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University Business Society

Executive Nomination Form

According to Section 2.3 of the Business Society Constitution, individuals seeking executive
office must provide notice of intent to run and have the support of three members of the
Business Society. There are four executive positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary,
and Treasurer.

Candidate Name:

Executive Position Sought:
Supporting Member # 1:

Supporting Member # 2:

Supporting Member # 3:

As part of the notice of intention to run, each candidate must respond to five questions.
These responses will then be provided to the Society membership to assist it in making a
decision regarding the casting its ballots. Please respond to each question in the space below
it, feeling free to elaborate as you see fit.

1. The Crandall University Business Society Constitution states that one of your core
purposes is to promote Christian business principles within the Society. How will you
contribute to this through your office?

2. What kind of networking and social events would you propose for the Society during
the upcoming year? Why?

3. What should be the Crandall Business Societys relationship with the Crandall University
Student Association (CSA)? What will you seek for from the CSA in the coming year?

4. How should funds be raised for the Society?

Box 6004 : Moncton : NB : Canada : E1C 9L7

5. What experience do you have that will specifically enhance the role that you play on
Business Society Executive?

Please return this form when completed to Professor Robert MacDonald at Please attach a head shot photograph as well, as this will be
included with the ballot to assist voters in identifying you.

Best Wishes for a successful campaign!

Box 6004 : Moncton : NB : Canada : E1C 9L7

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