As Film Studies Evaluation

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Natalia Cotonou

AS Level Film Studies Coursework Evaluation Report

What were the aims of the artefact?
The aim for the Unit F632 creative artefact was create 9 key frames and a script to
represent a clear narrative for my film, Alien Invasion. This was focusing on how
the protagonists are represented in Attack the Block (2011) and The Avengers
(2012). For my creative artefact I have decided to focus on the middle part of my
film. The photos I took for my key frames will be telling a 2 minute sequence when in
action. It is about two friends at home that hear a noise upstairs and want to discover
what it is.
What code and conventions identified in the textual analysis were used in the
When taking my pictures of my key frames I closely paid attention to the mise-enscene to make sure that my audience could identify the certain codes and
conventions in my artefact. As Attack the Block is representing contemporary male
youths in South London, this was portrayed through their dialogue and their
costumes of scarfs, hats, hoddies, trainers, also the location used which was a
council estate. Whereas The Avengers was set in a big city, the dialogue used
costumes worn. I decided to base my artefact would be in a house and represent the
characters personalities differently by choosing their costumes wisely.
I decided that my scene would be set in a house and to have a noise upstairs
occurring an alien because it fits with the genre that I was trying to convey. Following
the conventions from Attack the Block I used low key lighting for some of my key
frames to show the use of the dim lighting and how it connotes evil and danger
reflecting the antagonist character in the scene.
To create a verisimilitude atmosphere within this scene, I decided to use characters
that have had a good relationship in real life meaning this would make the audience
believe the scene more and make it more understandable.
How were the planning materials used in construction of the artefact?
Making the script was a huge help, this is because it did not only help the actor with
knowing what they were meant to be doing and the way they had to conduct
themselves but also helping me to imagine the scene before hand. This helped me
organise myself while filming and allowed me to stay to a set product to work from.
Time and organisation was also a massive part of my planning as I needed to give
myself time to prepare the location, costume, script and the rest of the supplies my
actors will need to use within the scene ready for the day of taking my pictures. I also
needed to give my actors time to prepare and organise themselves so they would
know what they have to do and how I would want them to portray the characters.

Natalia Cotonou

How successful was the artefact in achieving the aim?

As a result I think the overall outcome was successful in achieving the aim as when
looking at my key frames narrative is clear and has shown how the protagonist are
represented in my creative artefact. The films that I studied for my textual analysis
(Attack the Block and The Avengers) helped a lot especially Attack the Block with
getting the inspiration for doing my piece on teenage protagonist.

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