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Eur J Appl Physiol

DOI 10.1007/s00421-009-1134-2


Effects of recovery type after a judo match on blood lactate

and performance in specific and non-specific judo tasks
Emerson Franchini Romulo Cassio de Moraes Bertuzzi
Monica Yuri Takito Maria A. P. D. M. Kiss

Accepted: 9 July 2009

! Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract The objective of the present study was to verify

if active recovery (AR) applied after a judo match resulted
in a better performance when compared to passive recovery
(PR) in three tasks varying in specificity to the judo and in
measurement of work performed: four upper-body Wingate
tests (WT); special judo fitness test (SJFT); another match.
For this purpose, three studies were conducted. Sixteen
highly trained judo athletes took part in study 1, 9 in study
2, and 12 in study 3. During AR judokas ran (15 min) at the
velocity corresponding to 70% of 4 mmol l-1 blood lactate
_ 2 peak), while during PR they stayed
intensity (*50% VO
seated at the competition area. The results indicated that
the minimal recovery time reported in judo competitions
(15 min) is long enough for sufficient recovery of WT
performance and in a specific high-intensity test (SJFT).
However, the odds ratio of winning a match increased ten
times when a judoka performed AR and his opponent
performed PR, but the cause of this phenomenon cannot be
explained by changes in number of actions performed or by
changes in matchs time structure.
Keywords Athletes ! Combat sport ! Lactate removal !

E. Franchini (&) ! R. C. de Moraes Bertuzzi !

M. Y. Takito ! M. A. P. D. M. Kiss
School of Physical Education and Sport,
University of Sao Paulo (USP), Av. Prof. Mello de Moraes,
65, Butanta, Sao Paulo, SP 05508-900, Brazil

Since 2009 the format of international judo competition has
been one 5-min period, which can be complemented by
extra time until one athlete scores or to the end of a new
3-min period. However, the incidence of extra time in high
level competition is lower than 2% of the total number of
matches (IJF website, The typical time
structure is 2030 s of activity with a 510-s interval (Van
Malderen et al. 2006; Castarlenas and Planas 1997;
Sikorski et al. 1987), during which the athletes spend most
of the time (51 11%) trying to perform a grip (Marcon
et al. 2007), resulting in a high physiological demand on
the upper body (Franchini et al. 2007; Thomas et al. 1989).
Thus, this format taxes both the aerobic and the anaerobic
systems. The anaerobic system provides the short, quick,
all-out bursts of maximal power during the match, while
the aerobic system contributes to the athletes ability to
sustain effort for the duration of the combat and to recover
during the brief periods of rest or reduced effort (Franchini
et al. 2003; Muramatsu et al. 1994). In a high level competition judokas perform 57 matches in the same day in
order to classify among the best five competitors, with a
minimal interval of 10 min between two consecutive
matches, although the typical time interval is around
15 min (Franchini et al. 2003).
For recovery periods of 1020 min some studies have
indicated that active recovery (AR) is better than passive
recovery (PR) for blood lactate removal (Greenwood et al.
2008; Siegler et al. 2006; McAinch et al. 2004; Gupta et al.
1996; Weltman and Regan 1983; Weltman et al. 1979).
However, the effect of AR on subsequent performance is
controversial when the interval between the first and the
second bout is 1020 min (Greenwood et al. 2008;
Monedero and Donne 2000; Watts et al. 2000; Thiriet et al.


Eur J Appl Physiol

1993; Bond et al. 1991; Weltman and Regan 1983; Weltman

et al. 1977, 1979). Specifically with combat sports, only two
studies were found that manipulated the recovery process
(Franchini et al. 2003; Hemmings et al. 2000). One study
only compared massage with PR in a boxing-specific task
(Hemmings et al. 2000), and the other (Franchini et al. 2003)
did not include a control (C) situation to use as comparison
to the performance when AR or PR was employed after a
judo match simulation. Additionally, the performance task
used was not specific to judo.
Thus, the objective of the present study was to verify if AR
applied after a judo match resulted in a better performance
when compared to PR in three tasks varying in specificity to
the judo. The hypothesis is that a performance improvement
after AR compared to PR is detectable only in the beginning
of the activity (first 1 min) or in the most specific task.

