (text) and
Lynn Davis (photographs), Sterling
Publishing,, 2010.
Hardcover. 256 pp., $35.00 USD/$42 CAN.
The ways people around the world have
used and understood sacred landscapes
through images and words. A beautiful
book that would make a wonderful
addition to your book collection-Ed.
DONNA VAN TOEN is an astrological
consultant, teacher, and author of The
Astrologers Node Book and The Mars
Book. She coordinates the annual State
of the Art (SOTA) Conference, and speaks
for groups and conferences throughout
the world. Donna has served on AFANs
Steering Committee in a variety of
capacities, most recently as its Presiding
Officer. She serves on NCGRs Advisory
Board, and was co-coordinator of UAC
2008. Donna can be reached for consultations at, 416466-2258,
If you would like to send a book for review,
please email memberletter@geocosmic.
org, and we will provide you with the
mailing address. We cannot guarantee if
and when a review will appear. If a review is
not published, we will mention it in our
Books Received column, If you are an
NCGR member, you can also submit a
description of your book to the Book Nook,
which appears in E-News from NCGR.
Send to

Robert Blaschke (1953-2011)


at astrological conferences, I was first
introduced to Robert Blaschkes work
through his articles in The Mountain
Astrologer, and with his first book,

clients. He always raised the bar by his

great love of astrology and by his
constant demonstration of the gifts that
its study offered to the practitioner. His
empathy, sensitivity, and humor will
always stay with me.

Robert Blaschkes book made a dazzling

impression amongst seasoned astrologers. His fine mind, his unique understanding of astrology, and his rare ability to
communicate intricate ideas poured out of
the book. Each of his subsequent books
added to that initial impression, and astrologers will forever be learning from him.

Luckily, we have his books and lectures to

keep us on our toes now that we cant
have the joy and erudition of his company. His books create an unparallel
library for the serious student and lover of
astrology. The books are replete with
theory and method, and cover the territory
from the practical experience of being a
full time astrologer, to his subtle and
graceful spiritual understanding. His
wonderful wife, Carol Cilliers, and his
beloved daughter, Amy Rose, will be
keeping his business affairs on track for
the benefit of us all.

Robert obviously had a formidable

intellect. Although he was steeped in
astrological technique and history, his
contributions to astrology are especially
marked by his creative brilliance. He had
many levels operating in his mind concurrently, as anyone who heard him lecture,
or ever had a conversation with him,
recognized. He could track dates, times,
historical events and personages, and
name the planetary cycles and aspects
that were relevant. He could bring many
layers of information, many realms of
meaning together, and interpret it in his
unforgettable way.
I sometimes called him with a glimmer of
an idea or thought or question about a
particular technique or experience with a
client. He would take my often tentative
idea and give it a marvelous lift by
describing a plausible theoretical underpinning, or relating it to an existing
astrological technique. His was more than
perspicacious; his mind was spacious,
grand and deep. It was always a treasure
filled time to speak with him. He always
found the high notes of whatever we were
talking about by placing it into a beautiful
and broad astrological framework.
Robert was an exhilarating man. He lived
his life strongly and deeply, never
denying difficulties or pain. He embraced
his life path with passion and empathized
deeply with his many students and

Im on a plane now, heading to Santa

Monica for Roberts memorial service at
his house. My seat is by the window. The
morning clouds below are indescribably
beautifuldowny pillows of gentle rose
and white. The full moon is stately, and
high above. There are some glimpses of
mountains below. It is an exquisite and
perfect view.
Robert Blaschke showed us many peaks
of refined thought and loving care. We
have all learned so much from him and
been helped so much in our work as
astrologers. Always supportive and
encouraging, Robert was patient and kind
beyond measure. In one of our last conversations, he told me that he hoped he would
have the privilege of coming back into this
world again as an astrologer.
You will be deeply missed, Robert. This
life will not be the same without you.
Robert is survived by his wife Carol
Cilliers, daughter Amy Rose Blaschke,
father Al Blaschke, brother Jim Blaschke,
nephew Jarin Blaschke, and niece
Lauren Blaschke. To send tributes,
throughts and donations, please

page 24

visit his memorial website http://
Mary Plumb
Born: November 15, 1953, 1:37 AM, Santa
Monica CA
Died: January 18, 2011, 7:18 PM, Santa
Monica CA
Robert Blaschkes series of books
Language of Life consists of Volume I.
Progressions; Volume II. Sabian Aspect
Orbs; Volume III. A Handbook for the
Self-Employed Astrologer; Volume IV.
Relationship Analysis; and Volume V:
Holographic Transits. To view his work,
you can go to his website

Ron Bippus


astrologer and NCGR member passed
peacefully around 6:00 AM on December
24, 2010 after a valiant bout with cancer.

