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Jannelle Pranada


Asynjur in Norse Mythology

The Asynjur are the female goddesses in norse mythology. They live together with
the Aesir (the
male gods) in Asgard. Vingolf is the name of the beautiful house that the gods built
to the Asynjur the
goddesses in Asgard .
Eir: Peace, Clemency, Help , or Mercy. She is a goddess and or a Valkyrie she is
associated with the medical skill.
Freya: The Goddess of Love. Day of week: Friday (Fredag) (she or Frigg has given
her name to this day, but its a little unclear who). Freya is the daughter of Njord and
his sister Nerthus. Freya has a twin brother named Freyr. Freya is married to Od, but
he somehow disappeared. Freya has two children with Od, their names are Hnoss
and Gersimi. Freya is the goddess of love, lust beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war
and death. The name Freya means "lady". Freya is a former member of the
Vanir. When the war between the Vanir and the Aesir ended, Freya and two others
were sent to the Aesir as a token of truce. In return the Aesir sent Honir and Mimir
to the Vanir. Freya is incredibly beautiful, and she have many admirers. Freya loved
poems and love songs. When she was hovering over the ground, she scattered
morning dew and sun light behind her. She shook spring flowers out of her golden
hair. Freya can cry tears that turned into gold, or amber.
The House of Freya
Freya is living in Asgard, the name of her house is Sessrumnir placed on the field
Flkvangr which means "field of the host", "people field" or "army field" It is a place
where half of those that die in a battle go for the afterlife, while Odin will receive the
other half. Freya is always given the first choice. After she had picked the ones she
wanted, the rest were sent to Odin . Three animals and some feathers Freya rides in
a chariot pulled by two black or gray cats. Freya also have a cloak of falcon
feathers, which she willingly loans out to the other gods, when they need to fly to
one of the worlds. Freya also has a boar named Hildisvini "battle swine" which she
rides when not using her cat-drawn chariot. It is also said to be Freya's human lover,
Ottar in disguise, and is the reason why Loki consistently accuses her of being
immoral by riding her lover in public. Brisingamen Freya loves jewelry, and she has
a necklace. That was made by four dwarfs, with such an art it gleamed like a
constellation in the night sky. Thename of this necklace is Brsingamen, ("flaming,
glowing"). When it is around Freyas beautiful neck, it becomes the symbol of

heaven and fruits. One day Freya, walked by a cave with dwarfs inside it and
wandered in. Inside the cave, her eye caught the sight of the most beautiful
necklace, she had ever seen. Four dwarfs Alfrigg, Berling , Dvalin, and Grerr
was living inside this cave were just putting their finishing touches to the beautiful
piece of jewelry. The dwarfs are grandmaster craftsmen. Freya pleaded and begged
them to give her the necklace Brisingamen. She told the four dwarfs, she would
pay any amount of gold for it. The dwarfs refused to sell it. But they did however
make a suggestion, if Freya would spend one night. With each of the four dwarfs
and make love to them, she could have the necklace. Freya agreed to and spent the
next four nights with the ugly dwarfs. Loki the trickster had followed Freya to
Svaralfheim , the home of the dwarfs, and seen everything that had happened. Loki
ran back and told Odin, what he had seen. When Odin heard the news, he got
furious. He told Loki to take the necklace from Freya and bring it to him. Loki went
to Freyas house Sessrumnir, but he had a hard time getting in, because all doors
and windows were tightly shut. But Loki turned himself into a small fly and got in
the room through a hole as small as a needles eye. Loki saw that Freya was
wearing the necklace around her neck, with the clasp underneath her so that he
could not reach it. Loki turned himself into a flea and bit the goddess on her cheek.
She turned restlessly in her sleep and exposed the
clasp. Loki quickly turned himself back to his own shape, took the necklace,
unlocked the door, and ran out. When Freya found out that she loss her necklace
she ran to Odin and told her story to Odin, while crying bitterly. Cold with anger at
Freyas story of greed and lust, Odin said that he would only recover the necklace
for her if she would agree to stir up a war between two mighty chieftains in Midgard
Middle Earth He demanded that there should be killing and bloodshed. Afterward
Freya should bring the slain heroes back to life. Freya agreed to the terms, for like
Odin, she had a lust for battles and heroes aswell. Then Odin sent for Heimdall , the
watchman of the bridge Bifrost, and told him to go after Loki, and bring back Freyas
necklace. Loki turned himself into a seal and swam to a rock near Singastein, but a
moment later Heimdall, too, had become a seal. The two fought a fierce battle. In
the end Heimdall, with the necklace in his hand, led the dripping Loki out of the
water and back to Odin.
Frigg: Earth Mother. Day of week: Friday (Fredag) (she or Freya has given her name
to this day, and its a little unclear who). Frigg is the daughter of Fjrgynn. Frigg is
married to Odin; together they have the sons Balder and Hod. Frigg is the
stepmother to Thor, Heimdall, Hder, Hermod, Tyr, Bragi, Vidar, Vali. Frigg is the
queen of Asgard, and she is a sorcerer, Frigg means the "beloved one". Frigg is
associated with love, marriage, fertility, and motherhood. She is very important to a
married woman. She has the power of prophecy yet she does not reveal what she
knows. Frigg is the only one other than Odin who is permitted to sit on his high seat,
and look outover the universe. The name of her house is Fensalir, the name means