judo fitness test (SJFT), the number of throws during an

intermittent judo task is measured, being less precise than
the Wingate test, but more specific to judo. In the match,
the effort is not actually measured; but all movements are
After performing two incremental treadmill tests, athletes were submitted to a judo match followed by 15 min of
either AR or PR and a performance task. In the first two
studies, the performance tasks were also conducted in a
control situation. When the performance task was another
5-min judo match, athletes performed four experimental
sessions. After each of the four matches the judoka performed AR or PR, as well as his opponent, and then fought
again. For all studies the experimental sessions were randomly determined.

Experimental design
Three studies were conducted to investigate the effects of
AR or PR after a judo match on subsequent performance.
The activity used to measure performance varied in its
ability to provide a valid measurement of work performed
and in its specificity to judo. Figure 1 presents a schematic
view of each study.
Basically, during the four upper body Wingate test,
power is calculated constantly, but the movement used
(arm cranking) is not specific to judo actions. In the special

Fig. 1 Schematic
representation of the study


All the participants were volunteers and took part in the

present study after giving their signed consent. All procedures received local ethics committee approval. To take
part in the present study the athletes should have the following characteristics: (1) take part in official judo competitions during that year; (2) train at least three times per
week; (3) be a brown (first kyu) or black belt (first dan); (4)
age equal or higher than 18-year-old and less than 35-yearold; (5) compete in the under 100-kg categories. Sixteen
athletes took part in study 1, 9 in study 2, and 12 in study 3.
Table 1 presents the main characteristics of the judokas
who took part in each study, as well as their treadmill
performance and active recovery intensity.

Eur J Appl Physiol

Table 1 Judokas main characteristics, treadmill performance, and active recovery intensity (mean SD)

Study 1 (n = 16)

Study 2 (n = 9)

Study 3 (n = 12)

Age (years)

21.9 4.1

22.1 1.8

21.3 2.3

Body weight (kg)

77.1 5.2

74.1 11.8

82.5 15.8

176.6 9.7

177.0 10.3

179.2 10.1

Time of judo (years)

_ 2 peak (ml kg-1 min-1)

Height (cm)

11.8 4.3

10.3 5.0

13.2 3.5

62.6 7.4

58.8 7.8

59.5 6.3

Anaerobic threshold velocity (km h-1)

11.2 1.4

11.4 1.1

10.8 1.9

7.8 1.0

8.0 0.8

7.6 1.3

48.2 4.9

53.8 4.8

50.7 5.0

Active recovery velocity (km h-1)

Active recovery velocity (% of peak velocity)

General procedures
Participants were required to refrain from exercise 24 h
prior to each trial and not to ingest any food 3 h prior the
test sessions. They were also instructed to replicate intake
for all trials. All subjects were familiarized with the procedures adopted and have performed the tests previously at
least once in other studies. The tests were conducted with a
minimal time interval of 24 h and a maximum of 2 weeks
between the first and last test session. All tests were conducted at the same time of day.
_ 2 peak and 4 mmol l-1 lactate threshold
Treadmill VO
intensity measurements
_ 2 peak test began with a 7-km h-1 speed, 1%
The VO
grade, with 1.4 km h-1 increment each minute to the
subjects exhaustion. Throughout the test, oxygen uptake
_ 2 was measured breath-by-breath with the telemetric
system of a portable gas analyzer (K4b2, Cosmed, Rome,
Italy). In all cases the test stopped by participants inability
_ 2 peak was considered the
to continue (exhaustion). VO
highest VO2 measured during a 30-s time interval.
The protocol proposed by Heck et al. (1985) was used to
determine the 4 mmol l-1 lactate threshold (4LT). Blood
lactate during this and other tests was measured by using an
automated device (YSI 1500, Yellow Springs, OH, USA).
Warm up
Before each test (control or experimental sessions), participants warmed up at an intensity of 70% 4LT for 5 min,
followed by a 3-min rest before the test.
Wingate anaerobic tests
Judokas completed four bouts of the upper-body Wingate
test separated by 3-min recovery periods. Load was set at
4.9 N kg-1 of body weight. Peak power, mean power,
fatigue index, time to reach peak power, and total work

were calculated as previously reported (Artioli et al. 2007;

