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School of Graduate Studies

2 Semester, A.Y. 201-2015

Philo-Socio-Psycho Foundation in Education

Man, Education and Society:
Contribution of Great Philosophers- PLATO
John Carlo D. Gicaro
Dr. Librada H. Esplana


Birth name: ARISTOCLES (named after his grandfather)

Nickname: Platon (meaning broad, because of his physical built)
Born: 428427 BC; Athens
Died: 348347 BC (age approx 80); Athens
Era: Ancient philosophy
Region: Western Philosophy
Mother: Perictione
TWO of his most famous
Father: Ariston
works are:
1. The Republic
2. The Dialogue

Tell me more about him


A Greek philosopher
Born to a family of the political and social elite (aristocrats)
Handsome and well-developed physically
Intelligent and strong in the love of wisdom
Ardent admirer, student and disciple of Socrates
Opened his own school, the Academy (Academia)
First Utopian thinker
Father of Idealism

GOAL: help people to reach EUDAIMONIA or FULFILMENT


Education for

Boys and girls should be given equal opportunity to develop
The function of education should be to determine that which
by nature fits men into.
Organization and Curriculum
Platos curriculum was consist of gymnastic and
music, where in gymnastic include physical training
and music used in broad term for dram, history,
oratory and music in real term, he define different
stages for the organization and curriculum
LIFELONG EDUCATION: The Learning Society
Children enters school at the age of 6
- Learn 3Rs (reading, writing & arithmetic)
- Music and sports
18 y.o.- undergo military and physical training
21 y.o.- higher studies
30 y.o.- study Philosophy and serve the polis in
the army or civil service
50 y.o.- ready to rule
*Physical education begins even before birth.
Pregnant women are advised to walk around and
move about as much as possible.
*Platonic Educations objects are: (1) moral &

wrote about the separation
of the world of ideas from
the world of matter. The
world of ideas had Good as
its highest point, which is
the source of all true
knowledge. The world of
matter, the ever changing
world of sensory data, was
not to be trusted.
His definition of truth was
that it was perfect and
eternal, so it cannot be
found in the world of matter


Think more.
Let your lover change
Decode the message
Platos Aims of Education
To develop leader among the
future rulers.
To develop hard and competent
To produce leaders with military
skill among the warriors.
To produce future Civil Servants
of the state.

Teaching Methods
Elementary level- play method
Higher lever- critical thinking and abstracting
Use motivation and interest in learning
Against the use of force in education
Knowledge which is acquired under
compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.
Do not then train the youths by force and
harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses
their minds so that you may be better able to
discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the
genius of each.
Plato thinks that it is necessary to submit the
students to hard tests capable of evaluating their
abilities. It includes testing their memory, their
resistance to pain and seduction and their ability
to carry out hard works.

Theory of FORMS
-Envisions an entire world of such Forms, a
world that exists outside of time and space, where
beauty, justice, courage, temperance and the like
exist untarnished by the changes and
imperfection of the visible world.
2 levels/divisions of Reality
1. IDEAL- perfect reality of existence (the
2. PHENOMENA- physical world we
experience (tangible, visible, flawed and

Role of the TEACHER- A educator is considered to have greatest importance. He is like torch bearer

who leads a man lying in the dark cave, out of the darkness into the bright light of the outside world.
The teacher is thus the constant guide of the students. The teacher must be a person of high integrity
and must possess high self-worth. He must have pleasing personality, in-depth knowledge a nd
professional training. He should be deeply committed to his profession, have high sense of
responsibility and a true role model. Teachers should lead a true moral life. They should practice what
they preach.


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