"marsh hall". A woman would often go close to the wet marsh lands to worship the
goddess Frigg.
Fulla: Bountiful or Volla. Frigg has many maids; she is especially attached to her
maid named Fulla. Fulla is wearing a golden snood for Frigg. She is tending to the
footwear and the boxes of Frigg. Fulla also knows all the secrets of Frigg, because
Frigg trust her with everything.
Gerd: Fenced In. She is a former Jotun, and might or might not also have been an
Asynjur. She is the wife of the god Freyr.
Gefion: Gefion is a goddess of fertility, and associated with the plow. Once Gefion
had disguised herself as a beggar woman. Gefion had asked Gylfi, the king of
Sweden, to give her some land. The king told had
told her that she could have as much land as she could plow in one day, and one
night. Gefion used her four sons, who are huge as oxes, and have a giant as father.
Gifion hitched the oxen to a plow and proceeded to cut deeply into the land of
Sweden. Then she and the oxen towered into the sea where it is now known as the
island of Zealand "Sjlland", today part of Denmark.
Gna: She runs errands for the goddess Frigg. If she needs to deliver a massage in a
hurry, Gna rides
her horse, Hofvarpnir "Hoof Trasher", through the air or over water.
Hlin: Protectress. She also runs errands in other worlds for Frigg, she sents Hlin,
when there was something or someone she wanted to protect.
Ilmr: She is a goddess, but not much is known about her.
Idun: Idun is the daughter of the dwarf Ivald. Idun is married to Bragi. Idun (In Old
Norse Iunn) is a goddess who guards the apples of youth. Idun has long golden hair
and she is the goddess of spring and eternal youth. She supplied the gods with the
apples of youth, to keep them young forever. One day Idun and her apples were
stolen by Loki, and he gave Idun and the apples to an eagle to save his life.
Irpa: She is a goddess, but not much is known about her.
Lofn: The Comforter, The Mild. Lofn is one the daughters of the dwarf Hreidmar .
She had one sister Lyngheid and 3 brothers Fafnir, Regin and Otr . Lofn means "the
comforter", "the mild", or "loving". Lofn is gentle in manner and an arranger of
marriages, if they had been forbidden.
Nanna: Nanna is married to Balder ; and the mother of Forseti. Nanna died of grief
after the dead of Balder, the gods then placed her on the boat with Balder and set it
on fire.

Njrun: She is a goddess, and may represent earth.

Saga: Seeress. Saga is a goddess she lives at Skkvakkr "Sunken Bank", "Sunken
Bench" or "Treasure Bank" in Asgard.
Sif: Sif has beautiful long golden hair, and is a goddess of grain and fertility. Sif is
married to Thor . Sif has a son named Ull, Thor's stepson. The trickster Loki, once
cut her hair off while she slept. Loki was forced to replace it, with strands of gold
crafted by the dwarfs.
Sigyn : Victorious Girl /Friend. Sigyn is married to Loki, and they have the sons Narfi
and Vali . Once when Loki finally had done one trick to many, he was bound in a
cave with aserpent over his head. Sigyn his loyal wife, stays with him day and night,
with a bowl in her hands. Holding it over his head catching the venom, that is
dripping from the serpent's jaws. When she empties the bowl, some drops of venom
from the serpent falls on Loki, and he writhed with pain, causing the earth earth
quakes in Midgard. Sigyn stays with Loki until Ragnarok "The end of the world".
Sjofn: She is a goddess and very eager to turn people's minds, both men and
women into lovemaking.
Snotra: Clever. She is associated with wisdom, and is very smart.
Syn: Refusal. Syn is the guardian for Frigg's great hall, Sessrumnir. Syn is also a
goddess associated with defensive refusal.
Rind: Rind is the daughter of Billing "King of the Ruthenians". Rind and Odin have a
son named Vali.
Thrud: Strength or Power. Thrud may or may not have be a Valkyrie, but there is a
Valkyrie with the name Thrud. Thrud is the daughter of Thor and Sif. She is the halfsister to Magni and Modi.
Var: Pledge or Beloved. Var is a goddess associated with oaths between men and
women. Var will also punish those, who broke their vows.
Vor: The Careful one. Vor is very wise and she searched out all things so nothing
was hidden from her. Vor also has a the gift of providence, and of preparing well for
the future.