Franchini et al. 2003).
Special judo fitness test (SJFT)
This test was developed by Sterkowicz (1995), and was
previously described by Artioli et al. (2007) and
Franchini et al. (1998). Briefly, three athletes of similar
body weights are needed to perform the SJFT: 1 participant (tori) is evaluated, and 2 other individuals receive
throws (ukes). The tori begins the test between the 2 ukes
3 m from each. On a signal, the tori runs to one of the
ukes and applies a throwing technique called ippon seoi
nage. The tori then immediately runs to the other uke and
completes another throw. The athlete must complete as
many throws as possible within the test time. The SJFT is
composed of three periods (15, 30, and 30 s) separated
by 10-s recovery periods. Performance is determined by
the total throws completed during each of the three
periods. Heart rate was measured after and 1 min after
the test (Polar Vantage NV, Polar Electro Oy, Kempele,
Match simulation
Each match had 5-min duration in order to analyze the
hardest condition a judoka could have. Each athletes
opponent was the same in all conditions. Both opponents
were of the same weight category and technical level. All
matches were filmed and the following variables were
determined: (1) time structure (s)time spent on standing
or groundwork positions and interval time; (2) technical
actionsnumber of attacks, number and type of different
techniques applied. All matches were conducted by an
official judo judge.
During PR the judoka stayed seated at the tatame for
15 min with the heart rate monitor (Polar Vantage NV,


Eur J Appl Physiol

Polar Electro Oy, Kempele, Finland). Blood samples were

taken according to Fig. 1. During the AR the judoka ran
(15 min) at the velocity corresponding to 70% of 4LT
_ 2 peak). The athlete stopped the AR only at the
(*50% VO
moments of blood lactate measurements as reported on
Fig. 1. HR was also monitored using the same procedure
conducted during PR.
Statistical analysis
All analyses were performed using the SPSS software
(version 13.0, Chicago, USA). Data are reported as means
and standard deviation (SD). The distribution of the data
was analyzed by the ShapiroWilk test, and the results
showed a normal Gaussian distribution. A Mauclys test of
sphericity was used to test this assumption, and a Greenshouse-Geisser was used when necessary. For studies 1 and
2, a two-way (time of measurement and recovery procedure) analysis of variance with repeated measures was
applied. For study 3, a three-way analysis of variance (time
of measurement, athlete recovery and opponent recovery)
with repeated measures was used. One-way analysis of
variance was also used to compare single measurements
across procedures. Bonferronis multiple comparisons test
was used to check where the differences previously
detected by the analysis of variance were. A paired student
t test was used to compare heart rate during AR and PR and
variables in match 1 and 2. A Chi-square analysis was
conducted to compare the frequency of wins on match 1 for
each condition. Multiple logistic regression was used to test
the number of wins on second matches in the different
conditions adjusted to the number of wins on the theoretically less favorable condition (PR 9 AR; baseline). An
a priori power analysis of performance and lactate variables revealed a sample size of 1015 participants, sufficient to achieve a power of 0.8. Statistical significance was
set at P \ 0.05.