Ron began his studies in astrology in the

mid-1970s as a student of Robin
Armstrong. In the 1980s he became
extremely active in local astrology
organizations, serving as Vice President of
the Toronto branch of the Fraternity for
Canadian Astrologers (FCA) and later as
Vice President of Astrology Toronto.
Throughout his career in astrology, he
was an active volunteer and a passionate
supporter of quality astrology.
Ron had a particular facility for being able
to zero in on someone's ascendant just by
looking at them, often pinpointing the
exact degree and usually pinpointing it
within a degree or two. This skill led him
to become well-known as a rectification
expert, with many astrologers and clients
attesting to his accuracy. Over the last 10
years, Ron devoted himself solely to the
study and teaching of classical astrology,
with horary a specialty. His Canadian
Association for Astrological Education
(CAAE) course was very popular as well
as very thorough.
A memorial and celebration of Ron's life
and work was held Sunday, February 13,

Pat Morimando: A Good Memory

of a Dear Friend

AT MORIMANDO was a former Board

member of the New York City Chapter
and a long-term friend of NCGR. She gave
one of her first lectures at one of our first
New York conferences Crisis Counseling
with Astrology way back in the late 70s.
So moving was her presentation on
coping with Neptune transits and counseling those in Neptunian crises that she
was asked by Weiser Publishing to write a
book on the topic. And so came The
Neptune Effect.

Reverie about the early days of my

friendship with Pat and some time spent
with her surviving husband, Bill, had me
take another look at this long-ago treasure. How innovative she was back then
integrating Jungian concepts with
astrological thought, and pioneering the
use of counseling techniques in astrological consultations. And its all right there in
this nifty little book. Not only does it
remain insightful, but it also provides a
glimpse of those early days of combining
psychology and astrology. Pat was also a
founding member of the Association of
Astrology and Psychology, now defunct,
but again, a sign of the development of
astrology just a few short decades ago.
Pats other admirable contribution via her
position as Research Director for NCGRNYC was our Focus Group Reports. She

2011 at the home of Shannon Cunningham, one of his students, and another
CAAE member.. Donations in his name
may be made to Hearth Place,, a cancer support
group. He will be greatly missed by his
daughters Amy and Karen, son Mark, and
wife Donna, as well as his many friends,
friends, and students in the astrological
Born: February 5, 1945, 8:01 AM, Gross
Krien, Germany
Died: December 24, 2011, around 6:00
Donna Van Toen

facilitated small groups of people with the

same planetary configuration, such as the
Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Libra
square Uranus in Cancer in the early
1950s, and transcribed and edited the
interviews into an intimate account of
their experiences of these dynamics. The
work compares and contrasts them, and in
honor of Pats efforts, we hope to make
these Focus Group Reports available to
members again in the near future.
Pat was notorious for her dark sense of
humor. Lifes ironies were not lost on her.
So, surely she would have gotten a kick
out of passing away just before the recent
station of Neptune, the last one before He
sails into Pisces.
By her own Jupiterian nature, Pat would
call herself as lazy as the day is long, and
in her last working years before retirement,
she could be found nightly at her table in
Maurizios Caf in the West Village,
reading Tarot cards for the regulars and
smoking her Marlboros. When asked
about that, she roared with laughter Ha!
After so many years of so much work at
astrology, the cards are easy as pie and
fun! Astrology is a lot of work!!
So much to appreciate and so much to
John Marchesella

Want to form a Study Group, Chapter,

or form a SIG? Send proposals to
Leigh Westin, chapters@geocos
Send chapter events and contact listings for memberletter to: Ronnie Gale
Dreyer, memberletter@ geocosmic.
Send chapter events and contact listings for electronic Around the World
with NCGR and for E-News to Liane