The Vanir
Gods and Goddesses
The Vanir (Old Norse Vanir, pronounced VAN-ear) are one of the two principal
tribes of deities featured in Norse mythology. (The other tribe is the Aesir.) Among
their ranks are Freya , Freyr , Njord, and arguably the early Germanic goddess

Nerthus as well. Their home is Vanaheim, one of the Nine Worlds held within the
branches of the world-tree Yggdrasil.
Unfortunately, as fragmentary as the sources on pre-Christian Germanic religion
are, we know next to nothing about what the pre-Christian Germanic peoples
thought of the Vanir as a group. Vanir is a rarely-used word. Its meaning is
unknown. While there is a smattering of plausible evidence for the worship of Freyr,
Freyja, and/or Njord outside of Scandinavia and Iceland, the title Vanir is never
used in connection with them. Some have even questioned whether the
Scandinavians and Icelanders themselves thought of Freyja, Freyr, and Njord as
belonging to a separate clan known as the Vanir before the writings of the
Christian historian and poet Snorri Sturluson . The Vanir do seem to be somewhat
more associated with human and ecological fertility than the Aesir, but this is a
vague tendency at best, and certainly not an absolute distinction; the Aesir god
Thor , for example, had a large role to play in the fertility of the land and human
society as well. Ultimately, all we can confidently say about the Vanir is that some
late Norse literary sources portray them as being a group dimly distinct from the
Aesir, and the gods and goddesses to whom the title Vanir has been applied were
among the most widely and passionately venerated of the pre-Christian Norse

Dwarfs in Norse Mythology

The dwarfs are small and misshapen creatures made from the maggots in the giants
Ymir dead
body. They live under the ground in the world of Nidavellir , the home of the Dwarfs.
The dwarfs are natural good at crafting and loves treasures and the rare metals.
Alfrigg: Alfrigg is one of the four dwarfs who made the
Brisingamen for the goddess Freya; the other three
are Berling, Dvalin, and Grerr.
Alviss: Alviss "All Wise" he is a dwarf, and a master smith. He is famous for his
wisdom. Thor's daughter Trud as was promised to Alviss, but Thor did not want
Alviss to be married with his daughter. So he made a plan to stop Alviss from doing
so. Thor told Alviss that because he was so little he had to prove that he was wise,
Alviss agreed. Thor made so many tests, that they lasted to the sun had risen. And
because Alviss is a dwarf, he was petrified when he was exposed to the sunlight,
Trud remains unmarried.
Andvare: Andvare is a craftsman and was a very wealthy dwarf. But he was robbed
by Loki, and lost everything he owned. Among his belonging was alsoa cursed ring,

Andvarenaut. Andvarenaut, The ring Andvarenaut is cursed, but has the same
abilities as the ring Draupnir Odin's ring. Every ninth day eight new rings would drop
out of Andvarenaut. The eight new rings are of equal quality as Andvarenaut. The
ring will always cast a great curse on the owner, and bring misery, bad luck, and
make the owner unhappy.
Austri: East. Austri is one of the four dwarfs named after the cardinal compass
directions. The others are Vestri "West", Nordi "North", and Sudri "South". Austri and
the three other dwarfs was sent out into each corner of the world, to hold up the
four corners of the sky.
Berling: He is one of the four dwarfs who made the Brisingamen for the goddess
Freya. The other three are Alfrigg, Dvalin, and Grerr.
Brokkr: His name Brokkr, means "the one who works with metal fragments" or
"blacksmith" Brokkr is a dwarf, and an incredible good craftsman. Brokkr has a
brother by the name Eitri. The two brothers Brokkr and Eitri crafted Gungnir,
Draupnir and Mjlnir.
Dain: He is a dwarf that with his brother Nabbi, made the magical boar named
Hildisvini. Dain also made the sword " Dainsleif", it is cursed. Once it has been
drawn, it must kill a man before it can be returned to the sheath. A blow from this
magical sword will never failed to kill or cause a wound that never will heal.
Dvalin: He is one of the four dwarfs who made the Brisingamen for the goddess
Freya. The other three are Alfrigg, Berling, and Grerr.
Eitri: Eitri is a dwarf who helped create three of the precious objects of the gods. In
a competition, the trickster god Loki bet the dwarf Brokkr and Eitri, that they could
not make anything as fine as the gifts, as another group of dwarfs had already
made for the gods, a golden headpiece, a ship, and a spear. Eitri and his brother
Brokkr, then crafted a boear with golden bristles "Gullinbursti", a gold ring
"Draupnir", and Thor's hammer "Mjlnir". Experts working in the later part of the
20th century agree that earlier scholars had mistakenly applied the name Sindri to
the brother of Brokkr.
Fafnir: Fafnir is the son of the dwarf king Hreidmar. Fafnir has two brothers Otr and
Regin. Fafnir is a dwarf he has a powerful right arm and a brave soul. He is the
guard of his fathers house. The house is made from gleaming gold and blinking
gems. Fafnir is the strongest and most aggressive of the three brothers. One upon a
time, Odin, Loki and Honir were Traveling when they came across Otr, who had the
likeness of an Otter during the day. Loki killed the Otter Otr with a stone and the
three Aesir skinned their catch. The gods came to Hreidmar's home that evening
and were pleased to show off the otter's skin. Hreidmar and his remaining two sons
then captured the gods and held them prisoner while Loki was forced to collect the
ransom, which was to stuff the otter's skin with gold and cover its outside with red