2.44 mmol l-1; P \ 0.001). Furthermore, blood lactate

measured at the 12th min during AR was lower (P \ 0.01)
than that measured at the 15th min of PR. Heart rate during
AR (150 13 bpm) was higher (t = 11.35; P \ 0.001)
compared to PR (108 14 bpm).
In study 2, there was an interaction effect between type
of recovery and time of measurement (F = 3.05; P \ 0.05)
for blood lactate. Blood lactate at 10th and 15th min during
AR (6.38 2.19 and 4.1 1.26 mmol l-1, respectively)
was lower (P \ 0.001 for both comparisons) than the
measurements at the same time during PR (9.05 3.59
and 7.48 2.99 mmol l-1, respectively). Heart rate was
higher (t = 21.03; P \ 0.001) during AR (144 8 bpm)
compared to PR (106 8 bpm).
In study 3, there was an interaction effect between type of
recovery and time of measurement (F = 4.18; P \ 0.001)
for blood lactate. As expected, no effect of opponents type
of recovery was observed. Indeed, as no difference existed
between the two days of AR (P [ 0.05) and between the two
days of PR (P [ 0.05), a new ANOVA was conducted
considering only type of recovery (two days of each type of
recovery grouped) and time of measurement. Again, it was
observed an interaction effect (F = 9.21; P \ 0.001). Blood
lactate at the 10th min of AR (8.09 3.94 mmol l-1)
was lower (P \ 0.01) than that measured during the PR
(9.92 4.77 mmol l-1). This difference was still evident
at the 15th min (PR: 7.26 3.47 mmol l-1; AR: 5.23
2.92 mmol l-1; P \ 0.001).
Peak blood lactate was lower (t = -2.77; P \ 0.01)
after matches 1 grouped (12.68 5.02 mmol l-1) compared to matches 2 grouped (11.62 4.79 mmol l-1).
Heart rate differed across conditions (F = 52.67;
P \ 0.001). It was higher (P \ 0.001 for all comparisons)
during ARAR (144 14 bpm) and ARPR (139
16 bpm) compared to PRAR (107 11 bpm) and PRPR
(108 12 bpm).
Performance variables and blood lactate
in the performance task

Blood lactate and heart rate during recovery
In all studies blood lactate concentration before and peak
blood lactate after match one did not differ among experimental conditions (P [ 0.05).
In study 1, there was an interaction effect between
type of recovery and time of measurement (F = 7.69;
P \ 0.001) for blood lactate. Differences between recovery
types occurred at 9th (AR: 7.27 2.67 mmol l-1; PR:
8.79 2.74 mmol l-1; P \ 0.001), 12th (AR: 5.42
2.53 mmol l-1; PR: 7.39 2.23 mmol l-1; P \ 0.001)
and 15th min (AR: 4.46 2.27 mmol l-1; PR: 6.59


For peak power, mean power, fatigue index, and time to

reach peak power, there was no effect of experimental
condition (P [ 0.05). Relative total work performed during
control (509.6 59.2 J kg-1), AR (521.4 79.9 J kg-1)
and PR (505.0 73.0 J kg-1) conditions did not differ
(F = 0.79; P [ 0.05).
For blood lactate concentration during the Wingate
tests, there was an effect of interaction between conditions and time of measurement (F = 5.54; P \ 0.001).
The main results from the post-hoc test were a lower
(P \ 0.001, for both comparisons) blood lactate before
the Wingate tests in control (1.41 0.57 mmol l-1)
compared to AR (4.46 2.27 mmol l-1) and PR