page 25

(The following events occur February-April
2011. Many of these chapters have their own
websites which are listed below.)
San Francisco Bay Area Chapter. Steve
Pincus, President, P.O. Box 4834, Mountain
View, CA 94040; 415-558-9614, Fax: 408 9620709;; www.ncgr
sanfrancisco. org. Meetings TBA Weekday evenings, 7:30-9:30 PM; Workshops 10:30-5:30 PM;
Fort Mason Center, Building C. San Francisco.
Advance Reg. $12 NCGR Members/$15 nonmembers. Day:$15 Members/$18 non-members.
Workshops: Advance $50 Members, $60 nonmembers. Day: $60 Members, $70 non-members. Sat. Workshop. 2/26.10:30 AM-5:30 PM.
Dorothy Oja. Mars and Planetary ResonanceBirth to Present; Sat. 3/19. International Astrology Day Event with Steven Forrest and additional speakers. Starr King Room, First Unitarian
Universalist Church, 1187 Franklin at Geary (see
p. 17 for more information). Thurs. Eve. 4/13,
Jessica Lanyadoo. Exploring Intimacy and Interdependence through Astrology.
Los Angeles County Chapter. Jack Taube,
President, 6333 Canoga Ave. #391, Woodland
Hills CA 91367,818-716-1765, Ed Helin,, Mtgs.
3rd Thurs.for dinner, 6:30 pm, Carrow's Restaurant, 18355 Ventura Blvd., Encino CA. Lecture starts 7:45 PM. No fee for members. Visitors: $3.
San Diego Chapter. Tamira McGillivray, President,, Jill
Estensen, Publicity Director, intuvision@,
Mtgs.Sat. several times per year. Mira Costa
College at the San Elijo Campus in Cardiff-bythe-Sea, CA.
Rocky Mountain (Denver) Chapter. Karen
Anderson, Presdent, P.O. Box 328, Rollinsville,
CO 80474; DistantStarkA; 303-2587258; Mtgs. Generally1st Fri. 7:00 PM, Nic Nac
Nook, 4280 Morrison Road, Denver, 303-9229063.
Berkshire-Fairfield Chapter. Lynne Forte,
President,, 203-2613158. Study groups
2nd Sun, 2-5:00 PM. $5. Our eight monthly sudygroups will begin in September and run trough
May (no December meeting). Study-group locations will be announced via e-mail prior to each
meeting. Next dates: February 13, March 13,
April 10, and May 15 or contact group for location.
Florida Atlantic Chapter. Richard Nelson,
President, Miami, FL 33143-6647, 305-275-6555, Mimi Alonso, VP, Parkland FL,, www.ncgrsouth Enthusiatic Astrologers group at Mtgs & Workshops held Oct-May. Fort Lauderdale Airport
Hilton, 1870 Griffin Road, Ft. Lauderdale, Dania

FL 33004. 3rd Saturdays. Socialize and register:

10:30 AM; Lecture only. 11 AM-1 PM. $15. Continue with the Workshop and examples with attendees charts. 11 AM-5 PM (or later) $50;
iincl.lunch and parking. Send in chart info if you
want it used as an example. Saturday, 2/19. Dietrich
Pessin. A Lunar Map for your Life; 3/19. Leigh
Westin. Declinations; 4/16. Madalyn Hillis-Dineen.
Lecture: Principles of Symmetrical Astrology.
Workshop: Forecasting Tools and Techniques.
Northern Illinois Chapter. Judy Johnson,
President, 7807 Eleanor Place, Willowbrook, IL
60527, judyjohnson7807, 630303-3187, Janet Berres, VP, janetberres
@sbcglobal. net. Mtgs from March through December, 2nd Tuesday 7:30 PM at the Dance Building, 1330 Webford Avenue, Des Plaines, IL
60010. $8 members and $10 non-members. 3/8.
Christine Arens. The Eclipses and Planetary
Events of 2011; 4/12. Liane Thomas Wade. Partnership or Marriage or Just Plain Getting Along;
Liane will also be offering a workshop. Details
to follow.
Southwest Suburban Chicago Chapter.
Pat Hanus-Dussman, President, 6501 Patricia
Avenue, Tinley Park, IL 60477, 708-444-8323,
patriciahanus Mtgs. held 1st Friday.
7-9 PM. Palos Heights Recreation Center, 6601
W. 127th St. Palos Heights. Members $5.00; NonMembers:$10.00. 2/4. Christine Arens. Eclipses
and Planetary Events for 2011; 3/4. Kathleen
Cantwell. Neptune in Pisces in 2011; 4/1. Arlene
Tilghman lecture Midpoints: the Most Important Keys to Unraveling the Cosmic Code.
Annapolis Chapter. Lynn Koiner, President,
301 589-2074, Rose
OHara, 410-768-1404. Mtgs. 2nd Sat. 10:30 AM12:30 PM. The Sheraton Annapolis Hotel, 173
Jennifer Rd, Annapolis, across from Annapolis
Mall (same location as our Yuletide Luncheon).
Members. $5/Non-Members. $8. After the meeting enjoy lunch with the speaker at The Italian
Market, 26 Defense Highway, Annapolis 21401.
2/12. Sharon Moore. Sunology: Revolutionizing
Astrology. 3/12. Tom Chaplin. Ceres and Pallas
Athena and Their Influence in Career Selection. 4/9. Eric Meyers. TBA.
Baltimore Astrological Society. Lucky
Sweeny, President,,
410-433-1520., www.
Mtgs. 3rd Friday each month, Sept.-May, Current Events Presentation, 7:00-7:20; Pres.'s Report, 7:20-7:30; Speaker, 7:30-9:00 PM. Community Room at Ruscombe Community Health Center, 4801 Yellowwood Rd., Balt., MD 21209. $5/
members, $10/non-members. 3/18. Amanda
Owen. The Power of Receiving; Workshop on
March 19.
Boston Chapter. Joyce Levine, President,
joycel@, 617-354-7075; Monica
Hable Dimino, 617-923-6424; mhabled@,
Doubletree Guest Suites, 400 Soldiers Field
Road, Boston, MA. Meetings on Saturday afternoon. Reg. 12-12:30 pm. Meeting 12:30-5:00
PM. Sat. 2/12. Showcase of Chapter Astrologers. Mental Chemistry and its Practical Appli-