gold. Loki carried out the task by collecting the cursed gold of Andvari's gift as well
as the ring, Andvarinaut, and the gold which were told to Loki as items that would
bring death to whoever owned them. Fafnir killed his father Hreidmar to get all the
gold for himself. He became very crazy, so he went into the wilderness to keep his
fortune, eventually turning into a dragon "the symbol of greed" to guard his
treasure. Fafnir would also breathe poison onto the land around him and bring terror
in the hearts of the people nearby, so no one would ever dare to go near him and
his huge treasure. The brother of Fafnir, planned to get revenge of his fathers death,
so that he could get the treasure. So Regin sent his foster son Sigurd to kill the
dragon. Regin taught Sigurd to dig a pit in which he could lie and wait under the trail
that Fafnir used to get to a stream and there plunge his sword "Gram", into the
heart of Fafnir as crawls over to the pit of water. Regin then ran away in fear,
leaving Sigurd to the task. While digging the trench, Odin came along in form of an
old man with a long beard, advising Sigurd to dig more trenches for the blood of
Fafnir to run into, so that Sigurd does not drown in the blood. The earth quaked and
the ground nearby shook as Fafnir crawled into the water. Fafnir also blew poison
into his path as he made his way to the stream. Sigurd, stabbed Fafnir in the left
shoulder as he crawled over the ditch that he was lying in and succeeded in
mortally injuring the dragon. As the great dragon lied there in a dig dying, he spoke
to Sigurd and asked him what his name was, and what his father's and mother's
names is, and who sent him to kill such a terrifying dragon. Fafnir figured out that
his own brother, Regin, had planned the dragons death, and then told Sigurd that
he is pleased that Regin will also cause Sigurd's death. Sigurd told Fafnir that he will
go back to the dragon's lair and take all his treasure. Fafnir warned Sigurd that all
who own the gold will be destined to die, but Sigurd replies that all men must one
day die, and it is the ambition of many men to be wealthy until that dying day, so
he will take the gold without fear. Regin then went back to Sigurd after Fafnir was
slain. Corrupted by greed, Regin plotted to kill Sigurd. After Sigurd had cooked
Fafnir's heart for him to eat and take all the treasure for himself. Sigurd had tasted
the blood of Fafnir, while cooking the heart and gained knowledge of the language
of birds. And learned of Regin's impending attack from the Oinnic "of Odin" birds
discussion and killed Regin by cutting off his head with the sword "Gram" Sigurd
then ate some of Fafnir's heart and kept the remainder, which would later be given
to Gudrun after their marriage.
Fjalar : He is a dwarf. He has a brother named Galar. Fjalar and his brother killed
Kvasir to get his wisdom, and turned his blood into the mead of poetry, which
inspired poets. Once Fjalar and Galar murdered a giant named Gilling, along with his
wife. Their son, Suttung, searched for his parents and threatened the two brothers,
who offered him the magical mead. Suttun took it and hid it in the center of a
mountain, where his daughter, Gunnlod, would be standing guard. Odin eventually
choose to get the mead. He worked for Baugi, Suttung's brother, and was a farmer
for a full summer, then asked for a little sip of the mead. Baugi made a small hole
into the mountain but Odin shifted into a snake and slid inside. When he came

inside, Gunnlod was guard but he swayed her to give him three sips. But Odin
continued to drink all the mead, shift into an eagle and fly away, but hardly
Galar: He is a dwarf. He has a brother named Fjalar. Galar and his brother killed
Kvasir to get his wisdom, and turned his blood into the mead of poetry, which
inspired poets.
Grerr: He is one of the four dwarfs, who made the Brisingamen for the goddess
Freya. The three others are Alfrigg, Berling, and Dvalin.
Hreidmar : Hreidmar is a master magician, Hreidmar has three sons Regin, Fafnir
and Otr, and two daughters Lofnheid and Lyndheid. Hreidmar owned a house of
glittering gold and flashing gems built by Regin and guarded by Fafnir. After Otr was
accidentally killed by Loki, the Asir repaid Hreidmar with the cursed ring
Andvarinaut, plus the gold made by the ring. Fafnir and Regin killed their father for
the cursed ring Andvarinaut. Fafnir decided that he wanted the ring for himself, so
he turned into a dragon and scared Regin away.
Lit: He is a dwarf that suddenly appeared at Balder's funeral, and got in the way of
the god Thor. Thor was as always hot tempered and kicked Lit, into the flames of
the funeral ship. Lit hereby gained immortality in Norse mythology, by being burned
to ashes along with Balder and his wife Nanna.
Lyngheid: Lynheid is the daughter of Hreidmar, she has a sister named Lofnheid and
three brothers, Fafnir, Reid, and Otr.
Vestri: West. Vestri is one of the four dwarfs named after the cardinal compass
directions. The others are Austri "East", Nordi "North", and Sudri "South". Vestri and
the three other dwarfs was sent out into each corner of the world, to hold up the
four corners of the sky.
Nabbi: Nabbi is a dwarf, but not much is known about him.
Nordi: North. Nordi "North" is one of the four dwarfs to hold up the sky.
Otr: Otr is the son of Hreidmar, Otr has two brothers Regin and Fafnir. Otr is a shape
shifter and usually took the form of an otter. He was killed by Loki, because he
thought he were a real otter. Hreidmar demanded to get enough gold to cover the
dead otter's pelt and fill its insides.
Sundri: South. Sundri "South" is one of the four dwarfs to hold up the sky.
Regin : Regin is the son of Hreidmar. Regin has two brothers, Otr and Fafnir. Regin
had a foster son named Sigurd. While his brother Fafnir was cursed by the ring
Andvarenaut, and turned himself into a dragon. Regin worked as a blacksmith for
the Danish royal court. Regin was equally affected by the curse as Fafnir was, and