Eur J Appl Physiol

conditions (6.59 2.44 mmol l-1), as well as a lower

blood lactate concentration in the AR (P \ 0.01) compared to the PR condition. After Wingate test 1, blood
lactate was higher during PR (10.02 2.43 mmol l-1)
compared to both control (6.61 1.63 mmol l-1,
P \ 0.001) and AR (7.87 2.01 mmol l-1, P \ 0.01).
After Wingate test 2, PR (12.84 3.17 mmol l-1)
resulted in a higher (P \ 0.05) blood lactate concentration compared to control (10.53 1.64 mmol l-1). After
Wingate tests 3 and 4, no differences were found among
conditions (P [ 0.05). Delta of blood lactate across
Wingate tests was affected by recovery type (F = 9.46;
P \ 0.001). It was higher during control compared to
both AR (P \ 0.05) and PR (P \ 0.001).
During the SJFT there were no differences (P [ 0.05)
among conditions concerning the number of throws during
the three series, resulting in no difference (P [ 0.05) in the
total number of throws among control (26 1 throws), AR
(27 2 throws), and PR (26 3 throws) conditions.
Although the analysis of variance detected a significant
difference (F = 4.95; P \ 0.05) among the experimental
conditions, the Bonferroni test presented only a trend
(P = 0.077) to a higher HR after the SJFT after the AR
compared to the C condition. Heart rate 1 min after the
SJFT did not differ among situations (P [ 0.05).
In study 2, there was an interaction between condition
and time of measurement (F = 24.44; P \ 0.001) for
blood lactate. Before the SJFT it was lower in the C
(1.45 0.53) mmol l-1) compared to both AR (4.1
1.26 mmol l-1; P \ 0.05) and PR (7.48 2.99 mmol l-1;
P \ 0.001), while AR was lower than PR (P \ 0.001).
After the SJFT, blood lactate was lower in AR (2 min:
10.78 2.13 mmol l-1; 3 min: 11.36 2.13 mmol l-1;
5 min: 11.51 2.42 mmol l-1) compared to C (2 min:
14.63 4.29 mmol l-1; 3 min: 15.19 3.73 mmol l-1;
5 min: 15.39 3.67 mmol l-1; P \ 0.001 for all three
comparisons) and PR (3 min: 13.66 2.94 mmol l-1;
5 min: 14.01 2.70 mmol l-1; P \ 0.05 for both 3and 5-min comparisons). The delta of blood lactate also
differed among experimental conditions (F = 33.22;
P \ 0.001), with a higher value in C compared to both AR
(P \ 0.001) and PR (P \ 0.01).
No differences (P [ 0.05) were found when all matches
1 were compared concerning number of attacks, techniques
used, time spent on standing position, time spent on
groundwork, interval time or total time. The experimental
procedures adopted after match 1 did not influence
(P [ 0.05) number of attacks, techniques used, time spent
on standing position, time spent on groundwork, interval
time or total time on match 2. When all matches 1 were
compared to all matches 2, the only variables which differed were the interval time, with higher (t = 3.54;
P \ 0.001) values on match 2 (76 53 s) compared to

match 1 (48 18 s), and as consequence, the total time

(t = 3.63; P \ 0.001), which was higher on match 2
(374 53 s) compared to match 1 (345 18 s).
Table 2 presents the number of wins on match 1 and 2
for each experimental condition and the odds ratio for each
of them on match 2 adjusted by the number of wins on
match 1.
Considering that the probability of win was 50% in a
total of 12 matches for each condition, no association was
found between number of wins on match 1 and experimental conditions to be applied during the recovery after
these matches (Chi-square = 1.33; df = 3; P [ 0.05).
However, when results on match 2 were analyzed a significant odds ratio was found for the condition where the
judoka performed AR and his opponent performed PR after
match 1.

The main findings of the present study were that lactate
disappearance was facilitated during AR compared to PR
in all three studies. However, subsequent performance was
not changed in studies 1 (four upper-body Wingate tests)
and 2 (special judo fitness test). On the other hand,
although the time structure and the number of actions
performed during match 2 did not differ across experimental conditions, the odds ratio of winning was increased
ten times when the athlete performed AR and his opponent
performed PR after match compared to the opposite condition (athlete performed PR and the opponent performed
AR after match 1). Thus, the performance difference across
procedures varied accordingly to the specificity of the task
employed (i.e., no difference in less specific tasks and a
significant improvement in the most specific task).
The lower blood lactate after matches 2 compared to
matches 1 in study three is different from those reported in
studies which more than one match was evaluated (Thomas
et al. 1990; Tumilty et al. 1986; Sikorski et al. 1987;

Table 2 Number of wins on match 1 and 2, odds ratio and its

respective 95% confidence interval and significance level for each
experimental condition


Wins on
match 1

Wins on
match 2

OR [CI95%]



3.24 [0.56;18.77]



10.50 [1.52;72.37]



3.24 [0.56;18.77]


AR active recovery; PR passive recovery; OR odds ratio; CI95%

confidence interval at 95% level


Eur J Appl Physiol

Majean and Gaillat 1986). In fact, only Sikorski et al.

