Erik Severud - New Technique Helps Take Hurt Out of Hips (Continued)

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F8 Sunday, February 25, 2007 The Hutchinson News


The Ritalin kids grow up Info technology out there.”

He doesn’t just access the
service to keep up, but to re-
search particular questions that
and we do a CAT scan to see if
there’s brain injury, we’ll send it
to a radiologist in New
Zealand,” Simpson said. “He’ll
●Continued from Page F6 come up during a patient visit review it and call me in 10 or 15
United States: Between 1990 and classroom attendance, the oppo- or diagnosis, Post said. minutes and say ‘It looks OK’ or
BY MELISSA HEALY nosed, an unprecedented
growth of a medical condition 2005, production of the two site has happened, Fishback The Internet has also ‘There’s bleeding on the brain.’”
Los Angeles Times changed the way some patients The clinic uses experts in
that, before 1990, had been so stimulant compounds most said.
rarely recognized that the na- used to treat ADD – The most important training interact, Post said, because they Hays during the day, Simpson
For Devin Barclay, life with
tional Centers for Disease Con- methylphenidate and ampheta- received in medical school, said can do their own research and said, but goes overseas at night.
attention-deficit disorder has
trol and Prevention did not even mine – increased seventeenfold Dr. Tom Simpson, who has prac- they ask many more questions. “Interestingly, some of the
been a winding road. And seven
track it. and thirtyfold, respectively. ticed medicine for 31 years, with Among the greatest advances better medical centers in the
years after he quit taking med-
Today, the children on the Now many are choosing to do in the medical field for diagno- world right now are in India,”
ication for the condition, “it’s 29 of those in Sterling, “was
leading edge of a wave dubbed without the drugs that pro- sis and screening are in the field he said. “Medicine is becoming
still winding,” he says with a learning how to study medi-
by some “the ADD generation” foundly affected their experi- of radiology and diagnostic im- global.”
laugh. cine.”
have reached the cusp of adult- ence of childhood and school aging, several of the doctors His biggest concern about the
But as the 23-year-old navi- “There is no expectation that
gates his way into adulthood, hood. And as they take on jobs and, in many cases, made it pos- agreed. training physicians are receiv-
I learned all I would need to
he’s managed to pay the road- or college, care for themselves sible for them to learn alongside “Diagnostic imaging allows ing today, however, is that the
know,” he said. “Anyone who
side distractions a little less at- away from home, enter into other kids in mainstream class- physicians to peer beneath the emphasis on technology is re-
practices medicine understands
tention. And he’s learned a adult relationships and become rooms. skin without a scalpel and al- placing exposure to clinical
there is a constant learning lows a direct view of internal skills, Simpson said, “laying
thing or two about getting him- parents, these newly minted It is one of the first decisions curve. Ninety percent of the
self from one destination to the grown-ups are carrying out a of their adult lives. Mostly, it organs,” said Dr. Curt Thomp- hands on a patient, making a di-
drugs we learned to use when I son, an interventional radiolo- agnosis from taking a good his-
next without taking major de- massive natural experiment. was parents who dictated was in medical school we don’t
tours. It seems like only yesterday whether and when they would gist at the Hutchinson Clinic. tory and giving a good physical
use anymore. Such screening allows doc- exam.”
In 1990, when Barclay was 7, they were fidgeting in their start medications to sharpen “I read probably, conserva-
he was diagnosed with ADD seats, sprinting around their their focus. But the decision to tors to detect disease at an early Fishback, at KU Med, said he
tively, six to eight hours a week stage and to exclude diseases, couldn’t disagree, which is why
and began taking Ritalin – a classrooms and daydreaming stay on or go off these drugs is to keep up in the field,” he said. such as cancer, Thompson said. the school has introduced a lab-
stimulant medication that he their way through addition and one that these teens and young “I’ve been doing so for 30 years. It also allows a doctor to gauge oratory where actors play pa-
and his parents referred to as subtraction. Most, just like Bar- adults have made for them-
It’s always been that way.” the extent of a disease’s tients to help students learn to
“the thinking pill” – to help him clay, struggled through elemen- selves – with little research to
Dr. Andrew Post, an os- progress and its response to listen and diagnose.
sit still and pay attention in tary and middle school on guide them.
teopath in family practice at the therapy. “The average six to seven
class. Over the next decade, al- Ritalin as the practice of med- Whether the results will be
most 2 million American boys icating attention problems in Medical Center in South “We are able to visualize, to minutes a doctor has to see a pa-
and girls were similarly diag- children took off steeply in the ● See ADD / F9 Hutchinson, said the Internet see much more of what we used tient in the typical practice is
was an important tool while go- to only guess at,” Simpson said. not a lot of time to do a physical
ing to school and since he com- “I think some of my younger exam,” Fishback said. “We have
pleted his medical residency in colleagues have an advantage in relied for years on X-rays and
2005. that they’ve learned to read CT scans and MRIs and lab tests
“There’s a service I use called some of these. I rely more on the to get past the physical diagno- that has the most radiology people to help me.” sis that older docs were taught
current research,” Post said. Which points to another won- to do. We are trying to get more
“Basically, they have review ar- der in the changing world of hands-on, but the trend is awful-
ticles and expert opinion on the medicine, he said. ly hard to fight. Insurance com-
most current medical diagnosis “If someone comes into the panies know a doctor’s time is
and treatment. It has informa- emergency room in Lyons at expensive, so they push this
tion on the most cutting-edge night after being in an accident technology pretty hard.”

Hips options for hip pain were avail-

able, and a hip replacement was
virtually inevitable.
Now, candidates for
serted, and the image is dis-
played. The doctor can visualize
the bone structure and deter-
mine the nature and extent of
●Continued from Page F6 arthroscopy include active indi- the problem.
for people suffering with viduals who just happen to have Severud can clean out the
arthritic pain or pain from a painful hips. frayed lining and inflammation,
labral cartilage tear. Described as “minimally inva- which may prevent the deterio-
While arthroscopic surgery sive,” it evolved along the same ration of the joint. The patient
has been around since the 1970s, lines as arthroscopic surgery for will realize a reduction in pain
hips have been one of the last other joints of the body, particu- and won’t have a long recovery
joints to come around for this larly knees and shoulders. because the procedure is not in-
type of surgery, Severud said. In hip arthroscopy, small inci- vasive.
Before the development of sions are made in the patient’s
this procedure, few treatment hip area. A camera lens is in-

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