got Sigurd to go and kill Fafnir. And Regin then planned to kill Sigurd afterwards, but
the birds warned Sigurd, what Regin was about to do and killed Regin first.

Jotuns in Norse Mythology

Jotun also called a giant. This is the first living being, and the first of them was a
Jotun called Ymir, and from Ymir was the world was created. A Jotun is a giant with
superhuman strength; their homeland is Jotunheim, which is one of the nine worlds.
Jotunheim is a mostly made of mountains, wilderness and dense forests. The giants
mostly lives from the fish in the water, and the animals from the dense forests,
because there is no fertile land.
A Jotuns
Aegir: The Lord of the Sea. Aegir is one of the three jotuns who lives in Asgard, the
two others are Loki and Karl. Aegir is married to his sister Ran, and was the father of
nine daughters, the waves. Who is said to be the mothers of Heimdall. The names of
Aegir's nine daughters are Himminglaeva, Dufa, Blodughadda, Hefring, Ud, Hrnn,
Blge, Drfn and Kolga. A few stories claim that Aegir is the brother of Loki and Karl.
Aegir is one of the oldest gods, and predates the Aesir, Elves, Dwarfs, Giants and
Vanir. His house is under the island of Hlesey "laesoe" or "cat's throat", in the coral
caves. The island is between Jutland and Zealand in Denmark. He has two servants
Eldir and Fimafeng.
Annar: Annar is the second husband of Nat "Night", their dauther is Fjorgyn "Earth".
Angrboda: Angrboda is a jotun and lives in Jotunheim, "the land of the giants" in the
hall of Angrboda. The name Angrboda means "the one who brings grief" or "She
who offers sorrow" Angrboda is married to Loki, Angroboda and Loki are the parents
to Hel, the Midgard serpent and the Fenrir wolf.
Aud: His name Aud means "Wealth", he is the son of Night "Nat" and Naglefari.
Aurvandil : The Brave. Aurvandil is known as the brave. Aurvandil is the husband of
Groa. Aurvandil was rescued by Thor from the giants and carried him across the icy
river Elivagar in a basket. One of Aurvandil's toes froze, and Thor broke it off and
threw it into the sky, where it shines like a bright star.
Baugi : Ring Shaped. Baugi is a giant and the brother of Suttung. Odin worked
disguised as a worker named Bolverk for Baugi to gain the trust of him. Odin worked
so well that Baugi agreed to lead him to the mountain where the Mead of poetry
was hidden. It was guarded by Gunnlod, Suttung's daughter. Baugi then drilled a
hole in the mountain, to allow Odin a sip of the Mead. But Odin changed into a
serpent and slithered thought the hole to get the mead.

Beli : Beili is the brother of Gerda, Freyr's lover. Beli challenged Freyr, and Freyr
killed him with a stag horn, because Freyr had given his magic sword to Gymir,
Gerda's father.
Bergelmir: His name Bergelmir means "Mountain yeller" or "Bear Yeller". Bergelmir
is a frost giant, and the son of Thrudgelmir and the grandson of Ymir, the first giant.
Bergelmir and his wife are the only two survivors of all the giants after Ymir's death
and the flood. They used a hollowed out tree trunk to sail on the flood, it was the
first boat. Because of Bergelmir and his wife, the race of frost giants were able to
survive and live in Jotunheim.
Bestla: Bestla is a giant, and the wife of Borr. Bestla is the mother of the three gods,
Odin, Vili and Ve. Bestla is the daughter of the giant Bolthur.
Borr: Borr is the son of Buri, who is the father of the gods. Borr is married to Bestla,
the daughter of a giant. Borr and Bestla has three sons, Odin, Vili, and Ve.
Bolthur: Thorn of Evil Bolthur is the father of Bestla, and has a son which name is
Byleist: Byleirst is a jotun. He has a brother called Loki and Helblindi. Byleist is the
son of Farbauti and Layfey.
Day: Day is the son of Night. The gods sent Night and Day up in the sky, in a chariot
each, pulled by horses Hrimfaxi and Skinfaxi.
Eggther: Eggther is a watchman of the giants that at Ragnarok "The end of the
world" will sit upon a grave mound and play his harp.
Farbauti: Farbauti means "cruel striker" He is a Jotun, he is married to Laufey, she is
also a Jotun and they are the parents of Loki, Helblindi, Byleist.
Fjolsvin: Fjolsvin is the giant who guards the gate in Jotunheim.
Fornjot: Destroyer. Fornjot is a giant, and the father of the wind.
Gang: Gang is one of the storm giants, his father is Olvaldi and he has two brothers
Thiazzi and Idi. His father Olvaldi has left Gang and his brother's piles of gold to be
divided among them.
Geirrd : Geirrd is one of Thors mightiest enemies. Geirrd is the father of Gjalp
and Greip. Geirrd and his two daughters Gjalp and Greip are dead. Once Loki had
once taken the shape of a hawk and had been captured by Geirrd. The only way
Loki would avoid death was to promise to bring Thor to Geirrds hall, without his
power belt and Thor's hammer. Because Thor trusted Loki, he agreed to come to
Geirrds hall, without his belt and the hammer Mjlnir. Fortunately for Thor, they
made a brief stop by a giant named Grid, and she warned Thor about the plan while
Loki was asleep. She loaned him, herown strength belt, magical iron gloves, and her