(1987) found an increase in peak blood lactate concentration across international level judo matches, while other
studies (Thomas et al. 1990; Tumilty et al. 1986; Majean
and Gaillat 1986) reported no significant difference
between the matches. Thus, if we consider blood lactate
concentration as an indicative of the anaerobic lactic
energy system activation (di Prampero and Ferretti 1999),
these athletes presented a lower demand on it during the
second match. Although this result differs from the reports
about blood lactate after judo matches, it agrees with a
lower anaerobic contribution and a higher aerobic contribution in the last bouts of high-intensity intermittent
exercise (Bogdanis et al. 1996; Trump et al. 1996; Gaitanos
et al. 1993; Spriet et al. 1989). Another explanation could
be the higher interval time between efforts in the second
match compared to the first one, which could result in more
time for CPr resynthesis, resulting in a lower anaerobic
lactic energy system activation.
The results of the present study are also in line with
those of the previous ones which reported that AR was
better than PR for lactate removal from the blood
(Greenwood et al. 2008; Siegler et al. 2006; McAinch et al.
2004; Gupta et al. 1996; Weltman and Regan 1983;
Weltman et al. 1979). The moment when the differences
started (910 min after the match) is similar to that
reported in studies using other tasks (Hudson et al. 1999;
Gupta et al. 1996) and with a previous study with a judo
match simulation (Franchini et al. 2003). The higher blood
lactate removal during AR can be a consequence of the
intensity employed during this procedure (70% 4LT or
4854% of the peak velocity achieved during a progressive
treadmill test), which was near the optimal intensity
reported in several studies (Greenwood et al. 2008; Baldari
et al. 2004; Dodd et al. 1984; McLellan and Skinner 1982;
Stamford et al. 1981; Bonen and Belcastro 1976; Belcastro
and Bonen 1975; Hermansen and Stensvold 1972).
Although the physiological variables measured did not
return to rest values, the results obtained in studies 1 and 2
indicated that the time allowed for recovery after the match
was high enough for a full performance recovery, as no
difference was observed when the control condition was
compared to performance after both AR and PR. This result
is similar to previously reported in judokas (Franchini et al.
2003) using the same task employed in the present study,
but lacking a control condition. Similar results (i.e., no
improvement in performance after AR compared to PR)
were also found in several articles using different performance tasks (Watts et al. 2000; Bond et al. 1991; Weltman
and Regan 1983; Weltman et al. 1979).
In the more complex condition (study 3), although no
difference was found in the action performed by the
judokas or in the match time structure, the probability of


winning was increased when AR was used by the athlete

and PR was conducted by his opponent. This result confirms the hypothesis of high sensibility of a more specific
condition to detect the difference between the recovery
processes. As judo performance is influenced by many
factors (Sterkowicz et al. 2007) it is difficult to determine
which mechanisms were responsible for the positive
influence of AR on second match performance. However,
one possible explanation could be a faster choice reaction
time, movement initiation and movement times after AR
compared to PR. In fact, some studies presented faster
choice reaction time (Chmura et al. 1994, 1998; Kashihara
and Nakahara 2005) and both faster movement initiation
and movement times (McMorris et al. 2005) after exercises
in intensities slightly above the anaerobic threshold.
Although the judokas performed a lower intensity exercise
during passive recovery in the present study, it is important
to consider that they had performed one judo match before
and that the physiological variables (lactate and heart rate)
measured during AR were similar to that reported in these
In conclusion, the minimal time between matches typically reported in judo competitions (15 min) is long
enough for a full performance recovery of highly trained
judokas when considering the anaerobic performance in a
non-specific and a specific high-intensity test. However, the
odds ratio of winning a match increases ten times when a
judoka performs AR and his opponent performs PR,
although the cause of this phenomenon cannot be explained
by changes in number of actions performed or by changes
in matchs time structure. Further studies should try to
measure the quality of movements performed during the
judo match or choice reaction time and movement time
after each procedure in order to establish a possible cause.
Acknowledgments We would like to thank all subjects and their
coaches for their committed participation. This study was supported
by a grant from Fundacao de Amparo a` Pesquisa do Estado de Sao
Paulo (99/06408-2).

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