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Introduction to Andolthir, The Modest Prodigy:

While brainstorming Andolthir I set out with a goal in mind I wanted to see another music based
champion. So I set out to create one with the qualities I enjoy in music. I wanted to Reflect the
real world in the game so that when people pick up this champion for the first time they think Hey
that's really cool I love music too!, and that each ability reflects a key element of music that the
musically inclined will get gitty over.
Please note all The passive traits are only persistent at their MAX for a duration after each Ability is
actively used. After a short duration they operate at 50% of their efficiency (unless stated
otherwise) as passives until reactivated. This means (At Max) his passive for Harmony will only give
him a 17.5% attack speed bonus after the grace period until reactivated. His passive for Melody will
only give him a 3.75% Damage Reduction bonus.
These are designed so that at player at the maximum skill level could keep all 3 at max if played
correctly. Separating the good players from the great, without rendering the character inept.
Let's begin with his Passive and along I will attempt to walk you through my reasoning and how I
think he would be beneficial to any team comp in league. Each section below represents his 4 skills
(Q,W,E,R). They have the same format Skill Description, Explanations, and Additional Information /
Champion: Andolthir the Modest Prodigy
Skill Description:

Passive - Last Sonata - When Andolthir is killed he reveals his Final Sonata giving vision of
all enemy champions who killed or assisted in killing Andolthir for a duration of time, and
giving true sight around his body for a duration of time. Enemy units around Andolthir's
body are silenced as well for (1 / 1.5 / 2 seconds)

Flavor Text Explanation: You see the trouble with poet is how do you know it's deceased. Stick
to Priest! When does a poet truly die? Andolthir's last great work will be known by all through the
ages and as such when he dies his many accomplishments including his enemies will be as well. He's
just that deep!
Mechanical Explanation:As an inherently squishy character. I wanted to give Andolthir defensive
power without physically altering his character in order to avoid over-tuning. So I created a utility
based ability that gives the enemy team an ultimatum. Kill Andolthir and risk not being able to
escape (Assassins), or even inadvertently hobble a teammate when his silence goes off (life saving
flash, bubble, heal etc), or let him live and quickly take care of his team mates if possible. Keep in
mind ignoring the ADC can be akin to suicide by the end game. It's a similar principle to the adage

Don't chase Singed. Players who Target Andolthir will have to do so fully prepared or fall victim
to the consequences.
----------------------------------------------Skill Description:
Q - Rhythm (Passive/Active) - Andolthir's ability to sense the the Natural order of sound around
him allows for Andolthir to move faster and attack with strength.

Passively Rhythm provides Andolthir with bonus movement speed as he moves.

When Set to active: Rhythm is designed to add to Andolthir's Tempo meter. Without
Rhythm Andolthir's other abilities are without direction, and function at a lower level. This
ability generally cannot be quickly switched back to quickly; however, activating other
abilities lowers the cooldown significantly (as music requires unison to be effective) Auto
Attacks with Rhythm active lowers the Cool Down on his other abilities.

Rhythm is free to use and has no activation cost. When Rhythm is activated - For each successful
attack landed on beat, Andolthir gains bonus ability power and attack damage, if Andolthir loses
Rhythm completely (from time decay, or through spells usage from his W,E, and R) all bonuses are
removed until he gains them back again, if Andolthir doesn't switch back to Rhythm after using
another ability his AD and AP bonuses are quartered, there is a grace period where the abilities
stay at max.
Passive Stats: Per level Per step | .005% Bonus MS / .006% / .007% / .008% / .009% Max. 33%

At level 1 per minute = a ~.625% increase

At level 3 per minute = a ~.861% increase
At level 5 per minute = a ~1.107% increase

Active Stats: Per level | +.25AP + .1 AD / +.5AP + .25 AD / +.75 AP + .5 AD / +1 AP + .75 AD /

+1.25 AP +1 ADMax. 100 stacks

At level 1 Max Stacks = 25 AP/ 10 AD

At level 3 Max Stacks = 75 AP/ 50 AD
At level 5 Max Stacks = 125 AP/100 AD

Mechanics Explanations:

Mechanical Explanation (1): A player must land a hit on a target when the hit indicator pops up. This
can be a minion or Champion. The hit indicator is intuitive and prioritizes the last Champion Hit By
Andolthir or that Champion's Summon. It then targets the lowest health lane Minion, and then then jungle
minions. The Hit indicator persist for a short amount of time (preferably at an even rate related to his
Attack Speed) before picking another target based on the condition list. Every time Andolthir hit's a unit
under the indicator he adds ONE unit of Tempo to his Tempo Meter
Mechanical Explanation (2):Ideally Andolthir will have too hit approximately ~75 minions for max
stacks. (10-15 minutes of flawless hitting). The Curve for this should be logarithmic, as a player approaches
max stacks the difficulty in achieving and MAINTAINING it increases equally. A player should be challenged
to get max stacks, but be able to consistently reap the benefit of 25% - 35% stacks, and a preparative
player will be ready for team fights at a target 50%-75%.Dying or otherwise being sent back to base
interferes with Andolthir's Tempo. He's rewarded for being in lane, and punished for leaving in exchange for
great power.
Flavor Text Explanation: Andolthir is a magical musician of sorts, he was born with a super natural
understanding of sound that allows him to sense the ebb and flow of the world around him in a manner
that those without see as disorder. and harness the hidden power within.
Additional Explanations:Andolthir is supposed to be a Champion that WILL shine, but at the cost
of a high skill level mechanic that doesn't hinder a player if they haven't mastered it yet. Rhythm is
his Primary Mechanic and will be a learned skill like last hitting, or catching Draven's axes for
maximum effect. Players who pick up Andolthir may say things to the tune of Challenger players
hit at least XX stack as Andolthir" This doesn't mean the character won't perform well, it just
means he won't reach his max potential until then. At mid levels he will see a low end of at least
~20 points in bonuses for AD and AP, but at max level he'll have a low end bonus of ~31 points. A
player who prepares (or has time too!) will see increased bonuses around the 50% range of max,
and those who are doing well will reap the benefits of 75%+ of the itemized totals above.
----------------------------------------------Skill Description:
W - Harmony (passive/active) - Andolthir's ability to bring order to the seemingly disordered
allows for him to bring synergy to his teammates Auto Attacks.

Passively Harmony grants bonus attack speed to Andolthir.

When activated: Harmony consumes a large amount of Rhythm on each use, this is not a
toggle and must be activated each time (similar to righteous Fury on Kayle except for one
hit) - Andolthir's next attack deals a ratio of his ability power as bonus magic damage. Any
Unit Andolthir has attacked in the last 5 seconds with this Harmony will receive a debuff
that will cause an allies attack speed to increase for each subsequent attack on the target
during the 5 second duration. This decrease is equal to a Percentage of Andolthir's passive
bonus from Harmony and all projectile speeds are normalized to Andolthir's on that target.

The active cannot be used without Rhythm. Andolthir experiences full affects from his passive while
he has even 1 unit of Rhythm. If Andolthir loses all of his Rhythm the passive bonuses of this ability
are reduced by half, until he can restore at least one unit of rhythm. Keep in mind his Rhythm may
be on CD so incautious use of rhythm could result in hobbling his effectiveness.
Passive Stats: Per level | 15% Bonus AS / 18% / 20% / 25% / 35% (reduces to half after ability use
grace period or after running out of rhythm, reactivating this ability during the grace period resets
the grace period)
Active Stats: 1.5 of ability power will be added to your next attack as Magic Damage
Mechanical Explanation: Unlike conventional attack speed buffs, this shortens the time between subsequent attacks rather than increasing the number of attacks as a fixed amount. This will make it so that
players appear to attack in harmony with each other attacking faster and faster in symphony. It is
functionally similar to Guinsoo's Rage Blade or Jax's Passive, Relentless Assault.
Aesthetically this is my favorite part in Designing Andolthir, the ability to make a champion to
appear to dance with others was somewhat of a goal. The utility of this spell helps encourage focus
during team fights, but at the same time it allows for counter play because someone who has been
targeted will be benefited to quickly get out of dodge. Because it's easy to read it's conquerable at
all levels of player skill, but if players properly combo (stuns, taunt etc) then it can be devastating.
Note: Tristana is a Marksman with AP and Magic damage based abilities with similar scaling.
--------------------------------------------Skill Description:
E - Melody (Passive/active) - Andolthir's voice becomes enriched with song causing an enemy to
become altered by the power of music overcome with fear or sorrow.

Passively Melody protects Andolthir from Status altering affects Majorly

increasing his tenacity and Minorly reducing all incoming damage.

When activated: Melody consumes some units of rhythm to be used. Melody becomes
offensive and Minor magic damage is done to enemies around Andolthir. Enemies within a
short range are immediately feared for a very Minor duration of time (this can only be done
irregularly), enemies farther away are Majorly slowed this slowing affect wears off quickly
over a period of 2 second. This ability is on a longer cooldown than Harmony and Rhythm.

The active cannot be used without Rhythm. Andolthir experiences full affects from his passive while
he has even 1 unit of Rhythm. If Andolthir loses all of his Rhythm the passive bonuses of this ability
are reduced. Until he can restore at least one unit of rhythm. Keep in mind his Rhythm may be on

CD so incautious use of rhythm could result in hobbling his effectiveness slightly.