scepter. Thor fully equipped, he and Loki traveled to Geirrds hall the next morning.
When they arrived, Geirrd was not home, but they were met by the servant. But it
was not long before Gjalp and Greip tried to kill Thor, by lifting his chair and smash
his head against the ceiling. Thor used the wand to force the chair down, so it was
instead Gjalp and Greip that was crushed underneath the chair. But then came
Geirrd himself, and by using a tong, he picked up a red hot iron ball and threw it at
Thor, Thor caught it with the gloves he had loaned from Grid. Furious at this
behavior towards him, Thor threw the still burning, red-hot and steaming iron ball
back through the hall, directly through an iron pillar, and deep into the belly of
Geirrd. Geirrd and his two daughters Gjalp and Greip were dead, and Thor and
Loki left the house, and returned to Asgard.
Gerd: Gerd is extremely beautiful. Gerd is the daughter of the giants Gymer and
Aurbode. Freyr fell in love with her, but Gerd would not marry Freyr, but she was
forced to do so, otherwise she would be cursed.
Giant master builder: The giant who build the walls around Asgard. He has a stallion
named Svadilfari , which loki stole from him. So he could not make the walls of
Asgard in the time frame he was supposed to.
Gilling: Gilling is a giant and the father of Suttung. Gilling was killed by the two
dwafs Fjalar and Galar.
Gjalp: Howler : Gjalp is the daughter of the giant Geirrod, and sister of Greip. Gjalp
tried to kill Thor, but Thor killed Gjalp and her sister.
Grid: Grid is a jotun and a friendly woman, Grid had a power belt, iron gloves and a
magic wand. Her wand is called Gridavol. She was the mother of one of Odin's sons,
the silent god Vidar Grid made a special shoe, so Vidar can stand in Fenrir yawn.
Groa: Growing. Groa has the knowledge of witchcraft and she was a Vlva
"Soothsayer". Groa is married to Aurvandil the Brave and the mother of Svipdag.
Svipdag visited Groa for advice in Niflheim after her death. Groa also tried to
remove the whetstone that was in Thor's skull, after his fight with Hrungnir. Odin
used sorcery to raise Groa from the grave, for a short amount of time. Groa then
foretold Odin, the prophecy of Ragnarok.
Gunlod: Gunlod is the daughter of the fire giant Suttung. Gunlod was the woman
that protected the Mead of poetry that was made from the blood of Kvasir.
Gymir: Gymir is a giant and the father of Gerd.
Hel: Hel is the daughter of Loki and Angrboda, Hel became queen of the Underworld
in Niflheim. Her throne is called "sotte bed". Hel lives in a house called Helheim in
Niflheim, the house is surrounded by a tall fence, it is very creepy inside the house.
Hel's big hall is called "Icy cold and sleet" and her bed is called sick-bed, and the
curtains around it Misfortune. The dining table is called Hunger and the knife is