cations. David Perloff. Mental Chemistry;

Fernando Guimares. The Astrology of (Psychological) Trauma and Addiction; Tom Canfield.
Eris. 3/12. Liane Thomas Wade. The Uranian
System of Astrology; 4/9. Misty Kuceris. The
Year of the Rabbit: A Skittish Season of Trends
Southeast Michigan Astrologers' Round
Table. (SMART). Pam Wenzel, President. 734788-0186; smartmich2010 Astrologers & Friends Weekly Gathering, a casual get-together Thurs., 6:30-9:00 p.m., Cafe
Luwak, 42 E. Cross Stt., Ypsilanti. Sunday lectures, 2-4:30 pm, $12 members/$14 non-members. Location: Lighthouse Center, 740 East
Shore Drive, Whitmore Lake, MI. Sun. 3/20. 1-5
PM at Crazy Wisdom Community Room, 9th Annual Sunday Sampler in honor of International
Astrology Day. $20. Phil and Sandy Mead.
Yantras East and West, Rodney Smith and
Cherie Liang. Western and Chinese Astrology.
Nancy Emmert. Human Design. Nancy will provide a free Human Design chart to anyone who
supplies their birth data (date, time, place) by 3/
16. Contact Simran at bluemoonastrology@ or 734-428-0254 for the free chart.
For a free copy of your Western natal chart,
email; 4/17. 2-4:30
PM. Shirley Gray . A Mundane Astrological Perspective on Michigan in 2011.
STARS Chapter. Carmen Freire, President,
5635 Xerxes Ave. S, #201, Minneapolis MN
55410-2606; 612-242-4093, starsinmn@ Mtgs. Usually
3rd Sunday. Mpls. Lunds Community Room, 1450
W. Lake St; or Twin Cities Friends Meeting House,
1725 and Ave., St. Paul. $6 members, $8 nonmembers.
Las Vegas Stargazers Chapter. Gayle Kirk,
President. lasvegasstargazers,
702-565-0957, Gayle Parker, 702-221-6275.
Learn more here: http://astrology.
163/calendar/9501474/. Interested in speaking? Contact Gayle.
Northern New Jersey Chaper. Joanne
Castro,President, PO Box 244, Lebanon, NJ
08833, 908-418-0365, Jocat0413, Jackie Slevin, 9737445347, Mtgs. Friday
evenings 7:30 PM at various locations. Fees:
Members $15, Seniors $10, Non-members $20..
2/25. Barry Orr. The End of the Road?; 3/18.
June Crane. Crossroads of Destiny; 4/15. Eric
Meyers. Elements and Evolution. Call for location.
New Mexico Enchantment Chapter.
Sandy Bryan, President. 505-255-5001;,
~nmncgr. Mtgs. 1st Wed. at 7 PM. 721 Jefferson
NE, Albuquerque, NM.
Long Island Chapter. Bonnie Simms, President, 302 Sycamore Ave, Merrick, NY 11566,, Angelita De Christopher,