Passive Stats: Per level | 1.5% Damage Reduction / Tenacity (Double for Tenacity) / 1.5% / 3% /
4.5% / 6% / 7.5% (reduces to half after ability use grace period or after running out of rhythm,
reactivating this ability during the grace period resets the grace period)
Active Stats: .8 of ability power will be used to hit your enemy in a short range AOE. Fear last for
1 seconds/ 50% slow last for 2 seconds (diminishes)
Mechanical Explanation: This is the most straightforward spell in his entire arsenal. It functions as a
mid range AOE ability around the entirety of Andolthir. Those in closest to him will be feared, and have the
slowing affect applied. Those out of range of the fear will just be slowed for 2 seconds.
Flavor Text Explanation: Andolthir delivers a powerful Ionian melody, that causes his opponents to run
with fear at the horns of retaliation - No one is able to resist the power of music. Passively the melody of
Ionia keeps his resolve strong, and when activated he sings out striking gear and sorrow into his enemies.
In order to give Andolthir a defensive ability for his low escape and time based mobility, he has
been given a 1.5% damage reduction against all incoming damage at each level. Examining Urgot who removes up to 15% damage from One to Two sources on average. Which is a 30% damage
decrease for as long as he keeps the debuffs up. Effectively Andolthir can negate more damage if all
5 enemies are targeting him at 37.5%, but individually that's only 7.5%. This ability is designed to give
the Andolthir player more time to the edge off a spell giving him time to react and leave then it is
too give him stand and tank ability. This is also designed to keep the NEED for defensive items to a
minimum given his low base defensive stats. As traditional for ADCs it acts as a disengage or for
supporting in can act as effective CC in lane.
---------------------------------------------Skill Description:
R - Harpsichord (Active, Channeled) - The Grand Symphony - All of Andolthir's abilities radiate out
from him for a duration of time. All allies receive the Max Passive bonuses of Andolthir's abilities
(Movement speed, tenacity/damage reduction, and Attack Speed) and a portion of his Q's Active
Stat bonuses. Symphony doubles the current bonuses to Andolthir for the duration of the spell and
doubles his attack range as well. Andolthir is unable to move while he plays the Harpsichord, but
can still attack, and any negative results from losing all his rhythm are rendered null for the duration
of the Symphony, meaning his Attack Damage and Ability Power bonuses can not be removed, his
Damage Reduction and Tenacity can't be reduced, and his attack speed and Movement speed can't
be reduced either. The Symphony can be disabled. The Symphony's duration last for a time relative
to his current stacks of Rhythm. The Symphony consumes all of his Rhythm at the start and last for
1 second per 10 stacks of rhythm consumed. Andolthir will also gain Rhythm for each hit lands on

any enemy champion during the Symphony even if Rhythm is not active.
Stats: Potential for 75 AD and 50AP / 33% MS buff while playing / 35% attack Speed Buff / 7.5%
damage reduction to all allies.
In addition all of his attacks (based on his active ability) play a unique sound
---------------------------------------------Unique Items: (1 purchase per game)
Conductors Baton - As long as Andolthir holds this Focus, his Passive will ignore the ability usage
penalty. In addition Harpsichord can now be used with even just 1 Rhythm and adds 3 Seconds
Automatically to Symphony. His allies will now receive double the affects from Harpsichord.
Running out of Rhythm will still result in a penalty.
This is designed to reinforce Andolthir in the Support position by increase his mid/late game
Support power, and easing the the ability switch burden at the cost of a Statted item slot.
Musician's Sheet Music: - As long as Andolthir holds this Focus, his Q will always provide a
minimum 20 Stacks Bonus, his W and E will be permanently at their current Max.
This is designed to Support Andolthir as a Marksman, it decreases a level of interaction allowing for
easier Andolthir play, but at the cost of a statted item that will result in a a decrease in max DPS.
This is a Mid game purchase and effectively gives 25AD/20 AP, 40% IAS, and 7.5% damage reduction
This is designed to be a tool and not to be the most optimal for Andolthir. A Pro Andolthir should
be off book
---------------------------------------------Didactic Statement:
I designed this character with an aggressive Support in mind, someone who can be useful to through
not traditional means (Not just CC, Heal, Silences, etc), anyone of a certain skill level will be able to
play him in this capacity, but if played effectively he can be used as a powerful ADC type character.
At the start of my research I though of the 3 elements of music (conveniently 3!) Melody, Harmony,
and Rhythm. The Holy Trinity of music design. Correct pacing, Catchy Melodys, and the Cohesion
of the two is imperative for a well performed song, and with these ideas in mind I developed a
Champion whose background in Music reflects his kit on the Fields of Justice.

To achieve Andolthir's full potential a Summoner will have to perform well at all 3 for greatest
affect. An average player may pull off certain combinations, but the truly skilled player will utilize all
3 correctly and consistently.
As the player learns to play more intricately with Andolthir, the greater the risk that the player has
in making a mistake, which can result in greater attacks of opportunity against Andolthir (who can't
take many hits as a Marksman/Support), or destabilize the buffs that Andolthir's participation gives
to the team, which thematically will interrupt the momentum or tempo with the team move.
Andolthir and his team are rewarded for synergizing, and together the greatest piece that Andolthir
has ever made will be brought into existence. Alternatively a Summoner who plays it safe will
reduce the risk of opening himself up to counter, but will also be less effective. (More on this
later...) It should be noted that I liken a slower tempo to a Support Andolthir and a Faster Tempo
to a Marksman.
Note: Facing Andolthir Couldn't be more straight forward. Imagine he's Tristana because he's
functionally similar except with emphasis on self buffs and ways of extending those to allies.

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