called starvation. It was Odin who threw Hel, down to Niflheim and made Hel the
ruler of the world of the dead. Anyone who dies of illness or old age is sent to Hel.
The entrance into Hel, is guarded by a dog named Garm "Hell Hound" He is bound in
the Gnipahulen "Gnipacave" and will howl, as soon as new people would arrive.
Nidhug (a dragon) will then notice that new blood is on the way. Nidhug will then
suck the blood out of all the people who arrive, so they became completely pale.
When all the blood has left them, was it easier for Hel, to get them into her army of
the dead. The army will then attack, the humans in Midgard, when it is Ragnarok
"the end of the world". Ragnarok will come the day, Hel is finished building her ship
Naglfar. The ship is built with the nails from the dead.
Helblindi: Helblindi is a jotun. Helblindi means "Hel blinder" or "All blind" He has a
brother called Loki and Byleist. Helblindi is the son of Farbauti and Layfey.
Hrungnir: Hrungnir is tall and stone headed, and the strongest of the giants,
hrungnir has a heart and a skull of stone. Hrungnir has a whetstone as a weapon.
Hrungnir has a horse named Goldfaxi "Golden Mane", he bet the horse in a race
against Odin which he lost. Hrungnir was killed in a duel with Thor.
Hugi: Thought Hugi is a young giant, who outran Thialfi in a running contest in
Utgard. Hugi is an illusion and the embodiment of thought and no one can run faster
than thought.
Hymir: Dark One. Hymir is a elder jotun a sea giant, who owns a large cauldron that
the gods uses to brew their mead.
Hyndla: Hyndla is a giant who was visted by the goddess Freya. Freya asked Hyndla
to reveal the background of her human lover, Ottar.
Hyrokkin: Hyrrokkin "Fire-Smoked", is possibly referring to a dark, shriveled
appearance. Hyrokkin is very strong; she lives in the iron forest in Jotumheim.
Hyrokkin had a horse that could transform into a wolf; she had vipers as horse reins.
It is Hyrrokkin who was summoned to Asgard, to help drag the ship with Balder out
to sea. Nobody, in Asgard had the strength to do this, except Hyrrokkin who did it
with just one hand. Hyrokkin gave birth to several giants in wolf forms, like Skll and
Hati and other unknown giants in wolf forms with Fenrir wolf as the father.
Idi: Idi is one of the storm giants. Idi is the son of Olvaldi, and he has two brothers
Thiazzi and Gang.
Jarnsaxa : Jarnsaxa has two sons, Magni and Modi with Thor.
Laufey: Laufey is married to Farbaute. Laufey and Farbaute are parents to Loki,
Byleist, Helblindi. Loki was born after she was hit by a thunderbolt from Farbaute.

Logi: Flame Logi is a young giant who defeated the trickster Loki, in an eating
contest, in the great hall in Utgard. It turned out that Logi was an illusion and the
embodiment of fire, which can consume anything and everything with great speed.
Loki: The Trickster. Loki is the son of the giants, Farbauti and Laufey. Loki has two
brothers by the name, Helblinde and Bleistr. Loki is blood brother with Odin. Loki is
the mother of Sleipnir. Loki is married with Angrboda. She is a Jotun. They got the
three children, Hel, Fenrir Wolf, and The Midgard Serpent. Loki is married with Sigyn.
They have two children together, Narvi and Vali. Loki is quite beautiful; he is also
cunning and is clever. Loki is the god of wildfire and mischief. Loki lives in Asgard.
Loki is evil at heart and very fickly by nature. It happens very often, that Loki will
bring the Aesir in the uttermost embarrassments, and Loki then often saved them
with his cunning character. Loki is also a shape shifter and in separate incidents
appears in the form of a salmon, mare, seal, a fly, and possibly also an elderly
Loki as Odin's companion. The Aesir can't chase Loki away; he refers to his old right,
by becoming blood brothers with Odin. Do you remember Odin, that we in primeval
times mixed our blood. Beer in the cup, you would not have, before they had offered
it to us both. Hel, Midgard Serpent, and the Fenrir Wolf. When the Aesir were told,
that these three siblings were born, in the land of the Jotuns, they knew this would
bring great evil to the world. Not just because of their mother's origin, but also their
father. So Odin decided that a few, of the Aesir should go and get the children.
When the children came to Asgard, Odin threw the Midgard serpent into the deep
sea. The Midgard serpent grew so big so that is lies in the middle of the sea, all
around the world, biting its own tail. Hel, he threw down in Niflheim, and gave her
the power over nine worlds. So she could assign residence to all those who were
sent to her. But it is only those who died of illness or old age. They kept the Fenrir
wolf, in Asgard.
Menglod: She is a very beautiful giantess, who has eigth maiden goddesses.
Modgud: She is a giantess, and the guardian of Gjallarbru, the bridge over the river
Gioll, on the way to the Niflheim. Modgud allowed the newly dead to use the bridge
to cross, if the soul stated his or her name and business.
Mokkurkalfi: Mokkurkalfi is made by the jotuns, from the clay in the river bed in
Jotunheim, to frighten Thor. Mokkurkalfi is a giant made of clay, and has a heart
from a mare. Although the creature towered far up into the clouds it moved very
slowly and its legs where vulnerable to attacks. Mokkurklafi and Hrungnir were
fighting Thor and his servant Thalfi on the battlefield.
Naglfari: Darkling. Naglfari is a giant, and the first husband of Nat "Night", they
have a son named Aud.