page 26
Secretary,, www.lincgr.
com. Mtgs. 2nd Thurs. or Friday. 7:30-9:30 PM,
302 Sycamore Ave, Merrick, NY; Members $10,
Non-members $15. 2/10. Lawrence Grecco.
Buddhist Astrology; Friday 3/11. Dietrech Pessin.
TBA; 4/14. Gary Caton. Cycles of Mercury.
Mid-Hudson-Upstate Chapter. Susan
Campbell, President, 48 Elm Street, Saugerties,
NY 12477,, 845246-2062,
Mtgs. Mondays. Home of Susan Campbell,
Saugerties NY. Wed. 2/16. Esther Frances. Archetypes of Awakening: Astro-Cosmology and
the Art of Awakening Awareness.
New York City Chapter. Eileen McCabe,
President, 212-431-9834, eileenmccabe@; John Marchesella (classes and workshops), astrojohn@; NCGR Hotline:
212-255-3236., Mtgs.
Monday 6:30 PM, Joanna Shannon Library, 39
5th Avenue, New York City. $5 members/$10
non-members. 6:30 pm. sharp. suggested donation 5$ members, $10 non-members. 2/5. Sat.
workshop. Rebecca Eigen. Mon. 2/21. SandraLeigh Serio. The Practical Use of Solar Arcs in
Predictive Interpretation; Friday evening. 3/18.
6:30 pm. IAD: The Astrology of Generations.
Tracey Allen, Joe Carasso, Kirk Kahn, Shirley
Soffer; Sat. workshop. 4/16. 10 am-3:30 pm.
Gary Caton: Cycles of Mercury: Transformation & the Trickster; Mon. 4/18. Eric Meyers.
Elements and Evolution: The Spiritual Landscape of Astrology;
Queen Charlotte Chapter. Hazel Isaac,
President. 704-795-5890, cell 704-737-9314. Mtgs held 3rd Sunday 2:00 PM at Black Lion in Pineville, NC.
Raleigh-Durham. Network of Triangle Astrologers. Elizabeth Wilson, President, 919-6026507,, Nancy Dimitrios,
VP & Membership Director, www.ntastrology.
org. Mtgs. 3rd Thurs. Sept.-May, 7 PM. The
Dancing Moon Bookstore, 1840 Wake Forest
Road, Ralegh NC, 919-833-8081. 2/2. 7:00 pm.
A New Holiday Party since the December date
was cancelled due to weather. Special Candle
Lighting for Peace & Joy. Hosted by Nancy and
Pete Dimitrios. 400 Silvergrove, Cary, NC. 2/
17. Randy Wasserstrom. Finding Your Desitiny
the Meaning of the Nodes; 3/17. Benjamin
Bernstein. Shamanic Astrology; 4/21. Astrologer TBA.
Ohio Valley Chapter. Victoria Rogers, President. 3029 Marshall Avenue, Cincinnati OH
75220-2511, 513-861-8103, victory@cinci.rr.
com, Irene Sharpshair, Secretary. irene www.ncgr-ohiovalley.
org. Mtgs. 4th Thursday 7-9 PM, Maderia Municipal Building (corner of Euclid and Miami
Roads) unless otherwise noted. Free for NCGR
members; $5/ non-members.2/24. Ed Kluska.
Forecasts and Trends for the Year Ahead. 3/24.
Our Annual Vernal Equinox Treasure Mapping.
Southern Oregon Chapter (SONCGR). Mary
Plumb, President, 141 Crocker St., Ashland OR
97520, 541-488-3048,,

www.astrologyin; Mtgs. 3rd Monday, Sept.-May, 7- 9 PM, Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library, 258 A Street, Ashland; $6 General, $5 Seniors 62+, $4 NCGR Members. To get
on email list of announcements send message
to 2/21. Marga Laube.
Seasons and Stories: The Treasures of your
Vedic Birthchart; 3/21. Dana Gerhardt. Meeting
the Planets with a Magical Mind;
Gulf Coast Chapter. Cinda Johnson, President,, 713-664-9781
Mtgs. 4th Friday, 7-9 pm, Body, Mind and Soul
Bookstore, 4344 Westheimer on Mid Ln.,
Westheimer Oaks Village, Houston, TX 77027.;
Richmond Chapter. Edna Matthews, President, PO Box 8412, Richmond VA 23226,, or Ruth
Barrett,, 804-740-1133.
Mtgs. Sat. 2:00 PM. at the Weinstein Jewish
Community Center, 5403 Monument Ave., Richmond. Dates and times subject to change. Sat.
1/29. 2:00-6:00 PM. Cheryl Hopkins.
Deconstructing The Nodal Story With Evolutionary Astrology; 2/26. Jill Melichar. Forecast
for 2011: The Interesting Times Continue!
Milwaukee Chapter. Nancy Simpson, President. 940 W. Heritage Ct #208 Mequon WI 530926070, Mtgs. 4th Monday,
7:00 pm. Solcare, 305 W. Silver Springs Dr., Glendale, WI 53217 Fee: Members $7, Non-members $10. 3/28. Joe Polise. William Lilly and
Christian Astrology.