Nat: Night. Night is a beautiful giantess with dark skin and hair as the midnight
black. She is the daughter of Narfi, one of the first giants. She has been married
three times, her first husband was Aud, her second husband was Annar, they had a
daughter named Earth. Her third husband was Delling "Dawn" they had a son
named Dag "Day". Nat and Dag were both given a chariot and put into the sky, to
ride across the heaven.
Norfi: He is a giant and the father of Nat "Night", he was one of the first giants in
Olvaldi: He is the father of the storm giants, Thiazzi, Idi, and Gang. When Olvaldi
died, he left a large amount of gold for his three sons. There was so much gold, that
no scales could weight it, so the sons measured it by the mouthfuls.
Ran: Robber. Ran is married to Aegir the lord of the sea. Ran lives in the coral caves
under the island of Hlesey "laesoe" or "cat's throat". The island is between Jutland
and Zealand in Denmark. Her coral caves is only lighten up by the gleam of her
gold. She dragged drowning sailors who have any gold down to her coral caves, in
her huge fishing net.
Rind: Rind is the daugther of Billing "King of the Ruthenians". Rind and Odin have a
son named Vali.
Skadi : Destruction. Skadi (Or Skai) is married to Njord, the Vanir god of wind,
seafarers, coasts, and inland waters. She is daughter of the frost giant Thiazzi. Skadi
is the goddess of winter, skiers, and hunters. Skadi picked Njord as her husband
because of his beautiful feet. But they could not agree where to live, Njord thought
that the home of Skadi in the land of the jotuns was to cold and deserted. While
Skadi didnt like the noise and fuss of the shipbuilding around Njords home, Noatun
in Asgard. After nine nights at each place, they decided to live by them self. Skadi
went back to her favorite interest to hunt on skis, and the weather bitten Njord,
returned to the sea. The apparently unbridgeable disconnection between them,
likely reflects more their personal tastes. Njord was for certain seen as a fertility
god, assuring safe journey to sea, for those who worship him. But also for wealth
and good fortune, in the form of land and sons. Skadi's context was quite another,
she came from a mountain with snow on the top. Where heavy clouds hid the sun
and the hard rock made the ground feel dead cold. In her wild and inhospitable land
where nothing would thrive or grow, here was there hardly anything for people to
Skrymir: Master of Illusions. Skrymir is a very large giant, and Skrymir is the
strongest and most cunning of the giants. Skrymir lives in Utgard. Skrymir is also
known as Udgard/Utgard Loki.
Skll and Hati Hrvitnisson : Skll Treachery is a wolf that chased the horse
Skinfaxi. Skinfaxi is the horse that pulls the chariot of Day, across the sky each day.

Hati Hrvitnisson (first name meaning) He Who Hates, Enemy chased the moon,
which is pulled by Hrimfaxi across the night sky, until the time of Ragnarok, when
they will swallow the Sun and the Moon. After which the Fenrir wolf, will break free
from his bounds and kill Odin.
Surt: Black Surt (In Old Norse "black" or "the swarthy one) is a fire giant with a
flaming sword, and ruler of Muspellheim "The land of fire". Surt will at Ragnarok
"end of the world" set fire to the world. He will also kill the god Freyr, after a long
Suttung: Heavy with broth Suttung is a giant, and the son of Gilling. His father was
killed by two dwarfs, Fjalar and Galar. Suttung has a daughter named Gunlod, she
was the guardian of the Mead of poetry.
Thiazzi: Thiazzi is a mighty storm giant that lives in a house called Thrymheim,
Noisy home it is in Jotunheim. He is the son of the giant Olvaldi, and the brother of
Gang, and Idi. Thiazzi has a son named Skadi. Occasionally Thiazzi cloaked himself
as an eagle, he also did this once to trick, Loki into helping him kidnap Idun, the
goddess in charge of the apples of youth. In the end Loki tricked the giant Thiazzi,
and he was killed at the gates in Asgard. Skadi the daughter of Thiazzi, was given to
the Vanir god Njord, as a compensation for her father's death. After the death of
Thiazzi, Odin threw the eyes of Thiazzi into the sky, so they would stay there forever
as lighting stars.
Thokk: Coal. She is the giantess who refused to cry for the death of Balder, so he
would remain in Hel, until Ragnarok. Some belives that Thokk might have been Loki,
in disguise.
Thrym: He is a frost giant, and sometimes called king of the frost giants. He once
stole Thor's hammer and demanded the goddess Freya as his wife, to give the
hammer back. The trickster Loki helped Thor get his hammer back, and Thor killed
Thrym wih his hammer Mjlnir.
Ymir: Confused Noise. Ymir is the first giant Ymir was feed by the giant cow,
Audhumla. When Ymir slept, a male and female giants grew from his armpits, and
one of his legs paired with the other to create a third, a son Thrudgelmir Strength
Yeller These were the first of the family of frost giants or Jotuns. It was from these
creatures, the race of frost giants came. Ymir was killed by Odin and his brothers Vili
and Ve, and they used Ymir's body to make the world.

Light Elves in Norse Mythology

Light Elves by Nils Blommer 1850
Light elves are beautiful creatures. They are considered to be the guardian angels
The god Freyr, is the ruler of Alfheim. The Light elves are minor gods of nature and

fertility; they can help or hinder, humans with their knowledge of magical powers.
They do also often deliver an inspiration to art or music.

Dark Elves in Norse Mythology

The dark elves hates the sun so they lives in the murky underground. The dark elves
are hideous and can be a great nuisance to the humans many describes them as
being extremely annoying. The dark elves are nothing but trouble. Many believes
that dark elves are also responsible for the nightmares. These dark elves are called
mare. A mare will sit on a sleeping persons chest and whisper bad dreams to haunt
the person. A mare can also haunt animals, especially horses. The dark elves can
not be exposed to sunlight, if the suns rays hit them they will immediately turn into

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