CALIFORNIA. Sacramento, CA. Mtgs held
3rd Sunday, 1:00-3:00 PM at Planet Earth Rising,
625 Sutter Street, Folsom, CA. Door fee is $5 for
NCGR members, $8 for non-members. Blog:
sacastrologers. blogspot. com. SAA also has a
Facebook page:
OHIO. Columbus, OH Study Group. Contact: Leigh Randolph, 614-451-4766,
VERMONT. North Bennington, VT. Study
Group. Contact: Lisa Verschoor-Smith, P.O. Box
781 North Bennington, VT 05257, 866-461-1618,

Tokyo Chapter. Terumi Kondo, President.
JANet Inc. /JANet School of Astrology, Villa
Moderna 1-3-18, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo,150-0002,, 81-90-78236159. Fax:03-3406-8608;;
discussion group:
group/ncgr_tokyo. Meetings 3rd Sunday.
AstroMxico Chapter. Mnica EscalanteOchoa, President, Cerrada de Miguel Norea #
23 casa 2, Col. San Jos Insurgentes, CP 03900

Mxico DF, Mxico, Tel. 525 651-6598,; www.astromexico.
com. February. ngel Leyva. Las relaciones
amorosas. Explorando Venus/Love relationships. Studying Venus; March. Fini Menchaca.
La Astrologa y Jung/Astrology and Jung; April.
Lety Sacal. Relacin entre el signo de Libra y
las fiestas judas/Relationship between the
sign of Libra and Hebraic special dates. 3/193/20.
Astronmicos de la Astrologa/ Astronomical
Fundaments of Astrology; 4/9-4/10. Margarita
Cobo. Numerologa III: Escala Kabalstica/Numerology III: Kabalistic scale;
Mexico City Chapter. Jos Manuel Redondo,
President. San Francisco # 1212, Col. Del Valle
C.P. 03100, (55) 5536 6196, gukumatz@prodigy.,
Turkey Chapter. Baris Ilhan, Av. Sureyya
Agaoglu Sok. 12/5 Tesvikiye, Istanbul

SIGS (Special Interest Groups)

AST SIG (Asteroids). For information, contributions to newsletter (GAIA) and sample copies for $1.50: Nona Gwynn Press, 77-35 113th
St. Apt.4A, Forest Hills, NY 11375; 718-2638084, synona@; www. geocosmic.
org/astsig. Membership send dues $15; $24
overseas to: Richard Wright, 16 Deerfield St.,
Norwalk, CT 06854, phoenyx_us5@hotmail.
com, 203-982-1653, For asteroid positions or
ephemerides: Dave Campbell, Vice President,
astrologystore@, 623-463-6286.
DECL SIG (Declination). Nelda L. Tanner,
President, PO Box 153, Chino Valley, AZ 86323., or Lois Hannan, Corresponding Secretary,, Dedicated to declination
application and research, it publishes The Other
Dimension, a 16-page quarterly journal. To subscribe, send check or money order made out to
Declination SIG, $18 U.S.,$20 Canada and
Mexico, $25 elsewhere (all in US$) to Treasurer,
Martha Ramsey, 400 Avenue D, Roswell NM
88203. Send author contributions to Leigh
Westin, Editor,
Cosmobiology). For information,back issues
and contributions to the Urania Journal, Liane
Thomas Wade, President and Editor, 531Main
St., #1612, New York, NY 10044. 917-855-8824,
liane@ panix. com,
uransig. For membership, send $25 U.S./$35
others to Chiemi Matsumoto, 68 Garden St., #7L,
Brooklyn, NY 11206.
SIDEREAL SIG. For membership information,
contact MaryFrances Clinton, President, P.O.
Box 99, Palominas AZ 85615 or at clintonx@ or at 520-366-1104. Send membership checks ($25/year or $65/3-years) to Sylvia
Jean Smith, Treasurer, at 52 Valewood Crescent, Gloucester Ontario Canada K1B 4E8,
( Skies Above Quarterly Journal Editor: MaryFrances Clinton. Contributions accepted from SIG Members and in
response to Editor's request.

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